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•Character is the essence of good management.

•Successful business leaders demonstrate remarkable amount
of integration, transparency, honest and trustworthiness.
•Treat all with courtesy and respect
•Bounce back from failures and mistakes
•Collaborate than compete
•Characters can be built – family background, education
Zenger and Folkman – 3 steps to build
1. Always deliver: Under promise and over deliver – Value of
2. Be humble: Don’t flaunt the power
3. Find a mirror: perception about you
1. Mentor
2. Colleague
3. Friend
4. 360 degree feedback
What is value?
• It is the degree of worth we ascribe to a person, object, situation or
• Six basic values are
• Theoretical
• Aesthetic
• Spiritual
• Economic
• Political
• Social
• Value Impacts?
• Choice of profession and occupation also depends on values
• Values help you in making employment choice
• Affect the way we work
Work Values:
• Creativity and challenge
• Economic
• Independence
• Service
• Work conditions
• Status
• Co-workers
• Security
• Academic
Career anchors – Prof. Edgar Schein
• Career anchors are core competencies you possess which
will make you successful in a particular career.
•Career anchors should strengthen the psychological bond
between the individual and organisation
•IT professional have various career anchors
Career anchors – Prof. Edgar Schein
• Managerial – integrate the efforts of others and take accountability
• Technical/ Functional
• Security/ stability
• Autonomy and independence
• Entrepreneurial and creativity based anchors
• Service / dedication
• Pure challenge
• Balance/ lifestyle integration
Rao – work values
• Work values that determine the career anchors of Indian managers
1. Creativity and challenge
2. Economic values
3. Security
4. Work conditions,
5. Co-workers
6. Service
7. Academic
8. Status
•Economic, work conditions, security, co-workers are meant
to be lower order values in Maslow’s hierarchy
•Transformational managers have higher values
Organisation Values
• How Tata responded to 26/11
The Tata’s gesture
•All category of employees, those who have completed even
one day were treated as on duty, when the hotel was closed
•Salaries paid when the hotel was closed
•Psychiatric cell was established in collaboration with TISS to
•Every employee was assigned to one mentor
•Ratan Tata personally visited the families of 80 employees
•Within 28 days, a new trust was created by Tatas for funding
26/11 victim
The Tata’s gesture
•Tata took responsibility for life education of 46 children of
terrorist victims
•Settlement for every deceased member ranged from Rs. 36
to 85 lakh in addition to
• Full last salary for life
• Complete responsibility for education of children and dependants
• Full medical facility for the whole family
• All loans and advances waived, irrespective of the amount
• Counsellor for life for each person.
• Openness
• Collaboration
• Trust
• Authenticity
• Proactive
• Autonomy
• Confrontation
• Experimentation
Ways to build a value system in team
• Maintain consistency
• Review your values
• Discuss values with team
• Create personal and organisational stories about values and how it
should be practised
• Integrate your values into induction programme, performance
appraisal, training and other HR system
• Exercise a Zero tolerance policy towards evasion
• Explain, regulate, understand and ensure that they are practised.
•How Google sold its Engineers on Management
Role play:
• As a Manager what is it you value the most? – Group wise - 5-7
minutes per group

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