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ScoobyCamTools 5

User's Manual



All rights reserved. This manual and the associated software are copyright protected and must not be reproduced,
transmitted, duplicated, distributed or translated into other languages without permission of the original author first.
Although software and manual have been made with all possible care and accuracy, errors can never be completely
prevented, due to the multiplicity of different hardware and software configurations. Therefore, the author does not
take responsibility for damage caused by software failures or by wrong descriptions in this manual.

System requirements
• Maxon CINEMA 4D R12 or R13
• Windows PC (32 Bit, 64 Bit) or Mac OSX (Intel)

Copyrights and trade marks

MAXON and CINEMA 4D are registered trade marks of Maxon Computer GmbH.
ADOBE, AFTEREFFECTS and PHOTOSHOP are registered trade marks of Adobe Systems Inc.
Further mentioned names or images of other products or companies may be trade marks of other companies and are
only used for explanation purposes and for the benefit of their owners, without breaking any law.

Special thanks
Mo Li and Steffen Lepa for the initial idea, inspiration and for providing access to papers and scientific findings used
for this project.
Michael Auerbach, Philipp "Pel.Z" Dollinger, Ingo Walde, Oliver Meiseberg, David Drayton, Markus "Think" Schnell
and Akira Endo for beta testing and all the valuable input.
Furthermore Ingo Walde for the icons and Markus "Think" Schnell for proof reading the website.

© 2005 - 2011 by Jack's Secret Stash

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Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Preamble .......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Components ..................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.1 ScoobyCam Tag ....................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.2 ScoobyMorph Tag .................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.3 "Create new ScoobyCam setup" command ............................................................................. 5
1.2.4 "Create new ScoobyMorph setup" command........................................................................... 5
1.3 What's new in ScoobyCamTools 5?................................................................................................. 6
1.3.1 New GUI and Workflow ............................................................................................................ 6
1.3.2 The ScoobyCam Rig ................................................................................................................ 6
1.3.3 The ScoobyCam Engine........................................................................................................... 7
1.3.4 The ScoobyMorph Engine ........................................................................................................ 8
1.4 Installation and Setup ....................................................................................................................... 9
1.4.1 Licensing................................................................................................................................... 9

2 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS .................................................................................................................10

2.1 Creating a standard dolly setup...................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Creating a flythrough camera ......................................................................................................... 10
2.3 Chasing an object ........................................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Shaking an existing camera ........................................................................................................... 11
2.5 Baking the ScoobyCam results ...................................................................................................... 11

3 PARAMETERS IN DETAIL.................................................................................................................12
3.1 ScoobyCam Tag............................................................................................................................. 12
3.1.1 Basic ....................................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.2 Rig .......................................................................................................................................... 13
3.1.3 Animation................................................................................................................................ 14
3.1.4 Dynamics ................................................................................................................................ 17
3.1.5 Scooby Motion ........................................................................................................................ 19
3.1.6 Focus ...................................................................................................................................... 22
3.2 ScoobyMorph Tag .......................................................................................................................... 24
3.2.1 Basic ....................................................................................................................................... 24
3.2.2 Tag.......................................................................................................................................... 25
3.2.3 Morph Tracks.......................................................................................................................... 26

4 APPENDIX ..........................................................................................................................................27
4.1 License agreement ......................................................................................................................... 27
4.2 Alphabetical index .......................................................................................................................... 30

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1 Introduction
Here you'll find and overview of ScoobyCamTools as well as some
general information.

1.1 Preamble
A long time has passed since I wrote the first version of
ScoobyCamTools in MEL as a Maya in-house tool for an art project
at the university. Since then, it has undergone several updates (not
to mention the shift to CINEMA 4D right after the first version).
Version 2 and 3 were built as XPresso setups, and with version 4
ScoobyCamTools finally went C++ and became a successful
product on the plug-ins market.
ScoobyCamTools 4 has been around since 2007 and became
something like a standard for simulated hand-held camera
animation in CINEMA 4D. During the last 4 years, I have been
busy with other projects, but several requests from customers
always brought me back to ScoobyCamTools.
When CINEMA 4D R12 was released, it became clear that Scooby
needed a general overhaul, not only to make it compatible with
current and future CINEMA 4D releases, but also to make room for
all the new features that have been planned since a long time. It
took some time, turned out to be a complete rewrite of all parts of
the plug-in, and here it is: ScoobyCamTools 5. Enjoy ☺

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1.2 Components
ScoobyCamTools 5 consists of several components which will be
described in this chapter.

1.2.1 ScoobyCam Tag

With the ScoobyCam Tag you can create realistic camera motion
that emulates the behavior of a real human camera man. Whether
you want to achieve an ego perspective, soft SteadyCam motion or
the shaky look or dogma films or a cell phone camera, it's all easily
The ScoobyCam Tag provides a rig that is based scientific findings
and modeled to resemble the physics of a human camera man's
body, while still being very easy to control and being flexible
enough to perform tasks that a real world camera man could not
Furthermore, the ScoobyCam Tag is capable of performing several
dynamic simulations that can be used to automate animation tasks
or create kinds of animation that would hardly be possible with
simple keyframing, such as dampening and spring dynamics,
chasing objects and automatic banking.
Last but not least, even if you don't want to use the physical rig,
you still have access to the powerful features that make
ScoobyCam Tools the perfect tool for any kind of camera
animation. Take advantage of multiple targets and path splines,
focus control (featuring the famous Dolly Zoom effect in
perfection), and much more.

1.2.2 ScoobyMorph Tag

The ScoobyMorph Tag is the way to go for Motion Graphics
camera animation. It creates seamless blends between two or
more cameras, taking not only position and rotation, but all
important camera parameters into account.
Use it to create fluent camera movements from just a couple of
source cameras you defined earlier. Search for good angles, place
your cameras and let the ScoobyMorph Tag take care of the rest.
The ScoobyMorph Tag is not only a great tool to create camera
animation, but also to "weld" the animation of different cameras
into one continuous shot. You want to start with a keyframed
camera from a tracking software, then change to a ScoobyCam
and then to another camera that is being animated by e.g. a
custom script? No problem, the ScoobyCam Tag makes is

1.2.3 "Create new ScoobyCam setup" command

This command helps creating a new ScoobyCam setup without
having to create all the objects and the tag yourself. If executed
while objects in the Object Manager are selected, the command
will try to invoke those objects into the new setup in a clever way.

1.2.4 "Create new ScoobyMorph setup" command

This command makes it even easier to create a new ScoobyMorph
setup from two or more selected cameras.

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1.3 What's new in ScoobyCamTools 5?

ScoobyCamTools 5 has been rewritten from scratch and provides
a new set of features as well as an improved workflow. Not a single
line of code has been taken from the previous ScoobyCamTools

1.3.1 New GUI and Workflow

The GUI of the ScoobyCam Tag has been completely restructured
and now comes with a less but more artistic approach, offering
more clarity and easier access to all parameters.
Also, the Camera Morphing functionality has been moved to a
separate tag, making it easier to overlook the settings and organize
your camera setups.

1.3.2 The ScoobyCam Rig

The new rig of the ScoobyCam Tag has been modeled to emulate
the behavior of a real human camera man's body. It internally
consists of separate joints for feet, head and arms. Each of these
body parts takes over different tasks and has different behaviors:
Each of the effects in the ScoobyCam Tag now affects the
respective part of the body, as it would also do in real life. For
example, walking along a spline will place the camera man's feet
on the spline. However, aiming at a target will align the camera
man's head. Manual camera rotation, as well as most of the
shaking will be applied to the hands.
The default proportions of the rig have been derived from statistical
data and resemble an average human.

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1.3.3 The ScoobyCam Engine

The motion engine of ScoobyCamTools is completely new and
now integrates the solvers for all calculations and dynamic
simulations that the ScoobyCam Rig can perform into one solid

Scooby Motion
The new Scooby Motion not only features much better shaking and
shivering, but also an all new footstep simulation. This performs a
regular movement that is dependent from the camera man's
walking speed and body size, and is based on real scientific

Spline Targets
A small but nevertheless useful improvement: Splines can now
directly be used as target objects. If you link a spline object as
target, you will be able to choose any position on the spline as
target position.

New Scooby Dynamics

The Scooby Dynamics have been reworked and are now much
more stable and easier to control. Furthermore, different parts of
the camera man's body can have different dynamics applied. The
old "Automatic De-Focus" feature in ScoobyCamTools 4 has now
been replaced by the new Focus Dynamics which are also easier
to control and provide more realistic results.

Chase object
Do you need an exciting shot with the camera chasing e.g. a car or
an animal? This could be quite a cumbersome task to animate
already if those objects are animated with key frames. But what if
they move dynamically and in an unpredictable way? Say hello to
the Chase Object feature. It will let the camera man follow any
object, considering a maximum distance. With the additional
minimum distance parameter, the camera man will even make way
for the object if it comes too close.

Improved automatic banking

The automatic banking is not restricted to splines anymore. You
can move your camera in whatever way you want, the automatic
banking just works.

Base Link
Using the Base Link box, you can use another object or camera as
a source for the camera rig's basic matrix and also inherit the
camera parameters. Imagine you already have an animated
camera and you just want to add some Scooby Motion to it. Using
the Base Link, it's matter of seconds to get the result you want.

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Spline and Target Intensity

The Spline and Target features now offer an intensity slider. Using
this slider, you can easily blend between e.g. the motion inherited
from the Base Link and the spline motion.

Depth Control
The Focus Control now offers the optional Depth Control that
provides simplified control over the camera's depth parameters,
and alternatively lets you generate reasonable depth passes for
post work and compositing.

The visualization now includes a representation of the rig (simple
or as a complete figure), as well as markers for al targets, the
blended target position and the target aberration.

Value Export
Several of the calculated internal values of the rig are now
exported as read-only attributes and can be accessed via XPresso
or scripts. Additionally, objects can be attached to calculated
positions, making it easy to point e.g. a flashlight to the blended
target position.

1.3.4 The ScoobyMorph Engine

The morphing engine of ScoobyCamTools has also been
completely rewritten and now offers more features and better

Soft Interpolation
In earlier ScoobyCamTools versions, morphing cameras just
meant simple mixing between values. since then, many customers
have asked for an alternative interpolation mode that actually
creates soft camera movements from any number of source
cameras. This has now been fully implemented, for the camera
matrix as well as for camera parameters.

Morph Tracks
Several camera parameters can now also be morphed, including
focal length, Aperture, target distance, Depth of Field parameters
and white balance. If you own CINEMA 4D R13 with the new
Physical Renderer, you can also include the Physical Camera's F-
Stop, Exposure time and even more parameters in the morph.

The ScoobyMorph visualization now includes an accurate
representation of camera position and alignment, as well as
markers for the source camera positions and their names.

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1.4 Installation and Setup

To install the plug-in, simply download the ZIP file from the
ScoobyCamTools website. It contains a folder with all required
files. Simple put that folder in the "plugins" folder inside your
CINEMA 4D directory.

1.4.1 Licensing
When you start CINEMA 4D after having installed the plug-in, you
will be automatically taken to the Personalize dialog where you can
enter the license key. After you have entered a valid license key,
you can start having fun with ScoobyCamTools.

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2 Typical Applications
Here you'll find some simple explanations on typical tasks you
might want to do with ScoobyCamTools.

2.1 Creating a standard dolly setup

A classic dolly camera setup consists of a camera, a path spline to
define the camera's movement and a target object that the camera
will point to.
To create such a setup, simply deselect anything that might be
selected in the Object Manager and run the command Create new
ScoobyCam setup from the plugins menu. A new Null group will be
created, containing a ScoobyCam, a spline and a target object.
If you already have objects that you would like to use, select them
first and then run the command. The first one or two selected
splines will be automatically invoked as path splines, and the first
selected objects (max. 4) will be used as target objects.

2.2 Creating a flythrough camera

This is a good starting point for a motorcycle, airplane or helicopter
camera. Basically, a flythrough camera is also animated along a
spline, but does not use targeting. Instead of using target objects, it
is tangentially aligned to the path spline.
1. To create a flythrough setup, simply create a new
ScoobyCam setup as described above. Then deactivate
the Target functions and also delete the now obsolete
target objects.
2. Enable the Automatic Banking function in the Animation
tab. Set the Intensity to e.g. 7 and increase the Dampen
value to about 80%.
3. In the Scooby Motion tab, set all Intensity values to 0% (to
do this really quick, just select the preset "Calm").
4. If you want a motorcycle animation, you're already done. If
you want more like an airplane or helicopter animation, you
should also check the option Override Rig Dimensions in
the Rig tab.

2.3 Chasing an object

Here we have a simple example of how to set up a chase.
1. Create a camera and attach a new ScoobyCam tag to it.
2. Create two Null objects. For more clarity, name one of
them "Start Pos" and the other one "Chase".
3. Link the Start Pos object into the ScoobyCam Tag's Base
Link box.
4. Link the Case object into the ScoobyCam Tag's Chase
Object Link box.
5. In the Chase Object group, set a Max. Distance of about
300 cm and a Min. Distance of about 150 cm.
6. For testing and playing around, simply increase the
animation length (e.g. to 1000 Frames), go to Top View
and play back the animation. While the animation is
running, move around the Chase object.

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2.4 Shaking an existing camera

If you already have an animated camera (e.g. imported from some
other software, or animated with an expression or by another artist)
and you just want to add some Scooby Motion, do it like this:
1. Select the existing camera object in the Object Manager.
2. Run the Create new ScoobyCam setup from the plugins
menu. A new ScoobyCam setup will be created, having the
selected camera linked in the Base Link box.
3. In the ScoobyCam Tag, go to the Scooby Motion tab and
select a preset, e.g. "SteadyCam 2".

2.5 Baking the ScoobyCam results

In some cases, e.g. when you're planning to hand your scene over
to somebody who does not have ScoobyCamTools, when
preparing your scene for NETrender and have used any of
ScoobyCam's dynamic effects, you will have to bake the
ScoobyCam animation.
Baking the ScoobyCam animation works as follows:
1. Open the timeline window (SHIFT+F3).
2. Drag & Drop the camera object from the Object Manager
into the timeline window.
3. Manually create empty tracks for each of the camera Note: Manually creating empty tracks to
parameters that should be baked. Position, Rotation and bake camera parameters seems like a
hassle, and yes it is.
Scale tracks will be created automatically by CINEMA 4D's However, with CINEMA 4D's baking
bake function, but to bake e.g. Focal Length, F-Stop or any function there currently is no other way to
other parameters, you have to create empty tracks for do it. Sorry.
those parameters first.
You can add tracks for the parameters you want to bake
by right-clicking on the camera object in the timeline
window and then choosing the desired track from the Add
Property Tracks submenu.
4. In the timeline's Functions menu, select Bake Objects.
5. In the Base Objects dialog, check all options except PLA.
Then click OK. You will get a copy of the camera with
keyframe tracks for position, rotation, scale, and the

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3 Parameters in Detail
In this chapter, all parameters and functionality of all
ScoobyCamTools components will be explained. If you want to
know how a specific feature works or what a certain parameter
does, you might want to read this.

3.1 ScoobyCam Tag

The ScoobyCam Tag provides a rig that enables you to create
complex camera animation with multiple paths and targets.
Furthermore, the ScoobyCam Tag is capable of performing several
very interesting dynamic calculations and simulations that can be
used to automate animation tasks or create kinds of animation that
would hardly be possible with simple keyframing.

3.1.1 Basic
In this tab you'll find the basic attributes that (almost) every
expression tag in CINEMA 4D offers: Name, layer, priority controls
and an Enable/Disable checkbox. Visualization
In addition to the common basic attributes, the ScoobyCam Tag's
Basic tab offers some attributes for visualization purposes. Export
This is another additional group in the Basic tab. It provides a
number of read-only vector attributes as well as some link boxes.
Some of the internal values that are calculated by the ScoobyCam
engine are output into this group for further use 'outside' the
ScoobyCam Tag.
You can access these attributes via XPresso, using Python or
C.O.F.F.E.E., or - if you happen to be a plug-in developer yourself -
from your own plug-ins.
The link boxes can be used to directly transfer a certain value to an
object in your scene without even having to use XPresso or
Note: The default priority of the
scripting. A good example for this would be attaching a Null Object ScoobyCam Tag is 100. This should
to the calculated target position and then pointing a spotlight at it, avoid priority problems in conjunction
giving the illusion of a flashlight. with other expression tags.

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3.1.2 Rig
In this tab you can define some basic properties of the simulated
human camera man, establish a base link to another camera to
inherit its parameters and perform some manual rotation.

This defines - as you might have guessed - how tall the camera
man's body is. The value entered here correctly affects the
dimensions of the camera man's body parts, as well as the results
of the footstep simulation (see chapter Scooby Motion, page 19).
The head joint of the ScoobyCam rig will be placed above the foot
joint with a distance of this value.

The camera is offset from the head joint by the distances defined in
this parameter. Effectively, this controls the length of the camera
man's arms and the position of his hands, holding the camera.
Use this parameter to make the difference between ego
perspective (set x and y to 0.0, z to about 10cm), small hand-held
camcorder (set x to about 3cm, y to 0.0 and z to about 20cm) or a
bigger shoulder cam (set x to about 20cm, y to 0.0 and z to about
Of course, you can use this parameter for other purposes, too. For
example, increase the y value to make the camera man hold the
camera above his head, like an eager reporter at a crowded press
conference. Manual Rotation

Here you can manually rotate the camera man's head and the
camera itself. That way, you always have manual control over the
alignment. Base
Normally, the ScoobyCam rig will inherit the position and rotation of
the camera's parent object. The camera man's feet will be placed
at the parent object's position and aligned to its Z axis.
If you want to make the rig independent from the scene hierarchy
and its parent object, the Base feature is the way to go.

Link any object here to make the camera man stand at the object's
position and have him aligned along the object's Z axis.

Inherit Camera Parameters

If the linked object is a camera object, you can check this option to
also have the basic camera parameters inherited.

Override Rig Dimensions

If you want to use a camera as Base Link and not have the
ScoobyCam rig interfering, check this option. It will assume rig
height and parallax values of 0.0. The camera will then sit directly
on the linked object.

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3.1.3 Animation
In this tab you will find the most important parameters that you will
need probably in everyday camera animation work, as well as
some more advanced animation features. Splines
Splines are a classic tool in camera animation and are the analogy
to camera dollies. In ScoobyCamTools, you can have up to two
splines, move the camera along them and blend between them.

Click this checkbox to enable the spline functions.

By default, only the camera position will be taken from the splines.
If you check this option, the camera will also be aligned to the
spline tangentially.

Path Spline A, Rail Spline A, Path Spline B, Rail Spline B

Here you have to groups of splines: Group A and group B. In each Note: The spline functions apply to the
camera man‘s feet.
group you can link a path spline and an optional rail spline.
The camera position will be calculated from the path splines. The
rail splines can be used to control the alignment of the camera‘s Y
axis, effectively controlling the camera banking. this is especially
useful for manually defined banking, e.g. for rollercoaster

Camera Position A, Camera Position B

These sliders select a position along each of the linked splines.
Click the little arrow left of a parameter to unfold the curve and
automatic animation parameters (described below).

Blend A B
This slider blends between the positions taken from spline A and
spline B, as set with the above mentioned sliders. Click the little
arrow left of this parameter to unfold the curve and automatic
animation parameters (described below).

Cam Pos A Curve, Cam Pos B Curve, Cam Pops Blend Curve
Each of the position and blend sliders in the Splines group offers a
curve. It allows to tweak the behavior of the position sliders
described above.

Each of the position and blend sliders in the Splines group offers
parameters for automatic animation. It lets you specify a range in
the timeline and will animate the related value from 0% to 100% in
that range of time. Use these parameters for simple animation
without keyframes.

If this is set to 0%, the splines will have no effect. The camera
position and alignment will then be taken from the camera‘s parent
object or the Base Link object, if set. If Intensity is set to 100%,
splines will have full effect.

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Using camera targets is an effective way of setting a defined
camera alignment. ScoobyCamTools can use up to 4 targets and
blend between them. That way, you can make the camera man
can look at different objects in the scene by just animating some

Click this checkbox to enable the target functions. While targeting
is disabled, the camera alignment will be the inherited from the
camera man‘s feet.

Compensate Aberration
When targeting an object, the camera man‘s head gets correctly
aligned. However, rig parallax and other parameters (e.g. manual
head rotation) tend to move the target out of the camera view‘s
To compensate that, enable this checkbox. The camera will then
be re-targeted from the camera man‘s hands.

A1, A2, B1, B2

Link up to four target objects here. Target objects are divided into
the groups A and B, which are again divided into spline A and B.
Note: The target functions apply to the
camera man‘s head.
Up Vector
Link an optional up vector object here. The up vector helps to
control the camera banking.

Target Pos A1 A2, Target Pos B1 B2

These sliders blend the target position between the two splines of
each group. If a group has only one or no splines, the related slider
will be disabled. Click the little arrow left of this parameter to unfold
the (described below).

Target Pos A B
This slider blends between the two groups, effectively blending the
blended positions from each group. Click the little arrow left of this
parameter to unfold the (described below).

Each of the Target Pos sliders in the Targets tab offers a curve. It
allows to tweak the behavior of the sliders described above.

If this slider is set to 0%, the targeting will have no effect. The
camera alignment will then be inherited from the camera man‘s
feet. If set to 100%, targeting will show full effect.

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Do you need an exciting shot where the camera chases a car or
follows an animal? This kind of task would be a lot of work when
using keyframe animation, especially if the object to be followed is
animated dynamically, e.g. by dynamics or some kind of
Note: You can (and should) set the start
This feature animates the position and alignment of the camera position and alignment of the camera by
using the Base Link from the Rig tab.
man‘s feet by calculating a tractrix/drag movement. The rig will That way, you always have a determined
follow the linked object. initial state.

Click this checkbox to enable the Chase function. Note: This is a dynamic effect. That
means it can only work correctly if you
play back the animation. Scrubbing or
Link jumping in the timeline will create
Link the object that you want to chase here. unwanted results. Before rendering your
scene with NETrender you should bake
the Scooby animation.
Max Distance, Min Distance
These values determine how the actual chase effect works: The
camera man will follow the linked object if it is further away than
the maximum distance allows. Additionally, the camera man will
make way for the linked object, if it gets closer than the minimum
distance allows. Automatic Banking

This function calculates an automatic banking angle based on the
rig rotation. If the camera man turns left, he will lean left. If he turns
right, he will lean right. Subtly used, this function can spice up
almost any kind of animation (e.g. hand-held cameras). With
greater values, the automatic banking gives the effect of a Note: This is a dynamic effect. That
means it can only work correctly if you
motorcycle, airplane or helicopter camera. play back the animation. Scrubbing or
jumping in the timeline will create
Enable unwanted results. Before rendering your
Click this checkbox to enable the automatic banking. scene with NETrender you should bake
the Scooby animation.

This value determines how strong the leaning effect gets.

Sudden changes in the camera‘s moving direction or alignment
can lead to surprisingly strong leaning angles or hasty movement.
To avoid these effects, increase the this value.

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3.1.4 Dynamics
The parameters in this tab let you apply physical forces to different
parts of the camera man‘s body. While the obvious application of
the Scooby Dynamics would be to simply create rubbery and
springy movements, they are very suitable to simulate the delay
and impreciseness of a human camera man or to just smooth out
the animation. Foot Dynamics

These dynamics apply to the camera man's feet and therefore
influence the whole body. You will probably use the Dampen mode
most of the time to smooth out the basic movement, e.g. when
using the Chase Object feature.

Click this checkbox to enable Foot Dynamics.

Set the dynamics mode here. Dampen will just smooth out the
animation, getting rid of edgy or hasty movements. Spring uses
spring physics to create overshoots and dynamic swinging.

Damp Pos, Damp Rot Note: Dynamics are - of course -

dynamic effects. That means they can
Sets the dampen value for position and rotation. Greater values only work correctly if you play back the
create softer and less responsive results. animation. Scrubbing or jumping in the
timeline will create unwanted results.
Before rendering your scene with
Inertia Pos, Inertia Rot
NETrender you should bake the Scooby
These parameters are only available in Spring mode. They set the animation.
inertia for position and rotation. Greater values will make the
springy swing last longer. Head Dynamics

Head Dynamics apply to the camera man's head and view
direction and therefore also influence his hands. The Head
Dynamics are the ideal choice to simulate impreciseness, laziness
or overzealousness when pointing the camera at targets. Also use
it to simulate the weight of the camera.

Click this checkbox to enable Head Dynamics.

Set the dynamics mode here. Dampen will just smooth out the
animation, getting rid of edgy or hasty movements. Spring uses
spring physics to create overshoots and dynamic swinging.

Damp Pos, Damp Rot

Sets the dampen value for position and rotation. Greater values
create softer and less responsive results.

Inertia Pos, Inertia Rot

These parameters are only available in Spring mode. They set the
inertia for position and rotation. Greater values will make the
springy swing last longer.

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The Hand Dynamics are like the Head Dynamics, just they are
applied to the camera man's hands. Therefore, they only influence
they final camera position and alignment. Use them to create
further impreciseness etc..

Click this checkbox to enable Foot Dynamics.

Set the dynamics mode here. Dampen will just smooth out the
animation, getting rid of edgy or hasty movements. Spring uses
spring physics to create overshoots and dynamic swinging.

Damp Pos, Damp Rot

Sets the dampen value for position and rotation. Greater values
create softer and less responsive results.

Inertia Pos, Inertia Rot

These parameters are only available in Spring mode. They set the
inertia for position and rotation. Greater values will make the
springy swing last longer. Focus Dynamics

The Focus Dynamics are the way to go if you want to simulate
slow Auto-Focus mechanisms or a camera man not being quick
enough with adjusting the camera focus.

Click this checkbox to enable Foot Dynamics.

Set the dynamics mode here. Dampen will just smooth out the
animation, getting rid of edgy or hasty movements. Spring uses
spring physics to create overshoots and dynamic swinging.

Sets the dampen value. Greater values create softer and less
responsive results.

This parameter is only available in Spring mode. Use it to create
overshoots, e.g. simulating a camera having problems focusing on
a moving object.

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3.1.5 Scooby Motion

This tab holds the parameters for the famous Scooby Motion. Here
you can make the camera shake, swing and wiggle in many ways
and with very realistic results.

If you're not into playing with lots of parameters, or if you just want
a starting point for your own modifications, select a preset here. Footsteps
While walking, humans create a specific motion pattern with a
certain frequency and amplitude along each of the "human axes".
The way a human moves while walking depends on his or her body
size and physique. The footstep simulation bases on scientific
findings from the field of psychology of perception and implements Note: The footstep simulation is a
an algorithm that is realistic yet flexible and simple to use. dynamic effect, too. Even if it is not as
obvious as for the Dynamics, you should
Long story short: The footstep simulation creates a regular motion bake the Scooby animation before
that is dependent from rig height and the speed of walking. The rendering your scene with NETrender.
faster the camera man walks, the faster and stronger the footsteps
will occur.

Control the intensity of the footstep simulation with this slider. Click
the little left of this parameter to unfold more parameters.

Control the scale or amplitude of the footstep simulation along
each of the rig's axes with this parameter. Since the resulting
amplitude depends on walking speed and rig height, this parameter
acts more like a multiplier. A value of 1;1;1 uses the realistic values
taken from statistical data.

While the footstep simulation creates a frequency that correlates to
the average step width of humans, in respect of the body size.
However, experience shows that often a slower movement is
perceived as more pleasant and agreeable to watch. Therefore you
can control the step frequency with this parameter.
Since the resulting frequency depends on the walking speed and
rig height, this parameter does not directly set the frequency but
acts more as a multiplier. A value of 2.0 means double the
frequency, a value of 0.5 means only half the frequency. A value of
1.0 uses the realistic values taken from statistical data. Head Rot

This group offers parameters for a soft and random head rotation.
Having a subtle and slow motion here greatly improves the "human
feeling" of a shot without making it too shaky.

Control the intensity of the random head rotation with this slider.
Click the little left of this parameter to unfold more parameters.

Defines the maximum rotation for each axis.

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Controls the speed of the random motion.

Controls the amount of detail in the random motion. Greater values
mean more details, lower values produce a smoother motion.

Each of the motion axis is influenced by a separate field of noisy
turbulence values. This greater this value is, the more the noisy
values will differ for each axis, creating a more natural and human
feeling. Setting this value to 0 will apply the exact same values to
each axis, giving a more mechanical result.

This parameter offsets the noisy turbulence fields for each axis.
Regard it as a kind of random seed: Using these values you can
generate an infinite number of variations. Just play with the values
until you get the result you want. Cam Rot

This group offers parameter for a random camera rotation. It is
ideal for creating the typical involuntary movement that always
occurs when using a hand-held camera.

Control the intensity of the random camera rotation with this slider.
Click the little left of this parameter to unfold more parameters.

Defines the maximum rotation for each axis.

Controls the speed of the random motion.

Controls the amount of detail in the random motion. Greater values
mean more details, lower values produce a smoother motion.

Each of the motion axis is influenced by a separate field of noisy
turbulence values. This greater this value is, the more the noisy
values will differ for each axis, creating a more natural and human
feeling. Setting this value to 0 will apply the exact same values to
each axis, giving a more mechanical result.

This parameter offsets the noisy turbulence fields for each axis.
Regard it as a kind of random seed: Using these values you can
generate an infinite number of variations. Just play with the values
until you get the result you want.

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This group offers parameter for a random camera translation. It is
ideal for creating the typical involuntary movement that always
occurs when using a hand-held camera.

Control the intensity of the random camera translation with this
slider. Click the little left of this parameter to unfold more

Defines the maximum translation for each axis.

Controls the speed of the random motion.

Controls the amount of detail in the random motion. Greater values
mean more details, lower values produce a smoother motion.

Each of the motion axis is influenced by a separate field of noisy
turbulence values. This greater this value is, the more the noisy
values will differ for each axis, creating a more natural and human
feeling. Setting this value to 0 will apply the exact same values to
each axis, giving a more mechanical result.

This parameter offsets the noisy turbulence fields for each axis.
Regard it as a kind of random seed: Using these values you can
generate an infinite number of variations. Just play with the values
until you get the result you want.

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3.1.6 Focus
This tab offers parameters to control the camera's focus settings.
They can not only be used to control the camera's standard focus
parameters but also to create results that would not be possible
with the camera's own parameters as easily.

Enable Focus Control

Click this checkbox to have the ScoobyCam Tag control the
camera object's focus parameters. While this is enabled, the
ScoobyCam Tag will set (and overwrite) the camera object's focus

Focal Length
Set the focal length here, effectively controlling the camera zoom.

Set the aperture (film size) here, also influencing the camera zoom. Target
In this group there are some parameters that help with the focus. Note: While the ScoobyCam Tag's focus
control is enabled, all values you might
have set within the Camera Object will be
Enable Auto-Focus overwritten.
Click this checkbox to enable Auto-Focus. If targeting is enabled
and a target object is linked, the Distance parameter will be
adjusted automatically to match the distance between camera and
target position.

While Auto-Focus is disabled, you can set a target distance
manually here. If Auto-Focus is enabled, this field is grayed out
and simply shows the calculated target distance.

This parameter controls the camera's target distance even while
Auto-Focus is enabled. Use it to de-focus intentionally. Dolly Zoom

The Dolly Zoom is stylistic device in filmmaking, and Alfred Note: Since the Dolly Zoom effect
Hitchcock used it in his movie "Vertigo" (hence, the effect is also changes the set focal length, you should
commonly called "Vertigo Effect"). In reality, it is achieved by create a keyframe for the Focal Length
dollying the camera towards the subject or away from it, while attribute. That way, you can be sure to
always return to the correct value.
adjusting the camera zoom. As a result, the subject in the frame
stays the same size while the surrounding changes perspective.
It works best when Auto-Focus is enabled.

A value of 0% means no Dolly Zoom, a value of 100% creates an
exact Dolly Zoom effect. Values in between create a slightly
imperfect effect, making for a "real-world manually made" look.
As soon as this value is greater than 0% the Focal Length
parameter will be grayed out and automatically set.

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This group contains some extra parameters that allow easier Note: If you use the R13 Physical
control of the camera's depth parameters and help with creating Renderer and Physical Camera to render
correct depth passes for compositing. DOF in your scene, these parameters
are of no interest for you.
Enable Depth Control
Click this checkbox to enable the Depth Control. While this is
enabled, the ScoobyCam Tag will set (and overwrite) the camera
object's depth parameters.

Leave this set to Standard if you plan on using CINEMA 4D's
internal DOF post effect. If you need a depth pass that can be used
with external compositing applications, such as AfterEffects, Nuke
or Fusion, set this to For Post.

Focus Area
This parameter controls the depth of the focus area. That means,
the image will be sharp at the defined target distance and then
become more blurred until the outer edge of the focus area.

Blur Area
This parameter defines the blur falloff gradient within the focus
area. If it's set to 100%, the blur will start right at the target
distance. Setting lower values will increase the unblurred area. A
value of 0% will leave the complete focus area unblurred.

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3.2 ScoobyMorph Tag

The ScoobyMorph Tag is the second big component in
ScoobyCamTools. It enables you to do several very useful things:
Create a smooth camera movement from any number of given
camera angles, blending matrix and parameters between cameras
or 'weld' together the animation of separate camera setups into
one solid shot.

3.2.1 Basic
In this tab you'll find the basic attributes that (almost) every
expression tag in CINEMA 4D offers: Name, layer, priority controls
and an Enable/Disable checkbox. Visualization
In addition to the common basic attributes, the ScoobyMorph Tag's
Basic tab offers some attributes for visualization purposes.

Show Position
Activate this option to display the position path that is generated by
the ScoobyMorph engine. It will be drawn into the viewport as a red
Note: The default priority of the
spline. Little dots as the source cameras' positions will be drawn, ScoobyMorph Tag is 110. This should
too. avoid priority problems in conjunction
with other expression tags.
Show Alignment
Activate this option to visualize the camera alignment paths in
addition to its position path. The alignment paths will be drawn into
the viewport as a blue spline (camera targeting) and a green spline
(camera up vector).

Show Names
Activate this option to display labels with the source cameras'
names in the viewport.

Use Custom Color

Use this option to set a custom color for the morphing camera,
making it easier to distinguish it from other cameras.

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3.2.2 Tag
Here you'll find the attributes you'll probably spend most of your
time with. All the actual morphing parameters are to be found in
this tab.

Move this slider to morph between the first camera in the list (when
in Multi Morph mode) or Camera 1 (when in Simple Morph mode)
and the other cameras in the list (respectively Camera 2).
Click the little triangle left of the attribute label to open up a curve
that gives you additional control over the morph's behavior.

Here you can choose between linear and soft interpolation for the
morph. Linear might be good if you want to have a motion graphics
style morph between several still shots (e.g. for looking at different
labels or objects in the scene), while Soft is the way to go for a
smooth camera movement over all given cameras.

Stabilize, Stabilizing Object

During a morph, it is possible that the morphing camera performs
unwanted banking. That is because the ScoobyMorph engine tries
to find the shortest possible way to morph from one state to
another, using the selected interpolation method. To eliminate any
undesired banking, activate this option. It will fix the camera's up
vector to +Y direction (0;1;0).
If you want, you can link an object as Stabilizing Object. The up
vector will then be taken from the linked object's Y axis, enabling
you to control the up vector by rotating the linked object.

Source Mode
This option switches between the two modes of the ScoobyMorph
tag. In Simple Morph mode, you can link two cameras (Camera 1
and Camera 2). The morph will then always occur in linear mode.
The advantage of this mode is the ability to keyframe the link
boxes to exchange the linked cameras during animation.
In Multi Morph mode, you can link an arbitrary number of cameras
in the List field and have them all included in the morph calculation.
If you choose Soft interpolation, you will get a smooth camera
movement that passes all cameras' position and alignment.

Camera 1, Camera 2
These attributes only appear in Simple Morph mode. Link two
cameras here to morph between them.

This attribute only appears in Multi Morph mode. Link as many
cameras here as you want to include them in the morph

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3.2.3 Morph Tracks

This tab lets you choose which camera parameters should be
included in the morph. You can select focal length, aperture, target
distance, depth of field (includes all Depth parameters of the
camera) and white balance.

Additional morph tracks in CINEMA 4D R13 Broadcast, Visualize and Studio

If you own CINEMA 4D R13 Broadcast, Visualize or Studio, you
can also select several parameters of the physical camera to be
included in the morph. The available parameters are F-Stop,
ISO/Gain, shutter speed, lens distortion (includes both distortion
parameters), vignetting intensity and chromatic aberration.

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4 Appendix
4.1 License agreement
A note to the user
With the usage of ScoobyCamTools 5 (in the following called “software”) a contract is concluded between you (in the
following called “you” or the “user”) and Frank Willeke (the “licensor”). When using the software, you accept all terms
and conditions of this agreement. In the case of non-acceptance of this license you are not permitted to use the
software, and have to delete all copies of it.
Subject of this agreement is the right of use of the software “ScoobyCamTools 5” by Frank Willeke, as well as the
provided manual (in the following recapitulatorily called “software”). With the conclusion of this agreement you
acquire the right of use according to the license described below. The software itself, as all copies you create from it,
remain property of the licensor.
After paying a one-time license fee you get full commercial rights of use and will be eligible for warranty and service.
The commercial version will be personalized, delivered by e-mail and is not restricted in any way.

Use of the software

§1 The acquirer of the commercial right of use may fully use the software for any commercial purpose according to
the terms given below.
§2 The acquirer of the commercial right of use (in the following called “user”) may duplicate the software as far as the
duplication is necessary for using the software. As necessary duplications are regarded: Installing the software on the
used hardware and loading the software into the working memory.
§3 Furthermore the user is entitled to make a backup copy of the licensed software.
§4 Further copies are not permitted. This also includes making hard copies of the program code or documentation on
a screen as well as on a printer or as copies, in any form.

Multiple use and network operation

§5 The software may be used for working on the one computer on which CINEMA 4D is registered with the serial
number the ScoobyCamTools license is registered on.
§6 Using the software on server or client machines in a NETrender network is permitted, independent from the
number of render clients. Use and sharing in public networks is not permitted.

Transfer of license
§7 You may not rent, lease, sublicense or lend the software or documentation. You may, however, transfer all your
rights to use the software to another person or legal entity provided that you transfer this agreement, the software,
including all copies, updates or prior versions as well as all documentation to such person or entity and that you
retain no copies, including copies stored on a computer and that the other person agrees that the terms of this
agreement remain valid and this his acceptance is communicated to the licensor.
§8 You are obliged to carefully store the terms of this agreement. Prior to the transfer of the software you should
inform the new user of these terms. In the case that the new user does not have the terms at hand at the time of the
transfer of this software, he is obliged to request a second copy from the licensor. This can simply be done by
downloading this document from the licensor’s website.
§9 After transfer of this license to another user you no longer have a license of this software and have no rights of
use anymore. The commercial right of use can be re-obtained by paying the license fee again.

Recompilation and changes of the software

§10 The recompilation of the provided program code into other code forms as well as all other types of reverse
engineering of the different phases of software production including any alterations of the software are strictly not
§11 The removal of the security against copy or similar safety system like password protection, encryption is not
§12 Copyright notices, serial or version numbers, or other identifications of the software may not be removed or
changed. The software is owned by the licensor and its structure, organization and code are the valuable trade
secrets of the licensor.

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Limited warranty
§13 The parties to this agreement agree that at present it is not possible to develop and produce software in such a
way that it is suitable for any conditions of use without problems. The licensor warrants that the software will perform
in accordance with the documentation. The licensor does not warrant that the software and the documentation
comply with certain requirements and purposes of the user or works together with other software used by the
licensee. You are obliged to check the software carefully immediately upon receipt and inform the licensor in writing
of apparent defects 14 days after receipt. Latent defects have to be communicated in the same manner immediately
after their discovery. Otherwise the software and the documentation are considered to be faultless. The defects, in
particular the symptoms that occurred, have to be described in details as much as you are able to do so. This
warranty is granted for a period of 12 months from delivery of the software (for the date of which the date of the
purchase according to the invoice is decisive). The licensor is free to cure the defects by free repair or provision of a
faultless update. If the licensor is not able to offer a trouble-free performance of the program, the user may withdraw
from the contract.
§14 In case of assertion of this warranty, the user is obliged to give up commercial rights of use as stated in § 13.

§15 The licensor and its suppliers do not and cannot warrant the performance and the results you may obtain by
using the software or documentation. The foregoing states the sole and exclusive remedies for the licensor’s or its
suppliers’ breach of warranty, except for the foregoing limited warranty. The licensor and its suppliers make no
warranties, express or implied, as to non infringement of third party rights, merchantability, or fitness for any particular
purpose. In no event will the licensor of its suppliers be liable for any consequential, incidental or special damages,
including any lost profits or lost savings, even if a representative of the licensor has been advised of the possibility of
such damages or for any claim by any third party.

§16 The user is obliged to take careful measures to protect the software and its documentation from access by third
parties. The user is not permitted to duplicate or pass on the software documentation. These obligations apply
equally to all the employees of a company or other persons engaged by the user to operate the programs. The user
must pass on these obligations to such persons. He is liable for damages in all instances where these obligations
have not been met. These obligations apply equally to all employees or other persons that are entrusted to use the
software. The user will pass on these obligations to such persons. Hi is liable to pay the licensor all damages arising
from failure to abide by these terms.

Retention of title
§17 The licensor keeps the ownership of the delivered software until full clearing of all outstanding bills at the time of
delivery, or later receivables resulting from this contract.
§18 When the licensee is in arrears with its payment, the application of § 17 by the licensor does not mean a
withdraw from the contract except the licensor communicates this withdraw explicitly to the licensee.

§19 In case of transfer of the software you are obliged to inform the licensor of the name and full address of the
transferee in writing. The address of the licensor is stated in the manual and at the end of this agreement.

§20 For the purpose of customer registration and control of proper use of the software the licensor will store personal
data of the users in accordance with the German law on data protection (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz). This data may
only be used to the purposes mentioned above and will not be accessible to third parties. Upon request of the user
the licensor will at any time inform the user of the data stored with regard to him.

§21 This agreement includes all rights and obligations of the parties. There are no other agreements. Any changes or
alterations of this contract have to be performed in writing and with reference to this agreement and have to e signed
by both contracting parties. This also applies to the agreement on abolition of the written form.
§22 This agreement is governed by German law only.
§23 If any part of this agreement is found void and unenforceable, it will not affect the validity of the balance of the
agreement which shall remain valid and enforceable according to its terms.

§24 This agreement shall automatically terminate upon failure by you to comply with its terms despite being given an
additional period to do so. In case of termination due to the aforementioned reason, you are obliged to delete the
program and all documentation and stop any commercial use of the software. Furthermore, upon request of the
licensor you must submit written declaration that you are not in possession of any copy of the software on data
storage devices or on the computer itself.

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Information and notices

§25 If you have any questions concerning this agreement of if you desire to contact Frank Willeke for any reason and
for all notifications performed under this agreement, please write to:

Frank Willeke
1706 sok. no: 17
35600 Bahçelievler, Karşıyaka-İzmir

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4.2 Alphabetical index

Cam Rot................................. 20 Enable 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23
A engine .................................. 7, 8
camcorder.............................. 13
aberration .................................8
camera parameters.................. 8 exciting ................................... 16
Camera Position .................... 14 existing camera ...................... 11
AfterEffects .............................23
car.......................................... 16 Export..................................... 12
airplane.............................10, 16
chase object............................. 7 Exposure .................................. 8
Alfred Hitchcock......................22
Chase Object ............. 10, 16, 17
alignment................................15 F
Chasing an object .................. 10
alignment paths ......................24 falloff....................................... 23
chromatic aberration .............. 26
animal.....................................16 feet ..................................... 6, 17
color ....................................... 24
Animation ...............................14 figure ........................................ 8
command ................................. 5
animation without keyframes ..14 flashlight ................................. 12
Compensate Aberration ......... 15
aperture ..................................26 flythrough ............................... 10
compositing........................ 8, 23
Aperture..............................8, 22 focal length......................... 8, 26
Copyrights................................ 2
arms .......................................13 Focal Length .......................... 22
Create new ScoobyCam setup
Auto-Focus .............................22 ............................................... 10 Focus ..................................... 22
automatic animation ...............14 curve ...................................... 14 Focus Area............................. 23
automatic banking ....................7 custom color........................... 24 focus control............................. 5
Automatic Banking............10, 16 Focus Control......................... 22
Focus Dynamics................. 7, 18
B Dampen ..................... 16, 17, 18
follow ...................................... 16
bake........................................11 de-focus ................................. 22
foot ......................................... 13
Baking ....................................11 delay ...................................... 17
Foot Dynamics ....................... 17
banking.......................14, 15, 16 Depth ..................................... 23
footstep simulation ................. 13
Banking ..................................16 Depth Control......................... 23
Footsteps ............................... 19
Base .......................................13 depth of field .......................... 26
For Post.................................. 23
base link .................................13 depth pass ............................... 8
Frequency .................. 19, 20, 21
Base Link............................7, 11 DeSync ............................ 20, 21
F-Stop ................................ 8, 26
basic attributes .................12, 24 detail ................................ 20, 21
Fusion .................................... 23
basic properties ......................13 developer ............................... 12
Basic tab...........................12, 24 dimensions............................. 13 G
blend.................................14, 15 Distance........................... 16, 22 Gain........................................ 26
Blend ......................................14 DOF ....................................... 23 general information................... 4
Blur Area ................................23 dollies..................................... 14 gradient .................................. 23
blur falloff................................23 dolly setup.............................. 10 groups .................................... 15
blurred ....................................23 Dolly Zoom......................... 5, 22 GUI........................................... 6
body........................................13 dynamic calculations.............. 12
body parts.................................6 Dynamics ........................... 7, 17
hand-held ................... 13, 16, 20
Broadcast ...............................26
E hands ..................... 6, 13, 15, 18
C eager reporter ........................ 13 hasty........................... 16, 17, 18
C.O.F.F.E.E. ...........................12 edgy ................................. 17, 18 head ................. 6, 13, 15, 17, 19
Cam Pos.................................21 ego perspective...................... 13 Head Dynamics ................ 17, 18

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Head Rot ................................19 Max ............................ 19, 20, 21 Physical Camera ...................... 8
height......................................19 Max Distance ......................... 16 Physical Renderer .................... 8
Height .....................................13 Max. Distance ........................ 10 pleasant.................................. 19
helicopter..........................10, 16 mechanical....................... 20, 21 plugins folder............................ 9
human .................... 5, 19, 20, 21 MEL ......................................... 4 position................................... 11
human camera man................13 Min Distance .......................... 16 position along spline............... 14
Min. Distance ......................... 10 position path........................... 24
Mode.......................... 17, 18, 23 Preset..................................... 19
imported .................................11
morph................................. 5, 25 priority controls ................. 12, 24
impreciseness...................17, 18
morph tracks ............................ 8 Privacy ................................... 28
Inertia ...............................17, 18
Morph Tracks ......................... 26 Property Tracks ...................... 11
inherit..................................7, 13
morphing engine ...................... 8 psychology of perception........ 19
motion engine .......................... 7 Python .................................... 12
Intensity8, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21,
Motion Graphics....................... 5
motorcycle ....................... 10, 16
internal values ........................12
R13..................................... 8, 26
Multi Morph ............................ 25
interpolation........................8, 25
Rail Spline .............................. 14
multiple targets......................... 5
involuntary ..............................20
random ....................... 19, 20, 21
multiplier ................................ 19
ISO .........................................26
random seed .................... 20, 21

J N read-only ................................ 12

joints .........................................6 Name ............................... 12, 24 regular motion ........................ 19

names .................................... 24 representation .......................... 8
K natural.............................. 20, 21 responsiveness ................ 17, 18
keyframes ...............................14 NETrender ....................... 11, 27 rewrite ...................................... 4
Nuke ...................................... 23 rig ................................... 6, 8, 12
rig height .......................... 13, 19
labels ......................................24 O
rollercoaster ........................... 14
layer..................................12, 24 Octaves............................ 20, 21
rotation ................................... 11
laziness ..................................17 offset ...................................... 13
rubbery ................................... 17
leaning....................................16 Offset ......................... 20, 21, 22
lens distortion .........................26 Override ................................. 13 S
license ....................................27 Override Rig Dimensions ....... 10 scale....................................... 11
License ...................................27 overshoots ....................... 17, 18 Scale ...................................... 19
License Agreement.................27 overview................................... 4 Scooby Dynamics..................... 7
license key................................9 overzealousness .................... 17 Scooby Motion.............. 7, 13, 19
linear.......................................25 ScoobyCam Tag..................... 12
Linear .....................................25
ScoobyMorph engine ............. 25
parallax ............................ 13, 15
Link...................................13, 16 ScoobyMorph Tag .................. 24
Parallax.................................. 13
list ...........................................25 scripting.................................. 12
parameters............................. 12
List..........................................25 scripts....................................... 8
parent..................................... 13
seed ................................. 20, 21
M path spline ............................. 10
selected cameras ..................... 5
make way ...............................16 Path Spline ............................ 14
selected objects........................ 5
manual rotation.......................13 path splines.............................. 5
shake...................................... 19
Manual Rotation .....................13 Personalize dialog.................... 9

31 / 32

shaking .....................................6 swinging................................. 17 V

shaky ......................................19 System requirements ............... 2
variations.......................... 20, 21
shoulder cam ..........................13
Vertigo.................................... 22
shutter speed..........................26
vignetting intensity.................. 26
tall .......................................... 13
Simple Morph .........................25
visualization.................. 8, 12, 24
tangential ............................... 10
simulation ...............................19
Visualize................................. 26
Tangential .............................. 14
simulations..........................5, 12
tangentially............................. 14 W
slow Auto-Focus .....................18
Target .............................. 10, 22
slower .....................................19 walking ................................... 19
target distance ................... 8, 26
smooth............ 17, 20, 21, 24, 25 warranty ................................. 28
Target Distance...................... 22
soft..........................................19 weight..................................... 17
target position ........................ 12
Soft .........................................25 weld........................................ 24
targeting................................. 24
soft interpolation .......................8 white balance ......................... 26
targets.................................... 12
Soft interpolation.....................25 wiggle ..................................... 19
Targets................................... 15
solid shot ................................24 workflow ................................... 6
thanks ...................................... 2
solvers ......................................7
timeline .................................. 11 X
speed of walking.....................19
tractrix .................................... 16 XPresso.......................... 4, 8, 12
spline targets ............................7
trade marks .............................. 2
Splines....................................14 Y
tweak ..................................... 14
Spring ...............................17, 18 Y axis ..................................... 14
Typical Applications ............... 10
Stabilize..................................25 Z
Stabilizing Object....................25 ZIP file ...................................... 9
unfold ............................... 14, 15
standard dolly setup ...............10
up vector .......................... 24, 25
Studio .....................................26
Up Vector............................... 15
swing ......................................19

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