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Who is the best president that we never had?

With the knowledge, mindset and awareness that I have now regarding politics. The leader that we
should pick is someone who is credible, fierce and bold to defend the country’s freedom and territory
and last is not involved in any kind of corrupt activities. Not even rumors about it.

And with the past presidential candidates that we had, I think the late senator Miriam Defensor Santiago
is the one who is best suited to this description. With her 3 terms in the senate, she definitely proved a
lot that she is deserving to be a president for our country.

Unfortunately, she wasn’t given a chance since someone else got the vote of the people and won the
presidential election. A few months after her loss in the presidential election, she was declared dead due
to lung cancer

So why did I choose Miriam Defensor Santiago as the best president that we never had. First is that as I
said earlier, a candidate to any government position shouldn’t be involved in any corrupt activities. She
is not involved in any of it; rather, she is the one who has imposed those politicians who are involved in
the historic scandal of the pork barrel scam, in which many politicians were shown to be profiting off the
people's taxes. She was not afraid to call out those politicians because she herself know that she isn’t
like them. Running for a position not to serve but to steal from the country’s budget which is from the
Filipino people.

She is brave, fierce and bold enough to call them out and that makes me think that if she is that feisty to
them, what more to those people who are trying to take our territory. Not letting herself to be a lapdog
of other country.

Lastly, is doing their job respectively, which is to create law. She authored and passed a total of 26 laws
within her 3 terms in the senate. Tackling every problem that our country faces, whether it is in
education, job creation, public order and illegal drugs, youth, women and family relations, health, justice
and human rights.

Politicians are not display in their office. They have their respective task and jobs. Senators are expected
to author or create a law that will help for the betterment of the citizen and the country. So how can
someone run for the position of president if he/she cannot pass at least 1 law when that is their job as a

However, there is one bill that she filed yet remained pending from 2013 until now. This law, Senate Bill
No. 1573, also known as the "Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness Act," is a significant loss for us
since it might have been a huge aid to us now that we are dealing and suffering with the COVID-19
pandemic. We can all imagine what would have happened if this bill had been passed. It would be a
tremendous help for all of us to know that we have a plan and a budget in place to aid us if a pandemic
strikes again.
They say that there are no regrets in life, only lessons learned. I hope we learned our lesson from the
last presidential election and make sure to vote for someone credible, responsible and has the empathy
and concrete plan on how to serve and lead the people of our country

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