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Automatic Control System Lab [IE-200012] Experiment no.

Mis: 112009033
Name: Yoshit Tapar

Experiment No.1
AIM: To perform the step and frequency domain analysis of first order system.

Apparatus: Resistors and Capacitors, Matlab/Simulink, Power supply, Function generator,

Osiclloscope, switch.

Circuit Diagram:

Fig. 1 First order RC Circuit1 Fig. 2 First order RC Circuit2

Mathematical Modeling:

For Circuit 1 :

For Circuit 2 :

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Automatic Control System Lab [IE-200012] Experiment no. 1

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Automatic Control System Lab [IE-200012] Experiment no. 1

Step Response Analysis:

For Circuit 1 :

For step input the output voltage Vo, which is a voltage across capacitor c, rises exponentially
towards the final value of V with a time constant RC. The output voltage is given by

Observation table1:
(Voltage across Capacitor)
Components Values considered are R = 100 ohm, C= 0.01F and Vin = 5V.

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Automatic Control System Lab [IE-200012] Experiment no. 1

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Automatic Control System Lab [IE-200012] Experiment no. 1

Charging Discharging

Time Calculated Simulation Time Calculated Simulation

Vo(in V) Vo (in V) Vo(in V) Vo (in V)
0 0 0 0 1 1
0.164 0.151 0.151 0.196 0.822 0.821
0.228 0.204 0.203 0.289 0.749 0.749
0.286 0.248 0.248 0.406 0.666 0.667
0.438 0.354 0.355 0.509 0.601 0.601
0.845 0.570 0.570 0.688 0.503 0.504
1.450 1.765 0.765 0.894 0.409 0.409
1.821 0.8379 0.838 1.15 0.318 0.318

3.030 0.951 0.951 3.26 0.038 0.039

4.410 0.987 0.988 5.9 0.00274 0.00281

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Automatic Control System Lab [IE-200012] Experiment no. 1

Observation table12
(Voltage across Resistor)

Components Values considered are R = 100 ohm, C= 0.01F and Vin = 5V.

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Automatic Control System Lab [IE-200012] Experiment no. 1

Name: MIS no.: Page No.:

Automatic Control System Lab [IE-200012] Experiment no. 1

Charging Discharging

Time Calculated Simulation Time Calculated Simulation

Vo(in V) Vo (in V) Vo(in V) Vo (in V)
0 0 0 0 1 1
0.269 0.236 0.236 0.318 0.728 0.729
0.696 0.502 0.502 1.150 0.315 0.315
1.180 0.693 0.694 3.610 0.0271 0.0271
3.210 0.960 0.960 5.56 0.0035 0.0036

Time constant (𝜏): This delay is generally known as the circuits time delay or Time Constant which
represents the time response of the circuit when an input step voltage or signal is applied

The Time constant can be described as the time taken for 1-𝑒 −𝑎𝑡 to reach to 63% of its final value.
Or time taken 𝑒 −𝑎𝑡 to decay to 37% of its initial value.

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Automatic Control System Lab [IE-200012] Experiment no. 1

The time constant 𝜏 is related to the cutoff frequency fc, an alternative parameter of the RC circuit,

where resistance in ohms and capacitance in farads yields the time constant in seconds or the cutoff
frequency in Hz.

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Automatic Control System Lab [IE-200012] Experiment no. 1

Frequency Response Analysis: In frequency-response methods, we vary the frequency of

the input signal over a certain frequency range and study the resulting response. For this we
replace the 𝑠 = 𝑗𝜔 in transfer function and obtain its magnitude and phase plots. The output
gain (known as the magnitude response) and the phase (known as the phase response).

Mathematical formulas for Magnitude(|M(𝒋𝝎)|) and Phase angle (ϕ) or (<M(𝒋𝝎)):

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Automatic Control System Lab [IE-200012] Experiment no. 1

Graph for circuit 1

Components Values considered are R = 10K ohm, C= 0.1mF and Vin = 5V. (Square wave form)
and vary the frequency.

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Automatic Control System Lab [IE-200012] Experiment no. 1

Graph for Circuit 2

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Automatic Control System Lab [IE-200012] Experiment no. 1

Expected Result:

Result: Characteristics of RC network is studied by plotting magnitude and phase angle vs frequency.
Conclusion: In step response the transient term is totally independent on the values of R and C and its
rate of exponentially decay will get controlled by –1/RC which is the pole of the system. Students should
be able to plot the characteristics and because of loading effect the characteristics of network are
drastically affected.

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