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TheapperandMiddle Olt RiverBasin

Ioan Slrbu, AngelaCurtean& Doru Binilduc

Sibiu, 1999
Transylwnian Rcvicwof Sts'malicol dnd Eco@al Reseotch

I. llre UppzroddMiddlzOltRlvo Basin 1999


oroSraphicbarragerolc lor the air massescrossingthe
upp€randmiddlccourseofthe OIIRiver

Thc hydrophilousandhygrophilousflora sodvegetationFom the upperand

middlcOlt RivcrValley
coNsTANTIN DMGLLESCU................ ... ......... lr

ofalgrcofthe uppcrandniddlecourscofthe Oh tuver

Alg.l communities
ofthe CibinRiver8ndofsomewetlands situated
on the
uoperandmiddlecourseofth€ Olt Rivcr
KozMA 4.r

Contributionsto the knowledgeofthe zooplanktonfiom the Olt fuver


ofthe taxonomic dynamics
ofthe aquaticinvertebrate fauna
fiom middleOlt Riversection
vIcToRT I AA T O L. .E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .?. ?

Someaspacts thebenthalfaun!inrhauppgrandmiddleOlt

ofthe CibinRiver
............ , 99

to theknowledge
uppcrandmiddlcOlt fuvcrBasin

Aspe4softhe teftestrialmalacofauna
from the upperandmiddleregionof
the OlfRiver Valley

Contributionto the knowledgeofthe caddisflies (Ins.cta:Trichoptero)

falna ofthe Olt RiverBssin

Contributionsto the kno\rledg€ofthe ma!'Ily larvae(Insecta:

Eph€meroptera) fom the Oli RiverBasin
NOEMr SZAILASY........ ..................................

Contributionsto the knowledgeofthe Apoideaefaunafrom the Sibiu

MAXIANAPASCV.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. .4. 9

Dataconoprningthe humanirnpacton th€ ichthyofalnaofthe upperand

middlesectorsofthe Olt River
D o R UB A N A : D.U
. .C
....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l.5. Z

Mcro-evolutionaryanddispersalproblemsin fishesinvolvingthe Olt

P E T RMU.B A N A R E S C U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. .6. 5

Pr€liminaryreporton herpetofauna
ofthe upperandmiddleOlt RiverBasin
MARA GYONGYIER,IOAN GImn,FAXX-AS LEVENTE.............................

Dataon the avifaunafrom theOlt andCibifl valleys

Troc......... 183

Contributionsto the studyofthe watcrfowlfrom Dunbrtrvilal-akeand

.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l. 9. .l. .

Preliminarydataconc€mingthe ovifaunrofBredeni- Fishponds

(HafiibaciValley; Olt RiverBasin)
o TTRULY........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...........1.9. .7

Dataon the avifaunafrom th. "SubArini" Park(Sibiu)in hiemal,prevernal

A N AM A R T A B E N E D E K . . . .................................203
Th. "Tn$ylvanian Rewe|9of Syste,nncai and EcologLol R"rea..r" rs a nc$
sci€niific publicarioq cdited wllh ihe aim lo improv€ the bioloSical ad enrironm.nlil
knowledge. lt $ill bc focusedrnainlyot biosystematics, €cologyandr€lat€dsciences. i,\.
environm€nral moDjtoring,huln n impac!,biogeography. Exonomyandotbers
This frst tomc $?! establishcdin ordcr lo pr€scntfie r€sullsof tle researchisini
iovolvedin a projectof biodive.silvandhumanimpactalsessm€nton th€ uppcr and middl(
Olt fuver Balrn.Somcof the enclosed pap.rsare basedon the long-tinewo.k of s.\cml
scientisls.Anoth€rpan ofthe resuLsotreredin this work *ere obtunedduring an cxpedrttor
organiscdby thc "hci.n Blaga"Universi5, Facultyol Scienc€s,Departnentof EcoloS] |Ii
Environm€rtl Prot6lioq andby thc NCO EcoturSibiu, in kobcr 1999,in the fram€ of 3
Projcctftnded by thc Global EnviroomentalFund/ Unitcd Nations D€velopmentProgranr.
Ihroughrh€ R€gioral EnvirorunentCeftre REC - Romania.This prqect ras focusedmarnh
on theassessneotofthe hum6nimpacton th€ rirtlands Fom the uppcrandmiddl€ Ok tutLr.
andon thc popularisationofaher.sults. It is €vrd€nttha. scicntific hformation ha.sfirst to b!
Sainedandhandled,aftrrwardslhb canbe spreadby meansofmass mediaandpopulansinon
works.In orderto accomplish thb task,it ras sriE€n a voiume,in Romanianlan8uag,r.
which presentsthe rGulis of rhc ficld irveni9tion in an acc€ssiblcmanncr The scrent,tlc
t\orks are publishcdan this revicw, which i! nor to b. rega.dedas a pan of the fonncr

Anyhowthis work {,as ne.essar},bccauseno updated}alo\{l€dgener€ av lable for

rhc lnain pan ofihc syst.maticalgroupsofrhc Olt River Basinand its presentdal ecologrcal
sla& SoIn€fclr studiesa4conplish€din ihe pan dcca&s wcre focuscdmainl,von a fes ta\r
and somoseciorsftom the iniddle rivels course.In ord€r to obtain a shole Inage oi fie
rivels communii€sand ofthe humar impa.t effecls,th€ projecaorganiserstsied|o gadcr r
groupolscicntists and youngbiologists,which studiedlhe Olt Rivcr along ils course Ths
river *as rcscarch.dstaningwidr lhe 6rsl pollut.d s€clorid its nppercourle,ald ending$ 'Ih
tbelowerpan ofthe middlc coursr.Th€rescarchperiod,its length,the tcan compositionlnd
size were linked to th€ availablebudget,nd tine resources,the organiserstrring lo find a
commondenominatorb€tw€€nthem It shouldbe clerr thartlxs wo.k is by far not fin'shed.n
hasto b€ rcgaldedonl-vasr beginningofa rts€arch.
Ailhougl ju$ a pan ofthc papersarebas€don thc expeditionfiom Oclober
orderb belp the undershndingof $€s€ works and the sanpling points'location,1v€sho\\
below6 s.hcniaticalreprcsedtatron ofth€ sludiedareq $e posilion and the codesusedfor

Tbc editorswill co irue the senesoflhis review,accordinglo the gaining of morc

scientificirfonnation on rhespccifiedgoals.

Thc cditors wish ro expresstheir gratitudeto all lhe statr involved ir lh€ r€search
project,andro thosewho helpedin atrymam€rtheirwork. Specialrcgardsto lh€ Directorsof
the National Company "RomanianWaters" huch€s from Sfrntu Cheorghc and Sibiu.
nanely Ms. Maria Stoicr and Mr. Peu! f,taxim, atrdro $€ Direclor of lfie EnviroomeDal
ProtectionAg€ncyin Sibiu, Mr. Adrian C.orgesc1r,who h.lped constantlylhe project. Wc
wish ro d|ad( to rh€ m€mb€n from the NGO Ecotlr, and amongthem especiallyto Ms
MarinaBogdanandMs. Liliam Furdui,t{ho havesupporledus dunngdle whol€period.

Th. Edkors
Transyi'. R.1,.Stst-Ecol. Res.(1999),I, I - I l



'Llctan Blasa' Universiry, Fad|y of Tdtile T.clnoloSies tud food lh.lrstry, Depatrnent af
Mantain EnAneeriig. St.O)tu 31,RO 2100 Sibit

L3 zon situa. cntrt la sou(. et la sortc d. la ditild Timn Ro$ - Cozia€sl crnc-l€ris& pat
un climar modcr4-contin€nralawc dca intlutnc€s ct paniqtarilcs &tcrnindat par la positio! des
principal..rrodncs du ftlicf situt &ff.|a rou& dcs maiss d'air F I'altjnde. Fr I'cxFrilions d€s
rrrsans, par lc a?c d. la vegltadon.A ca$c dc,rarEmsements du clurs suFri€ur ct moycnn€du
I OI, lc pa)satc taotratrqu€ a rouf&il for6 tt?nlfomut'oru- Irs lacs d acclmuhtior svcc lcu rcl
temoregulatcutc,on! del€rmh€ l'ilstalation d u! microclina. sp€cifiquc. lcqu.l€s sonl
rcnrquas sunoutda!. I'alparilioo dcsasrociationsdcsplant! termophn.sct hiSmphilcs.

Ke,.wordli climate,Carpathians'

The climate of a region represenls, accordingto "The Dictionaryof
Meteorology and Ciimatology", the pluriannual regim. of wcather condidons.
characterizing a placeor a cenainregion,beingdeterminedby rhe solarradiation,lhe
charact€roflhe aclivesurfac€andlhe generdatnosphericcirculation.Therefore,rhe
climateis characErized by certainstabilityand it is oneof the components $'hich
definea c€rtaingeoSraphical area.
The zonesituatedbetweenthe Olt River springsand its cmerScncefrom the
Tumu RoSu- Cozia passagehav€ a moderrte-continental climate, with influences
andparticularities generated by theposilionofth€ main.eliefformson th€ trajectory
ofthe air masses circulation, thercliefaltitudeandexposition ofthc slopes,thet'?e
ofvegetationthat coversthe soil surfac€and,not leist, by its latitudecxtcnsion Due
to lhe hydropowcrfacilities on thc uppcr and middle courscof the Olt River, the
geographicallandscapehas sufferedgreat modifications The rctention lakes,with
lhermoregulatoryrole, have determinedthe instrllalion of a typical mjcroclimale,
rvhoseinfluencas are morevisiblein the appearance of somefiermophylous and
hvgrophilous vegetalassociations.
The Romanianlandscape is definedby the concenlrican&ngement of the
Sourh-Eastam CdrDathians tha! due to their Dosition.altitudeand massiveness
cb\rou)lvinfluence all thecomponents ofthe environme Thereliefslsodetermrnes
rhe.limaticconditions, reflectedin the variationof all th€ othercompon€nb of the
rarlr;l environmentaid especiallvin the prcsenceof lhe succ;ssionof the
geog:aphicaiiandscape,from the steppe-lik€one, in the lower zoncg ro the alpine
loor Theahitudevariationofthe vc8etation floorsbetNeen !h€slopcswith nonhern
e\posure andthcsewith a Southem exposurqofalmost200m, is theconsequence of
rh3reiieforientation aodreflectsits variety.Theconcentric anangement ofthe majo.
relief levelsis also reflectedin the extensionof the Carpathians influencqway
beyondthe mountainspace.It is noaeworthy the inlluenceover the regimeof the
rile/s flow with all thesuccession of $peclsthatderivellom this.
The geographicposition of the upper and middlc rf ihe Oh Rr!e'
delermiflethe period and intensityoflhe solar radiation,whrch changesduring rhc
year The lemperatezone benefirsoia moderateradiatronregrme,r'ilh considerabl.
regionaldiflerences A! the latitudinallimjts ofrhe analvsedsecrcr.the lascicle ol
Solarbeamscovertan inicrvairfma:omuml'' i8 lalitudednl tre annualva.;a''u I
the incidenceangle. which generatesan iflcreaseof th€ dav length fiom q,inter 10
sumner solslice. generatesa correspondingzoning of !linalic proc€ssesani
subsequently. ofihe landscape. The moderateregimeoflhe soiar radialionexens a
specialinfluenceupon all physicalandbiotic processes at rhe activesurface
Refeningto the atmospheric circulatioI! the terrirorybetweenlhe Olt fuver
springsand its emergencelrom rhe Tumu RoTu - Cozia passageis situateda! the
interferencezone olthe wester wetterair masseswith the Easterndry continental
ones, delerminingthe general chalacier of the climale as beinel a temperate-
continemalone.a transitionbetw€enthe Eastemexcessive - continentalclimareand
the moderate conlinantaloneftom the middleofthe conlinent
The Carpathians.duc to their orientation,play a barragerole for lhe air
masses The Oriental and i\,leridionalCarpathiansare obstaclesfor the Easlern
aniicyclone(continenral)circulationand the cyclone(oceanic)one As a resulr,rhe
wenermassesofsea air del€rminea moremoderaleclimateregimein the Eastemano
Soulb- Eastempart ofthe Transylvanian Plateau.afferthe escalalionofthe Weslern
Caeathianspeaks On the other hand, lhe gr€ater liequency of the continenlai
anlicyclones. with tenlacularpenetrationinto the zoneand low verticaldevelopmeni.
determinein the contacrhilldownsorl the inremalflank ofrhe Orienralsgrearthe.rnal
arnplitudes.reduced air humidity, low cloudiness.reducedraint'alland a greater
frequencyofrhe hoarand frosts.which are moreextendedii time All thesehighlighl
the Carpathians role as a climaticbarrier
Similar lo the annLralcycle of th€ Solar radialion that presenlsconlrasts
betweensummerard wirter, the laod and water surfacesact differendvtowardslhe
absorptionand radialion of thermal energy The land sroresihe hear quickly and
yields it just as fast, while the wster hasa thermo-regularizalion role, yielding the
slowly erg,-in a slow way. Therefore,the lhermal€onrraslsare lower
nearthe Oh River and the power reservoirs,comparalivelylo rhe su.faceswiihout
large water mrrrors
Due to the dilferentiateheatingandyieldingofihe calofic energvofthe *alcr
addland,therearegeneraledair movements, imposedby Ihe pressuredifferences

Fig.l, Types
of arnasphenc
circulana,th thetmeshgoted

Analysing the types of atmosphericcirculalion which determilre lhe

modificationofthe weatheraspectin the inve$igatedre8ion. it is ascertain€dthe
T t u n n l r R a S t s t[ c a l . R 2 st l 9 a r . l l-ll
greatFequency ofthe Western andadjac€nt circulation, whichrepresefis 45 % ofall
cases,beingthe prevalent element in theatmospheric transforftalions rhatlakeplace
overtheland Thestiapeofrh€Carpathic arch,orienaed withthespan!o lheWesr,the
massiveness and the Fagmentation degre€determine the concentration of the air
currentlinesin theIntracarpathian sedorofrhe Curvature just like in a "funnel".On
rheE)cracarparhian slooesof the Curvatureare4 foehn-iikeprocess€s takeplace.
whiletheWasternslopes- "in the*ind" ones,arerichin rainfall(Fig.2)
Due to their panicularpositionand to their concaveform towardsthe
movement dircctionof the WesteDair masses, the Curvature Carpathians havethe
most fsvourable condftions for th€ forced ascert offie wet and cold air lo thc interior
slopesandthedischarge into thg Carpalhic space ofthe air with modified properties,
i.e dry andheated. Thelimitsofthis discharge aie markedby the 500 mm isohyel.
indicator ofthe evaporation and €vapo-transpiration humidity,ofthe walerdeficitin
thesoilandofthe dryness degre..
TheW€stemandNonh-Westem air crosses parallelsummits:PersaniMts.,
BaraoltMts.. BodocMts..orieDted North from - North-west to South- South-East
and perpendiculat to theair masses movemenr line. Aner escalating the BerseiMts..
iheai masscs outrunthe vestem slopesofvranceiandSiriuluiMts anddescend on
iheEastemside.TheOrientalCarpathians, dueto th€ir position (perpendicular to the
air movementline) and their massiveness and altitude, induce significant
transformations to the circulationof lhe Weslemsectorair. The Mendional
Carpalhians .alsoreprcsent a barrageelementbecause they hinderthe air discharge
TheWesterncirculalion is present bothin thehotandcoldperiodofrhe year,
beingableto lastfor several days Thesituations with Westerncirculationdetermine
mild wint€rs,duringwhichprevailtherainfalls.ln summer, the Westemcirculalion
determines a grea! variabilityin lhe weatheraspectand an increased degreeof
insubility,especially in rheNonhernpanofthe zone.
Thepolarcirculation rcpresents approx.30% ofall cases, beinggeneraled by
themovement ofthe coldair masscs with thegeneral orientation fromi\onh-Weslto
South-Eas!. Thistypeof circulation caniesto the Centreandrhe South-East of the
Transylvanian Plateauwet air massesfrom polar latitudes,ddermininSthc decrease
ofair temperature andtheincrcase ofthe cloudiness aswell as showerrarnfall.This
t)?e of circulationgenerates lhe spring-summer and autumncooling. and in
wintertimedeiermines very low temperalures. TheNonh - Nonh-WestandNorth -
North-Easrcirculaiion m€etsthe Carpathicobstaclethat, through ils shapeand
massiveness. forccsthecoldair masses movingfromNonhto Southto avoidit, thus
lhe anticyclonesendstwo cold Pericarpaihian peaetralions: one towardsthe
Nloldavian Plateau, closedto theOrientalCarpathials andthesecond onetowardsthe
Parnonian Depression. Thefirs! loberoundstheOrientalandCurvature Carpathians:
ihe air masses from lhe Extracarpathian sectormovingllom .\*onhto Soutbover
l\toldaviacloselysdhere!o the mountainflank At the end of the obstacle,a
\\'esnvarC deviationis pioduced. thecoldair masses quicklyinvading$e moslofthe Plain.
Thisahosphericprocess takesplacethisway: in the flrst stage,between the
ilro mainbarometric formsit hasto be a quasistationary fronl, expressed througha
largeconracr arcaofair masses, whichfollowsthebig Carpathic archtill rhevrancea
Cunatufe.ihe l'teridionalCarpathians and the Transylvanian Plaleauremainingin
lheBarmseatorcfthe ouasistationar! front.
@d.Viddi. OIr Riv.t 86t"

,,, \



Liniide (uteni
Zonede f6ho
de cavilaliedioaoici
Trnsytu.Rer.Syst.Ecot.R.s. (199e),l, | - Il
If, becaus€ofgeneralsynopticcaus€s,the anticyclonemassesfrom the North
of CalDathianMountainsbeginsa Nonh-Southmovement,the cold and denseait
masses cannotescalatethe mountainrangeand rhedtheyavoid it Pericarpathic.
Specificto thisrnomentofthe Carpathic cyclog€nesis is thattheEast- Pericarp.thic
lobeinfiltratedoverMoldavia.with a grcatenergy,represents the coldanlicyclone
penetrationthal displacesthc ho! air from the shelterzone.The Easl- Pencarparhic
lobeis rhemostintense liom barometric pointofview, lhe fa$esradvancing towards
Southandalsolhe coldest, beingfollowed,with a delay,by rheWest Pericarparhic
lobe,lesscolder,with lowerbarometric vsluesandimplicitlywith a morereduced
advancement spced.
Overthe TransylvanianPlat€authe lowes!Fessurevaluesare always
preserved, evenif generallythe pressureincaeases in all th€ other reSionslt doesnot
mallerhowInuchthepressurc growsandit is to beidentifieda barometicisolatioqa
smallTransylvanian "cycloneeye" Thc Carpatluc orographic cyclogenesis remains
an atmosphericprocessspccific for the Romanianterritory, dominatedby $e
Thetropicalcirculationrepresents only 15 % of all casesand providesthe
he8texcess transpo.tfromthetropicalregionsto theNonh.Theseseldomoccurover
the anrlysedregion beciuse,on the South-Westdirectiod,the tropical air should
outrunthe peaksofthe M€ridionalCarpathians, wherethey would adiabaticcool. A
weakpenetrationofhot air managesto sneaktkough Tumu-RoW- Coia passaSe.
FromSouth-East, the air casilyoutrunsthe Curvature Carpaihians and becomes a
waft or evenhot air,poorin rainfall ln rhecoldperiodofthe year,the Fansportof
warm air determinesthe appelranceof mild wintersand contributesto the drop of
heavyrainfall. In summertimc,the transportof hot air from South-Eastdetermines
fine andwarrvdry weatherandthe rransportof seaair fiom Sourh-Wgsldetermines
unstable weather, withshowerrainfali,accompanied by lightningdischarges
Theblockingcirculation is installedwhenthe Centreand South-Ea$of the
TraosylvanianPlateaufind thems€lvesin a high prcssurefield, which determines
duringsummera fine wather, dry and wanr! with a clearsky In winter, it prcvails
the cloudyandwet wealh€r,the rainfallbeingquantilativelyinsignificant.
Eachof thesetlpes hasseveralvariants,depending on the posit'onand the
intensity of the main brrometric systems that gcnerarethem: cyclones aod
anticyclones.Overall thesc,it is manifcncdthe barraScinfluenc€oflhe Carp&thians
range,which altersthe evolutionofthe atmospheric processes, changesthe dircctions
ofthe airrnasses, deforms ih€frontsandproduces differences in the weather asp.ct.
In caseofthe WestandNorth-Wcstcirculatio4on tbc cxposedslopestakes
placean inciease ofthe nebulosity accompanied by abundant rainfalls,while on the
shehered. "undetthewind"slopes, foehnalprocesses takeplace
F om theanalysis ofthe repanition ofthe mediumannualquantities ofliquid
andsolidrainfalls,it resultsthat the greatest valuesareregistered in the mountain
reSion(1000- i500 nm/yesr).Depending on th€ altitudeof $€ relief and the
e:\Fosure ofrhe Ca+arhians rangesto the admission of seaoacontinental air, there
are regisrered diflerences whh 100- 200 mn moreon rhe WesremandNonhei:
slopesthan on the Eastemand Southamorcs. As a resuhof the Carpathians
orogaphicbarrage roie,the[ainfaliareunevenly distribu!€d on lheir sides:richeron
ihe ^_onh-Wes! exposed slopes.uDderoceanicinfluenceand morereducedin lhe
Sourh-Eanem hall situared undertheinfluence oflhe continenral air I( is noteqonhy
!h€ decrease cf the rainfallquantiry from West to Easi. where the degreeof
aonlinentalism increases
ne Lppettd.\ltrtdle AI R^et Bann
A specificnotepresenls the rainfalldecrease.dueto catabalic causes, 10less
than600mm/yearin GiurgeuandCiucHilldowns,wherearealsomanifesreC srrong
thermalinversiongespecially in thecoldseason, "lheRomanian coldpole"swirching
Theexposure ofthe intemalCurvature slopes,with longsummitsthat clos€
the intramontane Bratov Depr€ssion. generales difrerencesin the structureand the
association of the bio-pedo-climatical factors.Thereare notewonhylhe thermal
invgrsions,frequentin BragovDepression,defining the geographicaldiscontinuity
aspect,simil4r !o the oneofciuc Depression.For example,in Jaruary 1942in Bod.
themediumtemperature wes -12'C, in Bra$ov-10'C a"rdontheOmuPeakonly -
2,5 0C. More differentarethe absolute minimalvalues,whichcanbe, in the higher
zone-27,50Candin thedepression -38,50C.Theexplanation ofthis situationis the
prevalenceofthe barometncmaximun! which directscold continentslail masses
from North-East, which stand by in the depr€ssiondependingon the relief
configurationTo theseis addedthe presence ofthe snowstraturn,which, by albedo,
substantiallycontributesto tbe temperatured€crease.Thermalinversionshave the
greatestfr€quencyin winter,in JanuarybeingregisteredI1,8 suchdays;in springand
summerthere are very few, which directly influencesthe caloric potential of rhe
activesudace.In Tergu-Secuiesc depressionpass,the numberof thermalinversions
is higherbecauseof the big thermalcontrasts,whioh are conditionedby baromeric
maximumscausedby lhe North - North-Eastand Ea$ circulalion. In Barsei
Depression,thesecontrastsa.e diminishedby the influenceof the West and North-
Westair masses.
At the bose of the Fig&al abrupt there appearfrequently temperature
inversions,especiallyin the Fig&at Depression. Thedescendant circulationofthe ai.
masses.of foehnt)!€, is to be felt especiallyir the Nonhemhalf of the depression
where the temperatureis a bit higher and the humidily is lo\rer. The Northem
exposureofthe F686fafridgepresewesfor a longertime borhrhe snow stratumand
the lower tempemtures. At its base,the rainfalls havevaluesbetween700 and 800
The range,the exposureand the differentalbedoofthe rocks as well as the
activesurface alteredby the geat presenceof forestsdeterminesin the Northem
sector of the Cindrel Mts. arnual averagesof 4,5 !C, unlike the depression
compartments from th€ base- Sibiu,Apold and SiliSteHilldownstha! ben€fitby the
foehntp€ catabaticwinds- wherethese lu€sriseabove7 'C. ln the zonesofcibin
riv€r springs.nd its tribuiarieq tha snowstratumlastsbetwem 150 and 200 days
yearly.This,tog€ther*ith the annualrainfallsthat vari€sbetween900 and 1300mm,
explain the high value of ibe averagespecific floq the great density of the
The shelterofferedby the slopesof Olt's transversalaxis determinesa local
circulaiion of the air mass€s.The climatic conditions confirm small vegetation
inversionsdownstreamthe confllrencev/ith the lotru fuver. whercthe vallev hasa
widthreduced to lessthanl0Om berween theslopes. Topoclimalic paniculariiiesare
specificto rheSouthern are€,arCoziathe^lnnual lemperarure dreragebeing guc, rhe
temperature average in January being I 0Cro -2 0Candin July23 0C.Theaverage
quantityofrainfall reaches750mrl/year.
Tbe position and odentationof the Carpathicarch towardsthe ab masses
circulation,gnflts the analysedspacaspecificcharacteristics, expressed by the values
of air temperature, rainfallandwind .egime.
Tr sylv.Rd. J'st Fcol Restl99r.l 1-ll
To characterisc the climate.egimeit was usedthe databankof the zonal
wcalhernetwork,tha! alscsendsdalaworld-wide,i.e the Miercurea-Ciuc, Scintu-
Gheorghe. Bratov,Flg6rai,SibiuandPekinigweatherstationsThesedataailowed
usto updatethevaluesofthe climsticparameters shownby themultiannual averages
calculatedfor the lasrthiny years,this beingpossiblebecause of the uninterrupted
rowof obscrvations perfordedduringthisperiodandkeptwithinthe\-!'ea!he. stadons
archives.Since1995,at the Sibiuwealh€rstationit is workedout tbe "Climale"
mess€eprogmm,which contajnsmonthlydata reponedto the normalaverages
for the 196l-1990period.Thistypeof rncssage
crlculated allowscomparing normal
valueswilh thedeviations frornnormal.It is calculated
Thedatawerecompleted withthoseexistingin theweather vear-books andin
theClimatologic AtlasofRomania.


Theclimatologic researches arequitedifl;cultbecause ofthe reduced number
andunevenness ofthe weatherstations in Carpathisns Theactivityofthe
weatherstalionsis relativgly recent(usually 30-40 years) The mountainweather
slationssre not distributeduniformlyand not alwaysin the most repres€ntative
places. Imponantfor this studyarelhe stationsBucin,the slationLedui. siluated
righton Llctruf Peahat 1777m. rnd lhe relativelyrccentfoundedstations Cheiaand
Penteleu, ell in Carpathians Curvature. In the M€ridionalCarpathians th€ weathcr
stations are groupedeitherin thc West,or in the Eastof the Meridionals, FAgArat
Massivebeing,exceptfor Balea-Lacstation,uncovered. To this are addedthe
weatherstitions PoianaBrapv. Postevaru,Ptritinit, Voineasa,Obertia Lorului and
Cozia Thus arranged,these wcather stationsreSisterthe effecls of lhe general
atmospheric circulationin differentways. There can be separated three main
circulat'on direclionsthatdetermine thewestherstatus:
. lhe oceanic circulatior\ Westem and Nonh-Wenerq influencing
directlyth€WestemandNorth-W€stem slopesofthe OrientalCarpathians, wher€th€
. the Eastemand North-Eastemcirculatio4 with continentd masses,
poorin humidity,influencing theEastemslopas olthe Orientalsi
. the South€mand South-Eastem circulation.which is sensedmore
seldon\is materialised in warmaL masses. withMediterran€an influ€nces.
Thc differenccsgivenby th€ sunbrightnessperiodandby the slopede8reeof
exposure highlightcharactcristicswith locrl imponance.
Theregimeofthe air temperature from the interiorof the Carpathic archis
differentto that of the ExtracarDathic zonesIn lhe hilldownssituatedat differen!
heigbts,in valleysand saddles, a diiTerentiared thermal{egimeis install€d.This
aspectis emphasised by rhe repartitionof the annualisolherms,completedwirh
diversethermallimits the average dateofthe disappearance oltbe daily avera8e
temperaruae 10 0C,lhe averag€ lenglhofrhe daily ayerage remperalures /0 0C, the
inrer\alof dayswirh daily averagetemperarures > 5 'C. .10 t. rhe average
frequency of frostydays,wh€nthe minimumlemperature is s 0 "C, the average
liequencyof the summerdayscharacterised by maximumtemperatures /25"C and
rhaloflhe tropicald6ys,whenthemaximum tcmpersture is /10'C.
The wind is srronglyinfluencedby the major relief forms During the
Carparhic rangecrossing, th€ atmospheric streams sufferamplevaluedeformations,
me Upperad Middlc Olr Ruet Easn
depending ontheslopes, ontheheightandsuccession ofthe mountain massifs,onthe
Onthe slopesunderthe wind,th€ transv€rsalstreamsget foehncharacreristics
The spatial variation of lhe r€lative humidity under lhe circumstancesof
westemandNonh-Westemsectorwindsemphasise th€transformationsin the wet arr
masses at theescalation ofthe mountain massifs.Thehumidityloadcarriedby theair
masses from the oceanis kept in theareasituatedin front ofthe mountainbarrage.
By altitude.extensionand orientationtowardsthe main advectiondirections
of air masses, the relief is a factorinfluencingthe raingll quantityandtype. Theway
the rainfall quantity varies from th€ West to the East of the Carpathicspace,
highliShts thebanageroleofth€ mountain mnge.Thesolidminfallr€gime€xpresses
the combinationof the altitudc affcctswith thg exposureof th€ slopestowardsthe
atmosphericcirculation.The zone exposed!o the blizzardhighlightsthe s€parating
wallroleofthe Camalhic arch.

An importantrole in the diversilicationofthe clirnaticelementsh&sthe relief
Th. Moldo-Tr.nsylv.nian rnd CurvotureCarpathiangand also the Ftrgdra$and
CindrelMountains,though their orientation,form s barmgethat lendssubstantial
changes in tbeair masses movement,
TheOrientalandMeridionalCarpathians repres€ntanimportanlbanagein the
cyclonecirculationfiom West,Nonh-Westandpadially from South-Westthat brings
wet air, determining a moderale regimc in the TransylvanianPlateau. The
anticyclones,havin8a reduc€dverticaldevelopm€nt, flow nearthe mountainAameor
arestandingby in front ofthe Carpathia$anddeterminehigh temperature variations
anddecrease ofthe atmospheric humidityandnebulosity, andalsoofthe rainfall.The
frequ€ncyandintensityofthe hoar,frosts,blizzardsandprolongeddroughtsis higher
in the Extracarpathicsectorthan in the Intracarpathicone. All thesehighlight the
climaticb.rrier role pl.yed by the Carpathjans.

Thetndylb of thc mctcorologicalelemertscharrcterisingthe strte ofrverther

in thc zoDcof thc uppcr-rnd middlc courscof Olt Riv.r,
from octobrrthe 4'till octobcr th€ t0-. 1998

Theweatherrepresents the stateof continuouschangeof lhe atmosphere. The
weather, at a cenainmoment,is characterised by the totaliryof the meteorological
elements valuesandfor a longerperiodof time,by the successive variationofthese
elementsor by their av€ra8eduringthst period.
BegiDringfiom this definitiorLpresent€dby the Dictionary of Meteorology
and Climatology, we havecharacterised the stateof the weatherin eachpoint of
observalion fiom the upperandmiddlecourseof Olt River,madeboth on siteand
basedon the dataprovidedby the weatherForecastC€ntreifl Sibiu, which collects
andprocess€s all the meteorologicaldot4fiom the stationsin the subjec!areafor this
analysis:Sibiu,Brawv, llarghita andCovasnaCourties.


Thedataprovidedby the psychrometrical performedon site,in the
pointsof interestfor gatheringthe flora andfaunasampleswerecompletedwith the
li@rtt Ra S)s Ecol R.s.tlggqi. L l - l l
meteorologicaldatameasured at the 13weatherstations
in thearea:Miercurea
Agoita,Tergu Secuiesc. Baraoh.Fngarat.SlantuCheorghe.imorsuraBuzeului.
Pdtinit,Sibiu,Licaui, Boita,Balea-LacandBrapv


t2 .-!'l

r'iz- -
2 -a--Tnin


FiE,1, Met orcl datanerflrcd at the 13 *eathet nationsin theotea: Merareo Circ, Agntto,
Taryz SecaLsc,^ot@L, Flt4d,at, Sl,tnruGhaoryhe,lntolwr Bud!tu. Pdlhnit, Sibit,
U.dtf ,8o'A Aaledac dd Btdtd.

Ev€n if not all the weatherstationsare situatedon the upperand middle

courseof Oh River, we h4ve consideredthat for a preciseand complex
characlerisation ofthe stateof we4therit is nec€ssary the compaisonofthe data
registeredbothat thc stations on plateaus
situated andat lhos€in the mouoiain.The
meleorological dataconsisted in valuesofthe mainpararnerers that characterisethe
stateof weather the afiosphcric pressure,the air and soil temperature,the air
humidily,rhe wind, thc nebulosity,completedwith lhe characterisaiion of $e
meteorologicalphenomena:fog, foggy air, rain referringor y to the phenomena
registeredin the invenigated.rea andin theperiod of timethat we arereferringto.

Considering of the zonalclimate,bas€don the processed
th€ characteristics canbe consideredthat,duringthewholeinvestigated pcriod,theweatherwas
fine andwarm for that periodof the year.Thc average, maximumand minimum
remperalures at lhe 13weatherstltions,shownin the graphicsbelow,presenrhigh
valuesOnly the minimumvaluesregistered on soil surfacehavebeenlower,bul
The favourableweatherconditionswere visibleon the background of an
inlenseEastemsectorair circulation,especially in the first pan oflhe investigation,
Nhenthe uind reaahed valursof 8 m"s.On Octoberth€ 7' the wealher
s:arionsTargu Secuiesc. Baraoh.:!{iercurea Ciuc. Slintu Gheorghe.Bra$ovand
FagAral. ha\'ebeenregislered8 nts in theafremoon, th€lvindhaling highvaluesin
IhisareaunlilthenexlmomingOn October the8' afterI o clock,rh€winddirectio.
suitchedal1duntil theendofrhe aralvsedperiod.the*ind haveblownliom South.
l0 Th. Upper6d Midtlle Olt River Basin
South- South-East,or South-South-Westwith speedsexc€eding8 ny's: 9 m/s at
TerguSecuiesc, 9 n/s at S6mu Gheorghe,14n/s at Sibiuand28 nr/sat Bota.
In lhe condirions of thewarmanddry air advection from the S^ourhemand
Eastemsector,the air temperature reached valuesofover 20 "C, 20,4'C a! Sfiinlu
Gheorghe,2o,8 0C at Flg6rat, 20,5 0C ar Bragovand 21.8 0C at Sibiu The
remperuture valueshavebeennaintainedhigh duringthe wholeanalysedperiod.The
minimumair ternpgratures havenot registe.edin any d&yngg ive values,this being
validfor thesoiltoo,thoughin thiscasethevalueshavebeenmuchlower.
The high valuesof the air temperaturewere due to a strongsunstrcke,the
degreeof skycoveringwith cloudsbeingsmall- 2/10,3/10in the first half of the
period,thenSraduallyincreasing to 5/10, 7lI0 andeven10/10to the end of the
period.Evenif in som€daystheskywascloudy,theq?e ofclouds(Ci, Cs,Cc high
clouds,with the brse at over 2500m), allowedan intensesunradiation.Only to the
endofthe period,in tbeareaofthe samples collectingstationin Bogata-Mtri€rui
registereda showerlain andfog towardsFagim.t.

Theanalysedperiodwascharacteris€d by a fine andwarmw€ather,with a big
stabilityofthe blrometric fields.Towardsthe endofthe period,the weatherbecame
unstable,thc app€arance of the cloudswith vertical developmentg€neratingshon
showerrains.Thewind intensificationhascontinuedfor severaldays,but b€ingfrorn
SouthemandEastems€ctorin the first part of the analysedperiod,they generated
high air temperatures, low humidityand limited the rain occunence.The changeof
tfie air masses
directionofcirqrlation from the Westemsectortowardsthe end ofthe
perioddetermined theair humidilyincrease alldallowedtheinstallation
conditionsfor rainfall appearance.


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"Ltcifu Blogd" Uhit.rsity, Fddty af S.i.nces, Depaltnent of Ecalogt @tl Eavirudettdl

Ptat.ctioh, St. Oit z 3l,RO UAASibit.

ln dq Arb€ir sitrd .lie hydrophilcund hyFophile Komoph)ren und die Gesselschalt€.auf
demobercnur.l nitderer Kurs &s Altls aufg€zlihl! bzw. 396 Alien und 105maprng€sselsclufr€n
Di€ beider Konspektensrd adgrund der Bibliographicenrteiiet ud rufgud der ForsclunSer des
Ve.fasser.Furjde An i\ird dchl nur die Chorologie.sordcE auchdi. tulologsche KareSorie(die
.ote Liste) anSegeben.
E! eErder die nan)rlich€DRes.flater eaalll ausder Altau und Alnetasseund
mansc agt neue.atorliche S€hutzgEbiete vor.

K€),rordi: aquatiq paludal, Ilora, red list, vegetation, protecled area, Olt Rlver

Thebotanical researchesin theupperandmiddleOlt medowevid€nce a high

vegetaldiversity,evenmorepronounced thanthe diversityof otherTransylvanian
rivers The cormophytic flora includes396 hydrophilous. hygrophilous and meso-
hygrophilous species, andthe vegetation 105aquaticandpaludalassociations. This
richness is the consequence of the existence of swampyareasin Ciuc Depression
(Midtra$, Racu, Miercurea-Ciuc, Sancrnieni,Santimbru,Sansimion,Vrab;a.
TuFad),BarsaDepression (Prejmer, Hlrman,Stupini,Bod, Feldioara) andFigtrrag
Depression (Comanade Jos,Mandra.Arpagulde Jos,Awig), and of Olt puddles,
poolsandbranchesin Santion-Lunctr, Arini, Aita Mare,Miclofoara,Apala,Ormenif,
Augustin, Br6du,TumuRogu).
For the conservationof a part of this diversity there were declaredsome
prorectedareaslike Borsams-Sancrtrieni Swamp(1,0 ha),the birch forestfrom Reci
(259,1ha),HnrmanSwamp(8,0ha),StupiniSwamp(6,0ha),Moho$-Tu$nad Bogs
(240 ha), PrejmerSwamp(252,0ha), Bog4ii-BogataForest(85,0 ha). We can
observethat in the uppercours€of th€ Olt River the protectedareasare insuflicient
and io the middlecourceare absent.I proposethe preservation of marshesand
branches from Sansimion (Datcara SwampandStufSwamp), lhe Olt sectorbetween
ApalaandAugusrinand rhemarshes fromAvrig
The maio rare plants are repr€sentedby Acorell s pannonictts(Prcjmer,
Hlrfian), Acoruscalamlts(Comanade Jos,Fagr.a;.Bftdr). Alli n ang,los n @od.
Vadu-Ro$),A gelica palustris(Sansimion,Miercurea-Ciuc, Arpa$ulde Jos),
Ameria barcensis(Preimer,Hlrman), erd€mit to BArua Dislrict, Betula hunilis
(Sancraieni, Sansimion,Vrabia, Tu$nad-Sat. Tu$nadu-Nou. the last is th€ south€st
locelity ot it3 Are|f), Setulanana(Sen raieni,,the souihestlimil of it! srcrl)' Ca,l,/4
polu.rfii (Miercurea-Ciuc,Prejmer, AviE), Calanagrcstis neglech MAdifil,
Miercurea-Ciuc,TuFadu-Nou,I{6rman,the last locrlity is the routhast Europ€rtr
point), Carex contigua (V:,abi^),Claditn nariscus (Prejner, Slupini, H[rman,
Avig), Cnidiun dubiun (MtrdEra$, Vrabi4 Miercurea-Ciuc.Tutnadu-NouReci, the
last locdity is rt the southlimit of its sresl), D/oseld angllcd(Sancreieni,Prejmer,
Stupini,Htrrman,at the south limit of its .rc8l), DD'opteris thellpteris (Vrzbi^,
The t ppet dnJ -\hldlt AI R^, I llnh

Awig), Elatinehexandra(Sambtt. de Jos),trcrlnlrJ rard (Sancriieni.l.liercLrea-

Ciuc,Tuinad-Sa!), Fritillarlaheleogns(Vrabia,Sa irnbru.Sansimion. l\liercrrrea-
Ciuc, Tutnadu-Nou,, Bod, Vadu-Ro$u)- GroenlanLln/gr.!a iPre.jrer)
Hippuns tltlgark (Prejmer.Rotbav, Arini), Hottonia /rdlrrl//s (Rotbav Fagrrai.
Oltel), Isolepissetqcea(\eci, Prejmer\.Isolepit rrlrr r {Reci- Prejmer.Htrman)
Lenna gibba (*adu'), Liparis /oe.re1ri(Stupini. Hirman,. .\irft /.rl,r.! a E-usful.ltu\
(Satuimbru, Arpa$ulde Jos,Caia),Nupharhrtern (Santimbru. Tutnad,Bod. .tjn:.
Miclopara), Ntmprtaeaalba (Apala, Augustin), .\ceptrun-canltnuDt
(H5-nnan),tbc southest poirt of its rrcal, Plantago mar ina (Sl:ala). Prm la
lalinosa (ytubia, Sarcraieni,Tusnadu-Nou, Prejmer,Stupini.HArman,in BCrse
Diltrict rr thc south limit ol itt.rc.l\, Ratunculusrionii (Bradrr. Salvinianato6
(Apafa,Augustin),Saxitaga hicalus (Vrabia, Sancrtrieni.Tutnadu-N-ou.the lrsr
locditt ir thc southlimit of its ererl),,Scrtagazrl414(Stupini,the singlelocsliq
ifr thich thc plrnt grows in Romroir), Schoenuslerrugineus (Se'jl'imb"r.
Sansimion, Prejmer,th. lrst loctlity is the soutbestpoint of its ar.rl), -tcroerrA
ntgricans (Prcjme\ Stupini, H&man), Schet/ctzeria palr.tfrr (Avri8, the lo*est
aftitude in_ Romrnir), .tci?r.s radicans (Prejmer, Brcd\\\. Seslea thpnosa
(Prejmer, Stupini,HArmaqBod,the singlclocslitiesin which the plant growsin
Romrnir), Spilaea saliciJolia Bacu, Vrabia, Miercurea-Ciuc.Tugnadu-\ou).
Ste alia loryifolia (Sencrlieni,Tu$nad).Stratiotesaloides(Sanrion-Lunci,Maeru$.
Rotbav,Apala,Bradu),Swertiaperennir(Sensimion, Prejmer,Stupini.Herman).
hapa tuahs c.'a.o$ulde los, Brad:u),Typta laxnan'ti (Sambe:3de Jos).tht icrlana
brcnii (Hirman), yaliffieria:p alis (Tu$nad-Bel,Veronicalongilalrd (SanrirnbrL.
SansimioqBod, Rotba\ Vsdu-Ro9u),yercnicacaterata (Pdtner, Orrnenis),lliold
eprprila(Sansimion,Vrabia,lh€ routh limit of itr .rctll, Viola uligihosa(Vi{ea de
The vegetationof the upper and middle Olt fuver was researchedonly on
cenainareas.L G€rgel, Fl. Raliu and Al Kovacs (7-9, 15,27-33)studiedthe
swamps ofciuc Depression andL Morariu,P.UlaruandH. Heltmann (t6-18,46)the
swampsof Barsr Distri6. P. tlaru (42-46)also res€arched the vegetationfrom the
Olt meadow in the segment ofthe Pe.$aIIi Mountains,andt. $erbinescu (38-40)the
vegetatioDof Figtrrat Dcpression.Before our studies. from TransylvanianOh
meadowthere were published70 aquaticand paludal associationsIn our
geobotanical iovesligations, madein 1976-1977, 1984-1986, 1988.1998,we found
themajorityofthe vegetalassociations whichweremeotioned bv the quoredauthors
andwe identifiedother35 associations with hydrophilous,hygrophilous andmeso-
hygrophilouscharacter.Among the very rare vegetalassociations we note
Stratiotetunaloidis (Meeru9,Rotbav,ApaF), toxoniehm pahstis (Rotbav,Olter),
N)mplraeetumalbo-luleae (Miclolozr4 Arini, Augugrin). Typhaetumlax a/ni
(Sarnbntad€ Jos),Calamagostetumcanescmtr (Sandnbru,Sansimion,Mjercurea-
Ciuc, TuFadu-Nou, Vrabis), Caricetun appropinquatae(Sanrimbru, Vrabia),
Cladietxm marisci (Prejmer, Stupifli, E rmr'.), Corfiaro-Caricetunlasiocarrye
(Arpst:ulde Jos),Cazicalunhttbaunii (Atpa$l d. Jos\,Calantagrcrtetum neglectae
(Miercrrrea-Ciuc), Sesleriettm iginosae(Tutradu-Nou, PteJfier),Eleocha tetun
quinq/eflorue(Dridil Arpatul dc los), Orchido-khoenetumnigricantis (Prcjmer,
Srupini,Htrman).aartcehrn hrckii (
The speciesare alphabetically ord€redand the vegclalassociations are
presented - with rareexccptions - sfterL. Mucinaer all. (10,19-20)andA. Borhidi
TrMsylv.Rq. Sist.Ecol.Res.||999),t, I3-l0 l5
Red lbt Dt- Extinct, E- Endangered, V- Vulnerable,R- Rare,I- IndeterminatqK-
In$rfricientlyknown,nt- not thealened.Eerb.ria: IID- M.L Doltu Herbarium,HF-
M. FussHerbarium,HIP- L Pop Herbarium,HK- J. Kisch Herbarium,HSB- Erika
Schneider-Binder HerbadurL HU- K. Urgar Hertrarium(th€ herbaia are in the
NaturalHistoryMuseumof Sibiu).

nt-A..r L.: |-rj,l\Fzsirdr,Awis(1)
E- Achi "equndo
ea dsplerifolia Vetu.: H.i|tDa! (13.16), PrejDcr (17), V- A. lmncd L.: Medtu^t (6),
Hnrnur (5,1),vi$€a de Jos(a0), A4a$ de los (l), Sclr€i (5, 57.), Avis (a0,1)
E- A@r.Ius panno'icus llarq.) Palla: Hardaa Pr€in€. (5)
A- Acotus.ata6rs L.: CorEna dc Jos,Fes,ns (5), Bmdu(5,50)
nt- Adoxan8chatelina L.: Brlar (l), Tu$la( R .oqu de Jos(5)
- Aeeopo.tiumpodryrnid L. : Erq\err
t^- Agtostis cMina L I Mldrns (6), Uc,€sde Jos, Vi$ca de ,os. Scorei, Awig (40), va,. hybrida:
Mrnd'" (5),/ va,i?A: Tu$ad (5\, nr- A. stotoniferaL: Ftqnct'r
r- AUsnaerunineM t ej., T\$j,an 6r, R- A. lm@otatun wit\.: I,l4da"5, Rrcu (6), Mercuren Ciuc
(8r, 'lt- A. plantago4quancoL.: Fercle,i,6,
nt- Allivn usltosML.t St,'simion(23). Rolbav.Vadu-Roru(45). H|r(l,ln (12,D.Bod (5,23), P,rru
pdry'lo/rd Rsl.i Srncr{, Tuflad (5)
rt-Alopecums oeqrdlit SoboL:Racu,Midd$ (6), Rorbav(45), Sercai4l"{aDdn(40),ri8b"5 (t). -
A. gqiuldtus L.. yrfra Tu|ntuSal (33),Avrig (47r, trt-A. prob6isL.: Ftqtetr
E- Anaeti.apatrstrit (Besset Hofitrr.: Sr$imion (23), Miercurta Ciuc (5,23), Arpa{u d€ Jos (5), nt-
A. silvesnisL.t Frequen!f. r@rc/ortd: Siondi (5)
E - Apiun repar (Jq.)W.:Mi.rcur.a Ciuc (5)
R- Amqid b@ehsis Sirn\.: Hlnnan ( 16,23, 46,l), Prejmer(17,23),Stupini(23).
K-,42,@r d,otirs Fenald: Tu$ad (5)
nr- Aster lMeolatus W ld,: Saotion-Luncl.Arnn, Srmb a dc Jos.Aqig. Bladu (!), K- ,4.r ra,szrs
\villd.: Pr€jmer(17), R-,4. t/o/lrz L.: SnraE Alris (40)
E- Betuld tur,/,r Schiink Tujnad-Sa! Tu$adu Nou, Sblsimion (23), Vrabia (23,33), Saffrnieni
(s.23.t), R- E pbes.e"s Ebrl!; s6.sinior, Vrabia, Tusadu Nou (23). TurrBd-Sa! Awis (5,23).
s5lcrni€ni (5,21,1),Mier$r€a-Ciu., Aparr de los (5), wi copati4a: Sancdioj, Tus'ad (5), f
g/arfa: SercrAicni.ft$ad (5), t @a/,r A4atr d€ Jos, Awig (53), f. fionboidalis: Atpzit dE los
153).Awig Q3r, r- B. x hybida B€ctsl.: S&dnioq Vnbia (21), Sancr5€ni,TWad (5), I- a '
ialrrtar, C IC Scbncider:Vrnbia?Sr,l- B. x zinpelii l[ge: Selcraied (21)
- Betuta.Ecto (Huds.)Cwille: HIlman ( 16),Aira Mare(t), Arpatu deJos,Bradr (57), Avri8 0 )
n - L.:MIA raf (6), Vrabia(33),Aio Maft, Bradu(l), trt- B 'l?adru L :F equ€nr
R- Busnls conpresw (L.) Palzer Racu (O, Bman- sendomimc, Cic€u, n$!a4 Bixad (5),
SansimioqSencriied (23)
nr- Botboscha usntitinus (L.) PaIa: sacddarc,Brad (HF), AwiS (l)
rr- 8rton6 Mbettatus L.: Rctj€\, Vadu Rosu (45.1),Feldioan (42), Arini (D, Oxet (40), Atis,
R- (:atMagrcstis en scers (W6€t Rolh: Mrdirr$, Racu (6). Mieror€a-Ciuc (6,t), SSntimbrq
Sinsr'ron (9), \'nbi4 TornaduNou (33),Turnad-Sat(5.33),R- C ,rgL.ra (gluh.) Be3w.: r|,l]td.ft"l
(6,E.r). N4Jerclllel-Ciuc(8),. Tutnadu Nou (5,15). nr- C Fsudophragnites (Haller fi|.) Koele.:
SturjoFlunc!. Reci,Ps5rl Tumu Rotu (!). Bradu(50)
E-Catlaprl$msL. Prcjnet(17),Ards(5,50,5,
nr- Collrnichecophodpa SendttEr.Frqn.[\ f. teni@la Soo:Tutrad (5), f. ,l11 ,cola Soo:Tu$ad
(5).l- C. hamuldtaKne: Sencrlied (5), R- C palfftir L.:Ser[imbru (5,9), Tugiad (5). IraEutr 06),
A$s (23), Btadu (HD), t telat4:Prcitret 117),f. dngusdfoliaiPrejmer(l?. I- C rr4r4liir Scop.:
TunBd (5)
nr- Ca|ha polustx L. ssp.loera(S{ho( N}m. €r Kotschy)Hegi: Fr€quetrt
tr- Calystegta sepiun L. : Freqte
l6 The UptEt @tl.\llddle Ak R^,et Basn

ar- Cq.tdtu4eqotu L.. SaDdnbru(9), Bahn.SrndornidcTW'd (5). lunnar (5.161) kcjmer

(5.17).Rotbav,Miierq (45). |it-C. ptat nsisL: FtcAtl€A\.ssp.,,ort ,or' (Moretn) tuc MarLr"t (6).
6t- Cu.x a@ttlodis End!: F cquo[ f Vaal@a: BBdu (50). R- C apprcpnqvota Scnw,ael\er
Ricu,Mdtrat (6), Sarlnbn (9), S6nsimion (5,9.23),vrabi4 T\r$ad-$r (ll). TuiMdtr r"ou (15)-
sSnc.nieni (5),Prcjmer. Avns (5,23),B€cl€ln(a0),I- C ,ol,a@ sclRber R3co dcJo!(s).trr-('
btuoides L.: Sa';ib,l^ & !os. arps$ de Jos.A\n8 (5). t ebretefosa.rvo A. c( G ; \t$ca de Jos
Stunbltadc Jos(J) R-C r!.cirt WimneriPrejmcr(t?). Bod,Porumbacu d€ Jos(5),Becl.e (5..10r
Bradu (5t,HD), Auig (HD/. R- C. b"bauni Wn e b. Rac . MidNl"t (6). Sentnbru. Bi$a
Samuta d. Jcs (5). Hnrn|a!. (16,23),Prcjn€r (l?,23), Bcclcaa &paru dc los (40), vinea dc Jos
(5.40),R. C .aa.rpiror. L.: Srrlimbq Mrndra (5). Senc1nicru (5,23),Rorba!.vadu Ro$ (a5), vtrca
dc Jos(,{0),Amdu (rtrQ, .a- C .drr@rr L.r Ilacu (6). ltladarrt (6,8.!). Vrab'a (21.33),T$nadu Nou
(5.15,11),Bcclcan.Mandh (40). ArFru & Jos,A[is {J). R- C d@a/rdra Sm.:Rzd (E), Mn(|.nt
(23.!),Slntinbru,Stnsinuos(9), Mjer.rnatiuc (5,E.23), Tu$adDNou {15), Hnrman(5,16.23.l.
(23,11), Sensinion(5.31),Micrors-Ciuc (6),TuFad-Sar(31),Tu$aduNou (5.15.23). JiSodin(21).
Sencr{ieoi(5,21),Beclesa vigca deJos.Aiparu d. Jos(40./,R- C d,oi.d L.: sacu (6.8), Vmbia (31).
TuFadll Nou tl5), TuEad-Bai Olcl (5), Slncr{icni (5.21).rt- c d,ta,J L : Frcguent R- cl dirt.rd
Hudson: Rac!. Mid.|Jat (6), S,endtnbru(9), Mi.rcue!-Ciuc (8), TuFlrd-Snt (31). Vnbia (21.13).
Augritin (42),Rorbrv (a4,45),P&Au(44),Rlco|ll dc los, Fl8imt (5). R- c All.: Vi$ca dc Jos.
ArF{u d. Jos(40),Brrdu olF), rt- C ./oraat4 L.: Srnsimior! Avrig (5,23.1). "/ara
Tu$ad, Raco$ d€ Jos.
Sercsia Mrndia Arpaiu dc 1o3(5), .r- C. ll@a L.: Frequst, var. ,batcai R cu (6). i
patula: A+aru dc los (5, 56./,Dt- C ar'.i/ir CuIi: var perca"ata Sencrteni (5). rar
st ictijolia: AwieAD), nr- C. hha L.: FrqEtt l- C. hodeistichosyill.: E,nia (5).R- C. hostiana
DC.: Srntimbru(9). V|!bia. Tu{naduNou (23).Hrma, (16.23),kejm$ (17),Srupini{23), R- rl
/otoa,rp, Ehrh : SrnsimioD.Hllnan (5), Arpatu de Jor (rID,HtPr, A\ng 6.23t. R- c. tcptdo.arpo
Tatllch.: Bnha Srntimbru.Mi.rcurt{-Ciuc, rfirnua Mrndra. Alng (i), Vnbia (5,23,33).Saffunion.
Tu$ad-Sa!Comarad. Jos (5,23),TugiaduNotr (15,23),Stupini(23),Prcjmer(5,17).Beclcar
S.nbdla d. ros, Arp€$! dc Jos144),nt' C. l.potind L.: Frcque4 R- C l,,ora L.: Vnbia (33). ,igodin
(23), Srncraieni(5.21), Avns (J). Bndu (5?), K- c 4/arcst4b! Bi6.: Bndu (HF), nr- c ura'n
O) Rchb.: Frcqucnl, ssp jlnc.llt Fn s: vigtca de Jos (5). var. /scro: BiMd (5). $r c,Nata:
sercrficni (5). I- C @&ri Rerz:SAntinbru(5,9). Miercur.:tiuc {5.E).Stu$trnion,SSnbnrade Jos.
Dridif, vi$le d. Ios (5), K- C orl'l,d Podp.:Vnbia (13). Miercl!'cl-Ciuc, Arpatu de Jos(5)- [.- (:
pdle.r.err L.: Frcquen! ^r- C. puicea L.: Frcqucnt R' C. parwlata L.: BAhn. Sensimion
{5),vnbia (23,13),Tugud-$t Prcjm€r,HInn n (5.23),Avns (23),t lDpler Brla4 s6rdominic (5).
v- c. p@ciloru Lignl.: Sicrrteni(5), nt- C-ps,udocrpzmsL.iSicrreri, tainaa Arparu dc Jos (5).
Prejmer(l3,lt), ApaF {42), N{ricn4 (45),Selcaia(5,40),AvriS (5,23).Bradu(5.5?,HF),nt- C
,pda Clltt: Frcquen(nG C rcrta.d Stokcs:Frcque4,r tupa$r de Jos)56.57).l- (]
r r.rarri, Kn uckcr Srnsimion, Miercutca-Ciucl5). ar- C. sr. tldta Cood.: Frequerr, K- C J
rer'dracrlu Trallnln.: Sensimion(5,23),Arp&tudc Jos, Awig (5), nc C v.rt.ario L.: F cquen! nt-
C. wlpinaL: Fttqrenl
R- CatabrcsaaqxahcaQ-.)Beaw.: Ormcnt (42)
v- centawirn lirorute (D.'tun€r) Gilmourssp.!/tg,,rj!r (w. et K.) Mcldcns: ftejmcr (5). R- C
put h.IM (Svar1a)Dnrce: t{lfl[an (5,16), Prcjmcr (17), Au8unin (r2.!). Rolba! (a5). Perra|'i.
Arpa$u& Jos(5). rn rinpltci$',nun: Prcjr'.t (\7), t endsindtun: Hirnia (5)
^r- Ce.atophyn def,eten L.isrnlior-Luncl, tuini, Aita l!.tar.. MicloFarr. ADglsti4 Airit (l),
Bradu (5,57,!),Siddal! (57), q. plallcanthun. Bt8/nt (49). SIcddaE{J6), i polrd.arrrm Schur:
Brad'i (s), R- (:. srlefsn L.: Ormenf (42),Bmdu(5)
at- chiltsospteniln atlemilol,m L: Balan(l), Bmdu(5,50),Tumu Ros! (rD)
at- Cicata vircsa L.: l,l.{dr'' (6), Sentimtru (9), Vnbia (33), Tu$ad-Sar. S6trsnnion(3,33),
Srnc.aicd , Awig (5,23),Apata(42).Mlicru! {45),Beclean(a0)
nr- Ci,siu,' c'nun (L.l Au.: slntinbru, Sinsimjor (9), vtabi8 (33), Micrcuo-Ciuc (8). Sincr{iefli
(21.1).ft.jmer (17), Rorblv, vadu Rolu (45).$, Olt4 (40), Bmdu (J0), r- C. ' etu.aaiEM
DC.: Sandoninic (5), l- C. h.leniotdes (L) Hili.i Sentimbru(5). K- C'. olela."d (L.) Scop.i
Seftinbru (9), Rljncr (17),R- C par,/Jlr. (L.) Sc!p.: Racu(6), Sensinjon(9). v6bia (33). OrEsie
(42,!), M6ndla.Bccleaa Vi$ea dc Jos,AIpa$ dc ,os (40), ri- C D!/oru (Jacq) All.: Racu. MAdrraS
(6.8), Senfmbru,SeNimiotr (9,11), S,lndonifll€ (l), Vmbia, T$$ad-Sar (33), Turnadu Nou (15),
HerDar (f6,!9, Pr.jmcr (17), Srupili (23), vadu Roru (.lsr, r' C. r sabotpnrd Cldnd.:Toplila-Ciuc
(5),R- C.r tatdi.ln A,.) Au.: Bahn-SSjdoninic, sr$imion, Bradu(5)
R- Cladim nons.usO.) Poht:Hsrnar (5,23.46.l), PrEjmcr (l?). Sopiqi(46),Awis (5)
Trunslv.Ra. SystEcol R s ti999).1.t3 -J0 t7
V- Cnidiffi dubiun (Sct*uh) TIe[.: Itldara (6,23), Vrabia, Tu ad-Sat (23,33),Mersuea-Ciuc
(8), Se[silniotl' TurnaduNou (23)
R' Conarun pqlust e L.t P&u (6), Midlns (6,8.23),Vrabia. S&Einion (23,33),Mercurea-Ouc (8),
Srncraieni.Comanade Jos.Awis (23),Turnad-Sat(33), Tu$ad Nou (15,23),Hrmarr (46), Figrra{
{5), Arpa$ de Jos(10.5?).Bndu (57)
- Crcpispatr.tosa tL.t Moench.iSantnbn! Se$imior (9), v.abia (13). R€jmer (u). Vadu Roru
K- &wta lupulifomis Krockc. ArpAu de Jos,CSIF ( l)
nr- CwtusfidesceB L Htutran, vifea de Jor, Ca4a(5), Pr.jner (17), Sirata (50,1),Ai'i& Bradu
(HF,i) .t- C.rrer L.: Prejmer(5.17),Racorude Jos(5). Bradu(tlF). var.,r, Pergani(5)
R- Drcrylathiza n.anat4 0-.) Soo: Sentimb& S6nsimion(9), Vrabia (13). n'$ad-Sat (5,33),
Tusudu Nou (15). Chichji Fagrl"r (5), Srncdieni (5,23), Hftftan (s,16.!i. kejEer (17), Rotbav,
vadu Roru (45), Smrei. Bradu (HtD, AvriS GID). yar. ra s,!t .: Prcjner 113),r nactupbtta
Schu: Feg,,?r (5). R- r. ua.liard (L.) Sooi Alrig (23.50).",k Bladtt (50), ssp.?4r$itueica (
Soo:Bndr (5), R- D. Drydl,s (Rchb.)P.F.Hunt 4 Slllmeft.: Prcjmer( ll)
at' Deschanpsidcaespitosa0,.) Beaw.I Frcqu€4 i"r. prnrlrrur Saltimbru (5), f olrea: Mercure3-
Ciu. (5)
R- Dakth'ls flpeftusL.: Stnsitnion(23,33),habia, Sn'pini (23),€ni(5,23).I{ffman 0)
v- Dmvra anslicd rtu,dt.t SancrlicDi(5,21). Hlrman (5.16,21),Prcjmer (17), Stupini (23), R- D.
retundifatiaL.: Twa6d (5), Yi$ea deJos(10). Arpau de Jos(5.40,0,CiIts (J), Awig (23)
R- Dryopteis ctittdta lL.\ A.. Gtayr Sensinion (23). Vmbia. Tu$adu Nou (5, 23), R- ,. r,€ltrlerit
(L.) A. Gny: Sansinion , Tu$adu Nou (23), Vmbia (33), TUFlad-Bni,Arpa$ de Jos, Bradu (5),
PrEjmer (17)
ar- E hinocyttislobota o/Jcta) Tdr€t el Gray: Sanlio&Lunci, Birad. Arir . SarnlAtade Jos,&pa$
deJos.Awis, 5€ber-Olt(l), Bod (13),Orncde (.12).Boila, Tumu Roeu(55.1)
E- Etannehetundrc Oatj€/Je) DC.: SSmb[ade Jos(5)
R- El.ehdis aeidlaris (L-j Roem.€r Schull.:tlrrna4 Prejner, Arpa$ de Jos (5), Arrig (5.23), R-
E cdriolica Kochr Stucr{ieni, Prejmer(5). Arpa$ d€ Jas(40), R- A. ovaraGoth) Roen. et Schult.:
Hnrn n-Prqims, !v5$eade Jos(5), Aryaju de Jo6(50.56),AEig (5,50),Bntu (57), nt- E patdttis
(L.) Ro.m. et schult.: Frequ€ntf.lrlcrl/nt$ Arparu dc Jos(56r,I ni"or:Bt An AIE ,r- E. ptutd
( Schult.)Link.: I,frrdm (40),R- E qskqrelora (It2,l1m.)O. schwd: Racu(6), Sardonintc
(5). tuJrltan (5,16). Dridif, Arparu de ,os (40). V- ,' untslumts (Li*, Schulr.: sancrsiqi (23).
Tuinad-$r (5,23)
R- ElodeaconadennsL-: l'liai (ll
at- Epitobiln hitfut h L., Yrfiia (33),PrEjm€r(23). Ornen4 VaduRoqu(42). Bradu,Boit , TurDu
RoSu(50), R- g /d"'?i F.W SchdE: Studoninic (l), Feldiora(r2). R- E ,rwnr Sclrcb.: Bixad,
Prej$er (5), nt- E. patustrcL.: F'!,ttrgr^,r. stfittutotu^ tueimer(17), t /arirblim: S,rncraieni(5), R-
E. panilarun Sct'r.b.: Prejner (17), Ausus.lin(42,!), Arris, Bladu (HF), R- E fore,,' Schreb.:
B,lar {5),Ap6ta(l)
R- Epipactispdtsst/is (L.\ c/atu: Sendrnbru(9), SrnsimioD,Prejner (5), Tugudu Nou (t5), Tusrad-
Sar(23), Srncraied (5,23.!),tlftm.n (5,16,23),sr4ini (5,23),Aqig (21),Bndu (5,5?)
ar- EquisetunJloiatile L.:Frqtr€Ii. R- E. hyenale L.: M\ Bojta (5), Tumr Ro$ {!), trt- E
pdlaffe L: Fr€quer! Dt- ,. r./4creio Eluh.: Mndl"! (6,1),Tufludu Noo (33), Hoshiz (5), A.!ri&
TMU Roru (!). Bradu 0{F), nt- E sylyotian L: Bdtat\ TuqDad-Bai,Racogude Jos. Hoshiz (5).
Btad! (5-57). Alrig. S&ndate( l), V- '' rar.AatlD Sclleich.r Hllmaf! Prejmer( 12)
at- Eri.phatutu ang?stihhunrlon krny Bzt n (l), Rlcu, i!.Irdrra (6), Tui,ad-Sat (23,33),Tusadu
\ou {l5.ll), Sencriieni, A\rig (23), Himan (16,46), Prejme. (r7}. R- E S?acjle Koch: Tu{nad,
tu!6{u de Jos. A\tlg (5). n.- E latiloliw llx4pc: Frequent R- E. vosindtutuL.: Mjercw. {,itt ,
,r- Eupdtonun cannabtnM L.: Fftqteal
K.E phatbiapdlu\irisL.: Bt&r (3)
K- Euphtaio hnk a lotd. ?Bt!$nu (5,16j,y - E. kemi WeLsriHlrmall (5,16)
y- Evoryn$ n@a Bieb.: Mierclrea"Ciuc,Tlqnad-Sa((23). Srmraieni (l)
dt- Festucapratensi: L.: Frcqn \l
at- litipenduta ulnnia (L.l ttia,nrni Frcqucnt sW. denrdara(J. et C. Pred.) Hqek: Pr€jm€r(5I ssp.
riv.. (wallr ) llalek: Sancrnieni(23)
Dl- r?a,g!/. alrzs }flUer: Fr€quent
v- Fntj atia neteoqtis L.: MAdIraj, Jisadin (23), Srntinbrq Sensinion (9), Vrabia (33). Miercu'lEa-
Ciuc(5.8),Tu5nadu Nou (5.l5),Hirnan (5,16,l?),Bod(5.17,23), vadDRo (l7)
8- GdtegdalfrciaotisL.: Biadtr(5t). Tmu Ro (!)
IE me UpFt ott! ]liddl. OIl R^'er Atun

at. Goti'n boteateL. Racu.Mad;rat(6.1),Stntimbru(9,1l). Seftmion.Stupnj.Bod.Hanran(21),

Tusnatu Nou (15), Miercucn-Ciuc, Ciceu(5), P.€jmer(17.23).var. /,reldol,rto,der Schur:Hatman
(13),nt- Gpdl6t L.:F.cquenl,R- G uD,r,derL.:Hnnsan(13). VaduRotu(45),Bradu{5), nt'6
tliginosn L.t Frcgne.i
B-G.htima pn tnnarthe L:ruJmar (J,!),PrljEcr(l?). SebctOll(!)
ar- Getunim patwne L,.'r(6), Vrabia (13), Slnsimion.Tuqnidu Nou. ftejmer. Bod. Feldiorra
{23), SarcrAicni,TrFsd-Sal (5,23).Scot r A\tig (5?).Bndu (5, 5?), t ort,sarzn: Hrttian ( 12)
K- t intc te.t@ EMr:Tutrad" n co$ dc Jos (5), nG G ,t"/. L.: Raq I'lldt?s (6).
S6ndmbru(9), Mreror.i-Ciuc (5,8).Haman (5). R.jmcr ( l7)
R- GladiohBinbricatus L.: Bradu,Boih (4E.54
tr. Glt.erio Jluitdns O.) RBr.: F lqucnl. trt- G rd,ra (HaI!r) Holmb.rg: Frequcnl,r vD"a/a:
Rafl (6), !t- G ri;cd.d (Fri$) Fries:R cu. Mldir"s (6), Tutnad-Sat(31), F.ld'oan (12). Coma!, de
,06(44).aris(l), Bndu (HT)
nt- Gtutiola ofi.inalisL: Apat!, Orn nit (42,1),PAd$ (44). Avn& Tm! RoSU(l). var. arSi?rr,/o/ia
SAdrlric 15)
E- .lensa 6,.rFou''.: (5)
nr- Helituth$ ,LcapetalusL.: Sendor-Lumr, Reci. Bixr4 Arini. Con],lla dc Jos, Simbnla de .,os.
Avn8,8ndu.PoduOlt (l)
V" tlippns vulgarc L.: Prcjrr'.r (5,l7), tuini (l), Rolbav(45)
ar- Hol@slond6 L.: Frcq.ucnt.
y - Honotia pahstris L.: Bd-Ap6la (16),Rorbay(44.45),FiSt'rat (5), Oxcl (,10).Bndu (tlF)
R- Hrd,ocholis norys-nnae L.: Rcci, Arini. Aila l,laiE (l), Apala. Gmcnji Aueunin (42). Anujd
(17).Rolbav,vadu Ro$ (45), Avrir (5,23),Racovila(tlK)
at- Hypetian hunifusn L.: Sclrti (40),Arp€$ d. Jos(5,23.56).Mirya (!), TuBu Roru (5.56?./,trt'
H. q'ad@ryulw L.: Htu'i,,,,l.(5), ( l?, vi$ca de Jos(40), Aris (!). Badu (5.57)
nr- npati.ns Royle Smpini,Bod (12), Bixa4 Atui. FarrE{, Matrdrr. Sembetadc Jos.
Uc.s de 106.Arpa5u(!3Jos..A\,ri& Btadr! TumuRo$ (l). trl- I nolntatgere L. Prcjftr ( I 7), Arpa$!
d cJ o s { l )
R- lwlo heleatw L : TtLF,,j, Harbaa PrEjB€r,Sicdar. (5), Bradu(5,l)
nG /rrpsad&otur L.: Tusnad-Sar(31).PrEjdcr(17).Orndit ApaF. Vadt RoS! (42,4J),AuSusin
(42,1),Arid, Tunu Rotu (l), Rotbav,Mltcrut (45), B.clen. Ollel, N4nndn.Arpqu dc los, Scotci.
Racoriia(40).Avns @3.40.50,1), Bradu(50,1),R- I r,ril'ca L: Mdddrat(6), PEimer(12.17).Bod
R- Isolcpissttacta O., R,Bt.: Hlln'ar ( 16),Pqimcr (5.1n b r. flri,o tL, R. Bt. twnun-P'cjmcr
K- Jtlac$ aclulotus EhJlr. Blad! (5), nt- J. aiictltdtrs L.: Fr.quc4 R- J dtct r K.rocker:MadaJ"t
(6). Mi.rcur€a-Ciuc.ciceu (5). B'Ed! (5,50),nr- J. buJnitr L.: Feldioarir(42), AriB, a'!du (50.HF1,
nr- J. conglon.rct's L.: Frcquen( 6t- I @npEssts !a6q.: R cu (6). 55n0mbru(9). Vmbia (31).
Tu$a4 Ciccu).Fcldroan (42). Vadu Roru (45), Ar'rig, Bndu (J,50). Pod[ Ox (HSB). ar- J. efisus
L.i F.€quent var. conpo.tus L.j. et CourL: Sllncrricni (5), Avrig (1). R- I ae'aldt Lois: lacLr
Mldlra{ (6). H,'llw (16), Rotbav (45). Fetdioara(42), Mnndra, Olrel Slrar4 Avri8 (40), nt- I
tr&s L.: Hantran(16), Rotbav (45,!), Tubu Ro{u (l), I(- l 'o]zri Foumie.: Ciccu (5./, K- l
.@aged Ehrllr PoduOl! (5), R-l rrora$,, Tm.: Bahr, Srndominic.SatEreietri.Tu$ad Aix.d (J).
Arpa9udc los, Bmdu (5.5?)
nt- Lattvms polusttis L.: Rtr\ MIdnI"l (6), SnnsimioqSanimbru (9), vrabia (23,33), Simioncgi
(5), Tupd-Sar (5.23,33),TuroaduNou (15,33),MicrcurEa{iuc (E). S6rffaieni {21). Rotbav.vadu
Rofli (45)
l- Loetsio o4aoides (L) Swanz: Conwu de Jos (44). Sercai4 Vi$ea d€ Jos. Porumbacud. Jos.
Awi8, R:covila (40), Scorci(57)
l- L.Na sib|a L.: Olt.Jti (5), Btiltt (5.57), ar- L. ninot L.r F .queDr Dl- I t/ie/., L : Srndon-
Lunca,Tumu Rofl (!), Orm€ni$Apalr. Feldioa'a(,12),Robav, vrdu Ro$ (.J). Bradu(HF)
N- Lisufuia stbnica (L.) Cass.: Sa$imion (9,23), vribia (31). Ci€u, Btxad. Simioncg (5),
Miercufta-Ciuc-ToplitaCiuc (5,23), Tusmd-Sal(23), T\rFadu Nou Sancdieni (5,23), TrFad-Bai
(23), tllt@ (5,16.23,a6).Prcjmcr (5.1?). Stupili (5,21), f. a'e,oio: Sansnnioq vrabi4 Tu5lladu
Nou. T!.Fad-Sar.Tu$ad-Bli. grin 4 Stupitri(23). Stucreicnj(5.23),t prricd'./tr: Tu$ad Hllaul|
R- Ltnosella a.rrahcaL. Ait Mare,Ctia (5), Pod! Olr (!)
R- Linde id ptocunbens lKre&er) Philcox:, Porunbacud. Jor. Airig (5,57),
c&b (57)
.r- lN-eaculi L.: Fte,].uent, t dbinorr: Badu (HF)
Thnrltv. Rd. tst Lcot,I, 13- 30 l9
l- Ly@podiM itndatun L.: Ttlt{tad (5t
nt- Lr.opls etopeus L-: Ftequ€4 t ela$or: sarcrnieni (5), R- L. exdtatusL.: Pt.jncr l\7)
tr- Lrsint@hiahuMuld a L. Frcqrra\ \- L. tt yEi|lotu L.: Racu(6), Mndnrq (6,8), Sadisbru (9).
ssnsimion (9,23), Vnbia (13). Tusd-Sat (5.33), TuFadu Nou (15). Tuqnad-Bni@l). Miercu€a-
cn'c. ciceu-Ioptila. Bixad, Fasaas (5), Srncrnjeni (5,23). Bod-ApaF (16). conana de Jos (44),
Beclean(5.40).Arpa$ de Jos(a0).A!.ri8 (5,23),Dt- Z. w/aal,J L i Frequenqi pa&do.raiTu$nad-Bni,
R- Lr&ruD hyssopfaiioL: pr.o9u de Jos.Alrig (5), Dt- Z. sal,catia L.:Frcgne t, et iname.liutu :
Hturaln(l2), r. stabresceks:Aliis (ID), Bradu(ttri
F- Md6it dorophl os @.) SsatE: Bnbo (5)
tt- ltr.'ttqccio sttuthiapteris(L.) Tod.I Bata.o(l), Trgud-Bii (5), Bmdo (50)
nt- Menthd aqudnc. L.. Frequcnt,!t- M 4r?,rir L.: S3ncrdieni(23.!), Prejmer (U), Orlnenii,
ADgxni4 Fcldioar4 Vrdu Ro$ (42),Rctbav(44,45).ssp.zwrrdca (.lacq.)Briq.: S3ncrAietri(23).!e.
,o$it: Sencraimi (23). \- M. t .tunetorun Sclwhes] Prejmer (17), I- -l4 /d.,r,bs, Schur var.
diespMqd: A\rie (5J, t - Ll. loigifolia L-: Frcqte , \t. hdpdlapqla: St chsrghe (5), var Ilrnld (5). lt leioh.u/a: Tumu Rogu (5), at- M. ptbsiun L.: SAr imbru (9),
Auguslu (42).Beclesn,Vi$er de Jos(40). Comma.le Jos,Fdgil?!. Tumu Rotu (l). F,U vr'.rra L.:
Himan (15)
R- M.klahthes tnlaliota L.: Racu (6), Seflimbru (9). Srnsinion (5,9.23),Vrabia (23,33). Tu ladu
Nou (15), Ciceu,Siculeni(5). sancraied(5,23,0,H,rlM (5,16),Srupini.V€netiade.Ios (21),
Bcclea4 Mendra,Viges de Jos,Ric-ovila (40), Arpa$ de Jos(5,40),At,rls (5,23.40,57),Bndu (5.5?)
at- Motinia co.tulea (L.) M!*i.h.: Racu(6,E), Srntinbru (9,11), Sensimion(9.23), Vnbia (23,33),
h$adu Nou. Turnad-SatBo4 Comara& ,os (23), Sancrai€ni(23,), Himan (t6.23.16), pr€jD€r
(l?.23,46), Stupitri(23.46),Vi$ea d. Jos.Olr4 Sco'Ei(40), ArpEu dc Jos(a0.1),Crrla. Seberor (t),
Artig (23,40),ssp.,told/,s: BmduGIF)
r- Wosotis .aesptosd C.F. Schultz:B€cle3i. \,j$ea de Jo6, Arpa$ de Jos. Scorci (.10). dr- ,i4
sca/ L.: FrcqeDt \tar. nerol Kin.: Toplila{iu€, Mjercurea-Ciuq Cieu, Sencrli€ni (5). i
ldlo/d; Tumu Roru (5)
K- t1peror rn D&r L.: Racoqutle Jos(5)
tr- Mtricdno senMicd O., D€w.i S{ndominic(5), Arpaiu de los (40,l). Airig. Bndu (LtF)
tr- Mtliophyllun spicatun L.i Sensimion,PrejBcr (5), SenrioFLuncn,Reci, Man&a, S€besotr (!),
Augusrin(42,44,1),Scorei (57), AwiS (HS). Bradr (5,57), trt- M te,nci otun L.stinn^b^t (5.9).
Tu$a4 Sancrnieni(5). A-rin! Aita Mare(l). Scorei(57), Avris (5,5?).Biad! (57,HF)
Y- N@iM MAtsnJoltut Cwr.: Stnrinbu Ciceq Sincraiu (5), Arpa$ de Jos(!)
r- N6tutttw ofrcinate B- Bt: Prejnrfl (5,
R-,vt!pr.r ld€a (L.) SlI!: Sidinbtu. Tupad-Bii. Bod (5), PrejrcFhirman (l?), Ariri (l)
E- Nwph@a atbaL.. Au'$sjn(42,44), Apatz(s)
nt- AenMthe .dqlatieo (L.) Poirctr Racu (6), SAntimbnr Stulimion (9). Vlabi4 Tujnad-Sat (33),
Omelit, Apal4 Feldioara (42), Rorbav. Miidrs (45), Vadu Ro (42,45), Nt rdr4 Sercai4
Ponmbacude Jos(40), Auis (21,1).Bradu(50,HF),R- a ,a,rricu Heuji: sandmbru(9), Sensinion
(5.9).Mcrcurea4iuc. Tu|m4 selcrrieni (5), R- o. r/drlol& Bieb.rvrabiA Tugadu Nou (31). Auis
K- Wiaglasum tulgatam L.:HnEniz Q)
R- otchis t8i|tom Lalr,.: P.xr (6), vmbia (33), Hnrnan (13,15),P.ejmer (ln, Mnndra Bedean.
Vigleade Jos.OItel (40), AlPEu dc Jos(23,40),Scorei(40,HF),PorumbocD de Jos,Awis GtD), Bndu
(5?.HF), TmuRosu (!)
nt- Pmasno patusttis L.. R.rctt(8), Santimbru(9), Vr?bia (23,33),Tu$rd,Sat (33), TusnaduNou
(1s,21). Prejmer(l?), Stupini.Peldioara
Hl,ntrtu(16,21,1), (23)
R- Palthenacistusnsetto (A. Kcm.) K. Fritlch: Au8!$in (t)
nr- Pedicula/ispalustris L.: Ricu, Midrrat (6), SantinbD (9), S6nsnnior , T!'nad-Sai (23,33),
Tugudu n"ou(15,23.33), vnbia (33),SancrNieni. Hnnna4 Ven.lia de Jos (23), Srndominic(5),
Prejmer (5,23.),Vadu Rotu (45). Comanade Jos (23,44). Beclej|r t:rkE (0), y- P. sceptrun-
ctuohnrn L.: Hztrnan(5,16,23,46),R€jner ( l?)
nt- Peptispoltuta L.: Srnimbru, Ca4a(5). Sco.€i(t), Alrig (J,23.57)
at- Petdites dtbllstL.) P. CeE'r\.: BAaj] ll), nt- P. bbridus (L ) P. caertn.: Frequetrt
R. P.r@dmrn patuste (L.) Mo€lch.i Sarsimio( A\rig (5.23), Senc.{ieni (5,2j,t), Tu$ad-Sar.
TurrEduNou,Bod. Conunad. Jos(23),tlrrman (16),ArDalu dc Jos(5)
rt- Phatorisatundihdc.dL.: Freqte
nr- Phtugnitesoxspalis (C^a.)Trir et Steudel:Frequcnt
R- P,rs,,alo wlad,r L : Sen'jmbru(9,I I ), Hdlrun (5,16,23).Prcjmer( 17.23),Stupini(23)
me Upp.t @.1\li.tdle Oh R've. B6n
R- Plartago nqitina L.: Wa l4o)
nr- Pod patattns L.: Facr't(6), MidanS (6.8,!). SrrEimjon.Sedimbru (9). \tabia Tu$rd-Sal (31).
Mi€rcuca-Ciuc (8.1),Tugnadu Nou(15,33).Hinnln (16).Rotba!,VaduRotu(15),Badu (HL'),Podu
Oh (t{SB). t€r. r/rlls. Tunu Rotu (5?), f. bolnyrteniana: SAcadare(52). ^t- P d\talts L

R- PolenrcniM c@tul.un L: vtabi^ (23.33). Sensimiotr,TuqnaduNot (23). Tu$ad-Sat (5-21).

nr- PottZonun anphibitn L.: Racl| (6), Mndini (6,8). SatrtiEbru{9). Miercura-Ciuc (8). ftejncr
(1?). Orllledq, ApaF (42), AuSustin(42.44).Rotbav,MaieruS(r5), Vadu Ror! (42,45), Feldioan
(.12),S.rsia (40), Bradu (50), S.bcroll (D, t i''srr€: Ract (6) nt- P. bhtarta L. R,r\ MNAra,
(6,D. Sentinbru, Srnsimioo (9). Sindomhic (!). Vnbia (23,33). Mctcu€a4iuq Fn8tt { (5).
SSncraieni (23,l), Feldioara(23), Avrig (23,40).Bradu(5,57r,nr- P. cuspidatut Sieb.4 Zncc.: BataL
Miercurs-Ciuc, Fag,!ai, Arfi& PoduOlt Tumr RoS! (l), nr- P. hldtupipzl L t Ftc$tat, al- P
Iapath'hlitn L.: Mtutnj€,Bel€ar (4{), Fi8:r"J, Sco.Ei,PoduOll (D. Vi$re de Ios (5), Avrig (HF).
Bmdu(50),!ar.,odovn: Bradu(50), K- P. 't,/r Hud!.: TL'Fad,Fcldio.n. Fasrrat (5), Tunu Roqu
(i), n-P. a,,' Sch,$rl: Sentinbru(9), Ortucnb(a2,!),Bradu(5). Tmu Rotu (i). !n P perui.aft L.

nt- PopulusatbaL : HoShrz(5), Bcdu (J,50).Tlmu Ro (!). dt- P 'r?/4 L A\"i8, Bnd'r (!)
l- Potanoseto, @bloltus Link: Turnad (5), E - P. cototdtu' EotlMt: Sandomidc (5). trt- P
e,s"/J L. SSndmbru(e), Bira4 Rcci, Scbcroll (D, Sedd^e, Bra.d (51.1lF1.r- P. L.:
Sambla d€ ,os (lr, R- P. /,.?'r L : Aus!$ia AFla Omcnb @2),^r- P natdnsL. 56 imbru (5.9).
Srrlinior! Prejn.r (5), H&nar (16), Arparu dc ,or. Awis (23). B.adu (5.57),t ahrl'i'br B.adu
(5),..- P ,odoes Poiru: Ariguslin, Awig, Bndu (l), l- P. p.ctinotB L Bradu (57.HR. !t- P
pss,r4 L.r Sandominic(t, aixad. Miindra (l), Hltman (16), Arris (5.!). Bradu (5?,HD, ra'.
tenrissinw: A\iE O,57), L ad,ri,4r,J: Srndominic(5), t .ta,satus HAIr'.ran(5), R- P ti.hoides
cham. cr sd cchr.:vnbia (23), Augurth ({2)
at- P.t.htilld anktina L.. Frequcn! trc /. repr@sL.: rr- e &pr4 L.: Hainrn (12).
FA€|.jS,Tmn Ro$ (i)
R- Pnwta lti,osa L.: v6bia (33),Tu$du N6! (15,21),Hnff'an(J,16.23.46.!), Prcjmer(5,1?,21).
Slupini (5,23).t a/r,lora Pa\r H!ftun (5)
nt- ?rtnls padts L.: T'.lt ^dDNou (5,23).Hinn4 Racotude Jos,Bradu(5)
R- Pl@inellia disr@sO.lPan: Slda (40),Bridu (50)
nt- Ptli.atia dfseretjca Q, Bcrnh.:Pr.jn€r. Hl|tns& Scorei(5). ut- P w/8d'6 Gacm.: Simraieni
fi- Rdtndl6 acis L.: Frcql,c4 I /anict6: Bradu (HDi. K- R. aqtaulis L: AviE 66r, nt- R
Jlannulo L I t ss{'.rcprdr: Raco$ de Jos(5), t 4r!y'oli6 Walr. i BSlarLRaco$ d. Jos(J),
K- n.lrih,r l3m.: Sancraieni(5), R-n. /i,&, L.r Racu(6), vnbia (31).TugnaduNou (15). Ro$ar
(45), vadu Roru (42),,Beclea4Oltci Arp6s! dc Jos (40). Arrig (5.57). !l- R rc/.d L. :
F Equcnt.R- R 'io,it Laggeri Bradu (5.5?), S€tt€tOIt (l), rt- l rr./..arrr L :Rcci. St
Fnsrrar (D. Beclerr (a0). Alris (23,1).Brad! (50, HF). bt- x. r''a,/orrs Schur:Frequen! nt- R
nichopulw Ctaix: M.tli'EA-Ciuc, B.adu (5), H.NrEan(12). Prcjmer(17). Vadu Ro$. Feldiw,
R- RlDesr4u n L. Sbsinion (9,23),Vrabia TusraduNou (23), Prcjmd ( 17)
- Rqippa Mphibia (L.)Bcss.:PrEjncr(17),orl|r€dit Apala(,12.45), Rotbav{45). -R,6t@d
(CrrnE) Bess.:TuFad, Sanc.6icrj,tltuna! (5), OrmmiS,Fcldioan (42), Robav(45), Bndu (50), nr-
R.pal,/sr'ii (l-.) Bess.:SSndominic.Bila4Hrlmrq F|garal (5), M4icrtrs.vadu Ro (45). Fonmbacu
de tos (J,5?), Bndu (J7./. Dt- R s'irrnr (L.) B*s.: Irndnms (6). vBbia, TuiMdl Nou (33).
Ormcni$ F.ldioan (42), Rorbv (45),Porunbar!dc Jos(.{0.!), Avrig, PoduO[. Turnu Ro$ (l), Bndu
ar- RvdbeLi' laciridta L.: Vi,ScadeJos,ArDatr,dc Jos.Bndu (5), Alrig (5.!), TurN tto$u(l)
R- Rtnex aqtaties L : Stnsiftion (5), S&rdatc (56), AvriS GID). Bradu(J0). rl- R hrdroloparhm
Hud!.: Srlsinioq Raco$ de Jos, FasllEr, Sacadat€(5), PrEjmer(5.1?). Aia Mare (l), Ormenii
F.ldioar& Augustin ({2), Apalr, Vad! Ro$a(42,45), llotbav. MnienS (5). R- R noatinus L.: (5), MAieruFApala(45),, Eddu GrF), R- R patu$.ir Sm : OmEnir ({2). Olrcl
(r0), Bndu (5,57),Sebcsolt(l)
R- Sasftario sagittifotia L-:'tusad (5), Augusth (42,!), A.rioi.MicloprJa (l). A!ri& Bradu (s,HF,l).
L hetercptryIa.lscht b.) Botte: Bod (t3), L vd isn.rilotio: Tu$'rd (s)tuiujd ( I ?),
!t- .t4lr a/ra L.i Frequen! K- S t alope@nidesTarsdt: Bradu (5). R- t os4ra L : Tu$ad-Sar
(5,23),AwiS (23), K- S , aaz"o,f4 Kem.: S$pid (23), at- 5: .inet.a L.: Frcq@nt R- S.x cuspidata
F. Schultz: Sancreieni,Bod (J./, R- S .t.o8 ot Scop H{EDn-PrEjmcr lr1), nr- S. lraeitis Ll
lrunfllv R.r St'L E ol. R4. tl99e).L IJ . 30 2l
Frequenl.K- S x nultine^'6 Doll.: Sensimion(23), 9.- S pentandld L.: Vrabia, Tu rdu Nou,
Micr.urea-Ciuc, F.ldroa.ra(23), Tu$Bd-Sd (5.33), Stn$miol\ sancrdieri (5.23), Hnnnall.prejmer
ll,7), nt- S. purputeo L. F.equenr,nt- ,t rcnartniloln L.: M!d}aJ, Tu$adu r"ou, Stupitri (2t)_
Srndnbn (9). v.abia (23.33),Sersimion.TuFad-Sar Avris (5,21),MErcur.a-Ciuc, R.acosude Jos
(5), Srnc.Iiem (5,21.!).Prejne. (17.23).Hlrliln (21.!), SanMta d. Jos(40), Arparu de Jos(40,5?,t),
Bradu(56), PasulTMU Rotu (5-56),nt- S. triM.ltu L.: Fquent n - S ,iri,4/'r L: Medinr (21,!),
vnbia (23). Mi€rcurca-Ciuc,Fetdi@I', Raco$ d. Jos (5), TDraaduNou (5.15), Prgm.r (17). Aita
lvtare.Arhi. Arit (!), Bradu.Sene$!dc Jos.Tunu Roru (5,57,!)
R- Satviatd natansL: {,), Auguslitr {42.!)
nt- S@g/ietba ofrcinolis L.: Ftdtrern
E- SGt aea hirtutrs L: v'nbi4 TuJnaduNou (23), Sencrnien'(5,23).t 'alof: Sincraieni (5), E- s.
Drrarrl. SluDini (35)
R- Schfuchzerio polustrisL: Avng(5,23,51).1 minor:Avrig(5,51)
nr- schaenoptect,sta.,s1tis (L) Palla: Omcnii Ap4a (42). Ausrnin (42.{4,t). Mni (t), Sercaia
(a0), Avns (57,1),Bradu(5?, R- S nrcf,dtur (L.) Paltaitfinnan, prcjmec Arpa{u de Jos (5), R- s
tabetn@nantani(C C. anrcl ) Palla:Hlmat! Prcjhcr, Racofud. Jos(5)
V thents fengin.B L.: Santimbru(9.11), R- .\ ,,8u.ds L.:Hann r (5,15,21,a6,t),prcjmr
R- Scitpf rulicMs Schkub: P.ejncr (5). Bndu (J6,57,HF), trr- s r//eft.r/r L: FreqrcDr, i
compactus(Kliltgr.) NFr.: runnan (13)
R- S.ozoneruhun is L: Prqmer(17).i lalifron!: Pr€jmer( 12)
d- &,ophrtdia unbtusa D'u'n: tv.IAddrat (!). Sen$mioa Tu$ad-Sar(23).Ir.jmer (17), Bradu(57)
ar- Sdlelano galelieloto L.: Frequm! nt-,S. ,oJ/t/olia I-.: Eiman (12). Fi8,rat (5). Bmd! (5,t).
Araig, Scbe{Olt (l)
R- Setintn catuilaha (L.) L.: ftprdu Nou (15,23),,i)
R- !t,ec,o d4lariclr Hill. ssp.bubarcelotirs (Wir.m' .r Gfab.)wafters: SSntunbru(9), Vnbia (31).
Serdominic(!), Miercur.a-Ciuc(E), Tu$adu Nou ( l5), Pr.jnet (s), \at. pinotlidrs:'tt t^d-Bb (5).
!"r- royl4tur Tu$ad-Bii (S). nt- S. Iwiatilis Walh: BUa4 Sandonuruc.R_acu.Tu$ad. Bo(|.
Piejrner Feldioar? (5), Sencrni€nir5,!). Miclo$ar?" ltdindra (l), Aidg, Bmdtr (5,56,!). nc .9
palado&s L.: Sendmbru(9), SrnsinioD (5,9.21).TurnaduNou. Bod (21)_Sjncrricm. HnFe. Olrel
{5). Prcjmer{t.17). Avri8 (5.56).BndD156).vsr roDerrosi Prcjmer(t.l?). v!r. gtabtutus A\|iA
(J,56).I-t pa&$./0-.) DC.:Prcjmcr, Bod(5)
^r-lhnatrlatn.toriaL.:Frc{nj.e,\at.ld.tlolia:lltrfitan Prcjmcr.Vi$eadc Jos(5). I ?z/zrrr,r:
siculeni (5), E- S wofi, Andnei ollneNs (42)
V- &st.tia ltisinasaOpiz Iu{naduNou (15),}uman (5.16.23.!). Prej'ner(5.17,23), Snpitri (5,23).
Eod (5), t rarr.,rr,/a Sir*. i Hnma4 Bod (5)
ar- Siun latiloliun L.: Augllnh (42,1),Omcnit, Fcldioara_Vadu Rofu (42). MAicru9,Rorbav(45),
vi$ca d€ Jos(40), Senbaa dc Jos(!), R- .t s,raar L.: Ollct (40)
nt- SolanundulcMara L.: Ftqls\
Dr- Sali.lago.ana,brsis L.: AviE, Bladu (5,56,1),Scbctoll (l), R- S araar.r" Ailon: Auig Bradr
K-.9rcr6 pdBnir L. i Hn'lraD (5)
tt- Sparydnin .n rfln P&hm: T\tnad-Bai, Hlrnaa Arpatu de Jos(5). Atinj (t), Bradu (5,50),ni-
,t L.:Prcjncr (17), Ormcnit (42,1),Be.l.rq Olrel Arpotu de Jos{40). AwiB (23,,t0,t),Brrdu
TMU Ro$ (l), ssp.,eaL.tuD (Be€b) SchiM cl Theu.: Mrdrar (6), Augusri4 Apala-Omenil
(.{2), Rotbav (45). Com?Ilad€ Jos t44,t), sW. nl.mcaryM d\teuD.) Dom.: Bod-Apala (46), f.
sinpti.tlame Nyar HAnnt (13). E- S.^i"inhWaft.: A\iig(23)
V- Spi,aeasaliciJolidL:l^ontry, Vt:bi4 Mi.roir.:-Ciuc, Tu$adu Nou (Zl)
nt- Spitod. a poLahiza(L, SchleichrSanrion-Lund(l). ornenig. Apola Fetdroan(42), Bndu (57)
nt- S@hls oJl.iholts (L)Tt e.: F.equenr_ Iar. rerc,,rd: Sandomidc(5). !r- li pdltljr'rs L.: R cu (6),
S,nsiftor Bod (2:l). Srntiflbru (9). Mierclre8{iuc (E), Omog (42). Aususri( !'adu Ror! (.12.!).
Mrierur'Apala (45). sercaia(r0), Bndu (J0). Atnr o
ar- !;tetbno aqtatrca (L.) Scop.;Mnddrr$(6), Siffilrion {9). Prejmer (17). Bndu (5.5?,r, R- S
p,16t r Ehrl'.: Racu(6). MAd,r4 (6.8). Sinsimion(9), Micrcun -Ciuc (8). Vmbia.Tus,Ed-Sar,(31),
Tufladu\ou (lt.3J). \?r. /dhdzi: Sindeterd(23)
R- Statiotes atotdesL) Stntion-Lud , Bl"du (5), Bod-Apala (16), MaieruFApata Rolbsv (.+5),
d- Succisapratens$ L.: FteqtJent. f. 8/drlr/.Jr Bmdu (50Jtr)
R- Sa?ta /ere,r,s L.: SrrNimion(23),HAnnan(5,17,23),Stupini(5.2t)
nr- Stnphlyn ofrcinate L:Frcqnen!. ss?.,/,sr'De,l (A. K€rL) Nlm.: St C}€orghc(5)
dd \lid.I. oh Riv.t B6th

X- T@Mm pahste (Lyon3)Symons:grnnan, Pr.jmer (5)

nr- T.t kia sprciosolsctu&.) BauiU : Br.d(Tutnu Ro$ (HF)
K- Teu.hln voditn L.: Bod (5)
nt-Thalictnt^ lrci.lunL.:Ftqr.f''.!8. s!.naPh um:Prclr]cr..5,11J\ar het*oPhtllun' Tn$an \5)
R- Trupo L.: Nitjd (t7), Ra.ltu d. los (t, al"du (5,J7)
nt- Trloliln Mndrn L. Frqucit, Dt- t fePerJ L.: Frcqu.m, R- T sPddi.ern L t v dafd{ 123)
Tusadu No! (5,23)
6a- Tngtachinno,itima L ltao (6.E), Se ilnbru (9). Srnsinion (?3). Vnbia (21.13J.Micr.ur.a-
Ciuc (E), Cicer Prejmer (5), Tusnad-Sal(13). Tqnadu Not! sancrAjeni(5,23). Erman (5.16)
Ml{dra, Sada A{i8 (40), tr- t Flt6fii L.: ,Virgra$Rtc! (6), Stuitnbru (9), Vnbia Bod (23)-
Sricrnieni (23,l), Ciccq T!$lad. Hirma4 Stupini,P.rtani (5), Prcjn.r (5,17,23)
R- Trcltius ctrcp@us L.: v.dhia (23,33),TuFadu Nou (5.23),Mier.urea-Ciuc.Hr'tMn (5), Prermer
nr- Trphaan8lstfolia L.: Ft !I]tr'tn,fi- T. IotiloliaL : Frcqucr( R- r. /am4@I LeFchf : Srrnbfia de
los (lt, \- T.sctuurevolhri r:eb d So .t: Bod-Apsts(15),RacoSude .los(5)
V- Unielda br.nii H@| ll&r€ll (5,16\. V- U. miMt L.: Iunnan (5.23), ArFatu dc Jos (5,56),
Avris (HD). nt- Ll wkdir L.isinio'c$i. HlJmrn, Feldioan (5). Augustin (42,14).Rorba!, Vadu
Roru (45,D.Ot l (40),Bradr (5,57).Tutft Ros! 0)
nr- t/atbima oficinatis L.: Frq).o! ssF .o/t4 (walh) NrE.: Btadq Tuu Ro,f! (5). r€r' ,'ed,4
Koch: Hnnnrn (13),R- v. drrli.r/o/ia (R hb.) Kabat: Rrcir (6), Mrdrrat (6.23).Srntimbru(5,9,1l).
s'n.ihion (9.23), Vtabia. Tu$Dad-S.l(23.33),Miaqs€a-Ciuc (E). Tusudu Nou (15,23),Senc.aicDi
K- Vdlin ia sptolis L.: Tuitt,d"Wi (5)
d- v.ttu11n albumL.Ftqnctr! ss!. lor.lidlr E mL) R.hb.i PrcJmei(I?)
K- V.tuai.a Maga ioi.les Cuis.r Arp6!! dc ,os (J), .t- la araautts-a,Pari.a L. R cu (6), Santimbru
(9). &patu d. Jos (40), Ardg (!), Bndu (50,1),t. gt@dubro Sd\tt Arpasu de Jos (5,56), f
t.rcnina: Brtur (5r, BtE.d!(\#), at- l'. b.eabttga L. Fqt.'\\ rs'. lnotu : Br,dv (5,50J.f. atPitu Babr-Sendon'nic (5), R- /. .dre,ara Pcmcu.: PrEjm.r (t1), Or'.e!Jt 62J, R- r'. tonsiJotiaL.:
Sertinbn (9), S6ffimion (9.23), Bod (23). Robav (45), Vadu Rotu (42). .t- ta @r.rata L: Raca
(6), vnbia, Tu$ad-Sar (33), Mic'wEa{iuc, ci.!u (5), Hr'Itun (16), Pr.jEcr (5.rD, Rotbav,vadu
Ro$ (45), A.rF$ d. Jos(40,!). Aqig (23),Bradu(5,57),Tum Ro|u {l)
R- /iola.lard Frics:t{itnaFPrcjnet (17),V- v .ptp$ildl'dgb: S6!5in otr (9,23).vrabia (33). R_
t p.rsicifolta Schr&: vt bia (33), Prcjn€r-Hnrtnan(17), K- z rraDosa Vi$€a de .,os(J0)
v zoai.he la potustrkL. var @l.ata: Aatig .66,57,

LEMNETEA deBoloset Maschs 1955
LEMNETALIAd. Bolo6ct Mrsl,I5 1955
Lmdion nirod. d. Bolos.t MasclaBl95J
I L.tuettn nitutis O&tL exT. Mtdlcr.t Cors1960
Mida.dt, Sturinbr\ Sr iotr-LuncnR..i, SErtu.Ghcoryhetuini OmEni$ va(hl-Ro|u
SercaiaFadrar, Ucla d. Jor vi$ca dc Jdt, Ajpaul de los, C.a4a.Porumbaculd. Ios.
Arng; Bradu.RacovitaPodu{L Tum-Ro$ (l)
2.Lenreten trifllc@ Kt'appcl Stofrcrs1962
Sendon-Lunca, Ormcnir,Rotbav(l)
3-Lenno-Sptudeletunprrihiza. K@\ 1954
Urriculrrior wlglti! Pa$,rg. 1964
4.I2mo- tittidiarietun wrSdnirSoo(192E)194?
Srntinbru(9), Augusdn,Rolbav,HoShiz,Comrl|Ade Jos(43.,14). Miclow.ra.TumnRotu
(D.A$ant d. Jos{39)
- lennetofln histlcaeK$pe l%3) Soo1964
Augusrin, Con nadeJos,Tlmu-Roru(l)
Eydrocbrrition Rub€l1933
t HldrKhatitetun Mrvs- @@ var l$SendoDck1935
AugBin (l), Apola.Mr.rut, Rotoi! (43,44,l)
6. &tuno@tutndloizls Nowinski 1930
Apala Miemt. Rotiav (43.44)
- elvi,iosM natutisa^t\ 1972
1 Cetdtophllleto-,tua.haitetun1.Pop1962
A.rid, Arl-Muq Aug!-ttin (l)
8. Ceruta1h tett t denefiHi'td, t956
Sention-Lunca,Arini. Senbao de Jos.Arii& Brndu,Seb€9Oll(l)
POTAMETEA R. Tx. el Prcising1942
Rrnuft ulion fluviatili! Ncduusl 1959
9.Rmrnculatich.phllli-Callifichettm @phocotp@(Soo l95E
Reci,Mandr3Fa8t"5. Arpalul de Jc, Mcoula, Turnu'Rotu (l)
Potrdlon p€ctiriti (Koch 1926)Gols l9tt
10.Ha .nietun pallsris'fx. 1937
Rotbav(43,44),Oltet (38)
ll. Potdtutun tucenlisH\eck l93l
Auglitin (42). Apal4 Om€ni$, Comalade Jos(:13,44)
12.Mrtiophylh- P.bnetunl!.ertr Soo 1934
Sintimb.u(9), Aita-Marc,\4andra(D
13. PolMetun aadosi(Soo1960)Segal1964
Augusli4 A\rig (1)
14.Eb.leetun .dadensiF Egdet 1933

15.Potahelsft .tnpi Soo 1927

Bind, Reci(!)
16.P.tdmetun pt/ssili Soo 1921
L{andra(!), Arpa$d de Jos(39)
Nroohreior rlba€ Oberd.1957
I;. irnphreetun atbo-tte@No$1*i \ela
- t rsphdeetoflh Kap?nt 1963
M'cloloan142).Augunit (42.{1.44,)
- nryttetosttu 3n 1951
Arini (D
-va khetietasutuBona l 3La.
Tuenad-Ba1 (3,i 5)
PEBAGMITETBA R Tx. etPreisitrg1942
PbrrgDition Koch 1926
18. Phrusnitetun arrt4lis Soo 1927€m. Sctunalel9l9
*ndnbru. Seisilnion (9). Vrabia(33),Midin5 R€ci (l). Prejme'.Hlrman (46.1),Ormedi9'
Vadu-Ro$, Feldioam (42,1).\4$eadelos(r0) F{giras' M'atdra Salnbdtade tos. Arpa$l
de.los,C64a-Porrlnbac deJos,Sco.ei, Rnmvila AlnC Bndu, Tmu-Rotu (l)
- bblboschoe netae n I.]l]nzq 196l
DepresioneaCiuc (29)
19- thoeaopbctetun ladstrk Cho\ard 1924
Apap. Onnenis,CuciulaL (42,43.44),Aita-lllatE 0)
- iidosun pserdacoi l'Jl.a'!u1972
- glyceiastn nsinae UIeJ't 1972
APaF ()
)u Twhzeruh
' onpus4ahaePi'graruD4\
Mrdrns i). bepr Ciuc r:cr Re.i tl), Vadu'Ro$ O.oflr+ Feldroar'(42r' AuSusrit
Rolba!. Sembahde Jos,AEig (l)
2l Ttpha,tun
' ldnlohaPC I'a,]Dle1j
Ntld,ua!(o. ) Sinumb;. Sensrnjonrar' TuJnaduiNou {15' Recr'dD_ Mare Arini (l
Apala,Rotbau(a3). Sembabde Jos.ArF ul de Jos.Scorci Ari& Raco;la TDmu'Ro (l)
22. Ttphd.tum lcnohhi (Jbrizsy 196l) Nedelcnl%8
The Upp4 andJtddt€ AhRrrq Bastn
23. Clwrietun narin@ tujfck l93l
Mrdalal, Itacu (6), Senombru.S6$rmior (9), vnbia (33),Tutnadul Nou{15). Maelur (15),
Onneni$ Augustia Feldioan (42,1),Apala Rolbay. Vadu-Ro9u(11,4.1),Comanade jos
(43,1),Fegd'"! (l), Beclean.Sercaia(40), I!,tindra, Oltet ArpaJul de Jos. Arng (.r0,1)-
Raco\ih. Tumu-Ro9u(l)
24. Eqriset?th |l@iarlnSt ffen l93l
MAdana{,Ra.u, Auin ili (6), Sancriiui (i), VBbia, TurBd-Sa1(33), Apa1a.Rotbav
(a3,14). ComaradeJos(43,41,1), BealealrOltel(40)
Glyceno- Spargeim Br-B1 et Sissingh 1942
25. Gly.e.ielrtu pi.atae Kulc4rski 1928
Midnn$, &cu (6), A!n8 ( )
- cabbmtrtosan Soo 1951
26 Gllcenetun Jldtanh EgCJq1933
comau de Jos(44). B@lel4 Dridif (10), Arpasrl de J6 (40.1).Aws. Raovila (!)
27. Lee6ietun o/rzotdir KEU& in R. Tx. 1955cn. Passarge1957
A!ti8, RacoviF (40)
24. lercnlcettn beccabugoePhilippi 1973
Bllln (l)
OENANTIIETALIA AQUATICAE Hejny h Kop€ckyet Hejly 1965
Oerinrbion aqutti.& t{ejny d N€ulBurl 1959
29. SaEitttjo SparEanetun k.'fx. 1953
Ami. MjcloFara, AwiS (l)
10 Alisnato Eleocharn l0 M Kovacset lvtadte1967
Augxsliq Mand.a(l)
31. ELochanetunpahttns Ubrizsy1948
I,HdnEr, Racu(6), B,|a Rsi (l), Omeni!, ApaF (al.aa). Auguldn, Feldioara(42,!),
Fagtu"t, Mend,a,SAnbelade Jos,PoruDbaorldc Jos,Awig. Raco\ila (l)
32. Oeharthd - Rorippetunanphibi@lnhreyet \95t)
Omedi Foldioa.? (42).PoMbacul deJos(40,l),Avns,Racovita (!)
Mrgro.lricion c.latlc Koch 1926
Qricenionrostrarae €al.-Tul. 1963)Oberdetrl 1967
31. Calmayostetun .dnerterts Simon1960
D€pr.Ciuc (6,29),sandmbnr Sa$imioD(9), Miercurea-Ouc(8), Tusnadul Nou (15), VFbia
34. Caricetum oppropjhqudta.Kocli r926)fx. t947
Depr. citrc (29), S6ntinbru(e). vnbia (33)
15. Cticettn ms|at@ Rttxt 1912
Biid, M6dinr (l), Rac! (6), Depr Ciuc(29), Vribia (33).Ifiman (16).Rotbav,Vadu-Ro$
Fngd.a$(l), Becled (40), vi$ea dc ]o!, tu!6$l de Ios (40,1),s6nbela dc los. Ponnbacul

36. Cladi.ttn narisci Zobisr 7935

37. Conarc- n /6,o.a?a. Bal -Tul.etHubl1985
^Jpann de Jos(a0)
38. Cadetth b,rbaunii Istlq 1932
D€pr. Ciuc (6), Arpa$lde Jos(40)
39. Ctici MentanthetunSoo(193E)1955
Racu(6), B€clean.Vi$ea de los, Arpasu.ldc Jos(40)
4Q. Caricetun ditudne Jonatl932em Ol]Etd.1957
Racu(5),Depr.Citrc(29),TurDadul Nou(15),Vmbi4 Sarsimon(13)
Cariceniongracilis (Neunausl1959)Oberd.€t al. 196?
41. Can@tungrdcilis Almryisi1929
Madrra!, R-acu(6), S.ancdieni,Reci(1),Tu$ud-Sar,Vrabia(13).Apalr. Rolbav.Vadu-Ro9u
(43.44).veneliadeJos(43.44,l), MIen4 (45,1),Orm€ni9(l). B€clen[Oxel(40).Mrndrd.
Arpa'ur de Jos(41,!), AEig, Tuftu-Rotu {l)
- cticetow riptuia. lJlaru 1912
Orlnenii (l)
Ttntle. Rd :;,st Ecol.R.s t1999),l,13- J0
42. Carietu,t wsicdi@ Cho$ati)1924
|,Lddr6r. R.o (6,8), Dcpr Ciuc (29). vnlia (33),TuFrdul Nou (15.33),Bcclcaa Oltel
43. Phalndclun an'.lntaea. Libb€n l93l
Racll(6). sendnbnl. Sin$Eion (9), vnbir. T|l5[ad (33). Sa ion-Luc! (!), Dcpr. ciuc (29).
Ormcoi; Rotbav.Vadu-Ro$ (a2).Fcldioan - Secaia (41.15),Vcn4ia d. Joc(40), $€r.aE.
Flglrds (!)
44. Ctietum .rsti.hoe St fren l91l
D.Dr .Ciuc(6.29).Santimtn (9). Mic.cuiE|-Ciuc(E),Tu$ad-Sal (31), Rotbav.Pirau
Vcn€liade Jos(11.11,.15)
45. Catiettnt tulotn@ Soo 1927
Racu(6), D€pr CiDc09). vnbia (33),Rotbav({5), vadu-Rofl. Fasr'a$(!). v€8qia dc Jos.
Bcclc{n, Mindra Oll.t d. Jos(40)
46. Cdtietln aalilornjs EggLt l93l
Stupinj,Hama!. Prcjmer(.16)
17. Caricetun hpario. 56 1928
Mtdrrrs, R cu. A\rencni (6), Sandnbru(9), Mi6cu'.a4iuc (E), VmDta T!9nad'Sa!
TuSnadulNou (ll), Arini, Omed9. Auguiia Fngln{ (l), Bcclsn (40)
4a. hjd.tun pseu,lacoriEgf,l.r l93J
49. CatanogrcstetunpsetdophrughitisB.ldi. 1967,Kopc*y l96a
Arpa{urdc Jos(!)
CARICETAUA MCRAE Koch 1926em.B..-BL 1949
CdldrglottldloD Dcgk rr. T€og$"r 1920
50. Cal'nogrcstetutu n.Ele.t@ Te g"zl l92O
Micrcuca-Ciuc (8)
C.ricior lirra. Koch 1926dr Klika 1934
5L Ctietn ,A/@ Bla n I9l5
Mldar4, R4u (6), D€pr Ciuc (29),S,irtinbru Selsimiotr(9). Mierqfts.Ciuc (E). vabir.
Tu$ad-Sa! Tutiadtd.Nou (33),Bcclea{ ltlrndra, Dridif (40), \4$ea dc Jos, de Jos
Ci4a. Porunba€lllde Jos(l)
- calM.glostetofln n glectaeColdeaL9al
TurnadulNou {15)
- Eslehetosn tligi6@ Kovacscr CerSe! l9?9
Tqs.adul Nou (r5)
- @rieto$.n mst dt@ Kovacsct G.ryely 1979
TuE.dul Nou (15)
,2. Coici st.ll/ldt@ Sphag"ctun(Ba],2s 1942)5.6 1955
vi$ca d€Jos Olt t (40),Arpalt d€Jos(40,1)
Cxtion drvdlirrE Klila 193.1
53. CdettM ddalliard Dtt/Ji. 1924
Dcpr. Ciuc (29),Milr.wa-Ciuc (8), Tustrdd Nou (15), Hama! (16,45), Pr jmr, Stupiri
- nalinietostn coeruledeMo'ari,\ 1961lC{l(li. l9n
senribn (9), Hfinan (1E,35)
- esl.netotun lratara Ko1?c5.l Grycly I9?9
Tu$adul Nou (ls)
54. Sesl.n.tun !l8,roJz? (Palmgren1916)Soo l9,ll
Tufladd Nou ( l5). Rcjm.r ( 1?)
55 Eiaphorctun ongustfarr? Momriu 196.1
Bala' (l). Hrrman(16)
56 El@chdtit tttu qtinqueloru Ltdi l92l
Dndf. Arpa$n d€ Jo6(4n)
57 biophot.ttn Iatihlii 36 1944
M6d,m|'Raar (6).Vi$cr dc Jos.S'anbrladc Jos(4o),Arpa$ildc los.ArriS(l)
5a Concetun panice@Sabui)ira t957
Bcclcan.Olrel Dridd. Sanblla de ros, ADa$ deJos(40)
The Uppetddilidtlle OIt Riret Bann
59 Orchi.lo-
- ameietosufl bdt etsis Motair 1964
PEjmcr(a5).ltNrn n(16,46.1)
El.ocirrition .ckuh.b Pi€t .h 1967
e. Ranufturofunntl@ G,aboletun ofrctralisBaftidi aluhe l9E5
Smr.i (,10).Raclvila. Tumu-Rogu(D
ISOETO - N NOJUNCETEA Br.-El. erR Tx. cx Wcsthotfel ai. 1946
N$ocypedo! lhv.rcedir Koch ex Littlcn 1932
6t. Cyp.rtttn J1@.sentit K@h ex Aichhtcr 1933
ce4ar.Serlb, Scorei,Avrig (l)
62. Jun.etun bufonit Fclloldy 1942
SSlnbltad! ,os (40), Uc.a d. Jor Awig (l)
63. El.ochait ttn cMiolic@ S.rbrrc$ 1953
Ca4i|oora,Arparrl d. Jos(40)
PTTCCINELLIETALIAS@ 1947om. Vicb.Ek 1973
h..i.cuion fimosr. (Soo1933)Klika ct Vloch 1937
64. Plontaeinctun ntitin@ RaIptu* 1927
Pucci!.Uion pcllonir (Wcndelbg.1943)Soo l9J?
65."ellictttu distantis36 1937
SAda, Aldg (40)
S.otu!.ro - Jrrcion g.ardi (weodelbg.1943)viche.€& l9?l
66. Jun@tun e.tud (1$affii,^g1906)NodL 1923
l'.ftndr4 Sa"ir". AtriC (40)
67. Cti@tun d8rarrn RaFics 192?
Scrcaia (25),Sarlla(!)
Molinlod co€rule|. Koch 1926
68. Molint.tun .o.tut.oe (Atlorsc 1922)Koch 1926
S, inbru - Senrimion(9)
- sch@n.tofln fmgiter BaJ.-Tul.d Hubl l9E5
S3ntiftbru - SSnsinion(9). Sanumbrll(l l)
-.uietosm hostida. K&h 1926
SeDtimbn- Siruiniotr (9)
- didtoM @tL,t a tl. lgEE
Srnlinbru - Seffimim (9)
- gali.tNn bonali Scml'er 1955
Sertimbru- Srnstufon (9)
- brizetaen n.diae Geryely4 al. lgaA
Srntinbru - Srnsimioo(9)
69. Jtn@ " Molintettn .oezle@ Prcissirgin R Tx ct Pr€hsingex Klapp 1954 Ciuc (6), PrEjmcr,S$pini (46),H&man (46.1),DeprFigtra! (10), C&14 Arp6rul de
Jos,Sc!.rolr (l)
- nqd.tow tthcta. (lonat 1933)Kova.s 1956
ViS.a dc Jos,Oltcl (40),Ci4a (40.!), ArF$l d. Jor (!)
- ra@issn sr.l/,|/r (*ftdnlscu 1960)San&.r Pop.scuI99t
&!egd d. Ios (D
70. Molinio-Salic.tun tusnarinilolioe Ma$/ar.x Soo l93l
Cdthion R Tx. 1937cn Bal.-Tul. 19?8

71. kirpetw ,^batrci F'3l,ski1931

B6lan(l), N{derdt (5.1),Re.i (l), Beclca4 \,itrca de Jos,Sc.rei (40)
Trdlylv Re Stst Ecol Res t1999).L 13 - 30 27
72. Calhaetu^ l@he V. K',jiil6 1933
- e ophotufln dgstilolia. R6wril' 1969
73. Halc.ttn londti lsslct 1936cm Passarg.1964
B.clcan,Oltrl (.10).PorumbacddeJos.AvriS (40,D,Racovilr, PodulOll Tumu-Ro$ (D
- trihltotun dtbi' icibet6.l! 1964
Bccle3n,ArF Urdc Jor. S€orci,Aris (40)
Filp€rdulcnion 0,onm€r.. h Ob.rd er al. 196, Bd.-Tul. 198
14. Ftlipadtlo Geruniet|n palusiis Kcfl 1926
Dcpr.ciuc(6.2e).It ldar4 (l)
15. Citsio ti'tlan- Fltpentuletun ulmtj@ C!'gcly .t al. \9aA
- P@tofln pallsfis ctc4dy .t al. l98a
76. Cari..tun 6l.l,ii 1964,Ko!.cky d Hejtry 1965
8€.lean (40)
n. Agtostenlh cdrna. H?trA.1942
Dcpr.Ciuc(6.29),Vcn [a Scrcaiavi$ca dc ,os, Ol1el(40), Uccade Jos(l). Arpafl! d. Jos,
S&"ta. Ca4ipara Ci4a, S€or€r,Porumbaclrldc Jos,Awis, R coviF (a0)
1E. Agmst ttn stolonilere Uj\alvi l l
B,ter, Serdominiq Madrrrt Mieiq'ta-Ciuc. Srtrcrii€tri, Bixr4 Sfftrtu-Gh.or8h.,Il.cci,
Sandon-Luci, CNchii, Bo4 Arei, AJini (!).Rotbax Mltcrus.Apap (45,l), Aita-Mar.,
Onrcdr Auguri4 R cot, Hothjz,
Cuciulat8.Coinanad. Jos(l), Mindra (40.1).Fl8{rai, voila.
Slnbdta de Jos,vig.a d. Jo6.Uce3dc Jos, Arpan! dc Jos.Ce44 Colur(!),
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a2 Ronuculo stngtlo& - Equieletun patun is Gh"Pop6.1l l9t5
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Awig, Podu-Oh.S€b€S-Oll, Tumu-Ro9u
Srlicior trirrdrre Th. Mullcr el Cors 195E
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Bllaa M.Ida!"5,Reci,FAgAra!,Sncndate, Awis (l)
- szliceroen lidihots Soo 1958
Mldnrai FASnnr,Sacddale, Airie. Senet{lt (D
- ruboen caesiiPvw\ 196l
SAcAdate, Sebe$Olt(l)
lO2. Sapondo Sali.etun plryte@ lbr.-Bl.l9l0) Tschou1946
Mnd.dras, Sa rotr-Lunci, Miercurea-Ciuc,Sfiintu-Ghcorghel,Iiclotoara Feldioar4 Cortrna
deJos,Fi.gara$S6nbn1adeJos.Arp65!l de Jos.Scdei. PonmbacLnde Jos,A\rig (l)
ALNEIEA GLUTINOSAE Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Westhoffetal. 1946
Slliciotr cinenre Th. Muller et GsIs 19J8
103.Solicetun cirereae Zolro'n,i 1931
Depr.Ciuc (29),Mcrcltren-Ouc, (8).Iadtrdi SercrAicniBod, Conaru d€ Jos.Arpa$ de
QUERCO- rAGf,Tf,A Br.-Bl. .t \4ieg!r in vliegcr 1937
FAGETAI,IA Pa*lo*ski in Pa*towski et al. 1928
AJ.ion irurrre Pawlowskiin Pawlowskie1al. t 928
Alneniondutinoso- incanaeOberd.1953
Ttd"sylv. Rer SystEcot R.s (1999),1, t3 - 30 29
lO1.Alnettn inc@a. Ltrdt l92l
r05. SteUdo nenatuh' - lltnetuh Sluti"os@Lal].m.\'ert951
Tumu-Rosu (!)


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*Ana Rasiga,*LauraMomeu,+ *'r $tehn Peterfi,i*Andr6s Kozrna
lrsntuE of Eiolosi@t Reearch, ft. Repblicii 4a,RO 3400Cluj-Nap6a: " Dap@teMrt olBiolog/,
Plnt Biolog/ Chq., 'Bab.t-Bolyof Uhivtsiry., St.R.publicii 1214, RO 3aA0Cluj-itapoco.

Lucr,tla prezi n compoziliafloristici s comunh4ilo. algalcdir cnsul superior5i Eijlociu al
radui Ol( canct.rizar printr-o divcrsiar. d8al, mar!, corltindlt dir 426 de l,aloni rp64ir5nd la $p.e
divizii: Cyanophfa, Chr_vsophFr.Bacillariophlra. Ct[oroph]ra, Dinopbla, tuglcnoplrya $
Diaromele domintr ln cadnt comuniddlor. Nu a! fost tisit€ diferenle mr.rcanteillre
compoziliiles?elifice ale comunigllc algaleplanclonic€ti ccl. b.ntonicc. Eleme cle domimnte sunt
formele co6mopolitesau ubicvitc, sau cele carc prEfcril apc cu conccnt4ii n ti sau modcralEalc
sub$a4elormoryanice.Ulclc ditnr! accrteaindicau[ otv€l ditic s.u chiat dai $rft d€ saptobiate.
Compozilia conuliralilor il|!sqz, .xineoF cuhrfizlrii $i 3 pol|drit, chiar ti ln caa!
cuFului suFnor at .euhi, cu Etrdi4c cBcindc s}r. arEl. Mult. dinft spcciileml€clalc nu au fon
palAin prc7rntide ificar. itr Romtui4 alt l! firnd rarEin Uolaaclslei $|ri.

alg|n Olt River humanimpact.

carriedouton theolt Riverarelessoumerous. The
firsrones,aspartofan intemational
collabotationofa complexlimnological
the Danube,concemedthe lower cou6e of the Olt and its confluencewith fte
Danube(Bu$nit;,Brezrsnu& Prunescu-Arior! 196l; Popescu-Marinescuet al.,
1980)lmponantqualitativeandquantitativephytoplrnldondatawerealso published
by Popescu-Marinescu & Elian-Taltu(1980)andPrunescu-Arion (1980)conceming
themiddlecourseofthe Olt River.
Other watercourdesof Transylvaniarecently investigatedfor rheir algal
diversityond humanimp.ct are the Som.tu Mic (Rasigs,Pdterfi & Momcu, 1992;
Rasiga,Momeu& P6terfi,1995/96;Rasiga,P&erfi & Moneu, 1996),SomcsulMare
(Rasiga,Pdterfi& Momar, in press),Somcgul(Rasiga,Momeu& P€terfi, in press)
andCritul Repedetuvers(Mome!, Rasiga& Pdterfi,in press).


Thc upperand middlc coursesofthe Olt Rivgr w€re sampledduring October
i998 Thc plankonsamples werecollcctedvrith planlconnet No 25 by
about20 I of water-ThEbeothos (epilithic,epipelicand epipsammic
was sampledusing scrgping,suction and detachingmethods.The epiphltic
community wassrudiedin a standlocatedbetween Awig andBoila,nearthe village
Raco\4a (Qll/12.seeTabl. l).
Thesamples werefixedin the field with 4% lormaldehydeand investigated
rvithNpFkandInterfako Zeiss,Jena)opticsimicroscopes.
32 T'.e L:pper@d.\ltdCleOI R^ er Ban,


In theupperandmiddlecourseofrhe Olt Rivertherehavebeenidentified 426
taxa, belongingto the following di,visions Cylanophyta- 3a, Ch.)"sophyta- 5.
Bacilla ophyra - 275, Chlorophyta - Chlorophyceae- 62, Chlorophyta
Confugatopttceae- 10, Dinophyrq- 5. Euglenop]ryta- 30 6nd Modoplrta -l
(Trbb I andFig. l).
The communiliesare dominatedby diatomsin all the investigaledstands.
exceptingthe plankon at tle uppermostpan of the dam reservoir,upnreamAvrig
(Q106), wheretheyare almostequalin number(57 taxa)w h thc othergroups
rogethe.(49 taxs). As a matterof facl' the dominance of diatomsseemsto be
characteristicfor the Ok, not only in its uppar and middle course,a fact already
menlioned by Popescu-Marinescu & Elian-T5llu(1980).nd Prunescu-Arion (1980),
butalsoin lheIowestone(Popescx-Marinescu et al.,1980).
Th€tots.lnumberofalgae id€nlifiedin the planktonwasJ47. varyingbetwe€n
74 and 154 accordingto samplingsites(Trble 1). The communities from the
uppermostpar!ofthe reservoir(Q l0/3) andclos€to the dam(Ql0/r) exhibit llSher
div€rsi1y thanrhoseof ils channel (Q l0/l). Th€greatesl speciesnumb€r(152-154)
wasidentifiadin the lasttwo sanplingsitcs,namalyin thos€locateddownstreamits
confluence with theCibinRiver(Q 12andQ l3). [n bentbiccornrnunities thenumber
of taxavadesb.tween44 and 191,showinga totalof333 The lowestnumberof
.lgaevrasobserved a! Sandominic (Q f), thehighestnearRacovita (Q lul2), where
the numberof8rcen algaewasmaximurn(55) too.
Bdcilariophfra. The compositionof diatom comnunities, borh planhonic
and benthic, rppearsqualitativelyand quantitativelyrather uniform in all studied
standsTheyexhibita relativelyhighspecies diversity- Thenumberof species living
in theplanllonis almost€qualwith thoseoccurring in benthichabitats(235and239,
respectively). ll9 3p€cies werecommonfor bothfloatingandbenthiccommunities
(72,4yo),while 76 vrerefottndonly in planlilon(38 taxa)or in benthos(38 taxa).Most
of thesediffcrcntialspeciesare solitary,occurringin l-2 samplingsites;mosl
probablyhavebeenwashedi o the Olt. Accordingto theirecologicalpreferences
they are characteristicfor mountainhabitat types. One should note the relative
scarcityof the charactcristicplankon diatons. The potamoplankton of the Olt River
is far lessdevelopcd in the investigated
sectorslhanits benthicdiatomcommunities
Theinfluenccof the Eibutariesin lhe upper,montanepart ofthe Olt River wasquite
€vident,claarly refl€ctedin tlrc compositionof the communitiesin which appeared
variouselcmantswhich belongto differentterrestrialor aquatichabitatt)?es of ahe
surounding areas(Achnantttesbiorelii, A. laevis, A. nodosq A. subotomoides,
Cqlotvissclrummaniand, Cwbella aqera, C, cesalii,C. cynbiJornis,C.Jalaisensis,
C. nesiana,Dialoma anceps,Diploneisoblongella,Eunotiadiodon,E. flexuom, E.
Jomica, E. hexaglphis, E. wrscicola v. bidentula,Frogilaria bicapitata,Fruslulia
rhonboideq Gonphonenagacile, Navicltla contenta,N- gallica v perltsilla, N.
hn tberyii, N. laevissina, N. indiflercrrs,N. reintturdtii, N. lenelloides,Nit2schia
hanaschiaw,Pintularia qpendiculata,P. lqta, P. stoma,ophoraac\.
The communiti€s consistof spccicswhich occured constantlyor almost
constaidy in lhe investigaledsamplinSsites.Most of them are kno*n as highly
tolerant (eur,,topic) 6nd cosmopolitanUchtu thes hneeolata, A, mitutissina,
Amphorarybica,A. pedi.\lxs, Cocconeispedicrhs, C. placentula, C. afrni' C.
minuta,C. silesiaca,D. wlgare, Frugilaria captcittq, Gomphonema oliwceum, G.
pqrwhm, Gyrosigmaacuminatum, Melosira wr ians,Nce'icula ctwtocephalq,
Tmslv. Rev.Sys,Ecol. Res A999), 1, 3t - 48 ll

Fig. r. Cantibrtion ofthe ndin algal gotps to specijc conponti@ alptMktoh cannuities
in lhe Olt Rire,

Euddolhyo c]ooptyt!6ry$phr1r

FIE 2. Contributionofthe ,rloindgal grcsps to specilicconpontid af benthtc.oMniti.s i,

N. lanceolata,NiEschia linearis,N. anphibia). otherc are characteristicfor waters

wilh high or moderatemineral content (brackish or saline waterg: Ca,lareir
amphisbaetq C. silicula, Diatoma noniliformis, Cwatopleura solea, Cynbella
cistula,C. helvetica,Clrosigma scalproides,Navicula capitdta,N. capitatoradiatd,
N pupula, N. tripxnctata, N. trivialis, Nitzschia co strickt, N. dissipab, N.
h ngalica, N- signoideo, N. unbonata Sunrclla brcb$tont, S. lineans, j. ovahs,
Rhoicoqhaeniaabbreyiata\.Someof the allreadymenlionedspeciesand several
otherstolerateor grow ralher\ryellin waterswith m.ssiveorganicloading(a1critical
saprobitylevel or even higher): N.wiclia &hmirrusa/lct,N. venekt,N. t)iridula,
J4 TheU?per@d ltitldl. Oh River Bdn

Niuschia inconspiam,N. paka, N paleacee,or in eutrophicvtaters(Aulacosei/a

granulala, A. arnbigua, CFlotella meneghiniana,Crnbe a tunidula, Nilzschia
t)ermiaiaris, Sufirclla angusla,S.ninu@,S.splendida\
By the contrary,the oumberof catarobicspecieswss very low (CWbe a
ttovi.llilomis, [)iatoma mesodon,Fragilaria arcus, Gonphonemaangtslum. G-
clavatum,Meridioncircltlqre, Navi.ulacrrploletv a).
Thecompoitionof diatomcommunilies clearlyshowsthat the Olt fuver in
theses€ctorsis massivelyeutrophicandpolluled.Thescphenomena are lessm.rked
in thc firn sectorof the uppercourse(Sendoninic- Q l), wherethe numberof
benthicdi.toms was the lowest,and the communityconsisr€dof 44 widely
distributedaid cl€anwaterformsandvery few eutrophicandpolluredwaterones.In
the next do$nslreamstand(Q 2 - Sancrtieni)therewas an evidentchangein
community composition (up to 106tdxa),indicating the st.n of eutrophicarionlt is
very interesting to follow dounstrcam, stardby stand,the floristicenrichm€nl of
diaroncommunities ("in jurnps'),cspeciallyat the levelof benthicones.The next
sectorin whichthe sameteldencywasveryevidcntis situaledberween standsQ 4
andQ 5 (upstreamanddownstreamSf Ghaarghe).Most ofrhe speciesaddedto the
origina!florain thissection, from€cological pointofview showidenticalpreferences
(prefcrentislly€utrophic conditions.with high mineral content):Amphoru ovalis,
Cyclolellaalomus,Cyclosteplanos dubius,Cwbella caespitoslr,G)rcngna pafieri.
G- spencerii, Naia/la erifuga, N. halophila, N. r.henisculus,N. pygirnaeq N.
slesvicensis, Nitzschiaacicularis,N. angustatula,N calida, N. &tbia, N. ntermedia,
N. litwalis, N. signa, N. simmtav. tabellaria,N. thernaloides
In thc s€ctorsituatedbetwcenQ 5 and Q I (downsteamSf Gheorgheand
upstreamFlgerat) on onehand,andbetwecnQ t andQ 9 (upstreamanddownstream
Faglral)on the other,couldalsobe daeqed a diversification of communities of
bentbcdiatomsby the appearance of otherforns oflhe sameecological categories
(Aulacoseiruilalica, Cycloneplranotinrisitalus, Naviaia schroeterii, Nitzsche
clasil N.flifomis, N. geitlerii, N. IorcrEiar@,N. narro,N. parwla, Stephanodiscts
I! shouldbe mentioncd that the quditativeand quantitative composition of
diatoficommunities ofthe damreservoL upstream Avrig did not diflerfromthoseof
the river.
Othcr rlt.l grouF. Accordingto our findingsthe next and more imponant
groups are the green algae (Chlorophla) with 73 and the euglenoidflag€llates
(Euglenophyta) with 30 species.The speciesbelongingto the other groupslike
chrysophytes anddinophltesarequitefew (5).Thefloatingcommunities ss a whole,
exhibitsa higherbiodiversity (l 18!axa)comparatively with lhebenthos consistingof
As conccmingthe diversity of diffcrent stands,the highestrvasdetectedin
benthosof Q 1l- Q f2 (55 species). The otherhigh valuesampl.swcreplonkon
sampfes (Q.10/3- 49 iaxa,Q l0l2 andQ ll - 42 tax4 andQ l3). ln everygroup,
besides the commonspecies occurringin bothplanktonandbenthos, lhereare also
q?ical plankton tbrrns (euplankton)aod typical b.nthic forms. The identified
dinophytea areall planktonforms.
Colnmonblue.greelrsfor both communityt]|I€s werc Anabaera solitaria,
Aphanothecechlatrala, Oscilktoria qnoetta, O. linosa afid Spinlint najor
Planktonic cyanophltes are Chroococcuslinneticus, Gotnphosphaeriaaponiru'
Microcysis aerugittosa, Oscillatoria laa.stris etc.; benthic forms arc Ltngbya
Tnnsyh.Rq. SrstEcol.Res.0999),1,31- 48
hptzihgiL Me/isthopediaeleg@ts,
Oscilhloria sancta,O. sinplicissina, Phorrnidium

The same thing is true for the other Sroupstoo (see Trble 1), except
dinophytes,afl floatin8forms.Tlrc orly rcd alga(Rhodocholtor)is benthic.
The oppercourseof the Olt is characterised by a few rheophil, xeno- alld
oligosaprobicspecies,which u$rally inhabit clear and cool, montan€ waters:
H).dtutasloetidus, Oscillatolia terebrifomis, O. siplicissina, Ulothrix tendssina
and(1.zonatawhich aralackingin the middlecourse.Themiddlecourseofthe river
is characterised by the occunenceof manyeutrophic,0-mesosaprobic, or evenP-d -
mesosaprobic apecies(Oscilhtoris linosa, HoJtnanialaltterbomii, Monoraphidium
contortum,Trachalomorms arnata etc.). Of course,the dominantsare indifferent,
cosmopolitan speciesdistributedin a wide range of habitat conditions,like
Gonphosphaeriaaponinq,Spirulfua majo| Eudoriu elegans,Pandoina motum,
Ceratfunhintndinella,Peridinitm cinchnl, liachelouonas wlvocina etc.
The influence of humanactivity can be traced in both upper ard middle
courseof the OIt River basedon algal comhunity structure.Sometifiesthe water
reachedP-o -, (r - or evenpolysaprobiclevels, which is clearly indicatedby the
presenceof Oscillalolia chabfutea,Chlanydonotus rcinhardlii, Monoraphidi n
grifrthii, E glehatexta,E. t iidis, Iapocinclisowm d.c.
It is worth mentioningthat almostall the identified green algae (55 taxa)
occur in lh€ dam r$ervoir (49 species).Many of them are washedinto the river,
logetherwith somefonns belongingto othergroups,andthereforeareoften found in
downstream communities-Most ofthese algaeare meso-eutrophic planktonelements
(BoDococcusbruunit Carteria abiscoensis,C. globosa,C. httltiflis, C. wlgaris,
Chlenydomorasreinhardlii, C. pa,tsira, Coenoeoccus planctonicxs,Coen&hloris
pyenoidosa, Crucigenia apianlala, C, tetrapeda, Diclyosphaeritn pulchellum,
Eudotinaelega s, Ho/htaniolalrterborhii,Monoraphidiumirregularis,Nephrosel is
angulatr, Pandorins otu , P. boryanun,P. duplex,Scenedesmus acmitutluq 3.
ac W S. opoliensis, S. E adicauda, .S. .tpirosrq Closrerhm limnelicm,
Staufqslut Wrallomm, S. letracerumetc (Chloroplryta):Ceralium hirundinella,
Peridiniuma.iculiferxm, P. cinctum(Dinoplrtta);Lepocinclisowm, Trachelomonas
lacustris, T. oblongd, T. wnltcosa, Sffombornokascaudata, S. gibberosa, S.
verrucosa(Euglenophlta).The highestspeciesnumbersofthe Olt do*nstreamthe
damreservoir(Q I I, Q 12 andQ 13) aredueto thes€species.
Many ofth€ iderfified algaein the upp€rsnd middle courseofthe Olt River
have not yet been recorded in Romania; Aulacoseira m zzanensisMdsler)
Krzmmer,Melosira lineala (Dill&y.) ASardh,Cyclotellairis Br,rn et Heibard, C.
bodanica G nov,/, Nayicula menisats Schumann,,V phyllepla Kuetzing, N.
clemenlioides HnstedqN. pse donivalisBock,N .indiferens Hvst.,Diploneissmithii
v. dilatatu eeftgallo) Ten-e,Gtrosigmdpalkelii (Hafison) Elrnorc,Stephdnodisans
niagaraeEfuqtbe'e, S. neod,itdeaHakanssoq,S.arpin r Hust.,S. in€dlrr l{akarNs.,
Thalassiosifa vi.r,rgff. Hust., Anphota thume^is (A. [,layer) Cleve-Euler,
Gomphonet ra insigne Ctregoty,Rhopalodia rupestris (w. Snith) Krarnmer,
Mastogloia elliptica Thwites,rvavtcr,/abacillaides Husl..(Ba.illariophtta),genous
Modochorton(Modophlta,).There have been identified severalrare specicsiike
Aulacoseiru ambigua, Cyclotella distinguendo,Naviculd laevissima,Diploneis
inleme,a, Ctmbella cesatii, C. dalicatula,Amphora cofeaeformis,A. normqnii,
Nilzschialilloralis, N. btermedia, (hloneis schunanniana,C. pemagd, Navicula
kotsLhyi,Stlruroneiskriegeni, Cynbe q mesiana,Caloneis undulata, Cwbella
prcxino, C. cwbifomis v nonpunctala,Cyclotellaocellala, Nal,iculatenelloides,N.
TheUpptt @dlhddte oh Rn,t Bosn

striolala, N. hantbergii, N. sehroelefii, Nitztchia brerissina (Bacillarioph),ta);

Holmania lauterbornii, Nepboselmis angulata, Monorcphid n bruunii
(Chlorophtta)r Dinobryonsnpitutun (Chrysoplryra) .

The upperand middlccourseof the Olt River are characterised by high
ln bothplankron andbeflhosthedominants arediatons;thereareno marked
between thepla!)konandbenthiccommunities.
As conceminSother algal groupsthere are qualitativedifttrences bet*.een
plankon and benihoscommunities, due to thc occurrcnce of somecharacieristic
species. in thecaseofwaterrescrvoir
Thephltoplankonofthe damreservoirnarkedlyinfiuences the downstream
conmunitystructuresofth€ oh River.
The algal cornmunities consistmostly of cosmopoliran and omniprescnt
forms,aswell as speciesprefeninghigh or moderatemineralcon!en!.Many ofthem
loleratehigh sapmbitylevelstoo. Therearc also presant,of courselers constantly.
rheophil,clearwateror tenestdalforms,which camefrom the surroundingareasor
Communitystruduresindicaterhepresenc€ of eurrophicntion-pollution,
in theuppercourseofthe OIt, but showingincreasingtendencydormstreamsectorc.


L BuJn4,, T., Br.ze€nu.G., ftunclcu-Artotr Elal4 l%l - chidrobiolo8hiceskoeiacenic.€k Jiu i

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Efll. H., Cetioff, J., HcFig. H.. MollcnbE, D. (d!). slrsr*asrltotu tun lhtEleuapa-Ba^d
r0. G. FischcrVed., Jma.
L Golcftac\ M.M.. KosiL*ei.. E.K PolieEkij. V.l 1953- Opred.lil.l pGnovodnih vodoroslei
URSS,t. 2: Sinczefcnievodot6,lii. coed. IZ.A.L Sowtik'id N@ka ,Mo:lx!a.
4. Endak F. (€d.), r9?E- SladkowdneRiasy, Slor. pedrg.Nakald..Bntistava.
5. Kranmcr, K., La!&-Betulot H., 1986, 198& l99ta, l99lb - BacillarioDhycea..I
Navicdacca.. 2 Tcit Baciuanac.a., Epirhenjrc.rc. SuiEUacGa; r Ta GtrFlla3,
Fragilariac€r., Euoljace{c;4 Teil: Acbttarthace., in: Errl, H., cerlotr, J., Hcydg, H.,
Moflcnharer, D. (crls). .t sMtlotu @n Mittel@rcpa, Ba[d 2. C. Fischcr Verl.. Snnrga(

6. Morncu,LaurE Rasi8r, AI,, Pdrerfi,L. $., 1998- Compoziliaflorinicn a comunitrtilor algatcdi,

Ci$Rcpttu. A6ot. U"iv Orcdea,'dpr*s.
7. PoFs.u-Maritl€sc1l.Vir8inj.. Eliar-TeHq Lucclia, l9E0 - Contribulii ta studiul hidrobiotogicaj
rArduiOlt in scclorulFlgtra{ - Awig. Hidrobiol. (Bufl'tr.!l.i), 16,pp: I E5-194.
E PoFrar-Ila'ircsdr VirSinia Elian-Tlla! Lucrctir, Stoicj. A. I^oranu. V. l9E0 - Cercct,|rj
hidrobiologic!asapraDurtii g Oto ui ir zo[, decontlue4d.Hdrcbb|. (Brc.),16, pp:2O3-2t3
9. Prunctqr-tuio4 Elcr)a, 1980- Dat€ hidrDbiologicecu privirc la Defileul Otrrui Clumu Rotu -
GuraLoFului).fl/itrDrrol (Buc.l.16.pp ls5-202.
I0. RasiSa.tua, Mom€u. Laura. Paraf, L.S., 195-1996 - Compozilia ti ld.ucrufa conuiqlilot
a,lgalcdh r6d SomcSulMc. Tr s0!uia, RomAniaCrrrir. tor (CtulNapoca).pp: 3745.
I L RasiE Ar4 Moincu kuq Rh.rf. L.S.. 1998- Contlnzitia i srruc$racomuniq or alCe din
riul Some$. ,{rdl. Urp. Ofdd.4 in
12. R si8a, Ana Paierfi, L.$., Mom€u,laura. 1992 - Stuctum comuriutilor de dialomecdin rad
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13. R 5i8a,Ana,Parerf, L.S., Momeq ku|a, i9% - Componfa ti srructua mmuniullor atg.j€ din
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TtunsN. RevS)st.Eel. Rest;999).I 3l .48 37



38 Olt R'er Bann
me uppe'andMicklLe

' I r I i I j.


d : J
d u st
Tansl'ly. Rev. Syst.Ecol. Res.(1999),1, 3t - 18 39

Th' I Dot @tr 'lttdli ul: R\- etn


Trcnsytl Re Syst.Ecol. Ret ' 10991L 3 | - r8



Th' t Da$ @'l\hddl' Oh RNe' Batn


!s €
sli!13 F



\. lDlqlit- rl.v .:tl lrlis,

4+ The Uppet@.l Yiddte AIRiverBcan

Trdnsltu.R@ Slst E.ol Res(1999)1 31'$
The L'pp.t @d,\hddk AhRNer Basin


+8 The Upperant .\liddle Olr Rtuet B6in
Tt@stN Rer. SlsLEco[ Rrs.(1999),1.19-65 .t9



Rasiga,t*t SlefanPdterfi,t*AndrasKozma
lnrtitute of,S!. Repbli.ii $. RO 3400Cllj-Napaca, " Depamnentof Biologt,
Pla aiolog Chan. "Rabe; Ltnive6ity.,3t.R.publich 42-14,RO 31AACq-Napoca.

Dn'ersilaiearElativ marc a aleElordit| .ad Obin (19? u,\oni) ti din mcle zoneuDcdc dit
bazioul redni Oh (322 de laxoni) sc dator€a"Amri ,ler p.ezcnlei urui Darc rumlt' de dialonee
@acillarioph)la),ca $ prEzeqcir norncroalaalgr r€tzi (Chlorophlra),albaslre-verzi(Cyaroph)te) i
flagelal€ .uSlcnoide (Euglenophlra). Element€I. coctrropolitc dominr in cadrul comodtalilor
dispudnd dc larsi valcnje ccolosic€ (ubicvisL) sau prcf.rand mocenirdtii mdii sau mari alc
rutiedlor. CoDpoziiiaclmuiulilor (platrctonice,b€ntonice)mdicil o euliofizorecvidentl, puDm ii
un ssesela Doluere{organid (t id cfltic de saprobitate).

Kclyordr: algaldiversity,OIt Rivertributarics,wetlands.

Tte algalflo.a ofthe Olt Riverwaspoorlydocumented (Bulnil6,Brezeanu.
Prunescu-Arion, 196l;Popesclr-Marinescu,Elian-TeHu, 1980;Popescu-Marinescu et
al., 1980).Recenlinvestigationscarriedout on the upperandmiddlccourseofthe
riverrevealed (Rasigael al., in
a highdiversityof floatingard benthiccommunities
press).The Olt's tributaries
(includidgthc CibinRiver)andwetlandshavenot yer


Planhonicandbcnthiccommunitiesweresampl€din selectedstands,.s well
as in two supplementary oncsfroman oxbowlakeofthe Olt nearAugustin(T 5/l)
andthe Sarnbltarilulet 7t). TheCibinRiverandthe mentioned wetlandsfiom
rheOh RiverValleywerasanpledduringOctober1998.Theplanktonsamples were
collectedwith No. 25 planktonrct by filtering about20 | ofwater Thebenthosofthe
riverbed(epilithic,epipelic8nd epipsammic communities) was sampl€dby using
adequate methods (scrapinS,suotion,detaching).

A. Altrc from tha CibitrRivarrrd Gurr Riului Dsm Re3ciloir.
TherehavebeenidcntifiedI97 .lgacin th€ CibinRiverBasin;theybe'ongto
the following divi.s;onuC.Jafiophyta- 11, Cbysophfta - 2, Xanthophytq- 3,
B.lcillafiophyla - 138, (:hlorophlla - ChlorophJceae- 21, Chlorophytd
Conjugatophyceae - 1,Euglenoplryta- 2l (seeTtbL l, Fig. l). The highestnumber
of algalspecies(109)occuneddownstreem Mohu (R 8), the lowestin the Gura
Mului damreservoir (13).Thenumberof speciesidentifiedilr otherlocalitiesvaried
b€lween 42 and62 (Trbl. 1).
BacillariophYa.Diatomsexhibitedthe sametendencyof vanationas lhe
wholegioupofalgae(seeabove).Community compositions weresimilarwith those
occ,urring in the OIt Riv€r(Rasiga
sr al in press),90,6%ofthe laxabeingcommon
Md Middie Oh Rivet Bdnn

However,the Cibin River appearedlessuniform and the number of speciesin all

samplingsiteswas much reduced.Most of the occured diatomsare indifferent,or
have wide ecological toleftnce (Achnantheslanceolala, A. minulissina, Cocconeis
placentuta, Clnbella mirutc\ C. silesiaca, C. sitruata. Fragilalia capucirc'
Cahphctnema pqrwlum, Hdnlzschia anphioxrs, Melosira rariatLr, Navicula
ctwtocephalo, N. knceolala). By the conttary, some are frequently found in clean,
mountain waters (Diatota nesod.'n, Fragilaria arcus, F pinndb,

Aig LThe percentasedtsrributianolthe nain alSal.lirisiods in th.Iold althe (ibinRiver

fiB. L The petcettoge disttibution oflhe Ni, algd! gtutps jn thelora of rhe Oh Riw ,etlards.
Tronstu R.1,Est.Ecol.Res.(1999),1. 49- 65 5l

Comphonenaa gustum,G. claw,um). l^ the sametime therewereobservedevideflt

qualitativadifferencesbetweenthe communiticsoccuning in lhe ribularies of the
upperseclorofthe CibinNver andthoseinhabiting tbeiowercoufseofthe river.As
such,thecommunities ofthe RaulMic (R 3/l) andMul Mare(R 32) nostly consist
of someeurytopicelements (mentionedbefore),mixedup wirh oligotrophic, clean
waterformsor that washcdinto the rivulcts from otheraquaricandterrestrialhabirats
of the sunounding area (Achnanthesbiore,ii, A. oblongella, A. s batomoides,
Aulacoseira alpigena. A. Asbns, Cynhe a cynbdormis v. nonprunctata,C.
lalaisensis. C. gracilk, C. navi.ltuornis, Diatoma anceps,E notia, Fragilaria
virescens,Ft'tlstulia omhoides,Navicltld atgusta, N. tenelloides, Nitzschiq
kmaschiana andPinnuldrraspecies).Upstr€amSibiu (R 6, R 7, R t) suchelements
disappear and the codmunitiesbecomedominatedby speciesrhat preferhigh€r
mineral content and tolerate orgsnic loading (Achnartheshungarica, Anphoru
venela, Aseionella Jornom, Cyr:lotelh alonus, C. neneghi iatv, Frugilafia
crotonensis, C)/fosigma scalproides, Nayicltlo capilatoradiata, N. cincta, N.
cuspidata,N. eriJuga,N. go.ppefiana, N. grega a, N halophtla.N. p pla, N.
pfgnaea, N. filbminustula,N. lriyialis, N. yenela,N. viridula, Nitzschiaaciarlaris,
N. capitellalq N. commlnis,N. constrtctq,N. dubia,N.Jmstulun. N. h nga cs, N.
inconspi.lra,N. pale4 N. sigmoidea,N. umbonata,Rhoicosphaenia abhrcviaaa>
As conceming the GuraRauluidamreservoir andthe riverbelow,rhediarom
spectes arelessiumerous.
The diatompopulatio.swer€poorlyd€vclopedin lhe floaringcommuniry
("plankton")of the Cibin Riverandthe sameis true for the ber.ihosof its main
In the Cibin RiverupsneamSibiu,lhc mo3tabundanrfofins wercAchtanthes
/rrrul,rsr a (ubiquitousdiatorq distributedmostlyin cleanwztec]" Fragilaria arcus,
Diatona mes&lon and Gomphonenaangustum(ptefet oligotrophic,oligosaprobic
habitats) and Cwbella sinuata (aerophil element). ln the floating community
upstream Sibiu(R 6),therewererelativefrcquentsomgofthe moretolerantelements
(eutrophic,saprobic):Naviaia w d a, N. triialis, Nitzschiapaleo, Achnanthes
hungarica,Frcgilaria dilatata, Gonphonenaparwhm ac.
In lhe lake ph!'toplanko[ very poor indeed, only AsterionellaJormosa
(euplanker)appearedwith somcwha!higherfrequcncy.
Othcr rlgrl groups.Thegre€n6lgae(Chlorophyta) and.uglenoidflagellares
(Euglenophyta) werelessnuherous(22 and2l taxa)-The blue-gre€ns(Cyanophlra)
rveremorereduced (l ) species).
Othergroupsarcevenlessimponafi(Trblc l, Fig.
Thefloatingcommunities containedmorespecies lhanrhebenthiconesThere
u,eremarkeddifferences betweenthe uppercourseol the Cibin River and thal
do\vlstream Sibiu,asconccrning
both spcciesdiversityandcommunilyslructureln
locaieddowrstream Sibiu(R 7) therewercder€cled (roralnumber
42 species
of identitledspecies
58),whileupstream thecity only l-6 species
occurredin each
In the cornmunities fromthe uppcrcourscoithe Cibin River(dominared by
diatoms)therelive somerheophil.oligotrophic, benthicgreensand chrysoph)les:
Hrdmrtsttetidu!. lllothrix tenuilsina andU. zonata.
Changes in habitatconditiondetarmined by industial emuenlsand urban
sewaceincreased the species di,,ersityof ph)loplanktoncommunitiesof lhe Cibin
zuvcrdo*nnreamSibiu(42 raxa).Thefe^re 22 eugjenoidflagellares and several
clanophyres.xanthophyes andgreenalgaetharoccurredexciusively in thesesites
Th. L'ppet @d Mtddle OhRtver 8w"

From ecologicalpoint of view most of the speciesprefer eutrophichabitats,with

moder8teor high mineralcontent(e.8.Microclslis aeruginosq,Olcillal.,ria brevis,
Phormidium ter e, Ctucigenid terapedia,Pediastrun baryanun, Sphaetuclslis
scjlroeteli, Eugleha,Phacusand Trachelomor4,r species).There were also presenl
manyindicalors ofcriticatsaprobiclevels (p-c.,
c.- or evenpolysaprobic),
downstreamSibiu 8. 7) Oscillatoria chollbaea, Ophyocytiun cochleare, O.
pannhn, hrylena pisciformis,E. leta, Lepocinclisor'rr etc Cenainiy.therewere
equally important the cosmopolitan,ubiquitous elemenas(Dhobryon .terlularia,
Eudorinaelega t, Pandarinamotum, Trachelomonqs volvocinaelc )

B. Algrl communities ofthe Olt Riverbrsin w€dindssnd tributlries.

Thealgalflorasofwetlands (oxbowlakes,oldriverbeds [T l, T 4, T 5, T 5/1,
T 8, T 91,swamps[T 2]) andthe Olt Nver smalltributaries(T 6/r, T 6/2, T 7-8) are
outstandingly divers€(322 species).They belong to the following divisions:
Cwophyta - 29, Clrysophyla - 4, Xanthophyta- 2, Bacilariophtlo - 202,
Chlorophyta-Chloroptlyceae - 45,Chloroplryceae4onjugstophyceae -15, Dinoplryta
a, Crypbphyta-1, Euglenophltd- l6 (SeeTrble I, Fig. 2).
Thehighestnulnberof species(100taxa)wasdetecledin the oxbow lakenear
Aita Mare(T {), in the otherplac€stheir numbervariedbetween47 and85.
Bacifiariophyta All thesecommunitiesweredoninatedby diatoms(Fig. 2),
lhe highestnumbers ofspecies(65 taxa)wasdetected in periph),toncommumties of
the old riverbedsn€arR.covita (T 8) andAugustin(T 5/1, 62 taxa),the low€stin the
b€nthiccommunities ofthe Maieru$ riwlet (T 6/l; 20ta.ya)andin theoxbowlakesof
R.eul Negruat Santionlunca (T l; 30taxa).89%ofthe species arecommonwith those
occuningin the Olt River.
The ph''toplankon of oxbow lakeswas scarce,with low diversity.Most of
themare widely disrributedspecies,but cleanwater foftns (Ne-icltla cryplotenella\,
standingwater forms (Na\ticularadiosa), or those prefening eutrophicconditions
(Nitztchiapalea) a[dhigh€r mineralcontentarc not lacking.The commonfeatur€of
the speciesoccurringin thesestandsis theirpreferencefor standingor slowlyrunning
waters.Many ofthem arelittoral forms(epiphyticor epipelic)whichprefermoderate
min€ral contetrt (Epithenia aduta, E. sorex, E. htrgida, Cymbella aflinis,
Anphipleurapelh.tcida,Rhoicosphaenia abbreviata,Rhopalodiagirra). On the other
handtherew€rethosep.efeninghigh mineralloading,but moderaresaprobiclevels
(Cwbella cistula, Cyclotellameneghiniano, Amphoraveneta,Nitzschiagacilis, N.
dtstrpala).Species toleratingmassive organicloadingare few. Manyofthe species
detecledin the oxbow lake nearRacovil&G 8) are h&lophil.preferringbrackishor
iieshwater with massive mineral loading (Anphora cofeaeformis, Caloneis
pernttgnq Mastogloiaelliptica,M. smithii,Denticltlasubtilis,Enlomoneis Nl dosd
,. sltbsalitm,Naviclia sle$'icensis,N. sqlirr<itum,N. phylepto, N. halophila, N
pseudolanceoktto, Nirzschia tmbotmla, N. lirloralis, N- interrnedia,N. nana, N.
rewrur, Surirclla owlis). The dominantspecieswasNalriculanaha,a cosmopolitan
one,frequent in brackishcoastalwaters,whrchtoleratevariableosmoticpressures.
As concemingthe riwlets, the benthiccommunitiesof Miierug (T 6/l) and
Bogato(T 62) showeda reducednumberof individuals.More frequenlwere th€
clean water forms (Gonphohetnsangustun), wbtah tolerate moderateloading of
minerals(Nqviculatlip nctata,Clnbella hehvtica)andthe widely distributeones.In
the Bogatariwlet therewer€ alsodetectedseveralspeciestha! toleratehigh rhineral
aontent(Nitztchiadissipata,Navi&la trirynclala, Wosigma allen atum,Nikschia
signoidea,N. thermaloides€lc\ The Sambitariwlet (T 7/8) was characterised by
Trunqlv.Rq Syst.Ecot.Res.tt99), l,19 -65

the presenceof periphytic communitiesdominatedby widely distributed species

(Achhanthesminxtissima,CWbeAa sinuqla, C. silesiaca, C. ninuta, Fragilffia
captcina,Na|icula cryptocephala,Gomphonema pqnvfum).
The phtloplankton ofthe Harman-Prejmer swamp(I 2) exhibitedvery poor
diatompopulations.The most frequentforms werc the ubiquitousones(lzprora
pedicalus,Achha thesmirrnir.nnd), membersof the benthiccommunilieswashed
into the pfanliton and preferring higher mineral contenl (Cymbella lahceolata,
Amphoraoviis, Gyrosignaattenuatum),togetherwitb someplankers (-EldSdaria

Oth€r dgrl groups.Generailyspeakin&tbe planhon samplesexhibited

higherspeciesdiversitythanthe b€nthicones.Thcy origioatedir the b€ithic habitats
ofthe Olt andofthe RaulNegnrrivers.The greenalgaeare presentwith 60 species
(half of the total numberof speciesothersthandiatoms)(Table I, Fig. 2). The
conjugatophyceae arepresent in thewetlands muchmorenumerous
with 15 species.
thanin the Olt andCibin rivers.Someofthem areqltrophic (Closteriumlimneti.vm,
Cl nonillferun, Cofitarium sublumidon), others prcfer eu-mesotrophichebitats
(Stauru run crenulatum,S.foficulah/n, S.lnatun, S.orbi!:1/lte).
The next more imponant groups were the blue-geens(29 taxa) ard the
euglenoidflsgellates(16 tar(a).The highestdi!€rsity was delectedin sampleT 4,
collected in oneofthe old riverbeds of RaulNegrunearSantionlunca (54 species).
Somewhatsimilar diversitieswere detectedin other wetlands.mples.The lowest
sDeciesdiversitieswereobserved in thebenthosofthe Olt smalltributariesandin the
Hirman-Prejmer swamp.
Someof the greenswere found exclusivelyn benthos(Ltngbla hteaingli,
Phormidtunfrigidurn), othersseemto be pl.nkers (Coelosptutertunktetzihgiaftun,
Gomphosphaefia haegeliana,Microqstis aeruginosa,atd Nodularia spumigena).
Spirulitmmajor appearcd in bothpl&nkonandbenthos.
Dominantsare the cosmopolitanand ubiquitousforms like Spirulina najor,
ChrysoacansruJescet' Stnxra pelersenii,Eudorirut elegars,Pandoria morum,
Cosn&ium tublumidum, Cerqltun hirundinelh, Peridinfum umbonatum etc
widespreadeutrophic speciesform e4ually rich populationsin wetland habitats
(MelismopeAa elegans,MicroLystis aerugihosa, Uroglena vol,rot, Coelasttum
sphaericxmaIndspeciesof Monorqhidiutu, Scenedesnus, Pediastnm, Euglena,
PhaatsandTrachelomoras\Someofthe speciesaremoreor lessofterestnal origin
(Stichococclrs bacillaris,S.minor,Coccotlixa lacustris).
Humanimpactoausedthe eutrophication of$retlandhabitats!reflectedby the
frequencyof saprobicindiczlots(Oscillaloriactallbaea, O.fonnosa,O.prircept, O.
lemtis.Closleriumvenus,Monoruphtdin grifrthii, Euglenatefia, Lepocincliso,atm

- Algaldiversityexhibitsanincreasing tendency in theCibinRiverflom its
uppercoursetowardsits middleandlowerones.Thesechanges aredueto
theincreasingfrequency ofeut ophicandsaprobic elements
- Thegeneraleutrophication process ofthe riveris doubledby the marked
urbanandindustrialpollutionstress caused by thecityof Sibiu.
- The wetlandareaof the OIt River basinexhibitan outstanding algal
diversitydueto the variabilityof its habitats:oxbo* lakes,oid rive.bed,
swamts.cleanwaterriwlets etc.
The Upp., Md lhddk OU RMt Aar
- Compositionsofalgalcommunities
in theinvesrigated


L ButniF, T., G . Pr'l.scu-Arion. Elcn4 l l - Ghidrobiolo8luccsko€ izucenier€k Jiu i

Olta i ih nijdi Jiat Duuia i q. Btol., 6 (3\, pp: 307-323
2. Edl, H., Ciit|€r, G., l9EE - CNorcpLIa Il: TetrApomles.CNoroc!@alcs.Gloeodcndnl6. in:
Etrt, H.. Ge.tof, J., Her1l|g,H., Ivloll.daucr. D teds).S seasserllora von Mn lmpq Batd
10.G. Fis.l€r Vcrl.. Jmt
3 M M.. Kosinst ja E.K Poliefftii. V.L, 1953- OpEdclitel prcmvodnih vodorosl€i
U-RSS.l.2:Sin lodorosfi. Gasrd lzdalcl. 'Solcakaia Nauka . Mosco\?.
Hindlt F- (.d.)."clcdc-
l9?8 Sladtowdc Riasy,Slo\,.Pedag.i-ala1d.. Bratislava.
5 . Kl"mm€r, K., Lrnge-Bcnalo! H.. 1986. l9E& l99la. l99lb , Bacillanophtccac. I
Navicldac€r€:2 Tcilr Bacillarie!€a€,, Surir.[ac!a.:3 Tcil. C€nFales,
Fngilariaceae. Euotiaccaq 4 Tcil: Ach.l Lac€a.. h: Ed. I{., Gerlotr J, HelaiS, H..
Mofl.nhauer, D. Gnt), l&/te6s.r11@a yon \litteldtupa, Batd 2. G. Fischer V€rI., Stultgn!

6. Pop.scu-ltGriDaro!Vlr8inia, Erifi-TdAq LucrEtia.l9Eo - Connibutrira sMiul lidrob,ologjc ,1

redui Olr in scctorulFIttl!s - A\li& Hidroblol. (Eirctre9.i),16.pp 185-194.
1 . PoDcscu-Martueso,Virginia. Eli![.Ttllq Loq€lia, Stoi.a. A.. Inoranu. V.. 1980 - Cercdlri
hidrsbiologic. rsupn DuUrii i Oltdu h ?roadr cor l|,dA Hidrobiol (Bttc.). 16. W:201-213
E Prun s.!-Arioa Eldt . l9E0 - Dra. hidobiologicc ca privir. la Dcfilcul Olnrlui (Imu Ro6u-
Gu$ LouDlui).Hidrcri.l. (Buc.). 16,pp: 195-202.
T^b. |. Iist ofalAal speciestu the Cibtn Rirer M.t in the*etlq.h olthe Olt Riwr dr\iraEe.basi,

Cibin I
Ryr Ra R, & R, & TI T, T5 T, Y

:'o.l6thde.t rn k/.12' nei tuuh

)thndt$Nnrn stendtz
ionDho\ mn'n,

o ;- a@oeliana u

V- indis
). bxnona
)-lE tL-
,'2 ). tr4o44
) lacusrns _
! 5 ). uinept
). nnalicisi64_
56 TheUPPe'ad \l'ddleAhRtvt Bun
f r a d s y l rR. d S v s t . E c a l .sR. ( 1 9 9 9L) ,J 9 - 6 5 51
5a The UPPatantlsliddleoh Riter BLtin Ra SvsLE.ol. Res.tl99g,. I 19 - 65 59
Th' LDoettud\lid ?At frNu Bash
Tt@+lv. Rev.Slsl Ectl. Res.(1999),L 19 - 65 6l

@1dYiddle Ak Rirer Bdsn

E.ol R.s t1999t t ra-65
Rq. Svs!.
Th. L'pper@d.lh.ldte OL River Basin
Ecol. ReJ-(1999),1, 19 - 65 65

a ia
Traiw'lv. Rer. Stst.Ecol. Res.(t999), 1,67 - 75 6l



. - 'Ovitli6" L'ii|.rsity, Fadlty of Natwal :;.i.rc.t St Mon4ia | 24,RO 67N Co$lanla 3: ..-Th2
'Ddnrb. DcLa" Iiatural Scierc.sMuem, RO 6E00Tu@a.

Lc tt*€il estba5asur lt cchamiloff qoartirarivg de zooDlardor ptllcvas au lonSdu nvian
olt entreSendominice! Cllin.fti .t .8alencd au lonSde d€ur rt s.s atrluerts (Cibin d lvqidrt) cn

On a.idcntjfid 25 &paces holoplanctonogncsapan€nanl nui( Rolifarct. Cladocar.s ct

Copapode!.Cinquesd'cux (Ttichaet.o doteata 'Rolatoria, P/.r?/or6 ttigone us 4 D.tupltu\
meustatus. Clado.€fr, Euclclaps Mnrut nacnrus er]'lesaciclop-.leuckatti - CtFWda) o.t arl
rouvds pout la pEhierc fois drff L potoFplancton desririales dc Roumanie
Ia d.s lodlit4s au bord d. la riviar! part nnucncer la stru.lur! qualitalivc du
z@plrnctoq soir altmentant la biodirdsila p€r d.s .fiIueDB richc.s .n nratiarEoE nogre, soir cn
inhibdt l. dcv€loppencntdu zooplanctonpar dcsagoutsroxiqucs.

tha Olt River.


Along the !ime, only s€veralprpers were concerningwilh lh€ zooplanhon
{?omthe Romanianrivers,the majorityof thembeingpublishedthiny yearsago
(Brczernu, Marinescu-Popescu, 1994,Brezeanu et al., 1968,Bu$iln ct al., l96la.
196l b, Motas,Anghelescu, 1994.Popescuet al., 1962,Prunetcu-Arior\1968,
Prunescu-Arioq Elian,1962,Prun€scu-Ario4 Baltac,1967,Rogoz,1972).
Mor€ recently,a dctailedexaminationof the zooplukon from the Mures
River.ndtheCrigRiversis givenin KatalinZsuga'spapcrs(1995,1997,a,b), andlhe
ecological oonditions from the Murel Riverare illu$ratedin Serk6ny-Kiss, Hamar
rnd Sirbu'scontribution (1997).
Recentzooplanktonstudieswere performedon sometribularics of the Olt
fuver. in the Flglral - Awig ara" in 1989(Victora Tatole,ElenaPrunescu-Arion,
1992),butexac-tly in theOlt Rivertheyaremissing.
A quite detailedecologicalsurveyof the upper and middl€ Olt Rivcr
(includinggomeof its sflluentsanddeadbranches, as well as the Avrig Reservoir)
wascarriedout in Oclob€r 1998,the presentpaperbeing basedon thc zooplankon
samplescollerredduringd. field trip.


Quantitative wereobtained in October199E,by filtering100I wate.
througha silknetwith meshsizeof 90 Fmin theuppcrandmiddlesectorofthe Olt
River (Fit.l). Th€ sampl€swere preserveddirectly on the field with 40%
formaldehid€ solutionto reacha 4o4finalconcentrations
6E ne UDDerMd Middle Oh Rirer Basin

-- Srndord'ic ar
- - Snrcnied a,
E6 - - Bixad s
I I I - - GhidlHnu a1
I 16l- - St Gh.aehc

l27l- - I]ied ar
2081- - Aug]llrn a
2571- - Conala de Jos a'
29?l-- Mrrdn a
32ll-.- SArnblta
dEJ6 a
3651- - Airig

l70l- - Bndu

3E6l-- Boila au
4l?l-- Ciline{d 413

me OLT

fib Lme &henanc lngitu.lihdl secno, ofthe Olt RtuerDieance ofthe vnpling statihsrom ke
sorre in nw kilort tr.s (.las) is indicat .l dt theIeI situ.

This paperis basedon the samplescollectedonly from the flowing water of

the upperandhiddle Olt River,Cibin fuver ard Mlienis Brook.
The sampleswde examinedat sn MsB-stereomicroscope and an IOR-MCI
t)?e microscope. Thequarlitative dalr arcprcsenred as numberof individuals (ex )
andbiomrss(wetweight)in mgpercubicmetrc(m').
For the speciesidentificationwe u!€d rnainlythe identificationguides*'ritten
by Damian-Gcorgescu (1963, 1966),Negres(1t83) and Rudescu(1960),books
publishedby the RomanianAcademyin the series"RomanianFauna' - cyclopida,
calanoida,cladoceraand rotatoria,supplemented by other well known intemational
boolcs(Dussart,Dcfayg 1995,Harding,Smhh, 1974,Kiefer, 1960,Nogradyet al.,

A numberof 25 holoplanktonicspeciesb€longingto Rotalori,, Cladocera,
Copepoda(C.lanoidaandCyclopida)wereidentifiedin the studi€dzone(Tablc l).
Trbcl l.

oryaitnt ,oB theOlt Rtuer,Cibit RtuetandMdietutBhok



B tuc hi a,u s dire rstcon i s I

/,o4o.arcs Wierz.iskj l89l
:erute I la cochle ati s v
Xetat. aq,adtota i


14 lchydorussphdenrc
O.F.Miiller 17?6

Grdptole bef i s teslu.lirati a


70 The UppetandMiddle Ol Riter Bain

E cyclopssemtlolrs t nlatus
nMtus nocrunt ws .

/d.t rrt Claus1857

Tol.l loEber of trsl

TheOlt River,betweenSandominic (Q') andCiline*i (QB) Gig.l) canbe

dividedinto four differentsectorsaccordingtc nlainecologicalconditions:
Tle first sectoris situatedin the most upp€rcourse(Qr Q.) (Fig.l)
characterised by fasl running.cleanand cold \rarer.with 8 : m8 Ot . I r. gravel
substratum (loticsector),andlessdisturbed by humanactivities.Only thre€species
we.e found here:Aspla chhasp., Chioarussplraeficusa d Acanthocyclopsviridis,
especially as copepodite forms(Fig.f, _Qt.Themeanvalueofthe totaldensity(l I
e\. . m-' ) andbiomass (0.054mg. m_') areverylow.
The Rotatoria and the cyclopid Copepodahave a facultative predaciolrs
feeding and Chtdorus sphaericusconsumesorganic debris including afferent
bacteri.laggregates (Nogrady et al., 1993,Zinevici,Teodorescu, l99l).
The secondsectoris situateddownstreamSf. Gheorgheto Augustin(Q6);the
conditionsare similarto the previousone,but herethe water calmlyflows over
sandy-muddy (Qi) or gravel(Q6)riverbed(lentic sector).
ln thjssgctor,thenumberofspecies(15)wasthehighestrecorded duringour
The qualitative compositionis quite difer€nt in these two stations,only
Chtdorussphaericusis common(Fig. 2, Qr and Qd). At Augustin,there are six
Cladoceraand six Copepod!,the most abundantbeingEudiaptomusgrucilis ('I^ble
1, Fig.2,Q6).
The Rotatoriaare euplanlitonic(Prunescu-Arion,1968,Rud$cu, 1950)and
besidethe particlesoforganic matterandbacterialaggregates, they are filtering also
planklontcalga.Sinocephalusretuh$ andCeriodqhnia pulchella arc con'sidercd as
efticient filter-feeding (Zin€vici, Teodorescu,l99l\. Eudiqk'nw gacilis and
E clclops serrulatas are describedas primary consum€rsetinS a.lgae, a.nd
Macrocyclopsalbidus is mainly omnivorousfeedingon algaeand even Rotatoria
(Dussfln. Defaye,1995.Kiefer.| 960).
Thezooplankton meandensity(785ex.r m-) andbiomass (11.594mg " rn ')
arethe highestin the studiedOlt River s€ctor.More importantarethe Cladoceraand
especially Chydonssp-haericas (375 ex.. m-r and3.375ng. m31,Snoephalus
r€tut s (3.000mg " m-') followedby Copepoda (305ex.' m 'and 4.048Ing. rI|').
The third sectorof the Olt fuver is in the vicinity of the industrialFigiraf
town; heretlre€ samplingsiteswereanalysed(Q7 andQs upstreamFAgAmland Qe
downstre{rn)(Fig,l). The river is largq quite decp(lrn), the oxygencontentof the
wateris high(5.6-7.7mg02. fr andit flowsslowlyovermuddyriverbed.
E ol. Res.(t999),t,67 - 75

1""1i8"" ,'FEFj"'


Q6 b:*


Ji'. L . t',eqr'ttunp c.nt.ation ql the ,aaplanhon lroh sectiafl! of the Oh Riwr'

9L:61dotunt It n. =ErNlaps haooaas

'1.qt -.4.@tto.1t!oPs sP tLt) E.r.=Eury1enbtuela
G.| - Orapto le bet i' testud n an a
. t !\:11tu pAa^.zt \t 1 =)Lsoayclops l.tcltdh
o,:aa I a . ?l.trcxrsadut.ts
B:-tuat4taett T s sin ts
a r 4\&d *1." O,, .lar$t M AtrtP
E .E rra t tta' A | .3o&ino lfigirestns
f . -rt-4..a*-nrt r<t D | =DtFtdom tusnala
tt.-tb<7*4.*' L\ =E-EloFs wtdts
S' -S-..ta- Eilr O- d.,.,t$Ed Aoia
l: c-K..dt. a.@hleds t@ te.ta
ta-Dabrr.,@ P | -Pobdnrantg@s
C|<d*Fktu 9t@84!4j&g
cr-c,,53*a D t.=Dtpdotdd rost ata
Et.-Etqasraht ll . -.\LeMlops
The Ltppzrnd l,ttJJte OhRtuer Bai,

Even if the conditionsseemto be favourablefor the developmentof a rich

potamoplankon,in our sampleslhe zooplankonwastotally missing,dueprobableto
the highwaterturbidity andpotlution.
The fourth sectoris situateddownstreamAwig (QrrQl]) Gig.f). The olt
Riveris larggthewalervelocityis slow,theoxygenconteitis rema*ablehigh(7.2
mg O2, fr), the riverbedis sandy,but the.earezoneswiahgravel(do\rnstreamBoila
- Qir).Thebankis quitehigh(1.5m) andsieep
Only 2-3 zooplanlitonsp€cieswere ideftified, mostly Crustaceans.
dounstresm Boila(QD),butall ofthem,in a fewnumber(meandensity 49 ex . m
' havinga biomass of 0.416mg, m-').
In Mtrierw Brook were foundonly 20 ex . m' cop€podites IV and v
belongingto Eurytentorawlox (T^b, l).
In tlrc h€adstreamof Cibin River,wherethe wateris clean.*ith 74-8:
mg 02 . I r,.warmer thanlhat ofthe Oh tuver (12 13'C) andirs velocir]i5 high
(lotic zone),in each sanpling site Er- &) th€ zooplanltonicfauna is poor.
repr€sented by someRotatoria, CladoceraandCopepoda (Fig.3. samplingsiations
&, &.nd ns)
DowDstream Telmaciu,the qualitatit€composition is rich (9 species), the
cyclopidCopepoda representing moreas70%ofthe zooplankron &omthissampling
sit€(Fig. 3, Re).
Accordingto the meanvaluesoI the densirv.dominantand eudominant
speciesarc Aqlanchrm q., Eucrclopsserrulat$ setrulatus,ParcqclopsJfimb atus
(with a predominant camivorous nutrition)(Dussan.Defay€.1995,Kiefer, 1960,
Norgady et af., 1993\. and Ceriodqphniaplclrclla. (-\dons sphae cus and
Mesoctclopscrass1ts, the last onecouldbe consideredthe represenlarive tar(afor the
Cibin River zooplanktoniccommunity.
Evenif in the Cibin RiverPancfclopsfnbriatus utd Acanthoctclopsviridis
live in cleanwater,theyareableto supponalsocriricalcondrlions as in Dambovnic
River,submitted at highpollutionaggression (T€odorcscu, Zinevici.1992).
Refeningto the qualitative composiiion of lhe zooplanlilon from the upper
andrniddleOh sectors andits two menrioned rribularies.
it is impo{antto noticethar
in comparisonwith the literature,17specieswerc foundin diFerentRomanianrivers
in thesimilarerological conditions
Tvro species (Disparulo a roslrdrr dndMeswt-clopsc//ains) arecommonfor
Olt and Cibin River andEuritenora wlox wzs found in the Olt tuver and Mdi.rus
Eucr/clapsmacrurusnacruns zndMetoclclops lercfali from the Olt River
a]ndTrichocercaelongata,Plefioms trigonellus and Acroperusangustatusfrom
Cibin River are recordedfor the first time in the DotamoDlankton fiom Romlnian

Basedon the study of 18 quantitativ€samplesfrom the upper rnd middle
couBeofthe Olt Riv€r,Cibin River andMf,ierut Brooh performedin Oclob€r1998,
a dumberof25 holoplanktonicspeci$ w€reidentified.
Theii participationat the qlalit8tive structureofthe zooplanltoniccommunity
is differcntaccordingto som€acologicil conditionsr
hM."h. Rq. ysl Ecol. Re&0999), 1, 67 - 75

$g 3, me qualttarive conposltionof thezooddiktonfon somes..tiors of Nhe

cibi, Ri|et.

\ iro$ldr.alt Rtul Mare Es.-E .rclopt s.truldrs

& dowplrr€amTdmiu
Kq.=Keftt a qua&ata C.t=C@ns sphaerias
T.sP.=rr1"1t*r"o to. D.L=atpanlotu tustata
P..-PLttoh.t Mgone|hs
A$P.=kPldnchna sP
E.s -EtcrElops emlatus
&!o @@a !&U'r
As tP.=AsPl@drnasP
Mc. -Meso.r.tops oasfls
Th. UtFt @d,rhddleOIR^et BL\a

.. only a few dumberof speci€s (1-3 species) in all loiic zonesihigher

biodiversityin thosesectorswhich are downstreama locality (Sf. Gheorgheand
Tilmaciufor instance)whcretheriverb€comes richerin orSanicd€briesandeven
in nutrienls,
andin consequencelhenumberoffilt€r-feeding o.ganisms is greateri
. anaccentuatc turbidityassociatedwith pollutaotemuentscouldbe an
explanationfor thezooDlankonscarcityin the Frgeral sectorof rheOlt River

Five species,nafiely TrichocercaelotBala-RotatoriqPleuftms trigo ellus

and Deroperus angusla'tus-Cladocer\Euqrlops macturus madarus and
Mesociclopsleucka i-Copepodaare recordedfor the first time in Romania. rivers
It wouldbe very importrntto continuethe studyalongthe Olt River, from its
sourceto lhe mnJluenc€with the Danube,andto repeatthe samplingexpeditionsin

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Ronmtan J.aden.v, lhstitut. of Biolry, Depafitte"t ofAiorstenatics, St.Frudodsd 3t, RO

Peba?aunu bogatnatcrial, ce $tursza in dltc c€ledoul cmrdoiatc, spaliul ii timpul. esle
aralizata etolutia bidilersil.lii fa nci de nev.nebrarc aoaticc id dou, tronroarc alc Oltului
Mijlociu: FaSiraf - At'ig t Comct! - RanmicllVelcta. S€iau ir m6idcral€ surs. car€au cond[s la
cre$ereaprcsiunii antropice{c! prccddcreaftcnajArib hidroeD{getic€) ti implicit s€ ftc r€feriri la
nivelul dc manifeslarEal impacntui accsleiain zod Se conshrd c! in seiorul Fatar{t - Avrit
slJudu|r fauci de nevcnebrarea6. ic€ e$e mult dif.rita dc c€a srabiliti in uma cu l0 ani:
comunitllile b€ntaleale lacarilor de acum'taft. Voila, Vitlea, Scoreiui Alrig, s. all6 intr-o elrpa de
t|iwilic, h pli! proccs dc cor|lrituirE. Ill sedorul Com€tu - R&uica Vabca r. consrad ca: ia
$bmna Comclu - Tumu la nirclui comunjdlrlor fiunci dc netcn.blltc acladc€ se inrcgistr€az! o
crc$e.Ea comporent€lorpopulatiomlc compantiv or anul l9?7, in titnp ce ln troNonul Tumu '
Ramic! velcca e loc o s.{&E draitica a taxodlor fal, d. aspcctulsl'uctlrnl stabilir ir uecur

The Olt River, one ofthe largestRomanianrivers, representsan ecosystem
thet is very Exposedto anthropicpressurc.In its valley havebeendevelopedhuman
settlements, havebeenbuilt industrialplan8 andabovcall therehavebcenconstructed
ll hydropower hamessing Over time, all thes€ factors have contributed to
To approach cor.ectly, €xactly and especially efiiciently th€ complex
problematic roseby an impactestimalion all rhc sludiesmustbe doncin a holistic
manner. Therefore,it ouShtto be anaiysed ihe entireOlt Valleyin orderto identiry
andio catalogueall the impsct sourcesandtheir naturc,it oughtto be eslimaledthe
ecologjcalimpactalongsidewith economicand socialproft. The resultsmay ground
rheecological,presewativeandconservative restomtionstrategyfor this area.
Thedatawe presentarerefeningto fwo ofthe Mddle Olt sectors:Flgira$-Arig and
respeclively Cometu-Remnicu Velcea(M.p l.).
Wemcntionthat theses€ctorsarehydropowerhamessed.

The Flgirrt.Avrig rcctor.

Regarding rheinvertebrates faunaofthis sectortherehadbecndonestud'esin
1986-88 periodandrecently. in 1998.
The lirst mentioned oneswerefocusedon aquaticfaunacataloguing both in
theOlt Riverandits tributaries,in lhe areathatwasgcingrc be hamessed. Thisway,
equallyeslablishthecontroldatathatpermit,overtime,a correctestimation ofthe
hydropower hamessing impact,and,on diferentially appreciatethe
biodiversity (i, thiscasefaunistic) At rhe
ofthe Oh Riverandits tributaries.
?E Th. Uppetondnhd,ile Oh Riret Basin

samettne, it canbe advancedsomehlpothesisregardingthe hamessed river-lributary

Thedatawe prasent andanalyse comparatively withthepre-existent oneswere
sampledin Septernber1998.Wc have seleciedonly the dala referringro benlhic
cofiununities. Thesampling wasnudein thefollowingdamlakesshoreVoila.Visrca.
Scoreiu, Avrig.On$is databasiswe establish th€$ructuralconfigurations of benrhic
compartmentfor each lake. by calcxlatingrelative abundanceof this slructural
componentE ofuhose graphicexpr€ssion is grvenin Phte I (Figs. f - {).
Thementioned damlakessho$a sumof structural similariries anddiferences
Froma qualitative pointofview thediversity decrgas€s fromupstream to downslraam:
voila, Viqtei, Scorciu,Awig. Regardingthe relativeabundance valuesthere can be
observedthat Voila and Vittea damlakeshavemanystructuralsimilarities,namely
the bes!represented are lhe chironomids (63.52'/o in Voila, 47.10%in Vigtea)
followedin order by oligochcts(l4ll% in Voila and 1494yo in Vi$tea);rhe
trichopters hrveidentical values; thedifercnces consistofthe bignumberofcopepods
(14.94%) andhirudinee, in Vigtea8ndrespectively gastropods (8.23%)in Voila.
The dam lake Scoreiuis poorer repicsented.The surpriseis the exaggerate
numbcrof heteropters,repres€nted as wcll by the high numberof sp€cies(Trb. l).
There are presentpopulationstypically for the bcnthic companm€ntioligochets
( I 3.39%),chironomids (9.67%)andnernatods (8.I 8olo).
The Awig damlake sih.uliorl thoughwc consideril as an exception.we still
Dresenti1becruseit is a stateof fact.
A moredetailedslructuralpresenlation is givcn in Trblc 1, 6nd in Fig. 5 we
give the invenebrates taxa ratio andthat of the ideotif€d communespeciesliom the
givensector As it canbc obscrvcdthe biggestnumberof speciesis presentin Voila
damlakq followedat equaldistanceby Vi$tcaandScoreiudamlakes.Concemingthe
communespaciesratio, the highestvaluewa3found in the caseof Vigteadarnlal<e,
closelyfollow.dby Voilaandlhcnby Scoreiu.
Withthelimitationimposed by thefactthatth€recentdaracomesonlyfroma
singlesamplingexpedition,we ca. aftrm that the aquaticinYenebrates faunain lhe
area of newly construct.d dam lakesfrom Faglrag-Alrig secroris highly poorer
comparadvely with thg faunafrorn Olt drainagearea,in the samesector,l0 yearsago
(Tatole& Prunescu-Arion, 1992).
After about9 ycarssinc€thelakcsinundatiorlwe cansly that:
. at the level of benlhic communitiescan be found enoughconstitulive
. the typicall],benthicclamentsare dominantbeing repr€se ed rnaiily by
chironomids,oligochlts,nemalodsard gastropodspopulations;
. therearepresen! cofftantlytypicallylenticelements ('.e.:copepods);
. thare still are rheophilousrepresentatives (i.e.: rrichopters,someof the
. the typically rheophilouscomponents have dis.ppeared:gamarids,
. the"residualfauna"populationssizeshavcgrown:
On thesebasis,we canconclude that Voilr, V9tea,Scoreiuand Awig dam
Iakesarein a transitionstagqthebiocoenosis bcingundcra consiitutiveprocds.
Ttorsrlv. R.v Stst Rer.(1999),L 77 - 94 79

Thc Comet -Mmnicu Vilc.. s.ctor,

Regardinglhis secondsectorthat we proposeto analyse,our data arc fiom
mainly,in the aimto estimat.the lrydropowerhamessings impacton the envirorunent.
Theappreciation of presentbioticcomponent $ruoure is basedon thc data
obtainedfrom two samplingexpedilions that took placein 1997,codcemingthe
followingfoursubsections of the given sectolCometu-Gura Lotrului,GuraLotrului-
Tumu, Tumu-Ctrlimlne$ti, Ctrlimln€$ti-Ramnicu Velcea The samplinghavebeen
donedifferenrially by substrate nature(stonebed.muddy-sandy bed,bioderm),by
rvaterflorv.str€am, stillwaters. isolated waterbodics,etc.
W€ resonto comparativepresentation of invenebrates faunastructurebecause
for thisOk seclorwe haveprevious datafor its hydropower hamessing.
1997.deliberately. we established a testinggraphicaccording to whichthe sarnpling
wasmade;nthesameslations thalwe studied befor€.
In n (Figs.6 - 9) we give the expression of the relativeabundance
dlnamicsofthe ilve(ebrstesgroupsfoundinto the four sectorsof Olt River.There
canbeobserved thefollowingsimilaritiesr
. in all thefoursectors, in both1973and1977sampling dataweredominant,
withoutexception,the oligochcts,chironomids, nematodsi
. the recent data demonsrrarea higher diversiry of iheophilous forms
(ephemeropters, trichopters, amphipods, simuliids,andsomechironomids)
mainlyfor thefirsttwo sections
Very.suggestiveare also the two faunisticinventoriesrealisedin the same
place,bul in difcrert tim€momants (Trb, 2)
To appreciatgat a higherlevel of accuracy,the evolutionof invertebrates
faunabiodi!'ersityfrom the given areawe haveestimatedboth the laxa ratio on a
spatio-temporal scale,and,at the sametime, the communespeciesratio (Fig. no. l0)
(Tatole.1985).Therecanbeobserved that:
. the tlxo numbergrowsin the first and secondsubsections (66 67% and
64.52010 comparatively to 33.33%andrespectively 35.5270) anddecr€ases
draslicaflyin the othc. two (24.14%ar'd20.59%cnmparatively to 75.86%
andrespcctively l%);
. the conmunetaxanumberremains relativelylow (between 24 24-8.82%)
in all the four subscctions andincludesthe represenlarives of the groups
that prove th6 highest e€ological plasticity level (oligochets ard
. there hdvedisappeared many of the rheophilous speciespopulations,
especially in Turnu-Mmnicu Valceasectionrvherehadbeenstartedbotha
lakessiltingprocess andan advanced pollutionprocessdueto industrial
Excepting theinllucnccofupstream pollutionsources (Fegrra$. Victoria)and
considering lheauto-cleaning process effectcombined whh rriburari€s contributionwe
canconclude that in the first andsecondsubsections thereis presenta tend€ncy of
maintaininganootimumbiodiversitylevelcharacleristic for a river ecosysrem
Thissituat;on canbe a consequcnce of Olt rivcrbcdconfiguradon ofthis area,
wheredueto damlgkes narrowress and accentuated slope,assuring constantly a
higherwaaer flow.In theselakestheloticbiotopemodifies itsel4in thesense th6tfrorh
a relativelydeepriver and with a more or lessstony subsarata, it becomesa de€p
EO Th. Uppoard ,lrddl. OIt Riwr Eann
"rivrf, wilh a slow strerr4 ir whichthe nuddy-s8rdysubstratais dominant.In thcse
condition!thc survivalofrecendyidrntifi€drheophilou!speci.sis possjble.
In conclusioqw. spccit sgsirl aswc did it aswell in oth€r occasions,
th|t the
main conditionsfor maiftainingthe lotic biocoenosisare: the deb!, that meansthe
\rraterdow snd rtreafi\ andthc substrstenrture.
At rhc timq it L confirmedthat th. Oh River, in spiteofrhc .dvanced
polluaionof someof its sectors!provesccologicalrecovercapabilitiesin the ereas
wharethc ltrto-clclning proc.ssesto8pthcrwith the tribucrics maner, anergysnd


l. TabL, Vidorir, l9&, - lnDlic.liil. b.rtii 64|r. bioc.nozdor ,natic. r $3c hofi d.
scuouhrE d. F rad Olt (zo[a Tumu4olon). In: al //-l.a Sinporion 'Bazetebiologic. ale
p@s.lot d..ptr@. tl Wt clia d.d&Iltt", Plt ttt,
n: u3-251.
2. Taaol. El€naPrun6$-Ariorr1992. Comporcqa
Vicoori!, ftunciunoraflu.ngai riuluiOI din
!.dord FtglniAvrig. ,tldurlorrSla,Buoll!|li,20,pp:135-139.
. Rq. Estt.Ecal. Res.(l


TheUWr andMddle Oh RivetBasin

I9E8 1998I9EE r99q

A c@|hoct IoPs b i.usPt dotut
Rd. S>st.Ecot.Res.(t999),1,77- 90

I 5

Hidropsi.he mgu sttPenhi s

Rhia.oDhiIla s.eteathanis



Thi e,enmni rryio I enn8inoe

Cladotdn totslls nd6

P@tanttdtus latt ,bomi
Rheotart'ttsas .ngrts

CryptocIa.lopeIna vi n duI d
Glyp Iote dipzs g ipekov. ni
Polwedl M conictun

tuLiefde a breicdter
E4 Th. Upp.r M.l Lliddle OIt Rirer Basin

Strtior Gura CAIm!netU

Gwa Loirului- CAlimaneqti

T!tr 1977 t991 1917 1997 l 9 7 i 1997 t913 l99i


Br@hiaw cdltjldB
J spinoes

K volgof hetercspina


Linnobi hs c Iapare.le i anls

Pota ita thr ix han n oni ensi s




4cdtho.lclops yemalis

E c o l .R e st 1 9 9 9 ) , l . 1 -?9 0

I 2 3 5


H mDsl.hecontub.malis

Crypto.hi rcnohfl5 @niugens

Euhe&i. a b@tcolct

Glyptot ndipesgtPekoveni

ot oa!wil s Dign

E6 The Lippet dndJ,ttddle (4t k^lr ?d\th

Plrelt Relatiyeobrn.lanceolihrerebtt dquaticla na in th. Fdgdtt .Jvig sector

!R.r.uv..bund.n.. (il)


Tnchoptr. 2,36


cop.pod. 1,17

G*tropod. ''23

Lfrllbtuchl.t 3J2



Nft(od. 2,34

Fig,, \ rDih ddn lake

! R.l.llv. rbh.lrnc. {t}

FiA, 2. Yittea dan lake

. Rd. $st Ecol.R.s. (1999),t,77 - 90
Pl^telb, Relonv. abrtutarce ofinvelebtute aquaic
la1na i, the Fdgdlo, " Arrig sector

I R.l.tiv. .!oh.hnc. t*l

FiZ. 3. dm lalz

a R.r.trE .bund.n@(x)
and lli.ldle Olt RiYetBdsin

tr[ 3Fcl'3c@trd ior !n' toot

Flc, FdF.ild3tnd
3dd.ln F.g'd5{vno tdot


Fld.lO.lnElobnt i.x. ProDor{ !9"1" @mtrd ior th' ioor

Ltd. h Cft.tu'n dt{4 V'lot E<tor


Tanstlv. Rev.Syst.Ecol. Res.(1999),I, 77- 90 E9

rlg a Cdroour L.lru'ii




f f./f,f f /."yL,lfyr'

Pt.r.l t" q4'amtc\ of theteton\p rbuddo"c. of a$ah. ttu?ft.brut "fion cometu-Rmt.,

90 The UWt and )liddle Olt RtterBasin


tE I I I I t IE H



I o :19


./ "/ff"rrr"//^rdrrd

el.'t[b. Driantct of th. rcladte ab@.l\1fr. of aquoli. inqt brutetiod Cwtr-RMid

IrunsrlvRev.StstEcol.Res. -97
(1999),1,9I 9l



Verginica ComeliaBusuioc
''a)ttdtrt L-rtre+ttr Fa.rltr of \atutulkienes, Bd.
Mdndia l21,RO 8700Cotst@|td

R-tst ItE
Dans.eilc o!\E8e€s qu.lqucadatesconccmanrla faunadc bcnthosd€ la dviar€
Olr Cet erudcqunlr€df er quanritatf a dG redisae par l affilse dc 2E dc prcuvesqlri ont CtC
coll.cGet cn odobrc 1998.du lonS le cours superi€urd dans le moy€n du Oh et aussi. onl ea
pnlcl a.s dars la n\ rarc Ctbh cr d.rn! lesb|?! mon! du Olr
Les resultal! m.ncnt eo aridcnccue difidrcrcc clarc dc lr onposition fauislhuc. Dins les
2oncsalec les eau pollue€ssont pr.sends moinsSroup€sd' orS.nisnes ( Oligocha.t . Ncmatoda€r
Chnonomidae)qu sont formes cosmopolites,p.n&rl quc da,ri lcs bns nons la diversiE e$ pl[r
8nndc, psrccquc ccs.iux sontisola.s cl ici cxrstcnll€s clndjtioDs d'dquilibr€dc l'&osystemcs

Kcywords:benthal,pollution,phytophilousfauna,Olt RiverBasin.

Benthalfaunais a vcry imponantcomponent of aquaticecosystems, both
throughits abund.nccand its varietyofspecies.zoobenthalorSanismscan indicate
bestwherethe ecdystemis the subjectof somemodifications and especially
pollutionlevelofthe concerned basin.
Theattempts to seethepollutionlcvelofthe OIt River,havealsoconsidered
the performanc€of someobservationsconc€mingthe benthalfauna.Even thougb
thgraarc no prcviousstudieswhich allow a cornparisonofthe data.Our resuhscan
showthe faunacompositionand offer somecluesconceminSthe pollution and its
proportionin cenainseotorsof theupperandmiddlecourseofthc Olt Nver.


28 sampl€scollectedtom 0,5 to 4m deepw€reanalysedfor thesestudies.For
the qualitativestudy w.s uscdBAcescutype dredgc(of 50-cm lcngth and 30-cm
width,witha nylonnctof 50-cmlength).
Sedimentsrysamplcswere collectedwith a bottom Surbersampler,with a
driningnet'CoNcrvation wasmadein 4oloformaldehyde.
Eachsamplewaswashedthrougha metalscreenof 0,1-mmporemeshsize
ThebioloSicalmaterialhasbeenidentifiedto species or generaandthencounted
Theindividuals havebeenpreserved in a 70loalcoholsolutionandglycerine


ln the analysed samples foundorganisms belontsing
to 20 taxonomic
Sroups. whose fiequency as followingr oiigochaetsand diplers
(Chirononidae) havelhc highestperceit.g€(98%).Trichoprera
andOstracodacrusraceans, Gastropodahavea frequancybetween50-75%.
Theoth€ridentifiedgroupsdo not €xceeda pcrcentage of 50o%,as it canbe
seenin Figur. I
TheUpperandMi.ldle olt Rirv Basn

Theresultsofthis benthalfaunastudies
showcleardifferences anda division
intozonesrtheupstreamcoursefromSandominic to [lieni,the middlezoneFtrgtrra$-
Ciline$i andtheatrerent
wetzonesofthe marshesandpoolsofthe deadbranches.
Thus,alongtheupstream courselrom sandominic to llieni the characteristic







Ftz. r. Th. Jrequen., (9/a)of ituportonto,Xd|isfl 8tuups

zoobenthalforms are represented by the OligochaetgNematodesfollowed by the

Chironomida€ larvae.
The Trichopteraand Ephemeroptem larvae(genereBaetis Nd CfuEon)joit:,
theseSroups,represented by a grcatnumberofindividuals up to severalhundredsot
TheHirudine4 Gastropodaarld Crustaceawerc rcpresent€din a low number
ofindividuals,only i few samples.Fromthe lastgroupthercare only a few species
such as: ,4re,/l!rjaqualicus (lsopodt), Riwlogammarusbalcanicasdacians and
Corophium curvispinum (Amphipoda) and Ostracodaspecies,that have been
described asa partofthe phylophilous associations.
Thesecrustac€ans at\d especidlyAsellusaquaticus,Corophitm curaispinum
and also Ostracodaspeciesare cosmopolitanfoftng. Corophh/mcunispir m \tzs
foundin llieni,in onlyorc singlesample, intoa specificbiotopewith sandyandsilty
Riwlogammarusbalcanicusddcicr.ris tho only speciestbat Fefers cleanand
oxygenatewaters.Howevq its presencehasbeennoticedonly in still water sectors,
The high numberofthe Oligochaelaand Chironomid.elarvaeshowsa high
organicmatterconcentrationin the water.How€ver,the bottomof thesestationsis
silty or, in somecases,the silt createsa substantiallayeronthe surfaceofthe stones.
Another chdracteristicstr€amzone is betweenFegdIa and Caline$ti,where
the Oligoohaetaand Chironomidaeare dominant,too. ln a small number of
individualsyet with a greatervarietycomparedto the situationfrom other stations,
were foundHirudineain the dam Iakeiiom Arrig. Th,s can be noticedwherethe
stonybottomandthe plantsfiom the shoreareon the surfacewith a brown layer of
detritus.Also,herelarvoeof Na colis cimicoides(Heteroptera) arc dominant.
Ra. Slst.Ecol.Res.n999),1,9l -97

In the leaking channelof the dam, where lhe water is cleaner,among the
plants and under the stones there have been found crustaceans,trichopters,
ephemeropters, and simuliids. Among crustaceans,the amphipod speci€sfound
Rnaloganttlans balcanicus mofitanus is ^ rheophyle form which can be coDsidered
an indic.tor ofthe clearandwell orygenatewaters,dueto its ecologicalfeatures.


fi& 2. The klaive dbMddnce oJotgMistu oh sdhplihg nk

I Sahdohihic-lreni: 2. Fdgdtdt-Cdlihejti;3.Cibln;4. Ptddles ard d.dd brahches

The larges!varietyof species andespecially of the ph),tophyllous

tt?e has
beennotic€din thestudieddeadbranches (figure 2) Thisvarietyandthenumerical
proponionbetween differentgroupsoforganisms showanevidentbalanceof these
ecosystems. Here,the dominants areEphemeropters, Trichopteres
are presentthe Odonat4Collembola,larvaeandevenCol€opteraand Heteroptera
adults Amongcrustaceans, in a largenumbertherc arc:Aselfusdqtqticus(lsapoda),
Riwlogamnat s bdlcanicusdacr'cu.r (Arnpfupoda).In the HtrrmanMarshesor in the
deadbranchat Aita Marg are also Ostftcodesof type llloctpris, Excypris Md
Clcloctpti s.
Thegastropods arefoundin a smallnumberofsamplesandtheybelongto the
commonspeciesr P/arolrarius comeus,Lrt tham stagndlis.Phlsafonlinalis, Physa
acutd.Radit atala andGyraurzra1rr4.We canadd to therA:Attisusseptemg)ranls,
Hippeutisconplanatu\ Succineapltris a d others,;n the samplesfrom th€ dead-
branchat Tum'.rRogu.
Anotlerinvestigated areawastheCibinfuver Ontheupsiream, moreexacth
at the €onfluence belweenRaui Mare River and Raul Vic fuver. lhe benthal
communityis characaerised by a smallnumberof species andalso,of individuals.
the predominanr ones being the Plecopteralarvae foliowed by those of
Near Sibiu the most imponantgroupsare Oligochaeia. Nemalodaand
Chironomidae ]arvae.ThesameIroupsbut with a differentfiequencyordercanbe
The UppetandYr.ldk ah RiverBasn

met nearthe conlluence pointof Cibin and Oh fuvers,too The greatnumberof

Chironomidae andOligochleiashowsa highconc€nttuion ol organicsuspensions,
That can be explainedby the i luenceof the wastewaterdischargescominSfrom
Studying benthalfaunaofth€ Olt Riversomeconclusion canbedrawn:
- Thebenthiccommunities from the upperandmiddleOlt Rivercourseare
showing,by their structuralmodifications, the pronounced antiropicimpaci In
Sandominic - Iieni and Fi8trra$- Cilinepti sectorsthe dominan!groupsare
Oligochaeta andChironomidae
Thestgroupsareconsidered to bc ecoloSical indicatorsofthe pollutedwater
wilh a highconcentration oforganicsubstarccs.
Thcirpresence in thc benthalcommunities is explained by the factthatthese
organismsare endowedwith physiologicalmachanisms that allow their survival in
coDditionsof hypoxia.
Due to the fact that they rr€ amongthe few that can live in suchcondilions,
theyplay an importantrole in the energytransferin the acosystems that aremodified
or alfectedby the pollution.
- A similaraspecthasbeennoticedon the Cibin River,downstregm Sibiu,
aspectthat rcfersto the doninbc€ in thc benthalassociations of two crtcgoriesof
organisms with a potential of survivingin limitedcondiiions. Thisfactis a resuhof
theinfluenc€ ofthe urbaniscd zone.
- There are puddlesof the deadbranchesand marshesfrom Htrrmanrhat
remainlightly modified.Thcir isolationfrom the propercourseof the Olt River
protectth€mby the dLect and indirectsourcesofpollution lhat aJfectthc pr€vious

This becamevery claarafler ihe analysisof the benthalfaunafrom these

waters, ofthe phltophylous
especially one.
This studyhasshownan evidentbalancebetween the groupsof organ'sms
thenumericalandspecificvarietybginga characteristic


I CArSusuS., Dobrcrn\ E. , Mrnolache,C., l9t5 - Atnphipodafonnr srjrM$r ti dc apl dulce .

F.sra iJ'R. Cnnrcea ly.4. Edil. Acad.RP.R . BuclEsli
Fattas H., r 958 - Ost?.!da. Fdtno Hunati@.39. BfaFa
3 Grossu.Al. V.. 1956- Mouusca.Iblra nS. 3/2. Edit Acad.R.P R.. Bucursli.
.1. Grossu,Al. V., 1993 - Ca$cropodcledin Ronaria. Mclci (wini. de si dc apa dulce
5. Sch$o.ft.|. J.. 198?- Handbookof LinnoloSy. Elis Hoflrood Limrt.d, Chich€str (EnSlard).
6. Szint,A., l99J - ldacrozoobcnrhos in lne Mrros (Muret) k\.. The)Vorc.\/MUE Rivet , atlev .4
tttdv ofthe g.ogaphy, hydrobtologl and ecolog)of tue, a'd 'ts eni@^e|t Szolnok-SzfZed-
TnrguM!r!s. pp:lEi - 192.
7. Slefano.C.. - Ma[ualc p.r il riconoscimcntod.i nacroinv.n.bnd deu acquedolci ilalimc. l,
Pnincis Aulonomadi Trcnto.
8. Wat( H. 8., WhippleG.C., 1993- Fr.shlater biolo5/. Secord Edrlron.Wadingtor, pp: 657-668.
Trb. L DAn ibtdk'n of ottstw ii @ct sqrEtirg ndiD
SaaplirA statiffi: Ql Son.lonini., A2 Sdn4.dteniQ3- Bind, 81 Str ckorsht, OS ieht, eg sn,nhatude.!os,et| tva,a kkn lak ). et l
Awig @owttEM), Ql2 Boila 013 Cdliutti, Tl -Satnonlwa T2 - Hania f3 Anni. tZ ltih |tar.. Ts Ltichyda, T6- tunh@. T9
Tt iRota.Tt R@il:R(31,m,38,1,6 E t9 ) C ; i n R y . r


an.],\li.ldle Olt Rivr Batin

+ + r_! l+



Tranrlt Rd. Swt L.ol. Res.(1999),1.99-ll0 9t)



AngelaCunean,Adriua Morariu, SimonrFlc6l6u,

BiancaLazrr.SsbinaC. Chisu
tslosa" (-nDerytv. Facuky ofkien..s, D.Wnnent oJEcolo&/ ard Ehtitohde"tal
Pknecno,.St.Oltuz3l.RO 2100gbi,

L: recit fait unedcscripnonde la suucturcdescomuruuldsb€ntodquesde Ia nviare Cibin en
conilation alec les conditionsdo biotop€ (le tT. d. soustrat,la vitcsse d dcuolemenldc l'eau. les
caracranssques fi ziquerhimiquc dc lqu)
Les dones sc ba$ sul d€ssh.nriuons qurriotives de b.nrios couecdslcs nois dc jull€1.
mobr. .t norembre| 99E.contcnaotI I sadons srDacsau cdtr! dc la rivial. Cibn. A I'clablrs€ntenl
der poin6 de prela€mert oo a.cnu comF. d. la T&itrcira dr bioroF. 16 FmciFl.s cotrnucnc.s,la
pn:sna dcs navaux hidrolcct riques el der sourccsde poUuiior|.PlusiM ecbrntiUonsool 6rd chaquepoinl. pour surprendrE la djveEirad€shabihlr s!&itiqu.s.
Les p.incipolcagouF desmacroinven.brare.r fouv€cs d,NllJlc bdthos de la rjviarc Cibin
so oli8o.Icta birudine{,crusbcee4ephcmcropt€'3, odoMia".birorohidac, tdcnopter&plecoprcta.
L€s abondfie. rclalii.s d€s diff€r? cs Itoupcs d. mrdoinvcricbrc.s beDroniques wi€nr
dansdesdiffdnnrs sec1cur3 dc la mia.E- Dalls l. de la rivia! rvc. sdltlrar lilotogique,grarxl
rncs!. d'€coulem€ .1 dt u propt!" pradomimnrEssoDr 16 lrrvc. d'insecrls (nichoF.n.
ephcm.roptera.ploprcra cbirdomidae). Sur le tronsonOrlr - Trlnucitr ot le sousrraten fomd du
grasicr,dc sable.du limon ct I'cau pds€nteunc cchargcorgdiquc, domimtes sont lcs oligoclteks.
Lcschnonomidq devclopcntd.s populationssrablesdanstouslcs s..lcu6 dc Ia rivia.e analisa.!.


TheCibinRiverBasi. is situared almostin the middleofRomania(between
45" l0'and 46' 20' north€mlatitudeand belween 23'41'and 24' 59'easrem
longitude)in the south- west part of Transylvania Deprcssion. This river basin
representsa scarcelyinvcstigatedzon€, respeclingthe bcnthic macroinve(ebrare
communities (A RoSu.1980).
The Cibin fuver is intcrestingconcerningecologicd rese3rchbecausethere
aremsnylypesof biotopes. Thisriverhasits sources in thc glaciallakesof Cildrel
Mouotains (1920m altitude), havinga lengthof78 km andflowsinto lhe OIt River,
beingoneoflhe maintributaries ofit lls catchment areahes! surface of22lO km':(l
Ujv'(i, 1972).In this work we aim to offer a description of rhe stmctureof rhe
benthicmacroinvenebrate communities concerning the biotopesconditions (thetype
ofsubstraturq*,atervel6city,physical andchcrhical propertiesofthe uater).


The samples wer€collectedin the nonthsof July, OctoberandNov€mber
1998.Theriverwasresearched alongits course,
andtherewerechosen nin€sampling
stations(Rl to R9, Fig. l) accordingto: the specificof biotopes,the main
confluancesand the human impact on the river scctions(hydrotechnicalworks,
,:f-" . ,t,

lacul CntraRriduj



Fig. l:Samplingarea.
Thdslh Ret.SystEcol Res.t1999).l,99 - t I0 l0I

From eachstationwe havecollectedsamplesfrom many placesin ordq to

analyse eachspecifichabilat:zoneswithstonysubst.atum andhighvelocityofwder-
0ow.zoneswith sandyor sikysubstratum andslowlywaterflow
Thequanlitative samples weretakenwith a botromSurbersampler, which
coveran areaof 887 cm'. The sampleswere preserved in 4% formalyne.The
biologicalmarerialweresortedandlh€rew€recounted the individuals belongingto
ihe rilainp.oupsof benthicnlacroinvcnebrates (oligochaeta, hirudinea,crustacean.
ephemeroptera, odonata, chironomidae, plecoptera).
trichoptera, Afterthe soningof
th€biologicalmalerial, it waspresewed in alcohol70olo.
Forthedescription ofrhe struclureofbenthiccommunities we haveused,for
eachmacroanvenebraie group,rhe relativeabundanca - A, frequency- F and indcx of
ecological significance- W = (A x Fyl00.
Fof the description of the biotopesconditionswe analysed tle following
physicaland chemicalcharacteristicsof the water, like as: temperaturqpH, total
suspensioos (Sutp ), total hardness(TE) , dissolvedoxygen(DO), BOD5,COD-M4
chloride. sulphate,NI{r, NHj, NOr, NOr, Poa. Also we consideredthe t}?. of
subslratum andwatervelocity.

Trbl. I showsthevaluesofthe mainphysicalal|dchemicalparametcrs
water(in July,October
andNovcmber) for eachanalysedriversection.
T^b. r. Thehain phfsical ar.l chenicol charoctensicsofth. ||ot r ih eachsMptine stahon

X 7.5
!'II 7_2

85 59'6t i52
69 151 t52 t22 l3l 93
E20 EJ0;?.84
XI t 6 a | 224 ,116
DO \1t
(mcn) 7.A

)o 4 . 6 5| 4 . 1 3

14.20 :21.10

x 5.5

Ihe Upperohdldnldle OL Ri\'q Easin
- 05l t.l0
0.6 I )?
0.2 0 01?
0.104 5(0
I t' t.0l
o.EE !0.04,004 0091 021
XI 0.0 006?i0.034L 0.04 ol0l o.t.r8 2 shows the dcnsity (numberof individuals/m'z)of each benthic

group on cachsamplingstationin July, Octoberand November
Trb.z The&6ily (rtnb.r of individtzv 'rt) lmh each behthicdacrcitue ebrctegoup olthe
Cibin Rner in J r, Odobcr tud NMDtb.r 1998.
)"ote. Ttu olhersinclude:planoid, ctustace@,nolluft. Md col.optera, I@@.


g c
! 5

Rl \11 23 ll3 u 45 56
0 0 609 l0t 15 0 l0l
)C ll 0 350 56 t41 6a 0 158
RI \{I 45 0 2az 45 79 66 0 45
x 327 0 34 140 79 45 0 l0t
)o l0l 0 45 167 68 23 0
R3vII ll5 0 23 0
56 0 ll 0 45 0 0 0
II 0 23 It3 6E 2l 23 1l
R.t VII 0 50t7 45 ll5 395 0 79
X u 0 23 21 45 0 23
x l4 0 ll 0 0 27 0
R5 VU 0 ll5 ll ll ll 0
R6 VII 271 0 t47 0 0 .t5 0 45
183 0 l 0 0 23 0 0
,c 164 0 19 0 0 0
R7 VII 95E 0 231 0 0 0 0 56
x 82n 0 0 0 0
K 733 0 l0I 0 0 ll 0
RE VII 1.166 0 214 0 ll 0 45
27 0 3t6 23 0 66
)q r573 304 45 0 0 0 0
f,9 VII t47 90 t24 34 0 0 0 II
x 22tO 259 1J93 l13 0 0 ll6
)g 913 214 t952 135 0 0 0 0

Rl is placedat 20 km do*,nstream the glaciallakelezerulMare (in Cindrel

Mountains); maximumbradth 7m;maximumdepth0.50mt the $lbstralunis stony
(boulders,gravel, cobble);fast flowing, cold aod clear water and high contenlof
Truntll lla t$t Ecol.Res.tl999l.1.99 - tlt l0l

The benthiccornmuniryis formed by rheophilicspecies,illsect larvae being

pre,valenr andnumerous:chironomids(54 69%).plecopterans (12 09%),trichopterans
\8:,-o/o. Erachventridae, Goe .lae, Se costomatrdas).ephemeroprerans (6.-17%):
ihe.earealso oligochaetes.
The dynamiccfbenthic communityofthis river sectorlor the monlhsofJuly.
OcioberalldNovenber 1998is repiese ed in Fig. 2

Fis.2. Lhe a"thI\ .n dnics oIIh. relatt|e obundanceofberlhjc canntnjty t, Rl smpltng

R2 is placedat 24 km downstream the lezarulMare Lake, iu the Cheile

Cibinului(Cibin Gorge);maxim{rmbreadth4m; the depthis between030m and
I 20m.the substratum is formedby cobble.boulders andgravelin the niddle ofthe
r;verbed. andit becomescoarsesandytowardsthe riverbanks;fastflowingandclear
lvarerandhighcontenlofdissolved oxygen
wirhin this sector benthic fauna is rich !.ichoplerans(4724910.
Hldtoptilidae, Bruchycetridae. Goetidae\, oligochaeres(178496), chironomids
( ll 62%),piecopterans
(8.52%),ephemeroplerans (5.13%).gammarid crusraceans
Fig.3 showsthe dynamicin time(relarive abundancedistribution)ofbenthic
community in R2 sampling stalion

Fis. 3.,.. no.t)1i\ 6nehLs rJihe reldtt\p abrhlon.e Dlberthn. annrrtt. \ lt: \:nlt!:nr

R3 ii pldceCb€foreGura Rauluidamlake,the river rs I - 9nr wide- the depth

r \ ' o d i e e nC r L r ma n dl 5 0 m . l h e w a r e r i s l e s s r a p r d ; t h e r ; \ e . b e d c o n t a i n s c o b b l e a n d
r'J\e. .r'lic :lo$ {lowrngzone5sandvsedimentseiisi
sL \ltnllt OlrR^.r Eann

ln this seciorthe benthiccommunityis composedby oligochaeles(26.71%).

plecopterans (19 44%), trichoplcrans (17 98%, Hldropnhlae\. chironomids
(14 94%),ephemeroprerans (8.99%),odonata(1.049/0).Ancvius1lu\iatilis
The dyram;c ofbenthic communltyoflhis river sectorfor rhe monthsofJuly,
OctoberandN"ovember !998 is represented
in Fig. 4.

FiE, LThe noathlr .\,nonics ofthe relat^E abundan.eofbdthi. conht t!inR3sdldjne

R4 is situated
downstream lhe CuraRauluidamlake.the riverbedis affecred
by the hydrotechnicalworks;m.ximumbreadth4 rn; maximumdepth0.30mithe
substratumis foftred by smallerboulderscoveredwirh periphyon.fasr flowing

The benthiccommunityis dominarcd by chironomids (85l7%). Thereare

also ephemeropterans (7.40%). plecopterans (2 659i). oiigochaetes(l 69%),
tichopterans(Rhtacophi Iidqe, H) & ap Ii Iilaer, ooonarcs
Thedynamicofbenthiccommunity ofthis riversectorfor themonthsofJuly,
October andNovember 1998is represented in Fig. 5.



Fig, a, Th. nonthl.r $nanics aJthe reta * dhrndonceol benkic canin,nin th R4 sanptins

R5 is placeddownstream the Orlat village, becauseof the substratum

riverbedis verydcgraded;theriverbankis steep;maximumbreadlh
2lm; thedeprhis between 0.3mand0 ?m:thasubstraium is formedby gravel.In this
sector,the river coll€ctsresidualwaterwhich containsorqanicmattercausedbv
Trakr'tu Rev Syst.Ecol.Res.4999),L 99- Il0 t05

Chironomids(7541%) and many trichoptetans, plecopterans, odonats,

oligochaetesform the benthiccommunity. ln our samples ephemeropterans are
R6 is placedbeforethe town of Sibiu;the river is 20m wide;the depthis
bel\\een0 20n and 0.50m;the substratum is lormedby coarsesand,gravel;n the
niCdleof the riverbed.andit becomes sihy lowardsthe river banks;the banksare
andthcri8hlbankis dammedThewateris lessrapid.
This sector hasa lo\I diversityof benthicfaun4 represenled by
oligochaeres 75olo) (31
andchironomids 68%) Therearealsoephemeroptemns
Thedynamicofbenthiccommuniyofthis tiver sectorfor themonthsofJuly.
Ocroberandr_ovember 1998is representedin Fig.6.


FiA. 6. The nosthlt dvnanics of the relative dbvndarce of berthic connunitt ia R6 smplinS stahon

R? is situated
downstream Sibiu;theriveris l5-l7n wide;thedepthis beh,een
0 20mand0 80m:in thebankzonetherivcrbedis coveredwith muddysedimenls. in
themiddleit containscoarse sandandgravel;thebanksarestraighten€d.
The irevalent groups of benlhic fauna are oligochaetes (82.62yo\^nd
chironomids (15,52%).Thosegroupsdevelop populations with numerous individuals.
Thedyrnmicofbenthiccommunity ofthis riversectorfor themonthsofJuly,
Ocrober andNovember 1998is represenledin Fig,7.
RE is situat€ddownstream the Dlacewhereihe Cibin River collectr€sidual
waterfrom Sibiutow! (afierbeingfilteredby the cleaningplantof residualwaler-
whichdoesn'twork at normalparameter9; the river is l6-l8n wide; lhe depthis
between0.30mand l.2m; in the middle,the riverbedcontainscoarsesandand
smallerboulders, in thebankzoneit is cov€red by a thick layerof blacksilt rich in
organicmatter(the HrS which comcs fiom the intensivebaclerialactivity is
obvioudy). The surfaceof the mud layer has appar€ndyan intensered colour
because ofthe very densepopulationof Tubt/extubifex.
Oligochaetes(14.52%) z d chitonomids (20.27'/.. especially Chirononlrs
pir,ro$r9, dominatethe benthiccommunityBesidethese,we havefound some
rrichoprerans belonging.tothe HJdropsychidae farnily,which are resistant on rich
organ,cmalter water.Thedynamic of benthic comrnunity ofthis river for the
monlhsofJuly,Ocloberand November 1998 is represenled in l'ig. 8.
R9 is placedat 3 km beforethe cod{luence of the Cibin River}!ith the Ok
fuver downstream Tdlmaciu. thebrealhoftheiiver is 35 - 40m,thedepthis between
r-:i and im. rhe riverbedcontainssmallerboulders,graveland sand:the flow is
t06 The Uppertu.lili.idle AltRtuer Bastn

Thebenthiccommunityis dominated (55.229lo)

by chironomids and
(32.96%)followedby hirudinea
oligochaetes. (5.67yo).dchapte:('ns
(2 84Vo,

Fig,7, The nonthly tlyranics ofth. relativ abadan@ aJbenthic coh^t tvt, R7 sanpling

Fi, n*thl! dynmics af the relatw abund@e oJbenthE.ahhunrr in Ru sMptine

Nie, 9. The,nontht)dyndnicsoJthe relative dbtnddnceol bekthic@dnuni r' ih R9 s@pling

Traisytu.Rd. Srst.Ecol.Res/1999),l,99 - ll0 to7
Tablc 3 shows fie reladve rbundance,the fiequency and ecological
indcxoflhe benthicmacroinvenebrate
significance goups,bothon eachsampling
slation(A F. W) andfor thewholeriver(Ag,Fg).

Trb.3 Retativeahn.lance,teqrcncy aft{ tn.lexolecoloqicol sigttjicMc. ol,nain benthic

nactowe ebnte srcupslimt ci bin Rivef,


E3 I ?
€ a 69
'd e 6

R' A% I?J 54.69 4.57 t2.09 6.17 16.01

F% 66.66 100 100 100 t00 100
t.l5 54.69 E.57 t2.09 6.J7 16.07
R2 Aol. 17.84 41.24 4.52 7.62
F"/o 100 t00 t00 100 100 100
l7 E{ t3.62 17.24 8.52 5.ll 1.62
lRl 14.94 17.96 t9.44 E.99 1.0:l 8.86
F"/o r00 100 66.66 t00 66,66 t3,ll 66,66
26.7| 14.94 .98 I9.44 5,99 t.0t 5.90
: R.r |.69 85..t7 0.?5 2.65 7.40 0.38 t76
Ea/. 100 100 66.66 66.66 66.66
1.69 6 51 7 0.24 |.76 4.91 0.12 IT7
a5 6t4 15.41 6 t.t 6.14 6.t4
R6 A% 57.15 31.68 6.15 4.20
F/o 100 t00 66.66 lJ ll
51.15 3t.68 4.23 l 40
R? A% EZ62 t5.52 183
F% 100 100 33.11
a252 15.52 0.61
RE A% 14.52 2027 1.92 o.26 0.26 2.74
Fa/r t00 100 100 33.33 6.66
74.52 20.27 |.92 008 00E lEl
R9 A% J2.96 5.67 55.22 2.Er 3X9
w. 100 100 100 100 66.66 :
32.96 5.67 55.22 2.U 2.t9
34.41 1.89 45.74 665 2.66 2.E9 0.22
Ne/d 92 t2 100 64 5). 52 l6 68

ln rhe river sectorswith sto[y substratur4 high velocilyand cleanwater.

lanaeof insects(trichopter4ephemeroptera, plecoptera) areprevalent,whileon the
m;ddleand uppercours€of the rivcr prevalentare the oligochaelcsChironomids
lar\aedevelopstablepopulations id all theanalysed sectors
Thevariationofthe benthiccommunities structure,
sholved in tems ofvaluesofecological significanceindex(W%),in Fig. l0
ln the Cibin River,8€nerauy we candistinguish threolypesof substratum
slony.sandyandsihy.dispiaying 6 characteristir structureofbenthicconmunities.
Onthestonysubstratum we foundrhegrealest diversityofthe benthicfauna
(seeFig. I l) Thjscommunity is dominatcd by insectslarvae(88 74%):chironomids.
lrichoprerans.ephem€ropterars.plecop!6ans; therearealsooligochaeles, planarian
I oh.l \l1a,k llt P^.. Srrr

I al



I (|)l
I o-i


| CI
I O)l
lrdnn^ R?t:;\t f:.rl R.\tlt99, I a,-lia

On rhe sandy boiton oli8ochaeiesare preval€nt (44 660/;). nexl tc

chronomids.trichopterans, ple.oprerans. eph€meropterani andhinrdine3(Fig.l2)
The benrhicfaunaon the srhy s'rbsrrarum (56 lgto),
is forned b' oliSochaetes
.1rr.ncm,ds {l5 8,'i90)andin slnallprcponionsbv trichopterans andhinrdinea
( F i s .l l l


t l ; 1 ,I l . n r.rr'."/h.nrt,, naLn,t. ttth?!,1, uL\tro:u-l


FiE. 12 |he etu.turc ([ acntht. . .n,'t,^ Dh th. .oo anrl!' .uhstrult,t







fi& rJ ThesttucrLr. tt \..tht. a.nma lt .\ rhe rltt trtjrntn.

Il0 The Upper@dMiddle OIt R er Bann

On thebasesofthe benlhiccommunities. the Cibin Rivercanbe dividedin
thefollowingecoloSicalzones (Fig. l0):
. betwe€nRl sndR:l the cou69hasmontanouscharacteristics, the river sheltersa
rich rheophilicm.c'roinvertebrate benthicfauna,showedby a balancedstruclure
regarding thc chironooids, trichoplerans, ephemeropterans,plecopterans,
oligochaetes and others;the modificationswhich occur in the structue of these
communitiesare due to lhe physicalenvironmentalfacto$ (we oannotassumea
. tbe sectorI{3 - R4 is characterised by the presenceof the GuraRaului damlake;
downstream the damthe benthiccommunitystruclureis sever€modilied, namely
the oligochaet€s,trichopteransalrd plccopteransare evidendy decreasing,the
ephemeropterans remain relatively constantand the chironomidsbecomethe
. betweer R4 and RE there is the most aflected sector by human impact
(houseworkand industrialwastewaterdischarges,hydrotechnicalworks, ballast
excavation,draining of the flood area); inside the benthic community the
oligochaetes becomemore and moreprevailing;the chironomidsare decre.sing
.s far asR7 (downstream Sibiu)andafterwardsthey showa significantincreasing
becauseof the switch of the componentspecies(there appearmore tolerant
specieslike Chironorrus plumo$s ), the othei groups paying less or no
. from R7 as far as the Cibin Rjver flows into the Olt River, the ecologicalstateof
the river improvessiSnificantly:the oligoohaetes are evidentlydecreasing,lhe
chironomidsbecomedominantinsidethe benthiccommunityard other groups,
like hirudineEtrichopteraff,cnrstac€ans andsnails(i e. P|ryn acuta), reappeatin
the riverbed.

Althoughthe situationslightly improvesin the last sectorof its colrrse,the

Cibin fuver, o<ceprthe mountainouszone,remainsa polluted anddegndedflowing

L RoSu,4., 1980- G€ognnaFizicl a Romrniei,Ed Di&.ticl g Pedagogic.d, Bucureg.
2. Uja6ti, L, 1972-^fr^ ^pelo. Romniiei, B1 $dintifca Bl|l:@rti.
Ttorsylv Ra. S'5. Ecol. R.s. (1999),t, I l1 - 122 lll


*t, MihaiPetrescu*,
loanSirbu'.Ardrei Serkrny-Kiss
1 - "Ludat Rloga' L hi\erctty, Fdly of S.ienes, Ibpannqt of E ologr' @.1 E^,ircmdtd
Prore.ron. S Oitut 3 I, RO 2100 Sibiu: .r - "8abet - Boltai" Uni'.siy Feulty of Biologl Nd
CeaktAt. tlepa n ntofE ologtndcetics St. Clinicilor t7, RO 3400 (U-Nap@L

Dic lorliq.nd. Attcil bdngt cidSc B.itr4. ar Ker niss dcr S0ssqnssedouud(. auna
aus dcl Obcrcnund Mitllerco llussbarh d$ Alt s. un itucn lEutitcn Zuliand zu bcnimhcn ln die
ErfoRchr. GcgcDdwrdcn bish6 50 Ancn von aquati$hc Mollu*ctr id.ntifizicr( davon .15 Anen
sudcn 'n loriger l8tuhund.n ud 4l An.n in dcn lctzi.n JaIn getunden.Es wcrden di. Hcll||ge
Di\.rsrtr.l drescrCruppcud di€ Ursrchender Modifzicrungendishrtien.

K.Irord!: malacology,
Olt fuver,wetl.nds,biodiversity

TheOlt fuver,oneofthe mainflowingwatersfromRomani4hasits sources
In rhe Htr$matMountains(East€mCarpathians) and,after an irineraryof699 km, it
flows into thc Danube.The surfac€ofits hydrographicbasinis about24010km'. The
Oh Riverpasses throughall mainrelieftypes,namely:mountains, hills, plat€aux,
depressions andplains,intercepting variousgeomorphologic conditions andclimatic
zones Along lhe flow it gatherc564 tributaries,which havealtogethera tolal lenSlh
of 8465km. In the pastdecadgsa very vsriousandintenselyhumanimpactuponthe
riverenvironm€nt aJdits communities wasrecordedalongthe river courseOnly a
few studicswere carriedout in the pastc€ntury,in orderto assessthe biodiversity
and,by thcsgmeans, the humanimpacton differentse€tors ofth€ river.Concerning
th€freshwater mollusksspeci€s, thispapertriesto establish a general, updatgdimaSe
andlo pointouttheeffectsofthe antfuopic impacl
Thc &eshwatcrmollusksare relotively easyto be used in a biomonitoring
sysrem. because theyarcresponding in a shondme4ndin a veryspecificmannerto
ihe changes in theenvironmental colditions.Theseinvertebrates Aom lhc Oh River
Vallc_'-\'ereverywell studiedin rhel9b canturybutscffc€lyin thisone.Theauthors'
aim :s to updalethe knowledgeaboutlhe presentstatusofthis 8roup.the speciesliom
thc uppcrandmiddleOlt RiverBasin,to showthe changes whichhaveoccurredin
lhepasrcenlury, to identifytheriversectors affected by thehumanimpactandto find
Durlhezoneswhichstill sheltera higherb;odiversity.
The firsr more comprehensive list of autochthonous moiluskspecieswas
publirhedin 18,{lby MichaeiBielz.Amongthe naturalists from the Transylvanian
Sc.iet! for \atural Sciences in Sibiu,whichwasfoundedin the middleof the Dast
cenrun.t\e highlightdben E. Biel4 asoneoithe mostremarkable malacologists of
iiu! rime ThisGermannaluralist haspublished his first malacologic&lpaperin 1853.
rn rh. Joumrleditedby ihe mentioned Society(seereferenc€s). whichwasfollowed
bt savarai aniclesso that urril 1862he hadidentified125molluskspecies (among
rhcm45 aquaicand paluda!)in Traniylvania. He published rhc first monograph\'
l12 The L pper Mtl Vi.tdlz OI Rir.t BNn

regardingthemalacofauna fromthistenitoryin 1862,followedby a second editioni!1

1867 In this pap€rhe desc.ibed not only the identifiedspecies andtheir sampling
points,but also their€srcgardingthe about the shell
variability,r.latedto environmental conditions, havingthusa pronounced ecological
character.Anothcr gert malacologist, who also dealt with the species fiom the Oll
RiverBasiqwasMaunlius voo Kimakowica from the same Society locatedin Sibiu,
but he was focusedmainly on tenestrial snailsrather lhan on freshwater species,
havingin this respectonly a few contributions (e.9.the paperpublishedin 1885).
Othercontributions to the knowledge of the fr€shwaler molluskfauna ilom the Olt
Rivervalley wcre providedby S Clessin(1887),C.F.Jikeli(18?8),M. Rotarid€s
(1910),L So6s(1942)andby Al.V. C'tossu (1962.1986,1987,1993a andb). Most
of theseauthorshavc quoted the spcciesand th€ sarnpl;ngpo'nts,as they were
meniioned by A.E. Bielz,withour verifyingifthe species still live in the specified
In recentdecldesthe rivercnvironment wasdrastically affcctedby pollution
and hydrotechnical works, both producing severe changes in the mollusk
communitics. Somcspecies b€cameextincl,€ndange.ed or vulnerable, others(the
moreresistanl pulmonales) becamedominantwithinthe communities. Despitethis
fact,according to the present-d&y knowledgqrx€hiShlightthatthe Olr RiverBasin
sheltersthe highestdiversityof frcshwatar mollusksspeciesamongthe riversin
Transylvania,bccaus€of lhe existenceof scveralv/etlands,that wereby chancenot
destroyed yet8ndin whichremn&nt communities havefounda refugee
All the resuhspreserledin this to be regardedas preliminarydata;
in orderto esrablish a definitivelist with all theaquaticandpaludalmolluskspecies
from the Olt River Basin, and lhe currentstatusof their popularions.a lot of other
habitatsandzon.s mustbe investigatcdin thefuture.

In the y€arsof 1996and 1997somcofthe authorshavedon€sevaralfield
researches in differentzonesand lypes of hobitats,in orderto sampleand to
inv€stigate the fieshwater malacofaunafiom the upperand middleOlt RiverBasin
andin 1998theytookpartin anexpcdition whichhasfollowedthe mainpartoflhe
river cours€in the specifiedzone.Besides,theygatheredthe referencesfrom the past
150y€arswhich dell with this orderto assessthe chang€sin this fauna.
Duringthe 1998cxpcdition2l samplinSstationswere selectedalongthg river valley
andseveralothemon the maintributari€s,suchasCibin andRad Nagru.Th€stalions
w€r€ selectcdin ord€r to investigatcthc main typesof aquaticor paludalhabitats,
namely:therivcrbcd,thebarks,floodarcas,sprirrgs, deadbranches, hkes,fishponds,
p€rmanent or temporalpools,manh$ etc,entirelyabout120sites(chccked out in the
We usedqualitative samplinStechniques.Themolluskswerehand-collected,
or they weresampl€dusing a botlom Surber,Ekftan BodenSreifcr,a bonomdredge

In o.der to displayour re$lts in a s)'ntheticmanner(Trb. l) we usedthe

' Ar - r.lativeabundance ofthe sp€cies in the upperandmiddleOh RiverBasin.
havingthc followingcatcgorics: C - commonspecies, rC - relativelycommon,R
- rareandvR - very rarespeciesin therc8carchgd ar€a;
. LR - the tcd list proposed for the molluskfauna from the upper.nd middleOh
Riv€t Valleyincludes:Er - odnct species in the investigat€dzone:Er? - nol
Tt@sylv.Ra S)st.Ecol R.s. t1999).1.!l I - t22 113
foundin recentyears,probablyextinct;E - endangered V - wlnerable;I
- in$rfTicientlyknownstatusin the researched
' Bgf - rhebiogeographic elements arecodifiedasfollowstgol - Holarctic,Pd -
Pal€arclic. Eur - Eurasian,EW - European-west-Asian; Eur - European. D -
Danubianlllr Vedireranean -west - -
Euopean,Cos cosmopolite.

Otherreferences aboutthepresence oflhe listedspeciesin certainplacesfrom

lhe Ok tuv€r Valley are cod'fiedby: B - A.E. Bielz (1853- 1867),K - M.v.
Kirnaj(o$icz (1885).c - Al V. C'rossu (1962,1986,1993a.b).
ln Trb. l. theabsence ofthe species fromthesampling stationis shownby an
empr)cell.andrhepresence in differenttypesof habitatsis codifiedas follows;+ -
species sampled iiom theriverbed, w - floodarea,b - pools,L - lakes,pondsor fish-
ponds.A deadbranches invadedby hydro-andor hygrophilous vegetation, a -
riv€rbed ofa t iburaryofrheOlt River in thevicinityofthe sampling station.
Thesamplingstationsarecodifiedasfollows:(on the Oh River course,we are
usinglhenamesofrhe nearest locality)Q3 - Bixad,Q4 - upstream S6ntucheorShe,
Q5 - ilieni.Q5 - Augustin, Q7 - Comtrn.deJos,QE- Mandra,Q9 - SambltadeJos,
Qlo - darnlakeat Avrig,Qll - downstre.rn Awig Q12- downstream Boil4 Q13 -
do$rurream Cilinegri,(sanplingsrations in differentwetlandsfiom the basin)Tt -
deadbranchesar Santionlunca Eaul Negrutributary),T2 - marshesat Harman.nd
Prerlner. deadbrarchesar T3 - Arini, T4 . Aita Marq T5 - Miclogoara, T6 - fish-
pondsar Rciba\. T7 - ri\,uletsand poolsin the BogataForestproteltednaturalareA
Tt - Ceadbranchat Racovile andT9 at TumuRo9u.Thelist ofthe identifiedspecies
aromlhe Cibinfuver Valleyis givenon tkee sectors, namely:Cs - the upperbasin.
Cd - the middleandCi - the lowerpartofthe valley.The samplingstationsQt -
Sajldcmrnrc and Q2 - SAncrtieniare not presentin tbe table,because no living
lpecres ofFesh$,at€r mollusks havebeenfoundin theriverbed.
The idenlificationand systhematical ftamingof the molluskswere done
ac.o.ding!o A E. Ellis (1978),P. Glder(1987)andof Al. V. crossu(1962,1986,


ln lhe pastcenturythe naturalistsfrom the TransylvanianSocietyfor Naturai€sin Sibiu,mainlyAE. Bielz,haveidentifiedin the upperand middteOlr
RjverBasin45 species of fieshwater ard paludalmollusks.Between1996lnd 1998
the authorshavefound39 living sp€cies. A total of 50 specieswer€coll€ct€dor
quoledin thisregion;amongthem36 species of gastropods and 14ofbivalves.The
resulrsare stnrheticallypres€nted iD Tab. 1, in which one can seethe list of all
speciesmentioned or foud in the upperandmiddtebasin,the samplingsiations,
relativeabundance in thjs region,the red list, biogeographical
olherreferences on the lormerrangeofthe species, codified(abbreviarcd)as it was
explained in the upperchapter.All the resultsand interpretation! givenbeloware
madeDirhrespect to lhe present-daystatusofthe lsrowledge regardingthjsgroupof
organisms Fom theOlt RiverValley;it is highlylikelyrharin rhefuture,by gaining
moreinformaiion,sorneof thema.e goingto be changed. We considerthat three
speciesareextinctfrom this basin,namelytleodorzs tan$,ersalis C.Pfeitre\ 1828,
Ydlrata cristatq O.FMnller, 1774 utd Psedrnodonta complqnqtaRossm,*slerl
1835.Fouispecies werenotfoundin thepast4 yearsandareprobablyeKinct(in the
seclorenclosed between BelanandCtrline$ti): ValvatapiscinalisO.F. Muller, I 774.
Lithoglwhus naticoidesC.Pfeiffe''1828,Bitrrynialeachi Sheppztd,1823andAnivs

vorterLinnaeus.1758.Othetfour species werenol found.but it is qosslbleie\en

probable)that th€y survivein differenthabitaist'ttt.) pi.1ot@t Linnaeus.1758.
Pisidiumnilium Held, 1836,Pistdiun t i.tun lenyr.s. 1832,]'|!i.liun lcrtontttn)
Malm,1855.Besides rhem,two re$'species uere toundin the Transylvanian faura
by the authors, namelyFe tl'sravautien\4trolr.1960(in lhe Sopafish-ponds. nea:
Sibiu,CibinRiverBasin;foundby I Sirbuin 1,a98\ a d Anisltsvorti.'ulusTroschel.
1852(in a dead-branch ofthe Olt Rircr.nearTurnuRoguvillage).
By theseresultswe highlightthal despitethe pollutionand degradarion of
longsectors of th€ Olt Riverard its maintributaries,the basinsheltersthe richesl
freshwater molluskfauna from all the mainriver valleysfrom Transylvania, thal is
beca8e of the habitats'diversityand the presence of somerefug€s(like dead
brancbes) whichshclterremnant communities sincethctim€whsnthehumanimpacl
was low or ev€n absent.That is why some abundantspeciesin the past centurv
becam€ veryrare,according to thedisributionof suchpatches,
split and lh€y are survivingin this basinthroughmetapopulations. Regarding lhe
species richness of thisgroup,the rankingofthe nain riversfrom Transylvania is
presented in Fig. l.

Fig, r.:'unbt ofthe Wcnt.lal litirg Jresheat.r no lsL spect.sflon ,he nain rivet b6inslmD

TheOlt fuverBasin.with 39 sDecias is rankedbeforetheMuresRiverBasin,

in which38 pres€ livinSsp€cies arequot€d(A. Sd{kiny-Kiss, 1995).Although
we consider4I speciesto beprcscntin the upperandmiddleOh RiverBasin,because
two speciesofPisiidae hav€beenreponed,n melyPisidiummili m at\dP, nindtm,
in the glocial lakcsfrom the Flg6ra$Mountains(Grossu,1962)andthat ar€ unlikely
to havedisappciredin the last30 yearsfrom this zone,while thes€alpinewatershave
not sulfcrcdbecguse ofhumanimpact BesidestheOh andthe Mure$rivers,the oiher
mainrive$ from Transylvania aresonedas follows:Critul NeSru(with 25 speciesi
A. S6*Any-Kiss et al.,1997).Somes tuvers(23speci.s;A. S6rk6ny-Kiss, L Sirbu,K
Beba,1999),CrisulRepede 8ndC.itul Alb (21and20 speciesi A. Siirkdny-Kiss
et al ,
1997)andtheTur River(l? species; A. S6rkiny-Kiss andL Sirbu,1999)
|. Silnth.ti. tdble qith thr id.dt{Edrthwdd ,altud. spai8LM th. upd 6d nn&k! OA AivE Bann
qjl_c{o o6fotl6To, tropfa"Io-lQ'3fnt n IIJTETEfT6|-7I-m:[T, Jr} Ia!I! ' t
lrhlz ( | E6?l (4 !.trpling poilts) Olt Rivq !t Ct$, scb.$ d€ Jd, T|!nu Rqq!. Not 'evql4
C Pr'cinil,I l{2rl. P

!rlU'r a. rZ4 a Aril. Not '@rqd in $. rsrhcd o.

lliclz ( 1867)l Ro$ DcfiL. NorForcrcd.


- -,, Qt.!1$rf!-l1lO.

, -rT-1--t

t Lt

quoLdthi. +or*;1351f!* a dad ltuch ai dE dtme flm Tmu Rotu D.6lc $ h- o(m Ihila


F Molld. I
7mh!!l!. Rev SystEcol. Res.(1999),I, I r r - I22 7
Comparing the fteshwater molluskfaunafrom the main 6 rivers ftom
Transylvania, by usingthe Ssrensen similarityinde4 we established a matrixof
similarit!between th€sebasins.In Fig. 2 the hierarchically
of the values
frL-mihe malrixis showqusing$e near€st-neighbour linkagemethod,andthe scale
;n rermsof % cfsimilarity.It is obviousthattherearetwo groups!namelvtheOlt -
\lurel - SomelandthethraeCril Rivers,rcflectingthefaunaicharacteristics linked
io lhe geomo.phologc.l and hyd.ologicalconditions.In the firs1 Sroupthe Someg
Ri\e:, and in the secondthe Cri l Rep€de,are plac€dapart. ln the first casethe
SomesRiler is ciaracterised,in oppositionwith both Olt and Muret rivers, by less
de€pwarers.fasterflowing and lowcr dcbitg beingalso lesspolluted,but sheltering
also lessrvetlandsalong its cours€.In the s€condc{r€ the Cri$rl RcpedeRiver is
moreaffected,than the olber two rivcrs fiotn lhe group, becaus€of hydrotechnical
works.embankments anddams,andalsoby pollution.

Olt Mung Somcg C. Alb C. Negru C.R.pede

EiZ. L CllsterMatysts ofthelteshwate. nollrs$dr"alton thenoin rieer basinslron Tmsy ania

(.lsterine distdn e l8give, ja tens of perc.rtt ofsinil@i|y b ,sag the Sarensea
n.dt e neighbotrjoining nethod)

Reruming to the Oh River, an analysis of the relative abundance of the

presenr-dav species(Fig. 3) proveslhat 29.3%of the species are very rareOeing
foundonlv in oneor two sampling sretions),29l% arerarealso.$e olhers(rnainly
euriccicpulmon.lessnails)beingr€lativelycommonor common Comparingrhe
ptes€nt-day in the pastcentulv.onecanseethat the mosl
sralewith ihal reSislered
affcct.dgroups*ere the prosobranch snailsand rhe Unionaceans. Amongthe ?
species offiesh$,aterprosobranch gastropods rccordedby A.E Bielz(1867)sndM v
Kimakowicz(1885)only rwo species h6vebeenreponedin the the
rcsearched area"namelyl,tipams v|iparus somewetlandsnear
the RaulNe8rutriburaryofthe Olt (MolnsrLidia.leg 1982and Csatazohiin - in.
\etbis) NndBithrnia tentacrlorain the Hanibacitribura4'ofthe Cibin River (Armean
Danina,in. verbis)
118 The Upp* akd.\rddle 0 Rivet Aain

Fig I tuesh*at.t hollusk speci.s dt ribtnan aEarhst th. hur .akponc \ ./ rc tdup ahunddn.e

The prosobranchs usuallyinhabilmoreslableand largerhabitats.beingfar

Icsstolerantto environmenlal fluc-tudions than the basommatophoran pulmonaie
gastropods. Thespecies Fomthelastgrouptendlo havea worldwidedisrribution and
to beubiquitous. a lot of$em beinghighlyeuriecicspecies inhabitinga broadrange
of habitals(R. MacMahon,1983).Whenlhe life conditions becamelessfavourable
thereis a switchfrom prolobranch-basommatophoran communities to pulmonale
euriecicspecies exclusivedominalionThesamefacl is valid for the two groupsof
fresbwater bivalves.The Unionidaeneedmore stableand larg€rhabitarswith a
ce(ainqualityofthe abioticfaclors,whilc the pisiidstendto groupmoretolerent,
someevenubiquilousandeuriecicspecies. capableto inhabitall kind of habit&ts,
fromglaciallakesand springsto lowlandlemporary poolsor - on the otherhand-
grealdeltasand estuariesBesidesthe prosobranch snails,lhe Unionidae(excepr
AnodontaclgnaeaLinnaeus,1758)havedrastically reducedtheir rangein the Olt
RiverBasin.A. cJgnaeaslill livesin a lot of fishponds, beingwell adaplcdto the
conditions ftom thesehabitars{-/ri.,c/arsqrPhilipsson. 1788hasdisappeared from
the OIt River course,snd Fom differenttributaries,like Cibin or Raul Negru
downstream thetownTarSuSccuiesc, but it still inhabitssomecl€antributaries, like
theSerata ri!1rletAnodonlaanalinaLi^ aeus,1758wasfounduntil nowonly in one
place,in the Iower sectorof the Tocile riwlet, a lributaryof the Cibin Riv€r
PsedanodontacomplanataandUniopictorxm werenot foundagainin the lastyears,
andalsoa pisiid speci€s, namelyP. personatum recordedfrom somepoolsin the
CibinBasin(M. v. Kimakowicz,1885)Rcgarding thebasommatophoran pulmonat€
snailsonfy one specieswasnot recovered,namelyAniflt vortex,bul diffeaentoth€r
species b€came veryrarein theresearched areain the lasicentury;aftongthernwe
highlightAtniger crista andAnisvsseptenpratur: Theformer wasfoundin the prst
30yearsin Transylvania only in onesingleplac€,in a wedandfromtheMure$River
Basin,lrom whereit disappeared soon after its sampling(A. Sarkeny-Kiss, in
ve.bis).In the OIt Basinwe have found a fcw living individualson stemsof
Phragmitesaustrolis, in some pools located in the vicinity of lhe Cibin River,
upstream Sibiu,andin theSopafish-ponds (foundby M. Petrescu) It is probablerhat
it will also disappear flom th€ first mentioned poinrbecause the drainingworks
started by thelocalmunicipality.
All the changesin thc rnolluskfauna, displayeduntil now, haveoccurredin the
last 150 years (most likely in the last 20 years),and are due to enforced
industrialisation,hydrotechnicilworks,pollutionanddrainageofthe formerw€tlands
in orderto gainmoreagricultural land.Thcmos!affected wasthecourseofthe River
Olt andits flood area(whichhasalmosttotallydisappelred). alld the samecanbe
Tr^sytv. Rd. Srst.E o!. Res.0999), I, ll l - 122 lt9

saidaboutthe Raul Ne8ru,Cibin and Barsatributaries.In rhe Olt dverbed,between

BelanandCeline$i,thereareno livingprosobranchs anymorqand(in the upperand
ffiddle course)oniy ong possiblytwo, shortsectors with Unjonidae. Thedominart
characterof the courseis given by some few euriecicspeciesof pulmonate
gasftopodsOneofthem,Plr)soacttlaDlapaflaud, 1805,hasappearedin this century
and has ir,vadedthe whole Transylvarfa.This specieshad had a former
Vedherranean - $estem- European rangeandis in full process ofnafuralexpansior\
like it happened with orherMediterranean species in thiscentury.It hrs well adapted
to localconditiors,beingvery resistant to pollutionanddegraded waterconditions.
Wh€n rhe water and the sedimentsbecomevery rich in organic mattcr, and the
decayingprocessis very intense,the speciesslill lives in the vicinity of the
riverbanls.beingadapted to an amphibious life, andit canbecomethe singleliving
aquaticgasrropod in suchhabirats, or. sometimes, it can live togetherwith Rddri
auhalland and Gaibo truncatula(as it happenson somepolluted seqors from the
Olt andSometrivers) Physaacuta6asVobablytravelledalongthe river, againstthe
water-flowandhasreached SfantuGheorghe, in lheuppersectorof thisriver.
TheOlt River,in the uppercourse,alier it passes throughBalan,is strongly
pollutedbecause of the miningresidualwaterswhichare discharged in this sector;
iherefore no livingfreshwater molluskspecies havebeenfoundin lhe riverbed. ln the
Tugnad Gorgetheflowingwateris capable ofnaturalself-cleaning, sothaithequality
improvesand somespeci$,like Gyraulusalbus andHippeutiscomplanatusappear
This situation lasts until upstreamSfiintu Gheorghq where we found ,4zcylzs
Ifiatilis itt the courseof the rivet proving a good quality of the water and the
presence of relativelyhighlevelsof dissolved oxygen.The physicalandchemical
characteristics ofthe water deteriorateafter it passesthroughSfantucheorghetown,
becauseofthe houseworkand industrialresidualwatersthat are dischargedinto the
river. At this level Ahc/1tsfluviatilis disappearsftom the whole rest of the river's
upper course. The situation improves just in the second half of the Figarag
Depression..In this zone a seriexof damJakeswere build, and its coursewas
€mbanled by concret€dykes. Although in the main course only few euriecic
pulmonategastropodslivq in the lateralchannglsseveralmore exactingspeciescan
be found, fike: Aplen hlporum Linnaeus,1758, Gyauhs laeis Alder, 1838,
Segnentinanitida (O. F. Miille\ 1774\andSphaerixmldcustris(O.F Mutler, 1774)
There is informationthat in the dam-lakefrom A\dg there are living Unionidae,
whichcanbe seenwhenthe waterlevelis low (CiprianFendnd,jn. ve6is),but we
didnotfind anyindividuals duringthe 1998expedition. Again,theecologicai srateof
the river is stronglyaffecteddownstream the confluencewith the Cibin River. At lhe
ent.ancein the Tumu Rogu Defile, only Phlsa acuta has been recordedin the
riverbedIn the sameplaceA.E. Bielz(1867)hasfoundin the riverbedtwo of the
Frosobranchs species,namely7lrcodon6 tran$'ersalisandLithoglwhus naticoides.
\vhichareto be considered fiom now oneasextinctor probablydisappeared species
ftomthisbasinIn thedefilethecou.seis se.iously afectedby hydrorechnical works,
ballastexcavations. to which the residualhouservork watersdischarged by the
villagesplacedalongthe coursehaveto be added.At the enlrance of the damJake
located dolvnstream Crlinefti(thelastsampling pointselected in the middlecourseof
theOlt River- Ql3) the substratum consists mainlyoffine sandandsilt,or even,at
lhe banl(s,ofthick lay€rsofmud. In the riverbed^ndba*s only Physdacuta,Radix
auricula/ia ,nd Galba truncauia havebeenfound, indicatinga bad quality of the
warerparameters anda storageof organicmatter.
120 TheLppzt ont.\liJdle Oh Riter 86n

In the Oh RiverValleysomewetlandsexist(deadbranches, marshes) where

the habitatconditionswere not taintedand wheresomerracesfiom the past
biodiversity caostill bc found.Suchkind of naturalpaichesare:wellandsfom lhe
birchforestAomReciaodihe deadbranches fiom Samionhnca (RaulNegruBasin).
dead-branch€s from Arini, Aira N'lare.MicioFara.Augusrinand Tufiu Rofu, the
marshes fromHarmanandPrejmer. ando|hersln su.hFatches se\'eralspecies have
found a certain refuge,amongthefr.Acrololus /a.rrl/lj (Linoaeus. 1758),,4rislr
spirorrir (Linnaeus,1158),A. vo iL'uh.sTroschel,1852.BathroD\,hal s cohtortus
Lannaeus, 1758.Ptsrdt|rr,sboltncatvmM^lm. 1855.Sphoernntrneur, (Linnaeus.
1758)and ofter (seeT3b. l). A few of them(like the marshesfronr Herman-
Prejmcr,andReciarer)areprotecled naturalareas,but theirprotectionis doneonly
on the paper.Therearc no shieldsand nobodytakesany measures
in ordar!o ke€plheir naturalberitage.k is very importanr,for lhe fulurq io proted
thesewetlands in anelicientv/ayandto gatherthemainwedands in largerprotected
In the y€ar of 1994the upperhalf of the Olt River coursefrom the F;gerat
D€pression andthe Cibin Rivcr downstresm Sibiuwereclassifiedas D - degraded
sectors Thc Stralegyfor EnvironmentrlProtectioq 1996).lt is obvioustharin the
lower half of the FAgEraS Depressionth. situationis improved,but we havc!o say
that this improvement is not dueto environmenlal rehabilitation
measures and to
awareness of ecologicalpolicy,but to thc closingor the reducingof the activityof
somepollutingindustries fromthisarea.Thusthebetto ecological stateis linkcdto
theeconomical problems lbatRornania fac€sin theseyearsandbecause ofthis, i is
not anacceplable guaranteefor the future.

Thereasons for thehighbiodiversityofthe freshwater mo'luskfauna fromtle
researchedarca ar€ the very various and heterogcneous habiraasexisring in this
hydrographic basin.The Olt fuver, itself,remainsone of the mosi polluledand
degraded riversin Transylvania.
Thepr€sent-day statusofthe freshwaterandpaludal
mollusk fauna provesthe great changeswhich have occunedin the last decades,
regarding thespecifichabirats andthequalityofrhe freshwaters, in comparison with
the situationreSistered by themalacologistsfromthe t9s century.It is definit€that
the pollutionlnd the hydrotechnical works,whichoccunedin lhe past20 years,
detetminethis changes.The aquaticmolluskshave responded ro environmental
changes in severalmannels:the disappearance of somelesstolemntspecies, the
fragmentationof their former that dany of them have today a patched
distributio4thc grevailingof the euriecicbasommatophoran pulmonatesnailsin
correlation with the debasement of the prosobranch snailsandmosrof the najades
populations. Theimproveftent ofthe life conditions
fiom rheloticecosvsrems is less
probablein lhe very future.bu! it couldbe a goodopponuniryto savethe main
wellands fromlhebasinby enclosing themin a largerprotecred are4 andto applyan
efficient environmentalmanagemenisystet& including an integrated long-time
biomonitoring.Theriver valleyin the Tulnad Gorge,the sectorbetweenHtrrmanand
Augustinand the lower half of the Flgaral DeFre$ionshouldbe declaredas
Drctected wedendareas.
T,a$yly.Rev SystEcol.Res.(1999),I,I ll - 122 l2l


l. Biclz. E. A l85l - Beilrat zu. Kcmlrirs d.s Si.ldbiirgisctcn brd- und S0ss\rais.FMouuskcn.
lbfh. jltt Sebenb.l/et. Natttu. Henatustad. a. pp: lt3 - 16l: 162- 165.
2. Bieiz E A. l85d - Nacnd/gc ud Bcrichli$rycn zu Vcrz.ichnis de. Land- und SUss$a{q&
MoiluskcnSicb€rbiirSens.t/.r, Mit Si.betb. ,.1 ^.atur*.. HenMvadL S-W: a1 - Aa
3 BicL:. E A. 1858 - l'{alakologisch€N_ohz.naus Sjct€trbiirg* l?,h. MttL S1.benb.,'et.
.\'atutu., H.monnstddt,7, W:22o - 228.
r Bi.lz. E. A. 1859- U.tEr cinig. neueAttcn uld Forrncnder SiebenbrirSischcn Mollu*.nfauia
I .,h vir. Siebenb., e. Natury.. It nnannstadt,10.W: 212 - 226.
J Bi.lz. E A. lE59 - it.n 4 ciner Faura d€r LaDd- urd Siii$ass.r-Mollus&.n
Sicb€lbiirge$. I e/, -Urt S,eb.rb. t'.t. \'atutu.,,10, pp: 3 - 16; 19- 25.
6 B|.lz. E. A., lE6O- VoEtt itetr a]r F$nr &r k!d- ud Siisssass.FMollurlo Siet nbor8.ns.
tbrh \tin. $ebqb v.. \brutu, mNttad. tl, D: 49-52,60-6E,114-116,133-14{,149-
t6!. 199-20{.220-228.250-252,28a-296.
? Biclz. E 4.. 1862 - Vorubcitctr zu eincr Fauru der land- und S0lseass€FMollustcr
Si.bcnbiirg€ns./err. -flit .9,?benb.I'er. Yatttu., H.nMstad|r3, pp: 19-20,3l-35, 50-52.69-
? 2 .8 l - E { , 9 2 - 9 6I l,3 - 1 1 61, 3 5 - 1 3 1
65. 2 - 1 5 t37. 0 - 1 7 2t 9
. l-192.
6. Biciz. E. A. lE63 - Vonrteilen ar cincr FaurB dcr land- uod Sns$lalser-Mollulkcn
Si.bcnbnrg..s Dic ScoglapNrchcnund physilalis.hcn V€rh{tnisse dcs faunm8cbictesund der
c .sctrrlichcchaEl<t.runsc..r FajJ[l8.l/eth. Min. Stebehb.,er Nat'H Henonkstadt,l4, pp 12
9 atcL E. A., lE6?. Fama dcr Lafil- ud So$vass.rMoUusken Siebenbfigetrs.Zwcitc Aun.
Comss,ons-Ve.la8 v. Fittscl! H.rnl,ff lrrdt.
l0 M., lE.t3 - Aulzdl urSar der Srcb.nborgisch.nLard- ud Siisass€rMoll$k.n.
I I Cl6sil\ S., 188?- Die lv,loUud.ohutl3O.scn ich - Un8nra unl de. Schweiz II Thcil, Niirib.r&
Verhg loo Bauerond naspe.
12. EUis.A ., 1978- Bnd$ Fre{t*d.r Ailalve Mo[usca AcademicPr€ss.t ndon Ncw York San

ll. Gl(jc( P., Meid - B.ool( C.. Or.rru'In O. 1987-

filI Natrt@bachnng. rbnbur8.
14 GmssqAl. V, l%2 - Mo[usc4 Bi!"lvia Falra R..ti..13, Edi! Acad 8uolrcai.
lJ. Cross\ Al. V., 1966- CasirDpodaRontuiaq li I. CanctcEl. goel?lc, istoricul $ biologia
Sastlpod.loa It SubclasaRo6obmnchiaSiOpieobllnclia. Ed LiteE Bucuft$i.
16. Grossq Al. V., l9a7 - Ga$opoda lbm{iac, 2l Subclrs Pulnonarr, L Ordo Beunatopho6.
I] tuo Slylonmalophofr (SrPzl&dUilc Succillalci, Cdhlimpa@. Pupillacen).Erl. Litcri.

I 7 Grosir Al. V. 1993a - The carrloSu.of dE molu!.s frotn Rorn,dit. Tt@.M/s. Hht nat. "Cipre
Artipd'. 33,B\ct)t {j, W: 291 - 366.
| 8 Crossu,Al rv:, 1993b - Gatcropodel. din Romrda Comp.ndiu.Buoreg tj.
19. C. F.. lE78 - Zur MolluskdfauE Sicb.nb0r8cns.Veth. \r'ift. Siebe4b ver Natstu.,
H.nanniaA.$,W: ll -8,l.
20. Kimaloeie, M v. 1885- Bcib"8 zur Mollulk.nfaun3 Si6c$0rg€ns. /€'r. Llir Siebenbl,'e,
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22 Rolaridcs.I\t . l9l0 . Zur Mollu<k€nfaus \lofi"ske,k . 62. W: la9 - | t6
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25 Sr#nf-Kiss. A., Sirbu.I. Babr"K., I99E-Thc frcshrlar.rnoluak colmutiei fromdlc Sonc$
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t22 6d Mi&12 Olt R^Er Basta

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Bla8a" UniversiA Fa.ultr of $iences, D.pddnent oJE ologvand Enyiontuental
Pnrlcian St.Oituz31.RO 2100S biu.

38 qi!6 d! gasEopodes t€rl€srcs ont ata Eowaes,parni lalqu.U.s 15ont CtancndoMd€s
pourla premiar€fois darc la dgion. 2? €Aa.!s cit .s Ic siCcl€d€mi.r drrl les travau dc Bielz (1869)
cl Kinalovicz (1890),r'onl p€sati retouwis.
Or souligneI'inponanc. d€ la Rdscn€don gncnieni qui abnG un e nchc rualacofaune,
rencsrc er qui est au$i un dapot imponanrde fossilcs.C'dt la s€ulc statrotrou nous alons t ouve
lcspacc ri:'r,i6 notlidsiana,c't,il'r. d.puis lc QlarcmiE Etr $naral le nm€rc lc plls ba5
d csp..6 et hs v.leun minim.s de l abondrnccod a€ eNegilira.s daru les bioroFs ou I impacr
antltropiqu.est6,id. . Lc fa.t ur I. plus impona d s fddifietjo! d6 airociarios de Fstropodes
ted.rtr€s &n5 c€tteitud. cs1I'hunidita. qu. n cst pas influcnca ni pa! I associatiotry:g€raL ni pat

Olt RiverV&lley

TheTrarsylvanian Societyof NaturrlScienceswas foundedin Sibiuat rhe
middleofthe la$ cenury. Amongits outstafldingmembersareto bementioned EA
BielzandM von KimakowiczwhoseworksaboutTransylvanian malacofauna were
publishedin $e joumal of the sociely. Later on appeared their monographs of
Transylvanianmollusks(Bielz 1867andKimakowicz1890),whicbconstitute even
[owadaysan imponantsourceof information on whichbasisi1 is possiblero make
comDarisonswilh th€ actualstatgofthe malacofauna,
The.aim of this paperis to showdrc presentsiruationof the t€rrestrial
malacofauna of the upperandmiddlepartof the Olt fuver Valleyand to makea

Samples $'eretaken&om l3 stations (Ql-Ql3) ofthe upperandmiddlepan
ofthe Olt fuverVall€y Fromall lhis stations weretakenqualitariveandquanlitative
samples (quadrates of 25r5xl0cm) excepting slationQl2 6oin wher€thercwere
takenonlyqualilative samplesThestmpleswereselected andidentifiedin laboralory
(excepting therepres€ntants
ofLimacidesndArjon;defamilies),andthe resultswere
groupedin T.ble I Thalasttwo columnsofthe tablerepresent the quotadon of lhe
species in the\r'orksofthe authorsmentioned abovewithouttakinginto account the
places\r'hereth€y were found With +. were markedthe stationswheie we found
only ernptyshellsof rcsp€ctive speci€s; columnO, r€pr€se the sumof the species
found in all the stations,and the last two columnsrepresentthe quotationof the
speciesin the papersof Bielz (B) dnd Kimakowicz(K) without menrioning the
localitieswheretheywerefound.Quantitative sarnpleswereusedfor the estimation
ofdensity,reiat;veabundance andfrequancy.
rhe UpperandMddle Ol RiwBain


A.fterthe analysisof the samples,38 speciesof terrestrialgasfopodswere
identified,Aom 14 families(Trb.l); 15- species werenot quotedbefore;nthe Olt
River Vall€y. We mentiod Carychifin tridentaluk found in 5 stations,,'dl1otid
coslata in 7 starrons,Ttuhcateninacllirdrica, Chotldrltla ,idens albolimbata,
Mactugdstraplicatulla, Punctumpwmaeun, ,tertigo nonlintiaru. The last one - a
speciesknown sinceQuatemary,a decliningspeciestoday,appearsifl ferv regionsin
Europq especiallyas a fossil. In Romani., Grcssumedtionedits presencein some
exemplars, in CheileTurzii (Grossu,1986).But BebaandStirk6ny(1998)did not
refound lny exemplar. we found this speciesin the station Q2 - Sencraieni
Reservation. We did not founda numbcrof27 speciesofterestrial gastropodsquoted
by Bielz andKimakowiczin the Olt River Valley. We mention:l'e igo antive igo,
Ileltigo pygnaea GranariaIn/nentum, Clntdrira avrucea, Sphlradiun doliol n,
Alopia bogdensis,Alopia bielzi madansis,Macedonics narginata, Cochlodirm
marii, Vesta elata, yestia turgid4 Mascrogaslrulalestriaa, Iaciniaria plicata,
Balea lakt Bulgaica ca@, Helicigoha banatica, Arianta arbustorum, Helix
futescens. M.ny of these speciesbelong to fam. Clatsili.lae, being species
chamcteristic for forestbiotopeswherewe did not take samples.For this reasor\and
dueto the fact that theseresultswereobtainedduringa singlecampaignin October
I 998.we cannot amrmthat thesesDccies arc not oresentthere.

Carp E.M


Fi&r. Th. zoogeogtopht.ele,retts: E-E rcpea\ Ec- Centlat"Earcpetu,Eua-Far8iaric,

IIol-Holarcti., Pal-Pdl.afttt.. Cdtp-Cupdhidd, E-M -turcpeu-Meditenuean

Most of the found speciesare European(29%).andCentral-European

fouowed by l{olarctic species(20%) and Carparhianspecies(8%) Among the
endemicCarpathianspe.ieswe mention:Otielryh$ deprcsns,Mon tchoidesvicina
and C@n aeafoustina (Fig,\.
Tiahll| R e t t f s t E c L l R e s4 9 9 9 ) , t 1 2 1 - 1 1 8 t:5



Fit 2 1h. t.nlotu spz.t.un af L-.!na!Nq)pd\ n.n uppet md nkldk OhR^Er

The biolormsspectrumhighlightlhe piedominanc€ofthe hygrophilousforms

(73%) followed by mezohygrophilousspecies(;5t;). bul rhere are xerophilous
speciestoo. especiallyon the middlereSionofthe rn'er (Fig. 2)
From the point of vi€w ofthe numberofspecies p€r sration(Fig.3). \r,e can
obsewethat the maximalvalue was recorded'n $ation Q2 SAncreieni. where ir was
found also the maximal abundance(1936 ind./m'?)The mosl impodant speciesin
lbese slation are (in order of the relative ^bfidance), (:arychiun t dentatuh,
Cochlicopa tubrica, fe igo angustior, Punctun ptgnaeun.
Generally.w€ found 10-13speciesper station.exceplstationsQ4 -upstream
Sf Cheorghe,Q? - Comenaand Ql2 - downst.eamBo;la B.herethesevaluesare
lo1nerThe minimalvaluesofabundance\,r'ere recordedin stationsQ4, Qt, and Ql3
Thereare stationswherethe anthropicimpactis eKremelyevident,lhe biotopebeing

riq. 3. I ia , umbt cr sp"ctcs dnd of_f8iles .l !.a.stel g6nnp.4 ltan the sttdie a laro6

As it is evident,thelow valueof$e species numberin Comana deJossta{ion

is nol reflected inthe is lhe matterolhygrophilousspeciesthat were
in this station,as well as in starionQ6 Augusti[ is generallydue to emplyshells
(Fig.s) In thistrro srationswasfoundthehighestperc€ntage ofemptyshells
t26 TneI ppet and.ltiddle OIt Riwt Ba.rin

Regardingihe abundanceof ter:eslrialgastropodsir rvas gen€rallyrecorded

(aner the exclusionof starionQ2). an avcnee \alue €asilr increasedin the middle
pan comparaiivewith the supenorone This lenCenc\;s moree:nphasized in the case

FiZ,l Th. ob.tdfue of kftstnolg^topds it h. ttatiohsfon the upFr dnd ni.tdl. Oh R^el


F &S Thep.rc.rtage ofenpty shellsid th. stati^ftun the tppet andniddle Ott Riyet t olle!-.

Araociltiodt of acrraltrirl grstropods.

Nowadays th€reis e tendency to finda conelalion between rhevegetal
association andth&tofgastropods. But landsnailsarefairlygeneralist feeders.
(1977)suggested thattheconstituents oflhe samefaunamightfeedthemselves in
differentpla;es,on thegroundandin veg€tation. Oursamples aretakenfrom7 ryp€s
of veSetafassociations as follows Urticetumdiot ae- Ql, Q6, Q7, Qlo ; fir.rr-
salicet n Qlt QS.Q9, Qll: Salicetumcihereae- Q2, Quelco-carpnetum,Q3 f^.ies with Senecio lluviatilis - Q8 Aegopodioalnetun
glulinosae Ql3, PlantaionofPirt6 silr€srrrr- Ql 2.
fig.6 r€presents lhe relativeabundancrofthc principaltenestrialgastropods
perstation.As it is €vident,we cannotsustain thc existenceofa coFelalionbelween
thevegetalassociation t?e andthe association of tenestrialgastropod.
This fact is
illustrated alsoin Fig,?,the representation offee diagmmresuhingftom Sorens€n
sirnilarity matrix.As we canseethe neareststatiomin the speciesstructurc-Q? and
Ql3-belonS lo differe$t vegetal associationsUrticetim dioicae ad Aegopodio-
dheftn Slutirmslre.
T r o h t t l vR q S y \ t E . o l . R c s i 9 9 t ) . L l : 1 . l : 1 t27



Q2 Q3 04 05 06 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q13

fip.6. Th. r.ldi'e abnn.hnc. of.h. pnrcipal tmend gt.opo.h pu ra,i6r I B.o4rboend
ttu tu,t 2( ..hhcopalrbn.ella,3. St cineaprnis,1 Cory.hiuntndenlatrn,5. l'etuigodngusnor,
a Prnctrn, Wghaeun T.Zanilot&s niti.lus, 8.yittea crystalird, 9.Helix podatia, l0.lhllonja
Nlchelld, 1l Zentbiella rubryinosa,12 r'allohia costota, l3.vitrea cohtra.ta, l4.t'inida pelllada
la Ttutcdt.llina ?litdnca. 16.P.rfo41tUa bid.ntata I7- oth.r

Q7 QIJ Q! Q2 Q6 Qr QE Q9 Ql Qro Qrr Q.

Fis..1 iice diag,ann psultedltun Sorensensinilffiv notit

Theupperandmiddlebasinofthe Olt Riverstill shelters
a rich malacofauna
arerccordedfor thcfirst lime (15)bul muchmorenLrmerous arethose
lastcenNryandnot foundnow (27) We canrotaffirmthai
The Lppzr @dl.ijttdl. Ok R^,erBdsin

thesehavedisappeared in theOlt basin.To beableto makeanyaffirmation regarding

this problemwe haveto continue('tlr researoh
We point out the imponance of Sancrrieni whichis e{renely
rich in lerrestrialgastrcpodsand constitutein the same rim3 an inpodant
accumulationof fossils. Here \ras fotmd Vertigo malthltatn a rc|l.i fialjl
In general,the lower numberof speciesand the decreased valuesof
abundanceare recorded in biotopes where the anthropic impact is high The
increasing ofthe percentage ofemptyshellsandth€pr€sence ofxerophylousspecies
in themiddlepartof theOlt fuver couldbe an indexofthe biotopedererioraticn in
this region.
Regardingto the tefiesuial gastropodsassocistionswe mentionedthat we
havenol found a corelation betweentheseand the vegetalassociationtype. lD the
establishmentof the lerrestrial gastropodsassociationsare involved a series of
facton. One of therq the vegetatioq plays a v€ry important role, but a minor
modificationin vegetatio4in the conditionsof the sametype of the habilat,is nor
followedby the modificarionofgastropodsassociations. Themostimportantfactorin
theconditions ofthis studyis humiditt mostofthe species beinghygophilous.The
predominanca of this factor is not afected by altitude,becousewe have found no
correlationb€tweenthe speciesassociationFom the stationsin both studiedsectors.


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Europe"Collins €d. titrdlA pp. 259
12. Kjn lowicz, M.v., lE90 - B.irag zur MolustenfauB Sieb€nbiirgens. IL Nachrag- ,/.rr Mtt
Si.b.nbtl,E. Ve/. Natumiss.H.namstaclt, 40,W: 135-247.
T.arrlv. Rey.Syn.Ecol. Rcs.(1999),I, 129- 142 t29



C. Chi$u*1
. - "aabet-Boraf Uniwit, F@try of aioto&/ @d Geotos, Depdn qt of Zooloet,
St. KoSalaiceant. I, RO J40OCq-Napoca: .. -'Lucid BIaSa' Liiv.^ttt, Ftulty of S4i.n..s,
Depdtun.ntof Ecolog/ and E eiror,ttertal Pmte.tior. St.Oituz3 1.RO UAo Sihiu

Did bazinul suF.ior ti mijlociu al dului Oll au fo6t id€nlificak in total ll8 sFcii de
Irichop€re.din carc .r4 speciisuot noi p€ffiu ac6t bzin hid$8nlic. Analizr calitedvi ti drit ljva
r materialulul colccrar(16.50? exemphre,din carc 16-443atulli ti 64 larvc) arat{ en$enta, in
rcgiuneacscclaLi. a uror comuDtlli o rem dc bogatcde tdchopcr!. Au fost ccrceiaE4 tipuri de
rp€ curgatoaE:i^oat. irtE 800-1500mallitudinc. panie dEmu € lnre 600-950n alrirudine,prraie
drn dc?rcsiunil. idlaDonlaft 9i dc campic 380{0om aidrudim ti riurilc Olt ti Cibin. Ditr
pcnpcctii? faunci d. lrichoptcE c.l. ftai bogatcccosinchc 6dic! sc dovd.s. pAraielcdc mun!.
intrc 800-950maltitudine, or 83 sp..ii de richoptcrc. uflnatc dc paraiclcdc Ia altitudini mai joas. cn
6, spccii de hchoptcrc ti cu p&aiclc lor ltenolern€. (43 specii). Din dul Olt au fon
'dcndicate un redusde s?ccii (2E), arfthd u gad ridicar de poluarc a apci in tot scctorul
ccrccrat. chiar aproaF de izvoar., Ltn8n omtul Balalr d€crul poluanfilo. acceduendu-scsprc
s.dorul mijlociu pera Ia Calir.ii.

The llppcr and middlesectorof the Olt River catchmentareais regardedas
w€ll knownwith respectofthe Trichopterafauna Th€ works of Boto$trneanu (195?,
1961,1965,1966,1975),Bolo$neanuand Schneider (1978),Bototdnanu and
Tebacaru (1963),Ciubuc(1993),Mey (1978),Mocs6ryi(1900),Murgoci(1953),
Pongrecz (1914), Ujvirosi(1994),Ujvirosi,N6gradiandUherkovich (1995)contains
morecompreh€nsive listsofspecies-
A numb6of 127species ofcaddisfly 6reknown
in thisregion,whichrepresent47,56%ofthc TrichopterafaunaofRomania.
The ecoloSicalrelationsbetweenthe caddisflica of the River Olt cslchmenl
areaarepoorlykno\.r,n, onlya singlepap.rofMurgoci(1951)treatedthedistribulion
of trichopteralawaein thc RiverOlt, at Jigodir\ CiucDepression.
In the presentpaperthc authorsaimwasto detcnninethe speci€scomposition
ofrhe caddisfly faunaofthe upperand middleOlt fuvcr Basi& ard to analysetheir
distributionin the differenttypesof runningwaters(springs,streamletsand brooks.
river) presentin the researchedarea.


Caddisllies(adultsandlarvae)werecollectedin theyearsl99l-1998.from4l
mor€or lessuniformlyin theuppersndmiddlesectoroflhe Olt
In Fig.l onecanseethc coll€€1ing
sitesin the upperandmiddlesectorofthe
Olt RiverBasin.
Thessmpleswerecollectedin May-Octoberpe.iod.The adultcaddisflies were
ll0 Th. L:ppztMd.\|id. e O Rirer Eatin

cauShtwith da''time$r'eepingsfrom the vegetalionin severalpoints:parallelyi! wrs

us€drhe nightc.llecting ('lighring"). too, whichwasmoref htul \,\'e usedmercury
vapourbulbs(160or 250W). Theselampswerepowered bv a ponablegencratingsct
(HondaEM 650 rwe) The lighl trap, filted by a 80 W mercur_-! vapourbulb.was
erectedncatbylhe fore$er'shouse,alongthe ValeaMare brook in lhe Harghita
Mountains andalongtheAgrigbrook,in th€CiucDepression
Theiarvaewerecaughrwitha Surber-sampler fromanareaoia\c'ur 887cnr:.
Thecollected material waspres€rved in alcohol70-80%.Altogether1650?specimens
of ll8 species werecollected andidentifi€d.
The samplingsitesarelocatcdexclusivclyalongthetributariesof the Olt River
andnearbylbc mainwatercours€. On thc mep(Fig. l) the samplingsilcs are markcd
accordingto the list pr$entedbelow:
L (QI-QZI) springs andstrein etsnearby Harghita Baiar 1000-|500m
2. (Q2-Q3/1) springat 1050m, Potyond.
3. (Ql-Q2/5)spdngal900m,Piricic.
4. (Q2/l) springsandsmalltributaries ofvaleaMarebrookat 800m
5. (upstream Ql/2) Fieraruluistrcam at 95&r\ B4lan.
6. ru/l) RaulMic brookat 950m.
7. (upstreamQyl) Gal Cut brookst 900m,BAlan.
8. (upstreamQl/3) Sepstrermat 900m,B4lan.
9. (Rl) Red Mar€brookat the confuenc€ofDtrneasabrook at 900m
10. (QI-Q2/6) GroapaApei itre.rn ar 850n! DEreEti.
IL (QI-Q2I/7)Modiciastreamrt 850rn.C64a.
12. (Ql/l) BabosLco stre:mat 800i1 S6ndominic.
13. (QI-Q2B)Kovessueenat t00rn,Ca4a.
14. (QZl) ValeaMarestrcsmat t00m, Sancrlieni.
I 5. (Q2-Q3/4)srean etsncarbySantimbruat 800m
16. (R2)Red Marebrookin theCibinCorgear800m
17. (Q6/I) Chiruibrookar 780m,Blile Chirui.
18. (Q6/2)Varghi$ brookin theVarShitcorgear750m.
19. E3/3) Cibinbrookat the conlluencewith RaulMare andRaulMic at
20. (QI-Q2y4) Silalbrookat 70014Racu.
21. (QI-QZ8)Firodbrookat 700ll1Fitod.
22. (R4) Cibinbrooh downilrcamcura Raubi damar 700rh.
23. (Ql-Q2,2) Agrigbrook!t 690m,Ciaracio.
2a (Q2-Q3/2)CAin brookat 650nt lacobeni.
25. (Q2-Q3B)Mtad brookat 65014Tu$nadSat.
26. (Q4/2)Saldoboi brookat 650m,Malnag BAi.
27. (Q3-Q4/l)streanetsandpondsat 610m,Dalnic.
28. (Q4/l) sFearnlets at 600m,Beile$uga$.
29. (T6ll) Miieru$brookal 520m.
30 (Q5/l) ChepEstr€amat 500m,Clpeni.
3L (T612)Bogata&ook at 470.n
32. (RE) CibinRiverdownstrcam Mohuar 390m.
33. (R9) CibinRiverdownstrcam Talmaciuat 380m.
34. (upstreamQl)thc Rivcr Olt at 900m,Brlan.
35. (Ql-Q2)theRivcrOlt ar670nrCic€u.
36. (Q1-Q2)theRiverOlt at 660m,MiercureaCiuc

ti2 m. L'pp.r ond lliddle OIt Riyet A6in

37. (Ql-Q2)theRiverOlt at 650rn.Jigodin.

18. (Q4)theRivcrOlt at 550m,S€ntuGheorghe
39. (Q8)thetuverOlt at 450m.MAndra
40 (Ql 1)rheRiverOli al l80nLAvrig
41. (Ql3) thetuverOlt ar 150fl CSlinetr:

In accordancewid (i988), the tblto*ing ciasseswere

lor estimatingthe$rucrureofdominanceeudominams (species
numberexce€ded l0%), dominanas (5.1-10%),
subdoninanrs (2.1-59i,) andrecedents
Frequancyat the stations(Fs)wascalcularedaccordingto ihe formula

Fs=:!* l00ol.

Si- the numberof stationswh.r€ thegiv€nsp€cies wasfound

Sn-thcnunbcrofall stations (41)
Frequcncyin the samplcs(Ip) wrs calcliatedaccordingto the formula:

FP- !!*l0O'/

pi-thenumberofsamplesin whichthesp€cieswasfound
. pn-thenumberofall sampl€sin whichTrichoptera
werefound(l t3)

ln the upperand middlecatchmcntareaof lhe Olt River were identifiedI l8
species ( l.).
of Trichoptera
^ltb. l. Chaaltolrict
o! .ttu* Jtizs of th. rnp.r Md nidd!. OL Rir.t BBir.
N-nMber D-p.rc.rtaa. .lonnn.r, Aadtlt. L-tan@ Fs-fequeac) at fie slat ons,n
percdtage, Fp-reqren.y ia th. wples tn pq.entag., Z@t.-toogeoyaphi.dt etew r: II-
Holarcnc. P-Pal.qcnc, E-E4topcd, BeBor.a! ,f-Me.tjt, A-B;tkqic. AC_Aaka@
Cdrythi4 CE4erral E oped. Er&Et.hnic spc.i.sfot th. Ctpathrc t@g..

Tur N zNQ D fD
Rhy$ophllldr. 991
I Rh!'acophtlaaqlr@ca Md-ACHLAN. tt79A 2 CE 0.02 2.43 0,64
1907A o,0l 0-E8
i. X. /6cldrd llAGEN, lE59 A 294 2.92 1 9 . 5 1 3 45 l
4 R. 'IZ';ZIs MCLACHLAN.IE79L 0.02 2.43 O.EE
5.R. /..vti PICTET, lE34 A CE 0.01 2.43 O.EE
6.R rdMfl KLAPALEK. lE9E t66 BC t.62 9.75 21.23
7.R. ,!DTTdZETTERSTEDT.lElO A 203 l-99 24.31 3E.93
B-R o6r-r.E a MCLACHLAN, I Er(t A 88 P 0.86 447 L65
, R.philototanoi.LsSclnrfr. 1970A 5 CE 0.05 9...3 3.53
I0-R.,o/ori.a MCLACHLAN.lE79A l2E CE 1 . 2 5 21_U926.54
\i.Rtffintiun PICTET.1834.A BC 0.01 2 . 4 1
l2.R.rrrfltrPTCTE'r.IE35,q"L 96 0.91 31.70 1 5 . 9 2
Ir@el| Rer Srst Fol. Res (1999).I, 129- t12

li (-kit\asrna bohant
t r , - - , , , , /r 4 , t N E B O I S St 9
. 6l A
:aC tNta,iejtrn KL/P
Li i,!J aru a,zr IVLLACHL
ls.) z.J.r' LILUER l9lE A
lc-i€orY,li ?.r.o,!/rd ]IkLACHLAN

ll ordr,.r'J..e,rr CLRTIS.lEl.l L
, \{osELY.t9:r9A
lt5 P tl
:1fl ..'re.-qrIIOSEL) ler A P u . 0 7i 7 . 1 t
-ii I -,1/Ic E{TO\ iE_r A 2.t3
.16- jr|aL k. .vrr.e/.trn Cl;RTiS. lEr{
2,-lthrt)chtc t.meiien.EArO\. t8.) A 22
i 866
,orrdr6 DOT"OV.N-lE l:i A 310 E
scoPoLl_ .16l 12.19 23,E9

3t Jlydropsy.he ahersttqehhtr CIIRTIS. lE34 A

ttl.H .ohlubenolit McLACln A]t. lE65
,,rrzrl/ir CLT{TIs.lE.l4A
15.,ryroderraNAVAS. 1925A. L
cttRTls. 1824A
37,Y rdorr.a MCLACHLAN.lE64A.L 0.57 I 12,19
38.,4.rilalat DOEHLE& 196l L 0 . 0 2r 7 . l l
2 . 0 9t 3 l . ? 0

./a PICTET. lE34 A. L

42.Plectrcaenia brcvis M9LACHLAIi. l87l A

43.P' aorrEAa CURTIS. 1834A

t6.Cwus ct.aaticam's Ko,-ENATI. lE58 A
4'l.C tinacrlat8 CW

E ro20
5 I ri,od€s fusto.&, M.LACHLAN t+ E i 0.ll

5l,Wqasena nirinum M.LACHLAN. 1875L 0.88

|]4 me Uppetandltiddle Oh Rivr B&nt

T|t| N Zrna D f! FO
57.rzfls rrrrew KLAPALEK lE9EA 8i End 0 . E l 1 2 . 1 9
SE.Dasr d/$,lo' RAMBUR l8r2 A E 0.r)l 2.43 0.8E
sg.E.clvsoDte4adaleca rcaKOLE^"ATLlE13A 20 E 0 2 0 ".I
to.E radrdo MCLACHLAN.lE6t A CE 14.63 l6_El
lSll A
l.r,u.rril6 o/rrrr CLTRTIS. 4,41 l . ? 6
drdlo CURTIS.lE3.l 7.ll 2.65
.1. ,i@r.rar6 CLIRTIS.lE3{ A i P n.ol il..l:r
J.. @.'bsr CLRTIS.l8l4 A I F 0 . 0 1' . 1 E , - t l . ' 7
.r...rt c4r&rMCLACHLAN.1865A f.!9 :t../5 I lr
7.1 1 7 5 9A i.J:
8, ,tvrrs PICTET.1834A
l E 6 5A 5 1.8: 2.65
L /rra&r CURTIS.lEl4 A
I ? 5 EA 1.E7
I72., r@rvr CURTIS. 1E3.1A 6.1 P 0.6, ;.3i :r.96
r?SL rte o CURTIS.lEla A oot-:ar- r-?6
i?r 1-.y,na&rFABRICruS.l79EA 7P tnT-r-lr-ll.le
7J.Colr,ralrrr/,./&r Cl.iRTlS.183.1 A 0.0? ?.Jr 4,12
76.Gtfututa tushtztowhctarrrRETzlus.l7E3A 0_01 2.43 0.8E
71A\abohq.oncenErca ZETIERSTmT- lE40A Bor 0.02 2.43 1 . 7 6
76-{./nrczraBRAUER.185?A CE 0.62 7.ll 4,12
79.PhdcoDt.M b4vrwnrts C URTIS. 1834 A ll 0.10 9.15 4.42
CO.PotMoDhvlccinavlotut STEPHENS.l8l,t A ?0 E 0.?0 2.43 6.19
El P rrr"i MEY- 1976A 1 EDd
82.P /an .aB CLJRTIS.lE34 A ll5 P l . 1 3 2t,95 t5.92
81.1. lr.&6!s PILL. & MTT-. 1793 521 P 5.10 .{_E7 20.15
PICTET.I834A l6 E 0.15 9.75 1 . 9 6
85P turlrd,errirBRAI'ER 1875A 2 0.02 2.43 1 . 7 5
E6lr./.er d/q,rrturSCHRAM. l?El A 1l P 0.?0 2.ll t.?5
87.H ,4$e/4.rr RAIV{BUR lE42 A 2 P 0.02 .1,E7 l-15
88.fl radMrrr CURTIS. lE34 L E 0 , 0 1 2.43 lolfths S;TEPI'F'NS- lE37 A 0.022 LI.E7
N.Stenoptylaxn idiohehtalir MALICKY. l9E0 A 0.01 P 2-43 0_E8
)l.S sd6 MCLACHLAN.l8?5 A P 0_0t 2.43 l . ? 5
t2.t ,€utrtrr MCLACHLAN. lE95 A 0.01 2 4 f O.EE
93.P@achiqa Dici.omit PICTET- la34 ^ CE 0.01 2 . 4 3 0.8E
gl.Chd.tottdrw biloba BOTOSANEANU.1960A 3 Bnd 0.03 2.43 0.88
95.C. bonidco crssilvanicaBOTOSANEANU.1960A 5 End 0,05 4.47 t-7
96.C JA'l'EruI MCLACHLAN. IE?6 A Bor 0 . 0 1 2.43 0.8E
91,4nn e a lalrcDrc.luda BmOSANEANU.I952 A E4 E 0.62 2.41 t.15
98".1.orrdrara MCLACHLAIiD. lE70 A 243 E 2.3E 2.13 l-15
99.C@err,lora FABPJCruS-1775A 2 E 0,02 {.87 75
loo.l.,rra,rserHAGEN.lE59L 0.01 2.43 O.EE
l0l.I. or#/zr ttAGEN-1659A 5 CE 0.05 4.E7 t . 7 5
102..ttlosrdelki E. PICTET.1865A 392 E 3.E:l 2.95 l2-14
lol.,t ,,ca!^iBRAUER.
1857A 21 E 0.20 6.t9
101L.tidostMa hi umFAFIRICruS.l?El
A.L 11 P 0.75 10.0? 1 4 . 1 5
lo'AthnMd.s bili@atvs LIN^-AEUS. !75E A 2l P 0.20 9.?5 5.30
l06.Cer4aLadi$ir,lti STEPm,\"S. 1816A E 0.04 .1.87 \ . 7 5
haasylv. Rer Sy:1E.ol Res.(1999),I, 129 - 142 i35

l0?,{trrard€s zisrd LN^--AEUS, 1756A 52 P 0.50 4.42
lo!.ylodes ktu ra^t| \l,a&'iNov 1909A 50 M 0.{9 2.43 0.88
l09.L J' trl4rr TIEDER i929 A I CE 0.01 2.43 0.88
ll0.Leotocerui rnt.nLDtrs FA8FICII S. 1775A I P 0.01 2.41 0.84
lll.l tir.ttoiu tr CLiLTIS.i8314- 21 E 0.20 6_19
I l2.!di..lla ,1l.ahts PIC'IEI. 1434A z CE 0.02 2.43 4.75
I 13.Oec,iD6 do,.,!/, HACEfi. t 859 A 5t P 0.50 14.63 t7.69
14.IbrdoD,a.//ra,rLiNAIUS. i761L 2 E 0.02 2 , 4 3 0.88
l)5.Sztic.stoha tldtcame SCHNEIDER 1E.15A t739 i 7.I I0.07 36.28
l16.t ,r^,,r!!r KIRB) &:PE\CE. 1862A 2a E 0.27 9.75 11.50
I?.Aelaed,!l1dd CLRTiS. lEl.r l0 P 0,10 9.75 .1.42
t8 Adohlo..tu'r dlhtcone SCCPOLI. i?61 l0 E 0_10 I'1.63 l 3 _ 2 7
l9 O /'elie,,.,u IALICKY I B 0_01 2 . J l 0.88

\\'irh regardto the speciescomposit;on,this materialconstitutesabout44% of

the caddisfly faunaofRomaniaand 8896ofthe speciesrecordedfom the researched
ar€a The following 44 speciesare new for the upper and middle sector of the Olt
River Basin: Rhyacophila doehlefi, R. hirticomis, Glossosoma confomis, G.
discophorum, Syngapeus drmah$, S. moselt, Agapetxs delicatufus, A. ochripes,
Ortotrichia coskllis, Ht&optila /orcipata, H. lotensis, H. occullq, Agraylea
sermacltlata, Hyfuopsrche fulbifera, H. contubemalis, H. inslabilis, H. modesta,H.
siltqlqi, H. tobacaruL CheunatopAEhe lepida, Cyrnus crenaticomis, C. trimaculalus,
Lt'pe phseopa, Micrq-.ema minimum, Ironoquid dubia, Limnephilus lmtafi/s,
L.stigma, Anabolia concentrica, Phacopteryx ble'ipennis, Potamophyks cingulafiis,
P.rahmdipennis, Haletlts tesselatus,H. rddiatus, Microptem1 lateralis, Chaelopteryx
biloba, C. sahlbergi, Athripsodes bilinealus, Ceraclea dissinilis, A,lystacidesnigru,
Ylodes kowraishi, Iapl@erus tineiJomis, Notidobia cilidfis, Sericosloma
p er soru&tm, Odontocerum al bi come.
The presence of the foliowing species are doubtful collected by us in the
researchedarea: Rhtscophilo hirticomis, Orlolrichia coslalis, Hydroptila siltalai,
Mcrasema minimum, Halesus radiatus, LitfuE nige, Notidobia ciliaris.
determination *as made based only on th€ more or less characleristically larval
morphology. Their presencein the res€arch€darea must be confimed, in some cases,
rvith the presenceofthe adult stages,too (Wadnger-Graq 1997).
The greatest species dif€rentiation was characteristic for the frmilies
Linnephilidae (43 species), Miacophilidae (12 species), ar,d Hydrcpsychidae (10
species)and a lesser one for Glossosomaldqe (8 spectes),Leptoce/ida? (8 species),
E &optilidae (7 species)and Polycentopodidae (6 species) The largest number of
specimensbelong to the fafiilies Hy&opsychidae, Glossosonmtidae,Limnephilidae,
Sericostomatidae ar'd Rhyacophilidae. The number of spec;mensvaried very much.
&om I to 2456,aswe canobsenein the Tablc l.
All classesof dominancewere found in the collected material. The greatest
efecl ofthe numberof specieswss repr€sent€d by the classof recedents(llmost 89%
of all speciesrecorded)the subdominants with 6,83% and the eudominantsanC
dominants,togetherwitb only 4,1?%. In the collecledmaterialeudoninantswere
Agapetus ochripes ^nd SericNtoma fovicome. As dominants lhey have appeared
Hy&opsyche instabilis ar,dPolamophyla. luctuosus. The class of subdominantswas
136 The Upperard ^liddle OIt Riret B6th

representad by Rhywaphrla Jasciata. Glossoson.t coufutm\ Phrlototamus

montanus, P. vqfiegatus, Ecclysoptertr nadida, A itello dscurltu th) graellsi
Apalonia carpalhica,aoSether8 taxa Tha remainingoi lCa sp€cieslelong ro the
rec€dentclass(Trblc I l
In the researchedareathe common€st!axa,with ihe greatestfrequencvin lhc
slations were RJryacophilanistis, R. nxbila, R. polohica. Erdrop!)Lh. c.n?ht:malt!
E. instabilis, H. pelhrcdula, Chematop$tche lepida, I)mtrephl s *t.t<at!!.
Potamoptyl& latipennis and Silo gruellsi. The most constant occurrence. wirh lhe
grestest frequencl in ihe samplcs, was characteristic for P,jtacophila la,'duta. Il
rubila, Glossosono conlomis, Agapetts delicatulus, A. ochripes, H. instdbilis. Stlo
Sraellsi and& costomoflavicomq
The Palearcdc and European elements dominated the zoogeographical
structure. Togeth.r these caregories enclos€ ?5 speci€s. The Central-European
elcment was reprcsentedby 2l species.A number of 7 specieshas a limited
distribution in the Car?athian range; these species are: Rh)atcopfula doehlen,
Apqtdnia carpathica, Dmsts bmnneus, Potanophtlx j ngt, Chaatopteryx biloha.
Claeropleryx boshiaca cissyl\tanica, a\d Annitella latetupnducta. The rest of t5
belong to the Holarclic, Bored, Mediterranea4 Balkanic and Balkano-CarDathic
clements( T.b. I,lig. 2).



FiV L Zoogeogaphical sttu.tur. o! thc caddisJli.s io6 th. Oh Rn er B'si'
(ln speciesp..centog.)

On the basisofthe materialcolleclcdin thc rcssrchedareaand analvscd-thc

changes in the numberof specimen and lsxa of Trichoprera in differenttypesof
rurmingwaterwerearrangcdaccordingto their rarEcofoccurrence(frblc 2).
1. 129- 142
Trarsrlr Ret r'r\t E.ot. Res.11999), l3?
T.b. 2. RMge Df oc.uiene of .oddis Jties alaag dillout trps of tumins bstq in th.
rcseolche.l cr.e
af,.uais ra... t - i 5 i .. .... < 5 -2A: = ==-= =20-50: +. a + r 50-t aoi
,,,r...,,rr- rJ4..Ys-xt\ rrr.
:hr ^:!..: an.:r.:t i\'., d'titd asloila*s:I - Sphngs ahdstrednletsbetween (statians
.-1, -trt'isstr.tten;ltrtJab4rS-tq:uI-Brcaksbete.n38a-80a,jktt7-33)tIy-oh
i i ^ e r ^ < r . e . ra : . - ' a , a a : t 1 J J l )




13.Alastuena ba1ani


:l Ortotnchta .ostalis


32 I{. b

x)LXx)O(x xxx)ooo(
ard ltliddle Oft Riret Basitl

42. P lecto.n.r1 i. b rer6

16. (tm$ tenattcdnls


51. Midasena ninrnun

51. Drues btunrets

M@oooo. i ooos@o
omooooo ooomigg
63. L. b


I I L. ,hodbicus i ooo@ooo

77.Anaboli a corcenticd
, 76.A.

80.Potanophytu l

]-+++++++ | @oooooo
i )ooooo(
64. P. nig icomis

86-Ealests dizitatus | ++*+

Ifar9,Ar,{e! SrrI Ecal Res t1999).1.!29- 112



96 C &hlberyi I oooooooo

I I A6. C.tucl.d drssin'ls

108 Ylo.les ktutatd*ii

I I2. Adi.elld ljlicomis

I13. Oecituls haneduld ======: I <<<<<<<<<

andllitldte Ak Rirer Bain




R,fslcieL 5,17
Olh€ll 19,U


FiE. 3 a. me doninancylttuctsrc ofT/ichoptetd sp..ies it sPrinAs


30 40 45E
Fig 3 b. Thetunttun.! snuctw of Tn.hoPterusPe.i.s in stedns betueenEAo- 950n

Fig, 3 .. me danhmcy stmch!rc ofTnchoplero speciesin bftoks betveen3E9- 840 n
itdrlv R c \ S l s tE
. .ol Re\tl999t I l:9-112 l4l

FiE, a d.The dodinancy stact rc oJTtichapt la species in the Oh Rtv?l

ln thg springsand streamleis between800-1500mhas beendeveloped a

number of43 species ofTrichoptera.Fromthetotal umberolindividuais identified
theseecosistems the dominanlspeciesprovedto be ,Fornaldia occipitalis(11,94y.)
andApataniacarry,hica(51,35o/r). Dominants are MytcophilaIasciata(5.17yo),
Drutus brunneus (S,78yo)andPottnophylax latipenntr(6.52) The subdomina.tand
recedentforms(Fig. 3) represent the other I 9,240%
In the streamsbetween800-950mwe founda iotal difer€rt situation:hereit
wereidentified a numberof 83 species ofcaddisflies,theeudominant formsprovedto
be Hydtopsyche sp. (13,96Vo),Sericostonafavicolre (14,54%);the dominanrforms
arc Glossosotna confomis (5,49o/a),Philolntanus wriegatus (6.46yorflldropstche
insabilis (6,7106),Ecclysopteryxnadida (5,67yo) and Potamophjkv luctltoslts
(7,18%) The rest of the speciesbelongto the subdomnant and rec€dentforms
Thebrooksbetween 380-800m containa lot ofcommontaxawiththepr€vious
typeof ecosystem. Hereit wereidentifiedaltogether67 taxa of Trichoptera.Between
lhe eudominAnt forms we can meAti,on Agapetusdelicatulus(15,22yo),A. oclvipes
(19,79%').Hfdrcpsychesp. (28,72%) and SericostomaIa come (13,51yo),the
dominantforms are missing the rest of 22,76yobelongingto the subdominantand
recedenr spepies(Fig.3)
Themainwalercoursein the researched area.the Olt River. wascharacterised
by a smallnumberof Trichoplera(28 species).Here the eudominantcategorywas
represented by Htdropsychesp (10,88o/")and the dominantfo'Jn is Hydropsyche
bulb{en (7,11%)Therestofthe 22,01%aresubdominant andrecedenr ones

Thequalitati\€andquantitative analyseofthe collected
materjal(a numberof
16.507specimens) in theupperandmiddlesectorof theOlr fuvershows.tha! in the
researched areaa rich faunaof Trichoplera hasbeendeveloped. The 118 taxa of
caddisfliesidentifiedhererepresent a percentage ol44% ofthe Trichoplera faunaof
The springsedcr (stations1.2,3,4)was characterised by a numberof 43
Trichoplera species,rhelargestlumberoccurringin rhe srreams behveen 800-950m.
altogether83 taxaof caddis0y (stalions5-16).Brooksat 380-800mha\€ a slight
lessernumber oftaxa(67 species of caddisflies) But thenumberof identified
t42 Th. L'ppq andMi.L e Olt Rivet Easin

Trichopterawas surprisinSlyvery iow along the main course of water in the

researchedarea,the OIt River, whereit ra,asidenlifieda numberof only 28 laxa of
Trichoprera aremssingin a numberofstationsin th€middlescctor(Oh
RjvernearBoila,for exampie) or werer.prcsenied b) a smallnumberof individuals
belongingto t-2 taxa Thedecrca-r€ofthe species numberliom theupperflow to the
middlesectoris aneffeciofpollutanls
accumulalions in theseaquaticecosy$ems.


t Boro$n€aru L. 195?- Rcch.rchcssui les Tnchopl.r6 (m.atot dc Rourianl. hli ?6. E t .

2l- 25,pp. 183-433
2 Eotolltte€nq L.. t96l - Marcriaur pour s.^t a mnEissan€! des Tnchoprcrcs d Euop.
ori.n|lrc a c! rdc. Foltotr'r. HMt., !;er zov.ll(2).W: |t-91.
J. Botogrcarq L., 1965 - Ncu. rrichqtcrologi5ch. Falgc ia Polcn. RuDini.n und Brdgaricn
Lotv. E^t-, lO, W: 53{o.
.f Boto$&arq L.. 1966- G.'lldtil' Stenophtld si Mi.rcpt d4 STEIN. (Trichoptcn) in Romanla
Prcz€nl3l!c! caradcr$atis1ic, Lucr. i8t. Speol. EniIR@avita .5.pp:99-117.
5. Bobtnneanq L., 1975- Di. cm&milch.n Tnchoprcftt d.t I<atpar.a. veh SechstenInt. Synp.
tb.t E"todohurittic i" lvlik lcutopa, W: 9l-l0l.
6. Bolofar.anq L., Marbtovicz{o6podahic, M.. l%? - Sur {ElqG Rbr.opr,la du 8roup.
t rri Clricbop!.rr). ,4rrls Src. .nt. Fr., S.r. Nor. t (1), W. | 145-t tsr -
7. Boto{:locanr L., Schncid.r,E., l97E -Dic Karb.rflicgcn ClrichoptcE) in d.n Sammlung.nd€s
utuMiss.ndcMlircher Muscuns Sibiu. Sr/d {i Conln. Sri nat. Ltut Btuckerthal, Sibit,22,
8 Boto$ftanq L., Tabccaq 196l - Ephcm.roF.r.q Tncloptcrts dcs Monls dc
FaSaralcb(AlpcaTfrnsylvani.). Allt I n..l^lr, 39 - !a, pp: I-5E.
9. Ciubuc,C. 1993- Ch.ckisr of Romarid TrichopEn oll!.cra). E!,r des Tttu dt Mts. d Hist.
,a| 'Gr-4nttpa', t3.W: ll)47.
l0 Cz3horoelki, S.. l9EE- Caddisflics (triclr.ptcn) ofrhe ruvcr Palcka (Nonhcm Poland).,,
Hydrohiol.. 30 l3l4l. Wt 393-109.
I L Mcy. w.. 1978- Bcitas zur TrichoF€m Fa|lm Run'eni.N t-ll. Eni Jiochs..22 (rr, w:7-22.
(1).pp: 6l{3.
12. Mocsdryi.S., 1900- Neotopkn ln: FaunoRegn llungona., Eydopcst,pp:3341.
13. Murgoci,4., 1953 - Citc!" Scnuri sp€cii noi de Trichoptcrc p€ntru faua Rornenici. A//t
5..t. Biol .5 ll), Wt 29-36.
14. Porgrrc?, l9lr - Ennund"do Namparoidurn R.gni llug it,c. Roval@i Lapor,zl (9-12).
F: 145J55.
15 Ujvtms! L., 1994 - Co ribulii la cunoa$.r.. fruliltrcl a trichop&rclor 0nsccta: TrichoF.ra)
din€aiuncaCiuc.Alr r'rl Soc lepi.l. Ron's l2\, W: t49-163.
16. Ujvrrosi L., N6gndi, S., Uhcrlovich, A., 1995 . Studieson th. Tnchoptcrafauna of lhc Ciuc
Basinand Hffdiir Mount i$,Rona i,^. Fol. IIh,' nat. Mt' Llath...20, W:99-ll3-
tZ Warir8.r, J., Gr{. W, 199?- Adas&r Os.rcicbiscbcn Kochcrlieteddr€n (uG. Eirschl|t3!
d.r.ryErzmd.n 6ierc). F.cdla! Unir€rsit $€rhg.
Tnnsylt. Ra. SystEcol. Res.(!999), L l43 - 117 l{l



Nodni Szilld6sy

St Brtotuht I 0r. RO 3904:;atuMarc

LDcnrca pl!7-rntd&tel€ cnltiratirc qi caltativ€ dcQrE la €le d. cfemeropr.r. din probele
coleflrG in cadrul cnnponi€i-desfi{ut?& itr alul 1996de-a lungul cusnlur supcnor ti mijlociu al
Oltului $ al .flucnnrlui Cibit Ir c€l! 22 dc stalii dc colcrarE a p.ob€lor sruarc albi e .aunlor su
in zoncuedc inlcciMle, au lon i.le ific5r4 17 spccii .le efeE€ropcre apatlinhd la 5 fam n SNr
dis.utateaspcclelctarc dc biodilrrsitarcaac.srui trup in zora i$€sliga'l. precumti €f€cru.lacliunilor

Olt RiverBasin.
Mayfly larvae are one of the most imponant elementsof the
macrozoobenthos. Theyares€nsitive to pollutants,
thal is why the mayfliesareused
asindicator specicsfor thequalityofthe wetlends
ln this paperwe are going to presentthe results of a researchabout the
presenceof matny larvaq from the upper and middle course of the Oh River.
Galdean(1992) and Rogoz (1977) have alreadybeen thoroughlystudyingthe
spreadingofthe hacroinvertebrate faunaandthe slructureofthe benthiczoocoenosis
in this river.Tha pr€sentresearch airnsto complement their in-depthstudyandto
analyse theirresultsfromtheaspect ofthe waterquality.

The sampleswere ta.kenduring an expeditionalon8 the Olt River, that was
organised by theDepartment of Ecologyofthe "LucianBlaga"Universityof Sibiu
andrheEcolurOrganisation in Octobcr1998.Wetook samples frorh I I spotsalong
theuppe.andmiddlecourseofthe Olt Nver,also5 spotsin thebackwarer besidethe
Olt andfrom 2 scenesin theBogataNatureConservation Area
Thc quantitative samples werctakenwith a bottomSurbersamplerfrom an
area01887cmrs.Wealsotookqualhative samples
with a BAcescu dredge, whichwas
50 cm long and 30 crn wide. The biologicalmaterialwas preservedin 5%
formaldehyde andanerbein8identified it waspreserved
in 70%alcohol.
Thespecies wereidentifiedon thebasisofthe delerminator editedby Macan
(1970),Bogoescu (1958)andUjhelyi(1959).
The abbreviations usedin th€ slnthctictableof the mayfliesfoundin the
upperandmiddlebasinofthe Olt Riveraregivenbelow.
Thc samplingstalions:(on the Cibin River) Rl - Raul Mare, aboverhe
confluencewith Ddneasa - RZ - RaulMare.Ri - conlluenceof Raul Mare with Raui
\,[ic rivers,at the entrancein the damJakefrom Gura Raului,R4 - dcwnslr€amlhe
damlakefrom Gura Raului,R6 - upstreamSibiu, R7 - Sibiu-Cu$terila, R8 -
downstream_Mohu, R9 - downstream Tilmaciu,(ontheOlt fuver):Q2 - Sancreieni.
Q3 - Bjxad,downstream Tu$nadGoree,Q4. upsl-rearn Sf. cheorghe,Q5 - Ilieni.
I44 Th. {ippet dd MrldJe Olt River Aain

downstrerm Sf Gheor8hc, Qlo/l - upnreamAwig, Qlz - downstream BoiF, Ql3 -

downstrean Ctrline$ti;(in theOlt RiverValley)Tl - backwater T3 -
at Santionlunc4
backwater at fuini, T4 - backwater Aita Mare,T5 - backwaterMicloFara,T6ll -
Maieru$rivul€!,T612- Bogatariwlet, T9 - backwater a! TumuRolu
Thc Biogeographic clements@gE) arecodifiedasfollows Cf-Central-
Eumpau, f, ua-Eurasian, ScE-South-Central-Europ€aq NcE-Nonh-Cenrral-

At the22 collectingstations altogathcr we foundl7 species that belongro 5
Along the upper cours€of the Olt River have beenrevealedrathcr varied
ecolop€s Gravelledsubstrrlumis alt€matingwith arcnscov€redwith sih full of
organicd€bris.A.lso,the bedwidensandthe waterspeedgetsstabilisedIn spileof
this,themayfly-fauna is ratharpoorin thisarea.
Onthesandystandclosetothebanksat Sancrlieni (Q2)a densepopulation of
Clavondiptetuk \trasfound.At the next2 srmplespots(Q3,Q4)we encountered two
species,namely8aetr vemus,HabroleploidesconJus.r.Both are phytophilous,they
like sandy,silty areaswith agglomersrion of lear€s,and indicatethe epipotamon.
DownsiraaftSf?ntuGhcorShethe situationdoesnot changeseverely.The bottom is
sandyrnd $lly too andwe found3 species here Two ofthemwereph)lophilous and
one rheophilous. We haveno datafrom the spotsQ6, Q7, Q& Q9. At Avri8 the
speciesCl,eon dip,erum(which likes staSnantwater) and thg euribiont Sattrr lp.
werc prcsentin a largc number.Herq samplesweaetakcn liom watcrs running
parallelto thedykes,Thewaterwasclearandtherewerea lot ofplants on the banks
At Ql2 (downstreamBoila) Ephenerclla notata, at Ql3 (downstrearnCeline$li)
Caenisnacrura, Baalis sp. ^nd Rhithrcgendqp were found. Th€ pr€senceof the
lalterindicates clearwalerthatis richin oxygen.
In the Oh Rivcr Basin th€r€ arc severaldead-brrnchesand other types of
wellands. From5 of lhcsr we took qualitative srmples.At Sandonlurca (Tl) in a
deadbnnch of the Raul Ncgru River, on thc sihy bonom,there are stonescovered
with bioderma.H€r€ we found exensive areasinhabitedby Myriophyllun sp. ^Ad
Cetulophyllunsp.ln lhc watertherewerasone Claeondipterumlawze.Thls apecies
inhabilswatersthatarestronglyeutrophiE.d andrichin plants.
At T3 (Arini backwarer)andT4 (Aita Marebackwater)the bottomconsistsol
grayish-bhch rotten organic debris 6nd silt. Her€, amonSthe mayfly larvae. the
spf€iesCl()eondiplerun live. alnong agglomerations of Utia ario wlgaris and
In the BogataNaturcColservationfuca we took sanplesfrom 2 b.ooks. In
the Mtrieru$Brook we identifiedseveralmayfly speci.s.Thesewere Baltis rhodani,
Ecdla,rturusven$1rs,Milhrogera semicolonta,Electrogenalateralis, Eyea fiorc, a
variedgroup of speci€swas presentin th€ BogataBrook. At the bottofi there are
stonessettfedin the gravcl, which serveas idcal sheltcrsfot the Rhithrcgenasp.,
Ecd)nt rus V., Electrogenasp. and wc found one specimenof the phytophilous
speciesof Caerir horaria and Ecd),onutusvenosTts,and onc of Habroleptoi.les
The Cibin River is ofle of the mostimDonanttributaries of the Olt fuver
AlonSits wholelengthwe pointedout 9 samplingstations. Theuppercourseof the
river hasa mountainouschsracter,its bed is fuli ofpebbles,the water flows wilh a
high spead-but the flow is low- In this lotic zonewe foundlithorheophilousspecies

4ertr /oDurra Llton. lE84

taht le onlescdfusa ;
t.16 The Lppet @d ,\hrldl. 0lr Riv.t Eatn

The Vesenceof Rhithrogprt senicolotuta(which is rathersensitiveat water

rempemture - Glldean,1992)is provinga highlevelofdissolved oxygei.ln thcGura
RauluiLaketherelivesthe rite'lll.Baalisrhodani andEcdyontrussp Theprasence
of speciesthat balongto the Baalidae and Heptagenildoefamilies shou'slhe sub-
mountainouschamcterof this seclor.Thc Ecdyonurusspec;esprefer watersthal are
lcssturbulent (llefti , Tomkasndzurwerra,1985).
At thecollecting Sibiu(R5)wereloundspecimens
slatiooupslream of Baer,r
fut eri, which a.e characteristicfor metafitoD.We did not find mayfly larvaein the
samples fromall thepointsdownstream SibiuandfromOrlatsampling siation
At Mohu,residualwaterfromthe clcaning-plant of Sibiuis flowinginlo lhe
Cibin Nvcr. Herew€ fou^d Baefisfi&ni strtdEat is.scarr&l''that probablyendure
polfutionquite w€ll. At the last samplingpoint individlals oftadts scambus\|ere

AlthouShthe nufiber ofsamplesis not sulncientin orderto draw conclusions
onlheecological stateofthe Olt River,we stillhighlightthefoilowings:
- 1hernayflyassociations illustrateverywell the presence ofpollution.Theyrcspond
withthedisappearance ofsensiblespecias at theenvironmental degradation;
- we foundonlyeuribiontspecies ontheupperandmiddlecourseofthe river;
- the Cibin River is charaderis€dby heteroSeneous habitats.fact that is illustratedby
thediverse mayflyfauna.
We haveto takementionofthe rhcophilousR tthrogenasenicolorala that;s
ao indicatorofthe goodwarcrqudiryin lhe upperseclor.Downwards, in $e lentic
s€clorsrhe slow flow makespossiblea changeof th€ bottom'ssiructure. Here, fine
sedirhents depositsarelocallyaccumulat€d. ln this stratummainlythe ph''tophilous
speciesfind refuge.
Individualsof the Bastidaefamily arc presentalongthe whole length ofthe
river. Theabsence ofmayfly larvaeat Orlat anddownstreamSibiu illustratcsth€ facr
that the anthropicfactors (hydrotechnioalworks, induslrial and domesticsewage)
havea decliningeflectonthepresence ofthc benlhicorganisms.
Thebackwaters showa grea!diversity, theyar€still in a conditionthatis close
to the naturalstate.Herethe ph!'tophilovs('aenidaeMd Claeonsp. spe/cjes ca be
found,which arecharacteristic for stagnant waters.AIso.the wateroftha brooks
flowingintotheOh hasa quitegoodwater-quality
The rheophifousspeciesthat prefer very clear water (Mithrogena sp.,
Electrogerusp.,Ecdyorururrp.) arealsopresentihere
In our opinion it would be imponant to protecrthe branches,brooks and
backwat€rsof rhe Olt fuver. Especiallybecaus€they ofter refugefor quite a lot of
sp€ciesandthusthcremaybee possibilityfor thcmto resettleinto the water.
It would be essentialto continuethe researches and expandthem to other
periodsof the year, in orderto get a moreaccuratepicure of rhe ecologicalstateof
theOlr River.Itr this way, we wouldbc .bl. to follow the phenologicalchangcsof the

I woold likc to expressmy thank lo lhc collcagucsot the Departnert of Ecology of lhe
"LucianBla8." Unilrsity, who durL Dosriblcfor mc ro lalc pan in $e er?editior and provid.d me
$c b6l poasiblcconditio$ for a succrs!tu1work.
I m cxdlmely grat tul lo lldik6 Vary! for hcr irvaluable assistancei! thc stapint aid
harltlv. R.v. SystEcol.Rct. (1999),L l.3 - lJ, 141


I Bogocrcu,C.,Trldcaru,L, I9J6. C!trtibufi la stldiui sist€matic

al bw€lor dc dcsctopt.|r di!
R.?.R-Z.ndBa.tit, pen. conn.
2. Bo8o.6c!, C., l95E -Fauu RP.R. Eph.m.lopteE 7 {3), Edit Acad.Bucucsri.
l Ofld..a N, 1992-..Coorribuaior!o ih. zoot og.phy of |} nlaytuc! (lntecta Eph.n ftpt rc,d
Roo,A\i^-T.av.Mrs. I ta Nat "Gtitor. .4atipa , Btt.tttcgti.,gXJl pp: 425 - .ll4
Cfld..A N., 1992- Utilisariotd @\'Ji6 (Ins.cta, Eph.n9ropr.r4) for divirirg somcRornartirn
ruuir8*racri ido zoncs Tw, Mas flis'- Na,' "G.igot Annpa". BuuE#,. x)qJI, Dp:399"

5 . Hcfri, D.. Tomla J., atrsstr. A, l$J - RrchdtL moacolopi4,w $t 16 Heptas.nttdt

Qaecr,, Eplt tunpbnt. Lnd.i,a,V.n .b Enbnologiek" Ges.lslafl, d.lo %ciatt E to@lodqk Sd$.,5t, t9: E?-l I I
6, lr!& V, Sold& T., r9t5 - Didib{liolrl pd.t'$. dtsolos lnd odgin of d}c Crdb6lol,rl
bt !r dl,fry0ics (Eph(ff.d! Aaa .rt. boh.notl-.a\ gp: 241-24
7 . M|c.n, T.T., l9?0 -A k y ro thc l.lynlphi ofBndth 4rlr, with Do&soDlhcit Ecolo8/.
F llhmtc Biological Associriio4 Sci. i6c Publiolioq al.
L I19 - 156
Trdqlv. Ra. $,!t Ecal Res 11999). 1.19




t!r:.rd of.\'oturalH6toa. S! C.tdp' LRO:J00Sb'n

Vorli€gede Stldic v.rstnci dic Ergetni$. usder ErforschungenMu.curns aus Sibiu. und
\€6uchl das Sp.zifikum dcr Faum d.r Apoid€.n in d.r Henrururs6der S€nLe, das auI d.n
natlirtichenB.dinguS€n - Reliei Boden,Klnu. V.gctadon- beruht a unreisen.
Fur dre vorlieSend€ Srude surd.n 10528 Apo'dc€nau! qual,tatrenSaDElurger aus
!erschiedeoenOko$$emen unda[i unsercrMuscumsamnUuns-bcstrmm ud verarbertet.
Das faudstisch€Konsl€kt fflI di€ ltcrmrnnsudEr Scnke,das auferud Matenals und
mir Hilfc der Datar aus der Lir.rarlr eurdc. unlbssl 245 Apoidecn-An was
ungenilll29,69%der Faua Ru6.&dcnsa$pricht. Dic 2{5 Apoideen-Ancnsind folgenderwets.auf 7
Familidt \rneilt l Faln. Coll€ddia.:2 Ganlngen und 19 Ancn O,7Jvo); Z Fam. Haliclidae: E
Gatungcnund 42 An€n (17.147.):!. F&n. Andrmida.: 4 Gaitung€ound 4l Anen (16,1344)t4. Fali',
\'cl nidae: 3 Gatunaen ud 9 Anen (1.6//d: f. FaIn. M.grcnilidaE: l0 Gatung€n ud 50 Ancn
(20.{0e,'i)i5. Fan Anthophodda.:ll Garnstctr uxl64 Anc[ (25,l27o)l 7. Fm Apid&: 3 Gattug.n
und 20 And (E,l67o).
Di. Ert btris ux.rer Forschugd z.igr. dls di. sudienetr 6ko6yscmc aus dct
hcltMnsdids S.trkc die Eit lschlRcr natilrtichcr OkosyrGDc beea}ft!\ ${b.t dcr Einnuls dct
anuopischenAhiwitlllcn r€lariw8crin8 is1.

The imponanc€of th€ Apoideacspacicsand their abundanc€justified the
raxonomical,€cologicalandfaunicticalstudyoflhh groupofinsects.
Thepresent paperlumsto account theresuhsofourfield investigations
ard of
tbe collectionsfrom tie Nrtursl HistoryMus€umin Sibiu,trying !o outlinethe
specificofthe Apoideae faum fromlhe SibiuDeprcssion, whichis establishedby the
naiuralconditionsofthe reliel soils,climateandthevegetation.


For this studytherehavebeenidentifiedandhandled10,528specimens of
Apoideaeproceedingfrom qualitativesamplestalen in different e€osystcns
(deciduous forests,
skirt\ mezophilous meadows.
andmczo-hygrophilous areasin the
vicinityofthe roads,gardens,

Thefaunistical epitomefor the SibiuDepressior\ on the basisof
the sampled materialand on references,comprise245 speriesof Apoideae. which
reprcsentsabou 29,69Uolrom th. Romanian fauna The 245 speciesbelongto 7
families,namely:L Fam.Colletidac(2 gcn€r8and 19 species- 7,15o/o);2. Fam.
Halictidae(8 generawith 42 -17,14%)
species 3. Fam.Andienidae (4 gencra with
4l species- 16,73910);
4. Fam.Melittidac(3 gcnera and9 species-3,677'): 5. Fam.
Megachiiidae (10 generawith 50 speci€s-20,40%);6. Pam.Anthophoridae (14
gen€ra.nd64 species - 26,12%);7. Fam.Apidae(3 genera- 20 species - 8,16%).
A,'nongthe specifiedtotal,the authoridentifiedin the researchedecosystems 125
r50 m. Uppetdd lvlid.l|. Oh Rjr.t B6in

species.Amongthem9 specieswerefirs! quotedin Romaniaand 8 specieswerefirst

quotedin the Transylvanianfauna-
Furthcron we showthe faunisticalcomposition of the Apoideaefrom the
Sibiu Depression and the biologicalcharacteristics of the species,by usingthe
- O?eofnest:endogeic (En)or hypogeic (Hi,)
- numberof generarions in a year' I generation-rnivoitine (U), 2
gencrations - bivoltine@), panialbivoltine(pB)
- f l i g hpt e r i o(di nt e r mosf r n o n t h si ) I: - I I l i 2 l \ ' - \ l , i V - \ ' l l ; 4 :V I -
- diciaryspectrum: oliSophagous (oly),polvphagous (pJl)_l

TAXA Flighl Di.lrn

En, Ey Olr
Colleles dnidluh O-Ui!|lmt- 116l\ U
Co etesd@l.t@ts Sr]itt\ l&6 U 5
Couetesharytuatus Sttith, lE46 U
C'olterr r,rl,i SchcdcL lE53 U 5
(bll.|.r e..|rrvr Girurr€us.l?5Er U
Hyleus ontustatustsch.n& la6l U 3.4.5
Hyluus danulanslxjlb'J, $u2t U 3 . 45
ttvl@rs brevi.ornh N\latdEt. 1852 U 3.4.5
r/y/de!r .orrlrir Nylmd.r. lE52 B 1.4.5
ryyl@tscoituN! Nvl4iLr. tE52 DB 3.4.5
Hyt@us.tifon6 (Eversflwur. | 452\ U l.'15
Hel@s Erarili@mi! ct{orarritz 18671 u 3:t.5
vleus halinlus Snit\ ta42 U 3.4.5
fi /@rr ndfit r Gabriciu! 1798) U 3.4.5
Hvl@6 Dtc us N\lan&t. 1852 U
Hyle6 p,,ctuld$'n6 Snit\, lE/z U 3.4.
Hrl@usnmatus(P8tztr,17981 U 3 . 45
ftl,/@6 $a!.rK (SchdcL lE53 U 3.4.5
llelNts vut.adtut .Frntncis l198t )B 4.5.6
thoDhit s otnawtuDtus Soia6l^ lEoa U 4.5.6
\ hoDhi Ioi das c o, us I E\e$,Jranfl la5 2\ U 4.56
sJrtopra @PEou is (ScoDoli.l??0) U 4.56
Pft udaDis.liwql R s (La'deill.. lAO5\ U I4.5
PrudoDtsLmotulis (P^lllt" 1773\ U
l'eldaDis nfrcomE tsoi$ola. l$Al U J_1.5
Dttauftd itunB (N\luttu- lE4al U 1.n.5
Dtfo't.a wleans ts.l€rcl- l l U 3 . 45
Sph..od.r dlbilabns G^bncis. 1793) U 1.4.5
!'rrecoder./es Tbosor lE70 P u 2345
plrrrr (Limagls.l75E)
Sr/rdroder P U 1.5.
Soh@deshwlin|Aua( e lAE2 U 3.15
tDh.codesnortli.omis Kirte- lt02 P U 2345
Dh.cod.s D.llu.td6 Sll,i|Ji, 1845 U 3.5.
nbicudts g^Arr". |882
Seheco.les P U 3
L6iaElBLn albiE $tbicitt6, l'Alt U |.2.1
r$,orter ra,6 (N\'br(b. lE52) U \215
Lzio!/rsr rdrirtu' lSchcncL l65J) U 2.5.
Lasiolelosslnnonolhbn ius. 17931 U t.2.4
trunrlv Rtu Sre E.'l.Restlt9a).1 149-156 lil

L$ioelotem ni iaes {agelerier lA4l) U 2345

Ldrltloez vJrol4&a aKrrbt. 1802) U 3.4.5
L osi o8 Iossn pM. Idtb e n t n' U 2315
ls.henck l85l)
Ldsiasloss'n she.t hn oneIi rd (Kirbr''.1802) U 2.3..r
ldioProreD ror!&u {Smi-\ 1848) U l?45
!6taelos"n xonlh.tu,r G,il\ . 180:t U 2345
Hahdus nc< ulot us Sntl)\ t8JA U
$alictus norbi osusKi'lbbL la13 U 2345
Ildltctus ouad .in.rrs (Fabticits. 1776) U 2J15
i/al.r!r /!hn?,n'r! {Chdn. lrtl) U 2745
l/dlrrrr s.J.,r.rlr (!abricirs. li75) U 2345
Hotrctus tun uh vun fl-imeus. l 15E\ U 2345
Ho l ).t us sub. uht u\ tRassi.',192' U 2345
Panurzus..l.arai ls.o,nli. )761\ U
"s (L?v.ill.. IE06
,\./etr utta .td/catnts U
khntPa , Clmtd tA6r U
i n dle nu ! L oi o. F xbncits, 17 15 B 1..1.5
ndrcna .h^ sas..l.s o(irbv. la02 U 2.3.4
lhdrna cthetaris (Liffttert. l75a U 2
I ndlena .ahbiratd (CMsr l19I U 2.3.
)rulrtna .rstinelendo Sctenck.LAlI U 2.3.
1,drcnd.laBatd .Kirn\. la02) + B 2.i.4
itdrcha etino Snirh. la47 U t
t nJrc tu ll et per Pe.t. | 199 B 2.3.1
Andrena hanurli ana (Fabncirs. 1775 U 4.5.
:ndreno h.i.nonhoa tF^htcit\. l7aI U 2.3.
l nJlena hutu l is llnho(t. lqi ) U 2.3.
th.lrefld labidtd F^bncius. l7al U 2.3.
4ndrc"a lathyri Altoen 1899 U 2.1.
n.rre4anaryinata Fabn i,!t 1776 U 2.3.
lnd4a ntnuruld (KJfor. lao2) B 2.3
lndrcnanaito BtxlL- La32 B 2.3,
Andrchahihdiutula Schmck. lE53 U
4ndrcna nitida M\\ller. 17761 U
.1n.lrend nasutaQimltd. la63 B 2.3.4
tndrtno hierc@hea {Kil&. laO2J U 2.3
thtlrena ^ at"la rKjJb\. lA02) B 2.3.
rldrcna arae.o, tscaooli- 1763 U t.2.3
tn.irunabliDes tFabictus- l78l B 1..1.5
..indrena ttutind lKirb./, I U 2.3.
l.dfeaa .oin? Palzer. lEol U 4.5.
'i..d.r !.,.& MoF$itz. I 866 U 73
lnr.l",if,Jl,\ aKirb\ i U 2.3.
!&t"c li15
th.rc, E. Gabnctus- U 2345
,.!,.])a ! \.hecl t ]{otasitz. 1812 U 2
1,dr.,,,, CtBrd lE6l U 1.4
irda,c veniars lln'haff. la32 U 2.3
irdr.aa ra,ah (Rolsr. l'92 U 2
irJfcld,,ril./.r.€,r vielec\- l9l6 U t.5
1n.1ftn. ,.2d Patuer, 1199 U l.l
Ca\plar.eun lnek i O'{ocs:An.la94l U 2.1
Canptntueun ilontale (l^b - 1812 U 2.3
\Ll'fia dnnidlataMora*id Ia16 U l..t
tletiua haeEbvhoj.ldlts iFabdc\tt. \1 ,-s) U l.t
l5) The Ltppet ahCMiddle Olt RDetBdin

\Ltina le@nna lP,Iu.t- 1799\ U 34

ve |ittd tf icInct KjIty,t802 U t..1.
Velisa nienc s NI}en. l9o5 U t1
DaeDoda oEe ob (P2,^zeL lao9l U :lr5
DaeDoda hrd@s .Fatmci|,6- l79ll U ldb@ta Gabictt s l8u\ U L,l 5
Vdctoois lluids G*icios. la04) U 3.1
Ttuchusdbv$ino @a\H- 17981 U
4nthidiM cire latuh L,e.iuc. lao5 U 1.4
4nfi'diun inEnrotud Ftuicit s. la04 U
Arth'drun htururun lP8xzeLl&Ll U 1.4.
4rthidiun Micatun (Lirma6us.l75t\ U
4nthiditn mo1t@rn Mor wie. lE64 U 14.
n Ih i di t n sebrend. tt atl n i-.E,.tid. 184| U
I t1thi di un oblontat I d (lti ser, 18!6) U 34
)tuia adtrca (P262.r.'79A) U L
)Mta aunlen@ (Pueet. 1199\ U 2.3.
Ofln btsEohx (E^bici,\s- 1194, U J
OM'a caerulesensO-iffi2rrs- L75E\ DB 2.3..1
Osnta camuto O-atei\le- l8D5l U 2,3
Otuia lldivhttis (Pa\2.t, 1798\ U 3
osmia l.ai44 lY,it6y. la02\ U l
Otuid btMeleto (Kirtt\. la02) U
OMia DMenna Ct\1is. la2a U 23.
Osntudla (Lianae!6. l15a\ U
Asnta s ,ulosa lKit&- tao2l U 3.4.
Osnra uncirata G.r5ttclleL la69 U 2.3
On,a v,//osa(Schfrck l85l) U 2.1.
Onia bicolor (Scblali'cL l78l U 2.
Onid bidentatd ll{6tasit2- 1a72 U 3,
VePehile aa.olB Soinola,t8O8 U 2.3
@dtu,cul 016 l Linnaetlf,- 115 U 2.31
Vesdchile ciranc i rcta (KitlN. la02\ U 2.3
V.eachil. dotsak Patcz.1902 U
Vez@htleenebnn Lcoel(].nr- l81l U
Vepa. hI e (Lifi]octts. | 7AI U 3.
V.eaehtl. I.adEIlo Ctt^i! l82a U 3.
V.eth e DelnaMa Colil IWl U
V.erch e rctudata G*ticit\ lTE,4l U 3.,1.
Ve*ehtle wsi@lar tu\rl\ 181,4 U L
Chel^tana fulieitoen (P,'D.L \79A\ U
Chetostod' can D@,lMn 0Kiro\. I U 3,4,
Chelostonad6hraentun Sto... 1929 U 3.4.
ChelostonafMolatun (M.tus- n6al U
Cheloeohanohsotue {-inrl6e!F. l15a) U 3.4.
etiades.rehllatus \\;lr de\ 1836 U
lleriadestErtcomts N,tlal(lu. la5o U 14.
tler@desnnnntun (LttUleE 1753\ U 3.4.
y.rr ,a/ur.!/a Nvlander. l84El P U 3
gtel6wn.latisino (KjtW. 1802) P U 3
Diofls drcto lville. IW7 P U 3.
aoeliomselNeala L€o€leieL l84l P U 3.4.
Coehots'zem6 (Kutu, tEo2) P U 3.4.
Co.lioxyspob/c.ntdsFdr'ieL 1853 U l.
:oeliorys tufes@B lawlelJeL 1825 P U 14.
Tansth. Rev.Syst.I:cot Res.(1999),1. 149- 156 t53
L' t ch s n s Fonrcs. U l.{, ANTEOPHORJDAx
4nthoDhora ocenotu^ O-i]M s. 1158\ U 2.3. L.oekn t. lall U 45
4nthoDhdo bth@lata PM6. l19a U L
4nthoDhotubo,.ahs MarJ\i,u- ta6t U 3.
4nthoDhoraturcot. tP$,rer 17981 U 3.
4nlhophotuEmlut &osst.l79o U
nthoDhqa naentidhns F.aE - $i 5 U t.4.
nthoohoranu.tda Gnb.d 18;3 U 3.4.
4.rtoDhoraDlaetab tllliz.t- 1806\ U 2.3.
4rthaDh.ta Dubes..n! tF^bncrtt llal U 3.
4nthoDhuru tub.s..,t tF abdciur 178It u 3.
4nthoDhotd @dd,rf6aata vll t- t189 U l,r
lathoohorc rettsa tLtJMN. l15E\ U
4nthobhoru otddrhoelata tP?ffi. la06\ U 3
I/€lecr,l!cr!or. {S.!Doli.l?70) P U 2.3
\ Dtactata(Fabncnt\l71S) P U 2.3.
lhvets ht n,ro|tc's tlJlie.r. lAo6l P u l.
o/6o&JLro.ldi€r l84l P U 3.
relr rdnosa bDclcrier lE.l I P U
P U l
E!..tu casDi.a Modsirz la13 U 3
E @ra .inerea l,€cf-, ric'. ral\ U 3.:1.
Eucetuclyteatd Enchgx . la35 U 2.3.4
Elera intenDta B.t. lE50 U 3_4.
Etetu l f,.Mts LiattagN. l75a U 3.1.
Eueru n'ddN.rna Mcx:al^- La19 U 1.4.
Eueru niErifa.iensLapclatu, lE/l U 3.4.5
Euera Nlrnov SfilitL lA54 U l4
Euera entnu&Bi a. lA3Z U 2_3.4
Euetu tdnca Mo'awiv- la7 | U 2.3.1
lehalana ahcncta lan l.tkt- l1J4l U 14.
Tettoloniam.tiaca M6t wl,z lATa U 3.4.
Tetolan'z de'toh A<lu'" la35 U 3.4.5
U 3.4.
TetraIoni a | @a Moraek- L{l 3 U t..l
Tenalono DolhnosaL.o.l.ticx. la4l U 3,4.
Tettulohia sali.atia. l-.fElcrici. la4l U J.4
lileord r?rso G. r&Lcr lEll U 2.3
\rlocoto rnrldc.a (Lir]u'.3etr{.
li5E) 7.7.
Cetutinaclttosa ll?btictus. \191\ U 2.3.
C.tunna cvaea txjft\- lEA2 U 2l
.\o^ada alboeu[atd H.inncb-Sct0ff.r I E39 P U 2_1.
\, ftcnnch-Schdfr.t. l8l9 P U 21.
roh ada b1fi da'nb6tnt la1 2 U 2.3.
r'ohad. dismeundo Moii\it?.. la1{ P B 2 . 34
\ tea rala (Ltutlclds. 1161t P U 23.
\Mado ndo .ta tK'lo\. IAO P U 23.
\ fucotoPaztt- | ;91 P B 2.3.1
\ondda hrtjtes Pit z^ l8a4 U 2.1
^-cnada ln olatdPztQ t.l19E P B 23.1
lE39 P U 2.3.
\mdda h.n@ Morasiq lA12 P B 2.i
\bnada xxlNaola P2 2d . 1199 P U 2.3
P U 2.1
154 Th. I pFt ud,v'&tte otr Ry31!91!1
\o^ada tntDtnosaS.tni.l. la15 P U 23
B 2.i
lifilK vri?sarlr flmmeus. li58J P U ll
Bi6Ls brcvicornis P?,Me!. l19a P U
8/rrrsr.ran,narur Scbcoc*-
!851 U
4nnobdtesotuniensis(S,jiith. la54) P L
{moraldr adatus Fabricius.IE04 U
Patdnobat.s n'nttus Mo.s*. . lE7a ul.
P8ites nactlotts lwre IEOT U l-
P6n s netltrus t'u''Ie,l&7 P U
EDeI oi des. oedt i ens ll ?hnc-|rs,| 775) U
FrD. A.tID.rE
Eonbw anil@6 S{nfrli, 1763 U t{
Aorr6.orter Sch.ncklE6l U
Eanbushuntht AU,P.|.la66 U
t76l U
Bonb6 hvpdonm (Lit,,Ers, l75E U l{
Bonbls lobtduirs Limaata I15A u t{
8drls rc.r6 Mola*itz. lt75 U
Borr6 D/.d6 G€rstc.k r. 1869 U l{
EonhusDucmn (SctDolt. 116?\ U
Ao4bus D,ottuh (LiJM.r., 116l U l{
Sonbusnbten^.us Ltu$ctts. l75a\ U t4
aorbls sd.,r'r Gabticiur r8o4) U l-6
Aodbts eltMn o-tut,rt s- 176l\ U l{
BoDr6 ,./Prtir LiMacu6, U5E U
Eoubuset eini R.tuLos*i,. la54 U l-6
Psithws cMNn is Pzarrr- lSOl U l4
Pstthwsbatbtt llts Kitnv. la02 P U 2.3
Psithws tuEs1,ts F?hicitrs- 1193 P U 23.
PJt rar ws.d/,r Four.c,ra. l7E5 U

The resultsgaincdby our researchprove that the sludiedecosystemsfiom

Sibiu Depr€ssion still maintaintheir natlral characleristics,the influenceof the
arthropicactiviticsbei[g relativelylow.
Dep€nding on thcbuildingmodalilyofthe neslsit comesoutthata numberof
139species erebuildingcndogeic nestsand59 specics €pigeicnestsThereprevail
thc .ndogcic spccics,fact that is to be explainedby the favourablepcdological
conditions fiom rheresearch€d sitcs.
Fron 245sp€cics, a numbcrof22?havconeScneration in a yeatandl8 hsve
two gcnerations.
Regarding the mstingperiod,the Apoideaefrom ihe Sibiu Depression are
reproducinSiiom the bcginningofthe springuntil the fall. But most of them lre
reproducing at thebegirniogofthe springandthe summer, whentherearethemosi
properlife-crnditions (both climaticalandtrophical).
Fron lhc biogeoSmphical p€rspective,the speciesfromrhe SibiuDepression
have Palcarctic(28,1%),European(50,2olo), Cenlral-European (12.65%),Euro-
Sib€ri.n (8,5t'lo).nd Ponto-Mcdilerranc$ (3,26%) range.
AnrlysinSthebiodiversity ofthe Apoideae from the studi€decosystems, we
havc found out that thc gleltcst numberof speciesis inhabiting the mezophilous
meadowsand lha lowcst in mezo-hygrophilousnesdows. The lalue of the
biodiversity is cxplainedcspeciallyby theecoloSical condilions. and,amongthem,of
highestimportarc€. is theabundance ofthe trophicalbasisfromeachecosvstem. The
TrMqtu. R4. Vn. Ecot- Res.(1999),l, 149- 156 155

majorityof Apoideaeare pollinatingspeciesand, therefore,the numberof the

Theresultsofour investigations
showa highecoiogicaidiversityofthe Sibiu
Depressio4prcvedby therichness
ofthe Apoideaefauna


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31. SrugrEAB.,l9E6 - GNruagcn d.r Aitgemcin.nOtologic. 4-Ar l. FischerV.rlag StlntsFn
3E. Wamckc, K., 1967 - PaunistjscneBeme*un8cn iib.r rcsFaldatkiscbc Bienen der Canun8
Andre.a F. (Hln.Apoid.d. G.nblou\ Fasc.tbs&ierces Agrcn., 2 (3), ppt 569's73.
J9. Wm.tq K, Scobiotr-Palad..X.. l98o - Domacss lcs HJm€noplerestudtenidae (Apoi&a)
& Rcntnzni.. Tr@.Mu' Hist. hat. 'Gnqop Aatip", 2l, W: 163-115-
a0 w€slrict, P., 1990- Dic wildbicnen B:d.n-wtfierb.rgs. Allgcm€ircr T€il L Uln r v.rla8
wcstriclr P., 1990-Dic wildbic&r Bad.Fw rtt€nber8s.sp.n€Icr Teil lL Ulmerv.daE
Trmsyh'.R@. Syst.Ecol. R.s (1999),l, 157- 164 151



Doru Baniduc
''G.igorc Arnipa' of Nanraj Histor.v.
sos. Ki*I.fl l. se!t. I, RO 79744
Buctlteli. e-nrail:dorub@antipa.m

C€t dnrdca le bul de sxrpredrel'dIal preote de I 'ichdofaunedu coursslgirieur et moyende
la riliarc Olt l\tilisaton du groupdespoiss!6 pou I' itude .1€ssreurs avecun equilibredcotogique
prj.air€ et l'id.ntificaton .lx c1usdsddtemi@16 pourc€t etardeschoses
Ls Ddlat em€nrsont ar. faites.n aoft I 997,s.Fembrecr octobre199E.
L€s 13 stalion de prClir.mqt d6 &ballilon5 o dtd €tabliG en renanrcompte dei la
morpholo8rede la rllaq le DT€ d€ soLstr'a! l, confluctre av.c quelqu€sadluencs coBi.l6r:s
tepres€ni{ldssousl'asp€fi des conditio$ i.ologiquG lami lcs aflluents & Ia rivifrc Oll €l sous
l aspedde I'inpact anEopiqucs les di{...nt s seleun .L la riviere.
l-e natedal dCoermine contimr 29 d' apP3nc@r a 26 gems et ? famill6.
L'€tudc d€ la faune tcltioloiqu. du cours slp&icur ct Doyen d€ Ia nvieE Otr n:L!e unc
s1nctne spacifqu€rEhtive urifofme do I I'e,yisienc.d'un souslrEtlniforn sxr les s€cteursenl(lias-
L€s excelions sont dq er prin ipal, I I'imp6ct anttopiqu! .t sculcn!trt dans us Flilc
mesG a lcxistenc! d€ .leux coud€ssecieus a!.. les conditiors dc biotoF diffarcdes. La prdrsioD
etopique sem?df€steevrdssi\€n€ a h suitede la dCi€rsationdcs eux indusrirles et mdnajtEs
ct p,r la modific{tior d€s condilio[! de biotQ€ d! } l'existenced'!n s}sten de I'andmgernenl
hidoanergEliqucdc gran& proporoons.

Kc)'words: ichthyofaunqbiotopconditions,humanimpact,Olt River.

Petrographicaldifrerentiatior! vertical range of the relief and radiate -
divergentconfigurationofthe hydrographicnet gcoeratein Romaniathe prevalence
of the riverswith a relativelyr€ducedle gttf volumeandsurfaceof their basins.
Wiih a lengrhof699 km, a surface ofthe hydrographic basinof24010 kn'r.
therotallengrhofall 564tributatiesof8465 km andanaverageflow at its confluence
of 164rii/s, rhe Olt River is oneofthe exceptions(Ro$u,1980).
As a consequence, the Olt River watershedincludesa largediversityof relief
forms and climatic typ€s, and a varied humanimpacrs.This fact points out the
dimensionsof thc cfort for carrying out a unitary and exhaustivestudy on the
ichthyological faunaofthe Olt.
This studywasconductedby the following goals:
. to describethe struclureof the ichthyologicalfaunaof the upper and middle
s€ctorofthe Oltl
. to identify the sectorswith a hard humanimpeLctconcemingthe study of the
. to identiS/factorswhich generatethe changingofthe ichthyofauna'sstruclurein
compatison with the possible optimum, comparing with existent natural
l5E The tjpft atd lliddle Oh Rivet Basin

In order to assessthe impactg€neratedmainiy b! the dams buih during the

period 1970- 1990 andby the wastewalerdischargeit \ds done 3 screening- type
expedhionfor collectingdataandbiologica'samples
The sv6il&blescienlificinfonnarionon lhe ichthvofaunabefore60's offer the
possibilityof a comparisonwith the presenlsituation ThL,scoLrldbe identifiedlhe
causesofthe chargesapeatedin tirne


The srmplinS*as madein August 1997,ScptembcrandOctober1998
The thinccn samplinS stadons (Fig. l) werc chosen according ro the
thc confluenceofsome lributaries
morphologyoflhc wlley. thc t)?e of substralum.
andofthe humanimpac! thc river sections
For samplingit was useda net (6/1.5m)handledby two personsand a hand-

Flg l- Sapting arcd

Th€ ichthyologicalmlterial wasfixed io a 4oloformaldehyde,than presewed

in llcohol 70% and includedin the collectionof the AquaticBiology Laboratory
within Depanmcntof Ecologyof "LucianBlaga" Universityfrom Sibiu snd of
"Grigorc Artips" NationslMuscumofNstural History from Bucare$.
Trmst'[uRd.s\st E ol Res.ll9t9),I i57-164 159
Therewerecollecteddaraof fisbin8(qualitative
and quantitative)
fiom the
fishermenaroundsamplingiations andby programsof restockingof the bmnch
oflicesofthe Fishermen
s GcneralA-ssociation
fromSfantuGheorghe andFigtuat.
Auronomous Admininration_Romanian waters" offeredsomedataon the
of the$ater

Therewererdenlified belongngto 26genera
29 specres and7 families. r: Th. sp2c'eslotnd D ea.h iahpltngstalia,


I I t.-ta

!.,r.rr /.r.,dr Lr.,rd.r Cinnaeus)I758

I'rca llrca (Linaeus) I 756

lbu usalbrn s olbrnlts(Li$EtE|,6\ l15a

lbumodes bit Mtat6 bipmrd&s {Bloct) l?82

brants bnna d4,rbii Parlo'r 1956

I tabo \lhba cdinota (Pdlas\ Iall

Chahdostuna nes hes (LiMlre\t) r15A

ssen.ets anans Glc/;tu l7az
Gobj. eaU. .btusnashs valencieuEs 1844

u: bubus barbustLit[J'ae|u5,l15E
bus EtoNnnetrs wteri t{B*.| lE17

ba,bat!tus hahatulut lLirvta.\s\ 1758

ns betua taenn L:Jitt E 115E
autxla bal.anco iK2tama l9?2
r elarr LuuCN l?5E

driiir laidrtrr Limcus l75E

.?u !!r (Liniaeus) I t58
160 Tft | pr?t uLl.\ lutdlL I ti! ltn et Boen

The speciesfounc In each samplingstanonlTab. l)'rere marked:with (c)

ihose sampled,with (d) thoserd€niifiedfiom the i:shernen'-.captur€slound around
lhe sa'nplingstations.and \r'irh (i) rhosewhrchbelonscdlo lhe rerlirckrngprogtams
oflocalSportllunre.said Firherirens Oeneral .\sJocr3lon
The seqorsai.e.:led b\ hr)nanl':fa.l nere :ci:r:le: '.riMhe vaflalion of
rhe speciesdi!ersx\ oftie rch:h!o:-aur,a
The;ier's seclro;:: \irh a ae$isb specres r.;le.i th. p : e ! e r , . eJ t r h e h u m a n


FiE, l. The of the sp.ies id.rtfed in.Eh sanplirS ionon.


Foreachsection ofthe upperandmiddleOlt Rivertherewereidentified

anthropogeneticfactorswhichinducea specificichthyofauna
Bll.r - SlndominicS.ction
Therivcrbedconsistofsandandmud,andits slopeis decreasrng from25 o/ou
in thespringareato 2,5 in theCiucDepression

arnul !v.r.!. olth. Annr.l rur*nn

lM|n vd@ vrlu.

FiV of thenonth valu.s md nNnun of ('d ir 1997it cmpoifun ||nh the
adq$rjbl. nentd wlu. lo, th. t.hhlbl%tcal ltuna n Rondtio, lesha ate6 lor cd
irdi.ator (ngl).

lt can be mentioned that the absenceofthe fish specimensin this sector in the
periodof sampling,;s a r€sultof the dishsrgcof cadmium,zinc. copperano iron
(Figr.2,3,4and5) whichresultfiom industrial
Trmrlu Ra.S):t r.. R,' ,)t l l5- 1.!

To all thesei! has!o be add lhe presenceof an inadequatefiltering stationof town



annur .v..rg. oi annul rut|M MulM nrni..tbte


adnEebt. nErnua eluelot the ichthfologicdllaha ih Ranaman IrcthvdEB tt Zfl
l1dt.atot tnq,

FiZ, 4. Annual@etugeof the horth pal@saf Cu n 1997ia .onpdtun sith the a.lnissible m8inun
wlle Jor the i.hthrologicalfauho in Ronorion lreshe.,ten for Cr hAdat (net l).

Eig 5.Atrtal tuetaSeof th. dohth ydluesand Mual Minrd aI F. in 1997jn cof,pa son\|nhfi.
dddissiblendinun nh.fal the ichthloloqi.alfauna ln Ronanionlresheateti lat Fe
indicotot (ngl).

Toxiceffectsof cadmiur&zinc,copperanCiron on fishesvary accordingto

total hardness,pH, temperature
As a resultol cadmiumintoxicationbehaviourchangesappear,the roesare
notlaiddo\^nandrhedevelopmenr ofjuvenilesis verymuchreduced
t62 T'.' Pv' !!)! !!:_t :! ]t! 5i:a
Zinc intoxication redL.eiiih ie\elopirg. ...eleralrn-|l :hci. hre;rh produce
branchiae inflammariorbrearr.oliafs. 3.1 ,i.?:l
Aduh fishertJ:era:irr'a
theju!enilesl\h:cilaresen!rr\e:xa f.:rrher !:.ri c.rtire:Lrrl.\:.r:ioncasei
appearsmalfbrrilali.:r5 a: J!\;]c?.ii:ru.(r::rr':'.. rlri .l ih€
te8!rn1ent. persisr€nl
.oug\. haet.-\.rhagic !rps.srreij.i1:i 1.r.. .i..r,rl:r:r'.r' ar'l
finalh dearh
To\ic eiltds oiterrulrt cn isnes are poinleJoirt rt rhe co\e.rn! oi !ra.:j:i,rl
b) ihe ferflchvdro\idewhichgenerate lhe dec.easing rateoisuni!rng andgroui:rs
of rhe ju\eniles. adverseeffecls on reproduclion.and fina;lv suffocatioi Fe:r-.r:r:
sedimenrs can also hale a negativecff€ct on roesand benrhicorganisms\\hich ibI'-:l
the fish's food (Diudea"M, et al 1986).
Sindominic - Tugnrdu Nou Scction.
The river slopedecreases up !o I "/00and somebraidedsedors (especiallyrn
lhe areaMiercur€aCiuc Tu$naduNou), favourthe presence ofsome lessrheophilic
{ish specicsthanill ihe upstreamanddownstreamsections
The sampled specimensbelonSing to two species(Oobto gohio obtusiastrtt
and Le ciscuscephaluscephah$)^re representative for the stale of ichthyological
faunaofrhe ar€a,dcterminedby the humanimpacl: urbanand industrialwastefrom
MiercureaCiuc (a town with around 38,000 inhabirants)and the dischargesof
HarghitaMining Industry
The main problemsin lhis sectorconsislin the high concentrations offerum
andzinc (Fig. 6)

Fi& 6 Amuot Nenge afthe noath valu4 ahd antual n$inrm of Fe atui Za in I 9? 7 in .onpan tun
r\th thz adnt$ible dainuh rolk t r :h. tchtb\]loqtcai laund n Rohtuian Jtushsolets Ior
fe on.l Zn in{\ lng/l).

GorgeTusn.d S.ction
This 5 km long sectoris totaldifferentfrom the rest of rhe upstreamand
sectorsof Olt River,from rhepointof view of ichthyological fauna's

The presenceof rheophilicand oxiphylic species(Phorimtsphoxnirs

phoxirus, (htlvias bqftaul s bafiatult/s, Barbuspeloponessius
peten\r ^nd Gobto
gobiooblusirostns) showslhat this sectorcarlbe includedto graylingand balkan
barbelzone,and on the otherhanda substantial improvement of waier quaiit! ii
comDarisol withtheuostream sections
Transrh Rev.Syst.Ecol. Res 0999). L I57 - 161 163

This peqiliarsituarionis inducedby the geomo.phology of TuonadCorge

Thatis lhe incaeasing ofwat€r velocityis detennined by the narrowiogofthe valley
and by thc gro{th of the river bed slope'Jp to 4 '/oo,and the increasing of the
dissolved oxygenvalueis dueto theincreasing of watervelocityandrurbul€nce. The
riverbedis formedofrocks,boulders. grav€landsand
BLrd -Mslnrt Scction
In scclion Q3 - Q4 speciesScard u s er)throphtalnus erythrophtalnusis
prevalent. Thirty-one specimens ofthis specics $erecollected andonlyonespecimen
of Leuciscusceplraluscephalus.Besidctheselwo specics,in fishermen'scaptues
were identified the following: Earbus barbusbarbus,Chondroslomanasltsttasus,
Gobiogobio obtusirosnisandLota lokt. The prevalenceofred eye in this s.ctio[ a
Iesstheophilicspecies. is dueto thedccrease ofwaterv.locityandofthe incrcase of
sandysubstratum proponion
Ghidf.ltru- Bod S.clion
This scctionis characterized by an impo(antincrease in species numberIn
comparison with lhe upstream sectionaightmoreolherspecies werefoundherc The
silty-sandy substratum bccame prevalent.
Ariutd -Udgr. Scctiotr
At Feldioara-althoughsamplingsweremadein the sameefrory'timeunity as
in r€ighborinS stations,the resultswere3ignificaly different,beingcollectedonly
two spccimcns of Barhusbarbus,a/rrs. In cornparison with this r€sulisal the
upstream station14specics werefoundandat thedownstream one16species
This obviousdiferenc€in ichthyof.una's diversity,in the neighboring river
sectionsis duc to thc fact that thc up8ueampan of Ariu$d - Ungra section is
influencei by the flowing ofslrongly pollutcdriv6s Ghimbltel, BarsaandVulcenila.
ln this riversaredrainedwastewat6s fiom Bratov,ZImcSti,Codla andRa$nov.
Flglrag - Avrig S.ction
Thisis oneofthe mostcomplexsectio[regarding thevariationofthe biotope
conditionsTh€seare influenced by the presence of somalarSedam-hydroelectric
po\\'erslationsyslem. Thehumanimpactis alsopresent by thc modification ofwater
qualil! due!o the upstreamdrainedwalers,especiallyfrom Ftrgiraj induslry.
A studymadein 1988in UceadeJos- Scorei- Avrig sector,demonstrated a
drasticdiminishing ofthc ichthyoloSical faunabothquantitatively andconceming its
diversilvAn illustrarive fact on the spotwasthe abgenca of the sportfishermen in
Theclosrngand/ordiminishing of someindustrialactivitiesin Flgtrai after
1989.hasledto animprovem€nt ofrhe p.esentstateofthe ichthyofauna (thereare7
species in addit;on)
The sedionalso includessomesubsequent accumulalionsi voila, vi$ea,
Arpas,Scoreiand Avrig Betq'eenall accumulations thereare shon unconcreted
banls.Hare,warervelocityis fasterandthe biotopefeatures resemblemorethose
Dresent bcforethe darns construcdon
Tbisthingsteadio the presence of a relativepolarizaiion of fishesbelween
eacbdamind thefollowinSone,according to thepreference ofeachspecies andtbei.
ag€classes,for wat€rvelocityanddepth
In theseareaswith a fastervelocity.ofwater,diversityis higherin the
proximityof confluenccs with someclcantributaliesfrom FhgiragMountains.ln
thesc sccfionsrheophilic and oxyphilic speries can occtr (Phoxinusphoinus
phoxitnls, Orthrias barbatulusbaftatults and evenSalno trutta Jario) whtch can
comedownaccidentallyfrom the sbovementionedtributaries.Suchcasesoccured at
164 The L'pp?t dd \liddl. OI RNq A6it

theOlt confluence with Sambet4Brerza,CorbiandScoreirivers.Unfortunately the

positiveinfluence ofthes€numerous for lhe qlality of Olt wateris small.
duero their reducedflows
After 1989,the pollutiondiminishingof lhe accumulation lake wsters,
allowedthemnot to be obstacles in fro ofthc individualexchangings between fisb
populations fromdifl€renltribuarieswhich0owsrnthesamelake
Avrig - Turnu RoSuSacdon.
Rel8tivcuniformityofenvironm€ntal conditions downstream TusnadGorgeis
inrenupted onlyin the p.oximityofTumuRoguGorge. StationQl I - Ql2 is two km
upstream this20 km lonS gorgq thisproximitvbeing sho$n b! rhe presence ofthe
rheophilicspeciesrarrur lreloponesius !t.

With fcw exceptions,th€ prcscnc€of very resemblingenvironmental
conditions alongthe upperandmiddlesccrors ofthc Oh Rivergeneratcs a r.latively-
similarstrudureofthe ichthyofauna in mostsections ofthe river
Exc€ptionsare representedby TusnadCor8e and the Tumu RoSuGorge
proximalsectors, dueto the presence of somediffcrentenvironmental conditiolsin
comparison with thosespecificto lheothergectors of Olt River
To all thesewe addtheDoiluted scctions:
. Bllan - Tu adu Nou Section,whereits northemsideis devoidof fish, ihey
beingscarcely present(onlytwo species) in its southem side
. Bod- Unga Section,characterized by thepresence ofa singlespecies.
Besidcthenecassity ofpollutiondiminishinS in theabovem€ntioncd seclions lersr,two s€clionswhich mightbacspeciallyprote(led:
. Springs- BalanS€ction,b€causeit canb€ usedas referenceelement,ir| cas€of
ecologicslreconstruction of heevilydsnagcddownstneam areas.
. Tu$nadGorge Seclion,this being the placc where the water qudlily and
ichthyofaunabcginto recoverafterthc badst.te of upstreamsection.
After stopping/diminishinS of someindustrialactivities,after 1989,th€ middle
Olt sufferedlessbecause of the pollutedwatersin conparisonwith the upperOlt,
beingremarked animportant increasingin fishnumberspecies
Largedam-hydroelectric powerststionsystcminfluencethe ichthyofauna. The
preseoce of this systemdeterminea relrtivc polarizationaccordingto different
velocities, depthssndsubstrata ofwater,polarization whichis repeatedidcnticallyin
all sections includedbetwe€n two subsequefi dams.
,{ckrorlcdFn .!
I $ant lo thc Natiollal Company'Romanian Wat m" for the accessto lhc annualslnth.s.s
reSardiryth. 3udac. war$ quatiryfrom rhc hydrcgBphicbasinOII in 199?.
I alsolha* to rll dly ticftls who hclpd mc in $rnp[!gs.


L Blnlt!$r, P.. 1964- Piscg4detchlhycs FdlrdRAR., 13,cdn-Academici..Bucw€$i.

2 Diud.4 l!l. .t ,1., I9E6- Toncologi. Acvatcl" cdi! Dacia,Cluj-NaFcr.
3 Ro$! A.. 1980- G€o$Bfa Fiac6 a Rom6nbi.di! Didacrici, BuoEgi
4. + . ., 1997- Sint zcle arual€privird crliaLa lFlor dc sriprafaladin bazhul Olr. Compania
Na$oorll "AFL Rons!c".
Tanrytu.Rev.Est. Ecol.Res.(1999),l, 165-168 165



PetruM. Binerescu

Ranandn Academ! ltsrttte alAlobg, D.pdne ofBiorystnatics, St.Fwoasd 31,RO

La disribudon gaographique et h rnilbititd intra-spacifiqu€d'une esdce d€ cycloslomeser
de trots espec.sde poissonssuSSare€nqft l€ qrlostone Eudoatont2at ndntu es ?eila dansle
bassinde l'Oh j pafir de I'ouect],Sabdhejetiato,,tanica nqnn du sld-€st Crre tesJ., i pann du
nord: l utilisatotr d.s mdbo.les modem€sde t6t'0atique €$ na..slairc afn d'&abh l ongine des
popularioB dc Sardej.,k alfata dais le bassinsupdrielrd inldri€urde I OL

Ke)'words:ichthyofauna, Olt RiverBasin


The Oit Rivgr is the largest of the three rivers having the source in
Transylvaniaand flowing southwards,into the lower Danube,ihe two othersbeing
the Jiu River qndthe Buz6ufuver. All otherriversfrom TransylvaniaandBanatflow
west- andsouth-westwards into the Tisz! fuv€r or direcdyinto the middleDanube.
The entired.ainageareaofthe Darube(upper,middleand lower reachesaswell) is
zoogeographically unitary; there are howeversornedifer€nces,at the specificand
especiallyat the infrasp€ciliclevel betweencloserelatedspeciesandor conspecific
populationsinhabitingdistinctareasofthe DanubebasinandtheseraiseFoblems of
microevolutionsn or disper$al,four suchcasesconcemthe basinsofthe Olt River
andin the leighbourhoodofother tribulariesofthe Dambe.

1. Non-predatoiJ lrmp rcys ol the genl,sEldontomlzon

Two.speciesofnon-predatorylampreyshavebeenrecordedfrom the Danube

Bdsin (l) Eudontenyzonnariae (Betg, 1931)inhabitingthe drainageare€sof the
riverson the northernwatershed of the Black Sea@on, Dnieper,SoulhemBug,
Nistru or Dniester)andthe lower Danube,aswell as the Vistula anda few rivers on
the AdriaticSeawatershed; in Romaniais i.e. knownfrom the €astemriv€rs(Siret
River andtributaries)andfrom the southernones(iocludingthe Arget River that lies
easrand lhe Jiu River tha! lies west of the Olt River. (2) -E. vlddykovi(Olova et
Zanandre41957)distributedmainly in thebasinofthe upperand middleDanubebut
was also found in a tributary of the Oh River in Transylvania,it is in the lower
Danubebasin.In Romaniait also lives in the upperreachesof the river BegaRiv€r
and of the Bistro River, a tributary ofthe Timig River (data mainly accordingto
Holcik andRenaud(in Holcilq ed. 1986)conside.E naliae andE. vladikoi
as synonym,acceptingthat the Danubebasil populationsmay be ascribedto a
'. tudtue adiko|i. Actu.lly the two lampreysdiffer in the shape
of thc anteriorpart of the headand the dispositionof odontoids(illustrations in
Binlrescu, 1969).Specimensidentifiedby me as E vladykovifrom Romania(Olt
The UpFt @dMiddle OIt Riret Basin

and Bistra rivers,tributary of the Timig River) a.e identicalto specinens&om the
type iocality oft vladykovi,vtiile spe.inensfiom eastcmRomania(drsinagearcas
of the Siret and Arge$rivers)are ;denticalto typicalE. nalids from Lrkraine
Accepting thatE: vlad))kDvi
andE. mariaeareconspecific rubspecies thismeansthat
thefirst subspccias doesnot rangethroughout the wholcDanubebasin,bui only in
ihe upperandmiddleDanub.andtheupper-middle Olt River,lvhilethe populations
from the tributariesoa lhe lower Danuba,exceptthe Olt. belongto the nominai
It is diflicuk !o explain rhe occurrenceof E, vladJkovi (or E. nanae
vladykori\in the Olt basin,sinceh is abs€ntfrom the Transylvanian neighbourins
rivers (tributaica of the Muref River) in which the speciesis rcplacedb,v lhe
predaiory'' danfordi.Possibly,E._vladykovihad fotmetly a wider range,also in the
lributariesof the TiszaRiver(Muregetc.)whereit haslatterbeenreplac€dby lhe
motecompelitiveE. ddnfor .
wlrat it would be very importantis the attemptto frndE. vladyLoviln cithet
sitcsin the basinofthe Olt (mrinly in the upperreach)andto find ifthc lower, ertra-
carpathiandrsinageof the Olt is inhabit€dby E vladykovi or by E. mariae (no
lampreyhasbeenoolleded,untilnow,in thatarea).

2. Thc sandgudScon,6rria lrri en'

Gobio kcssleriis subjcctto a stronggeoSraphicalvariation in the Danube

basin.Thespecies fromtheNistrufuver.Thepopulations
$as d€scribed fromeastem
Romaoia (thalis geographically
cioseto theNistru)areidenticalto thoseofthe latter
river. Thosefrom the Transylvania (rivcrsSome$,Muret, upper-middle Olt) are
somewhatdifferent,havinSlower bodi€s,shonersnout,largereyesithey correspond
to the form describedby Vladykov (1925) 8s G. wanoscopul' c.trpalhorossiclts.
Thesedifferencesaretoo slightfor pennittingto aonsidarcarptthorossiclszs ^ val;d
subspeciesof G. lessleri. On the contmry, the populations Fon the Banat
(southwesternRomania)differ more strongly from lhose of the Nistru, eastem
Romaniaand Transylvaniaand are ascribedto a distinct subspecies,C. *€sr,/sri
,ardticrs. Remarkableis the positionofthe populationfiom south-centralRomania.
Thoseofthe riversJiu (westofthe lower Olt) lnd ArSef(eastofthe lower Olt) arg to
a certaindeStec,intermedi4rebetweenthe nominalsubspecies and banaticl.ts,being
closer to the former- It s€emsthat tha 8ce. pool of G. kessleri banatas has
influcncedtheir own gen€pool. On the contrarythe populationfrom thc lower Olt
drainageareaand Fom a sftrll river, Vedea,flowing betweenthe Olt and the Argel
riversareidenticalin all respects
to rheTransylvaniedpopulations (fromthe Somel,
Muref, uppcrOlt rivers) This means!ha! the Oit fuvcr Valley hasbeena disperlal
routcfor the sandSudg€onfrom Transylvaniato southemRomanja.

3. Thc ltone tpiny lorch, Sabanejetriaourota

Sabawje\/iaawala is the speciesthat underwentthe strongestdifrerentiation

in Romaniaandin the wholcbasinofthc Danube. Themorphological aspectshave
bc€nthoroughly analysed by Bdntrrescuet. al. (1972)who identifiedihe populadons
from the uppcr and middlc rcachesof the rivers in Tr&nsylvania(exceptthe upper
Muret inhabitedby the cndcmicS. atrala rdnentis), w€sternard south-west€m
Romaniaas id€nticalto ^t alrdtq balc@ico.ln the lower reachesof lhe sameriveB,
they describeda gradualtransition(int€rSradation) bctwccnthis subspeciesand S.
ire'\'t\ Ra Sv(. E.ol. Res.(1999),I, t65- I6t l6t

a .ata bulgaica ftofi the main channelof the Danubeand its large$ tributary, the
lisza River Anothersubspeties. S. autala vlachicd. rangesin lhe tributariesof the
lower Danubein south-e.stem Romania(riverslalomila,Buztru,Putna).At the
confluenc€ofthesc riverswith the Danube.t a,rratavallachica,contrsryto S.aurata
flom westernand south-westemRomania.does nor intergmdatc\ith S. aurata
6ul8@r?4but bothlive sideby sideas"good species".The statusofthe populaticns
tom the lower Danubetributari$ in sourh-cenrrai Romania- the rivarsJiu, Olt
(includingits lransylv8niansector),Vedea.Argel - andin easremRomania(Sird and
its subtributari€s)is problematic; thesepopulations are,morphologicslly, intermediate
betweenthe $bspccierd/carica andvallachicd-
The unpublished resultsof the preliminaryelecrrophoretic invcstigations by
Dr C. Tesiodo not, how€ver,confirmthe opinionof Banerescu et al (19?3):all
populations&om Timi$ River in south-westem Romania('lypical" ralcanic4
intergrades andslmost"typical"bulgarica) arceleclrophoretically
S. a bulgarica from the Danubq diffcring much &om -t a la//ocrica while the
populalionfrom the Arget fuver, whichis, norphologically, idt€rmediate between
the subspecica balcanicaa d r,allachica,is, electrcphorelically,identical with the
latter.On thc bascof thesepr€liminarydata,S aratd seemto includctwo distinct
texa:balcanicd,/bulgarica in theriversnonhofthe Carpathian Mountains andalsoin
the lower Donubc,and rallachica in the rivers south of Carpathisns,which are
tributaries ofthe lowerDanube.
In thissituation,it is necessarilyto investigate
iom varioustributariesof the Olt, somcof which are Iocatednonh otherssouthof

a. Th. s.nd-gudgeon,Sarandaia m anica

.1./.,rr1aricais the closestrelstiveofthe complexS. aurala. This spcciesis

endemiclo a r€stricted aresof Romania:tributaries of the lower Drnubefrom the
Iron Carcsto the west andthe Arge! River !o the east(occurrinSin manytributari€s
ofrhe Olt River in Transylvanianorth ofthe Caryalhians,but not in the soulh-eastern
rivers.Ialomila etc., whereit lives to '1ypical" form of S. awata wllachica; it also
rangesin $e soulh-westernFibulariesof lha Murq fuver in Traosylvania,which
b€longs ro thedrainage areaofthe middl€Danubc- Therangeofthe sp€cies is hence
The subspcciesof S. awata. most similar to S. rcmanica, is S. aurata
',vlldchica'tha nro are electrophoretically also similar(but nor identical).It can
hencebe acccpted thal-l rorrarLa originaredsouthoflhe Carpathians. reached lhe
IowerOlt Riverfromtheeasrandexrended irs rangenonhwards intorhemiddleand
upperOlt But how did it r€ch thc rributaries oflhe \lLrrei Riler? Evidentlyby
meansofa rivcrcaptureanddere aretwo possibiiiries I FromrheJiu furer intothe
StreiRiver(thelargestrributaryofthr \lurep Rirer ir whichrhe species lives).2.
Fromsometribuary of rhe Olt River io rhe ricinit. oilhe Sebe$fuver. anorher
tributaryofth€ Mura$fuver Thesccond ahemative seems moreprobable

Ofthc four speciesdealt\ith, Eudontonyoh r]altt vi rcachedthe Olt River
Basinftom thc w€st,Gorio *ers/et frorn the nofih. Saba ejev'iarcmamcafrom the
east. Stdting from the Olt Rjve', Gobio *essle cxtcndedto the Vedea River.
Sabattejewid romanicato the southemtributariesof the MuregRiv.r The problems
l6t n Ubnr @dMtddle OL Rtwt Basin

ofthe a,volutionanddisparsrlofthc \rario$ locrl ofs. drlrarain dt€ O[ Rivrr

Basin and in whole Roftania cln be rlsrified bv usins modem taxorcmicallv


L Binar.scra P.. 1969 - qddoE la i Cbo'l,fir,I'!!t!: Faraa Ranb'.'. 12 il). Edjt Acad.
2. Bldr!l6! P., Nrlt r! 1, Ch.hq S., l9t2 . R.ri.ioo rd fcoSraphiel rrdruotr of
Sab@4.tio dtaro in Rodlrir .rd rhc orili! of Srrd,r../iryta b.lA@co 6fi bbejoid
rrrarr., (Piscc.,Cobiti.l). Anot Zool. 8atdt., Brdisl@a.75,W:14.
3. Holcih J., Gdt 1985- P.rromyro iforn r (Ur. Fz*Mr.f Firh.s olE@p.|. r. Ar'b y.11..

l. VLidilcr, V, r92J - 0bcr doi8 Gr. J|i d.r Td.hlomtci (CJpdbonllbnt} Zor
Am.,6,W 21,-252
Trcnsytv.Rd. Stst Ecol. Ret. (1999),I, 169- 181 I69



''Bobet-B.lyai" Uhtursit, Fadltf ofBiolog/ and Ceolosr,Depdtbnzntof Zoolog, St.Koadlnicetuu
t , RA 3140Cllj-Napocd

ln tucrarcadc fat, alrorii pr€zidl noi dated6p.€ h€rp€tofao.abazinuruisup€riorti mijlo.iu
al Ohnui, r€alidnd lolodat! 9i o sint€d a dalelorbibliogr"6ce. la ac€3suzoDNau fosl id€ndffcaGl5
spccii de adtrbicni $ 12 specii de r€ptile h 105 habitateinvestigate.Harra careutiliz€azi sisemul
UTM indictrlo.atizars aceslorpunct dc colectarEs probelorOlgr r).

Ke).ryords:herpetofauna" reptiles,UTM system,geographical

distributior! Olt RiverBasin.

Theherp€tofauna ofRomaniais not well studiedTo date,the mostcomplete
summaries arethetwo volumesof"FaunaR.P.R.,AmphibiaandReptilia'by L Fuhn
(1960)and L Fuhn & $t. Vancea(1961).D. Cogilniceanu(1991)presentsthe
geographicdistributiondatafor amphibiansin Romani4andthis work couldusefully
be exte.ded to reptiles.Data on thg herpetofaunaof the Olt River Basin occur
in the literatu.e;for example
sporadically of the BrasovDepress:on
the arnphibians
havebeenwell studiedby Edilh Csata& z. Csata(1996,1997).


The investigationsweraperformcdin October1998and intermittentlybefore
this between1996-1998in the optimum observationperiods for the two studied
groupsDatafrom Fuhn(1960),Fuhn& Vancea(1961)and Cogalniceanu (1991)
wereused,aiongsjde thoseobtai ed by Urlea,M. and Gr.ef, P.R (pers.comm.).
Thesedala showthe existence of 27 speciesof amphibiansand reptilesin 105
ssmplingsiteswithintheOlt RiverBasin.
We makeuseofthe Universal TransverseMercatorSystem(UTM) with 2 by
2 km squaresto mapout all the dataappearingherein.

Theresultsobtainedin mappingh€rpetofauna ofthe Olt RiverBasinare
shown the Trble 1. For eachlocality,an altitudinal is given.
T^hcl r: Il.rpaohuna ofthe Ol, Riee Ba:itt
S.-SalMrln sal^drard,Tt-TritM.hcsnx,"fm-T tutu nont@.loni,T\-Titutus wlqdis, Al*Bonbim b@btna, B!*RMbind vaneg.ra.
H-Pelobateshes, Bbt-Bulo btfo, Wiatlo titidis, frr-Hyla o,horca, B^-Rahaanalit, Rd-RM4 .lolMtina, Ra-Rda tenporuia,
Re.-Rda esuldtd @nplex, F,o-Fris otbicrldlt, la-b@rto agilis, Lw-Lrc.rta riritli!, Liv-Locerta vivip@a, nuralit.
' notrit, Nt-Ndtir tee ata, Elryaphe lonsjstm, C'J:o@ela austi@o,W-npera b.tus,Vr*ViPra Mnodytes Md.y6,
+ Frsol|al re€ordingr;r rEc.rdcdby z.c$L (199{'.l99ni 2 P.RGnct (pcB. conrn);3 M.Udea(p6. @Im.);
4Brwlenrhar 5l@""
Museun; FawoR]R.anphibia; RP.R'Repri..

Olr Rirrr flood


I '*
=y11 1.1,''u lt
I!^ I rr;
f! | rrt

Ji l"' =
MJ.\ttdlle OIt R^'ct B6tn


3 t

Rev.Stst Ecol Ret.tlg90). L 169- l8t t7i

-r:r: -l
mtl -llttltlle Olt tueet Bask
Tmsyi,. Rd. Syr!.E.ot. R.s. (1999).l. 169- 181 t75







Th. Upp?t ahd t h,L . Oh tu e, B6th

Ord. Crudrlt
1. Sakna,ulr.t salanutuba solamdndra(Li\nae[s, 1758\
A polfypic species with manysubspecies. TheRcuanianpopulation belcngs
to rhe 4ominotlpicrace This is a terreslnal.noctuftralspecies.and a tlpicai
inhabitanl ofdeciduous andmixedforestsusuallybetween 2c0-t400m ahrtudeThe
presence ofsmallcleanstreams aDdpoolsarenecessary for its reproduction
\\'e obsenedthrsspecies previously
io 2i newlocalities; it wasrecorded
;n 20
localities(in 4 of lhoseit wasrediscoveredby us).

rig L UT,rIsystennapoflh. stud'e.lroh.t. the.lols rcprcsentthela.ainus \herc.nphibtdn and

reptile specieswerce.ard.d.

2. Triturusslpestrisalpe.ririr(Laurenti,1768)
A highly polytypicspecieswith many subspeci€s, the nominot'?icrac€
occuring in Romania.It prefersshad€d,shallowwatcr bodiesand inhsbits mainly
middleto highelevations from800- 1900maltitude
This specieswasobservedin 6 new locdities,previouslyit wa9recordedin t 6
(io I ofthos€rediscovered
localities by us).

2. Trii!rus wlgans
A polltypicspecies,
with 2 subspecies
whichoccur iDRomaniaiZ r?/garis
wkolr:r (Linnaeus,1758)and an endemicsubspecies
for TransylvaniaZ urrgarij
Ttd,sir. Rer Svsi Ecol. Res.(1999),I, t69- lEl t17

anpelensis(Fuhn, 1951). It prefers well-vegetatedwann pools, smail ponds or

puddles up to 1000m altitudc.
It wasobserved previously
in 3 newlocalities, ir wasrecorded
in 25 localities
(in I ofthoserediscovered by us).

4 T rus cristahlsQ-,l.te',1768)
Recendyrecognised as a rnonot,?icspeciesTvpicelhabitatsare largerand
deeper waterbodiesup to 1000m altitude.
We observed this species in 23 new localities.
earlierstudiesfoundit in 22
sitcs(in eightofwhich it wasfoundin our survey)

5 TrilutusmonLrndohi(Boulenger,1880)
A monotypicspecies and it is a Carpathian endemic.Ir r€p.oduces in small
watcrbodiesmainlyin inhabitshumid.shadedslopes,mainlyin
niddleto hiShelevations (500-1900m ahirude).
It !,"asobseftedin 3 newlocalities,carlierii wasrecorded in other3 localilies.

Ord. Anura
Frm. Discotlo!aidaa

6. Bombitutrwriegatavariegrra(Linnacus,I 758)
A polltypicspecies, thepopulationsfromRom&nia belongto thenominotypic
raca.Typicallybreedsin smalltempor!rywaterbodiesor puddlesmostlyin higher
elevations(400-1600 m alt.).h inhabitsa gr.atvarieryof habitarsinciudingthoseof
humanorigin.It is unaffectedby thc waterquality.
Weobscrved lhisspccies previously
in 26 ncwlocalities; it wasrecordedin 39
localities in l9 ofthoseby us).

1 Bonbi@ bornbina(Limaats, 1785)

A monot?ic spccies,showinga more aquatichabital than r. wriegata. It
preferspermanentpoolsrnd bre€dsin shallowwster with densevegetation.
It wasob3€rv€din 3 ncw localilies,beforeit w|s r€cordedin othcr 3 localities

Frm P.lobrtidr.

L Pelobates llsclts fusa$ (Laur€nti,1786)

Il is a polyrwicsp€cies, in our countryappearingthenominotypic subspecies.
h preferslight sandysoilnearl,r8e rivers,in agricultural landscapcsandwetlands. h
occursid lowerandmiddle€levations, usuellyupto 800n altitude.
We obs€rved it in 14n€wlocaliti€s;previously it wasrecorded in 3 localhies
(in 2 of $os€ rediscovered by us).

9 Bulo bufobulo(Linn?lots,1758)
A polytypicspecios, tha nominotlpicformoccuningin RomsniaIt inhabits
the zoneof mixcdforestson hilly and mou[lainous regionsto high altitude(max
1400m). It rcproducedin pools,pondsard bo8s,occalionallyin str€ams.
We obscrv€dit in 3l new localirias;baforewasrccordedin 23 localities(in 6
ofthoseredisco\€redby us).
l7E Th, Lpfe. anJ \t,ddlcOh k\erBonn

lo Bufo vindis rri.lis (Lauren.i,l?68)

A pol''typicspecies. raceoccursheie \'losrlya nccturnal
thenominctvpic and
terest.ialspccies,occurringmainlyin anthropogenic habiialJll avoidsexiensive
loreslsandhighahitudes (rnax I 000m)
Weobsened it in 25newlocalires,
Dreliousl\it \'a! recordedin ).i io.alilies
(rediscoveredin siy ofthoseb) us)

Frm. Hylidr.

11 Hrla arborcaarborea(Linnalus,1758)
A poly5?icspecies, thenominotypic raceoccuningin Romania. Generally a
diumal sp€ciesfound in op€n sun-exposed habitatsnear water bodieswith natural
herbaceous vcgctation,usu.lly up to 800m abovesealevel
It was obscrv€dio 28 ncw locllities, previously it was recordedin 14
(in 4 ofthoscrediscovered
localitics by us).


We treat thesethree fotms (R.nmidib ndlr, R. esculentaall.dR. lessoue\
togethersinocthe systematicstaiusofthis groupis currentlyunderreview.Theyare
aquaticftogs(R. lessorneis the leastaqualic)andtheyare predominantly diumal
Theyinhabita widevarietyofwat€rbodiq upto 7-800m altitude.
They were observedin l0 localities,previoussludiesrecordingit in 44
(in 12ofwhichw€ recordad
localities it aswell).

15. Ranadnolis
A pol''typic species,with two racesof which occur in Romara, the
nominotypicRon atualis an /tr (Nilssoq 1842) ^nd Rana analis wolterstodli
Thenominotypic formwasfoundonlyin ReulNegruBasin(Reci).
fut ro arwlis u'olterstotfr wasobservedin 3l new localiries,previouslybeing
recordedin 13localities(in 4 ofthos.rediscovered by us)

16.Ranadalnatina (Bonaparte,1840)
A monottpicspecies. It is activc!t daytirne
andit is a typicalinhabitantof
light decidubus for.sts,mostlyin low snd middleelevationfrom 150 1o 800 m
Weobserved it in 27 newlocalities, previouslyit wasrecordedin 20 localities
(in 5 ofthos€ rcdiscover€d by us).

17- Raruttemporuriatemporuria(Linnecus,1758)
A pol''typic sp€cies,the norninotypicrac€occursin Romania.It is a tenestrial
diurnaltro8. It preferswet and shadedhabitatsne3r stresms.pondsor other water
resewoirsat middle!o highelevations(300to lt00 rn olt.).
It was obsen€d in 23 new locslities, previously it was recordedin 28
Iocalities(io 8 ofthose rediscovercd by us).
Ttunsflt Ra Stat.E ol. Res.(1999),1, 169- l8l 119

Ord, Testudi[es

I Enls orbicula s (Linnaeus,1758)

A pollrypic species,many subspecies of uncenainstatusare cuFently
recognisedh is a mostaquatic species, u$lallyfoundin sready or slowrunningwoter
$irh somevegeiation.
Weobserved it in I locality(closeto Sibiu),andlocalpeoplehaveobserved it
nearSandmbruEarlierstudies recorded it in l? locrlities.

Ord. Sruri.

2 lace a viridis viidis (Laurenti,1768)

A polytypicspccics,two $rbspccies of which occur in Romania.The
nominolypicraceoccursin Tmnsylvania. It is foundover a varietyof habitats,
commonlyin humidand well-veget8ted lowland6reas,exceptionally up to 700 m
We obsewedihis speci€sin 2? new localities,previouslyit wasrecordedin I I

3. Ltcerta agilit agilis Qinnaeus,1758)

A pol)'rypicspecies,but in Transylvaniaonly the nominotypicform is found.
tt is a diurnal lizard and it inhabitswet habitatsup to 1500m alt., includingsome
closeto humanhabilation.
It was observedin 40 new locdities,previouslyit was recordedin 16
localities(in 4 ofthoserediscovered by u3).

4 Podarcismurulismfialis (Laurenti,1768)
A polytypic species,rh€ nominot)rpicraceoccursin Transylvania.It inhabits
variousdry andwarmhabitats, oftenwith rock-piles.
we observed it in 20 newlocalitics,previouslyit wasrecorded
in I I localities
(in I sampling
siterediscovcrcd by us).

5 lace a vivipara(lacqrin,1787)
A monowpicspeciesof diumal lizard. It inhabilshumid habitatswith
herbaceousvegetation (e.9.alpinemadows,marshes, bogsand banksof streams)
berween800-2200 m
h wasobscrv€d previously
in l3 newlocalitics, it wasrecorded
in 6 localities

Frm. Anguidr.

6 Anguislragtlis colchidts(Nordman41840)
A pollypic species with two subspoci€s,but onlyA.lragtlis colchiaooccurs
in Romanialt is an adaptable speciesand i! inhabitsa varietyof wet meadotrl
beN€en400- 1900m altitude
wc obscwed lhisspeciesin 25 newlocalides,previously
it wasrecorded in l?
180 TheL-ppetandlliddl. O:t Rtr$ Basn

Ord. Serp.ntes
Frm. Colubrid..

7. Elaphelongissindlongi$rfid (Laurenti,1768)
A polttypic species.lhe nominotypicraceoccuf.inghere h rs a diurnal
species tha! prefersvariablelandscapes
exposed ro the sun {lbreslrnargins.rocky
slopes. andruirs)
It wasobserved previousltrt $'asrecorded
in 17newlocalities, in 8 lccalilies
(in I ofthoserediscovered by us)

8. ('ororelh austriacaa$t.iaca (Laurenti,1768)

A polltypic species,the populations &om Romaniabelong1o nominotypic
form. This diumal speciespreferssun-€xposed sites(forestmargins.meadows)up !o
I 500m altitud€.
W€obsewed previously
thisspeci$in ? localitics, it wasrecorded
in 9 sitcs.

9. Natix ,Mtrix nanix (Linnseus,l75E)

A highlypol,'twic species with rn.ny subspecies.
TheRomanian populations
belongto nominotypic race.It is a diumalsnakeand it swimswell. It is the most
comnonsnake,distributed almosteverywhere closeto waterbodies,includingthe
vicinityof humansettlements.
We observedit in 41 new localilies,previouslyit was recordedin ll

l0 Naftix lestellaa (Lalur.nti.1768\

It is a monotypicspecies with no presently
recognisedsubspecies A widely
d'stributed diurnalspecies,it swimsanddiveswell. It p.eferswa-nnhabitats,onen
rivervalleyswift south-exposed stonysiopes.
It wasobserved in 18newlocalities, Feviouslyit wasrecorded
in 5 localities.

Frm. Vipcridac

ll npera ammodytes amrraaJaes (Linnacus,1758)

A polytypicspecies with four subspecies. ln Romaniaoccurtwo races,the
nominottpicand,a a, montandohi. It inhabitsheterogeneous
habitatsexposedto the
This specieswas 'lot observed by us, but previouslyit was recordedin 3
localities BoilaandTumuRo$u)

12.Viperaberusberus(Linnaeus, 1758)
A polytypicspeciaiwith threepresentrccognised subspecies.It is mostlya
diurnalspccics(partlynoctumalin sufimertime), it preGrssun-exposed but humid
habitats (upto 2300m).
at niddleto highelevations
We obscrvcdthis sp€cies in 28 localities,previouslyi! wasrecordedin 13
(in I ofthoser€discov€r€d
iocalities byus).


ThcOlt RiverBasinwasdividedintotkee mainzones:mountainous,

m, hilly, between 200-400m akirude(Fig,
400-800m andhillochbetween
Truntlv. RN S\! E,al Re\ t19oq. I l6e . t'l lsl
1). Trbles 2 and3 presenithe numberoflocaliries;n which the amphibianand reptile
specieswere found in the lhreeahitudinalzones

The atttudinat tprea.Jins .l aaft thtus n the t)h Riv Bati, lhe tunLers tu rhe tabb rcprcs"t the
,unber of locolitiet Nh.t. th! sp.d.s\t?re rcnr.ted Hi - htii..i ns:.n; hlt - hiU!region:Ma -
h./.ta:n t.gtan Th..thet ot.bte-a|tu,! dre a! n tablel


Trble I
Thealtitudnal spreodineafrepnlas tt the Olt Riret B6h.Ihe nunbets in the tabtercptesentthe
hunhet af ]@ahnesr herethe spectes\ ere recatded Theather dbbr^,idtia6 arc os i, table I ond 2

In the hillock zonewere studied46 localiliesQ2 o/aof all\. Becauseof the

modifications ofthe naturalh.bitats(usedfor agriculture),
theamphibian andreptile
sp€cieswerefoundin very few localities.
ln thehilly zonewerestudied4l localities(39% ofall). In thiszone a large
diversityof habitatswas observed and consequendythe amphibianand reptile
specieswereobserved in approximately
50%ofthe localities.
Themountainzone(18 localities- 19% ofall) haslessfavourable habitats
for amphibianand reptilespecies. We observed amphibianand reptilespeciesit
aboutl0% ofthe studiedlocalities, morethanin thehillockzonebut lessthanin the


I Cogalnic€anqD., 1991- A prctihirary repon on dle 8E!8nphjcal disrriburionof Amphibids in

RomaniaRa. Rdd ,ior.36 (l),,pp:39-50
3 Csra EdtrL Csar4Z , 1996- Rnlrandifta anfbi.nilor din parteacenrrafi 9i esric{ a Depresiunii
Brapv ,4crz. edit. Tl, Smnu-Chcorghe,pp:49{O
+ Csal4 Edit! Csab. 2., 1997- Dale noi privhd rAspArdireaarnfbienilor din Dcpresiuq Bra$o!
,1cra.edit.T3.Sfentu-Gheo.ghe,pp: 107-ll0
5 . Diesener.C.. Reichholf.I., 199?- Kdtiltiiek 6shiill6k. ftudgerrdlor. edii. MaSd Ki'nryklub,

Fujlll-I. 1960- FaDna

R P.R.Anphibia.Vd.XMasc l, edil.Roun. Acrd ofso . Bucure$j.
J . rubl! L, Vancm.5r l96j FaunaR.P.RReprila,vol XIV Frsc.2. edir Roum Acrd of Sci.
8 . L€hrer. AZ., LehEr. MM.. 1990 - CanoSmfiercafaunej ti flor€i Rontaniel edit. C€r€s,

9 Netas,P., Modd, D., Zaudil. V. 199?- CzechP€.enr and FossilAmphibftns ard Reptrles,edil
Chirnara,Franldft am Main
Ttnrtlv. R@. SrsLEcol R.s. t1999),l, lE3 - 190 lEl


Zoltln Szab6l*,ZohenNagy*t, TiberiuTiocr
'- "LuciM Blaqa" Untuercit, Faalt, ofsciereu, D.Frrnent af Ecolog on.l Envi@nental
Prctectian.St.Oituz3l.RO 2100Sibit: *.-RoMrian OmithologicdlS@i.ty. Milvts Gtuup, O.P.3,
CP 39.RO a300T6tgl Muw

Lucrdra dc fald aduc. cotrtributii la cunoatlercnavirauei dc-a lunSut cursului superio.ii
mijlGiu al Oltului ti a vrii Cibilului. Panah prcz.nt regiuca ccrc€taraau fosl rd€n!6ca& d€ cate
.uiori, sau ci6tc in biblioSratradc spcliauirrc. 196 d€ Aecii dc pas,ri Studrile acnElc ilustr.nzl
nodificer e apatulein slructuraavifaulei. ca unl,'€ ! modifi€ar or habilatelorsp.cifice sub i luenla
impact'rlui antropic-Divcrsir,I a c., mai nat! a accstuitnp se intlgilt'szl itr titr'pul niSEliilor.
tnodv p€ntru c:re zonclc umd. dtu bazjnul sqpcdor $ niijlociu al Oltului Eebuic ti
prorcjateir Liitor. p.'|nl| a sc asigu, Dn loc dc odilnA $ refrcer. p.Duu spcci c lcgai. dc mcdiul

Keyword!:avifauna, Olt RiverBasin


Tle Olt fuver, one of the mo$ importantrivers in Romaniabecauseof its
len$h and flow' contributesto the genesisof somemost diversehabitats.Thisway,
until its confluencewith thc Danube,passeslllrough severalaltitudinallevels,elch of
themhavinga specificvegetationandbirdfauna.
Sludiesof the birdfaunaof the Oh River havebeenmadesincethe lgs
centuryesp'ecielly on the middle courseby the G€rmanbiologistsfrom the
Transylvanian Societyfor NaturdlSciences in Sibiu-The studicscontinuedalsoin
this c€ntury,manyomitologists publishingdataon the birdfaunaof som€reSions
crossedby the Ol! Rivc(, but there is no generalstudy of the birdfalna of the Oh
In this articl€we presentthe resultsof a numberof birdfaunaexp€ditions
madein theCibinRiverBasinandon thesuperior andmiddlecourseofthe Olt River
conelatadwith thebibliographicaldatathat alreadyexist.

Thehabitatsin whichwe madeobscrvations cenbc panedin two caregories:
A. T€nestrial habitats
. forest (GuraRlului, ;opa, P[durcr Boga!,, Hdrman)and riversidecoppices(on
thecourseof Olt andCibinrivers)
. meadowswith ilolated scrubs(Sevig,TumuRo$, Sentionlunca, Scorei)
. agriculturalfi€lds(Sevi$)
B Aouatichabitats
. lhe courseofcibin andOlt riv€rs
. lakes(GuraRaului,Awig Scorei,Rotbav,Ciline$ti)
. former(dead)meanders (R.covit!,TumuRotu,Arini,AitaMsre,Miclosoara)
lE4 The ltpper @dMiddle Ah Riwr Basn

Duringthecotlecting dataexpaditions we madeomithological observalionby
means ofbinocularsandoccasionally we usedthebirdringinBmethodusingbird nets
for theelaboratedofspecieslist fron CibinandOlt riversvalleys
Owing to the varialion of biotops atd the specificvegetationu€ part the
pr€sentationofspeciesThus,theCibinRiverhasbccndividedinto areasthe'Jpper
panoflhe basinandthe lowerpan ofthc riverbasin( both,the middleanc infetior
courseof thc Cibin Nver are presentcdtogdher as the lower pan owing to the
conditionsof biotop and riparianv€etation which are almo$ the same) The Ok
Riverwas.lso dividedinto two ar€as;tha uppcrandtha middlecourse.
Wealsousedthebibliographicalnot€sconcerningthebirdfaunaofthe studied
areasbecauae th€timeofth€ expedition wastoo shonandtheperiodofthe year\,r'as
norpropitiousto drawupa complete Ii$ ofspecies.


TrbL r. Thebirdlaaaa ofth. Clttt Rlv.. ond Ol, Rie., babB

. ) spe.iesid.rtifed bythe aukors: + ) spe.iesqrctedJrcm the reJeqces
Tansyl! Ra srsl EcLl.R.s t1999),1,183-lga lE5

53. l:alca .oltnbdius

5J. Falco tanundlus


60. Phonahts hlchidt


87 Charo.*tus tlub'us
Jb Eudtumt$ horiellus
The t;ppet andMiddle Olt RPer B*,

tl29.Etithads tubeculo

135.Oe,anth. oennth.
Lcol. Res.0999),1,183- I9a
i52.Phtllos."Dus.a iua

l54.Pdnttus biamies
I 5 7.; een4a!ts.ou Cotus

l70.Tichodlona nlwia

175Cadus .orore .omit

| 87.Ctdwlb @obt'a

| 92.CoccoIhrtu i es. o. cothrtusles

| 9i E,hb.dza citrinel la
I 96.Edben,a schaeniclus

Ord. Podicipediformes
lam. Pollicipeddae
TheGrebesare presentevery-where on the middlecourseoilhe oh River
Podrcepscnslatus (Grear CresledGrebe)has been noticed in thr€e stationson tbe
lales nearA\Tig. nearRotbav,nearScorei:the greatestnumberrecordedwas l0 birds
Tacbbaplxs tufcoltis (Litlle Crebe) has been noticed on the former meandersnear
Racovila,on |he lakesnearAwig. nearRotbav.and nearScorei;the Ereatestnumber
recordedwas l0 birds(Scorei).
IEE me Lbper @ditliddl. OltRiverA6in

Ord. Pcl.arniformcs
Phala.ncoraxcarbo(cormorano hasbeenobservedon :he lakenearCeiinelri,near
n,rmberwas42 birds(Calinefti).

Ord. Ciconiiformcs
Ardeacinerea(Cneyhcro[)hasbeennoticedon the lakesnearCalinesrr. nearAlrig.
anddo*nwuds Avrig, at Santionlunc4 at Rotbavand Scorei,the grearesnumber
was40 birds(Roibav).
Ixobrychusminuals(Little Bittem)- ajuvcnilc bird hasbeenobser\€don rhe former
Far Cicohiidae
Ciconiaciconia(White Stork)- it n€stsfiequentlyalongboth rivers: Cibin and Oh
In the proximity of SopaForeslthere havebeenrecordedapproximately60 white
Ciconianiga (Bl8* Stork) - has scenat Comina de Jos, Scoreiand $opa

Ord. An!. form.3

Frm. Anatidte
Anasplaly tyhchos(Mallard) - has beennoticedon the lakesnear Celine$i, near
Avrigandat Santionlunca - onReulNegru-onthelakesnearRotbavandnearScorei;
thegreatestnumberwas 120birds(A!fig).
Anar crecca(T?l'l) - hasb€€nremarkedon the lakesnearAwig and at Santionlunca,
thegreatestnumb.r 5 birds- Awig
Aythrafefina (Po.hud) hasbeennoticedonc€on the former (dead)meanderof Olt
Riverat TumuRoiu.

Ord, Accipitriformes
Buleo buteo @uzzard)is the most frequentspeciesof this order, v/ho has bacn
noticedin almostall the stationof the cxpeditionandlhe greatestnumberwas 8
Buteolagopus@o\gh LeggedBuzzard)that appearsin Romaniaonly in winter. has
be€nnotic€drt TumuRogu.
Accipitergentilis(G$hE\\k) hasbeennotedat TumuRo9u.
Accipiter nifils (Sp.trow Hawk) hasbeennotednearCrline$ti,Turnu Ro5u,Hirman
andSopaForcst(whichis placedin the basinof tributaryof the Oh River)andthe
grealestnumberrccordcdis 2 exemplar€s.
Ciclts qnneus (llan Htmer) hasbeenremarkcdin the proxirnity of Sopr Foreslin
the river valley of S€vil (a tributary of aheCibin River) ard the greatestnumber
recordedwas3 €xcmplares.

Ord. Frlconiformcs
Falco tirunculut (Kestrel)wasnoticedvery frequantly.
fnnsltu. Rq S)st tcol. Res t1999),l. 183- 190 189
Ord. Gslliformes

Perdix pedix (Paffidge) was remarkednear the lakes at gopa &nd on thc S6r6tii
Vallcy nerr ComrnadeJos,the greatestnumberr€cordeiwasthat oftwo birds
Cotumixcotumix(QU3il)$as noticedat Scorci- rheSrarest number5 birds.

Ord. Gruiform.s
Gallirtulachloropu: (\loorhen) was noticeda! lhe former meandersof Aridi lnd of
Miclopara;th€gr€aies1 number$as4 individuals (Miclosoara)
Fulica ata w?!sno|jceAar lhe lbrmcr meandcrsnearRacovilaand on the lakesnear
AlTigandnearScorei.rhelreatennumberl0 exemplares (Scorei)

Ord. Chrrsdriiformci
Fzm Recun'noe dac
Eu.lnnias non,telhttAonerel)neatswithinthelezerele Cibinuluiregion
I'anellut|anellus{Lapwing)wasfrequendy remarked
in rheSevigRiverVaileyand
thegrealest numbernoticedis 20 birds.
Fam Scolopacidae
..lcfitishpoleucos(Comfion Sandpiper)wasnotic€don the former meandersofArini
.\*uments srquata(CIJlew) - only oncbird wasrcmarkedat the lakesnerr Rotbav
Gallitwgogallinaso(Slntpe)- four ex.mplsrcswerenoticedin the Sevif Vallcy.
Innts ridihuutus @lack-hcadedGull) ir wrs noric€don rhe lake ncar RorbaI the
8leltest numberbeingthat of I 0 .xcmplarcs.
Lnrs cachinnans(HerrinS Gull) w6s remarkedat the lakes near Ctrlinegti,near
Rotbav,andnearScorei,the gr€atestnumbcrbcing l0 ex€mplares (Rotbav).
Chlidoniasleucopterus(White-wingedBlack Tem) -two exemplareswereremark€d
at thelakesnearRotbav.

Ord. Columbiformes
Fam Coh/mbidae
Collrmbalivia domestica(DomesticDove) is a constantpresencein the proximity of
Colunba oerus (Slock Dove) and Colunba palunbus (Wood Pjgeon) has been
nodc€don theSevigValley(4ex.,8ex)

Ord. Crraciifo.m.r
Fam Alcedinilae
Alcedo atthlr (King Fisher) ha5been noticednearAwig, near Rotbavand on rhe
formermeander of.Arini,thegreatest
numberbeingrhatol2 ex€mplares.

Ord. Prs!Griforne!
Thewillo$ bedsofthe Oh Riverare frequently usedby rhebirdsofthis orderfor
nesringandalsofor sh€lteridg (dunnglhe migration).Thatis why therehavebeen
refiarked non-tJ?ical birds tor this grottp Malacilla anerea (Grey Wagtail),
Pnnella nodularis @nnnock), Turduspilaris (Fieldfarc) and Pyrrhula pyrrhuh
190 n. LpFt @d Mddt. Oh Rn e. 8a,n

One.of the most inlerestingspcciesis Erenophila alpetlhs ssp balconica

(Shorclark)whoseneslinghasbeennolicedwithinthe Iez€rele Cibinuluiarea(fot
the first lime in Romania).
Thelist mcntioned Forlhispurpos€
abovcis not complete. rhereis a needfor
moredetailedstudicsanda longt€rmresesrch prograin.

A) By its positionthe Olt River is a migrationway for the birds iom $e
interior ofth€ Caesthienschsinto the southcmEurope.Thus,durinSth€
miglaiionperiodthc birdf.uo! biodiversityis high.
B) In th. n sting timc, the imponrncr of thc Olt River is reducedfor the
aquaricalbirds lh. mein rcasonbeing the modification of rhc inilial
C) Th€ Oh Rivels birdfauns h.s suffered qualitative and quanlitative
modifications, especiallyon themiddlecourse.wheredry landstookthe
placaofthe initiri habira8(b€driv€rs,formcr m@ndars)anddemshave
teen built (reservoirs- Avrig Scorei,Ca4ipara )
D) Because ofthe irnponanceofthe Ol! fuverduringthemigationp€riodit
is necessary to preservethe aquatica,arars Oed rivers. dcadmcanders,
mrBhcs)whichbcclmevcry scarc€becauscofhuman intcrventioo.

L KoN, I.. r9EO- Pr!6tife di! \n*41jllJdfdnild- Haah .na, Mieturea Ci/c Wt 45347a
2 S2rM, J.,ja l9!t6 - DiI.nica paCr or F laa dc rftmdar. Scorci(red ODjud. Sibtu. Lucnie
d. Diploml, Unit'dl&. "Luci.r BIaAa"Sibiu
3 Zsivamvirs, K.P., 1975- SCNFavifauidicf r rcgiuii Ciadt l-l.m.. Con. Mtz. 5t. Nd
s i D i ! ,1 7 , p p : 3 2 5- 1 3 ? .
Ecol.Res.(1999)I, 191- 195
TtMttb. Rd. S'rst. l9t




! rcns L d'o" {.ni ersi.!l.F@rh, ofForestry, titul Bethd'en t. Ro ,a0 8rcpr

Luc@ pEziniaur srudiuefe€rudqsuptaavifauneiaoatice(non-Pssscdfornes) dela lacul
9' .lqtcele Durbr6viF, dcpr6iuneaBals€i.Suntpr.z.ntaGsmcnua calitativll$ cantibtilA a
avifauci acvatice,tr.lcnlclc Oivaria$le s€mnicrcalc speciilorAr fost cfccnane104observalii
Iuat.. irt aDn1995$ 1999.intcwalin d€cursuldrllia au fost identificacE5de s?€ci!adaticc
aDanintud la 9 ordioesinemaric..

K.ywords. walerfowl,wellands,Olt River Basin

We thoughtthercis a needro studyftore closelythe waterfowl from the lake

and pondsfom Dunbrlvila becauseon one hand there were no pre\4ousstudies
madeuponthe birds livinS in this .rea andon the otherhandthereare quite few lakes
andpondsin this part ofthe country.
lD fact, a few omirhological studieswere made (more or less recenrly)
concemingth€ watcrfowl from BersaDepression(Ciochiaer al 198i, Ciochia 1991.
Hodor 1997,Ionescu1998).but nobodyinvestigated the areamcntionedabove.
ln this paperwe wish to presentthe qualitativeand quantitativestructureof
the waterford, its repartitionand monthly dynamics,ihe frequencyof the species
observationand a few ideasaboutthe seasonalvariationof the numberof birds We
stanedour studyin 1995andwe finishedit in 1999.


The pumbrtrvila Lake and ponds are locatedin thc Barsa Depression(the
upperOlr RiverBasin)andareorientatcddpproximatelyEast-West(Fig. l).

Fig, I Sttulredaao rl! posttionin the AttRierBasin)

Th. Uppet@d ltliddle Olt Rw.t Bos,

The tolal are3is about310 ha Alrilr Valleyand Homorodfuver are not

includ€d. Dumbrevilalrke is 120ha sndit epp@red wher the Homorodfuver was
blockcdin Dumbrtrvil.villaSe.Thesizeoflhe pondsvaries&om a few hectates to
45,5 ha. Someofthese are coveredby anphibianvageration(Phragm ,!s sp., t)pha
sr, atc)
we usuallymadeuseofthe "pojntcounl"method,but we paniymodrliedil.
andalsowe combined it withth€countin8ofmovingbirds.we used7x50and ilx45
binoculars.Huntersoftenburdened thccounting,
themovingofthe flocks.etc
areawe rnadea numberof I 04fieldobservations
ln thestudied duringJul,vI 995-mal
I 999,in everymonthof theyear,but not ftonthlyin eachyear the paperrs based
exclusivelyon indubitabledataandspccies.

Duringthe periodof our studics(1995-1999) we identified85 sp€ciesof
warerfowl (non-Passcriformes)on the lake and pondsof DumbraviF. Alltogether
they represent57yo of tha Romanianwaterfowl. These speciesbelong to 9
systematically orders (Gaviiformes, Podicipediformas, Peleoaniformes.
Ciconiiformes,Anseriformes,Accipitriformes,Gruiformes, Charadriifonnes,
Coraciiformes),mostofthembelonging to Charadriiformes (37 sppofchar.drii and
Lari) andAnseriformes(22 spp).
The monthlyrepartitionof the species,th€ frequencyof the obscrvatiodand
lhe maximumnumberof eachspecies arepresented in thetablebelow(systematical

Ttb.r lhe nMUIy ,.p.rlitioa th. frqtaq 6d are dan'M n"rta of qai.t
Fq . ilqu.ncr of dle obseri"tion of thc sp6ics. as a p.rc€nla8emlio bct$d lhc numhr of the
oblr^arion dal.s of thc sFcies ard loral numbcrof hc obsenalio8dars (l0l). M.l No oDl = ure
ma\inutn numbcrof spelies

29.8 ' abour


about100 lx x
TrMtttv. Rd. Syn.E.ol. Res.1999), 1, l9l - 195

40.3 I about350

5l-8 aboul250

a b o ul t0 x xi\ r
1 6I a b o ul 0
l x x \lx x r x

lO -\le.?t\ albellrs 7.6 l0

Se@turiw parBincrs
Ldtus nel@oephalus ; 0.9
The L'pp.t @d.\lttldle ahh|et ltatd

Accordingto ihe Trblc I, A as pwbnchos (99%) had lhe ma\iniin

frequency,th€n Ardea cinerea (91,1o/ol,Iarus ridibundus (gs.lo/o).|uhcu atra
(87,5o/6),Podicepscristatus(a2,e/"), Aythrsferina (74,0/0)etc.Thesespeciescanbe
seenat Dumbrtrvilaalmostthe whole year, exceptingrhe periodwhen tbe water rs
frozen.Thespecies wbichaccidedtaly halton thisa.eahadthe minimumiiequencl
Pelecatus onouotalus (0,9%), Cwras olor (O,y/o), Melanitta Jisca (o.99o).
Hacmatopxsostalegts (0,9yo1,Re rvirostra d''oseut(0,9/o), LnnicolaJalcitulht3
(0.8/o\,Stercoruriasp$asiticlts (0,9o/o\, LarusnelanocePtsfus(O,9/.\, Iarus fuscus
April andSeptember arethe monthswhenthegreatest varietyof species can
be observed(54 both in April and September), becausetheseare miSrationmonths
On Janusryand Februaty(l and ll species)whenthe water is liozen and on June,
July(32 and33 specics),br.cdingtimq the mostf€w specieshavebeenobserved.
Apan seasonalvariationofthe specicsnumberthere was a variationof the
numberofthe bird populations. Thus,assoonasthe ic€melt,thebirdscamein Sreat
number,especialfyduc*s (Attqsplalyrhynchos,A. crecca,A. querque.lula,Aythto
/e/irq etc) Their numberwasdecreasinS duringbreedingtime and it was increasing
during autumn migation. when th€ leke and ponds were completely fioz€n
(^_ovember-Dec€mber), all ofthe waterfowlsleft this equaticarea
Probablythereweresomesudden\alriationsbroughtaboutby climatefactots
(storms, hearysnowi[9.verylow lemperatures) andhunlinS.
Thespecies withtheSreatest numberwere(in brackets: lhereis th€maximum
\al]dc):Anasplaty tnchos (about 1000),Zarus/rdrbutdus(abonr400),Fulicd afta
(abo\t 400).Anaspenelope(about350)etc.
Conceming the breedingwe identifiedsolitaryspeciesas well as colomal
species.Ardeacinereahatchesin a smalI colonyof aboutI 5 nestsThey arc sct in an
oak (Querqusrobur) forestnearthe ponds.The nestsare buiit in the south-westem
partattheskirtoflhe forest.We observed I to 4 nestsperlree.Thefollowingspecies
hatchafonc:Podicepscristalus(especiallyon ponds),Anasplatt'rhlrtchos,Avlhta
y'riru (latehalchingtimc: on 19and29.08we observedtwo femaleswith ducklings),
Ayitv nyoca (a breeding speci€s less numerousthen A. ferirar, Gallirula
chloroplls, Futica atra. As possibleor probablebreeding speciesar.: Botaurus
slellaris,Ixobryclrusnimrlus, Ardeapurpwea, AJlhyafltliAia, Cira* aenrginosxs,
Van llusrsnellus.
From a phenological point of vicw, the majoritysre passlgespecies(57
species),clrtainly breeding0 species),accidently(19 species)and therc arc some
specieswith uncenainphenologicalstatus.
Although tbc studisd area is very rich and varied in w^terfowl (Aythta
nyroca- spcciesof Slobal conservationwith an Udavorable conservationstatus,
accordinS to TheEBCCAtlasof Ewopean Breeding Birds,1997),it is not a protecled
area Until now, this territory has not becn included in "Imponant Bird Area"
program.Nqrerthelcss,in BarsaDepressionthere is m aquaticecosystem(Rotbav-
vadu Roguponds)includedin this proSram.
At least,the shoneniogofthe hu ing scasonor inErdicaionofhunting on the
lakeor on the lorgepondswouldbe ofa grcathelpfor the preservation ofthe birds
Trarsylv Rer. Stst.Ecol. Res 0999). I l9l - 195 195
At the endof our five years dy, we canconcludethe following:
- the lakeand pondsof Dumbrevilaarevery imponantplacefor the birdswhich
passor breedhere;
- thecidditionsofbreedingareverygoodonthelakeandon the pondscovered by
- the great numberof the migtating speciesand their great abundanceprovethat
BarsaDepression is a very imponantareafor migr&torybirds (accordingto
- in differentpgriodsofthe ygar,ther€areoptimalconditions for feedingandfor
restingfor all thc waterfowlecologicalgroups.


1. Ciochia,V.. Barbu,Al.. 1983- Aviiluru Ttuii Barseiieri ti ri. privili intmediul coleqiei
odilologiceHa$ssnarn. ,4r. Btud., St.Nat.,Ilut Bdndt,T imiloara.r, ppi l8l-193.
2. Ciochia,V.. l99l - Zur Edwicklung der Vogel*€ll der Buzeolandesin den Jaluen l9E0-1988.
siebArchie-,Nat.Forrch.N,w: 193-211.
3 Hodor. C.. 1997 - Conhibqn La sttdiul ornitohurei din Complexul de laclri Rotba\ Cud.
Bt^to\) A-3-a CMfenntd natiMald pentruprcte4ja nedjului pnn netode ti nilo@e biotogice
ri brotehnice,noi l995.Bra{e,Wt 1094t5.
r. iones.u. D., 1997 - Asp.cte actt8l. pnvind $tufia p{grilor de nPI din Tara Barsei. z".r
Snpoz., Arii de inpondq difounisticd di, RaDA,id,Cluj-Napoc4pp: 6042.
J lon6cu. D., 1998- Co.tibutii Ia studiul srrucnnii$ dinamicii p{lar or din lnel€ zoneunede ale
DepresiunnBanei. Ir.r c.lei de a potru ConJeihlz ,alionale pekttu pmte4ia nedillti prin
d.tad. ti nilode biologice'i biotehhiceti a yih.i CMfqi4z adlorale d. e.otuogenezd, nai

6 V5iei M..1986 - Les rcutes.ic nigdion d€soiserux ei&Nnanie. Trd. du Mus d'Eist. Nat.
GI igorc Ar Iip a, X){YIL B!.est
7 Vulrenli D., 1992- Di4ionar poliglot al sp.ciilor de pnsfi din Romenia S.O.R.,Cluj"Napoca.
Ttu"tylr. Rer.Sttt Ecol.Ret.(19991L l97-202 t97



Anik6 Mitruly
sa phanLd\ ry Rath 9.anda4 5. hoat. PO BO.\' 33.RO - 3I 25 Stedior.

Lucnr.a prezm.i rcatlatcle obscrvaiilor omitoloSi€c.fccturre lntre anii l9EE-1991.p.
clefle€ledc la 8ra.t ni. de pc albia na.jori a rlii HAnibaciuiui.AmcmJareaptsdcoll oprind. I I
bazt.e 3c1aucc-dc o suprafaFtodn de 158de l|a. Enc prsz.olad list .rlo. I I I d. sp.cii , reslecuv h care au fosr obs.nar.. sut irt lprctata €liladv. sabliniind nnporianF
.le$€elor in sFc'al Fnlru uvifaunaacl"tid in primd randin pasq,.Pcntn o anali,,
'ru arenunlta calitabl.. cindlrtiv!. .cologicl s. impunemntinuareasidcmatlcna ccrcairii.

Kc)'rvordt: 6vifa!m, wcllands, biodiversity, Olt fuver Basin

In ttie presentconditionsof intensivedrainageof natural\r€tlands,lhe

imponanceof the anifical aquatic ecosyst€msfor wlrerbirds, like fr€shwater
reservohsand fishponds,is increasing. The avifaurn of suchpondswas obs€rved
sinceth€60's(Munlearu1968,Mltiet 1982,Szabo& Szombath 1984,Weber1994,
Mitruly 1991,1992,1993,1996),and between1985- 1989thcrc wereregularly
synchronicobservationsof wrterbirdsdoneon morc lhan 12 an!fuopogenous water
ecosystems withintheSynchron WaterbirdCcnsus Progrdn (Web€r& Szab61988
Th€Brldeni fishpondslie on the mainvalleyofHanibaciu River.betweenthe
localitiesBradeniand Netu$,the squaresLM 20 utd LL 29 in the Universal
Trsnsverse Merkator| oxl0 grid.
TheI I pondsoccupy158ha,wherefrom 3 pondstotaiizea surface
of 137ha.
Wewouldliketo present theresultsof9 daysofobservatior\ duringtheyears
1988-1991. in eschs€3soqcxc€p wintcr, whenthe pondssre cov€rcdwith ice, and
thewatcrbirdshaveno conditionto stay.
Duringourresearches we identifiedI I I sp€ci.sofbirds(Trb. l)

Trh. r. List ofh. '&hhf.d bnd spzcieslmn BtadeniJispods

Lie of obrcrvcd Acd6 SDrirc

TI.V \/I. I.III IX. )g
ordo : Podlcioediforn.l

I rochtbaDttstulitu it (P?tllat,|1641
2 Po.ttc. Dsei{Linnxts. l7 5A\
3 Pod'c.Dseripieena (B&eft l7a3l
a Pod,..rr ,r?,.olrr
Ordo : Pd€crnifonnes
qM : Phal@o@reidae .dbo r,-ialmetts-l1'8l
Drdo : Ckoollforocs
@d ),Iiddle Olt Rlvet B6in

|tu btwh t s n Inutt s(Linulae

us. U 66)
\ 9cttcor* a wt1dd{LiJinaeus. | 7 54\
4rded cinefta Liarlfrls, 1154
4rd.dturyaea Li'@q' 1166

:ico\ia aisru (Liltna ts.l75a)

l l Ccona aco a (Li'J@us. l75a)

t2 4nseralbifws (Scooon,1769)
l3 4nosDcheloDcLinr,fnt. 1758
4n6 crc@a LitJia.|J,s. 1758
l 5 4nasDlatvrhwchosLita,elut. 1758
l 5 4n6 @ta Li$aalt l75a
t7 4nasau.rar.tu la LtJ'u@ut,l7 5A
IE 4nasctuD.alaLinlaats. l75A
l 9 Nenarunnd Ozll,f.l17]\
20 Ar'thw fqina (LtrEarts. l15a\
2L 4ehw M.d I,'f. l77O\
22 4vhva fuliqula lLi,']a€trs. l15E\
4vhya nuila rlit]ft,atts. 116l
Ordo : Acciolldford.r

P.mts aavotus (Litrtatu. l758l

25 utlws n@.ts (Bodd,a!L l?a]\
26 Cirds aneitoes (Litl[.3€ts. l15a)
27 CiM Ms LiJ]ft,e'J.s.1766)
28 4cciDnt e.ndlh lLt"lactLs. l75a\
29 Aupo buteo(Lixnae$. 1154\
3 0 auEo |oaoo's (Po @Did t"t16}\
3 l 4nla hel&o Savic v- l8O9

Falco titrualts Li&aew. l75a

ordo : Gdlifom.J

l : :otum* .otrm* (Liutmtl8. 115a\

Prr-iz&s @/.rr&! Liflueu5. 1758

3l \aUB daudtias Linttt,€ts- 1758

36 Gdlihtla .hlotutus (Li.udi,s. 1158\
3i .tlica dtr. I.jtfr,Eu." l75a
Drdo : ChrnddlforEe,

3EChand ut dubtusScDr,li. 1186

39 Y@. us v@.llus /l,ittt,rts- ll5al

Calidns dinh n-ei,sler\812)

4 l Cali dtis fetnsi rea lPoaroooidat-1163\
Calidri! alDitu (Li taew. 17581
43 Philonachls dqa rl-iro8fos. l75a\
3aUirdeopo ituEo lLi^a*tts, l75a)
Trlisa eryhrcDts (Pdlat. 1164)
ftinca btanus (Li tac!6. l75E\
4i T,'npo stdanonlislBcEhtneuAlSOt)
4E Trinearcbuldria (e$ etus.1167)
Tnnrh Ra. S)'I Ecot.Res.1199a)I 197- 20) 199

49LlcaitishvNlercos LiIr'26\s. l75a\

50LNs n.lihadus Ltr,]e€lt. 1166

5 1I@r.@rs LntrB€us.l?58
52laar :r.n,,,r,r Pdlhs.lEil

53 Stem. httundo LtM.B. i758

54 ChhdodtdsLt.apterus (f emflnck lal 5t
Ordo: Colubbiforn.r

oltnha oehds L:.Jrraevs. l15E

56 aalrnbd pdl t nb,s LiMl3.!s, 1158
\PeptaDetrad.coeto Gn\d&zk\ . tataJ

5 8 u.rtus.a,our Limaeus.1758
ordo : Cor$iiforo.r

s91\leroDs dDtNter L&raari l15E

epoDsLillJr,fvs. l75E

6 l P,dr c@6 Gn In UE8

Ptcrr !t/'dir LiMaeus. l?58
53 Derdrc@@s now llildAeus- l75al tu nsisLitimN. l75a

65 RtDMa nDana (Lialaitrs- L15A\

66 Hituhdo nstEa Li.f,lnetrA- t75a
67 DehchonurbEa O)nr,?cr'rs.l15al

6E {,r,,rr Inviarr (Lima.ui t758)

69 4nthus sDttul.tta (Linn'E.l6 ll5At
7A Votttlh naya LittrEl|A l75A
7 l VotaciUadnma T$a:J[ lnl
12 Vot@ila albaLi'iuJd(B l75a

73 Erithatus tub.. a lLil,ltug'jA !75a)

741Phoenicltusehrurcs lS.C. Gt'lE]ia.1114)
75 tdt.ola nbevd lLintr'atl.B-n5a\
761Sdicola tonuab (Lidtae,us.1166\
nl O.nnthe oMthe lLt'inaflJf. 11581
781Trdus netuloLitt,€'us- ns8

'19 Lactstela ,@ia (Bcdd?Erl- l7a3\

80 Loctst.lla llwtd B (Wolf. l8l0l
8 l Loctstellalusctn'otdes(Savi- 824\
a24Meohalus nhenobdens Ginnaeus.r75E)
8l 4c|@eohal6 Ddlusttis(k hnetL 1798)
a4qcteeDholtt w.!t.dce4s rLinlE4s. l?58)
E5\vlvia cmca O-iJ.d@a. l75a\
861!'Ma con n b I-a}nam l78'l
E1lsvtqa atricaDi a (LiE,ElL.. L75al
481phvllosoDut collebitd (Vi.illc,: lal1)
dndMiddle Olt Riret tsann

8 9 iiiiiiiEt (Patw,tt dqt

90iPan6,atus.T,rLtuaeus, l75E
9 l ParuscaetuleusLntlae.ds, l15A
92 Parts noior Ltl'']a€w. IiSa

9 l S n.urcpeo LrBlrs, I15E

94 Onolrs oriolus (LiNAeus, li5a)

95Lantusco utio Lin'I'a l. nsa

96 \anius etebi ot Lnld,ats, l15a

91 Gm tus Ehndt ir s (Lin\2rql17t)

96 Pi@pi@ u,inn?€]us,1158,
CoNs nonedulnLina3]'ts, 1758
l0( Cotu s ftusnezas Li.J$,eJ', l l rA
l 0 l Co&ts corow comE Lint,€nt, l75E
tozCoes .o/d Linacus, t?5E
103s&;!r wka',r Lirutacu!, l?58

10,4Patr€f dorrstdr tlinltaeus, I?58)

105 P6s.t nortaus (Li,tlfr'?rj')a 175E,

106 rine i lla coelebsLinraarl\ l15a

l0'i ai;Juehs chlons l-ia!]6En'. t15E
l 0 ! Cafit,lis.tdw lis O-il]itsttlf. 1758)
l$glcudt.hs .Mrabda (Li'nlaelt | 75E)

l t 0 Enbqtra ciiin aLifierlt, I15a

I Enb enzos.ho. niclus funataels. fi 5a)
Torrlob*rved lpeci.L E4 6l 41

Analysingthe list of species,we can concludethe following I

I Therearc I I Ordersand29 Familiesrepresent€d
2 Fromth; total numberof I I I species,39 are strictly wat€rbirds(they belongto
the Otders:Pelecanifomes,Podicipediformes,Ciconiifonfies'Ahserilomes'and
Chaladriifornes)andthepresenc€ ofother 13speciesalsodependson the waler'
There are onty 5 specieJof waterbirds,which certainlybteed hete Podiceps
cristlrtts,Ard;a ci;erca, Andsplatyrchynchas,Gallinula chloropusandFulica
arra This smatlnumberis cauaedby the missingshore-vegetation and reeds
and by the increased antkoPic prcssuteduting the breeding period The
existenceof a breedingcolonyof Ardeacinercain the nerest wood' numbering
21-23breeding pairs,is remarkable
4 s€ssonalai$ribution showsth€ main importanceof fishpondsfot birds in
spring,in which seasonth€rew€re identified 84 species'from which 32 were
seenonlyin thisseason.
The relative great numberof speci€swhich are presentduring summerrs
composed mosllyof late,r$pectivelyeallypopula$ons of miSralingbirdsandnon-
breedingindividuals, besides the resident a$d bteedlng non'waterDrrds. ano' or
cours€,ofthe 5 breeding waterbird species.
Rer.S)'st. (t999),1,197-202
Ecot.Res. 201

In our list therewerenot shoun the quantitotivedataof eachspecies(for a

analysis lve havenot enoughdata),butth€ inrporlance
ofthe researcheC
areais underlinedby the greatnumberof individuals,belongingto different
species. morethan500birds,especiallydudngpassage+iine.
Seasonaldist ibttioh ofth. birdspe.ies

sfAsoNs Lelend
Summer z7 I
Sprint+ 22 20 2
3 .l
SDnns 32 2E 5
t3 t2 7
E4 63 lll 100


Iig, r. Seotokaldirlribttion afthe @ilau"a (% of species)

Thenumberof 9 speciesofbirds ofprey is alsorerrlarkable.

Becauseof difficulties in reachingthe site,the fishpondsaom Bredeniwere
not nes€archedregularlyeachmonth, and thereforcth€y were not includedin the
SynchronWatrebird CensusProgram; still our results can be compared,and
correspondwith thosewhichwereobtainedin thal program.
The fishpondsfrom Brideni arethe only greatsurfacesof waterin the region,
havinga gr€ataltactivity for birds,especiallyfor waterbirds
For a detailedanalisysof the avifauna- qualitative& quantitativeaspects,
dynamic.ecology, is recommended for the researchesto be continued.


L Mftiei M.. 1982 ' R-afanicn. ,?S 10,Bucure$i.

2 Mitrulr, Anik6, l99l . Compledri la lish avifauristict a lacului dc acu'nutatcIgftit. ,!r ,l,J6.
.SOR.4. Medias.
I Mitnly, Anik6, 1992 . Conhibulii la olllo35ter€aavifau!€i elEt€elor de la lvlftdra. ,!l ,,r.
,tOR, 1. Medias
J. Mitruly, Aril6. 1993 - Ssucrur calitativna aufaurei ccosisteocloracidlc. lntropo-Crene dm
Podird Tenlavelor. R"/pr do.tot.d UBB cttj.
202 Th. Upp.r dtd Mtdd. OIt RiverBaria
5. M!rt. Adf4 1996- Codiwi h arratrdli |riftu..i &llricc I Lcllftri d. balj lthit -
j'*tul Sibiu.,rel ,@r, I, Tamiloala
6 Mmt rn\ D., 1968 . Obsc.vatiiomilologic.F laculdc.crD'nar. Bictz ([D. '..t Srai
C.rc.AtoI G.ogr. "SQjatal", \.P,',g,'la,i
7. Sz.hoJ. Szorb.lh Z, l9t1- t,|{ri ordtologtc.di. zod Lrnn l?s.2.Buoftii
E , W6.r P, J. l9lE - tlcco.lddtlhi riErdic .l Cdrilor & r!{ dir
Tre[dlv.rir io Fiord. l9E l9E?.i.v- i4d.,10, B|sltlgi
9 . W.bcrP, SzrboJ, l9E9 - Rrzulariclc rcc.lrlnllntui srcrcnic3l Ps&ilor de,pd cf..tuatIt
D.donb l9E5- l9t7.lw.V{rtiMo4 }10, &lqtn*i
10. W.b.r, P., 1994 - 0t cin (ii lrivhtl i r.lrrtr svihtnci r.a.dct F un noutacdc b|lqi - L.
I€!itM!d.$ SatSldaxvl, Er. fu.Nd, D.ea
f@ttlv. Re!. SJst.Ecot R.s. (t999), t, 203- 2t1 203



AnaMaria Benedek
''Luctu Blaga" Univ.rsily it Sibit, Fadlty ofsci.hcet
Depd4ne af E@log an.l Eni@nental
Prctcchon, St Outz 31,RO 2100Sibit

l.! biolop variCdu parc offrc les condidonsnecessrircspour I'cxistcncc d'un nombr. asslz
gand dcs as!4.c5. En l99E j'ai ob3eN6,Fn&nt le! lrch saiso8 m.nrionas, 7l g$&.s cc que
repr€ une diminutiotr avc. 20% mpona A 1970, qoand Drn Sdrcscu a Dord90 as!ac.s. La
dininutroo nmcriqu. dcs Flrulatior! 6t plu! ac..ntu& si tlous ft co$nt rotrs p&s lc.r aspalcs
ao^rs non.dula, C. Utgilegus 4 C. coron q\t sonr EprcscDrd.sp'r des populatiorN plus
nombrcu$ 1970c. quc dctdnine aussila diminution dc la biodivirsilCFtrdanr lcs s.lisons
hiemrl .t prcv€rnal ll qus. pnncipale dc c€s modifications€sl I'auSrncntliotr .L l. prcssion


Theaviancommunityofthe "Sub fuiri" parkrcspondsrapidlyto thc v8riations
ofedvironmentalconditions,by changingits qualitativeandquantitativestructure,thus
beinga goodindcxfor thepark'shealth.Thisis themainreasonfor thepresentstudy
havingas objectthe park'sbirds.Theexistenceof a similar sludy publishedby Dan
Stines€u(1971),otrersthc dstafor a compadsonthat illustratesthe evolutionofth€
park's avifaunain the last 30 years.Thir study also presentssomeof the possible
causesof these changesbecauseknor,{ingthem is essentialfor protecting the
ecologicalsystemrepresentcd by th. park.
The "Sub Arinl' pa* hasa total surfaceof 49 ha and lies along a valley,
runringllom N to S. Its nonhcmbordcris in thetown's c€nter,while its southempan
stretchesto DumbravaWood, bordering& newly built district of tbe town, Valea
Aurie.Thevarietyof topographic conditionshascrestcda numberofhabitats:lakes,
brooh hySro-and nesophilouslawns,shmbs,andwoods.The prrk is dividedioro 6
s€ctoB,consideringits topographiccharsctcristics


For this studywasusedthe trans€crsmethod.astablishing ao invariableroute
that cross€sthg p6rk all alongits lengrll me{suring3050m. The authorwent through
this route weekly(sometimes jult twice a month),countingthe birds seen(€xcepting
the oncsthat were just fllng overthe park), or heared(mair y the night birds). The
prirharydatawcrc mergedinto the tablesfor the thrcc asperts(hiemal,pr€vemaland
auturmal).Th€ tablesincludefor eachspecies,lhc numberof individuals,relative
abundancq frequ€ncy andK.A.l..
Regardingthe numberofindividuals,therearesomespe€ifications to be made.
For lhe specieswith constantpopulalionsin the park, the tablescontainthe average
numberof individuals,that is the sum of a individualsrecorded,divided by the
The Uppet and\hddle Oh Rn.r 86n

numb€rof observationsin that aspect.In c{s€ of the accidentalbirds this \r'as not
possiblc.For example, in the hiemalaspect, it wasrecorded once(on 02.01i998) an
indilidual of Dryocoposnanius. If the aveiige number had been calculaied.the
numberofspecies wouldhavebeen0.07,butthishasto bea whole number.sotbatin
thc tablc it was noted I and for avoidingthe errors resuhingfrom here. it rvas
calculated the ftequency, that is the numbetof dayswhenthe species \las reco.ded.
dividedby the totsi numbcrofobservsliondrys in the pa*.
Shannon-Wienen indexwas alsousedfor biodiversityand Morisita index fo.
quanti&ingChangcs in qualitativcard quaotitotivestnrctureofthe avifauna

Th. Hi.m.l
This aspectis characteriscd by s low numbeiof specigs- 39 - but a very large
numberof individuals 3038- (Table l) dueto the pr.senceofthe thre€species of
Corwts:C. corone,C.Intgilegt t, C. nonedulathat count2664individuals,that 7 is
timesmorethanthe olher rpeciescoNidercdtogeihcr.ln wioler thesespeciesusathe
pa* mainlyas a restingplace.A l&rgebut variabl€numberofthese birds gatherhere
in the evenin&spcndingthe nightin thc trc.s, in thc 2nd,3rd andpanly 4th s€ctor.ln
the momingthey lalve, headingpartly towardsthe town's districts,wherethey feed
on rubbisl! rnd partly towsds the farminglandsoutsideth€ town - especiallyC
fntgilegus .nd C. cotune.A r'nall numberof individuals(100-200)c&nbe found in
sometimes fccdingin the 4th and5th s€ctors,on th€ lawn.
Dueto the largepopulationsofcolr-?q lhe hremalaspecthasthe lowest
biodiversity:.Shannon-Wiener indexH = 2 2574
A.llthe 7 irophicgroupsrecorded in the parkarepresentin this aspect.The
onuivoresaredodjnant,counting13 spacics (33.13%).ThisSroupincludes besides
the typical omnivores(Anasplalrrhwhos, Conlts sp., Passersp.), spccicsthat
during the warm seasonfe€d mainly on insects,but now this kind of food being
diffcult to find, theyhavea mixeddict, consumingalsoftuits andse€ds(Paru.rt albt
Turdts merula. Stunus wlgais). The insectivorescount ll sp€ci€s(2E.2%).
includingm6ir y the speci€sthat fecdon i8€cts foundund€rthe rind ofthc tre€s.the
most accesfbleinsrct cltegory in this lcrson (Picoidesnojor, P. medius, Sitta
eurcpaea,Certhiafamiliaris, Pic:uscanus). The granivorous,rcpresentd by l0
species(25.64%),wandcrin flocks,fccdingon the secdsof varioustreesf,4cel,,41rr./J,
Platarrur, eL.). Carduelis sp., Parus caetuleus,Pans lwlt/sr,|is, Ctrcotrausres
coccolhrauttesare includedin this group. The two speciesof camivores(5.12%),
Accilter ni*s andAthenezoctrra,f€cdon little birds that livc here.The fish-eaters
aft rcpreseitd by Ahedo allrit consuminSfish from the brook, the potamotrophs
(term introduc€dby Dan Stancscu)in ludc Cinclus cinclus, thal feed mainly on
aquaticlarva€,andthe fruit-eatersarerepres€nted by Turdus'riscivonts,tha! feedson
the fruits of the s€miparasite Visam alburntht.Jshelpingit to sprcad.Each ol rhese
groupsrepr€sents 2.56o/oofthetotalnumbefofsp€cies.
f t o n s y l vR e v9 Ecol Res.tlg99).L203-211

Ttb| L Binl comnuhitiesin hietnalaspect

;PECIES R.l.liw KA"L

I 0.0003 0..15 0.16
i.1 0.00,15 0,50 2.30
I 0.0003 0_26 0.16
.l 0.0011 0.15 0,65
8 0.0026 0.24 l.3t
l6 0.01I 0.50 590
{ 0.001l 0.85 0.65
I 0.0003 0.t4 0.r6
27 0.0087 0.64 4.42
2 0.0006 o.2a 0.32
352 0.1I 0.J5 57.70
l23E o.1475 0.35 202.95
107{ 0.34 0.42 t76.06
2 0.0006 0.14 0.32
I 0.0003 0.0? 0.16
2 0,0006 0.35 0.32
0.0019 0.5 0.9E
rri ns i Ila ddtiliinei IIa l 0,001 0.07 0.J0
5 u.0016 0.78 0.E2
3 0.001 0-07 0.50
E 0.0025 0.15 l.3l
32 0.01 0.92
93 0.03 t5.24
7 0.0022 0-71 l.14
0.0051 0.J5 2.62
ll 0.00i5 0.35 l.E0
I8 0.005E
3 0.001 0.85 0.50
2 0.0006 0-2E 0.3.1
z 0.0006 0.35 0.32
2 0.0006 0,15 0.32
0.0019 0.?l 0.9E
l4 0.0045 2.30
2 0.0006 o_2\ 0_32
Troelodvtes trcPlo.lyt s 4 0-0011 0.57 0.65
20 0.00e1 0.?l 3.2E
3 0.001 0.64 50
I 0.0001 0,21 0,l6
t2 0.0038 0.28 1,96
TOTAL 39 303E

Th. Prcvcmal Arpact

Bcinga aransitional sspect.the prevemalaspectcountsthe hrgheslnumberol
species- 60 (Tablc 2). Besidesthe sedentaryspecies,winter guensthal havenl lefi
for the ncstingplacesyet, the sununergueststhatbeginto afiive in the park, aswell as
accid€ntalspeciescan be s€eo.The numberof individualsis kept hiSh by the same
speciesofcolurJ that bcgn to nest,bcingnow permancndy here.
The Ltppe/ didMddle OL Rivet Bastn

Regardingthe biodiversity,despitethe high numberof species,the indexhasa

relativelylow valueH = 3.25, dueto the fact that the populationsof Con?s exceed
the otherpopulationsconsidered together.
In tlus aspect6 trophic groups are present.The insectivores,counting ll
species (51.66%),includespecies that consume insectsfoundunderth€ rind of fte
trees(Picoidessp.,Pials sp.,Sitta europaea,Certhtalet t/trlts). sp€ciesthat feedin
the catopy(Parussp., Phylloscopus sp., Sllvia sp., Ficedulasp..M sci.dpa slliata,
Frihgilla coekbs) andon the gro!nd (T rdus sp., Stunus wlga s). The omnivores,
1l species(18.33%),incl,rdeCorws sp., Passelsp., and the aquaticspecieslras
pldtyrttyhchos,A, querquedulaandGallinula chloropus.The 8 gmnivorousspecies
(13.33%) 6nd their food either in the canopy (Carduelis sp., Coccothraustes
coccothr&sles)of on the groudd(Colunba livia, Streptopeliadecaocto,Enberiza
calanfud).The csrnivorousarerepresented by day prcy-birds(Accipilel nisus,B teo
buteo,Falco sltbbuteo),'|dgl,t$ey-bitds (Athenenoctuc) andCiconiaciconia .which
feedson thelawnnextto the lakes.The4 species offish-eaters (6.6602)
arrrs,foundalongthe brook,Podicepsrufrcollis that fisheson the lakes,andthe two
sp€ciesofherons,//dea cinereazndNlcticorax n!c/r?or6, foundaccidentallyin the
p *. Ttdrs viscivotusis the representative of theliuit-eaters( 1.66%).
Tth. 2. Bird camunities in bt4.mdl astucl

sf[cIEs Reladr. Fr€q!€ncJ I'A.L

0.001I 0.5 0_16
0.0046 0.82 0.55
0.0011 0.32 0.16
0.0093 0.E2 l.3l
0-0046 0.16 0-65
0.00u 0.16 0.t6
0.001I 0.32 0.15
0.00tI 0.16 0.16
6 0.0093 l.3l
2 0.0021 0,5 0.32
0.00I1 0.16 0,16
36 0.042 0.5 5.90
4 0.m46 I 0.65
0.001I 0.16 0.16
0.028 o.a2 3-93
3 0.0035 0.65 0-50
0.001I 0.16 0.16
E 0.0093 0,65 1.31
416 0.51 I 71.47
3E 0.ft I
0.0046 0.5 0.65
I 0.0011 0.t6 0.16
2 0.0021 0.65 0.32
2 0.0023 0.5 0.12
z 0.0023 0.5 0.32
36 0.042 I 5.90
I 0.001I 0.16 0,16
2 0.0023 0.65 0.32
l0 0,01I 0.16 1.64
I 0.0011 0.16 0_16
Ttu1rlv. R.e. Stst Ecol R.s (t999), I, 203 - 211 20'i

SPECIf,S I ubber of I R.lrtive

0.00i1 c.l6


Th. Autumtr.l Arp.ct

This is also a transitionalaspect.countinga high numberof species- 54 -
(although it doesn't reachthc value ofth€ prcv€mal lspccD but the lowest number of
individuals- 480 3). The biodivcrsityindcx has the maximum value, H =
The insectivorous are dominantin this aspect.beingrepresented by 30 spec;es
(55.55%) that feed in the canopy(Regulus rcgulxs, Aegithalos caudau\ Pdrts at -
in the coniferous wood and Pqrus q., Ficedula sp., Phyllorcopus sp - in rhe lcaf
wood), in the shrubs(E iltntcus mbecula, Lanius colhtrio, Troglod),tes tr(gla're!\.
in lhe ^i (Delichon urbico), on the banks ofthe brook (Motacil,/a sP ). on lhe ground
lTurdus sp.) or on the trunks (Picoidei sp.,Ptcrs lp.) The omnivcrcs. I0 speoes
(18 5l%), are represent€d by Con s sp., Palser sp., AMs plathlrhJnchas,Frlna
ura er.dGallinula chloropw The granivores include 7 species,lecding in rhe ca.opy
(Cor.l elis q.) or on rhe lJovnd {Colunba lira. Steptopeha decaocta) Tt{o species
of da,vpre,v-birds (,Ealc.)slthhrteo.Buteo bxteo) andlwo speciesof night prev-birds
\Avo otus,Alhe e nocnta)represent the caftivores(7 49i) Fish-eaters in.l\tdeAlc.lo
otthis u\d PodicepstuUcalr.r (3 ?%) and fruit-eaters Trtd s vlsc)\,onN (l 85d4J
208 The t-ppo 6nd ttd:Jte O qi\c. BtEd

Irbl'3. Btul.onhmi .s it dtmnal aiped

R.hliv. ICdL

ll o.a2?

0,25 n.t2


t . tI

T.onsllv. Rer Syst.Ecol. Res.(1999),L 20t - 2t4 zo9
0.002 0_50 0.16
0_00{ 0.75 0.12
0.008 0.t5 0.65
T 5t 4E0

Qualitaliterlrd qurntitrtivc chrngcsoftha avifaunrin tbc hrt 30 yeirs

The hicmrl rspect
Ahhoughrhenumberof indilidualsis relativ€ly constant (3180-3038) andthe
numberof specieshas droppedonly [ith 27.77%.the modificationof Shannon-
\liener!nde\ Fom H = 1.9656to H = 2.2674.showsa decrease in biodivarsity,
ro thegro$lh ofthc Conra qr. popularions llom 1408individuals to 2664(89.20/.).
The de\€lopmcntof these populationsshows a degradationof the natural
environment Theotherpopulalions. consideredtogelher,havesuffereda decr€ase of
Someoflhe speciesrecordedin 1970andnot seenlhis ye r arc: Anserartser,
liDtga glareols, Accipter gentilis, Buteo lagopus utd Bonbrcilla gortullts. The
specicstharhavcrccord€da greatdecreasein populationsize:Strepropeliadecaocla
(-96 8,1'/o), Passer donesticus (-95.68yo), Parus palustris (-92.13./o), Ana:
platbrlryrrchot (-91.660/o),
Iaxia atnircsna (-89.28%or, stc. Someof the species
havathe sameNmber of ndiiduals @en&ocopos,najor, Certhiafarnilia s, Regulus
re8r,/tr,t)andsomehaveevena largerone(Pan$ caeruk$ (+18.57),Corws corone
(+30.85y.), Cotws noneAlb (99.25o/o), Cotws Ilugilegus (+lM 7%),
Coccolhraustes c(Ecothraustes(+ 107.39%)). nrc spcciesrecordedthis yeif but nol
observedin 1970are: Columbalfuia, Dendrocoposmedius,Drtgcop.s martius arld

Thc pr.varnal rrpact

The numberof species is constant(61 in 1970,60 in 1998),thc numberof
individuals hasdroppedonlyby 1.2ayo(ftoti 920to 853),so thartheonlysignofthe
changcs in thisaspectis themodification of Shannon-Wiener indexfrolnH = 4.1083
to H 3 25. Thc rcasonofthe biodivcrsity'sdecrease is the growh ofth€ Colr-?rrp
populations from 50 in 1970to 4t2 in 1998(+ 664%).Thc other populations
considered togctherhavediminishcd by 5967%.
Arnongthe speciesseenby Dan Stin€scu,that werenot observedthis yearare:
Cnlunba @rras, Streptopeliaturlur, Milws milws, Clc:t/lus canorus, Galerida
crislato,Lusciniamegarhynchos, etc.
Someof$e species thathaverccord€d a smaller
numbarofindividualsin 1998
^re: "IrrE torquih (-90yo),ParusWlustis (-86.660/o), Passerdonesticus(-85yo),
Paus najor (a3.58V.).ln thisaspectwErerecordedmostofthe spcciesthat wcrenot
s€en30 y€arsago:,{rd$ Ardea cinerea,Wticokt rycticor.tx, Falco
subhuteo,Ficedula albicollis, Muscicdpa sfiiata, Plrllloscopus (/ochih6, Syl|ia
atricopilla, e',c.This is one ofthe reasonswhy the Morisila index showsthe lowest
sirnilitldebe.twaan 1970ard 1998regardingthe park'savifaunain rhis aspect.
2I0 Th. LFp.t aal.\hd,ile OI Rre, Ba\r

Thc autumnel rspeat

The numberof speciesdroppedwith 2i.94% (from 7l to 54) and the number
of individualswith 72.12%(fron t722 to 180),but the valueoiihe Shanxon-wiener
indexshcwsa greaterbiodiversity(H 1970= 4 6544. H 1998=.i 71?i)
This aspec!recordsthe largestnumbercf specresnct obsen'ej in 1998 (see
Table 4) Some specieshave a lower number of individuals:.\lokt.tlla a[ba
(-96.07%), Comts corone (-92 85r'or.Anas plath)th)ncho! l-cl 76'"). Canttteir
carn<tbind(-87.5o/o),Delichon urbica (-85.71%) A few specresare ne!r. tro!
rccorded it 1970: Asio olus, Faho tltbb teo, Alcedo atthi:, Phocmcurus o.hnra.
Turduspila s.

Ttb.4. Th. sp.ciesrc.orded i, theptk in thetcats 1970and 1996

Gtuia ncu.a @tica (L.. 115

arref uDrort r lswinho...167l

Fulica attu atrd L.. l l58

dtlwsnnyustL.- \1tB
sbblt o tubbteo L.. \758
unrun.uI us tirn und Iut L.
,octta no.rea ( . I
21 4eo otusotusL.- l15a
ZE t tt aluco alu@ (L.. l75a\
t9 t'ir x6lensts (PaJl..177l)
l0 Colrnba oerB oe"6L.- l15E
3 l Cohnba IM a donesti.aL. 115a
J2 ttr.Dtoozlia.lecaoctod.caocro(Friv.. 1838)
33 ttreDto@ra tutur tunl, L.. 1158\
l4 Clcltl1tscono s coro,,iL..n5a
35 athis isDidaL.. \758
36 LtDrDae4o^t e@Ds L.- 1158
J 7 Iyrt tor@illa torqsilla L.. 1758
l 8 Ptds vindis tiri.lis L-. l758
t9 Ptcrs c@!r car6 Grn€I.- 1788

nedilt nedi6 (L.. 115

nanusn4tus t)-.- 1158

Gole.ida .rishta cnstato O, 175
45 l4tdudd @ensis anensisL.. l75A
46 )Ht.rndo tu'tko ae:.a L - llsA

n t h u sn ^ 1 o l t sh r B h , t L - t 1 5 8

dnerea cnarua . 177|
, 5 1 Ldaius et.tbn.r e{utttut
i52 Lmtus n'nar tutnu tcorel . l75a
53 Ldttrs colltia collunatL r15a
,56 Tiorlodtq l?5E
JE srlva.un.a crn a l-..115

u1 Ph..nrcutuso.harcs
Turdusn.tuld nenlaL.- l15a
l 8 3t

q rctrotu\ viscteatusL. l75A

C.L Brchm.lE3l

siiaro shota Pall. 1764

olbicolis albicollis (l.'nar.- Bl .a.tuleus L-- l75E

sitla errcDaeacaesiawolf.lal9

c@Lbs .oelehsL-. 1758

E6 CorduelissDinusL.. t15a
Cdtutueliscaduelx cot.tuelir (1,.. 175A

iE9 CadueIx. @nabi na cmnabina 1758

Lana curyircsna dn i rostro
9l 1758
2 Ca..athrMt.s co.cothrotstesco.cothtfustesL.. 1158
9l Pe, domestcus doneslk us
9t Po$er nontdut nonlnts
. 9 5 Enbehza caiandracalandra L 1758
2t2 li, I Ne, dnd \l:Jtli. t)]t :ar.t lrr:a

99 Copus noae.lula saenm?Z,4e, Frsch. I8l I

tlot) t n^u: ltu?tlequsfrtxrlrslr L. l?53

tn2 aoturs.ord.ord L.. 1758

slnth. . tabt. 'hfun8 th. d.dfi. olaa: ot tn? | a,t . a./a'.c

l9?0 1998 1970 1 9 9 8 1970 t 9 9 8

Hic!ruI 19 -27.77% I 1 8 0l 0 l 8 1 . 9 6 52
6 . 2 6 1 4 0,?445
6I 60 ) . 6 3 % 920 8 5 1 -1.24% 4.30811.2,199
7l 54 . 2 1 . 9 1 %t122 4rio -12.t2 0/o .1.65441 . 1 t 1 3 0 , ? 0 1 8

Thesechangesarc represented
in Fig. l, 2,3 and4. Pr.vd..l

lig. l. t'anati;nal thenuntber.f\ped.s

Fig.2, va,idtioh oJthe nunbe, oJitun'ituals

Trdnr"lv.Rer. EsL Ecal Res.(1999t.L 203- 211 2t3

Fig, l, l ilnanrn. r Shonn.n-it rcnertnd.x

EiE t.Idiotjon ofMorisitd indq

Crusesofthe ptrk avifeunr'smodificrlionsin the 3 decsdes

ln the "Sub Arini" Park ihe causesolthe changesin the avifauna'sstructure,
are relatedto the town's evolution,in every aspect(demographicjeconomic,and
urbanistic).The slbstantialgowth of the town's populationin the last decadeshas
determined the growh ofth€ towlr's area.This wasachievedby buildingnew housing
disrrictsaroundthe old town, districtsthat are areaswith a high densiryofpeople and
very few greenspaces(thereareno gardens).Oneofthese distnctsis ValeaAurie, in
the southempart ofsibiu, nerr the DumbravaWood.It iniucnc€s|he park'savifauna
in two ways.First. it raisedthe flux of p€opleand carsalongthe vall€yin the park,
thus increasinS the anthropicpressureexeneduponthe difrerentcomponentsof this
ecological systemrepresenled by the "Sub Arini" Park.Second,the districlis an
obstacle for the b;rdsthat like openspaces, the lawnsalongthe brooknow being
isolated Fomothersimilarecosystems.
Besidesthis increased flux of the peoplein the park, the grazeinghas a
negative inlluenceonthevegetation andthefauna.
Anotherareaoflhe park that has sufered great changesis the lake systern,
which,in tum influenced the populationsofaquaticspecies. Thelakesin the4" andi"
sectorare not pennanent,so theycannot alwaysoffer the conditionsneededfor their
nestingThe permanentlakes(from the 6' sector)are frequentlyusedfor fishing.and
thefishermenconsideringthe waterbirdsastheircompetitors,oienscarethemaway.
Regardingthe passagespeciesnoted in 1970. Aythya narild, A. ntroca,
Meryus serrator,Podicepsgriseigena,Ahseranser,e!c., th€ fact that they did nol
appearthis year can be either accidenta.lor causedby the deSradationof the
environmental conditionsin the park- meaningthar now their miSmtion route avoids
it - or in theirbreedingandwinteringreSions -meaning that theirpopulations have
decreased in number. Thisis validfor ail the migraroh- and accidentaispecies The
onlyspeciesl.hat are influencedexclusively b] the enliroinenial .cndilicni in:he park
aretbe sedentaries.
Opinionson the increasing ofihe Conu ? popularions are \ery ditrereni.
bothaboutthe causeandfie waysof stopping tll,sprocess lt Seneral-lhe numexcal
increase ofthesehighlyadapiable species, is considered the result oflhe eccsyslenj
degftdation. But the gro$'thof populatiots takesplaceoi in lhe condit;onoflhe
existence ofan abundantfood resource.For the crowq thetrophic baseis nol offered
by the park but by the town districts in the aaseof C. moned a and panly (:
fntgilegus and by the fanninSlands around Sibiu itl case of C corone and C
rt gilee?s.Thus,consideringthe fact that the abundance ofthe rubbishin the to\ n is
oneofthe causes ofthis Dhenomenot\ coftmonin manyotherregio[stoo, a way of
controllingit wouldbe a b€t1cthygenizationofthe lown.

. ?l speciesol birds were recordedin "Sub Atini" park hiemal,in prevemaland
. the hiemalaspectis dominatedby th€ speciesConar corcne C.Irugilegus andC.
monedula,lfrllich.ourrt together7 timesmore individualsthad the rest of the
speciesconsidered together;
. the hiemalasp€ctrecordsthe lowestbiodiversity(Shannon_ wiener indexH = 2 26)
dueto the high relativcabundance ofcon d 4p.;
. the prevemalaspert beinga seasonwhen miSrationoccurs.recordsthe highesl
numberof species - 60 - but lhe biodiversityis stil quilelow fbr the same
. the highestbiodiversityis recordedin the auomnal aspect,when the Shannon-
Wienerind€xis H = 4.71:
. the speciesrecorded in the park belong to 7 trophic groups: fnrit_eaters'
granivorous, omnivorous, camivotouE fsh-sters, potamotrophs, and
insectivorous.Thelatteraretheb€strepr€seated arethe;
. the growth of lhe Cc'rws rp. populationsin hiemal and autumnal aspects
compensate the diminishmentofth€ otherpopulations, reducingin ihe sametime
the biodiversity;
. the mostobviouschangein bird cammunities' struclure,indicaledby the similitude
indiccx,was observedin prevemalaspect;
r the maincausethat determines changesin the qualitattveand quantitativestructure
ofthe park'savifaunais theincreasinganthrcpirpressure;
. in this case,ass humanimpactindicatorcanbe usedonly the sedentaryspeciesand
not alsothe migtatoryandpassaSe ones,


L Bezzel,E., 1996- V6gel,BLV Miimhetrl

3. lordaclq I., Stines.t, D., 1992- Omitologiepraclicr, hiversitatea "Al.l. Cllza" Iasii
1. Kelemeq A., 1978- Madaraskonlv, Edit. Kritenon Bucuftlti;
5. RadL D., l9E4 - Mic adasornitoloSic,Etil. AlbauosBucuft$il
6 Stancscl,D., 19?I - Ondtofaua paE lui "Sub &itri" diD Sibiu. Atl,liz: cantilauvA9i calilatn Aa
populaliilorde pllan, 1969-lnO. Sttilii ti conunicari: M\ztul Bnk nth3l Sibiu. l?, pp: 24?_282
The Cihin River

S.lEmaric€lrcPtrscnlationof lhc rlscarclEd arla rlld lhc .rtrtpling Fnnts, loc.tiotr



l.rcul GurnRiului

c}")z ,}to,
Th. Upp.t and Mildt. Olt Nt'.r na.i^

Schcntr|iel rcpeslalion of inc 6cir.hd ar.{ ad th. sanpling ponlt' l@Uon


ta. S.cul.s

60lF fr


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