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GaenMi C s Re SC . SCOLUMNS coed feremmeatce) WITH DR. DAVID D. SWANSON 1 Corinthians 12:27 ‘As we move through the slower summer months, itis @ good time to think about our lives and how we are using them to serve the Lord. Our church has made some distinct changes to both our leadership structure and our service model in the hopes of creat ing a community of believers who lve in the joy of using their gifts to build His Kingdom. The more we understand our “part” inthe: body, that more effective our church becomes in serving God. The purpose of my letter is to explain some of those changes in more detail ‘One of the things I love most about the church s the variety of gifts found within her. As Paul alludes to in the text above, we are each 2 part ofthis body, and as such, we have a role to play init. Part ‘of our task as church leaders is to equip you to serve, and then to create the environment in which you can use your gifts FaithServes is the model we are using to accomplish that. What used to be known as the “Missions Carmmittee” is now an active ministry team working to create both the resources and the environment for each member to be engaged in serving the Lord in some capacity, using their gifts for God's glory while experiencing the joy that results from doing so. ‘Along with the creation of FaithServes, we have adjusted how our ‘elders serve in the life of the church. Elders are called by God to serve, along with the pastors, as the spiritual shepherds of the body. They are the congregation's spiritual leaders. Too often, however, they do not function well in that capacity because of the ‘overwhelming administrative duties that came along with the of- fice. Further, with 36 active elders, their ability to speak into the issues at any given meeting was limited. There were simply too many voices in the room making creative output nearly impossible. ‘Thus, led a study committee for the past nine months in analyzing how to make our elders more effective and how to enhance the quality of their experience. The results were approved by our cur- rent Session last month, and they are as follows: 1. Committees willbe changed to Ministry Teams. Acommit: tee has long been understood as an information-gathering approval board, but not necessarily one that was engaged in ministry. No longer will thet be the case. A Ministry Team will have oversight ofa particular area, but they will also be actively engaged in executing that particular ministry. For example, all members of the Worship Ministry Team will be actively serving in some area of worship inthe church fe. This creates a much more meaningful experience for those who are serving. (The two exceptions to this are Personnel and Support/Finance. These are administrative in nature and therefore remain structured as committees.) 2. Lay people will be allowed to chair Ministry Teams. This ‘frees elders from the administrative responsibilty of leading committees, and creates the space for people gifted and 2| COLUMNS “Now you are a part of the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” passionate about particular ministry areas to use their gifts to their fullest. An elder will stl be a member of the Minis- try Team and that Team remains under the authority of the Session. 3.In addition to elder members, Ministry Teams will en- courage participation from the lity. The task of our pas- torsand elders sto equip the laity to lead and execute min- istry. We want to be lay led, not staffed. We simply cannot afford the fulltime staf necessary to minister as we have in the past. We must increase our lay involvement. 4, Over a three year period, the Session will be reduced from 36 elders to 18. This allows greater input from those. who serve. In our survey, we did not find a single church of our size with more than 20 elders, including Redeemer Presbyterian in New York, which serves 8000 members weekly. A smaller size allows for deeper relationships, bet- ter discipleship and training, and richer input into the needs of our church, 5. Elders will be allowed to serve consecutive 3-year terms, with no more than 50% of any class in that category. This change allows for greater effectiveness by our elders. Until now, an elder could only serve three years. This meant that by the time an elder became fully informed and effec- tive in their ole, they had to rotate off. It was a constant battle to train and time was lost in that process. We simply missed the blessing of experience and continuity ‘As these changes unfold over the next 12 months, | am confident that our church will feel a stronger sense of community because of our increased involvement in the actual ministry. More and more people will be converting from “once a week worship” to a fully ‘engaged member, one who is investing in the ministry of Christin this place. In turn, that builds more satisfied, fullled members. It ull close our "back door” while opening more opportunities for new members to use their gifts No question, this is a work in progress, so please be patient with us aswe grow. Itisa true privilege for me to be serving with you inthis, church at ths time. What a joy itis to watch God at work among us! With joy and thanks for you, I remain Poo D Seon David D. Swanson Senior Pastor Under His Mercy, ON THE COVER: ServeDay 2011 Our largest serve team gleaned cabbage and squash to help the needy. 12. See more photos of His Hands and His Fee 6 LifeFest 2011 Memories and images from the first ever all-church retreat this pa 27 Children’s Ministry: Exciting Changes Coming! Find out more about the Children's Ministry renovation project. 28 FaithServes: Serving the Weak Will Make Us Stronger out how FaithServes st w far God has brought us. IN THIS ISSUE: 4 ‘ental Florida Women Makin a Difference in Madagascar! 21 Prayer Ministry 22 Who Are the Deacons and ard Sports What Do They Do? Rebuild Globally 24 Heart of the City 2011 10 Big Family Scholarship Recipients 14 Healing & Wholeness 26 — Weekday School Testimonials Conference 30 16 Summer Nights 7 n 18 FaithServling|: The Next a2 ollection jeneration 34 ECM Testimoniz 20 Ministers Serve FPCO 35 Nowe & Notices Community CONTACT US 407.423.3441 Tontene's border] Contact Worship «1451 To arrange 2 wedding Contact Weddings x1453 To arrange a funeral or memorial service Contact Pastoral Core 1455 To donate flowers for Contact Worship x1451 ith questions about your pledge, donation, or budget ‘Contact Finance x1479 With a change of address Contact Membership x1471 To purchase a sermon CD or DVD Contact x1438 To join the Chancel Cho Contact «1273 For child care resonators Early Chidhood Contact x2250 foreach the Security Office Contact 407.415.9793, For Weekday School Contact 407.996.5864 To find out about Sunday ‘School classes Contact Spiritual Formation 1463 With questions about the FPCO website or ts Columns publication ‘Contact Communications x1467 To reserve a meeting space Contact Special Services 1469 HOSPITAL CALLS: Hospitals ae no longer able to rnotiy us when our members are hospitalized. i you know someone ‘who is inthe hospital, please notity the Pastoral Care ofce at 455, PASTORAL EMERGENCIES: For pastoral emergencies outside of the 830 am.-5.00 pm. church office hours, please leave a voice ‘mall message at the main church number The message centr wl page the minister on eal who wil reply a5 00n 28 posible NEED HELP? Dependency assistance, cancer suppor group, gnef support, divoree care, nfrility group, please contact Congregational life x1 159 twitter wun twittercom/fpcorlando Group: First Presbyterian Church of Orlando Central Florida Women Making a in Madagascar! uring the last study season finishing the Amaz- DD. Collection Old Testament series, Women’s Ministry continued the mission efforts of supporting young women in Madagascar with a daily, healthy lunch for $1.00. At the beginning of our study in January, we challenged the women to find loose change and to share this story with daughters, friends, neighbors and co-workers. Once we issued that challenge, our wom- en got creative! One Bible study group that meets on Monday nights hosted a bake sale and all donations went to this mission project. Needless to say, a few hundred dollars were raised and several working women enjoyed homemade baked items as we shared a cup of coffee during our video lesson, 2 pa: 4 | COLUNINE Another Bible study participant busy with spring cleaning had a yard sale on a Friday and Saturday. Didn't mark anything — just had signs informing folks their donations were going to feed hungry young women in Madagascar. She also recruited some young friends to help her tell the story each day, so everyone coming to the yard sale would learn of this mission. She shared that so many people were abundantly generous and actually offered her more for the items than she would have marked. Her efforts provided three-hundred-and-twenty lunches! Women's Ministry also endorses another ministry to wom- en on this campus that meets monthly for dinner club and lessons. Linda Werner with Legacy Principles quickly agreed that this is a mission effort worthy of her partici- pants to learn about and thus, have been generous in sup- porting as well At this writing, $9,327.73 has been collected. There are 165 young women in the lunch program, which means we have been able to offer eleven weeks of lunches to all of them during their school year. We will continue to support this mission through our summer study as well If you are moved to support this initiative, please help us help these young women who are desperately trying to learn skills that will offer them future income and hope. Donations may be directed to the attention of Women’s Ministry, attr; Lori Needham and checks can be made pay- able to First Presbyterian Church of Orlando. Our desire is to partner with all women! Now...please read this precious article by a young lady whose mom is involved in the Monday morning Bible study Hi, my name is Michelle Clayton. | decided for my 12th birthday party to have a hoedown at my ranch. | invited my entire 6th grade class at Park Maitland School, so we could dance a lot. Instead of having everyone bring me a present, or spending money, | decided to ask all of the boys to bring money for a family friend who has Duchene Muscular Dystro- phy, since the disease only affects boys. | asked all of the girls to bring money for the Madagascar program at FPCO, since it supports women in Madagascar. | had about 35 friends attend, each bringing from $10 = $100. The total amount from the boys was $460. The total amount of donations from the girls was also $460! It was a huge success, and a bunch of fun, We square danced, ate, explored, and played fun games. As for me, | am just glad | could help others and still have fun When everything was totaled and said and done | could feel a difference in my heart between the years | have received presents and this year helping others. Helping others will last longer than presents. | hope this helps! Itsure helped me. & ‘COLUMNS | 5 ‘ bd a = 2011 - The first ever all-church retreat happened March 18:20, 2011 They say ‘that a picture is worth a thousand words.’ So here are 20,000 words about LifeFest 2011 They truly say everything that ea ea he retreat was wonderfull To become involved with Family Life, Scott and | had a relaxing contact Bret Allen at weekend and Julia had the or 407.423.3441 1183. time of her life.” erin Baker Marnie waLbror Frep van HOUTEN 0 kind and | was impressed with the fac perfect balance structured activities and private reflection. I hoy overflowing with gratitude fro your inbox i able | also belie this gave a voice to man think of throug! issue with me their personal hardships, and | hope that si “Our house is currently for sale and after this there to listen gave them comfort. Getting weekend our six-year-old Jay said that when routines ‘we sell the house we should move to South. your focus. Ip wind where LifeFest was held! Our family had optimistic. | hope t a great time and can’t wait until next year!” aa krisran BrasWeLL (& BreTr cimoreLti.. aka BreTT #3) jaime Brackett 6] couuMNS "I had such a fantastic time at Southwind last weekend! Thank you so much for all of your careful and thoughtful planning! It was so awesome spending some time with the families of FPCO and getting to know so many people that hear mentioned all the time. loved my time there and it was the first time I've ever been able to relax a little while there. You did an amazing job with the communication of everything, from meetings to meals to activities, etc, etc. And | would think the logistics of families would be a nightmare! But you did great! It seemed to go off without a hitch! Thank you for including me in with the group! | loved being a part of it. Rachael ALDricH "Thank you so much for such an amazing experience. | have been a member at First Pres for 12 years and | have never felt so much a part of the church as. did this weekend. LifeFest exactly what God wanted nly a grercHen BraprorD MicHeLLe FLUKE time of our lives.” “Asa child, when summer camp week was over, | always felt some sadness to leave the fun of the trip behind. Leaving LifeFest brought that same disappointment to me as an adult. The weekend provided a relaxing time for Scott and | to enjoy time as a family, insightful Bible study together, Christian fellowship and just plain “fun”, being outside with our daughter as we enjoyed God's setting, going down a huge water slide and silly games during recreation time. We are looking forward to LifeFest 20121” rin paker rap sraron couuMmNs| 7 By Angela F Brown have been serving God here at First Presbyterian Church's Recreation Ministry for 4 years, and | truly believe that sports are a great way for children to learn about team- work, respect for authority, and sportsmanship. The sad part is all those things are being lost in today’s sporting society. With the Upward programs, these key essentials. are included to create the best sports experience for each child that participates. Each program is designed to bring out the winner in each child. OUR VALUES: THE EXPECTATIONS OF "GOD" MOMENTS - We believe that God is at work all around us. THE LIFE OF INTEGRITY - We believe that how we live is more important than what we say. THE DISCIPLINE OF EXCELLENCE - We believe in serving that exceeds expectations. THE PRIORITY OF CHILDREN - We believe that every child is a winner. Today | must say that | am truly blessed to be able to intro- duce children to Jesus Christ by creating opportunities to serve through sports. To get involved in Recreation Ministry or sign-up for an event go to Upward Summer Camp For Children: Pre-K through 5th Grade 8) coLuvns y REBUI By Dr. David Swanson t first, she lived with a large \group of homeless Haitians in an open field near the airport: Those she lived with had not chosen that life. It had been forced upon them over time, the result of years ‘of governmental corruption, vio- lence, and a recent natural disaster. She had been perfectly happy living and serving in Orlando, but an in- ternal call of God would not relent. She had to go to Haiti, so she did. With a vision for a ministry called Rebuild Globally, Julie Colombi no, member of First Presbyterian Church, started in that field near the airport. Each day, she tried to find where she could assist those in need, and she looked for ways to create a better future for the people of Haiti. After three months, she graduated to living in a tent. The tent provided basic shelter from the elements, but the constant rain left it tattered, mildewed and smelling, just lke the thousands of other tents erected in that same field. Still, she kept on. ‘She saw the enormous piles of re- fuse and trash, and an idea was born: use the trash to make some- thing which could be sold for profit. She hired 9 people, bought some machinery, and started making san- dals. These are not just any san- dals. They are sandals made from recycled tires. In other words, they take tires off the trash heaps and re- fine them into sandals. Now, with Restoring Environments By Utilizing Innovative Lo gtobally twenty employees, the sandals are sold for $25 a pair to ministries and agencies in the United States. The result? Twenty people have moved from homelessness, to tents, to ac- tual shelter. Those same twenty now have their children in school Those twenty have this marvelous thing called “hope.” And after nine months, Julie found an abandoned storage container, much like a pod, unused at a local port's loading dock. Someone had purchased it, but never picked it up. With the help of friends, the pod was moved near the small hut where the sandals are made, and the con- tainer is now Julie’s home. Today, cholera remains a concern. Only Julie's rapid intervention and phone calls to American relief groups prevented her assistant from succumbing to the disease. Even 0, amid the devastation, the pov- erty, the injustice, Julie says, “I have never seen God so clearly ~ so pow- erfully — and so faithfully — as | have in this past year. | am filled with joy that God has called me to be a part of serving in this country.” Our church celebrates this ministry of Jesus and the faithfulness of our sister, Julie. For more information, go to www. or email julie@ al Development (i “HOW CHILDREN ‘CAN PLAWANACTIVEROLE ang ore) TON bn ger xel0 2 Oy Cee ena kee a eee or mesae se ont ta | hildren are the most important people in a LIFE Community Group. ‘Does that sound strange? Many families are too busy to join the church in gospel community because kids claim so much of their time. So how could a meeting focused on adults be all about the children? For that to be true there must be an immense amount of value for the kids, and therefore, even more significance for the parents. This value begins when children get to do one simple thing: watch. That subtle act of observing is profoundly impactful, and the practice of living in community is delicately caught. As one leader puts it, “We're model- ing to our kids what doing LIFE together is like.” Including kids into an adult Bible study comes with its challenges. A common refrain among parents who are considering joining a LIFE Community Group as well as those who are already in one is, “what do we do with the kids?” Here is a peek into a LCG with 19 kids, and how they are folding the little ones into the weekly rhythm of their group. In Bret Allen’s LIFE Community Group, nine families are learning how to include their collective nineteen chil- dren. Together, they are discovering the best ways to incorporate their kids into each gathering, and they are taking it week by week. For example, the group wants to invite them into the house to join the adults in a time of prayer. “The first time we got together, we intentionally had a cook-out in a park so that the kids could be free to play,” says Allen. In the weeks following, the group weighed various options about how to deal with so many children, and they unanimously decided to have all the children brought to the designated meeting home. Under the supervision of a hired sitter, all the youngsters play either in the backyard or in a separate part of the house while the adults take time to study and to enjoy fellowshipping. “We don’t have a program for INS oe) 4 activity. It's all about modeling com options that the group considered w where each family is responsible to nating a separate house where the kid watched by a sitter. y Kids see their parents living in community. “ALi 12 year old Hallie Millard, “is a community that is t supports you in your life and where you are a part of everyone else's lives.” Even at 4 years old, Katherine van Gelder knows that LIFE Community is “something about sharing.” For children, living in com- munity becomes a normal part of life, and it’s a vital practice that they will take with them for the rest of their lives. Plus, they get to have a LOT of fun along the way. “| feel so fortunate that my kids look forward to going,” says Nicole Millard. “The biggest consideration before joining this group for me and Brian was how the kids could be part of it.” Not only will incorporating children into LIFE Community affect their perspective on life, it will also impact everyone else. “I think every single adult in our group would say, ‘I'm so glad I'm in this group,’” states Allen. "And | think if we have this conversation a year from now, there would be so many amazing stories of how our children showed us what it means to live like Christ.” Questions For The Kiddos 1. What, do you think, is a LIFE Community? “That is where we meet our friends from church and learn more about God.” - Karl van Gelder, age 6 “A small group to hang out and build relationships.” —David Allen, age 13, 2. What are some of the things you love about your LCG? "We meet friends and we get to see the other kids.” ~Karl van Gelder, age 6 “I love playing.” -Katherine van Gelder, age 4 3. Tell us about the things you and your parents do on Sunday nights in your LCG? “1 play. The grown ups talk about God and themselves.” -Karl van Gelder, (6) "We play & color. Mom and Dad talk, eat, & think.” Katherine van Gelder (4) “(The adults] hear each others’ testimonies and get to know each other.” — David Allen (13) To find a LIFE Community group near you contact Hailey Domeck at or 407.423.3401 x1497. © es (S| F E ; community a love God, love one another : o . cous} 1 € a > ia tS CROP LVaEKE) Rae CCE Cary BMP ed Sees Thank you for being His hands and His accl-ie) Brest) ee dbitat Hurnacit Yip A VOCedd By Linda McCallister, Congregational Life Friday, July 8 at 6:30pm-8:00pm Our conference opens with a time of worship and prac- tical teaching. Rediscovering kingdom principles in heal- ing and wholeness will be the theme for the evening and weekend. Our conference leader, Rev. Mike Endicott will offer insight into the Principles of Kingdom Healing whilst giving opportunity for the power of God's healing to be experienced, Saturday, July 9 at 8:30am-3:00pm and 6:30pm-8:30pm The conference will continue Saturday morning with wor- ship and a variety of teaching seminars ending at 3pm. We will begin again at 6:30pm on Saturday evening for a spe- cial service of Healing and Wholeness. The ancient Celtic Healing service was rediscovered five years ago, still in regular use in the loga Community off the west coast of Scotland. This service is made from four elements coming together. First, one of the most impor- tant symbols in Celtic Christianity is The Circle ~ It appears around the cross-beam of Celtic Crosses and in many other t Presbyterian Church of Pons is hosting a Healing & Wholeness Conference on Friday, July 8 and Saturday, July 9, 2011 in Lee Fellowship Hall. the top of the head. The sécond minister in the circle then” anoints each robed forehead with the Sign of the Cross. ‘At this point, the third minister leads the communal prayer for healing, the same prayer for each individual. In this way the whole body gathered becomes involved in the ministry. When standing or kneeling in the circle, members of the congregation are then frag to re- main there as longs they so wish to receive further prayer from the ministers that will soak them in the graée of God. The prayer of healing is: Spirit Of the living God Fléw into your beloved child Heal in you everything that harms you Strengthen everything that is weak ‘And lift your heart to reflect his glory. Amen Leader ~ Rev. Mike Endicott , Rev.. Mike Endicott is an Anglican’ minister and director of the Well Center of Cwmbran, Wales. He is the author of five books pyblished by Terra Nova Publishers. Titles places. The Celtic circle represents love, eternity and God ~Intlude: “Let Healing Flow,*."Hesling at the Well," and =the everlasting which has no beginning and no end. It is™ from this symbol of never ending love that we derive the ~3} modern Wedding ring. Second, one of the benefits to us ~ of the cross of Christ is that, through grace, we are clothed with His righteousness, covering us like a robe in the pres- ence of God. Third, Anointing cil, used as a Sacrament of Healing for at least two thousand years and mentiqned in James 5:14. Last, the gathered body of Christ. Itishgheved that since Jesus, although we are all individually known to God, our collective hopes and prayers are as a conductor for the receiving of grace in the heavenly realms. The Celtic Service Format ‘A numbér of cushions or kneelers are arranged fn Sircle in the front of the sanctuary as prayer pisitions. Members of the, congregation are invited, as the Spirit moves them, to take-up one of these prayer stations. Inside the ring of cushions or kneelers are three ministers who address each person in the circle in turn, First, a light shawl representing the robe of righteousnes#*. is gently placed around their shoulders and drawn up ont 14] couumNs ‘two books combining spiritual insights with tales about his fe dog (Endicott is blind) ~ “Find the Way” and “Trust Yates.”. Also released,” "Heaven's Dynamite” apis "God's Amazing Power t Heal the Sick.” Rev, Endicott will be with-us on Sunday, July.10, during worship service and continuing to lead us in explaining-the ofhealing. i There is no eharge for the seminar, however, we-will pro- vide a continental breakfast and box lunch on crs and the charge's $12/person. Please pay online wen you register fr the seminar. eee For more information contact Linda” MeCalister at 407/423.3441 x1159 or Yéu'can register for the event at http://www. fpé and ick on Healing & Wholeness Conference Registration. LAELIA, Win A VitO CHM 0ag Friday, July 8 at 6:30pm Saturday, July 9 at 8:30am Joih us for special Cost is $12, lunch on Saturday) More igfacmation:! Register: Contact: Linda McCallister at Inccallster@fpea-oigag aa 407.423.3441, x1159 ‘COLUMNS | 15 Grow Might Se Call Spa for the Spiritual Soul By: Lou Anne King & Lori Tipping Women's Ministry Council The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; Ihave come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10 ccording to Webster's abundant means “existing or available in large quantities.” In John 10:10 Jesus Christ promises us an abundant life. There is nothing we cannot do when we radically align ourselves with the purpose of God. The question is, what holds us back? This summer you have the opportunity to meet two of God's amazing and talented women; Christina Sweeting and Sharon Hersh. You'll be blessed by these two gifted speakers and their stories. They will inspire you to spiritu- ally blossom in ways you could not imagine. Please, take the heat out of your summer by joining us for dinner and some great conversation. It will be very cool Wednesday, June 8 6:00-8:00pm Christina Sweeting Christina recently moved to Or- lando with her husband Don, who was recently installed as the new president of Reformed Theologi- cal Seminary. The daughter of Greek parents, Christina grew up in Colorado, discovering the beauty of nature, the scienc- 5, the fine arts and the magnificent Creator behind them all. From an early age she heard her parents articulate and live out the gospel. Her home was filled with international students as she watched her mom and dad demonstrate a powerful ministry of hospitality While pursuing studies in England during a junior year abroad, she met her future husband Don at a bus stop at Heathrow Airport in London. At the time, Christina worked in the diagnostic division of Abbott Laboratories, assisting in research for developing some of the first di- agnostic tools and assays for the detection of HIV and Hepatitis in our nation’s blood supply. With the blessing of children, Christina switched gears and became a home- educator as well as entered the musical arena as a pro- fessional orchestral musician and a church musician. She plays both the violin and the piano. ‘After serving with Don for 22 years in the pastorate (both in llinois and Colorado) mentoring young women, teach- ing and speaking, the Lord led them to step into a new role of seminary leadership. Don started serving as the new 16] COLUMNS president of Reformed Theolo. last July. Together, depending onthe wt as their sufficiency, Don and Christina aF mentoring students and raising up pastors and leaders for the global church of the twenty-first century. Wednedsay, July 13 6:00-8:00pm Sharon Hersh M.A., LPC Sharon A. Hersh MA, LPC is a li- censed professional counselor, speaker, and author. She has written several books, includ- ing the popular Bravehearts: Unlocking the Courage to Love with Abandon. She has written four books in the Hand-in- Hand Parenting series including, Mom, I Feel Fat!, Mom, | Hate My Life!, Mom, Everyone Else Does!, and Mom, Sex is NO Big Deal!. Her most recent book is The Last Addic- tion: Why Self-Help is Not Enough. She is an adjunct pro- fessor in graduate counseling courses, including Sex and Sexuality and Addiction, at Colorado Christian University, Mars Hill Graduate School, and Reformed Theological Seminary. She is a much sought-after speaker at confer- ences and retreats. Sharon lives in Lone Tree, Colorado. Wednesday, August 10 6:00-8:00pm Linda Werner Linda Wemer is a familiar friend to not only the women of FPCO, but Central Florida. She has cultivated and brought her life changing messages through her growing ministry, Legacy Prin ples. A popular speaker and ra- dio personality, Linda challenges women to examine their beliefs and practices about God along with their spiritual and personal life influences. Register at For more informa- tion contact Lori Needham at or 407.423.3441 x1463, © ys 4 Shes} ~ Basketball League Sch 9:45 - 10:45am July 10, 17, 24 and 31 FPCO Young Adult Engages in Global Evangelization By Devlin McGuire a FAITHSERVES 18 | COLUMNS cnet his past October | had the fantastic opportunity to travel to Cape Town, South Africa, fo attend the Third Lausanne Con- gress on World Evangelization. Pardon my use of an overused phrase, but it was an unforgettable experience. As a whole, it was a fon of fun and I learned much. If | would tell you all of the stories this article would be extremely long, so | hope to tell you a few of the stories in order that you can share in my experience and be inspired by what God is doing in the world At the Congress | was a steward (a volunteer) with 13 other students and a professor from Wheaton. There were about 400 stewards from over 30 different countries. Simply being with them was eye opening. We all lived for two weeks in a youth-hostel- like hotel called “The Africa Train Lodge,” which was simply some empty train cars with bunks in them. The first week we were there was training and we had a considerable amount of time to see Cape Town and to visit with the other stewards. | was able to become good friends with a group of stewards from Norway and learned about some of the traditions of my grandfather's homeland (like their Constitution Day, May 17th). Cape Town is a beautiful city, especially with Table Mountain always in view. One of the most terrifying experiences of my life happened in that frst week. We were con our way to the aquarium when, as we passed by the waterfront, we saw a wild seal siting on one of the boat docks. Naturally, I tried to get as close as possible to the seal, and when | was about four feet away it lunged at me. (if you have Facebook you can see the Video here hitp://www.facebook. com/video video. php?v=447 408541 2858subj=5397 10421) | don't know if ever moved so fast Once the Congress started | worked on the Data Mining Team. Our job was to read the comments posted by people around the world on various Lausanne websites, summarize them, and then report them to the Program staff so that the Congress would know how the global church was respond- ing to the event. It was a blast to be able to hear all of the speakers from around the world exegete Ephesians, discuss issues they were facing, and describe how God was moving in theie part of the world. One of the most moving parts of the Congress was an 18-year-old girl from North Korea who told her story. She tells it best, and you can see the video here (hitp:// /watch’v=0KEFbo 2t|_B&leature=feedlik). | would really up with Jobn Piper, his wife and David C recommend watching this nine-minute video. As my friend BB said, “That was a game changer.” Her commitment to Christ and desire to serve Him at great cost was extremely challenging. For me, seeing the global church was amazing. With over 4000 participants from 198 countries it was clear that God truly is a global God who is work- ing out His global purposes. And the fact that He involves me is inspiring and humbling. Inspiring, because | know that | am part of a huge movement that is actually changing the world, and humbling, because | know that | am 2 small part of what only a great God can do. (0 frequent chapel speaker It was hoped that about 400 Chinese Christians would attend the event. We all were looking forward to seeing Chinese Christians, learning from them, and celebrating what God has been doing in their country. But when they arrived at the airport to fly to South Aftica, the Chinese government saw why they were leaving on their visas and put them all in house arrest in a ho- tel and confiscated their passports until after the congress. When we walked the halls of the conference center it was painfully obvious that our brothers and sisters from China were not there. To me, it was a startling encounter with reality to realize that our family is being treated in such a way. What am I do- ing for them? Am | living gratefully for where I am? Through discussions with church lead- ers from around the world and a series of dialogue sessions with David Bear and Chris Wright, | felt like my calling fo teach at a seminary overseas was confirmed I miss Cape Town and the Congress, but | know that | will never forget that experience. Right now | am at the US Lausanne consultation, with Christian leaders from all over the US, to discuss how we can continue what Cape Town began. It is encouraging to see God mobilizing His Church for His mission. Pray that the legacy of Cape Town will urge the whole Church to take the whole Gospel to the whole world. © ‘COLUMNS | 19 Stephen Ministers Serve FPCO and the Community FPCO COMMISSIONS 3 NEW STEPHEN MINISTERS On Sunday, June 5, FPCO commissioned Linda Williams, Rebecca Sickles and Susan Sorrow as Stephen Ministers. They have been through 50 hours of specialized training in Christian caregiving and join a team of Stephen Ministers at First Presbyterian Church of Orlando. Stephen Ministers provide confidential one-to-one Christian care to people experiencing a crisis or going through a difficult time. Ste- phen Ministers meet weekly with their care receiver for around an hour to listen, care, encourage, pray, and pro- vide emotional and spiritual support for the person. Caring relationships last for as long as the person’s need persists. WHAT IS STEPHEN MINISTRY? It is a program grounded in Jesus’ command to love one another through confidential one-to-one caring relation- ships. Whether itis a few hospital or home visits or long- term, those who are hurting receive the love and care they need to support them. WHY IS THIS MINISTRY NEEDED? Pastors will always be available during times of crisis, but there are more needs for ongoing, personalized care than pastors can meet by themselves. Stephen Ministry is a Bib- lical solution for equipping those specially gifted in our congregation for caregiving. Lay people are trained to support and extend the care that pastors continue to pro- vide. Stephen Ministers reach out to those hurting, both within our church family and throughout the community. WHO IS A STEPHEN MINISTER? = AChristian who walks beside a person who is hurting + A congregation member with gifts for care giving * Alayperson carefully selected, who has received 50 hours of training in providing emotional and spiritual care +A caring, Christian friend who listens, cares, makes no judgements, prays, supports, and encourages. Lega Dears 20| COLUMNS * Someone who will meet faith- fully with his or her care receiv- er, for about one hour each week, for as long as there is need “A person who adheres to very clear guidelines on confidentiality HOW DO YOU BECOME A STEPHEN MINISTER? ‘A Stephen Leader or staff member can provide you with the information you need to get started. The process in- cludes an application, a brief interview, and 50 hours of interactive training. Contact Tammas Smith in the Pastoral Care Office at 407-423-3441, ext 1455 or email tsmith@, for more information. CAN A STEPHEN MINISTER HELP YOU? + Is life more than you can handle alone right now? *Is your health, your attitude, or your relationships suffering? ‘Are you adjusting to a new job, change in marital status, illness, or death of a loved one, a recent move, loneli- ness, being homebound or. * Would you like to have someone in your life to help you through it? Everyone goes through difficult times. Having someone to care, to listen, and to share God's love with you can help you get through the confusion, loneliness, stress, fear, or spiritual crisis you may be experiencing. Remember, every- thing is done in the strictest confidence. This is not a road you have to walk down alone. WHAT HAVE CARE RECEIVERS SAID? “As a man, it was difficult and awkward reaching out for help. But I'm glad | did. | probably could have made it alone, but it sure was a lot easier having a Stephen Minis- ter to talk to.” “Iwas hurting so much | couldn't see straight. But | discov- ered the healing love of Jesus through my Stephen Minis- ter. | can’t say enough about this caring program."" Could you benefit from confidential, one-to-one care and support of a Stephen Minister? If you or someone you care about is interested, please contact Linda McCallister at 407.423.3441 x1159 or © “O Heavenly Father, | am a poor unworthy sinner. A Word from the I do not deserve to raise my eyes or hands toward you or to pray. But because you have commanded us all to pray and have promised to hear us, and through your dear Son Jesus have taught us both how and what to pray, I come to you in obedience to your word, trusting in your gracious promise, in the name of my Lord Jesus. Amen.” 8y Rebecca Mitchell his prayer, written by Martin Luther centuries ago, expresses several important truths about prayer. Since God is holy and ‘we are not, it is clear that we have no right to approach Him. Our sin stands between us and God. But - wonder of wonders - God wants us to come to Him. He showed that by sending Jesus to live in human flesh and model the godly life. Christ's death and resurrection buries our sins forever and reconciles us to God. Jesus showed us how to pray to our Heavenly Father, both in word and deed, and guided us to pray not for our own whims, but for God's eternal purposes to be fulfilled So we come confidently to pray. God has promised, “Before they call | will answer” (Isaiah 65:24). Jesus said, "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given you" (John 15:7). Paul reminds us to "be faithful in prayer” (Romans 12:12). Part of our life of faith is to speak to God in obedience, offering prayers of thanksgiving and praise, of intercession and request, of adoration and confession. Such prayers will honor God and, even as we are praying, shape us more and more into the per- sons the Lord wants for us to be. ‘The Prayer Team is in the process of assembling a list of books that have been helpful to us, on the topic of prayers and pray- ing. We welcome your additions to this lst! When God's People Pray (with dvd) group study by Jim Cymbala Prayer by Richard Foster ’ Prayers from the Heart by Richard Foster Rees Howells: intercessor by Norman Grubb Prayer by O. Hallesby Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets. Prayer...Does it Make any Difference? by Philip Yancey The Prayer Saturated Church by Cheryl Sacks Invitation to Solitude and Silence by Ruth Haley Barton To get involved in the Prayer Ministry contact Lisa Shaw at shawdlwd@aolicom © “ cto WHO ARE THE AND WHAT DO THEY DO? D eacons are the caring, loving, spiritual arm of the church. Its the duty of the deacons, first and foremost, to min- ister to those who are in need; to the sick, to the friendless and to any who may be in distress. The deacons are an arm of the Pastoral Care office and work closely with that office to minister to the needs of the congregation of First Presbyterian Church. They serve the church and community in a variety of ways. VISITATION Visitation to shut-ins is an important ministry of the diaconate. Deacons call on many church members and others who are un- able to attend Sunday worship services, who are in care facilities, or in the hospital and still desire to be a part of the church family. HOSPITAL VISITS AND FOLLOW-UP _ Deacons visit the hospitals weekly and call all those recuperating at home to follow up with their progress, encourage and pray with them. HOME COMMUNION This ministry provides the sacrament of the Lord's Supper to members who are unable to attend worship services, utilizing the College of Elders and College of Deacons to share communion with the homebound. BEREAVEMENT Deacons provide care-giving to families at the time of the death of a loved one and are present at every funeral, memorial, or graveside service to extend love and support, such as greeting arriving family members and friends and helping with the recep- tion. Deacons also contact a bereaved spouse for a year follow- ing the death of their loved one to offer encouragement and sup- port. GOOD SAMARITAN ‘A fund was created many years ago to help members and non- members in practical, day-to-day situations where a listening ear and a kind word aren't quite enough. The fund has been an being used in situations ranging from providing hot meals to as- sisting someone making a mortgage payment needed to keep ‘them from losing their home. This fund is supported by contribu- tions made by church members on Communion Sundays, as well as directly throughout the year. INTERCESSORY PRAYER Each deacon is a member of the Intercessory Prayer Team and is committed to pray for the needs of the congregation, community and the world. Prayer requests are received from Prayer Cards, emails, phone calls and the website. Each request is lifted up in prayer, oon Deacons lead a team Sfemacters who contact each FPCO_ member's household to check in with them. The calls are simply a "matter of letting the congregation know we care about them, see | __ifthere are any pressing concerns the Pastoral Care department ~ should know about and answer any questions they might have. & SS eee ANNEDAVIS STEVENEARLE (GEORGE LONIHURBANIS MICHELLE LAURIEJONES —KERRIKRAMER HUFFMAN JERNIGAN fu i ANNMANUCY —BILLMcALPIN. —BENMcKENNEY LYNNEMKNIGHT KATHY MILL TOMMILLS DAVID PACKWOOD MARY McKENNEY KARENMILLS JAN PACKWOOD L NANCY FLY Ws GILBERT SMITH KERRY SPROLES JODITHORP BRENDA ISANNE TOMPKINS {CAPHER COLUMNS | 23 Heart of the City Foundation Congratulates the 2011 Scholarship Reci ‘The Emma Caldwell Scholarship Emily Irvine The Jim and Diane Cook ‘Scholarship Sasha Mills Jared Smith ‘The James and Frances Dixon Schol- arship Stephanie Riccaboni Ryan Simpson Ryan Wood The Glenn C. Fuller Scholarship Wesley Caplan Emily Oswald ‘The James B. Greene Scholarship ‘Andrew Allen ‘The Hames Scholarship Melissa Dukes ‘The Robert J. Hester Scholarship Charles Babir The Sarah Boon Hill Scholarship Jonathon Rossi The Annie Bell Johnson ‘Scholarship Katie Bludsworth Ginnie Holcomb Kristina Kemper Nicole Leveille Mary Watts The Lucille and Robert McCutchen Christian Ministerial Scholarship Traci Bludsworth ‘Amy Heck ‘Andrew Mills ‘The Irene Lester Miller Scholarship Aric Barrow Neil Booher Katie Cheatham Megan Ellis Erin Fish, Meredith Johnson Daniel Lewis Dillon McNeill Hannah Plate ‘Anna Reiman Alexa Rossi Alex Swanson ‘Alexandra Swartwood Laura Uncapher Danie! Washburn ‘Amy Young The William Russel O'Neal Bible School Fund Scott Stuart Leigh Swanson The Carl J. and Nancy W. Owsley Scholarship Scott Dowling Trevor Dunlap The Dr. Glen R. and Rita B. Pierson Scholarship Chandler Bryla Dr. James Porter, Jr. Scholarship Erich Krayzak Victoria Lai The General W. E. “Joe” and Ruth T. Potter Scholarship Caroline Sanders Alexandra Huggins ‘The Robert A. Robertson Memorial Scholarship Aislyn Sampson Lul Ruach Matthew Rubio The Jack and Marion Wilson Music Scholarship Megan Spengler The Beryl and Betty Windsor Educator Scholarship ‘Ann Kallyn Brown, HEART 8 CITY FOUNDATION 24] COLUMNS Heart of the City Foundation exists to support the ongoing ministry of First Presbyterian Church of Orlando in the ‘Scholarships, On-Campus Christian Education, Mission and Facilities through endowed giving and grants. ‘THE EMMA CALDWELL SCHOLARSHIP — Undergraduate or vocational training scholar ship in memory of Emma Caldwell ‘THE JIM AND DIANE COOK SCHOLARSHIP = Vocational, undergraduate, or post-graduate scholarships for alumni ofthe After School ‘Outreach Ministry ‘THE JAMES AND FRANCES DIXON SCHOL- [ARSHIP - Undergraduate scholarship in ‘memory of James and Frances Dixon ‘THE GLENN C, FULLER SCHOLARSHIP — Undergraduate scholarship fora student pu suing a degree in the math or science field in memory of Glenn C. Fuller ‘THE JAMES B. GREENE SCHOLARSHIP - Un- dergraduate scholarship in memory of James Greene ‘THE HAMES SCHOLARSHIP - Undergracuate scholarship in memory of Cliferd Hames for students attending college in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, or South Carolina ‘THE HEART OF THE CITY FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP - Goneral scholarship fund for Undergraduate studies ‘THE ROBERT J, HESTER SCHOLARSHIP = Undergraduate scholarship in memory of Robert Hester ‘THE SARAH BOON HILL SCHOLARSHIP. = Undergraduate scholarship in memory of Sarah Hill ‘THE ANNIE BELL JOHNSON SCHOLARSHIP = Undergraduate scholarship fora student pursuing a degree in the medical field in honor ‘of Annie Bell Joanson “Anew federal law required the recent updating of infant cribs to meet certain safety codes, and at the time this law was enacted, our cribs were not up to those standards. We operate on a tight budget and were discouraged to learn that the upgrade would cost our school $12,000. This expense would take away from our mission to provide high-quality childcare to low-income, at-risk families in downtown Orlando. Seeing this need, Heart of the City Foundation provided the full $12,000 to upgrade our cribs to meet the new safety standards. 1am so thankful that HOCF stepped in and helped ‘THE "KRICKET" JOHNSON SCHOLARSHIP — Vocational or undergraduate scholarship in the field of veterinary medicine ‘THE IRENE LESTER MILLER SCHOLARSHIP — Undergraduate scholarship in memory of Irene Mile ‘THE CARL J. AND NANCY W, OWSLEY SCHOLARSHIP - Undergraduate scholarship in memory of Carl and Naney Owsley ‘THE DR. GLEN R. AND RITA B. PIERSON. SCHOLARSHIP ~ Undergraduate or post- {graduate scholarship in memory of Glen and Rita Pierson DR. JAMES PORTER, JR. SCHOLARSHIP = Undergraduate scholarship in memory of James Porter, Jn THE GENERAL W.E. “JOE” AND RUTH T. POTTER SCHOLARSHIP - Undergraduate scholarship in momory of Joe and Ruth Pottor THE JACK AND MARION WILSON MUSIC SCHOLARSHIP - Undergraduate, post- ‘graduato, or independent study scholarship in ‘emary of Jack and Marion Wilson THE BERYL AND BETTY WINDSOR EDUCA. TOR SCHOLARSHIP ~ Undercraduate or post: graduate scholarship in memory of Beryl and Betty Windsor in the field of education THE HOWARD AND PATRICIA EDINGTON SEMINARY SCHOLARSHIP ~ Serninary Scholarship in honor of Howard and Patricia Edington TT see how you can get invalved in Heart of the City Foundation contact our Director, Brad Staton at or 407.423.3441 x1457. protect our little ones through this grant.” Sue Pollock, Director of Infant Child Care Center ‘THE LUCILLE AND ROBERT Mi ‘CHRISTIAN MINISTERIAL SCHOI Seminary Scholarship in memory of Rober McCutchen ‘THE HENRY F, SWANSON SEMI SCHOLARSHIP ~ Seminary Sehola honor of Henry Swanson ‘THE WILLIAM E. ALEXANDER ‘SHIP ~ Scholarship fund for expenses: to child care for deserving and ns served in the Willam E. Alexander Care Center ‘THE JOHN DAVID EDINGTON sci SHIP - Scholarship Fund for students “The Christ School in memory of John Edington ‘THE STACEY GUETZLOE FUND - ment to underwrite the educational ‘of the Weekday School in honor of Guetloe ‘THE ROBERT A. ROBERTSON Mi SCHOLARSHIP ~ Scholarships for the Infant Child Care Center, Web ‘and The Christ Schoo! in memory of Robertson ‘THE ELIZABETH SEFCIK SCHOI Scholarship Fund for students of The School in memory of Elizabeth Sefcik ‘THE WILLIAM RUSSELL O'NEAL ‘SCHOOL FUND - Scholarship fun ‘on-campus Christian education ‘COLUMNS | 25 CALLED. TO TEACH By Linda Ammerman “yet, O Lord, thou art our Father: we are the clay, and thou art our potte we are all the work of thy hand.” Isaiah 64:8 was always a teacher. In early childhood, I would line up my brother and cousins on the bottom steps of my grandmother's porch and direct them in “Rock School.” For answering each of my questions cor- rectly, each “student” was allowed to ad- vance to the next step (grade) and given a rock. Graduation came in the form of reaching the sixth step with 6 rocks! Un- fortunately for them, | did not tire of the game before they did! Later, in my mid-elementary years, | was so absorbed with “playing teacher" that my dad fed my passion by attaching a large chalkboard to the basement wall- my first classroom. Dolls were my first stu- dents there but | needed more challenge and feedback. With my mama's cookies, | bribed some neighborhood children to at- tend school, in the Summer, no less. | had pencils, paper, crayons and a couple of old readers to fill the hours. Again, | did not tire of the game before they did! As | entered J. High and High School, opportunities to as- sist at Vacation Bible School, lead at summer camps and a recreation program came my way, preparing me for the declaration of my major in college and graduate school. It was always teaching—never a doubt! | took the desire God had planted in my heart and began dil gently working to accomplish what He was molding me to be. After the years of public school teaching, God put me in another place— Weekday School—delivering me into the arms of loving Christian direc~ tors and staff, fellow teachers and children. For 25 years | have been a teacher in this special place; but more than that, | have been a student here. My teachers are/have been the Christian directors, co-directors, staff and fellow teachers. They have led by example, modeling Christ above all, the fruits of the spirit, emboldened faith and earnest prayer. | believe God has and is using them to "mold me and make me after His will"; and even though the “pottery” is far from finished, | hope my “chil- dren” can sense those things from my life with them. The children have been and are my teachers. They have taught me that “pinkie hugs", touch, eye contact, and undivided attention mean more to them (and to me) than material rewards. They have taught me that every hurt needs a love-aid and every tear, a hug; that grudges are time wasted, and friendships are everything; that every day is the most special one; that faith is simple and just is. They have taught me that the world is more exciting, precious and dimensional as seen through their eyes. believe that God guided me into teaching by planting that desire in my heart and then giving me not only opportunities, but also Christian grand- Parents, parents, my husband and children, friends , co-workers, students and leaders who were and are His potter's wheel. “That every day is the most special one; that faith is simple and just‘is’...” 2] COLUMNS Children’s Ministry: Exciting Changes Coming! An Interview with Jenie Kolar By Todd MeLennan jenie Kolar has headed our volunteer team to help “remodel” the Children’s ministry area of our church. In between moblizing the troops and brainstorming a potential new name, Jenie sat with me for some background on the changes we'll see soon in Children’s Ministry: Todd McLennan: Give me a little con: text or history of where the idea started ‘to make some changes in the Children’s Ministry. Jenie Kolar: The onset precedes me. Dr. Swanson set the tone that every de: partment needs to be reevaluating itself about every 5 years and Children’s Min- istry really hasn't done that probably for about 9 years or . Also, as families joined our church or considered other church- es, there was the opportunity to ask for feedback about what they love about our church and what they preferred at other churches. While our program with Chil- dren's Ministry has so much to offer and has nurtured 30 many children, there are some things that in the last 9 years that have come into place that we're not incor- erating in our program: to really excite the children with fun elements and make it be a place where kids are just begging their parents to drag them out of bed to ge to church ‘TM: What churches did you and the team visit? IK: We went to Highland Park in Dallas, Peachtree Pres in Atlanta, one in South Carolina, Buckhead church in Atlanta and about 12 churches in Orlando, all de- nominations, all sizes: very thorough. A cross-section of people who went rep- resenting different backgrounds: some current young parents, some educators , some just with a passion for kids. We all wanted to make sure that young families and kids are a top priority here at FPCO. if that area of the church Is growing then it’s a healthy church. In January we asked 2 consulting firm to come in, Youth Minis- tty Architects, who had worked with our Student Ministries prior to working with Us. They did two days of focus groups of about 8 people, and just wanted our members to talk from the heart about what are all of our strengths, what do we Tove, and what concerns us, It was very enlightening, it was exciting to hear that we truly have great assets: yet there are tome things we can tweak. This was from the congregation speaking, “grass roots”, and no one had a vested agenda, TM: As examples maybe you could men- tion one thing that you remember people said was a strength and one thing we can improve upon, JK: As far as present strengths, there are 50 many. Ms. Carol connects with kids like nobody can, her TFYD messages, her abil- ity to connect individually to help a child feel included to really communicate the love that Christ has for these children and how they can build that relationship, She does that in a myriad of ways, TFYD, MOG, confirmation. They're just strong, they're great. As far as things people were looking for changing: a lot of the churches seem to have 8 group assembly type opportuni wihere all the kids from Keath grade get together communally and sing songs, see skits, maybe puppet shows, etc. The en- ergy level that kids have together singing and being joyful that we currently don’t really have. Perhaps a different setting {than Yowell Chapel) or totally change ‘what they do so they can’thelp But be ex Cited and jump around .” ‘TM: What are some of the things that you think came out of the visioning event that may help us as we move forward with this endeavor. JK: Youth Ministry Architects have a great process and the first thing is that we need to be grounded in a united mission. What are we focused on, who's our target audi- fence? And what is our goal: is it to just have fun of also using new approaches to teaching Christ's message? Our mission is to really partner with the parents, the families and the greater church body that are such a core part of these childrens’ lives. We're here to excite the children, engage them and equip them to grow in a contagious relationship with Christ and then empower them to serve God through that. We then focused on what we value. Asa group we determined our top four core Values: 1. Community = to have deep relation- ships with each other and Christ and have the environment be safe, welcoming, lov- ing and secure. 2. Being Christ-centered - everything we do is pleasing to Him and following Christ. 3. Love - to show love and God's heart. 4, Fun —Fellowing Christ is fun! We involved 60-70 people, fine tuning and adding, and then deciding what were our "big ideas"? If we could just dream, what would we want? We're still trying ‘to decide how some of this nets out. We heard that there is a great passion for mu- sie tbe incorporated, choir specially and then this greater assembly opy {unity There is’ desire to evaluate our curriculum, To ensure that as a child has experienced 6 years in this program that they have learned a comprehensive level of discipleship and a core understanding of what the Bible teaches us. ‘TM: Is there anything else if you were Speaking oo the perenca|iaeyciaet ‘Want put in their thought process? LK One, i's a partnership. tts going to take @ lot of people and dedication to make this happen. From the dedication Of families just getting out bed and co ing and letting their chiren have the joy Ofexperiencing what we're cresting. But also have everyone pray about what role they ean play? Do they ike to teach or are they really organized and behind the “crows? They coud be bat of looking at the curriculum or supplying snack, ould be 20 big or 30 small but everyone faving their hands in showing our kids how important they are, and the excite- ment of uiding a relationship with Christ, To learn more about the renovation go to To volun- teer contact Carol Welker at 407.423.3441 x1490 & COLUMNS | 27 Inferview By Todd MeLennan FPCO Director of Communications Chris King has faith fully led. the FaithServes efforts kere at FDCO over these last years. We recently caught up with Chris to reflect on how Started and. how far God. has brought us 28 | COLUMNS Todd McLennan: Give us a little review of where FaithServes started and what it's main focus is? Chris King: FaithServes started with a group of FPCO people who were motivated to see our church being more geared towards serving the needs of the community in dynamic ways. | think it was an effort to not only mobilize people but to inspire them to serve in their area of gifted- ness, both inside and outside of the church. And | would say that it really began out of failure. Any- fone who follows this knows that it began after about a year-and-a-half of First Pres’ leadership frying to establish a homeless shelter downtown. It was really @ number of lessons we learned in that process about how our church works, combined with it's effectiveness to lead in our community that convinced us that we needed a holistic effort to mobilize our congregation. TM: So in a way what you're saying is that what at that time felt ike a failure, God is using to mobilize a larger movement in the end? CK: That's right, | think in a more diverse range of areas, not just homelessness, but in a whole host of needs. TM: That's typical that God has bigger plans than we do. If you could reflect just a litle bit, we're trying to transition in FaithServes to step up as individu- als and using our gifts to further His kingdom. What did that look like for you personally? CK: | think it means action. We've got to get out there and put our faith into action. For me, | think FaithServes has compelled me both to serve in my local community, but also globally. I'm really beginning that effort in Haiti where I'm trying to use whatever influence | have in fsh-farming. What I'm learning there is that there is a great need for Christians who are called towards development not just relief. | think that's the real essence of the programs and projects that we're supporting at FPCO: that there's a real focus on developing people and ideas for long-term results, "L truly believe that God. refreshes those who refresh ofkers" TM: On the “FaithServes - Putting Feet to Your Faith” weekend we had two days with many different dynam- ics. It was very exciting and compelling to see the senior Pastors of three of the largest churches in Orlando in-arm’” cooperating towards serving ‘our community. You headed our Q & A time with those pastors: what were some things that you noted as take- aways? CK: | think Dr. Hunter was very im pactful, and | think one of my major takeaways was a real theme of his en- fire remarks: our strength as a church and as a people will be found directly proportional to our efforts to serve the weak. Our vitality as a church is directly connected to our efforts to uphold and elevate the needs of the week, poor, those in need. To me that is the winning idea of FaithServes. Another byproduct of that conference is that it more intimately links both the senior leadership and the families ‘of FPCO and Northland and Summit. | think that we discovered, particularly with the Jeremiah Center, that it is hugely important to build those trusted relationships across this community and that will be something we'll continue to try to do. TM: Much of what we did on ServeDay was based on that cooperation? CK: Yes, ServeDay is an outgrowth of developing a strong relationship with Summit Church, we're really adopting and trying to enhance some of their best ideas to motivate their congre- gations to connect in the community. We're working closer with sort of "sis- ter churches" than we've ever done betore. TM: That's especially exciting. Chris, What would you say to somebody, who for whatever reason, hasn’t found the time or energy or momentum to step-up and to take some action? They're sitting on the fence, they have reasons that they haven't moved for- ward in service yet CK: | would just say that I truly believe that God refreshes those who refresh others. If you're not actively serving then | think it's a challenge to receive the abundant life that our faith offers. In order to have a complete and full life and to have the fun that the gospel enables us to have, our faith in action is critical TM: Any last thoughts about our Faith- Serves effort? CK: For this to be successful and for FPCO to continue to be relevant and grow, we need leaders to step for- ward who are going to advance the ball here, and we need more of them. We need to identify them and help them get involved. If there are people that are not only interested in serving, but they're interested in leading, we want to know who you are! To take your next steps towards long- term service or leadership go to www. or call 407.423.3441 x1474, To see video clips of Chris in- terviewing Dr. Swanson, Dr. Hunter, and Isaac Hunter go fo www.seeksha- and click on blue “me- dia” button. & "Our Strength as a church will be found. divectly pro- portional to our efforts to serve the weat... that is the winning idea of FaithServes” ‘COLUMNS | 29 Summer Bible Study Offerings for Women By Lori Needham, Women's Ministry here is nothing ‘lazy’ about our summer days! Sure, we've se- lected a summer study for women that is not heavy in home- work, but that certainly doesn’t mean it will not satisfy our hunger to be in The Word! Beginning in June, we will offer a Beth Moore lecture series en- titled "The Inheritance”. This is a nine week session inspired by Psalm 16:5-6, “The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; Indeed, | have a beautiful inheritance.” We are offering two sessions: Thursday mornings beginning June 2nd from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. (child care is offered) and Monday evenings beginning June 6 from 6:00 ~ 8:00 p.m. The Monday evening group will not meet on Monday, July 4th. For additional LISTENING GUIDE details or to register for a class series, pick up a registration form in the lobby of the Edington Ministry Center or check out up- coming events at Registration fee is $10.00 and includes the viewers guide. Also, if you missed or would like to study The Amazing Collec- tion’s Pentateuch, the first five books of the bible, Lu Langston will facilitate a group on Thursday mornings be- ginning June 2 from 9:30 - 11:30 am. This is a five week series, conclud- ing on June 30th. Child care pro- vided as well Interested in this study? Contact Lori Needham at or 407.423.3441 x1463 so materials can be ordered. > Ty E Registration fee is $15 PENTATEUCH and this includes the study guide. & “WOMEN'S SUMMER ‘BIBLE STUDY THURSDAY MORNINGS AND MONDAY NIGHTS Two study offerings featuring “The Inheritance”, a lecture series by Beth Moore. This is a nine week study based on Psalm 16:5-6 (ESV) “The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, | have a beautiful inheritance.” Inheritance: To receive as a legacy or promise; to come into possession of or receive as a right- ful heir; the acquisition of a possession from past generations. The bible is full of God’s promises to us - that a beautiful inheritance awaits us - and that promise begins in Genesis and concludes in Revelation. This inheritance was revealed on Mt. Moriah as Abraham fully intended to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. This was Abraham's greatest act of obedi- ence and the beginning of God's promise to him of future descendants, while revealing the first glimpse of the Gospel! As modern day Christians, the seeds of Abraham, we have also acquired this precious promise from past generations! Although there are many scriptures in the Old Testament that speak of an ‘inheritance’, Jesus Christ speaks often of what is to come. Mat- thew 25:34 * “Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.” Join us for a summer season of study as we travel through Bible scriptures and discover we have a property deed in the eternal kingdom! Thursday mornings, 9:30 ~ 11:30 a.m. beginning June 2, concluding on July 28 and Monday evenings, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. beginning June 6, concluding on August 8. The Monday evening group will not meet the week of July 4th. Child care is available for the Thursday morning series with a reservation - $5.00 per child, per week Registration fee: $10.00 and this includes a vid- e0 listening guide. Class sessions are designed with weekly viewing of the video lesson and small group discussion. Register on-line at or pick up a registration form in the lobby of the Eding- ton Ministry Center. For additional information contact Rev. Donna McClellan at or Lori Need- ham at, & THE FNHERITANCE Journey through the New Testament THE AMAZING COL 3CTION Dic 20% lenders now to us as we begin our study of the Historical Books of the New Testament - Matthew through the book of Acts. ‘Once again we will offer three class sessions - to meet the needs of busy women — and our ten week journey begins on September 8th for Thursday morning groups and September 12th for the Monday morning and Monday evening groups. Register now and invite neigh- bors, friends, co-workers and family to join you in the book of Mat- thew, the first of twenty-seven New Testament books and the first of four Gos- pels. Within these five books we will learn the basics of the Christian faith and witness the birth of the church in Acts. The Gospels will give us accounts of Jesus the Messiah, God's Son. His birth, childhood, ministry, teaching, miracles, arrest, trials, death, and resurrection will be told in story form and will offer varying details offered by these four authors, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. But in every instance of telling this story, by the time the tomb of Jesus was empty, the world had been changed! The book of Acts reveals the story of the church of Christ - from the first day, the Day of Pentecost in the city of Jerusalem, through its expansion around the then- known world. We will learn much about the life of Paul and the new church — a story of excitement, intrigue, incredible growth, and life-changing encounters. The Thursday and Monday morning sessions will offer child care (infants through age 4) with a reservation. Morning sessions will meet 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. and the Monday evening session will gather from 6:30 ~ 8:30 p.m. t of the study is $20.00 which includes your study guide and other materials. atic Tuesday, September 6th. epportunity to hear from two of the Amazing Collection teachers, is and Linda Sweeney. This will be a great event to share with those ld like to invite to the study to your questions, contact Rev. Donna Mc- or Lori Needham at ext. 1463 or A “Collection” of words to affirm The Amazing Collection! September 2008 Women’s Ministry Intociced The Amazing Colleton, a stay ofthe Bible, book by book: Is wth \great excitement to say we have completed the 39 books of the Old Testament and we are looking forward to begin- Now...won't you join us in September as we begin our New Testament journey? Invite your friends, family, neighbors 1g the New Testament this September! A & vay Here’s a sampling of the many comments we received as we concluded this study: “Knowing that God never ceases working to carry out His plan, and never ceases developing His people (me) into what He wants them (me) to be and what He knew they (I) could become is wonderful knowledge. | understand not to ask God to be a part of my plan, but to ask Him to include me in “This has been a wonderful way to learn about the books of the Bible and how God cares, guides and even teaches us now ~ today.” “I'm one of the youngest in our group (age 30's ~ 80's) and | have LOVED benefiting from all of these ladies’ wisdom and love. This study has terrific information and I've loved growing closer to God through an in-depth knowledge of His Word.” “4 first learned the Scriptures in my home growing up, and have had the privilege of studying The Word of God through the years. However, The Amazing Collection is the best organiza tion of Scripture with maps, history, literature, quotes of notable authors and great questions to ponder that | have ever used. It has been my privilege to facilitate a women’s group and a couples’ group using the material. Join us in the fall for the New Testament study. | believe it will be a blessing to you.” ““| was very ‘daunted’ when the Amazing Collection Women's Bible study was first introduced at FPCO. I've always enjoyed the variety of topical studies, often 6 ~ 8 weeks in length. Study- ing the entire Bible ~ yes, all 66 books one-by-one ~ seemed more than a little overwhelming - especially because it stretched out over multiple years. It didn’t take long, though, to realize that it would be an ‘amazing’ journey. Both the videos and the workbook are incredibly well done, offering an in-depth study of every book from multiple angles, yet in an ongoing format And the way that our women’s ministry has supplemented the study with live teaching and more in-depth study has been very helpful. It's also been good to have weekly small group discussions ~ it holds us accountable for the ‘homework’ but more important allows for great discussion of each book. | truly love the collection and look forward to beginning the New Testament in the fall!” ary and co-workers to walk with you as God, in the flesh, joins our mortal world. Questions? or x1463. COLUMNS | 33, Contact Rev. Donna McClellan at or 407.423.3441 x1488 or Lori Needham at Never Too Young By Kathy Mangascle, Early Childhood Ministry Lr goal in Early Childhood Ministry is to come alongside parents to help lay a spiritual foundation in the hearts and minds of our young- est that will be the first layer upon which a strong faith and walk with the Lord are built. That includes providing a happy experience at church that is interwoven with Bible lessons and crafts (SEEK), making friends (SHARE), and opportunities to put faith into action through mission projects (Wells for Madagascar) and stewardship activities (SERVE}. ‘Over the years, Early Childhood Ministry has evolved from one that made childeare the priority to one that embraces the fact that young children have a great capacity to learn spiritual concepts. By age 4 years children have the capability to understand who God is, what God has done, | can have a relationship with God, and | can be all God wants me to be. Isn't that what we all hope to learn and have reflected in our lives as we grow in the Lord? The place to begin is in infancy! & ERIN MANDER Parenthood is something that is difficult or maybe impossible to prepare yourselves for. Wheth- Envy Childhood Minisiy€f YOU have read every current book on parenting or are reflecting on classical models; itis a daunting endeavor from the start. From the sleepless nights to the most challenging morning of the week—Sunday—there are not many lessons that you do not learn from personal experience. When reflecting on the steps of this journey, we have found a special place of encouragement at our church. No matter how harried the morning may have been, when we arrive in this place we are embraced with kindness, patience, and grace. This can only be fully represented by provided a personal example. We will never forget trying to check in both children (ages 2 and 3 months) for the first time. The youngest did not want to stay in our arms as is not unusual while one of the parents is ‘trying to do something that requires a steady hand. So, after juggling for a couple seconds, the volunteer in the area simply said, "Just hand him to me...I would love to hold him. He is precious!” At that moment, a sigh of relief flowed ‘throughout this Mom's body as a moment to breathe and simply write the names of the children without a strain was accomplished. Its this kind of simple gesture that makes the Early Childhood Department at First Presbyterian a place ‘that welcomes new moms and dads, loves children, and understands what it means to be family. KIM AMOS “Loving care” and “precious friendships” were the phrases that immediately came to mind when | was asked to reflect on our family’s years with Early Childhood Ministry. For those of you with teenagers, do you remember Miss Irlene, Miss Louise, Miss Wilda and Miss Alice? Those were the ladies who greeted our babies and toddlers for years while we attended various activities at church. They helped us with potty training, transitioning to and from sippy cups and separating from mommy and daddy. They sometimes even had to wipe away tears (child and mommy) during that separating time. Several years later, when our youngest child was in the class for 3 year olds, it was Miss Edilma, Miss Harriett and Miss Le who so sweetly rocked our little one and reassured him when it was time for mommy to leave. Early Childhood Ministry, or Nursery Ministry, as it was known when our children were young, was truly instrumental in helping me find my niche in such a large church. Joe and | were married at FPCO where he had been a member his en- tire life. By contrast, | grew up in a small church in a small town and felt overwhelmed by the size of the church. It wasn't until our frst child was born and | became involved with Early Childhood Ministry that | finally began to feel at home. The friendships that our children and | formed during those years are still some of our most treasured. The children were well cared for and played in the nursery while we had small group, aerobics, ECM and Mom's Retreat meetings. Even though our children have long since moved on from Early Childhood Ministry, we look fondly back on those years, remembering the times that Miss Irlene reassured us that we would make it through potty training or Miss Alice telling Us that our son really didn't mean to cut his own hair or Miss Louise rocking our babies. As our children’s needs were being met at church, they learned early that God loved them and that church was a happy place! & 38] COLUMNS. News & Notices CONGRATULATIONS To: Chris and Courtney Morgan, on the birth of ‘their daughter, Ava Jade Morgan born on February 13, 2011 Samuel Brendan Lynch and Melody Benbow James, who were married on March 12, 2011, in the Reformation Chapel. Justin Paul Curtis and Samantha Jo Ander- Son, who were married on March 19, 2011, in the Sanctuary, Samantha is the daughter of Joe and Stephanie Anderson. Park and Ruth Rahaley, on the birth of their son, Michael McCarthy Rahaley born on ‘April 8, 2011 in Charleston, SC. The proud {grandparents are Jack and Jackie Sneed, Scott and Meridith Gaylord, on the birth of their daughter, Lilly Scott Gaylord born on April 25, 2011 Chris and Kristen King, on the birth of their son, Luke Thomas King bom on April 26, 2011. The proud grandparents are David ‘and Marilyn King, Jeremy Allen Moore and Tiffany Marie Pas: ‘cuzzi, who were married on April 30, 2011, in the Sanctuary. Christy Lee Miller and Christopher Allan Elder who were married on April 2, 2011, in the Reformation chapel. SYMPATHY TO: Brandt and Nicole Myers, on the death of his stepfather, Skip Lentz, on February 2, 2011 Lynette and Thorp Earley, on the death of her ‘mother, Deanna Boling, on February 7, 2011 Mike Spurgeon, on the death of his mother, Ruth Anne Spurgeon, on February 11, 2011 Coy and Lori Tipping, on the death of his father, Doyle Tipping, on February 16, 2011. Mi. Tipping was the grandfather of Cody, Abby, Garrett and Kate Tipping. Betty Furbish, on the death of her husband, Charlie Furbish, on February 17, 2011 Missy and Tony Wilson and Charles and Jan Tews, on the death of their mother, Martha ‘Tews, on February 21. 2011. Mrs, Tews was the grandmother of Tyler and Chas Wilson ‘and Mac, Charles and Beck Tews. Ray van Orman, on the death of his wife Millie van Orman, on February 23, 2011, ‘The family and friends of Linda Reed, who died February 23, 2011 Linda and Douglas Walton, on the death of their mother, Dorothy Walton, on February 25, 2011, The family and friends of Jackson Long, who died February 27, 2011 Denise and Michael Hammond, on the death of her uncle, Marvin Hartzog, on February 27,2011 35 | COLUMNS ‘The family and friends of Art White, who died February 28, 2011 Donna and Jack Longfellow, on the death of her sister, LaVada Stroup, who died March 5, 2011 Rhoda Johnson, on the death of her ‘mother, Rosa Balmuth, on March 6, 2011. Mrs. Balmuth was the grandmother of Al. lison Ky. ‘Alene and Norton Baker, on the death of her brother-in-law, Norwood W. "Red! Pope, on March 8, 2011. The family and friends of Dr. Roy Riviere, who died March 12, 2011 Bette Jo and Wally Miller, on the death of her father, Donald Headings, on March 14, 2011 Melissa and Doug Thomas, on the death ‘of her father, Bartley Kenneth Vickers, on March 18, 2011. Mr Vickers was the grand- father of Jackson and Carson Thomas. Nancy Hawalitzel, on the death of her hus bband, Don Hawblitzel, on March 19, 2011 Mike and Vicki Gillett, on the death of his sister, Patricia Gilett Stapp, on March 25, 2011, Ron and Beth Rossi, on the death of his father, Henry "Hank" Rossi, on March 25, 2011, Mr. Rossi was the grandfather of Chris, Jonathon and Alexa Ross. Britt and Jan Beemer, on the death of his ‘mother, Margaret Beemer, on March 26, 2011. Mrs. Beemer was the grandmother of Chloe and Claire Beemer. Allison and Dan Kirby, on the death of her father, Albert Johnson, Sr, in March, 2011. Gloria Creeden, on the death of her hus- ‘band, Bil Creeden, on March 29, 2011. Mr CCreeden was the father of Karen Hanson and the grandfather of Michelle Hatcher. Joann Hansley, on the death of her sister, Wilda Ripper, on April 2, 2011 Mary Lamar, on the death of her mother, Eloise Rybolt, on April 9, 2011 Dave and Pam McComb, on the death of his mother, June Thomas, on April 11, 2011, Mr. Thomas was the grandmother of Colby ‘and Dyar (Emily) McComb. Kim and Bret Allen, on the death of her ‘grandmother, Nelie Kincaid, on Apsil 15, 2011 The family and friends of Estelle Blanning, who died April 18, 20117. Mrs. Blanning was the mother of Lisa Griggs. ‘The family and friends of Clarence Peterson, whe died April 19, 2011. Me Peterson was the father of Carol Joe) Fosgate and Donnie Peterson and the grandfather of John (Re- ree), Beth (fiancé, Jamie Brown) and Scott (Abby) Fosgate, Paige and Ron Greninger, on the death ‘of her grandmother, Mary Ewaldsen, on April 20, 2011. Mrs, Ewalsen was the great ‘grandmother of Robert and Grace Greninger Bill and Kay Feldmeyer, on the death of his brother, Sam Feldmeyer, on April 22, 2011, ANNOUNCEMENTS: No 8:30am Genesis Service Starting June There will be no 8:30am Genesis service starting June § through August 14. The 9:45 & 11:00am services will continue as Usual. We will sume the regular schedule ‘on August 21 High School Students Register Now for Fun in the Son 2011 Stride (High School) students are invited to join the Student Ministry as we head to Jekyll sland, GA this summer! On July 17- 22 we will be having some Fun In The Son together with other high school students from around the country. Register: www Contact: Rachael Aldrich at raldrich@fpco. ‘org oF x2350 Middle School Students Register Now for The Great Escape 2011 Student Ministries is changing things up this year and heading to North Carolina for ‘our Tribe (Middle School) student retreat, ‘The Great Escape, on June 25-30. We'll {go white water rafting, hiking, slippery rock sliding, tubing, swimming and much, much Register: wwe Contact: Rachael Aldrich at raldrich@fpco. ‘org oF x2350 Register Now for VBS 2011 SonSurf on July 18-22 ‘There are stil Vacation Bible School spots available for rising ath & Sth graders. Cost willbe $25. We are also in need of volun- {eer teachers and assistants for all grade levels. Register: www Contact: Susie Dunlap at or x1482 Renovation Underway for Children's Ministry Children’s Ministry is currently moving to- wards new and exciting things for children (on Sunday mornings! You can have direct, ‘access to the documents ereated by our Visioning Event that are the guiding truths ‘and goals for this renovation. Check out this exciting news at www: srenovation. Contact: Carol Welker at or x1490 Plseaecoucuen @ Churches! Orlando eas ey ORT BUD asa etree arr cue ny PERIODICALS RATE [US POSTAGE PAID. ‘ORLANDO, FL First Presbyterian Church of Orlando: 106 E. Church St., Orlando, FL 32801 Tha First Presbyterian Columas (USPS 604-040) published ‘ce per qurter by the Fst Presbyterian Church, Creultion £1300 (9000 by US Mai, 300 by oncampuscstouto) Percdieals postage paid at Oranda, lorda. POSTMASTER Send addres changes to COLUMNS, 106 E Church St, Olan, FL. 22801-3390. (©2017 First Presbyterian Church of Orlando COLUMNS, POSTMASTER: Time Sensitive Material Please Deliver by June 7, 2011 oN aol ET act 8:30, 9:45, & 11:00 a.m, ee ENR ES yasets ole recency Brea in Lee Fello WHAT: The Marriage Retreat WHEN: October 21-23 WHERE: Mission Inn, Howey-in-the-Hills CONTACT: Bret Allen at or x1183

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