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Whitacre Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 2010, 7:6

RESEARCH Open Access

Degeneracy: a link between evolvability,

robustness and complexity in biological systems
James M Whitacre*

A full accounting of biological robustness remains elusive; both in terms of the mechanisms by which robustness is
achieved and the forces that have caused robustness to grow over evolutionary time. Although its importance to
topics such as ecosystem services and resilience is well recognized, the broader relationship between robustness
and evolution is only starting to be fully appreciated. A renewed interest in this relationship has been prompted
by evidence that mutational robustness can play a positive role in the discovery of adaptive innovations (evolvabil-
ity) and evidence of an intimate relationship between robustness and complexity in biology.
This paper offers a new perspective on the mechanics of evolution and the origins of complexity, robustness, and
evolvability. Here we explore the hypothesis that degeneracy, a partial overlap in the functioning of multi-func-
tional components, plays a central role in the evolution and robustness of complex forms. In support of this
hypothesis, we present evidence that degeneracy is a fundamental source of robustness, it is intimately tied to
multi-scaled complexity, and it establishes conditions that are necessary for system evolvability.

Introduction genetic changes can result in increased system complex-

Complex adaptive systems (CAS) are omnipresent and ity however it is not known how these increasingly com-
are at the core of some of society’s most challenging plex forms are able to evolve without sacrificing
and rewarding endeavours. They are also of interest in robustness or the propensity for future beneficial adap-
their own right because of the unique features they tations. To put it more distinctly, it is not known how
exhibit such as high complexity, robustness, and the biological evolution is scalable [1].
capacity to innovate. Especially within biological con- A deeper understanding of CAS thus requires a dee-
texts such as the immune system, the brain, and gene per understanding of the conditions that facilitate the
regulation, CAS are extraordinarily robust to variation coexistence of high robustness, growing complexity, and
in both internal and external conditions. This robustness the continued propensity for innovation or what we
is in many ways unique because it is conferred through refer to as evolvability. This reconciliation is not only of
rich distributed responses that allow these systems to interest to biological evolution but also to science in
handle challenging and varied environmental stresses. general because variability in conditions and unprece-
Although exceptionally robust, biological systems can dented shocks are a challenge faced across many facets
sometimes adapt in ways that exploit new resources or of human enterprise.
allow them to persist under unprecedented environmen- In this opinion paper, we explore and expand upon
tal regime shifts. the hypothesis first proposed in [2,3] that a system
These requirements to be both robust and adaptive property known as degeneracy plays a central role in the
appear to be conflicting. For instance, it is not entirely relationships between these properties. Most impor-
understood how organisms can be phenotypically robust tantly, we argue that only robustness through degener-
to genetic mutations yet also can generate the range of acy will lead to evolvability or to hierarchical complexity
phenotypic variability that is needed for evolutionary in CAS. An overview of our main arguments is shown
adaptations to occur. Moreover, on rare occasions in Figure 1 with Table 1 summarizing primary support-
ing evidence from the literature. Throughout this paper,
we refer back to Figure 1 so as to connect individual
* Correspondence:
School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, UK discussions with the broader hypothesis being proposed.

© 2010 Whitacre; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Whitacre Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 2010, 7:6 Page 2 of 12

For instance, we refer to “Link 6” in the heading of Sec- recent hypotheses such as the theory of highly opti-
tion 2 in reference to the connection between robust- mized tolerance.
ness and evolvability that is to be discussed and also
that is shown as the sixth link in Figure 1. Robustness and Evolvability (Link 6)
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Phenotypic robustness and evolvability are defining
We begin by reviewing the paradoxical relationship properties of CAS. In biology, the term robustness is
between robustness and evolvability in biological evolu- often used in reference to the persistence of high level
tion. Starting with evidence that robustness and evolva- traits, e.g. fitness, under variable conditions. In contrast,
bility can coexist, in Section 2 we present arguments for evolvability refers to the capacity for heritable and
why this is not always the case in other domains and selectable phenotypic change. More thorough descrip-
how degeneracy might play an important role in recon- tions of robustness and evolvability can be found in
ciling these conflicting properties. Section 3 outlines Appendix 1.
further evidence that degeneracy is causally intertwined Robustness and evolvability are vital to the persistence of
within the unique relationships between robustness, life and their relationship is vital to our understanding of
complexity, and evolvability in CAS. We discuss its pre- it. This is emphasized in [4] where Wagner asserts that,
valence in biological systems, its role in establishing “understanding the relationship between robustness and
robust traits, and its relationship with information theo- evolvability is key to understand how living things can
retic measures of hierarchical complexity. Motivated by withstand mutations, while producing ample variation
these discussions, we speculate in Section 4 that degen- that leads to evolutionary innovations“. At first, robustness
eracy may provide a mechanistic explanation for the and evolvability appear to be in conflict as suggested in
theory of natural selection and particularly some more the study of RNA secondary structure evolution by Ancel

Figure 1 high level illustration of the relationships between degeneracy, complexity, robustness, and evolvability. The numbers in
column one of Table 1 correspond with the abbreviated descriptions shown here. This diagram is reproduced with permission from [3].
Whitacre Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 2010, 7:6 Page 3 of 12

Table 1 Overview of key studies on the relationship between degeneracy, robustness, complexity and evolvability.
Relationship Summary Context Ref
1) Unknown whether Distributed robustness (and not pure Large scale gene deletion studies and other [43,61,2]
degeneracy is a primary redundancy) accounts for a large proportion of biological evidence (e.g. cryptic genetic variation)
source of robustness in robustness in biological systems (Kitami, 2002),
biology (Wagner, 2005). Although many traits are
stabilized through degeneracy (Edelman and
Gally, 2001) its total contribution is unknown.
2) Degeneracy has a strong Degeneracy is positively correlated and Simulation models of artificial neural networks [33]
positive correlation with conceptually similar to complexity. For instance are evaluated based on information theoretic
system complexity degenerate components are both functionally measures of redundancy, degeneracy, and
redundant and functionally independent while complexity
complexity describes systems that are
functionally integrated and functionally
3) Degeneracy is a precondition Accessibility of distinct phenotypes requires Abstract simulation models of evolution [3]
for evolvability and a more robustness through degeneracy
effective source of robustness
4) Evolvability is a prerequisite All complex life forms have evolved through a Theory of natural selection [62]
for complexity succession of incremental changes and are not
irreducibly complex (according to Darwin’s theory
of natural selection). The capacity to generate
heritable phenotypic variation (evolvability) is a
precondition for the evolution of increasingly
complex forms.
5) Complexity increases to According to the theory of highly optimized Based on theoretical arguments that have been [29,35,30]
improve robustness tolerance, complex adaptive systems are applied to biological evolution and engineering
optimized for robustness to common observed design (e.g. aircraft, internet)
variations in conditions. Moreover, robustness is
improved through the addition of new
components/processes that are integrated with
the rest of the system and add to the complexity
of the organizational form.
6) Evolvability emerges from Genetic robustness reflects the presence of a Simulation models of gene regulatory networks [6,4]
robustness neutral network. Over the long-term this neutral and RNA secondary structure.
network provides access to a broad range of
distinct phenotypes and helps ensure the long-
term evolvability of a system.
The information is mostly taken (with permission) from [3]

and Fontana [5]. As an illustration of this conflict, the first The work by Ciliberti et al [6] represents a useful case
two panels in Figure 2 show how high phenotypic robust- study for understanding this resolution of the robust-
ness appears to imply a low production of heritable phe- ness/evolvability conflict, although we note that earlier
notypic variation [4]. These graphs reflect common studies arguably demonstrated similar phenomena [7,8].
intuition that maintaining developed functionalities while In [6], the authors use models of gene regulatory net-
at the same time exploring and finding new ones are con- works (GRN) where GRN instances represent points in
tradictory requirements of evolution. genotype space and their expression pattern represents
an output or phenotype. Together the genotype and
Resolving the robustness-evolvability conflict phenotype define a fitness landscape. With this model,
However, as demonstrated in [4] and illustrated in panel Ciliberti et al find that a large number of genotypic
c of Figure 2, this conflict is unresolvable only when changes to the GRN have no phenotypic effect, thereby
robustness is conferred in both the genotype and the indicating robustness to such changes. These phenotypi-
phenotype. On the other hand, if the phenotype is cally equivalent systems connect to form a neutral net-
robustly maintained in the presence of genetic mutations, work NN in the fitness landscape. A search over this
then a number of cryptic genetic changes may be possible NN is able to reach nodes whose genotypes are almost
and their accumulation over time might expose a broad as different from one another as randomly sampled
range of distinct phenotypes, e.g. by movement across a GRNs. The authors also find that the number of distinct
neutral network. In this way, robustness of the phenotype phenotypes that are in the local vicinity of NN nodes is
might actually enhance access to heritable phenotypic extremely large, indicating a wide variety of accessible
variation and thereby improve long-term evolvability. phenotypes that can be explored while remaining close
Whitacre Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 2010, 7:6 Page 4 of 12

Figure 2 The conflicting properties of robustness and evolvability and their proposed resolution. A system (central node) is exposed to
changing conditions (peripheral nodes). Robustness of a function requires minimal variation in the function (panel a) while the discovery of new
functions requires the testing of a large number of functional variants (panel b). The existence of a neutral network may allow for both
requirements to be met (panel c). In the context of a fitness landscape, movement along edges of each graph would reflect changes in
genotype while changes in color would reflect changes in phenotype.

to a viable phenotype. The types of phenotypes that are not readily adaptable to change. In engineering design
accessible from the NN depend on where in the net- in particular, it is a well known heuristic that increasing
work that the search takes place. This is evidence that robustness and complexity can often be a deterrent to
cryptic genetic changes (along the NN) eventually have flexibility and future adaptations. Similar trade-offs sur-
distinctive phenotypic consequences. face in the context of governance (bureaucracy), soft-
In short, the study presented in [6] suggests that the ware design (e.g operating systems), and planning under
conflict between robustness and evolvability is resolved high uncertainty (e.g. strategic planning).
through the existence of a NN that extends far through- Other evidence of a conflict between robustness and
out the fitness landscape. On the one hand, robustness evolvability has been observed in computer simulations
is achieved through a connected network of equivalent of evolution. Studies within the fields of evolutionary
(or nearly equivalent) phenotypes. Because of this con- computation and artificial life have considered ways of
nectivity, some mutations or perturbations will leave the manually injecting mutational robustness into the map-
phenotype unchanged, the extent of which depends on ping of genotype to phenotype, e.g. via the enlargement
the local NN topology. On the other hand, evolvability of neutral regions within fitness landscapes [10-14].
is achieved over the long-term by movement across a Adding mutational robustness in this way has had little
neutral network that reaches over truly unique regions influence on the evolvability of simulated populations.
of the fitness landscape. Some researchers have concluded that genetic neutrality
Robustness and evolvability are not always compatible (i.e. mutational robustness) alone is not sufficient.
A positive correlation between robustness and evolvabil- Instead, it has been argued that the positioning of neu-
ity is widely believed to be conditional upon several trality within a fitness landscape through the interac-
other factors, however it is not yet clear what those fac- tions between genes will greatly influence the number
tors are. Some insights into this problem can be gained and variety of accessible phenotypes [15,16].
by comparing and contrasting systems in which robust- Assessing the different domains where variation and
ness is and is not compatible with evolvability. selection take place, it is noticeable that evolvability and
In accordance with universal Darwinism [9], there are robustness are often in conflict within systems derived
numerous contexts where heritable variation and selec- through human planning. But how could the simple act
tion take place and where evolutionary concepts can be of planning change the relationship between robustness
successfully applied. These include networked technolo- and evolvability? As first proposed by Edelman and
gies, culture, language, knowledge, music, markets, and Gally, one important difference between systems that
organizations. Although a rigorous analysis of robust- are created by design (i.e. through planning) and those
ness and evolvability has not been attempted within any that evolve without planning is that in the former, com-
of these domains, there is anecdotal evidence that evol- ponents with multiple overlapping functions are absent
vability does not always go hand in hand with robust- [2].
ness. Many technological and social systems have been In standard planning practices, components remain as
intentionally designed to enhance the robustness of a simple as possible with a single predetermined function-
particular service or function, however they are often ality. Irrelevant interactions and overlapping functions
Whitacre Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 2010, 7:6 Page 5 of 12

between components are eliminated from the outset, accessibility of distinct heritable phenotypes. Instead, we
thereby allowing cause and effect to be more transpar- found that only systems with high levels of degeneracy
ent. Robustness is achieved by designing redundancies exhibited a positive relationship between neutral net-
into a system that are predictable and globally controlla- work size, robustness, and evolvability.
ble [2]. More precisely, we showed that systems composed of
This can be contrasted with biological CAS such as redundant proteins were mutationally robust but greatly
gene regulatory networks or neural networks where the restricted in the number of unique phenotypes accessible
relevance of interactions can not be determined by local from a neutral network, i.e. they were not evolvable. On
inspection. There is no predetermined assignment of the other hand, replacing redundant proteins with degen-
responsibilities for functions or system traits. Instead, erate proteins resolved this conflict and led to both excep-
different components can contribute to the same func- tionally robust and exceptionally evolvable systems.
tion and a component can contribute to several different Importantly, this result was observed even though the
functions through its exposure to different contexts. total sum of protein functions was identical between each
While the functionalities of some components appear to of the system classes. From observing how evolvability
be similar under specific conditions, they differ under scaled with system size, we concluded that degeneracy not
others. This conditional similarity of functions within only contributes to the discovery of new innovations but
biological CAS is a reflection of degeneracy. that it may be a precondition of evolvability [21,3].
Degeneracy and distributed robustness (Link 1)
Degeneracy As discussed in [2], degeneracy’s relationship to robust-
Degeneracy is a system property that requires the exis- ness and evolvability appears to be conceptually simple.
tence of multi-functional components (but also modules While degenerate components contribute to stability
and pathways) that perform similar functions (i.e. are under conditions where they are functionally compensa-
effectively interchangeable) under certain conditions, yet tory, their distinct responses outside of those conditions
can perform distinct functions under other conditions. provide access to unique functional effects, some of which
A case in point is the adhesins gene family in A. Sac- may be selectively relevant in certain environments.
charomyces, which expresses proteins that typically play Although useful in guiding our intuition, it is not clear
unique roles during development, yet can perform each whether such explanations are applicable to larger sys-
other’s functions when expression levels are altered [17]. tems involving many components and multiple traits.
Another classic example of degeneracy is found in glu- More precisely, it is not clear that functional variation
cose metabolism, which can take place through two dis- between degenerate components would not act as a
tinct pathways; glycolysis and the pentose phosphate destabilizing force within a larger system. However in
pathway. These pathways can substitute for each other [3], the mutational robustness of large degenerate gen-
if necessary even though the sum of their metabolic ome:proteome systems was not degraded by this func-
effects is not identical [18]. More generally, Ma and tional variation and instead was greater than that
Zeng argue that the robustness of the bow-tie architec- expected from local compensatory effects. In the follow-
ture they discovered in metabolism is largely derived ing, we present an alternative conceptual model to
through the presence of multiple degenerate paths to account for these findings and to illustrate additional
achieving a given function or activity [19,20]. Although ways in which degeneracy may facilitate robustness and
we could list many more examples of degeneracy, a true evolvability in complex adaptive systems.
appreciation for the ubiquity of degeneracy across all Our conceptual model comprises agents that are situ-
scales of biology is best gained by reading Edelman and ated within an environment. Each agent can perform
Gally’s review of the topic in [2]. Appendix 2 provides a one task at a time where the types of tasks are restricted
more detailed description of degeneracy, its relationship by an agent’s predetermined capabilities. Tasks represent
to redundancy, and additional examples of degeneracy conditions imposed by the local environment and agents
in biological systems. act to take on any tasks that match their functional
repertoire. An illustration of how degeneracy can influ-
The role of degeneracy in adaptive innovations (Links 1 & 3) ence robustness and evolvability is given using the dia-
In [3], we explored whether degeneracy influences the grams in Figure 3, where each task type is represented
relationship between robustness and evolvability in a by a node cluster and agents are represented by pairs of
generic genome:proteome model. Unlike the studies dis- connected nodes. For instance, in Figure 3 an agent is
cussed in Section 2, we found that neither size nor circled and the positioning of its nodes reflects that
topology of a neutral network guarantees evolvability. agent’s (two) task capabilities. Each agent only performs
Local and global measures of robustness within a fitness one task at a time with the currently executed task indi-
landscape were also not consistently indicative of the cated by the darker node.
Whitacre Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 2010, 7:6 Page 6 of 12

Figure 3 Illustration of how distributed robustness can be achieved in degenerate systems (panels a-c) and why it is not possible in
purely redundant systems (panel d). Nodes describe tasks, dark nodes are active tasks. In principle, agents can perform two distinct tasks but
are able to perform only one task at a time. Panels a and d are reproduced with permission from [3].

In Figure 3b, task requirements are increased for the then there are potentially many options for reconfigur-
bottom task group and excess resources become avail- ing resources as shown in Figure 3c. In short, degener-
able in the top task group. With a partial overlap in task acy may allow for cooperation amongst buffers such
capabilities, agent resources can be reassigned from that localized stresses can invoke a distributed response.
where they are in excess to where they are needed as Moreover, excess resources related to a single task can
indicated by the arrows. From this simple illustration, it be used in a highly versatile manner; although interoper-
is straightforward to see how excess agents related to ability of components may be localized, at the system
one type of task may support unrelated tasks through level extra resources can offer huge reconfiguration
the presence of degeneracy. In other words, high levels opportunities.
of degeneracy can transform local compensatory effects The necessary conditions for this buffering network to
into longer compensatory pathways. If this partial over- form do not appear to be demanding (e.g. [3]). One
lap in capabilities is pervasive throughout the system condition that is clearly needed though is degeneracy.
Whitacre Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 2010, 7:6 Page 7 of 12

Without a partial overlap in capabilities, agents in the shaped by the classes of systems that are considered
same functional grouping can only support each other pertinent to particular fields of study.
(see Figure 3d) and, conversely, excess resources cannot Early usage of the term complexity within biology was
support unrelated tasks outside the group. Buffers are fairly ambiguous and varied depending on the context
thus localized and every type of variability in task in which it was used. Darwin appeared to equate com-
requirements requires a matching realization of redun- plexity with the number of distinct components (e.g.
dancies. This simplicity in structure (and inefficiency) is cells) that were “organized” to generate a particular trait
encouraged in most human planning activities. (e.g. an eye). Since then, the meaning of complexity has
Degeneracy and Evolvability (Link 3) changed however nowadays only marginal consensus
For systems to be both robust and evolvable, the indivi- exists on what it means and how it should be measured.
dual agents that stabilize traits must be able to occasion- In studies related to the theory of highly optimized tol-
ally behave in unique ways when stability is lost. Within erance (HOT), complex systems have been defined as
the context of distributed genetic systems, this require- being hierarchical, highly structured and composed of
ment is reflected in the need for unique phenotypes to many heterogeneous components [29,30].
be mutationally accessible from different regions of a The organizational structure of life is now known to
neutral network. be scale-rich (as opposed to scale-free) but also multi-
The large number of distinct and cryptic internal con- scaled [31,29,30]. This means that patterns of biological
figurations that are possible within degenerate systems component interdependence are truly unique to a parti-
(see Figure 3c) are likely to expand the number of cular scale of observation but there are also important
unique ways in which a system will reorganize itself interactions that integrate behaviors across scales.
when thresholds for trait stability are eventually crossed, The existence of expanding hierarchical structures or
as seen in [3]. This is because degenerate pathways to “systems within systems” implies a scalability in natural
robust traits are reached by truly distinct paths (i.e. dis- evolution that some would label as a uniquely biological
tinct internal configurations) that do not always respond phenomenon. From prions and viruses to rich ecosys-
to environmental changes in the same manner, i.e. they tems and the biosphere, we observe organized systems
are only conditionally similar. Due to symmetry, such that rely heavily on the robustness of finer-scale patterns
cryptic distinctions are not possible from purely redun- while they also adapt to change taking place at a larger
dant sources of robustness. scale [32].
However, in [3] degenerate systems had an elevated A defining characteristic of multi-scaled complex sys-
configurational versatility that we speculate is the result tems is captured in the definition of hierarchical com-
of degenerate components being organized into a larger plexity given in [33,34]. There, complexity is defined as
buffering network. This versatility allows degenerate the degree to which a system is both functionally inte-
components to contribute to the mutational robustness grated and functionally segregated. Although this may
within a large heterogeneous system and, for the same not express what complexity means to all people, we
(symmetry) reasons as stated above, may further contri- focus on this definition because it represents an impor-
bute to the accessibility of distinct heritable variation. tant quantifiable property of multi-scaled complex sys-
In summary, we have presented arguments as well as tems that is arguably unique to biological evolution.
some evidence that degeneracy allows for types of
robustness that directly contribute to the evolvability of Degeneracy and Complexity (Link 2)
complex systems, e.g. through mutational access to dis- According to Tononi et al [33], degeneracy is intimately
tinct phenotypes from a neutral network within a fitness related to complexity, both conceptually as well as
landscape. We have speculated that the basis for both empirically. The conceptual similarity is immediately
robustness and evolvability in degenerate systems is a apparent: while complex systems are both functionally
set of heterogeneous overlapping buffers. We suggest integrated and functionally segregated, degenerate com-
that these buffers and their connectivity offer excep- ponents are both functionally redundant and function-
tional canalization potential under many conditions ally independent. Tononi et al also found that a strong
while facilitating high levels of phenotypic plasticity positive correlation exists between information theoretic
under others. measurements of degeneracy and complexity. When
degeneracy was increased within neural network models,
Origins of complexity they always observed a concomitant large increase in
Complexity system complexity. In contrast, complexity was found to
There are many definitions and studies of complexity in be low in cases where neurons fired independently
the literature [22-28]. Different definitions have mostly (although Shannon entropy is high in this case) or when
originated within separate disciplines and have been firing throughout the neuronal population was strongly
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correlated (although information redundancy is high in small aberrant perturbations in one “subsystem” could
this case). From these observations, Tononi et al derived spread to others, leading to broad destabilization of these
a more generic claim, namely that this relationship subsystems and a potential collapse of otherwise persis-
between degeneracy and complexity is broadly relevant tent higher-scale patterns. Even if individual perturba-
and could be pertinent to our general understanding of tions are unlikely, the frequency of perturbation events
CAS. (e.g. at fine resolutions of the system) would greatly limit
the overall number of distinct scales where coherent spa-
Robustness and Complexity (Link 5) tio-temporal patterns could be observed, if the system
System robustness requires that components can be were not robust. Similar arguments have been used in
“utilized” at the appropriate times to accommodate explaining the relationship between multi-scaling phe-
aberrant variations in the conditions to which a system nomena and resilience within complex ecosystems
is exposed. Because such irregular variability can be [32,36,37].
large in both scale and type, robustness is limited by the The role of degeneracy
capabilities of extant components. Such limitations are Summarizing, it is apparent that robustness and com-
easily recognizable and commonly relate to limits on plexity are intimately intertwined and moreover that
utilization rate and level of multi-functionality afforded robustness is a precondition for complexity, at least for
to any single component. As a result of these physical multi-scaled systems. However, not all mechanisms for
constraints, improvements in robustness can sometimes achieving robustness necessarily lead to multi-scaled
only occur from the integration of new components and complexity. For instance, in [33] Tononi et al found that
new component types within a system, which in turn highly redundant (non-degenerate) systems were natu-
can add to a system’s complexity. rally robust but never hierarchically complex. On the
While the integration of new components may address other hand, highly degenerate systems were simulta-
certain aberrant variations in conditions, it can also neously robust and complex. Assuming as Tononi et al
introduce new degrees of freedom to the system which do that their findings extend to other CAS, this suggests
sometimes leads to new points of accessible fragility, i.e. that the relationship between robustness and complexity
new vulnerabilities. As long as the frequency and impact hypothesized in HOT is facilitated by the presence of
of conditions stabilized is larger than those of the condi- degenerate forms of robustness.
tions sensitised, such components are theoretically
selectable by robustness measures. By this reasoning, a Evolution of complex phenotypes (Link 4)
sustained drive towards increased robustness might be The evolution of complex forms requires a long series of
expected to correspond occasionally with growth in sys- adaptive changes to take place. At each step, these adap-
tem complexity. At sufficiently long time scales, we thus tations must result in a viable and robust system but
might expect a strong positive correlation to emerge also must not inhibit the ability to find subsequent
between the two properties. adaptations. Complexity, in the context of multi-scaled
Such a relationship between robustness and complex- evolving systems, clearly demands evolvability to form
ity is proposed in the theory of Highly Optimized Toler- such systems and robustness to maintain such systems
ance (HOT) [29,30,35]. HOT suggests that the myopic at every step along the way. This connection between
nature of evolution promotes increased robustness to evolvability and complexity is famously captured within
common conditions and unknowingly replaces these Darwin’s theory of natural selection. According to the
with considerably less frequent but still potentially theory, complex traits have evolved through a series of
devastating sensitivities. Proponents of HOT argue that incremental changes and are not irreducibly complex.
evidence of this process can be found in the properties For highly complex traits to exist, growth in complexity
of evolving systems, such as power law relations cannot inhibit the future evolvability of a system. More
observed for certain spatial and temporal properties of precisely, the formation of complex traits is predicated
evolution, e.g. extinction sizes. In support of HOT, on evolvability either being sustained or re-emerging
some researchers have used examples from biology, after each inherited change.
ecology, and engineering to demonstrate how increased How evolving systems actually satisfy these require-
robustness often simultaneously leads to increased sys- ments remains a true mystery. As reviewed by Kirschner
tem complexity [29,30,35]. and Gerhart, different principles in biological systems
From another perspective, the persistence of a hetero- have been uncovered over the years (e.g. loose-coupling,
geneous, multi-scaled system seems to necessitate exploratory behavior, redundancy, agent versatility) that
robustness, at least to intrinsic variability that may arise, strongly influence the constraint/deconstraint mechan-
for instance, from process errors initiated by the stochas- isms imposed on phenotypic variation and thus contri-
ticity of internal dynamics. Without such robustness, bute to robustness and evolvability of these systems [1].
Whitacre Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 2010, 7:6 Page 9 of 12

Although these principles are of considerable impor- conditions, organisms must on the one hand maintain a
tance, the examples of degeneracy provided in [2] range of functionalities in order to survive and repro-
strongly suggest that degeneracy underpins most con- duce. Often, this means a number of important traits
straint/deconstraint mechanisms in biology. need to be robust over a range of environments. On the
It is well-accepted that the exceptional properties of other hand, organisms must also be flexible enough to
CAS are not a consequence of exceptional properties of adapt to new conditions that they have not previously
their components [23]. Instead it is how components experienced. At higher levels in biology, populations dis-
interact and inter-relate that determines: 1) the ability play genetic robustness and robustness to moderate eco-
to confer stability within the broader system (robust- logical changes yet at the same time are often able to
ness), 2) the ability to create systems that are both func- adapt when conditions change “significantly”. This dual
tionally integrated and functionally segregated presence of robustness and adaptiveness to change is
(complex), and 3) the ability to acquire new traits and observed at different scales in biology and it has been
take on more complex forms (evolvable). It would seem responsible for the remarkable persistence of life over
that any mechanism that directly contributes to all of billions of years and countless generations.
these organizational properties is a promising candidate
design principle of evolution. In this paper we have Robustness
reviewed new evidence, summarized in Table 1 and Fig- Despite the numerous definitions of robustness provided
ure 1, that degeneracy may represent just such a in the literature [38], there is fair conceptual agreement
mechanism and thus could prove fundamental in under- on what robustness means. In its most general form,
standing the evolution of complex forms. As proposed robustness reflects an insensitivity of some functionality
in Appendix 3, the reason degeneracy has been over- or measured state of a system when the system is
looked in theoretical discussions of biological evolution exposed to a set of distinct environments or distinct
could be due to a long-standing reductionist bias in the internal conditions. To give robustness meaning, it is
study of biological systems. necessary to elaborate on what function or state of the
system is being measured and to what set of conditions
Concluding Remarks the system is exposed.
Understanding how biological systems can be complex, Classes of Environmental and Biological Change
robust and evolvable is germane to our understanding The conditions to which a system is exposed depend on
of biology and evolution. In this paper, we have pro- its scale and scope but are generally broken down into
posed that degeneracy could play a fundamental role in internal and external sources. For instance, changes ori-
the unique relationships between complexity, robust- ginating from within an organism include inherited
ness, and evolvability in complex adaptive systems. Sum- changes to the genotype and stochasticity of internal
marizing our arguments, we have presented evidence dynamics, while sources of external (environmental)
that degeneracy is an effective mechanism for creating change include changes in culture, changes in species
(distributed) robust systems, that it uniquely enhances interactions and changes at various scales within the
the long-term evolvability of a system, that it acts to physical environment.
increase the hierarchical complexity of a system, and Pathways toward robustness
that it is prevalent in biology. Using these arguments, Biological robustness is typically discussed as a process
we speculate on how degeneracy may help to directly of effective control over the phenotype. In some cases,
establish the conditions necessary for the evolution of this means maintaining a stable trait despite variability
complex forms. Although more research is needed to in the environment (canalization), while in other cases it
validate some of the claims made here, we are cautiously requires modification of a trait so as to maintain higher
optimistic that degeneracy is intimately tied to some of level traits such as fitness, within a new environment
the most interesting phenomena observed in natural (adaptive phenotypic plasticity) [19]. Both adaptive phe-
evolving systems. Moreover, as a conceptual design notypic plasticity and canalization involve conditional
principle, degeneracy is readily applicable to other disci- responses to change and their causal origins are gener-
plines and could prove beneficial for enhancing the ally believed to be similar [39].
robustness and adaptiveness of human-engineered
systems. Evolvability
Different definitions of evolvability exist in the literature
Appendix 1: Robustness and Evolvability (e.g. [4,40,41]), so it is important to articulate exactly
In nature, organisms are presented with a multitude of what is meant by this term. In general, evolvability is
environments and are occasionally exposed to new and concerned with the selection of new phenotypes. It
slightly different environments. Under these variable requires an ability to generate distinct phenotypes and it
Whitacre Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 2010, 7:6 Page 10 of 12

requires that some of these phenotypes have a non-neg- differences to grow over time. The most well studied
ligible probability of being selected by the environment. context where this occurs is gene duplication and diver-
Because of the contextual nature of selection (i.e. its gence [46-48]. Degeneracy may also arise through con-
dependence on the environment), quantifying evolvabil- vergent evolution, where structurally distinct
ity in a “context free” manner is only possible by components are driven to acquire similar functionalities.
employing a surrogate measurement. The most common In biology, this may occur as a direct result of selection
measurement used in the literature is the accessibility of for a particular trait or it may alternatively arise due to
distinct heritable phenotypes [1]. In this paper, as with developmental constraints (e.g. see [49]) that act to con-
others [6,4,42], we use this surrogate measure when strain the evolution of dissimilar components in similar
evaluating evolvability. ways. There are many documented examples of conver-
gence (e.g. homoplasy) occurring at different scales in
Appendix 2: Degeneracy and Redundancy biology [50,51].
Redundancy and degeneracy are two design principles While the origins of degeneracy are conceptually sim-
that both contribute to the robustness of biological sys- ple, the reasons it is observed at high levels throughout
tems [2,43]. Redundancy is an easily recognizable design biology are not known and several plausible explana-
principle in biological and man-made systems and tions exist. One possibility is that degeneracy is
means ‘redundancy of parts’. It refers to the coexistence expressed at high levels simply because it is the quickest
of identical components with identical functionality and or most probable path to heritable change in distributed
thus is isomorphic and isofunctional. In information (genetic) systems. Another possibility is that it is
theory, redundancy refers to the repetition of messages retained due to a direct selective advantage, e.g. due to
and is important for reducing transmission errors. It is a the enhanced robustness it may provide towards varia-
common feature of engineered or planned systems bility in the environment, e.g. see [3]. Other interesting
where it provides robustness against variations of a very explanations have been proposed that consider a combi-
specific type (’more of the same’ variations). For exam- nation of neutral and selective processes. For instance,
ple, redundant parts can substitute for others that mal- the Duplication-Degeneracy-Complementation (DDC)
function or fail, or augment output when demand for a model [52] proposes that neutral drift can readily intro-
particular output increases. Redundancy is also prevalent duce degeneracy amongst initially redundant genes that
in biology. Polyploidy, homogenous tissues and allo- is later fixated through complementary loss-of-function
zymes are examples of functional biological redundancy. mutations. Yet another possibility proposed in [3] is that
Another and particular impressive example is neural the distributed nature of degenerate robustness (e.g. see
redundancy, i.e. the multiplicity of neural units (e.g. Figure 3c) creates a relatively large mutational target for
pacemaker cells) that perform identical functions (e.g. trait buffering that is separate from the degenerate gene.
generating the swimming rhythms in jellyfish or the This large target may help to increase and preserve
heartbeat in humans). degeneracy over iterated periods of addition and
In biology, degeneracy refers to conditions where the removal of excess robustness within populations under
functions or capabilities of components overlap partially. mutation-selection balance (cf [3]). Similar to the DDC
In a review by Edelman and Gally [2], numerous exam- model, under this scenario degeneracy would be
ples are used to demonstrate the ubiquity of degeneracy acquired passively (neutrally) and selectively retained
throughout biology. It is pervasive in proteins of every only after additional loss-of-function mutations.
functional class (e.g. enzymatic, structural, or regulatory)
[44] and is readily observed in ontogenesis (see page 14 Appendix 3: The “hidden” role of degeneracy
in [45]), the nervous system [33] and cell signalling If degeneracy is important to the mechanics of evolution
(crosstalk). Degeneracy differs from pure redundancy as claimed in this paper, it is worth asking why it has
because similarities in the functional response of com- been overlooked in theoretical discussions of biological
ponents are not observed for all conditions. Under some evolution. In [2], Edelman and Gally suggest that its
conditions the functions are similar while under others importance has been hidden in plain sight but that the
they differ. ubiquity of degeneracy and its importance to evolution-
ary mechanics become obvious upon close inspection.
Origins of Degeneracy We believe there may also be practical reasons degener-
Degeneracy originates from convergent (constraint) and acy has been overlooked which originate from a long-
divergent (deconstraint) forces that play out within dis- standing reductionist bias in the study of biological
tributed systems subject to variation and selection. With systems.
divergence, identical components evolve in slightly dis- An illustrative example is given by the proposed rela-
tinct directions causing structural and functional tionship between degeneracy and robustness. As
Whitacre Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 2010, 7:6 Page 11 of 12

speculated in Figure 3, degeneracy contributes to exploration of degeneracy and its role in facilitating phe-
robustness through distributed compensatory actions notypic robustness and evolvability.
whereby: i) distinct components support the stability of
a single trait and ii) individual components contribute
to the stability of multiple distinct traits. However, the I would like to thank Axel Bender and the two anonymous reviewers for
experimental conditions of biological studies are rarely their valuable comments and suggestions. I am also thankful for useful
designed to evaluate emergent and systemic causes of discussions and support I have received from members of the EADOP
project at the University of Birmingham. The EADOP project is financially
trait stability. Instead, biological studies often evaluate supported by the EPSRC.
single trait stability or only evaluate mechanisms that
stabilize traits through local interactions, e.g. via func- Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
tional redundancy in a single specified context. This
experimental bias is evident within the many studies Received: 11 December 2009
and examples of trait stability reviewed in [2]. Accepted: 18 February 2010 Published: 18 February 2010

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