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Transatlantic Voyage

Nikole Hannah-Jones (1619-1624)

The Jamestown settlers acquired over 30 individual that were sold into slavery from British

pirates in July 1619. After 12 years of British settelers in Jamestown, a year before the Protestants

arrived at Plymouth Island, and 157 years before the British settlers even agreed to start their nation.

These pirates had kidnapped them from such a Portugal slave who had carried them against their will, in

what became Angola. That arrival of such males and females on that July day marked the start of Slavery

in the United States (Nikole. Pg 126-127). These were one of the 13 million blacks that were abducted

from their homeland and transported in shackles all across the Atlantic, the biggest forced movement in

the history of mankind. The difficult voyage called the middle passage claimed the lives of about 2

million people. Four hundred thousand black slaves would've been transported into America until the

worldwide slave trade was abolished. These individuals and their successors changed the regions to be

sent into many of the English Emperor's most prosperous colonies. Workers. They showed the colonists

how to cultivate rice,they farmed and gathered cotton. This was the most useful product in the country

at the time of enslavement and made up about half of all US exports, approximately 66% of global

supplies. They developed Washington's, T. Jefferson's, and James Madison's farms (Ellison, p.57).
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Madison has spacious attributes that entice several tourists from all over the world enthralled

by the heritage of said world's finest democracy. Those who built the State House and the Capitol from

the ground up, even locating the Statue of Liberty above the Statehouse dome to one's bare hands

(Ellison, p.59). Those who carried the railways big wooden paths across the south helped to transport

the fabric they collected towards the Northern cotton industry, boosting Industrialization. A Rhode

Coast "slave owner" was once among the richest people in the country, having built massive wealth for

northern and southern white individuals. Revenues from the stolen labor of African Americans

contributed to the country, war preparations and funded a few of the country's top institutions. Wall

Street grew into bustling banking, reinsurance, and trade industry, and NY became the financial hub,

thanks to their constant purchasing, selling, guaranteeing, and refinancing of their people and the

commodities of their work (Nikole. Pg 126-127).

It would be an injustice to dismiss the sacrifices of black individuals. The contribution to the

great material wealth produced by our enslavement cant be truly determined. African Americans have

indeed been and therefore will remain to be, central to the concept of American democracy. More than

almost any other minority in our national past, they have contributed in such an underappreciated but

critical role. We were the perfect of such a democratic, thousands of years—the United States of

America based on deception as well as an aspiration. Our Founding document, written on 4 July 1776,

declares that all humans are equal but that our Lord has endowed them with certain inherent rights

(Ellison, p.62).

However, the Americans who wrote the text didn't feel they applied towards the large numbers

of black individuals who came among themselves. Life, Freedom, and the American dream did not apply

to the entirety of the United States. Although being ruthlessly deprived of the liberty and equality

promised to everyone, African Americans clung towards the American experience with enthusiasm. We
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had allowed the country to stay true to its fundamental values through decades of black struggle. The

struggle wasn’t limited to blacks, but also for women, homosexual rights, as well as immigration,

anddisability rights. Racial justice fights laid the path for all other legal protections battles. Our

democracy nowadays will most probably appear significantly distinct if it weren't for African Americans'

ambitious, ardent, and heroic endeavors; in fact, it is not democratic in any way (Nikole. Pg 126-127).

Mary E. Hicks (1694-1699)

For the vast majority of enslaved Africans caught in the slave-trading net, liberation was a pipe

dream which never came to pass. Thus Atlantic trade market's intrinsic ideologies of dominance,

conflict, cruelty, and avarice played a major influenxce in the differences between free and enslaved

people. Only such partnerships, transnational ties, and communities that owned Africans slaves built in

fighting the terrible state that kept them hostage helped relieved the horror of slavery. Due to the

obvious legal traditions where the imperial black codes borrowed heavily, it was far harder for captured

Africans in the colonial period to gain freedom from the chains of slavery than in Spanish and American

possessions. As a result, cases of enslaved Africans effectively recovering their release through national

political mechanisms are uncommon within a couple of centuries (Hicks, p.72).

Despite the enormous obstacles and trials they faced, they stayed unfazed in their pursuit of

freedom. These laws regulating slaves in Carolina were originally intended to reinforce landowners'

control above the enslaved African Americans and amplify British dominance from across the area when

Britain was enjoying a tide of achievements in her imperialist goal of worldwide conquests. The

colonization authority behaved confusingly to Britain's greater imperial plans by favoring Mahamut's

and Abel's plea. The mere fact Muslim people from Portugal and North Africa were able to overcome

the rigorous racist system that governed every aspect of settler South Carolina culture shows that
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subjugated Africans listened carefully, schemed vigorously, and took decisive action to change the

power structures that managed to hold them trapped (Hicks, p.72).

A terrible human tragedy born of institutional race riots in the pursuit of international profits

remained at the center of the abolition of slavery. Due to African opposition, slavery specialized in

increasingly severe kinds of cruel brutality imaginatively repeated every year..The forced travel from

across the ocean was a highly transforming experience, but it was only the beginning. Captured Africans

were subjected to a fresh experience outside of the vessel, known as the isolation procedure when they

arrived. In the life of Muslim refugees; Sullivan's Bay, a tiny peninsula at the entrance of Pearl harbor

where prisoners arrived, served as a crucial commercialization terminal (Tharoor. Pg 45).

I wanted to position the activities of imperialism and heterogenization in a larger supporting

structure after finding the situational focus of conventional race theory inadequate for the simultaneous

process of dominant racial classification and black American culturally diverse country. The

contemporary world structure was a complete system that provided a new type of insight not just for

monetary activities but for sociopolitical interactions, which resulted in discrimination and the creation

of new races. Likewise, these new colonial civilizations were complete, and multiplex archaeology must

distinguish red, which, and black histories via historical traces of cultural artifacts.

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Nikole. H. J, Lovia. "How the 1619 Project Came Together". The New York Times. 2020, Pp-126-127. ISSN


Ellison, S., Sarah. L, "How the 1619 Project took over 2020". Washington Post. PP-57-58 DOI:


Tharoor, W. Ishaan K. "The 1619 Project and the far-right fear of history". The Washington Post, 2020,


Hicks, Mary W.; Platt, Marilyn. "Marital happiness and stability: a review of the research in the sixties."

Journal of Marriage and Family. 32 (4): 553–574. doi:10.2307/350251. JSTOR 350251.

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