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1) Which of the following is not a determinant of ethical behavior.

International Culture
Organizational Culture
Personal Ethics

2) which of the following are/is factors causing disequilibrium in the balance of

All three
Economics Factors
Political Factors
Sociological Factors

3) GATT stands for:

General Agreement on Tariffs and Taxation
Government Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
None of the above

4) WTO comes into existence with effect from:

January 1, 1995
December 25, 1995
September 11, 1999
January 15, 1996

5) IMF stands for:

International Monetary Fund
Indian Money Fund
Indian Monetary Foundation
International Monetary Foundation

6) KFC, Mc Donalds, are examples of,

Globalization of Intitutions
Globalization of Production
Globalization of Market

7) By Political System we mean............

the politics of country.
the banking system of nation.
the system of government in a nation.
None of the above
8) Different Types of Legal System are:
Market Economy, Mixed Economy, Command Economy
Common Law, Civil Law, Theocratic Law
Common Law, Civil Law, Theocratic Law
Democracy, Communism, Totalitarian

9) Which among the below is a part of Political System?

Command economy
Socialism economy
Mixed economy
Market economy

10) Which of the following statement is true for Norms?

Norms are given by family members.
Norms are heart of a culture.
Norms are social rules and guidelines.
None of the above

11) Folkways and Mores are Two different types of.......

All three

12) Which of the following is not a similarity of internal and international trade?
Goodwill creation
Artificial Barrier to Trade
Satisfaction of Consumers
Market research

13) World bank group is a __________________ financial institution.

Co operative
Public sector

14) World bank is established at the end of.............

World War II
World War I

15) The International Monetary Fund (IMF) came into existence on......
August 15, 1947
January 26, 1952
December 25, 1950
December 27, 1945

16) Which among the following is guiding principles of WTO?

Trade Without Discrimination
Free Trade
Market Access

17) Availability of inputs at low cost in foreign country is one of the reason for...….
Globalization of Banks
Globalization of Market
Globalization of Production

18) Companies globalize ____________in order to satisfy demand for their product in
foreign market.

19) Collectivism, Socialism ,Individualism are different types of .........

Economic system
Legal system
Political system

20) Culture is defined as a system of...........................

mores and norms
Folkways and mores
Values and Norms

21) CSR stands for:

Corporate Social Responsibility
Company Society Responsibilty
Country Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Reward

22) Which statement is true for Society?

Society refers to group of people who share common set of values and norms.
Society refers to group of industrialist who share common rules.
Society refers to group of student having common ambition.

23) Balance of payment includes:

None of the above
Import and Export
Assets and Liability
Current account and Capital account

24) Sale of goods abroad are __________entry.

25) The Rate at which one unit of currency is converted into the currency unit of another
country is known as.....
Interest Rate
Market rate
Rate of Exchange

26) Ultimately ______ was replaced by the ______ on 1st Jan 1995.
Sr. No. Unit No. Question Option1 Option2 Option3 Option4 Answer
1 1 What is the amalgamation and rapid unification Globalisation Liberalisation Socialisation Privatisation Option1
between countries identified as?
2 1 Which of these organisations emphasises on the International World Health World Trade International Labour Option3
liberalisation of foreign investment and foreign trade? Monetary Fund Organisation Organisation Organisation
3 1 Tax on imports is considered as an example of Collateral Trade barriers Foreign trade Terms of trade Option2
4 1 Which of the following is the main reason behind the To benefit foreign To provide financial For the welfare of To increase the assets Option4
investments of MNCs? countries support to the country’s underprivileged and earn profits
government people
5 1 Which of these institutes supports investments and International World Trade World Bank International Labour Option2
foreign trade in India? Monetary Fund Organisation (WTO) Organisation (ILO)
6 1 Globalisation of the world economy, is the globalization Micro level Macro Level Both Micro and None of the above Option2
at - Macro Level mention
7 1 Globalisation of the business and the firm, is the Micro level Macro Level Both Micro and None of the above Option1
globalization at - Macro Level mention
8 1 __________ refers to the process of integrating and Globalisation of Nationalization of Monopoly Market None of the above Option1
merging of the distinct world markets into a single markets Markets mention
9 1 Which one of the following is not one of the reasons for to reduce the risk diversify the portfolio of Large-scale to take benefits of local Option4
globalization of markets? countries industrialisation market
enabled mass
10 1 The process of globalisation of production helps the Low-cost leadership Superior quality Superior speed All of the above Option4
companies to achieve - mention
11 1 When was the WTO established? 1995 1991 1993 1999 Option1
12 1 The trade barrier like quotas and tariffs rates were protect borders of protect domestic have free flow of All of the above Option2
imposed by Govt. to the nation business goods and services mention
13 1 The investment made by a company in new FDI IDF GDI None of the above Option1
manufacturing and/or marketing facilities in a foreign mention
country is known as____.
14 1 GATT was converted in to __________ for strengthen WTO NAFTA ASEAN SAARC Option1
the world economy and lead to more trade, investment,
employment and income growth throughout the world.

15 1 The headquarters of International Monetary Fund (IMF) Geneva London Paris Washington DC. Option4
is located at ________.
16 1 What is the full form of EU? European Union Europe United English Union None of the above Option1

Page 1
17 1 What is the full form of NAFTA? North Asian Free North American Free North Australian Free None of the above Option2
Trade Agreement Trade Agreement Trade Agreement mention

18 1 What is the full form of SAARC? Super Asian South American South Asian None of the above Option3
Association for Association for Regional Association for mention
Regional Cooperation Regional Cooperation
19 1 What is the full form of LAFTA? Latin American Free Large Association for Latin Asian Free None of the above Option1
Trade Area Free Trade Area Trade Area mention
20 1 Who believed that society should be stratified into Plato Pluto Karl Marx None of the above Option1
classes, with those best suited to rule administering
society for the benefit of all?
21 1 Who did not equate collectivism with equality? Pluto Plato Karl Marx None of the above Option2
22 1 One of the effects of________________ is that it Privatisation Liberalisation Socialisation Globalisation Option4
promotes and increases interactions between different
regions and populations around the globe.
23 1 Which of the following involves the identification of Globalisation of Nationalization of Monopoly Market None of the above Option1
some common norm, value, taste, preference and markets Markets mention
convenience and slowly enables the cultural shift
towards the use of a common product or service.
24 1 Companies, in order to reduce the risk, diversify the Globalisation of Globalisation of Nationalization of None of the above Option1
portfolio of countries, go for ___________. markets Production Markets mention
25 1 To cater to the demand for their products in the foreign Globalise their Nationalise their Markets Globalise their Nationalise their Option3
markets, companies _______________. Production markets Production
26 1 Availability of high-quality raw materials and Globalisation of Globalisation of Nationalization of None of the above Option2
components in other countries, may be one of the markets Production Markets mention
reason for _________________.
27 1 Availability of inputs at low-cost in foreign Globalisation of Globalisation of Nationalization of None of the above Option2
countries.Availability of inputs at low-cost in foreign markets Production Markets mention
countries, may be one of the reason for
28 1 Availability of skilled human resources at low-cost, may Globalisation of Globalisation of markets Nationalization of None of the above Option1
be one of the reason for _________________. Production Markets mention
29 1 Liberal labour laws in the foreign countries, may be one Globalisation of Nationalization of Globalisation of None of the above Option3
of the reason for _________________. markets Markets Production mention
30 1 To reduce the cost of transportation and easy logistics Globalise their Nationalise their Markets Globalise their Nationalise their Option1
management, companies _______________. Production markets Production
31 1 The globalisation of production is to take the Cost of Input Qulity of Input availability of Input All of the above Option4
advantages of national differences in mention

Page 2
32 1 The League of Nations, formed in___________. 1922 1915 1930 1918 Option4
33 1 The United Nations, formed in___________. 1940 1948 1945 1966 Option3
34 1 The headquarters of United Nations is located at Geneva New York Paris Washington DC. Option2
35 1 The World Bank's initial goals were largely focused balanced growth of reconstruction and international stability Option2
on____________. international trade development cooperation
36 1 The IMF's initial goals were largely focused balanced growth of international cooperation stability All of the above Option4
on____________. international trade mention
37 1 Which one of the following is the international non- Red Cross Oxfam Greenpeace All of the above Option4
governmental organizations? mention
38 2 _________refers to a political system that stresses the Individualism Collectivism Democracy Totalitarianism Option2
primacy of collective goals over individual goals.
39 2 ________refers to the philosophy that an individual Individualism Collectivism Democracy Totalitarianism Option1
should have freedom in his or her economic and
political pursuits.
40 2 ____________ refers to a political system in which Individualism Collectivism Democracy Totalitarianism Option3
government is by the people, exercised either directly or
through elected representatives.
41 2 _____________is a form of government in which one Individualism Collectivism Democracy Totalitarianism Option4
person or political party exercises absolute control over
all spheres of human life and prohibits opposing political
42 2 ____________ emphasized on the needs of society as a Individualism Collectivism Democracy Totalitarianism Option2
whole are generally viewed as being more important
than individual freedoms.
43 2 The pure form of democracy is based on a belief that - citizens should be citizens should not be citizens should be None of the above Option1
directly involved in directly involved in indirectly involved in mention
decision making decision making decision making
44 2 Which one of the following is not one of the major Communist Theocratic totalitarianism Tribal totalitarianism Left-wing Option4
forms of totalitarianism existing in the world today? totalitarianism totalitarianism
45 2 __________________ refer to the legal rights over the Property rights Civil Law Common Law None of the above Option1
use to which a resource is put and made of any income mention
that may be derived from that resource.
46 2 Which one of the following law system is based on Theocratic Law Contract Law Civil Law None of the above Option1
religious teachings? mention
47 2 ___________ permits some individual economic Communist Theocratic totalitarianism Tribal totalitarianism Right-wing Option4
freedom but restricts individual political freedom, totalitarianism totalitarianism
frequently on the grounds that it would lead to the rise
of communism.

Page 3
48 2 Which one of the following is not one of the law Common law Civil Law Theocratic Law Humanitarian law Option4
49 2 Judges in a _________ system have the power to Common law Civil Law Theocratic Law Humanitarian law Option1
interpret the law.
50 2 judges in a ____________ system have the power only Common law Civil Law Theocratic Law Humanitarian law Option2
to apply the law.
51 2 ____________ system as new precedents arise, laws Common law Civil Law Theocratic Law Humanitarian law Option1
may be altered, clarified, or amended to deal with new
52 2 A________ grants the inventor of a new product or Patent copyright trademark None of the above Option1
process exclusive rights for a defined period to the mention
manufacture, use, or sale of that invention.
53 2 A____________ is the exclusive legal right of authors, Patent copyright trademark None of the above Option2
composers, playwrights, artists, and publishers to mention
publish and disperse their work as they see fit.
54 2 _________are designs and names, often officially Patents Copyrights Trademarks None of the above Option3
registered, by which merchants or manufacturers mention
designate and differentiate their products.
55 2 Which of the following comes into the picture in case of World Bank IMF WTO International Centre for Option4
international legal disputes? Settlement of
Investment Disputes
56 2 Where is the International Court of Justice situated? The Hague Geneva Berlin Washington DC Option1
57 2 ____________an individual’s right to do something may Individualism Collectivism Democracy Totalitarianism Option2
be restricted on the grounds that it runs counter to "the
good of society" or to "the common good".
58 2 In modern times, the collectivist responsibility has been Democracy Totalitarianism socialists individaulism Option3
picked up by __________.
59 2 In __________ health care left to free-market. Individualism Capitalism Democracy Socailism Option2
60 2 In ___________the healthcare provie by Government Individualism Capitalism Democracy Socailism Option4
free at point of use.
61 2 Limited taxes is one of the features of ___________. Individualism Capitalism Democracy Socailism Option2
62 2 High progressive taxes/higher spending on public service Individualism Capitalism Democracy Socailism Option4
is one of the features of ______________.
63 2 In which of the following the prices are determined by Individualism Capitalism Democracy Socailism Option2
supply and demand?
64 2 In which of the following the income determined by Individualism Capitalism Democracy Socailism Option2
market forces?
65 2 In which of the following the Assets owned by Individualism Capitalism Democracy Socailism Option4

Page 4
66 2 In which of the following the Assets owned by Private Individualism Capitalism Democracy Socailism Option2
67 2 In which of the following the prices are controled by Individualism Capitalism Democracy Socailism Option4
68 2 The communists believed that socialism could be violent revolution totalitarian dictatorship Both A and B Neither A nor B Option3
achieved only through and
69 2 __________ argued that private property is more highly Aristotle Karl Marx Plato Walton Option1
productive than communal property and will thus
stimulate progress.
70 2 According to____________, communal property Aristotle Karl Marx Plato Walton Option1
receives little care, whereas property that is owned by
an individual will receive the greatest care.
71 2 Most modern democratic states practice representative pure democracy Both A and B Neither A nor B Option1
_______________. democracy
72 2 In a pure market economy, all productive activities are privately owned owned by Government owned by society None of the above Option1
_________________. mention
73 3 _______ mean complex whole which includes Culture Values Norms Mores Option1
knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and other
capabilities acquired by man as a member of society.
74 3 ___________ form the heart of a culture. Culture Values Norms Mores Option2
75 3 _________are a fundamental concept in the social Culture Values Norms Mores Option3
76 3 ____________are informal rules and norms that, while Culture Values Folkways Mores Option3
not offensive to violate, are expected to be followe

77 3 ___________ are also informal rules that are not Culture Values Folkways Mores Option4
written, but, when violated; result in severe
78 3 ____________ are norms that are seen as central to the Culture Values Folkways Mores Option3
functioning of a society and its social life.
79 3 The term _________ refers to the extent to which social mobility social stratification Group None of the above Option1
individuals can move out of the strata into which they mention
are born.
80 3 Which of the following is/are the dimension/s that Power distance Uncertainty avoidance Individualism versus All of the above Option4
Hofstede claimed to summarized different cultures? collectivism mention
81 3 ____________ denotes the relationship between Power distance Uncertainty avoidance Individualism versus Masculinity versus Option1
superior and subordinates. collectivism femininity
82 3 Employees in countries with the highest scores of Power distance Uncertainty avoidance Individualism versus Masculinity versus Option2
u__________prefer a system and a methodological collectivism femininity
work based on rules that are not to be deviate

Page 5
83 3 The _______________ dimension focused on the Power distance Uncertainty avoidance Individualism versus Masculinity versus Option3
relationship between the individual and his or her collectivism femininity
84 3 In _______________, the relationship between individualism collectivism femininity masculinity Option1
individuals was loose and individual achievement and
freedom was highly value
85 3 _________________ dimension looked at the Power distance Uncertainty avoidance Individualism versus Masculinity versus Option4
relationship between gender and work roles. collectivism femininity
86 3 In _____________ cultures, gender roles were sharply individualise collective feminine masculine Option4
87 3 In ______________cultures, sex roles were less sharply individualise collective feminine masculine Option3
88 3 As per cultural dimentions of Hofstede, masculinity male-female ration Society dominated by Society characterised war-riden society Option3
refers to in the country male members by aggressive and

89 3 Socio-cultural environment comes under micro macro semi macro de macro Option2
_______environment ?
90 3 which one is not a diterminent of culture in religion education language economic growth Option4
international business environment?
91 3 the group of indiviuals is the primary unit of social TRUE FALSE Can't say may be Option1
organization in the society
92 3 All societies are stratified on a hierarchical basis into FALSE Can't say TRUE may be Option3
social categories known as social strata.
93 3 Respect for others, obedience to authority, honesty, TRUE FALSE Can't say may be Option1
neatness, being on time, and so on, are all part of the
"hidden curriculum" of schools
94 3 If the cultures of the United States and France result in Agree Disagree not agree partially agree Option1
different work-related values, an international business
with operations in both countries should vary its
management process and practices to account for these
95 3 For the society, religion has no influence on holidays language role of women marketing practices Option2
96 3 In the PEST framework for environmental analysis what Ethical Ecological Educational Economic Option4
does the letter E stands for
97 3 The following are Hofstede’s dimensions of culture femininity vs. power distance paradoxicality individualism vs. Option3
EXCEPT; masculinity collectivism

Page 6
98 3 Publicly rewarding a specific employee’s performance power distance femininity vs. masculinity individualism vs. uncertainty avoidance Option3
might be seen poorly by the employee and others collectivism
because of which cultural dimension?
99 3 Hofstede holds that there are ____ dimensions to 4 6 5 7 Option2
100 3 Geert Hofstede identified major dimensions of culture femininity vs. power distance religious beliefs. individualism vs. Option3
that affect communication. Which of the following is masculinity collectivism
NOT one of them?
101 3 Australia is a high individualist culture. From this you a low power- a high-context a high power- none of these Option1
can deduce that they are also: distance culture communication culture distance culture
102 3 According to Hofstede, national cultures such as High in uncertainty Low in uncertainty More masculine High power distance Option2
Singapore, Hong Kong, and Sweden, in which people are avoidance avoidance
more accepting of innovative ideas and eccentric or
deviant behavior, are which of the following?
103 3 Which of the dimensions Hofstede used to define masculinity power distance uncertainity individualism Option4
differences between national cultures refers to the avoidance
degree to which members of a culture are expected to
act independently of other members?
104 4 An ethical dilemma is ______. where a decision is where the required any situation where a the consequences of Option1
required but course of action is clear decision has to be our decisions
different values made
seem to conflict and
it is not possible to
uphold both

105 4 Ethical decision making frameworks ______. give us the answers are all the same provide us with None of these Option3
to ethical dilemmas different frameworks
to help us identify
key issues and arrive
a plan of action with
a clear rationale

106 4 What is business ethics? The study of Defined as decisions Ethics that can be Ethical processes Option1
business situations, organisations make on applied to an businesses use in order
activities, and issues that could be organisation’s to achieve a good
decisions where considered right or practises ethical standard
issues of right and wrong
wrong are

Page 7
107 4 Which of these is a factor that affects ethical and Ethical dilemma Diversity Teamwork Open communication Option1
unethical behaviour?
108 4 The term _________refers to principles, values and Innovation Customer satisfaction Ethics Empowerment Option3
beliefs that define right and wrong behaviour.
109 4 The word “Ethics” comes from Ethos Eternity Elementary Essentiality Option1
110 4 A_______is a set of principles that people hold ethical perspective code of honor code of ethics persuasive tactic Option3
themselves to or that are held by organizations or
111 4 What is Ethical Dilemma decision-making in a difficult situation on split personality relationship problems Option1
problem between where to spend your
two possible moral money
112 4 What are the threats to ethical dilemma failure of personal organisation goals All of these peer pressure stress Option3
character and values conflict with social values conflicting with
personal values
113 4 What are the ways to resolve and reduce ethical Stay firm on the Encourage peers on Avoid situation that All of these Option4
dilemma situations correct core value doing the right thing create conflict of
114 4 Identify an ethical dilemma from the situations Your employer Refusing to undertake a Agreement in All of the mentioned Option1
mentioned below ? releases a safety- project principle with the
critical system policies of senior
without finishing the management
testing of the
115 4 The ________ dimension of social responsibility refers Ethical Philanthropic Volunteerism Strategic Option1
to a business's societal contribution of time, money, and
other resources.
116 4 Which type of responsibility gives the benefit to the Legal Ethical Moral Economic Option3
society out of its profits earned?
117 4 The stakeholders of socially responsible business units Share Holders Employees Government Company Option4
are except
118 4 Ethics in international business is important for Non-managerial Middle-level managers Top management All of these Option4
119 4 If business is to operate in a society which is full of Little chance of Great chance of success Little chance of No relation with Option1
diverse and complicated problems, it may have success failure success or failure
120 4 What is the last step of the ethical decision-making Study the laws and Review the code of ethics Learn from the result List possible solutions Option3
process? regulations
121 4 _______ mean complex whole which includes Culture Values Norms Mores Option1
knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and other
capabilities acquired by man as a member of society.

Page 8
122 4 __________ is a factor that affects ethical and unethical Diversity Open communication Ethical dilemma Teamwork Option3
123 4 decision-making problem between two possible moral Ethical dilemma Teamwork Diversity Open communication Option1
imperatives known as
124 4 ____________provide us with different frameworks to Ethical Perspective Ethical Decision Ethical dilemma Ethical persuative Option2
help us identify key issues and arrive a plan of action
with a clear rationale
125 4 In international business, most important ethical issues envirornmental employment practice moral abligation All of these Option4
involved noms
126 4 Political, leagal, economic and cultural norms may vary TRUE FALSE Can't say may be Option1
from nation to nation
127 4 A normal practice may be ethical in one country but FALSE Can't say TRUE may be Option3
unethica in another
128 4 which one is not an ethical issues in international Corruption environmental pollution human right decision making process Option4
129 4 which one is not an ethical behaviour? Personal Ethics Leadership Socital culture ethical dilemma Option4
130 4 Ethical decision making is the process of evaluating and TRUE FALSE Can't say may be Option1
choosing among alternatives in a manner consistent
with ethical principles
131 4 In making ethical decisions, it is necessary to eliminate FALSE TRUE may be can't say Option1
ethical options ans select the best unethical alternative.

132 4 Establishing the right kind of ethical culutre in ana can't say may be FALSE ture Option4
organisation, they must be able to think through the
ethical implications of decisions in a systematica way
133 4 Ethical dilemma are extreamly complicated challages TRUE FALSE Can't say may be Option1
that cannot be easly solved
134 4 which one is not an example of ethical dilemma ? Offering a client, a Taking credit for others’ taking credit of own's Utilizing inside Option3
worse product for work work knowledge for your
your own profit own profit
135 4 Moral courage enables managers to walk away from a TRUE FALSE Can't say may be Option1
decision that is profitable but unethical.
136 4 Moral courage does not gives an employee the strength FALSE TRUE may be can't say Option1
to say no to a superior who instructs her to pursue
actions that are unethical.
137 4 Favor hiring and promoting people with a well-grounded FALSE TRUE may be can't say Option2
is a sense of personal ethics
138 4 Values and norms shape the culture of a business TRUE FALSE Can't say may be Option1
organization, and that culture has an important
influence on the ethics of business decision making.

Page 9
139 5 Ethical concerns in business are easily sorted out. complex because the complex because Rahul Gandhi Option2
practical needs of there is no right or
commerce can conflict wrong.
with social responsibility
140 5 Individuals’ moral judgments about what is right or ethical values. relativism. religious beliefs. human rights Option1
wrong are
141 5 Which of the following ethical issues has been raised Criminal gang Large payments to some Child labor All of these Option4
about doing business in China? activity workers
142 5 Out of the following, one is not related with WTO TRIPS Ministarial Conference TRIMS TRAI Option4
143 5 Each member of IMF, is assigned a quota expressed in Memer Country's Dollar Special Drawing None of the above Option2
currency Rights
144 5 Balance of Payments is an accounting statement that Residents of a Non-residents and the Residents of a nation None of the above Option1
records monetary transactions between ________. nation and the rest rest of the world and non-residents
of the world
145 5 The ‘resident’, whose monetary transactions get Government Individuals Firms All of the above Option4
recorded under the Balance of Payments system, agencies
includes _______.
146 5 Which of the following institutions is not part of the IBRD WTO IDA IFC Option2
World Bank community?
147 5 When was IMF established? Dec. 27,1945 Jan. 30, 1947 Jan.1, 1946 Sept. 24, 1947 Option1
148 5 Which of the following is not the objective of the IMF? To promote To ensure balanced To ensure exchange To provide loan to Option4
international international trade rate stability private sectors
149 5 If the Balance of Payment of a country is adverse, then World Bank World Trade International Asian Development Option3
which institution will help that country? Organization Monetary Fund Bank
150 5 The purpose of IMF is to To promote To facilitate the To promote exchange all of the above Option4
international expansion and balanced stability
monetary growth of international
cooperation trade
151 5 The Headquarter of World Bank is in Geneva Paris New York Washington DC Option4
152 5 Where is the headquarters of the SAARC? Manila Kathmandu New Delhi Jakarta Option2
153 5 SAPTA is a trade agreement by _________________ ASEAN Nations APEC Nations SAARC Nations EU Nations Option3
154 5 Expantion of WTO is World Traffic World Tools Organisation World Trade Worth Trade Option3
Organisation Organisation Organisation
155 5 Which of the following is not the main purpose for To Combat To Promote the Welfare To form mutual To accelerate Option3
formation of SAARC Terrorism of the people of South defence against economic growth and
Asia foreign aggression natural development

Page 10
International Business Environment
SYBBA – Sem 4
Multiple Choice Questions

Ms. Vinita Sutaria

Vivekanand College for BBA

1. What do you mean by Globalisation?

A.When you visit stores like global B.When you buy global brands

C. Integrating and merging of D. process of putting products in C

markets into a single market the basket

2. The size of the company need not be too large to create a global market. Is
this statement correct?

A. True B. False

C. Maybe D. Not sure A

3. Which of the statements hold true when we talk of Globalisation of

A. Large scale industralisation B. In order to reduce risk,

enabled mass production companies diversify portfolio of

C. Both 1 and 2 D. None of the above C

4. All are the drivers of globalisation except____________

A. Establishment of WTO B. Emergence and growth of

regional intergration

C. Decline in trade barriers D. Change in food habits D

5. What do you understand by Culture?

A. As a system of values and norms B. Abstract ideas about what is

that are shared by a group of people right and desirable

C. Social rules and guidelines that D. None of the above A

prescribe appropriate behavior in a
6. What do you understand by Values?

A. Social rules and guidelines that B. Abstract ideas about what is

prescribe appropriate behavior in a right and desirable

C. The importance of a product or D. As a system of values and B

service norms that are shared by a group of

7. What do you understand by Norms?

A. There is nothing like norms B. As a system of values and

norms that are shared by a group of

C. Social rules and guidelines that D. Abstract ideas about what is C

prescribe appropriate behavior in a right and desirable

8. What do you understand by Ethics?

A. Abstract ideas of how to drape B. accepted principles of right or

sarees wrong that govern the conduct of a

C. Different ways of wearing a outfit D. How we decorate our house B

9. What do you understand by Social Responsibility?

A. To be responsible to social issues B. To consider social consequence

of your economic actions in

C. To create awareness about social D. All of the above B


10. When was the Euporean Union (EU) formed and initially how many
members did they have?

A. 1st January 1958, 6 countries B. 1st July 1950, 6 countries

C. 1st January 1950, 28 countries D. 1st July 1958, 28 countries A

11. What does the term BREXIT mean?

A. Its nothing important B. Its a new word for EXIT

C. Britain's decision to exit the EU D. Britain's decision to exit the C

12. When was EURO launched and by how many countries?

A. 1st August 1980, 15 countries B. 1st January 1999, 11 countries

C. 1st June 1990, 15 countries D. 11th January 1999, 15 countries B

13. What does SAARC stand for?

A. South Asian Agreement for B. South Aquatic Animals Recue

Rescuing Cats Combat

C. South Asian Association for D. South Asian Allergen Removal C

Regional Cooperation Capsule

14. When was SAARC launched and how many countries initially there?

A. 1st December 1981, 7 countries B. 1st December 1986, 5 countries

C. 1st December 1980, 5 countries D. 1st December 1985, 7 countries D

15. What does IMF stand for?

A. Indian Moti Foundation B. International Monkey


C. International Monetary Fund D. Indian Milkman Forum C

16. What is the other name for World Bank?

A. Indian Band for Research Duties B. Indian Bank for Rozgaar and

C. Institute for Baking Raspberries D. International Bank for D

and Dragonfruit Reconstruction and Development

17. What does Balance of Payment show?

A. Cashflow between two countries B. Transaction in goods and

services and income between two

C. How much money is yet to be D. Where everyone pays to balance B

paid the bill

18. Companies globalise the production facilities due to the following reasons:

A. Availability of high-quality raw B. To reduce the cost of

materials and components in other transportation and easy logistics
countries. management.

C. Both A & B D. None of the above C

19. The IMF's mission reflects its emphasis on international cooperation,
balanced growth of international trade, and stability.

A. True B. False

C. Maybe D. Not Sure A

20. Economic environment refers to all those economic factors which have a
bearing on the functioning of a business unit.

A. True B. False

C. Maybe D. Not Sure A

21. Law is basically a set of rules that _______ to regulate the actions of its

A. are created and enforce by a B. influence regulations in former

particular country or community countries
through social or governmental

C. Both A & B D. All of the Above. C

22. ________ refers to a political system that stresses the primacy of collective
goals over individual goals.

A. Individualism B. Socialism

C. Collectivism D. Communism C
23. ___________ believed that socialism could be achieved only through
violent revolution and totalitarian dictatorship.

A. Protestants B. The communists

C. Individualist D. Secularists B
24 _____________ committed themselves to achieving socialism by
democratic means

A. Individualist B. Securalism

C. Collectivist D. The social democrats D

25. ___________ refers to the philosophy that an individual should have
freedom in his or her economic and political pursuits.

A. Individualism B. Collectivists

C. Democrats D. Protestants A
26. __________ refers to a political system in which government is by the
people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives.

A. Communism B. Democracy

C. Monarchy D. Authoritarian B
27 _________ is a form of government in which one person or political party
exercises absolute control over all spheres of human life and prohibits
opposing political parties.

A. Secularism B. Communism

C. Totalitarianism D. Anarchy C
28 ___________ permits some individual economic freedom but restricts
individual political freedom, frequently on the grounds that it would lead
to the rise of communism.

A. Left -wing totalitarianism B. Right-wing totalitarianism

C. South-wing Totalitarianism D. North-wing totalitarianism B

29 In a pure market economy,____________, as opposed to being owned by
the state.

A. Why production is done B. All productive activities are

spent privately

C. All productive activities are D. All of the above C

privately owned

30 In a _________, the government plans the goods and services that a

country produces, the quantity in which they are produced, and the prices
at which they are sold.

A. Impure Economy B. Command Economy

C. Pure Economy D. pure command economy D

31 In a __________, certain sectors of the economy are left to private
ownership and free market mechanisms while other sectors have
significant state ownership and government planning.

A. Mixed Economy B. Pure Economy

C. Command Economy D. Global Economy A

32 The social structure consists of the following two dimensions - 1. The
degree of which the basic unit of social organization is the individual
2. The second dimension is the degree to which a society is stratified into
classes or castes.

A. True B. False

C. Maybe D. Not Sure A

33 ______ are informal rules and norms that, while not offensive to violate,
are expected to be followed.

A. Values B. Folkways

C. Norms D. Culture B
34 _______ are also informal rules that are not written, but, when violated;
result in severe punishments and social sanction upon the individuals

A. Culture B. Norms

C. Mores D. Folkways C
35 All societies are stratified on a hierarchical basis into social categories

A. Subculture B. Mores

C. Values D. Social Stratification D

36 The term social mobility refers to the extent to which individuals can move
out of the strata into which they are born.

A. Social Mobility B. Social Stratification

C. Social Status D. Social Class A

37 Power distance denotes the relationship between superior and subordinates.

A. True B. False

C. Maybe D. None of the above A

38 Employees in countries with the highest scores of _________ prefer a system and
a methodological work based on rules that are not to be deviated.

A. Power Distance B. Uncertainty Aviodance

C. Individualism vs Collectivism D. Masculinity Vs Feminity B

39 Hofstede’s __________ dimension looked at the relationship between
gender and work roles.

A. Uncertainty Aviodance B. Power Distance

C. Masculinity Vs Feminity D. Individualism vs Collectivism C
40 _________ refers to accepted principles of right or wrong that govern the
conduct of a person,

A. Business ethics B. Ethical practices

C. Ethical dilemma D. Ethics D

41 Business ethics are principles of right or wrong governing the conduct of
business people.

A. Business ethics B. Ethical practices

C. Ethical dilemma D. Ethics A

42 An ____________ is a problem in the decision-making
process between two possible options, neither of which is absolutely
acceptable from an ethical perspective.

A. Ethical practices B. Ethical dilemma

C. Business ethics D. Ethics B

43 __________________ are the root causes of unethical behaviour.

A. Organisational traps B. Mouse Traps

C. Psychological traps D. Income Traps C

44 Ethical Issues in international business includes all except

A. Human Rights B. Moral Obligations

C. Environmental Pollution D. Personal Ethics D

45 Our ________ code exerts a profound influence on the way we behave as

A. Personal Ethical B. Organisational Ethical

C. Cultural D. Societal A
46 The term ___________ refers to the values and norms that are shared
among employees of an organization.

A. Personal Culture B. Organizational Culture

C. Societal Culture D. Collective Culture B

47 Pressure from the parent company to meet unrealistic performance goals
that can be attained only by cutting comers or acting is ethical or

A. Ethical B. Unethical

C. Both D. Not Sure B

48 Leaders help to establish the culture of an organization, and they set the
example that others follow. Other employees in a business often take their
cue from business leaders, Do you think Leadership could be root cause of
unethical behaviour??

A. True B. Both

C. False D. Not Sure A

49 ________ may well have an impact on the propensity of people, and
organizations, to behave in an unethical manner.

A. Organizational Culture B. Personal Culture

C. Societal culture D. Cultural Diversity C

50 ____________ refers to the process of evaluating and choosing among
alternatives in a manner consistent with ethical principles.

A. Unethical decision-making B. Organisational decision-making

C. Personal decision-making D. Ethical decision-making D

51 In making ________, it is necessary to perceive and eliminate unethical
options and select the best alternative.

A. Ethical decisions B. Unethical decisions

C. Organisational decisions D. Personal decisions A

52 A firm's _________ are individuals or groups that have an interest, claim,
stake in the company, in what it does, and in how well it performs.

A. employees B. stakeholders

C. suppliers D. customers B
53 _________ are individuals or groups who work for or own the business.

A. External stakeholders B. External steakholders

C. Internal stakeholders D. Internal steakholders C
54 _____________ are all other individuals and groups that have some claim
on the firm.

A. Internal stakeholders B. External steakholders

C. Internal steakholders D. External stakeholders D

55 __________ are responsible for making sure that all employees are
trained to be ethically aware, that ethical considerations enter the business
decision-making process, and that the company's code of ethics is

A. Ethics Officers B. Audit Officers

C. Marketing Officers D. Production Officers A

56 _______ enables managers to walk away from a decision
that is profitable but unethical.

A. Courage B. Moral Courage

C. Social Courage D. Discourage B

57 The __________ is a situation when a resource held in common by all, but
owned by no one, is overused by individuals, resulting in its degradation.

A. Tragedy of Commons B. Tragedy of Local Commons

C. Tragedy of the Global Commons D. Tragedy of Differences C

58 _______________ , is a systematic and summary record of a country’s
economic and financial transactions with the rest of the world, over
a period of time.

A. Balance of Purchase B. Balance of Products

C. Balance of Purses D. Balance of Payments D

59 The current account of balance of payment includes all transactions
which give rise to or use up national income.

A. Current B. Capital

C. Unilateral Payments D. Official Reserves Assets A

60 The ___________ account of balance of payments consists of short-term
and long-term capital transactions.
A. Current B. Capital

C. Unilateral Payments D. Official Reserves Assets B

61 _________ of balance of payment is another terms for gifts, and includes
private remittances, government grants, reparations and disaster

A. Current B. Capital

C. Unilateral Payments D. Official Reserves Assets C

62 ___________ represent the holdings by the government of official
agencies of the means of payment that are generally accepted for the
settlement of international claims.

A. Current B. Capital

C. Unilateral Payments D. Official reserves D

63 _______________ refers to the exchange of goods and services between the
buyers and sellers within the political boundaries of the same country.

A. Domestic Trade B. International Trade

C. Society Trade D. Miscellaneous Trade A

64 _____________ is the trade between different countries i.e. it extends
beyond the political boundaries of the countries engaged in it.

A. Domestic Trade B. International Trade

C. Society Trade D. Miscellaneous Trade B

65 The term ____________ is a comprehensive term and includes any inflow of
capital in home country from abroad.

A. Capital Assets B. Capital City

C. Foreign Capital D. Indian Capital C

66 When we say the price of dollar has increased, it means that we have
to pay more rupees for purchasing dollar.

A. Appreciation of Rupee B. Decentralisation of Rupee

C. Demonetisation of Rupee D. Depreciation of Rupee D

67 When we say the price of dollar has decreased it means that we have
to pay less rupees for purchasing a dollar.
A. Appreciation of Rupee B. Decentralisation of Rupee A
C. Demonetisation of Rupee D. Depreciation of Rupee

68 A __________ is a country's exchange rate regime under which the

government or central bank ties the official exchange rate to another
country's currency (or the price of gold).

A. Mixed Exchange Rate B. Fixed Exchange Rate

C. Freely floating Exchange Rate D. Some Exchange Rate B

69 A _____________ is determined by the private market through supply and

A. Mixed Exchange Rate B. Fixed Exchange Rate

C. Freely floating Exchange Rate D. Some Exchange Rate C

70 The _____________ is a multinational financial institution established at the end
of World War II (1944) to help provide long-term capital for the
reconstruction and development of member countries.

A. World Bank Group B. International Bank for

Reconstruction and Development

C. Indian Bank for Reading and D. None of the Above A

1. Who argued on Collectivism? Plato/Aristotle/Both/Neither
2. Who communal property receives little cares, whereas property that is owned by an
individual will receive the greatest care and therefore be most productive?
Aristotle/Plato/Karl Marks/Adam Smith
3. How many types of democracy are there? 1/2/3/4
4. Which types of democracy practiced over the large part of world?
5. How many types of totalitarianism are there? 1/2/4/5
6. Example of theocratic totalitarianism is – Iraq/Saudi Arabia/UAE/Iran
7. Find out odd one - China/North Korea/Cuba/Zimbabwe
8. Government is giving up ownership of business is known as –
9. Normally which types of economic system you will find Market/Closed/Pure/Mixed
10. based on tradition, precedence and custom based on codes.- Common
law,Civil law/Civil law, common Law/Monarchy Common Law/None
11. Find out an odd. Japan/Russia/Germany/UK
12. Theocratic Law based on. Custom/Tradition/Culture/Religion
13. refers to legal history of a country Custom/Precedent/Tradition/None
14. refers to cases that have come before the court Custom/Precedent/Tradition/None
15. refers to the way law applied in specific situation
16.How can property rights violated? Private Action/Public Action/None/Both
17. Refers to theft, piracy, blackmail, and the like by private individuals or groups.
Public Action/Private Action/Govt.Action/None.
18. The exclusive legal right of authors, composers, playwrights, artists & publishers to
publish and is present their work is? Patent/Trademark/Copyrights/Registration
19. A grants the inventor of a new product or process exclusive rights.
20. a document that specifies the condition under which exchange is occur in details
Agreement/Registration/Contract/Commercial Paper
21. In how many dimension political system accessed? 4/3/6/2
22. Socialist who believe in democracy are known as Communist/Theocratic/Social
23. Origin of democracy found at- Rome/India/China/Greece
24. System that stress on societal goal is-
25. Judges have more flexibility in Civil law/Contract law/Theocratic Law/Common Law
1. known as abstract idea about what a group believes to be good, right and desirable? -
2. known as social rules and guidelines that prescribe appropriate behavior in certain
3. is the way people is expected to behave and its violation is not very serious matter in
society -Culture/Norms/Values/Folkways
4. Find out odd – Latin American/Arabic/African/North European
5. & most visible in culture. – Symbol, Ritual/Ritual, Sign/Sign, Symbol/
6. are central to functioning of society and its social life and its have much greater
significance than folkways. Code/Rituals/Norms/Mores
7. Find out odd - Religion/Language/Education/Lifestyle
8. is an association of two or more individuals who have shared sense of identity and
interact with each other in structured ways on the basis of common set of expectation
about each other’s behavior. – Family/Group/Team/Crowd.
9. Find out odd – Saudi Arabia/USA/UAE/Kuwait
10. One value of Japanese culture is importance to - Group
membership/Individualgoal/Job Satisfaction/None
11. is closed system is social stratification.-
12. is less rigid- Division/Class/Group/Caste
13.How many dimensions of culture relates to workplace that Hofstede Studied – 7/4/6/5
14. focused on how a society deals with people are unequal in physical and intellectual
capabilities.- Masculinity Vs Femininity/Long term Vs Short Term/ Uncertainty
Avoidance/Power Distance
15. dimension looked the relationship between gender and work role - Masculinity
VsFemininity/Long term Vs Short Term/ Uncertainty Avoidance/Power Distance
16. dimension refers to the extent which culture programs its citizens to accept delayed
gratification of their material, social and emotional needs.- Masculinity Vs
Femininity/Long term Vs Short Term/ Uncertainty Avoidance/Power Distance
17. dimension measured the extent which difference cultures socialized their members
into accepting ambiguous situations and tolerating un assured situation. Masculinity Vs
Femininity/Long term Vs Short Term/ Uncertainty Avoidance/Power Distance
18. dimension focused on the relationship between the individual and his or her fellows-
Masculinity Vs Femininity/Individualism Vs Collectivism/ Uncertainty
19. and important engines of cultural change.- Economic
20. Social Structure of society has dimension on which they can differ- 2/4/3/1
21.Culture includes – Art/Law/Belief/All
22. is/are central components of culture- Values/Norms/Both/None
23.Culture is/are - Static/Fixed/Constant/Evolving
24.Languages have how many dimensions? 1/2/3/4
25.Find out odd.- Japan/China/Korea/USA
26. refers to the extent to which individuals can move out of the strata into which they
are born. – Social Mobility/Social Movement/Social Succession/None
27. Social Stratification base on Principles – 3/4/5/6
28. Social Stratification is trait of - Society/Group/Culture/Nation
29. is most spoken language is world –
30. Find out odd. Japan/India/UK/Sweden
1. Which ethical behavior is important for a society to emphasize strong personal ethics? –
Personal Ethics/Business Ethics/Social Ethics/Societal Ethics.
2. Which term refers to the value and norms that are shared among employee of an
organization- Organization Culture/Business Culture/Group Culture/Business Culture
3. Find out odd – Corruption/The Moral Obligation/Human Rights/Ethical Dilemma
4. Nike had faces difficult situations regarding employment practices in which country –
5. Which multinational company has terminated its long term supplier Tan family?-
Diesel/Levi’s Jeans/Lee Jeans/Pepe Jeans
6. Process of evaluating and choosing among alternatives in a manner consistent with ethical
principle is decision making.-Ethical/Behavioral/True/Right
7. is a situation when resources when a resource held in common by all but owned by no
one is overused by individuals, resulting in its degradation.- Tragedy of World
Separated/Tragedy of Global Separated/Tragedy of Local Commons/Tragedy of Global
8. is made to speed up routine government action from the convention- Fast Money/Slow
Money/Speed Money/Rapid Money
9. With power comes the social responsibility for multinationals to give something back to the
Societies that enable them to prosper and grow refers as – CSR/CSW/BSR/TSR
10. Find out odd- Organization Culture/Leadership/Societal Culture/Business Ethics
11. To make sure that business behaves in an ethical manner, a number of firm now have .
- Behavior Officer/Ethics Officer/Organization Officer/Legal Officer.
12. The merging of historically distinct and separate markets in to one huge global market place
is known as globalization of -Market/Place/Product/Area
13. Globalization of refers to the sourcing of goods & services from locations around the
globe to take advantage of national differences in cost and quality.-
14. is responsible for policing world trading system. – WTO/GATT/Both/None
15. occurs when a firm invests resources in business activities outside its home country-
16. Find out odd- Microprocessor/Telecommunication/Internet/MNC
17. How many steps in ethical decision making. – 2/5/3/4
18. Which strategy, or course of action, that does not violate these accepted ethical principles-
19. is a French term that refers to honorable and benevolent behavior considered the
responsibility of people of high birth- Noblesse oblige/Noblesse Person/Noblesse
Man/Noblesse Society
20. replaced by in 1995. – WTO,GATT/GATT,WTO/IMF,WTO/IBRD,WTO
1. is a systematic & summary record of a country’s economic & financial transactions
with the rest of the world over period of time – Balance of Trade/Balance of
Account/Balance of Payment/Balance of Business.
2. Find out odd- Current Account/Capital Account/Trade Account/Official Reserve Account
3. includes all transactions which give rise to or use up national income- Current
Account/Capital Account/Unilateral Payments Account/Official Reserve Account
4. Current account transaction includes – Invisible Import/Invisible Export/Merchandise
5. Gift and private remittance will be considered in- Current Account/Capital
Account/Unilateral Payments Account/Official Reserve Account
6. International trade on large scale has become phenomenon of 20th century especially
after- 1st World War/1929 Great Inflation/2nd World War/1970
7. Find out odd.- Market Research/Product Planning & Development/Customer
Satisfaction/Trade Barrier
8. Find out odd- Physical obstacle to Commerce/Obstacle to Mobility of
Capital/Currency Difference/Goodwill Creation
9. is gap which foreign capital doesn’t fulfill- Saving Gap/Trade Gap/Technological
Gap/Business Gap
10. exchange rate under which rate of currency is fixed against other currency.-
11. WTO established after discussion.- Uruguay Round/Paris Round/Doha
Round/Tokyo Round
12. accepted in Uruguay round. – Dunkel Draft/Arthur Draft/Ivan Draft/RichardDraft
13. is not included in Uruguay round.- GATS/TRIPs/TRIMs/Agriculture
14. GATS covers- Cross Border Supply/Consumption Abroad/Movement of
15. provides financial & technical assistance to developing countries for development
program- IMF/WTO/World Bank/GATT
16. lends to governments of middle income and creditworthy low income countries.-
17. provides interest free loans and grants to poorest nation- IBRD/IDA/IFC/MIGA
18. focused exclusively on private sector financing- IBRD/IDA/IFC/MIGA
19. How many institutes are in World Bank group?- 4/3/5/6
20. is account unit of IMF- SDR/SPR/SCR/STR
21. & are considered as Bretton Woods’s twins- IMF,WTO/IMF,WTO/WTO,World
Bank/IMF, World Bank
22. lends money only to member countries with balance of payments problem.- World
23. quota based institution- World Bank/IFC/IMF/WTO
24. Find out odd.- USD/Euro/Japanese Yen/French Frank
25. Which is lowest level of integration.- Free Trade Area/Custom Union/Political
Union/Economic Union
26. NAFTA is example of- Free Trade Area/Custom Union/Political Union/Economic
27. Restriction on movement of factor of production is removed in - Free Trade
Area/Custom Union/Common Market/None
28. has common currency- Free Trade Area/Custom Union/Political Union/Economic
29. is economic union – EU/NAFTA/MERCOSUR/USA
30. NAFTA includes – USA/Canada/Mexico/All
31. European community established after – Treaty of Rome/Treaty of Lisbon/Treaty of
Brussels /Treaty of Maastricht
32. Euro established after – Treaty of Rome/Treaty of Lisbon/Treaty of Brussels /Treaty
of Maastricht
33. Countries using Euro collectively known as – Euro area/Euro market/Euro zone/Euro
34. SAARC established when Charter was formally adopted.-
35. Find out odd- Indonesia/India/Nepal/Maldives
36. Find out odd- Malaysia/Philippines/Singapore/Bangladesh
37. ASEAN established under Charter.- Java/Kuala lumpur/Singapore/Bangkok
38. trade theory holding that countries wealth measured by holding of treasure.-
Mercantilism/Theory of Absolute Advantage/Theory of Comparative
Advantage/Heckscher-Ohlin Theory
39. trade theory suggests that it makes sense for country to specialize in production of
those goods that is produced most efficiently -Mercantilism/Theory of Absolute
Advantage/Theory of Comparative Advantage/Heckscher-Ohlin Theory
40. Foreign exchange market is open for hours.- 12/18/8/24

Q1 . What is/ are the reasons for globalization of markets?

A. Increase demand of product in the foreign markets

B. Reduce risk diversify portfolio of countries.
C . Increase friendly relationship among countries
D. All of these
ANS :- D
Q2. What is full from of IMF?
A. International money fund
B. International monetary fund
C. International market fund
D. Indian money fund

Q3. When WTO was established?

A. 1992
B. 1996
C. 1995
D. 1980
Q.4 Investment mode by company is now manufacturing in foreign country is known as
D. None of the options

5. After which year technology Revolution started?

A. 1971
C. 1960
6. Where is main head quarter of International court of justice?
B Hague, Netherland
C. Tokyo
7. Political institution of head quarter is in?
A. New York
B. India
C. China
D. All of these
8. When the League of Nations formed?
A. January 15, 1992
B. April 04, 1993
C. March 20, 1995
D. January 10, 1920
9. The united nation (UN) formed in...
A. 1992
B. 1193
C. 1995
D. 1918

Q.1 Nations conduct international trade because:
a) Some nations prefer to produce one thing while others produce other things.
b) Resources are not equally distributed among all trading nations.
c) Trade enhances opportunities to accumulate profits.
d) Interest rates are not identical in all trading nations
Ans - B
Q.2 International Trade is most likely to generate short-term unemployment in:
a) Industries in which there are neither imports nor exports
b) Import-competing industries
c) Industries that sell to domestic and foreign buyers.
d) Industries that sell to only foreign buyers
Ans- B
Q.3 Globalization refers to:
a) Lower incomes worldwide
b) Less foreign trade and investment
c) Global warming and their effects
d) A more integrated and interdependent world
Ans –B
Q.4 Increased foreign competition tends to
a) Intensify inflationary pressure at home
b) Induce falling output per worker-hour for domestic workers
c) Place constraints on the wages of domestic workers
d) Increase profits of domestic import-competing industries
Ans- B
Q.5 The movement to free international trade is most likely to generate short-term
unemployment in which industries
a) Industries in which there are neither imports nor exports
b) Import-competing industries.
c) Industries that sell to domestic and foreign buyers
d) Industries that sell to only foreign buyers
Ans- B
Q.6 International trade forces domestic firms to become more competitive in terms of
a) The introduction of new products
b) Product design and quality
c) Product price
d) All of the above
Ans –D
Q.7 If a nation has an open economy it means that the nation:
a) Allows private ownership of capital.
b) Has flexible exchange rates
c) Has fixed exchange rates
d) Conducts trade with other countries
Ans- D
Q.8 According to Adam Smith, the trade between countries should happen _____.
a) Naturally according to the market forces
b) Under government regulation
c) Using factors that are available
d) Only when a country has an absolute advantage
Q.9 Mercantilists believed that a country could increase the amount of wealth it had by
a) Promoting exports and discouraging imports
b) Discouraging exports and promoting imports
c) Controlling imports and exports
d) Increasing both imports and exports
Ans- A
Q.10 Investment in Plant & machinery is termed as
a) FDI
b) FII
c) Portfolio Investment
d) Capital Investment
Ans- D
Q.11 The traditional mode of entering into international business is
a) Licensing
b) Exporting
c) Joint venture
d) Subsidiary
Ans- B
Q.12 Which type of following stage of internationalization has Decentralized decision
a) Subsidiary
b) Multinational Corporation
c) Transnational corporation
d) Domestic Company
Ans – C
Q.13 Agreement between two parties where in one gives rights to use their intangible
property to another entity is called as
a) Direct Exporting
b) Turnkey project
c) Strategic alliance
d) Licensing
Ans- D
Q. 14 Domestic company is___ stage of internationalization process.
a) 3rd
b) 2nd
c) 1st
d) None
Ans- C
Q.15 Only manufacturing and exporting as per the requirement of importer is called
a) Direct Export
b) Sales
c) Import
d) Indirect Export
Ans- D
Q.16 Complex projects involving creation of an asset as per the requirement of the client is
called _________.
a) Joint venture
b) Strategic alliance
c) Turnkey Project
d) Subsidiary
Ans- C
Q.17 Rapid integration or interconnection between countries is known as:
a) Globalisation
b) Liberalisation
c) Socialisation
d) Privatisation
Ans- A
Q.18 Globalisation has improved in the living structure of
a) All the people
b) Workers in Developing Countries
c) People in developed Countries
d) None of the above
Ans- C
Q.19 The main reason behind MNCs investments are
a) To benefit foreign countries
b) To provide financial support to the country’s Government
c) For the welfare of underprivileged people
d) To increase assets & earn profits
Ans -D
Q. 20 Which institute supports investments and foreign trade in India?
a) IMF
b) WTO
c) World Bank
d) International labour Organisation ( ILO)
Ans -B
Q.21Which of the following is not a feature of a Multi-National Company?
a) It owns/ control production in more than one nation
b) It set up factories where it is close to the market
c) It organises production in complex ways.
d) It employs labour only from its own country
Ans - D
Q. 22 An MNC is a company that owns or controls production in
a) One country
b) More than one country
c) Only developing countries
d) Only developed countries
Ans - B
Q.23 Which is the right sequence of stages of Internationalization
a. Domestic, Transnational, Global, International, Multinational
b. Domestic, International, Multinational, Global, Transnational
c. Domestic, Multinational, International, Transnational, Global
d. Domestic, International, Transnational, Multinational, Global
Q.24 Which of the following business environment are known and controllable?
a) Domestic business Environment
b) Foreign business Environment
c) International business Environment
d) None
Ans – A
Q.25 Forces that impacts business environment due to change in government is type of
a) Legal
b) Cultural
c) Social
d) Political
Ans- D
Q. 26 Which of the following is not cultural factor?
a) Language
b) Income
c) Beliefs
d) Customs
Ans- B
Q. 27 Rise in prices due imbalance between demand and supply is called as
a) GDP
b) Inflation
c) Deflation
d) None of the above
Ans- B
Q.28 Culture spreads from one place to another and such transmission is called as ________.
a) difference.
b) reputation.
c) adoption.
d) heritage.
Q 29. What are the elements of business ethics?
a) Values rights and duties.
b) attitudes pressure and environment.
c) value environment and attitude.
d) Responsibilities.
Q.30 India follows the ________political system
a) Authoritarian
b) Parliamentary
c) Absolutist system
d) Military dictatorship
Ans –B
Q.31 The _______ is being driven by the demand and supply of products and services.
a) Market economy
b) Capitalist economy
c) Both a & B
d) Socialist Economy
Ans -C
Q.32 India is the best example of
a) Market Economy
b) Capitalist economy
c) Mixed Economy
d) Socialist Economy
Ans- C
Q. 33Which of the following is not only a part of ethics but statutory compliance?
a) Preserving Natural resources
b) Development of Roads
c) Fair Product & Prices
d) Disclosure of Financial Statement
Ans –D
Q.34 Which of the following attitude is result of religion?
a) Attitude towards work
b) Purchasing Behaviour
c) None of the both
d) Both A & B
Ans- D
Q. 35 Commitment, competence and consistency are three distinct characteristics that result
in ______________
a. Culture building
b. Values
c. Organizational socialization
d. Attitudes
Ans- A
Q.36 The practices of a company for which it is accountable in relation to other parties is
called ____________
a. Social responsibility
b. Code of Ethics
c. Values
d. Culture
Ans: A
Q. 37 National culture is based on ______________
a. Language
b. The territory of the state
c. The sense of belonging of a people
d. The nation-state.
Ans: C
Q. 38 Corporate governance is a form of
a. External regulation
b. Self regulation
c. Government control
d. Charitable action
Ans: B
Q. 39 CSR & corporate governance represent a -------- between business and society.
a. Social climate
b. Special contract
c. Special climate
d. Social contract
Ans: D
Q.40 Corporate governance is concerned with the formation of …………… term objective
a. Very short
b. Short
c. Medium
d. Long
Ans: D
Q .41 The Current System of International Finance is a
a) gold standard
b) Fixed Exchange rate system
c) Floating exchange rate system
d) Managed Float Exchange rate system
Ans- D
Q. 42 More expansion of foreign direct investment can boost __________ .
A) Money circulation
B) Demand
C) Employment
D) Unemployment
Answer: C
Q43. More expansion of foreign direct investment can boost
a) Money Circulation
b) Demand
c) Employment
d) Unemployment
Ans - C
Q,44 The union government adopted new definition of FDI and FPI in 2014. Which of the
given below is incorrect in this regard
a) The new definition considers 5% investment in capital of an unlisted company as FPI.
b) The new definition considers 5% investment in capital of an unlisted company as FDI.
c) The new definition considers 5% investment in capital of an listed company as FPI.
d) None of the above
Ans- A
Q.45 Government has raised FDI level in Brownfield pharma to what percent under the
automatic route to attract capital and technologies in the pharmaceutical sector?
a) 74
b) 49
c) 50
d) 56
Ans- A
Q. 46 OLI Theory is also known as
a) The transaction cost approach
b) The Eclectic Paradigm
c) The strategic linkage theory
d) Perfect market hypothesis
Ans- B
Q.47 Which country leads the inflow of FDI in India?
a) Mauritius
b) France
c) USA
d) UK
Q 48 In which of the following sectors does the Government of India allow more than 50%
a) Insurance
b) Print media
c) Telecommunications
d) Both A & C
Ans- B
Q.49 In which of the following sectors does the Government of India allow more than 50%
a) Joint venture
b) Strategic alliance
c) Acquisition
d) Merger
Ans- B
Q. 50 Which of the following theories explains the behaviour of late entrants to catch up with
the competition?
a) OLI theory
b) Transition Cost approach
c) The Leapfrogging theory
d) The perfect market Hypothesis
Ans- C
Q. 51 Which of the following types of FDI includes creation of new assets and production
facilities in the host country?
a) Brownfield investment
b) Mergers & Acquisition
c) Strategic Alliance
d) Greenfield investment
Ans- D
Q. 52 Both foreign direct investment (FDI) and foreign institutional investment (FII) are
related to investment in a country. Which of the following is incorrect regarding FDI and FII?
a) Both FII and FDI bring capital into the economy.
b) FII invests in technology-oriented enterprises, whereas FDI invests in traditional business
set ups.
c) The restrictions on the entry of FDI are lower than that on FII.
d) FDI is considered to be more stable than FII. FII can be withdrawn even at a short notice.
Answer : D
Q. 53 : Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding FDI under automatic
1. FDI in India under the automatic route does not require prior approval either by the
Government of India or the Reserve Bank of India.
2. Investors are only required to notify the concerned regional office of the RBI before
receipt of inward remittances and file required documents with that office before the issue of
shares to foreign investors. Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans : C
Q 54: Which of the following are the components of foreign capital?
1. Grants and loans
2. External commercial borrowings
3. Foreign direct investment
4. Deposits from non-residents select the correct answer using the codes given below.
a) 1, 2, 3, and 4
b)1, 2, and 4 only
c) 1 and 2 only
d) 3 and 4 only
Ans : A
Q. 55 The value of Special Drawing Right (SDR) is determined by the basket of
(a) 4
(b) 5
(c) 6
(d) 7
Ans. B
Q. 56 Which of the following is not the objective of the IMF?
(a) To promote international monetary cooperation
(b) To ensure balanced international trade
(c) To ensure exchange rate stability
(d) To provide loan to private sectors
Ans. D
Q. 57 If the Balance of Payment of a country is adverse, then which institution will help that
(a) World Bank
(b) World Trade Organization
(c) International Monetary Fund
(d) Asian Development Bank
Ans- C
Q. 58 Which of the following is known as the Paper Gold?
(a) US Dollar
(b) Pound
(c) Demand draft
(d) Special Drawing Right
Ans. D
Q. 59 Why the World Bank was established?
(a) To promote the International Trade
(b) To reconstruct the economies damaged during the Second World War
(c) To improve the adverse Balance of Payment situation of the non-member countries
(d) None of the above
Ans. B
Q. 60 Which of the following statement is correct?
(a) Every member country of the IMF automatically becomes the member of the World Bank
(b) The World Bank has 45 founder members
(c) India is not the founding member of the World Bank
(d) IMF is the part of World Bank group
Ans. A
Q. 61 Which of the following is not the function of the World Bank?
(a) To provide long term loan to the member countries
(b) To provide loan to private investors belonging to member countries on its own guarantee
(c) To ensure exchange rate stability
(d) To provides loan mainly for productive activities
Ans. C
Q. 61 Which of the following institutions is not part of the World Bank community?
(a) IBRD
(b) WTO
(c) IDA
(d) IFC
Answer B
Q. 62 The main focus of IBRD and IDA is on ___________:
a) Developed Countries
b) Developing Countries
c) Both of The Above
d) None of The Above
Ans- B
Q. 63 The president is selected by the board of executive directors for a ____year, renewable
a) 5 Year
b) 3 Year
c) 4 Year
d) None of The Above
Ans- A
Q 64 . Which of the following does not form part of current account under balance of
a)Export and import of goods
b) Export and import of services
c) Income receipts and payments
d) Capital receipts and payments
Answer : D
Q. 65 Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched with regard to balance of
payment accounts?
a) Import of goods and services – Debit in the current account
b) Receipts of transfer payments – Credit in the current account
c) Direct investment receipt – Credit in the capital account
d) Portfolio investment payments – Debit in the current account
Answer : D
Q. 66 A country is said to be in debt trap if
a) It has to abide by the conditionality imposed by the International Monetary Fund
b) It is required to borrow money to make interest payments on outstanding loans
c) It has been refused loans or aid by creditors
d) The World Bank charges a very high rate of interest on outstanding as well as new loans
Answer : B
Q. 67 Balance in capital account refer to the
a) Nation’s net exports of goods and services
b) Nation’s net exports of financial claims
c) Nation’s net exports of international official reserve assets
d) Nation’s sum of net exports of goods, services and financial claims
Answer : B
Q. 68 Where is the headquarter of the WTO?
(a). New York
(b). Washington DC
(c). Geneva
(d). Austria
Answer: C
Q. 69 Which of the following statement is not true about the WTO?
(a). WTO is a permanent organisation
(b). Uruguay round gave the birth to the WTO
(c).Ministerial Conference is the highest policy making body of the WTO
(d).WTO was officially constituted on 1 January 1991.
Answer: D
Q 70 Which of the following is not the objective of the WTO?
(a). To improve the standard of living of peoples of the member countries
(b). To enlarge production and trade of goods
(c). To protect environment
(d). To improve the Balance of Payment situation of the member countries
Answer: D
Q. 71 Which of the following body is not related to the WTO?
(a). Dispute Settlement Body
(b).Trade Policy Review Body
(c). Council of trade in goods
(d). Exchange Rate Management Body
Answer: D
Q. 72 Which of the followings are called Brettonwoods Twins?
(A) IMF & International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
(B) IMF & World Trade Organisation
(C) IBRD & World Trade Organisation
(D) None of the above
Answer A
Q .73 Which of the following institution is associated with Dunkel Proposals?
(A) World Bank
(B) International Monetary Fund
(C) World Trade Organization
(D) United Nations Organization
Answer C
Q 74. As per Indian GAAP Financial statements are prepared at :
a) Market value
b) Fair value
c) Cost
d) All of the above
Ans- B
Q. 75 total no. Of IFRS is ?
a) 14
b) 16
c) 17
d) 18
Ans- C
Q. 76 How many Ind As are there in India
a) 21
b) 39
c) 41
d) 32
Ans- C
Q. 77 The accounting standards are mandatory for
a) Sole proprietor
b) Companies
c) Firms
d) societies
Ans- B
Q. 78 what is the Impact of Pandemic COVID-19 on international trade.
a) Long term
b) Short term
c) Both a& b
d) Only a
Ans- C
Q 79 Outsourcing has been rising –
a) Nationally
b) b) Internationally
c) c) Both a & b
d) d) Only a
Ans- C
Q. 80 Who are the foundation of economies in a digitised world
a) Digital innovations
b) Internet
c) Industry
d) All of the above
Ans- D
81. Which modern time the responsibility has been picked up by socialists.
A. Individusism
B. Collectivist
C. Domestic
D. none of this
82. Which modern socialists trace their intellectual tools to …….?
A. Karl mark
B. mark
c. Plato
D. all of these
83. POLITICAL system can be assessed according to………… dimension?
A. 2
B. 1
C. 3
D. 4
84. Who is socialism modern socialist trace their intellectual roots.
A. Mr Zander
B. Mr Vocal
C. Karl Marx
D. All of the above.
ANS :- C
85. A theocratic law system is one in which the law is based on…… teachings.
A. religious
B. Civil
C. A & B
D. None of these
ANS :- C

1. In this day of global communications rapid on…..
A. Transportation
B. Worldwide market
C. Global brands
D. All of these
2. In which year culture definitions describe?
A. 1880s
B. 1897s
C. 1870s
D. 1853s
3. Which topic include in culture definition in anthropologist Edward?
A. Knowledge
B. Belief
C. Art , Morals
D. All of these
4. Who was the first to define culture
A. Philip Kotler
B. Anthropologist Edward Taylor
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
5. We follow………………by viewing culture as a system of values & norms
A. Sociologists zvi namenwirth and Robert
B. Hofstede and namenwirth & weber
C. Geert hofstede
D. Folkways & mores


1. Which are the roots of unethical behaviour?

A. Personal Ethics
B. Leadership
C. Societal Culture
D. All of these
2. Which are the ethical issues in international business?
A. Employment Practices and Ethics
B. Human Rights
C. Corruption
D. All of these
3. Which is/are the examples of ethical dilemma?
A. Taking credit for others’ work
B. Offering a client a worse product for your own profit
C. Utilizing inside knowledge for your own profit
D. All of these

Q1. Trade between two countries can be useful if cost ratios of goods are:
A. Undetermined
B. Decreasing
C. Equal
D. Different
Answer: D
Q2. The term Euro Currency market refers to
A. The international foreign exchange market
B. The market where the borrowing and lending of currencies take place outside the country
of issue
C. The countries which have adopted Euro as their currency
D. The market in which Euro is exchanged for other currencies
Answer: B
Q3. Which of the following theories suggests that firms seek to penetrate new markets over
A. Imperfect Market Theory
B. Product cycle theory
C. Theory of Comparative Advantage
D. None of the above
Answer: D
Q4.Dumping refers to:
A. Reducing tariffs
B. Sale of goods abroad at a lower price, below their cost and price in their home market
C. Buying goods at low prices abroad and selling at higher prices locally
D. Expensive goods selling for low prices
Answer: B
Q5. International trade and domestic trade differ because of:
A. Different government policies
B. Immobility of factors
C. Trade restrictions
D. All of the above
Answer: D
Q6. The margin for a currency future should be maintained with the clearing house by
A. The seller
B. The buyer
C. Either the buyer or the seller as per the agreement between them
D. Both the buyer and the seller
Answer: D
Q7.The following statement with respect to currency option is wrong
A. Foreign currency- Rupee option is available in India
B. An American option can be executed on any day during its currency
C. Put option gives the buyer the right to sell the foreign currency
D. Call option will be used by exporters
Answer: D
Q8. Govt. policy about exports and imports is called:
A. Commercial policy
B. Fiscal policy
C. Monetary policy
D. Finance policy
Answer: A
Q9.Which of the following is international trade?
A. Trade between countries
B. Trade between regions
C. Trade between provinces
D. Both (b) and (c)
Answer: A
Q10. Market in which currencies buy and sell and their prices settle on is called the
A. International bond market
B. International capital market
C. Foreign exchange market
D. Eurocurrency market
Answer: C
Q11. The price of one currency in terms of another is known as _________
(A) Foreign exchange rate
(B) Trade rate
(C) Interest rate
(D) Balance of Payment

Answer: A

Q12. The market where the national currencies are traded for one another is known as
(A) Domestic exchange market
(B) Foreign exchange market
(C) Bazaar
(D) Shop

Answer. B

Question 13.
Increase in the value of foreign commodities is known as _________
(A) Revaluation
(B) Devaluation
(C) Inflation
(D) None of these

Answer: B

Question 14.
Decrease in the value the foreign commodities is known as _________
(A) Revaluation
(B) Devaluation
(C) Deflation
(D) All of these

Answer: A

Question 15.
What is the cause of the devaluation of any country’s currency?
(A) Increase in the domestic inflation rate
(B) Domestic real interest rates are less than foreign interest rates
(C) Much increase in the income
(D) All of these

Answer :D

Question 16.
The operation of daily nature in the foreign exchange market is known as ________
(A) Spot market
(B) Forward market
(C) Domestic market
(D) International market

Answer: A

Question 17.
The operation of future delivery in the foreign exchange market is known as ________
(A) Spot market
(B) Current market
(C) Forward market
(D) Domestic market

Answer: C

Question 18.
Hybrid in management of fixed and flexible exchange rate is known as ________
(A) Managed to float
(B) Crawling Peg
(C) Wider Bands
(D) None of these

Answer: A

Question 19.
When was the gold standard abandoned?
(A) 1930’s
(B) 1920’s
(C) 1940’s
(D) 1950’s

Answer :B

Question 20.
Trade of visible items between the countries is known as ________
(A) Balance of Payment
(B) Balance of Trade
(C) Deficit Balance
(D) All of these

Answer: B

Question 21.
When the import and export of visible items are equal, the situation is known as _______
(A) Balance of Trade
(B) Balance of Payment
(C) Trade Surplus
(D) Trade Deficit
Answer : A

Question 22.
The trade of visible and invisible items is known as _________
(A) Balance of Payments
(B) Balance of Trade
(C) Deficit of interest
(D) Profit

Answer: A

Question 23.
Other things remaining unchanged, when in a country the price of foreign currency rises,
national income is:
(A) Likely to rise
(B) Likely to fall
(C) Likely to rise and fall both
(D) Not affected

Answer: A

Question 24.
Other things remaining the same, when in a country the market price of foreign currency
falls, national income is likely:
(A) To rise
(B) To fall
(C) To rise or to fall
(D) To remain affected

Answer: B
Question 25.
Which one is the king of the exchange rate?
(a) Fixed Exchange Rate
(b) Flexible Exchange Rate
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

Answer: C

Question 26.
Which of the following is true?
(a) Fixed exchange rate is determined by the government
(b) Flexible exchange rate is determined by market forces (demand and supply of foreign
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

Answer: C
Question 27.
Which one is a kind of fixed exchange rate?
(a) Gold Standard System of Exchange Rate
(b) Bretton Woods System of Exchange Rate
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

Answer: C

Question 28.
Which one is a merit of the fixed exchange rate?
(a) Promotes Foreign Trade
(b) Induces Foreign Capital
(c) Increases Capital Formation
(d) All the above

Answer: D

Question 29.
Which one is a demerit of the fixed exchange rate?
(a) Ignores National Interests
(b) Restricted Movement of Capital
(c) Sudden Fluctuations in Exchange Rates
(d) All the above

Answer: D
Question 30.
Which one is a merit of the flexible exchange rate?
(a) Simple System
(b) Continuous Adjustments
(c) Improves Balance of Payments
(d) All the above

Answer: D

Question 31.
Which one is a demerit of the flexible exchange rate?
(a) Bad Results of Low Rate
(b) Uncertainty
(c) Instability in Foreign Exchange
(d) All the above

Answer: D

Question 32.
Which one is a source of the demand for foreign exchange?
(a) Imports of Goods and Services from Abroad
(b) Investment in Foreign Nations
(c) Gift Scheme to Foreign Nations
(d) All the above

Answer: D

Question 33.
Foreign exchange is determined by:
(a) Demand for foreign currency
(b) Supply of foreign currency
(c) Demand and supply in the foreign exchange market
(d) None of the above

Answer: C

Question 34.
The forms of foreign exchange market is/are:
(a) Spot market
(b) Forward market
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these

Answer: C

Question 35.
The foreign exchange rate is determined by:
(a) Government
(b) Bargaining
(c) World Bank
(d) Demand and Supply forces

Answer: D

Question 36.
By exchange rate we mean:
(a) How much local currency we have to pay for a foreign currency
(b) How much of a foreign currency we have to pay for another foreign currency
(c) The rate at which foreign currency is bought and sold
(d) All of these

Answer: D

Question 37.
Balance of Trade =?
(a) Export of Visible Items – Imports of Visible Items
(b) Export of both Visible and Invisible Items – Import of both Visible and Invisible Items
(c) Import of Visible Items – Export of Visible Items
(d) None of the above
Answer: A

Question 38.
Which items are included in the Balance of Payments?
(a) Visible Items
(b) Invisible Items
(c) Capital Transfers
(d) All the above

Answer: D

Question 39.
Which one is the visible item of Balance of Payments?
(a) Machine
(b) Cloth
(c) Cement
(d) All of these

Answer: D

Question 40.
Which one is the invisible item of Balance of Payment?
(a) Banking
(b) Shipping
(c) Communication
(d) All of these

Answer: D
Question 41.
Which one is the feature of Balance of Payment?
(a) Systematic Accounts
(b) Fixed Time Period
(c) Comprehensiveness
(d) All the above

Answer: D

Question 42.
Which account is included in the composition of the Balance of Payments?
(a) Current Account
(b) Capital Account
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

Answer: C

Question 43.
Which one is the item of the Current Account?
(a) Import of Visible Items
(b) Expenses of Tourists
(c) Exports of Visible Items
(d) All the above

Answer: D

Question 44.
Which one is the item of Capital Account?
(a) Government Transaction
(b) Priva Transactions
(c) Foreign Direct Investment
(d) All the above

Answer: D

Question 45.
The component(s) of Balance of Payment is/are:
(a) Current Account
(b) Capital Account
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these

Answer: C

Question 46.
Which items are included in the balance of trade?
(a) Invisible Item
(b) Capital Transfer
(c) Visible Item
(d) All of these

Answer: C

Question 47.
Balance of Trade means:
(a) Capital Transaction
(b) Import and export of goods
(c) Total debit and credit
(d) All the above

Answer: B

Question 48.
The reason for the imbalance in the balance of payment is:
(a) Natural Reasons
(b) Economic Reasons
(c) Political Reasons
(d) All of these

Answer: D

Question 49.
Structure of balance of payment includes which account:
(a) Current account
(b) Capital account
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these.

Answer: C

Question 50.
Balance of trade means:
(a) Capital transactions
(b)Import and export of goods,
(c) Total credit and debit
(d) All of the above

Answer: B
Question 51.
Measures to improve the adverse balance of payment includes:
(a) Currency devaluation
(b) Import substitution
(c) Exchange control
(d) All of the above

Answer: D
Question 52.
Foreign Exchange Rate is determined by:
(a) Demand for foreign currency
(b) Supply of foreign currency
(c) Demand and supply in the foreign exchange market
(d) None of these

Answer: C

Question 53.
Types of Foreign Exchange Market are:
(a) Spot market
(b) Forward market
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these

Answer: C
54. Civil law is also referred as………
A. Common law
B. Traditional law
C. Communist law
D. Code law
55. Which countries are operate with a civil law system
A. Germany
B. Japan
C. France
D. All of these
56. Which countries are the parts of regional Integration?
D. All of these

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