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By: Marian Crizzel Geronimo

What is More about Conclusion…

Bullying? Bullying
Bullying is very common to My older sister told me As a citizen of our
the life of students. It is about this story where they country, we should come
commonly seen in schools became bullies. It is not like together to help these
where older or stronger bullying bullying, she said victims. If you see
students are harassing the that it was more like teasing
someone being bullied
younger or weaker ones to their classmates that went
show superiority in the overboard and they didn’t
speak up. By not saying
school whether in the realize it not until that anything, may cause one
physical or intellectual person already spoke to of your peers their life.
aspect. But now that we are them that she is hurt to the Teens don’t realize that
in the middle of this way they tease her. It by not saying something,
pandemic where we are opened their eyes that what can be as harmful or
locked up in our own they thought a simple tease detrimental as the actual
houses. It does not stop the or joke can already be bullying. I believe if we all
bullies to harass their victim harmful to others that work together, we can
and they continue to do so made them be extra overcome bullies and
by harassing them online cautious to the way they
stop their harmful ways.
which is more known as tease their classmates.
cyberbullying. The bullies
inflict huge physical or
mental trauma to its victims
that sometime lead the
victims to take their own life.
A study in Britain found that
at least half of suicides
among young people are
related to bullying. However,
we should also consider to
talk to this bullies and ask
them what makes them do
such things. Ask for their
reasons and try to convince
them to stop bullying other
people as they do not know
the trauma that it brings to
their victims.

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