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After our president lifting curfew, I have been going to the bar to chill every day.

So yesterday late evening, I went to chill at some bar and took a few bottles for the road. When I got

home, my kids were watching TV in the living room, so I moved to the bedroom. I opened the door

and there I saw my wife with another man in our matrimonial bed. She was cheating on me. I could

not look at them because of bitterness and fury that had estranged me.

She turned to look at me at me in shock and shouted, "get out of here!"

Then after her, the man asked, "how did he get in here? I have always told you to lock the door."

I walked out, sat on the door crying for a while. I just kept wondering how long my wife has been

doing this in our matrimonial bed? I could not stomach it and I did not want violence since my father

had always told me not to act on anger but act cool till I am at peace with myself and when

consciousness resurfaces. I went back to the bar for to take some more for a solace.

I came back home and the doors were already locked. I kept banging at the door till the man my wife

was sleeping with came out. This time, I threw a punch on his face, by the time the punch landed on

his face, it had lost momentum because I was still drunk and didn’t have enough energy. He

retaliated with a harder punch that hit my face and I lost consciousness.

I woke up in my room, that's when I realized I live in a single room and I am not married. Just when

everything was becoming clear, my roommate came looking very angry. I tried to inquire from him if

there was a problem.

He said, "Hey bro, the LANDLORD has been looking for you. You got drunk last night and kept

disturbing him, knocking their door and telling him to leave your wife. You labeled his children as

yours. I told you to stop drinking man."

Now the landlord has chased me out of his house.

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