Age-Reversing Secret

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NASA Scientists Discover

Age-Reversing Secret That
You Look and Feel Young
This space-age secret reprograms the body’s cells
to grow younger… switches on the “longevity gene”…
and helps you fit into your “skinny” jeans, too!

NASA scientists have uncovered a stunning reversal of the aging process.

And it works no matter what kind of genes you were born with…

…No matter how hard you’ve lived…

…No matter your daily habits or your diet…

…And no matter how old you are.

This NASA discovery can make the difference between doing whatever you want to do day to
day… or spending your years in an “old age” home and giving up your favorite activities.

It can make the difference between feeling like a 27-year-old trapped in an old person’s
body… or feeling, moving, and thinking like you’re 27 again!

Yet it’s all amazingly simple.

These twin brothers are living proof that getting older

doesn’t have to be a life sentence and aging CAN be “reversed”…
For the first time ever, NASA scientists studying the effects of space travel on astronauts were
able to conduct an experiment they’ve never been able to do before.

They had the rare opportunity to look at the effects of space travel on twin brothers—one
currently an astronaut and the other a former astronaut.

Astronaut Scott Kelly, who appears on the right in the photo below, spent 340 days on the
International Space Station a few years ago.

His twin brother Mark Kelly, who appears on the left, spent that entire time period on Earth.

When this photo was taken, both men were 52 years old… and it was shortly after Astronaut
Scott Kelly returned from his time in space.

Notice how he is smiling… his face looks more relaxed… his eyes and facial expression more

Even his posture indicates someone who feels younger, fitter, and more robust, with greater
strength and vigor.

At a glance, the differences are astonishing!

But let’s take a look below the surface.

NASA scientists used this rare opportunity to monitor changes inside Mr. Kelly’s body while
he was in space—and compare them to those experienced by his brother Mark on Earth.

Right before Astronaut Scott Kelly’s voyage to space, they took blood samples from both

When Scott returned 340 days later, they drew blood samples from both of them again.
The scientists then compared the blood samples, looking for any changes.

That’s when they made a shocking discovery…

Something in Astronaut Scott Kelly’s body

proved he grew younger in space!
We all know age is just a number, right?

There’s your chronological age. And then there’s your real age.

Your real age is determined by the length of your telomeres.

Telomeres are those tiny end caps at the end of each strand of DNA. Their job is to protect the
chromosomes in your body’s cells.

They’re like the protective plastic caps at the end of your shoelaces.

The shorter your telomeres are, the older your body is. The longer they are, the younger it is.

Put simply, the length of your telomeres tells the tale of what your body’s been through, and
how well it’s holding up.

It tells you your real age.

But sadly, as the result of a barrage of unavoidable environmental toxins, free radicals, stress,
and other factors, your telomeres take a constant hit.

It’s like death by a thousand cuts…

Over time your body’s telomeres—robustly long and healthy when you are born—become
shorter with each swing of the pendulum on the clock.

And each time your telomeres are shortened, your healthy cells gradually stop dividing.

Eventually, these cells die, which is natural part of aging. But from there it’s a steady march
towards things declining .

But back to our twin astronauts.

What happened to Astronaut Kelly’s brother Mark during his 340-day period here on Earth?

Not surprisingly, his telomeres got shorter… just like what happens each day with the rest of

What about Astronaut Scott Kelly?

NASA scientists expected to see Scott’s telomeres shorten considerably during the 340 days
he spent at the space station.

In fact, they expected to see them shorten more than Mark’s did, due to radiation exposure
and constant physical and mental stress while up in space.

But instead, they found Scott’s telomeres got longer… signaling an improvement in longevity!

The scientists were so shocked by the findings,

they thought they were wrong!
To be sure their findings were correct, the NASA scientists sent the blood samples to another
laboratory to double-check the results.

Their findings were confirmed. Astronaut Scott Kelly had grown younger while in space.

It wasn’t until further research was done that scientists figured out the next piece of the

What exactly happened in that space station that made Astronaut Kelly’s telomeres lengthen?

Once they discovered the answer, they now knew how it helped him look and feel younger,
sharper, and more energized—instead of older and more tired like they had expected.

And most important of all…

They figured out EXACTLY how to replicate

that process here on Earth.
Allow me to explain. My name is Becky Jansen and I’m Director of Research and Development
for a leading nutritional company right here in the U.S.

My job is simply to find the newest (and biggest) health breakthroughs BEFORE anyone else…
which led me to the exciting NASA discovery I’m going to share with you today.

I will reveal all of the details to you in the next few minutes. But let me start by saying, you are
not a NASA astronaut and what my team and I have found, is a much easier way to get
similar benefits.

That’s why it’s so urgent you read this entire presentation right now.

It’s the only way you may be able to get the same “age-reversing” effects Astronaut Kelly
enjoyed up in space.

This incredible discovery could be life-changing.

It proves once and for all that your telomeres really CAN be elongated… and that you can
begin to erase signs of aging like a feeble mind and body.

Just think of the many happy, healthy years that could potentially be added to your life.

But there’s much more to it than simply lengthening your telomeres…

It all starts with activating the “longevity gene”…

Research now shows a very rare and special natural compound called Extract “M” can
actually reprogram the body’s cells to grow younger.

Not only that, it can help boost your energy and brainpower… stimulate faster fat loss…
improve your circulation and heart function… fend off free radical stress… and even promote
healthy blood sugar levels.

It does all of this and more by activating a protein in the body called SIRT1, known as the
“longevity gene”. It’s the key master metabolic switch in your body.

SIRT1 does many things. It’s responsible for energy metabolism, stress resistance, cell
survival, and longevity.

But new stem cell research reveals something else. SIRT1 is essential for reprogramming the
body’s cells to grow younger. It does so by helping to lengthen and maintain telomeres.

That means it’s able to lessen—and even reverse—aging!

That’s exactly what happened to Astronaut Scott Kelly when he spent 340 days in space.

In spite of facing daily health concerns, constant exposure to everyday radiation, and nonstop
physical and mental stress, his body grew younger.

So how does Extract “M” work?

According to research from the manufacturer, it mimics a process in your body that’s been
shown to be one of the most effective means for slowing the pace of aging.

It’s called calorie restriction. And research going back to the 1930s proves it not only slows
aging, it extends lifespan. In fact, scientists say it…

Doubles your chances of living longer!

One landmark study looked at the high prevalence of centenarians living in Okinawa, Japan.
Researchers found that adults there on average consumed 20% fewer calories than the
average Japanese adult.
As a result, people living in Okinawa were up to 59% more likely to live longer healthier lives
compared other Japanese adults. No wonder so many people there live past 100!

In another study in Spain, researchers took 120 overweight men and put half of them on a
calorie-restricted. Three years later, they looked at the results.

They found those on the calorie-restricted diet over that 3-year period, were 46% more
likely to live longer.

That means they doubled their chances of a longer lifespan!

You can see how calorie restriction holds the key to living a longer, healthier life. And the
reason it works is because it activates SIRT1 in the body.

By doing so, it increases your energy and endurance… boosts your metabolism to make it
almost effortless to slim down… shields your body from the damaging effects of stress… and
reprograms your cells to live longer, extending your longevity.

But until recently, scientists thought calorie restriction was the only way to activate SIRT1 in
the body.

That was until they discovered the powerful, age-reversing benefits of Extract “M”.

According to the manufacturer, Extract “M”, whose scientific name is Mangifera indica, also
switches on SIRT1… unleashing its anti-aging effects into every one of your body’s cells.

That means it…

Mimics calorie restriction— without forcing you

to restrict calories!
With Extract “M”, you get the best of both worlds. So imagine… indulging in a savory meal
without obsessing over calorie-counting.

Your body acts as if you are restricting your calorie intake—and unleashes the “youthing”
SIRT1 enzyme in the body.

It’s how it could potentially extend your lifespan, lengthens your telomeres, re-programs the
body’s cells… and literally turns back the clock.

Based on results from an in vitro study, the changes were nothing short of dramatic.

And they can be for you too…

Your face looks younger. And we’ve had reports of hair thickening as well.

Your energy increases and your mood stays bright and sunny.
You begin going up steps again with ease. You feel much more alert with no more “brain fog”.

Your entire body starts to feel younger… your friends and loved ones wonder what you’re
doing… and you start to view aging differently—as something that’s optional!

But that’s only what you experience on the outside. What’s even more important is what this
release of SIRT1 could do inside the body when you take Extract “M” each day…

Blood sugar levels and circulation IMPROVE!

One study by Swiss researchers looked at the effects of Extract “M” on blood sugar
metabolism and circulation.

They took a group of healthy patients and gave half of them this specially-prepared extract,
while giving the other half a placebo.

Four weeks later, the researchers found those patients taking Extract “M” improved their
blood sugar levels. That’s with NO diet changes! But that’s not all.

These patients also significantly improved the health of the cells that line their blood vessels.

This enables blood to flow much more easily… bringing vital oxygen and nutrients even to the
tiniest capillaries furthest from your heart.

Before long, you feel and perform as if you were years younger! That’s because this increased
blood flow…

Boosts your brainpower AND your heart health!

It helps get more blood to your brain, boosting your memory and focus.

It gets more blood pumping to your feet and legs, helping you with tackle your day-to-day
tasks with ease and comfort.

And it gets more blood flowing smoothly through your arteries, keeping your heart pumping
strong and you feeling healthy. But that’s not all.

Extract “M” also helps trigger your body’s natural inflammatory response, which can
sometimes result in joint discomfort and other common issues of aging.

As if all this isn’t enough, research shows Extract “M” does something else that can make you
look and feel younger and live years longer.

It activates an enzyme in the body called AMPK, also known as the “skinny gene”. And it may
well be…
The secret to fitting into your favorite “skinny” jeans again!
Research shows that activating this “skinny gene” helps regulate appetite, to avoid
overeating. It does so by maintaining the “hunger” hormone ghrelin.

Ghrelin is the evil culprit that tells you to finish that plate of pasta even if you’re full… or
makes you crave that pint of ice cream or finish off an entire bag of chips.

Before you know it, you’ve packed on extra pounds that seem to come out of nowhere… and
can be impossible to lose.

But Extract “M” comes to the rescue, regulating the hunger hormone so appetite decreases.

Before you know it, those excess pounds can melt off—leaving you healthier, fitter, and
slimmer than you’ve been in years!

In fact, taking Extract “M” can even help keep metabolic syndrome at bay. Metabolic
syndrome often brings with it weight gain around your middle, along with other concerns.

Yet research shows when you activate the “skinny gene”, the body is better able to break
down fat that’s stored in the body and use it for energy.

That means you can not only shed extra pounds almost effortlessly, you can feel more

In past studies, scientists were only able to activate this “skinny gene” via intense exercise,
like having mice run on a treadmill.

But now thanks to Extract “M”, you can get the same effect simply by swallowing a pill.

That’s why we put this potent, specially-produced extract into a new breakthrough anti-aging
formula called SetraVida.

It’s only available from NorthStar Nutritionals, so you won’t find it in stores. You won’t see it
on Amazon or advertised on late-night TV or in newspapers.

We’ve only been offering this amazing formula for a short while. But already, we’re hearing…

Rave reviews from people who’ve tried it!

Like Regina C., who reported more energy, better focus and retention, and a positive mood—
after only 1 day of taking SetraVida. 1 day!*
*Results not typical. SetraVida is designed to support healthy aging.

At 72, Regina needed naps often, but with SetraVida on her side, her life is now more positive
and she’s more energetic than ever before.
And then there’s Joanne L., who wrote in to share that after just 3 to 4 weeks of
taking SetraVida, her silver hair was thickening. She was able to more easily climb steps
without getting tired.

Her gums were healthier, and her sense of smell and taste have reawakened. At 73, Joanne is
confident with her heart health and is enjoying life to the fullest again!*
*Results not typical. SetraVida is designed to support healthy aging.

Or like Raymond W., who says after taking SetraVida he feels better than he has in 20 years!

At his last appointment, Raymond left his doctor speechless because his numbers looked so

Wouldn’t you like to do the same at your next doctor’s appointment or annual physical?

Thanks to the power of Extract “M”, I know SetraVida can help you feel more energized…
maintain healthy blood sugar and cholesterol numbers… drop excess pounds more easily…
and potentially add many healthy, happy years to your life.

In short, taking SetraVida can help you feel ageless… in just weeks!

But what good is a younger, healthier body if you don’t enjoy a well-functioning brain and
sharp memory to go with it?

That’s why you also need this nutraceutical breakthrough we’ve included in SetraVida to…

Supercharge your memory and focus—and enjoy crystal-clear

thinking well into your golden years!
Its scientific name is cytidine 5-diphosphocholine, but we’ll call it “Cy-5” for short.

It might sound like “sci fi”, but there’s nothing science fiction about it.

“Cy-5” is a special form of a B-vitamin you can find in egg yolks, cow liver, grass-fed dairy
products, and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli.

But unlike this B-vitamin, “Cy-5” is identical to a brain-youthing substance that occurs
naturally in your body. It makes up approximately 30% of your brain tissue.

This vital substance increases the production of neurotransmitters, or chemical messengers,

in your brain.

You need these chemical messengers so you can form new memories, pay attention to what
someone is saying, or focus on something you’re reading or working on.

They’re also needed for you to learn something new or recall something you already know.
But you produce much less of this vital brain substance as you age, which your brain needs to
stay alert and healthy… and struggles along on just the bare minimum of chemical

That’s when the forgetting what you were about to say… or where you put your glasses or car
keys… or the name of someone you’ve met before begins.

Fortunately, we now know “Cy-5” can help—a lot. A number of studies suggest this cutting-
edge nutraceutical…

Improves, even reverses, age-related memory impairment.

That’s because it helps activate a part of your brain that controls your memory, mood, and

As you age, this part of your brain becomes less active. But “Cy-5” wakes it up by supporting
the energy factories inside brain cells and enhancing circulation.

It also nourishes and maintains the protective cell membranes, promotes healthy brain
metabolism, and boosts the production of chemical messengers.

So not only does your brain wake up, your brain cells are better able to communicate with
each other… and improved memory and crystal-clear thinking return!

It’s been proven again and again in human studies. One study looked at 24 older adults with
memory problems. Their average age was 66 years old.

Researchers gave half of them “Cy-5” to take and the other half a placebo. Four weeks later
they put the participants through a round of tests to test their memory and recall.

What happened next was…

A stunning boost in mental performance—

in as little as one month!
The researchers found significant immediate and short-term memory improvements in those
given “Cy-5” compared to those who were given a placebo.

In fact, they saw this group perform by as much as 27% better… after just 4 weeks!

The researchers also found a nice “side benefit” in the participants who took “Cy-5”. During
the 4-week study, their blood pressure levels got healthier!

“Cy-5” was first discovered decades ago at the University of Chicago. For years it was only
available as a treatment for a select few in Japan due to its circulation-boosting effects.
And it’s been available for years in Europe for people suffering from age-related mental
decline and memory problems.

But it’s now finally available here in the U.S., without a prescription AND we’ve included it
in SetraVida. I know it can help you…

Build a better, younger brain—

and forget your fears about the future.
By taking this breakthrough formula each day, you can get back that razor-sharp memory and
focus… and put your concerns about your future to rest forever!

Just ask Timothy W. He decided to try SetraVida because he was concerned about his poor
memory, lack of focus, and foggy thinking.

He says he noticed a difference after just a few days!* He now feels more alert and enjoys
better memory and recall. Overall, he’s much happier and more positive about his future!
*Results not typical. SetraVida is designed to support healthy aging.

As you can see, SetraVida is like getting two supplements in one. One to invigorate your body,
and one to revitalize your brain.

That’s the youth-restoring power of Extract “M” and “Cy-5”. But we didn’t stop there.

We also added a brand new, ultra-rejuvenating nutrient that does something we all need. It
has the power to…

Shield your body from the constant onslaught of toxins…

and erase their aging effects!
This powerful new discovery is called “Co-factor G” and it gives you a “coat of armor” against
future aging and disease.

Because it neutralizes free radicals, eliminates toxins, and supports your immune system, it
can de-age your body and restore vibrant health quickly.

“Co-factor G” works by reversing a common yet hidden deficiency that speeds up aging and
disease. This deficiency is the lack of a protective, age-fighting molecule called glutathione.

Your body requires ample amounts of this vital molecule to help support your immune
system and fend off toxins—as well as other health concerns.

In fact, a University of Michigan study found something amazing when they looked at a group
of 33 men and women, all age 60 or older.
After measuring their glutathione levels, the researchers found the people with higher levels
were more likely to experience joint comfort or healthy blood sugar levels.

What’s more, these people were much more likely to enjoy healthy cholesterol levels, reduced
body mass, and healthier blood pressure levels.

You can see how glutathione can make the difference between aging well—and fighting
against the clock.

Yet there’s a good chance you suffer unknowingly from a deficiency. That’s because…

Research shows your blood levels of glutathione drop drastically from

age 60 to 79—and continue falling from there.
That’s why you need “Co-factor G”, and why we included it in SetraVida.

You see, until recently you couldn’t take glutathione in a supplement that your body could
absorb easily. But “Co-factor G”, also known as Setria® Glutathione, changes all that.

It’s a special form that’s able to be absorbed directly into your bloodstream. From there it
creates an impenetrable wall against environmental toxins, keeping them from infiltrating
your body’s cells and organs.

It works fast, too. A recent study at Penn State showed that “Co-factor G” increases your
body’s glutathione levels by as much as 35% over a 6-month period.

The study also found this special form of glutathione supports your immune system!

Imagine how much more energized, sharper, and healthier you’ll feel when you start quickly
restoring your body’s glutathione levels to fend off environmental toxins and boosting your

…When you start activating the “longevity gene” and fitting into those “skinny” jeans…

…All while potentially taking years off your chronological age!

Except you won’t have to wait that long.

Thanks to the powerful trio of nutrients I’ve just told you about—plus a few more I haven’t
had time to get to…

You could feel like a brand-new man or woman in no time!

It’s no wonder when we asked our top doctor, Dr. Allan Spreen, what he thinks
about SetraVida, he said…
“This new longevity-promoting formula is the best I’ve ever seen in my 35-year career!”

Dr. Spreen says he already recommends the ingredients in SetraVida on their own to anyone

But this breakthrough formula is the first he’s seen to combine them into one convenient pill,
in the ideal forms and amounts.

“There’s no doubt, I’ll be recommending this whenever the topic comes up… and adding it to
my own daily regimen, too,” said Dr. Spreen.

I do have to warn you though. Many of these ingredients are hard to get. Some are in short
supply, especially Extract “M”.

That’s because it must be harvested from a certain type of exotic fruit at just the right time so
it’s at the correct degree of ripeness. That’s the only way to obtain the highest amount of
naturally-occurring plant compounds.

So when we say we really could sell out of SetraVida—and it could be months before we’re
able to get more produced—we really mean it.

And I’d really hate for you to miss out.

That’s because there’s so much life that’s worth living waiting for you in the years and
decades ahead. Thanks to SetraVida…

You’ll no longer fear aging… because you’ll start aging well!

Birthdays will be a cause for happiness—not cracking “old age” jokes. In fact, you may find
yourself setting a new goal for yourself… whether you’re 55 or 95 years old.

You’ll start dreaming up ways to celebrate your 100 th birthday. Heck, maybe your
110 th birthday!

In the meantime, you’ll love noticing how much younger and healthier you look and feel.
Because when you feel great on the inside, it shows on the outside!

You bubble with energy and enthusiasm, and tackle that favorite hobby or activity you’ve
been ignoring because you’re too tired.

You can start wearing out your grandchildren (their parents will thank you!) instead of the
other way around… and have energy to spare.

You can avoid the embarrassment of forgetting a name or word… those frustrating searches
for misplaced items… or worrying about losing your marbles.
I want all of these things for you—including that shocked expression on your doctor’s face
when he looks at your cholesterol, blood pressure, or blood sugar numbers and asks you what
you’re doing differently.

You deserve to live the longest, fullest, richest life possible—and I know SetraVida can make
that happen for you.

I’m so confident…

I’m willing to give you a full 25 years

to put it to the test risk-free!
If you don’t feel like a new man or woman one month from now or one year from now—or
even 25 years from now, I’ll refund every penny you’ve paid.

That’s how sure I am you’ll see a dramatic difference from taking SetraVida fast… and will
still be loving your results years later!

But remember, we only have a limited supply of this breakthrough formula available right
now. And I fully expect we’ll sell out as more people see this presentation.

Especially since we’re offering special savings when you stock up now.

And that’s not all. You’ll also get to enjoy…

FREE shipping and handling on this order—

and all of your future orders!
Normally we add a nominal charge of $6.95 to cover shipping and handling costs to each
order. This barely covers our expenses. We make no money off this fee.

However, as part of this special introductory offer, we’ll waive this charge and give you FREE
shipping and handling. Not just on your first order, but on all of your future orders, too!

We’ll also provide you with worry-free convenience and locked-in savings. You’ll never pay
more for SetraVida for your 10 th or 20 th bottle than you will for your first bottle.

What’s more, you’ll be assured you always have a fresh supply at the ready whenever you’re
about to run out. You’ll be #1 on our priority shipment list—ahead of any new customers.

So you don’t have to worry about being without the life-changing benefits SetraVida can
bring you.

We call this premier service our Auto Delivery Service. And it doesn’t lock you into anything.

When you place your first order today, we’ll rush SetraVida to your door. In just weeks…
You’ll feel younger, sharper, and more energized
right before your eyes!
Then, when your original order of SetraVida is running low, our system will alert us and we’ll
securely charge the credit card you use to order today.

About a week or so later, your next shipment will arrive at your door, just when you need it.
You don’t have to lift a finger!

This effortless, armchair convenience and guaranteed maximum savings—and free shipping
and handling on each order—are yours to enjoy for as long as you like.

If you like, you can change your delivery schedule at any time… adjust the number of bottles
you receive… or temporarily stop the service while you’re on vacation.

Best of all, even if the price of the ingredients in SetraVida go up, you’ll never be charged
more than today’s special price.

There’s no commitment or strings attached.

You risk absolutely nothing by giving this

breakthrough a chance to work for you.
You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.

Think about where you might be two months from now… two years from now… or two
decades from now.

Will you be tired when you climb stairs… or will you lose your keys?

Will you feel like you can’t keep up with your grandkids?

Or will you be sailing away on your next cruise well into your 90s and beyond… working in
your garden or hitting the golf course or tennis courts… and living each day with confidence
and gusto?

The choice is yours.

You can get started on SetraVida today for less than the cost of a daily cup of coffee at
Starbucks or even Dunkin Donuts.

Wouldn’t you rather spend that money

on enjoying life to the fullest?
Thanks to SetraVida, you’ll be able to do so to your heart’s content. There’s no price you can
put on having your energy, good health, and youthfulness restored as you begin to age in
reverse to the astonishment of your friends and family!

Remember there’s zero risk, and an unlimited guarantee. You can return your most recent
order anytime for a full refund, even if the bottles are opened or empty!

There really is nothing to lose. But the risk of not acting right now is much greater.

Due to limited supplies of “Extract M” and the other cutting-edge nutrients you get
in SetraVida, I urge you to act quickly while we still have supplies in stock.

Our lead time to produce our next inventory could take months. Those are months that could
be life-changing for you.

Just like they’ve been for Joanne L., who was climbing stairs more easily and looking and
feeling more youthful after just 3 or 4 weeks.

Just like they’ve been for Raymond W., whose results were so phenomenal, he left his doctor
speechless at his appointment.

And just like they’ve been for Timothy W., who noticed dramatically improved memory and
alertness after just a few weeks!

These folks were glad they didn’t put off ordering SetraVida. And you’ll be thankful, too.

Click the button below to get started right away!

Thanks for reading,

Becky Jansen
NorthStar Nutritionals

View this product's ingredients.

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