Esson: Number and Number Sense

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1. Fractions and its classifications
2. Changing Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions and vice versa
3. Changing Dissimilar Fractions to Similar Fractions
4. Comparing and Ordering Fractions
5. Addition of Fractions
6. Subtraction of Fractions
7. Solving Word Problems involving Fractions

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. discuss the concept of fractions and its classifications;
2. compare fractions using expressions and symbols;
3. perform addition and subtraction on fractions and mixed
4. solve real-world problems involving the application of the
concepts of fractions, comparison of fractions, and
addition/subtraction of fractions; and
5. appreciate applications of fractions in real-world problems.


A fraction is basically composed of
two whole numbers separated by a symbol
called vinculum or fraction bar. The whole numerator
number below the vinculum is called the
denominator (which tells us into how many vinculum/fraction bar
parts our whole is divided into), while the denominator
whole number above it is called the
numerator (which tells us how many parts of
the whole where taken).

A fraction can be viewed as both a relationship between two whole

numbers(numerator and denominator) or as an operation (numerator divided by

Fractions can be categorized according to the relationship between its

numerator and denominator: Proper Fractions and Improper Fractions.

Proper Fractions are fractions whose numerator is less than the denominator.
For example, the fraction is a proper fraction because its numerator, 1, is less than its
denominator 2. Other examples of proper fractions are , , and . On the other hand,
Improper Fractions are fractions whose numerator is greater than the numerator. For
example, is an improper fraction because its numerator, 3, is greater than its
denominator 2. Other examples include , , and .

A Mixed Number is the sum of a whole number and a fraction e.g. (which is
the sum of 1 and .

Fractions can also be categorized based on their denominators: Similar Fractions

and Dissimilar Fractions.

Similar fractions are fractions that have the same denominator. For example,
and are similar fractions because both of their denominators is 3. On the other hand,
fractions are said to be dissimilar if their denominators are not the same. For example,
and are dissimilar fractions because their denominators are not the same (3 and 2).

Equivalent fractions are fractions that look

different from each other but are actually equal to one
another. For example, and are equivalent fractions
because they have the same value. To illustrate, we have
the following bars of equal length and width:

The first bar is divided into four with two parts shaded ( ), while the other one
is divided into two with one part shaded ( ). While the fractions look different
compared to one another, you can see that the shaded parts are of equal lengths. Since
the bars have equal widths, these two shaded regions must be equal and so are the
fractions that represent them. Therefore, .

A fraction is considered to be in simplest terms if no other whole number apart

from 1 can divide both the numerator and the denominator of the fraction, that is, the
fraction’s numerator and denominator must not have a common divisor aside from .
For example, is in its simplest terms because there is no whole number aside from 1
that can divide both 1 and 2. On the other hand, the fraction is not yet in simplest
terms because 2 and 4 can both be divided by 2.

To simplify a fraction, simply divide the numerator and denominator of the

fraction by the common divisor. Simplifying, , we get:

which is one of the equivalent fractions of In other words, the simplest term of a
fraction is its equivalent form whose numerator and denominator do not share a
common divisor apart from 1.
Create a 1 minute video presentation explaining any of the following (please choose
a. Classification of Fractions according to the relationship of the numerator
and denominator
b. Classification of Fractions according to the denominator
c. Equivalent fractions
d. Simplest Terms of Fractions

Your output shall be rated using the following criteria:

Correctness of Content = 50%
Technicalities (Video/Audio Quality) = 40%
Overall Visual Appeal = 10%


Working with fractions tends to be more complicated than working with whole
numbers. Working with both of them is even more so. So, when we are given mixed
numbers, we can opt to work on them as they are (mixture of whole numbers and
fractions) or we can simplify the process by expressing them as fractions.

To write mixed numbers as improper fractions, we will follow these step:

1. Multiply the denominator with the whole number part of the mixed number.
For example, change to an improper fraction.

(the denominator) ● (the whole number part) = 2

2. Add the product to the numerator.

2 (the product) + 1 (the numerator) = 3

3. Write the sum as the numerator over the old denominator. This is the improper
fraction form of the mixed number.

or . The improper fraction form of 1 is .

This process is reversible. We can also write improper fractions as mixed

numbers. To do so, we will follow these steps:

1. Divide the numerator by the denominator.

For example, change to a mixed number.

2. Write the quotient as the whole number part of the mixed number. The
remainder will be written as the numerator, while the divisor will be written as
the denominator.

1(the quotient) =1 The mixed number form of is 1 .

Test Yourself
Test A. Change the following Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions. Show your
solution. Each item is worth 2 points (1 point for the correct solution, 1 point
for the correct answer).

1) 3 2) 4 3) 5

4) 13 5) 2

Test B. Change the following Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers. Show your
solution. Each item is worth 2 points (1 point for the correct solution, 1 point
for the correct answer).

1) 2) 3)

4) 5)


Some processes involving fractions only works if the fractions have the same
denominator. This requires us, then, to change dissimilar fractions to similar fractions.
To do so, we will follow the following steps:

1. Find the Least Common Denominator of the fractions.

The LCD of the fractions is the LCM of the denominators.

For example, let us change , , and to similar fractions.

Find the LCD – the least common multiple of the denominators (2, 3, and 5).

The LCD of 2, 3, and 5 is 30 (you may verify this using any of our methods). The
LCD, therefore, of the fractions is 30.

2. Divide the LCD (30) by each of the denominators of the given fractions.
30 ÷ 2 = 15 30 ÷ 5 = 6 30 ÷ 3 = 10

3. Multiply these quotients to their respective numerators.

● =4 ●4= 4 0● = 0

4. Using the products in step 3 as numerators, we will rewrite the fractions with the
LCD as their common denominator.

= = =
Test Yourself
Change the following dissimilar fractions to similar fractions. Show your solution. Each
item is worth 2 points (1 point for the correct solution, 1 point for the correct answer).

1) 2) 3)

4) 5)


We can compare fractions and even arrange them in ascending and descending
order as we wish provided that we satisfy one condition: they must be similar fractions.
In other words, to compare or arrange fractions in any order, we must change first the
fractions to similar fractions.

In comparing fractions, we use comparative symbols like > (greater than), <
(less than), and = (is equal to). Sometimes, we also use phrases like is greater than, is
less than, or is equal to.

To illustrate how we compare fractions, let us have an example:

Compare and

1. Change both fractions to similar fractions.

Their LCD is 15.

= =

2. Now that their denominators are similar, compare their numerators. The one
with the higher numerator is the fraction with the greater value.

Because 10 > 9, > . Therefore, > .

Note: To avoid confusion, the “mouth” part of the greater-than or less-than

symbol is always written facing the number with the greater value.

The idea of ordering fractions is anchored on the same process as comparing

fractions. The process is also the same. What differs is that instead of writing
comparative symbols, we arrange the fractions in whichever order we want (whether
ascending or descending).

So, for example, we are asked to arrange , , , and in ascending order.

So, first, we will make them similar. Their LCD is 60.

= = = =
2. Now that their denominators are similar, compare their numerators. Arrange
them from lowest to highest according to their numerators.

= = = =

, , ,

Test Yourself
Arrange the following fractions in the indicated order. Show your solution. Each item
is worth 2 points (1 point for the correct solution, 1 point for the correct answer).

1) Ascending Order 2) Descending Order 3) Descending Order


4) Ascending Order 5) Descending Order



Addition of fractions is anchored on one condition: that the addends must be

similar fractions.

In order to illustrate better how to add fractions, we shall divide the discussion
into two, according to the nature of the given.


This procedure works for both proper and improper fractions. The key here is to
always make sure that the fractions are similar. Otherwise, we will not be able to add

So, to add fractions, we will follow these steps:

1. Make sure that the fractions are similar. If they are similar, we are good to go. If
they are not, we have to change them to similar fractions.

For example: add and .

Now, and are dissimilar fractions so we have to change them to similar

fractions first. Their LCD is 15.

= = Our given now becomes +

2. Add the numerators of the similar fractions, then copy the common
denominator. Simplify as needed.

+ = The sum of and is .

Now a common question among students is whether is in its simplest terms or

not it being an Improper Fraction. Remember: simplest terms is about whether the
numerator and the denominator still shares a common factor other than 1. It is not
about whether the numerator is larger than the denominator. So, is in its simplest
terms because 19 and 15 no longer have any common factor aside from 1, despite being
an improper fraction.


Now, adding with mixed numbers may look complicated at first but once you get
the process, you will find out that it is actually quite easy.

To illustrate the process, let us have an example: add 1 and .

1. First, let us change the mixed number into an improper fraction.

1 =

Now, our addends are and .

2. If the improper form of the mixed number and the other given fraction are
similar, we are good to go. If they are not, we have to change them first to
similar fractions.

Our addends, and , are dissimilar so we will change them first to similar
fractions. Their LCD is 10.

= = Our given now becomes +

3. Add the numerators of the similar fractions, then copy the common
denominator. Simplify as needed.

+ = The sum of 1 and is .

This process works even if both of your addends are mixed numbers.


When adding a fraction with a whole number, we take into consideration what
sort of fraction we add with the whole number.

A. If the fraction is proper, we can just affix the whole number to fraction and get a
mixed number.

For example: 1 + =1 The sum of 1 and is 1 .

B. If we are adding a whole number with a mixed number, we can just add the
whole number to the whole number part of the mixed number.

For example: 1 + 1 = 2 The sum of 1 and 1 is 2 .

C. If we are adding a whole number with an improper fraction, we can do it in two


1) We can convert the improper fraction into a mixed number first then proceed
to adding with a mixed number (see A).

For example: 4 +
4+1 =5 The sum of 4 and is 5 .

2) We can convert the whole number into a fraction then proceed to addition of

In changing our whole number to a fraction, we must be careful not to

change its value (otherwise, our answer will not be the answer for our original
problem). We have to think of a way in which we can express a whole number as
a fraction without changing its value.
To do this, let us go back to the idea of equivalent fractions. We know
that equivalent fractions are fractions that look different from each other but
have the same value. In other words, we can rewrite a fraction into its equivalent
form and still have the value of the fraction unchanged.
We can use the same idea in rewriting a whole number as a fraction. A
fraction can be thought of as an operation, that is, numerator divided by the
denominator. So, in rewriting our Integer as a fraction, we shall look for a
fraction which is equivalent to our whole number by looking for a pair of whole
numbers whose quotient is equal to our given whole numbers. To illustrate this,
let us go back to our example whole number, 4.
To convert 4 into a fraction, let us think of a pair of whole numbers
which, when written as a fraction, will give us a quotient of 4. There are actually
a lot of pairs of whole numbers that can fulfill this condition: we can have , or
, or . However, as our numerators and denominators increase, the more
difficult multiplication becomes. So, what we are interested in is the smallest
possible whole number combination that will give us the same quotient:
Notice that it is the same whole number paired with 1 as its denominator!
Therefore, to rewrite a whole number as a fraction, we just write the whole
number with 1 as its denominator!

So, going back to the given, 4 +

+ Express 4 as a fraction.
+ Express the addends as similar fractions.
The sum of 4 and is or 5 .
Take note that we are not required to express improper fractions as mixed
numbers in the final answer. The conversion of to 5 was done to merely show that
the answer from either method is equal.
Test Yourself
Add the following fractions. Show your solution. Each item is worth 2 points (1 point
for the correct solution, 1 point for the correct answer).

1) 3 2) 3) 3

4) 3 4 5) 6


The process of subtracting fractions is pretty much the same as adding them. We
still need to fulfil one condition: that the fractions are similar.

In order to illustrate better how to subtract fractions, we shall divide the

discussion into two, according to the nature of the given.


The process is the same as adding fractions. We first make sure that the fractions
are similar before we can subtract them.
For example, let us subtract from .

1. Make sure that the fractions are similar. If they are similar, we are good to go. If
they are not, we have to change them to similar fractions.


Now, and are dissimilar fractions so we have to change them to similar

fractions first. Their LCD is 4.
= = Our given now becomes -

2. Subtract the numerators of the similar fractions, then copy the common
denominator. Simplify as needed.

- = The difference of and is .


Now, like in addition, we follow the same condition when subtracting fractions
with mixed numbers: the fractions must be similar. Otherwise, the process will not

To illustrate the process, let us have an example: 1 - .

1. First, let us change the mixed number into an improper fraction.

1 =
Now, our given are - .

2. If the improper form of the mixed number and the other given fraction are
similar, we are good to go. If they are not, we have to change them first to
similar fractions.

Our given, and , are dissimilar so we will change them first to similar fractions.
Their LCD is 10.

= = Our given now becomes - .

3. Subtract the numerators of the similar fractions, then copy the common
denominator. Simplify as needed.

- = The difference of 1 and is .


When Subtracting fractions and whole numbers, we pay close attention to
where our whole number lies (whether it is the Minuend or the Subtrahend). Of course,
as need be, we change the whole number to a fraction and simplify the results.

A. If the whole number is the minuend and the subtrahend is a fraction, convert the
whole number to a fraction, make the minuend and subtrahend similar, then

For example, 4 - .

- Express the whole number as a fraction.

- Make them similar. Their LCD is 5.

Subtract the numerators and copy the common

denominator. Simplify as needed.

B. If the whole number is the minuend and the subtrahend is a mixed number,
convert the whole number to a fraction and the mixed number to an improper
fraction, make the minuend and subtrahend similar, then subtract.

For example, 4 - 2 .
- Express the whole number as a fraction.

- Rewrite as an improper fraction.

- Make them similar. Their LCD is 5.

Subtract the numerators and copy the common

denominator. Simplify as needed.
C. If the whole number is the subtrahend and the minuend is a mixed number,
subtract the whole number from the whole number part of the mixed number
and affix the fraction part.

For example, – 2.

D. If the whole number is the subtrahend and the minuend is an improper fraction,
change first the whole number to a fraction then make the fractions similar
before subtracting.
For example: – 3
- Change the whole number to a fraction.

- Make the fractions similar. Their LCD is 10.

Subtract the numerators and copy the common

denominator. Simplify as needed.

Test Yourself
Subtract the following fractions. Show your solution. Each item is worth 2 points (1
point for the correct solution, 1 point for the correct answer).

1) 2) 5-2 3) 3 24

4) 2 5) 5 2


Sample Problem 3.1.

Mang Arnulfo harvested sacks of rice. He gave 4

sacks to Mang Ernesto
as payment for his advances and sacks to Aling Erlinda as payment for the
agricultural supplies she lent him. Then, he sold the rest of his harvest. How many
sacks of rice did he sell?

Step 1. Understand the Problem
What is asked? How many sacks of rice did Mang Arnulfo sell?

What are known and unknown (given)? Given are the total number of sacks
harvested by Mang Arnulfo, the number of sacks of rice he paid to Mang Ernesto, and
the number of sacks of rice he paid to Aling Erlinda.
Total Harvest = sacks
Rice paid to Mang Ernesto = 4
Rice paid to Aling Erlinda = sacks
Rice sold by Mang Arnulfo = ?

Step 2. Devise a Plan

What operation/s shall be used? Because we are asked to determine the
number of sacks left to Mang Ernesto which he sold, we will subtract the total of rice
given as payment to Mang Ernesto and Aling Erlinda.

Step 3. Carry Out the Plan

Rice paid to Mang Ernesto + Rice paid to Aling Erlinda = Total Rice Paid
+ = Total Rice Paid

For this solution, we can change the mixed numbers to improper fractions or
simply recall basic ideas.

Remember that a mixed number is actually the sum of a whole number and a
fraction. As such, we can rewrite any mixed number as the sum of a whole number and
a fraction.

Rewrite the given first:

= 4

Our solution now becomes

+ = Total Rice Paid

We can add the whole numbers first:

33 + 29 = 62

Then, we can add the fractions:


+ Change the fractions to similar fractions. Their LCD is 20.

0 0

The sum of the fraction parts is .

To get the actual sum, add the sum of the whole numbers (62) and the fraction

part ( 0 ).

62 + = kilos The total of rice paid for his debts.

0 0

To get the number of sacks left to Mang Arnulfo (which he sold), we will subtract
the total of rice paid from the total harvest.

Total Harvest - The total of rice paid = number of sacks Mang Arnulfo sold
- = number of sacks Mang Arnulfo sold
Change both to improper fractions:
= =
0 0

Change them to similar fractions. Their LCD is 40.

= =
40 0 40

- = Subtract.
40 40 40

For this problem, it is better to express the answer in mixed number.

= 124 40 Mang Arnulfo sold 124 sacks of rice.


Step 4. Look Back

Let us look back to our answer. How do we determine if our answer is correct?

To check we can attempt to derive Mang Arnulfo’s total harvest from his total
payments done and the number of sacks he sold.

Total harvest = total payment done + number of sacks sold

However, we can also rewrite the total payment as the sum of the payments
given to Mang Ernesto and Aling Erlinda.

Total Harvest = Payment to Mang Ernesto + Payment to Aling Erlinda + Number

of sacks sold

Total Harvest = 4
+ + 124
Total Harvest = + +
4 40

Total Harvest = + +
40 40 40

Total Harvest = 40

Total Harvest =
Because we were able to go back to the given total harvest, our computed
number of sacks sold is correct!

Sample Problem 3.2.

Five groups were competing in a race. It took group A hour to finish the race,
Group B finished after 4 hour, Group C finished after hour, Group D took hour,
while Group E took hour. Which team won the race?

Step 1. Understand the Problem
What is asked? Which team won the race (had the shortest time)?
What are known and unknown (given)? Given are the time of each team in
finishing the race.
Group A = hour; Group B = hour; Group C = hour; Group D = hour;

Group E = hour

Step 2. Devise a Plan

What operation/s shall be used? Because we are asked to determine which
group won the race, that is, the group with the shortest time, we are going to compare

Step 3. Carry Out the Plan

Let us first change the fractions to similar fractions. Their LCD is 60.

= = = = =
4 0 0 0 0 0

Let us arrange the similar fractions in any order. For our solution, let us arrange
the fractions in ascending order.
0 0 0 0
The shortest time record was by Group B.

Step 4. Look Back

Let us look back to our answer. Is it logical that B is the smallest fraction (and
thus the shortest time?)

To check, let us represent the fractions as bars.

From the illustrations, it is clear that 4 is the shortest of the five.

Test Yourself
Test A. Answer the following problems using Polya’s Steps in Problem Solving. Show
your solution. Your answer (and solution) shall be rated using the following

Is the question being asked identified correctly? 1
Are all the known and unknown information identified? 1
Is the computation correct? 3
Is the answer correct? 5

1. Jack is collecting left-over flour from 5 bakeries in their barangay for a Science
Investigatory Project. If he collected 4 cup from Bakery A, cup from Bakery B,
cups from Bakery C, 2 cups from Bakery D, and cup from Bakery E, how
0 0
much flour was he able to collect in all?

2. A 42 foot pole is to be cut into three parts: one 15 feet long, another 11 feet
long, and the rest as the third part. How long is the third part?

3. A ribbon A is 4 4 meters shorter than ribbon B but is 6 meters longer than C. If

ribbon C is 5 meters in length, how long is ribbon B?

4. A 64-kilometer road from Town A to Town B is divided into four by three gas
stations: the first gas station is 24 km away from Town A, the second is 18 km
away from the first gas station. How far is the third gas station from Town B if it
is exactly 11 km away from the second one?

5. Four fish collectively weighs exactly 1 kilogram. The largest fish weighs of a kilo,
the second one weighs 0, and the third one weighs of a kilo. How much does
the fourth fish weigh?

A. Perform the indicated operation on the following items:
a. + b. - c. 18 - d. 11 -

e. 35 + f. + g. - h. -

i. + j. -
Test B. Solve the following problems. Present your solution to each problem using
Polya’s Four Steps in Problem Solving. The following checklist shall be used in
grading your solution:
Is the question being asked identified correctly? 1
Are all the known and unknown information identified? 1
Is the computation correct? 3
Is the answer correct? 5

1. Mrs. Saavedra uses 4 cups of flour, cups of sugar, and cups of powdered
skimmed milk in her pancake batter. How many cups of dry ingredients does she
use in all?

2. Sandra is travelling from San Jose to Mamburao via Sablayan. If it takes her
hours to travel from San Jose to Sablayan and another 4 hours to get to
Mamburao from Sablayan, how long does the entire travel take?

3. A total of kilos of salt is to be deducted from a 25-kilo sack. How many kilos
of salt will be left?

4. For a 10-hour long drive, Myra drove for 3 hours, Nimfa drove for hours,
and Lilian drove the rest. How long did Lilian drive?

5. A pizza was proportionately divided among 4 siblings. The eldest received of

the pizza, the second child received , the third received , and the youngest
received . Which child received the biggest slice?

Test C. Draw a short full-color comics (maximum of 10 pages) depicting a real-world

problem involving the application of ordering, adding or subtracting fractions
and how to solve it. Your output shall be rated using the following criteria:

Visual Appeal (Neatness, Color, Style) 10%
Content (Correctness of Discussion) 40%
Story (Flow, Characters, Consistency) 30%
Mechanics (Grammar and other technical considerations) 20%

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