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Free Ebook

Guide To Losing Weight

By: Sethu Raman

(Fitness Entrepreneur / Health & Fitness Influencer & Online Coach)

Instagram : Sethu_1207


Website Link : Train With Sethu Personal Training 



All the information presented in the following eBook: How To Lose Weight FAST and the

following links attached in this book are for Educational and Resource purposes only. All

the following information in this text is written to help you make informed decisions about

fitness. It is NOT a substitute for, or an addition to any advice given to you by your

physicians or qualified health care professionals.

Before adhering to any advice, information or recommendations you must consult your

physician and a qualified fitness professional. Please be informed with full understanding

that you are solely responsible for the way the information within this book is understood,

perceived and utilized. All information optimised from this book should be applicable to the

reader at their own risk.

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Step 1:
Weight loss is a simple concept, which is understood as the process of ingesting fewer
calories than the amount you are burning throughout the day. To find out how many calories
you are burning, multiple online platforms are offered right at your finger tips. All you have
to do is input your personal information along with basic measurements, age and activity
level into an online calculator to find out a rough idea of what your Basal Metabolic Rate
(BMR) is.

Here are some of the online BMR Calculators:





BMR = 1,605 Calories/day

Daily calorie needs based on activity level

Activity Level Calorie

Sedentary: little or no exercise 1,926

Exercise 1-3 times/week 2,207

Exercise 4-5 times/week 2,351

Daily exercise or intense exercise 3-4 times/week 2,488

Intense exercise 6-7 times/week 2,769

Very intense exercise daily, or physical job 3,050

Exercise: 15-30 minutes of elevated heart rate activity.

Intense exercise: 45-120 minutes of elevated heart rate activity.

Very intense exercise: 2+ hours of elevated heart rate activity

Interpreting & Understanding the following BMR result chart above:

Once you have successfully gotten your estimated BMR results, your next step
is to include the number of calories you’ve burnt throughout the day. Keep in
mind as well that the following daily activities may vary from person to person
based on your specific lifestyle pattern:

Elaborations of each categorised Activity Level:

• Sedentary : If you get minimal or no exercise
• Lightly Active: If you exercise lightly one to three days a week
• Moderately Active : If you exercise moderately three to five days a week
• Very Active : If you engage in hard exercise six to seven days a week
• Extra Active : If you engage in very hard exercise six to seven days a
week or have a physical job

The final number stated will be the given proximity how many calories you
need on a daily basis to maintain your weight.

Once you have figured out your BMR based on your specific activity levels,
continue reading below to follow the instructions for the second step.

Step 2:
Understanding Calorie Deficit:
Calories are known as the units of energy which we receive from foods and
beverages intaken, and when consumed fewer calories than you burn, you
achieve a calorie deficit.
If you provide your body fewer calories than it needs to support these three
components of calorie expenditure, you put your body into a calorie deficit.
Doing so consistently for long periods will result in weight loss.
How much calorie deficit is good?

Losing 0.5 to 1 kg per week is reasonable, safe, and healthy for most people.
Since 0.5 of fat is around 3,500 calories, you'd need to achieve a 500-calorie
deficit each day to lose 0.5 kg each week.

After figuring out your BMR based on your specific caloric amount, established your
calorie deficit should be done along with that to ensure you stick to the goal of weight
loss, here are multiple Diet Plans which you can choose from to support the process.

Details on each specific Diet Plan is offered below for reference:

Keto Diet:

Low Carb Diet:

Intermittent Diet Plan:

Step 3:

Physical Activity & Rest

Why is staying Physically Active so essential?

During the process of losing weight the increased amounts of daily physical
activity along with reducing the number of calories you eat (being on a caloric
deficit) will help to boost the processes and combined with improving your
overall health.


With that being said we can still lose just being at calorie deficit, but I
would recommend being physically activity to support your overall health
and well being.

Here are the 4 best activities for weight loss:


2. Jogging or running


4.Weight training

Apart from these four actives listed about there are multiple different other
forms of physical activity which can be adapted or followed based on your
specific lifestyle, need or wish.

After exerting your body with workouts and a full diet plan we have come to
the most essential part of recovery which is knowing as resting. Our bodies
need to rest in order for the recovery proceed to take place. Sleeping is very
essential as that is when your body enhances the weight loss process. To
support your weight loss process getting a good 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night
would lead a good weight loss process along with an overall healthier lifestyle
for you.


To conclude, I would hope that all the given information stated in this ebook
was beneficial for all of you in terms of understanding and applicability. Each
of the given attached links are highly recommended to enhance your
understanding towards the extended topics tied to weight loss.

If you have found this book suitable for your liking and you are eager to gain
more understanding on different variations of topics surrounding weight loss in
depth, do consider purchasing our paid ebook.

Are you trying to figure out how to construct your weight loss plan? Do
consider joining our Online Personal Training. You will be given a fully
customised diet charts along with customised workout charts and weekly
consultation sessions. 

If you are interested feel free to check the attached links on the cover page to
get in contact with us and start your Fitness Journey.

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