Botea at Al How To Write A Clinical Paper

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Chirurgia (2020) 115:

No. 3, May - June

Copyright© Celsius

How to Write a Clinical Paper: Basics, Tips, Traps

- Part I
Florin Botea1,2, Irinel Popescu1,2

Center of General Surgery and Liver Transplantation, Fundeni Clinical Institute, Bucharest, Romania

Faculty of Medicine, University “Titu Maiorescu”, Bucharest, Romania


Professor Irinel Popescu
Center of General Surgery and Liver
Transplantation, Fundeni Clinical
Institute, soseaua Fundeni 258
Bucharest, Romania, 022328
Unul dintre obiectivele principale ale clinicienilor este îmbunătăţirea
constantă a asistenţei medicale, prin transferul de expertiză şi prin
implementarea de inovaţii. Prin urmare, activitatea publicistică este
extrem de importantă. Mai mult, această activitate este poate la fel
de importantă şi pentru dezvoltarea carierei academice. Toată lumea
medicală, de la studenţi la medici seniori, avansează publicând
lucrări şi obţinând citarea acestora. Învăţarea modului optim de
a redacta o lucrare ştiinţifică şi de a o trimite către revistele de
specialitate ar trebui să fie un obiectiv pentru toţi studenţii,
rezidenţii, clinicienii şi cercetătorii. Scopul lucrării de faţă, publicată
în 3 părţi, este de a asista pe cei interesaţi în scrierea şi publicarea în
mod eficient a lucrărilor lor ştiinţifice.

lucrare ştiinţifică, articol clinic, abilităţi


One of the main goals of clinicians is to constantly improve the
healthcare by spreading their expertise and by introducing
innovations in medical science. Therefore, publishing is of
utmost importance. Moreover, publishing helps authors in
developing their academic carrier. Everyone, from students to
Received: 26.04.2020
Accepted: 30.05.2020 senior physicians and surgeons, advance in their carrier by

314 Chirurgia, 115 (3), 2020

How to Write a Clinical Paper: Basics, Tips, Traps - Part I

publishing papers and by getting their work cited by others. Learning how to properly write and
submit a manuscript should be a goal for all medical students, residents, clinicians and
researchers. The aim of the current paper, published in 3 parts, is to enable the readers to write
and publish their work effectively.

clinical paper, scientific article, writing skills

Introduction Before You Start Writing a Paper

One of the fundamental objectives of physi-

cians and surgeons is to continuously A. Originality
improve the healthcare by spreading their • Did you do something interesting to
expertise and developing and applying share?
advancements in medical science. This can • Are you updated on the latest findings
be achieved by contributing to the fund of related to your topic?
medical knowledge through published • Is there value gained to publish a
innovative research, so the entire scientific confirmatory paper?
community may know about it. Therefore, • If disagreement exists in the literature,
publishing clinical and research work is a have you enough data to sustain one of
critical part of the academic process. the variants?
Nowadays, the publishing activity is B. Correctness
commonly evaluated by the h-index, also • Did you verify your results by appropriate
called the Hirsch index or Hirsch number. analysis?
This index was suggested in 2005 by Jorge • Did you check if they are significant?
E. Hirsch as a tool for determining the • Are your methods valid and consistent?
relative quality of physicists (1). The h-index • Do you know the limitations of your
is an author-level metric that is designed to methods?
measure both the productivity and citation C. Relevance
impact of the publications of a researcher or • Do your findings tell a consistent story?
clinician. It is based on the set of the • Does your work address a hot topic?
researcher’s most cited published papers and • Did you find answers to a significant
the number of citations that they have issue?
received in other publications. The h-index If all answers are “yes”, then you can start
correlates with obvious success indicators, writing your manuscript.
from being accepted for research fellowships,
holding positions at top universities, to
winning the Nobel Prize (2). - Self-evaluate your work.
Learning how to write an effective - - Ask your supervisor and colleagues for
manuscript should be a goal for all medical advice on manuscript.
students, residents, clinicians and researchers.
Everyone, from students to senior physicians
and surgeons, advance in their carrier by
What type of manuscript?
publishing papers and by getting their work
cited by others. Finally, publishing makes one
a better physician and surgeon over time.
Research articles are generally considered

Chirurgia, 115 (3), 2020 315

F. Botea & I. Popescu

the most difficult to complete, since thorough and suitability for specific journals should be
experimentation, data collection and analysis considered carefully, as not all journals accept
are required prior to writing. Both basic science this type of article (8).
and clinical papers fall into this category. These
articles will generally be divided into introduc-
tion, material and methods, results, and Meta-analysis can be performed when
discussion/conclusion sections. multiple scientific studies on the same topic
are available, with each of the studies report
findings that are expected to have a certain
Review articles are a good approach for degree of error. The aim of this type of study is
researchers to scrutinize the literature and to derive a pooled estimate closest to the
create a solid source of knowledge in an area common fact analyzed by all studies (based on
of interest. The data obtained in this way can the identified error). The methodology
often be used as a basis when writing related involves specific statistics. Meta-analyses are
grants, lectures, theses and research articles. often, but not always, important components
Reviews will also help others unacquainted of a systematic review procedure.
with the subject get a quick overview of
existing knowledge on a given topic (3,4).
Research articles and clinical reviews remain Case reports are written for interesting and
the mainstay of surgical journals. These rare disease presentations, noteworthy images
articles are generally considered the most with outstanding teaching value, and/or some
significant contributions any individual novel aspect of disease management. They can
makes in their academic career. include single-patient reports, a small series
(two or more similar cases) and/or a more
extensive review of cases previously reported
Systematic reviews are a sub-type of review in the literature (9). Case reports can be
paper that uses systematic methods to collect difficult to publish, as many case reports may
significant published data and research studies, have already been published on what one
and integrate their findings qualitatively or might think is novel, and often reviewers
quantitatively (5). Systematic reviews may consider the report uninteresting. However, a
investigate clinical tests, adverse effects, case report that introduces a new idea that
economic assessments (6), and public health, will contribute to better management of
environmental and social interventions (7). patients is likely to be accepted. Case reports
and similar manuscripts, although potentially
of interest, should generally not constitute
Techniques papers are used to describe a most of the academic productivity. Authors
procedure or novel operative approach or, should try and focus on the other article types
occasionally, an entirely new type of operation, that are more highly regarded.
and demonstrate its efficacy in addressing
unsolved or partially solved issue. A clear
description of how to perform the technique is
invaluable in this type of article. Images, Letters to the editor are written in response
photographs and/or illustrations, are often to a published article. They usually question the
better than text when explaining a procedure. interpretation of a study or offer an alternative
As told by others, “Great paper, poor art – point of view according to personal experience.
reject. Poor paper, great art – accept!” The Furthermore, they can be used to disseminate
weight in these articles is in favor of technical data and ideas that otherwise might not be
approach, with a short report of complications published (10). This type of article also offers the
and long-term outcomes. Presentation format opportunity to cite relevant literature that the

316 Chirurgia, 115 (3), 2020

How to Write a Clinical Paper: Basics, Tips, Traps - Part I

initial article had not referenced. It also can be the articles were downloaded, shared on
an excellent adjunct to one’s record of scholarly social and professional media (Twitter,
publication but, like case reports, should be used LinkedIn, etc.), mentioned on news,
judiciously. However, many reviewers will not etc. (PlumX/Mendeley, ResearchGate,
consider letters to the editor as equivalent to Almetric, stats).
independent research articles. • It is recommended to consider a journal
that is indexed by Journal Citation
Reports and recognized by the United
Other article types, including opinion or States National Library of Medicine and
editorial-type articles, image reports, and quiz National Institutes of Health shared
articles may be easier to publish and will allow website, PubMed commons (http://www.
the case to be presented. These are journal- While it is
specific and the reader is encouraged to review more difficult to publish a manuscript in
different journals and potentially consider such a peer-reviewed or refereed journal
these article types to report their case. (listed on PubMed and the Journal
Citation Reports), the end result of the
Who is your audience? peer-review process in these journals will
• Do you address to specialists in a field, be a better paper that will be read by
multidisciplinary investigators or a more researchers. It is important to
general audience? differentiate PubMed (high standards,
o Tips: You need to adapt the data and the access to articles is often not free) from
writing style accordingly. PubMed Central (PMC) (lower quality
• Even for similar topics, journals have standard, access to articles is free).
readers with different backgrounds. • Other factors suggestive of quality is when
• Each journal has its own style; read a journal is supported by a scientific,
its articles to get an idea of what is medical or surgical society, or belongs to
accepted well-known publishers, such as Elsevier,
• Is the readership worldwide or local? Wiley, Springer, and Taylor and Francis.
• Readership - the readership is largely
What journal? determined by the scope and should be
considered when choosing a journal in
order to ensure that one reaches the
• Aims and scope - the scope of a journal intended audience (8).
refers to what types of articles and topics • Open access - the size of the audience is
the journal aims to publish. Often, the important, and that may be significantly
scope is linked to the aims, mission or increased by publishing in an Open
purpose of the journal. Check the journal access Journal, where readers have free
websites for the necessary details. access to your article. However, you must
• Scholarly metrics of the journal: pay attention at the charging fee for
- Journal citation metrics are the most publishing in such journals.
popular method of assessing the • Current hot topics - go through recently
importance of a journal via a measure published abstracts.
of the average number of times other • Types of articles – e.g. most journals do
articles have referenced articles not accept case reports.
published in that journal. Journals • Asking colleagues for advice.
with higher citation metrics are Ways to find Journals:
considered more prominent and, there- - by searching the lists of Journals that
fore, reach a larger audience; can be downloaded from the Internet;
- New metrics on how many times - by searching on PubMed database

Chirurgia, 115 (3), 2020 317

F. Botea & I. Popescu

articles using the keywords of interests, Writing a Quality Paper

finding also the Journals that the articles
were published in;
- by searching the National Library of Editors and reviewers may review your manu-
Medicine (NLM) catalog using the same script and decide based on basic criteria, like
keywords, finding the titles of Journals grammar or spelling. Therefore, besides the
containing the keywords. science, also the language needs to be sound.
Correct grammar is essential to ensure the
quality of your manuscript. About 20% of errors
• Sometimes it is necessary to lower your in the manuscripts are related to grammar,
expectations and choose a lesser ranked especially in case of determiners, prepositions,
journal than initially considered, or even articles, subject-verb agreement, and verb
go back to the laboratory or clinic to forms.
gather or to validate further data. Use past tense when presenting the results
• Naturally, it is desirable to publish in a of previous works and the methods used in
journal with a higher impact factor. your study and the corresponding observa-
However, at first it is recommended to tions and results. Use the present tense when
choose a journal with a relatively low describing general facts (thus differentiating
impact factor, with no charging fees. them from your findings), when the subject of
• Only submit your manuscript once at a the sentence is your study, when interpreting
time. or hypothesizing on your findings, and when
• International ethics forbid multiple you formulate the conclusion of your paper.
simultaneous submissions.

• Consult the Guide for authors.

• Choosing unsuitable journals is one of • Editors dislike poorly prepared papers.
the most common mistakes authors
make, according to the American Journal Sentences
Experts (AJE);
• Do Not gamble by submitting your man- Each sentence should convey just one idea. To
uscript to multiple journals; be a good writer you have to read well-written
• Avoid predatory journals (charge large papers. The keys to successful writing are
fees to publish, not indexed in PubMed, simplicity and clarity. Use the active tense is
poor peer review). recommended.
The key is to be succinct and precise, with-
Strategies to get citations out overlooking essential facts.

The strategies to get citations are based on

ways to increase the number of readers who a. Redundancy:
in return would appreciate your work and - Don’t copy and paste from a section to
cite it in their future published papers: another.
- Choose a high-impact journal; - Avoid words with the same meaning.
- Create an appealing title; Examples: “In addition, a regression
- Choose carefully the keywords; analysis of these data was also
- Select an Open access journal; considered…” – POOR (use of “in addi-
- Write a high-quality paper. tion” and “also” with the same meaning)
→ “A regression analysis of these data
was also considered…” – GOOD. “After
analyzing the findings, the experiment

318 Chirurgia, 115 (3), 2020

How to Write a Clinical Paper: Basics, Tips, Traps - Part I

was then adjusted…” – POOR (use of split graft.” - GOOD.

“after” and “then” with the same - Make sure that “which” is used correctly.
meaning) → “After analyzing the find- Example: “Data were compared to the
ings, the experiment was adjusted…” – published data of McConnor et al, which
GOOD. showed…” – POOR ( “which” is misused,
- Avoid repeat the same descriptive word referring to McConor and not to the
the same sentence. Example: “In this comparison) → ““Data were compared to
paper, a complex surgical technique for the published data of McConnor et al,
complex Klatskin tumor has been revealing that…” - GOOD.
proposed.” – POOR (use of the word - Avoid using vague expressions such as
“complex” twice) → “In this paper, a “higher rate” or “at a lower temperature”.
complex surgical technique for - Avoid exaggeration - avoid exaggerated
advanced Klatskin tumor has been interpretations of your results but do
proposed.” – GOOD. indicate significance. Example: “A huge
- Avoid circular sentences. Example: “In increase in the number of patients
order to compare the differences recorded in 2010 when compared to 2009
between the two groups, we analyze the was recorded” – POOR (“huge increase” is
variables showed below, in order to an exaggeration) → “A significant increase
determine if changes had occurred.” – in the number of patients recorded in 2010
POOR (describes twice, in slightly when compared to 2009 was recorded
different terms) → “In order to compare (p=0.02)” – GOOD.
the differences between the two groups, - Avoid expressions such as “novel”, “revo-
we analyze the variables showed below” lutionary”, “first ever”, “groundbreaking”.
– GOOD. - Avoid inconsistent tense – do not combine
b. Avoid the lack of clarity (ambiguity): tenses in the same sentence. Example:
- - Make sure to use correctly commas and “Before vessels in hilum were dissected,
hyphens. Examples: “Calcium regulated the hemilivers are mobilized” – POOR
transcription” has a different meaning (use of different tenses - “were” and “are”)
from “Calcium-regulated transcription”. → “Before vessels in hilum were dissected,
“For gene expression profiling, micro- the hemilivers were mobilized”” –
array analysis was performed, using (GOOD). “In ten patients, a liver biopsy
microRNAs” – POOR (the second from the affected sites was performed” –
comma is misused) → “For gene expres- POOR (incorrect use of “was”) → “In ten
sion profiling, microarray analysis was patients, liver biopsies from the affected
performed using microRNAs” – GOOD. sites were performed” – GOOD.
- Semi-colons should not be used instead of - Avoid unbalanced sentences – the parts
a comma or colon. Example: „The “compared with” is referring to have to
patients were grouped into four groups match-up: example: “The levels of CEA in
based on the technique used for liver non-smokers were compared with
transplantation, namely; right hemiliver smokers…” – POOR (the comparison is
living donor, right hemiliver split graft, not between the levels of CEA and the
left hemiliver living donor and left smokers) → “The levels of CEA in non-
hemiliver split graft.” – POOR → „The smokers were compared with those in
patients were grouped into four groups smokers…” – GOOD.
based on the technique used for liver c. Avoid wordiness (using more words than
transplantation. The techniques were needed) – almost 30% of style errors in the
transplantation of right hemiliver living manuscript are due to wordiness.
donor, right hemiliver split graft, left Wordiness distorts your sentences and
hemiliver living donor and left hemiliver conceals your ideas from readers:

Chirurgia, 115 (3), 2020 319

F. Botea & I. Popescu

- One common source of wordiness is and 33%, respectively” – POOR (the cor-
unnecessary intensifiers. Adverbial responding intervals are not mentioned)
intensifiers such as “clearly,” “essential,” → The overall survival at 1, 3 and 5 years
“quite,” “basically,” “rather,” “fairly,” were 81%, 61% and 33%, respectively” –
“really,” and “virtually” not only add GOOD.
verbosity to your sentences, but also i. Avoid the misuse of “etc.” / and “so on” –
lower your results’ credibility. their use should be restrained, and a full
- Another source of wordiness is nominali- series of elements should be included in
zations, i.e., nouns derived from verbs the text, especially when referencing the
and adjectives paired with weak verbs literature or defining fixed parameters,
including “be,” “have,” “do,” “make,” as tests, periods of time, etc. Examples:
“cause,” “provide,” and “get” and “The two groups of data were compared
constructions such as “there is/are.” (19). using a number of statistical methods
- Numbers at the start of the sentence. including t-test, chi squared analysis,
Example: “223 liver metastases (145 etc.” – POOR (all tests must be men-
patients) that undergone liver resection, tioned) → “The two groups of data were
were investigated. Of these, 124 patients compared using statistical methods that
(198 liver metastases) were available for included t-test, chi squared analysis,
analysis in order to establish the long- ANOVA test, and regression analysis.”
term survival after hepatectomy for liver “In contrast with published data, such as
metastases.” POOR (passive tense, those of Hill et al. (20011), Barn et al
number starting the sentence, too many (2015), Pop et al (2012), and so on, the
words, repetition, using different terms parameters analyzed here show a differ-
for the same thing) → “We investigated ent trend.” – POOR (all authors should
145 patients (with 223 liver metastases) be mentioned) → “In contrast with
who had undergone liver resection. published data, such as those of Hill et
There were 124 patients (with 198 liver al. (20011), Barn et al (2015), Pop et al
metastases) available for survivorship (2012), McGrall et al (2013), and
analysis.” - GOOD . Rokitanski (2017), the parameters
d. Avoid pretentious writing (claiming analyzed here show a different trend.”
great merit or importance).
e. Avoid the use of jargon (words or expres- Paragraphs
sions developed for use within a particu-
lar group of people). The paragraph usually starts by a topic
f. Avoid the use of passive voice, whenever sentence that opens the paragraph, followed
possible (more than 65% of style errors of by the information, data, ideas and nally a
the manuscript are due to the use of concluding sentence that closes the paragraph
passive voice). (if appropriate). Split the sentences whenever
g. Avoid nominalizations (using nouns possible.
formed from verbs), by converting the
nominalization into the main verb. Layout
Example: “Prof. McConnor will conduct
research on the impact on ……” – POOR Apply the guidelines in the “Guide for
(nominalization) → “Prof. McConnor will authors” in terms of:
research the impact on….” – GOOD - Layout.
h. Avoid the misuse of “respectively” – two - Word limits for each section.
corresponding listings are necessary. - Nomenclature.
Example: “The overall survival at - Abbreviations.
various periods of time were 81%, 61% - Spellings (British vs. American).

320 Chirurgia, 115 (3), 2020

How to Write a Clinical Paper: Basics, Tips, Traps - Part I

- Reference format. • Refer to the Guide for authors for the

- Number and type of illustrations and standard abbreviations that don’t need
tables. defining.
- Statistics. • Don’t abbreviate terms used only few
times in the entire manuscript.
• Acronyms: capitals required only in
• Keep font style and size, and line spacing case of a proper noun or start of a
throughout the text – double-spaced left sentence example: “colorectal liver
aligned 12-point size font (Times New metastasis (CLM)” NOT “Colorectal
Roman, Arial or Verdana) is recommended. Liver Metastasis (CLM)”.
• Use the same heading styles throughout
and maximum three levels of headings. Standard systems
• Use maximum 3 font sizes;
• Use maximum 3 typefaces; It's important to use standard systems for
• Number the pages. numbers and nomenclature, e.g.:
• Number the lines when required by the • For chemicals, use the conventions of the
Guide for authors. International Union of Pure and Applied
• Order and title sections as required by Chemistry and the official recommenda-
the Guide for authors. tions of the IUPAC–IUB Combined
• Figures and Tables are usually placed Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature;
together, after the References. • For species, use the international taxo-
nomical nomenclature (WoRMS: World
Register of Marine Species, ERMS:
- Avoid emphasis (bold, italic, underlined European Register of Marine Species),
text, etc); and format them in italics.
- Avoid capitalization. • For units of measurement, use the
International System of Units (SI).
Refer to the Guide for authors for word and Language Editing Services
graphic limits. Here are some general guide-
lines: Your work is valuable, so it is worth to invest
• Title: Short and informative; in it. Services for scientific and medical editing
• Abstract: 1 paragraph (<250 words); are available, with costs that start from $8 per
• Introduction: 1.5-2 pages; page. However, the use such service is not
• Methods: 2-3 pages; obligatory and will not guarantee acceptance
• Results: 6-8 pages; for publication. Recommended services
• Discussion: 4-6 pages; include:
• Conclusion: 1 paragraph; • American Journal Editing.
• Figures: 6-8 (one per page); • Asia Science Editing.
• Tables: 1-3 (one per page); • Diacritech Language Editing Service.
• References: 20-50 papers (2-4 pages). • Edanz Editing.
Letters or short communications have • Editage.
narrower limits, usually 3000 words and • International Science Experts.
maximum five figures or tables. • Liwen Bianji.
• SPI Publisher Services.
• Identify non-standard abbreviations on
first use in the abstract and the main
text. The authors declare no conflicts of interests.

Chirurgia, 115 (3), 2020 321

F. Botea & I. Popescu

References 2011;33 (1):147–50.

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