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The new system of the Philippine’s education is K to 12. K to 12 is the additional 2 years
in high school wherein the first four years, grade 7 to grade 10, are known to be the junior high
school students. However, grade 11 and 12 are known to be the senior high school students.
Being one of the grade 12 students, we were required to search for an institution to help us fulfil
the required 80 hours of working with them as a work immersion students. I and my colleagues
were deployed at Nueva Vizcaya Agricultural Terminal (NVAT), INC.

January 21, 2019 was our first day. Our work immersion teacher, Mr. Leo Magastino,
guided us on our way to NVAT to introduce us to the institution. We were introduced to Ma’am
Realyn Castillo who happened to be our supervisor. Ma’am Rea oriented us inside NVAT’s
Admin Office and instructed us about their rules and regulations, also other information about
their institution. After the orientation, we already started the first task that was given us.
Together with one of my colleagues, Kyle Ann Minia, we worked on NVAT’s tickets. We
checked if the tickets remitted were complete and noted each ticket that was incomplete. I leave
Kyle the works on tickets because Ma’am Rea asked me to arrange the stockholders’ certificates
alphabetically. On this day two tasked being asked to do by us were done because of our

The second day was on January 22, 2019. Since during the first day I arrange the
stockholders’ certificates alphabetically, on this day I was ordered to separate it according to the
first letter of their surname. Each letter should separate from the other letters. After this, I helped
Kyle on checking the remitted tickets because the task was not done yet during our first day so
we have to continue it on the second day. Another task were given wherein the checked tickets
should count using Microsoft Excel to know how much NVAT gain revenues from it and that is
how we learned to use the program with the assistance of our supervisor, Ma’am Rea.

The next day was on January 23, 2019. We continued the work on counting tickets
through Microsoft Excel and I must say that I am enjoying the work for I am learning a lot on
using the Microsoft Excel. Each day, there were tickets being remitted that is why the work on
tickets will not be done unless there are no tickets that will remit by the tickets’ collector.
Another task given and that is to prepare brown envelops for the stock holders’ certificates to put
in. That is how my third day went on.

I was ordered to encode the attendance for the first Cagayan Valley Congress happened
in NVAT using Microsoft Excel on my fourth day, January 24, 2019. Each name of the attendee
should put in tables that were made in Microsoft Excel for transparency. There are lot of them
who attended that is why one day is not enough for me to finish the task. I did not finish the task
that is why I have to continue the task on the next day.
Since I did not finish the task given to me from the previous day, I continued it on
January 25, 2019, our fifth day. After finishing the task about the attendance for the first
Cagayan Valley Congress happened in NVAT, another task was given to me by Ma’am Rea
Castillo and that is to check the individual profile of the stall occupants. After checking, I was
ordered to encode it on the tables that were done in Microsoft Excel. We had a big trouble in
saving the file on this day because the laptop we were using has an unnecessary defect and the
file was not saved so we have to encode it again. There might be problems being encountered
such this but at least we learned a lot how to use Microsoft Excel and how to be patient on the
tasks given.

After the first week of working as an immersion student, another day went on and that
was our sixth day, January 28, 2019. On this day, I was again ordered to encode names of
attendee of the first Cagayan Valley Congress demo farm tour of Kasibu and Kayapa. This
attendance was different from the first attendance I encoded because the attendees were just from
Kasibu and Kayapa. After this task, we leave the admin office just to try the ticketing process of
NVAT. First we just observed sir Gener Gapasin, the ticket collector, how he collect tickets and
how much value should be collected in each of the vehicles going inside NVAT. He also
discussed us that there is a corresponding value being collected in different vehicles varying on
the sizes of it. After observing, we already tried acting as the collector and we had so much fun
doing it. This is how our sixth day went on.

January 29, 2019 was the seventh day. On this day, we prepared the board room
because there were a meeting held in the office. The board room is where we, the immersion
students, were staying and served as our office but since they used it for a meeting, we do not
have a place to stay in so Ma’am Rea suggested us to join Ma’am Ligaya and sir Jonathan to
collect Individual’s monthly rent for stalls. We started collecting at around 8:30 o’clock and
went back to the office at around 11:00 o’clock to take a rest. After the meeting finished, we had
a lunch together with the board members and after that, we prepared envelops again for the
stockholders’ certificate to put in because Ma’am Rea said that the envelops that were prepared
was insufficient so we have to add it more and these were the tasks that were given to us on this

As the days went on, tasks being done were increasing. It happened that on the eighth
day, January 30, 2019, there was no task given to me because paper works that should be given
to us in two weeks were done already on this day. So being a student that has an initiative, I
asked Ma’am Rea to give me a task to do that is why she decided that I will be the one who will
accompany her to get their uniforms at Maurel’s Tailoring. After an almost an hour we went
back to the office and separated the received uniforms according to the owners together with
Jessica and Marjorie. After all tasks done, we suggested Ma’am Rea that we will be going out to
help sir Gener Gapasin collect tickets again and fortunately, she grant us our suggestion. We had
so much fun spending our eighth day on these tasks.
January 31, 2019 was the day before our last day in NVAT office. Ma’am Rea ordered
us to add more brown envelops for the certificates but this time we putted names already on the
envelops using printed names in a sticker paper to know whom the certificates are for. After this,
we helped Sir Gener again in giving tickets and collecting fees from the vehicles going inside
NVAT. There was no much task given on this day so we spent the time helping Sir Gener in
ticketing. This is how my 9th day went on.

February 01, 2019, was our last day as a work immersion student. On this day, we
invited our Principal to have a dinner on NVAT as the general manager requested but before
that, we prepared first the conference hall for the posters and bookers because there will be a
meeting going to happen inside. We helped Ma’am Rea assist the posters on filling up forms for
their Identifications. After they fill up forms, we let them seat and wait for their turn for picture
taking for their ID. The task was done at around 11:30 but there were some late posters who
arrived so we still assist them as we prepare the conference hall for another event, the lunch. We
help NVAT prepare foods for Sir Principal and some of our teachers who were invited. When
they arrived, there was a speech given first by the general manager and he asked our principal to
give a speech also. After they gave their speeches, the general manager requested me to give a
speech also on behalf of my colleagues. Sir Ryan also gave his speech after I did. Then this
follows by the awarding of the certificates and then we had our lunch all together. We spent the
rest of the remaining time on helping Sir Gener on ticketing. This is how our last day in NVAT
went on.

For two weeks of been working with NVAT, we did learn a lot. And we thank you
NVAT for helping us gain more knowledge about how should we work as an employee. I must
say that I have learned and these lessons will be forever in my heart. I will be using these lessons
as I go through the path of success. I have learned to be punctual, to be initiative, be productive,
manage your time efficiently, work with love, be patient, and you should create a good
relationship with each other. These lessons that I have learned will help we reach my goals in
life. Memories with NVAT will be forever remains in my heart and mind. It is nice working with
them, I hope for a good future of their institution, and I never forget NVAT.

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