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Language and Literacy –ECE 110

Appropriate Literacy Experience – Create a text – (Test #2) (Individual/ Pair)

Value: 25%
Objective: The objective of this test is to create have a hands-on experience to make a literacy and
language rich book for children

o You will decide on an original, one-of-a-kind story to tell.
o You will be the authors and illustrators
o Your story will have 1 to 5 ppt’s of creative and age- appropriate written content
o Include simple pictures to look.
o You will submit your completed ppt in d2l, appropriate drop box by the due date.
o You will also write the moral of the story and why did you choose this story (benefit of this story)
o Be creative
o You will present your story and read in an appropriate way.
o You will get 7/10 minutes to present your ppt.

Marking Criteria:
Your story is original with Moral, pictures matched the story line and can
encourage Language and literacy skills in children /12
Presentation was creative and clear and group members were confident /13
while talking and stayed within the time frame

Total /25

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