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Resilience in
Supply Chains

©2021 A.P. Moller – Maersk


Building Resilience in Chemical Supply Chains

Chemicals can be found in almost everything
around us. In fact, 96% of all manufactured goods
contain a chemical - from medicines, to our cars Key learnings:
and even the device you are reading this from.
• Raw materials account for 96% of
The chemical industry has been a major contributor all manufactured goods. It would be
to businesses and global trade growth for decades absolutely vital for Chemical companies
and will remain so for many more to come. It to provide the “upstream” supply
contributes approximately 5 trillion USD to the chain visibility to their customers in
global GDP and has created more than 120 million the “downstream” such as technology,
jobs. However, the industry has been hit hard automotive, FMCG, and retail sectors.
recently by trade barriers, increased levels of In fact, many of these customers raise
protectionism, and the global COVID-19 pandemic. raw material visibility as one of the pain
points in their supply chains
Evidently, the need for a resilient supply chain in the
chemical industry has never been greater. In this • The 6 pillars and the 4 mega trends
report, we speak with Maersk’s Henrik Wretensjoe, in the Chemical industry foster the
Global Vertical Head of Chemicals as well as Satoshi importance of a resilient supply chain
Akasaka, Vertical Head of Chemicals and Ian Kaw, and we recommend 3 main strategies to
Vertical Associate Director of Chemicals for Thailand, build such business models
Malaysia and Singapore area, to draw invaluable
insights and trends within the industry. • The 2 case studies show 2 different
resilient supply chain models for
We would like to offer special thanks to Peter Crowe, specialty chemicals and petrochemicals
APAC Head of Logistics at Syngenta, who sheds sectors and how Maersk Chemicals
light on how one of the world’s leading agriculture Solutions have supported the initiatives
companies managed to digitalise their supply chain
and collaborate with Maersk as their largest 4PL to
achieve their business objectives even in the face of
a global pandemic.

Henrik Wretensjoe Satoshi Akasaka Peter Crowe Ian Kaw

Global Vertical Head Vertical Head of Head of Logistics Vertical Associate Director
of Chemicals, Chemicals, Thailand, Asia Pacific, Syngenta of Chemicals, Thailand,
A.P. Moller – Maersk Malaysia and Singapore, Malaysia and Singapore,
A.P. Moller – Maersk A.P. Moller Maersk

Building Resilience in Chemical Supply Chains

Henrik Wretensjoe, Global Chemical Vertical
Head here at A.P. Moller – Maersk defines
a resilient supply chain as having the necessary
visibility as a foundation to make the right decisions,
the agility to shift sourcing, manufacturing or
distribution with speed once a disruptive event
calls for it and the right level of buffers to dampen
unforeseen shocks.

Many surveys done with supply chain leaders

globally indicate that the general perception is
that their companies do not have the right level
of resilience. How should companies prepare
themselves to come out stronger with improved
resilience for the next disruption?

Wretensjoe suggests companies to

consider these 6 pillars when designing
a more resilient supply chain:

1. Review your manufacturing and 2. Single-sourcing vs Multi-sourcing

sourcing network
• The pendulum for the last few decades has swung
• Is your supply chain diversified enough when more towards cost optimisation, often exposing high
it comes to geographical footprint? Do you have risks with too few or maybe even a single selected
backup manufacturing capacity if certain assets supplier to save on cost.
cannot be utilised? What if your customers are
moving their production to a new location as a • Even if it is a dual sourcing setup, how easily can
result of the trade tensions between countries? you activate a backup supplier and how do you
Can you still supply them from where your assets ensure they remain committed to support you even
are located? if they are primarily a backup? An example is the
Earthquake in Japan 2011 and the Fukushima nuclear
• Similarly, the base of suppliers can be reviewed disaster that halted supply chains across industries
as well. Are they too clustered that all of them ranging from chemicals to electronics and automotive
will face the same constraints due to major and triggered many supply chain managers to review
logistic bottlenecks, such as a lack of shipping how to look at risks.

Building Resilience in Chemical Supply Chains

3. Inventory management and general 5. Visibility of your end-to-end logistics

buffers in the supply chain
• The right decisions can only be made if you have
• How tightly are safety stock levels steered? access to the right level of information, being able
Are manufacturing assets sweated to the max or to predict, plan, sense and act with agility. It is of
are there buffers that could be leveraged? The immense importance to have end-to-end visibility
immense pressures to optimise working capital of the status of the events in your supply chain
has probably meant that buffers are generally — the closer to real time, the better. Leveraging
steered to minimal levels which means it is the power of data, connecting and integrating with
both suppliers, customers and logistics service
difficult to deal with shocks.
providers to move a rather linear supply chain
network with limited cooperation into a more
collaborative one.
4. Nearshoring for increased control
and reduced risks
6. Review your partners in the network
• While feedstock and material access might from a service level agreement
dictate the location for most manufacturing sites perspective
rather than being next door with the customers,
it remains a factor to review when it comes to • You can expect stable performances from your
resilience. suppliers and supply chain partners in an ordinary
day, but what can you expect in times of demand
• Moving cargo over long distances with handovers or supply shocks or logistical bottlenecks? Do
and dependencies all adds up to supply risk, you have the right partners engaged and a clear
regardless of it being inbound or outbound. It should understanding of what to expect in times of
not be limited to only manufacturing but also how disruptions? This could be the obvious timing to
the distribution is set up: global vs regional vs local. review the balance of the decisive factors behind
It adds cost and complexity but grants more control your sourcing decisions chain network with limited
by having the products available closer to where the cooperation into a more collaborative one.
customer base is.
Resilient supply chains can boost revenue growth,
improve customer satisfaction while balancing risks
“Resilient supply chains can boost revenue growth, and cash flow impacts. The companies investing today
improve customer satisfaction while balancing risks will be best positioned for tomorrow’s disruptive
and cash flow impacts.” events which can be foreseen by these mega trends.
Henrik Wretensjoe,
Global Vertical Head of Chemicals,
A.P. Moller – Maersk

Building Resilience in Chemical Supply Chains

The Four Key Mega Trends

1. Supply chain digitisation 3. Circular supply chains

The rate of development here is rapid. With the There is a move from linear supply chains to
aim of creating transparency, reducing manual more circular ones. The supply chains of reused
processes, integrating and connecting for better materials are getting integrated into the new
efficiency, and leveraging data for smarter produced ones. Recycling or refurbishment are
decisions. Automation, artificial intelligence, IoT, new norms and customers also favour suppliers
paperless trade and blockchain, will impact how that take these into consideration.
future supply chain ecosystems are set up.

2. Sustainable supply chains 4. Agile supply chains

Customers are demanding green products that The supply chain of the future is built around
need to be supported by green supply chains. Even agility as a key competitive edge. Flexibility,
in a B2B2B industry like chemical, this demand will rapid responses to changes from customers, the
quickly propagate backwards from the consumer. market or the circumstances around you are more
Start thinking about what modes of transport are important than ever.
used, how is cargo packed and with what material.
See if you can also report your carbon footprint if
your customers ask for it.

Building Resilience in Chemical Supply Chains

The 3 main strategies

to build a Resilient
Supply Chain

To better understand the 6 Pillars and 4 Mega

Trends, Satoshi Akasaka, Chemical Vertical Head for
Maersk Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore categorises
them into three main strategies:

1. Select a dependable logistics partner

The first key is to work with resilient logistics

partners who possess:
2. Set up a hub closer to your customers
• In-depth understanding of your business
• Expertise in international/local regulations Being near your customers has been increasingly
• Global coverage important due to highly volatile markets and
• Financial stability demand surges for specific goods caused by
• Flexible business implementation skill lockdowns. This has also caused the bullwhip
• Robust Business Continuity Plans effect to fluctuate even more. For chemical
companies, it has become tremendously
The closest frameworks that businesses can challenging as they are one of the most upstream
utilise to address these needs would be the 4PL players for raw materials, which leads to them
or Control Tower models which Maersk offers. ending up overstocking in one location and stock
By integrating them as part of your business outing in another.
process outsourcing, your supply chain can
be backed by a resilient logistics partner and
a dedicated logistics team.

“In order to mitigate such impact, we believe it Customer
is vital to set up a hub near your customers to
improve service level with shorter lead time and
optimize safety stock level by aggregating the

Satoshi Akasaka, Product Order

Vertical Head of Chemicals, Thailand, Malaysia
and Singapore, A.P. Moller – Maersk

The bullwhip effect on the supply chain occurs when changes

in consumer demand causes the companies in a supply chain
to order more goods to meet the new demand.

Building Resilience in Chemical Supply Chains

The suitable solutions would be the Hub-in-Transit and Regional Distribution Centre.


Our own terminal network can be found globally, and we also operate Flex Hub services in Tanjung Pelepas,
Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Oman, Egypt, Morocco and Spain.

Flex Hub Locations


Building Resilience in Chemical Supply Chains

If the dwell time in the storage location is longer

and the business requires value-added services on
the cargo itself, the solution is to set up Regional DC
(Distribution Centre) in Bonded Warehouses. Maersk
offers such solutions in Tanjung Pelepas, Malaysia
and many other APAC locations as well.

Regional Distribution Centre

3. Become a resilient partner for

your customers

Although the bullwhip curve for companies in retail, Maersk’s TradeLens - a block chain solution and a
technology, automotive and FMCG industries might joint venture with IBM - offers real time cargo and
not be as steep as those in the chemical field, visibility document visibility by partnering with ecosystem
remains critical for their production planning. players such as shipping lines, terminals, truckers,
customs and even banks.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, more retail, technology,
automotive and FMCG customers have expressed the The Maersk 4PL also offers HIT visibility dashboard
importance of visibility of their raw material for crucial which is E2E visibility on SKU/grade level, and
production planning. Especially since they are major Sourcing APP.
suppliers to these sectors, it further emphasises the
need for chemical companies to provide such visibility
to their customers for improved service level and to
potentially differentiate from the competition.

Building Resilience in Chemical Supply Chains

Best Practice:
The Evolution of
Syngenta’s Supply Chain
In this report, we speak with Peter Crowe, the Head With a highly complex supply chain, they initially
of Logistics for Syngenta Asia Pacific on how the had very limited visibility on the whereabouts on
global agricultural technology company managed their cargo and the specific cost of their logistics.
to bring its complex supply chain to greater The complex supply chain undeniably came with
heights with digitisation, efficiency and resilience. a complex problem.

Being a global leader in agriculture, Syngenta’s aim In 2015, Syngenta went on a mission to digitise their
is to help feed the world while taking care of the supply chain and appoint a supply chain expert to help
planet. They are present in 90 countries, supported them feed the world both safely and sustainably. They
by 89 production and supply sites, 116 R&D sites needed an evolution, not a revolution for their supply
and 28,000 committed employees around the chain as transforming their complex system overnight
world. would come with unnecessary risks.

Syngenta also produces a plethora of crop

protection products which are faced with
heavy regulations that affect imports, exports,
manufacturing and even the customer’s
application of the product.

Building Resilience in Chemical Supply Chains

Their mission came with three phases:

Plan the Growth

Prepare the Ecosystem

Empower the People

To digitise their logistics and gain full visibility on

their shipments, they utilised Infor Nexus (formerly
known as GT Nexus). Syngenta also appointed several
4PL providers, with Maersk being the largest, to
“When choosing our 4PL provider, we had to find a
handle all global sea and airfreight shipments.
partner who could work with us to solve problems
when the time came and would go the extra mile
The setup with Maersk was end-to-end, keeping to
for us. Maersk not only convinced us but confirmed
our philosophy of going All the Way. While running
with high-ranking executives going out of their way
their global sea and airfreight tender, we also
to help us. Now we can safely say that we are in good
processed procurements for them, making every
shipment an efficient and seamless one.
Peter Crowe,
Our committed service paired with their robust
Head of Logistics Asia Pacific, Syngenta
digital system now provides Syngenta the visibility
they never had before. From the confirmation
of pick up to the arrival at the customer’s door, How did it help Syngenta to serve
their new system also provides a multitude of
customers during the pandemic?
milestones throughout the journey. Any deviations
from plans are attached to these milestones
which allows Syngenta to react accordingly. With Utilising the GTN data was essential throughout the
an abundance of reporting possibilities including crisis as it gave them full visibility of upcoming and
CO2 footprint and detailed costs, they now work pending orders as well as the ability to communicate
with Maersk to build initiatives to constantly evolve directions clearly with us on their priorities.Despite
their supply chain. the adversities brought on by COVID-19, Sygenta
managed to sail through the storm. Mr. Crowe
credits this success to the strong visibility that the
setup has been providing for years and continues
to bring plant potential to life.

Building Resilience in Chemical Supply Chains

Case Study:
Driving supply chain
efficiency and visibility
Associate Director for Chemical Vertical, Our 4PL’s scope-of-service covers
Ian Kaw, shares how Maersk has also worked the following main functions:
with a top-tiered global petrochemical company
to enable supply chain resilience as well as the
ability to gain control and optimise costs across Sourcing of empty containers from
the end-to-end logistics flow. The company multiple Ocean carriers
produces polymers at its multiple cracker plants
located in the Middle East and Asia, with its total Transport empty containers and have
tonnage in multiple millions. them loaded at the plants

As a global 4PL provider, we put in place multiple

With a Hub-in-Transit inventory optimisation
Control Towers to cover different geographies
plan, we transport the laden containers to
that span from Bahrain, Dubai, Saudi, South
one of the 6 HIT Hubs or Warehouses, which
Korea, Malaysia, and a large back office team
are setup across UAE and Asia
in India. As seen from the on-going COVID-19
pandemic, different countries face varied levels
of lockdowns and restrictions, but the setup we Upon receiving the final leg shipment order,
built allows teams in multiple countries to cover based on RETA, the 4PL / Booking Services
for each other when needed. Team will proceed with carrier bookings, SI
submissions, documentations including CHB

Freight Invoices from Ocean Carriers are

audited before payment

Building Resilience in Chemical Supply Chains

Maersk Lead Logistics Platform Our Value

As all activities are executed via our Lead Logistics In summary, collaboration and operating on a single
platform, it offers a full E2E visibility from PO digital platform are key to building a resilient supply
creations, ocean carriers booking, inventory at each chain. But most importantly, data is king in driving
hub, booking status, track-and-trace to final leg every decision.
delivery at destination ports.
While supply chains, circumstances, target
The platform also allows the 4PL Teams and shipper, markets and 3PLs are prone to change over time,
to collaborate strategically on managing exceptions, control towers, supporting platforms and existing
measure performance of other 3PL partners across processes must be flexible to accommodate such
the supply chain, minimise COGS, execute delivery developments.
orders on-time, and identify opportunities for
continuous improvement. With an adaptable architecture we can achieve:

With the near shoring approach, HUBs are setup • Improved service level
across different locations. When a purchase order • Minimised COGS
arrives, our Sourcing App functions as the “digital • Reduced expediting costs
brain” allowing the shipper and 4PL Team to view • Minimised lost sales
important information such as: • Achieved revenue and profit growth

“The app features a robust algorithm to run various

scenario plans that cater for cost, transit-time or any
other factors the shipper prioritises. We also have
a default plan that is automatically recommended
but with the impact of the pandemic, we saw more
Location of stock being Transit time and cost manual overwrites kick in.”
held in each hub per ton to ship
Ian Kaw,
The app features a robust algorithm to run various Vertical Associate Director of Chemicals, Thailand,
scenario plans that cater to cost, transit-time Malaysia and Singapore, A.P. Moller Maersk
or any other factors the shipper prioritises. We
also have a default plan that is automatically
recommended but with the impact of the
pandemic, we saw more manual overwrites kick in.

Building Resilience in Chemical Supply Chains

Insights from
our experts
Q: What are your thoughts about the
trade-off between Resilience and Efficiency?

Henrik: It cannot be either or. It will always be a

mix of the two. In the past couple of years, most
companies focus more on having an efficient, lean
and cost-effective supply chain rather than a resilient
one. However, I think companies will soon be forced
to adopt both strategies to deliver an efficient and
resilient supply chain. That can translate to different
priorities regarding the 6 pillars depending on your
industry and even the type of chemical company.

Satoshi: To add on, I think it is important to also

have multiple options when you are building supply
chain resilience. For example, have your goods placed
on three different carriers across three different
alliances in case one gets cyber-attacked or delayed
by unforeseen circumstances. You can even go
beyond that and have a variety of transportation
modes like intercontinental rail and airfreight
in the mix.

Peter: I agree, I do not think there needs to be a

trade-off. You can have a resilient and efficient
supply chain which I consider Syngenta to possess.
To us, resilience means having the visibility which
makes the whole chain efficient too as it gives you
a better perspective of what needs to be accom-

Q: How is Maersk doing with

sustainable logistics?

Satoshi: Maersk has a dedicated sustainability Henrik: To add on, I think the most important
team who are behind the many initiatives taking aspect is to know what your current sustainability
place right now. The most exciting was in December footprints are. Without this, it will be highly
2018 when Maersk announced its target to produce challenging to drive improvements. The Maersk
zero CO2 emissions from operations by 2050. C02 dashboard Satoshi-san mentioned will help
We are currently incorporating that into our ocean our customers in a 4PL scope to align the way CO2
transportation and are working with many different emissions are presented because a challenge in this
partners to achieve this goal. We are also testing space is the many different standards.
many innovations such as biofuels, formed a By standardising the format, it allows you to
partnership with The Ocean Cleanup in a unique compare sustainability data fairly and make
mission to remove plastics from our oceans and are more informed decisions for improvements.
working on a Maersk C02 dashboard for our

Building Resilience in Chemical Supply Chains

Q: COVID-19 has impacted industries All supply chain systems are planned to work,
but most pitfalls occur from human errors. So,
to focus on reducing cost and increasing companies need to appoint the right stakeholders
efficiency. How will this affect initiatives to drive projects.
for sustainability in the short- and
long-term future? Peter: An example of this would bring us back to
2017 when Maersk was unfortunately hit by the
Henrik: There is indeed an immense cost-pressure NotPetya cyber-attacks. Syngenta was not hit and
on the chemical industry, but the importance could still carry on working with Maersk because the
of sustainability will not fade out. It is a global visibility platform that was put in place. Although we
challenge and I do not think there is a company had to coordinate with Maersk through alternative
that can neglect sustainability to reduce cost or means such as phone calls and private servers, the
else they might lose out in the market. So, every visibility we had was the epitome of resilience in
trying times.
company needs to carefully consider what they
can do to be part of a sustainable future.
Q: Syngenta has a whopping 95% on-time
Q: How does supply chain visibility delivery. Has it always been this successful?
impact resilience?
Peter: No, we had a rough start at the beginning
Ian: The fundamentals of visibility is all about DATA. as we were constantly changing work processes
Data must be designed with a business purpose; and SOPs. But we did not select our 4PL partners
cleaned, harmonised, accurate, updated, and always solely based on a budget. We had to ask ourselves
available. It also needs to be available through a who do we feel can solve problems when issues
platform, not excel. To be agile, the control towers arise and who do we feel are willing to go the
and decision makers should not be hopping between extra mile. DAMCO (now merged with Maersk)
multiple systems, which is surprisingly common in checked all the boxes and when things did not run
many companies. As we know, scenario planning is as smoothly at the beginning, the CEO went out of
predictive and supported by accurate availability of his way to help resolve the issues. So, it validated our
data. decision to trust a reliable partner like Maersk. Now
we can confidently say that we are in good shape.
So, when a pandemic hit, the supply chain will enter
a fierce fire-fighting mode which Syngenta did. In
such situations, having a powerful platform to view
accurate data will help businesses make better
decisions. For example, if a shipment will be delayed,
it carries many crucial implications. To make better
decisions, one needs to have an overall view of the
inventory across multiple storage hubs and supply
networks. As you can see, visibility is critical in
regular situations, but more importantly, during
a global pandemic.

All projects are planned to work, but most pitfalls

occur from human errors. So, companies need to
appoint the right stakeholders to drive projects.
During a disruption, as in the current pandemic,
supply chain goes into fire-fighting mode, and
exceptions begin to soar. In such a situation, a robust
supply chain visibility platform with accurate data
and status updates is paramount.

Knowing a shipment is not going to arrive on time

has all sorts of implications. Every subsequent deci-
sion made has a significant impact on service level
and financially.
©2021 A.P. Moller – Maersk

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