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Employability Skills in Health and Social Care

Student’s Name:

Student’s ID:

Author’s Note:
Table of Contents

LO1: Be Able To Determine Own Responsibilities and Performance............................................4

1.1 Enhancing performance objectives and responsibilities........................................................4

1.2 Assessment of Self efficacy in opposition to objectives that are defined..............................5

1.3 Recommendations for self improvement...............................................................................5

1.4 Utilizing Motivating techniques to enhance quality of performance....................................6

LO2: Be Able to Develop Interpersonal and Transferable Skills....................................................7

2.1 Building up solutions for work based problems....................................................................7

2.2 Communicating with a variety of styles and appropriate manner at multiple levels.............8

2.3 Identification of effective time management strategies.........................................................9

LO3: Understand the Dynamics of Working with Others.............................................................10

3.1 Explaining the Roles People Play and Developing the Appropriate Way...........................10

3.2 Team Dynamics Analysis....................................................................................................11

3.3 Suggestion of Alternative Ways for Completing Tasks and Achieving Roles....................12

LO4: Be able to Develop Strategies for Problem Solving.............................................................13

4.1 Resolving the problems by evaluating methods and tools...................................................13

4.2 Development of suitable strategy for resolving particular problem....................................13

4.3 Evaluating the Potential Impact by the Implemented Strategy of the Business..................14


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The growth and development of an organization is directly proportional to its employee skills.

On the other hand various job roles require and demands different kind of employability skills

(Lim, Anderson and McGrath, 2012: 660). In this following study the employability skills of

Elizabeth are going to be discussed. In this study the role of employability skills on customer

care assistance is going to be discussed in an elaborated manner. Moreover, the problems in the

work field along with their solutions are also going to be discussed in this study.

LO1: Be Able To Determine Own Responsibilities and Performance

1.1 Enhancing performance objectives and responsibilities

As per the case study Eliza secured an internship in the facility naming Care home, Eliza worked

there as a customer care assistant. Eliza acquired various skills from her college and Eliza was

also the member of various college associations that in way helped her enhance many

employability skills. Being customer care assistant her first and foremost skill that Eliza must

have is the skill of communication. Eliza must have the knowledge and skill in order to satisfy

the customers through her communication skills. Eliza was the Vice President of the Band and

Gig Society. Being the Vice President Eliza had to give speeches and manage students in the

college that help her to become a good communicator.

Furthermore, Eliza was the Social Secretary of the American Studies Society this post also

allowed her to expand her skills of communication. Then, during her college days Elizabeth had

a part-time job in Career Services that certainly helping her to cope with problems in the present

job (Dill and Morgan, 2018: 1002). Then also there are various skills that Eliza must acquire to

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enhance here skills regarding her job. Eliza must learn and acquire the knowledge of time

management that would help her to complete her tasks in time, making her an efficient


1.2 Assessment of Self efficacy in opposition to objectives that are defined

Eliza must undertake special trainings so that Eliza could execute the role and responsibility in

appropriate manner. After acquiring the special trainings Eliza will be able to provide greater

assistance to the customers and the patients of the health care facility, Care home. During the

first week of her, Eliza was stressed as the task was challenging. Moreover, Elizabeth had no

previous experience in customer segment. Thus, Eliza had to face several challenges. But, Eliza

had a positive attitude, which is very essential in this field of work thus after the first Eliza was

able to cope with the problems.

Eliza also kept faith on her previous activities that Eliza was involved in during her college days,

Eliza believed that it might help her to become efficient in her job. Now being a customer case

assistant Eliza must learn how to greet the customers and how to start a conversation before

going to the detailed information (Russell, Augustin and Jones, 2017: 372). Eliza must focus on

the needs and requirement of the customers and Eliza must be able to give the customer

satisfactory answers to the customers. Eliza must learn how to satisfy the customers or the

patients by her skill of communication.

1.3 Recommendations for self improvement

There are certain techniques that can help Eliza to improve her set of skills and work efficiently,

and become a better employee (Lim, Anderson and McGrath, 2012: 660). Eliza must interact

with the customers to know their demands and requirement. Eliza must be ready to face any

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problem that might come during her period of service. Eliza must train herself to overcome the

issues that may arise at Care home. Eliza must be able to resolve the conflicts relating to the

customer service by keeping herself calm and patient, when speaking with the customers.

Eliza must follow the orders of her higher authority and work accordingly. Eliza must try and

complete her work within the deadline. Additionally Eliza must acquire the knowledge of

computer operations that would be a positive aspect while working as a customer care agent. It

would also enhance her employability skills and make her handle situations regarding file and

data management of the customers and the patients. As maintaining and managing customer files

and database is a part of every health care facility (Chau, Vauthier and Kabuth, 2017: 133). The

skill regarding the computer operations may promote her in future. Thus, Eliza might enroll in a

computer training facility to build and develop her computer skills.

1.4 Utilizing Motivating techniques to enhance quality of performance

Many scholars say that motivation is a strategy that could be used by an organization or an

individual to enhance performance at work. Eliza must remain motivated at work to give her

best. Eliza must attend motivational speeches and acquire the necessary motivation to work

efficiently (Jones, Jorissen and Bewley, 2016: 587). It is the responsibility of the health care

facility, Care home to motivate their employees to get hundred percent work efficiency from

their employees. Eliza must get motivational knowledge by reading various motivational books.

This might help her stay motivated at work. Care home arrange motivational meetings to

motivate their employees at work.

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LO2: Be Able to Develop Interpersonal and Transferable Skills

2.1 Building up solutions for work based problems

For this assignment, the chosen organization is Care Home that operates in the wide

geographical area. It is to be identified that various problems could be taken care of as

noteworthy issues for any workplace. The serious issue is that the communication is getting

misshaped because of the assortment of components (Pitt et al., 2016: 445). The communication

is an extremely noteworthy segment of hierarchical tasks, particularly inside the healthcare

facility. The diminished levels of communication skills is becoming one of the foremost work

based problems in the modern era of competition. In such competitive world where the

communication skills are very important, an employee like Eliza is crucial for serving the

customer care assistant job role at Care home. There has been a misinterpretation of competitive

skills by the staff members as well as the individuals.

The individuals sitting at higher level comprehend that the relational abilities include the

motions, listening aptitude and in particular the distribution of information at the different

dimensions of hierarchy. To manage this issue, the organization can depend after conducting the

sessions where the staff individuals like Eliza could be investigated upon these three basic

components of communication skills and relational abilities. It is understood that via appropriate

assessments the groups of staff members could be created with regards to the problem with each

aspect of communication skill (Misra and Mishra, 2016: 75). Care Home is a massive healthcare

facility and thus it would be difficult for them to carry out an effective training sessions for

addressing the various issues. Also the employees of the organization should be made familiar

with the key significance of communication skills for achieving a growth opportunity. In this

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manner, the viable arrangements could be created to kill the issue identified with respect to low

communication skill and relational abilities.

2.2 Communicating with a variety of styles and appropriate manner at multiple levels

Within various dimensions the assortment of communication techniques could be received by the

higher authorities of Care Home. Obviously the size and structure of the healthcare facility

matters a lot with respect to choosing the fitting communication style or media. With the modes

of communication the higher officials of the organization could arrange multiple meetings and

formal sessions addressing the needs of lower level employees (Lancaster and Massingham,

2017: 273). It helps in dealing with the professional approach and above all the dialog should be

done in an appropriate manner. Further, the middle level managers could be informed via

conferences, seminars and meetings. It is most critical and valuable system for building up

communication with them.

Along with verbal, the written form of communication could be made legitimate for conveying

the middle level managers. Further, the assistance of mailing framework could likewise get into

the system. Within this context, for successfully communicating with the higher officials of Care

Home, Eliza should understand the dimensions and varieties of communication techniques. In

modern times the most effective and trustworthy technique for an organization to communicate

with the general public is via website or media channel (Salas et al., 2017: 68). It is common to

not have nonverbal and informal levels of communication at a massive scale within an

organization. Considering that Eliza have a positive attitude in her, she could gain various

positives if she could covey herself in a proper way.

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2.3 Identification of effective time management strategies

The foremost approach that Eliza should take is establishment of communication with fellow

staff members. The authorities of Care Home will need to identify the level of satisfaction among

the employees within the organization. Via various methods such as survey or feedback the

organization could monitor the issues that are being faced by the staff members. The

management should also take steps in negating the elements that are eventually leading to

employee dissatisfaction and employee retention (Sisodia and Agarwal, 2017: 433). The

priorities should be allocated to those characteristics that are common with the practices of the


The management authority needs to win the certainty of employees with the goal that they can

communicate about their concern regarding work dissatisfactory in the most possible and

productive way. In this way building trust and confidence is ought to be the critical component

of strategy formulation process. The trademark highlight for the employee turnover is the

discrimination and stressed working condition (Evans-Lacko and Knapp, 2017: 279). Care Home

is required to dispose these aspects form the hierarchical levels and need to make fitting strides

with the goal that these issues could be managed in the best possible manner.

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LO3: Understand the Dynamics of Working with Others

3.1 Explaining the Roles People Play and Developing the Appropriate Way

For comprehending the assigned roles of people within the organization and to achieve specific

organizational goals Eliza as a customer care assistant and solely responsible for maintain the

relation between the customers and company has understood that the clarification of individual

role is essential for the workers and the company so in this regard she has undertook Belbin team

theory, which will help to segment the roles that people are going to acquire (Messum et al.,

2017: 122). The function theory of Belbin theory has been stated below:

The Belbin theory has categorized the roles of people in specific three segments.

I. Action oriented roles

People who are associated with action oriented roles primarily aim to complete the task or

achieving the specified goals (Sisodia and Agarwal, 2017: 423). Their role on the organization

remains large. These people build the challenging tasks and provide them to others and

encourage them to complete the designated task. They are responsible for achieving the

organizational goals by utilizing the appropriate plans within the team. Eliza has realized that

this will be an effective theory for her company.

II. People oriented roles

People who are associated with people oriented roles majorly coordinators, team workers and

investigator of resources. People assigned with this role conventionally play the most important

role such as ensuring the sustainability of team work. Coordinators provide guidance to the entire

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team to complete the project most efficiently. The team workers provide external supports to the

team and specially team leaders (Mihail and Kloutsiniotis, 2016: 430). The resource investigators

supervises the relation between the organization and external corporations and stakeholders.

Eliza has implanted this theory to help increase the employability in the organization.

III. Thought oriented roles

People who undertake thought oriented roles helps to create most useful ideas and knowledge

regarding the efficiency in the completion of the assigned project (Vogus and Iacobucci, 2016:

917). Their primary role is to analyse the current situation and come up with a most effective

plan. This will help the proficiency of the care home.

3.2 Team Dynamics Analysis

To develop and comprehending the contemporary team dynamics Eliza has decided that the

model of Tuckman could be the most appropriate theory (Vogus and Iacobucci, 2016: 917). Its

functions are segmented into different categories such as forming, storming and performing.

I. Forming

At the first stage of forming the team members contact each other and try comprehending

themselves (Malysheva et al., 2016: 189). They become familiarized with each other and

determine the appropriate roles and responsibilities by sharing goals. This will help to increase

the relationship between the workers of care home.

II. Storming

During the stage of storming the workers discuss the designated roles with each other and voice

their opinion and techniques for increase the efficiency for completing the project (Van der

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Heijden and Thijssen, 2013: 100). This stage is most crucial as it provides the opportunities to

comprehend the potential of each workers and this is one of the primary reasons that encourages

Eliza to implement this theory.

III. Performing

Lastly, the stage of performing is primarily focused on completing the assigned task in

accordance with the discussion that has made in storming stage (Vogus and Iacobucci, 2016:

917). The stage of performing represents how the project will reach its completion and how well

the workers can perform to utilize the completion. Eliza implemented this technique because she

finds it most efficient to increase the proficiency and employability of the organization.

3.3 Suggestion of Alternative Ways for Completing Tasks and Achieving Roles

Eliza has recognized that the alternative techniques are largely accurate and mostly defined by

the philosophical ideologies (Mihail and Kloutsiniotis, 2016: 430). She has acknowledges that a

proper team goal can only be evaluated if the internal communication or interaction within the

team is efficient. According to the necessity it has seem by her that if there is any gaps or dispute

in the communication between the employees it can put significant negative impact on the

wellbeing of the organization and it will also become impossible to share proper information

among workers. So in this regard Eliza decided to include establishment of proper

communication on alternative method. This will provide appropriate information to the workers

and helps to increase relationship and sense of respect between workers. Thus, alternative

methods will effectively helps to achieve organization goals.

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LO4: Be able to Develop Strategies for Problem Solving

4.1 Resolving the problems by evaluating methods and tools

The health care facility Care home needs to focus on certain aspects to create solutions to the

issues that arise in the facility. The sustainability of the organization or the facility could get

affected by the small level of employee retention. This small level of employee retention is one

of the major problems of Care home. The authority of the organization must be able to

understand the cause of the problem (Jones, Jorissen and Bewley, 2016: 587). To resolve a

problem the first and foremost task of Care home is to learn about the problem and to identify

what is causing the issue or the problem.

The Care home health care facility also needs to find out the reason behind the low level of

employee retention. This identification of the cause of issues will allow them to resolve the issue

and take steps accordingly. Subsequently, another method of problem solving can be worked out

by the help of group discussion (Shantz, Alfes and Arevshatian, 2016: 278). The higher

authorities and the employees of the health care facility must be gathered for a group discussion.

And in this group discussion they might analyse the issue and find the cause of issue. This might

result in way to find a way to resolve the issue.

4.2 Development of suitable strategy for resolving particular problem

The significant advance of methodology begins from establishing communication with existing

staff. The management authority of Care Home needs to distinguish the satisfaction levels of

employees inside the healthcare facility. With the assistance of survey and feedback technique,

the organization can concentrate on picking up the data about the issues or complaint of existing

employees (Evans-Lacko and Knapp, 2017: 279). The most effective and general technique to
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resolve the issues can be found out if priorities are given to such aspects that are common within

the practices of the management.

The managing authorities of Care Home needs to win the confidence of working employees like

Eliza with the goal that they can convey about their concern regarding work dissatisfaction in the

best possible technique. Hence development of trust and confidence is ought to be the most

noteworthy component of strategy formulation process. Care Home is required to wipe out these

perspectives structures keeping in mind the progressive dimensions. They need to take the most

effective and appropriate steps keeping issues into count that could be managed in the best

possible manner.

4.3 Evaluating the Potential Impact by the Implemented Strategy of the Business

Positive effects can brought out from the business strategies of Care home if the implanted

policies are applied in appropriate position in perfect way (Sisodia and Agarwal, 2017: 423).

This can resulted into solution of the contemporary problem and more importantly the workforce

turnover ratio will decrease at huge scale, this will increase the reputation of the organization and

highlight it as a competitively better employee retention center. Eliza has recognized that the

employee retention is the most essential element of human resources and most vital for the

completion of the organizational objectives in this regard is strategy can become highly efficient

for the current situation of the organization.

Care home healthcare facility will gain the benefits due to the low cost and cost effective training

schedules. So by the use of employee retention the teams do not have train the new employees

has they will already be experienced and connected with the organizations for many years

(Sisodia and Agarwal, 2017: 423). This will help the employers to understand the culture of the

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organization and work with satisfaction. Thus, Eliza made a significant choice by implementing

such strategy which will convey the organization to proper performance and success. Thus at the

end it can be said that implemented strategy of business by Eliza will bring efficient and positive

impact on the organization.


From the above study, it has become apparent regarding each and every aspect that is related to

work within an organization. The primary job roles in the healthcare facility are in keeping with

the thoughtfulness and focus on the customer satisfaction. The main outcome of the study is to

picture the benefits of team work along with employability skills that will help employees like

Elizabeth to develop and achieve organizational goals.

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