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Annotated Bibliography on Business


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Natalie R. Manor & Natalie E. Hoffmann. (2012). Article: Business Communication Etiquette.

Retrieved from

According to Manor and Hoffmann, in the year 2012 published an article regarding

Business Communication, the article described that proper business communication is required

to bring out success in the organization. The two authors described through various

proclamations that this article that their affirmations are true. Their sole purpose and objective

was to educate the people on these little aspects of business which could take their company to a

height. The author’s intention was to grab hold the attention of the people related to business and

help the audience in their field of business. This article discuss properly about the usage of

language in business organization. The authors of the article says that if the communication is

not proper and not feedback is given then no influence will be established in any terms and thus

would lead to failure. Moreover, they said that all must communicate well within the business

organization to create an efficient environment in the organization.

Derren Thompson, (July 14, 2011). Workplace Basics: Business Communication and Etiquette

101. Retrieved from communication-and-


According to Thompson, an article was published in his name in the year 2011, the article

“Workplace Basics: Business Communication and Etiquette”. This article describes that

communication in a work area can lead to efficient working. He supports his discussion by

various statements. The author’s sole purpose was to attract the audiences who were newly

entering the work place and were trying to get habituated with working method. He targeted the

audience through the online platform, but providing the audiences with the article through online
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platform. The article is related to the topic of business communication and discusses the proper

use of facts and terminology in the business. The article stated about the daily communications

with family and friends or the peoples we know closely. And also stated that it was common to

use vernacular language and other casual phrases to talk with them or communicate between

with each other. The author says that the choice of language is the main way to improve the

quality of the communication. This article by Thompson is related to the article by Hoffmann

and Manor where effective communication is the considered essential for success in business.

Susan Adams, (October 05, 2012). The New Rules of Business Etiquette. Retrieved

from tips.html

According to Susan Adams, the article published in the year 2012, the article “The New

Rules of Business Etiquette”, this article said and discuss about that proper communication and

proper use of time is very important in the field of business. The author supported her own facts

by taking knowledge from Vicky Oliver’s book. The author Vicky Oliver is professionally a

career consultant and Susan Adams took knowledge from him. The audience target by Susan

Adams was the new business member in the work place. This article describes about the proper

way to establish a business environment.

Abugre, J B, 2011, “Appraising the Impact of Organizational Communication on Worker

Satisfaction in Organizational Workplace”, Problems of Management in the 21st Century, vol. 1,

p. 7-15.

In this article, the author has said and discussed about the importance of communication

in the field of business. The efficient communication in a business environment increases

workers contentment. The author has used the method of surveying to clarify the study. With
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help of test name as Chi-square test the author answered the research questions and the

originality of the facts. The author also said that good communication by the leaders increases

the workforce, which in case leads to increase in productivity.

Liz O’Donnell, (April 24, 2009). Is Texting Good For Business? Retrieved from http://

According to Liz O’Donnell in her 2009 article, “ISs Texting Good For Business?”, has

stated that the usage of texting has both benefits and disadvantages. Through the president of

solution oriented system, Inc. of Griff Griffith she supports this theory. Her job is to judge the

uses of texting in businesses. The peoples who are in the workforce are very skeptical regarding

this topic. Because the data of her research is already published in the book of Griffith it made

her work much easier to reach her targeted audience. The following article is applicable for this

topic because it has described that texting is a very essential element to make efficient

communication within the business industry. In accordance to her research increased texting

leads to increased productivity of the business. However it is not so much easy the intensity of

texting is defined by the amount of usage of communication attempting i.e. usage of cell phones

and other communication methods regarding texting by half of the current population. The

following article is similar to the article by Derren Thompson, regarding the different channels of

communication in business.

Martin Zwilling, (January 17, 2012). Texting is Killing Real Business Communication.

Retrieved from

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In accordance with Martin Zwilling in his 2012 article “Texting is Killing Real Business

Communication”, has strongly stated that the usage of texting is bad for business

communication. Martin Zwilling has concluded his statement by analyzing the greeting method

of people and required boundaries. His sole aim is to provide the appropriate body language to

develop the efficiency of business communication. His targeted audience is employees or

peoples of certain associations or workplaces. The following article is appropriate with this topic

because it verifies that the use of proper body language is largely significant for developing a

efficient business communication. The article has stated that the texting is not good for

maintaining proper body language, he describe that is texting is not an efficient tool for business

communication. He asserted that it is nearly impossible to illustrate proper emotions through

texting and in this regard texting is an incomplete communication method for the workers. The

following article is similar to the article by Nick Kemp regarding the importance of body

language in communication.

Stephen Donovan, (July 20, 2012). Texting is Good For Business. Retrieved from http://

In the article of 2012 of “Texting is Good for Business” Stephen Donovan has stated that

texting can be very beneficial for the business. By making list of beneficial elements of texting

he believes that it can help the business communication, he support his theory by the reference of

his list. His aim is to highlight the fact that texting is not harmful for the business

communication. His targeted audience is employees. The following article is appropriate for this

topic because it shows that texting can be beneficial for business. According to Stephen Donovan

if the individual have the phone number of his or her acquaintance a texting can be quick,

informative and low cost which is helpful for the business communication. The following article
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is similar to the previous article of Liz O’Donnell because it promotes texting in business


Sue Fox, (2012). Body Language and Business Etiquette. Retrieved from http://

According to the article published by Sue Fox in the year 2012, ‘Body language and

Business’, asserts that body language can decide the result of vital occasions in business. She

bolsters this by posting regular body positions and developments, and depicting the correct

method to do them. Her motivation is to help individuals in the business field. The target group

is anybody hoping to improve their non-verbal communication when working into the business

condition. The article is relevant to the topic because it converse the correct method to introduce

oneself while defying others in the business work field. Expressing, Non-verbal communication

can represent the deciding moment in any arrangement. How an individual holds up when

occupied with discussion is regularly as critical as what the individual states. Body language is

nonverbal; however it imparts volumes about an individual in any case. Presenting individual’s

legitimately can impact the individual you are conversing with, either contrarily or decidedly.

This is comparable to the article by Nick Kemp in light of the fact that it talks about the best

possible utilization of non-verbal communication or body language.

Carol Kinsey Goman, (December 06, 2011). Body Language for Global Business. Retrieved

from global-


As per the article of Carol Goman that was published in the year 2011, ‘Non-verbal

communication for Global Business’, declares that communication via body language may adjust
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contingent upon where you are on the planet. She underpins this by depicting her encounters

when venturing out to various nations. Her motivation is to uncover diverse societies, and clarify

that individuals may need to change dependency upon where they go. The primary target

audiences are the individuals managing worldwide business. The article is with accordance with

the topic as it discusses Non-verbal communication. It also starts to investigate outside of the

United States, giving a more extensive point of view. People appeared to have an alternate

thought of what the actual meaning of scheduled time was. There are diverse models and

traditions around the globe. This is like the article by Sue Fox, yet it stretches out to a more

extensive view.

Nick Kemp, (2012). The Importance of Language in Business. Retrieved from http://

An article was published in the year 2012 by Nick Kemp, stating the ‘Importance of

Language in Business’. As per the article an individual needs to present oneself appropriately

before starting a communication. This was supported by giving an insight about the author’s own

personal experience as well as backgrounds. The main purpose of the author was to provide

examples of communication at workplace, and the appropriate use of non-verbal communication

while speaking with an individual. The main audiences of the article are the fresher’s who are

joining an organisation. This article is pertinent to the topic of business communication as it

highlights the most appropriate way to communicate with fellow colleagues and clients at the

workplace. This is like the article by Susan Adams, talking about the correct method to approach

others in the work environment.

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