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Big Bite Express

A Business Plan Presented To

Liceo De La Salle – University of St. La Salle
Bacolod City

Submitted To:
Kevin Julius P. Lopez, MBA

Submitted By:
Kheandra Frances Cepriano
Daphne Gavile
Marian Polanco
Peachy Marie Seva

December 18,2020

Table of Contents


Executive Summary 5

Introduction 6

Business Description 7

Vision Statement 7

Mission Statement 7

Goal 7

Business Objectives 7

Keys to Success 7

Product Description 8

Size of the Proposed Business 8

Personal Requirement 8

Environmental Analysis 10

PESTEL Analysis 10

Industry Analysis 11

Five Forces of Competition 13

Organizational Plan 14

Production Plan 20

Production Schedule 20

Production Process 21

Production Machine and Equipment 31

Operational Plan 37

Description of Company’s Operation 37

Evaluation of Suppliers 37

Materials Requisition and Receiving Procedure 37

Storage and Inventory Control System 38

Inventory Control System 38

Operations Flow 38

Marketing Plan 39

Business Profile 39

Situation Analysis 41

S.W.O.T Analysis 43

Marketing Objectives 43

Marketing Strategy 44

Target Market 45

Marketing Mix 45

Marketing Program, Schedule, and Action Plan 51

Marketing Budget 52

Financial Plan 55

List of Tables


1. Table 1. Number of Employees and Roles 9

2. Table 2. Planning Measurement and Evaluation Schemes 16

3. Table 3. Production Schedule 20

4. Table 4. Production Process 21

5. Table 5. Processing Plant and Equipment 31

6. Gannt Chart (Marketing Program, Schedule, and Action Plan) 51

7. Table 6. Marketing Budget 52

List of Figures

1. Marketing Budget – Pie Chart 53


Big Bite Express is a new food mobile business. It is designed with wheels and has no specific
location for the purpose of reaching out to more customers. The business offers quality and
affordable homemade foods.

This concept of business is unique compared to others since food trucks attract more customers
compared to street vendors and has become the latest fad among the customers.It allows the
owners to experiment with the location. Some restaurants rise and die with their location,
especially those that have poor management. But food trucks are immune to this problem; they
can easily choose their location and if the service does not seem to work well at a particular
location, you can easily move.

The owners are owned and managed by its five partners, namely, RholenCandaba,
KheandraCepriano, Daphne Gavile, Marian Polanco, and Peachy Seva. The capital will be
equally contributed by the owners and the rest is through a bank loan. The business aims to
increase its community outreach and increase the profit margin for the coming years of its
operation in the industry. Big Bite Express target markets are students, employees, and basically
anyone who wants quality and affordable foods.

Based on the size of the target markets, the sales projection for the first month will be Php
553,500.00. Big Bite Express commits to doing its best in serving its future customers and plan s
to aggressively build its client base through the use of social media, giving out of flyers, and


Big Bite Express is a food mobile business; it has no specific location and it is designed
with wheels to be more flexible in reaching out to their target customers. Big Bite Express
expects to capture the interest and loyalty of its target customers with its affordable and quality
homemade foods.

The company is equally owned and managed by its five partners. RholenCandaba,
KheandraCepriano, Daphne Gavile, Marian Polanco, and Peachy Seva, five of them are
inexperienced in the field of business but with the knowledge they possess as Accountancy,
Business and Management students they were able to put into practice their experiences and
knowledge in this business. Big Bite Express does not have an exact location but it can be seen
in areas near schools and offices – it transfers from one place to another depending on the
number of customers in that area. Through this, it is able to reach a number of customers with
different demographics. Big Bite Express aims to be well known for products they offered that
are affordable and made with quality ingredients.

The company intends to hire two full-time cook, one cashier that will be the driver at the
same time to handle customer service and day to day operations. Big Bite Express offers a broad
range of homemade foods; all ingredients used are fresh to ensure the high quality of products
that will be produced. Owners will ensure that the market or suppliers are good and reliable; this
is to ensure also the health and safety of our consumers.Big Bite Express guarantees the
customers that foods served will be new and are prepared during the day of operation to assure
fresh and quality foods.

Aforementioned, Big Bite Express is a food mobile, which will be a great advantage on
the business’ part. Since they will be able to travel from one place to another and will be able to
encounter a lot of customers and also one good way to market the products. Through this Big
Bite Express can increase their community outreach and can establish a large customer base.

Big Bite Express expects to raise Php 500,000 of its own capital and to loan money to the
bank with an amount of Php 250,000. The business anticipates sales of about Php 50,000 on year
one (1) and an increase of Php 10,000 in the next years. Profits for this time period are expected

to be approximately Php 25,000 in year one (1), Php 35,000 by year two (2) and so on and so
forth. The business does not anticipate any cash flow problems.


Vision Statement

To become the world’s leading food business mobile that offers a wide variety,
affordable, and high-quality homemade foods.

Mission Statement

Big Bite Express's mission is to offer exceptional and affordable homemade foods and let
the customers experience “home feels” when eating the foods offered and served.


Increase community outreach and increase profit margin.

Business Objectives

● To establish a good image, market presence is needed to support marketing and sales
goals to attract customers.
● To reach healthy monthly sales by the end of the year, and the average monthly sales
increasing modestly through the coming years.
● To establish a good rapport, gain the trust and loyalty of the customers.
● Have another food mobile by year three (3).
● To achieve double-digit profit margins.

Keys to Success:

The keys to our success will be:

a. High quality ingredients for high quality foods

b. Aggressive marketing (Distributing leaflets, posting posters, and social media marketing)

c. Skilled and friendly staff

d. Ask customers for recommendations and reviews

Product Description

Big Bite Express offers homemade foods at an affordable price. It is designed to be a

food mobile business to be flexible in reaching out to its customers especially that the movement
of the people right now is very limited due to the pandemic and some of them cannot easily go
out or are not allowed to go out from their homes because of lockdowns and to give convenience.
It has no specific location because it transfers from one place to another depending on the
number of customers in that area. It can also deliver foods with no delivery fee at your homes
through online or by calling their contact number 0906-0294-855. It has a Facebook page named
Big Bite Express so that it would be easy for customers to message them if they want to order
food. It is open from 9:30 AM until 5:30 PM from Monday to Saturday and 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM
every Sunday.

Size of the Proposed Business

Big Bite Express is a micro-business and is operating on a small scale. As a presumption

to start up the business, owners need Php 500,000 as capital to start up the business. This capital
will be spent on buying the automobile - a secondhand that is still in good condition- kitchen
wares, equipment, and ingredients for the first day of the business operation.

Personal Requirement

Big Bite Express needs 4 employees – 2 in the kitchen area to do the preparation and
cooking of foods, and 1 in the cashier area to facilitate the orders and money matters and one
driver. Their daily salary is Php 450.00. It is in accordance with the 2019 Wage Order No. RX-
20 which states that retailing or service companies with 10 or below number of employees
should have a minimum daily wage of Php 381.00 per day.

The requirements they needed in order for them to be hired are resume, NBI clearance,
and health certificate. Daphne Gavile, one of the owners of the business, will be the one to
administer their application and interview.
Table 1. Number of Employees and Roles

Number Employees Role

They are incharge of the

preparation and cooking of
2 Chef/cook
the foods. They will also be
the ones to buy the supplies
or other things needed in the

Responsible for driving and

delivering online orders.
2 Driver

Facilitating the financial

matter of everyday business

1 Cashier


PESTEL Analysis

This analysis is needed for these are the factors that the business needs to consider in
order to recognize the trends and changes in the environment and industry.

Political Factor

● Although Big Bite Express is a micro-business, the business must consider the tax
policies mandated by the government.
● The business should ensure that all legal documents - such as permits - were processed
first and the business was registered which allows it to operate the business.
● Allow the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to test the foods that will be served to
ensure the safety and health of the customers.

Economic Factor

● With the increasing labor costs, as the business will grow it will hire more workers and
higher government expectations for minimum wage.

Social Factor

● People who are health-conscious should be taken into consideration.

Technological Factor

● Since the use of technology is relevant in today’s society, Big Bite Express has a social
media page.

Environmental Factor

● In general, the environment is one of the concerns in every country.

● Since Big Bite will use an automobile as a form of transportation for traveling, the
business will use eco-friendly materials such as paper lunch boxes, eco-friendly utensils
that are reusable, and paper cups. Because these materials can easily be decomposed.

● In buying the ingredients, instead of having them in plastics, the business will use paper
bags and eco-friendly bags to lessen the use of plastics.
● The business should also consider the weather every day, having bad weather can greatly
affect the business operation.

Legal Factor

● Owners, especially workers, should know the safety standard on how the food should be
stored and prepared.
● It has to make sure that the business is not involved in breaking any employment rules.

Industry Analysis

Industry Description

The industry analysis will help the business determine the opportunities and threats that
can exist in a competitive environment. Big Bite Express belongs in the food industry. It will
also determine how the business will compete in the industry.


Food businesses since the pandemic have been affected by a lot of trends such as
economic, environmental, technological, and political. A lot of food businesses have been
switching from physical orders to online or calls. This also adds up to the cost or price of foods
that customers need to pay but for Big Bite, it does not have additional fees for deliveries. The
Philippines is also prone to calamities. It is also one of the factors that hinder the business to
reach out to some of its customers. With the rise of technology today, it would be easy for Big
Bite to provide the needs of their customer and to be efficient in their field for as long as they
have enough capital to support the equipment and materials needed. As for political trends, it
varies according to government policies and regulations. It would be somehow challenging for
the business to process legal matters since the owners are new to the industry with little
knowledge because they are still students. Also, health protocols due to the pandemic are very

Industry Size and Attractiveness

Delivery apps became popular today especially because some people are afraid and are
not allowed to go out of their homes. In the case of Big Bite Express, the business will be the one
to go to its customers. It is located in areas that have the most number of possible customers. It
sells homemade food that is affordable. It is because the majority of food deliveries are fast
foods in which most of its products are fatty foods which are unhealthy. It is not only after for
the wealth of the business but it is concerned with the health of its customers. With these, it
stands out from its competitors.

Profit Potential

Profit potential can be determined through the five forces analysis. Intensities of each
threat were determined and through these, it would be easy for the business to know the things
that it needs to improve or do to overcome these threats. As online food delivery continues to be
more popular, Big Bite can also adapt to this. It needs to appear to be unique to its customers by
selling healthier and affordable products. It also needs to satisfy its customers by being efficient
in the field. It can purchase equipment and materials that can improve their service and quality of
foods. A well planned strategic and tactical marketing is also needed to ensure that the business
can survive and earn profit.

Target Market

The target markets for Big Bite Express are broken into three categories:

● Students who want affordable and quality foods

● Employees who are saving up their salary and wants affordable and good food
● Basically anyone, consumers of all ages,status, and sex could be the possible customers
of the business.

Competitive position within target market

The Big Bite Express deals with direct, indirect, and future competitors. Direct
competitors are those who offer similar products, such as other food mobiles that are already
established. Indirect competitors are those food outlets that are in the same industry and have the
same target market as Big Bite Express. Future competitors are those who are not yet direct or
indirect competitors but could be any time in the future.

The biggest competitors of Big Bite Express are other food mobiles that sell the same
style of cuisine. Customers tend to buy products from businesses they are accustomed to. To
combat this, the business will ensure to offer a unique mix of options and through that, the
business will be able to reach different types of consumers.

Five Forces of Competition

Threats of New Entrant: Moderate

The threat of new entrants for Big Bite Express is moderate. The barriers, cumulative
experience, government policies, and brand loyalty are moderately high. The things that can
hinder the business are the challenges in processing the legal matters due to the pandemic and the
health protocols are very strict. Also, the knowledge of the owners is limited since they are only
in senior high school. But since they are grade 12 ABM students already, they can manage it as
long as there is proper planning, seeking of advice or guidance from experts, and coordination
with each other. As for the capital, it is high because the amount is too large for the owners
considering their socioeconomic status. In terms of the access of the business to the distribution
channels, economic scale, and switching, the level is low. The business is a mobile food business
which is very flexible in reaching out to its customers in different areas and although it has a lot
of competitors that are also up for food delivery may it be online or phone calls, the business can
still withstand the threats of new entrant because of its flexibility, unique features, and healthy
and affordable products.

Threat of Substitute Products: Moderate to High

The number of substitute products available for Big Bite is high. Customers can just
make their own food since the foods the Big Bite is selling are homemade. There are also
restaurants and pubs that offer the same products. However, there are still factors that moderate
this threat. Since the movements of people are limited due to quarantines and lockdowns, people
cannot go out easily from their homes to buy the necessities they need to cook their food. Aside
from that, the business offers quality products and excellent customer service.

Bargaining Power of Buyers: High

The bargaining power of buyers for Big Bite is high since delivery foods are prevalent
today. Also, the ingredients needed in cooking and preparing the orders are easy to find because
these are homemade. The price of products is also affordable for its customers and it has no
additional delivery fee, unlike Grab and Food Panda.

Bargaining Power of Suppliers: High

The bargaining power of suppliers is high. The business has its own supplier. It gets its
supplies directly from the farmers located in rural areas here in Negros like Don Salvador
Benedicto or San Carlos to lessen the expenses. If they will get supplies from the markets in
Bacolod like Libertad, the cost is already higher due to markups and other additional fees.

Competitive Rivalry: High

The intensity of competitive rivalry is high because Big Bite is a new venture and it still
needs to establish its name in the industry, unlike its competitors who are already in the business
for years and are well-known in the country. However, the homemade foods of the business, its
affordable price, unique features of the food truck, and flexibility give it some edge over its
competitors. Moreover, the space for Big Bite as a new player in the industry is an advantage for
the business since people usually prefer to try new things that they think can give them more
satisfaction and to keep them, Big Bite has to maintain its good name.


Legal Forms of Business

The form of business is a partnership. The owners are RholenCandaba, Kheandra Frances
Cepriano, Daphne Gavile, Mariano Polanco, and Peachy Marie Seva. The estimated amount they
need to start the business is Php 500, 000 which is good for the one-year operation of the
business. Each of them has to contribute a minimum of ₱50, 000to pool the starting capital
needed. The remaining amount will be financed through loans in the bank. Since the needed
capital is good for the one-year operation of the business, the length of partnership is also good
for one year. They will sign an agreement or contract as proof that they agree to be with the

business for one year. Through this, they cannot just withdraw their investment easily and it
ensures the security of the business. A termination of contract needs to pay half of their
investment to the business. Profits can only be withdrawn in the business at every end of the
month. The profit will be divided to them depending on their percent of contribution or
ownership but the losses or liability will be divided to them equally. In terms of incurring debt or
liability, each of them should inform first the co-owners. The decision and action to be made in
managing the business should come from the majority of the owners. If one of them will not be
able to inform her co-owners, she is the only one liable or accountable for that action or decision.
Each decision and action should be documented as proof that the majority of them agreed. Each
of them should state or include the name of their close family or heir so that in case of death,
they will inherit the ownership in the business.

Organization Structure

The business is divided into four departments which are the: human resource headed by
Daphne Gavile, finance headed by RholenCandaba, Marketing headed by Kheandra Frances
Cepriano and Marian Polanco, and Operation which is headed by Peachy Marie Seva. The
owners are the heads of each department to eliminate middle managers which delays the
communication process and it adds up to the expenses of the business because of their salary.
Through this structure, the owners will have a firsthand observation on how the business is doing
and it would be easy for them to identify the things that they are good at and the things that they
need to improve.
Under the Human Resource Department are the cashier, driver, and the two chefs.
Daphne will supervise them by reminding them of their daily responsibilities, organizing their
work schedule, evaluating their performance, and training them before they will do the actual
job. Daphne is also the one in-charged for their application.
The cashier is also under the finance department.
The marketing heads are responsible for promoting the business to achieve its objectives.
Marian and Kheandra will make the content and layout of the posters, flyers, and online ads.
They are also incharge of the public relation of the business. Kheandra is tasked to monitor the
online orders and delivery calls while Marian is tasked to update their social media account from
time to time. If one of them is not available, the other one will take over the responsibility

The drivers and the two chefs will be under the supervision of Peachy. The driver is
responsible for the safety of the team in traveling from one place to another especially if there
are deliveries. The two chefs are in-charge of the inventories and preparing and cooking the
Table 2. Planning, Measurement and Evaluation Schemes

Daily Goals Tactics Evaluation

 Open the business  Call time for employees is  Daphne will
on time. 8:30 am. promptly check
the attendance of
 A 5 will be
deducted to their
daily wage for
every minute that
they are late.
 Establish Good 1. Send advertising messages 1. Kheandra and
Relationship with its to every customer who Marian should be
customer. orders them online or thru able to encourage
 Promote the phone calls so that the at least 5
business to keep the business would be able to customers to order
awareness of keep their loyalty. online or thru
customers about it. calls.
 Provide quality  Peachy together with the  The quality of
service and product two chefs will check the tools, equipment,
to its customers. quality of kitchen tools, and ingredients
equipment, and ingredients passed the
and every day. standard set by the
 The kitchen is always business.
clean.  Storage area is in

 The ingredients are stored good condition.
properly.  Customers will
 Employees should serve rate the employees
the customers with a (no star as the
pleasing personality and lowest and three
fast service. stars as the
 There is a criteria set to lowest). Each
measure the cleanliness employee should
and quality of product and at least have 2
service provided by the stars.
 Be able to motivate  Provide assistance to  Each chef is able
the employees employees who are having to finish the
throughout their a hard time with their job. preparation and
work.  The lunch of employees is cooking of each
free. order 5 minutes
before the allotted
time is up.
 Reach the minimum  Customers who have a  The business is
sales or orders. minimum order worth able to serve at
500 will get a one free least 10
beverage. They will be customers
the one to choose their every hour of
own flavor and the type the operation.
of beverage they want.  Be able to sell
 Customers who at least 20
incurred an order ten orders per
times will receive a 5% menu.
discount to the total
amount they will pay.
 The business  The operation head  The business is

should be able to should be strict on the able to deliver
deliver all the allotted time for the the orders five
orders on time. preparation and minutes before
cooking of orders. the allotted
 There will be a time is up.
deduction of 2% of the
total amount of orders
to the wages of the


1. Employees who have perfect attendance at the end will receive an incentive of ₱5000.
2. If the business is able to reach at least 150 orders per menu everyday, all of them will
receive ₱5000 at the end of the year.
3. Best performing employee will receive an incentive worth ₱7500 at the end of the year.

Selection Criteria

1. Best Performing employee

 Garnered 3 stars from customerseveryday.
 Has perfect attendance.
 Has a rating of 5 star from the HR department
2. Cashier
 Should be at least a senior high school graduate.
 Preferably, an ABM student.
 Has excellent academic performance.
 Computer and financially literate.
 No health problems.
 18 years old and above.
3. Chefs

 Should at least be a senior high school graduate.
 Literate in using kitchen tools and equipment.
 Has excellent academic performance.
 No health problems.
 Preferably, a TVL student.
 Knows to cook at least 15 dishes.
 !8 years old and above.
4. Driver
 Has driver’s license.
 Should be at least a Senior High School Graduate.
 18 years old and above.
 No health problems.


1. Before the employees are designated to the actual job, they should undergone the training
supervised by the HR department.
2. Each year, there will be a team building headed by the HR department as a refreshment
and to come up with new ideas on how to expand the business.


Table 3. Production Schedule

Time Chef Menu Quantity Cost

1 hr. Chef 1 Preparation N/A N/A
1 hr. & 30 Chicken Adobo 20 servings/day 600
mins. Chef 1
1 hr. & 30 Pancit 20 servings/day 500
1 hr. & 30 Caldereta 20 servings/day 800
1 hr. & 30 Menudo 20 servings/day 800
mins. Chef 2
1 hr. & 30 Pinakbet 20 servings/day 500
1 hr. & 30 Chopsuey 20 servings/day 700
1 hr. & 30 Chef 1 Fruit Shake 40 glasses/day 500
1 hr. & 30 Chef 2 Juice 40 glasses/day 400
1 hr. & 30 Chef 1 Other dishes 20 servings/day 700
1 hr. & 30 Chef 2 Other beverages 40 glasses/day 600

The allotted time is just estimated because it will still depend to the number of orders per
day but for the quantity of each dish and beverage, the business should be able to produce and
sell at least 20 servings of dishes and 40 glasses of beverages. Chef 1 is tasked to do the
preparation and cooking of chicken adobo, pancit, caldereta, fruit shake, and other dishes. For
the fruit shakes, flavors available are mango, watermelon, melon, carrot, and strawberry. Other
dishes are dishes to be added in the menu in the future. Chef 2 is in-charged for the preparation
and cooking of menudo, pinakbet, chopsuey, juice, and other beverages. Available flavors for
juice are orange, lemonade, ice tea, and pineapple. Other beverages are for future beverage to be
added soon in the menu. The total budget needed per day to produce these products is ₱6, 100.

Table 4. Production Process

Menu Ingredients Instructions Equipment/Materials
Chicken Adobo 3 cup white In a shallow dish, combine Stove
vinegar the first 6 ingredients. Add
chicken; refrigerate, Measuring cup
3/4 cup soy sauce covered, 20-30 minutes.
Drain, reserving marinade. Measuring spoon
3 whole garlic Pat chicken dry.
bulb, smashed Pot
and peeled In a large skillet, heat oil
over medium-high heat; Knife
6 teaspoons brown chicken. Stir in
kosher salt Chopping Board
water and reserved
marinade. Bring to a boil.
3 teaspoon Peeler
Reduce heat; simmer,
coarsely ground uncovered, until chicken is
pepper no longer pink and sauce is
slightly reduced, 20-25
3 bay leaf
minutes. Discard bay leaf.
If desired, serve chicken
6 pounds bone-in
with cooking sauce.
chicken thighs or

3 tablespoon
canola oil

3 cup water
Pancit 24 ounces Break vermicelli in half; Stove
uncooked cook according to package
vermicelli or directions. Drain. Measuring cup
angel hair pasta
Meanwhile, in a bowl, toss Measuring spoon

pork with 6 tablespoons
3 pound boneless oil, garlic and 3/2 teaspoon Pot
pork loin chops salt. Place a large skillet
(1/2 inch thick), over medium-high heat. Knife
cut into thin strips Add half of the pork
mixture; stir-fry 6-9 Chopping Board
9 tablespoons minutes or until browned.
canola oil, Peeler
Remove from pan. Repeat
divided with remaining pork
12 garlic cloves,
minced In same skillet, heat
remaining oil over
3/2 teaspoons medium-high heat. Add
salt, divided onion; stir-fry 3-6 minutes
or until tender. Add
3 medium onion,
remaining vegetables; stir-
halved and thinly
fry 9-15 minutes or until
crisp-tender. Stir in pepper
and remaining salt. Return
6 cups shredded
pork to pan. Add
vermicelli; heat through,
tossing to combine.
3 medium carrot,

3 cup fresh snow


3/4 teaspoon
Caldereta 8 Tbsp oil Sauté garlic, onion, and Stove

9 Tbsp garlic, beef until beef turns light
crushed brown. Add liver spread
4/3 cup onion, and water. Bring to a boil Measuring cup
red, sliced then simmer for 1 hour or
2.6 kg beef, until beef is tender. Measuring spoon

shortribs, cut up
4/3 cup liver Add Del Mpmte Original Pot

spread Style Tomato Sauce,

potato, laurel leaf, salt, Knife
9 cups water
4 pouch DEL pepper, and silinglabuyo.
Chopping Board
MONTE Original Bring to a boil and turn
Style Tomato down heat to simmer. Cook
Sauce (250g) for 20 minutes.
4 cup potato, cut
into chunks Add green peas, bell

5 pcs bay peppers, and cheese. Bring

leaf/laurel leaf to a boil then simmer for

3 tsp salt 15 minutes or until

1 tsp pepper, vegetables are tender.

8/3 cup green
peas, cooked or
4/3 cup bell
pepper, red, cut
into strips
4/3 cup bell
pepper, green, cut

into strips
1 cup cheese,

Menudo 2 lbs. pork Combine pork, soysauce, Stove

and lemon in a bowl.
1/4 lb. pig liver Marinate for at least 1 Measuring cup
1 cup potatoes Measuring spoon
diced Heat oil in a pan
1 piece carrot Saute garlic and onion.
cubed Knife
Add the marinated pork.
1/2 cup soy sauce Cook for 5 to 7 minutes. Chopping Board

1/2 piece lemon Pour in tomato sauce and Peeler

water and then add the bay

1 piece onion leaves.Let boil and simmer
chopped for 30 minutes to an hour
depending on the
3 cloves garlic toughness of the pork.
minced Note: Add water as
1 teaspoon sugar

Add-in the liver and hot

3/4 cup tomato
dogs.Cook for 5 minutes.

Put-in potatoes, carrots,

1 cup water
sugar,salt, and pepper. Stir
and cook for 8 to 12
4 pieces hotdogs

sliced diagonally minutes.

2 tablespoons
cooking oil

2 to 3 pieces dried
bay leaves

Salt and pepper to

Pinakbet 9 tbsp avocado or Heat one tablespoon oil in Stove
vegetable oil a large skillet over medium
high heat. Add the shrimp Measuring cup
3 lb medium and cook until pink, about
shrimp , shelled 6 minutes. Stir in a Measuring spoon
and deveined teaspoon of shrimp paste.
Transfer cooked shrimps Pot
1 cup sautéed onto a plate and set aside.
shrimp paste plus Knife

1 teaspoon to Using the same skillet, heat

flavor shrimp Chopping Board
the remaining 6
tablespoons oil. Add garlic
6 cloves garlic , Peeler
and ginger; sauté for 3
chopped minute. Add shrimp paste,
stir for 1 minute. Add
3 thumb-size squash and water; cover
ginger , peeled and let simmer for 9
and julienned minutes.

3 lb banana Add the eggplant, bitter

squash , peeled, melon, okra and beans.
deseeded and

cubed Cover and let simmer for
another 30 minutes or until
3 cup water vegetables are tender.
Make sure to stir the
3 Chinese or mixture occasionally.
Japanese eggplant
, sliced into the Add the cooked shrimp,
diagonal (1-inch tomato and serrano
thick) peppers, if using; gently
stir and correct seasonings
3 bittermelon , with salt to taste.
halved, deseeded
and sliced into the Serve with steamed rice.
diagonal (1-inch

1 ½ lb okra

1½ lb green beans
, ends trimmed

3 tomato , cut into


6 serrano peppers

Kosher salt

Chopsuey 35 pieces shrimp Heat oil in a wok or pan. Stove

cleaned and
deveined Pan fry the shrimp for 5 Measuring cup

minute per side. Remove
15 ounces pork from the wok. Set aside. Measuring spoon
Saute onion. Add garlic Pot
15 ounces and continue to saute until
boneless chicken the onion becomes soft. Knife
breast sliced
Add pork and chicken. Stir Chopping Board
6 cup cauliflower fry until light brown.
florets Peeler

Add soy sauce and oyster

5 medium carrot sauce. Stir.
sliced crosswise
into thin pieces Pour water. Let boil. Cover
and cook in medium heat
60 to 75 pieces for 20 minutes.
snow peas
Add cauliflower, carrots,
30 to 40 pieces bell peppers, snow peas,
baby corn and young corn. Stir.

5 piece bell Add cabbage. Toss. Cover

pepper sliced into and cook for 10 to 15
squares minutes.

5 piece green bell Put the pan-fried shrimp

pepper sliced into into the pot and add ground
squares black pepper.

6 cups cabbage Add the boiled quail eggs

chopped and cornstarch diluted in

60 pieces quail water. Toss.
eggs boiled
Transfer to a serving plate.
5 piece yellow Serve.
onion sliced

20 cloves garlic

1 ½ cup soy sauce

5 tablespoons
oyster sauce

3¾ cup water

5 tablespoon
cornstarch diluted
in ½ cup water

1 teaspoon
ground black

15 tablespoons
cooking oil
Fruit shake 20 cup chopped Place the all the ingredients Blender
ripe in a blender.
mango/melon/wat Knife
ermelon Blend until smooth and
frothy. Measuring cup
10 cup low-fat


10  cup ice

5 cup plain low-

fat yogurt

20 tablespoon
Juice 3 cup white, Place the sugar and water Saucepan
granulated sugar in a small saucepan and
(can reduce to 3/4 bring to a simmer. Stir so Pitcher
cup) that the sugar dissolves
completely and remove Measuring cup
3 cup water (for from heat.
the simple syrup) Stirrer

While the water is heating

3 cup lemon or for the simple syrup, juice Knife

orange or carrot your lemons/orange/carrot.

juice Stove
Depending on the size of
the lemons, 12 to 18 of
6 to 9 cups cold spatula
them should be enough for
water (to dilute) one cup of juice.

Pour the juice and the

simple syrup sugar water
into a serving pitcher. Add
6 to 9 cups of cold water
and taste. Add more water
if you would like it to be
more diluted (though note

that when you add ice, it
will melt and naturally
dilute the lemonade).

Refrigerate 30 to 40

Table 5. Processing Plant and Equipment

Plant and Model Capacity Quantity Cost Store

Blender Hanabishi Super 1.5-liter glass jar 1 ₱1,210.00 Amazon/Imperial
Blender HJB326 Appliance
2 speed control
with pulse


Stainless steel

protector on

With safety lock

Powerful motor
for superior
Gas range La Germania FS Has 3 dynamic 1 ₱24, Amazon/Imperial
531 30BR gas burners and 1 098.00 Appliance

Capacity Is 49

Has thermostat

Built with glass

top cover and
designed with
100% porcelain
Knife Lotus Baths and dishwasher-safe 2 ₱1, Amazon
Kitchen Ultra- that effectively 078.00
sharp Kitchen resists chlorine

Knife bleach

very light and


made of pure
stainless steel
Measuring Cuisipro Set includes: 1/4 set ₱2, Amazon
cup cup, 1/3 cup, 1/2 000.00
cup, 1 cup

Made of sturdy
stainless steel

Oval shape with

straight sides that
allows you to
scoop ingredients
easily from
narrow containers
or canisters

Set nests for

storage and attach
to a removable
Measuring Cuisipro Set includes: 1/8, set ₱750.00 Amazon
spoon 1/4, 1/2, 1tsp and

Made of stainless


Oval shape to fit

into spice jars

Set nests for

storage and attach
to a removable
Cookware Set includes: 8- set ₱11, Lazada
in/20 cm and 10- 139.50
in/25 cm Frying
Pans, 1 Qt/ 0.9 L
and 2 Qt/1.9 L
Saucepans with
Lid, 3 Qt/2.8 L
Sauté Pan with
Lid, 3 Qt/2.8 L
and 6 Qt/5.7 L
Stock Pots with

Durable, hard-
anodized pots and
pans deliver
incredible heat
conduction and
scratch resistance

stainless steel


Angled side walls

on the saucepans
and stock pots
help liquids
evaporate quickly
and rounded
efficient stirring

Durable glass lids

make it easy to
check on progress
without losing

Rolled edges for

drip-free pouring
Chopping Elite Bamboo A dense cutting 2 ₱700.00 Lazada/ Shopee
board Cutting Board board that’s more
resistant to
bacteria thanother
wooden boards.

Made from 100%



Grooved sides to

capture liquids

21 x W 33 x H
1.8 cm
Utensils Wooden Utensils Set of 6 set ₱710.84 Shopee

Non Stick


Seamless Kitchen
Vehicle Suzuki Multicab Transmission is 1 ₱138, Suzuki store
2009 manual 000.00

Body type is van

Refrigerator Samsung 10.8 cu.ft. Two 1 ₱ 24, 845 Lazada or
RT29K5132SLTC Door Samsung
Digital Inverter

Twin Cooling
Laptop Acer Aspire 3 15.6-inch 1 ₱ 25, Acer or Lazada
A315-51 notebook with 000.00
Intel Core i3 or i5

Maximum of

12GB RAM +

With Windows
10 Home OS.
smartphone Vivo Y20i Non-removable 1 ₱ 7, Vivo Store
Li-Po 5000mAh 300.00

6.51” IPS LCD

720 x 1600 pixels

13MP, Rear

8MP, Front

4GB + 64GB


General Operating Hours

Big Bite Express opens at 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM every Monday to Saturday and 9:30 AM -
3:00 PM every Sunday. The four (4) employees - two full-time cooks and the cashier & driver -
will be the full time workers for everyday operation of the business.
Evaluation of Suppliers
In ensuring the quality of the products the owners are looking for suppliers that are good
with communicating, competent, committed, consistent, and keen when it comes to cleanliness.
Communication is the key in every relationship and when it comes to business this is also
essential. Suppliers should always be available when owners have questions and they

immediately respond to phone calls. Competency is important in the business industry. Suppliers
should be fully capable of supplying the demand of the business; they should have the capacity
to handle the requirements and can quickly deliver the needs of the business. Also, whenever
there is a fluctuation in supply how do they handle this kind of matter. They are committed to
providing high quality materials and consistent with their performance from the start. Lastly, the
most important aspect is keen when it comes to cleanliness. Since Big Bite Express is in the food
industry, it is the business top priority to ensure the cleanliness and quality of the food served
and it is the business’ duty to find partners or suppliers that would support them towards their
These qualities are the key to having a harmonious customer-supplier relationship and as
well as to guarantee the quality and continuous operation of the business.

Materials Requisition and Receiving Procedure

In materials requisition, Peachy will be in charge of this matter. She is responsible for
listing down all the materials needed for every day operations; whether it is the ingredients or
kitchen wares. After doing so, she has to hand out the material requisition to the finance
department, which will be handled by Rholen, and Rholen has to approve the budget needed for
the expenses. The operations head will have to contact the suppliers to inform them of the
needed materials, she has to take note of the date these materials were ordered. The basis for
receiving the materials are; they have to be in a good condition, wrapped in a good container,
and no defects. Peachy is also in charge of checking if all materials are complete and if they are
in good condition. All receipts will be kept by Rholen for transparency purposes. For this matter
both Operations and Finance Head will work together.
Storage and Inventory Control System
At the end of every day operation, all materials and ingredients need to be stored. All
materials and ingredients will be stored in the house of one owner and the truck will also reside
in their house to avoid additional expenses. The Operation and Finance head will also be in
charge of this. The Operation head has to make sure that all materials used for every day
operation are in good condition, clean and there are no defects to steer clear of accidents. For the
ingredients left, she has to ensure that they are stored in clean containers to avoid perishable
goods. The finance department is in charge of the inventory. She has to make an itemized list of

materials and supplies left every day.
Shipments System and Control
Big Bite Express also accommodates online deliveries. Customers can order online
through messaging the facebook page. The facebook page will be managed by the marketing
team. If a customer orders online, the marketing team will have to report the orders to the human
resource head and it is her duty to convey the message to the cooks. As for the shipment of the
orders, the driver will deliver the orders to the designated address. The payment will be received
when the goods are already delivered.
Functions of Support Services
These departments are important in the acquisition, processing, and shipment of goods to
the customers. They play different roles in ensuring the continuous everyday operation of the
Finance plays an important role in every business. Rholen will take charge of this matter.
She is responsible for handling the financial matters; from the budget planning, recording the
expenses of every day operation, keeping the receipts, handing out the wages of employees, and
managing the inventory.
Marketing plays a vital role in promoting the business and as well as achieving the
business’ mission. Kheandra and Marian are in charge in this department. They will work hand-
in-hand for editing the marketing materials and oversee the printing of flyers and leaflets that
need to be distributed. Moreover, they are responsible for handling the social media pages of the
business, managing and reporting the online business to human resources, and lead the deliveries
of the goods.
Operation this department is focused on every day operations. Peachy will run this
department. Her role is to communicate with the suppliers and make sure that the goods ordered
were in good quality and condition. In addition to that, she is also responsible for storing the
goods unused.
Human Resources this department is responsible for managing the employees. Daphne
will be in charge in this matter. She will supervise the employees, in training them when it comes
to dealing with customers, and remind them of every day responsibilities. If for instance an
employee will be absent, she is in charge of finding a substitute for that day. This department
will work with the marketing department when there is an online order and she will

communicate it with the employees.

Business Profile

Big Bite Express

Big Bite Express was planned and brainstormed in year 2020. It is a new business venture and
aims to provide quality and affordable homemade foods. It was planned by the Grade 12 ABM
students, RholenCandaba, KheandraCepriano, Daphne Gavile, Marian Polanco, and Peachy
Seva. The business is designed with wheels to be more flexible in reaching out to different
Our passion in serving others through these homemade foods drives us to excel and do well in
our business. And it defines our mindset and energizes our business.

To become the world’s leading food business mobile that offers a wide variety, affordable and
high quality homemade foods.


Big Bite Express mission is to offer exceptional and affordable homemade foods and let the
customers experience “home feels” when eating the foods offered and served.

We care deeply about people: our own people, our suppliers and customers, and the communities
in which we belong in.
We take seriously of our responsibility to the environment through our actions we contribute
towards creating a better place for future generations.
 Conduct business with integrity and fairness.
 Focus on customer’s needs.
 Continuously train our employees and improve our processes.

 Provide quality products and services.
 Reward employees on merit and promote teamwork.
 Maintain safe and healthy working environment.
Why choose Big Bite Express?

Big Bite Express is a great place to eat, combining an intriguing atmosphere with excellent, interesting
food. The mission is not only to have great tasting food, but have efficient and friendly service because
customer satisfaction is paramount. We want to be the restaurant choice for all families and singles,
young and old, male or female. Employee welfare will be equally important to our success. Everyone
will be treated fairly and with the utmost respect. We want our employees to feel a part of the success of
Big Bite Express. Happy employees make happy guests.

We will combine menu variety, atmosphere, ambiance, and a friendly staff to create a sense of ‘place’ in
order to reach our goal of overall value in the entertainment experience. We want fair profits for the
owners, and a rewarding place to work for the employees.

To remain true to our customers, we have forgone the use of centralized kitchen like many restaurants
we see that they prepares semi-ready foods only to be heated up and served to their customers. We honor
the customers by providing them with the freshest, most delicious, and authentic meal experience
Current Marketing Situation
Big Bite Express offers homemade foods at an affordable price. It is a mobile food business that aims to
serve those people who cannot go out from their homes. Its market opportunity today is bigger because
food apps like Food Panda and Grab are prevalent where people will just order their food in just a click
for convenience and due to the fact that their movement is limited because of the pandemic. It does not
have specific location where they will put up the business because it transfers from one place to another
where there are a lot of possible customers. Also, people who cannot go out from their homes can still
avail their product thru online orders in their FB page and calling them in their contact number so that
through these, social media users and even those who are not can still avail their product. Their target
audience is anyone who is in Bacolod. It aims to have a customer of 100-250 customers per day to
ensure that the company will reach its goal and is able to earn every day. Its competitors are the Food

Panda, Grab, Jollibee Delivery, and other businesses who offer delivery at homes. Big Bite Express is
still better than them because aside from food delivery, people can still buy from them on the spot and
they are more flexible than them and their products are healthier compared to fast food chains because it
is homemade.

Competitive Analysis

Comparing Your Service or Product

Big Bite Express is a mobile food outlet that aims to provide delicious, authentic, and homemade food at
an affordable price served in consideration for convenience! With the need for good food served fast,
most food services just prefer to cook their food earlier and just heat it up or even dare to serve it cold.
This causes an unpleasant experience for customers since everyone loves their food fresh and piping hot.
In Big Bite Express, we ensure that the food we serve is freshly cooked and we do our best to provide
the fastest service possible for everyone! Others offer street food or hours-before cooked homemade
meals which reduce their freshness. People may opt to go to fast-food restaurants for a quick meal,
however, why bother eating something deep-fried and unhealthy when you can get a more delicious,
fresher, and healthier option at an affordable price?

Market Positioning

With the rising need for convenience, Big Bite Express decided to be mobile to be able to reach more
customers and cover more area. Aside from that, we also do deliveries through the usage of social media
to place orders. People can now get their food delivered at their doorstep without the hassle of having to
install a specific third-party app and the fear of an expensive delivery fee. Since most food outlets are
fixed and only street food that only offer snacks and not a complete meal can afford to be mobile, Big
Bite Express can reach more people and gain more potential customers than the rest of the competitors.
Our utilization of online communication to get orders and have them delivered also enables even those
who are in their homes to buy our products.

Unique Methods

With the use of social media and good words from customers by providing excellent service would
certainly promote the business to other people. Also, being able to move from one place to another
builds our reputation and increases popularity among different communities. Once a customer enjoyed

our products and services and they seek it, even if we are not in their area, they can still order through
online communication and transactions. With this, Big Bite Express is accessible to almost everyone.

Marketing Leverage

With other food outlets placing themselves in a single particularly popular area, a single bad day could
incur a lot of loss. Big Bite Express however is very flexible and could move around. With this, the
chance of having a bad day in the business is decreased as we can just adjust if we are not doing well in
a certain area. With a business that can be well known in various areas and with online promotional
tools, Big Bite Express could certainly have leverage in building a good reputation and loyalty with a
good number of customers.


- Budget- friendly
- Fast service.
- Can deliver anywhere.
- We offer fresh products.


- Lack of trainings
- Lack of large capital
- New in the industry


- Promo or combo meals

- Uniform for workers.


- Other competitors
- Weather/ calamities.

Marketing Objectives

These objectives will be the business’ direction in achieving their goals. The goals are as follows;

 Increase sales revenue

 Grow market share
 Maintain the cost and operation under tight managerial expertise so that the mission of our
venture can be satisfied.
 Launch new products or services
 Provide quality homemade foods to the locality
 Modify menu and other services with the change in consumer taste, market demand and
competitors' strategy.
 Enhance customer relationships
 Extend the business in different locality if the acceptability of our menus meets our prior
 Increasing Brand awareness/Loyalty
 Improve Customer Satisfaction
 Improve Social Media Reach

Marketing Strategy

The business’ goal is to provide quality, delicious, homemade food at the customers’ own
convenience. However, the existence of these type of businesses are not new and are plenty. Through
marketing efforts, product introduction and development, and market expansion, the business’ aims to be
well-known and loved by the people.

Online advertisement and social media utilization will be a key tool in promoting the business’
products and services. With the business also allowing placing of orders online to be delivered in the
customer’s home, there’s an easier access to our products and services. To reach a multitude of
customers, the business will mostly utilize the social media platform Facebook as it is the most
commonly used in the country. However, other social media pages and accounts will also be created
such as in Instagram for increased promotion of the business. People of all ages and background will be
able to view the business’ offers and will be able to easily avail them. Social media platforms such as
this will be able to reach out to a great number of potential customers. Taking the pandemic into
consideration, online transactions would be a great way to minimize contact and risks and customers will
still be able to avail their desired food with precautionary measures undertaken of course.

Aside from social media, the business’ is a mobile food cart which makes it easy to transfer
locations and reach more customers from different areas. Positioning the business on a street or area with
a high density of people would increase the chance of gaining a customer. Places such as downtowns,
school or office zones, and tourist attractions are great examples. To spread the name of the business
even further, highly populated puroks, barangays, subdivisions or villages would also be dropped by.

With many competitions in the food industry, a business like this need something that will make
it stand out from the rest. It has been decided that the business, with utmost effort and dedication, would
provide delicious, appetizing and fresh food at an affordable and reasonable price. In creating a dish that
would be put in the menu, it would be necessary to take a taste test with a few people close to the owners
of the business and ask for their unbiased and honest opinion. Their feedback would be very significant
to the improvement of the food served or will be served as the business’ aims to be known in terms of
serving food with great taste and quality. The business also aims to satisfy current demands of the
market hence it will also seek the feedback of present customers and study trends and demands of the
market and have a flexible list of offers in terms of food.

Target Market

The target market of Big Bite Express is students, employees and others who can afford our
product within Bacolod City. It won’t be heavy for a student to buy a product that only ranges to 10-100
pesos and also for an employee that earns thousand a month. We aim to also focus to anyone who has a
limited budget and also children who has a capacity to afford or to buy our product.

Marketing Mix


Product is one of the most important components of the Big Bite express. The business offers homemade

food for their customers. Their best sellers are adobo, caldereta, menudo and chopsuey.

Dishes from the menu combos are also the bestselling items of Big Bite Express. Combo meals make
customer feel like they are getting a quality meal for a good price. Big Bite Express allows customers to
build their own combo meal, offer them a choice of starters and drinks and match them with the main
dish. For customers who are price conscious, the business creates small portions of combo meals at
lower prices.

In terms of quality, Big Bite Express maintains high quality products. Big Bite Express procures raw
materials from reliable and trusted suppliers only. These raw materials are processed under carefully
maintained environment to maintain high and consistent quality of the products.


The business uses a wide range of pricing techniques to sell their products. Value pricing, going rate,
cost plus pricing, price discrimination, and loss leader are some of the popular pricing techniques used
by Big Bite express.

The overall aim of Big Bite Express is to provide food at a competitive value driven price for the

The price of each dish ranges from 50 pesos to 100 pesos. For combo meals, the price ranges from 100
pesos to 150 pesos.


The marketing mix of Big Bite Express also places an essential focus on people development and people
building. This is because Big Bite Express realizes the importance of employees in building strong
customer relationships. Big Bite Express develops its employee and people by focusing on the following


●Big Bite Express makes sure that all employees undergo regular training sessions for skill development
and enhancement

●Trainings are not the only field related, but also focus on essential management and organizational


●Training sessions and activities also identify with the employee's own needs of progression,
development and growth

●All training sessions and activities designed and carried out by Big Bite Express take into consideration
business goals and objectives, as well as employee's personal goals and aspirations

●Big Bite Express, therefore, tries to develop the employee as an organizational member, as well as an

●All training is engaging, and hands-on so that employees do not only learn but also experience

Organizational ownership

●Big Bite Express works on strengthening the organizational commitment in its employees

●Big Bite Express builds employee loyalty so that people can reflect their optimal best at work

●Big Bite Express also understands that satisfied employees will lead to happy and satisfied customers

●Big Bite Express regularly shares different reward programs for employees, so that their organizational
commitment and ownership is enhanced

●Big Bite Express also includes employees in decision making at different managerial levels, and
regularly takes their feedback for different projects and products– which also work towards building
organizational ownership.

Motivation building

●Big Bite Express employees are the face of the organization

●Big Bite Express are motivated through the exciting and creative organizational culture

●Employees are motivated through different reward programs and bonuses that Big Bite Express

●Another source of motivation is appreciation programs where management appreciates and

acknowledges the work and performance of different employees


Big Bite Express places high importance on the placement of its products because it directly relates to
accessibility for consumers.

The business is designed with wheels; thus, it has no specific location because it transfers from one place
to another depending on the number of customers in that area.


●Big Bite Express has developed an operational website for online order placement and order tracking

●Big Bite Express also encourages sales through social media portals, where the company takes orders
through direct messages

●Online retailing, and using the internet to make sales has boosted the sales for Big Bite Express and has
also increased the accessibility of its products for consumers.


The marketing strategy for Big Bite Express places high importance on the promotional tactics and
strategies used. The promotional strategies allow the business to interact with the consumers and
influence them directly. Big Bite Express uses the following tactics in its promotional mix:


Advertisements are the most notable among Big Bite Express promotion tactics. The business uses radio,
print and online media.

Sales promotions

Sales Promotions are used to draw more customers. For example, Big Bite Express offers discount
coupons and freebies for certain products and product bundles, as a way of attracting more consumers.

Public relations

Public relations activities help promote the business to the target market through goodwill and brand


Digital marketing

●Big Bite Express has corporate profiles on all social media websites and portals

●Big Bite Express uses its social media presence to directly, engage with consumers

●This direct engagement and interaction allow the business to understand the customers, their needs and

●Big Bite Express uses this feedback and incorporates it in its broader marketing and organizational

● Big Bite express also maintains a corporate website – which highlights business information,
product information as well as information regarding any ongoing campaigns and sales


Big Bite Express has organized and systematic processes in place to make sure that the business
experiences consistent growth.


●All operations at Big Bite Express are clearly defined and communicated to the employees

●Big Bite Express makes sure that employees are well trained, and knowledgeable of all processes
relates to operations

●All stages of operational processes focus on maintaining a high quality level and standard of the

●The use of online portals for operational processes also builds a strong backup for managerial

People Management

●Big Bite Express has defined guidelines regarding recruitment, training, compensation management,

and performance appraisal of employees

●All people related processes are not only communicated to the management, but also to employees to
create a sense of transparency, and an environment of trust

●Progressive people management systems and processes have allowed Big Bite Express to keep its
workforce motivated and happy – which reflects in satisfied customers

Quality maintenance

●Big Bite Express has defined policies and processes for managing and maintaining quality

●All products undergo triple quality checks to ensure that customers receive the best product

●The quality maintenance department has experts who make sure that not only the final product but also
the processes involved in producing the product were infused with quality.


Store design

●The store design and management for Big Bite Express is exciting and creative

●The store design is important for Big Bite Express because it controls the level and nature of
experience and interaction that the customers have with the product and the brand


●Big Bite Express has unique packaging, which is different from others.

●The logo for the company is simple, and recognizable by the consumers easily

●The packaging of the products is sophisticatedly done and matches the brand image developed and
maintained by Big Bite Express

Website design

●The website design is simple and easy to use

●Big Bite Express has a customer friendly user interface which allows easy navigation and

understanding of its various product offerings

●The corporate website of Big Bite Express also has the brand logo, and is packaged similarly to the
products offered by the business

●The design patterns, and color change on the website with changes to the product packaging to match
various campaign needs and sale offerings

Marketing program, schedule, and action plan

Gantt Chart for Marketing Campaign

Days and Timelines
17-day Plan Person in Charge Resources needed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Milestone Social media pages creation due on the 3rd day
Facebook page creation Social media manager Computer and internet
Posting a Facebook page introduction Social media manager Computer and internet
Instagram account creation Social media manager Computer and internet

Posting the Instagram account introduction Social media manager Computer and internet
Checking and finalization of account profiles and Editor Computer and internet
introduction posts
Milestone Introduce products and services
Ingredients and
Prepare a good looking meal from the menu Chef/Cook kitchen equipment

Photograph the food Photographer High quality camera

Editing of the photo and adding effects Image editor Editing software
Posting of the photos on both social media
platforms Social media manager Computer and internet

Milestone Posting of set of instructions for placing orders

and availing the products and services
Come up with a set of clear instructions for
placing orders through the social media accounts Team

Edit the intructions into an inforgraphic Image editor Editing software

Create a caption and recheck the infographic Editor Computer and internet
Post the infographic with a caption of what the
infographic contains Social media manager Computer and internet

Milestone Creation and posting special promos for the

Come up with promos and food combos that are
budget-friendly Team

Edit the promos into photos and infographic Image editor Editing software
Create a caption and recheck the infographic Editor Computer and internet
Post the infographic with a caption of what the
infographic contains Social media manager Computer and internet

Marketing Budget


Public Relation Marketing       SUBTOTAL  

Load month 7 500.00 3,500.00
Wifi or Internet Connection month 7 1,200.00 8,400.00
Smart Phone unit 1 7,300.00 7,300.00
Laptop unit 1 24,845.00 24,845.00
Load for Opening Advertisement - 1 300.00 300.00
Installation of Internet Connectioon - 1 3,000.00 3,000.00
Local Marketing     SUBTOTAL

Flyers piece 210 10.00 2,100.00

Posters piece 15 50.00 750.00
Posters for the Opening Advertisement piece 5 50.00 250.00
Flyers for the Opening Advertsiment piece 50 10.00 500.00


Public Relation Marketing 43,845.00


Local Marketing 3,600.00


0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -


Startup Cost


Investor Funding
Owner 1 Php 50,000.00
Owner 2 50,000.00
Owner 3 50,000.00
Owner 4 50,000.00
Owner 5 50,000.00
Total Investments Php 250,000.00

Bank Loan 1 Php 250,000.00
Total Loans Php 250,000.00

Total FUNDING Php 500,000.00


Fixed Costs

Business Licenses/ Permit 1,500.00

Office Hardware/Software 32,300.00

Kitchen Equipment 50,153.00

Furniture & Fixtures 7,000.00

Cash for Contingency 20,000.00

Kitchen Tools 16,378.34

Internet Installation 3,000.00

Truck 138,000.00

Total Fixed Costs Php 258,650.00

Average Monthly Costs

Operating Cash (Working
Capital) Php 133,818.66

Office Supplies 500

Prepaid Advertisement 6,350.00

Inventory 83,500.00

Kitchen Supplies 5,000.00

Utilities Expense 2,500.00

Total Average Monthly Costs

x Number of Months Php 102,850.00

Total Monthly Costs

Total COSTS Php 361,500.00

SURPLUS/DEFICIT Php 138,500.00

Pro Forma Income Statement

Big Bite Express Income Statement

Revenue June July

Sales Revenue Php 553,500.00 Php 719,550.00
Total Revenues Php 553,500.00 Php 719,550.00
Less: Variable Expense
Cost of Goods Sold Php 83,500.00 Php 108,550.00
Interest Expense 18,750.00 0
Opening Advertisment Expense 1,050.00 0
Utilities Expense 6,600.00 8,580.00
Gas Expense 5,000.00 5,500.00
Kitchen Supplies Expense 4,500.00 4,950.00
Office Supplies Expense 400.00 480.00
Total Variable
Expense Php 119800 Php 128,060.00
Less: Fixed Expense
Internet Expense Php 1,200.00 Php 1,200.00
Maintenance Expense 3,000.00 3,000.00
Advertising Expense 907.14 907.14
Wages Expense 63,000.00 63,000.00
Depreciation Expense - Truck 1,041.67 1,041.67

Depreciation Expense - Furniture & Fixture 100.00 100.00
Depreciation Expense - Office Hardware/ Software 480.56 480.56
Depreciation Expense - Kitchen Equipment 266.73 266.73

Depreciation Expense - Kitchen Tools 186.13 186.13

Total Fixed Expense Php 70182.23 Php 72,778.15

Total Expenses Php189982.23 Php 200,838.15

Net Income 363517.77 Php 518,711.85

Pro Forma Balance Sheet


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