A Project Report On "Country Notebook-Poland": Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of The Requirement For The Award of

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A Project Report On

“Country Notebook- Poland”

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of




Subject: International Marketing

Component: (Specify CEC/Internal)

Submitted By

NAME: Shruti Soman

BATCH: Alpha PGDM 2020-2022

ROLL NO: 2020-045

Under the Guidance Of

NAME: Prof. Shivani Shah

DESIGNATION: Assistant Professor

 Cultural Study Of Poland

I. Brief dispute of the country’s appropriate past

The History of Poland begun in the 16th centennial. With a lack of a powerful kingship
admitted Russia, Prussia, and Austria to partition out the country in 1772, 1792, and a tertiary
in 1795. For in addition a of one hundred years skilled was no Polish state, skilled were only
Austrian, Prussian, and Russian areas. Poland recovered welcome independence as a country
in 1918 but later lose it to the Soviet Union and Germany in World War II. The Polish public
nauseated against overseas supremacy during the whole of the 19th centennial. Reconstituted
in Nov. 1918, when Marshal Josef Pilsudski enhanced chief executive and accompanying
Ignace Paderewski as the first government head for Poland. In 1926, Pilsudski confiscated
complete capacity in a achievement and governed dictatorially as far as welcome decease.

 Geographical background

Located in the northward-main constituent Europe, Poland is the length of the country of
New Mexico. Majority the country is a plain accompanying no instinctive perimeters except
the Carpathian Mountains in the cold and the Oder and Neisse waterways in the west. The
surroundings is thought-out to have moderate summers and winters. Winters maybe very
severe accompanying frequent snow. Poland in the summertime occasion maybe suffused
accompanying frequent showers and thundershowers, making the summertime months appear
nothingness. Poland being situated in this place domain create Poland’s land extent 90% of
swamp type. Poland has over 9,000 basins that surpass 1 hectare in length, that is equivalent
to 2.47acres or 1000 square meters.

 Social organizations

A. Family

The Poland scene on kin principles and the parts that they play are mainly comparable to that
of the Americans principles and standards. Both spouses oppose the roles of providing for the
classification when it meets expectations enrolment. Generally in the American sophistication
the partner or the husbands of delegation of representatives are being the reason for being the
providing and looking after for the household. The girls or the spouse’s part in the household
is childcare and household tasks. Poland’s movement of fatherly acts are while the
unchanging. The fellows or the spouse of delegation of representatives hold are mainly being
the reason for being the householder and guardian, and the partner or mothers are

administrative of running the household. Meaning that they mainly do the household tasks
and childcare and the husbands assist bureaucracy with their responsibilities.

B. Education

The act in instruction plays a valuable part in the Poland breeding. They view instruction as
an main essentiality in existence and reassure their teenagers to chase their instruction. In an
item labelled “Poland scores late aims in instruction” by Bill Hicks talks about by means of
what Poland as a country with its own government as stood to new crest accompanying their
new achievements accompanying worldwide instruction. A current test become functional the
OECDs Program for worldwide Student Assessment (Pisa) results show that Poland ranks
14th for lesson that established them above U.S, Sweden, Germany, the UK, and France.
With deference to the learning rate being delineated as the ages of 15 and over that can
express and rewrite, shows that of 2010 an supposed 99.5% of the total people of Poland can
express and pen, of that male equal 99.7% and women 99.4%. Dr. Michal Federowicz
manager of Poland’s Education Research Institute in Warsaw erect that in the 1980s many
believed instruction as not very main, but when freedom completely attained in the 90s the
not quite change business-related rank and anxiousness to determine was exceptional.

C. Political plan

In 1997 a new establishment was executed that altered the governmental construction of
Poland. The structure of the administration admits the voters to select as representative a new
President all five age. The legislature in detached into two sectors the Senate that has 100
appendages and the Sejm that has 460 appendages. The Sejm retain ultimate capacity in the
legislature. The Sejm holds two three of something of the vote that is the plurality. An
nominee of Sejm can do four age. (sejm.gov)

According to the History of Poland the governmental bodies are, Polish People’s Republic
(PRL), Democratic Left Union (SLD), Freedom Union (UW), Polish Populist Party (PSL),
and Solidarity Election Alliance (AWS). The strength of the Polish management has
happened currently profitable. The management ensures the privileges of all civilians.
Poland’s fundamental law is that skilled is break-up and balance 'tween lawmaking,
executive, and legal capacities for the Republic of Poland (History of Poland) Special taxes in
Poland, in accordance with Poland VAT, “The standard rate of VAT is 23% because 2011.
There are decline rates of 8% and 5% on sure snack, books, regular, continuous publications
containing information and the supply of a restricted number of additional aids. Many duties

are forgive Polish VAT, in the way that monetary and postal duties”. (Computer

D. Legal structure

In 1989 the National Judicial Council was designed that incorporated twenty four confab
members. The National Judicial Council controls the complete legal plan. The Supreme Court
was made to guarantee decent and fair judges structure. In Poland the Supreme Court is
arranged into four chambers: criminal, civic, labour and government provision, and
military.”(Country studies). Poland is a law regulation country that attends a whole of
composed rules. Poland has an commission loyal to patents and trademarks. However, Poland
immediately doubts the complete patent that would admit the changes from limited trades
expected control. (Warsaw Business Journal).

E. Social institutions

Group attitude in Poland has captured on the civilization of western culture. Ethnic groups in
Poland altered afterwards World War II Germans, Jews, Ukrainians and Belarusians were the
superior ethnic background groups in Poland. The working class included the mechanical and
land traders. The land laborers were generally farmers occupied on farms. Industrial tasks
necessary slightest instruction. However, a change in public statuses few modern peasants
had two tasks cause the land traders were taking the mechanical peasant’s task. (Poland

F. Business duties and practices

A firm handshake and eye contact concede possibility be secondhand all the while all
encounters. Do unoccupied the person’s given name just before likely authorization
commotion so. The Polish trade air is very established. Professional titles are very main. Well
qualified things are more inclined be conventional and flourish. Business cards bear be
replaced. Factual dossier is wanted and some additional matters that are having to do with the
experiments. The resolution making is established a hierarchal approach. Upon the
indispensable content a message will educate the participants of all conduct wanted.

V. Religion and esthetics

A. Religion and different opinion plans

Poland and allure scrupulous practices run further back to allure important stomp domains.
To date, Poland has 138 recorded churches and conscientious partnerships. Out of all the
various religions nothingness the Catholic Church is the alone that debris conspicuous.
Catholics form up ninety-five portion of Poland’s society ("Churches and Religious Life in
Poland"). Catholicism has four arms, that are Armenian, Byzantine-Ukrainian, Neo-Uniate
and Roman Catholic. Out of the four arms of Catholicism the Roman Catholic is the best. The
Roman Catholic Church being a important to allure annals, Poland would not have lied very
long ("Churches and Religious Life in Poland"). Since the origin Polish family, the one are
better famous as “Poles” for short, were combed be part of of the Roman Catholic Church.

When it meets expectations prayer and people as political whole of Poland it is ultimate main
facet of individual’s history. Other practices of creed by “Poles” are Christianity and any
additional conscientious groups. For instance, the second grown conscientious arranging in
Poland is the Autocephalous Orthodox chapel. The Autocephalous Orthodox Church is
collected of churches that rule themselves and contain 320 lamas and 550 thousand
laypersons. In addition, most polish crowd that are a few the Orthodox Church are
appendages of the Byelorussian youth which is in the Eastern indiscriminate the country
("Churches and Religious Life in Poland").

B. Aesthetics

An abstract habit of understanding ideas of Poland search out join the intelligence of the
Polish society. They knowledgeable horrible occurrences like the disaster of the Holocaust,
that happened serving jail time camps, deportations, and executions. All these important
occurrences have happened fashioned see-through in Polish creativity, research, and film
("Visual Arts").The friendly act of skill was a troublesome challenge for most Polish experts.
Polish inventors had to be in a dispute or fight for freedom of expression and the respect of
their skill. Art no longer had expected the caretaker of the social thought, so it started to
change towards worldwide creativity forms accumulating excellent profit to bureaucracy.
This was the route of many interwar groups like the "Polish Formalists”, whose objective was
a combination of Cubism, Fauvism, Expressionism, and local influences of creativity
("Visual Arts"). The Polish harmonic countryside has happened painstakingly formed during
the whole of the 20th of one hundred years, offset again of the classic heritage to the more
common type of bop, pop, and sounds that are pleasant. The greatest focus of imaginative
exercise towards the creation of an individual lyrical similarity accepted place all the while

the sixties. “At this time young experts offset out looked for their own room in composition,
film, theater, the fine arts, type of popular music and jazz in addition fashioned their debuts”

One’s country concede possibility forever have dignitary or entity to show the honor,
substance, and education all at once. The shows White Eagle is that for Poland. The account
of The White Eagle starts accompanying three twins chosen Rus, Czech, and Lech their
responsibility was to expect a place to resolve. On their journey they happened upon wood
place they speckled a White Eagle entering to allure home. From that point on they demanded
that region was skilled and they on they amplify residences for their families to establish in.
(Info Poland)

VI. Living environments

A. Diet and food

Throughout the era Polish population erode three food moment of truth. Just like Americans,
polish nation nibble cells and toast accompanying choice gist for brunch. Due to the extreme
demand of work amount many would rather working quite of leaving for lunch. They
frequently pack a morsel or narrow grinders and money that can preserve ruling class period
and services a suggestion of correction consuming out. One of the best food polish crowd
have is named “OBiadokalcja”. “OBiadokalcja” is a combination of feast and feast. Polish
mainly relies thickly on Meat as one their admittance. Sometimes polish community favor to
coat their meats in either crush into fine grains and deep-fried or help breaded and dried.
“The most typical pieces second hand in Polish food are vegetable, beetroot, cucumbers
(gherkins), sour lotion, kohlrabi, mushrooms, sausages and dried pepperoni”
("Food").”Bigos” that is a blend of banger, complaint and political patronage is with
individual of Poland favorite containers.

B. Housing

There are two types of place of accommodation handy for the polish population. The first
type of home that is a confidentially possessed named “Co-operative”. Co-operatives are
blocks of flats frequently establish in city districts. The second type place of accommodation
convenient is in the center’s families. The suburb compared to the cooperative are better
feature place of accommodation erected from either block or gem.in adding, the suburb home

comes endow accompanying resistant to burning roofs for security measures. Since the
dwelling is high-priced most poles rent alternatively own ("Housing subsequently 1989").

C. Clothing

Fashion in Poland is all affected for one country’s surroundings mainly. There are too many
clothing of clothing that climax the miscellaneous breedings that have abandoned their mark
in Poland in the way that the Germans, Czechs, Russians, Austrians, Romanians, and
Lithuanians. Using a merger of these enlightening influences Poland has allure own unique
dress, that maybe recognized in about sixty uniforms. National Dress the Polish have a
singular dress constructed accompanying a assortment of brilliant blooming banner and very
particularized quilting. You usually visualize these fashions used at enlightening or
distinctive occasions to a degree weddings place you can visualize the wives in bouquet
headdresses, but this likewise changes by domain and what ideas have influenced that
particular domain. Types of attire used working in the Polish trade air have enhance
excessive general and have happened chiefly affected apiece westward idea. Polish family
mainly share in the occasional be clothed in the institution somewhat lasting by akin rules of
professional fertilizer in the west. With individual irregularity, the Polish dress very limited it
is unfit to over dress effecting capacity and wealth.

D. Recreation, sports, and added recreation actions

Beautiful beaches, fresh scenery, and elegant lagoons form Poland the outdoorsman dream
rest, that is some the reason convenience, should a mammoth part Poland’s frugality. Not
only is Poland scenically fascinating the difference form it easy for most and constructs entity
commotion for all human beings. Art galleries and museums have enhance a monumental
constituent the Polish idea and harmonic celebrations have enhance a favorite even chic-
bounce that is a very appealing reality established in a summertime issue of XXL periodical.
There are various lyrical and educational celebrations grasped all along the summertime
occasion. Sports are still top-selling in Poland. Cycling is individual of the country’s most
standard pastimes. Boxing and a sport are more top-selling sports fan and shareholder sports
in the country. Sailing and travel are still well required sports in the country. Poland again
host many worldwide playful competitions. Types of sports that are possible and in extreme
demand are Gliding, stallion oppressing, kayaking, gliding, off -roading, cold sports, angling,
walking, pursuit, volleyball, water sports, and a sport are all accessible and in extreme
demand in the country. Percentage of salary gone on aforementioned actions Tom Popielaz of

the Polish Translator scrawled, “54% of the Polish country with its own government are have
a liking or taste for situated and diminishing so an average of 2% of household incomes are
gone on relaxation actions”.

E. Social security The CFE (Confederation Fiscale Europennee) breaks below friendly
protection in Poland in this manner:

“Social security is controlled for the most part apiece Act of 13 October 1998 on Social
Security System and the Act of 17 December 1998 on Retirement Pensions and Disability
Pensions from Social Security Fund. National medical insurance is controlled for one Act of
27 August 2004 on Medical Services Financed from Public Resources. Both social welfare
program and medical insurance offerings are calm for one Social Security Institution, that
therefore remits energy premiums to the National Health Fund and few unspecified retreat
premiums to supposed Open Retirement Pension Funds (that, besides Social Security Fund,
are a second, private but essential mainstay of the retreat protection scheme”). Social security
in Poland contains retreat, disadvantage, disease and motherhood, and mishap protection
premiums. Employees and employers take part in loan retreat and disadvantage premiums.

F. Health care

Healthcare in Poland is conducted through state finances. The healthcare method is of good
kind and inevitable to guarantee healthcare to taxpayers. The healing stick in Poland is well-
behaved and limited. The state supported healthcare is presented to all villagers and recorded
complete citizens of the country. Private healthcare is too possible in the country. The nations
healthcare plan is state-financed through the National Health Fund (NFZ). All staff members
are necessary to influence the NFZ. Their offerings are deducted direct from their fees and
the independent are necessary making their own offerings direct to the NFZ.

VII. Language

The basic prose uttered in Poland is Polish. The Polish prose is arisen the Lechitic subgroup
of West Slavic words. Nearly 50 heap family talk polish general. The official prose of Poland
is Polish. Polish is uttered by most of allure occupants in the domain. It has the second best
number of speakers with Slavic words. It is the main representative of the Lechitic arm of the
West Slavic accents. Nearly all Poles talk and print Polish. The Polish suitable the Latin signs
to admit it expected composed. Literature started in the 14th centennial accompanying
inscribed texts in Polish as translations of Latin pleadings and advice.

 Economic Analysis

I. Introduction

The saving of Poland has currently enhance favorable by flattering any of the European
Union in 2004. Poland was the only country in the European Union to escape the business-
related bankruptcy. If the conveyance foundation is enhanced, country fields are developed
and trade ventures are complete this take care of admit Poland’s business-related efficiency to
rise considerably. Poland has the freedom to enhance a chief country in the European Union
and the globe if it resumes constant progress.

II. Population

A.The total people of Poland is 38,415,284 as of July 2012. The development rate for Poland
is -0.075% in 2012. The number of live births is 6.42 per (1,000) live births. However, male
infant’s grave happen as well female’s extermination; men 7.12 .grave per (1,000) live births
when in fact women end of life are 5.67 per (1,000) live births. “Crude beginning rate focuses
on the average annual number of births per 1,000 individuals in the population at midyear”.
Poland’s birthrate is 9.96 births per (1,000) women. The number of live births can organize if
a likely country community is healthful. (CIA World Factbook, 2009)

B. Distribution of culture
The most of the people of Poland has the age range of 22- 54 age traditional accompanying
the percentile of 44.3 men give reason for (8,563,424) while women give reason for
(8,470,745). The next chief percentile is 14.6 the age range from 0 to 14 age traditional
women (2,731,949). The 55 to 64 age range group acquires 14.3 allotment men (2, 586,466)
and women (2,908,284). The 65 and over is 14 portion men (2,066,066) and women

III. Economic enumerations and endeavour

A. Gross ethnic commodity (GNP or GDP)

The gross household amount (GDP) of Poland as of 2012 is $802 billion and the rate of
progress for Poland is 2.4 portion. (CIA Factbook 2009). The last advertise worth of all
merchandise and services concede possibility authenticate a definite gross household amount
advantage. The gross household commodity is individual of common people determinants
that decide Poland’s well-being as a country.

B. Personal gains per person

As of 2011 the private earnings per person is $20,600. This maybe determined for things,
groups of fruit, and for groups of fundamental headings. ("OECD Glossary," 2007). The
individual wage of each country is various because nobody country is the alike. The
unchanging fruit or duty bear cost the unchanging nevertheless the country. Inflation has a
important act in the progress or fate of Poland. However, Poland was the only country to
escape the 2008-2009 recessions that displays the potential of the country.

C. Average offspring revenue

In Poland, the common person earns (14, 508) USD a period, that is inferior the OECD
average of (22, 387) USD a period. The hiring rate is only 59 portion and it is owned by the
exclusive informal network 15 to 64 age traditional. There are more men something done
force than wives. The Polish sons population work lengthened hours. The Polish community
appreciate the significance of instruction. Men and women are evenly learned in Poland.
("Poland by what method’s existence?”).Educational occurrence helps solve a better level of
material comfort.

D. Distribution of resources

Income classes in Poland amount to land and mechanical traders. The land employees were
generally farmers working on farms. Industrial tasks necessary littlest instruction. However, a
change in public statuses few technical traders had two tasks cause the land laborers were
taking the technical laborers task. (Poland Society). There is an gigantic break middle from
two points the rich and the weak. The top 20 allotment of the populace accomplish more than
four periods nearly the bottom 20 allotment. (Iglicka & Maximilian, 2010). The disposal is
crooked cause the rich steadily gain more services than the weak.

E. Minerals and money

Coal is ultimate profitable not organic capital for Poland. In 1980 total reserves were
supposed at 130 billion tons of bitumen. Large scale excavating introduced in the Upper
Silesia in the nineteenth of one hundred years. Poland further has an plenty of lignite situated
in three communes. Despite the hurtful belongings concerning this inferior fuel (lignite) it
continues expected second hand for the result of power. (Curtis, 1992). Coal persists expected
a favorable not organic reserve for Poland.

F. Surface conveyance

The ways for conveyance are heliports, roadways, waterways, railways, and trafficker sea.
These transportations plans are quickly possible profitable regions of Poland. The railways
are ultimate grown. However, skilled are regions that need expected enhanced to guarantee
the safety of all namely transported. The custom rates of conveyance revolve around alone on
Poland’s frugality. Poland has twelfth ports six limited ports, four medium magnitude ports,
and three big ports.

G. Communication schemes

When it meets expectations Poland and ideas, Polish folk likely to use an array of plans to
communicate in a group. There are two main types of ideas forms that link nation
accompanying different people. The first means is the phone method. Since influx arose in
Poland electronics live well a considerable impact in the polish lifestyle. Home phones
accompanying fix landlines duties were the habit to go. However, on account of the
renovation of systems of information exchange Mobile natural phones have enhance the basic
habit of communicating middle from two points two together. Mobile Cellular phones have
50.16 heap consumers to date.

H. Working environments

In Poland the manufacturer and staff member connection is ruled apiece Labor law of 26 June
1974. The Act is a large group of separate had connection with miscellaneous facets of

individual and composite Labor regulation, forms the footing of polish recruitment.in fixing a
connection between two together has expected together decide upon accompanying the
conclusion result being an employment contract. Working in Poland has few of the alike rules
that of the United States of America to a degree active 8- period shifts, active 40 hours
accompanying in five epoch period span. In addition, by what method representatives search
out take a thirty minute free luncheon break. Poland has traders the one are skillful that are
not quite work for half of what US payments for work are.

I. Principal activities

There are any of businesses that be able up Poland’s saving. These Industries aforementioned
as Shipbuilding, Iron gird, Coal excavating, Machine construction, Food processing chemical
compound, Glass, and fabrics farming. Out of the 17.92 heap poles that are something done
force about 17.4% indeed introduce Agriculture, 29.2 portion introduce Industrial, and 53.4
allotment are in duties ("World FactBook"). They evolve brand to a degree whole grains,
products, salads, and meats that show about four allotment of the GDP in the farming
subdivision of Poland ("World FactBook"). As excavating and production linked constitutes
19.3 allotment of the country’s GDP.

J. Foreign contribution

There are many hope different additional nations to purchase Poland. Assistance
accompanying providing is reason Palilz was forged that is a governmental instrumentality
that helps financiers the one are curious in extending into worldwide markets. Incentives for
expense by Poland civil servants financiers are proposed to settle their trade in Special
Economic Zones (SEZ) while contribution tax
exemptions, and many additional inducements. (Poland Invest). Any manufacturing can make
use of adopting in Poland.

K. International business enumerations

Poland exports gross about 192.3 heap in income in 2012. Majority of the highestvalued
output the exported are Machinery and Transport Equipment, Intermediate Manufactured
Goods, Miscellaneous Manufactured Goods, and last but not smallest Food and Live Animals

("World FactBook"). Products like vans, goods, clothes and coals. Some of Poland business
spouses offset from most important to less important is in this manner: Germany, UK, Czech
Republic, France, Italy, Netherlands, and Russia in 2009 skilled was a general downturn that
delayed below the number of exports delivered globally ("World FactBook"). Poland grossed
about 206.5 billion in income 2012 unique ("World FactBook"). Most of the amount that
were foreign are various parts of automobiles, unrefined petroleum, pharmaceutical’s
provisions, and calculatings. Poland imports 28.7 portion of allure fruit from Germany.10.3
from Russia 5.9 allotment, Netherlands, 5.3 percent Italy, China allotment 5.3, France portion
4.4 portion, and Czech

L. Trade restrictions

Poland has many trade prohibition. Embargoes are established upon Poland for instance;
Russia has set a ban on Polish salads by way of dishonest dossier that has Russian allied aid
confused. ("Freepl.information.com”). Rules and regulation on quotas in Poland are set by
linked vocabulary rule, that falls under the harmonized scheme. Import taxes in Poland are
preserved very reduced in consideration of decrease hurdles and increase work. Tariffs for
some European Union appendage are free to ship fruit to Poland. Any appendage that’s not
of the European Union will should pay to transport. In Poland get a License are reported only
apiece Minister of Economy that compares accompanying the capacity of exotic output.
Poland government uses Commission Regulations and Common Customs Tariffs to set
S.O.Ps for nations that are not European Union exporters. The S.O.Ps concerning imports
will be visualized in the joined duties Tariff division of the European nations.

Channels of distribution (macro analysis)

A. Retailers

Retail channels are continuing their development in Poland. According to recent market
research, the number of modern format shops rose since 2005, which shows growth
compared to the previous year. Traditional shops in Poland still have a firm share in the entire
retail market which makes up approximately 50%. This situation stems from the fact that
Polish people are still used to the more traditional shops, located mostly in the surrounding
area of their homes. There still continues to be a lack of modern system retail outlets in small

towns with a population of less than 50,000. More than 60% of the population lives in small
towns and villages, there is no strong demand for hypermarket type formats. With this type of
problem most of the retail owners are more interested in smaller type building structures.

B. Wholesale middlemen

Poland’s goods are distributed by wholesalers to many industries. Customary markup for
various classes of goods depends solely on economic conditions. Cash will always be used as
a method of payment; Poland now uses credit cards as method of operation.

C. Import/export agents D. Warehousing

Goods can be shipped into one of Poland’s twevle ports. Poland also exports many products
into other countries. Since the Warehousing is available in Poland for any industry to use.

E. Penetration of urban and rural markets

As population continues to rise market penetration into rural areas can be very successful.

Polish government offers organizations incentives to develop infrastructures in rural areas.

Some geographical areas of Poland needs improvement if an organization is willing to
develop the area profits will emerge from this endeavour.

Market Audit and Competitive Market Analysis

I. Introduction

Consumers want an energy drink that will not only give them energy, but consumers
also want an energy drink that taste incredible and will make one feel good inside.
We plan to release the brand name of Spark energy drink on to the market in the
summer of 2013. The launch of the product will start in major cities in Poland then
spread out to the rural areas.

The energy drink will cater to those that indulge in sport activities and those ordinary
people who live an active lifestyle. From the gym to the office, or parties to school,
Spark energy drink is going to be for the everyday individual. Spark energy drinks
will surely be the next best energy drink in Poland market. II. The product Spark
energy drink will be the new “It” energy drink that can be added into the Poland

market to date. The energy drink will come in a cylinder shape can similar to the
monster energy drink. The colors of spark energy drink will be red and white and a
hint of yellow representing the color of Poland flag. The product Spark logo will be
plastered on the front and back of the can. The major strengths of the product have to
be the all-natural ingredients and superb taste. Some energy drinks have a salty
carbonated taste that can leave a nasty after taste in one’s mouth. In addition, through
extensive research we found that most poles like tea and fruit in their daily diets.
Spark energy delivers with their tea based product. The main ingredient that can be
found in Spark is the Chinese urban ginseng. Does not only taste better but also it is
actually good ones health benefits.

Evaluate the product as an innovation as it is perceived by the intended market Spark

energy drink will be the first of its kind reaching across different demographic and
subcultures in Poland. The target audience is both women and men in between the
ages of 15-49. The product will be look upon as an alternative energy drink. Most of
Poland population works five days eight hours day shifts with thirty-minute lunch
break. When it comes time to take that lunch break; most poles will bring with them
pre made sandwiches or snacks to keep from leaving the work place. One of the
advantages of Spark energy drink is it can be distribute through vending machines in
different work environment. This will contribute to the daily routine of most poles in
the workforce that do not leave the work place for breaks. Poland is westernized
common Spark energy drink there are no special skill sets needed to properly use
Spark energy drink. Yes the product can be tried with minimum risk. Besides stating
the obvious when it comes to spark energy drink giving you energy. On the product
will be a short list in bullet points describing the benefits of Spark energy drink. The
product will aid in consumer benefits when it comes down to health and living an
active lifestyle. It has reduced the sodium that you might find in the competitors
energy drinks. Spark energy and more of vitamins and minerals and uses more
natural fruit ingredients. B. Major problems and resistances to product acceptance
based on the preceding evaluation When it comes to marketing Spark energy drink,it
is very important to come across to the Polish as warm and friendly.

The product itself will appeal to the consumer because of the red and white colors
displayed on it. The positive for Relative Advantage is that it will be accessible in the

work place that have vending machines present.one of the negatives can be if all
businesses does not have vending machines available for employees and consumers.
Spark energy drink complies with all cultural beliefs when it comes to Compatibility.
The product will can be purchased with minimum risk. For observability the positive
will be that the product is is compact with essential vitamens an minerals that is can
help the consumer overall health. However, the only drawback can be the estimated
price of the product due to the added benefit.The market With exercise and healthy
lifestyles becoming a trending priority of consumers, manufactures of sports drinks
are enjoying the growth of the market. This also has its cons; there is a trend of
saturation of energy drinks in the market. Most resources say saturation is caused by
the tough price competition in the market. Resources also added that the market is
growing so rapidly manufactures are even overlooking the growing prices of sugar,
energy, and oil. (EMI 2012) In 2011 there were 100-120 registered energy drink
companies in Poland. So most companies try to use market differentiation to create
new lanes to sell their products. (PMR)


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