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Muhammad Faizan Ali

College No. 8164

HND Business (Edexcel UK)
3rd Semester
Professional Department
Edwardes College Peshawar

Unit 20 Submitted to Mr. Bilal

Advertisement and Promotion


Parties Involved in Communication Process................................................................................5

Encoder:................................................................................................................................... 5
Medium:................................................................................................................................... 5
Decoder:.................................................................................................................................. 5
Pakistani Context: (Advertisement context)..............................................................................5
Relation of those Parties:......................................................................................................... 5
New Trends in Pakistani Advertisements.....................................................................................6
Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC)...............................................................................6
Pakistan International Airlines (PIA).........................................................................................7
Institute of Business Administration (IBA).................................................................................8
Hierarchy of Effects..................................................................................................................... 9
Hierarchy of Effects Model.......................................................................................................9
Warid Bol Anmol Programme...................................................................................................9
Role of Various Departments with in an ad agency...................................................................10
Departments in an Ad Agency................................................................................................10
Ad Agencies in Pakistan.........................................................................................................10
Departments in Orient Advertisement Agency........................................................................11
Below the Line Techniques........................................................................................................13
BTL Techniques..................................................................................................................... 13
Companies Using BTL Techniques in Peshawar...................................................................13
Recommendation of Individual Techniques:...........................................................................14
Promotion Strategy.................................................................................................................... 15
Principles and Process of Campaign Management................................................................15
New Toothpaste Brand........................................................................................................... 15
Media Used for Promotion of Arctic Toothpaste.....................................................................17
Following medium will be used to promote my product;.........................................................17
Measures for assessing campaign effectiveness...................................................................17
Bibliography............................................................................................................................... 19
Limitations................................................................................................................................. 20

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Advertisement and Promotion

Minutes of meetings................................................................................................................... 21
MEETING 1: Orient Advertising.........................................................................................21

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All glory to Allah. First of all thanks to Almighty Allah for giving me courage to attempt this
assignment. Second of all I would like to dedicate my assignment to my Parents who are far
away from me but still with their support I was able to conduct my assignment.

In Last I will thank my teacher Mr. Bilal Ahmad with out his lectures this assignment will have
been difficult for me. And all those people who have given me information and helped me in
attempting this assignment. Thank you.

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Advertisement and Promotion

Parties Involved in Communication Process

The following are the parties involved in communication process;

Encoder is the party that encodes the message. In simple words we can say an encoder is a
sender who sends a message. The encoder generates a message for the first time and then
converts it into understandable language.

Medium is the second party that is involved in the communication process. The medium is a
channel through which the message is conveyed. There are different mediums through which
the sender can send its message e.g. speaking, writing, gestures, televisions, telephones,
billboards, letter, memorandum etc.

Decoder is the person who receives the message. The message is decoded, or in simple words
made readable by the decoder in order to understand the message encoded by the encoder.
The decoder translates the message of the sender by recognizing its symbols, words, and

[ CITATION Mar09 \l
1033 ]

Pakistani Context: (Advertisement context)

In Pakistani context an encoder is one who makes sponsors the advertisement, the medium is
party through which the ad is promoted (Geo, ARY Digital etc televisions, Ausaf, Mashriq, etc
newspapers, billboards etc) whereas the decoder are the audience who watches the ad.

Pakistani companies heir ad agencies to promote their products and services to the customers.
The ad agencies make an ad for the company and then recommend a media on which the ad
will be promoted. The Ad is then showed on televisions, newspapers etc. at last the customers
in the market watches the ad and makes it self informed about the company product.

Relation of those Parties:

Without any one of those party the message become incomplete and unsuccessful. If there is
no encoder then the communication will not start and nor the message will be generated. If
there is no medium then it is impossible for the encoder to send his message to the decoder.
And if there is no decoder then the message is useless. So all the parties are related to each
other and all of them are important for successful communication.

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Advertisement and Promotion

New Trends in Pakistani Advertisements

Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC)
Print Media:

The KESC has been working on print media as an important medium to

aware the people of Karachi about the new updates of electricity. As the
company is a governmental body, so every time the ads show some
patriotism in their print ads. Their new ads show quality, innovation and
customer attraction. They used proper alignments of the words in the ad
with best matching background color. They used an energy saver on
the top of which they have set a crescent and a star of the national flag.
As the ad released on the Independence Day 14 august, they made
their ad look like a flag. Green background with a lightened crescent
and star which forms a Pakistani flag.

So every time they use trend of patriotism to make the customers

patriots on such occasions.

TV Media:

In televisions commercials they show “customer feelings and

environment” by disobeying the rules of the company. As the company
is operating in Karachi and Karachi is the place where there are many
buildings and businesses having a lot of employees from middle class.
So they have used trend of a usual employ that has been caught on
electricity theft and his colleagues employees as its environment
making him disappointing for his act.

Online Media:

KESC has used the ad at the left for the online advertisement. They
often use a trend of attractive advertisement for alerting people different
updates from the company. This ad shows threat to the customers that
are not paying bill etc. so the in the ad they showed red color writing
which is a sign of threat. The company is slowly coming towards
innovative trends in their online ads.

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Pakistan International Airlines (PIA)

Print Media:

PIA has used the trend of tourism in the Ad. PIA has
always provided innovative ad as in the pas 1970’s.
The ad shows the people, culture, beautiful locations
and the buildings of Kola Lumpur which becomes
attractive for the tourists and other travelers.

TV Media:

In the TV ad the company has showed people from each class. The local class passengers,
economical class passengers and business class passengers. In this ad they have showed the
company’s services to all these class by providing satisfaction to their needs. The ad has a
good music theme which shows the class of the organization.

Online Media:

To the right is an online ad of PIA. The ad is for business class

passengers who travel through airplanes. The company has
showed a businessman in the ad coming out of the plane which
is easily recognized by the viewer the ad is about business
class passengers. Another trend they have advertised the ad in
English which is a good online trend.

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Institute of Business Administration (IBA)

Print Media:

IBA is an educational institution. The ad above is a print ad of IBA. So they have used students
in their ad in order to promote the new admission in the college. This is a tremendous trend
showed in the ad because the institution is an educational body so showing students in the ad
has made it more attentive by the customers in the market. They have also showed the
teamwork in the ad which is also a good trend now days.

TV Media:

There is no TV ad of IBA Karachi.

Online Media:

This is a print as well as online ad of IBA Karachi. They have used trend of the combination of
the color of its logo in this ad which makes it simply identified. As the ad is about the admission,
the ad shows students waiting in the row which is a good trend in the ad. As the ad is online,
they have presented it in high resolution.

Cyb11 \l 1033 ]

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Hierarchy of Effects
Hierarchy of Effects Model
Hierarchy of Effects model shows the process of how a customer is aware through an
advertisement in order to purchase its product. It is a process through which a customer is
mentally prepared through an advertisement to purchase a company’s product.

[ CITATION Joh95 \l
1033 ]

Warid Bol Anmol Program

Warid Bol Anmol program is a new program by Warid Telecom which offers free bonuses on the
end of the call. Following is the HoE Model of the Ad Bol Anmol Programme;


The awareness element showed in

this ad is through Bol Anmol
heading in the above ad but the
awareness is not effective because
the customer can easily know
about the program but easily don’t
know what it’s about or what its


The knowledge element in the ad

was “Se foree balance e payeen”.
The extra knowledge provided was
in the left side column about the
bonus rozana and bonus mahana.
The knowledge is also ineffective in
this campaign because the font is
too small.


The like element in this ad the

company has added the model
actress in this ad so to attract the
customer’s attention. They showed
up Mahnoor Baloch in this ad. The

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Advertisement and Promotion

other like element they used in this ad is attractive background color which is felt
pleasant to the eyes of the customer.


To convince the customers the ad shows two things. One of them is the model which is
also used for conviction purpose because some customers may be fan of the model.
Another is the company showed up in the ad was the future offerings in the last


In this ad campaign when the customer is gone through these entire elements then it
depends on the level of conviction. If the conviction level of the customer is high then
there is indication of purchase. But if the conviction level is low then the purchase might
not be done. The other element showed up in the ad was the quantitative values showed
up in the ad as these values push up customers to purchase the services of the

Talk Shawk relaunch

Telenor Pakistan has showed relaunch of its Talk Shawk package in this advertisement.


The awareness element used by this campaign is so much up to the mark. Turned the
ad upside down in newspaper which is a great awareness element showed. The reader
finds it weird and turns the newspaper upside down to read the ad. so the awareness
affect on the customer is positive.

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The knowledge provided in this campaign is written in the blue background color

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Role of Various Departments within an ad agency

Departments in an Ad Agency

1) Account Services Department:

This department debriefs the clients about the ad campaigns suitable for the product and
the cost on creating such ad campaign. This department is mainly responsible for
keeping the accounts of the clients and other financial activities of the ad agency.
2) Research Department:
This department works like a marketing research department in an organization. The
research department in an ad agency explores the trends of the market in which the
product has to be launched. It works on the effectiveness of the ad.
3) Creative Department:
In this department the data gained from the client, account department and especially
research department is processed. The main personnel working in this department are
graphics designer and copywriter. Those personnel create an innovative and distinctive
idea in order to promote the clients product in the market.
4) Media Department:
The media department in an ad agency recommends the medium to the client on which
the ad is going to be published (TV, Radio, Print, Magazines etc.) it also buys the
companies which promotes the ads like Geo, FM Buraaq, DailyAusaf for the clients.
5) Other Departments:
There might be other departments like ART Department, Finance Department, in other
ad agencies but it lies under the same departments mentioned above. Like the
department of finance might lay in accounts department in some companies, art
department might lay in creative department.

[ CITATION Lil02 \l
1033 ]

Ad Agencies in Pakistan
I visited the Orient Ad Agency where Shahbaz Ashraf (Manager IT and Accounts) consulted me
to visit the “apns.com” for authentic data regarding this task. According to the “All Pakistan
Newspaper Society” (APNS is an institution where the ads agency are registered) There are 99
confirmed ad agencies in Pakistan, while there are 32 provisional Accredited Agencies. There
are 2 associated agencies where as there are 7 Media Buying Houses Ad agencies in Pakistan.
The most popular ad agencies working in Pakistan are Orient Advertising Agency, Manhattan
Ad Agency, Synergy Advertising, Maxim Advertising etc.

[ CITATION Sha11 \l 1033 ]

[ CITATION All11 \l 1033 ]

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Departments in Orient Advertisement Agency

I visited the “Orient Advertising Agency” located in State Life Building 1st floor and tried to
discover about the different departments and its roles in the ad agency. I met Shahbaz Ashraf
(IT and Accounts Manager) and after interviewing him, it was clear for me.

Following are the Main departments in Orient Advertising Agency;

1. Client Services Department (CSD) - Relates the clients to the agency.

2. ART Department – Creativity, Ideas, Sketches, Story boards, Screen Plays, Graphics,
designs are drawn up in this department.
3. Media Department – It consults the client to place the ad at the target audience through
the specific medium. It also consults the client to launch the ad on the specific TV
Channels and Newspapers.
4. Accounts Department – Financial deals and records data are kept and handled by this
department. When the ad is winded up then the clients pay for the remaining cash to the
accounts department.
[ CITATION Sha111 \l 1033 ]

Following are the three advertisement campaign by the Orient Advertisement Agency;

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Advertisement and Promotion

1) Mobilnk Jazz: Aur Sunao

(Complete Commercial Ad available in the CD provided with the Assignment)

2) Super Asia Washing Machine. (Nasal Dar Nasal App Kay Sath)

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(Complete Commercial Ad available in the CD provided with the Assignment)

3) Kurleez (Kurleez Ka Flavour Hai Sab Say Aala)

(Complete Commercial Ad available in the CD provided with the Assignment)

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Below the Line Techniques

BTL Techniques
Below the line technique is one of the advertising technique in which the company uses low cost
promotional medium. It is used in order to promote the company’s product towards the
customer. There no commissions charged for the Below the Line advertising technique.

Ade03 \l 1033 ]

Companies Using BTL Techniques in Peshawar

Following are the 15 examples of companies using BTL Technique in Peshawar;

1) Ali Garden uses banners on the back of Rickshaws to promote its services. (transits
technique) (can be sighted on back of Rickshaws often in Dalazak Road Rickshaw
2) FES (Foreign Education Services) uses Stationery to promote its services. (Could be
sighted at its office and different stalls in Peshawar.)
3) ICMS use traffic lights, Digital Clocks and sign boards for promoting its institute. (can be
sighted on University Road)
4) NBP sponsorships games tournament to promote its bank (Could have been sighted in
Football Tournament Qayum Stadium Peshawar 2months ago)
5) Head and Shoulder (P&G) often arranges exhibitions in different are in Peshawar in
order to test the shampoo on different consumers. (can be sighted often in Supper
Market Bada road)
6) Nestle has constructed Umbrella on middle path of the road which promotes the
company name. (can be sighted on university road)
7) RSheen uses billboards to aware the customers about the new arrivals and suiting’s of
the company.( can be sighted near Gora Qabristan)
8) UBL direct mail to promote its new services (could be sighted by one having UBL
9) PEPSICO uses billboards to promote its new products or existing products. (Could be
sighted at Warsak Road Chowk on the over road crossing.
10) Telenor uses sponsor ships to promote its brand and services. (could be sighted at PCO
and general stores shops boards)
11) Pizza Hut uses leaflets (Door to Door) in order to promote its new offerings. (Can be
received on ordering a pizza or any other thing from Pizza Hut)
12) Intel uses stalls to exhibit its new computer systems. (Could be sighted in Gul Hajji
13) Chen One heavily promotes through billboards (it can be sighted near Gora Qabristan)
14) Italian Pizza promotes uses membership technique to promote its pizzas. (Can be
sighted in Olympic Restaurant Qayum Stadium)

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15) Rahat Bakers uses packaging in order to promote its baker. (can be sighted on buying
food and ordering them to pack it)

Recommendation of Individual Techniques:

Following are the techniques recommended to the companies;

1) Nestle (Daily Milk Usage):

The below the line technique suggested to the Nestle promoting daily milk usage is by
arranging stalls in different places like Deans Trade Centre, Jawad Towers, City Tower
and many other towers and public visiting places like Tatara and Bagh-e-Naran Parks. It
is suggested because the company will have to spend less and pays no commission
charges for such campaigns. The other reason is that the company will have direct
contact with the customers and will better promote its product face to face.

2) Pearl Continental Hotel (Promoting New Menu):

For Pearl Continental Hotel it is recommended to promote the new menu through
Exhibitions. It is suggested because the PC has a status and brand so according to this
reason the hotel must use such BTL technique that is so attractive and successful
campaign. The exhibitions must be conducted in places such as Deans Trade Center,
City Towers, and Jawad Towers where the Hotel can find its targeted customers face to
face and promote its new menu.

3) Chief Burgers: (Ice Cream):

For Chief Burgers it is recommended to use Billboard to promote its new offering of Ice
Cream. It is suggested the best individual technique because this will be the first attempt
by Chief Burgers to use the billboards and this will become appreciated by most of the
audiences who sees it. There will be indication of huge response to the restaurant. Gora
Qabristan is suggested the best place to advertise on bill boards.

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Promotion Strategy
Principles and Process of Campaign Management
Principles of campaign management
Following are the principles of campaign management

1) To raise awareness about the freshness of toothpaste among the teenagers aged 13-19
and adults 20-30.
2) The campaign should take place in the local area.
3) The campaign should be cost effective.

Process of campaign management

Following are the process of campaign management;

 Identifying the aim and objectives of the campaign.

 Creating campaign roles.
 Identifying opportunities and obstacles.
 Locating the target audience.
 Using appropriate and cost effective communication tools to communicate to the target
 Identifying key messages.
 Conveying the message.
 Tactics and events
 Timing of the campaign.
 Making sure every act is with compliance of the campaign.
 Estimating the costs.
 Results/accessing the campaign effectiveness.
 Identifying the areas of future research.

[ CITATION Rog08 \l 1033 ]

New Toothpaste Brand

Needs it will satisfy

The toothpaste that I am going to launch will satisfy the need of having fresh breath and
freshness that one needs on waking up at the morning. The toothpaste will also satisfy the need
of protecting the teeth from decay, plague and cavity.

Toothpaste Name and Slogan

Brand Name = Arctic Toothpaste
Slogan = Take the Arctic Stream to the extreme

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Trends in advertising of toothpaste

The trends that I am going to use in my advertisement will be targeting youngsters and
teenagers because these age groups mostly like freshness in the toothpastes and the product
that I am introducing is based upon the freshness. So teenagers will be showed up in the

Competitors of “Arctic Toothpaste”

Following are the main competitors of Arctic Toothpaste;

 Colgate - Palmolive
 Close Up - Uniliver Pakistan
 Macleans – Galaxo Smith Kline
 Dentonic – Ala Chemicals
 Doctor Toothpaste
 Medicam Toothpaste
 Sensodyne
 Signal

Designing of advertising of competitors

Following are some companies mentioned below selected on the basis of its target audience for
which they launch their product.

1) Colgate Palmolive Pakistan: Colgate is designing their ads according to the target
audience for whom the product is made. E.g. Colgate Max Fresh they target teenager
because this age groups mostly like freshness in the toothpaste. So as according the
company brings teenagers in their ads for this brand and conveys the main theme
freshness to the target audience. They mostly use TVC media for advertising their
2) Close up Uniliver Pakistan: Close Up designs their ad on the teenagers too. They
mostly touch romantic scenes in their ads. They show a couple often in their ads. The
Uniliver mostly promotes their Close up on Televisions.

3) Macleans and Sensodyne: Both of the toothpastes are brand of GSK Company. Their
most of the ads are targeted to those customers who have dental problem like gums
bleeding, plague, and cavity. So they often shows medical theme in their ads. They
mostly use news papers and TV.
4) Doctor Toothpaste: Doctor Toothpaste mostly designs their product on medical scenes
as according to nature of the product. Their ads are designed on doctors on the basis of
their brand name they use.

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Media Used for Promotion of Arctic Toothpaste

Following medium will be used to promote my product;

1. Television: Television medium will be effective for the proper promotion of the
toothpaste. This medium will help the company to learn the consumers in the market
about the new product (Geo, HumTv, Local Cable operators). In case if the product is
launched within a specific geographical area then this medium is not recommended
because it will be so costly.
2. Radio: Radio will be used on as secondary promotion medium. It is selected because
usually most of the youngsters listen to FM radio channels in their cars and mobiles. (Fm
Burraq, Hum Fm)
3. Newspapers: In print media, newspapers advertisements will be used for promoting the
toothpaste. There is still huge number of people who still reads newspaper in Pakistan.
(Ausaf, Jang, Mashriq, Dawn)

Promotion Plan for Arctic Toothpaste

Following is the promotion recommendation for the Arctic Toothpaste;

 The toothpaste should be promoted on the television channels such as Hum TV, Geo
TV, PTV because these are those channels which attracts the youngsters too much now
a days. Music channel such as M TV and Style 360 will be more appropriate while
targeting the youngsters or teenagers.
 Sponsoring drama serials and other program channels will help out the company in
advertising their product.
 Sponsoring different programs Like “Young Leaders Programme” “Screw it! Let’s do it”
as this will turn in for good promotion for the company. The company will get chance for
promoting its product for a big teenage and youngsters group.
 Sponsoring different exhibitions like art Festival at colleges as this will provide the
company an opportunity to represent its product to the youth and teen age customers.
 Billboards on the main areas like “University Road and Gora Graveyard” in Peshawar
will be used in order to reach the customers. Billboards are more important as almost
every person passing by sights the billboards at least one time.
 In retailer shops and supermarkets, the company will exhibit its ad cards and ad posters.

Measures for assessing campaign effectiveness

Following tools will be used for campaign effectiveness:

1) Recall: Recall tests are designed to assess the impression that a particular
advertisements have made on the target audience. As the target audience will be judged
on the level of overall awareness they have gained from the campaign.
2) Attitude Surveys: Attitude surveys will also help in measuring the campaign
effectiveness. This will be done through the questionnaires distributed during the
seminars in schools and colleges as well as from the door to door survey and road

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shows on the high streets. Attitude survey will give us the overall reaction of the target
audience towards the campaign, the awareness and their attitude towards smoking.
3) Quantitative information: Some quantitative information can also be gathered from the
NHS and the local clinics and hospitals regarding the number of patients that had been
recently after the campaign registered and treated for smoke related problems. Other
than that any questionnaires filled up by the target audience in the NHS clinics or
hospitals by the target audience will also be provide some quantitative figures of how
have they lessen their smoking routine.

Response and conclusion to the ad by the targeted group

I showed the demo of the ad that I made on my product to the target group with 15 to 25 age
customers. Their response after watching the ad was good. They were really excited to after
watching the ad they appreciated and most of them desired if the product existed in reality. Most
of the customers liked the freshness and the coolness feature of the product in the ad.

My conclusion after analyzing all the process I came through the ad campaign of the Arctic
toothpaste is that the product is feasible and there is good response to the product by the
customers by watching the ad. In case if the company is developing its product then it must
promote the product according to the product planning showed above.

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All Pakistan Newspaper Socitey. (2011). APNS.com. Retrieved 1 28, 2011, from

Ashraf, S. (2011, 2 4). Ad agencies operating in Pakistan. (M. F. Ali, Interviewer)

Ashraf, S. (2011, 2 4). Major Departments in Orient Ad Agency. (M. F. Ali, Interviewer)

Cybera. (2011). Cybera.com. Retrieved 2 3, 2011, from http://cyberdera.com/forum/education-


(2002). Departments in Ad Agencies. In L. S. Lila B. Stair, Careers in Marketing (pp. 37-41).

Uniterd States of America: VGM Carrer Books.

(2009). Examination of Communication process. In P. R. Mary Ellen Guffey, Business

Communication: Process and Product (pp. 10-11). Nelson Education Ltd.

(2008 ). The Campaign Management Cycle. In R. J. Roger Joseph Baran, Principles of

customer relationship management (pp. 379-380). USA: Thompson South-Westren.

(2003). Below the line. In A. Stanley, Careers in marketing, advertising and public relations (p.
47). Kogan Page Publishers.

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(There are no such limitations regarding this assignment)

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Minutes of meetings
MEETING 1: Orient Advertising
Date time and duration 04 Feb, 2011 / 3:10 pm to 4:05 pm/ 25
Location 1st Floor State Life Building. 34th – The
Mall, Peshawar Cantt
Meeting Attended By Faizan Ali (Interviewer)
Shahbaz Ashraf IT and Accounts Manager
Agenda The agenda of the meeting was to evaluate
the data regarding the departments in
orient ad agency and number of ad
agencies operating in Pakistan.

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