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Expt. No.. 6 Page No.

Aim Te mplkmerl beothk multplication agorithm

M- Mus kplicard Simulater- Online irhak lab simulator

P Mu! hplier
Coun The ory! Booth multplicafon lyonitkm is an.
aleonttm vhich multiplies 2slgned Dumusiatgags
iA 2 complement he apprmach uses ta Wer odA:bors
nd subtsctions than mare era ightfortsord agonhng.
A-A-M Po, Mulbipli cabon andmukhplier art paceol in m

ContolLegie checks h twobih Po d . 7/A

Anhme tht shit
Right A, P,L, Subteckd hem A H comkinahvo mwbiplicmd
Count Cound-I{ bddedfo A. 7 /L4 ran Coo or 4)bzh A.9 P

f i r tign la a_Caey, reulh aShrd hA

END DecigoLesus The erpeimu i deezoad aea
cone ller y _adatapth Dperabon h dafa io
How- wap. dafpathinconhollnd b hr conhol. sizl receirsd ka
coobeller. Adder/cubachr uait is ued a daa prorc
A n 44iL P i sa 1sirgaker. Couokr i
alewncounter uÁich, toun aumber o yeeha
e eded kor mulbplicabion.

Teacher's Signature:
Page No. -
43M chort- Expt. No.

Inpuse,9-1, Caud) Output Control izaalni Componsos-Connllr Reg ieta AcldedLubtoacfor unid
sdede ooLoL 1OL /oad shtadd sub d mulbplxer dewO couer:legie Gats p Coatruet dope
S o s 6 S 2 S 3 | SIs2 0 0.O0
O0,OT Lopt UHputswire foconnect.

SL S5SSS5 Precedue-

S S4s+S4 S4 4
ITo perform R ixpLiaa wenee d datepath specihd
S3 S5 S5ss SSS5 hr koob_mulbplicatian a coshe lle widh o specited|
state cAoet clock inpert btcos ieb, biLdiipeystaiy
S4 S 3 olo o OT 2sIo teotiabny he onalleE Loabro LancA cen be Ceen
S2|Se a kait ctate machine Coooller ef he_simulao
moore hype sate chortfmuut coataio cacod
sesescseo 0 aclept

ctafe a the left pane at tn'ciomulabr_ckick on AM

chart Cnd gieregulred hkimatzo
No. of rates- 2
No. of Iopub.-3
Con ller No. of etput.5
Conell nil/generxte 5 outout centol signake. lopt
oad add Pa P ad couat Oulpuh arn laadsaddskihsbil
L M de Belds ot chart wiU be jLsenteel dyranie
acordiy k_previeeslySivan normaian coIafes,iopet&

Booth Molhpier Datapath

1 Gnd oeutput ALLr Lokny
onheJett pae
dick o
bh ol sinulater
cooeller Compors
Cond deg crsl dry vtu

teahate h e beoh' mulbjpliy dakps em

T sepmphal_cirLat daer

Teacher's Signoure:
Ratu of Mulhpllcafior
ood: Date

Expt. No..
Page No.

LhC enever he mouse hoverrd

4.Pin cozunbo
ozt A aleHe or b icki
add/cub eanit epe cennLdeporent
cbowpO enhaetaboa
Jn cootrl S Pi (entaatoo o ke dehatk medesle
MMdbpicend(tbiL) P' Malkiplier tbity
ooe 4-bH rgirkr Znihialicabon'- Iolil pruetiLe M.P.trutlock
cterbine baultbpl'tahon nlO pruet/ O, teteJoc£
hese h cemponnt ot
Resedf.'- EPO to FA ere

Jer noble 4 CabA) dgabiH) rg iter, rorl sbA[ Eg0 isLc8

6 i dorn
I / P - c I E 3 2 , pyedRo
AC4-6H rgik) rgikr) l oisL aad 2a4 edd 2L; saL21 6HIL2¢dcs
[/bH)) M,L2M12 p2 MO, /
Multeiad MP/2
Multipller - P 3 2 0 , 19P1 1e o 12
O/o EP-1it outpuk of Prgater inilarly

Dabapath coorller iaput Lomnt clkb conhller


Coant/6,cLh cosbelhr 15Lg-/'12 EPop L3

-cooneA y2 eemporaatrLedecA Losprcios

meAlu ot palctte d clluckoo oeate sd ergo

Teacher's Signoure:

Expt. No. Page No..

2AL Áet iribalie he albplier b sirig speciked

input pecikel_cordier Ai will Load e mulbplies
end mudbplicmd histr b mulbiplcation spe
b ieig he specibdinpute: AL he eodshate, muBaltd
lCen be ess o cter wh_Aca input-
Conne chboc chould bde_ prperb
Check pe pi diog tos end ph eartheeniba
besr h_ceanechio
The oetput pin hould bs_Coonccted o
at cort port.

Cncduen,'- oom te asove epen2rat e fae

sucCeshlly implemmnkd beoth dflicabra alet

Teacher's Signoture -
Expt.N o . 7
addrus Aine Page No.
Memony unit
Yeod word Aim To desgn C) sirg lk 4i4 RAm cell i)4x4RAM

nbit persord Simulaor used.-Ookine rirhdJah cimulor

Theory.' Memory degn A memoy unit i

ndarla otpt ine of rkase cell rg ether widh o s o cialed

cded o
elec ne trens bomm inkmahoo n cnd out ot
dvile Memory coll which coo be alcessed for
info rma bon treshr w Or hom
eny desiced rendem
lotation is ClhlrEndom acLc mnmey ChA M).
RAM design,
posis nof eingle b PAM cell1be bineog cll
3iOput Crdoreatpad elect iopet enable the cell
pat for rea dicg f r g . A_/ in
radne 'oput prorroluf
rcd operain by lamiy path blw tlp Lhp k atpd
irgle-bi e4M cell Rend isde Ao i ad//unk input pmr'dy he wnh cpe hbao

hortniypath bhw iaputf tlip-lep
Desigo_o X4 RAM Leglcal cOnmmbeo
Lmll RAM IA? isown h Jds.A
with aroro aeed heo nddre Jny
Trpt BinoCel Cutput The hwe addry lopus So Kregh a 2ktDctedor

o detoder a 0 orol nmeo

mee y wore Leletd. w Amemey ecask
alu in two addy ins ne a wod Ky becn
elecke rad!h iap.t dekamingy peahoa.
Teacher's Signoture :

Da Inpes Expt. No. Page No.

2 iapud_OR gakLL2), RAM celLCO,

Do Proce dure
BC Bc3 1To desan
sPio_Lenhgumbon t a compoaaot i hen semat
Ltek boo1 sase ttomJette md htrtassh endtce
ckwle eAte
coll iepud ipin 5 seles tt pint|
Readwsk ' pineL Outpui ii pin-4 Ar red

BC BC/o BC BCI Comporend alect coseeion
4To C e A s c c t
menu of_pa tt click co
e bepminl.
Mmor enasle heaiee e oahrt:appeeH
iaps ad check
ondlash menen Laée Ledda
IAput :01 eae iope LoLLsoL wi Se arcad

Dora ocrpt
wordon aceub ciply

Teochers Sagnoture
are ortu

Expt. No. Page No.

,Copnechonc keuld beneda Prp:dy
Check fepin_diagen onddphLortgeakass hekox
.The output pins Lheuld_ke tonnerrd idipl a
h coreet port
enChsioo bem abon expenmrad e Ker
culLesLhl mplemnkd Hederign ef 4rnkRAM.


Expt. No.
Page No.

Aio To dscisa ZLco ciatve cacha _meass

MsB Sinulaor wed Onliae virhul s cimulatoy
Word AcsociaM ,
Tags Desiga ot ^ Cache: Cacha memey
smallLin ti2e)_cnd veny fet 2 ern waidate)vay
Memer Acldrq hon hich it_befutes CA_ad min Dse moy AL rotÖon
.no1:, e Cacke memoy Gehaally_rely
prapenkes bremed_ia L2g ences t addry rekoy
Loeed hy CPU_while _exerdhe a phegyan o.
ameOy eg uyt suaeekd he rcgrnsd bat
Cacbe memoy ndH
ll orel Addres Dera repord the
slmdtneoerl a cccke accec birds daa rideos is

eL a cacbe ace edeeso hhd dara use

oomo 4cceL he _mein mamog.
fon Cache gacaf main memoy a a Let et blacke
AcCecr lo ca
Cacke si2e s muth Lmaller hen_msamemory

H oumbe o t mmin memea blook
poedure AcLeled main memo

bleckinte tache lset

ALsocianive _caebe AAy Doein miamyine en
mepped in anycache ne Vn _memey is

Teacher's Signahure

Expt. No. Page No.

dixjded n gronpt hich ar g n d cordd

i wWords o lowe ordu &/6 and, ideohhu
lo catian_ of aord witaia a block ond a e e
Aigh orde bik i c h denbin e block
Z4 _mist occu CPu brieg he block te
Main memony heCache, i Aa na he
block o k_ehupondicg ut replaccele sleck
ond put a nea enL CPU_uwe dihercot rplatenu
pollci o de cide ich_ b l c k eplacu. pradveotge
aL ecafve Cach is i s h c e tfor_thpelema
Cenpcton buk_uu
hruhing due h 'cond luct:_nksesing a
T o design assoias CacA lick on assacianve
Ceche ComeonA in_ndhr cerporat drautu in
pallete h a i k ushmr you urat a place Sile
add 1S bLswitbg, bil displast
seciatu aab CompOnsat o atter Corsons
Support beh wpt io cathe cacse
draw kkgive
cache it or eser ha
eppiey Iaba
ApLU cpaponeot cooelg 4 Lpt asb set ke 56

he x b/4 endata bis

Teacher's Signature
Expt. No.
Page No.
a Pin costswapan kr
arseciateCach i
pio-32Lcelhesc let Cacbe mappizg or onb
pia- (Llech LAy lau went ispetaddrarer
pin-20LAD,pin-22(AD)Kse 2 p ec ted b cacbsmae
gire oddrg inprub A/-MB. A0 SR
pia-28 LR/wbwh ioput_cackrsut or
pin-22 lM).pin-2c[o)[MpMB, MO-HSB),oeppiy
bih ort ued_bront
pin-21_atid b
pin-20(T1),pin-19(To) (TIr M ZD iLL¢R). Tase

ac A abik.
pin-IELED, pío-Ik(E) e ctpuddoka b/t.A-A

53 Fi
Coatgunhon kranbz'L:L w'Ao,RLw'Dto
Pin 2onkwetonkr cache ppi eO K[unA:4
L/w D L-
e _ coApec ea po cospensos clek oo Lemecton

alne hcheck Ardiknetinpat

Teacher's Signoture:
Expt. No0..
Page No.
Connecton sbaald b rade proppr
Check _pia diagsen crd pin_Conhzanhoq bekx
k Loaectierg
The octput pisshould be cenneckd o duphy ad

Contluion frm H a6ore ezpenimutr wt her

cutcehllyy onplemaed asociaku Cache nemm.

Teacher's Signature
Date .

Expt. No. Page No. -

Aim To deslgn dinct meepeh cacke olacrso

Sinulaby Uted Virhal lab enlins simulabr
7heoyL (ache menory i a inell Lin sil end rg
kart 2ee wait-tate) which sik 4 CPugmain ne
Lnlheo a memony egurt _i peneraed k reguet
i b r t prructl e h tacke memen,nd i t cata
con't cpord reguut ie pyeakd ke e mioam
hit a caca ace birds dets ruded ln cac|

M - a Cache attel cloetaboa data uekd

Loitforter to aLlerL K mein memo
Cache reatr Mein _memety as aLet od block.
A K Cache slze muh caaler han main
the Aupnber o cark Lo ee ve
le hen aumbr o meinne mon sleckrle,
a pmcedureiL oeeded o r bnappl einm
blethaioe Calbe lby l2be
CoLt_Cnd perkrmunta
DirLd Mapprd_cacb Apien block cn ss
DAe_Lack Lo.
Memor aoldrss i dvide into portr tey lmet D mapped ly
fdaabkcahian!-_detmaio mior
index, bleck okset Cmet LsB) in order fo do he Cothe Rlock end
p i a le22
Looaiy D blork lwhith
mppi Cache Leokhir m Aleck
Lo(op diffeea blockt
blok ha
lache 6leck.Eaih
C nbe mappl o a
Teacher's Signature :

Leg, keg Cblock si2e)

Expt. No.
Page No.
no: 01 t in cack'm
nO 0 bik r dentin Corectsel- LoZ% lm)
LsB rocedu.
Design of Dircc apped Cache
lick dicet mopped tacha com ponaad (in o
Lomp eret draLweria pallet), Lkewise oded s 6i4
itds J4 dizplepi
Direeh Noapod Cach wnig in
rapprd bolh
Cache_ Cache meppr No replataaeot peliey ko
bten tamplemuteA. Initialy yr ket fo gie inputt.
Comp cnnt contairs tLed. each set barsL/h lA
Data Cifh) mo bi i ralid bil Dert big cre tas _er
bi ot data b/k. Also, i4 cootis oe dimnink
comr memoy
ary ct memory Hh 4 bt to ore
e o sia hizaddr input-also.

7Pin Contigunhm he b clicking n


thon. Pin umberiy t fem

S h o p i n Lorhs' bu
poceedr_athir clockfr wg.
be tom lett
On compont, pin confptehn
4 r direet moppd
pet-rm_Lath wnk
usLr acnt_o
PIN32LL whe thar
o r utk_eppr ddeuor
2 1 2 / w ' A , whtlu
yee rot o ipuk a
Din 22(AO A3i

PiaaoLA3) pinL
aA2) pin 28LA corpendwh tg.
iLpAJLA2 i L
A0 Teacher's Signature: -

Expt. No.
Page No.
ASAo i l select B
pin 2
R{UD(wbekar norespordiry st
input set oaf cache or
Dio 26 M pin 24/MO, Cache mepplg).
CacbeC k purpoiL brse 2 44 os_ r
pin 23 Dea, Lhis ii on
eable inp whlth
Letoreay wre pupasu b_Cach)
pin 24. Valid bi
pio 20; TIpin l T0 (7 MIB JD-LS thed
Lpin l8LD)pin lXDo)(DIm1B DO-LR2,hese
Cre data Lik.
p 4 ( hi/mi it2 b |ec-osa
pio s E ) ,pin lL Eo) llIA) FolLsR, Pe

eobal pin Lomfzurabra_hr wnbg ib caca

S2l R/w'A: D, R/wp:O2Den
Cacbe megpiz=
6Eseotial pin Coakgurnhor Ar
0f2jNA- /N): Den=0.
Componaot l l e c f
To ary Tuo
pallt_end cLiek en Lerts
OnneLbo neau ot

thea on tezed tuminl

Teacher's Signature.

Expt. No.. *****

Page No.


Connecbon should be mmde pmpeny

. Check he pn oliopte omd pin cortourathors beoe
dhe corhechion
.The op pinshauld be coaneol tie daplay e

Cpncdeyion-hm t i akara expenimentew kre

sucsshlly inplenuctel ol:'cect mapped cackdesgn

Teacher's Signaure


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