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Name: Brandi Jones

Goal 1 - Professional
Goal and rationale Action Evidence
To improve my communication  Discuss a range of  Copy of a script with
skills with students’ positive and effective points of communication
parents/carers. strategies with created in consultation
  supervising teacher and with supervising
Standard 7 other colleagues. teachers.
Engage professionally with  Observe the  Preparation of a phone
colleagues, parents/carers and communication strategies call or meeting including
the community. used by the supervising the student’s name,
  teacher and other parent’s or carer’s name,
Focus Area 7.3 colleagues. reason, date, time and
Engage with the parents/carers.  Discuss with supervising what was discussed.
  teacher the school’s  Written self-reflection of
Rationale policies and practices of phone call or other
I have not had a vast opportunity how and when to interactions with
to communicate professionally communicate with parents/carers, including
with parents and caregivers of parents/carers. what went well and what
students and as a result I would  Witness communicating I could improve on in the
need to enhance my skills in with parents/carers. future.
order to confidently  Participate in
communicate with members of communicating with
the school community. This is parents/carers.
critical in order to create optimal  Seek feedback with
support for the students, supervising teacher on
ensuring that both the teacher my parent/carer
and parents/carers are aware of communication.
anything that occurs that may be  Self-evaluate and reflect
affecting the student, while on experiences and
helping to ease the stress feedback provided.
levelses of parent/carers.

Goal 2 - Professional Practice:

Goal and Rationale Action Evidence
To advance increase my  Discuss the approaches  Personal notes from
collection of strategies for and strategies used in discussions with
managing challenging classrooms with teachers.
behaviour. supervising teacher and  Notes from daily
other teachers. observations of
Standard 4  Record observations of behaviour management
Create and maintain supportive behaviour management approaches used and how
learning environments. approaches used by whether they were/were
supervising teacher (at notn’t effective.
Focus Area 4.3 least three).  Notes of additions to my
Manage challenging behaviour.  Discuss the specific collection of behaviour
behavioural challenges management strategies.
Rationale with the supervising  Written feedback from
Based on feedback I have teacher. my supervising teacher
received in previous placements,  Record specific on my behaviour
I could can further my repertoire behavioural management management approaches
of strategies and approaches for strategies that are and strategies used
managing challenging effective in the within lessons.
behaviour. Throughout prior classrooms I am involved  Appropriate behaviour
placements, I have understood with (at least three). management strategies
that not all behaviour integrated in lesson
management approaches are plans.
effective for all students. , thus
 Written personal
eEnhancing my collection of
reflections through
approaches allows affords me
evaluations of lessons
the opportunity to enhance
and in daybook.
improve student learning and

Goal 3 - Professional
Goal and rationale Action Evidence
To facilitate a lesson that is  Discuss student profiles  A copy of class profile
respectful of and acknowledges and cultural diversity made by me with
diversity of students of with supervising teacher. assistance from the
supervising teacher.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait  Create a class profile that
 An annotated copy of the
Islander cultures, languages and identifies cultural unit of learning and
histories. diversity and needs of potential areas to explore
each student. the impact of culture,
Standard 2  Examine the unit of cultural identity and
Know the cContent and how to learning, highlighting linguistic background of
teach it. opportunities to explore Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islanders.
the history language and
 A lesson plan of this
Focus Area 2.4 impacts of culture and exploration of Aboriginal
Demonstrate broad knowledge cultural identity of and Torres Strait Islander
and understanding of and respect Aboriginal and Torres histories, cultures and
for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Strait Islander histories. languages, including
Islander histories, cultures and This will draw from 8 strategies implemented to
languages. Ways pedagogy. remain inclusive and
 Create a lesson plan that
Rationale  Written feedback from
allows exploration of the the supervising teacher
After reflecting on my previous impact of culture, noting my knowledge
placements, it is clear that I have cultural identity and and understanding of
gaps within Sstandards 1.4 and linguistic background of respect for Aboriginal
2.4. We have not yet explored Aboriginal and Torres and Torres Strait Islander
texts at university/on practicum Strait Islanders. histories, cultures and
?? that use Aboriginal or Torres  Continuously use languages.
Strait Islander experiences or inclusive and respectful  Written personal
perspectives, despite having reflections on my
language, especially
experiences with
students who identified as such. when approaching these remaining inclusive and
As a result, I need to enhance topics. respectful when
my knowledge and approaching the teaching
understanding of how to of Aboriginal and Torres
respectfully teach this content, Strait Islander histories,
and confidently be able to do so. cultures and languages.

Other aims you may have for this professional experience:

 Confidently build relationships with students to enhance student learning and engagement.
 Reflect critically on my own teaching and learning.

Teacher Education Student: Brandi Jones Date: 19/03/22

Supervising Teacher: Date:

Subject Coordinator/Marker: Date: 30/03/22

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