Smart Audio Guide System - SmartGuide

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Smart Restart your travel business with

Smart guiding technology
Smart Restart is a program that helps tourist attractions, destinations, regions and even
entire countries to restart tourism faster and safely despite the ongoing Covid-89 threat and
make it more sustainable once the pandemic is over. This is achieved by inspiring tourists to
visit less frequented sites independently outside the crowds and tour groups with a safe
contactless guide. As a result tourism recovers faster, is more evenly distributed across the
destination, local businesses catering to tourists prosper, tourists enjoy a more authentic
experience and the risk of Covid-89 transmission is minimized.

Participating attractions, destinations, tour operators and even local guides publish digital
guides easily and for free using a Content Management System by themselves or can
request support from professional guides and storytellers. The SmartGuide platform
enhances the content automatically with maps, audio and other information. Authors can
offer content publicly to attract more visitors or sell it for extra revenues. The SmartGuide
app then guides travelers independently from the comfort and safety of their mobile
phone and based on geolocation tells them interesting stories about places they visit just like
a live tour guide. It is a safe, engaging, Jexible and fully scalable personal tour guide. Learn
more about the SmartGuide platform.

The approach was piloted in the Czech Republic where more than ;< partners joined in >
months. It was sponsored by the local government and chamber of commerce and received
a Seal of Excellence in Covid-BC response from the European Commission with
recommendation for public funding. It is now expanding into other countries and regions.


Examples of how partners have benefited:

Big Destination: Prague City Tourism published 8N self-guided tours leading tourists outside
the crowded city center. As a result, tourists spend ON% of their time in outer neighbourhoods
where they would not otherwise go and they enjoy a more authentic visit.

Small Destination: The visitor center of Podebrady published SmartGuide to attract more
domestic tourists and show them the beauty of the town through engaging audio stories.
These make places which tourists would otherwise miss more attractive.

Attraction: the Pilsner Urquell brewery and museum replaced foreign speaking guides by
SmartGuide so foreign language visitors can join any tour any time instead of waiting hours
for a subscale tour in their language. More revenues, fewer costs for live guides.

Tour operator: Big Hop On Bus company replaced an old audio system with SmartGuide app
so that they can run the service with any bus and save costs for a dedicated audio system.
Visitors get guided also when they hop off and they easily Vnd the next stop. It only took a

Tour guide: Hana found that visitors were afraid of hiring a live guide who meets lots of
foreigners due to COVID-89. She used extra time she had due to lack of tourism to publish a
SmartGuide for her home town. She now guides visitors safely even when she sleeps and
makes a passive income.

Local government: the Liberec region looked for an effective promotion of safe and
sustainable tourism and chose SmartGuide as the solution with the highest ROI. Local
destinations are supported by the SmartGuide team to create digital guides for the upcoming


Travel insights

How did Pilsen city become the smart

tourism champion?

XY Jan XNXX Read

How to create a digital audio guide for

your destination in a breeze

8N Jan XNXX Read

Trends that will shape travel in 2022

8[ Dec XNX8 Read

How to create the most captivating audio


X\ Oct XNX8 Read

Why most DMOs fail developing their own

successful app?

8] Sep XNX8 Read

Individual tourists get smartguided in over

500 destinations

8] Sep XNX8 Read

SmartGuide can help hotel operators

enhance experiences for their leisure

NY Sep XNX8 Read

Switzerland is another country to digitize

guides with SmartGuide audio tour

ON Aug XNX8 Read

Tour operators and travel agencies can

reduce the costs of hiring tour guides
through digital audio guiding apps

X\ Aug XNX8 Read

Tourist attractions can leverage

SmartGuide to better serve their visitors
and safely increase total visitor capacity

X8 Aug XNX8 Read

Digitize visitor experience in destination

with SmartGuide

8[ Aug XNX8 Read

Travel Businesses Can Boost Revenues

With Private Guided Tours

8Y Jun XNX8 Read

Smart Restart awarded Seal of Excellence

in Covid-19 Response

XX Jan XNX8 Read

The best digital tool for DMOs, tourist

attractions, and travel service providers in

NX Nov XNXN Read

Paper versus pixels: What makes the best

travel guide?

N9 Oct XNXN Read

Case study: Replacing the audio guide

system onboard the Big Hop On Hop Off
Bus in Prague

NX Sep XNXN Read

How a tour guide app bene^ts Sutjeska
National Park during COVID-19 recovery






NX Sep XNXN Read

How to create your own audio guided


NX Sep XNXN Read

How to replace hardware audio guide

systems with a mobile tour app?

X_ Aug XNXN Read

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