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Teori Robotika

Robot Industri
• Menurut data dari World Robotics, terdapat 8,6 juta robot di seluruh dunia, kira-kira sama dengan
populasi negara Austria.
• 1,3 juta unit robot industri.
• 7,3 juta adalah robot yang dibuat khusus untuk bekerja di bidang pelayanan.
Populasi Robot Industri
(World Robotic 2015)
Robot Industri
Where They Perform?

• Tugas Repetitif
• Lingkungan berbahaya
• Seperti :
• Suhu dan kelembaban yang ekstrim
• Gas berbahaya
• Area Pengelasan
• Pengecoran Logam
• Sumber Tegangan Sangat Tinggi
Industrial Robot Geometry

• Articulated, Revolute or jointed arm, (commonly used)

• Polar coordinate or gun turret,
• Cartesian,
• Cilindrical
Robot Anatomy

• Manipulator consists of joints and links Joint3 Link3

• Joints provide relative motion End of Arm
• Links are rigid members between joints
• Various joint types: linear and rotary
• Each joint provides a “degree-of-freedom” Link2
• Most robots possess five or six degrees-of-freedom Link1
• Robot manipulator consists of two sections: Joint2
• Body-and-arm – for positioning of objects in the robot's
work volume Joint1
• Wrist assembly – for orientation of objects Link0
Manipulator Joints
• Translational motion
• Linear joint (type L)
• Orthogonal joint (type O)

• Rotary motion
• Rotational joint (type R)
• Twisting joint (type T)
• Revolving joint (type V)
Frame Koordinat Robot
Sendi Dasar Robot Manipulator
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