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“State bond as a sophomore,” but the excitement didn’t last long.

I skipped over to the

water station at first then dawned on me, I just cost our team regionals. Why couldn’t I run faster,
you're not even tired, you should've pushed yourself harder, you are a disappointment, you
slacker, I thought to myself. I took the water offered to me from the cheerful winner, trudging on
over to the team tent. I didn’t make eye contact with anyone, because if I did then they would
want to talk to me, and I just wanted to go to the tent and sit in my sadness alone. I made the
horrible mistake of looking up, staring directly into the eyes of some parents from our team.
They were grinning from ear to ear as they started towards me, I instantly turned around and
walked back towards the water station. Not looking back to see if they followed. Caden was just
about to finish when I arrived at the water station “Come on go, this is the last race of the year
give it all you have” I screamed at him. He looked at me with disappointment in his eyes,
slowing down letting three people pass him in the last five feet. I sprinted over to Caden
punching him in the shoulder once I got to him. “What the heck bro why did you let them pass
you.” He didn’t say a word or even show emotion, he just looked at me with the saddest eyes
ever witnessed by man. “I blew the race for us” He looked into my eyes with those hazel brown
eyes looking straight into my soul still saying nothing. He proceeded to the water station having
no emotion in his step. He was alive in body, but in his mind he was surely dead. Throwing that
experience from my mind, I inspected the crowd for someone to talk to or to comfort me. As I
was about to give up, I located a coat in the crowd that was familiar to me. I raced over to it and
to my surprise the wearior was my good friend from Marshall Isaac. Issac was talking to a group
of Marshall girl cross country runners when I walked up. “How are you doing,” as my hands fell
to my knees from exhaustion.
“Pretty good, I think you won.”
“What are you talking about”
“Harper won the race” one of the girls chimed in
“Really no way we ran so bad though.”
“Yeah, but you had three runners in the top ten.”
“Oh ok” I said with confusion and questions. There is no way that we won though, but if
we did this would be a miracle and a big upset sophomores crushing seniors dreams. I thought to
I then turned around and looked for our coach. “See yeah later” I said to Issac as I
searched for Renner. There he was. It wasn't that hard to find him because of his shaved head it
was a piece of cake. “How did we do, did we win.” shaking with excitement.
“I don't know let's check” he opened his phone and was already pulled up and
he did say a single word all he did was show me. I couldn't believe what I was looking at, this
can’t be true there has to be something wrong I thought. “
“YESSS WE WON” I screamed at the top of my lungs as I jumped in the air so high that
I could have dunked. I didn't know what to do at first so I ran around looking for the team. First,
I ran into Blake and I when I told him he said
“No we didn’t you’re joking” he said still depressed from the race.
“No, Blake I'm telling the truth” as I gave him a giant hug. Hunter had the same reaction
when I told him. I then saw the girls coming over and I sprinted so fast that when I came to stop I
was going so fast that I plowed Sarah right over. I helped Sarah up and gave her a big hug. She
was freaked out by how excited I was and after I let go of her face showed it all. I turned my
head to see a person sprinting in the direction of us in the distance.
“We won” he was screaming with the biggest smile on his face I had ever seen on him. I
opened my arms up and he lept into them and we hugged. It was the happiest hug I had ever had
in my life. Caden started to ball his eyes out on my shoulder. He let go and all of the guys had
gathered around so we all got into a giant group hug.
“We did it boys” I screamed as I was still shaking with excitement. That was the first
group hug that meant something to all of us and it is the group hug that we will remember

Never shall I forget the that cold wet cloudy day

The day that changed our lives forever

Never shall I forget the agony of waiting for the news

The agony that tears at you from the inside out

Never shall I forget that feeling of excitement in my body after the news
A feeling I had never felt before

Never shall I forget the smile on Caden’s face as he sprinted into my arms
I had never seen such a smile

Never shall I forget the group hug

The group hug that united us forever

Never shall I forget those tears coming from our parents

Tears of relief pouring out of our parents eyes

Never shall I forget that look on ourcoachs face one never witnessed before
The look of confusion, excitement, and relief all wrapped up in one

Never shall I forget those words said that day

Words that most days would be frowned upon

Never shall I forget that day for all long as I shall live

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