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Screen time spent Problem statement It was reported that Indians on

10 Aim: To test for significant difference between a sample mean and
14 hypothesised mean (X) 5.33
6 standard deviation (σ or S) 4.3066374861116
6 Z test 0.02071824195794
3 Hypothesis ho -> µ = 5.33
6 h1 -> µ > 5.33
2 Resut The calculated z value 0.0207 is less than the significant level of 0.0
2 Conclusion There is no significant difference between the smartphone screen ti
8 Procedure Step 1: Open the data file named: “Smartphone
2 Step 2: Select Formulas > Insert Function > Z.T
3 Step 3: Supply the following three arguments in
18 a.      Array is the data set. Sele
8 b.      X is the hypothesized mea
10 c.      Sigma is the value of the p
4 Step 4: Enter the values in the order in items a,
4 e) You will get the z value. Interpr
9 f) Also conclude if the smartphone
It was reported that Indians on an average spent 5.33 hours of screen time before the pandemic related lockdown. However, lockdown

ce between a sample mean and an assumed and hypothesized mean

s than the significant level of 0.05 (5%), showing that the null hypothesis should be accepted.
etween the smartphone screen time during lockdown period and pre-lockdown period.

he data file named: “Smartphone one sample.xls”

Formulas > Insert Function > Z.Test. This command returns the p-value associated with a right-tailed test
y the following three arguments in the dialog box:
a.      Array is the data set. Select the data from A2:A31
b.      X is the hypothesized mean (5.33) under the null hypothesis
c.      Sigma is the value of the population / sample standard deviation. If the population standard deviation is known, you may enter. Els
the values in the order in items a,b,c
You will get the z value. Interpret the results the way I have taught in the theory class. The value you estimate may be ‘z’, but decide whi
Also conclude if the smartphone screen time during the pandemic lockdown period has increased compared to the pre-lockdown period
ckdown. However, lockdown had mandated Work-from-home and Study-from-home thus increasing smartphone screen time. In order to

is known, you may enter. Else, excel will use the standard deviation of the sample.

ate may be ‘z’, but decide which statistic ‘z’ or ‘t’ should be used in this case.
o the pre-lockdown period
phone screen time. In order to test this, a survey was conducted among 30 households and the data are furnished from cells A2 to A31. U
nished from cells A2 to A31. Using excel, find if there is any signficanct difference between the sample mean and hypthesised mean
and hypthesised mean

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