Grade 8 Science Multiple-Choice

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1st Quarter

Name: _________________________________________ Date: ____________
Grade and Section: _______________________________ Score: ___________

Multiple Choice
Directions: Read each item carefully. Circle the correct response for each

1. In what unit does the movement of tectonic plates measured in a year?

A. Milliliter C. Decimeter
B. Centimeter D. Meter

2. What do you call the plates that move apart from each other?

A. Convergent C. Transform
B. Divergent D. Boundary Zone

3. What is being formed when two continental plates collide?

A. Trenches C. Volcanoes
B. Faults D. Mountains

4. What is being formed along the separation of two oceanic plates?

A. New Seafloor C. Mountain Range

B. Seamount D. Valley

5. What is an example of event happened during transform boundary?

A. Mariana Trench C. San Andreas Fault

B. Mt. Everest D. Himalayan Range

6. Which layer of the Earth has the least density?

A. Inner Core C. Outer Core

B. Crust D. Mantle

7. This refers to the sudden shaking of the ground due to the volcanic action or
continental movement.

A. Tsunami C. Earthquake
B. Typhoon D. Cyclone
8. This is the point of an earthquake where rupture started.
A. Hypocenter C. Fault Line
B. Epicenter D. Fault Plane

9. Which is the correct order of the layers of the Earth (from exterior to interior)?

A. Core, mantle, Outer Crust, and Inner Crust

B. Mantle, Crust, Outer Core, and Inner Core
C. Crust, Core, Outer Mantle, and Inner Mantle
D. Crust, Mantle, Outer Core, and Inner Core

10. Which of the following is NOT evidence of the movement of plate tectonics?
A. Formation of volcanoes and trenches
B. Different weather and climate
C. Fossils in different continents
D. Continents fits like a puzzle

1. B
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. D
10. B

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