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Estimating hc/k from sunlight

Peter Pesic

Citation: American Journal of Physics 73, 457 (2005); doi: 10.1119/1.1806479

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Conventions and inertial reference frames

Alberto A. Martı́neza)
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125
共Received 10 May 2004; accepted 21 December 2004兲
This article discusses the role of conventions in defining the concept of inertial reference frame, and
it specifies key historical evidence, up to now widely ignored, connecting Poincaré, Einstein, and
Reichenbach’s analyses of simultaneity. © 2005 American Association of Physics Teachers.
关DOI: 10.1119/1.1858446兴

In special relativity, conventions have been a subject of constitute an inertial system. He assumed the points’ uniform
debate among physicists and philosophers. We may better rectilinear motion as a matter of ‘‘mere convention.’’ It
understand such disputes on synchrony, velocity, and inertial seemed impossible to ascertain their motion univocally, be-
systems by setting them in relation to specific historical tra- cause they were meant to function as the standard by which
ditions. to measure other motions.9 Such a system, though estab-
Recently, Ohanian argued that dynamical considerations, lished by convention, would serve to verify whether other
applied to inertial systems, necessarily entail the standard objects move rectilinearly at constant velocity.
synchronization rule employed in special relativity.1 He de- Lange’s definition has served to specify inertial systems in
fines ‘‘inertial reference frame’’ as a frame in which New- Newton’s mechanics, as well as in Einstein’s special theory.
ton’s laws of motion are valid to a first approximation. He For example, in his treatise on relativity, Max Laue used
cites only one, seemingly authoritative, formulation of this Lange’s definition.10 It applies also in schemes developed
definition. He claims that Einstein, in his famous 1905 paper, upon the analysis of special relativity advanced by Hans
required ‘‘a system of co-ordinates in which the equations of Reichenbach.11
Newtonian mechanics hold good, i.e., to the first In contradistinction, another tradition defines inertial sys-
approximation.’’ 2 That expression, however, is not in the tems in terms of Newton’s dynamics.12 Arguably, one advan-
1905 paper. It actually reads, ‘‘Consider a coordinate system tage of that approach is that it need not presuppose the exis-
in which the equations of Newtonian mechanics hold.’’ 3 tence of empty space and hence of any ‘‘free’’ particles. Still,
Ohanian relied on a translation that includes the clause ‘‘i.e., Newton’s first law of motion refers to free bodies. One of its
to the first approximation’’ as a footnote.4 There is no evi- virtues is that it continued to be exactly valid even in Ein-
dence that Einstein added it. Such footnotes originated in an stein’s special relativity.
edition of 1913 by Otto Blumenthal, which includes notes by The law of inertia by itself does not suffice to necessitate
Sommerfeld.5 Presumably, this specific footnote was added the standard synchrony used in special relativity. Hence,
to harmonize the pertinent sentence with special relativity, Ohanian suggests that this law be abandoned or construed as
which revises many equations of Newton’s mechanics. a corollary of Newton’s second law. Thus, he opposes a tra-
Hence, Torretti described Einstein’s original expression as ‘‘a dition 共cultivated by Mach, Kirchhoff, Hertz, Einstein,
condition blatantly at odds with the subsequent development among many others兲 that begins the analysis of motion by
of the paper.’’ 6 mathematically describing varying distances between bodies
At the outset of his argument, Einstein assumed the valid- rather than by postulating notions of force. Most physicists,
ity of Newton’s mechanics before showing its inadequacy. following Newton, prefer to present the law of inertia as
共This point has been ignored in analyses of the 1905 paper.兲 independent and prior to the force law.
In particular, in discussing the lack of any absolute meaning In contrast, Ohanian considers dynamical relations as
of simultaneity, Einstein assumed that moving clocks keep more real or fundamental than any kinematics that we may
the time of the ‘‘stationary’’ system.7 Accordingly, the con- devise by various arbitrary modes of representing empirical
sideration of a system in which Newton’s equations hold relations. For him, F⫽ma, when applied to multiple bodies,
served to indicate a deficiency in Newtonian mechanics. is ‘‘a true law of nature, that is, a prediction that can be
Newton’s equations, of course, are valid as a first approxi- confirmed or contradicted by experiment.’’ 13 Notwithstand-
mation in Einstein’s theory. But, does that mean that we must ing a century of apparent confirmations of relativistic devia-
necessarily define inertial systems in terms of Newton’s tions from Newton’s force law, Ohanian requires that this
equations? very ‘‘law’’ is essential in defining an inertial system. He
Other definitions abound. For example, to define an iner- shows that different synchrony conventions would entail a
tial system in a way that is not predetermined by the adop- change in the mathematical form of dynamical equations.
tion of particular laws of motion, we may use an approach The resulting equations involve what he calls ‘‘pseudo-
formulated by Ludwig Lange. In 1885, he proposed an ideal forces.’’ Yet, such equations do not predict any differences
construct for identifying any ‘‘inertial system’’ of reference.8 whatsoever in the actual material behavior of physical sys-
It seems that he actually coined the expression. Lange argued tems. They constitute an unusual but entirely consistent way
that any three material points simultaneously projected from of representing and accounting for empirical relations.
a single point, and moving freely in noncoplanar directions, Ohanian rejects such equations because they don’t have the

452 Am. J. Phys. 73 共5兲, May 2005 © 2005 American Association of Physics Teachers 452
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mathematical form of Newton’s law. He concludes that ‘‘in enced by Poincaré’s works.18 At a younger age, Einstein had
an inertial reference frame, there is no freedom of choice in been immersed in the philosophy of Kant. But, by 1905,
the synchronization, and in such a reference frame, a con- owing to his readings of Mach, Poincaré, and especially
vention for synchronization is not needed or permitted.’’ 14 Hume, Einstein abandoned the idea that notions of space and
Yet, his argument depends on adopting a particular defini- time are a priori knowledge. In his 1905 paper, Einstein
tion of inertial frame. acknowledged that different definitions of force are possible.
Furthermore, he claims that Einstein was ‘‘sleepwalking’’ And, he described also as a ‘‘definition’’ the requirement that
in positing the standard synchrony procedure. He construes it light takes the same time to traverse equal paths in opposite
as ‘‘redundant,’’ being involved 共allegedly兲 in the definition directions. It is also well known that in his popular book on
of an ‘‘inertial reference frame,’’ which he claimed was in relativity he emphasized that this very requirement ‘‘is in
the 1905 paper. But, since Einstein did not overtly formulate reality neither a supposition nor a hypothesis about the
a definition of inertial frame consonant with his new kine- physical nature of light, but a stipulation which I can make
matics, there is no redundancy involved. 共By the way, no- of my own free will in order to arrive at a definition of
where in the 1905 paper did Einstein use the phrase ‘‘inertial simultaneity.’’ 19
reference frame,’’ nor any of these words; he used the ex- Among French speakers, the notion that light isotropy is
pression ‘‘system of coordinates.’’兲 If Ohanian is correct in conventional gained prominence because, in the French
connecting standard synchrony inextricably to inertial translation of Einstein’s book, the German word ‘‘festset-
frames, then Einstein’s original formulation is not redundant, zung’’ 共‘‘stipulation’’ in the authorized English translation兲
precisely because he only specifies the synchrony procedure, was rendered ‘‘convention.’’ 20 Among English speakers, the
and that would tacitly fix the definition of an inertial system. notion that isotropy is conventional gained prominence in the
Regardless, Einstein’s kinematics admits other common defi- writings of Eddington, who early on was reputed to be one of
nitions of inertial frame. the few physicists who really understood relativity theory.
Another point to clarify is the rise of the notion that the For example, he argued that, ‘‘Strictly speaking the
simultaneity of distant events and the unidirectional speed of Michelson–Morley experiment did not prove directly that
any signal involve an element of convention. Such argu- the speed of light was constant in all directions. The experi-
ments are often traced to the works of Reichenbach in the ment compared the times of a journey ‘there-and-back’.’’ Ed-
1920s. dington explained that all such experiments compare only
However, it is well known that since the 1890s the math- the round trips of signals: ‘‘The measured velocity of light is
ematician and physicist Henri Poincaré had highlighted the the average to-and-fro velocity... there is a deadlock... which
importance of conventions in mathematics and physics. His can only be removed by an arbitrary assumption or conven-
concerns grew from questions about the validity of non- tion. The convention actually adopted is that 共relative to the
Euclidean geometries, as had been the case with Helmholtz. observer兲 the velocities of light in the two opposite directions
In 1898 Poincaré characterized the metric notion that light are equal.’’ 21
has the same speed in opposite directions as a ‘‘postulate,’’ a Such discussions and many that followed on the conven-
presupposition ‘‘which could never be verified directly by tionality of simultaneity have not mentioned whether Ein-
experiment.’’ 15 He argued that the simultaneity of distant stein himself actually called simultaneity a ‘‘convention.’’ In
events and the equality of two durations ‘‘can acquire mean- fact, he did. In a letter of 1924 to André Metz, a philosopher
ing only by convention.’’ 16 For Poincaré, conventions were of physics, Einstein noted that relativity theory involved
principles chosen conveniently by all scientists because of ‘‘conventions’’ and ‘‘physical hypotheses.’’ He specified one
their compatibility with empirical knowledge. In that way, such convention: ‘‘simultaneity.’’ 22 Moreover, in 1918 he
the fundamental knowledge secured in mathematics and had commented to Max Born: ‘‘The ‘a priori’ I must pare
physics could be understood as not necessarily being fixed down to ‘conventional’... .’’ 23 Even decades later, Einstein
by the structure of the world 共nor by transcendental catego- defended Poincaré’s view that particular geometries are con-
ries of the mind, contrary to the philosophy of Kant兲. strued as true essentially as a matter of convention.24
Poincaré argued: we voluntarily ascribe certainty to such Reichenbach, another physicist turned philosopher, main-
conventions because we posit their validity as a matter of tained a friendly correspondence with Einstein. He attributed
definition. For example, he explained, F⫽ma becomes a to Einstein the merit of having properly extended, to the
convention when we decide that ‘‘force’’ is just the name concept of time, the role of conventions that had been eluci-
given to the product of mass times acceleration. The propo- dated by Helmholtz and Poincaré in physics.25 In 1928 Re-
sition cannot then be contradicted by experiment. Further- ichenbach published his third book analyzing the concepts of
more, he noted that if we adopt an unusual way of measuring space and time in Einstein’s theories.26 He elaborated the
time, then ‘‘the experiments on which Newton’s second law thesis that the standard procedure for synchronizing clocks
is founded would none the less have the same meaning. Only involves an element of convention, in the stipulation that any
the enunciation of the law would be different, because it light rays take equal times to travel equal paths in opposite
would be translated into another language; it would evidently directions relative to any inertial reference frame.27
be much less simple.’’ 17 Promptly, Einstein wrote a book review, now virtually un-
Poincaré argued that, to understand the principles of me- known. He praised Reichenbach’s efforts to clarify how defi-
chanics, it is useful to compare them with alternative formu- nitions connect concepts and experience: ‘‘The clear elucida-
lations and hypotheses. He complained that analysis of the tion of the role of coordinative definitions, especially in the
origins and validity of principles is often difficult because area of relativity theory, is one of the main objectives to
textbooks ‘‘do not clearly distinguish between what is expe- which the author has aspired and reached.’’ 28
rience, what is mathematical reasoning, what is convention, Einstein noted that Reichenbach’s detailed analysis of time
and what are hypotheses.’’ 16 in special relativity was easily intelligible, and he highlighted
It is also well known that Einstein studied and was influ- that ‘‘value is located in clearly distinguishing what in the

453 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 73, No. 5, May 2005 Notes and Discussions 453
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relativistic definition of simultaneity is a logically arbitrary Ohanian, personal communication, July 2004.
stipulation, and what in it is a hypothesis, that is, a presup- Ohanian, Ref. 1, p. 143.
position about the structure of nature.’’ Unfortunately, nowa-
共a兲 H. Poincaré, ‘‘La mesure du temps,’’ Revue de Métaphysique et de
Morale 6, 1–13 共1898兲; reissued in 共b兲 Poincaré, Foundations of Science,
days, the tendency to not distinguish between conventional
authorized translation by G. B. Halsted 共Science, New York, 1913兲, p. 232.
and factual aspects of physical theories continues to be 16
H. Poincaré, La Science et l’Hypothèse 共Flammarion, Paris, 1902兲, p. 111;
strong.29 translated in Foundations of Science, Ref. 15b, p. 92.
Poincaré, Ref. 15b, p. 227.
For example, Einstein intensely analyzed La Science et l’Hypothèse, re-
called M. Solovine; A. Einstein, Letters to Solovine 共Philosophical Library,
I thank John Stachel and Ronald Anderson for discussions New York, 1986兲, p. 9. Also, in a lecture delivered in 1921, Einstein
and helpful comments. I also thank Hans Ohanian and argued: ‘‘It is essential here also to pay strict attention to the relation of
Michel Janssen for their useful comments. experience to our concepts. It seems to me that Poincaré clearly recog-
nized the truth in the account he gave in his book La Science et
Electronic mail: l’Hypothèse.’’ A. Einstein, The Meaning of Relativity 共Princeton U.P., Prin-
H. C. Ohanian, ‘‘The role of dynamics in the synchronization problem,’’ ceton, 1946兲, p. 3.
Am. J. Phys. 72, 141–148 共2004兲. 19
A. Einstein, Über die Spezielle und die Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie
See Ref. 1, especially pages 146, 148. 共Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1917兲; Einstein, Relativity, translated by R. W.
A. Einstein, ‘‘Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper,’’ Ann. Phys. 共Leipzig兲 Lawson 共P. Smith/H. Holt and Co., New York, 1931兲, p. 23.
17, 891–921 共1905兲. 20
A. Einstein, La Théorie de la Rélativité Restreinte et Généralisé, translated
A. Einstein, H. A. Lorentz, H. Minkowski, and H. Weyl, The Principle of by J. Rouvière 共Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1921兲, p. 19.
Relativity, translated by W. Perrett and G. B. Jeffery, notes by A. Sommer- 21
A. S. Eddington, The Mathematical Theory of Relativity 共1923; Cambridge
feld 共1923; Dover, New York, 1952兲, p. 38.
5 U. P., Cambridge, 1957兲, p. 19; The Nature of the Physical World 共1927;
Fortschritte der Mathematischen Wissenschaften in Monographien, No. 2:
H. A. Lorentz, A. Einstein, H. Minkowski, Das Relativitätsprinzip, edited Macmillan, New York, 1929兲, p. 46.
by O. Blumenthal, notes by A. Sommerfeld, foreword by Blumenthal A. Einstein to André Metz, 27 Nov. 1924, Einstein Archive, item control
共Teubner, Stuttgart, 1913兲, p. 28. number 18-255. Metz had argued against Einstein’s claim that isotropy of
R. Torretti, Creative Understanding 共University of Chicago Press, Chi- light is a convention. Instead, he argued that isotropy is a logically neces-
cago, 1990兲, p. 286. He characterized Einstein as having been ‘‘careless’’ sary consequence of experiments such as that of Michelson and Morley;
on this matter. Still, Torretti 共1983兲 rejected the later footnote, because it see A. Metz, La Relativité, 16th ed. 共Chiron, Paris, 1923兲, pp. 21–22.
only avoids the inconsistency ‘‘at a rather high price, for the concept of a A. Einstein to M. Born, after 28 June 1918, in Collected Papers of Albert
stationary frame thereby becomes irretrievably ambiguous.’’ Torretti, Rela- Einstein, Vol. 8B: Correspondence 1918 共Princeton, Princeton U.P., 1998兲,
tivity and Geometry 共Pergamon, Oxford, 1983兲, p. 294. edited by R. Schulmann, A. J. Kox, M. Janssen, and J. Illy, p. 818.
7 24
Einstein, Ref. 3, p. 896. A. Einstein, ‘‘Reply to Criticisms,’’ in Albert Einstein: Philosopher-
L. Lange, ‘‘Ueber das Beharrungsgesetz,’’ Ber. der König. Sachsischen Scientist, edited by P. A. Schilpp 共G. Banta, Menasha, WI, 1949兲, pp.
Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Math.-Phys. Klasse 37, 331– 676 – 679.
351 共1885兲. 25
H. Reichenbach, Axiomatization of the Theory of Relativity, translated and
L. Lange, Die Geschichtliche Entwickelung des Bewegungsbegriffes und edited by M. Reichenbach 共1924; University of California Press, Berkeley
Ihr Voraussichtliches Endergebniss 共W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1886兲, p. and Los Angeles, 1969兲, p. 13.
H. Reichenbach, Philosophie der Raum-Zeit-Lehre 共de Gruyter, Berlin,
M. Laue, Die Relativitätstheorie, Vol. 1, in Die Wissenschaft Sammlung
von Einzeldarstellungen aus den Gebieten der Naturwissenschaft und 27
H. Reichenbach, The Philosophy of Space and Time, translated by M.
Technik, edited by E. Wiedemann, 3rd ed. 共Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1919兲,
Vol. 38. Laue’s discussion of Lange’s definition of inertial system did not Reichenbach and J. Freund 共Dover, New York, 1958兲, pp. 127–129, 146,
appear in the first 共1911兲 and second 共1913兲 editions. 168.
For example, J. A. Winnie, ‘‘Special relativity without one-way velocity A. Einstein, ‘‘Philosophie und Pädagogik,’’ Deutsche Literaturzeitung 20,
assumptions. Part I,’’ Philos. Sci. 37, 81–99 共1970兲, ‘‘Part II,’’ 37, 223– No. 1 共1928兲, p. 19.
238 共1970兲. Students interested in learning how physicists, especially in the U. S., have
12 sometimes misconstrued postulates and conventions in relativity as state-
For example, J. Thomson, ‘‘On the law of inertia, the principle of chro-
nometry and the principle of absolute clinural rest, and of absolute rota- ments of experimental facts may consult S. Goldberg, Understanding
tion,’’ R. Soc. Edinburgh Proc. 12, 568 –578 共1884兲. Relativity 共Birkhäuser, Boston, 1984兲.

Comment on ‘‘The role of dynamics in the synchronization problem,’’ by

Hans C. Ohanian †Am. J. Phys. 72 „2…, 141–148 „2004…‡
Alan Macdonalda)
Department of Mathematics, Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, 52101
共Received 8 July 2004; accepted 21 December 2004兲
关DOI: 10.1119/1.1858448兴

Hans C. Ohanian1 claims to ‘‘defeat’’ the conventionalist Ohanian writes, ‘‘关The conventionalist兴 thesis rests on the
thesis of clock synchronization2,3 by using an argument belief that the adoption of the nonstandard synchronization
based on dynamics. My aim here is to show that his argu- leads to a self-consistent description of physical phenomena,
ment does not succeed. without any demonstrably erroneous experimental conse-

454 Am. J. Phys. 73 共5兲, May 2005 © 2005 American Association of Physics Teachers 454
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quences.’’ But he does not claim to defeat the thesis on this Ohanian has not defeated the conventionalist thesis.
basis. Indeed, he writes, ‘‘Reichenbach’s nonstandard syn- There is no need to use Newton’s first or second laws in
chronization permits a consistent description of physical the definition of an inertial frame, despite the near universal
phenomena.’’ use of the first law, and Ohanian’s use of the second. I have
Why, then, does Ohanian reject the thesis? He shows that defined an inertial frame as one in which accelerometers read
with a nonstandard synchronization Newton’s second law zero and clocks are Einstein synchronized.7 The accelerom-
contains pseudoforces and thus is not in its ‘‘standard form,’’ eters can be as simple as a cube with identical springs at-
F⫽ma. He writes, ‘‘The fundamental error of Reichenbach tached from its corners to a weight at its center. If acceler-
and his followers . . . 关is that兴 they failed to appreciate that ometers read zero, then we can attempt to Einstein
the time variable must be chosen in such a way that the laws synchronize clocks. My paper gives testable necessary and
of dynamics 关i.e., Newton’s laws兴 keep their standard form.’’ sufficient conditions that this is possible. 共Perhaps surpris-
共My emphasis.兲 ingly, the conditions do not imply that the speed of light is
But why must Newton’s laws take their standard form? isotropic.7兲 If the conditions are satisfied, then we can Ein-
Ohanian writes that Einstein’s definition of an inertial frame stein synchronize all clocks in the frame with some ‘‘central’’
‘‘demands’’ that Newton’s laws ‘‘must be valid.’’ Ohanian’s clock. Then every pair of clocks will be synchronized and
citation of Einstein’s ‘‘demand’’ reads, ‘‘Let us take a system remain so. Because the definition is independent of Newton’s
of coordinates in which the equations of Newtonian mechan- laws,8 they can then be tested empirically. In our universe
ics hold good.’’ There is no indication that Einstein would they are valid 共in their standard form兲.
have rejected nonstandard synchronizations and their non- There is a difficulty in using Newton’s laws in the defini-
standard forms of Newton’s laws. And if he would have, we tion of an inertial frame: how can the laws be laws if they are
need not follow his definition. part of a definition? I know of no nonsubtle way around this
Thus, Ohanian has only shown that if Newton’s laws must difficulty. The difficulty does not arise if Newton’s laws are
take their standard form, then nonstandard synchronizations not part of the definition of an inertial frame.
are ruled out. But he has given no reason that the laws must Note added in proof. Ohanian devotes the entire third
take their standard form. paragraph of his Reply to an argument scarcely mentioned in
Ohanian’s articulation of the conventionalist thesis above, his paper: simplicity. I agree that if the laws of physics must
‘‘nonstandard synchronization leads to a self-consistent de- take their simplest form, then nonstandard synchronizations
scription of physical phenomena,’’ is a triviality. It also are ruled out. But he has given no reason that the laws must
misses the point of the thesis, as I now discuss. take their simplest form. If Ohanian wants a criterion to rule
In Newtonian mechanics there is a universal time t that out nonstandard synchronizations, why not use the simplest
provides a unique synchronization: two events are simulta- and most direct of all: that the one way speed of light must
neous if they occur at the same t. Synchronization methods, be isotropic?
for example clock transport, are merely operational
procedures for actualizing the already existing synchrony
given by t.
In special relativity there is no universal time. Every stu- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
dent of the theory learns that synchronization is frame de-
I thank Professor Ohanian for a cordial and helpful corre-
pendent. The conventionalist thesis goes further, recognizing
that even in a single nonaccelerating frame, the theory does
not supply a unique synchronization.4 Thus, synchronization a兲
Electronic mail:
in the frame must be defined. 1
H. Ohanian, ‘‘The role of dynamics in the synchronization problem,’’ Am.
This is why Einstein calls the synchronization method in J. Phys. 72, 141–148 共2004兲.
his 1905 paper a definition 共his emphasis兲, not an operational 2
A. Janis, Conventionality of Simultaneity, in The Stanford Encyclopedia of
procedure. He thought this was so important that, even in a Philosophy, edited by Edward N. Zalta,
popularization of relativity, he wrote that his definition ‘‘is in fall2002/entries/spacetime-convensimul/
R. Anderson et al., ‘‘Conventionality of synchronisation, gauge depen-
reality neither a supposition nor a hypothesis about the
dence and test theories of relativity,’’ Phys. Rep. 295, 93–180 共1998兲.
physical nature of light, but a stipulation which I can make 4
A. Grünbaum, Philosophical Problems of Space and Time 共Knopf, New
of my own freewill in order to arrive at a definition of York, 1963兲, p. 343ff.
simultaneity.’’ 5 Reichenbach also emphasizes that synchro- 5
A. Einstein, Relativity: The Special and General Theory, 15th ed. 共Crown,
nization is a matter of definition.6 New York, 1952兲.
Several conditions have been proposed to rule out non-
H. Reichenbach, The philosophy of space & time 共Dover, New York,
standard synchronizations.2,3 Malament’s condition, that the 7
1958兲, p. 127.
A. Macdonald, ‘‘Clock synchronization, a universal light speed, and the
simultaneity relation be defined from the causal connectibil- terrestrial redshift experiment,’’ Am. J. Phys. 51, 795–797 共1983兲.
ity relation, has elicited the most interest. Ohanian’s condi- 8
Except for a very special case of the first law: to say that accelerometers
tion, that Newton’s laws take their standard form, is the lat- read zero is equivalent to saying that objects placed at rest remain at rest.
est. There is no reason that we must accept any of them. This involves neither dynamics nor clocks.

455 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 73, No. 5, May 2005 Notes and Discussions 455
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Reply to ‘‘Comment„s… on ‘The role of dynamics in the synchronization
problem,’ ’’ by A. Macdonald †Am. J. Phys. 73, 454 „2005…‡
and A. A. Martı́nez †Am. J. Phys. 73, 452 „2005…‡
Hans C. Ohaniana)
Department of Physics, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 05405
共Received 30 November 2004; accepted 21 December 2004兲
关DOI: 10.1119/1.1858449兴

Macdonald1 quotes my paper selectively, giving the im- coordinates and accept nonstandard forms for the second
pression that the sentence he quotes in his second paragraph law, then we should be equally willing to accept nonstandard
is my description of the conventionalist thesis. Actually, my forms for the first law.
description of the conventionalist thesis precedes the quoted However, although we can adopt any coordinates whatso-
sentence and is clearly labeled: ‘‘Reichenbach claimed that ever, some choices of coordinates and of synchronization
in the absence of any physical criterion for choosing any play a preferential role, because they permit us to express the
particular value of ␧, this choice is purely a matter of con- laws of physics in their simplest form. This is what motivates
vention. Thus synchronization is a matter of convention, and Einstein’s definition of inertial reference frames in his book
so is the value of the one-way speed of light. This is the The Meaning of Relativity,2 where he adopts ‘‘... Cartesian
conventionalist thesis.’’ After the sentence that Macdonald systems of co-ordinates, the so-called inertial systems, with
quoted, I go on to say ‘‘Reichenbach regarded the freedom in reference to which the laws of mechanics 共more generally
the choice of ␧ as analogous to the freedom in the choice of the laws of physics兲 are expressed in their simplest form.’’
a unit of length, and Anderson et al. regard it as analogous to The adoption of a preferential inertial reference frame in
the freedom of choice in the additive constant in the electro- which all the laws of physics take their simplest form com-
static potential.’’ Of these sentences, the sentence quoted by pels the E synchronization and forbids the R synchroniza-
Macdonald is the one and only sentence that I do not chal- tion. This focus on simplicity gives us insight into a crucial
lenge and refute. My paper shows that the R synchronization difference between E synchronization and R synchroniza-
introduces pseudoforces in the equation of motion, and the tion: with the former, all the laws of physics take their sim-
existence of such pseudoforces provides a clear physical cri- plest form; with the latter, only Newton’s first law takes its
terion for choosing a particular value of ␧. Furthermore, the
simplest form. All other laws containing time dependences
presence of such pseudoforces obviously contradicts
are ‘‘desimplified.’’ Conventionalists believe that nonacceler-
Reichenbach’s and Anderson’s claim that the adoption of the
ating reference frames and the simple form of the first law
R synchronization is analogous to a choice of a length unit or
play a preferential role, but they fail to consider that with R
a choice of gauge—a change of length unit or of gauge does
synchronization the simple form of the first law does not lead
not result in modifications of the force. This is why I claim to
to simple forms of the second and third laws, and that be-
have defeated the conventionalist thesis, at least the version
cause of this missing link the practical significance of the
of this thesis that I comprehended from the literature.
I do not claim to defeat all possible ‘‘new, improved’’ first law is reduced to next to nothing.
versions of this thesis that might hereafter descend upon us, Martinez3 is correct in objecting to the footnote I copied
such as the version proposed by Macdonald, when he says, from the Perrett and Jeffery translation of Einstein’s 1905
‘‘The conventionalist thesis goes further, recognizing that paper.4 This footnote is a gloss, probably by Sommerfeld. I
even in a single nonaccelerating frame, nature does not sup- was not aware of that, and I am grateful to Martinez for
ply a unique synchronization.’’ This version is not falsifiable, bringing this to my attention. However, it is evidently a valid
because it is merely an instance of the well-known covari- gloss, as can be seen from Article 10 of the paper, where
ance of all the laws of physics under general coordinate Einstein states Newton’s equations of motion for a charged
transformations. It is indisputably true that we can adopt any particle and says that these are valid ‘‘insofar as it is moving
general time or space coordinates whatsoever to express the slowly’’ 共this is my own, absolutely accurate, translation
laws of physics, and changes from one set of general coor- from the German original兲. In a later manuscript, written in
dinates to another will merely alter the form of the laws, not 1912 and recently published in facsimile format,5 Einstein
their content. This applies not only to Newton’s second law, deals with the definition of an inertial system 共there called a
but also to the first. For example, in an accelerated reference ‘‘berechtigtes,’’ or authorized, system兲 in the same way: In
frame, Newton’s first law is still valid, but it takes a non- Article 6, he selects the coordinate system so as to make
standard form: any particle not acted upon by forces main- Newton’s equations of motion ‘‘as simple as possible,’’ and
tains a constant acceleration opposite to that of the reference he states these equations in their standard form; and in Ar-
frame 共more generally, in arbitrary curvilinear spacetime co- ticle 13 he continues with ‘‘For infinitely slow motions,
ordinates, the first law takes the form of an equation for Newton’s laws of motion are undoubtedly valid...’’ There is
geodesic motion兲. Macdonald vehemently defends non- nothing in either of these papers to support Martinez’s specu-
standard forms of the second law, but he shies away from lation that Einstein intended the statement of Newton’s equa-
nonstandard forms of the first law. I believe that, in physics, tions as a devious polemical device rather than as a straight-
consistency is a virtue, and if we are going to adopt general forward definition of inertial reference frame. To this I might

456 Am. J. Phys. 73 共5兲, May 2005 © 2005 American Association of Physics Teachers 456
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add that my usage of ‘‘inertial reference frame’’ is in accord I won’t comment on other tangential arguments made by
with modern practice 共see, e.g., H. Goldstein, Classical Macdonald and Martinez. My silence does not imply con-
Mechanics,6 where the validity of the standard form of New- sent.
ton’s second law is taken as the defining characteristic of an a兲
Electronic mail:
inertial system兲. 1
A. Macdonald, Am. J. Phys. 73, 454 – 455 共2005兲.
But the argument in my paper does not really hinge on this 2
A. Einstein, The Meaning of Relativity 共Princeton University Press,
question of terminology. If Macdonald and Martinez dislike Princeton, NJ, 1955兲, p. 24.
my usage, let them replace every instance of ‘‘inertial refer-
A. A. Martı́nez, Am. J. Phys. 73, 452– 454 共2005兲.
A. Einstein, H. A. Lorentz, H. Minkowski, and H. Weyl, The Principle of
ence frame’’ in my paper by ‘‘preferential reference frame in Relativity, translated by W. Perrett and G. B. Jeffery 共Dover, New York,
which Newton’s laws are valid in their standard form, at low 1952兲, p. 38.
speed.’’ The essential point of my paper is that R synchroni- A. Einstein, Einstein’s 1912 Manuscript on the Special Theory of Relativ-
ity 共George Braziller and E. J. Safra Foundation, Jerusalem, 1996兲. Trans-
zation gives rise to extra terms in the equation of motion, and lations of quoted sentences are my own.
conventionalists cannot make this problem go away by dis- 6
H. Goldstein, Classical Mechanics, 2nd ed. 共Addison-Wesley, Reading,
puting matters of terminology. MA, 1980兲, p. 2.

Estimating hc Õ k from sunlight

Peter Pesica)
St. John’s College, 1160 Camino de la Cruz Blanca, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505-4599
共Received 1 March 2004; accepted for publication 20 August 2004兲
The blackbody approximation is used for the visible solar spectrum to find an order of magnitude
estimate for hc/k. © 2005 American Association of Physics Teachers.
关DOI: 10.1119/1.1806479兴

This paper presents a simple estimate of hc/k using a mann et al. have pointed out that atmospheric extinction will
‘‘back of the envelope’’ argument. If we take c and k as change these temperature results by 11%, which I will dis-
given, the argument gives an estimate of Planck’s constant cuss in the following.3
from basic considerations about the color and temperature of The Planck distribution is given by
the sun. 2hc 2 /␭ 5
The sun’s spectrum is close to that of a blackbody with a B ␭共 T 兲 ⫽ , 共1兲
e hc/kT␭ ⫺1
temperature of about 5800 K, which we can determine
purely from earth-based observations. We first measure what in terms of the wavelength ␭. To find the peak of B ␭ , we set
atmospheric physicists call the ‘‘solar irradiance’’ 共and as- dB/d␭⫽0. If we define x⫽hc/kT␭, this condition leads to
tronomers the ‘‘solar constant’’兲, the energy flux arriving per the equation e ⫺x ⫹x/5⫺1⫽0, whose solution is readily seen
square meter at a sphere whose radius is the mean sun–earth
distance 共without considering the earth’s atmosphere兲,
namely 1370 W/m2 . 1 This value can be estimated by using a
light bulb and a ruler: find the distance from your body at
which a light bulb feels about as warm as the sun does on
your bare skin. The solar irradiance can be estimated as the
wattage of the bulb divided by the surface area of the sphere
whose radius is the bulb–body distance. For instance, using a
55-W light bulb, I found the distance to be 6 cm, leading to
a value of ⬇1200 W/m2 for the solar irradiance.
If we multiply the solar irradiance by the total surface area
of the sphere whose radius is the mean sun–earth distance,
we obtain the sun’s total luminosity. Approximating the sun
by a blackbody of radius R gives its luminosity by the
Stefan–Boltzmann law, 4 ␲ R 2 ␴ T 4 , where T is the sun’s ef-
fective temperature and ␴ ⫽5.67⫻10⫺8 W/m2 K4 is Stefan’s
constant. Equating these two expressions for the luminosity
gives T⬇5800 K if the solar irradiance is 1370 共or T
⬇5600 K, using my light bulb estimate兲. Note that, although
Stefan’s constant can be expressed in quantum theory as ␴ Fig. 1. NASA data for the solar spectral irradiance measured outside the
⫽2 ␲ 5 k 4 /15c 2 h 3 , it can be measured in the laboratory with- atmosphere 共closed dots兲 and at the earth’s surface when the sun is 60° from
out any knowledge of Planck’s constant.2 However, Bier- the zenith 共open circles兲—Ref. 2.

457 Am. J. Phys. 73 共5兲, May 2005 © 2005 American Association of Physics Teachers 457
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to be x⬇5, and hence hc/k⬇5T␭. If we measure ␭ in nm, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
we have
I thank Craig Bohren, Steve Boughn, Joseph Snider,
hc/k⫽ 共 2.9⫻10⫺5 兲 ␭m K. 共2兲 Michael Vollmer, Ssu Weng, and Andrew Young for their
helpful criticisms and suggestions.
Note that, though we have used the wavelength representa-
tion, our result is independent of the choice of representation a兲
Electronic mail:
because hc/k is a universal constant.4 1
See Craig F. Bohren, What Light Through Yonder Window Breaks?
What shall we take for ␭? The sun appears to the naked More Experiments in Atmospheric Physics 共Wiley, New York, 1991兲, pp.
eye to be approximately white, and the spectrum of solar 2
William R. Kuhn and Susan E. Postawko, ‘‘Solar radiation and the Earth’s
irradiance at the surface of the earth is reasonably flat from atmosphere,’’ Phys. Teach. 26, 266 –273 共1998兲 present detailed graphs
475 to 700 nm 共see Fig. 1兲, although the spectrum above the and discuss the measured spectrum of the sun. See also Günter Wyszecki
atmosphere has a broad peak around 475 nm.2 and W. S. Stiles, Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data
As a rough estimate, we take the range of visible wave- and Formulae 共Wiley, New York, 1982兲, 2nd ed., p. 6, from which Fig. 1
lengths, 400–700 nm, and use Eq. 共2兲 to obtain hc/k is taken. I thank Rod Nave for his help in locating and providing this
figure. The air mass m is defined as the ratio between the actual path
⫽1.2– 2.0⫻10⫺2 m K; the mean value is 1.6⫻10⫺2 m K length taken by the solar beam when incident at polar angle ␪ from the
共corresponding to ␭⫽550 nm, the mean visible wavelength兲 zenith to the analogous path length when the sun is directly overhead, so
and is within 15% of the known value for hc/k, 1.44 that m⫽sec ␪; in Fig. 1, ␪ ⫽60° and m⫽2.
⫻10⫺2 m K. More to the point, the order of magnitude is
Mark L. Biermann, Debora M. Katz, Robert Aho, James Diaz-Barriaga,
and Jerome Petron, ‘‘Wien’s law and the temperature of the Sun,’’ Phys.
correct regardless of which visible wavelength 共or average兲 Teach. 40, 398 – 400 共2002兲.
we choose. 4
For a discussion of the pitfalls of the different representations, see Bernard
I do not know of any simple way to estimate c, but to find H. Soffer and David K. Lynch, ‘‘Some paradoxes, errors, and resolutions
k⫽R/N we can take the gas constant R from chemical de- concerning the spectral optimization of human vision,’’ Am. J. Phys. 67,
946 –953 共1999兲; James M. Overduin, ‘‘Eyesight and the solar Wien
terminations and can estimate Avogadro’s number N from
peak,’’ ibid. 71, 216 –219 共2003兲; Geoff Nunes, ‘‘Comment,’’ ibid. 71, 519
airlight, the scattered sunlight that makes the sky blue.5 If we 共2003兲; and Mark A. Heald, ‘‘Where is the Wien peak?,’’ ibid. 71, 1322–
take the known values of c and k over the visible wave- 1323 共2003兲. I thank Craig Bohren for pointing out to me the
lengths, we find a range of values for h equal to 5.5– 9.2 representation-independence of hc/k⬇x␭.
⫻10⫺34 J s, which is the right order of magnitude.6 Note that See Peter Pesic, ‘‘Estimating Avogadro’s number from skylight and air-
light,’’ Eur. J. Phys. 共submitted兲. For a historical survey of views about sky
if we were to include the values T⫽3150 K and ␭ blue and its physical implications, see Peter Pesic, Sky in a Bottle 共MIT
⫽562 nm determined in Ref. 3 using a spectrometer, we Press, Cambridge, MA, 2005兲.
would obtain hc/k⫽1.45⫻10⫺2 m K and h⫽6.67
For more accurate determinations using simple equipment, see R. E. Cran-
⫻10⫺34 J s. But my point concerns crude naked-eye esti- dall and J. F. Delord, ‘‘Minimal apparatus for determination of Planck’s
constant,’’ Am. J. Phys. 51, 90–91 共1982兲; J. Dryzek and K. Ruebenbauer,
mates. Although the quantum realm often is considered to be ‘‘Planck’s constant determination from black-body radiation,’’ ibid. 60,
restricted to subatomic phenomena, we can estimate Planck’s 251–253 共1992兲; and Graciela Brizuela and Alfredo Juan, ‘‘Planck’s con-
constant by gazing at the sky. stant determination using a light bulb,’’ ibid. 64, 819– 821 共1996兲.

458 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 73, No. 5, May 2005 Notes and Discussions 458
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