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Telemedicine and Orthopaedic Surgery

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Our New Normal

Nathan S. Lanham, MD Abstract

» Telemedicine can serve as a medium for patient evaluation,
Kyle J. Bockelman, DO
monitoring, and interpretation of diagnostic imaging and other tests.
Brendan J. McCriskin, MD
» Advantages of telemedicine include improved access to care, cost-
Downloaded from by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3i3D0OdRyi7TvSFl4Cf3VC4/OAVpDDa8KKGKV0Ymy+78= on 01/19/2021

effectiveness, and efficiency.

Investigation performed at Martin
» Challenges remain regarding more widespread adoption of tele-
Army Community Hospital, Fort
Benning, Georgia medicine and involve reimbursement as well as regulatory support.

» The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has led to a

paradigm shift in telemedicine that is here to stay.

» Patient satisfaction is a key component of telemedicine and will drive

its evolution.

ver the past several decades, and negative findings in the literature per-
there has been a rapid taining to telemedicine and orthopaedic
emergence of technological surgery, and provide a few pragmatic steps
advances that have facili- that can be taken to begin implementing
tated health-care delivery at a distance1. telemedicine in a practice.
Multiple forms of telemedicine have
enabled providers to evaluate patients, Defining Telemedicine
monitor follow-up, and interpret diagnos- Telemedicine has been defined as patient
tic imaging and other tests. This has led to care that is provided at a distance using
improved access to care, cost-effectiveness, information technology, including cell
and efficiency. The coronavirus disease phones, computers, or other electronic
2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and the devices1. The U.S. Centers for Medicare &
response that it has engendered have dis- Medicaid Services (CMS) defines tele-
rupted health-care systems around the medicine, or telehealth and related terms, as
world. Initiatives such as telemedicine have the exchange of medical information from
been encouraged and employed in order to 1 site to another through electronic com-
limit this disruption and combat the spread munication to improve a patient’s health.
of COVID-192. This electronic communication must
Orthopaedic surgery is a dynamic include an audio and a video component
multifaceted specialty that is high-volume in order to be considered a telehealth
and technology-dependent. Therefore, encounter by CMS. More broadly, the
efforts to improve efficiency and leverage World Health Organization (WHO)
technology through telemedicine could defines telemedicine as the delivery of
benefit patients and providers in the field of health-care services at a distance, using
Written work prepared by employees of the orthopaedic surgery under any circum- electronic means for the diagnosis, the
Federal Government as part of their official stances. This review article is intended to treatment, and the prevention of disease
duties is, under the United States Copyright
define and provide a framework for tele- and injury, as well as for research and eval-
Act, a ‘work of the United States Government’
forwhichcopyrightprotectionunderthatActis medicine classification, summarize positive uation and the education of health-care
not available. As such, copyright protection
does not extend to the contributions of Disclosure: The authors indicated that no external funding was received for any aspect of this work.
employees of the Federal Government The Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest forms are provided with the online version of the
prepared as part of their employment. article (

JBJS REVIEWS 2020;8(7):e20.00083 · 1

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providers in order to improve the health reported when the billing practice has an phone on their electronic device are
of their patients1. established relationship with the patient. functioning appropriately prior to the
The patient must generate the initial encounter. Specific tools that can aid
Classification inquiry, and communication can occur virtual physical examination include
Telemedicine may be classified accord- over a 7-day period. This 7-day period web-based goniometers, which have
ing to the nature of the interaction and may involve multiple messages between been noted to be compatible with most
the type of information that is being the patient and the provider and is billed telemedicine applications7. In addition,
transmitted3. Synchronous and asyn- according to the amount of time that is some physical examination tests that
chronous telemedicine are the 2 major required to satisfy the patient’s inquiry5. require manual resistance can be simu-
classifications that characterize tele- lated by having the patient grasp an
medicine as it relates to the timing of the Telemedicine Encounters object of a known size and weight.
provider-patient interaction. Synchro- Prior to the initiation of a telemedicine Additional evaluation of strength and
nous telemedicine, often called real-time encounter, the staff or the provider neurologic status can be achieved with
telemedicine, employs videoconferenc- should inform and educate the patient patient-demonstrated activities, such as
ing and other technologies to facilitate about the nature of the telemedicine having patients sit back in a chair and
provider-patient interaction. Asynchro- service compared with in-person care. then rise without using their arms for
nous telemedicine, often called store- This information can be presented in assistance. In the absence of provocative
and-forward telemedicine, involves writing or verbally and should include a testing, discrete palpation, and stability
generating images or data and trans- discussion of record-keeping, schedul- testing, some authors have advocated for
mitting them electronically for later ing, privacy and security, potential risks, increased utilization of advanced imag-
review4. mandatory reporting, follow-up, and ing studies such as magnetic resonance
The CMS recognizes 3 types of contingencies if the encounter is dis- imaging (MRI)7.
telemedicine services that can be pro- rupted6. Each of these items may be Following each patient encounter,
vided to patients: telehealth visits, vir- included in an all-encompassing documentation should be provided and
tual check-ins, and electronic (E)-visits. waiver consent form that may be maintained in a secure Health Insurance
Telehealth visits are considered virtual electronically signed. Most impor- Portability and Accountability Act
encounters between the provider and tantly, patient-specific concerns about (HIPAA)-compliant form and location.
the patient for services that usually occur the telemedicine encounter should be This includes assessment and discussion
in-person at a clinic or a hospital. The addressed accordingly. with the patient about pertinent diag-
provider must use an interactive audio The patient encounter should nostic tests, imaging or laboratory
and video telecommunications system reflect the level of assessment that is results, and treatment options6.
that permits real-time communication required to manage a patient, taking into
between the distant site and the patient consideration the information that can Advantages
at home for the encounter to be recog- be elicited remotely. Audio-based eval- The purported advantages of tele-
nized and reimbursed as a telehealth uation may be used solely for consulta- medicine include cost-effectiveness,
visit5. tion if the evaluation, the diagnosis, and improved access to care, patient satis-
The CMS also reimburses virtual the treatment can be reliably made with faction, and efficiency. Buvik et al.
check-ins, or brief communications a complete medical history and is con- performed an economic evaluation
with technology-based services, which sistent with established standards of care based on a randomized controlled trial
allow for patients to communicate with and state and federal laws and regula- of 389 patients who had been referred
their providers and avoid unnecessary tions, especially as they relate to the for an orthopaedic outpatient consul-
trips to their provider’s office or hospital. prescribing of medications. tation8. One group was randomized to
These virtual check-ins are intended for Preparing and standardizing the receive a video-assisted remote con-
patients who have an established rela- conditions of the virtual physical exam- sultation, while the control group
tionship with a provider and when the ination can help to optimize the quality received standard care with an outpa-
communication is not related to a and efficiency of the telemedicine tient consultation at the hospital. The
medical visit that has occurred within encounter. As part of this preparation, remote consultation involved trained
the previous 7 days and does not lead to a patients can be sent a pre-encounter nurses who set up the videoconfer-
medical visit within the next 24 hours5. checklist containing certain positives encing at the remote site. The nurses
Lastly, established patients may and negatives that are relevant to the assisted during the consultation and
have non-face-to-face patient-initiated chief concern, in addition to diagrams performed physical tasks, such as
communications, or E-visits, with their for the localization of pain and sensory changing casts or removing stitches.
providers by using online patient por- abnormalities. Patients also should Digital radiographs also were made at
tals. This E-visit service only can be confirm that the camera and the micro- the remote sites if needed and were

2 JULY 2020 · VOLUME 8, ISSUE 7 · e 20.00083

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shown to patients during consulta- patient and the provider were approxi- decrease patient wait times for clinical
tions with the orthopaedic provider to mately 240 km apart13. Two-thirds of evaluation. Clegg et al. found that real-
help inform patients about their the patients who were evaluated with time telemedicine reduced the wait time
pathology. The authors found that the videoconferencing were afforded defin- for wound-care consultations in rural
video-assisted orthopaedic consulta- itive treatment, and the videoconfer- locations from 48 hours to ,24 hours
tions were cost-effective provided that encing obviated the need for these when compared with in-person consul-
the number of consultations per- patients to travel for an in-person tations18. Another study found that tel-
formed per year was .1838. Another appointment13. A randomized trial eradiology for remote orthopaedic
study evaluating cost data obtained comparing telemedicine with standard consultation diminished the need for in-
from a randomized controlled trial outpatient appointments found that hospital consultation and reduced the
showed that telemedicine was less patients in the telemedicine group were average time for decision-making by
costly than conventional care if the offered a follow-up appointment more more than half19.
number of evaluated patients was .80 often. In addition, telemedicine led to Gamus et al. evaluated the remote
per year; however, if the distance to fewer tests being ordered and increased care of lower-extremity ulcers over a
specialist care was reduced from patient satisfaction when compared with 12-month period and compared tele-
160 km to 80 km, the number of standard outpatient consultation14. medicine with face-to-face consulta-
patients needed in order to realize Buvik et al. performed a randomized tions20. The telemedicine evaluation
the same cost benefit increased to controlled trial comparing video-assisted was performed with synchronous vid-
approximately 200 per year9. remote orthopaedic consultations and eoconferencing, and a nurse-assisted
Harno et al. prospectively evalu- standard outpatient consultations in an setting was implemented during all
ated the costs of videoconferencing and orthopaedic clinic for patients living in treatment sessions for both groups. No
outpatient clinic appointments for 225 remote locations15. The telemedicine difference in healing was found between
patients who had been referred to consultations were rated as “good” or “very the groups, and the telemedicine group
orthopaedic surgeons and found that the good” in 98% of cases and were found to had a substantially reduced number of
use of telemedicine reduced direct costs be non-inferior to the standard in-person visits (4.36) when compared with those
by 45% and was cost-effective10. In evaluations15. who had face-to-face care (6.32)20.
another study, first-time telemedicine The United States Army found Similarly, another study evaluated the
appointments with orthopaedic oncol- that its telemedicine program, which efficiency and orthopaedic surgery spe-
ogy specialists for patients with sus- consisted of email consultations from cialty care wait times of patients in remote
pected bone tumors were found to health-care providers in austere settings locations using telemedicine. The authors
decrease health-care costs between 12% of deployment to subspecialty ortho- found that nearly 70% of patient consul-
and 72% when compared with con- paedic consultants, limited the number tations were resolved after 2 telemedicine
ventional face-to-face appointments. of unnecessary medical evacuations16. evaluations, and wait times for referrals to
The cost analysis performed by the Rogers et al. equipped 4 rural hospital orthopaedic subspecialty care decreased
authors considered the cost of trans- emergency departments with real-time from 201 to 40 days21.
portation as the primary variable that videoconference technology to facilitate
was responsible for telemedicine’s cost- consultation with 3 trauma surgeons at Challenges and Barriers
savings11. level-I trauma centers17. Telemedicine Despite multiple studies demonstrating
Despite the evidence in support of consultations in the study were with telemedicine’s efficacy, widespread im-
telemedicine’s cost-effectiveness, other more severely injured patients than the plementation faces multiple barriers,
authors have identified weaknesses and general trauma population that was including regulatory support, reim-
have recommended additional studies to admitted to the level-I trauma center. bursement, liability, and the technology
consider alternative economic evalua- These findings were attributed to the itself.
tions12. Some of these include how increase in capability of the rural hospi- Establishing a patient-provider
studies define costs, which can involve tals, which leveraged the level-I trauma relationship using telemedicine subjects
1 or a combination of factors that are not surgeons’ expertise to perform patient the provider and the practice to all of the
uniform across all studies and therefore care. More than 80% of the rural refer- usual regulatory considerations. The
make cost comparisons difficult11. ring providers believed that telemedi- provider needs to be licensed at the site
Multiple studies have found that cine improved trauma care and was of origin, and the video and medical
telemedicine increases access to care for lifesaving on multiple occasions17. record transmission should be HIPAA-
patients in remote locations. Aarnio Not only has telemedicine been compliant1. Although many state licen-
et al. prospectively evaluated orthopae- shown to decrease cost and improve sure statutes have provisions for inter-
dic telemedicine consultations that were access to care, it has also been shown state consultations and have enacted
performed in which the locations of the to improve provider efficiency and special “telemedicine licenses,” these are

JULY 2020 · VOLUME 8, ISSUE 7 · e20.00083 3

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not uniformly present in all states. their telemedicine system, such as orders maintenance or service subscription
In addition, The Joint Commission and progress notes that were not inserted fees, which can add additional costs.
requires that physicians practicing with into the chart after the consultation had Telemedicine encounters that are re-
telemedicine technologies be creden- been completed18. Similar challenges corded and archived as part of the per-
tialed in the hospital where they are were noted by Rogers et al.17. On mul- manent medical record necessitate large
transmitting17. Additionally, the Ryan tiple occasions, the hospital and the data storage capability, which also can
Haight Act prohibits the prescribing of trauma surgeon were not able to connect increase costs.
controlled substances without a valid using the videoconferencing system. Nevertheless, there are lower-cost
prescription and requires at least 1 in- Additional technical failures included alternatives in the form of videoconfer-
person evaluation. Although there are loss of remote camera control and non- encing software and mobile applications
exemptions granted for telemedicine, functional audio17. (apps) that can be easily downloaded
providers must meet specific criteria, Baruffaldi et al. compared asyn- onto computers, tablets, and smart-
and these vary from state to state. The chronous and synchronous real-time phones. Zoom for Healthcare, GoTo-
current public health emergency is 1 of teleconsulting for orthopaedic second Meeting, and Skype for Business are a
the exemptions to the Ryan Haight Act opinions24. The authors found that few examples of the products that pur-
and was granted by the U.S. Drug asynchronous teleconsulting was pre- port HIPAA-compliant videoconfer-
Enforcement Administration (DEA) in ferred in the majority of cases, although encing capability26. The WhatsApp
March 2020 to help curtail the spread of there were issues with the lack of infor- Messenger is another example of a
COVID-1922. mation or the low quality of the infor- relatively inexpensive nonmedical
The next challenge is reimburse- mation that had been received from the mobile app that has been shown to
ment. Medicare only pays for video referring sites. The authors found that effectively facilitate orthopaedic care in
consultation if the patient lives in a clinicians’ confidence in their diagnosis multiple clinical settings27,28. The cost-
designated rural Health Professional was lower in asynchronous consulta- effectiveness and ubiquitous presence of
Shortage Area, and reimbursement by tions, and clinical complexity and orga- these technologies should be balanced
private payers varies5. Thus, under the nizational requirements were noted to against their requirements of patient
current payment models, reimburse- be the main factors affecting the choice resources and fluency with technology.
ment is limited. However, during the of the consulting procedure24. Although Presuming that all patients possess the
COVID-19 pandemic, several insur- videoconferencing has been found to be necessary technology and understand-
ance companies as well as the CMS, with feasible for the examination of ortho- ing of this technology to effectively
the support of multiple regulatory bod- paedic outpatients when randomized to leverage it for telemedicine may disen-
ies, made necessary changes to their telemedicine, there have been problems franchise certain groups of patients.
policies that enabled providers to engage examining these patients. There are Therefore, consideration of lower-cost
patients with telemedicine and bill for instances where the diagnosis and sub- alternative forms of telemedicine cannot
their services5. sequent treatment are contingent on ignore the patient factors that may
Malpractice insurance and liability specific physical examination findings or compromise their efficacy.
for providers who are engaged in tele- inspection can be impeded with poor-
medicine also have raised concerns17,18,23. quality audio-video or imaging tech- Implementation
Some institutions have attempted to nology. Therefore, some authors Despite multiple challenges and bar-
resolve these concerns by covering endorse the remote evaluation of riers, telemedicine possesses several
providers in the same fashion as an in- orthopaedic patients only when reliable advantages and can serve as a valuable
person visit, and they require the use and high-quality audio-video or imaging tool to reduce costs, increase access, and
of a separate consent form for tele- technology is not critical for developing improve patient satisfaction and effi-
medicine encounters 17 . In addition, a treatment plan25. ciency. Providers who are interested in
each telemedicine encounter is vid- Finally, the costs of implementation developing a telemedicine service-line in
eotaped and kept as part of the per- and maintenance have been cited as their practice should set clear goals that
manent medical record for each barriers to the widespread adoption of reflect the needs of their patient popu-
patient encounter 23 . Other liability telemedicine. The cost of installing the lation and practice. This begins with
concerns have been raised in which required surveillance equipment to determining which telemedicine plat-
a referring provider could be held complete remote wound consults form capabilities would enable effective
liable for not obtaining a telemed- through videoconferencing has been telemedicine consultations. Some of
icine consult if the service was noted to be substantial18. This finding these platform capabilities include, but
available 17 . has been echoed in other studies, with are not limited to, the ability to screen
Clegg et al. noted technological starting costs ranging from $10,000 to share and review imaging with patients
difficulties with the implementation of $17,0008,17. These costs do not include while also simultaneously maintaining

4 JULY 2020 · VOLUME 8, ISSUE 7 · e 20.00083

Te l e m e d i c i n e a n d O r t h o p a e d i c S u r g e r y |

TABLE I Telemedicine Resources

Resource Description

Center for Connected Health Nonprofit organization originally established by the California Health Care
Policy (CCHP)* Foundation
Serves as the National Telehealth Policy Resource Center
Resources dedicated to national and state-specific telehealth policy
National Consortium of Federally funded with charter from the Office for the Advancement of
Telehealth Resource Centers Telehealth
(TRC)† Provides assistance, education, and information to individuals and
organizations interested in providing health care at a distance
Regional telehealth resource center hub
National Telehealth Technology Grant funded with support from the Office for the Advancement of Telehealth,
Assessment Resource Center Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and
(TTAC)‡ Human Services (HHS)
Based out of the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC)
Offers a variety of services in the areas of technology assessment and selection
for providers
American Telemedicine Nonprofit association that is headquartered in Washington, DC
Association (ATA)§ Seeks to accelerate the adoption of telehealth
Promotes policy and provides education and resources to include
telemedicine clinical practice guidelines

* † ‡ §

videoconferencing. Other examples Additionally, there must be an health information should then follow
include audio-only platforms and analysis of the projected cost impact (Table II). Many of the larger elec-
asynchronous texting or emailing. and a review of state regulations to tronic medical record (EMR) compa-
While patient satisfaction has been ensure that a patient-provider rela- nies provide telemedicine options
demonstrated in both synchronous tionship can occur using telemedicine. that interface with their EMR. Thus,
and asynchronous telemedicine The Center for Connected Health providers currently using an EMR
platforms, studies citing patient sat- Policy (CCHP) is 1 of many resources system should consider engaging
isfaction with asynchronous tele- that can help providers understand their EMR’s representatives. Lastly,
medicine have primarily involved many of the policies and regulations verifying state licensure rules and
older patient populations 29. There- pertaining to telemedicine (Table I). policy compliance along with re-
fore, the capability to deliver multi- Reviewing telemedicine vendors and viewing malpractice considerations
modal telemedicine services allows for options in addition to ensuring HI- with your malpractice insurance
a more efficacious patient-centered PAA compliance with secured en- carrier can mitigate medicolegal
approach. crypted transmissions for personal liability.

TABLE II Telemedicine Vendor Considerations*

Determine upfront and maintenance/subscription cost(s)

Assess platform capabilities (screen sharing, uploading outside images)
System compliance with HIPAA and medical boards
Type of services provided (synchronous “real-time” videoconferencing versus asynchronous “store-and-forward”)
24/7 service and technical support
Integration with current practice and electronic health record
Support for insurance claims/billing

* HIPAA 5 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability


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JULY 2020 · VOLUME 8, ISSUE 7 · e20.00083 7

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