Journal of Zoology - 2008 - Gartner - Adaptation in The African Egg Eating Snake A Comparative Approach To A Classic Study

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Journal of Zoology

Journal of Zoology. Print ISSN 0952-8369

Adaptation in the African egg-eating snake: a comparative

approach to a classic study in evolutionary functional
G. E. A. Gartner1,2 & H. W. Greene1
1 Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
2 Department of Biology, University of California, Riverside, CA

Keywords Abstract
Dasypeltis; egg eating; comparative methods;
Lampropeltis; selective regime; snake A key component to any adaptive hypothesis is that the adaptive trait in question
feeding. must confer a performance advantage and, in turn, an increase in fitness, relative to
those animals displaying the phylogenetically antecedent condition. Among the most
Correspondence striking purported adaptations in vertebrates are those found in the African snake
Gabriel E. A. Gartner, Department of genus Dasypeltis. These snakes are unique in that they eat bird eggs to the exclusion
Biology, 1208 Spieth Hall, University of of all other prey. Detailed functional morphological analysis dating back 50 years
California, Riverside, CA 92521, USA. has highlighted a suite of morphological features in the head and trunk region
Email: hypothesized to assist these animals in eating bird eggs, and yet no comparative
performance studies of egg-eating ability have ever been conducted in this group of
Editor: Tim Halliday snakes. The purpose of this study was twofold: first, we wanted to compare egg-
eating performance in Dasypeltis with a facultative egg eater, the common king snake
Received 7 January 2008; revised 19 March Lampropeltis getula. Second, we wanted to test the hypothesis that a selective regime
2008; accepted 20 March 2008 exists in Africa conducive to the selection and subsequent fixation of the hypothe-
sized egg-eating morphological adaptations. Our results show that a strong advan-
doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.2008.00448.x tage exists in egg-eating ability for Dasypeltis. The difference is so large (only large
Lampropeltis can eat small eggs) that analysis by analysis of covariance becomes
difficult due to problems with collinearity. Our results examining potential selective
regimes show that more birds lay eggs of a readily ingestible size in Africa than in a
representative region in the United States. Additionally, the largest radiation of
African ground-nesting birds existed in Africa before the colubrid explosion during
the Miocene, which gave rise to Dasypeltis, giving further support to previous
adaptive hypotheses regarding the unique morphology of these snakes.

snakes that facultatively feed on eggs, Dasypeltis specializes

Introduction in swallowing eggs, crushing and regurgitating the shell
Macrostomate snakes are among the most successful verte- within the esophagus, and swallowing solely the contents.
brate predators alive. They have evolved to feed on a myriad They are unique among snakes in this regard, with the
of prey types, ranging from small invertebrates to large possible exception of the Indian egg eater Elachistodon
mammals (Greene, 1997). Interestingly, snakes that eat westermanni, an extremely rare species hypothesized to eat
exclusively bird eggs are extremely rare (de Queiroz & eggs based solely on the morphological features of a few
Rodrı́guez-Robles, 2006). A recent hypothesis by de Queiroz preserved specimens (Gans & Williams, 1954).
& Rodrı́guez-Robles (2006) suggests that this paucity of Dasypeltis possesses two suites of morphological features
obligate egg eaters is simply due to historical contingency – hypothesized to be adaptive: those that circumvent the
that there are relatively few snakes that supplement their problem of ingesting and swallowing bird eggs and those
diets with bird eggs, and therefore the number of snakes that pertaining to breaching the packaging of the egg contents
evolved to specialize on bird eggs should be small. This themselves once ingested (Gans, 1952, 1974). Modifications
hypothesis, while accounting for important transitions in of the quadrate, supratemporal and dentary bones, along
dietary preference, does not offer support for potential with a reduction in the number of teeth, are all hypothesized
mechanisms leading to the fixation of obligate egg-eating to assist Dasypeltis in egg eating. In addition, anteroven-
behavior, or the fixation of certain morphological traits trally pointing vertebral hypapophyses on the 17th through
associated with egg eating. 38th vertebrae project into loose folds in the esophagus,
The six species of African egg-eating snake, Dasypeltis, which both mechanically prevent the egg from moving
eat bird eggs to the exclusion of all other prey. Unlike other further into the gut and assist in cracking the shell and egg

368 Journal of Zoology 275 (2008) 368–374 

c 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation 
c 2008 The Zoological Society of London
G. E. A. Gartner and H. W. Greene Adaptation in egg-eating snakes

membrane (Gans, 1974). The combined effect of the struc- Performance advantage
tural features in the head and neck of Dasypeltis would
appear to be adaptive, allowing Dasypeltis to eat larger eggs Ten Dasypeltis atra, wild caught in Uganda, ranging in age
than other snakes of similar size. from neonates to reproductive adults were acquired in May
Arnold’s (1983) Morphology ! Performance ! Fitness 2001 from Glades Herp Inc., Bushnell, FL. Two additional
paradigm provided both a conceptual and an analytical juvenile specimens were acquired from Glades Herp Inc., in
model by which to approach the study of adaptation. May 2002. Data from three additional specimens (two
The reproductive fitness of any organism is ultimately tied D. atra and one Dasypeltis scabra) were incorporated into
to how it performs in nature (e.g. escaping from a pre- the analysis in January 2007. Snakes were housed individu-
dator, defending territories, finding food or seeking ally in plastic ‘shoe box’-style containers measuring 29 
mates). Performance, in turn, is dependent on the syner- 16  9 cm. The substrate consisted of either paper towels or
gistic effect of numerous ‘suborganismal’ features, includ- shredded aspen bark bedding. Water was provided ad
ing aspects of morphology, physiology and biochemistry. libitum via a ceramic water dish. The snakes were kept under
Modern studies of adaptation (post Gould & Lewontin, constant environmental conditions (27 1C, 53% humidity,
1979) are fundamentally comparative (Lauder, Leroi & 11 h light/13 h dark). Eggs were offered twice monthly in the
Rose, 1993; Garland & Losos, 1994; Gittleman & Luh, form of domestically raised quail Coturnix japonica, finch
1994; Losos & Miles, 1994; Larson & Losos, 1996). Thus, Taeniopygia guttata, swallow Hirundo rustica or chicken
demonstrating a link between purported adaptive aspects eggs (Gallus domestica) both commercially raised jumbo
of suborganismal traits and performance in an organism and pullet eggs. Snakes were allowed to feed until satiated
(relative to others displaying the phylogenetically antece- (usually between two and four eggs). We used dial calipers
dent condition) is a critical first step in any study of to measure snake head lengths on 9 September 2001 and 23
adaptation. June 2002. Measurements were made by restraining the
Interspecific comparative studies in a phylogenetic frame- snakes manually, and then measuring the distance between
work are the only way to test hypotheses about the long- the tip of the rostral scale and the distal tip of the quadrate
term evolution of traits that do not fossilize (Baum & where it forms the joint with the compound bone. This
Larson, 1991; Garland & Adolph, 1994). In this paper, we measurement was chosen because morphological evidence
examine potential adaptive traits in the African snake, suggests that the lower jaw length is the limiting aspect of
Dasypeltis – continuing a classic case study in contemporary gape in snakes (Cundall & Greene, 2000). Experimental
evolutionary morphology (Gans, 1974) for which, paradoxi- feedings were limited to 1 month after measurement to
cally, explicit tests of performance and adaptation have not control for ontogenetic changes in egg-eating ability with
been published. First, we compare egg-eating performance increased size. Experimental feeding trials consisted of
in Dasypeltis and an ecologically and morphologically more offering eggs of increasing size until the snake could no
generalized colubrid snake Lampropeltis getula (henceforth, longer eat the egg. Egg types used for experimental trials
L. getula). Second, we test the selective regime hypothesis were the same as those used for the general maintenance
put forth by Greene (1997) that the abundance of small diet. Egg width at its widest point and egg length were
birds in Africa may play a role in the evolution of the egg- measured before feeding. When an animal ate all the eggs in
eating morphology in Dasypeltis. a given class, they were next offered the smallest egg in the
next size class up (i.e. from the largest finch egg, to the
smallest available quail egg). All feeding events were re-
Materials and methods corded, although only the largest single egg eaten was used
for analysis.
In August 2001, four adult L. getula wild caught by H. W.
Choice of an outgroup for comparison
Greene near Portal, AZ, were brought into the laboratory
Phylogenetic analysis of Dasypeltis using micro-complement for feeding observations, along with a long-term captive of
fixation and morphological characters (especially hemipenal the same species. King snakes were housed individually in
morphology and scutellation) suggests that Dasypeltis is a rack-style plastic boxes measuring 73  35  27 cm.
monophyletic clade, sister to the rat snakes (including king Shredded aspen bedding was used as a substrate. Environ-
snakes) and the racers (Lopez, Maxson & Dowling, 1993; mental and cage conditions were as noted above for Dasy-
Lopez & Maxson, 1995, 1996). The relationship between peltis. Snake head lengths were measured in September 2001
Dasypeltis and other African colubroid snakes remains and feeding trials began shortly thereafter. Snakes were not
unresolved, although Gravlund (2001) suggests a close fed for a period of 1 month before experimental feeding
affinity to the Boiginae. The sister relationship between trials to increase chances of egg predation. Snakes were then
Dasypeltis and the group that includes L. getula is conveni- offered quail eggs, four or five at a time, heated to the
ent for adaptive comparison. Lampropeltis getula lacks the 37.7 1C incubation temperature of quail eggs and presented
morphological specializations of Dasypeltis and L. getula in ceramic dishes. The individual L. getula were enticed to
frequently supplements its diet with eggs, making it an ideal investigate the eggs by smearing the eggs with the contents
choice for comparative studies with Dasypeltis (Greene, of eviscerated thawed mice (only after refusing unscented
1989). eggs on numerous occasions).

Journal of Zoology 275 (2008) 368–374 

c 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation 
c 2008 The Zoological Society of London 369
Adaptation in egg-eating snakes G. E. A. Gartner and H. W. Greene

The egg-eating performances of Dasypeltis and L. getula 30

were compared by one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)
with jaw length as the covariate in SPSSs (Ver. 11.0 for

Egg width (mm)

Macintosh). We compared three models: a full model 20
including a dummy variable for species, jaw length and the Dasypeltis
product of those variables (the interaction term); a reduced
model excluding the interaction term; and a reduced model 10
including jaw size (thus describing non-parallel slopes with a L. getula
single intercept).
10 15 20 25 30 35
Selective regime Lower jaw length (mm)
Data for the analysis of selective regimes were gathered from Figure 1 Regression of maximum egg size eaten versus lower jaw
the literature (Winterbottom, 1948; Reed, 1965; Harrison, length for both Dasypeltis and Lampropeltis. Analysis of covariance
1975; Walters, 1994; Baicich & Harrison, 1997; Tarboton, results must be interpreted with caution due to the minimal overlap in
2001). Details on bird nest geographical location, habitat head size between the two species. Nevertheless, the within-species
and egg size were collected for 690 native birds known to relationships are so strong that the overall result is clear.
nest in southern Africa (the region south of the Zambezi and
Kunene rivers, comprising Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe,
South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland and southern and central Table 1 Summary statistics for the three proposed regression models
Mozambique) and for 281 birds known to nest in the United
Standard error
States east of the Mississippi River. Bird nests were grouped
Model R2 of the estimate F
according to nesting habitat and location. In particular, we
Full model 0.947 1.4434 65.2
were interested in whether a significant difference existed in
Same slopes, different intercepts 0.931 1.5756 80.6
the relative abundance of eggs of an ingestible size between
Different slopes, same intercept 0.946 1.3946 104.6
those areas where Dasypeltis and L. getula are routinely
encountered. Both Dasypeltis and Lampropeltis are primar- Model 3, which excludes the interaction term, but includes jaw size, is
ily terrestrial foragers, but both will routinely enter shrub- most appropriate for our data.
bery in pursuit of prey. Therefore, we included nests in
burrows and shrubbery up to 3 m in height in the analysis
while excluding nests on floating pads in wetlands and nests Table 2 Correlation matrix of independent variables
on rocky cliff edges where these snakes are unlikely to forage
Egg radius Jaw length Species Interaction
actively for prey. We used kernel density estimates to
estimate distributions of egg sizes among only ground Egg radius 1.000 – – –
Jaw length 0.043 1.000 – –
nesters in the two regions, and again comparing all egg sizes
Species 0.593 0.815 1.000 –
for the two regions. Bandwidth was optimized using SAS/
Interaction 0.834 0.551 0.926 1.000
STATs software (SAS Institute Inc.) using the minimum
asymptotic mean integrated squared error criterion. Egg Model 1 is inappropriate for our analysis because of the extreme
sizes were not normally distributed. We used a Kruskall– correlation between the interaction term and species.
Wallis test to look for differences in mean egg size between
the two regions and a Kolmogorov–Smirnov test to examine
to the multicollinearity of the predictors, rather than any
differences in the relative distributions of egg sizes in Africa
one variable (species or jaw length) being a significant
and North America.
predictor of a snake’s ability to eat an egg of a given size.

Results Selective regime

Overall, there is no significant difference in the mean egg size
Performance advantage
between the two regions, although the relative egg size dis-
Figure 1 shows the within-species relationships in egg eating tribution between the southern African and the eastern United
between L. getula and Dasypeltis. All three models fit the States is marginally significant (mean egg size eastern United
data (P0.01; see Table 1 for summary). However, model 3 States= 24.292, mean egg size southern Africa= 23.187,
(which assumes different slopes but the same intercept) H= 2.58, P= 0.1081, D= 0.0975, P= 0.0453, see Fig. 2a).
appears to fit best, having among the highest R2, the lowest However, when the analysis is restricted to ground-nesting
standard error of the estimate and the highest F value birds only, there is a highly significant difference between the
(R2 = 0.946, SEE= 1.3592 and F = 46.6; see Table 1). The distributions of both the mean egg size and the relative egg size
full model is not appropriate because the interaction term in the two regions (mean egg size eastern United
and species are too highly correlated (see Table 2). In States= 26.729, mean egg size southern Africa= 22.009,
addition, the significant fit of the model is more likely due H= 11.23, P= 0.0008, D=0.2414, P= 0.0009, see Fig. 2b).

370 Journal of Zoology 275 (2008) 368–374 

c 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation 
c 2008 The Zoological Society of London
G. E. A. Gartner and H. W. Greene Adaptation in egg-eating snakes


Southern Africa
0.05 Eastern United States





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Egg width (mm)


Southern Africa Figure 2 Kernel density estimates for (a) all eggs
0.05 measured and (b) ground-nesting bird eggs only
Eastern United States
in the two regions. Both the mean egg size and

0.04 the relative distribution of egg sizes are signifi-

cantly different when the analysis is restricted to
0.03 ground nesters. More species lay small eggs in
southern Africa than in the eastern portion of the
0.02 United States (a) mean egg size eastern United
States=24.292, mean egg size southern
0.01 Africa=23.187, H= 2.58, P=0.1081, D= 0.0975,
P= 0.0453; (b) mean egg size eastern United
0.00 States=26.729, mean egg size southern
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Africa=22.009, H=11.23, P= 0.0008, D= 0.2414,
Egg width (mm) P= 0.0009.

We used our own feeding trials to estimate, roughly, the Discussion

largest egg that can be consumed by either Dasypeltis or
L. getula with a head length of 30 mm (56.19 and 16.15 mm Performance
diameter, respectively, using our experimentally generated
regression). Using this estimate of maximum ingestible egg Several generalist snake predators eat eggs; adult L. getula
size for adults of both species, we can determine the relative and many members of the rat snake genera Pantherophis (de
percentage of eggs that can be eaten by a given species in a Queiroz & Rodrı́guez-Robles, 2006) and Elaphe opportu-
specific regime. In southern Africa, Dasypeltis is capable of nistically feed on both eggs and nestling birds (Greene,
eating 98% (232 of 236 species) of the eggs it encounters 1997). These snakes, however, have no special behavioral
while foraging on the ground or in shrubbery. Contrast this or morphological features to assist them in the consumption
with L. getula, which is only able to eat 36% (33 of 92 of eggs. The Japanese rat snake Elaphe climacophora ingests
species) of ground-nesting bird eggs it encounters in the large eggs and has several anterior-facing vertebral hypapo-
eastern portion of the United States. Interestingly, Dasypeltis physes projecting ventrally toward the esophagus (Gans &
is capable of eating 97% (89 of 92 species) in the Oshima, 1952; Gans, 1974). However, E. climacophora
North American regime, while L. getula is capable of ingests the entire egg, including the shell (Gans & Oshima,
eating roughly 49% (115 of 236 species) of ground-nesting 1952). Only Dasypeltis specializes in ingesting large eggs,
birds when placed hypothetically in the African regime. then crushing the shell and retaining solely the contents.
The increase in the availability of eggs for L. getula when Our results show that a large performance advantage in
placed in the African regime becomes significant the consumption of bird eggs exists in Dasypeltis when
when discussing possible selective factors that could compared with a more generalized facultative egg-eating
lead to the fixation of adaptive traits associated with egg colubrid L. getula. The suite of adaptive morphological
eating in Dasypeltis. features clearly gives Dasypeltis an advantage when

Journal of Zoology 275 (2008) 368–374 

c 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation 
c 2008 The Zoological Society of London 371
Adaptation in egg-eating snakes G. E. A. Gartner and H. W. Greene

consuming even modestly sized eggs (such as quail eggs). (maximum egg size consumed) and the covariate (jaw
Although Gans (1952, 1974) distinguished between the length) between species. Only large Lampropeltis can eat
adaptive features of Dasypeltis that pertain to swallowing small eggs, whereas the maximum lower jaw length of even
and those that assist in manipulating the food item for large Dasypeltis just approaches that of our egg-eating king
packaging in the gut, it is the combined effect of the features snakes. Therefore, all ANCOVA models must be interpreted
that leads to the dramatic increase in swallowing ability. Our with caution. Nevertheless, the within-species relationships
observations of generalist snakes (Elaphe obsoleta, L. getula) are so strong that the overall result is clear. Further
attempting to swallow eggs have shown that, even for small examination of museum specimens of L. getula with eggs in
eggs, the snakes often struggle with the initial ingestion, with their stomachs would allow us to further quantify the
the egg tending to roll and slip out of the mouth. In addition, performance advantage between Dasypeltis and L. getula.
swallowing the egg after it has passed the distal tips of the
quadrate seems to pose significantly more problems for
Selective regime
generalist snakes than it does for Dasypeltis. In stark contrast,
Dasypeltis can not only eat massive eggs relative to its head Our data demonstrate that a potential selective regime exists in
size, but it does so – at least qualitatively – with relative ease. southern Africa that is conducive to the fixation of adaptive
A consequence of elongation in snakes is a reduction in traits associated with egg eating within ancestral populations of
head size relative to their bodies. Macrostomate snakes are Dasypeltis. The high incidence of ground-nesting birds provides
thus forced to ingest few, but relatively massive prey items the environmental context for the evolution of features that
(compared with their heads). Incompressible and slippery confer a performance advantage associated with egg eating.
prey items, such as eggs, pose special mechanical problems Demonstrating the presence of a selective regime – along
during feeding in snakes (Gans & Oshima, 1952; Gans, with a performance advantage and rejection of non-adap-
1974; Greene, 1997). The pterygoid walk (Cundall, 1983), tive hypotheses – fulfills a third requirement in claiming
associated with feeding in many macrostomates, is ill suited adaptation of a particular set of morphological or behavior-
to moving large eggs through the oral cavity, resulting in al features (Baum & Larson, 1991; Larson & Losos, 1996).
forces that tend to move eggs out of the mouth rather than Larson & Losos (1996) point out that a critical component
down the esophagus. It seems then that most facultative egg of the selective regime in inferring adaptation is that it must
eaters must eat numerous small eggs if they are going to arise in unison with the organismal feature being studied –
meet their energetic needs. Thus, while eggs may be an traditionally carried out by mapping the origin of the
opportunistic ‘treat’ of sorts, they are not effective as a proposed regime onto a phylogenetic tree. Mapping charac-
primary diet in most instances. ters may be possible with broadly defined regimes, such as
The comparative study and demonstration of a perfor- ‘arboreality.’ However, in highly specified regimes, such as
mance advantage lends further support to Gans’ initial the one in this study, it is nearly impossible. The avian
adaptive hypothesis. Further substantiation of adaptive families Fringillidae and Estrildidae are among the most
claims comes from rejection of non-adaptive hypotheses diverse and speciose lineages African bird faunas. These birds
(Baum & Larson, 1991; Larson & Losos, 1996) because the consist of small finches and weaverbirds that probably make
character may be present as a developmental artifact (Gould up the bulk of Dasypeltis’ diet. The African radiation of these
& Lewontin, 1979) or as a retained feature that no longer birds is estimated to have occurred roughly 24–26 million
confers an advantage in extant lineages (Greene, 1986). In years ago (Barker et al., 2004) while the colubrid explosion –
this study, the possibility of allometric artifacts (Carothers, which would include Dasypeltis – is thought to have occurred
1986) can be rejected because the presence of structural during the Miocene, 5–25 million years ago (Greene, 1997).
modifications, particularly in the skull of Dasypeltis, is These dates indicate that, at a minimum, the ancestral snakes
independent of both size and age (although see Gans, 1952, that gave rise to Dasypeltis evolved concurrently with the
1974 for a complete discussion). The structural modifica- massive radiation of small African birds that could provide
tions of Dasypeltis are a derived feature of the genus (Lopez ample food for an obligate egg-eating predator.
et al., 1993), as are the extreme modifications of the More work can certainly be done on the selective regime
vertebral hypapophyses (cf. Gans & Oshima, 1952, for a for egg-eating adaptations of snakes. Other aspects of
comparison with E. climacophora), and so they cannot be ecology, such as competition and prey density, may play a
the retained vestiges of a primitive character. This leaves role in the evolution of adaptive traits. Species number says
adaptive hypotheses as the most probable explanation. nothing of population density, which would be a more
The two sets of adaptations, in both the head and the accurate test of egg abundance. However, nest density data
vertebrae, work in concert, allowing Dasypeltis to not only for such a large number of species over such a broad
eat enormously large eggs but, by crushing and regurgitating geographic range are lacking. Therefore, species number
the eggshell, the snakes minimize the volume the eggs take must be used as a first-order approximation of egg avail-
up in the gut. Although the difference in egg-eating ability is ability. We have examined only a small sample of the
dramatic, the results must be interpreted with caution due to available biota in only two geographic regions. Further tests
the small sample size, particularly with L. getula. Further- of the hypothesis would entail examining bird faunas in
more, as shown in Fig. 1, the data indicate that there is only other regions of the world (Europe, Asia, South America
a minor region of overlap between the dependent variable and Australia).

372 Journal of Zoology 275 (2008) 368–374 

c 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation 
c 2008 The Zoological Society of London
G. E. A. Gartner and H. W. Greene Adaptation in egg-eating snakes

Acknowledgments Garland, T. Jr. & Adolph, S.C. (1994). Why not to do two-
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and by T. Garland, M. Turcotte and Brooke ‘Keen Bean’ gical morphology: integrative organismal biology: 240–303.
Keeney of the University of California, Riverside. Addition- Wainright, P.C. & Reilly, S.M. (Eds). Chicago, IL: Uni-
ally, the authors wish to thank A. Herrel of the University of versity of Chicago Press.
Antwerp for his comments and data on three Dasypeltis. Gittleman, J.L. & Luh, H.K. (1994). Phylogeny, evolutionary
T. Phillipi of Florida International University was especially models and comparative methods: a simulation study. In
helpful with the interpretation of selective regime data. K.D. Phylogenetics and ecology: 103–122. Vane-Wright, R.I.
Wiseman generously donated data on egg eating in (Ed.). San Diego: Academic Press.
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J. Schuetz, A. Hand and B. Berggren-Thomas of Cornell Marcos and the panglossian paradigm: a critique of the
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