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Myth Untangler: Lesson Guide

Target learners: Grade 8

Myth Title: Description:

Good day, class! So today, our lesson will be

all about The Myth of Pandora’s Box. Are
The Myth of Pandora’s Box
you familiar with this mythology? If not yet,
well this will be an interesting one as it
contains several lessons which can be seen
in the real world. So class, the Ancient Greek
myth of Pandora's box tells the story of how
Prometheus gave the gift of fire to humans,
and as a result, he was punished by Zeus.
Prometheus escaped his punishment and as
an act of revenge, Zeus created a beautiful
woman for Prometheus to marry and called
her Pandora. Zeus then gave Pandora a box
and told her that the box contained special
gifts; however, she is not allowed to open the
box. Dying from curiosity, Pandora
disregarded Zeus’ words and excitedly
opened the box. As she opened the box, she
was terrified when evil spirits came out
spreading harm and conflict in the world .
Pandora immediately closed the box and the
only thing left inside was “hope”. This
symbolizes that not all is lost as there is still

What does it explain about the world? In this myth, class, the world after being
created by the Greek Gods, contained no
malicious element. It’s as if it is neutral. As a
result of Pandora’s curiosity when she
opened the box, evil spirits with malicious
intents sprang out! Bringing mischief, conflict,
illness, and despair throughout the whole
word. So class, in a sense, we can say that
there is evil now in the world because of what
Pandora did. However, “hope” is still left in

the box. Which means, in this world, if you

are in despair, you shouldn’t worry because
not all is lost. There is still HOPE.

What are the supernatural parts? Alright, class. Let’s talk about the
supernatural parts found in the myth. Other
than the existence of gods, did you know that
Pandora was molded from clay? And the
aspects of her beauty and personality came
from the gods as well. She was molded to
look like the beautiful goddess Aphrodite. She
received the gifts of wisdom, beauty,
kindness, peace, generosity, and health from
the gods. What else, class? The box for
example, it supernaturally contains worldly
elements which are destructive such as the
evil spirits and benevolence, just like the
“hope”. Lastly, we have the scene where all
the evil spirits spread throughout the world
and brought all kinds of malevolence to

Who are the characters; Gods, goddesses So class, we have Pandora, who is a human
and heroes? being. What about the other mythical
characters? In this mythology, the Greek god
of Lightning Zeus was mentioned as the one
who handed the gift to Pandora. Found in this
myth is also Prometheus the Greek god of
Fire, the husband of Pandora.

What are the important events? Now, class, let us tackle the important events
found in this mythology. Let’s talk about the
minor importance and major importance. The
minor important event in this myth is when
Zeus warned Pandora not to open the box. It
is a clear message that something untoward
will occur if she disobeyed the words of Zeus.
The major important event here was when
the time finally came where Pandora opened
the box out of sheer curiosity and because of
what she did, evil spirits spread throughout
the whole world which was once neutral and
containing no evil.

Why have you chosen this myth? At this point, the reason why I chose this

mythology as our discussion today, is for all

of you to realize the lesson this myth
contains. For example, the impact of
disobeying your elders. Similar to the story, if
your elders said something to you or
prohibited you from doing something, they did
that because it is for your own good. And if
you disobey their words, consequences
would come afterwards and you may not like
it. So it is always better to follow what your
elder says as long as it is for your own good.
Lastly, I would like to tackle how “hope” gives
lessons in this story. In Russian there's a
saying "Hope dies last". Similar in the myth,
“hope” hasn’t escaped the box. So even if
you are feeling sad or in despair, fear not as
hope will always come. Hope stays with us
humans. As long as there is tomorrow, hope
is there.

So class, our discussion ends here. I hope all

of you learned something from our lesson
today. See you again next meeting!

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