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Even if our government continue to urbanize our country we still fell short in economic development. I
think there are many reasons why we still fell short in terms of economic development. One of this is we
are not using our resources in the right way. Example of it is when we mine resources we tend to sell it
to other countries then they will going to produce a product out of it then after that they will sell it to us
for a higher price so I think in terms of trading we are losing because we can’t use our resources to the
extent of it. Also one of the reason why we are still felling short in terms of economic development is
because of corruption. Corruption is one of the biggest problem in our country, because of corruption
our country has a lot of debt that we are still paying until now because of corrupt politicians. We are
also lacking in terms of Unity. For me if we have unity we can solve this problems we are encountering
right now and I know that in the future we are going to be a more developed country and soon we can
rise up from being a country like this.

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