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How To Establish Work Life Balance

Establishing work life balance isn’t a one-time task. It requires ongoing

effort from both the employee and employer. Working toward creating
harmony between these two worlds is a continual challenge that renews

Achieving a healthy work life balance requires discipline, planning, and

maybe even a few tough conversations. The good news is that the work
life balance programs resulting from these efforts can be transformative.
Encouraging work life balance fosters positivity, reduces employee
stress, creates space for creativity, improves retention, and increases

Work Life Balance Tips For Employees

 Prioritize establishing balance. Be proactive in identifying
ways you can personally establish work life balance. Don’t
check email outside of the office, ask for flexible hours to allow
time for other commitments, choose family time or a workout
over late nights in the office. But establishing balance outside
of work means that balance must be established while at work
as well. Try to keep personal tasks and distractions at a
minimum while on the clock.
 Structure time at work. Prioritize the tasks that must be done
each day, and then structure each day in a way that allows
them to be completed. Finish high priority items before moving
on to items of lesser importance. This will help keep that work
to-do list at the office, where it belongs.
 Choose a company that values work life balance. An
organization that truly cares for its team members will never
penalize employees for prioritizing work life balance. It’s
important to research all aspects of company culture before
accepting a new job.
 Be a leader in your workplace. If your company hasn’t taken
initiative to encourage work life balance, then you might have
to lead the charge yourself. Bring up ways your employer can
help employees establish balance by suggesting potential
solutions to problems you identify.

Work Life Balance Tips For Employers

 Ask employees what they need to find work life

balance. Team members may already be aware of a specific
solution that would improve their work life balance but probably
won’t share until asked. It’s important to create a culture that
makes employees feel comfortable bringing concerns to the
attention of management.
 Create awareness through education. Establishing programs
that teach employees the importance of work life balance can
be very effective. These programs make employees aware that
the organization believes work life balance is just as important
as productivity on the job.
 Lead by example. Establishing work life balance programs is
just the beginning. Putting them into practice can be difficult.
Start by ensuring that the leadership team is on board and
taking advantage of the work life balance opportunities
provided. Once employees see that balancing work and
personal life is actually acceptable to those in charge, they’ll be
more likely to follow suit.
 Allowing Flexi-Work schedules: Flexi work schedule should be
planned in such as way so that the organizational productivity
is not hampered and the employee happiness can be achieved.
The employers should clearly spell out the policy framework for
flexible work hours and communicate their expectations
accordingly. The best examples of flexi work schedule could be
telecommuting or four days work in a week.

Modelling the Work-Life Balance Practices: The actions and the

behaviours of the managers or the senior leaders are watched and
heard by the employees. By responding to e-mails even during the
Paid Time Off, employers set forth precedence before their
employees on their work-life preferences, which in turn will affect
their personal preferences for balancing their work and life fronts.

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