CST3rd Year Even Question Paper

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June 2019

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Full Marks : 70

Answer to Question No. I is compulsory and to be an1wend first,

This ans\\•er is to be made in separate loose scrfpt(s) prO'vlded for the purpose,
Ma..-xhnum time allowed is 45 minutes, after which the loose answer Kripts wUI be c.oH«ted aad
fresh answer scripts for answering the remaining part of the question wiJI be providd..
On early submission of answer scripts of Question No.1,
a student will get the remaining script earlier.

Answer anv five questions from the rest.

1. A. Fill in the blanks: 10x1

i) Product of a _ _ _ business are intangible in nature.

ii) PPC stands for
iii) Fayol gave _ _ _ principles of management.
iv) First Aid Boxes is to be provided for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of persons.
v) ___leaders works according to the wishes of the follower.
vi) ___ is the process of choosing best candidate among those found suit.able.
vii) The "Father of Scientific Management" is
viii) Funds required by a business enterprise for day to day operations is known as _ _ capital
ix) _ _ _ means the list of articles that comprises the stock.
x) Full form of EOQ is _ _
xi) Motivation is a _ _ _ _ _ _ feature.
xii) Working capital is defined as the difference between ___ and _ __

B. State whether the following statements are True or False: lOxl

i) There is no leader without a follower.

ii) Semantic barriers are also known as language barriers.
iii) Motivation can never be negative.
iv) HRM is associated with recruitment and selection only.
v) The companies act came into force in 1956.
vi) Paper advertisement is an internal source of recruitmenL
. vii) Safety stock is known as buffer stock.
viii) Higher the inventory turnover ratio better is the managemen t of material.
ix) ABC analysis is a quantitative analysis of materials.
x) Transport vehicles use maximum amount of air pollution
xi) The only objective of managemen t is to earn profit.
xii) Motivation is the inspiration of a man to do work.

2. What are the different types of business m industrial nWlag~ment'~ f..xpbm fi.uK'11-0nS of
Manageme nt.

3. a) What is globalization? Discuss the advantage and disadvantag es ofglobahza rion

b) Distinguish among management, administration and organization.

4, Define EOQ. Discuss ABC analysis using graphical representation. Wruu wtU MPf"~ if ·b od) AOC
analysis and VED analysis are applied simultaneously? ;~6;. .!
5. Expla in role of Materials Management. State functions
of store keeping. Give a brief note on ~ ~
Analy sis. 3

6. · ·
Defime M ohvat ion. Explain importance -of Motivation. Describe · Lead ershi p style s in
details. vario us
7. Expla in the theory of accident occurrence. Describe variou
s measures to preve nt Accid ent. Expla in cause s
of Accidents. -
8. Write short notes on -{a) Engineering Industry, (b) Priva
tization, (c) Agro Industry. 3+3+ 4
9. What is industrial legislation? Explain various industrial
acts. 4+6
l ·, , I:-; ,

tfay 10 l 7


Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Answer to Question No.l is compulsorr and rob e ans)\"efed ;Jrs,t.

This answer is to be made in separate loose script(s) prQvided fur tl,.e pw·p9se.
Maximum time allowed is 45 minutes, after which the loose unswer scrj11cs ;r;.JJ i}t' cw,J._e-0ted ,~~1fl
fresh answer scripts for answering the remaining part of the question wjlt ,b e ;P,r,9yi9-~9 .
On early submission ofanrner scripts of Questio,1 Nq.t,
a student will g-et the re.maining script earlier.

Answer any five questions from the rest.

1. A. Fill in the blanks (any ten): \ t1x i

i) Full form of VAT is _ __

ii) Full form ofEOQ is _ __
iii) Fayol gave _ _ principles of management.
iv) Motivators may he both ___ and _ __
v) Accident do not happen. but are _ __
vi) PPC stands for _ __
vii) Whatever materials kept in a store are parts of _ __
viii) ___ leaders work according to the wishes of their follower.
ix) An industrial ___ may be referred to an industrial tribunal.
x) ___ means the list of articles that comprises the stock.
xi) Agriculture based industry known as ___ industry.

B. State whether the fol.lowing statements are True or False (any ten): JOx l

i) The only objective of management ~s to earn profit.

ii) Motivation is the inspiration of a man to do work.
iii) Management is an art for getting things done.
iv) Unity of command and unity of direction are the same.
v) Moti vation can never be negative.
vi) Excise duty is an example of direct tax .
vii) ABC analysis is based on Pareto analysis.
viii) The ESJ act was first introduced in 1923.
ix) Training is not required for higher level officers.
x) FIRM aims at effective utnization of manpower.
xi) Unsafe condition in the workplace is related to workmen.

2. Define management and administration. Explain functions of ma11age111ent . ] ('

3. What do you mean by MBO? State its advantages and disadvantages. Distinguish between administration
and management. 10

4. What are the functions of FIRM? Distinguish between training and de\relopment . JO
·-.·'.. - 5. Write short note on Span of control and Workmen 's Compehsaliorl Act, 1923.

6. Explai~ causes of accid_ents. Describe various measures to be ilttplemented lb rnfr't'imi~e 3-cd den't's fo
industnes. ,r-r,

7. Explain role of material management. Give a note on ABC analysis. State f\J\ictio~ tW-siore i<eepi'n'tg
Write short note on Cooperative Societies and Public Limited Company.

Discuss the Fixed and Working Capital with examples.

Write short note on - (a) Globalisation, (b) BIN Card.

Ut /Vt
What are the ratios needed to do the assessment of financial position of a business hoLi~e•.; v/ u'1
mean by budget and budgetary control?

June ] llio

lime Allowed. 3 Hours

Answu to Ques1ion No.l ii c.ompulsoq aQd io p~ l1#SJh'f'W ~ -

This answer li to be made in sejlarate loost!. s.:ripl/,s) ptq\i4£4 f-91" I~ pw.·~ '·
Maximu m time allo"·ed is 45 minutes, after u hich 1b ~ lot1se liO.:i\\/:.'f ~., :ri~ )~HI ~,
, ~\l~~~~~,! ,.,+J~
fn,-sb ans"'er scripts for 2.ns-" ering the remainin g fHH1 of rl,e lJµi,~-Wm »Hil ~ , ~;9;;:tt½9
Oo e-art~, iubmis.si on of anrner scrilllS Qf Q1f£SijJ.J!l ~td ,
a s tudent ~ill get the ren,ainio g s..·n1H .:14,jµ'f .
An..-w~r an\' rwe queifions frnm fh.1t f,?Sf.

I. A. Fill in the blanks:

j) Agriculture base,d indusU".\ is, al!i11 ~n,,u,n ,l:i in4~"J

j i) PPC stand!. for -
iii) Fa: ol ga, 1:: _ _ _ prm.-iplt':, 11f nuln ii gl.' 1\lCll ll
iv) M o.ti, awrs be hoth
ma)i nnd
\') ___ leaden. "o:ri-~ t1c-c-c,rding the wishc, of'th~ fj_)Jlirhl(I'
vi) ____ is the prnces.s of ch<'11si ng h-c:-1 cnndidate flrtJ!'JrJ~ 11-11-~~ ~\tl:1!! ~ilftiitile:.
vii ) Accidents dCI n 0 1 happen. tiut arc _ _ __
Funds required b~ n hu.,iness enterprise for day to day ope-r~.x.E> lR' J.ttt.•\\ 11J,1; . _ _ :.anna-L
ix) _ _ me.ans the list of articles that comprises the stock..
x) 1:.0 ,() stumh fo r

B. Sm~ whclhl'r tht> folio '-' ing statements are True or False:

i) Man:tgcmem i:. an an for getting things done. ~ t

ii) Un II) uf command and unity of direetion are the 3arile. -

iii) Mo1i, iuion cru1 never be negative.
iv) Lcadcr:ihip ma~ be defined as the ability of a man to ~uooe •~
v) HRM aims at effe-cth e utilization of manpower.
vi) Paper ad, en i~ment i~ an internal soun;c of n:cruitmcnt
vii) Training is not required for hig_b~r levd otfo:~rs.
viii) Higher the imentof) turnover ratio better iis lhc nwn~\ r~\h\Jf 't~1~1til
ix) ABC anal> :, j~ i:; a quanlitaUve a.uaJy ,~i~ vJ' 1mllcrlal~
x) UMafe conditions in the workplm.: e Llj related tu \\Utln\-('\1

Define Management and Administralmn. Ex.plain functiu11a, v[ M0.l l~\'l1ie\1 t

3. What are the fun ctiom of HR.\f? Di~lioguish betwe~IJ lrail!ing arid J~Vel'O\ }i\\~.

-L Define EOQ. Deri\ et.he ma1hematicaJ r.mnula concerning E(JC) .

s. £.'i.pla.in role of Materials .Management. State fi.mctions or store keetJing '( h\-e a hrre1 n-ol'i. ,0 ,: -~1~
S-':-1 -~-
ir, i·.
Ddine Motivation. Explain importance of Mothati on. Descrlb'e \ari'nm h .•adcr<:h
•,.,~, ·10\
6. ___. ._

7. What is the importance of lndustriaJ Safety? Describe \ari ot1s 1·11east\res ro pre\·eni i\·cd dcn t f-\ ~-1 - +
" . , >..
causes of Accidents.

8. Write short notes on - (a) Globalization, (b) Privatizatiort. (c) Agi'o h-\dustr) .

9. Discuss the Fixed and Working Capital with examples.


629/637 /657(S)
June 2016


Time Allowed: 3 Hours Full Marks: 70

Answer to Question No.1 is compulsory and to be answered first.

This answer is to be made in separate loose script(s) provided for the purpose.
Maximum time allowed is 45 minutes, after which the loose answer scripts will b~ collected and
fresh answer scripts for answering the remaining part of the question will be provided.
On early submission of answer scripts of Question No.1,
a student will get the remaining script earlier.
Answer any five questions from the rest.

1. Answer the following questions (any ten): 10x2

i) Define Truncation Error.

ii) Round off the number 3. 4 5 065 31 up to four significant figures and find the relative error as a
result of rounding.
iii) Expand !::,.3y 3, where!::,. is forward difference operator.
iv) Write down the Remainder term of Newton's General Interpolation formula after (n+l) terms
v) Define 'inverse Interpolation'.
vi) State the condition for the existence ofroot of an equation within given range [a,b].
vii) State the Geometrical interpretation of Bisection method.
viii) Which interpolation method is suitable if argument x of f(x) is near the end of the table?
ix) =
If f(x) -a. bmxthen find M(x) .
x) State why composite Simpson's ½rd integration formula gives more accurate value than
Trapezoidal rule.
xi) What do you mean by divided difference?
xii) State the conditions under which Newton - Raphson method fails to solve a polynomial equation.
xiii) State the use of pivotization in Gauss elimination method.
xiv) State the conditions under which the solutions to simultaneous equations by Gauss eliminations
method fail to converge.
xv) How many terms exist in the 3rd order Runge -Kutta Method?

2. a) Com ute the value of x, for = 0.6742 from the table usin La elation formula:
X 3.5 4.0 4.8 5.6
f(x) 0.5441 0.6020 0.6812 0.7482
b) State the differences between Lagrange and Newton's method oflnterpolation. 6+4

3. a) Show that 1:::,.m Yk = v'm y K+m (going forward from Yk) and v'mYk = !::,.~k-m (going backward from yJ ,
where m denotes the order of difference and k is the number of tabulated value.
b) The value of f(x) for different x value is given in tabulated form for a polynomial of degree of 4.
Find f(x) and hence deducef 6 . 4+6
X 0 1 2 3 4 5
f(x) I 5 31 121 341 781

4. a) Find the real root of the equation x2 + 2x - 2 = 0 using Bisection method upto three significant
b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of Bisection method? 6+4

a) Use Newton - Raphson method to deduce the approximate value of.../5 upto 3 significant figures.
b) State Geometrical Interpretation of Newton - Raphson method. 6+4
6. a) dx
Compu te the value of fl from the formul a fl/4=
1 + x2 using compo site Trapez oidal rule taking
10 subinte rvals.
b) Evalua te JJ sinxdx using Simpson's 1/3"c1. R~le and compare it with exact value. 5+5
7. a) Solve the followi ng system of linear equatio ns using Gauss elimina
tion method :
5x, - X2 =9; - xi+ 5x2- X3 = 4; - x2 + 5x3 =-6
b) Find the inverse of the followi ng matrix:

[~ -: ~ l

-1 4 -1
8. a) Using Gauss - Jacobi method , find the solutions of the followi
ng system of linear equations
correct upto 2 decima l places.
3y - 2z = 3; 2x -y + 4z =27; 4x + y - 3z = 3
b) Solve the followi ng system oflinea r equations by Gauss - Siedel method
-x-y- 2z + 10w =3, -x-y + 10z-2w = 3, 10x-2 y-z-w = 3, 2x-10
y-z-w =3 5+5
9. a) Why Euler's Metho d is not generally used for practical implementatio
. dy .
b) Solve the differe ntial equat ion~= xy, for x=l, taking h=0.2
and y (0) 1 by Euler's
method .
10. a) Write down the formul a for Runge - Kutta method for second
order and apply the formul a for
solving : = xy with y(l) =l. Now estimate y(2) using h=0.5.

b) Solve the equatio n by fourth order Runge - Kutta method ey y-x .

dx = y + x, for x=O.l, 0.2, 0.3 with
initial conditi ons xo=0, Yo=l.

May 2017


Time Allowed: 3 Hours Full Marks: 70

Answer to Question No.1 is compulsory and to be answered first.

This answer is to be made in separate loose script(s) provided for the purpose.
Maximum time allowed is 45 minutes, after which the loose answer scripts will be collected and
fresh answer scripts for answering the remaining part of the question will be provided.
On early submission of answer scripts of Question No.1, ·
a student will get the remaining script earlier.

Answer any five questions from the rest.

1. Answer the following questions (any ten): 10x2

a) Show that ti. 'v=ti-'v where 'vand ti have usual meaning.

b) Define propagation Errors.
c) Let XT and XA denote respectively the true and approximate values of a number. Find the absolute
error, relative error and percentage error in XA when XT-~ and XA =0.333.
d) Find the number of significant figures in XA = 1.8921 given its relative error as 0.1 X 10-2•
e) Round off the number 4.5126 to four significant figures and find the relative percentage error.
f) Write down the Lagrangian Interpolation formula with two points.
g) Define 'inverse Interpolation'.
h) State the condition for the existence of root of an equation within given range [a,b ].
i) How root can be achieved in Bisection method for a transcendental equation.
------ j) Which interpolation method is suitable if argument x of f(x) is near the end of the table?
k) Write down the formula of first derivative at x=x0 for three equally spaced points.
I) State why composite Simpson's ½rd integration formula gives more accurate value than
Trapezoidal rule.
m) Define basic Trapezoidal formula for integration.
n) State the conditions under which the solutions to simultaneous equations by Gauss eliminations
method fail to converge. .
o) State the differences between Gauss - Jacobi and Gauss - Seidel iteration method.

2. a) Write down the advantages and disadvantages of Lagrange's Interpolation formula.

b) Evaluate using Lagrangian interpolation formula the value of f(2)and f(6.3)from the following
table. 4+6
X 0 1.2 2.5 4 5.1 6 6.5 7
f(x) 3 6.84 14.25 27 39.21 51 58.25 66
3. a) Deduce Newton's General Interpolation formula for unequal intervals and hence find the
Remainder term.
b) From the iven table find lo 1o 323.5 b eneral formula.
X 321 3 324.2 325.0
Lo 1ox 2.50651 2.50893 2.51081 2.5118
c) Com ute f(21) from the followin table usin suitable inter olation formula.
X O 5 IO 15 20
f(x) 1.0 1.6 3.8 8.2 15.4

4. a) Use Newton- Raphson method to deduce the iterative procedure Xn+i= ! { Xn + ..!.. ) n= O, I, 2•....
2 X
and a > 0 for evaluating ✓a as the solution of the equation x2 - a = O. Hence find ✓2 correct up to 3
significant figures.
b) Find a real root of.x2 + 2x - 2 = 0 = 0 upto 2 significant figures using any known method. 6+4
Ftt"ht the 1,'l\1t (1,od 111 1he r~u,,tH'II h; ' -t- ~ , - ,SO =-.: 0 u1ii11g Bis,~"-·,i,in incth,JJ
t;, w, G,"'-lll'tl'hK.il ln1n prd.tlH\n <'f Nc\\tl\n Raph.son mccl11.l<l
Wntt- dn,, n tlw ,:,,nd111no , whtn th,~ nlt"lhl'l\.t fo ,b .


aI \ "he the- !iillov. ,og1;,y\.lt~m of lt rn::.u C\l'tUll<>ru ttsm,s Gaus~ dtm1nHLi\H 1 mcd~(J.d .
, -+) +41 ,;.. 12 . ,h • I I~ · 1 = Ji: S, · J~ >+ 21.::: 0
hnd lht' 1n \ cr"'-C h f ahc fl'tlk1\qnF mltrn b~ m \ c.r-s.h.m metho<l :

oJ t \mr Gaul', .. • J~J mciood. futd dx ;.ofuttvru ot the followt n~ syst~rn ot' J:v~ ~VJttivn~, w1-1;-Y1,.: t
upw 2 doc1 ma! pl.aee,.
' >- '.!l: 3, h - ~ • 41 C : ~ . "" ., ) - , , : J
h) UMog Giu~11- • Sadct met.held frno the ~~uH-on;_;. ~>f the t'ullowin~ .sy~h~UI of li.u.~ w.,1.ij1tivn:; wt>t-wt
uplo 2 det·1n-Utl p\lit·-e,
);'1'~"54 7 c: IIO. :,;-;a, .. t,' - i.=85. 6,+ l.5y+2l e 72 5,,..-)
() nl Wh) l=..uk·1 · o. Ml'"tbod ant~ fe!ncn tt, ult:"d ftx practu.:u l 1rnplemen tati on·1
hl Solve tht" Jtll~t'ntt3 1 eqLum~•~ ~"' :\ ) . to, u:I, ta.king h=0.2 and y (0) .:: J by .!:J.tlt;r':;-,

10 u) Wrttc- Jown U\C' tonnul, rorR.ung.e - Kutt.a method for fourth order and appJy the for:muhl i:o1
~~)!, Ing di "' -
' . -. ,n ~1lh ) 1 l 1 = I "1ld h = 0. 1.
b, fa tcthU.Ut' ~{ I :rn,) nhlJ1f1t'!d £uk1 · ~ r.te\hod the «1uation 1 + ; =; i wirh y (I) = 1 fur 1'=t0.f12 :h>
taldt\G h = 0.'!

629/(,'J 7/657( S)
June 2019


Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Full Mark~: 70

Answer to Question No.1 is compulsory and to be answered first.

This answer is to be made in separate loose script(s) provided for the purpose.
Maximu m time allowed is 45 minutes, after which the loose answer scripts will be collected
fresh answer scripts for answering the remaining part of the question will be provided
On early submission of answer scripts of Question No.l,
a student will get the remaining script earlier.

Answer any five questions from the rest.

I. Answer the following questions (any ten) :

i) Show that 11.V=ti-V
ii) Describe absolute and percentag e error.
iii) Round off the number 6·.1392 to four significant figures and find the relative percentag
e error.
iv) Describe Newton' s Backwar d Interpolation formula for 4 points.
v) Using Newton- Raphson method formula, find the square root of a real number R from
the equation
vi) Describe numerica l differentiation and integration.
vii) State Eular's formula for differential equation solution.
viii) Define 6. and V operators for a function f(x).
ix) State Trapezoi dal integratio n formula.
x) State the converge nce condition for Gauss-I acobi iteration method.
xi) Write down the Lagrange 's Interpola tion Formula for 4 points.
xii) Prove that V=l-ff 1

2. a) Interpola te the value of the function correspon ding to x=4 using Lagrange 's interpola
tion formula
from the following set of data:
X 2 3 5 8 12
f(x) 10 15 25 40 60
b) Describe Newton' s Forward Interpola tion method.
8+ 2

3. a) Find the root of the equation x 2-2x-2~0 using bisection method upto three significan
t figures .
b) Describe the advantag es and disadvan tages of Bisection method.
7+ 3

4. a) Solve the following set of linear equation using Gauss Eliminati on Methods :
X + 2y - 3z - t = 0
- 3y + 2z + 6t = -8
- 3x - y + 3z + t = 0
2x + 3y + 2z - t = - 8
b) Inverse the matrix A:
3 0 2
A= 2 0 -2 7+3
0 1 1

Apply Simpson 's i f,6 1+x

i dx usmg
. 6 mterva
. ls.
5. a)
3 rule for O 2

b) Apply Trapezoi dal rule with 6 subinterv als to approxim ate 2

0f :x
16 2
5-i-- 5
a) Write down the formu la for Runge-Kutta for fourth order and
appl y the fonnula for ~otving
:~ = xy, y(O)= I. Now estimate. y(0.2).
b) 1
Evalu ate y(l .2) by modified Euler' s metho d to the equation
~: t·; x£ with Y( I)..:. I for x -0.02
taking h=0.2 1
5 5
a) Using Newto n Raphson's Method find a real root of 2.x I t·5x 1~t0x-4
~0 upto 4 dt.'l.: tmal pl.tLl..'S .
b) Find a real root of3x-~os x- I-===O upto 4 dec ima l plnces .
5+ 5
s. a) For.the following tablt! t!Stimatc f 7. 5)
X l ,., 3 4 5 6 7 8
t7 x) 1 8 27 64 125 216 343 51 2
b) Suppose that you have the task of measuring the length s of a bridge
and a rivet and come up with
999 and 9 cm respec tively. If the true values are 1000 and l 0
cm respectively, compute the true
error and the true percent relativ e error for each case.
7 ·~3


Time Allowed: 3 Hours Full Marks: 70

Answer to Question No.1 is ~ompulsory and to be answered first.

This answer is to be made in separate loose script(s) provided for the purpose.
Maximum time allowed is 45 minutes, after which the loose answer scripts will be collected and
fresh answer scripts for answering the remaining part of the question will be provided.
On early submission of answer scripts of Question No.1,
a student will get the remaining script earlier.

Answer any five questions from the rest.

1. A. Answer the following questions (any ten): lxlO

i) Which assembler directive statement is used to store a translated program into the main
memory from a specified location? (a) ORIGIN (b) LOAD (c) START (d) USING.

ii) Which phase of Compiler is machine dependent? (a) Code Optimization (b) Target Code
Generation (c) both of these (d) none of these.

iii) How many tokens are there in the following program line?
printf("Hello World");
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

iv) A grammar is ambiguous if - (a) there exists more than one parse tree for a given string
(b) the start symbol appears in the RHS of the production rule (c) it is left recursive (d) all
of these.

v) E - E + id / id. The grammar is (a) left recursive (b) right recursive (c) non recursive
(d) none.

vi) An operator in a grammar gets highest precedence if it is (a) nearest from the start symbol
(b) farthest from the start symbol (c) declared as left recursive (d) declared as right

vii) Top down parsers follow (a) Left Most Derivation (b) Right Most Derivation (c) reverse of
Left Most Derivation (d) reverse of Right Most Derivation.

viii) Which of the following is not a type of assembler? (a) One Pass (b) Two Pass (c) Three
pass (d) load and go.

ix) In a two pass assembler the pseudo code EQU is to be evaluated during? - (a) Pass
(b) Pass 2 (c) not evaluated by assembler (d) None of the above.

x) In a two-pass assembler, the task of the Pass II is to - (a) separate the symbol, mnemonic
opcode and operand fields. (b) build the symbol table (c) construct intermediate code
(d) synthesize the target program.

xi) Which of these features of assembler are Machine-Dependent? - (a) Instruction formats
(b) Addressing modes (c) Program relocation (d) All of the mentioned.

xii) Which table is permanent databases that has an entry for each terminal symbol? (a) Literal
table (b) Identifier table (c) Terminal table (d) none.

Ij \\ 1'..al l\ l,~e-.r"'
ii) Wrne lhl'" ~d~ am.age::. .,f ·\ »~r;·,hh \in'b·L\~f;: pr ,1Jr,1~4~iWi a'.
1iO \\'hai-do H•u mc:aJ1; h, Du-1.arc St..\fJ~.: .u1J n.."<:i,iT~ l ·,.:n ~/..:.Hi 1
P, l W t1.a1 1s. P~c.u.i.ci Oj'.:,~:k T.:ink. · ~ ·, · · ,,
\" i W"h..?.1 1 i.:. Ci;:,:m.ptk .iiTu,1 G.., k,c.Ji-:-1i:; :,.~ fi.!m ..: •
·.-i l \\ mt-the tC..ltT;!J fr1rmai .-,i MJ.:.r-., i1-..:lin111,11i

ii I Wme th~ foru::t}{'lni ,.,f \ton-..-\ J\1\•..".-~?,;\1

bJ Lxp1am the fuocl)NJ.'l, c,i \ \a.:1{, 1'.iarru: T nl\k ~t 1,:r,, jl,.;f1fil1!11ii I ~/1/1-· ~~1-~ J\.t,,1~ "~~ f'. :•ft' f .rr'~~-
1 .a bk " itl1 a ~rrla.H rr:~ ,,r-, •{\(]c, r '·
a, \'11\a1 i, Ab..~,h..11e k'121dc:.l ' \\ m:e 1ti~,1h..1,1, llnlti ~~ ,, 1 11
bJ \\'hat w ~<'•u ~.an h~ fUJ..,. ~nr,1 'N~-h?t'<'l\,<! ll1,1l1l..in1 qr H~~Jlir?91-/ 1 MN.•1 ~ ·)~H 1'~

4 l ) 1m1g fo,t() a11d t{)lw,, o hit\,."'lh'1l 1,t 11 (I) f\::\Pn' f , dr1ti:11-n1111 ~ t~IP ~f.'11,)f ru~ ~r.'t'; 7t,\lh•~· 0(}t' 3\i ·hi.;,
\'~ii.able-. u, thi: ~ l l f
S 4 ~SC{)f_
A ➔ a/f.
8 ➔ b/ (
C➔ c
0 ➔ di<.
f ., e1. .
h) ( 'hcl'..b. whcthc>1 the fr"ii\0 \\ m~ grammar is LL( 1) or not:
S ~ 1Sb!1 b~~ t

tt) l 'v .u1111.n.1 l"t the Op~rall)T Precedence Table for the following grammar:
E - :l:: -.F Pf: id
bl i:ind th~ foH\1~ mg g ~ ar-c ambiguous or not:
i) ~ - aS i ! .1
1i) s - :lShS. hS35 E
o C<.)11:iidcJ 1he 1blJo\\ mg bT:Un.IDar
E - E-+ T T
T----T•F F
F - tE) 1J
Dc-1cnuinc the 1ollo,\ mg p.refi"-o are Viable P1efhr-s or not.
( i\) id-f·id. t b) E""td. \ ~-) id*id, ( d) T*hl. ( eJ £ -~T*

Ct,n~dcr the following gra:mnm and its rorre-sponding SyLllax Dlredeu trai\~\-at\\Yi\ f$~)~ )
E .- E'T T ;_ print!(··- 'T i
T ;}
T ._ T* F ~primfl ··•··): :
F {!
F-- nwn {prim.i{numJvalueU
What wiU he the output if we carry out 1his SDT on an input '-lrlHg "2' 1.1<,r · \.l<i1ng ~a) ·~ ,cM\\ 1r. -r~"''<~r
(b) bottom up parser? Draw and explain 1he p.arse tree in each case \:- ·'-
~fay }() 17


Tim e Allowed. 3 Hours

Ans1'·e r to Questi on No.111 conrpu lstlr) antl {J) ~i li/J..·H'f~

f~ #HI·
Tbis answe r b lo be madt in ,e.pua re loo-se s.:ripf(s) p,rq~f4
.t4 f#f ~ #)tW~t:. ,
Maximum time alloY.-t"d is 4.5 min ult:>, after which 1he h1l)se •IJSi,&'t'
f ~~-~ J>W. ~ •~,~~ ~lf1
frnh annl'e r scripts for an.m ering 1he remaining put M th.c
11~ 'f!;i# ~ -;W~>i~ 1
On e.a rty sobml uion of an.nH r scrip rs uf QUllSMI# NN ,J.;
a studen t \\,Ill get I.he remainin11 lillfit,f filttii4rt .

Answer any fhc: ques1lon11 frlllll ti~ r(~;(.

1. Answer the following questions ( i.\11) ten):

i) What are the basic goals of code movement?

ii) What are the phases ofcode improvement phase?
iii ) Explain the usefulness ofabso lute loader.
iv) What is Non-recursive Predictive parsing technique?
v) Define data structu re of MOT .
vi) How to rec-og111z.e a token?
vii) Mentio n the types of LR parser.
viii ) Ment ion the ,arious notational short.hand's for representing regu
b:r~ ~.
ix) Ex ploin the features of "Compile and go" loaders .
:x) What is macro processor?
xi) What is direct linking loader?
xii) E>.plom the usefuln ess of dynamic linking .
xiii) Explai n the term Reallocation?
xiv) What is Bottom up pars.ing ?
xv) Explain the usefulness of Bonom up parsing .

2. a) Remove left recursion in the fo llowing ~ramma1•, S-..AS I b A4'~

A. \-a.
b) Construct SLR parsing table for the above ~ramttuu·,
c) Write shortly about DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) ret)rt!-el\lt~

3. a) What is the role of the lexicaJ analyser? Ex plairt.

b) Identify the token and. lexemes in the followin~ fut\ctiot\ :
functiongcd {m, n: integer): integer ;
if n = 0 then gcd := m
elsegcd := gcd (n. m mod n) end: ( • of gcd*)
c) Write the algorithm to carry our operator precedence parsir\'g a-ctron
Mtd -explain
4. a) Consider the following grammar S - AS I b A - SA I a. Constr
uct the ·s1 .'f< r,at<-'C t<iH f'h -1-1~;
grammar. Show the actions of the parser for the input string "abab.
.. ·
b) Ex.plain the various phases of compiler in detail with suitable -exam~
te .
c) Write short note on Back patching.
-: .r ;J •'
5. a) Obtain the minimized state DFA fot the regular exi'resslon
\a/b)"'a u'S'in'g s11fi\'<'t ·,.·Ar\'.t'·1•,·11)- •
method .
b) Construct the predictive parser for the followihg gram1n ar:
E-+ TE'
E'-+ +TE. I e
l -~fT
1·-••t r •,e
t' - (f'i 41 4,.i. 3+:,
·~ -nht' tht dtik~~~l i1nri'ii r,r.. ,M u, ir~hri,,,t•¥L•

~j l "f)h1.m ttu:. ~~m .i,'JI "'ithm \ \11., foi ,., ill\ t. "M•f'l t
hi Dt-l1v, 1hr 1 ~"' rtut ..~ 1r,;;., ,\~ f'h "i'-r ,1,,,;\f 1+7

ln\M:1'.alt' w11th ~ k ,hf. -.·01l. ,nj t\ i ~ i'"i\t,Ti\ l fl',ifll\ltl -11f, rJHtl!t>t tl<;ttig fh'e ~hift and reduce
b) '\\•nll 1.rt \hr ft\~Jfl C'<C'IJ1'l~ t~ ('f l 1 ~ l"'•&t ) 7+3

ii) lll1.twii.1 1.,¾t w_ri, c,i jiA_l".!,H'\f< t"ll at\ m~>l '" v 1 ?• ~, 1 hy r:1n f ,I:( j:JarMt usirrg, ::r pre-constructed LR
jUJ~mr laf--1~
b) ~ 1n1«:' ihnrt t101.r" o r1 Thrc-.r· •1tddrc!:°~ c~ fot C A~~ignme11t 11tateme11t with examp'le. 6+4

~•ntt dov. n the ,,.,1rpi. no\\ chart <'f single pass assembler.
fUtdtBlt' ~ 1th ~umplr th£ ~oriang of hacktrad:ing parser.
Wtt.f •~ • cc,ntc,t fret: grammar., Ul ustrate with example. 5+3+2
l ', ' (,· I
Junc20lt i


J 11// 1\ / 11 , /u. 1 /1

Answer to Question ~o. l is compulso r~ and to h e a urn cr cd fi rst.

This :i.nswer is to be u.u1de in separate loose script(s) prorh1ed fo r (h e p qrpo~c.
~(axinrnm time :tllowt'd is 45 minutes~afte1· which thr hlose <\Usw er scr ip Js " HI 1-)c cqijent'd ~Pl1
fn:,sh answer scripts for imswc-ring the remainin g p;u-t of the qu csTiou \\ iU bi: pn.>, id ccj .
On ellr~· submission of ans,w_r snipts of Question No. l,
:i. stud~ut "ill get thl' remaining scr~pt earlier .

Answer :1,nv fht' qut'stious from the rest .

l. .\ . .·\.nswc'r 3.UY eight quc-sti1)t1$:

i) \\'k u is the> d..iftt'rt'n-.~, betw~ n a ScnHb..'<\f aud n S1,;rollpane '!

ii'\ C:m ~\.1U 3dd the' saDl:c' 1., ,mp,)nc-m t,, mu~ than L11\ tl conrnincr'J Ju.s tify )'\ ) Ur an~ wer .
iii) W hc'u the' Ot.'$trD~\) mc'th,xt w ill ~, ~-;,1\led·~
~ \\·h~H is a s1.-,c-k~'?
~v'l \\ n at is 3 ix--in·:, De fine \\ ith ~\.d.mpk
\ i. ) What is sc-ssi1.)o'.'
·\ii ) \\.hat are servkl.$'.'
\ii i) \\.hat are Ja \ ·;i Be-J.US·~
ix) \\.hat is th ..: use: 1.)f R..:qu~ Ln$fX'\t,:h--~··?
:,;. ) W hat are the di.tkren ...~ fx,n\~"-:'-lt .l,n <, appli-:ntion & Java applet'>
- ~i) \ \1tat is the' rela.ti1.10.."1u_p ~\~ ~ en~nt-listener interface and an event-adapler cl.ill;s' 1
,._,, Define C,.mra.iner. \V i.m.i.1..,w _P·. md s.nd Fmme.

B. Answer an \· ti.mr queSti0n s: 4x _

i) TC P is a _ __ 0ricn£.a i s_cni ..:c

a ) C onnectionlcS.s b) C onnex:tion c) Cannot say d) N01~ ~ of tJ1ei<r

ii) Which of the follo wing is no{ the method o f serverSock et.
a) getlneL.\ddress~) b) getLocalP on () c) close() d.) None- c,f the-s.c-

iii) Default Layout of JPand is

a) Borderlayour b) Grid Lay out c) rl owLn yout d.) N,mc of 1hc:::c-

iv) To make the group of radio button _ _ _ is used.

a) BurtonGr oup b) GroupYlodel c) GroupButlon

v) ]Compon ent are added on

a) Content pan b) Glass pan c) a m1c\ b both

vi ) The swin.2 classes are part of

a) JFC b) Java Foundatio n Class c) a c1nd b bot h

2. a) What are the difference s between awt and swing componen ts? -:--
b) What are the container and componen t classes?
c) 1n. which package are most of the AWT event s that su pport the c, c11 t-dt'lP~~1 i1,n Tn<"d<~l
defined? What is the advantage of the event-delegc1tion model <Wer th e e i rli f-r n 1_'P 1 .i•1 11r' 1i 1·'1" • '•
model? ' ' ·

t() and doPostt;

cycle. Descrihe /unction of e~ch method. When doGe ()
3. Briefly describe servlet life /
is called?

4/a) b)
How do write multi-threaded
Write down a code to im ple
server in java?
ment mu ltii.hrcaded message server and cli
ent program. 2+8 '

How wi ll you create a bc,in and use'? Write the 5+5
5. a) What are java beans?
le clients to access a server through a socket.
allow mu ltip
b) Describe the mechanism to
tusks of
s of servle ts over CG I'? What arc the major
6. vlets? What arc the advant
age (2+4)+4
What are ser
servlets? ,i
e to socket
to read and delete cookies from servlets? Write a cod (2+3)+5 J
7.\._ ./" '/H
.I: ow to create cookie using servlet? How
using UDP. i
de Verification.
8. a) W1ite short notes on Byte Co
n and java class.
b) Difference between java bea 3+4+3
re) Js~d?
Why SetBounds () .method if1 , ,• ,:. '
May 201 1

fim e Allowed: 3 Hours

AD:JWer t o ~ N~ l ii ~mpu.b\l() an~ fQ P~ 4R•nt,n:li fit# ·

This aa1wer b to be••
i• H-Jlar•te •~u i~rlpUi) pranlq.e4 fof #Jf.c pu,~'·
Maximum time allowed b 45 .a in"ta, afi~r "••~~ t"e lQo~e ~11~\;~f ~1-FJpf,. t+fJl H~ ,.-.~ ~
fr6h a:mwer Kfipts rw auwmai t'-e r'U\alain1 p~n qf in,
ijff,.#WR r,,U J,~
0a eut) l41bam.ioa of Hi\,-u Rr\·p,1 ~f Qn,~fi.(}fl N~.J,
• s.tlldeat ""l tt,t •-t.
~11,a.i1ln1 Kfl'J)f 111ull.if,

I. Answer the foll.owing questioos \~ny l('ll \

i) Can Java object be ~ d..l" 'lt f\'\r ~"'cht~lvc u~o hy a slv1m thr~ad'/
ii) Which is the ke:,,-ord ~ ftv dc.rffi"i classes?
iii) Explain Code s~
iv) What is a Ja"'aSe.aru"
v) What do you mean b) clcram~?
vi) Defmt Applet Life ~-de.
vii) Wh:11 1:-. 5tnni c:onstz.m: p,oot'?
viii) Whet 1~ tht d1fT~ ~--cen pre-,emptive scheduling and time slicing?
ix.) What 1:. JFC'
x) What does the l:wh.CodtjJ mcfuod?
xi) Describe S}nchroa.1.DUOO m respect ro multithreading.
xii) What is sen la .:olbhanmo o?
xiii) Wntt do111 n di!Teren.::c baliieer.i cheok.ed and unchecked exceptions .
xiv) Wh!t 1s sen la c.oo.Uinef?
xv) Wh; s.mng obJcet.5 are tm.m~usbk in java?
xvi) \l.'hat i) the diffe.rencc ~ otl!l Seinalizalble and Externalizablc: interf"ce·~
xvii) How do )OU gd an 1~ of Cal~ d ab!> in Java'?
xviii) What kind o( thread is rht GaJbag.e ooJlt<t1tir threaLl'I
xix) Ho"' will you m, or:~ an) extema.! p.1vre.;., JJJ Java'/

2. What's Java S\\inf' \\'h) ~ n tu.e Y-> mYCh Hme Lo accee8 en A~1}lel havh;,g S\v\~ '(,\~~1Ril i~-,~
first 1ime? \\ 'hat are the differeo.::es be!weoo Swing and AWT? Wllal I~ a\\ tWfl\ -ttM t\.~ N+M~ -if
Swing? b~J:i.'¢ .:,~?

a) What are the life-cycle metbo<B for a servlef!

b) What is difference between Get and P<rst method?
c) When a client request is san to the ~rvlet container, how does the container clro-o'~ \Vh+c~ "lle,\,~
10 inrnke? If a servlet is 001 properly initialized, what exceplh:lh may ~e t\\ro\Vn?
?0 -~ ~
4. a) Explain Requesl and Rn-ponse object in Servle!.
b) Compare JSP with Serv}et •
c) Write a Ja,-a Servlet ro demonstrate the use of Session Maiiagemeht. i -~ ~

5. + \ V h a.t is Datagram Socket? Explain in detail with example.

V!/ What is Server Socket? Explain in detail with an example.
~ Write a UDP Client-Server program in wblch the Client sehds atty stHng an'd S'ei\"er 't·e~'<n\'rl\ \~-ltf
Reverse string. °' ' ' '
rJiv:4h W;\ ! i
\ ,~,,~,,\t,~· 1\W 1it~1 1(}-f/
a) · at will happ<.."11 ff you have too many sodwl ,onnci.;JJµn.s n, , r,_,,
b) What is ephemeral pon?
c) How does TCP handshake worts'!

a) Illustrate with suitable e~ample of how applct-clP,Pf~t .1n,-I 4ppj,:L -;;;,r .:('r~ 1i."M'r~~ f9,~·,\flh~h(~
b) EJtplain rhe RMI architecture and discu_ss the impl~menJ.JP.t-?'1 1:;~µ~4 .

What are MVC? ExpJain how MVC is used m the Ja\ il siai infl Wm~ ;+
1 ~u~· fY1MW ~N~tH t~ (Jit$r}J~/
string with jframe and j,paneJ. 1~; 3, 1-,.5

Wha~ are cookies? What is the differenc.e be.tween cookies Ami hHp ~~~.S/A1frl 'I\/'/~ it~\~ <fl~t}.ft>afit~~ 6f
cookies? What is load..on start up in servt~~ ~9'•2',"2..4'3

a) What are the differences between SwtnJ; and A wr,

b) Wha·t is double buffering'.'
c) What is the WJtar is the diffett'noe bc1wcen lnvokoAndWnHO #tui J·tr·Y ~~A.)I'!
d) Wh.a! are the advantag~ of the eve,nHtof 011nUot1 ftJtJ4tl rt-Yttf tti\~· ..W~t~ir1Herit£:moo
model? · 3-.~2,.!.a.2--4,,3

I 1me A.llm, rtd 3 llaun

., ,u~er to Qut\1i oa ' " · ' ii compnb on 14 tl ti i,1 r,,. •Ut~V/"f"! / f#·~
Tbh an,"" n" ' " bt m•dt in \t,p,u-at<, l1ln1e ,qipl1 al i~n1i, lilf1I ,Hr f/r~ f}<'tY~~1f' ,
\b:d mum tirot alw1'f\d lt 45 mtnuu~, .1h t r V\ hkh th t li11l.Sll •• ll.S t/J i. ! -l"'flt#-t -~H# ~,,..· l';~lf<i('i1
fn-•b IDl,_tr ~npb for ~t\._\l\ t.rlft ~ tht n TIHl"inv. JMn it# Jhi: IJU'1i/1H'J
On c-..art~ '\ Uhmii-il\fl " ' ,UU\H f h '. flilf~ ,it f) Uittl~,H '-)H. , .
fr,'~•infM~· ,,m,-;~·
• ~tudrcnt wm t "' 1hr h ' ITI!ihllflj ,;,ulJ#'f ,.; 11v,

A Choo~c 1hc c:cimt--C 1 nn1.v. c, I Mi\ h'll) 1x10

1j Ddauh luNrt flf H\1ntll"l 1!- ( ,)) Hord<'r IHyout . l l'JJ C,r,d l~JM'.lt. r.~J r :ow :ayriut. d) :-tone
o1 th~i.t'

111 l ( P 1, a oncnt0d ~,-vice . (a) Connecti on le5s, foj Conneut'to n'. 1c ) Cannot -;ay.
1d I '\<.me (lf 'lhe-.c

1111 \\ hKh ,11 tlw rack.age contains classes and interfaces too mttwor1lting1 - a , Jm.a iu_
(hi fo,.., uuL (, 1 Ja, a.net. (d) Java.network.

1, I J .t'lllJX"'lncnt ,ue added oo - (a) contentpan, (b) glasspan. lCb & '1ll boriJ.. 1,dD1 u ·Jr. :he.se..

\) \\ h!.it kncr pre.:cdc~ ~" mg component names that have :1 '<..'t~wvm:!ing: -\'1)-,,:1; ;ompommt
(~ti-\ 1t-1 ~ .1 , 1 l 1d1J

\ I) \\ hj! •~~ ,,ut atrdl\gn ckrm:nt kft tu right :11.: ru:i:i 1h-.: -.' .\\t\~~<t!r?
4JJ Sonier lf:y;.:im ,
lb I l mJ La_, ,_.u1, 1, J f lo,\ l21yout, {J) Uv.x la y llllL

\ ll\ \\ hai m, rn,,j 1, u_:.od w hrt11dl\' !ll.' 111 \.' V(.' !tl li h,J1 11 111~1111~ ,:ll\,:xi ::,,_,,\s;:-, i~~JII) 1'H1f1'\l.' -
(.s) ncmSnnt"(hanb.-dO (r,) midA1.t1v11l 1~l~ll~r\l. l~) g\:tl~m~\1,_'W,_~\ ~·.a' ~(({t:\~£t~\"l:~'·'tlltt '

, 1i1 ) Wh12h p.:l,la,;n re-pit":.t'III wtt"!la\'~ arJ1J dovw"' t,}I \ \..>t\ '1\..~ \ !f,1/ ,J~ ;<F~,,~, :-.~ n,,w,
\!l) _lo\a.'\
:,.;.",f\ kl bnp. ◄ l ) a & (l bvth. (u) l h HH: 1J ! tf\ \M~

:d ---- l S 1lli' ru~1 ph!!Sf c,f lhe sen [el lift 1:~dc ' \ -A\ \','."t\ ',~'(•\ ,:►: i\~•/•1-,•l\ A•,
\.:-) lnmahz,m on. (d) ~ & b

X I) Gel mt1hod3 :llt' gye-ai for se-nuing --- --- a illl )'lt\ l q 1'\ 11'\f,,,. . ~'.'-.rn'rt1 r h•,.. \ •0r '( lt •}?'
ha,ing vis1bk in! URL - la) f!t'gligible . (b) hugt. I\'.) -:mall. \ 'I\~ hv'-,-'i ;i ;v,_ r

xu) What event is gene'Iated when a ~r rbakec; a r-1 -:nl.1 ,;t\•~o.r,1.-,·:

(b) eYentl istener, (c) ac1ionf vent ldJ attlohLi-5 t.ener
\\\ •,•, -rf<"...::\;:,.i;,, .. ,<,
B Ans wer the following questions (any fiYe):

i) What does U1e hashcode() method?

ii) What are the sub classes of the coh!ainer class?
•ii) What is a socket?
iv) Wh at is sess ion?
v) Wh at is DHCP:
vi) What is sen ·let'~
vii) Wh at are jaYa beans:

2. ~ What is Adapter class? Give an Exampl

e. lxsi gn i\ t~\\ -M.!~\ H~lllg AW I [M>--' J.-. ~ .

4. What are the strengths ofS erv let? Wh

at 1~ diOh~iw c ht' m,ee n Sorv ldll 'oHO~ ~m,._ j ~r~ :.-;"}.,~'.N"'J
5, Wh at is Jbu tton class? Draw tlK Sw
i~ fain ti) irt't' - Differt'ntillltl b~IWt:<:fl Swmg mW fa/ ;//'i~

~ ;,,,_,
~ t is Java Beans'' Wh
at are th<" l><nl,fi1,: ~f u_,ing hcon,? P.xp
litln ind~xc<J pr<ij)<rt/ <fi
7. Wri te short notC's on Bytecode ,.·mfic.a
.rion . How jav.l class load er wor ks?
June 211 I '-l


d· 3 Hours
An.n~ear to Ques-lion .\'o. l i~ Cl)1Up'41i(lr) an~i Ill tw ~•1;; ~~,:f1-,\q flpJ .
This ,ins"t-T u IO be made in s-epar:at~ ttliHi! scripJ1s1 p rµqq ,tjJ ~Hr Iii~·rfil/lH--'~--
Mujmum 1iau a[lo'l'Ni is 45 muuues, aftt.'.r "bich 1b~ lot1-se ia11 5n,,:,r ~-'f1Ut.:, Vi# J;1-· 1-·trH~,m-d ~1&
frnb ao~'tr ~ri.pn for aarn-UU\g the remaining ~~rt of ihe iJl.1,,t~jjl}JJ :»ill ,,,.,.. f}FR->W~:
On earn"subminioo of •n·rn er ir.rrpts 1l f ()H ~S IWO ~;, ·I ,
~ fhi<kllt "ill ge:1 the rema ining ii:flflf ~",-l jtf.
Aas"e-r an, fiH quti tioni from fh t ri?~I -

Wh.a-1 1-, the full frvm r1f .\ \\ r 1a) .·\ ll \.V it1d,rn, f, 1,11~ }tr) A/1-;uw.;1 Wrt,'t{1-n1 ;,¼H ; c ) AH
1 1

Wrning TN❖, (di :\ h.~)Ult' \\ m ,1,\\\ fo,1!~11

ul Which of l ~e- t"\ t".Ob I:-. ~rl)l'J,\tort l\Jhf111 11 lmlf /Jtl I:. t}t":',"~r , ~J'r ·c.(.,,_s ,;t!,F,wm,t
(hi Kq E, e-nl ( ,: I Prt'.~f, Ml (ijf/4 ,'ll c)I\I Vc' llf

lll) Suppoi,.c ~~u ~ .a..,1 IC' h.'I , t 31' 1""j,,·1<'h hnnct k lhc .1'1:t~tl-'. 'VitrJ:1 (Jt ~ 'f!!Jr\'f:a;::;_•r,t.JW: :. ;-;01,\'
"hould , o u .xdd eh As 1hc- cn'11t handler for t'! \W,-t a&'Ji ~;,:d .1<;tenen'eh L
(hi eh ad.dTe-, tl1 '-t5,t'n; 1\. (c) 3dJTcx1Li:-tcner(eh .t); (d) addTu.1U~~er'\ .efr:

Wh,cb _1,,, f th~c p.ad,;.1~ c0n1ains all the classes and _me~ s r~:ii::-dl i :r ~ •'!nt :iamtling
m Ja, a ' (a) , a,~ .apptei ( b ) .1 a,·a..a,\·t (c) Java.event (¼}Java.awt.e.·em:

v) Wlucl'l of lh~ foUo\\ 1~ classes are derived from the Panel class? (~ 11 1 illialag ~
( c I Fnu11t' 1d I 8 unL1n

\ I) Which I){ !he fo lio" me 1s used b) a client to establish a socket £:-<.:)IlTh;('.'.:iDl.--:C. -.fm ite- ~
(tt) Sod.ct !, - :.en crSocket .getSocket(); (b) Socket s=seIYcr~x°'.lo'l_ ...&- •-:~ m\ t.r'i ~ \:.-i.e~
s- nc\\ Sod.cu Sen c r!\ame.po11J; (d) Socket s=serverSockcL1..'0flf!K\.~ ):;

\1J) What is che full fonn of lPC'! (a) lntcr-Proc~ss (\)ll\,l~m~ ~ -u u~r,-.tf'.1Q"\..~
e.m1municauon (CJ lntemal-Prvct ~o Cvnunu11i~atio11 (d) l9~c~n\\.'xl--f>i1i.,~~, 1( ('mp1.mng..
!, "
viii) Hm, man~ bm are tbcre in " rod.e1 a<ldresr.,'/ (u) 8\,~,Y I() (\.:) U.tlf 4~

A st"n-lc-r 1~ in51anna1ed v,·b.en (aJ a client nrnke,l a rcqll\:\l h\i ct~ 1~ '.\~ #tn..'' ~ ~i~ -.. (,' \f
St"rw-r stans up ( b ) the d ien! makes a reque'l l ( JJ the ~llllt\"\? \..\\,j~ h '-' ',lf~1tj\, ~\ ~

x) , \\'hisJl., of rhe foHowing me1hods is used lu retrie, e the \ alt," ,\-f ;-\ , 1'),:;'i'<if.1\.-,1 ,f'~ i< Mh._,,-.,· >
JPY'gerParamt"ter(} (b) rctnevePi.muneter( J ( l' ) paratneteti) (d) -gct \\waw,1)

xi) ~ h of the follow ing is a mme of a web sen er'J 1,l) Nfl.'~:iirt' (h) f't.-'l r~#M ,{~\ \\ J.,\ ·
~, 1 omcat

xii) What ~oes the following line of code (.lo 1 Textli elJ text,.,.11'e \\ Te:\tfretdn ~)\_ 1 :-,) ~·:v•/fl,.;,-. .i
text obJect that hold 10 rows of a tex t (b) Create" a text 1)!--\h.:c\ c1n~ , 1~,'t~h ·• i, :~,\ ·ft'i
\'alue 10 l reares a texi ob_ie::t that cah hoJc.J iOcu 1Uh1il c; 11ft-ekt (d) ni-c •n'.ri-{· ~" ,11-t,.v ,,:

B. Answer the following quesrjons (any fi ve J: :,.,, '-

; _, I ' 1 if ~ . ~\ <
i) ~,?~" will you set a titfe in a AWT frame') ,~ ~¼ I
f ~.~ 9 \ t~~~'f1~ ·
\\ me the names of some layout manager classed !11 Ja, a. lo\,, _
;'c-:,, i J ,i~ 'f' ....~, ,. r \.
ii j) What is the funcnon of s.eiE.:hoChart , ,n~trh),i m J,n.J 1
i\ ) What are the Benefits of thine Ja, a Beans l
\) \\,'hat are lhe ,Hh antag~ c-f s·~1' kb c) \ er Jppif!b _l
, ·j) List the limitatmn" of Coo1oes

al D1ffercmia1e bei,\ecn a frdJTie .and .a Panel

bl Write a "hort program "hjch u-.e, Fr.amt and Piin-el

How Ad.apt.er das~ are u1..Cful m e'\ em handlmg .:i\J~' lllu :1lrtif c ,11 11 11 }If/ .~;,-~m;v~,

D1fferl.!n11atc between St.H~am '-Ocl:c-1 4lnd D.1t 1l.iJ,n1m ~.,, i.,,.,

h) \.\'mt! a i,,,er\'cr code U."-tn.g Datagram ~f\d •c t "h1l-'h r,''-' i' I Vc."i n fllmJh.<t frt.>m ,;~~ ti :.+htli l'f'-1\Jr'rF;' rta-tJk
l the dc,ublc \ alu~ of JI :),../-

iJJ h ,r,la1r1 l1k c~LI~ of :-.er\ Jct

b) 11clltµ.n :i ln~in (onn ~Kc-~ptrn~ log1n •d and rassword using HTML. 'J'1J€Jll m iill~ all1tt~f~.11 et. .>0tle 1

tu , ali <J;itc u..,,e1 tn s.u1...h 3 " a) that 1f the login id is ''admin'' and pasi;wvrd ,s, -"~ ·mtt1:t:..s~· ~lie.1 ().nly
'" Vv'det)tflc Admin .. me,'3J!C •~ d.Jsplayed on the page. Otherwise priM ...~n:aildi :cgim id.I or
p~hSWll.t1f' ...j.!-~

:1 ' Wrnc 1hc prnpc"1i1c~ tif :1 .l:.t, ;1 Bean .

bl \\ n tc :1 !\lfllJ:)k prngr:1111 to 1U ust.rule Ja\ a Bean.

Write sht.lfl note-;; t)n tti) Class Lua.Jer tb} B)1e Code Verification.

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