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Prem Baboo
Sr. Manager (Prod)
National fertilizers ltd, Vijaipur, India


(This is just example)

Ammonia Energy depends upon following parameters.

1. NG Energy.
2. Steam energy.
3. Power energy

1. NG Energy
NG energy = NG consumed for ammonia plant (Feed + Fuel) X NG LHV
(Ammonia daily Prod)

=G. Cal/T NH3

NG LHV = 8134 K Cal/sm3

NG Consumption for Ammonia Plant (Feed + fuel) = 1.8145 M. sm3
1841500X 8124 = 8.097 G. Cal/T NH3
1850 X 1000000

2. Steam Energy.

=⦋(SH Export to Urea-II - SH import from CPP) X 805 + (SM to CT + SM to Urea

hydrolyser) X 750 + (SL export to CPP) X 650 - (SM import from CPP) X 716)⦐

= ⦋(3250-1829) X805 +150 X 750 +200 X 650 -54 X716)⦐

1850 X 1000

= - 0.729 G Cal/ T NH3

3. Power Energy Calculation

Power consumed for ammonia plant per day =98 MW/ day

NG/ MW = 175 sm3/MW

Power Consumed per ton of ammonia =

(Power consumed per day for ammonia plant X NG per MW X NG LHV)

Ammonia Prod X 106
= 98 X 175 X 8134
1850 X106

=0.075 G Cal/T NH3

Now Total energy for ammonia Energy

NG energy + Steam energy + Power energy
= 8.097- 0.729 +0.075 G Cal/ T NH3
= 7.444 G Cal /T NH3


(This is just example)

Urea Energy depends upon following parameters.

1. Ammonia Energy.
2. Steam energy.
3. Power energy.

1. Ammonia energy = Specific Consumption of Ammonia X ammonia Energy

=0.575 X 7.444

= 4.280 G. cal/T Urea

2. Steam energy
(i) KS energy
=KS consumption for Urea Plant X Enthalpy of KS
Urea Prod X 103
= 3500 X805
3590 X103
=0.785 G. Cal/T Urea

(ii) HS Energy
HS consumption for Urea Plant X Enthalpy of HS
Urea Prod X 103
= 160 X750
3590 X103
=0.033 G. Cal/T Urea

3. Power energy
= (Power consumed per day for Urea plant X NG per MW X NG LHV)
Urea Prod X 106
= (177 X175 X 8134)
3590 X 106

=0.07 G. cal /T Urea

Now Total energy for Specific Energy of Urea Plant

=Ammonia energy + Steam energy + Power energy
=4.280 + (0.785+0.033) +0.07

=5.168 G. Cal/T Urea

(Power Energy of urea plant including total power consumed in town ship, CDR 50%
power energy etc.)
This is the day energy if any interruption (planned and unplanned shut down) then
month and year energy will be increased in terms of unproductive energy.


(If only NG is using)

Specific Energy, G Cal/MT of Urea

Hourly NG Consumption for Complex {(Feed + Fuel) + GTG)} X LHV
Urea Prod (MT) per Hour x 106

e.g. (29/11/2014)

180848.2 X 8161
277.75 X 106

=5.296 G. Cal/T of Urea

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