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Effectiveness of irrigation strategies on the removal of the smear layer

from root canal dentin
Prasanna Neelakantan1   · Hani F. Ounsi2,3 · Sharmila Devaraj4 · Gary S. P. Cheung1 · Simone Grandini2

Received: 26 February 2018 / Accepted: 25 June 2018

© The Society of The Nippon Dental University 2018

The aim of this study was to evaluate the removal of the smear layer by some commonly used (needle-and-syringe irrigation,
sonic activation, ultrasonically activated irrigation) and new root canal irrigation strategies (negative pressure irrigation and
polymer rotary file) using a novel approach by comparing pre- and post-experimental images. Prepared root canals (n = 50)
were subjected to a split tooth model and divided into 5 groups (n = 10): (1) needle-and-syringe irrigation (control); (2)
sonic activation (SA); (3) negative pressure irrigation with continuous warm activated irrigation and evacuation (CWA); (4)
polymer finishing file (FF); (5) ultrasonically activated irrigation (UAI). Smear layer scores and percentage of open dentinal
tubules (%ODT) were evaluated by 2 examiners before and after irrigation procedures, from the middle and apical thirds
of the root canal, on scanning electron microscopic images. Data were analysed using Kruskal–Wallis and post hoc tests at
P = 0.05. Needle-and-syringe irrigation (control) showed no significant difference (both smear score and %ODT) compared
to the pre-experimental value (P > 0.05). All other groups showed lower smear scores and higher %ODT, compared to the
control (P < 0.05). The lowest smear score and highest %ODT were observed in the CWA group, which was significantly
different from all other groups (P < 0.05). SA group showed significantly higher smear scores and lower %ODT than FF or
UAI (P < 0.05). CWA showed superior removal of smear layer in the middle and apical thirds of the root canal compared to
the other irrigation strategies.

Keywords  Negative pressure · Polymer finishing file · Scanning electron microscopy · Sonic · Ultrasonic

Introduction method. Conventionally, an irrigation regimen comprises

sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) followed by ethylene diamine
Root canal instrumentation produces a layer of hard tissue tetraacetic acid (EDTA), both of which are delivered into the
debris on the root canal wall (i.e. smear layer), preventing canal using a needle and syringe. From a chemical perspec-
the penetration of irrigants and intracanal medicaments into tive, NaOCl dissolves the organic components while EDTA
the dentinal tubules [1]. It may also reduce the adaptation removes the inorganic components of the smear layer [3].
of root filling materials to the root canal wall [2]. Removal It has been reported that the clinical outcome of root canal
of this accumulated hard tissue debris (AHTD) is a func- treatment is improved when EDTA is used [4], which might
tion of the irrigating solution and the delivery/agitation be attributable to removal of the smear layer. A recent sys-
tematic review also concluded that smear layer removal
improves the outcome of root canal treatment of primary
* Prasanna Neelakantan teeth [5]. Irrigant delivery may be categorized into manual and
1 mechanical techniques. Manual delivery involves injecting
Discipline of Endodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, The
University of Hong Kong, Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong (positive pressure) irrigants with various needle designs,
2 whereas mechanical techniques include the use of negative
Department of Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry,
University of Siena, Siena, Italy pressure or activation/agitation methods such as ultrasonic
3 tip, sonic devices, brushes and polymer-based rotary files.
Department of Endodontics, School of Dental Medicine,
Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon Recently, an irrigant delivery system has been introduced
4 (EndoIrrigator Plus™, Innovations Endo, Nasik, India)
Private Practice, Chennai, India


based on the concept of a continuous flow of heated sodium from the patients or their parents. Any root with caries, pre-
hypochlorite with negative pressure, hence also known as existing root canal treatment, fractures or cracks were dis-
continuous warm activated irrigation and evacuation system carded. Radiographs were taken in two directions to confirm
(CWA). This device applies the principle of intracanal suction the presence of a single root canal. The results of a pilot
(via a single use 30G side-vented needle) and warm irrigant study allowed us to calculate that 10 specimens were needed
(50 °C). The heater can be switched off when the operator per group to obtain results with a power of 80%.
does not wish to use a warm irrigating solution. A recent study
indicated that this method was able to clean the isthmus of
Pre‑operative evaluation
mandibular molars significantly better than syringe irrigation,
manual dynamic agitation and passive ultrasonic irrigation [6].
The split-tooth model used in this study was modified from
The endodontic literature is replete with studies of smear
that of Schmidt et al. [11]. Teeth were cleaved using a chisel
layer removal, often evaluated using a qualitative method. De-
and mallet. Longitudinal reference grooves of 0.5 mm depth
Deus et al. [7] commented that qualitative studies evaluating
were first made on root dentin near the root canal wall, to
the smear layer after final irrigation, without taking the pre-
serve as a guide for indicating the standard locations where
treatment status into account should be considered invalid.
all microscopic assessments would be made later. The speci-
The authors suggested co-site optical microscopy as a viable
mens were placed in an ultrasonic bath with 3% NaOCl for
technique to evaluate the effect of different irrigating solutions
5 min, followed by 17% EDTA for 2 min to dissolve the
on dentin. However, that technique will be unable to study the
pulp tissues and to open up the dentinal tubules. The root
effect of irrigant activation. Qualitative studies of smear layer
canal wall at the location of the grooves marked earlier was
removal are considered less robust because of two reasons: (1)
examined using a low-vacuum environmental scanning elec-
possible bias in image acquisition and interpretation, (2) lack
tron microscope (eSEM; Quanta 650 FEG, FEI, Hillsboro,
of knowledge of the sclerotic dentin (due to unknown age of
the teeth or possible pathological insults) in those teeth prior to
The specific reason for using the eSEM is because no
the experiment [7, 8]. To overcome these problems, an experi-
specimen preparation or sputter coating is required, and the
mental design whereby the tooth is examined by SEM prior to
samples can be reused for further analysis. This step was
use of irrigating solution(s) and by evaluating the percentage
considered important as it ensures that the root canal walls
of open dentinal tubules would be indicated.
had open dentinal tubules and hence the results obtained
Ultrasonically activated irrigation (UAI), sonic device
were not due to the presence of sclerotic dentin. This data
­(EndoActivator®; Dentsply Tulsa Dental Specialties, Tulsa,
was not used in the statistical analysis but only served to
OK, USA) and EndoVac (Kerr Corporation, Oranga, Cali-
ensure homogeneity. The cleaved roots were reassembled
fornia, USA) have all resulted in superior removal of smear
using a light curing resin barrier (OpalDam, Ultradent Prod-
layer in straight [9] and curved root canals [10] when com-
ucts, South Jordan, UT, USA). The root apex was covered
pared to needle-and-syringe irrigation. Smear layer removal
with sticky wax and placed in a polyvinyl siloxane casing to
of the first two systems appeared to decline along the depth
simulate a closed apical system in vivo [12].
of the root canal system, whereas the EndoVac demonstrated
significantly better results at locations closer to the apical
foramen [9]. Root canal preparation
The efficacy of EndoIrrigator Plus on the removal of the
smear layer has not yet been documented. The aim of this Root canals were prepared with MTwo rotary instruments
study was to compare the efficacy of smear layer removal (VDW GmBH, Munich, Germany) to an apical size of 35
by various irrigation strategies using an in vitro model that and 0.04 taper and irrigated with 5 mL of 3% NaOCl (Par-
allows the preoperative evaluation of the dentin surface prior can; Septodont, Saint-Maur-des-Fosses, France) through
to SEM analysis. The null hypotheses were that (1) there was a 30G side-vented needle (NaviTip, Ultradent Products)
no significant difference in smear layer removal, and (2) in placed passively to about 2 mm from the apical foramen
the percentage of open dentinal tubules, between different without binding. Apical patency was maintained with
irrigation methods tested. #10 K-file. After instrumentation, canals were irrigated with
3 mL distilled water and dried with absorbent paper points.
The prepared specimens were randomly divided into
Materials and methods 5 groups and examined again under the eSEM to confirm
the presence of a smear layer. Photomicrographs at 500×
Single-rooted mandibular first premolars (n = 50), extracted and 1000× were graded using a method described below.
from patients in the age group of 13–18 for orthodontic rea- The pre-experimental micrographs were taken to verify the
sons were collected after informed consent was obtained extent of the smear layer formed, which in all groups was


homogenously distributed. These values were labelled as Group 5 (UAI)

“pre-experimental smear scores”.
An IrriSafe tip (Satelec, Acteon Group, Merignac Cedex,
France) was used in a Suprasson P5 Booster ultrasonic unit
Irrigation procedures and assessment of the smear (Satelec) with a power setting of 3, as per the manufacturer’s
layer instructions. The first step involved activation of 3% NaOCl
in cycles of 30 s until 10 mL of the solution was used. The
Specimens were reassembled and subject to one of the five total activation time was 90 s. Following this, 3 mL of 17%
irrigation protocols (n = 10 each). EDTA was activated for 60 s with a total contact time of
2 min. A final rinse of 2 mL distilled water was performed
which was activated with the same tip for 1 min.
Group 1 (needle‑and‑syringe irrigation) Caution was exercised to standardise the volume, con-
tact time and activation time of each of the irrigants in all
A 30G needle (NaviTip, Ultradent) was used to deliver the groups. The instrument tip in all the groups was placed
10 mL of 3% NaOCl over a period of 90 s. This was fol- 1 mm short of the working length (WL). The CWA was
lowed by 3 mL of 17% EDTA, which was left within the root used with the “Warmer” mode on while delivering NaOCl
canal for 2 min. The root canals were then rinsed with 2 mL while the warmer mode was switched off when delivering
of distilled water for 1 min. EDTA and distilled water. Canals were rinsed with distilled
water and dried with paper points. Teeth were then coded for
blinded evaluation by two calibrated examiners.
Group 2 (sonic activation)
Each tooth was separated into their two halves along
the cleavage created earlier and both the halves were
The EndoActivator (Dentsply Sirona Endodontics, USA)
processed for examination using SEM after gold sputter-
was used with the red tip (25/0.04) at 10000 cycles/min. An
ing. Micrographs obtained at 1000× were analysed using
activation cycle of 30 s was performed until 10 mL of 3%
ImageJ software (1.48v, US National Institutes of Health,
NaOCl was used. The total activation time was 90 s. Follow-
Bethesda, MA, USA) to determine the percentage area of
ing this, 3 mL of 17% EDTA was activated for 60 s. A total
open dentinal tubules in relation to the image area (%ODT).
contact time of 2 min was allowed for the EDTA solution.
This was based on a robust methodology published earlier
A final rinse of 2 mL distilled water was performed which
[11]. Furthermore, images taken at five random locations
was activated with the same tip for 1 min.
at the apical and middle thirds of the canal were graded
based on the criteria proposed by Hülsmann et al. [13]: score
Group 3 (CWA) 1—no smear layer, dentinal tubules open; score 2—small
amount of smear layer, some dentinal tubules open; score
The EndoIrrigator Plus (Innovations Endo) device was used 3—homogenous smear layer covering the root canal wall,
for this purpose. In the first step, 10 mL of 3% NaOCl was only few dentinal tubules open; score 4—complete root
delivered over a period of 90 s with the “Warmer” mode on. canal wall covered by homogenous smear layer, no open
This was followed by 3 mL of 17% EDTA solution delivered dentinal tubules; score 5—heavy, non-homogenous smear
over a period of 1 min (with the warmer mode switched layer covering the complete root canal wall. The scoring was
off), which was allowed to remain for 2 min in total. A final performed independently by the 2 examiners and, in case of
rinse of distilled water (2 mL) was delivered over a period disagreement, the image was discussed to reach a consensus.
of 1 min with the warmer mode switched off.
Data analysis

Group 4 (FF) Intra- and inter-examiner reliability was verified (kappa

test). The pre- and post-experimental smear were presented
Finishing file (Engineered Endodontics, Menomonee Falls, as mean ± standard deviation. Data were analysed using
WI, USA) size 20/0.04 taper was used at 900 rpm. The first Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney U tests. Post hoc mul-
activation cycle involved activation of 3% NaOCl in 30 s tiple comparisons were performed with Bonferroni test at
cycles until 10 mL of the solution was used. The total activa- a significance level of P = 0.05. The %ODT was calculated
tion time was 90 s. This was followed by activation of 3 mL from both examiners and averaged, then analysed using the
of 17% EDTA for 60 s with a total contact time of 2 min. A Kruskal–Wallis test, followed by non-parametric analysis of
final rinse of 2 mL distilled water was performed which was variance for multiple comparisons with Bonferroni correc-
activated with the same tip for 1 min. tion to identify any differences.


Results higher %ODT values in all groups, followed by the apical

third. In the apical third, the CWA group showed the high-
The pre-operative evaluation of all samples demonstrated est %ODT value followed by the finishing file (P < 0.05).
a score of 1 (no smear layer, dentinal tubules open). After
root canal preparation, there was no significant difference
in the mean pre-experimental smear score and %ODT Discussion
between groups (P > 0.05). There was excellent agreement
between the two examiners (k = 0.90). The present study presented a novel approach to study
The post-irrigation examination showed that the nee- the smear layer by comparing the pre- and post-irrigation
dle-and-syringe group demonstrated a homogenous hard images. A previous study by Schmidt et al. [11] employed
tissue debris covering the entire wall in the middle and a similar design but evaluated the smear layer only after
apical third of the canal. The smear score and %ODT for root canal preparation. Our results indicated that the preop-
this group was comparable to the pre-experimental smear erative evaluation (baseline) showed no smear layer, with
scores (P > 0.05); the %ODT was 9 ± 1.1 and 3 ± 1.12 in patent dentinal tubules, a result that is expected for non-
the middle and apical root thirds, respectively. Canals irri- instrumented root canal walls. Analysis of the specimens
gated with all other methods showed significantly lower after root canal preparation, but prior to irrigant activation
smear scores in the middle and apical third, compared with (pre-experimental smear score) showed that 38 samples
their respective pre-experimental figures (P < 0.05). The demonstrated a score of 4 (complete root canal wall cov-
mean of smear scores and average %ODT for all groups ered by homogenous smear layer with no open dentinal
are summarised in Table 1. tubules) while 12 samples showed a score of 5 (heavy, non-
Sonic activation showed patches of smear layer in the homogenous smear layer covering completely the root canal
middle third, while the apical third was covered with a walls), with no significant difference between the 5 groups
relatively homogenous smear layer with few open tubules prior to the different experimental irrigation regimens. This
(10 ± 1.21 %ODT). There was no significant difference is reassuring, as all protocols were then tested on canals with
between the FF and UAI group (P > 0.05), while they both hard tissue debris of similar extent. Furthermore, the teeth
had a smear score significantly lower than sonic activa- were extracted from young individuals and the presence of
tion (P < 0.05). Specimens irrigated with the CWA group sclerotic dentin in the middle and apical third of these roots
showed no smear layer in the middle third in most of the is highly unlikely [14]. The effect of this variable that might
samples, while the apical third had significantly less smear influence the result would be eliminated.
scores than all other groups (P < 0.05). Analysis of the The ability of root canal irrigants to effectively reach
SEM images revealed that the apical third of specimens anatomic spaces within the confines of the root canal sys-
irrigated using the CWA system showed no (score 1) tem is essential to bring about tissue dissolution, biofilm
(64%) or a small amount of hard tissue debris (score 2) destruction and removal of the smear layer [15, 16]. Sev-
(36%) in the apical third (Fig. 1). eral authors have recommended the removal of smear layer
There was a spatial difference in the %ODT along the which may act as a substrate for bacteria [17], can prevent
root. It was noted that the middle third had significantly optimal diffusion of disinfecting agents [18], compromis-
ing the coronal [19] and apical seal [20], and may serve

Table 1  Means and standard deviations (SD) for smear scores and open tubules relative to total area of the analysed image (%) for each group
(n = 10)
Groups Middle third Apical third Open dentinal tubules
Pre-experimental Post-experimental Pre-experimental Post-experimental Middle third Apical third

Group 1 (conventional 4.5 ± 0.25a,A 3.9 ± 0.22a,A 4.9 ± 0.38a,A 4.1 ± 0.31a,A 16 ± 1.8a 4 ± 1.65a

needle-and-syringe irriga-
Group 2 (SA) 4.8 ± 0.25a,A 3.6 ± 0.12c,B 4.9 ± 0.31a,A 3.2 ± 0.20c,B 20 ± 1.4c 10 ± 1.21c
Group 3 (CWA) 4.5 ± 0.17a,A 1.2 ± 0.11b,B 4.4 ± 0.36a,A 1.4 ± 0.22b,B 37 ± 1.2b 33 ± 1.43b
Group 4 (FF) 4.3 ± 0.27a,A 2.2 ± 0.10d,B 4.9 ± 0.37a,A 2.6 ± 0.13d,B 26 ± 2.1d 25 ± 1.18d
Group 5 (PUI) 4.2 ± 0.32a,A 2.4 ± 0.22d,B 4.5 ± 0.15a.A 2.8 ± 0.11d,B 28 ± 1.1d 16 ± 1.5e

Within each group, for each root third, values with identical upper case superscript letters indicates no significant difference (P > 0.05); between
groups, for each root third, values with identical lower case superscript letters indicates no significant difference (P > 0.05)


Fig. 1  a Schematic representation of reference grooves on the root for standardized microscopic analysis. b Scanning electron microscopic
images (×1000 magnification) of smear layer removal in the middle (M) and apical (A) root-thirds by the experimental groups

as an avenue for recontamination of the root canal system Irrigant activation enhances the kinetics and penetration,
[21–23]. While the exact clinical relevance of smear layer thereby increasing the efficiency [25, 26]. With the exception
in endodontics remains controversial, its removal may be of needle-and-syringe irrigation, all other methods were able
considered as a parameter for which the effectiveness of to remove the smear layer, leaving a canal wall with a good
irrigant delivery/activation systems may be compared. amount of open dentinal tubules. Therefore, the second null
Since the apical portion of the canal is considered a criti- hypothesis had to be rejected too. This study tested, in addi-
cal area for root canal cleaning, only the middle and apical tion to the conventional syringe delivery, four other irriga-
third were evaluated in this study. tion protocols: sonic (SA), ultrasonic, polymer finishing file
A “closed” root canal system model was used to (FF) and a negative pressure delivery system. While the first
enhance the clinical relevance of this study [11, 24]. The three may be considered as activation/agitation systems, the
presence of an entrapped air bubble (vapor lock) can fourth is a delivery system that draws irrigant by negative
impede effective irrigant exchange at the apical third of pressure via a needle placed near the apical third of the root
the root canal system [12]. Understandably, conventional canal system, which would eliminate the vapor lock [27].
needle-and-syringe irrigation was unable to remove the A literature search showed that two negative pressure
smear layer to any significant degree, in accordance with delivery devices have been studied in the past: EndoVac
other reports [9, 10]. As there was significant difference and Safety Irrigator (Vista Dental, Racine, WI, USA). The
between the irrigant activation methods in the removal EndoVac has been reported to be superior to sonic and
of the smear layer, the first null hypothesis was rejected. ultrasonic systems in removing the smear layer from apical


third of root canals [27]. The CWA device (EndoIrrigator of smear layer removal to allow penetration of irrigants,
Plus), in principle, is similar to the EndoVac, but with an intracanal medicaments and root filling materials, it is
option to heat the irrigating solution. The smear scores in essential to remove the smear plug which may extend up
the apical third ranged between 1 and 2 when this device to 40 µm into the dentinal tubules, to open up the dentinal
was used for irrigation. The superior efficiency of negative- tubules [37, 38]. The %ODT noticed in the apical third of
pressure irrigation in debridement of the root canal systems specimens in this present study indicated the following
may be attributed to an increase in the volume of solution order of effectiveness: CWA > finishing file > UAI > sonic
delivered [28], and continuous replenishment of the solution activation > needle-and-syringe irrigation. In the middle
[29]. Increased temperature of the irrigant and the ability to third, however, there was no significant difference between
place the irrigating needle up to 1 mm short of the work- the finishing file and UAI. It may be noted that the results
ing length would also help [6]. Heated NaOCl, followed by of the percentage of open tubules correlated to the smear
EDTA, has been shown to be effective in removing smear scores well, thereby increasing the validity of the study.
layer than other irrigants [30]. This could be a reason behind Future studies should aim at evaluating the depth of clean-
the superior action of the CWA approach. Complete removal liness brought about by these systems.
of smear layer occurs when the apical diameter is at least Only teeth with straight root canals were used in this
0.30 in diameter [31]. In this study, all root canals were api- study. Future research should demonstrate the effective-
cally enlarged to a size of 0.35, which could account for ness of these strategies in canals with moderate to severe
the cleaner canals. Future studies should compare the two curvatures. This is especially important, considering that
negative-pressure irrigant delivery systems (EndoVac and only one of the devices used in this study (EndoActivator)
EndoIrrigator Plus). used a flexible polymeric tip. Another aspect to be taken
UAI was able to remove significantly more smear layer into consideration is that we did not specifically measure
and open up more dentinal tubules, compared to the sonic the apical diameters of the root canals prior to root canal
system in the present study. The endodontic literature is preparation. Given that the premolars were collected from
inconsistent with regard to the effects of ultrasonic and sonic relatively young patients, the apical sizes may be quite
activation on smear layer removal [9, 22, 23], probably due variable. However, it was our intention to focus on the irri-
to the fact that there is no “ideal” recommended protocol for gant activation strategies immaterial of the original apical
UAI [16]. Parameters for all the activation protocols were sizes. Furthermore, when the roots were split, we observed
standardized in this study (time and volume of irrigating that none of the roots had large apical diameters and all the
solution). Low frequency, low flow velocity and increased roots split evenly, validating the methodology.
wall contact of the tip with the root canal walls (resulting in
no cavitation effects) could have resulted in lesser efficiency
of SA compared with UAI [27, 32–35].
This study seems to be the first to report on the efficacy Conclusions
of the finishing file in removing the AHTD. This single-use
polymeric instrument has an offset flute design, tip size of Conventional needle-and-syringe irrigation was unable to
20 and taper of 0.04. This study indicated that FF is a supe- remove the smear layer from the middle and apical third
rior method to remove smear layer than syringe irrigation or of root canals. The CWA irrigation and evacuation system
sonic agitation, producing a level of cleanliness comparable (EndoIrrigator Plus) was the most effective in reducing
to UAI. Although the exact mechanism is not known, a simi- the smear layer, followed by the finishing file and UAI.
lar plastic file (F-file, Plastic Endo, Buffalo Grove, IL) was Ultrasonic irrigation was more effective than sonic activa-
reported to be able to remove debris from root canals and tion in removing the smear layer. The percentage of open
isthmus of mandibular molars to a similar extent as UI [36]. dentinal tubules followed the same order as removal of the
The main difference between the F-file and finishing file is smear layer. Future studies should evaluate the effects of
the presence of a diamond coating on the F-file, which was irrigating solution activation after delivery with negative
speculated to induce the formation of a smear layer. Future pressure irrigation systems, and/or possibly compare the
studies should compare the F-file and finishing file. CWA to EndoVac.
In the present study, both the irrigating solutions and
the final rinse with distilled water were agitated/delivered Acknowledgements  The authors sincerely thank Ms. Samantha Kar
Yan Li, Centralized Research Laboratories, Faculty of Dentistry, The
for all experimental groups. Thus far, only one study has University of Hong Kong for the data analysis.
performed this design [11]. This is important to note that
loose debris generated by the irrigation/activation protocol Funding  This study did not receive any funding from internal or exter-
may settle along the canal walls. To fully realize the target nal sources.


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