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Created By:

1. Taufiqurrahman (2003046014)
2. Deviana Syafira (2003046015)
3. Nadiatul Mardhiyah (2003046016)
4. Salsa Firda Salwa (2003046017)
5. Sarmila Darma Wijayani (2003046018)
6. Izza Adelia (2003046019)
7. Unsiyatun Masruuroh (2003046020)
8. Annikmatu Widiyaningrum (2003046021)
9. Ghoziroh Rifdarrobbi (2003046022)
10. Salsha Putri Riana Dewi (2003046023)
11. Ghina Syarifatul Khauliyah (2003046025)
12. Adisty Mayla Fayza (2003046026)
13. Salma Lu’lu’ah Maknunah (2003046028)
14. Sevilyana Nurul Azizah (2003046029)
15. Lailatus Sachawa (2003046032)






Being prepared and created by :

1. Taufiqurrahman (2003046014)
2. Deviana Syafira (2003046015)
3. Nadiatul Mardhiyah (2003046016)
4. Salsa Firda Salwa (2003046017)
5. Sarmila Darma Wijayani (2003046018)
6. Izza Adelia (2003046019)
7. Unsiyatun Masruuroh (2003046020)
8. Annikmatu Widiyaningrum (2003046021)
9. Ghoziroh Rifdarrobbi (2003046022)
10. Salsha Putri Riana Dewi (2003046023)
11. Ghina Syarifatul Khauliyah (2003046025)
12. Adisty Mayla Fayza (2003046026)
13. Salma Lu’lu’ah Maknunah (2003046028)
14. Sevilyana Nurul Azizah (2003046029)
15. Lailatus Sachawa (2003046032)

Has been corrected on

Advisor, 28 February 2022

Dr. Muhammad Nafi Annury M.Pd.


This college field work report (KKL) has been received to fulfil requirement in order to get
College Field Trip Certificate of English Education and Teacher Training Faculty of Walisongo
Islamic State University Semarang.

Semarang, 28 February 2022

The Head of Departement

Sayyidatul Fadhilah,S.pd.I.,M.pd.
NIP. 198109082007102001


TITTLE ............................................................................................................................. 1

APPROVAL SHEET ....................................................................................................... 2

TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................................... 3

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 4

A. BACKGROUND .................................................................................................. 4
B. PURPOSE OF THE REPORT ............................................................................ 4
C. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF REPORT ................................................................. 5

CHAPTER II SYNOPSIS ................................................................................................ 6

CHAPTER III ACTIVITIES OF KKL ......................................................................... 7

A. GLOBAL ENGLISH ............................................................................................ 7

B. BROMO ................................................................................................................ 7
C. BRAWIJAYA ....................................................................................................... 8
D. BATU NIGHT SPECTACULAR ....................................................................... 9
E. POLINEMA .......................................................................................................... 9

CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION ...................................................................................... 10

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 11

ATTACHMENT .............................................................................................................. 12



A. Background
Field Work College (KKL) is one of the efforts or programs that provide opportunities
for students to develop their potential as professional teachers, this is done in the context of
coaching and improving the quality of being a teacher. College Field Work (KKL) is a form of
intra-curricular activity that must be followed by all English Language Education students as one
of the requirements for obtaining a certificate in order to complete the final project in completing
educational courses at the faculty of English language education and teacher training. Field Work
Lecture (KKL) is also an activity related to lectures/learning on campus, but it tends to be direct
observation in the field which can be in the form of observation or seeking information.
Teaching education is not about how to learn theory or hard skills, but it is also important
to develop character and attitudes or soft skills to produce quality teachers, especially in teaching
English. Based on these reasons, it is very necessary to compare one university with another to
improve the quality of studies and compare how the education system is implemented at each
university. This year, KKL was conducted in East Java, namely at Global English Pare Kediri,
Malang State Polytechnic and Tourism Objects. This was done considering that Pare is a suitable
and popular place to learn English considering that we are students of English Education which of
course cannot be separated from English. In addition, we also visited the Malang State Polytechnic
to exchange ideas about learning methods, curriculum and some aspects of the university.

B. Purpose of The Report

The goal to be achieved through Field Work Lectures (KKL) is an effort to gain
experience and knowledge for students about universities and tourist attractions visited to develop
scientific insight, ways of thinking and behaving as prospective undergraduates. education. In
addition, another goal to be achieved through this KKL is to collaborate with related parties as an
effort to optimize the implementation of UIN Walisongo in the community.

C. The Significance of Report
The benefit of implementing this program is to visit Global English Pare and POLINEMA
where Pare is an effective place to learn English so that it can motivate English Education students
at UIN Walisongo to develop their knowledge, and can also improve the quality of education for
the better in the future. In addition to guiding practice, it also requires students participating in the
KKL in English during the KKL to be able to develop language knowledge and learn indirectly,
which comes from several activities at Global English and State Polytechnic of Malang (Polinema)
Students also get experience outside the region as well as travel to see the world outside
the region. So that students do not directly get various information, both in terms of traditions,
regional culture, and many other things that support so that there are differences between various
regions from one another. Therefore, we as students need to be active to gain knowledge and
experience, which will be useful in the future.



This report was made with the aim of completing some of the tasks of the KKl. This is a
travel report that was carried out on 23 February 2022 - 25 February 2022. The locations visited
were Global English Pare, Bromo Tengger Semeru. Brawijaya souvenir center, Batu Night
Spectacular, and finally Polinema.

The first visit was at Global English Pare. Global English itself is an English education
institution based on Islamic boarding schools in the English village of Pare with the Language
Integrated method. Learning here is very fun because in addition to the quality facilities, the
method is fun and enjoyable, so that it makes us not easily bored and easy to understand. Studying
here can be done at any time. There are course packages that you can choose from, such as cost
info, program info, hostels and level info.

The second visit is at Bromo Tengger Semeru. The location of Bromo is located in four
areas in East Java Province such as Malang Regency, Pasuruan Regency, Lumajang Regency, and
Probolinggo Regency. To get to Bromo, you are required to take a jeep by renting it. For the price
range, it depends on where it starts and how many destinations you are going to, because Bromo
doesn't only see the mountains but there are many tourist destinations there.

Before making the third visit, our group stopped at a hotel located in Batu, Malang. The
KKL team has enough time to rest and use the facilities at the hotel from noon to late afternoon
before continuing the journey to the souvenir buying center and heading to the next tourist

The last night we spent at Batu Night Spectaculer, to enjoy a variety of interesting rides in places
that are famous for their flickering lanterns in various shapes. The morning of the event was filled
with a zoom meeting with several administrators and staff of the Malang State Polytechnic in the
hotel hall of the Grand Inn Hotel. Our KKL agenda was completed smoothly and in accordance
with the estimated time that had been determined at the beginning by the KKL committee.



A. Global English

Global English is a boarding-based English educational institution in Kampung Inggris

pare with the LANGUAGE INTEGRATED method. Which has been registered at DEPDIKNAS
No. 05109.1.0074 by integrating a comprehensive education system. The management system also
moves to Progressive and Professional Management. Global English management and staffs are
experienced professionals with modern management systems that guarantee the birth of ideas and
progressive management systems to create an established, effective, and quality education system.
Global English instructors are people with experience, be it short courses, training, or academic
degrees. All programs at Global English have been through in-depth studies and adapted to the
needs of the student, both for academic purposes and in the world of work.

Global English Pare offers a wide range of skills courses/programs. In all, there are 40
programs that you can choose according to your needs, with a duration of 2 weeks and 1 month.
The program is based on level, before taking classes there is a placement test held first. The global
English course vision is to become an Educational Institution The best course in service quality
and image in Indonesia. Registration in Global English can be done at any time or now through
the available course packages. The course package contains program information, fees, hostel and
level info. course participants are free to determine the course program upon arrival in Pare. If you
are new, you will be given a consultation time to choose the right program before starting the class.
For those who already have the basics, they will be directed to a suitable program according to
their needs.

B. Bromo

The never lonely destination of sightseeing is mount bromo. Despite its dormant status,
mount bromo has always been the center of attention of many tourists. Bromo is located in a region
of the national park that covers 4 or so of the border of a district of some 50,276.3 ha with a range
of about 40 miles (20-30 km) from west to east and some 40 km (25 mi) from north to south.
Mount bromo has a height of 2,329 m (3,pl) and is believed to be a holy mountain by the tengger

hindus. The name bromo is derived from the word "brahma" in Sanskrit, the first Hindu god. An
interesting feature of the mountain is that it weaves between the valley and the canyon and the
sand seas of about 10 square miles [10 sq km]. Historically, mount bromo is closely associated
with hindus. It is said that according to the stories there had been wars in the days of the majapahit
kingdom and that eventually the natives fled to find a new home that was partly headed for Bali
and partly toward mount bromo.

The name bromo is itself derived from the Sanskrit "brahma" meaning the chief deity of
the Hindu religion. Therefore mount bromo/brahma is believed to be the holy mountain of the
tengger people. The origin of the name tengger has its origin in joko seger and roro anteng legends.
And to perpetuate the history and the legend, the kasada ceremony ran from midnight to early
every full moon around the 14th or 15th of the month of kasodo (tenth) by the calendar of Java.

When viewed from the Google maps, mount bromo is in the middle-middle-middle 4
boroughs of Java, Java of happ, lumadu district, municipal district and probolinggo. The bromo
volcano is located in the region of bromo semeru tengger national park. Although mount bromo is
still an area of national park with mount semeru and yet the two are quite far apart. The location
of mount bromo lies just north of mount semeru, a staggering 18 km (18 mi) if measured straight
from the crater center-each of the volcanoes.

Those who visit bromo, the passage or route to this tourist can travel to the four entrances,
the wonokitri pasuan entrance, lumbar bars, and the matowine fir. Access to the road was also
paved, though over steep hills and turned. But overall, it was still possible to drive 2 wheels and
for the private car of 4 to go only to the end of the park entrance post. Next you are hired to rent a
jeep bromo for explore spots for sightseeing in the surroundings.As for the smaller and larger buses
to get through the probolinggo line with the last stop at the sukapura market.

C. Brawijaya Souvenir Palace

Brawijaya souvenir palace is located on Jl Diponegoro, No 86, Sisir, Batu City. Consisting
of a three-story building, the Palace of Brawijaya souvenirs is quite complete. The location is very
easy to find because it is located on the main route of Batu City which leads to Kediri.

Tourists can get a choice of quite a lot of variants ranging from Batu and Malang
specialties, apples, to souvenirs to bring back home. The price offered is also quite affordable.
Brawijaya souvenir palace itself is open from 07.00-21.00 WIB every day.

D. Batu Night Spectacular (BNS)

Batu Night Spectacular (BNS) is a tourist site located in Batu City, East Java. BNS only
operates at night. BNS combines the concepts of shopping centers, games, sports, and
entertainment in it. BNS is part of the Jawa Timur Park Group. BNS has a multimedia display
arena with a screen length of 50 meters which is claimed to be the longest in Indonesia.

E. State Polytechnic of Malang (Polinema)

State Polytechnic of Malang is a state university located in Malang City, East Java
Province, Indonesia. The State Polytechnic of Malang was originally named the Polytechnic of
Brawijaya University, which was established in 1982 based on Presidential Decree No. 59/Year
1982. Universitas Brawijaya Polytechnic is domiciled in Malang City, East Java Province and is
one of the 6 pioneering Polytechnics based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher
Education No.115/DIKTI/KEP/1984. The name change of Universitas Brawijaya Polytechnic to
State Polytechnic of Malang (POLINEMA) was based on the Decree of the Minister of National
Education Number 147/O/2004 dated November 22, 2004. At the beginning of its establishment,
Universitas Brawijaya Polytechnic had four departments, namely the Department of Electronics
Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department, and the Department of Electrical Engineering.
Mechanical Engineering, and the Department of Civil Engineering. Along with the development
of industry and national development in Indonesia, in 1986 the Department of Telecommunication
Engineering, the Department of Accounting, and the Department of Secretariat were opened. The
following year, in 1987 the Department of Chemical Engineering was opened.



Fieldwork lectures for the English language education study program were held in Kediri
and Malang, East Java. This activity was attended by all students of the Class of 2019 and Class
of 2020. Apart from all students, several lecturers supervised this activity. What we got in the
fieldwork lecture activities which were held for three days in Malang City was the creation of a
scientific approach with objects outside the classroom which of course were still related to the
study program. This activity has the aim of developing direct knowledge about the world outside
the classroom so that students are more active in studying dynamics and an atmosphere that is not
monotonous. In addition, universities that carry out this activity benefit from increasing good
cooperative relations with the object of the visit. So after the activity, we all got new memorable

REFERENCES Accessed on February 28,2022. At 22:23

WIB. Accessed
on February 28,2022. At 22:25 WIB.
%20Kota%20Batu%20menuju%20arah%20Kediri. Accessed on February 28,2022. At 21:31 WIB Accessed on February 28,2022. At

21:31 WIB
polinema/profil. Accessed on February 28,2022. At 21:59 WIB


1. Global English Pare

2. Bromo

3. Brawijaya Souvenir Place

4. Batu Night Spectacular (BNS)

5. State Polytechnic of Malang (POLINEMA)


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