Final - ECE - 140 - Booklet - Week 1 To 4

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ECE140 Field Placement 1

Welcome to ECE 140: Placement 1

My name is PURVI MANEK and I am your instructor for this course. Due to current pandemic situation of COVID 19,
you are unable to physically go to placement site, but this online learning component is designed to extend your
theoretical learning as a bridge towards direct application within the early learning and care sector.

This package contains important information about the course and about your schedule for the next four weeks.
Please take some time to read through the package carefully.

Here is what you will find in this package.

Content Page Number
Course Outline 1 -8
Rubric / Grading for Assignments 9
Rubric/ Grading for Discussion Forum 9
Schedule to Follow 10-11
Week 1 Detail Information ‘s 12-22
Week 2 Detail Information’s 23-33
Week 3 Detail Information’s 34-45
Week 4 Detail Information’s 46-56
References & Resources 57

Course Outline:
By the end of this course students will learn:

Overall Learning Outcomes Specific Learning Outcomes

1.0 Demonstrate engaged learning and 1.1 Demonstrate sustained focus during learning with the
preparedness for experiential learning ability to self-regulate
opportunities through in class learning 1.2 Demonstrate ownership of learning and utilize
experiences. respectful dialogue in communications with others
1.3 Discuss thoughtful ideas, reflective answers, and pose
relevant questions appropriate to learning
1.4 Demonstrate effective listening skills and respect the
contributions and opinions of others 1.5 Participate in
collaborative group learning
1.6 Construct independence and confidence to initiate and
complete tasks with limited prompting
1.7 Consistently and punctually attend all classes and as
1.8 Comprehensively complete all tasks assigned according
to deadlines as outlined by the faculty 1.9 Demonstrate
ability to self-regulate, self-motivate and effectively time
manage and self-organize
1.10 Contribute to a positive class environment 1.11
Construct a professional online presence both in class and
1.12 Demonstrate an understanding of supporting
children's developmental domains
1.13 Identify and describe key components of the How
Does Learning Happen? document
1.14 Recognize the College of Early Childhood Educators
Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice
1.15 Recall selected components of the Child Care and
Early Years Act
1.16 Describe responsive relationships and how they can
be supported on field placement
1.17 Distinguish between various observation and
documentation techniques and their appropriate uses
1.18 Discuss the importance and value of play-based
1.19 Review assignments and expectations of ECE 140
2.0 Demonstrate competencies and capabilities 2.1 Consistently and punctually attend all assigned
consistently while attending field placements in placement hours
early learning environments within the 2.2 Execute expectations of the student as outlined in the
community Field Placement Manual and Early Childhood Education
Program Handbook
2.3 Plan, implement, and comprehensively complete all
tasks assigned according to deadlines established by the
2.4 Demonstrate professional and presentable conduct
conducive to working with those of a vulnerable sector at
all times
2.5 Demonstrate competencies in supporting children's
well-being at all times
2.6 Display capabilities of safely and competently engaging
with young children, their families and respected agencies
2.7 Identify, select and apply relevant
legislation/regulations pertaining to the College of Early
Childhood Educators Code of Ethics and Standards of
2.8 Articulate and implement the legislation of the Child
Care and Early Years Act
2.9 Apply pedagogical ideologies of the How Does Learning
Happen? document and/or The Kindergarten Program
2.10 Engage in positive and respectful, responsive
relationships with children, families and professionals
2.11 Implement strategies to support a play-based learning
environment to support child development according to
the ELECT document 2.12 Employ a variety of observation
and documentation techniques
2.13 Administer effective and positive communication skills
verbally, non-verbally and electronically
2.14 Prepare and implement assignments and expectations
by deadline as requested
3.0 Demonstrate competencies and capabilities 3.1 Examine challenges faced while practicing in the field
to engage in authentic learning during class and discuss suitable strategies for problem solving
seminars 3.2 Engage in collaborative conversations with peers in
order to share experiences and techniques while
maintaining confidentiality
3.3 Explain how our beliefs shape our practices in creating
supportive and effective learning environments
3.4 Articulate the important connection between academic
study and the world of work
3.5 Analyze the role of the Early Childhood Educator in
supporting the needs of children
3.6 Investigate strategies to build responsive relationships
with children and families
3.7 Articulate the value in observation and reflective
practices to becoming an effective early childhood


This course contributes to the following Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities approved program
vocational learning outcomes (PVLO):

Early Childhood Education

1. Design, implement and evaluate inclusive and play-based early learning curriculum and programs that ECE140
2018-2019 Page 2 Field Placement II - Fundamentals of Practice Canadore College of Applied Arts and Technology
support children's holistic development and are responsive to individual children's and groups of children's
observed abilities, interests and ideas.
2. Establish and maintain inclusive early learning environments that support diverse, equitable and accessible
developmental and learning opportunities for all children and their families.
3. Select and use a variety of screening tools, observation and documentation strategies to review, support and
promote children's learning across the continuum of early childhood development.
4. Establish and maintain responsive relationships with individual children, groups of children and families.
5. Assess, develop and maintain safe, healthy and quality early learning environments which meet the
requirements of current legislation, agency policies and evidence-based practices in early learning.
6. Prepare and use professional written, verbal, nonverbal and electronic communications when working with
children, families, colleagues, employers, and community partners.
7. Identify, select and apply relevant legislation, regulations, College of Early Childhood Educators Standards of
Practice and Code of Ethics, policies and evidence-based practice guidelines, and interpret their impact on a variety
of early learning environments.
8. Apply a developing personal philosophy of early learning in accordance with ethical and professional standards
of early childhood education practice.
10. Engage in reflective practice, develop learning goals and maintain an ongoing professional development plan in
accordance with evidence-based practices in early learning and related fields.


This course contributes to the following Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities approved essential
employability skills (EES) outcomes:

1. Communicate clearly, concisely, and correctly in the written, spoken, and visual form that fulfils the purpose and
meets the needs of the audience.
2. Respond to written, spoken, or visual messages in a manner that ensures effective communication
4. Apply a systematic approach to solve problems
5. Use a variety of thinking skills to anticipate and solve problems
7. Analyse, evaluate, and apply relevant information from a variety of sources.
8. Show respect for the diverse opinions, values, belief systems, and contributions of others
9. Interact with others in groups or teams in ways that contribute to effective working relationships and the
achievement of goals.
10. Manage the use of time and other resources to complete projects.
11. Take responsibility for one's own actions, decisions, and consequences.


All materials for this course will be provided

This course is a pass/fail course. The grading will be based on the following elements:

Course Evaluation Methodology Due Date Percentage

1. On-line classes : Engagement, Participation. 100% As stated in All elements
attendance/punctuality is required. the weekly must be
2. Course Assignments must ALL be completed by the due Storyboards satisfactorily
date stated. Late assignments will not be accepted leading completed for a
to a failure Pass.
3. Adherence to expectations as outlined in the learning


Please be advised that this course is graded on a pass/fail contingency; therefore, all aspects of this course must
be satisfactorily completed by the specified deadline to successfully receive the credit

GRADING SYSTEM (For a detailed description please refer to the Academic Calendar)
A+: 90-100% B+: 77-79% C+: 65-69% D: 50-54% S - Satisfactory
A: 85-89% B: 73-76% C: 60-64% F: 0-49% I - Incomplete
A-: 80-84% B-: 70-72% D+: 55-59% F - Repeat course

*For a complete detailed description please refer to the College website.

Required: ECE Field Placement Manual, Early Childhood Education Program Handbook, Assignment Packages

Smartphone with camera and laptop may be required for accessing virtual/online content and participating in
learning experiences.
Additional course resources may be provided to students either online or through D2L

Resources listed on the course outline support the achievement of learning outcomes and may be used throughout
the course to varying degrees depending on the instructor’s teaching methodology and the nature of the resource.

Lecture Engaged Learning Groups Experiential Learning

This course may be delivered, in whole or in part, in a number of modalities, including in class, online, hybrid, in a
synchronous or asynchronous manner or a combination thereof, as per accreditation and/or regulatory standards
where appropriate.


All full-time programs of study at Canadore College strive to provide students with opportunities for experiential
learning and interprofessional education. This course provides students with both experiential learning (EL)
opportunities and interprofessional education (IPE) through: Work/Field Placement (EL) Core course content (IPE)
Work placements with other professions (IPE) Job Shadowing (EL) Work placements with other professions (IPE)


Canadore College is committed to the highest standards of academic integrity and expects students to adhere to
these standards as part of the learning process in all environments. The College's Academic Integrity policy seeks to
ensure that all students understand their rights and responsibilities in upholding academic integrity and that
students receive an accurate and fair assessment of their work. Please review the Academic Integrity policy (A-18)
and other academic policies found on our website:


Attendance refers to presence in scheduled classes. Attendance will be taken at every class.
Participation refers to student engagement in learning activity tasks that contribute to the achievement of
stipulated learning outcomes. Participation will be assessed, and will contribute to final evaluation

For further information on Academic Policies go to:

• Protecting human rights in support of a respectful college community
For college policies please see:


Your Success Matters! We provide student-focused services to facilitate students' success in their studies. Staff
provide support by reducing and/or removing educational–related barriers through accommodation planning with
students with disabilities, learning strategies, mental health, and wellness events. Visit our webpage to learn more:

Every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy of this information as of the date of publication. The college
reserves the right to modify, change, add, or delete content.


Students use course outlines to support their learning. Students are responsible for retaining course outlines for
future use in applications for transfer of credit to other educational institutions.


*alternate delivery methods may be provided due to COVID-19 restrictions


Course Overview

Course Title Field Placement l

Course Code ECE140 Semester # Location Online
Faculty Phone/Ext. Email
Total Hours 154 Version # Program ECE
Prerequisite Valid (issued within 6 months of the scheduled field placement) Criminal Reference
Check (CPIC) complete with a Vulnerable Sector (Level 3)
Immunization record form – plus Two Step TB test, Health and Safety Awareness in 4
ECE120, ECE111, ECE145 and ECE118
Students without the above noted materials completed by the deadlines as outlined
by faculty, will not be permitted to attend a field placement ECE 140.
Eligible for PLAR Yes
General No
Credit Value 4
Prepared By Purvi Manek Date:
Approved By Date:

Course Description
This course is broken down into three components inclusive of a placement preparation course, a field placement
with a licensed community early learning environment or school board, and weekly seminar sessions while
students attend placement. The scope of this course is to provide students with practical opportunities to
implement knowledge and skills gained from course instruction through experiential learning in a field placement
setting. This initial opportunity to practice will allow students to become comfortable and familiar with practices
supported in early learning environments. Field placement ll will carry a focus on supporting the well-being of
children, professionalism, observation skills, responsive relationships, and facilitating learning through play-based

Note that experiential learning, seminar information, instruction and discussion will occur online because of
adaptations required to address health and safety concerns generated by the COVID 19 Pandemic.

Important Contact Information

As you make your way through this course, you will have lots of support. Here are the people you can reach out to

Your Instructor: Purvi Manek at

Technical Assistance
If you experience challenges with the technology that is being used in your course (Zoom, for example), you should
contact one of the following people:

Priyank - Rameez -

Deep - Nilesh -
Course Expectations

 Students are expected to meet the deadlines and fulfill all course requirements.
 Students are expected to be active online as they would be in the classroom. Zoom session will be
organized as your Online Classroom.
 Periodically, you may get email announcements. Read the Announcements regularly, as these
announcements will often contain time-sensitive messages.
 Adhere to all Canadore college Policies

Grading for Assignments

Student’s responses will be marked “pass” or "fail” based on the rubric below throughout this course
for ECE 140. A passing grade on all assignments is required to successfully complete ECE140. Late
assignments will not be accepted leading to a “Failure”

Criteria Pass Fail

Content Followed the directions for the assignment and Did not follow directions for the assignment
adequately answered all questions and did not answer the questions fully
Critical Reflection is insightful and connects personal Reflection does not connect personal
Thinking interests/qualities to professional practice interests/qualities to professional practice
Reflection identifies goals for professional Reflection does not identify goals for
learning professional learning
Written Written as per assignment details Formatting has not been followed
Component Clear language is used Structure and format are unclear and misleads
Assignment is free from grammar and spelling delivery of the information
errors Unclear language used
Many spelling and grammatical errors

Grading for Discussions

Student’s responses will be marked “pass” or "fail” based on the rubric below throughout week 2 for
ECE 140. A passing grade on all assignments is required to successfully complete ECE140. Late
assignments/discussions will not be accepted leading to a “Failure”

Criteria Pass Fail

Quality of Appropriate comments in the main post: Minimum content in the main post, not
Main Post thoughtful, reflective, and respectful post according relevant to the topic
to the topic No main posting
Reflection identifies goals for professional learning Reflection does not identify goals for
professional learning
Relevance of Aware of needs of community and motivate the Minimum feedback with NO, YES response.
Post group discussion. Present creative approaches to No feedback provides to fellow student
Grammar and All post is clear and appropriate language used, free Structure and format are unclear and
English from grammatical errors and presented in a timely misleads delivery of the information
manner Unclear language used
Many spelling and grammatical errors
Where do I Start? - Schedule to Follow for ECE 140

To get started, please review the schedule you are expected to complete – and ensure that you are
prepared to participate in all Zoom meetings while in this course (ECE 140)

Schedule to follow

Schedule Schedule of Activities Due Date / Days/ Time

Day 1 Zoom Meeting Assignment #1 - X
Occupational Standards
for Early Childhood
Day 2 X Assignment #2 – X
Connecting is a Key
X Assignment #3– X
Day 3 Baby Exploring Toys
Day 4 X Assignment #4 – X
Policies & Procedure
X Assignment#5 – X
Day 5 Video reflection
Day 1 X X Assignment /
Discussion #6
ELECT (Principles 1,
2, & 3)
Day 2 X X Assignment /
Discussion #7
ELECT (Principles 1,
2, & 3)
Day 3 X X Assignment /
Discussion #8-
Infant’s Mental
Day 4 X X Assignment /
Discussion #9-
Positive connections
and lifelong learning
Day 5 X X Assignment /
Discussion #10-
ELECT Domains
Day 1 Zoom Meeting Assignment #11- Assignment
Look See Checklist /Discussions #11-
Self reflection

Day 2 X X Assignment /
Discussion # 12
Learning Stories
Day 3 X X Assignment /
Discussion # 13
Introduction to
Anecdotal Records
Day 3 X X Assignment /
Discussion #14-
Documents &
Anecdotal Records
Day 5 X X Assignment /
Discussion # 15-
Response to Parents
Day 1 Zoom Meeting X Assignment
/Discussions #16-
Journal reflection
Day 2 X X Assignment /
Discussion # 17
Journal reflection

Day 3 X X Assignment /
Discussion # 18
Journal reflection
Day 3 X X Assignment /
Discussion #19-
Relate Video to
Day 5 X X Assignment /
Discussion # 20-
Your observations &
Submission for file in D2L: While you submit your file in D2L, you will name it according to the week, day and

E.g.- -------- Week 1 – Day 1 - Occupational Standards for Early Childhood Educators
Week 1- Day 2 - Connecting is a Key


Week 1 – Day 1 – Learning Outcomes: Schedule of Activities

 -Discuss thoughtful ideas, reflective answers, and pose relevant questions appropriate to learning

 Always demonstrate professional and presentable conduct conducive to working with those of a vulnerable sector

 Analyze the role of the Early Childhood Educator in supporting the needs of children

Week 1 – Day 1 – Schedule of Activities

Week #1 Topic Lesson Activities Supporting Resources

Day 1 Introductions Occupational Standards for
1. Zoom Meeting
Overview of Week
Actively participate in Zoom Meeting - 2 hours Early Childhood educators
One http://www.ccsc-
- Introductions- Your expectations
Current challenges
- Review of current legislation and guidelines
in Early Childhood loads/ECE-Post-Secondary-
Education: - Status of placement students
Adapting to change - Discussion. During the Zoom meeting, we will be discussing
and the Pandemic. the following. Please come prepared to participate.
- What questions or experiences did you hope to have
while on Placement? What can you do under the current
conditions to achieve similar learnings online?
- Policy & Procedure
- Professionalism – Introduction to Code of Ethics and
Standards of Practice. Study to be completed through
Self-Guided learning for
- Review: Introduction and discussion about what 1) Codes
of Ethics, & Standards of practice from College of Early
Childhood Educators
2. Self-Guided Learning
Week #1 Topic Lesson Activities Supporting Resources

Read the Occupational Standards for Early Childhood Educators

Noted in the Resources.
Reflect on the Occupational Standards, in particular the
required Skills and abilities and Required Core Knowledge for
Early Childhood Educators.
3. Assignment #1:
Please refer to the instructions on the following page.

Week 1 – Day 1 – Assignment #1 Occupational Standards for Early Childhood Educators

Objective: The objective of this assignment is to encourage self-reflection, identifying qualities they you may believe will help you to become an
effective Early Childhood Educator working in a professional capacity.

Instructions to successfully complete this assignment:

Step 1
For this assignment, reflect on, and answer the following questions:
 Why do you want to work in the field of Early Childhood Education?
 What experiences have motivated you to choose this profession?
 What qualities do you possess that you believe will equip you to become an effective educator?
 What questions do you have about Early Childhood Education that you would like to investigate further?
 After reading through the Occupational Standards, what areas would you identify for your own professional growth?
Step 2
The assignment reflection should be written in paragraph form and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of each question. Please be sure that you
include your name & date at the top of your journal entry. Please cite all your sources of information using APA formatting.

Although the length of your submission does not necessarily equate to the quality of the assignment, expectation is that this assignment will involve
between 500 and 800 words. Please refer to the rubric for grading criteria.

Due Date
You should submit in appropriate drop box in D2L by the due date.

Responses will be marked “pass” or "fail” based on the rubric provides. A passing grade on all assignments is required to successfully complete ECE140.

Week 1 – Day 2 – Learning Outcomes:

 Describe responsive relationships and how they can be supported on field placement

 Demonstrate professional and presentable conduct conducive to working with those of a vulnerable sector

 Analyze the role of the Early Childhood Educator in connecting & supporting the needs of children

Week 1 – Day 2 – Schedule of Activities

Week #1 Topic Lesson Activities Supporting Resources

Day 2 Key speaker Video:
1. Self-guided learning
Dr Jean Clinton-
Watch a video: 14 min long
Connecting is the
Dr Jean Clinton - Connecting is the key
Read an article: The Power of Adult Child
Relationships: Connection is the Key by Dr Jean
Clinton & write your thoughts
Video: Connecting is the Key
2. Assignment #2
Respond in written format to the assignment
questions found below. All questions relate to
Article: The power of Adult Child
the video watched and article read

Week 1 – Day 2 - Assignment #2 – Connecting is a Key

Objective: The objective of this assignment is to encourage responsive relationship and how they can be supported in filed placement.

Steps to Complete the Assignment #2

Step 1
Watch a Video: Connecting is the key by Dr Jean Clinton
Step 2
For this assignment, reflect on, and answer the following questions:
 What are the characteristics of building positive relationships with children?
 As you move into your role as an RECE, how will you build positive relationships with children and families and why is it important to do?
 How might you modify your teaching style to foster development of these traits in the children you care for?
Step 3
The assignment / video reflection should be written in paragraph form and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of each question. Please be sure that
you include your name & date at the top of your journal entry. Please cite all your sources of information using APA formatting.

Although the length of your submission does not necessarily equate to the quality of the assignment, I expect that this assignment will involve between
500 and 700 words. Please refer to the rubric for grading criteria.

Due Date
You will submit your assignment in appropriate drop box in D2L by the due date.
Responses will be marked “pass” or fail based on the rubric provided. A passing grade on all assignments is required to successfully complete ECE140.

Week 1 – Day 3 – Learning Outcomes:

 Describe responsive relationships and how they can be supported on field placement

 Demonstrate effective listening skills and respect the contributions and opinions of others

 Analyze the role of the Early Childhood Educator while interacting with children

Week #1 Topic Lesson Activities Supporting Resources

Day 3 Video: Infants -
Baby Exploring
1. Self-guided learning
Toys Watch a video,
Description: Baby sits in front of several
Read Code of toys. The baby makes babbling sounds and
self sooths during video. The baby picks up
Ethics & Standards different toys individually and holds them,
of practice brings to their mouth, pats them
2. Assignment # 3 Link/YouTube: Baby Exploring Toys
Respond in written format to the assignment
questions found below. All questions relate to KvAoFvMEF0
the video watched.
Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice

Week 1 – Day 3 – Assignment # 3- Baby Exploring Toys

Objective: The objective of this assignment is to demonstrate competencies and capabilities consistently while attending field placements
in early learning environments within the community

Steps to Complete the Assignment #3

Step 1

Watch a Video: Baby Exploring Toys
Step 2
For this assignment, reflect on, and answer the following questions:

 List at least 5 ways this baby tries to get their parent to engage with her. There is at least 5 different ways she tries to do this.
 Why is it important for educators to read an infant’s cues accordingly?
 If you were an educator observing this interaction between the parent and the infant, what is one objective observation you would say and
share with the parent? Be concrete in your example. E.g. I would say to the parent, “Wow, look at the way Nicol holds the book. I can see
she uses both hands to hold the book.”
 What did you learn from “Code of Ethics & Standards of Practice?

Step 3

The assignment / video reflection should be written in paragraph form and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of each question. Please be
sure that you include your name & date at the top of your journal entry. Please cite all your sources of information using APA formatting.

Although the length of your submission does not necessarily equate to the quality of the assignment, I expect that this assignment will involve between
500 and 700 words. Please refer to the rubric for grading criteria.

Due Date
You will submit your assignment in appropriate drop box in D2L by the due date.
Responses will be marked “pass” or fail based on the rubric provided. A passing grade on all assignments is required to successfully complete ECE140.

Week 1 – Day 4 – Learning Outcomes:

 Recall selected components of the Child Care and Early Years Act
 Articulate and implement the legislation of the Child Care and Early Years Act
Week #1 Topic Lesson Activities Supporting Resources
Day 4 1. Self- Guided Learning Examples:
CCEYA – Policy and Complete an online search to find a Licensed ABC Day Nursery of Windsor – Parent Manual
Procedure Ontario Childcare Centre who has their Policy
Manuals and Procedure documents posted online or l_revised_may_2016.pdf
use one of the examples listed.
Read the document. Child’s Paradise Day Care Centre – Parent Handbook
2. Assignment #4 Kid Care Day Care -
Respond in written format to the assignment
questions found below. All questions related content/uploads/2013/03/Kidcare-Day-Policy-Handbook.pdf
to Policies and Procedures within a licensed
day care.

Week 1 – Day 4 – Assignment # 4- Policy & Procedure Manual

Objective: The objective of this assignment is to demonstrate competencies and capabilities consistently while attending field placements
in early learning environments within the community

Steps to Complete the Assignment # 4

Step 1

Complete and online search to find a Licensed Ontario Childcare Centre who have their Policy and Procedure documents online. Read through the

Step 2
Write a summary of the Policies and Procedures you have read.
This should include:
 The name of the Childcare Centre and their website

 The Policies you reviewed (may be listed in point form)
 Share FIVE policies you found most interesting and what surprised/interested you about the information
 Discuss the questions you would ask after reading the center’s policies as an educator

Step 3
The assignment reflection should be written in paragraph form and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of each question. Please be sure that you
include name & date at the top of your journal entry. Please cite all your sources of information using APA formatting.

Although the length of your submission does not necessarily equate to the quality of the assignment, expectation is that this assignment will involve
between 600 and 1,000 words. Please refer to the rubric for grading criteria.

Due Date
You will submit your assignment in appropriate drop box in D2L by the due date
Responses will be marked “pass” or fail based on the rubric provided. A passing grade on all assignments is required to successfully complete ECE140

Week 1 – Day 5 – Learning Outcomes:

 Engage in positive and respectful, responsive relationships with children, families, and professionals
 Analyze the role of the Early Childhood Educator in supporting the needs of children
 Always demonstrate competencies in supporting children’s well-being

Week #1 Topic Lesson Activities Supporting Resources

Day 5
1. Self-guided learning
Watch a video 1: Outdoor Play Yard Toddler
Outdoor Play Yard- Toddler Garden
Garden- Description: Parent made a garden out of materials around the home and resourced free Outdoor Play Yard- Toddler Garden-
h?v=Wl5FPGG4NaI items. Parent provided real life tools, like a
Video 2:
Click on the following video Watch a video 2: A Butterfly Landed on Me Title of Video: A Butterfly Landed on Me
provided from Videatives Description: An Educator along with a small
Streaming Service (VSS). group of Preschoolers explore real life
Title of Video: A Butterfly
Landed on Me

Link/VSS: 2. Assignment # 5 Respond in written format to the assignment Link/VSS:
ch?v=rJD8Nq971v4 questions found below. All questions relate to
the video watched.

Week 1 – Day 5 – Assignment # 5- Video Reflection

Objective: Engage in positive and respectful, responsive relationships with children, families, and professionals

Steps to Complete the Assignment # 5

Step 1

Watch a video: Outdoor Play Yard- &

Watch a video: A Butterfly Landed on Me

Step 2
Answer the following questions for video 1:
This should include:

 What natural materials would you gather for the toddlers to use on their outdoor playground? Provide a list of your materials.
 Where would you find these natural materials? Provide a list of 10 resources where you would find natural materials.
 Scenario: Parent arrives to pick up her Toddler at the end of the day and spots her child using a hammer to bang nails into a plank of
wood on the playground. Parent displays her concern by saying to you the Educator, “My Jenna is too young to be playing with a hammer
and nails. It’s too dangerous for her”! How do you respond to this parent knowing the benefits for children using “real life and natural”
materials? Be concrete in your example. E.g. I would say to the parent, “Wow, look at the way Jenna….” (write at least 5 ideas for this

Answer the following questions for video 2:

 Name a list of 5 books (include: Titles and Authors) you would provide in your book section after seeing child playing with butterfly

 Plan one activity for preschoolers after seeing this video be concrete why and how would you implement your activity

Step 3
The assignment reflection should be written in paragraph form and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of each question. Please be sure that you
include name & date at the top of your journal entry. Please cite all your sources of information using APA formatting.

Although the length of your submission does not necessarily equate to the quality of the assignment, expectation is that this assignment will involve
between 500 and 1,000 words. Please refer to the rubric for grading criteria.

Due Date
You will submit your assignment in appropriate drop box in D2L by the due date
Responses will be marked “pass” or fail based on the rubric provided. A passing grade on all assignments is required to successfully complete ECE140

As you have successfully completed Week 1,

Now you will start working for Week 2 Reflections & Discussions

Please Note: For week 2 you will reflect and write your viewpoints &
ideas in D2L- Discussion board.
1.You will write your viewpoint by 3:00 pm every day according to
the topic given and then answer/ respond to at least 3 post
provided by your classmates in discussion forum by 6.00 pm and
revert them back by 9.00 pm saying thank you.
2. For your response, only yes, I agree or no I do not agree will not
be accepted leading to a failure. You will be required to respond
in detail expanding on each viewpoint

Week 2 – Day 1 – Learning Outcomes:

 Identify and describe key components of ELECT Documents

 Apply pedagogical ideology to the Early childcare sector
 Articulate the important connection between academic study and the world of work

Week 2– Day 1 – Schedule of Activities

Week # 2 Topic Supporting Resources

Lesson Activities

Day 1 The Role of ECE’s

1.Reading - read Pgs. 1- 7 “Early Learning Framework
(ELECT)” Principles 1, 2, & 3

Reminder: You will be having discussions in D2L)
(If no ZOOM continues working on discussion)

2.Assignment / Discussion # 6
Respond in written format to the assignment/ discussion
questions found below. All questions relate to the ELECT

Week 2 – Day 1– Assignment/ Discussion # 6- ELECT (Principles 1, 2, & 3)

Objective: To demonstrate an understanding of the impact that an ECEs view of children has upon programming choices and children. To
make connections between viewpoints presented in ELECT

Steps to Complete the Assignment/ Discussion # 6

Step 1

Review and Reflect on the resources provided.

Step 2

Write a discussion post sharing your thoughts on the following questions.

This should include Principle 1
 What is your view of children?
 How do you make experiences and interactions meaningful to each child, based on their unique abilities, interests and life experiences?
 How will you do differently to include Principle 1 in a childcare?
Principle 2:
 Why do you think Partnership with families and communities are useful for child development?
 Write 3 ways how can you involve children in community & 3 ways how can you involve parents in their children’s learning.
Principle 3:
In what ways do we recognize, reflect and value the diversity of participating children, families, and communities?
 How do we show that we recognize the rights of children as citizens? What strategies do we use to support the distinct abilities and needs of
all children, and encourage peer interaction and meaningful play?

Step 3
The assignment/ discussion reflection should be written in paragraph form and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of each question. Keep your
discussions organized. You will initiate your post by 3.00 pm and by 9.00 pm you will respond to at least 3 fellow friend’s post on the due date.

You will cite all your sources of information using APA formatting.

Although the length of your submission does not necessarily equate to the quality of the assignment, I anticipate that this assignment will involve
between 400 and 500 words. Please refer to the rubric for grading criteria.

Due Date
You will submit your assignment / discussion in appropriate discussion forum in D2L by the due date
Responses will be marked “pass” or fail based on the rubric provided. A passing grade on all assignments/ discussions is required to successfully
complete ECE140

Week 2 – Day 2 – Learning Outcomes:

 Identify and describe key components of ELECT Documents

 Apply pedagogical ideology to the Early childcare sector
 Articulate the important connection between academic study and the world of work

Week 2– Day 2 – Schedule of Activities

Week # 2 Topic Supporting Resources

Lesson Activities

Day 2 The Role of ECE’s

1.Reading - read Pgs. 8-14 “Early Learning Framework
(ELECT)” Principles
Reminder: You will be having discussions in D2L
2.Assignment / Discussion # 7
Respond in written format to the assignment/ discussion
questions found below. All questions relate to the ELECT

Playing Lego:

Week 2 – Day 2– Assignment/ Discussion # 7- ELECT (Principles 4, 5, & 6)

Objective: To demonstrate an understanding of the impact that an ECEs view of children has upon programming choices and children. To
make connections between viewpoints presented in ELECT

Steps to Complete the Assignment/ Discussion # 7

Step 1
Review and Reflect on the resources provided.

Step 2

Write a discussion post sharing your thoughts on the following questions.

This should include Principle 4
 What is our image of children? What do we want for children?
 How do our plans address individual differences and abilities to ensure full participation?
 How do we organize the physical environment to support our goals?
Principle 5:
 What skills do you observe the children are demonstrating in the video?
 What questions are they exploring through their play?
 What could you do to extend the children’s learning represented in the videos?
Principle 6:
 How do you find a balance between recognizing a child's innate ability to discover and learn independently and knowing when to engage with
children to expand their thinking and deepen their learning?
 What strategies can you use to encourage and provoke children's exploration?

Step 3
The assignment/ discussion reflection should be written in paragraph form and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of each question. Keep your
discussions organized. You will initiate your post by 3.00 pm and by 9.00 pm you will respond to at least 3 fellow friend’s post on the due date.

You will cite all your sources of information using APA formatting.

Although the length of your submission does not necessarily equate to the quality of the assignment, I anticipate that this assignment will involve
between 400 and 500 words. Please refer to the rubric for grading criteria.

Due Date
You will submit your assignment / discussion in appropriate discussion forum in D2L by the due date

Responses will be marked “pass” or fail based on the rubric provided. A passing grade on all assignments/ discussions is required to successfully
complete ECE140

Week 2 – Day 3 – Learning Outcomes:

 Identify and describe key components about children’s Mental health

 Articulate the important connection between academic study and the world of work

Week 2– Day 3 – Schedule of Activities

Week # 2 Topic Supporting Resources

Lesson Activities

Day 3 Positive 1.Reading: Read about Chaya Kulkarni, Director of Infant

relationships with Mental Health Promotion from The Hospital for Sick Article: How does my Mental Health affect my Baby
children Children in Toronto. Dr. Kulkarni discusses the
importance of positive relationships and the impact on
early brain development.

Biodata about Chaya
Chaya%20Kulkarni.html Briefs/Maternal-Mental-Health-Fact-Sheet2019.aspx
Article posted in D2L
Video to watch
Title of Video: THE BABY BRAIN Title of Video: The BABY BRAIN
matters/brain-development/ matters/brain-development/
Read the article provided: How does my Mental Health
affect my Baby?
Article posted in D2L

Watch a video: Baby doll Circle Time

Reminder: You will be having discussions in D2L
Watch a video: Baby doll circle time
2.Assignment / Discussion # 8
Respond in written format to the assignment/ discussion
questions found below. All questions relate to the videos &
article provided

Week 2 – Day 3– Assignment/ Discussion # 8- Infant’s Mental Health

Objective: To demonstrate an understanding of the impact about Children’s Mental health and the Environment

Steps to Complete the Assignment/ Discussion # 8

Step 1
Review and Reflect on the resources provided.

Step 2

Write a discussion post sharing your thoughts on the following questions.

This should include:
 What did you learn from the video called “The Baby Brain”?
 Reflect and write how do educators support children’s mental health in the video, Baby Doll Circle time. Connect both the videos and answer
the question.

Step 3
 The assignment/ discussion reflection should be written in paragraph form and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of each question. Keep
your discussions organized. You will initiate your post by 3.00 pm and by 9.00 pm you will respond to at least 3 fellow friend’s posts on the due

 You will cite all your sources of information using APA formatting.
 Although the length of your submission does not necessarily equate to the quality of the assignment, I anticipate that this assignment will
involve between 300 and 400 words. Please refer to the rubric for grading criteria.

Due Date
You will submit your assignment/discussion in appropriate discussion forum in D2L by the due date
Responses will be marked “pass” or fail based on the rubric provided. A passing grade on all assignments/ discussions is required to successfully
complete ECE140

Week 2 – Day 4 – Learning Outcomes:

 Demonstrate an understanding of supporting children’s developmental domains

 Always demonstrate competencies in supporting children’s well-being

Week 2– Day 4 – Schedule of Activities

Week # 2 Topic Supporting Resources

Lesson Activities

Day 4 Connection is the 1.Reading: Watch Chaya Kulkarni’s video- Nurturing Your Video to watch
Key to Brain Child’s Early Brain Development (yesterday’s video) Title of Video: THE BABY BRAIN (yesterday’s
development AND vidoe)

2.Assignment / Discussion # 9
Respond in written format to the assignment/ discussion
questions found below. All questions relate to the videos &
article provided

Video to watch:
Title of the Video: Brain Development

Week 2 – Day 4– Assignment/ Discussion # 9 Positive connections and lifelong learning

Objective: To analyze the role of the Early Childhood Educator in supporting the needs of children and identify personal goals for
professional growth.

Steps to Complete the Assignment/ Discussion # 9

Step 1
Review and Reflect on the resources provided.

Step 2

Write a discussion post sharing your thoughts on the following questions.

This should include:
 Reflecting on yesterday and today’s videos, how does your role as an Early Childhood Educator shape a child’s early brain development
in this virtual world?
 How will you help infants develop healthy brain connections and guide children and implement positive guidance strategies which is especially
important for lifelong learning?

Step 3
 The assignment/ discussion reflection should be written in paragraph form and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of each question. Keep
your discussions organized. You will initiate your post by 3.00 pm and by 9.00 pm you will respond to at least 3 fellow friend’s posts on the due
 You will cite all your sources of information using APA formatting.
 Although the length of your submission does not necessarily equate to the quality of the assignment, I anticipate that this assignment will
involve between 400 and 500 words. Please refer to the rubric for grading criteria.

Due Date
You will submit your assignment/discussion in appropriate discussion forum in D2L by the due date
Responses will be marked “pass” or fail based on the rubric provided. A passing grade on all assignments/ discussions is required to successfully
complete ECE140

Week 2 – Day 5 – Learning Outcomes:

 Apply pedagogical ideology into real life circumstances

 Discuss the importance and skill of observation and implementing it

Week 2– Day 5 – Schedule of Activities

Week # 2 Topic Supporting Resources

Lesson Activities

Day 5 ELCET and domains 1.Reading: Review Child Development 1 course, Read
ELECT Document (pgs. 15 to 32)
AND Video to watch
Title of Video: An invented Game
Watch a video given 9ba9d3c234a99fb64aa7dbd8bfb35d

Reminder: You will be having discussions in D2L

2.Assignment / Discussion # 10
Respond in written format to the assignment/ discussion
questions found below. All questions relate to the videos &
article provided

Week 2 – Day 5– Assignment/ Discussion # 10 ELECT Domains

Objective: To demonstrate an understanding of the impact that an ECE’s view of children according to ELECT Domains

Steps to Complete the Assignment/ Discussion # 10

Step 1
Review and Reflect on the resources provided.

Step 2

Write a discussion post sharing your thoughts on the following questions.

This should include:
 After reading ELECT & reflecting on Child development course 1, write how many domains and sub-domains and a brief description about
After watching a video given write- which ELECT Domain/Skill stood out for you the most after observing this interaction with the three girls
(include ELECT Name and Number & page)? Provide examples why you chose this Domain/Skill?
 What other domains are influenced and why? (Include ELCET name, page and number)
 The Manager of this child care centre (the child care centre from this video) informs you (the student) that the RECEs have been providing
families with activity ideas that can be done at home with their children in the evenings and on the weekends. The Manager has asked
you to come up with a Sensory activity based on your observation of the interactions between the three toddlers. Consider what materials
the families may have at home or where they could access items that are free to little cost to promote their children’s sensory

 Create an information letter to go along with your activity for the parents to understand the importance of sensory experiences for

Step 3
 The assignment/ discussion reflection should be written in paragraph form and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of each question. Keep
your discussions organized. You will initiate your post by 3.00 pm and by 9.00 pm you will respond to at least 3 fellow friend’s post on the due
 You will cite all your sources of information using APA formatting.
 Although the length of your submission does not necessarily equate to the quality of the assignment, I anticipate that this assignment will
involve between 600 and 800 words. Please refer to the rubric for grading criteria.

Due Date
You will submit your assignment/discussion in appropriate discussion forum in D2L by the due date

Responses will be marked “pass” or fail based on the rubric provided. A passing grade on all assignments/ discussions is required to successfully
complete ECE140

As you have successfully completed Week 2,

Now you will start working for Week 3 Reflections & Discussions
 Assignments: You will complete your assignments according to
the instructions provided under each week/day.
 Discussions: You will write your viewpoint by 3.00 pm if required
on the same day according to the topic given and then answer/
respond to at least 3 post provided by your classmates in
discussion forum

 When you respond to your friends, simply yes, I agree or no I do
not agree will not be accepted leading to a failure. You will be
required to respond in detail expanding on each viewpoint

Week 3 – Course Content: Observation and Documentation

Week 3 - Learning Outcomes

By the end of this week, you should be able to:

 Demonstrate an understanding of supporting children's developmental domains

 Identify and describe key components of the How Does Learning Happen? document
 Distinguish between various observation and documentation techniques and their appropriate uses
 Employ a variety of observation and documentation techniques
 Articulate the value in observation and reflective practices to becoming an effective early childhood educator
 Relate principles of Indigenous knowledge to career field.
 Recognize and respect people’s diversity
 Openness to individual differences

Week 3 - Lesson Content

Week 3 – Pre-Week Assignment

In preparation for Zoom meeting, please complete the following activities.

1. Read Making Learning Visible Through Pedagogical Documentation, located at:

2. Then watch these three videos at:

 A Process of Study. 6:19 min.
 Making Thinking and Learning Visible. 2:58 min.
 An Ongoing Practice of Looking Deeper. 3:56 min.

All videos are located at:

Week 3 – Day 1 – Learning Outcomes:

 Distinguish between various observation techniques and their appropriate uses

 Employ a variety of observation and documentation techniques

Week 3– Day 1 – Schedule of Activities

Week 3 Topic Lesson Activities Supporting Resources

Day 1 Introduction to 1. Prior to Zoom meeting (IF NO ZOOM MEETING, THEN WORK ON Pre-Meeting Reading
and Observation Making Learning Visible Through
Pedagogical Documentation
Week 3 Topic Lesson Activities Supporting Resources
Read: Making Learning Visible Through Pedagogical Documentation.
See Supporting Resources for details. san-diego/pdfs/378-1020.pdf

Then watch a video:

 Making Thinking and Learning Visible
Discussion Videos via ZOOM

See Supporting Resources for details. These ‘Videatives’ videos are used during
the break-out discussions:
2. Zoom Meeting  “Young toddlers imitate each other”
 Opening Circle  “Why does the Rock fall from the
 Large Group Discussion: Cup?”
o Why do we observe and document children’s learning? How
does pedagogical documentation improve early learning Both videos are located at:
experiences for children? Families? Educators?
o 3 Steps to pedagogical documentation:
1. Observation
Observe for developmental benchmarks but also for 4
interest upon which to build/extend curriculum - type of
document we use will match our intent.
2. Documentation
When creating documentation, we need to “give
ourselves permission to be beginners” - Carole Anne

3. Interpretation
Each educator will bring their own viewpoint to the
process. Include student and parent perspectives

Use for planning group and individual activities

Week 3 Topic Lesson Activities Supporting Resources
 Break Out Rooms: ZOOM
In pairs, students will discuss the video and share
A. What they observed
B. How they could choose to document their observation
C. How would they interpret their observations (Connection to
D. What they would plan for the child(ren) based on their

NOTE: See Resources for Video Information

3. Assignment/ Discussion #11

Complete LookSee Checklist as per Assignment Guidelines below and

Discussion Forum

Week 3 – Day 1 - Assignment #11 – LookSee Checklist & Discussion Forum – Self reflection

Objective of this Assignment/ Discussion

To document children’s development using the LookSee Checklist.

Steps to Complete the Assignment/ Discussion

Step 1
Identify a child (preferably infant or toddler aged) for whom you can complete the checklist. This could be your own child, grandchild, relative or child
of a friend. You will observe a child from the above vidoe given (any one).You will provid the name and link of the video in your write up

Step 2
Download the LookSee Checklist appropriate to the child’s age at

Step 3
In partnership with the child’s parent, answer the checklist questions. Submit the completed checklist to the course facilitator. Please
note, to maintain child confidentiality, only the child’s initials and age should be included on the checklist.

Step 4
After submitting your assignment in appropriate drop box, you will self-reflect and provide below answers in discussion forum
Your thoughts about today’s videos, discussions with your class fellows and completing a checklist.
A. What they observed
B. How they could choose to document their observation
C. How would you interpret their observations (Connection to ELECT and HDLH?)
D. What they would plan for the child(ren) based on their observations

Due Date
You will submit your assignment in appropriate discussion forum in D2L by the due date. After submitting your assignment, you will also write
your reflection in discussion forum
 You will cite all your sources of information using APA formatting.
Although the length of your submission does not necessarily equate to the quality of the assignment, I anticipate that this discussion forum
(self-reflection) will involve between 300 to 400 words. Please refer to the rubric for grading criteria

Responses will be marked “pass” or fail based on the rubric provided. A passing grade on all assignments/ discussions is required to successfully
complete ECE140. Rubric for Assignments and Discussion Forum, both will be followed

Week 3 – Day 2 – Learning Outcomes:

 Distinguish between various observation techniques and their appropriate uses

 Employ a variety of observation and documentation technique
 Apply Pedagogical Documentations to our field
Week 3– Day 2 – Schedule of Activities

Week 3 Topic Lesson Activities Supporting Resources

Day 2 Learning Stories 1. Self-Guided Learning Resources for Self-Guided Learning
“Write a learning story” by Tom Drummond, located
Reading 1: “Write a learning story” by Tom Drummond at:
Reading 2: “Examples of learning stories” by Tom
Drummond “Examples of learning stories” by Tom Drummond

Be sure to pay special attention to the slide shows that

support “Examples of learning stories”
Resource for Assignment
See the Resources section for details.
Video: “To Catch a Balloon”
2. Assignment #12: Learning Story
Create documentation of a child’s learning using the
Learning Story format presented in the reading resources.

Objective of this Assignment #12

To create pedagogical documentation of a child’s learning and/or development using the Learning Story format.

Steps to Complete the Assignment # 12

Step 1
Review the following video: “To Catch a Balloon”

Step 2
 Create a learning story based on your observations of “Jack” in the video. The learning story should include the Learning Story Convention and
6 guides outlined in the Tom Drummond reading.
 You will cite all your sources of information using APA formatting.
 Although the length of your submission does not necessarily equate to the quality of the assignment, I anticipate that this assignment will
involve between 800 and 1000 words. Please refer to the rubric for grading criteria

Due Date
You will submit your assignment/ discussion in appropriate discussion forum in D2L by the due date. No discussion required only assignment

Responses will be marked “pass” or fail based on the rubric provided for assignments. A passing grade on all assignments/ discussions is
required to successfully complete ECE140

Week 3 – Day 3 – Learning Outcomes:

 Distinguish between various observation techniques and their appropriate uses

 Apply Pedagogical Documentations to our field and use anecdotal observation records

Week 3 – Day 3 – Schedule of Activities

Week 3 Topic Lesson Activities Supporting Resources

Day 3 Introduction to 1. Watch and read Videos for Today

Anecdotal Records 1. Anecdotal Records. 8:30 min. Located at:
 Videos on Anecdotal Records
 Video 1: Anecdotal Records. 8:30 min.
 Video 2: Writing Observations. 7:24 min. 69&v=gbchOgj5u9g&feature=emb_logo
 Notes: Anecdotal records are:

Written in the past tense

Written using objective (what we see and hear)

rather than subjective (what we think the child is 2. Writing Observations. 7:24 min. Start video at 1:45.
thinking or feeling) language (give examples) Located at:
Do not include any prior knowledge/information the
educator may have about the child

 Assignment # 13
After viewing the above videos:

Students can work to write an anecdotal record for View:

one of the following videos:
‘Videatives’ videos located at:
 Video 1 - Baby Boom on Drums
 Video 2 - Gracious Toddler – It Was Mine but Let
Me Help 9cd6e007420816d1015c77c9e84
 Video 3 - Social Clay
 Video 4 - Ready to Walk

(See Resources Section for Details)

 How their observation connects to ELECT

 Inferences

Objective of this Assignment #13
Practice using to use Anecdotal records in our field

Steps to Complete the Assignment # 13

Step 1
Review below videos located at Videatives

 Video 1 - Baby Boom on Drums

 Video 2 - Gracious Toddler – It Was Mine but Let Me Help
 Video 3 - Social Clay
 Video 4 - Ready to Walk

Step 2
 Students can use any one video out of 4 videos and write their Anecdotal records (complete the template provided by your instructor)
 You will cite all your sources of information using APA formatting.
 Although the length of your submission does not necessarily equate to the quality of the assignment, I anticipate that this assignment will
involve between 600 and 800 words. Please refer to the rubric for grading criteria

Due Date
You will submit your assignment in appropriate discussion forum in D2L by the due date. No discussion required only assignment submission

Responses will be marked “pass” or fail based on the rubric provided for assignments. A passing grade on all assignments/ discussions is
required to successfully complete ECE140

Week 3 – Day 4 – Learning Outcomes:

 Distinguish between various observation techniques and their appropriate uses

 Apply pedagogical ideologies of the How Does Learning Happen? Document

 Employ a variety of observation and documentation techniques

Week 3– Day 4 – Schedule of Activities

Week 3 Topic Lesson Activities Supporting Resources

Day 4 Anecdotal Records Self-Guided Learning Video for Assignment

1. Review the information on writing Anecdotal Anecdotal Record - Levi 18 months completing a
records from yesterday’s lesson puzzle. 2:21 min. Located at:
Assignment #14: Anecdotal Records 47&v=42AfHO9F9Eg&feature=emb_logo

Create an Anecdotal Record of your observations, based on

a video scenario. Use the template provided for the
Anecdotal Record. As your instructor to provide you with
the template. See the assignment below for details.

Week 3 – Day 4 - Assignment #14 – Pedagogical Documentation: Anecdotal Records

Objective of this Assignment

To create pedagogical documentation of a child’s learning and/or development using the Anecdotal Record format.

Steps to Complete the Assignment

Step 1
Review the following video:

Step 2
 Create an anecdotal record based on your observations of “Levi”, the child in the video. The anecdotal record should be completed using the
template. Ask you instructor to provide you with the template
 You will cite all your sources of information using APA formatting.
 Although the length of your submission does not necessarily equate to the quality of the assignment, I anticipate that this assignment will
involve between 600 and 800 words. Please refer to the rubric for grading criteria

Due Date
You will submit your assignment in appropriate drop box in D2L by the due date. No discussion required only assignment submission.

Responses will be marked “pass” or fail based on the rubric provided for assignments. A passing grade on all assignments/ discussions is
required to successfully complete ECE140

Week 3 – Day 5 – Learning Outcomes:

 Apply your professional understanding of different domains and respond to parents

Week 3– Day 5 – Schedule of Activities

Week 3 Topic Lesson Activities Supporting Resources

Day 5 Anecdotal Records 1. Self-Guided Learning Video for Assignment/ Discussion

Response to
Parents Review the video given called Video: Rubber Band Babies
Rubber Band Babies
Description: Two babies putting on and taking off Link/YouTube:
rubber bands on door handles and laughing DIoq1abDCY

2. Assignment/ discussion #15:

After seeing the video, you will answer the below

questions in appropriate discussion forum See the
assignment/ discussion below for details.

Week 3 – Day 5 – Assignment/Discussion #14 – Response to Parents

Objective of this Assignment

To use your professional skills to response to parents

Steps to Complete the Assignment

Step 1
Review the following video: Rubber Band Babies

Step 2
A parent picks up her twins at the end of the day at XYZ Child Care Centre. You, the Educator shows the parent the video (signed consent was
given by parent during registration) of the twins engaging in the “Rubber Band” play. The parent replies by saying, “I guess all they do here all
day is silliness”.

 How would you respond to this parent? Provide concrete details

 Provide examples how this spontaneous activity promotes the 5 areas of development (Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Cognitive, Language and
Communication and Social-Emotional). Provide one skill for each Developmental Domain.
 You will cite all your sources of information using APA formatting.
 Although the length of your submission does not necessarily equate to the quality of the assignment, I anticipate that this assignment will
involve between 400 and 500 words. Please refer to the rubric for grading criteria

Due Date
You will submit your assignment/ discussion in appropriate discussion forum by 3.00 pm and respond to others by 9.00 pm in D2L by the due
date. No assignment required only discussions.

Responses will be marked “pass” or fail based on the rubric provided for assignments. A passing grade on all assignments/ discussions is
required to successfully complete ECE140

As you have successfully completed Week 3,

Now you will start working for Week 4 Reflections & Discussions

Please Note: For week 4 you will reflect and write Assignments
and/or write your viewpoints & ideas in D2L- Discussion board.
 Assignments: You will complete your assignments according to
the instructions provided under each week/day.
 Discussions: You will write your viewpoint by 3.00 pm if required
on the same day according to the topic given and then answer/
respond to at least 3 post provided by your classmates in
discussion forum
 When you respond to your friends, simply yes, I agree or no I do
not agree will not be accepted leading to a failure. You will be
required to respond in detail expanding on each viewpoint.
Week 4 – Day 1 – Learning Outcomes:

 Identify and describe key components of the HDLH? Document

 Apply pedagogical ideologies of the HDLH? Document

Week 4– Day 1 – Schedule of Activities

Week 4 Topic Lesson Activities Supporting Resources

Day 1 How Does Learning 1. Self-Guided Learning -Part 1 Video for Assignment/ Discussion
Document Review the video given called Video: How Does Learning Happened. Located at:
1.1. Video Watch: “How Does Learning
Happen. 729808

2.2 Reading: “The Four Foundations of How

Does Learning Happen?” pg. 1-22 in How Does
Learning Happen
2.Assignment/ discussion #16:

After seeing the video, you will answer the below

Reading: How Does Learning Happen. Located at:
questions in appropriate discussion forum See the
assignment/ discussion below for details.

Week 4 – Day 1 - Assignment # 16 – Journal Reflection- HDLH – Part 1

Objective of this Assignment

To articulate the connection between HDLH? To reflect on how the provincial pedagogy & creates opportunity to bring teachings to mainstream in Early
Childhood programming.

Steps to Complete the Assignment

Step 1
Read the document “How Does Learning Happen “ located at & watch a video located

Step 2
Reflect on the answers below and write a discussion forum
 What do the four foundations mean? How could we see them implemented in an Early Learning Environment?
 According to the document children & families are considered as competent, capable, curious, and rich in potential. How will you justify this

You will submit your assignment/ discussion in appropriate discussion forum by 3.00 pm and respond to others by 9.00 pm in D2L by the due
date. No assignment required only discussions.
The assignment/ discussion reflection should be written in essay form and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of each question.

You will cite all your sources of information using APA formatting.

Although the length of your submission does not necessarily equate to the quality of the assignment, I anticipate that this assignment will involve
between 500 and 600 words. Please refer to the rubric for grading criteria.

Due Date
You will submit your assignment/ discussion in appropriate discussion forum by 2.00 pm and respond to others by 9.00 pm in D2L by the due
date. No assignment required only discussions.

Responses will be marked “pass” or fail based on the rubric provided for assignments. A passing grade on all assignments/ discussions is
required to successfully complete ECE140

Week 4 – Day 2 – Learning Outcomes:

 Identify and describe key components of the HDLH? Document

 Apply pedagogical ideologies of the HDLH? Document

Week 4– Day 2 – Schedule of Activities

Week 4 Topic Lesson Activities Supporting Resources

Day 2 How Does Learning 1. Self-Guided Learning -Part 2 Video for Assignment/ Discussion
Document Review the video given called Video: 1: HDLH – PLASP – Belonging
1.1. Video Watch: “How Does Learning
Video 2: HDLH- PLASP- Wellbeing
2.2 Reading: “The Four Foundations of How
Does Learning Happen?” pg. 23-34 in How Does
Learning Happen Reading: How Does Learning Happen. Located at:
2.Assignment/ discussion #17:
After seeing the video, you will answer the below
questions in appropriate discussion forum See the
assignment/ discussion below for details.

Week 4 – Day 2 - Assignment # 17 – Journal Reflection- HDLH – Part 2

Objective of this Assignment

To articulate the connection between HDLH? To reflect on how the provincial pedagogy & creates opportunity to bring teachings to mainstream in Early
Childhood programming.

Steps to Complete the Assignment

Step 1
Read the document “How Does Learning Happen “ located at & watch 3 videos
located at

Video: 1: HDLH – PLASP – Belonging

Video 2: HDLH- PLASP- Wellbeing

Step 2
Reflect on the answers below and write a discussion forum
 Which policies and procedures may you implement in your childcare which will help you establish relationships and ensure meaningful
participation of all children and families?
 How can your program put more emphasis on outdoor exploration and play that children?

You will submit your assignment/ discussion in appropriate discussion forum by 2.00 pm and respond to others by 9.00 pm in D2L by the due
date. No assignment required only discussions.
The assignment/ discussion reflection should be written in essay form and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of each question.

You will cite all your sources of information using APA formatting.

Although the length of your submission does not necessarily equate to the quality of the assignment, I anticipate that this assignment will involve
between 250 to 350 words. Please refer to the rubric for grading criteria.

Due Date
You will submit your assignment/ discussion in appropriate discussion forum by 3.00 pm and respond to others by 9.00 pm in D2L by the due
date. No assignment required only discussions.

Responses will be marked “pass” or fail based on the rubric provided for assignments. A passing grade on all assignments/ discussions is
required to successfully complete ECE140

Week 4 – Day 3 – Learning Outcomes:

 Identify and describe key components of the HDLH? Document

 Apply pedagogical ideologies of the HDLH? Document

Week 4– Day 3 – Schedule of Activities

Week 4 Topic Lesson Activities Supporting Resources

Day 3 How Does Learning 1. Self-Guided Learning -Part 3 Video for Assignment/ Discussion
Document Review the video given called Video 1: HDLH- PLASP- Expression
1.1. Video Watch: “How Does Learning
Video 2: HDLH- PLASP- Engagement
2.2 Reading: “The Four Foundations of How
Does Learning Happen?” pg. 35-45 in How Does
Learning Happen Reading: How Does Learning Happen. Located at:
2.Assignment/ discussion #18:
After seeing the video, you will answer the below
questions in appropriate discussion forum See the
assignment/ discussion below for details.

Week 4 – Day 3 - Assignment # 18 – Journal Reflection- HDLH – Part 3

Objective of this Assignment

To articulate the connection between HDLH? To reflect on how the provincial pedagogy & creates opportunity to bring teachings to mainstream in Early
Childhood programming.

Steps to Complete the Assignment
Step 1
Read the document “How Does Learning Happen “located at

& watch 3 videos located at

Video 1: HDLH- PLASP- Expression

Video 2: HDLH- PLASP- Engagement

Step 2
Reflect on the answers below and write a discussion forum
 How will you know children and families are fully engaged in your program?
 How can families have a strong voice in the program?

You will cite all your sources of information using APA formatting.
Although the length of your submission does not necessarily equate to the quality of the assignment, I anticipate that this assignment will involve
between 500 and 600 words. Please refer to the rubric for grading criteria.

Due Date
You will submit your assignment/ discussion in appropriate discussion forum by 3.00 pm and respond to others by 9.00 pm in D2L by the due
date. No assignment required only discussions.

Responses will be marked “pass” or fail based on the rubric provided for assignments. A passing grade on all assignments/ discussions is
required to successfully complete ECE140

Week 4 – Day 4 – Learning Outcomes:

 Use your observation skills to implement four foundations

 Apply pedagogical ideologies of the HDLH? Document

Week 4– Day 4 – Schedule of Activities

Week 4 Topic Lesson Activities Supporting Resources

Day 4 How Does Learning 1. Self-Guided Learning Video for Assignment/ Discussion
Document Review the video given called Video 1: Engaging with Babies & Toddlers
1.1. Video Watch Engaging with Babies And
2.2 Reading: “The Four Foundations of How
Does Learning Happen?”
2.Assignment/ discussion #19:
Reading: How Does Learning Happen. Located at:
After seeing the video, you will answer the below
questions in appropriate discussion forum See the
assignment/ discussion below for details.

Week 4 – Day 4 - Assignment # 19 – Relate Video to HDLH

Objective of this Assignment

To articulate the connection between HDLH and bring 4 foundations into practice

Steps to Complete the Assignment
Step 1
Read the document “How Does Learning Happen “ located at & watch a videos
located at

Video 1: Engaging with Babies & Toddlers

Step 2
Reflect on the answers below and write a discussion forum
 Mention your views about- Are educators implementing 4 foundation mentioned in HDLH document?
 If yes mention in detail how you see each foundation is implemented and if not how can you as an educator implement 4 foundations (be

You will cite all your sources of information using APA formatting.
Although the length of your submission does not necessarily equate to the quality of the assignment, I anticipate that this assignment will involve
between 400 and 500 words. Please refer to the rubric for grading criteria.

Due Date
You will submit your assignment/ discussion in appropriate discussion forum by 3.00 pm and respond to others by 9.00 pm in D2L by the due
date. No assignment required only discussions.

Responses will be marked “pass” or fail based on the rubric provided for assignments. A passing grade on all assignments/ discussions is
required to successfully complete ECE140

Week 4 – Day 5– Learning Outcomes:

 Use your observation skills to implement four foundations

 Apply pedagogical ideologies of the HDLH? Document

Week 4– Day 5 – Schedule of Activities

Week 4 Topic Lesson Activities Supporting Resources

Day 5 How Does Learning 1. Self-Guided Learning Video for Assignment/ Discussion
Document Review the video given called Video 1: Day care observation #2
1.1. Watch Video: Day care observation #2

2.2 Reading: “The Four Foundations of How

Does Learning Happen?”
2.Assignment/ discussion #20:
Reading: How Does Learning Happen. Located at:
After seeing the video, you will answer the below
questions in appropriate discussion forum See the
assignment/ discussion below for details.

Week 4 – Day 5 - Assignment # 20 – Your observations & HDLH

Objective of this Assignment

To observe and connect to HDLH – 4 foundations & domains into practice

Steps to Complete the Assignment

Step 1
Read the document “How Does Learning Happen “located at & watch a videos located

Video 1: Day care observation #2

Step 2
Reflect on the answers below and write a discussion forum
 What strategies did the Educator use to build on the children’s communication skills? Provide 2 examples of this.
 Scenario: Imagine you are the Educator in this video. One of the child’s dad arrives to pick him/ her up at the end of the day. You are
excited to share with the dad your observations of a child during today’s block play.
Describe in your words what you would say to child’s dad. What would you tell dad about child’s learning and development during the
block play? Consider all 5 areas of child’s development.

You will cite all your sources of information using APA formatting.
Although the length of your submission does not necessarily equate to the quality of the assignment, I anticipate that this assignment/discussion forum
will involve between 400 and 500 words. Please refer to the rubric for grading criteria.

Due Date
You will submit your assignment/ discussion in appropriate discussion forum by 3.00 pm and respond to others by 9.00 pm in D2L by the due
date. No assignment required only discussions.

Responses will be marked “pass” or fail based on the rubric provided for assignments. A passing grade on all assignments/ discussions is
required to successfully complete ECE140

References and Resources

The references and resources listed here, coupled with the course developer’s experience, have been used in the development of this module:

1. Association of Early Childhood Educators (AECEO). (2018).

2. Callaghan, K., Hale, F., Leonhardi, M.T., Lavalee, M. (2018). Decolonizing and Co-Constructing Contexts that Welcome Indigenous Practices and
Knowledges in Early Childhood Education. in AECEO Peer Reviewed Collection: Vol. 2, N. 1 (Spring/Summer 2018). Retrieved from:
3. College of Early Childhood Educators (CECE). (2017). Supporting Positive Interactions with Children. Retrieved from:
4. College of Early Childhood Educators (CECE). (2017). Code of ethics and standards of practice. Toronto.
5. Ontario. Ministry of Education. (2013). Capacity Building Series: Inquiry-based learning. (May 2013). Toronto: Author.
6. Ontario. Ministry of Education. (2020). Think, Feel, Act: Lessons from research about young children. Toronto. Available at:
7. Ontario. Ministry of Education. (2007). Early learning for every child today: A framework for Ontario early childhood settings (ELECT). Best Start
Expert Panel on Early Learning. Toronto.
8. Ontario. Ministry of Education. (2013). Ontario’s early years policy framework. Toronto. Retrieved from:
9. Ontario. Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. (2012). Early childhood education program standards. (December). Toronto: Author.
10. Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority. (2014). Intentional teaching in action: Camping at kindergarten. (July 2014). Queensland.
11. Rinaldi, C. (2004). In dialogue with Reggio Emilia: Listening, researching and learning. London: Routledge.
12. Virtual Lab School. Celebrating Infants and Toddlers. Available at:
13. Virtual Lab School. Infant and Toddlers Learning Environments: Schedules and Routines. Available at:
14. Virtual Lab School. Infants and Toddlers: Positive Guidance. Available at:


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