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In the following document we will talk about life lessons, the purpose of life as
well as how the coronavirus changed us and affected us in different ways, both
in our education, mental and physical health, and how we adapted to our new
Life lessons

What is a life lesson?

It really is based on the idea of learning from your mistakes. These lessons could
be described as defining moments that are remembered. Since they are based
on an individual's life experiences, they are unique to each person.

Life lessons can happen in any area. Although we learn many things every day,
we don't always learn something that we feel will affect our behavior for the rest
of our lives. This separates a life lesson from everything else we learn. Usually it
is something by which we feel profoundly changed.

I could say so many things about life lessons since every day we learn new things,
we constantly fall and get back up again.

Life is like a roller coaster in which you know that if you go up late or early you
will have to go down, it is like a game of chance in which you can lose or win. Life
is made of decisions, of taking courage and being a better person every day.

One of the hardest life lessons that I have had to live is to lose absolutely
everything in a fire in which my house was left in ruins, what did all this teach me?
First to never use the phrase "because of me" because when we use it we are
wishing that it would happen to someone else which is selfish and the other life
lesson that I never stop reminding myself is that we must keep the faith like Job
did. when they put him to the test even losing everything, house, livestock,
children, family, health, his faith remained intact.

The purpose of life

Many times, we ask ourselves what will be my purpose in this life? Many will say
to make money and live well, others will wish to have health to continue by the
side of their loved ones. But if you ask me what is the purpose of my life? I would
tell you that without a doubt serve God since the rest will follow. If we all kept this
thought I think we would easily find the purpose of our lives, be careful with this I
am not saying that it is as easy as it sounds, on the contrary it is a long road to
follow in which it is very likely that many times we get lost, we weaken or simply
give up and get used to living in both economic and mental misery.

coronavirus pandemic

One of the most difficult times that I have lived during my entire existence. Living
with the fear of the unknown, with the fear of not knowing if a loved one will get
infected or die is something that the pandemic caused in me. Within so much
uncertainty, isolation or quarantine is one of the things that mark a before and
after since we are used to living in freedom.

The fact of not knowing what was going to happen to us, losing my job, food
shortages, etc., caused a sudden change in me in which anxiety attacks were
present, every night thinking about what would happen if I go out, what if I
contagion? What will happen to mom if I die? They were questions that haunted
my mind, going to receive classes in front of a computer is something that I still
haven't gotten used to, the fact that we still have to wear masks, although it is
true as of today the infections and deaths have gone down, we are still in the
midst of a health crisis. But we had to adapt to living with the coronavirus.

In the educational field, a large part of the measures that the countries of the
region have adopted in the face of the crisis are related to the suspension of face-
to-face classes at all levels, which has given rise to three main fields of action:
the deployment of distance learning modalities, through the use of a variety of
formats and platforms (with or without the use of technology); the support and
mobilization of staff and educational communities, and attention to the health and
well-being of students.

The objective of this document is to make visible the diversity of consequences

that these measures will have on educational communities in the short and
medium term, as well as to propose the main recommendations to cope with the
impact in the best possible way, projecting opportunities for learning and
innovation in post-pandemic education.

If we talk about how the coronavirus affected education, I can think of so many
things to mention, starting with the fact that 70% of children and even older youth
cannot have access to education because they are low-income and do not have
a computer or live in very remote rural areas in which they cannot access to
connect to a platform to be able to receive their respective classes, this has been
a great setback in the levels of illiteracy in our country.

Personally, it could be said that I have taken advantage of the pandemic since I
was able to advance in my classes more quickly, the negative thing that I highlight
is that it is not the same level of learning as being in a classroom.

If we talk about health, I think we would fall short, personally, if it affected me

greatly because I was part of that statistical data of people infected by the
coronavirus, it left me with both physical and psychological consequences that I
am dealing with today.

It goes without saying that this situation has been easy for no one, living in a
country in which the health system is not adequate, lacking triage at a time.

However, we have seen the light a little with the vaccines, they have come not
only to strengthen our immune system, but also our faith and trust that one day
all this will pass and we will be stronger and we will be able to continue with our
new life. Why new? because it is a new way of seeing things to get used to the
changes that are taking place day by day.

In conclusion, we come to say that the purpose of life depends a lot on the
decisions that each one of us makes, in the same way this purpose is often
achieved through what are the lessons of life since we learn a lot from there.

One of the greatest lessons that life has given us is learning to live with the
coronavirus, learning to get ahead even with its existence, continue with our
studies, jobs, health, among others.

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