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Whisper Course Template

What is a whisper course?

A whisper course is a series of emails, each with a simple suggestion, or “whisper,” for a manager to try in
their one-on-ones or team meetings. This template walks you through creating 3-5 “Whispers.” Keep each
Whisper short so your participants are more likely to try it. A whisper course can be a standalone learning
vehicle, or a post-course email series to help learners apply concepts learned in a live course

Target audience:

Learning objective(s):
E.g. “Learners will be able to <action verbs>”

𝤿 Check: can the content be broken into small, digestible pieces?

Evaluation strategy:
E.g. How will you know that this whisper course made a difference in your target audience’s skills, behaviors or
knowledge? What other less obvious metrics might indicate impact?

Pro tip: Try using Google Forms to collect ratings and feedback.
Whisper 1
The “what” and “why”

Call to action, tip or experiment:

The ”when” and “how”

𝤿 Check: Does the gist of this whisper fit on a sticky note?

𝤿 Check: Can it be carried out during a normal workday?

Follow-up reminder:
This could include an additional useful tidbit, or reason to try the whisper
Whisper 2
The “what” and “why”

Call to action, tip or experiment:

The ”when” and “how”

𝤿 Check: Does the gist of this whisper fit on a sticky note?

𝤿 Check: Can it be carried out during a normal workday?
Follow-up reminder:
This could include an additional useful tidbit, or reason to try the whisper

Whisper 3
The “what” and “why”

Call to action, tip or experiment:

The ”when” and “how”
𝤿 Check: Does the gist of this whisper fit on a sticky note?
𝤿 Check: Can it be carried out during a normal workday?

Follow-up reminder:
This could include an additional useful tidbit, or reason to try the whisper

Whisper 4
The “what” and “why”

Call to action, tip or experiment:

The ”when” and “how”
𝤿 Check: Does the gist of this whisper fit on a sticky note?
𝤿 Check: Can it be carried out during a normal workday?

Follow-up reminder:
This could include an additional useful tidbit, or reason to try the whisper

Whisper 5
The “what” and “why”

Call to action, tip or experiment:

The ”when” and “how”
𝤿 Check: Does the gist of this whisper fit on a sticky note?
𝤿 Check: Can it be carried out during a normal workday?

Follow-up reminder:
This could include an additional useful tidbit, or reason to try the whisper

Whisper Example: “Acknowledge & Appreciate”

The “what” and “why”

Especially coming from you, a little acknowledgement and appreciation goes a long way in validating the
work of your team members. This week, pay extra attention to the contributions each person on your
team makes, whether big or small — especially if they have not been recently recognized by you or others.
Authenticity is crucial here — only use these experiments when you genuinely appreciate what your team
member said or did!

Call to action, tip or experiment:

The ”when” and “how”

In 1:1s, you might say: “I noticed and appreciate the

way you [did X]”

In a team meeting, try: “That’s a really thought

provoking point that you brought up because…”
☑ Check: Does the gist of this whisper fit on a sticky note?
☑ Check: Can it be carried out during a normal workday?

Follow-up reminder:
This could include an additional useful tidbit, or reason to try the whisper

Subject: <Insert name>, does your team know you appreciate them?

Thank you for taking the time to invest in your own development and for taking steps to make <insert
organization name> a more psychologically safe and inclusive place, starting with your team.

Here's a gentle reminder to check out the "Acknowledge & Appreciate" whisper.

By the way, have you ever noticed that not everyone likes to be recognized in the same way? In your 1:1s,
try asking “how do you prefer to be recognized?” (e.g. privately vs. publicly, over email or in person)

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