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A Randomized Trial Comparing Stenting With Balloon

Angioplasty in Small Vessels in Patients With Symptomatic

Coronary Artery Disease
Adnan Kastrati, MD; Albert Schömig, MD; Josef Dirschinger, MD; Julinda Mehilli, MD;
Franz Dotzer, MD; Nicola von Welser, MD; Franz-Josef Neumann, MD;
for the ISAR-SMART Study Investigators*

Background—More than 30% of the lesions currently treated with interventional approaches are situated in vessels smaller
in size than those representing an established indication for stenting. The objective of this randomized trial was to assess
whether compared with PTCA, stenting of small coronary vessels is associated with a reduction of restenosis.
Methods and Results—Patients with symptomatic coronary artery disease with lesions situated in native coronary vessels
between 2 and 2.8 mm in size were randomly assigned to be treated with either stenting (n⫽204) or PTCA (n⫽200).
Adjunct therapy consisted of abciximab, ticlopidine, and aspirin. Repeat angiography at 6-month follow-up was
performed in 83% of the patients. The primary end point of the study was the incidence of angiographic restenosis
(ⱖ50% diameter stenosis) at follow-up; adverse clinical events, such as death, myocardial infarction, stroke, or target
vessel revascularization, were assessed as secondary end points. After 7 months, there were no significant differences
in the infarct-free survival rates between the 2 study groups: 96.6% for stent patients, and 97.0% for PTCA patients
(P⫽0.80). Target vessel revascularization was needed in 20.1% of the stent patients and 16.5% of the PTCA patients
(P⫽0.35). The primary end point of angiographic restenosis was found in 35.7% of the stent patients and 37.4% of the
PTCA patients (P⫽0.74). The net lumen gain observed at follow-up was identical (0.76⫾0.78 in the stent group versus
0.76⫾0.63 mm in the PTCA group, P⫽0.93).
Conclusions—Stenting and PTCA are associated with equally favorable results when used for treating lesions in small
coronary vessels. (Circulation. 2000;102:2593-2598.)
Key Words: stents 䡲 angioplasty 䡲 restenosis
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more cost-effective in the long term than PTCA.12,13 A

V essel size is inversely correlated with the risk of reste-
nosis and adverse outcome after percutaneous coronary
interventions.1–3 This is because a smaller vessel is more
retrospective analysis has shown that stenting might also be
superior to PTCA in small coronary vessels.14 Nevertheless,
limited in the ability to accommodate lumen renarrowing, because of the absence of appropriately designed randomized
which invariably occurs to some degree in most vessels after studies, there are no well-defined recommendations15 regard-
balloon dilatation.4,5 Interventions in small coronary vessels ing the intervention of choice for coronary vessels smaller
(⬍2.8 to 3.0 mm) constitute a considerable proportion (30% than those included in the clinical stent trials referred to
to 50%)1–3,6 – 8 of the ⬎1 million coronary catheter-based above. This is currently perceived as a limitation in interven-
procedures performed worldwide each year. PTCA and stent- tional cardiology.16
ing are the 2 most frequently used interventions in patients Consequently, the objective of this randomized trial was to
with coronary artery disease.9 Large coronary vessels repre- assess whether stenting of small coronary vessels in patients
sent an established indication for stenting because of its with symptomatic coronary artery disease, compared with
superiority compared with PTCA, as shown in several ran- PTCA, is associated with a reduction of restenosis.
domized clinical trials.10 –12 On this basis, the Food and Drug
Administration approved the Palmaz-Schatz stent for use in Methods
large coronary arteries (ⱖ3 mm). Stenting is associated with
increased procedural costs9; however, the improved outcome, Patients were considered eligible for randomization if they com-
with a reduction in the need for reinterventions, achieved plained of angina pectoris or had exercise-induced ischemia in the
when large vessels are stented has rendered this technique presence of angiographically significant lesions (ⱖ70% diameter

Received May 17, 2000; revision received July 6, 2000; accepted July 7, 2000.
*The centers and investigators participating in the Intracoronary Stenting or Angioplasty for Restenosis Reduction in Small Arteries (ISAR-SMART)
Study are listed in the Appendix.
Correspondence to Dr Adnan Kastrati, Deutsches Herzzentrum, Lazarettstr. 36, 80636 München, Germany. E-mail
© 2000 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation is available at

2594 Circulation November 21, 2000

stenosis) in a native coronary vessel between 2.0 and 2.8 mm in size TABLE 1. Patients’ Clinical Characteristics
(online measurement after intracoronary injection of nitroglycerin),
provided that they had given written informed consent for participa- Stent PTCA
tion in the study. Intervention in the setting of acute myocardial (n⫽204) (n⫽200) P
infarction (within the last 72 hours before the intervention), lesions Age, y 65.0⫾11.3 66.5⫾11.0 0.18
situated in the left main coronary artery, lesions produced by in-stent
Women, % 22.5 24.0 0.73
restenosis, and contraindications to the antithrombotic medication
used in the present study (see below) served as exclusion criteria. On Diabetes, % 25.0 24.5 0.91
the basis of the above criteria, the patients were randomly assigned Current smoker, % 22.5 16.5 0.13
to receive either stenting or PTCA. Immediately after successful
Cholesterol level, mg/dL 210⫾48 205⫾46 0.30
passage of the guidewire through the index stenosis, randomization
was performed by using sealed envelopes containing the randomiza- Blood pressure, mm Hg
tion sequence generated by computer before the initiation of the trial. Systolic 147⫾26 147⫾27 0.99
The present study was conducted according to the principles of the
Diastolic 72⫾12 71⫾14 0.51
Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the ethics committees
of the participating institutions. Unstable angina, % 42.6 36.5 0.21
Previous myocardial infarction, % 34.8 39.0 0.38
Procedures and Antithrombotic Treatment Previous CABG, % 10.3 15.0 0.15
During the intervention, patients received intravenous heparin (7500
U) and aspirin (500 mg) as well as a bolus of abciximab (0.25 mg/kg Postdischarge therapy, %
body wt), followed by continuous infusion (0.125 ␮g/kg per minute ␤-blockers 94.6 94.5 0.96
for 12 hours). All patients received a combination of oral therapy ACE inhibitors 78.4 83.0 0.30
with 250 mg ticlopidine plus 100 mg aspirin twice daily for 4 weeks
after stenting or 2 weeks after plain PTCA; aspirin was taken Statins 87.3 85.5 0.61
indefinitely. Nitrates 13.7 17.0 0.36
Stent placement and balloon angioplasty procedures were per- Calcium antagonists 3.4 3.5 0.97
formed according to standard methods. The study protocol recom-
mended the achievement of a final diameter stenosis of ⬍30% and Values are mean⫾SD or percentages.
Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) flow grade 3 at the
end of procedures; it allowed the implantation of a stent(s) in patients at 30 days (phone interview in 100% of the patients) and 7 months
allocated to PTCA if there were large dissections (⬎5 mm) or TIMI (clinical visit in 90% and phone interview in 10% of the patients).
flow grade ⬍3 on the angiogram. The premounted MULTI-LINK
stent on ⱖ2.5 mm balloons (Guidant, Advanced Cardiovascular Statistical Analysis
Systems, Inc.) was the recommended stent type in this trial. The number of patients included in the present study was based on
the sample size estimation for our primary end point of angiographic
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Angiographic Evaluation restenosis. On the basis of previous observations for the vessel size
Lesions were classified by using the modified American College of range treated in the present study, we assumed a restenosis rate of
Cardiology/American Heart Association grading system.17 Digital 38.6% after stenting2 and 55% after PTCA.14 The assumed 30%
angiograms were analyzed offline with the automated edge detection reduction of restenosis for stenting is comparable to that verified in
system CMS (Medis Medical Imaging Systems) in the Angiographic previous randomized trials for larger coronary vessels.10,11 For a
Core Laboratory. Matched views were selected for angiograms power of 80% to detect this difference at a 2-sided ␣ level of 0.05,
recorded before and immediately after the intervention and at 200 patients in each group were needed if a follow-up angiography
follow-up. Each angiographic sequence was preceded by an intracor- rate of at least 75% was assumed.
onary injection of nitroglycerin. The parameters obtained were The main analysis was performed on an intention-to-treat basis,
minimal lumen diameter (MLD), reference diameter, diameter of the and the results are expressed as mean⫾SD or proportions (%). The
stenosis, and diameter of the maximally inflated balloon during the differences between groups were assessed by the ␹2 test or Fisher
index procedure. Acute lumen gain was the difference between MLD exact test for categorical data and by t test or Wilcoxon test for
at the end of the intervention and MLD before balloon dilatation. continuous data. The homogeneity of the treatment effect across
Late lumen loss was calculated as the difference in MLD noted strata was assessed by the test of Breslow and Day.19 Survival
between measurements after the procedure and at follow-up. Loss analysis was made by the Kaplan-Meier method, and differences in
index was calculated by dividing late lumen loss by acute lumen survival parameters were assessed by the log-rank test. Statistical
gain. Net lumen gain was defined as the difference between MLD at significance was accepted for 2-sided value of P⬍0.05.
follow-up and MLD before balloon dilatation.
Definitions and End Points of the Study We enrolled 404 patients in this trial: 204 were assigned to
The primary end point of the present study was angiographic stenting, and 200 were assigned to PTCA. Table 1 shows the
restenosis at follow-up (defined as diameter stenosis ⱖ50%). The clinical characteristics of the patients. The groups were well
secondary end points of the study were the adverse clinical events, matched with respect to these characteristics. Table 2 shows
such as all-cause death, myocardial infarction, stroke, and target
the baseline angiographic characteristics of the patients, with
vessel revascularization (PTCA or CABG). The diagnosis of acute
myocardial infarction was based on the presence of new pathological only a trend for PTCA patients to have a smaller vessel size
Q waves or a value of creatine kinase or its MB isoenzyme at least and MLD as well as a tighter diameter stenosis before the
3 times the upper limit.18 Creatine kinase was determined before and procedure. Procedural data are displayed in Table 3. Among
immediately after the procedure, every 8 hours for the first 24 hours patients allocated to the stent treatment arm, 4.4% received
after the procedure, and daily afterward until discharge. A diagnosis
only plain PTCA because of an inability to place the
of stroke required confirmation by CT or MRI of the head. Target
vessel revascularization was performed in the presence of angio- prosthesis. On the other hand, in 16.5% of the patients
graphic restenosis and symptoms or signs of ischemia. Cardiac assigned to PTCA treatment, the placement of at least 1 stent
events were monitored throughout the follow-up period and analyzed was necessary. The stented segment length in the stent group
Kastrati et al Stenting vs PTCA in Small Coronary Vessels 2595

TABLE 2. Baseline Angiographic Data

Stent (n⫽204) PTCA (n⫽200) P
LV ejection fraction,* % 61.3⫾13.6 59.8⫾15.4 0.31
Number of diseased vessels, % 0.47
Single-vessel disease 19.6 21.0
2-vessel disease 36.3 30.5
3-vessel disease 44.1 48.5
Vessel, % 0.83
LAD 42.2 39.5
LCx 37.7 40.5
RCA 20.1 20.0
Complex lesions,† % 75.0 76.0 0.81
Total occlusions, % 6.9 7.0 0.96
Restenotic lesions, % 4.4 3.5 0.64
Lesion length, mm 12.5⫾6.9 11.8⫾7.1 0.30
Vessel size, mm 2.41⫾0.25 2.37⫾0.27 0.13
2.43 (2.27, 2.58)† 2.41 (2.18, 2.54)‡
Minimal lumen diameter, mm 0.59⫾0.38 0.51⫾0.33 0.08
DS before the procedure, % 75.8⫾16.1 78.0⫾14.4 0.14
Values are mean⫾SD or percentages.
LV indicates left ventricular; LAD, left anterior descending coronary artery; LCx, left circumflex
coronary artery; RCA, right coronary artery; and DS, diameter stenosis.
*Available in 394 patients.
†Complex lesions were defined as lesions of type B2 or C according to the modified American
College of Cardiology/American Heart Association classification.17
‡Median (25th, 75th percentiles).

was 20.8⫾10.9 mm; in only 6.4% of the stent patients did the died (P⫽0.73). Figure 1 displays the almost identical curves
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operator chose to use a hand-mounted stent on a 2.0-mm of infarct-free survival: 96.6% of the patients randomly
balloon. The procedure was completed with a significantly assigned to stenting and 97.0% of the patients randomly
better acute result in the stent group. assigned to PTCA survived without myocardial infarction
(P⫽0.80). Also, there were no significant differences regard-
Clinical Outcome ing the reintervention rates: 7 stent patients (3.4%) and 5
Clinical follow-up was complete for all patients. The adverse PTCA patients (2.5%) needed bypass surgery (P⫽0.58), and
events observed after 30 days are shown in Table 4. No cases 34 stent patients (16.7%) and 28 PTCA patients (14.0%)
of stroke were recorded, and overall, the incidence of adverse required repeat balloon angioplasty (P⫽0.46). Thus, the
events was low and comparable in both groups. In addition, incidence of target vessel revascularization (either CABG or
bleeding complications requiring blood transfusion occurred repeat PTCA) was 20.1% among stent and 16.5% among
in 4 stent patients and 2 PTCA patients (P⫽0.70). PTCA patients (P⫽0.35, Figure 2). At the end of the
During the 7-month follow-up period, 2 patients in the follow-up period, 77% of the stent patients and 81% of the
stent group (1.0%) and 3 patients in the PTCA group (1.5%) PTCA patients survived without an adverse event (P⫽0.22).

TABLE 3. Procedural Data

Stent (n⫽204) PTCA (n⫽200) P
Multilesion intervention, % 34.3 33.5 0.86
Receiving assigned treatment, % 95.6 83.5 ⬍0.001
Maximal balloon pressure, atm 13.5⫾3.3 12.0⫾3.5 ⬍0.001
Balloon-to-vessel ratio 1.13⫾0.12 1.06⫾0.12 ⬍0.001
Final minimal lumen 2.35⫾0.40 1.98⫾0.41 ⬍0.001
diameter, mm
Final diameter stenosis, % 7.0⫾13.0 18.8⫾12.9 ⬍0.001
Acute lumen gain, mm 1.77⫾0.50 1.47⫾0.51 ⬍0.001
Total radiation exposure time, min 12.8 (7.7, 20.0) 10.7 (7.4, 16.4) 0.07
Values are mean⫾SD except for radiation exposure time, shown as median (25th, 75th
2596 Circulation November 21, 2000

TABLE 4. Adverse Events During the First 30 Days

Stent PTCA
(n⫽204) (n⫽200) P
Death, n (%) 1 (0.5) 1 (0.5) 0.67
Nonfatal myocardial infarction, n (%) 4 (2.0) 2 (1.0) 0.70
Q wave 1 (0.5) 0 0.99
Non–Q wave 3 (1.5) 2 (1.0) 0.98
CABG, n (%) 1 (0.5) 1 (0.5) 0.67
Figure 2. Bar graphs comparing indexes of restenosis defined
Repeat PTCA, n (%) 1 (0.5) 0 0.99 as diameter stenosis ⱖ50% (left pair of bars), diameter stenosis
Any of above events, n (%) 6 (2.9) 3 (1.5) 0.52 ⱖ70% (middle pair of bars), and target vessel revascularization
(TVR, right pair of bars) at follow-up.
Values are number of patients (%).
and ⬎2.5 mm), the restenosis rates in the stent and PTCA
Angiographic Results arms were 38.9% versus 37.7%, 30.2% versus 33.3%, and
Repeat angiography at follow-up was performed in 334 36.5% versus 40.7% in the first, second, and third tertile,
patients (or 83% of the entire study population) in a compa- respectively. The homogeneity test yielded a value of
rable proportion between stent (83.8%) and PTCA (81.5%) P⫽0.90, showing no significant difference in treatment effect
patients (P⫽0.54). Our primary end point of restenosis associated with vessel size. Finally, when the analysis was
according to the conventional definition of ⱖ50% diameter confined to procedures for which a nominal balloon size of
stenosis was encountered in 35.7% of the patients assigned to ⱖ2.5 mm was chosen, the restenosis rate was 34.8% in the
stenting and 37.4% of the patients assigned to PTCA stent arm and 37.6% in the PTCA arm (P⫽0.63).
(P⫽0.74, Figure 2). Also, there was no significant difference
with respect to more severe restenosis (ⱖ70% diameter Discussion
stenosis), with 22.2% among stent patients and 18.4% among Percutaneous interventions in small coronary vessels are
PTCA patients (P⫽0.39, Figure 2). Table 5 summarizes the usually associated with an increased risk of restenosis.20 This
follow-up angiographic data. As expected, compared with represents an important limitation in the treatment of coro-
PTCA, stenting was associated with a higher late lumen loss. nary artery disease because of the frequency with which
Other quantitative indexes of restenosis, such as MLD and interventions involve small coronary arteries. Stenting has
diameter stenosis, were comparable between the 2 random- been the first successful intervention for the reduction of
restenosis10,11 since the introduction of PTCA. Using angio-
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ization arms. Despite a much better acute gain achieved in the

stent arm, net gain at follow-up was identical in the 2 groups, graphic restenosis as a primary end point and assessing the
as graphically displayed in Figure 3. clinical results after 7 to 8 months after the intervention, 2
We performed additional analyses beyond the main anal- landmark trials unequivocally demonstrated the advantages
ysis on the basis of the intention-to-treat principle. No of stenting over PTCA for large coronary vessels ⱖ3 mm.10,11
significant differences were seen when the restenosis analysis It is conceivable to expect even a major impact of stenting in
was performed on an as-treated basis, ie, when patients who subsets with a higher likelihood of restenosis, such as small
actually received stenting were compared with those who coronary arteries. We also chose angiographic restenosis as
actually received PTCA irrespective of the randomization. the primary end point of the present study and were able to
The restenosis rate was 36.5% for those patients actually perform an angiographic restudy at follow-up in 83% of the
treated with stenting versus 36.6% for those treated with plain patients.
PTCA. Patients with single-lesion interventions had a reste- In the present trial, small coronary arteries were defined as
nosis rate of 36.2% in the stent arm and 36.8% in the PTCA vessels ⱕ2.8 mm in size according to online digital measure-
arm (P⫽0.93). When the patients were subdivided in 3
groups (tertiles) according to vessel size (⬍2.3, 2.3 to 2.5, TABLE 5. Results of 6-mo Angiographic Follow-Up
Stent PTCA
(n⫽171) (n⫽163) P
Minimal lumen 1.35⫾0.73 1.28⫾0.62 0.34
diameter, mm
Diameter stenosis, % 42.2⫾30.6 45.3⫾26.5 0.32
Late lumen loss, mm 1.04⫾0.73 0.72⫾0.71 ⬍0.001
Loss index 0.59⫾0.44 0.44⫾0.57 0.006
Net gain, mm 0.76⫾0.78 0.76⫾0.63 0.93
Incidence of restenosis 35.7 37.4 0.74
(DS ⱖ50%), %
Incidence of restenosis 22.2 18.4 0.39
(DS ⱖ70%), %
Figure 1. Kaplan-Meier curves showing survival free of myocar-
dial infarction (MI) in both study groups. Values are mean⫾SD or percentages.
Kastrati et al Stenting vs PTCA in Small Coronary Vessels 2597

Savage et al14 found an event rate of 22% among 163 patients

who received stenting in vessels with an average diameter of
2.7 mm and who were selected for a subgroup analysis from
a prior randomized trial.11 Fewer data are available about
restenosis-driven clinical events in patients undergoing
PTCA in small coronary arteries. Among 168 patients with
small-vessel lesions treated with PTCA, the adverse event
rate was 33%.14 The reason for the difference with the results
achieved in our group with PTCA probably resides not only
in the different antithrombotic therapy but also in the differ-
ent acute results immediately after the procedure: residual
Figure 3. Cumulative curves showing greater acute lumen gain diameter stenosis was only 19% in the PTCA arm of the
achieved with stenting and identical net lumen gain measured at
present trial, which was markedly lower than that of 34% in
the report mentioned above.14 This also indicates that the
ment. We aimed at creating a clear distinction from the vessel availability of stents may currently allow a more aggressive
size that characterized previous randomized trials, which dilation strategy during PTCA.
focused on lesions in large coronary arteries.10,11 In fact, mean The lack of significant differences in our primary end
vessel size was ⬇3.0 mm in studies of Serruys et al10 and point, restenosis, explains the similarity in clinical results
Fischman et al,11 suggesting the inclusion of a considerable achieved with stenting and PTCA in the present trial. Despite
a much greater acute lumen gain obtained with stenting, it
number of vessels that were below the limit defined by their
was offset by an excess in lumen loss occurring during
study protocols. This is perhaps an inevitable consequence of
follow-up, and the net gain result was strikingly similar in
differences between visual estimates or online measurements
both groups. These findings as well as the differences in loss
and quantitative evaluation based on automatic contour de-
index suggest that “the bigger, the better” may not be a valid
tection techniques. With an average vessel size of 2.4 mm, the
criterion for comparing stenting with PTCA for lesions in
present trial provides implications for a population that is
small coronary arteries. The acute gain achievable with
clearly distinct from the populations of previous clinical trials
stenting is limited by the smaller vessel size, and this seems
comparing stenting with PTCA.10,11
to reduce the accommodation potential for subsequent neo-
In the present trial, we chose to use the MULTI-LINK
intimal hyperplasia. The present restenosis findings for both
stent. Although there is abundant experimental evidence
stent and PTCA reveal our limited ability to mechanically
about differences in stent performance, it has been difficult
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attenuate the excess risk connected with smaller vessel size

for clinicians to observe a relevant impact of stent type on
and underscore the need of rendering smaller coronary
clinical outcome.21 In a randomized clinical trial comparing 5
vessels a specific target of antirestenotic approaches.
stent designs, including the classic Palmaz-Schatz stent, the
In conclusion, stenting and PTCA with optimized anti-
MULTI-LINK stent was associated with the most favorable
platelet therapy are associated with equally favorable results
when used for treating lesions in small coronary vessels.
Small vessel size negatively affects both early23 and late2
Therefore, for lesions in small coronary arteries, no additional
outcome of patients undergoing coronary interventions. Gly-
benefit in outcome is provided by systematic stenting com-
coprotein IIb/IIIa inhibition with abciximab has significantly
pared with a strategy based on plain PTCA and provisional
reduced the incidence of adverse events,18 especially in
stenting in ⬍20% of the cases.
high-risk subsets. The 30-day incidence of ischemic events
in the present trial was low (2.9% in the stent group and 1.5%
in the PTCA group) and compares favorably with early event The following centers and investigators participated in the Intracor-
rates reported previously for this category of vessel size after onary Stenting or Angioplasty for Restenosis Reduction in Small
either PTCA8,14 or stenting.2,3,14 This is probably the result of Arteries (ISAR-SMART) Study:
the routine use of abciximab in the present trial. It should be
pointed out that as in previous trials comparing these 2 Steering Committee
approaches, a direct comparison between stenting and PTCA A. Schömig (chairman), A. Kastrati, J. Dirschinger, and
F.-J. Neumann.
with respect to the early ischemic events is hindered by the
provisional use of stents in 16.5% of PTCA patients who Data Coordinating Center
were considered at a higher risk for early complications. A. Kastrati, M. Hadamitzky, and H. Kreuzberg, Deutsches Herzzen-
We also found no significant difference in adverse event trum, Munich.
rates during the entire follow-up period, with 23% in the stent
group and 19% in the PTCA group. These data seem to Angiographic Core Laboratory
compare favorably with previously published findings from J. Mehilli, A. Redl, and D. Kiemoser, Deutsches Herzzentrum,
nonrandomized studies, although the comparison is difficult
because of differences in adjunct antithrombotic therapy. Past Clinical Follow-Up Center
retrospective large-scale reports with stenting in small coro- N. von Welser, D. Hall, H. Holle, K. Hösl, and W. Krämer,
nary vessels have shown adverse event rates of 30%2 to 37%.3 Deutsches Herzzentrum, Munich.
2598 Circulation November 21, 2000

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Deutsches Herzzentrum, Munich: J. Dirschinger (principal investi- expandable-stent implantation with balloon angioplasty in patients with
gator), R. Blasini, C. Schmitt, and M. Gawaz; 1. Medizinische Klinik coronary artery disease. N Engl J Med. 1994;331:489 – 495.
rechts der Isar, Munich: F.-J. Neumann (principal investigator), E. 11. Fischman DL, Leon MB, Baim DS, et al. A randomized comparison of
Alt, M. Seyfarth, and H. Schühlen; Medizinische Klinik I, Garmisch- coronary-stent placement and balloon angioplasty in the treatment of
Partenkirchen: F. Dotzer (principal investigator) and M. coronary artery disease. N Engl J Med. 1994;331:496 –501.
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