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Neutron-Induced Gamma Ray

Spectroscopy for Reservoir Analysis

Peter Westaway, SPE, Schlumberger Technical Services
Russel Hertzog, SPE, Schlumberger Overseas S.A.
Ronald E, Plasek, SPE, Schlumberger Well Services

The weighted least-squares (WLS) approach to spectral Gamma rays emitted from the formation nuclei are
analysis has enabled more information to be extracted limited to specific and well-defined energies governed
from the downhole recorded induced gamma ray spectra by the laws of quantum mechanics, Each element
than was previously possible, GST™ (gamma ray spec- (isotope) has a characteristic spectrum of gamma rays
troscopy tool), with its optimized inelastic and capture that can be emitted from a given neutron interaction,
spectral modes, permits analysis of most and often all Therefore, an element may be identified by its gamma
significant elements present in the formation and pro- ray spectral shape or signature whose emission intensity
vides the possibility of evaluating hydrocarbons, salini- is related to the elemental concentration,
ty, lithology, porosity, and shaliness, The GST too1 7 measures the relative yields of gamma
Data have been obtained in a wide range of conditions rays resulting from the interactions of neutrons with dif-
in open and cased holes with the GST tool both in its pre- ferent elements present in the formation. The
sent and experimental versions. This paper presents field measurements are based on a WLS shape analysis of the
examples to demonstrate the versatility and potential of observed gamma ray spectral distribution. This is a
the technique, not only as an effective oil-finder in- recently introduced approach to induced nuclear log-
dependent of water salinity conditions but as a valuable ging. 8 Neutron induced gamma rays are analyzed
input to a more complete interpretation of well logs, downhole in terms of intensity in each of more than 200
discrete, narrow energy increments. From this detailed
Introduction measurement of formation spectral response to neutron
Nuclear well logging has been long established as a bombardment, eight constituent elements can be iden-
means of evaluating reservoir porosity and hydrocarbons tified and their proportions estimated. These elements,
in open hole and behind casing, 1 The count rates of C, 0, Cl, H, Si, Ca, Fe, and S, are significant in forma-
neutrons or gamma rays returning to one or more detec- tion mineralogical and fluid analysis. A considerable
tors are measured and related to the formation rock amount of new information is thus made available in the
characteristics according to the physics of the neutron in- form of a continuous or quasicontinuous well log for a
teractions that have occurred, For example, high-energy more comprehensive evaluation of the formation.
neutrons interact with the surrounding formation nuclei Because of its immediate commercial interest, em-
and can induce gamma ray emission, Most conventional phasis in a previous publication 8 was placed on the ap-
neutron/gamma spectroscopy techniques for well log- plication of the carbon and oxygen measurements in
ging that have been developed to date are based on in- estimating hydrocarbon saturation. This approach has
tegral counts in rather broad energy windows, 2-6 the advantage of being unaffected by the presence of
In this paper, we discuss an alternate technique that salts (particularly NaCl) in the pore fluid, and has had
allows an accurate and detailed formation evaluation. encouraging success in the monitoring of reservoirs
where salinities were either unknown, variable, or too
0197-7520/83/0006-9461 $00.25
Copyright 1983 SOCiety of Petroleum Engineers of AIME low for conventional neutron logging. At the same time,
JUNE 1983 553


o 100
20 40 84 100
o 7 4 b II l(j '1 42
't? t? %'


T ----11__

o ] 4 6 I q 10 '1 61
MUl [IPlES Of T - - -...._

Fig. 1-GST capture-tau-mode timing program. Fig. 2-GST inelastic-mode timing program.

the Cl and H data provide a means of obtaining salinity. neutron capture, the technique is sensitive to Ca, Cl, Fe,
Evidence suggests, too, that in certain conditions, we H, S, and Si.
may expect the carbon-to-oxygen fraction to be insen-
sitive to lithology, particularly sand/tuffite mixtures and Measuring System
sands of moderate (nonorganic) shaliness. The GST tool is operated in either of two timing modes,
We present log examples obtained with the GST tool described fully in Ref. 7. In the "capture-tau mode"
in both its production prototype and experimental forms. (Fig. 1), the capture gamma ray spectrum is accumulated
[The experimental prototype is called the inelastic gam- during the capture gate, which follows the neutron burst
ma tool (lGT). 8] These field data have been gathered in after a delay period to allow borehole contributions to die
a wide variety of conditions in the Middle East, Far East, away. The basic timing unit is continuously varied ac-
and South America. These examples show how the cording to a simultaneous measurement of formation
measured elemental fractions correlate with rock and decay time, I:. This is accomplished by a gating se-
fluid characteristics. The objective of this paper is to quence similar to that of the TDTTM (Thermal Neutron
discuss and to emphasize new applications and inter- Decay Time)-K tool, except that the background gate is
pretations of these spectroscopy measurements. set during the ninth and tenth cycles, which have no
The downhole tool, described in Table I, consists of a neutron bursts. The background gate is used to correct
pulsed-neutron accelerator l4-MeV neutron source pro- the capture spectra for oxygen activation and other
ducing about 3 x 10 8 neutrons/sec, a complete downhole decaying spectral yields.
spectrometer system using a NaI(TI) detector and a In this manner, the position of the capture spec-
multichannel data-acquisition system. Gamma ray spec- troscopy interval is adjusted to maximize formation
tral intensities are analyzed in 256 channels covering an signal while minimizing the early borehole contri-
energy range of 0 to 8 Me V. All spectral information is butions.
sent uphole to a CSU™ (Ciber Service Unit) computer The "inelastic mode" has a fixed timing cycle (Fig.
logging unit, which sends operating and stabilization 2). Gamma rays from fast neutron interactions are
commands to the downhole tool. detected during the neutron burst itself. A short "capture
background" gate is used to subtract out any capture
Principles of the Technique events that may also be detected during the burst gate, so
Neutrons are emitted at 14 MeV from a pulsed- that a "net inelastic spectrum" (or more exactly, a "net
accelerator source. The details of neutron interactions fast neutron-induced spectrum") is obtained. The ex-
with atomic nuclei are discussed in Ref. 8. Two major perimental IGT used only this fixed timing mode, and its
categories of neutron interactions producing gamma rays capture spectrum was accumulated during a detection
are used. gate following the background sampling. This "late cap-
I. Fast Neutron Interactions include inelastic scatter- ture" gate has been retained in the GST tool inelastic
ing and neutron reactions. They require neutron energies mode for use III evaluating borehole capture
of several Me V, and involve extremely short excitation contributions.
lifetimes. Gamma ray emission therefore occurs prompt- The spectra are accumulated continuously in the CSU
ly after neutron emission and relatively close to the computer, and at regular sampling intervals the WLS
source. spectral fitting analysis, described in the next section, is
2. Neutron capture occurs at or near thermal neutron performed. The spectra are simultaneously recorded on
energy. The neutron is absorbed and gamma rays may be magnetic tape.
produced. Capture events occur relatively late after the As an example, the spectra in Fig. 3 were obtained in a
neutrons have been slowed down and may take place far- laboratory oil-saturated (<1>=36%) sandstone, containin,g
ther from the source. a 7-in. (17.8-cm) saltwater-filled casing, cemented in a
Among the commonly occurring elements giving de- IO-in. (25.4-cm) hole.
tectable gamma ray yields from fast neutron interactions Several features of the different modes of tool spectral
(particularly inelastic) are C, Ca, Fe, 0, S, and Si. In measurement are shown in this figure. The top spectrum

I 0'':------- C




length, It (m) 37 (11.3)

Diameter, in. (cm) 3.625 (9.21)
logging cable heptacable
Maximum pressure, psi (MPa) 20,000 (138)
Temperature, OF (0C) 300 (150)
Data acquisition bidirectional-telemetry and
Detector/size, in. (cm) Nal(TI), 2'12 x 4 (6.4 x 10)
Combinable with CCl, SGT (gamma ray),
GAMMA RAY ENERGY (MeV) .. Modes capture-taulinelastic
logging speed, ftlhr (m/h) capture-tau mode=600 (183)
inelastic mode = stationary
Fig. 3-lnelastic and capture spectra measured in laboratory (5 minutes) or eight passes
formations. at 150 (46)

is a capture background corrected inelastic spectrum. tain "elemental yield ratios," shown in Table 2, are also
The poor signal-to-background ratio is caused in part by recorded. These ratios are used to identify qualitatively
the many unresolved (Doppler-shifted) excitations in the and to measure changes in the macroscopic properties of
tool materials and formation produced by the fast the formation.
neutrons. Comparing the inelastic spectrum with the This approach allows, in principle, the identification
three capture spectra in this figure, it can be seen that the of any element present in the formation giving a
capture spectra have significantly less tool-related con- measurable gamma ray yield from either fast or capture
tinuous backgrounds and that the elemental spectral events. It requires simply the inclusion of the corre-
peaks are much easier to resolve. In addition, it can be sponding standard in the library.
seen that the capture-tau mode timing effectively reduces
the borehole signal which can be seen by the relative in- Data Output
crease in intensity of the formation silicon peaks com- The data available at the well site consist of taped and op-
pared with the tool and casing iron peaks. Note that all tical recordings of C, 0, Si, Ca, Fe, Cl, and H elemental
the spectra shown in this paper are semi logarithmic yields (note that Si, Ca, and Fe are measured in both cap-
plots. Any change that is visible to the eye in such spec- ture and inelastic spectra); yield ratios: carbon/oxygen
tra represents significant changes in actual spectral (COR), iron indicator (IIR), lithology indicator (LIR),
yields. However, computer processing is sensitive to porosity indicator (PIR), and salinity indicator (SIR);
small changes in the spectra that are not easily recogniz- and a macroscopic thermal neutron-capture cross sec-
ed by visual inspection. A boron sleeve may be attached tion, derived from tau and comparable to that of the TDT
around the tool pressure housing to obtain a further log.
reduction in borehole signal. The improvement in the In addition, printouts are available of tool status in-
tool sensitivity to the formation can be seen by the ap- dicators and selected control functions such as crystal
parent additional increase in the formation silicon resolution, spectrometer gain and offset, to monitor the
intensity. functioning of the downhole spectrometer system.
The WLS Analysis Logging
A complete description of the WLS spectral fitting pro- Continuous logging at 600 ft/hr (183 m/h) has been
cedure can be found in Ref. 8. A library of standard found to give acceptable statistical precision in capture
elemental spectra is used. A given standard represents spectroscopy, further improved by averaging two or
the spectrum the tool would record if surrounded solely more passes. Capture spectra are accumulated and
by that element. Fig. 4 shows the basic set of standards analyzed over each 6 in. (15 cm) of tool travel.
used for the inelastic and capture spectral analysis. To obtain a reasonable statistical level from fast
The computer determines the linear combination of the neutron measurements, a much longer sampling period is
elemental standards that best fit the accumulated mandatory in the inelastic mode. Stationary measure-
downhole spectrum, according to a least-squares ments lasting 5 minutes taken every 2 ft (0.5 m), for in-
criterion. The "elemental yield coefficients," which are stance, have proved successful with the GST tool, pro-
the proportions of the total logging spectrum attributed to ducing a quasicontinuous log in CSU playback. Eight-
each element, are computed and recorded on tape. Cer- minute stations were taken with the IGT. Comparable
JUNE 1983 555







Fig. 4-lnelastic and capture WLS-fitting standards.

precision (and a truly continuous log) has been obtained All the logs used in this paper have been reprocessed,
by averaging eight passes run at 150 ft/hr (46 m/h), re- correcting for the temperature-induced resolution
quiring about the same total operating time. degradation, gain or offset shifts, and nonlinearities at a
Although GST capture-tau mode logging is con- computing center. However, with the commercial in-
tinuous, several capture examples shown in this paper troduction of the GST tool, real-time spectral reproc-
were taken concurrently with the inelastic stationary essing has become a feature of the CSU service.
measurements using the experimental IGT.
Some General Comments on Log Data
Reprocessing of Data
Fast neutron interactions are relatively rare and, because
The set of standards required for linear combination in of their high energy requirements, tend to occur close to
the WLS analysis may depend on the local environment. the source. Inelastic spectroscopy data are therefore
New elements such as S, not normally used in the real- characterized by a shallow depth of investigation
time fitting, may be needed, while others deemed un- [typically 5 to 10 in. (12.7 to 25.4 cm)] and a high
necessary for the particular environment could be statistical uncertainty, which is brought to an acceptable
omitted. * level by taking stationary measurements or by averaging
Temperature effects on the detector crystal (causing slow continuous passes. Borehole signal from fluid, cas-
peak broadening) and very small changes (of the order of ing, and cement is large. To identify the wellbore fluid
< 1 %) in spectrometer calibration alignment will alter and locate any oil/water interface, a gradiomanometer
the tool's operational response slightly. Since all the survey is needed.
downhole spectra are accessible from tape, such Neutron capture occurs after the neutrons have
systematic effects can be modeled, and the response migrated farther out. Capture spectroscopy is a deeper
standards corrected, in an off-line reprocessing. measurement, 8 to 12 in. (20.3 to 30.5 cm) from the
source, similar to TDT-K near detector, with a better
°It is possible to reduce statistical uncertainty of the fitting coefficients by keeping the
number of standard spectra used during the analysis to the minimum necessary to
statistical uncertainty. The capture-tau mode timing
describe the logging measurement correctly. Therefore, the logs can be reproc· reduces the borehole signal. A boron-sleeve fluid-
essed off·line using a reduced set of standards that does not contain response
functions for elements that have an insignificant contribution (for example, < 2%) to excluder has been tested successfully as a means of fur-
the overall spectral measurement. At the same time, a comparison is made between ther reducing borehole effects, such as Fe and Ca, from
the observed spectra and those computed from the standards to measure the
goodness of fit by using a normalized chi·square parameter. 8 The parameter casing and cement.
enables one to judge the quality of analysis, the assumed standards used during the Reference should be made to caliper and Cement Bond
computation, and whether or not alternative corrections for spectral nonlinearities or
new element response functions are required. Logs to check on hole size and the condition of the ce-

Ratio Interaction Name Label
c/o inelastic carbon/oxygen ratio COR
CI/H capture salinity-indicator ratio SIR
H/(Si+Ca) capture porosity-indicator ratio PIR
Fe/(Si+Ca) capture iron indicator ratio IIR
Si/(Si+ Ca) capture and inelastic lithology-indicator ratio LlR

ment sheath. Washouts, poor cementation, and behind- SP Ph I1R

casing channeling are environmental effects that can af- 15mV
05 2.5

fect the GST data. __ ::J.l"t. __ .E!! __ 1l.5 S COR PIR CALIPER
0 10
Our field testing experience has shown the following. GAMMA RAY <f>CNL

0 20030 (LST PU) 0

I(oLlR1.25 0 04 0.55 030 6" 16"
In Open Hole. Openhole observation wells have been TOP
logged in the Middle East as a means of regularly
r( ~~

monitoring the depletion of reservoirs under natural --. .- ) ----- -~
f ('-----
waterdrive and freshwater injection. In a properly con- ( '0;-: :, < :::::=-
f ,~ ~ ----- --~-~-,..-
trolled well, invasion from the well bore should not -" «"
~ ...
occur. "t ___
I> < /---------
In Cased Hole. Although the casing and cement reduce -=<;::-::
the tool sensitivity to formation signal, both capture and
inelastic data are interpretable in terms of lithology and }~ ~fr(? /; ~
--,----_ ..
------ , ~
hydrocarbons. Invaded zone will be measured if mud
filtrate has not dissipated.
WATER \ ./
« ,

. )( > ,.-:
In Exploration or Development Wells. The invaded

zone will be measured primarily, unless a special mud
system is used. (This must be kept in mind when inter- . i
< ,,
preting COR and SIR data but should not be important
'-. ---


for lithology.) The presence of oil in the open borehole
gives improved sensitivity to the COR measurement { "
! )

t 1 \)
because of the reduction in the borehole oxygen TOP ,
background. For the same reason, smaller boreholes also '-.. E

increase the dynamic range of the carbon/oxygen ~
-', <l:t"
measurements. '- ,
:( ~
L .~
Several field examples are discussed next to give the frup ,,
P 0 ,,- /

reader a qualitative understanding of the spectroscopy :

responses in oil-bearing formations. After those ex- j ,

amples, we examine models for quantitative inter- ( ~; TOP

pretation. ~~
) i ~,
Field Examples
Example 1
The example shown in Fig. 5 is from a development well
{ frup
B i:
: /--- -

~ .~
in South America. Two weeks after casing had been -' frup ~ >

cemented, an induced gamma ray spectroscopy log was

;_1 A : 1;1

run with the IGT. The casing fluid had been displaced by
oil, and at the time of logging, the oil/water interface
was at 2,205 ft (672 m). Except for the interval of 2,300 Fig. 5-Example 1, lithology log response.
to 2,350 ft (701 to 716 m), the CBL showed the casing to
be well cemented. Casing size was 7 in. (17.8 cm) in
8*-in. (22.2-cm) hole.
Core data indicated that the lithology of this interval
ranges from volcanic silicates and quartz to calcite and
anhydrite. Fig. 5 shows some of the spectroscopic in-
dicator ratios (8-minute stations) along with openhole
logs. In the following discussion, the spectroscopic data
are tiedin with the supporting logs and information ob-
tained from cores.
JUNE 1983 557
{CORRECTED! -- -- (eu)
11 31
- - -- -- (sndpul (II m)
45 \50
Th IlR
----- ------50
(1978) (TOTAL) (ppm) (ppm) % SIR LlR
45 15
41L _____ ..11.0 COR 065 04Q2 04

R (ES) 2 TOT (1978)

(1940) (1940) (1978)


Fig. 6-Example 2, owe in a freshwater environment. Fig. 7-Example 3, lithology and hydrocarbon response in a
shale-sand sequence.

Zone A. Cores indicate rhyolite with abundant pheno- except at 2,435 ft (742.2 m); this is in fact close to a cas-
crystals of quartz. ing collar, but might also correspond to siderite, for
The spectroscopic lithology indicator ratio (LIR) reads instance.
close to unity, corresponding to a fonnation containing
silicon with no detectable calcium (the thin cement Zone E. Cores show a conglomerate contammg
sheath is apparently not contributing). There is some iron fragments of rhyolite and andesite in a matrix of shaly
present, and natural gamma ray activity is high. The sand, frequent calcitic cementation, and fine sand and
COR averages zero except at the top of the section, clay laminations. Rhyolite content increases toward the
which was later perforated and produced oil. (The base.
presence of hydrocarbons may still be masked by mud Iron content increases sharply at the base and tails off
filtrate.) toward the top. LIR shows that there is calcium present
and that at least part of the increase in COR is caused by
Zone B. Cores indicate volcanic minerals, probably carbonates. This is particularly marked at 2,400, 2,390,
rhyolite, altered phenocrystals of quartz, and orthose and 2,380 ft (732, 728, and 725 m) associated with low
feldspar. natural radioactivity. The upper 20 ft (6.1 m) appear to
There is a significant increase in porosity, which is be a mixture of silicates and carbonates, according to
clearly shown by the spectroscopic PIR, as well as by LIR and COR, with some shale streaks. The bottom 10 ft
neutron and density curves. A slight reduction in gamma (3.05 m) were perforated and produced oil.
ray level and iron content can be attributed to alteration.
COR is close to zero. Zone F. Cores indicate shaly sand with fine fragments of
quartz and feldspar.
Zones C and D. Cores indicate rhyolite with feldspar Iron content is low, LIR reads close to 1.0. COR
and a high percentage of quartz, and some slightly shows some carbon at 2,328 ft (710 m).
altered or totally altered feldspar and clay.
Zone C appears to have a high clay content, as in-
dicated by the minimum self-potential (SP) and the Zone G. Cores show a limestone conglomerate with
caliper showing a washout, while Zone D has good SP fragments of volcanic silicates of low porosity im-_
and porosity, very similar to Zone B. The general in- pregnated with oil, and some thin clay and anhydrite
crease in COR as we approach Zone E probably results beds. Over the bottom 20 ft (6.1 m), there is calcarenite,
from the presence of carbonates since no hydrocarbons partly oolitic, also impregnated with oil, with thin clay
are indicated on openhole logs. Iron level remains low laminae.


The transition from Zone F to Zone G is seen as a No new production results were available at this time,
sharp decrease in LIR and an increase in COR respond- but Zones A and B were being produced in nearby wells
ing to CaC0 3 (and hydrocarbon). The wellbore with a water cut.
oil/water interface introduces the shift on COR at 2,205
ft (672 m). There are some fluctuations in iron content, Example 3
particularly at the boundary and toward the top. The The well shown in Fig. 7 was drilled with an inverted
shale beds are indicated by an increase in LIR and emulsion oil-base mud. Hole size was 8% in. (22.2 cm).
decrease in COR. Lithology involves a series of deltaic sands containing
PIR correlates with neutron porosity, and shows a quartz, clay, and tuffite minerals, separated by shale.
strong increase in the shale washout at the top of Zone Formation water salinity is low and variable. As part of
G. The iron level is slightly higher here. There is a gra- the openhole logging series, stationary inelastic and cap-
dient in LIR over the top 40 ft (12.2 m) of this zone. The ture spectroscopy measurements were taken over a
intervals that were perforated in Zone G are also shown number of sands. A short interval of the well is shown in
in Fig. 5. the figure. From the supporting logs, deep induction
resistivity, CNL porosity, NGT (natural gamma ray
Zone H. Cores indicate intercalations of shales, spectroscopy analysis), and TDT sigma are shown.
anhydrite, calcarenitic limestone and shaly limestone There is a good correlation between the IIR and
with volcanic fragments. capture-cross-section sigma, indicating that the shales
are all iron-bearing. Using these data with the potassium
The anhydrite beds are identified by their spec-
level obtained from the NGT tool, two types of shale can
troscopic sulfur yield. From their high spectroscopic
be distinguished. Between 812 and 780 ft (247 and 238
HR, we might also suspect the presence of an iron-
m) the shale is possibly chloritic, while above and below
bearing mineral such as pyrite. The resulting low
this interval it is glauconitic. Some calcium content is in-
calcium contribution causes PIR to read high. Over this
dicated by the LIR at 855, 849, 791, and 785 ft (261,
section, LIR responds to the presence of varying propor-
259,241, and 239 m). Referring to the CNL porosity,
tions of calcium and silicon. The COR level is high in
the good porosity oil-bearing carbonate intervals and tight calcite streaks may be inferred at three of these
depths. This must be kept in mind when evaluating the
decreases at the anhydrite beds. The top section of Zone
high COR readings.
H was perforated as indicated in Fig. 5.
The SIR responds to salinity and saturation. In this
This example was chosen because of the wide range of section it indicates that the water in the sands is fresher
lithological response shown by the spectroscopic tech- than that associated with the shales, where it reaches a
nique. Although this example was a sequence of sta- level of 0.8 to 0.9. However, SIR reads higher in the
tionary logging measurements made with the experimen- zones where the lithology is assumed calcitic.
tal IGT, it should be noted that similar results for PIR, PIR, essentially a spectral measurement of hydrogen,
LIR, and HR are available as a continuous logging is compared with neutron porosity on approximately
measurement using the capture-tau mode optimized compatible scales. With the exception of the low porosi-
gating in the GST tool. ty streak at 812 ft (247 m), which was straddled by two
stations and hence does not show on the PIR, the agree-
Example 2 ment is quite good.
The borehole oil contributes a carbon offset of about
This well was drilled and completed in 1940 with a 0.25 to the observed COR. Shales tend to read close to
6%-in. (16.8-cm) casing in an 8 1/2-in. (21.6-cm) hole. this, however, a higher COR associated with uranium
Production had been from several sands below the inter- activity (seen with the NGT tool) is a sign that organic
val shown; the well was dead and full of water when material is present. The induction resistivity is respond-
relogged in 1978. An electrical survey (ES) with SP was ing to changing water salinity in addition to hydrocarbon
the only openhole log available. saturation. It has also been proposed 9 that when tuffite is
Fig. 6 shows part of the sequence of shales and quartz- present, the resistivity is influenced by a variation to the
itic sands, with a connate water salinity of 5,000 ppm m factor (cementation) in Archie's equation. The COR is
(5000 g/cm 3). Initial water saturations were believed to insensitive to water salinity and may be fairly immune to
be about 20% in Sand A, 30 to 40% in Sand B, and 50% the contamination of quartz sands by tuffite minerals (ex-
in Sand C. cept calcite). Perhaps for these reasons there is some dif-
Compensated neutron, gamma ray, and TDT logs ference between the relative magnitudes of the COR
were run in 1978, along with the IGT. Stationary spec- readings and the induction resistivities.
troscopy readings were made and COR is shown in the The following water saturations were obtained from an
figure. For connate water having such a low salinity, the evaluation of COR assuming there was no invasion from
TDT log does not distinguish any variations in hydrocar- the low-water-Ioss, oil-mud system.
bon saturation. However, the COR profile clearly shows
transition zones in Sand B at 6,300 ft (1920 m) and in Water Saturations
Sand A at 6,404 ft (1952 m). A caliper log was not Calculations. In Zone C, with S w = 85 % at the bottom
available. Assuming the hole to be in-gauge, a tentative decreasing to 60% at the top, a repeat formation test ob-
evaluation of COR indicates S w =60% below the tained a sample containing 45 % water having a salinity
oil/water contact (OWC) and 10% above in Sand A, of 3,000 ppm (3000 g/cm 3). Zone D had Sw=85% at
80% below the OWC and 40% above in Sand B, and the bottom decreasing to 60% at the top. Zones E and F
50 % in Sand C. showed Sw =75%, Zone G, 50%, and in Zones A, B,
JUNE 1983 559


I -----_ .. _--._-- 2 2£ _______ ~ 10
o 50 lIR SIR
------- &-----~ -l.Q __ Jl ____ !..o 06
- 0120 a --------a
065 0.4 CDR
COR r!!:~---J!2.E -------- J l _..---~ Jl
0.2 0.4

UR :j'-- (
) CASING .....)
SHOE .... '"
' ...
0_1)5 ) J

2 0 1.2.§.
=--= 4S5D
I }
4950 f--------f-----4r-----1I
,, 7 I J I
,'/ ('/ /
'-,> ( ~
"/ ' (/ / {
( I
"1 ..... ---..
" "\
)( ""-
'- ' - '"
I r-

~ (
",j,) I
HOLE 50aa f-----t-----1----'(Ir---1

\ I
'I..> I
"- \
1'\ ( "> (

Fig. 8-Example 4, gas-cap identification in open and cased Fig. 9-Example 5, continuous capture logging and stationary
hole. inelastic logging in a clean carbonate reservoir.

and H, Sw was not interpreted with certainty because of These observation wells are maintained with a slight
the possible calcite content. pressure gradient from the formation into the wellbore,
and experience has shown that reinvasion by hole fluid is
Test Results. Zones D, E, F and G were swab tested unlikely.
together, and produced oil with 28% water. Zone A was Fig. 9 shows a continuous capture spectroscopy
swab tested separately, and produced oil with 4 % water. survey run in GST capture-tau mode at 600 ft/hr (183
m/h). The simulaneous capture-cross-section sigma is
Example 4 displayed along with the indicator ratios and the sulfur
This example shown in Fig. 8, from the same well as Ex- yield. A series of closely spaced 5-minute inelastic mode
ample 3, demonstrates the tool response to the presence stationary measurements was run the following day, and
of gas. The stationary measurements obtained in the oil- these are shown on the right of the figure.
filled open hole and those obtained in oil-filled 5 'h-in. Over the 3 years since drilling, regular monitoring by
(14-cm) casing after completion are compared. The conventional methods has traced a progressive saline
openhole deep induction resistivity is also displayed for water influx, with the OWC rising from its initial level of
reference. 5,100 ft (1554 m).
The signature of the gas cap is a decrease in COR and A gradiomanometer survey located an oil/water inter-
PIR and an increase in SIR. This is the consequence of a face in the fluid column at 4,968 ft (1514 m). However,
decrease in carbon and hydrogen atomic concentration this had dropped to 4,991 ft (1521 m) when the capture-
associated with the gas (Table 2). The gas effect is more tau mode passes were run, and then had risen to 4,975 ft
pronounced in the cased-hole readings. Invasion from (1516 m) when the inelastic passes were made. This is
the drilling mud may have masked the effect of gas on inferred from the shifts on SIR and PIR (capture-tau
the shallow reading inelastic carbon/oxygen measure- mode), and the COR (inelastic mode), at the correspond-
ments in the openhole log, but dissipated once casing ing depths, caused by the borehole background signal.
was set. The presence of this gas cap was confirmed by The upward movement can be confirmed by comparing
both open- and cased-hole CNL and TDT logs. SIR obtained in capture-tau mode with that from in-
elastic mode shown on the right side of the figure.
The LIR is near zero in the dolomitic limestone. There
Example 5 is an increase in sulfur yield above 4,942 ft (1506 m), ac-
Example 5 is from the Middle East: an 8V2-in. (21.6-cm) companied by a higher sigma as the anhydrite cap rock is
barefoot observation well was drilled in a clean car- approached.
bonate reservoir. It is situated between the producing The major OWC is at 4,986 ft (1520 m). Sensitivity of
wells and a series of injectors, and permits regular the COR is reduced by the presence of water, and
monitoring of the OWC and fluid-water breakthrough. therefore an oxygen background, in the wellbore. But the
Connate water is of high salinity and conventional contact is clearly detected by an increase in COR from
monitoring by induction and TDT logs has proved effec- about 0.20 in the depleted section to 0.27 just above it:
tive 10 until the breakthrough of the very fresh flood- This is accompanied by a large decrease in sigma and a
water. At that time, the resulting mixing and lowering of decrease in SIR, indicative that water salinity is still
salinity introduces uncertainty into the interpretation. high.
AVOGADRO'S NUMBER (6,023 x 10 23 )
GST vs TOT GST vs oH
Density Oxygen Carbon
(g/cm 3 ) (atoms/cm 3 ) (atoms/cm 3 )
Limestone 2.71 0.081 0.027 SALINITY INDEX
Dolomite 2.87 0.094 0.031
Quartz sandstone 2.65 0.088
Anhydrite 2.96 0.087
Oil 0.85 0.061 (kppm) 250 50 %
Water 1.0 0.056
Microcline 2.56 0.074
Albite 2.62 0.080
Anorthite 2.76 0.079
Micas 11
0.085 4950
Muskovite 2.83
Biotite 3.08 0.081
Sample 1 2.51 0.074
Sample 2 2.65 0.075
JIIite 2.53 0.082
Kaolinite 2.42 0.084
Chlorite 2.77 0.082
Montmorillonite 2.12 0.077

Above the well bore fluid interface, high COR cor-

responds to the undepleted part of the reservoir, having
good porosity. This correlates with low sigma and SIR.
However, in this section, from 4,970 to 4,959 ft (1515 to
1512 m), a premature breakthrough has occurred along a
high-permeability layer. It is characterized by a marked
dip in the COR readings. The associated increase in
sigma and SIR suggests that this is an influx of relatively
saline water.
Fig. 10 shows the computed hydrocarbons based on an
interpretation of COR. The results are compared with the
evaluation based on sigma, assuming a sigma water
representing the original high connate-water salinity. In
the comparison with initial hydrocarbons in place, the
shaded area represents total depletion since drilling in
The close agreement between the COR and sigma
results suggests that the incoming water is still at or near
its original salinity. A computation of salinity was made Fig. 10-Computer-processed interpretation analysis of
Example 5.
from SIR (capture-tau mode), and is shown on the left of
the figure. There appears to be some freshening of the
water at the breakthrough; however, the response of SIR
resulted primarily from the increase in water saturation. These terms are defined in the Nomenclature. Each
contribution is weighted according to its bulk volume
Interpretation Models and the atomic concentration (atoms of carbon or oxygen
Interpretation and tool response are introduced in Refs. per cubic centimeter that it contains. Be and Bo account
1, 7, and 8. The relations between physical atomic con- for the borehole background signals, and A is the ratio of
centrations and the resulting spectral yields are complex. the average fast neutron interaction cross sections for
The yields depend on the neutron flux distribution and carbon and oxygen.
interaction cross sections, which are integrated over the Since a, (3, 'Y, and b are constants for the specified
neutron energy and the borehole and formation space, lithology and fluids concerned, and Be and B 0 are con-
weighted by the elemental concentrations themselves. stant for a hole configuration, S w can be calculated
As discussed in Ref. 8, a simple physical model was pro- directly from COR if the porosity is known.
posed to facilitate interpretation of COR in terms of Table 3 lists the atomic concentrations of carbon and
porosity and hydrocarbon saturation. COR equals spec- oxygen for common lithologies and fluids. These con-
tral carbon yield divided by spectral oxygen yield: stants are simply calculated from the matrix (or fluid)
density, gram molecular weight (GMW), and the atomic
[a(1-cjJ) + (3cjJSo + B e] multiplicity per molecule in units of Avogadro's
A .................... (1) number. For example, in pure limestone (CaCO 3), the
['Y( 1 - cjJ) + bcjJS w + B 0 ]
oxygen atomic density (0.081) is
JUNE 1983 561
0.8· .. ·· .. ·.; . . . . . . . . . ;· . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . .
··· ... A
·· ..
8.5" OPEN HOlE
0.7 OIL-FILLED ...... ; .... i'···:·········
·· ..
SW = 0.5
t-,..-:--:.--r ........ . 0.5 ..•..•....•.•.•• .• .... ....................... .
0.6 ! I ...... : ... !
1....... >..". . . . . "" :.

·· ..
8.5" OPEN HOlE
....... ." OIL·FILLED
..... /;
COR ~-r-"" : ~ ~ ~: . : .......... SW =0.5
. ~ ........ )./.-:' ...... ~ ........ .
...,. • .., ' i . •

0.5 ......... ~ ••• : ~ • + •••••• : •• ~ •••••• : ••••••••• : 0.4

· •
.", .
I J •
: ~., ,,~
........ ~ J :
COR 't1'(t"ilG".,04J •
SW= 1.0
0.4 •.•...•.• : •• :-.'':'~ i rl :: ~ ~ ! i : ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
.. ···
+ •••••• : ••••••••• : ••••••••• : J J

... 0.3 • • • • •, . . ) • ) J J J J 1 J .. ~ j I. ~ ~ " " •• ~ ~ • J ~ , ••••••

. •
.. "",
........ 1
",. J" J 1 J J I 1 2 ,
S JJ ) 1 " 4 1 2 2 )
) ) 1 • , 'I 4 4 4 • ,
I " I 1 S
1 • • S2
7 ~ 7 , ~
"" J ~ .,,,
'I R

l J 6 q J ~ J ~ •

Z-AXIS: SIR " 1~ I: ~ ~ ~ , • :: ::: : I ~ .1: qlJl1::12

0.3 · ·.: :
. .-",,"..
.). 14
SW = 1.0 :

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.2: . . . . • . . • . : . • . • . • . . . : . . . . . • • . • : •..•.•••• : • . • . . • . . • :

. "

:Z . AXIS: GAMMA RAY : : :

·· . .. "
0.1: . . . . . . . . . : • . . . . . . . . : . . . . • • . . . : . . . . • • . . . : •••...... :
05! .•.......••.••.••..•••••••••.•••..•••••. o m ~ ~ ~ ~





: 85" OPEN HOLE : • .

04;" WATERFILlED •••••• ; ••••••••• : •••••••••. 0.6· ' .. , . , .... , .. , ................
· .

·.···· .... 8.5" HOLE· 5.5" CSG · .
. ..............
o3: . . . . . . . . . : . • . • . . ..• : . . SW 0
0.5: .
: : : =
COR : • I I' ·
04 . . . . . . . . . : ...•••••. .: . . . . . .
: I
I;> I;> 1 1 1 1 " } t I
Ill! · .
I 1
, 1 I

I 1 "
to j 1 1 ' 1 I I 1 1 7 1 I ) '
I 1 t I f, 2 j " " 1 ~ J
" I" 1
I ' 2)"
1 I 1 2;> I.,
1 I
I ) I " 1>10 4 " " ' ) J
II I 2 'I 'S I
1 0 " " t,,;> "\0 I
1 J I SW=1.0
01; . • . • • • . • • : • • • • • • • •• ••••••••• • •••••••••
··· ..
· .
0: . . . . . . . • . : • • • • . . . . . • • • • • • • • •• • •....•...
. ................... , .. , .......... .
SW= 1.0

o 01 02 0.3 0.4 10 20 ~ ~ ~


Fig. 11-Crossplots of carbon/oxygen tool responses.

-y( atoms/ cm 3 ) = 3p(limestone )/GMW (limestone). causes the downward trend towards Sw =0.75. The cor-
responding increase in SIR is shown on the Z-axis plot.
.................................. (2) Fig. lIb is a water-filled open hole. Note how the
borehole oxygen background, term B 0 in Eq. I, brings
A set of borehole terms has been derived from down the level of COR, and more importantly, greatly
laboratory and field data. In Examples 6 and 7, discussed reduces the dynamic range of the response. Statistical
earlier, we used a typical Be of 0.02 in the oil-filled hole uncertainty on the COR (5-minute standard deviation
(with Bo =0) and a typical Bo =0.05 in water-filled estimated at ±0.015) becomes more significant in these
holes (with Be =0). conditions. Figs. Ilc and lid are from the sandy shales
For a given set of conditions, the appropriate set of of Example 3. Fig. Ilc is an oil-filled open hole. Fig.
constants in Eq. 1 defines the unique family ofresponse lid is an oil-filled cased hole. The casing (because of the
curves for COR vs. porosity. This resembles a fan oxygen in the cement sheet) has a similar effect on COR
graduated in terms of Sw (similar to the familiar sigma as the water in Fig. lib. Had there been water in the cas-
vs. porosity crossplot of the TDT log). It is not in the ing, the S w = 1.0 line would have coincided with the
scope of this paper to discuss interpretation in detail. porosity axis (COR=O). Carbon-free shales tend to lie
However, to demonstrate the major characteristics of the on the Sw = 1.0 line, and can be used as a calibration
COR response, we show in Fig. II typical COR vs. level. These have high gamma rayon the Z-axis plot.
porosity fans for four sets of borehole conditions, all en- The model (Eq. 1) appears to be a satisfactory approx - •
countered in the logs discussed in this paper. Fig. Iia is imation for porosity of more than 10% and has been
the oil-filled openhole limestone section of Example 5. verified by field and laboratory data. 8 Similar
The undepleted interval corresponds to the points close models 13,14 can also be extended to the other inelastic
to Sw =0 (upper curve), while the water breakthrough and capture yields or ratios shown in Table 1.
.~ .............................................. .
8 ......... : ......... B~

.32 •••
6.25" OPEN HOlE
• • • • to • • • • • • • • • • • to • • • • • • • • • •
•• ,~ I
.21.1 • •
.24 I ) : : ~ •• 1 ; : t •••••• t • : ••••••••• :
,... ···
I! I . .
.: ·:
I. t



., .

to • • • • • • • • • •
• •

. ..
.,,. ..
.. ..
...... , ..................... . 08
~ ~ 1~ 1~ 200
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Fig. 12-Crossplots of salinity and porosity tool responses.

It is interesting to note that unlike the other elements,

atomic oxygen occurs in many minerals at a fairly
uniform atomic concentration, despite a wide range of
bulk densities and complexities of chemical formula. In The relationship between 1: wand salinity is provided
the feldspar, mica, and clay samples II presented in by Chart TCOR-2. 12 It must be appreciated that SIR,
Table 3, the oxygen coefficient remains quite close to like 1:, responds to the product of S wand salinity, and
0.08. any estimate of salinity is dependent on the S w used.
Thus, we may assume that in a sandstone containing
quartz mixed with feldspars, micas, and even clays, the Conclusions
COR of a given porosity and hydrocarbon saturation re- This paper has outlined the operating principle,
mains fairly insensitive to the nature of the mixture. This response, and interpretation of the GST induced gamma
is significant in a tuffaceous sand, for instance, where ray spectroscopy logging services. Using a WLS fitting
the presence of tuffite minerals has the perturbing effect technique, up to eight elements are identified and their
on other logs, including resistivity. II Of course, this ap- relative spectral yields computed. Several examples have
plies only to carbon-free minerals. In shaly sands this been presented to demonstrate qualitatively a wide range
hypothesis must be applied with caution since the actual of tool responses to lithology and fluid nature.
effect of the shale will depend not only on its chemistry These new data may be applied in a more comprehen-
but also on the bound water it contains and its manner of sive analysis of well logs. Currently interpretation
distribution (dispersed, granular, etc.). Probably at low development efforts are directed at precise quantitative
shale fractions the effect is small, certainly less than formation evaluation using the capture data for
what we see in the TDT, neutron, or resistivity logs. lithological analysis. Recent success in detailed forma-
The COR equation can be modified to accommodate tion evaluation using models based on the elemental
mixtures of minerals, provided their atomic concentra- yields are also discussed in Refs. 13 and 14.
tion coefficients are known. Accurate interpretation then In addition, computations based on the relative carbon
requires precise chemical analysis of the constituents. and oxygen yields have proved effective in hydrocarbon
In Fig. l2a, we show the empirical relation between evaluation under conditions of very low, mixed, or
the PIR and porosity seen in a clean limestone reservoir, unknown water salinity, where it is difficult to interpret
similar to that in Example 5. Referring to Table 2, one resistivity and TDT logs. This amply justifies the in-
can see that a model for PIR (hydrogen divided by creased operating time imposed by the high-reading
silicon plus calcium) is a function of total porosity divid- statistics of the inelastic carbon and oxygen analysis.
ed by matrix volume. Good trends are often observed The GST tool is both an open- and cased-hole service.
with some scatter caused by statistics and lithological Its application may be extended to old cased wells and
variations. Nonzero offsets will depend on the amount of workovers where tubing inside diameter is greater than
borehole hydrogen seen. Calculations of oil saturation, 3.8 in. (9.7 cm) and wellhead pressure <2,000 psi (138
So, or water saturation, S w, require appropriate shale (or MPa).
bound water) corrections to porosity measurements.
Fig. l2b demonstrates the observed dependence of
SIR on salinity and water saturation in a 61,4 -in. Acknowledgments
(15.9-cm) oil-filled hole in a limestone formation. Sw We thank J. Grau and J. Schweitzer at Schlumberger-
has been computed from COR. Salinity was estimated by Doll Research for reprocessing the spectral logs used for
taking sigma (GST or TDT) and back-computing 1: w by the examples included in this paper. We also thank the
entering S wand porosity in the standard TDT response oil companies for permission to use logs from their
equation: wells. Finally, several simplifications and clarification

JUNE 1983 563

of the text resulted from recommendations by the SPE 5. Smith, H.D. and Schultz, W.E.: "Field Experience in Determin-
Editorial Review Committee. ing Oil Saturations From Continuous C/O and Ca/Si Logs In-
dependent of Salinity and Shaliness," The Log Analyst
(Nov.-Dec. 1974) 9-18.
Nomenclature 6. Lawson, B.L., Cook, C.F., and Owen, J.D.: "A Theoretical and
Laboratory Evaluation of Carbon Logging: Laboratory Evalua-
A = ratio of average carbon and oxygen fast tion," Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (June 1971) 129-37.
neutron (gamma ray producing) cross 7. Hertzog, R. and Plasek, R.: "Neutron-Excited Gamma-Ray Spec-
sections trometry for Well Logging," Trans., IEEE, Nuclear Science
(Feb. 1979) NS-26.
relative carbon- and oxygen- 8. Hertzog, R.: "Laboratory and Field Evaluation of an Inelastic-
concentration contributions from the Neutron Scattering and Capture Gamma Ray Spectroscopy Tool,"
borehole paper SPE 7430 presented at the 1978 SPE Annual Technical Con-
ference and Exhibition, Houston, Oct. 1-4; Soc. Pet. Eng. 1.
hydrocarbon saturation (Oct. 1980) 327-40.
water saturation 9. Khatchikian, A.: "Log Evaluation of Tuffites and Tuffaceous
atomic concentration (atoms per cubic Sandstones in S. Argentina," Proc., 14th Annual Symposium of
SPWLA, Lafayette, LA (1973) Paper K.
centimeter) for carbon in matrix 10. Youngblood, W.: "The Application of Pulsed-Neutron Decay
(lithology dependent), Eq. 2 Time Logs to Monitoring Water Floods with Changing Salinity,"
atomic concentration of carbon in J. Pet. Tech. (June 1980) 957-63.
11. Edmundson, H. and Raymer, L.L.: "Radioactive Logging
formation fluid Parameters for Common Minerals," The Log Analyst (Sept. -Oct.
atomic concentration of oxygen in 1979) 38.
matrix (lithology dependent) 12. Schlumberger Log Interpretation Charts, Schlumberger Ltd., New
York City (1977).
atomic concentration of oxygen in 13. Flaum, C. and Pirie, G.: "Determination of Lithology from In-
formation fluid duced Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy," Proc., 22nd Annual Logging
capture cross section from log Symposium of SPWLA, Mexico City (1981) 1, paper H.
14. Gilchrist, W.A. Jr. et al.: "Applications of Gamma-Ray Spec-
capture cross section of hydrocarbon troscopy to Formation Evaluation," paper presented at the 1982
cross section of matrix SPWLA Annual Logging Symposium, Corpus Christi, July 5-9.
thermal-neutron-decay time constant
porosity, fraction
SI Metric Conversion Factors
References ft x 3.048* E-Ol m
1. Westaway, P., Wittmann, M., and Rochette, P.: "Applications of in. x 2.54* E+OO cm
Nuclear Techniques to Reservoir Monitoring," paper SPE 7776 mL X 1.0* E+OO cm 3
presented at the 1979 SPE Middle East Technical Conference,
Manama, Bahrain, March 25-29. psi x 6.894 757 E+OO kPa
2. Culver, R.B., Hopkinson, E.C., and Youmans, A.H.: "Car-
bon/Oxygen (C/O) Logging Instrumentation," Soc. Pet. Eng. 1. *Conversion factor is exact. SPEJ
(Oct. 1974) 463-70.
3. Lock, G.A. and Hoyer, W.A.: "Carbon/Oxygen (C/O) Log: Use
and Interpretation," J. Pet. Tech. (Sept. 1974) 1044-54. Original manuscript received in Society of Petroleum Engineers office July 12, 1980.
4. Schultz, W.E. and Smith, H.D.: "Laboratory and Field Evalua- Paper accepted for publication July 10, 1981. Revised manuscript received Jan. 27,
tion of a Carbon/Oxygen (C/O) Well Logging System," J. Pet. 1983. Paper (SPE 9461) first presented at the 1980 SPE Annual Technical Con-
Tech. (Oct. 1974) 1103-10. ference and Exhibition held in Dallas Sept. 21-24.


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