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Section VIRGO
Leaning Area ENGLISH Time 8:15 – 9:15
January 04,2022
Grade Level Date

A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of text elements to comprehend
various texts.
B. Performance Standards Use knowledge of text types to correctly distinguish literary from
informational texts.
C. Learning Summarize narrative texts based on elements
Competencies/Objectives -Theme
Write for the LC code for each -Setting
-Characters (heroes and villains)
-Plot (beginning, middle and ending)

II. CONTENT Reading Comprehension

A. References Grade 1– English page 45-52
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Visual aids, marker, laptop
Teacher’s Activities Pupils’ Activities
Before the Lesson
A. Review previous lesson or Everyone please stands up. May I request (the pupils will
presenting the new lesson Lisha to lead us the prayer. stand up and
Good morning class! pray)
Good morning
teacher, good
It’s nice to see you too morning
classmates! It’s
Please arrange your chair and pick up some nice to see you
pieces of paper around you. today

Thank you, you may now take your seats. (the pupils will

May I know who are absent for today?

None ma’am
Very good! I am glad that everyone is present
Before we go on our topic for today, can you
please give me a recap of what we have done
yesterday? We discussed the
elements of
literary text.
What are the elements of literary texts?
Jane, please give me one

Correct! What else? Theme ma'am

Yes, Ana
The characters
and setting
Very good! Is that all class?
(students will
Yes, Mark raise their hand)

The plot ma'am

Correct, all what you have said are correct.

B. Establishing a purpose for Class please look at this picture

the lesson

Ma'am the
What can you see? different
language of the
word "THANK

That’s right! Do you always say thank you?

The students
How often do you say thank you? answer may
There are so many things you can be thankful vary
Now read the story to find out what the
narrator is most thankful for. And answer the
question that follow.

Say “Thank You" Often

When I was a kid, I sort of like getting sick.
Honestly, I liked being sick because Mom
would bring me milk and cookies as I stayed
in bed.
In all the times I got sick as a kid (which was
about everything other month), I never saw
my Mom get tired of serving me, or feeding
me, or fussing over me. In my mind, the earth
may shake, the ice may melt, and the sun may
explode, but she was the only thing in this
universe that will never change.
Many years later, already as a lay missionary,
I remember getting terribly sick. And there
she was, just as if the decades folded into
mere days, as she went up my room for her
hourly visits, bringing warm food, clothes,
medicine, and prayer. Again, it felt good
having a loving mother to watch over me. All I
had to do was ask and she'd be there for me.
But this time, as her visits progressed, I
noticed how she entered my room almost
panting, her breaths short, her words faint,
her movements slow, I also read in her eyes
the acceptance of a painful truth - for the first
time, she was discovering that she couldn't
care for me much longer.
My suspicions were right, Days later, she
tearfully shared with me her emotional
"I'm just getting older, Bo, I easily get tired
these past few days caring for you. I began
thinking perhaps It'll be good for you to get
married and have a wife."
That was the first time she ever said that to
someone who for years always wanted me to
be a priest.
One day, Mom got sick. So I went to her room,
sat beside her, and chatted about everything
she wanted to talk about. (To her, talking to
me is better than all the milk and cookies in
the world.) I felt good just by being beside her.
Later that day, as I sat in my room, I could
still see Moms loving face smiling at me, I
went to my table, got a piece of paper and
then a pencil. I started to write.

C. Presenting Think It Over! Possible answer

examples/instances of the new of the selected
lesson student:
1.Who was the narrator in the story? Bo
2. Why did the kid like getting sick? Because his
mother brings
him milk and
3. What was the mother's advice to her son? To get married
and have a wife
4. What was the profession of the son in the
story? A missionary
5. Why did the narrator write to his mom? Because he
remembers the
smiling of his
6. What have you learned in the story?
Always cherish
the moments
Dear Mom, you've spent with
your love ones
I'm writing this to you, Mom. and always be
I know I travel a lot and I'm rarely home
especially to our
because that's the life of a missionary. I mother.
It’s a do
touching story
thank you right?
for all the support you
Nowhave I will
been giving me in mythree
group you into decision to Yes, ma'am
The first row will be the group 1
serve the Lord.
The second row will be the group two and last
row is the group 3. At the count of 10 all group
will form a circle.

Now moving on to our discussion.

During the Lesson A narrative is a type of literary text that tells a

D. Discussing new concepts and story. It presents a series of event which can
practicing new skills #1 either be true or fictitious. Nonfiction
narratives include biography, diary. Fiction
narratives may be fairy tales, myths, legends,
fables or plays.
The basic elements of the narrative included
the theme, setting, character and plot.

Plot-the sequence of events beginning, middle

and ending.
Setting-the time and place in which the events
Character- are the people or animals who act
in the story
*Main characters- one on whom the story
*Minor characters- one who serves to
complement the major characters and keep
the action moving.
Theme- the author message or central concept
about life or human nature conveyed through
the story.

Being able to identify the elements of the story Students answer

you read, shows that you understand the may vary
Do you have question class?

I have here a box, each group will choose

representative to pick your assign task.

Group 1- You Complete Me

Directions: Read the selection carefully. Fill in
the blanks to complete the paragraph based
on the character, setting, plot and theme of
the story. Choose one representative to
present your work.
The Ant and the Dove
On a hot day of summer, an ant was searching
for some water. After walking around for
some time, she came near the river. To drink
the water, she climbed up on a small rock.
While trying to drink a water, she slipped and
fell into the river. There was a dove sitting on
a branch of a tree who saw an ant falling into
the river. The dove quickly plucked a leaf and
dropped it into the river near the struggling Possible output of
ant. The ant moved towards the leaf and the students:
climbed up onto it. Soon, the leaf drifted to The story takes
dry ground, and the ant jumped out. She place one hot day
looked up to the tree and thanked the dove. at the spring. The
Later, the same day, a bird catcher nearby was ant and the dove
about to throw his net over the dove hoping to is the main
trap it. An ant saw him and guessed what he character in the
was about to do. The dove was resting and he story who help
had no idea about the bird catcher. An ant each other. A
quickly bit him on the foot. Feeling the pain, problem occurs
the bird catcher dropped his net and let out a when the ant fell
light scream. The dove noticed it and quickly into the water
flew away. and the dove help
her. After that, a
hunter nearby
was throwing out
his net towards
the dove. The
problem is solved
with the help of
ant that bit the
him on the heel,
cause the hunter
to dropped his
net. The story end
The story takes
when the dove
place__________________. The
was quick to fly
away to safety.
is the main character in the story
Remember to
who________? A problem occurs
offer good deeds
_________. After that, ___________. The
with others
problem is solved_______________. the
because it has a
story end_______________. Remember
1,2,3 clap
1,2,3 stamp
Pop, pew, pew,

Very good group 1!

Class let’s give them a fireworks clap
1,2,3 clap
1,2,3 stamp
Pop, pew, pew,

E. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills #2 Group 2- Fill Me Up
Direction: Read the short story of Princess
Polite and answer the following questions.
Write your answer using story grammar.
Present your work in the class. The group
will present their
output in the
1 clap
T Sip
Aaahhh That’s
I good!

E Theme

1. Who is the main character in the story?

2. Who are the minor character in the
3. Where the story happened?
4. What is the situation in the story?
5. What happened when James Sammy
choose to marry Polly instead of Sarah?
6. What is the message of the story?

Good job group 2!

Let’s give them a Coffee clap
Ready go
1 clap
Aaahhh That’s good!

F. Developing Mastery Group 3- Act It Out

Direction: Read the story carefully. Make a
short skit portraying the beginning, middle
and ending of the story.
The Astronomy Project
Mrs. Lindsey was everyone’s favorite teacher The students will
at Lincoln Elementary School. She was known perform a short
for her entertaining teaching techniques. One skit
day she walked into the classroom and
announced to the class that they would all be
seeing stars in their futures. She then asked,
“Does anyone know what astronomy is?”
Olivia raised her hand and said, “I’m a Libra.”
Mrs. Lindsey responded, “I can understand
why you would think that astrological signs
are part of astronomy because astrology and
astronomy both deal with celestial beings. In
fact, many of the constellations in the sky
have given their names to astrological signs”
Mrs. Lindsey then went on to explain that
astrology is the belief that the location and
movement of stars and planets affect the way
events transpire on earth, which is why
horoscopes are based on astrological signs.
Astronomy, however, is a branch of science
that deals with celestial bodies, the universe
as a whole and space. “We are going to be
learning about astronomy in this unit, and
that is why you will be seeing stars in your
“I love looking at the stars at night,” said
When Mrs. Lindsey asked who else liked
looking at stars, everyone in the class raised
their hands. She then passed out star charts
and asked the class to look at the sky that
night and record the visible constellations.
The next day in class, everyone was super
excited to share their observations.
“I saw Ursa Minor,” announced Andrew
“So did I.” said Olivia, “It looks like a dot-to-
dot ladle.”
“That’s great,” responded Mrs. Lindsey, “and
did you know that Ursa Minor is also called
the Little Dipper because it looks like a ladle?”
“Isn’t there a Big Dipper too?” asked Tim.
“Yes, there is, and it is called Ursa Major,”
said Mrs. Lindsey.
Mrs. Lindsey then asked the class if they
would like to become part of the galaxy. They
all agreed that that sounded like a fun idea,
but they wondered how it would work. Mrs.
Lindsey explained that she would assign each
student a constellation, and that they would
each make a poster board illustration of their
constellation over the weekend. “From there
on,” she said, “it will be a surprise.” She
passed out one poster board and one glow-in-
the-dark marker to each student and wished
them all a good weekend.
When the students got to class Monday
morning, they were brimming with
enthusiasm. Mrs. Lindsey used a poster board
to demonstrate to the students how she
wanted them to punch two holes at the top of
their poster boards and then weave a piece of
string through the holes to form a necklace so
that they could hang their constellations
around their necks and wear them.
After the students had completed constructing
their wearable constellations, they donned
them and waited to see what would happen
Mrs. Lindsey arranged the students around
each other in a similar fashion to the way the
constellations appeared on the constellation
chart. Next she closed the blinds and turned
off the lights. She asked them to circle around
the class room while making individual
motions as they went. They had now become
the constellations dancing in the nighttime
“Awesome! We can all see each other glowing
and moving around just like the stars do,” the
students said in unison.
All of the students agreed that it was their
favorite lesson so far that year. They especially
liked the fact that Mrs. Lindsey had recorded
their version of the constellations so they
could watch it over again and show it to their

Catego 10 8 7 5
Studen Studen The Studen
Prepar ts are t seem studen ts do
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prepar ed but ow prepar
ed and might prepar ed to 1,2,3 clap
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that is
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show sufficie of not
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Congratulations group 3, you are all good in

Let’s give them class a Dj clap
Repeat after me
1,2,3 clap
Ara , arah , awesome!
G. Finding practical Possible answer:
applications of concepts and Say “Thank You”
skills in daily living often
-“Thank you
Get 1 half sheet of paper and choose a theme two words, eight
on the story we discussed for today. Make a letters but
saying about the theme you have chosen. nothing as
Ant and the Dove
“Good deeds
should be done
with intention,
not for attention”
Princess Polite
-“Be honest
Be generous
Is the best

After the Lesson What is a narrative text? A narrative tells a

H. Making generalizations and Correct! A narrative text is a type of literary story.
abstractions about the lesson text that tells a story. It presents a series of
events which can either be true or not. The elements of
What are the things you consider when you the story ma'am.
summarize a narrative text?
Yes! When you summarize keep in mind the
answer to the five Who's and How question s.
Who refers to the characters, where and when
to the settings, why and how to the plot or
series of events from the beginning to the end Answer of
as conflict arise and then solved. students may
Always remember that a summary is a brief vary
statement or condensed version of a text,
narrative or book.
Do you have a question or any clarification
I. Evaluating learning Read carefully the following questions. Circle
the letter of your chosen answer.
1. What is the best summary of the selection?

Long ago, people spent their lives roaming

in search of food. They went from place to
a. As looking
they learnedfortowild
b. and
Wheat and rice were among the first
finished wild animals. Then people plants
found they could take certain animals.
They learned to grow plants, such as rice
and wheat. People stopped roaming and
c. Long ago, people gathered wild plants and
hunter’s animals to eat and later on, settled as

2. What are the elements of a narrative or

a. Setting, middle, ending, beginning
b. Characters, Setting, Plot, Theme
c. Character, Theme, Ending, Beginning

3. What elements of texts is made up of the

events that happened in the story?
a. Plot
b. Setting
c. Ending

4. What do you called to the elements that

referred to the heroes and villains in the
a. Middle
b. Characters
c. Main actor

5. What is the example of the element setting?

a. Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Persia.
b. Jeny, a Grade 5 pupil
c. They live happily ever after

J. Additional activities for Think of your favorite narrative text and write
application or remediation the summary of it in a 1 whole sheet of paper
to be submitted tomorrow.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use./discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by:
Group 2 possible output

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