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SAP2000 Analysis Report

Prepared by
Computers and Structures, Inc.

Model Name: Tugas 2 APLIKOM.sdb

8 November 2021
UTS APLIKOM.sdb SAP2000 v22.0.0 - License #0
Contents 08 November 2021

1. Model geometry ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1. Joint coordinates ......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Joint restraints ............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.3. Element connectivity .................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Material properties .................................................................................................................................................. 6
3. Section properties................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1. Frames ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
4. Load patterns ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1. Definitions .................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.2. Auto wind loading ........................................................................................................................................ 8
5. Load cases ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
5.1. Definitions .................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.2. Static case load assignments ...................................................................................................................... 9
5.3. Response spectrum case load assignments ............................................................................................... 9
6. Load combinations ................................................................................................................................................. 9
7. Structure results ................................................................................................................................................... 11
7.1. Mass summary .......................................................................................................................................... 11
7.2. Base reactions ........................................................................................................................................... 12
8. Joint results .......................................................................................................................................................... 12
9. Frame results........................................................................................................................................................ 13
10. Material take-off .................................................................................................................................................. 23
11. Design preferences ............................................................................................................................................ 23
11.1. Steel design ............................................................................................................................................. 23
11.2. Concrete design ...................................................................................................................................... 24
11.3. Aluminum design ..................................................................................................................................... 24
11.4. Cold formed design.................................................................................................................................. 25

List of Figures
Figure 1: Finite element model ................................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 2: Deformed shape ........................................................................................................................................ 11

List of Tables
Table 1: Joint Coordinates.......................................................................................................................................... 4
Table 2: Joint Restraint Assignments ......................................................................................................................... 5
Table 3: Connectivity - Frame .................................................................................................................................... 5
Table 4: Frame Section Assignments ......................................................................................................................... 5
Table 5: Material Properties 02 - Basic Mechanical Properties .................................................................................. 6
Table 6: Material Properties 03a - Steel Data............................................................................................................. 6
Table 7: Material Properties 03b - Concrete Data ...................................................................................................... 6
Table 8: Material Properties 03e - Rebar Data ........................................................................................................... 6
Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 1 of 4...................................................................................... 7
Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 2 of 4...................................................................................... 7
Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 3 of 4...................................................................................... 7
Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 4 of 4...................................................................................... 7
Table 10: Frame Section Properties 02 - Concrete Column, Part 1 of 2..................................................................... 7
Table 10: Frame Section Properties 02 - Concrete Column, Part 2 of 2..................................................................... 7
Table 11: Load Pattern Definitions ............................................................................................................................. 8
Table 12: Auto Wind - API 4F 2013 ............................................................................................................................ 8

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List of Tables 08 November 2021

Table 13: Load Case Definitions, Part 1 of 2 .............................................................................................................. 8

Table 13: Load Case Definitions, Part 2 of 2 .............................................................................................................. 9
Table 14: Case - Static 1 - Load Assignments ........................................................................................................... 9
Table 15: Function - Response Spectrum - User........................................................................................................ 9
Table 16: Combination Definitions ............................................................................................................................ 10
Table 17: Assembled Joint Masses, Part 1 of 2 ....................................................................................................... 11
Table 17: Assembled Joint Masses, Part 2 of 2 ....................................................................................................... 12
Table 18: Base Reactions ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Table 19: Joint Displacements ................................................................................................................................. 12
Table 20: Joint Reactions ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Table 21: Element Forces - Frames, Part 1 of 2 ....................................................................................................... 13
Table 21: Element Forces - Frames, Part 2 of 2 ....................................................................................................... 18
Table 22: Material List 2 - By Section Property ........................................................................................................ 23
Table 23: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 1 of 4 ............................................................................. 23
Table 23: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 2 of 4 ............................................................................. 24
Table 23: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 3 of 4 ............................................................................. 24
Table 23: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 4 of 4 ............................................................................. 24
Table 24: Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-14, Part 1 of 2 ......................................................................... 24
Table 24: Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-14, Part 2 of 2 ......................................................................... 24
Table 25: Preferences - Aluminum Design - AA-ASD 2000 ...................................................................................... 24
Table 26: Preferences - Cold Formed Design - AISI-ASD96 .................................................................................... 25

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1. Model geometry 08 November 2021

1. Model geometry
This section provides model geometry information, including items such as joint coordinates, joint restraints, and
element connectivity.

Figure 1: Finite element model

1.1. Joint coordinates

Table 1: Joint Coordinates

Table 1: Joint Coordinates
Joint CoordSys CoordType GlobalX GlobalY GlobalZ
cm cm cm
3 GLOBAL Cartesian 0, 0, 600,
4 GLOBAL Cartesian 0, 0, 1000,
5 GLOBAL Cartesian 0, 0, 1400,
8 GLOBAL Cartesian 600, 0, 600,
9 GLOBAL Cartesian 600, 0, 1000,
10 GLOBAL Cartesian 600, 0, 1400,
13 GLOBAL Cartesian 1000, 0, 600,
14 GLOBAL Cartesian 1000, 0, 1000,
16 GLOBAL Cartesian 0, 0, 0,
17 GLOBAL Cartesian 600, 0, 0,
18 GLOBAL Cartesian 1000, 0, 0,

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1. Model geometry 08 November 2021

1.2. Joint restraints

Table 2: Joint Restraint Assignments

Table 2: Joint Restraint Assignments
Joint U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3

16 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

17 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
18 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

1.3. Element connectivity

Table 3: Connectivity - Frame

Table 3: Connectivity - Frame
Frame JointI JointJ Length
3 3 4 400,
4 4 5 400,
7 8 9 400,
8 9 10 400,
11 13 14 400,
14 3 8 600,
15 4 9 600,
16 5 10 600,
18 8 13 400,
19 9 14 400,
21 3 16 600,
22 8 17 600,
23 13 18 600,

Table 4: Frame Section Assignments

Table 4: Frame Section Assignments
Frame AnalSect DesignSect MatProp

3 K-50/50 N.A. Default

4 K-50/50 N.A. Default
7 K-50/50 N.A. Default
8 K-50/50 N.A. Default
11 K-50/50 N.A. Default
14 B-40/70 N.A. Default
15 B-40/70 N.A. Default
16 B-40/70 N.A. Default
18 B-40/70 N.A. Default
19 B-40/70 N.A. Default
21 K-50/50 N.A. Default
22 K-50/50 N.A. Default
23 K-50/50 N.A. Default

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2. Material properties 08 November 2021

2. Material properties
This section provides material property information for materials used in the model.

Table 5: Material Properties 02 - Basic Mechanical Properties

Table 5: Material Properties 02 - Basic Mechanical Properties
Material UnitWeight UnitMass E1 G12 U12 A1
Tonf/cm3 Tonf-s2/cm4 Tonf/cm2 Tonf/cm2 1/C
4000Psi 2,4028E-06 2,4501E-09 253,4564 105,6068 0,2 9,9000E-06
A615Gr60 7,8490E-06 8,0038E-09 2038,9019 1,1700E-05
A992Fy50 7,8490E-06 8,0038E-09 2038,9019 784,193 0,3 1,1700E-05
Concrete 2,4028E-06 2,4501E-09 253,4564 105,6068 0,2 9,9000E-06

Table 6: Material Properties 03a - Steel Data

Table 6: Material Properties 03a - Steel Data
Material Fy Fu FinalSlope
Tonf/cm2 Tonf/cm2
A992Fy50 3,5153 4,57 -0,1

Table 7: Material Properties 03b - Concrete Data

Table 7: Material Properties 03b - Concrete Data
Material Fc eFc FinalSlope
Tonf/cm2 Tonf/cm2
4000Psi 0,2812 0,2812 -0,1
Concrete 0,2812 0,2812 -0,1

Table 8: Material Properties 03e - Rebar Data

Table 8: Material Properties 03e - Rebar Data
Material Fy Fu FinalSlope
Tonf/cm2 Tonf/cm2
A615Gr60 4,2184 6,3276 -0,1

3. Section properties
This section provides section property information for objects used in the model.

3.1. Frames

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3. Section properties 08 November 2021

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 1 of 4

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 1 of 4
SectionName Material Shape t3 t2 tf tw t2b tfb
cm cm cm cm cm cm
B-40/70 Concrete Rectangular 70, 40,
FSEC1 A992Fy50 I/Wide Flange 30,48 12,7 0,9652 0,635 12,7 0,9652
K-50/50 Concrete Rectangular 50, 50,

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 2 of 4

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 2 of 4
SectionName Area TorsConst I33 I22 I23 AS2 AS3
cm2 cm4 cm4 cm4 cm4 cm2 cm2
B-40/70 2800, 960510,01 1143333,3 373333,33 0, 2333,33 2333,33
FSEC1 42,65 9,65 6572,42 330,13 0, 19,35 20,43
K-50/50 2500, 880208,33 520833,33 520833,33 0, 2083,33 2083,33

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 3 of 4

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 3 of 4
SectionName S33 S22 Z33 Z22 R33 R22
cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 cm cm
B-40/70 32666,67 18666,67 49000, 28000, 20,2073 11,547
FSEC1 431,26 51,99 491,19 80,72 12,4145 2,7823
K-50/50 20833,33 20833,33 31250, 31250, 14,4338 14,4338

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 4 of 4

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 4 of 4
SectionName AMod A2Mod A3Mod JMod I2Mod I3Mod MMod WMod

B-40/70 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
FSEC1 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
K-50/50 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,

Table 10: Frame Section Properties 02 - Concrete Column, Part 1 of 2

Table 10: Frame Section Properties 02 - Concrete Column, Part 1 of 2
SectionName RebarMatL RebarMatC ReinfConfig LatReinf Cover NumBars3D NumBars2D
ir ir
B-40/70 A615Gr60 A615Gr60 Rectangular Ties 4, 3 3
K-50/50 A615Gr60 A615Gr60 Rectangular Ties 4, 3 3

Table 10: Frame Section Properties 02 - Concrete Column, Part 2 of 2

Table 10: Frame Section Properties 02 - Concrete Column, Part 2 of 2
SectionName BarSizeL BarSizeC SpacingC NumCBars2 NumCBars3
B-40/70 #9 #4 15, 3 3

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4. Load patterns 08 November 2021

Table 10: Frame Section Properties 02 - Concrete Column, Part 2 of 2

SectionName BarSizeL BarSizeC SpacingC NumCBars2 NumCBars3
K-50/50 #9 #4 15, 3 3

4. Load patterns
This section provides loading information as applied to the model.

4.1. Definitions

Table 11: Load Pattern Definitions

Table 11: Load Pattern Definitions
LoadPat DesignType SelfWtMult AutoLoad

DEAD Dead 1,
WIND LOAD Wind 0, API4F 2013

4.2. Auto wind loading

Table 12: Auto Wind - API 4F 2013

Table 12: Auto Wind - API 4F 2013
LoadPat ExposeFrom Angle UserZ WindVel SSLMult ShieldFact
WIND LOAD Frames 0, No 93, 1, 0,85

5. Load cases
This section provides load case information.

5.1. Definitions

Table 13: Load Case Definitions, Part 1 of 2

Table 13: Load Case Definitions, Part 1 of 2
Case Type InitialCond ModalCase BaseCase MassSource DesActOpt

DEAD LinStatic Zero Prog Det

MODAL LinModal Zero Prog Det
DEAD LOAD LinStatic Zero Prog Det
LIVE LOAD LinStatic Zero Prog Det

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6. Load combinations 08 November 2021

Table 13: Load Case Definitions, Part 1 of 2

Case Type InitialCond ModalCase BaseCase MassSource DesActOpt

WIND LOAD LinStatic Zero Prog Det

Table 13: Load Case Definitions, Part 2 of 2

Table 13: Load Case
Definitions, Part 2 of 2
Case DesignAct

DEAD Non-Compos
DEAD LOAD Non-Compos
LIVE LOAD Short-Term
WIND LOAD Short-Term

5.2. Static case load assignments

Table 14: Case - Static 1 - Load Assignments

Table 14: Case - Static 1 - Load Assignments
Case LoadType LoadName LoadSF

DEAD Load pattern DEAD 1,

DEAD LOAD Load pattern DEAD LOAD 1,
LIVE LOAD Load pattern LIVE LOAD 1,
WIND LOAD Load pattern WIND LOAD 1,

5.3. Response spectrum case load assignments

Table 15: Function - Response Spectrum - User

Table 15: Function - Response Spectrum - User
Name Period Accel FuncDamp
UNIFRS 0, 1, 0,05
UNIFRS 1, 1,

6. Load combinations
This section provides load combination information.

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6. Load combinations 08 November 2021

Table 16: Combination Definitions

Table 16: Combination Definitions
ComboName ComboType CaseName ScaleFactor

COMB1: 1,2 DL Linear Add DEAD LOAD 1,2

+ 1,6 LL
+ 1,6 LL
COMB2: 1,2 DL Linear Add DEAD LOAD 1,2
+ 0,5 LL + 1,3
+ 0,5 LL + 1,3
+ 0,5 LL + 1,3

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7. Structure results 08 November 2021

7. Structure results
This section provides structure results, including items such as structural periods and base reactions.

Figure 2: Deformed shape

7.1. Mass summary

Table 17: Assembled Joint Masses, Part 1 of 2

Table 17: Assembled Joint Masses, Part 1 of 2
Joint MassSource U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3 CenterX
Tonf-s2/cm Tonf-s2/cm Tonf-s2/cm Tonf-cm-s2 Tonf-cm-s2 Tonf-cm-s2 cm
3 MSSSRC1 0,00512 0,00512 0,00512 0, 0, 0, 0,
4 MSSSRC1 0,00451 0,00451 0,00451 0, 0, 0, 0,
5 MSSSRC1 0,00328 0,00328 0,00328 0, 0, 0, 0,
8 MSSSRC1 0,00649 0,00649 0,00649 0, 0, 0, 600,
9 MSSSRC1 0,00588 0,00588 0,00588 0, 0, 0, 600,
10 MSSSRC1 0,00328 0,00328 0,00328 0, 0, 0, 600,
13 MSSSRC1 0,00443 0,00443 0,00443 0, 0, 0, 1000,
14 MSSSRC1 0,0026 0,0026 0,0026 0, 0, 0, 1000,
16 MSSSRC1 0,00184 0,00184 0,00184 0, 0, 0, 0,
17 MSSSRC1 0,00184 0,00184 0,00184 0, 0, 0, 600,
18 MSSSRC1 0,00184 0,00184 0,00184 0, 0, 0, 1000,
SumAccelUX MSSSRC1 0,04111 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 471,037
SumAccelUY MSSSRC1 0, 0,04111 0, 0, 0, 0, 471,037
SumAccelUZ MSSSRC1 0, 0, 0,04111 0, 0, 0, 471,037

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8. Joint results 08 November 2021

Table 17: Assembled Joint Masses, Part 2 of 2

Table 17: Assembled Joint Masses, Part 2 of 2
Joint MassSource CenterY CenterZ
cm cm
3 MSSSRC1 0, 600,
4 MSSSRC1 0, 1000,
5 MSSSRC1 0, 1400,
8 MSSSRC1 0, 600,
9 MSSSRC1 0, 1000,
10 MSSSRC1 0, 1400,
13 MSSSRC1 0, 600,
14 MSSSRC1 0, 1000,
16 MSSSRC1 0, 0,
17 MSSSRC1 0, 0,
18 MSSSRC1 0, 0,
SumAccelUX MSSSRC1 0, 773,659
SumAccelUY MSSSRC1 0, 773,659
SumAccelUZ MSSSRC1 0, 773,659

7.2. Base reactions

Table 18: Base Reactions

Table 18: Base Reactions
OutputCase GlobalFX GlobalFY GlobalFZ GlobalMX GlobalMY GlobalMZ
Tonf Tonf Tonf Tonf-cm Tonf-cm Tonf-cm
DEAD LOAD -1,089E-15 0, 9, 0, -2700, 0,
LIVE LOAD 2,046E-15 0, 14, 0, -11200, 0,
WIND LOAD -9,2049 0, 0, 0, -8969,542 0,

8. Joint results
This section provides joint results, including items such as displacements and reactions.

Table 19: Joint Displacements

Table 19: Joint Displacements
Joint OutputCase U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3
cm cm cm Radians Radians Radians
3 DEAD LOAD 0,000959 0, -0,004212 0, 0,000042 0,
3 LIVE LOAD -0,003483 0, 0,00029 0, -0,000012 0,
3 WIND LOAD 0,486363 0, 0,005207 0, 0,000406 0,
4 DEAD LOAD 0,00137 0, -0,006101 0, 0,000025 0,
4 LIVE LOAD -0,0077 0, 0,000411 0, 1,123E-06 0,
4 WIND LOAD 0,67341 0, 0,007041 0, 0,00025 0,
5 DEAD LOAD 0,001873 0, -0,007047 0, 0,000061 0,
5 LIVE LOAD 0,003167 0, 0,000423 0, 0,000028 0,
5 WIND LOAD 0,811379 0, 0,007766 0, 0,000121 0,
8 DEAD LOAD 0,00115 0, -0,004389 0, -0,000032 0,
8 LIVE LOAD -0,003442 0, -0,007336 0, 0,000062 0,
8 WIND LOAD 0,486271 0, 0,001501 0, 0,000164 0,

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9. Frame results 08 November 2021

Table 19: Joint Displacements

Joint OutputCase U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3
cm cm cm Radians Radians Radians
9 DEAD LOAD 0,001445 0, -0,006287 0, -0,000023 0,
9 LIVE LOAD -0,007839 0, -0,009848 0, 0,000071 0,
9 WIND LOAD 0,671252 0, 0,001169 0, 0,000148 0,
10 DEAD LOAD 0,001537 0, -0,007234 0, -0,00006 0,
10 LIVE LOAD 0,003266 0, -0,009859 0, 9,818E-06 0,
10 WIND LOAD 0,809959 0, 0,000445 0, 0,00015 0,
13 DEAD LOAD 0,001169 0, 0,000079 0, 9,874E-07 0,
13 LIVE LOAD -0,003091 0, -0,006211 0, -0,000083 0,
13 WIND LOAD 0,486116 0, -0,006708 0, 0,000348 0,
14 DEAD LOAD 0,001422 0, 0,000078 0, -8,332E-06 0,
14 LIVE LOAD -0,008279 0, -0,008239 0, -0,000107 0,
14 WIND LOAD 0,67019 0, -0,00821 0, 0,000137 0,
16 DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
16 LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
16 WIND LOAD 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
17 DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
17 LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
17 WIND LOAD 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
18 DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
18 LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
18 WIND LOAD 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,

Table 20: Joint Reactions

Table 20: Joint Reactions
Joint OutputCase F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3
Tonf Tonf Tonf Tonf-cm Tonf-cm Tonf-cm
16 DEAD LOAD 0,0833 0, 4,4484 0, 15,786 0,
16 LIVE LOAD -0,0015 0, -0,3063 0, 2,261 0,
16 WIND LOAD -2,8529 0, -5,4989 0, -902,949 0,
17 DEAD LOAD -0,077 0, 4,6349 0, -16,09 0,
17 LIVE LOAD 0,159 0, 7,7474 0, 34,003 0,
17 WIND LOAD -3,3754 0, -1,5854 0, -1006,338 0,
18 DEAD LOAD -0,0063 0, -0,0833 0, -2,101 0,
18 LIVE LOAD -0,1575 0, 6,5589 0, -28,919 0,
18 WIND LOAD -2,9765 0, 7,0843 0, -927,224 0,

9. Frame results
This section provides frame force results.

Table 21: Element Forces - Frames, Part 1 of 2

Table 21: Element Forces - Frames, Part 1 of 2
Frame Station OutputCase P V2 V3
cm Tonf Tonf Tonf
3 0, DEAD LOAD -2,9919 -0,3091 0,
3 200, DEAD LOAD -2,9919 -0,3091 0,
3 400, DEAD LOAD -2,9919 -0,3091 0,
3 0, LIVE LOAD 0,1923 -0,047 0,

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9. Frame results 08 November 2021

Table 21: Element Forces - Frames, Part 1 of 2

Frame Station OutputCase P V2 V3
cm Tonf Tonf Tonf
3 200, LIVE LOAD 0,1923 -0,047 0,
3 400, LIVE LOAD 0,1923 -0,047 0,
3 0, WIND LOAD 2,9059 1,5207 0,
3 200, WIND LOAD 2,9059 1,3226 0,
3 400, WIND LOAD 2,9059 1,1135 0,
4 0, DEAD LOAD -1,4992 -0,3977 0,
4 200, DEAD LOAD -1,4992 -0,3977 0,
4 400, DEAD LOAD -1,4992 -0,3977 0,
4 0, LIVE LOAD 0,0184 0,1175 0,
4 200, LIVE LOAD 0,0184 0,1175 0,
4 400, LIVE LOAD 0,0184 0,1175 0,
4 0, WIND LOAD 1,1476 1,7306 0,
4 200, WIND LOAD 1,1476 1,5124 0,
4 400, WIND LOAD 1,1476 1,2864 0,
7 0, DEAD LOAD -3,0061 0,2683 0,
7 200, DEAD LOAD -3,0061 0,2683 0,
7 400, DEAD LOAD -3,0061 0,2683 0,
7 0, LIVE LOAD -3,979 -0,733 0,
7 200, LIVE LOAD -3,979 -0,733 0,
7 400, LIVE LOAD -3,979 -0,733 0,
7 0, WIND LOAD -0,5264 3,1032 0,
7 200, WIND LOAD -0,5264 2,9051 0,
7 400, WIND LOAD -0,5264 2,696 0,
8 0, DEAD LOAD -1,5008 0,3977 0,
8 200, DEAD LOAD -1,5008 0,3977 0,
8 400, DEAD LOAD -1,5008 0,3977 0,
8 0, LIVE LOAD -0,0184 -0,1175 0,
8 200, LIVE LOAD -0,0184 -0,1175 0,
8 400, LIVE LOAD -0,0184 -0,1175 0,
8 0, WIND LOAD -1,1476 2,0904 0,
8 200, WIND LOAD -1,1476 1,8722 0,
8 400, WIND LOAD -1,1476 1,6462 0,
11 0, DEAD LOAD -0,0019 0,0408 0,
11 200, DEAD LOAD -0,0019 0,0408 0,
11 400, DEAD LOAD -0,0019 0,0408 0,
11 0, LIVE LOAD -3,2133 0,7799 0,
11 200, LIVE LOAD -3,2133 0,7799 0,
11 400, LIVE LOAD -3,2133 0,7799 0,
11 0, WIND LOAD -2,3795 2,2595 0,
11 200, WIND LOAD -2,3795 2,0614 0,
11 400, WIND LOAD -2,3795 1,8523 0,
14 0, DEAD LOAD 0,2258 -1,4565 0,
14 50, DEAD LOAD 0,2258 -1,2065 0,
14 100, DEAD LOAD 0,2258 -0,9565 0,
14 150, DEAD LOAD 0,2258 -0,7065 0,
14 200, DEAD LOAD 0,2258 -0,4565 0,
14 250, DEAD LOAD 0,2258 -0,2065 0,
14 300, DEAD LOAD 0,2258 0,0435 0,
14 350, DEAD LOAD 0,2258 0,2935 0,
14 400, DEAD LOAD 0,2258 0,5435 0,
14 450, DEAD LOAD 0,2258 0,7935 0,
14 500, DEAD LOAD 0,2258 1,0435 0,
14 550, DEAD LOAD 0,2258 1,2935 0,
14 600, DEAD LOAD 0,2258 1,5435 0,

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9. Frame results 08 November 2021

Table 21: Element Forces - Frames, Part 1 of 2

Frame Station OutputCase P V2 V3
cm Tonf Tonf Tonf
14 0, LIVE LOAD 0,0484 0,1139 0,
14 50, LIVE LOAD 0,0484 0,1139 0,
14 100, LIVE LOAD 0,0484 0,1139 0,
14 150, LIVE LOAD 0,0484 0,1139 0,
14 200, LIVE LOAD 0,0484 0,1139 0,
14 250, LIVE LOAD 0,0484 0,1139 0,
14 300, LIVE LOAD 0,0484 0,1139 0,
14 350, LIVE LOAD 0,0484 0,1139 0,
14 400, LIVE LOAD 0,0484 0,1139 0,
14 450, LIVE LOAD 0,0484 0,1139 0,
14 500, LIVE LOAD 0,0484 0,1139 0,
14 550, LIVE LOAD 0,0484 0,1139 0,
14 600, LIVE LOAD 0,0484 0,1139 0,
14 0, WIND LOAD -0,1083 2,593 0,
14 50, WIND LOAD -0,1083 2,593 0,
14 100, WIND LOAD -0,1083 2,593 0,
14 150, WIND LOAD -0,1083 2,593 0,
14 200, WIND LOAD -0,1083 2,593 0,
14 250, WIND LOAD -0,1083 2,593 0,
14 300, WIND LOAD -0,1083 2,593 0,
14 350, WIND LOAD -0,1083 2,593 0,
14 400, WIND LOAD -0,1083 2,593 0,
14 450, WIND LOAD -0,1083 2,593 0,
14 500, WIND LOAD -0,1083 2,593 0,
14 550, WIND LOAD -0,1083 2,593 0,
14 600, WIND LOAD -0,1083 2,593 0,
15 0, DEAD LOAD 0,0886 -1,4927 0,
15 50, DEAD LOAD 0,0886 -1,2427 0,
15 100, DEAD LOAD 0,0886 -0,9927 0,
15 150, DEAD LOAD 0,0886 -0,7427 0,
15 200, DEAD LOAD 0,0886 -0,4927 0,
15 250, DEAD LOAD 0,0886 -0,2427 0,
15 300, DEAD LOAD 0,0886 0,0073 0,
15 350, DEAD LOAD 0,0886 0,2573 0,
15 400, DEAD LOAD 0,0886 0,5073 0,
15 450, DEAD LOAD 0,0886 0,7573 0,
15 500, DEAD LOAD 0,0886 1,0073 0,
15 550, DEAD LOAD 0,0886 1,2573 0,
15 600, DEAD LOAD 0,0886 1,5073 0,
15 0, LIVE LOAD -0,1644 0,174 0,
15 50, LIVE LOAD -0,1644 0,174 0,
15 100, LIVE LOAD -0,1644 0,174 0,
15 150, LIVE LOAD -0,1644 0,174 0,
15 200, LIVE LOAD -0,1644 0,174 0,
15 250, LIVE LOAD -0,1644 0,174 0,
15 300, LIVE LOAD -0,1644 0,174 0,
15 350, LIVE LOAD -0,1644 0,174 0,
15 400, LIVE LOAD -0,1644 0,174 0,
15 450, LIVE LOAD -0,1644 0,174 0,
15 500, LIVE LOAD -0,1644 0,174 0,
15 550, LIVE LOAD -0,1644 0,174 0,
15 600, LIVE LOAD -0,1644 0,174 0,
15 0, WIND LOAD -2,553 1,7583 0,
15 50, WIND LOAD -2,553 1,7583 0,

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Table 21: Element Forces - Frames, Part 1 of 2

Frame Station OutputCase P V2 V3
cm Tonf Tonf Tonf
15 100, WIND LOAD -2,553 1,7583 0,
15 150, WIND LOAD -2,553 1,7583 0,
15 200, WIND LOAD -2,553 1,7583 0,
15 250, WIND LOAD -2,553 1,7583 0,
15 300, WIND LOAD -2,553 1,7583 0,
15 350, WIND LOAD -2,553 1,7583 0,
15 400, WIND LOAD -2,553 1,7583 0,
15 450, WIND LOAD -2,553 1,7583 0,
15 500, WIND LOAD -2,553 1,7583 0,
15 550, WIND LOAD -2,553 1,7583 0,
15 600, WIND LOAD -2,553 1,7583 0,
16 0, DEAD LOAD -0,3977 -1,4992 0,
16 50, DEAD LOAD -0,3977 -1,2492 0,
16 100, DEAD LOAD -0,3977 -0,9992 0,
16 150, DEAD LOAD -0,3977 -0,7492 0,
16 200, DEAD LOAD -0,3977 -0,4992 0,
16 250, DEAD LOAD -0,3977 -0,2492 0,
16 300, DEAD LOAD -0,3977 7,726E-04 0,
16 350, DEAD LOAD -0,3977 0,2508 0,
16 400, DEAD LOAD -0,3977 0,5008 0,
16 450, DEAD LOAD -0,3977 0,7508 0,
16 500, DEAD LOAD -0,3977 1,0008 0,
16 550, DEAD LOAD -0,3977 1,2508 0,
16 600, DEAD LOAD -0,3977 1,5008 0,
16 0, LIVE LOAD 0,1175 0,0184 0,
16 50, LIVE LOAD 0,1175 0,0184 0,
16 100, LIVE LOAD 0,1175 0,0184 0,
16 150, LIVE LOAD 0,1175 0,0184 0,
16 200, LIVE LOAD 0,1175 0,0184 0,
16 250, LIVE LOAD 0,1175 0,0184 0,
16 300, LIVE LOAD 0,1175 0,0184 0,
16 350, LIVE LOAD 0,1175 0,0184 0,
16 400, LIVE LOAD 0,1175 0,0184 0,
16 450, LIVE LOAD 0,1175 0,0184 0,
16 500, LIVE LOAD 0,1175 0,0184 0,
16 550, LIVE LOAD 0,1175 0,0184 0,
16 600, LIVE LOAD 0,1175 0,0184 0,
16 0, WIND LOAD -1,6799 1,1476 0,
16 50, WIND LOAD -1,6799 1,1476 0,
16 100, WIND LOAD -1,6799 1,1476 0,
16 150, WIND LOAD -1,6799 1,1476 0,
16 200, WIND LOAD -1,6799 1,1476 0,
16 250, WIND LOAD -1,6799 1,1476 0,
16 300, WIND LOAD -1,6799 1,1476 0,
16 350, WIND LOAD -1,6799 1,1476 0,
16 400, WIND LOAD -1,6799 1,1476 0,
16 450, WIND LOAD -1,6799 1,1476 0,
16 500, WIND LOAD -1,6799 1,1476 0,
16 550, WIND LOAD -1,6799 1,1476 0,
16 600, WIND LOAD -1,6799 1,1476 0,
18 0, DEAD LOAD 0,0345 -0,0853 0,
18 50, DEAD LOAD 0,0345 -0,0853 0,
18 100, DEAD LOAD 0,0345 -0,0853 0,
18 150, DEAD LOAD 0,0345 -0,0853 0,

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Table 21: Element Forces - Frames, Part 1 of 2

Frame Station OutputCase P V2 V3
cm Tonf Tonf Tonf
18 200, DEAD LOAD 0,0345 -0,0853 0,
18 200, DEAD LOAD 0,0345 -0,0853 0,
18 250, DEAD LOAD 0,0345 -0,0853 0,
18 300, DEAD LOAD 0,0345 -0,0853 0,
18 350, DEAD LOAD 0,0345 -0,0853 0,
18 400, DEAD LOAD 0,0345 -0,0853 0,
18 0, LIVE LOAD 0,6224 -3,6544 0,
18 50, LIVE LOAD 0,6224 -3,6544 0,
18 100, LIVE LOAD 0,6224 -3,6544 0,
18 150, LIVE LOAD 0,6224 -3,6544 0,
18 200, LIVE LOAD 0,6224 -3,6544 0,
18 200, LIVE LOAD 0,6224 3,3456 0,
18 250, LIVE LOAD 0,6224 3,3456 0,
18 300, LIVE LOAD 0,6224 3,3456 0,
18 350, LIVE LOAD 0,6224 3,3456 0,
18 400, LIVE LOAD 0,6224 3,3456 0,
18 0, WIND LOAD -0,2765 4,7048 0,
18 50, WIND LOAD -0,2765 4,7048 0,
18 100, WIND LOAD -0,2765 4,7048 0,
18 150, WIND LOAD -0,2765 4,7048 0,
18 200, WIND LOAD -0,2765 4,7048 0,
18 200, WIND LOAD -0,2765 4,7048 0,
18 250, WIND LOAD -0,2765 4,7048 0,
18 300, WIND LOAD -0,2765 4,7048 0,
18 350, WIND LOAD -0,2765 4,7048 0,
18 400, WIND LOAD -0,2765 4,7048 0,
19 0, DEAD LOAD -0,0408 0,0019 0,
19 50, DEAD LOAD -0,0408 0,0019 0,
19 100, DEAD LOAD -0,0408 0,0019 0,
19 150, DEAD LOAD -0,0408 0,0019 0,
19 200, DEAD LOAD -0,0408 0,0019 0,
19 200, DEAD LOAD -0,0408 0,0019 0,
19 250, DEAD LOAD -0,0408 0,0019 0,
19 300, DEAD LOAD -0,0408 0,0019 0,
19 350, DEAD LOAD -0,0408 0,0019 0,
19 400, DEAD LOAD -0,0408 0,0019 0,
19 0, LIVE LOAD -0,7799 -3,7867 0,
19 50, LIVE LOAD -0,7799 -3,7867 0,
19 100, LIVE LOAD -0,7799 -3,7867 0,
19 150, LIVE LOAD -0,7799 -3,7867 0,
19 200, LIVE LOAD -0,7799 -3,7867 0,
19 200, LIVE LOAD -0,7799 3,2133 0,
19 250, LIVE LOAD -0,7799 3,2133 0,
19 300, LIVE LOAD -0,7799 3,2133 0,
19 350, LIVE LOAD -0,7799 3,2133 0,
19 400, LIVE LOAD -0,7799 3,2133 0,
19 0, WIND LOAD -1,8834 2,3795 0,
19 50, WIND LOAD -1,8834 2,3795 0,
19 100, WIND LOAD -1,8834 2,3795 0,
19 150, WIND LOAD -1,8834 2,3795 0,
19 200, WIND LOAD -1,8834 2,3795 0,
19 200, WIND LOAD -1,8834 2,3795 0,
19 250, WIND LOAD -1,8834 2,3795 0,
19 300, WIND LOAD -1,8834 2,3795 0,

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Table 21: Element Forces - Frames, Part 1 of 2

Frame Station OutputCase P V2 V3
cm Tonf Tonf Tonf
19 350, WIND LOAD -1,8834 2,3795 0,
19 400, WIND LOAD -1,8834 2,3795 0,
21 0, DEAD LOAD -4,4484 0,0833 0,
21 300, DEAD LOAD -4,4484 0,0833 0,
21 600, DEAD LOAD -4,4484 0,0833 0,
21 0, LIVE LOAD 0,3063 -0,0015 0,
21 300, LIVE LOAD 0,3063 -0,0015 0,
21 600, LIVE LOAD 0,3063 -0,0015 0,
21 0, WIND LOAD 5,4989 -2,3405 0,
21 300, WIND LOAD 5,4989 -2,6211 0,
21 600, WIND LOAD 5,4989 -2,8941 0,
22 0, DEAD LOAD -4,6349 -0,077 0,
22 300, DEAD LOAD -4,6349 -0,077 0,
22 600, DEAD LOAD -4,6349 -0,077 0,
22 0, LIVE LOAD -7,7474 0,159 0,
22 300, LIVE LOAD -7,7474 0,159 0,
22 600, LIVE LOAD -7,7474 0,159 0,
22 0, WIND LOAD 1,5854 -2,8631 0,
22 300, WIND LOAD 1,5854 -3,1436 0,
22 600, WIND LOAD 1,5854 -3,4166 0,
23 0, DEAD LOAD 0,0833 -0,0063 0,
23 300, DEAD LOAD 0,0833 -0,0063 0,
23 600, DEAD LOAD 0,0833 -0,0063 0,
23 0, LIVE LOAD -6,5589 -0,1575 0,
23 300, LIVE LOAD -6,5589 -0,1575 0,
23 600, LIVE LOAD -6,5589 -0,1575 0,
23 0, WIND LOAD -7,0843 -2,4641 0,
23 300, WIND LOAD -7,0843 -2,7446 0,
23 600, WIND LOAD -7,0843 -3,0176 0,

Table 21: Element Forces - Frames, Part 2 of 2

Table 21: Element Forces - Frames, Part 2 of 2
Frame Station OutputCase T M2 M3
cm Tonf-cm Tonf-cm Tonf-cm
3 0, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -67,196
3 200, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -5,386
3 400, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 56,424
3 0, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -4,963
3 200, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 4,429
3 400, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 13,821
3 0, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 226,073
3 200, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -58,453
3 400, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -302,227
4 0, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -67,821
4 200, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 11,713
4 400, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 91,247
4 0, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 32,501
4 200, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 9,005
4 400, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -14,491
4 0, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 274,458
4 200, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -49,983
4 400, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -329,987

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Table 21: Element Forces - Frames, Part 2 of 2

Frame Station OutputCase T M2 M3
cm Tonf-cm Tonf-cm Tonf-cm
7 0, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 56,486
7 200, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 2,829
7 400, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -50,828
7 0, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -143,863
7 200, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 2,73
7 400, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 149,323
7 0, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 589,001
7 200, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -12,021
7 400, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -572,291
8 0, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 67,357
8 200, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -12,177
8 400, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -91,71
8 0, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -43,525
8 200, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -20,029
8 400, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 3,468
8 0, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 389,793
8 200, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -6,605
8 400, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -358,568
11 0, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 5,078
11 200, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -3,076
11 400, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -11,229
11 0, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 148,086
11 200, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -7,899
11 400, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -163,884
11 0, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 355,798
11 200, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -76,485
11 400, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -468,017
14 0, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -101,379
14 50, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -34,802
14 100, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 19,275
14 150, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 60,852
14 200, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 89,929
14 250, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 106,505
14 300, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 110,582
14 350, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 102,159
14 400, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 81,236
14 450, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 47,813
14 500, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 1,89
14 550, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -56,533
14 600, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -127,457
14 0, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -1,813
14 50, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -7,51
14 100, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -13,207
14 150, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -18,905
14 200, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -24,602
14 250, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -30,299
14 300, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -35,996
14 350, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -41,694
14 400, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -47,391
14 450, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -53,088
14 500, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -58,785
14 550, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -64,483
14 600, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -70,18
14 0, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 895,028

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Table 21: Element Forces - Frames, Part 2 of 2

Frame Station OutputCase T M2 M3
cm Tonf-cm Tonf-cm Tonf-cm
14 50, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 765,38
14 100, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 635,733
14 150, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 506,085
14 200, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 376,438
14 250, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 246,79
14 300, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 117,142
14 350, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -12,505
14 400, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -142,153
14 450, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -271,8
14 500, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -401,448
14 550, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -531,095
14 600, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -660,743
15 0, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -124,245
15 50, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -55,861
15 100, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 0,023
15 150, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 43,407
15 200, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 74,292
15 250, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 92,676
15 300, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 98,56
15 350, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 91,944
15 400, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 72,828
15 450, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 41,212
15 500, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -2,903
15 550, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -59,519
15 600, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -128,635
15 0, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 18,681
15 50, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 9,982
15 100, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 1,283
15 150, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -7,415
15 200, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -16,114
15 250, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -24,812
15 300, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -33,511
15 350, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -42,209
15 400, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -50,908
15 450, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -59,606
15 500, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -68,305
15 550, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -77,003
15 600, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -85,702
15 0, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 576,685
15 50, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 488,769
15 100, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 400,853
15 150, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 312,938
15 200, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 225,022
15 250, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 137,106
15 300, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 49,191
15 350, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -38,725
15 400, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -126,641
15 450, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -214,557
15 500, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -302,472
15 550, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -390,388
15 600, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -478,304
16 0, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -91,247
16 50, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -22,535
16 100, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 33,676

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9. Frame results 08 November 2021

Table 21: Element Forces - Frames, Part 2 of 2

Frame Station OutputCase T M2 M3
cm Tonf-cm Tonf-cm Tonf-cm
16 150, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 77,387
16 200, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 108,599
16 250, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 127,31
16 300, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 133,521
16 350, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 127,233
16 400, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 108,444
16 450, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 77,156
16 500, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 33,367
16 550, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -22,922
16 600, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -91,71
16 0, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 14,491
16 50, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 13,572
16 100, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 12,654
16 150, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 11,735
16 200, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 10,817
16 250, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 9,898
16 300, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 8,979
16 350, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 8,061
16 400, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 7,142
16 450, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 6,224
16 500, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 5,305
16 550, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 4,386
16 600, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 3,468
16 0, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 329,987
16 50, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 272,607
16 100, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 215,228
16 150, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 157,848
16 200, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 100,469
16 250, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 43,089
16 300, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -14,291
16 350, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -71,67
16 400, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -129,05
16 450, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -186,43
16 500, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -243,809
16 550, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -301,189
16 600, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -358,568
18 0, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -40,859
18 50, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -36,594
18 100, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -32,33
18 150, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -28,066
18 200, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -23,801
18 200, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -23,801
18 250, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -19,537
18 300, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -15,273
18 350, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -11,008
18 400, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -6,744
18 0, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -275,431
18 50, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -92,71
18 100, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 90,01
18 150, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 272,73
18 200, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 455,45
18 200, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 455,45
18 250, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 288,17
18 300, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 120,89

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9. Frame results 08 November 2021

Table 21: Element Forces - Frames, Part 2 of 2

Frame Station OutputCase T M2 M3
cm Tonf-cm Tonf-cm Tonf-cm
18 350, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -46,389
18 400, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -213,669
18 0, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 807,329
18 50, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 572,089
18 100, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 336,849
18 150, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 101,61
18 200, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -133,63
18 200, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -133,63
18 250, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -368,87
18 300, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -604,11
18 350, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -839,349
18 400, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -1074,589
19 0, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -10,45
19 50, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -10,547
19 100, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -10,645
19 150, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -10,742
19 200, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -10,84
19 200, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -10,84
19 250, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -10,937
19 300, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -11,034
19 350, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -11,132
19 400, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -11,229
19 0, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -278,55
19 50, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -89,217
19 100, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 100,117
19 150, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 289,45
19 200, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 478,783
19 200, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 478,783
19 250, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 318,116
19 300, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 157,45
19 350, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -3,217
19 400, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -163,884
19 0, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 483,781
19 50, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 364,806
19 100, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 245,832
19 150, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 126,857
19 200, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 7,882
19 200, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 7,882
19 250, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -111,092
19 300, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -230,067
19 350, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -349,042
19 400, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -468,017
21 0, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 34,183
21 300, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 9,198
21 600, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -15,786
21 0, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -3,15
21 300, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -2,705
21 600, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -2,261
21 0, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -668,955
21 300, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 75,672
21 600, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 902,949
22 0, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -30,112
22 300, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -7,011
22 600, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 16,09

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Table 21: Element Forces - Frames, Part 2 of 2

Frame Station OutputCase T M2 M3
cm Tonf-cm Tonf-cm Tonf-cm
22 0, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 61,388
22 300, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 13,692
22 600, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -34,003
22 0, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -879,07
22 300, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 22,309
22 600, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 1006,338
23 0, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, -1,666
23 300, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 0,217
23 600, DEAD LOAD 0, 0, 2,101
23 0, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -65,583
23 300, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, -18,332
23 600, LIVE LOAD 0, 0, 28,919
23 0, WIND LOAD 0, 0, -718,792
23 300, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 62,891
23 600, WIND LOAD 0, 0, 927,224

10. Material take-off

This section provides a material take-off.

Table 22: Material List 2 - By Section Property

Table 22: Material List 2 - By Section Property
Section ObjectType NumPieces TotalLength TotalWeight
cm Tonf
B-40/70 Frame 5 2600, 17,4922
K-50/50 Frame 8 3800, 22,8263

11. Design preferences

This section provides the design preferences for each type of design, which typically include material reduction
factors, framing type, stress ratio limit, deflection limits, and other code specific items.

11.1. Steel design

Table 23: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 1 of 4

Table 23: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 1 of 4
THDesign FrameType PatLLF SRatioLimit MaxIter SDC SeisCode SeisLoad ImpFactor

Envelopes SMF 0,75 0,95 1 D Yes Yes 1,

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11. Design preferences 08 November 2021

Table 23: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 2 of 4

Table 23: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 2 of 4
SystemRho SystemSds SystemR SystemCd Omega0 Provision AMethod SOMethod SRMethod

1, 0,5 8, 5,5 3, LRFD Direct General 2nd Tau-b Fixed

Analysis Order

Table 23: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 3 of 4

Table 23: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 3 of 4
NLCoeff PhiB PhiC PhiTY PhiTF PhiV PhiVRolledI PhiVT PlugWeld

0,002 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,75 0,9 1, 0,9 Yes

Table 23: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 4 of 4

Table 23: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 4 of 4
HSSWelding HSSReduce CheckDefl DLRat SDLAndLLR LLRat TotalRat NetRat
T at

ERW No No 120, 120, 360, 240, 240,

11.2. Concrete design

Table 24: Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-14, Part 1 of 2

Table 24: Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-14, Part 1 of 2
THDesign NumCurves NumPoints MinEccen PatLLF UFLimit SeisCat Rho Sds

Envelopes 24 11 Yes 0,75 0,95 D 1, 0,5

Table 24: Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-14, Part 2 of 2

Table 24: Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-14, Part 2 of 2
PhiT PhiCTied PhiCSpiral PhiV PhiVSeismi PhiVJoint

0,9 0,65 0,75 0,75 0,6 0,85

11.3. Aluminum design

Table 25: Preferences - Aluminum Design - AA-ASD 2000

Table 25: Preferences - Aluminum Design - AA-ASD 2000
FrameType SRatioLimit LatFact UseLatFact

Moment Frame 1, 1,333333 No

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11. Design preferences 08 November 2021

11.4. Cold formed design

Table 26: Preferences - Cold Formed Design - AISI-ASD96

Table 26: Preferences - Cold Formed Design - AISI-ASD96
FrameType SRatioLim OmegaBS OmegaBU OmegaBL OmegaVS OmegaVN OmegaT OmegaC
it S TB S

Braced Frame 1, 1,67 1,67 1,67 1,67 1,5 1,67 1,8

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