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1.1 The meaning of resultant force Buoyant force / Upthrust(U)

1.1.1 Introduction Force acts in upwards direction by a fluid

to an object caused by the weight of fluid
Before we learn more about force, we first need to displaced.
know some common names of some forces.

Weight(W) / Force of gravity

Forces acting on a mass of bodies due to the

gravitational pull toward the center of the earth

Lifting force

Force to lift up aeroplane , helicopter ,

drone etc
due to its aerofoil-shaped wings
Normal reaction ,R

Force exerted to an object by surface of contact

and perpendicual to the surface of the contact.

1.1.2 How to result forces?

As you know, there are two types of

physical quantities namely scalar quantities and
vector quantities. To combine scalar quantities,
Tension ,T for example mass by simply adding or
subtracting because it has only magnitude.
The pulling force produced by a rope, cable ,chain But force is a vector quantity that has both
, spring to oppose the force exerted to them. magnitude and direction, so how to combine it?

Drag , D 1.1.3 The meaning of resultant force

The force that always oppose the direction of Combination two or more forces which
motion . act on to become a single for by vector method.
The frictional force , air resistance and water
resistance are the some examples of drag.

1.2 Determination of resultant force

1.2.1 : Forces in parallels

Engine thrust / Forward thrust
To determine the magnitude of the
resultant force use addition or
Force produce by an engine of a vehicle to move subtraction operations only.
the vehicle.
The direction of the resultant force is either in same
direction or in opposite to the original direction.

(a) Two forces in same direction

Magnitude FR = F1 + F2
Direction FR : Same as direction of F1 and
F2 (to the right)
(b) Two forces in opposite direction

When F1 > F2:

Magnitude FR = F1 – F2
Direction FR : Same as direction of F1 (
tothe right)
When F2 > F1:
Magnitude FR = F2 – F1
Direction FR : Same as direction of F2 ( to
the left) \

(c) More than 2 forces parallel to one 1.2.2 : Two forces that are not parallel
To determine the magnitude and direction of the
resultant force is by using the triangle method and
the parallelogram method.and then solve it by the
scaled drawing or calculation method using
trigonometry formulas

When F1 + F2 > F3 + F4
Magnitude FR = (F1 + F2) – (F3 + F4)
Direction FR : Same as direction of F1 and
F2 ( to the right)

When F3 + F4 > F1 + F2
Magnitude FR = (F3 + F4) – (F1 + F2)
Direction FR : Same as direction of F3 and
F4 ( to the left)

Example 1

Determine the resultant force for the

following diagrams.

Parallelogram method :
(a) Two forces are perpendicular to
In this method the tail of the first vector is joined each other
to the tail of second vector and then draw a
parallelogram. Example 2
The diagonal represents the resultant force.
Diagram shows a wooden block is pulled by two
forces 5 N and 12 N and perpendicular to each

Determine the resultat force by using

(a) parallelogram method
(b) triangle method


Triangle method:

In this method the tip of the first vector is joined

to the tail of second vector and then draw a line to
complete the triangle.
The third side represents the resultant force.
(b) Two forces are not perpendicular to
each other

Example 3

Diagram shows a ship being pulled by two boats

with a force of 40 kN and 60 N respectively. The
angle between the two forces is 50o.

Determine the resultat force by using

(a) parallelogram method
(b) triangle method


1.2.3 : Experiment to determine
magnitude of the resultant force of two
forces by using parallelogram method.

Aim of the experiment :

Experiment to determine the magnitude of
the resultant force of two forces by using
parallelogram method.
List of apparatus and materials:
Three spring balances labeled R, S, and T,
three threads each about 30 cm long, iron
bracelet, retort stand , protractor, white
paper and pencil
Arrangement of the apparatus:


smaller The magnitude of the
between two forces

Aim of the experiment :

To investigate the relationship

magnitude of the resultant force of two
forces by using and the angle
between the two forces
Variables in the experiment:
The procedure of the
Manipulated variable: Angle
Draw a parallelogram WXYZ on
between forces
white paper with WX = ZY =
Responding variable: Magnitude
5 cm, WZ = XY = 7cm and angle
of the resultant force
XWZ = 50o as shown in
Constant variable: Magnitude of
Diagram (a).
each force
Measure diagonal length WX = d
List of apparatus and
Tie each spring balance with a
thread and the other end of
the thread tied to the iron
Three spring balances labeled R,
bracelet as shown in Diagram (b).
S, and T, three threads each about
Pull the spring balance, S and R
30 cm long, iron bracelet, retort
spring so that the reading
stand , protractor, white paper
of the spring balance and S and R
and pencil
are 5 N and 7 N respectively.
Adjust the readings and position
Arrangement of the apparatus:
of the spring balance T so
that the steel ring can
maintain its position as shown in Figure
Record the readings of spring
balance T = F N
Compare magnitude d and F
The magnitude of d = magnitude Diagram(a)
of F
The magnitude of d or F
represents the resultant of the
Sum of two non parallel force
must be smaller than
their algebraic sum.
So that the reading of( P + S) < T
1.2.4 : Experiment to invstigate
the relationship Diagram(b)
magnitude of the resultant
force of two forces and the angle
the two forces.


The larger the angle between the

forces., the

The procedure of the
experiment which
include the method of
controlling the manipulated
variable and the method of
measuring the responding variable.

Draw a parallelogram WXYZ on

white paper with WX = ZY =
5 cm, WZ = XY = 7cm and angle
XWZ = θ = 50o as shown in 1.3 Communicates about the resultant force, F
Diagram (a).
Measure diagonal length WX = d 1.3.1 Object at rest (stationary)
Tie each spring balance with a
thread and the other end of
the thread tied to the iron
bracelet as shown in Diagram (b).
Pull the spring balance, S and R
spring so that the reading
of the spring balance and S and R
are 5 N and 7 N respectively. When the F1 = F2 , Resultant force , FR =
Adjust the readings and position 0,
of the spring balance T so the object remains stationary.
that the steel ring can
maintain its position as shown in Figure
Record the readings of spring 1.3.2 Object moves with a uniform
balance T = F N velocity,v
The experiment is repeated 4
times by using
the angle θ = 60o, 70o, 80o and
Tabulate the data:

θ ( o) 50 60 70 80 90
The raeading When the F1 = F2 , Resultant force , FR =
of spring 0,
balance the object keeps moving at the uniform
F(N) velocity, v to the right.

Analysis the data:

Plot the graph F against θ

When the F1 = F2 , Resultant force , FR =

the object keeps moving at the uniform
velocity, v to the left.
1.3.3 Object moves with a uniform
acceleration ,a

1.4.1 For objects that move horizontally
or vertically

Example 4

Diagram shows a wooden block of mass is pushed by a force of 20 N on a horizontal
When the F1 > F2 , Resultant force , FR ≠
surface which has the frictional force of 4
0, N.
the object moves with the uniform
acceleration, a to the right.

(a) Calculate the acceleration of the

wooden block.
(b) Determine the direction of the
movement of the wooden block.

When the F2 > F1 , Resultant force , FR ≠ Solution

the object moves with the uniform
acceleration, a to the left.
1.3.4 The relationship between the
resultant force and the Newton’s law of
Example 5
Diagram shows a car of mass 900 kg moves
The Newton’s First law of motion stated
with auniform velocity.
follow“ An object at rest stays at rest and
object in motion stays in motion with
same velocity unless acted upon by an external
force”. (a) What is the magnitude of the
From the law, when no external force engine thrust?
,means the resultant force ,FR=0 (b) Calculate the magnitude of the
When FR= 0 , the object remains stationary engine thrust when the car moves with
(v=0) or stays moves with uniform
a uniform
velocity,v. acceleration of 2 m s-2.
Conclusion : FR = 0 , v = 0 or a=0
Newton's second law of motion stated as Solution
follows ‘The acceleration of an object as
produced by a net force is directly
proportional to the magnitude of the net force,
in the same direction as the net force, and
inversely proportional to the mass of the
When FR ≠ 0 , a net force occur , Example 6
a ≠0
Diagram shows a space shuttle of mass
2 x106 kg is launched with a thrust of
Conclusion : , F = ma 3.1 x107N.
F = resultant force , a=acceleration , m [ Air resistance is negligible]
1. 4 To solve some problems involving the (a) The weight of the space shuttle
resultant force , acceleration and mass (b) The vertical resultant force

(c) The acceleration of the space
shuttle in
upwards direction


Example 7
Diagram shows a hot air balloon of mass
350 kg moves upward by a buoyant force 7200 Passengers in a moving lift will
Total mass of people on board is 250 kg. experience a weight change known as
“ apparent
weight” due to the normal
reaction, R of the lift floor to the
passenger, R but the mass
of the passenger remains
The following table shows the
several equations can
be used to solve problem
involving passenger in a lift.
Situ Equation Conclusion
At rest ,
moving up R=W Weight
or moving unchanged
down with a
(a) Name another uniform
downward force other velocity
than air resistance, R Moving up
(b) The acceleration of the with an R = W + ma
hot balloon in acceleration Weight
upwards direction is 0.5 m s-2. Calculate or moving increased
the air resistance , R. down with a
Moving up
with a a
deceleration R = W - ma Weight
or moving decreased
down with
Cable of lift
breaks R=0 “ Weightless”
causing the
lift to free

Example 8

A student of mass 50 kg stands on a

1.4.2 Passengers in a moving
weighing scale in a lift. What is the reading
of the weighing scale if the lift
(a) at rest
(b) moving up with an uniform
velocity20 ms-1
(c) moving up with an acceleration 4
ms-2 Solution
(d) moving up with a deceleration 2
(e) moving down with an uniform
30 ms-1
(f) moving down an acceleration 5
(g) moving down with a
deceleration 3 ms-2
(h) is free falling


Example 10

Diagram shows a load of mass 6kg and

pail filled sand of mass 2kg kg are joined by a
length of rope passes over a smooth

1.4.3 Pulley system

Within the pulley system there are two

forces that normally act :
(1) Weight of the load ,W always act to the
downwards direction.
(2) Tension of the rope , T always act
in opposite
direction to the direction of the
If the system is released from rest, what is
weight of pulling force.
(a) acceleration of the load and pail?
(b) tension of the rope
Example 9
Diagram shows a force ,P pulls a load of
4 kg is hung on a smooth pulley.

Example 11

Determine the value of P when so that the

load moves with
(a) a uniform velocity
(b) an acceleration of 3 ms-2

Diagram shows a pulley system .

Calculate the the acceleration of the trolley

and the stones and also the tension of the rope
when the pulley system is released to


2.1 Describing the meaning resolution of force

2.1.1. Introduction

Observe above diagram. When a person

pulls a bag with a force in the the direction as
shown, does the bag move in the direction of the
force? No , the bag moves forward. How
to determine the forward force? We must
resolve the force in the horizontal component.

2.1.2 Meaning the resolution of force

The separation of a single force or into

two or more , generally resolved along two
mutually perpendicular directions

2.2.1 Resolution of an inclined

force pull push an object in
horizontal plane.

A force can be resolved into two

components, that is,

- the horizontal component, Fx and
- the vertical component , Fy

Fx = F cos 
Fy = F sin 

 is an angle between the force F

to the horizontal line

The direction of Fx and Fy

depends on the quadrant where the force
, F is located. 2.2.2. Resolution of weight an
object located an inclined

For an object on a
inclined plane, the
weight ,W of the object can be resolved
into two components ;
- parallel to
inclined plane, Wparallel
- perpendicular
Example 1
to inclined plane,
Determine the magnitude and the
direction of the horizontal force
and the vertical force for the
following forces:

Wparallel = W
sin θ

W cos θ

θ is the inclined angle

Example 2

Solution Diagram shows a stationary

wooden block of mass 0.05 kg is
placed on a inclined plane
with an angle of 40o to the

(b) Based on your answer in (a) determine the
magnitude and the direction of resultant of
forces 180 N, 250 N and 320 N.


Force (N) Fx(N) Fy(N)
Calculate 250
(a) The weight of the
Σ Fx = Σ Fy =
wooden block
(b) The weight of the
wooden block
(i) parallel to the
inclined plane
(ii) perpendicular
to the inclined plane


Example 4

Diagram shows a box being pulled by a

boy. The frictional acting to the box is 5.0 N.

2. 3 To solve some problems involving the

resultant force and the resolution of a force

Example 3
Calculate the acceleration of the box?.
Diagram shows three forces 180N, 250 N and 320
N acting at a point O

Example 5

Diagram shows two tugs R and T pulling a ship S

from point O to X parallel to x-axis.
R pulls with force 6.0 x104 N at an angle of 20o
to x- axis and T pulls with force 3.6 x10 4
N at an angle of θ to x-axis .
(a) Complete the table below.
Force (N) Fx(N) Fy(N)
Σ Fx = Σ Fy =

Diagram shows a 4 kg wooden block is placed on
a smooth inclined is attached to a 3 kg load by a
light rope through a smooth pulley. The angle of
the inclined plane is 20o.

(a) Determine angle of θ (a) (i) Calculate the magnitude of acceleration

(b) Calculate the magnitude resultant force to of the wooden block and the load
move the ship from point O to X. (ii) Determine the direction of the wooden
block and the load move.
Solution (b) Calculate the tension of the rope


Example 6 2. 4 Some conclusion regarding to problem the

resolution of a force
Diagram shows a car of mass 850 kg is parked on a
hill. The slope of the hill is 20º to the horizontal. 2.4.1. The effect of pushing and pulling an
The brakes on the car fail. The car runs down the object with an inclined
hill and collides with a big tree . The force of
friction on the car as it runs down the hill is 340 N Push :

(a) Calculate the component of the weight

acting down the slope. The resultant vertical force , FV = W + Fy
(b) Calculate the acceleration of the car.
FV > W
Solution Pull:

Example 7

The resultant vertical force , FV = W - Fy

FV < W

2.4.1. The effect of the angle of inclinedto

the weight of an object .

Small θ :

The smaller the θ , the smaller the F parallel

Large θ :

The larger the θ , the larger the F parallel

1 Diagram shows a luggage being pulled
with a
force of 70 N.

What is the magnitude of Fx?

A 70.00 N B
53.62 N
C 45.00 N D
7.00 N

2 Diagram shows a trolley being pushed by a

345 N to move the trolley forward.

5 Diagram shows a force, F force is applied

by a cable to lift a log.

What is the magnitude of Fy?

A 197.88 N
B 241.57 N
C 282.61 N
D 345.00 N

3 Diagram shows a monkey pulled by a

vertical force 270 N.

The resultant vertical force is

A Fy + Fx
B Fy - W
What is the tension in the rope? D Fx + F

A 297.91 N 6 Diagram shows a box of mass 3 kg being

B 579.02 N pulled by a 60 N force on a rough surface . The
C 638.87 N frictional force between the rough surface
and the trolley is 4 N.
4 Diagram shows a gardener pushes a big
stone with a force F.

What is the acceleration of the box?

Which of diagram shows the correct
direction of horizontal component ,Fx and A 2.50 ms-2
vertical component, Fy for the force F. B 3.67 ms-2

C 5.16 ms-2
D 6.33 ms-2

7 Diagram shows three forces of 100 N ,
150 N and 200 N acting on a point P.

What is the angle of θ ?

A 33.5o
B 33.1o
What is the resultant forces o
C 27.9
parallel to the x- axis , Fx and y-axis , Fy.
D 28.7o
10 Diagram shows a box of weight 25 N is
Fx (N) Fy (N)
placed on an inclined plane.
A 424.5 118.4
B -424.5 118.4
C 251.3 -18.4
D 251.3 18.4

8 Diagram shows two forces 4.0 N and 5.0

N acting on a body.

What is the magnitude of force P?

A 14.3 N
B 17.5 N
C 20.5 N

11 Diagram shows a snow slider descending a

hill with a force of 500 N.

The resultant force is

A 2.52 N at an angle of 67.6o under

the x-axis
B 2.52 N at an angle of 67.6o above
the x-axis
C 8.69 N at an angle of 46.7o under
the x-axis What is the mass of the slider if the
D o
8.69 N at an angle of 46.7 above friction force is neglected?
the x-axis
A 37.7 kg
9 Diagram shows two forces of 240 N and B 66.4 kg
250 N pulling an object from point O to T C 83.1 kg
parallel to y- axis. D 103.9 kg

12 Diagram shows an object is placed on an

inclined plane with the normal reaction of
180 N.

A 50 N
B 60 N
C 70 N
D 80 N

16 Diagram shows a toy car of mass 0.8 kg

What is the magnitude of M?. which is released from rest and is now moving
down a smooth inclined plane. The inclined plane
A 87.8 N makes an angle of 50o with the horizontal
B 200.2 N plane.
C 369.1 N
D 410.6 N

13 Diagram shows an object in stationary position

on a rough inclined surface with the
frictional force of Ff.

What is acceleration experienced by the

toy car

A 5.14 ms-2
Which relationship is correct? B 6.13 ms-2

A R = W sin θ C 6.42 ms-2

B R = W cos θ D 7.66 ms-2
C Ff = Wcos θ
D Ff = W tan θ
14 Diagram shows an object of weight 400 17 Diagram shows a pulley system.
N is resting on an inclined plane. The frictional
is 150 N.

When the objects are released to move , which

direction of the two objects move?
What is the angle of θ? B RQP
C Stationary
A 20.57o
B 22.02o 18 Diagram shows a 4 kg block P is placed on a
C 67.97o smooth inclined is attached to a 6 kg block Q by
D 69.44o a light rope through a smooth pulley. The angle
of the inclined plane is 28o.
15 Diagram shows a metal ball of mass 12
kg is pushed with of a force , F to move up on
an frictionless inclined plane.

What is the possible minimum value of F?

What is the acceleration of the blocks .
when the
blockks are released to move in m s-2.

A 2.47
B 4.12
C 7.88
D 9.53

19 Diagram shows a pulley system

Diagram 21

(a) (i) On Diagram 21 mark

and label direction
of force caused the
stroller move
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Calculate the magnitude
of force in (a)(i)

When the objects are released to move , what

is the tension in the rope?
[ 2 marks ]
A 12 N (b) The frictional force between the
B 36 N C tyres of the
44 N stroller and the floor is 4 N.
D 68 N Calculate the acceleration of
the stroller.
20 Diagram shows a 2 kg block is placed on a
smooth inclined of angle 40o is attached to a
3 kg block Qby on another smooth inclined
of angle 30o by a light rope through a
smooth pulley. [ 2 marks ]
(c) When the mother push the stroller
with angle greater than 65o ,
explain what will happens?


When the objects are released to move , ...
what is the acceleration of the objects? [ 2 marks ]

A 0.43 m s-2 22 Diagram 22 shows a workhorse tow a

B 2.13 m s-2 barge of mass 2500 kg along a straight canal. The
C 2.87 m s -2 horse exerts a constant force and the tow ropes
D 20.52 m s-2 make an angle 32o with the direction of motion
21 Diagram 21 shows a mother pushing a of the horse and the barge.
stroller with her baby of mass a 15 kg a force of
30 N on a floor.The mass of the stroller is 3.5

Tension Tension Tension
(N) parallel to x- parallel to y-
axis ,Tx(N) axis ,Ty
Σ Tx = Σ Ty =
[ 2 marks ]
(b) Based on your answer in (a)
determine the magnitude and the
direction of resultant of forces 600 N,
Diagram 22 700 N and 800 N.

(a) Name the force produced in the


..................................................................... [ 3 marks ]
... (c) The frictional force on the rough
[ 1 mark ] surface is 450 N. Calculate the
(b) The water resistance is 120 N and acceleration of the crate.
the acceleration of
the barge is 2 m s-2. Calculate
the magnitude of the force in(a). [ 2 marks ]

24 Diagram 24 show a metal block of mass

30 kg resting on a rough inclined plane . The
[ 2 marks] frictional force is 150 N.
(c) (i) Give one suggestion
how the
acceleration of the barge
can be
increased without reduced the weight of
the barge.
Diagram 24
.................................................................. (a) What is meant by mass?
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Give the reason for your .....................................................................
answer in (c)(i). ..
[ 1 mark ]
.................................................................. (b) Determine the weight of the metal
[ 1 mark ] block.
23 Diagram 23 shows a crate of mass 520 kg
is pull by 3 iron chains of tension 600 .....................................................................
N, 700 N and 800 N respectively in a ..
horizontal rough surface. [ 1 mark ]
(c) Calculate
(i) the component of weight
of the metal
block parallel to surface
of the inclined plane.

[ 2 marks ]
(ii) the resultant force acts
on the metal box parallel to
surface of the inclined plane.
Diagram 23
(a) Complete the table below.
[ 2 marks ]
(d) Based on your answer in (c)(ii) ,
explain what happens the
motion of the metal block.


[ 2 marks ]
25 Diagram 25 shows a bag of cement and a
load are connected through a smooth pulley Diagram 26.1
system. (a) (i) State the type energy of
The frictional force on rough surface is 50 possesed the two boys before
N. they slidedown.
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Based on Diagram 26.1 ,
compare the
weight of the boys , the
sloping of the board
, the acceleration and the force
parallel to the surface of boards
causes they slide down.
Diagram 25
Relate the the sloping of
(a) When the pulley system work
the board and
the force parallel to the
(i) The resultant force
surface of boards that causes they
caused the objects
slide down.
[ 5 marks ]
(b) Diagram 26.2 and Diagram 26.3
[ 2 marks ]
shows a
(ii) Calculate the
boy pulling a crate with diffrent
acceleration of the objects.
length of the identical rope with the
same force.
[ 2 marks ]
(b) Calculate the minimum
inclination angle of the smooth
surface to stop the objects from
moved. Diagram 26.2
Diagram 26.3
[ 2 marks ] He felt it was easier to pull the
26 Diagram 26 shows two boys A and B of crate by
the same mass sliding down to the two using the longer rope.Explain
identical sliding boards A and Bwhich has why?
the same length The sliding boards has the [ 4 marks ]
different sloping. . (c) Diagram 26.4shows a lawnmower to use
by a gardaner to cut grass..

Diagram 26.4
You are required to give some
suggestions and the reason so that the
lawnmower more stable and effectively
based on the following aspects:
- method to move the lawnmower
- angle of θ
- size of the blade
- engine used
- length of handle
[ 10 marks ]

3.1 Describing the meaning forces in equilbrium

3.1.1 Introduction

Diagram shows a tighrope walker between
two high buildings.Why does he carry a pole or
bar during his performance?

The pole helps him to maintain stability or

balancing while walking over the narrow
The above situation is one example
involving equlibrium of forces. When ( F1 + F2) - F3 = 0 ,object in
You can also try doing a balance between equilibrium state.
a fork, spoon and match-stick on a glass rim The object stay at rest or moves with
as show in the diagram below. uniform velocity

When (F1 + F2) – F3 ≠ 0 , object in

disequilibrium state.
The object experiences acceleration or

3.2.2 For three forces in nonparallel

3.1.2 The meaning forces in equilibrium When three forces in equilibrium when a
closed triangle of forces in one direction (in
An object in equilibrium state ,when the order) can be drawn.
resultant force (net force) is zero
(FR = 0).
When the object in equilibrium state , the
object in stationary or moves with a uniform
Or vice versa.

3.1.3 Forces in disequlibrium


An object is in disequilibrium state ,when

the resultant force (net force) is not zero. (FR
≠ 0)
When the object is in disequilibrium state
, the object experiences an acceleration or
a deceleration
Or vice versa. P + Q +R=0

Example 1
3.2 Sketch the triangle of forces diagram for
three forces in equilibrium state Which of the following diagrams show the
forces F1 , F2 and F3 in equilibrium or
3.2.1 For three forces in parallel disequilibrium.

For three forces in prallel , the triangle of (a)

forces diagram is not required to sketch.


Example 2
The following diagrams show the forces
involved in equilibrium state. Name and
level the forces F1, F2 and F3 , hence draw the
triangles of forces .

(a) A mirror is hung in a stationary




(b) A chandelier lamp is hung in a

stationary state.


(c) A weightlifting participant
liftweights in a
stationary state



(d) A wooden block moves down (b)

from inclined plane
with a uniform velocity.


(e) A ship is towed by two tugboats

moves with
a uniform velocity.


(f) An aeroplane descends with a

uniform velocity.


Pulley 2
Pulley 3


Calcukate the resultant of forces

parallel to x- axis for three
3.2.3 Experiment to shows the pulleys system,
equilibrium of forces by using force table. Σ Fx = Fx1 + Fx2 + Fx3
Calcukate the resultant of forces
Aim of the experiment : parallel to y- axis for three
pulleys system,
Experiment to shows the equilibrium of Σ Fy = Fy1 + Fy2 + Fy3
forces by using force table. Calculate the average of Σ Fx
and Σ Fy
List of apparatus and materials:
Force table , slotted weights with hanger
and The value of the average of Σ Fx
pulleys. and Σ Fy is approximately zero.
The resultant force is zero when
Arrangement of the apparatus: an object in
equlibrium state.


The value found is not exactly

become zero because the frictional

3. 3 To solve some problems involving the

equilibrium of forces

Example 3

Diagram show a load of mass 4 kg is hung by rope

M and rope N to a ceiling.The system in
equilibrium state.Determine the tension in rope M
and rope N
by using
The procedure of the (a) resolution of force
experiment (b) triangle of forces

Set pulleys to three angles on the

force table.
Add as much weight to the three
slotted weights until the ring
back to the centre
. Record and angle of the string on
the table.
Repeat experiment four times
with different angles of the pulleys set.

Mass (kg) Angle (o)
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Pulley 1

Determine P and R by using

(a) triangle of forces method

(b) resolution of forces method.


Example 5

Diagrarm (a) and Diagram (b) shows two identical

traffic lights of mass 25 kg which are hung using
two cables of the same length. The two traffic
lights are in equilibrium state.

Example 4

Diagram shows a metal ball of weight 50 N is

placed on smooth plane inclined at an angle 40 o to
the horizontal. A horizontal force P prevents the
metal ball from moving. R is the normal reaction.
the less tension in the rope, so that the
rope more stronger.

Diagram (a)
Diagram (b)

(a) Draw a diagram of a triangle of forces that

acts on the traffic lights in Diagram (a) and
Diagram (b)
(b) Determine the values of T1 and T2:
(c) Based on your answer in (b),which is the
most suitable method to hang the traffic light
and give the reason for your answer.


3. 4 Some conclusion regarding to problem the

equilibrium of forces


4.1 Describing the meaning elasticity

4.1.1. Introduction
θ1 > θ2 > θ3
T1 < T2 >T3 What is meant by elasticity?
The larger the angle between the To answer the question, consider the
objects suspended by the rope, following activities performed on three

elastic materials i.e., rubber band , spring and When a compressive force is applied to the
sponge. solid, force of repulsion between the
molecules pushes the molecules back to
Material Activity Observation their equilibrium positions.
When a stretching force is applied to the
solid force of attraction between the molecules
Rubber The size of pulls the molecules back to their equilibrium
band rubber band positions.
return to its In the absence of an applied external force
original size on the solid, the force of attraction is balanced
by the force of repulsion or the resultant
force is zero.

4.2.Experiment to investigate the relationship

Spring The length between the extension and force
of spring
return to its Hypothesis:
length As the force increases , the extension increases

Aim of the experiment :

The shape
To investigate the relationship between the force
of sponge
and the extension
Sponge return to its
Variables in the experiment:
Manipulated variable: The force
4.1.2 Meaning of elasticity Responding variable: The extension
Constant variable : Spring constant , diameter
Elasticity is the property of a substance of the spring
which enables it to return to original size / length/
shape after an applied external force List of apparatus and materials:
(compressive force or stretching force) is
removed. Spring , metre ruler , slotted mass , retort stand.

4.1.3Why is a material is elastic ? Arrangement of the apparatus:

The procedure of the

experiment which include the
The property of elasticity is caused by the method of controlling the
existence of two forces between molecules manipulated variable and the method of
or atoms in the solid material. measuring the responding
The two forces are force of repulsion and variable.
force of attraction between molecules.

The original length of the spring k = Gradient of the graph F
is recorded , Lo against x
The mass of the slotted mass is The larger the stiffer the
recorded , spring.the larger the k,
m = 0.5 kg 4.3.3 Experiment to determine
The new length of the spring is spring constant , k
recorded after the slotted
mass is hung , L Aim of the experiment
The extension of the spring is
calculated , x = Lo – L Experiment to determine spring
The experiment is repeated 4
times by constant , k.
increasing the number of the slotted mass ,
m = 1.0 kg , 1.5 kg . 2.0 kg and List of apparatus and
2.5 kg materials:

Tabulate the data: Spring , metre ruler , slotted mass

m (kg) x = L - Lo(cm) , retort
0.5 stand.
1.5 Arrangement of the apparatus:
Analysis the data:

Plot the graph x against m

4.3. To communicate the law involving

force, F and extension, x.

4.3.1 Hooke’s Law The procedure of the

Hooke’s Law states that the
extension or compression of The original length of the spring
an elastic substance is is recorded , Lo
directly proportional to the stretching force The mass of the slotted mass is
acting on it provided that the recorded ,
elastic limit is not exceeded. m = 0.5 kg
Calculate the force , F = mg
In mathematics form : The new length of the spring is
F α x recorded after the slotted
F=kx mass is hung , L
The extension of the spring is
F = the acting force or the effort calculated , x = Lo – L
x = extension or compression The experiment is repeated 4
k = the spring constant times by increasing the
number of the slotted mass , m=
4.3.2 Spring constant , k 1.0 kg , 1.5 kg . 2.0 kg and 2.5 kg

F = kx Tabulate the data:

F (N) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

the unit of k is Nm-1 x (m)

Plot the graph F against x
The procedure of the

The original length of the spring

is recorded , Lo
The mass of the slotted mass is
Gradient of the graph = k recorded ,
m = 0.5 kg
Discussion Calculate the force , F = mg
Each time before the mass of The new length of the spring is
slotted mass is added make sure the recorded after the slotted
spring returns to its mass is hung , L
original length The extension of the spring is
4.3.4 Elastic potential energy , calculated , x = Lo – L
EP The experiment is repeated 4
times by increasing the
number of the slotted mass , m=
Elastic potential energy of a
1.0 kg , 1.5 kg . 2.0 kg and 2.5 kg
spring is given by the equation
Tabulate the data:

F (N) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

x (m)
or Calculation
Plot the graph F against x
or Area under the
graph F against x.

4.3.5 Experiment to
determine the elasic
potential enegy of a spring
Area under the graph =
Aim of the experiment EP

Experiment to determine the Discussion

elastic potential energy of a spring. Each time before the mass of slotted mass is
added make sure the spring
List of apparatus and returns to its original length
4.3.6 The factor affecting the spring constant , k
Spring , metre ruler , slotted mass
, retort Material of spring
A spring made from a hard material
Arrangement of the apparatus: extending shorter than
aspring made from a
soft material. For example a steel
spring extending shorter than a copper
So that spring constant ,k of steel spring
> copper spring

Length of spring

Stretch of a longer spring is more

easier than stretch of a shorter
spring .

So that spring constant ,k of long spring 4.4 Solve some problems involving spring
> short spring
Example 1
Diameter of spring
The original length of a spring is 5 cm. With a load
A spring coil of a larger diameter is of mass 20 g, the length of the spring is extended to
easier to stretch ( the rate 7 cm.
of extension is high) compared Determine
to a spring coil of (a) the extension of the spring with a load 40
smaller diameter. g
So that spring constant ,k of small (b) the length of the spring with a load 60 g.
diameter of spring > (c) the load required to extend the spring to 20
large diameter cm

Diameter of the wire of the spring Solution

(thickness of spring wire)

A spring coil made from a

thicker wire is harder ( the
rate of extension is low)
compared a spring made from a thinner
So that spring constant ,k of
thick spring wire > thin Example 2
spring wire
. Diagram shows a spring is compressed by three
Spring arrangement: different loads of mass 5 kg, M kg and 20 kg.

Stretch of a spring in series is

more easier than stretch of a spring
in parallel.
So that spring constant ,k of
spring in the parallel
arrangement > spring in the
series arrangement
Calcukate the value of M.

4.3.7 The spring arrangement Solution

There are two ways to arrange a spring, Example 3
that is,
series arrangement and parallel Spring P extends by 2 cm when it hung with a 10
arrangement g weight. Spring Q extends by 4 cm when it hung
with a 10g weight.
Determine the total extension in each of the spring
systems shown in the following diagram.


In series arrangement same load is

applied to each spring i.e W
In parallel arrangement the load is shared

equally among the springs . i.e


Calculate the length , L?



Example 5

The original length of a spring is 12 cm. With a

load of 20 g , the length of the spring is extended
to 15 cm.
What is the elastic potential energy stored in the

Example 6

Diagram shows a graph of force, F against

Example 4 extension, x for a spring.

Diagram shows two springs X and Y having the

original length 5 cm each are connected in series to
a 400 g weight .
[ Spring X extends 2 cm when it is hung with a
200 g .
Spring Y extends 3 cm when it is hung with a
100 g ]

Calculate the potential energy stored when the

spring is extended by 0.4 m?


3 Property of elasticity is caused by the

A the force of repulsion between

B the force of attraction between
C the force of repulsion and
attraction between molecules

4 The force, F applied to a spring is directly

proportional to the spring’s extension or
compression, x.
The above statement is

A Snell’s law
B Boyle’s law
C Hooke’s law
D Charles’s law

5 Which graph represents Hooke's Law?

1 The property by which a body returns to
its original shape after removal of the force is
called as

A plasticity
B elasticity
C ductility
D fragility

2 An elastic material is able to returns to its

original _____________when the applied 6 Diagram shows the graph force, F applied
force is removed except to spring against extension , x.

A shape
B size
C length
D mass

10 The spring constant ,k decreases when

A the spring length deccreases

B the diameter of the sprig
C the diameter of the spring wire
Which of the following related to the deccreases
11 Graph shows the extension, x against
Gradient Area under force, F for two springs
the graph P and Q.
A Elastic potential Spring constant
B Spring constant Elastic potential
C Spring elasticity Forces in the spring
D Forces in the Spring elasticity
Which comparison about springs P and Q
7 The relationship between stretching force, is correct?
F, with the extension ,x , of a spring is given
by the equation; A P is softer thanQ
F = kx B The spring constant P is larger
where k is the spring constant. than Q
C The original length of P is longer
What is the unit of k ?
than Q
A N m-1
B N m-2 12 Diagram shows two springs with a
C kg m-1 different
original length . A piece of wood slowly
D kg m-2
moved towards the wall with a force F so that the
springs are compressed together with a
8 Diagram shows two situations of a spring distance, x
before and after a load of weight 400 N is
placed on it..

Which one of the following graph is true?

What is the spring constant?

A 1.25 x 10-2 N cm-1

B 8.0 x 101 N cm-1
C 2.0 x 103 N cm-1

9 A spring has a spring constant of 5 N cm -

. What is its extension when loaded with

A 0.3 cm 13 Diagram show four arrangement of spring

B 3.0 cm A, B , C and D . All springs are identical.
C 7.5 cm Which arrangement produced the smallest
D 75 cm5cm extension.

14 Diagram shows an identical load
supported by the arrangement of springs J, K
and L. All the springs are identical.
Which comparison of the length of spring
arrangements, P, Q and R is correct when
weight of 1 kg is hung?


17 Diagram shows three springs

. arrangements, K,
Which comparison is correct about the L and M are hung by pendulum bobs. All
extension of P, Q and R? springs and pendulum bobs used are

15 Diagram shows three springs, R. S and T.

made of same material and diameter of
wire. A 300 g mass is then hung to each spring.
The extension, X, of each spring is measured as
XR , XS and XT respectively.

Which comparison is correct about the

extension of K, L and M?

A K =L= M

18 A spring extends by 4 cm when it hung

with a load of 8N. Find the weight of a load
Which comparison is correct? when hung from the same spring, produces an
extension of 5 cm.
A XR > X S > X T
B XS> XT > XR A 9N
C XT > X S > X R B 10 N
D XT = X S = X R C 12 N
D 14 N
16 Diagram shows three springs
arrangements, P, 19 Diagram shows a spring of length 12 cm
Q and R. All spring used are identical. compressed to a length of 10 cm by a
load of W and compressed to a length of 4 cm
by a load of 5 kg.

What is the reading on the pin when 20 g
of the load in Diagram (b) is removed.

A 5.00 cm
B 10.00 cm
C 15.00 cm
D 18.75 cm
What is the value of W ?
22 Diagram shows a spring is compressed by
A 12.5 kg a load of 20 kg and 50 kg to a length 18 cm
B 15.0 kg and 12 cm respectively.
C 25.0 kg
D 30.0 kg

20 Diagram (a) shows the pointer reading of a

spring without load. Diagram (b) and (c)
show the pointer reading of the spring when it
is loaded with a different load.

What is the original length of the spring?

A 28 cm
B 24 cm
C 22 cm
D 20 cm
23 Diagram (a) shows a spring extends by 5
cm when it hung with a 0.5 kg weight.
Diagram (b) shows four springs which are
identical as spring Diagram(a) P are
What is the value of M?
arranged in a system and it hung with a 1.0
kg load.
A 100g
B 180g
C 200 g
D 240g

21 Diagram (a) and (b) show the two

positions of a pin when a spring is loaded with
two different weights.

What is the total extension of the spring


A 5.0 cm
B 10.0 cm
C 15.0 cm
D 20.0 cm

24 Diagram (a) shows a spring P extends to a
certain value when it hung with a 60 g
weight. Diagram (b) shows three springs Q, R and
S are arranged in parallel extends to same value
as spring P when it hung with a weight W.

What is the value of p?

A 18 cm
B 20 cm
What is the value of W when the spring C 26 cm
P,Q,R and S are identical springs. D 28 cm

A 20g 27 Diagram shows three identical springs

B 60g with the original length of 20.0cm.
C 120g
D 180g

25 Diagram (a) shows two springs M and N

having an original length of 10 cm each are
loaded with the mass of 100 g and 200 g
Diagram (b) shows the springs M and N What is the length of L?
arranged in series and it is loaded with the A 5.0
mass B 7.5 cm
of 300g. C 10.0 cm
D 12.5 cm

28 Diagram (a) shows a spring of length 12

cm compressed to a length of 10 cm by a
load of 20 N. Diagram (b) shows five identical
springs are compressed by a load of 50 N to a
length of L.

What is the length of P?

A 50 cm
B 70 cm
C 105 cm
D 125 cm
What is the value of L?
26 Diagram (a) and Diagram (b) shows six
A 10 cm
identical springs U, V, W, X, Y and Z
B 9 cm
whose original length is 10 cm each.
C 7 cm
D 5 cm
(b) Based on Diagram 31 ,compare
29 Diagram shows a spring with original the
length is 20 cm. When a load of 500 g is (i) the spring constant
hung to the spring, the length of the
spring becomes 14 cm. ..................................................................
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) the elastic limit

[ 1 mark ]
(c) The springs are to be used in a
Newton balance to measure a
maximum load of mass 0.6 kg.
(i) What is the maximum
weight of the

What is the elastic potential energy for the ..................................................................

spring? [ 1 mark ]
(ii) Based on Diagram 31,
A 0.10 J which
B 0.20 J springs which are suitable to be used in
C 0.35 J the Newton balance
D 0.70 J specified above.

30 A spring has a spring constant of 0.1 N m -1 is ..................................................................

compressed possesses 8 x 10-3 J. What is [ 1 mark ]
the compression of the spring (iii)Give the reason for your
answer in
A 0.16 m (b)(ii)
B 0.80 m
C 0.40 m ..................................................................
D 0.20 m [ 1 mark ]
32 Diagram 32 shows a graph extension , x
31 Diagram 31 shows the graph of force against Force ,F for two springs W and X. The
against extension for two springs M and N. spring W and X having an original length of 10
cm each.

Diagram 32
Diagram 31
(a) Based on the graph , state the
(a) Name the law involved when the
relationship between the
spring is
extension, x and the force, F.

[1 mark ]
[ 1 mark ]
(b) State the law involved.
[1 mark ]
(c) What is the physical quantity is
represented by the gradient of the

[1 mark ]
(d) Which of the spring is the most
suitable to measure the large force.
Explain why?

……………………………………………. Diagram 33.1

Diagram 33.2 shows a force - extension
……………………………………………. graph of spring K and spring H.
[2 marks ]
(e) State two factors why the
extension of the spring W is different
from the extension of the spring X?


[2 marks ]
(f) Draw an arrangement of the
spring W and X to get
the extension of the Diagram 33.2
spring system is 10 cm when a
load of 10 N is hung. (a) What is meant by extension of the


[1 mark ]
(b) Using Diagram 33.1, compare the
thickness of the spring wire K and
spring H
[2 marks ]
33 Diagram 33.1 shows two load of different ……………………………………………
masses are hung to the spring K and …
spring H . [1 marks]
Spring K and spring H are identical but (c) (i) Using Diagram 33.2,
different thickness of the spring wires. calculate the elastic
potential energy of the spring J and
spring H

Spring K

Design Type Spring Spring Material of
of constant is cup
spring (Ncm-1) required
[2 marks] to obey
Spring H hooke
laws or
J Helical 1.0 Obey Polystyrene
[2 marks] K Slinky 1.0 Obey Glass
(ii) State the L Slinky 4.0 Not Glass
relationship between the N Helical 4.0 Not Polystyrene
thickness of the spring wire and Table 34
elastic Based on Table 34, explain the suitability
potential energy of the spring. of each characteristics in the table
and hence, determine which design
……………………………………… is most suitable to make the spring
[1 mark] balance.
Justify your choice.
34 (a) Diagram 34.1 shows a cellulose [ 10 marks ]
sponge The sponge is one example (c) Diagram 34.3 shows the spring
of an elastic material. arrangement of springs S and T.
The spring constant of a sping S
and spring T are 10 N cm-1 and 20
N cm-1 respectively.
Both spring S and T have original
length 20 cm.
Diagram 34.1
(i) What is meant by
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Based on kinetic theory
of matter ,
explain why the sponge is elastic?
[4 marks]
(b) Diagram 34.2 shows a spring and
a cups provided by your teacher
to design a spring balance sheet
used to estimate the weight of the
Diagram 34.3
items in the lab. The minimum weight of
(i) Determine the length X.
each item is 100 g and the maximum is 1
[ 3 marks ]
(ii) Calculate the elastic
potential energy in a spring
S when it is hung by load 50 kg.
[ 2 marks ]

Diagram 34.2

Table 34 shows the characteristics of the

spring and the cup should be used to design the
spring balance.

35 Diagram 35.1 shows a participant standing
on a diving board before jumping.
Diagram 35.2 shows the participant
pushing the diving board with his feet to start
his jumping

Diagram 35.1 Diagram 35.2

Based on the observation:

(a) State one suitable inference
[ 1 mark ]
(b) State one suitable hypothesis that
be investigated.
[ 1 mark ]
(c) With the use apparatus such as
spring, slotted weights and
other apparatus ,
describe one experiment to investigate the
hypothesis stated in (b).
In your description, state clearly
the following.
(i) The aim of the
(ii) The variables in the
(iii) The list of apparatus and
(iv) The arrangement of the
(v) The procedure of the
which should include
one method of i
controlling the manipulated variable and
one method of
measuring the responding
(vi) The way you tabulate the
(vii) The way you analyse the
[10 marks]

Where : P = Liquid
1.1 Communicates about the concept of pressure ,
pressure in liquid ρ=
density of liquid
1.1.1 Introduction h=
Why a water tank is placed at higher level? depth of liquid
Why the wall of a dam is much thicker at g=
the bottom than at the top and Submarine is acceleration due to gravity
built with thick wall?
To answer the following questions we will 1.2 Experiment to determine factors that
learn about the concept of pressure in the liquid influence fluid pressure
1.1.2 Why liquid produced pressure? 1.2.1 Experiment to show the liquid
pressure depends on the depth of liquid
Liquids have pressure because of their
weights. Aim of the experiment :
For example, if you try to put your finger
over the end of a tap when it is turned on, you To show the liquid pressure
can feel the pressure of the water in the pipe. depends on the depth of liquid
This is just caused by the weight of water in the
pipes all the way back up to the cold water in the List of apparatus and materials:
loft. The force of gravity acts on liquids,
pulling them downwards into the container. Cylinder-shaped containers with holes,
water ,plasticine
1.1.3 Derivation the formula for
preesurein liquid. Arrangement of the apparatus:

Assume that a vertical column of liquid

with a density  and a horizontal area A .
Consider an object is placed at point X at
a depth h below the surface area of the


The holes in the cylinder are stuffed with

The pressure P due the liquid exerted on Fill the water until it is full into the
the object at point X can be written cylinder
as: Remove the plasticine simultaneously
from all the holes
F Observe the distance from the holes that
P= the water spurts
= Observation
= Becauase W = mg
Vg m
= Because  =
= Because V = Ah
P = hρg
So that Conclusion

The distance of the water spurts at the
lowest hole is longer .
This shows that as the depth increases, the
liquid pressure increases

1.2.2 Experiment to show the liquid

depends on the density of

Aim of the experiment :

To show the liquid pressure
depends on the
density of liquid

List of apparatus and materials:

3 Cylinder-shaped containers with a

hole, water ,
cooking oil and and salt Conclusion
solution The distance of the salt solution
Arrangement of the apparatus: spurts > the water spurts > the
cooking oil spurts
This shows that as the density of
liquid increases, the liquid
pressure increases

1.2.3 Experiment to show liquid

pressure not depends on the
cross-sectional area and
shape of the containers.
Aim of the experiment :
The holes in the cylinder are
stuffed with plasticine To show liquid pressure not
Fill the water until it is full into depends on the cross-
the cylinder sectional area and shape of the
Remove the plasticine from the containers.
middle hole
Observe the distance from the List of apparatus and
hole that the water spurts materials:
Experiment is repeated by
replacingwater with cooking 3 containers P, Q and R with
oil and finally with salt different shape and cross
solution. sectional area with one hole at the
same level, water and plasticine.

Arrangement of the apparatus

Aim of the experiment:

To investigate the relationship

between the pressure in the water and
the depth of water

List of variables:
Procedure Manipulated variable: depth of
The holes in the containers are Responding variable: the pressure
stuffed with plasticine in the water.
Fill the water until it is full into Constant variable: density of the
the containers. water
Remove the plasticine
simultaneously from all the List of apparatus and material
Observe the distance from the Measuring cylinder, thistle
holes that the water spurts funnel, rubber tube, U-tube,
retort stand ,ruler ,water
Observation and coloured water
Arrangement of the apparatus:


The distance of the water spurts

container P = Q = R

This shows that as the show Procedure of the experiment:

liquid pressure not depends on the
cross-sectional area and The measuring cylinder is
shape of the containers. completely filled with water.
The thistle funnel is connected to
the U-tube with a
rubber tube.
The thistle funnel is lowered with
1.2.4 Experiment to investigate the water to a depth Y = 10.0m
the relationship The manometer reading, h is
between the pressure in the liquid measured.
and depth ( Alternative The experiment is repeated 4
experiment) times with values of depth
Y = 20.0m, 30.0 cm, 40.0 and
50.0 cm
Y(cm) 10 20 30 40 50 Tabulate the data:
As the depth of water increases ,
the pressure in the
water increases. Analysing the data

Plot the graph h against Y

Procedure of the experiment:

Determine the density of salt
solution used ρ = 1010
kg m-3
The measuring cylinder is
completely filled with salt solution
1.2.5 Experiment to investigate The thistle funnel is connected to
the relationship the U-tube with a
between the pressure in the liquid rubber tube.
and density ( Alternative The thistle funnel is lowered with
experiment) the water to a depth Y = 10.0m
The manometer reading, h is
Hypothesis: The experiment is repeated 4
As the density of lquid increases times with different
, the pressure in the density of the salt solutions ρ =
liquidincreases. 1030 kg m-3, 1050 kg m-3, 1070 kg m-
and 1090 kg m-3
Aim of the experiment: Tabulate the data:
Density 1010 1030 1050 1070 1090
To investigate the relationship (kg m-3)
between the pressure in the liquid h (cm)
and the densityof liquid Analysing the data
Plot the graph h against ρ
List of variables:

Manipulated variable: density of

Responding variable: the pressure
in the liquid. 1.2.6 Some conclusion related
Constant variable: depth of the to liquid pressure.
From the above experiments and
List of apparatus and material formula we can say that the
pressure at any point in a
Measuring cylinder, thistle liquid at rest is directly proportional to the
funnel, rubber tube, U- density of liquid , the depth and
tube,retort stand, ruler, salt the acceleration
solutions with different density due to gravity.
and coloured water The pressure in the liquid is not
dependent on the surface area
Arrangement of the apparatus: and the shape of a
The pressure in a liquids acts in
direction. Pressure exerted increase with
the depth of liquid. pressure at all
points at equal depth is equal. This
pressureat lower point is higher
because the liquid at lower
depths has to support all of the
water above it.

1.2.7 To determine the density

of a liquid by using a U-tube.
.What is the force exerted by the water on a
The U-tube can also be used to person’s thumb ,when the person places his thumb
determine the density of a over the outlet of the tap and stops the hot water
liquid. flowing. [ The area of the tap is 1x10 -4 m2 and the
atmospheric pressure is 1.02 x 105 Pa ]


Pressure P1 = Pressure P2
h11g = h22g

1 =
1.3 To solveh1some h22 involving the liquid

Example 1 Example 4

The density of sea water is 1150 kg m-3,calculate Diagram shows a U-tube use to determine the
the pressure below 40 m of sea water due to the density of a liquid K. When liquid K is poured into
water alone. one arm, the water level in the other arm rises.


Example 2

Diagram shows a cylinder containing liquid The density of water is 1 000 kg m -3, determine the
mercury. density of liquid K.


1.4 : The application of liquid pressure

What is the pressure caused by the liquid mercury 1.4.1The location of water tank in a
at the point P? house
[ Density of liquid mercury is 1.36 x 104 kg m-3
and the atmospheric pressure is negligible ]


Example 3
Commomly the water tank in a house is
The hot water from an open tank has a pressure
located at a higher placed such as on a the ceiling
pressure of of 1 x 105 Pa when emerges from a tap
under the roof.

The depth of water in water tap > in water Penstocks are pipes or long channels that
tank carry water down from the reservoir to
The water pressure in water tap > in water the turbines inside the actual power
tank station.
The difference produce a force Its help to increase the kinetic energy of
The force push the water flows out from the water coming from the reservoir.
the water tap when the water tap is Penstock is made up from a very strong
opened. material (either steel pipe or rigid thick
walled poly pipe )which can sustain the high
1.4.2 The location of an Intravenous pressure of water.
fluid bottle The penstock must be installed so that it is
always falling.
The penstock piping must also be sized to
provide the required amount of flow and
pressure direct to the turbine without too
much frictional loss along the way. The smaller
the diameter of the penstock, the higher the
friction between the water and the walls, and the
greater will be the overall energy loss.

In a hospital the Intravenous fluids bottle

is hung at a higher place than the
patient’s arm.
The depth of Intravenous fluids in the
patient’s vein > in the bottle
1.4.4 Application of shipon
The Intravenous fluid pressurein the
patient’s vein > in the bottle
The difference produce a force Siphon is a bent tube that is used to flow
The force push the Intravenous fluids liquid from one container into another, lower
flows out from dripper to patient’s vein. container by atmospheric pressure and
gravity pull.
1.4.3 The shape the wall of dam dan
the position of the penstock.

How the shipon system work?

The pressure at point P , P1 = Patm – h1
The pressure at point Q , P2 = Patm – h2
P1 > P2 because h2 > h1
The different pressure produce force.
The thickness of the wall of a dam at the The force the fluid from P to Q
bottom Or :
> upper Length h2 > h1
The depth of water at the bottom > upper Weight of fluid column at right > left
The water pressure at the bottom > upper The smaller weight of fluid column is
The thicker wall at the bottom can pulled by larger weight of fluid column
withstand the the higher water pressure. .(similar as a pulley system)
The water flow from P to Q.


1 Diagram shows an air bubble is at a depth

4 m below the surface of a lake .

What is the pressure of lake water on the

bubble when the density of the lake water
1 000 kg m-3?

A 2.5 x 102 Pa
B 2.5 x 103 Pa
C 4.0 x 10 Pa
D 4.0 x 104 Pa

2 The diagram shows a cylinder containing C 3.24 x 104 kg m-3 D
oil. 9.27 x 104 kg m-3

5 Diagram shows the process of supplying

water from a water tower to a water tank in a

The density of the cooking oil is 900 kg m -

The pressure exerted by the cooking oil at Calculate the pressure of the water in
X is water tank.
[Density of water = 1 000 kg m -3)
A 2.52 x104 Pa
B 1.8 x104 Pa A 5.0 x 104 N m-2 B 1.0
C 7.2 x 103 Pa D 4.5 x 10 N m-2

x103 Pa C 2.0 x 105 N m-2 D 2.5

x 105 N m-2
3 The pressure of sea water at the bottom of
an 6 Diagram shows the water piping system
ocean is 5 x 107 N m-2 of a block of flats..
What is the depth of the ocean?
[Density of sea water = 1.02 x 103 kg m-3]

A 4.9 x 104 m
B 1.6 x 104 m
C 4.9 x 103m
D 1.6 x 103m

4 Diagram shows a submarine is a depth

3000 m
below the sea surface.

What is the water pressure in the tap in

house X.?
[Density of water = 1 000 kg m-3 and
atmospheric pressure =
1.0 x 105 Pa]

A 2.00 x 106 Pa
B 2.02 x 106 Pa
C 2.12 x 106 Pa
D 2.22 x 106 Pa
What is the density of the sea water when
the total pressure acts on to the submarine 7 Diagram shows two identical containers
is 3.09 x 107 Pa? containing liquid M and liquid N.

A 1.03 x 103 kg m-3 B

1.03 x 104 kg m-3
When the height of liquid M 60 cm and the
height of liquid N is H , the liquid spurt
distances are same.
The density of liquid M and N is 2.0 g cm -
1.5 g cm-3 respectively.What is the value
of H? Which is the correct comparison of the
water pressures at P and Q?
A 45 cm
B 60 cm A Pressure at P > pressure at Q
C 80 cm B Pressure at P = pressure at Q
C Pressure at P < pressure at Q
D 100 cm
10 Which one of the following is not true?

8 Diagram show liquids in containers. A The pressure in a liquid increases

Which column of liquid exerts the greatest when the depth of liquid increases
pressure on the base of its container? B The pressure in a liquid increases
when the density of liquid
C The pressure in a liquid increases
when the surface area increases
D The pressure in a liquid increases
when the gravitational
acceleration increases

11 Diagram shows water spurts out from a


9 Diagram shows a water tank that supplies

water to a block of flats.
The observation shows that

A the smaller the volume of water,

the greater
the pressure
B the greater the volume of water,
the greater the pressure
C the greater the depth of water, the
greater the pressure
D the smaller the depth of water, the
greater the pressure

12 Diagram shows water spurting out from a

container at different depths, h.
Which graph shows the correct
relationship between the pressure exerted by
the water, p and the depth of the water, h?

When the clip opens, which balloon

expands faster?


15 Diagram shows an apparatus set-up to

measure pressure in liquid.

13 Diagram shows two fishes W and X in

river water and a fish . Y in sea water.. The
pressure of water at W, X and Y is PW , PX and PY

What happens to the height of water H,

the thistle funnel still at level L but the
Which of the following comparisons is apparatus is but this apparatus is carried to
correct? the surface of the moon

A PY > PX > PW A Increases

B PY < PX < PW B Decreases
C PY = PX >PW C No change
16 Which of the following diagrams shows
14 Diagram shows three similar container is the correct water spurts out through three
connected with three similar flat baloons holes of a crumpled tin can?
E,F and G by a tube with clip.The container
filled by three different liquids with the same

Which comparison is correct?

A X1 > X 2 > X 3

B X1 < X 2 < X 3
17 Diagram shows three containers with
different shapes filled with water with the C X1=X2 = X3
same level. The pressure caused by the water
at point P , Q and R are P1 , P2 and P3 20 Diagram shows a siphon system.

Which of the following is true?

A Water in beaker A flows into

Which comparison is correct?
beaker B until the volume of water in
beaker A is the same as the volume
A P1 > P2 > P3
of water in beaker B
B P1 < P2 < P3
B Water in beaker A flows into
C P1=P2 = P3
beaker B until the level of water in
beaker A is the same as the level of
18 Equal masses of water are poured into four
water in beaker B
jars as shown. In which jar is the pressure
C Water in beaker A flows into
exerted by the water on the base the
beaker B until beaker B is full
D Water in beaker A flows into
beaker B until beaker B is empty

21 Diagram (a) shows a water container

before being tilted.
Diagram (b) shows the water container
being titled.
19 Diagram shows three wooden blocks J,K
and L are pressed into the water until the base of
its reach at level P.
The pressure caused by the water at base
of the wooden blocks J , K and L are X1 , X2 and
X3 respectively.

Diagram (a) C pressure of water at the upper
Diagram (b) level is the same as than
The observation can be explained by pressure of water at the deeper level

24 Diagram shows a U-tube filled with two

A the speed of water flows depends liquids X and Y that do not mix.
on the
gravitational acceleration
B the speed of water flows depends
on the
volume of water
C the pressure of water depends on
the depth
of water
D the pressure of water depends on
the density of
water The density of liquid Y is 0.9 gcm-3,
What is the density of liquid X ?
22 Diagram shows a load suspended under
the surface of water experiences a pressure A 0.3 g cm-3
caused by the liquid B 0.6 g cm-3
C 1.2 g cm
D 2.7 g cm-3

25 Diagram shows an apparatus is to be used

to compare the density of two liquids. The
density of liquid M and liquid N is 800 kgm-3 and
600 kg m-3 respectively.
How to increase the pressure on the load?

A Increase the mass of the load

B Increase the depth of the load
C Increase the density of the load
D Increase the surface area of the

23 Diagram shows the structure of adam.

What is the ratio of h1 and h2?

A 1: 1
B 3:4
C 4:3
D 5: 2

26 Diagram 26 shows a tool called "unjam"

The wall of a dam is much thicker at the used by fishermen as a means of attracting
bottom than at the top because large numbers of fish to the area.The seawater
pressure acts to the unjam.
A pressure of water at the upper
level is higher than pressure of water at
the deeper level
B pressure of water at the upper
level is lower than pressure of water at
the deeper level

[2 marks]
(ii) the total
pressure at point S.

[2 marks]
27 Diagram 27 shows a house is located near
a freshwater lake. The homeowner decides
to deliver the water lake to the storage tank
near his house.

Diagram 26
(a) Which direction does
the water pressure acts?
Tick (√) thc correct answer in thc
box provided

Downwards direction

[ 1 mark ] Diagram 27
(b) Explain why the sea
water produced
pressure? (a) What is the function of float in
the water storage?
.................................................................. ...
[ 2 marks ] [ 1 mark ]
(c) Based on Diagram 26, (b) Table 27 shows the compenents
compare the water and the characteristics of
pressure at R and at S. Explain your component should be used in
answer. the water supply system as shown
Diagram 27 to
.................................................................. make the system work more
[2 marks] System Component Component Type
(d) The point S is 15 m from installed in installed in of
sea surface. [The Box 1 Box 2 pipe
density of sea water = 1020 kg m-3 X Pump Stopcock PVC
and the atmospheric Y Stopcock Pump Iron
pressure = Z Pump Stopcock PVC
1.02 x 105 Pa ] Table 27
Calculate Based on the information in Table
(i) the seawater 27,
pressure at point S state the suitable characteristics of the
system can be used to deliver the lake
water to the storage tank more effiicient
Give reason for the suitability of the (a) (i) Name the system for
characteristics. removing the water.

(i) Component installed in Box 1 ……..………………………………........

……………………………………………… [ 1 mark ]
Reason (ii) Before the water can
........................................................................ flow automatically from
[ 2 marks ] the aquarium to the empty pail,
(ii) Component installed in Box 2 what do you need to do first with
..................................................................... the tube?
Reason ……..………………………………........
........................................................................ [ 1 mark ]
[ 2 marks ] (ii) Explain how the water
(iii) Type of pipe flows from the aquarium to the
empty pail.
Reason ……………………………………..........
[ 2 marks ] ……………………………………….....
(c) Based on the answers in (b) choose the most [ 2 marks ]
suitable system can be used. (b) Diagram 28.2 shows an apparatus used to
………………………………………................. remove the water from a beaker to a
[ 1 mark] measuring cylinder. The apparatus used the
(d) The surface of the water in the strorage sytem same the system used in Diagram 28.1.
tank is 6 m above the water tap in the house.
[ Atmospheric pressure = 1.1 x105 Pa ]
[ Density of water = 1000 kgm-3]
(i) the pressure of the water
emerging from the tap?

[ 2 marks ]
(ii) the force exerted by the water on
a man’s thumb whenhe places his
thumb over
the outlet of the tap and stops the
water flowing. Diagram 28.2
[The area of water tap where (i) On Diagram 28.2 mark
water emerges is 4 x10-4 m2. ] the water level in the beaker and
in the measuring cylinder
[ 2 marks ] when the water stops to
28 Diagram 28.1 shows a system is used to
remove water from an aquarium to an …..………………………………........
empty pail by using a rubber tube. [ 1 mark ]
(ii) Explain why the water
stop to flow?


[ 2 marks ]
(iii) Suggest one method to
all the water from the
beaker into the
Diagram 28.1
measuring cylinder.


[ 1 mark ]
29 Diagram 29.1 and Diagram 29.2 shows
two similar vessels which has one hole are
filled with oil and water respectively. The oil
spurts and the water spurts out from the holes due
to the liquid pressure.

Diagram 29.3

You are required to design a the

hydroelectric power station system.

so that the power station
produced optimum power and
Diagram 29.1 strong structure.
Diagram 29.2 . Explain your answer based on the
following aspects :
- Design of the dam wall
` (a) (i) What is ihc meaning of
- Design of the penstock
[10 marks]
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Using Diagram 29.1 and
Diagram 29.2 compare the 30 Diagram 30 shows how water is supplied to a
house from an outdoor storage tank . The water
depth of the liquid from
pipe in the house leaks at two points, R and S.
hole , the density of liquid and the
distance of the
liquid spurts.
Relate the distance of
liquid spurts and the liquid
pressure to make a deduction
about the relationship between the
density of
liquid and the liquid
[ 5 marks ]
(b) The liquid pressure is given by
the equation
P = hρg.
Derive the equation above.
[ 4 marks ] Based on the observation:
(c) Diagram 29.3 shows the hydroelectric
power (a) State one suitable inference.
station system. [1 mark]
(b) State one suitable hypothesis.

[1 mark]
(c) With the use of apparatus such as
a thistle
funnel, U-tube, container, rubber
and other apparatus, describe
one experiment to investigate the
hypothesis stated in (b).

In your description, state clearly
the following:
(i) The aim of the
(ii) The variables in the
(iii) The list of apparatus and
(iv) The arrangement of the
(v) The procedure of the
which include one
method of controlling the
manipulated variable and one Based on diagram above the pressure at
method of measuring the point "
responding P increases as the weight of the air above it
variable. increases and the pressure at point P
(vi) The way to tabulate the data. decreases when the weight of the air above
(vii) The way to analyse the data. it decreases.

[10 marks]

In term of air molecules , as the altitude

increses,the number of air molecules
At a lower altitude , the number of air
molecules above it is large , so that the
atmospheric pressure also large.
At a higher altitude , the number of air
molecules above it decreases , so that the
atmospheric decreases.
1.1 Describing the atmospheric pressure

1.1.1 Introduction 2.2.Berkomunikasi mengenai about the value of

Atmosphere means the thin layer of gases atmosheric pressure
(air) that surrouds our planet(Earth)
The pressure exerted by the gases in 2.2.1 Torricelli ‘s experiment
atmosphere is called atmospheric pressure. (Barometer)
1.1.2 The meaning of the
atmospheric pressure
Atmospheric pressure is defined as the
force per unit area exerted against a surface
by the weight of the air above that surface.

of the mercury column does not change. This is
because the pressure of the mercury
column is equal to the atmospheric pressure
acting on the surface of the mercury .
From this experiment , Torricelli make a
conclusion the atmopheric pressure at sea
level is about 760 mm Hg or 76 cm Hg.

2.2.2 How does the height of mercury

column ,h vary?

The height, h will remains unchanged


(i) the diameter of the glass tube

Torricelli used a glass tube about 1 m (ii) the glass tube is tilted a small
meter long was sealed at one end, filled with
(iii)the glass tube is lowered further into
mercury, and then inverted into a dish
the dish
filled with mercury as shown in the diagram
(iv)the glass tube is lifted up from the dish
(iv)the quantity of mercury in the dish is

The height, h will increased when the

barometer is slowly submerged in water.

The height, h will decreased when

(i) the vacuum space in the glass

tube is filled with gas
(ii) the barometer is carried out to a

2.2.3 The instruments to measure the

The finger is then removed and the column atmospheric pressure
of mercury in the tube falls until thevertical
difference in level between the surfaces of Fortin barometer.
the mercury in tube and dish is about 760 mm.
The vertical height of the mercury column
remains constant

Even when the the slope of the glass tube

or the diameter of glass tube changes, the height

When the atmospheric pressure increases,
the box will constrict.
The slight movement of the box is
magnified by a lever system which is connected
to a pointer.
The Aneroid barometer can be used as an
altimeter by mountaineers or in an
aeroplane to determine its altitude

2.3 Solve the problem involving the unit of

atmospheric pressure in daily life.

The atmospheric at sea level is 760 cm Hg or

1.0336 x10 5 Pa or 1.0336 x10 3 mbar or
10.2 m H20 or 1 atm

Example 1

The atmospheric pressure is 760 mm Hg. [Density

of mercury = 1.36 x104 kg m-3 ]
The tube containing the mercury is
Calculate the atmospheric pressure in the units
protected by enclosing it in a brass tube. This
enables it to be carried around easily. (i) Pa
(ii) milibar
There are two vertical slits ,cut
[ 1 milibar = 100 Pa ]
diametrically opposite to each other in upper
(iii) mH2O
one-third part of the glass tube so that the mercury
[ density of water = 1.0 x 103 kg m-3 ]
surface may be seen
The Fortin barometer has a metal scale
with a vernier attached and a mirror behind the
top off the mercury column to avoid the parallax
error when taking readings.

To measure the atmospheric pressure, first

the flexible leather bag is raised up or lowered
down with the help of screw so that the
ivory pointer just touches the the mercury level
in the glass vessel.The position of the mercury
Example 2
level in the barometer tube is noted with the help
of main scale and the vernier scale.
The density of air is 1.3 kg m-3. The atmospheric
The sum of the vernier scale reading and
pressure at sea level is 1.02 x 105 Pa. Estimate the
the main scale reading gives the barometric
height of the Earth’s atmosphere.
A mercury thermometer attached to the
casing gives the temperature of the barometer,
and allows corrections to be made.

Aneroid barometer Example 3

The atmospheric pressure at the sea level 760 mm

Hg , while the atmospheric pressure on the top of a
mountain is 600 mm Hg. .The density of mercury is
1.36 x 104 kg m-3 and the average density of the air
is 1.25 kg m-3 , estimate the height of the mountain.

When the atmospheric pressure decreases ,
the box will expand.
(ii) the atmospheric pressure
in the units
mbar [ 1 mbar = 100 Pa]

(iii) the value of h if the mercury is

Example 4 replaced
by water.
Diagram shows a barometer. The vacuum space is (iv) the value of h if the
filled with a gas P. barometer is
submerged in water at
depth of 40.8 cm.

What is the pressure of the gas P?

[ Take atmospheric pressure = 75 cm Hg ]


Pgas = 75 – 25 = 50 cm Hg

Example 5

Diagram shows a mercury barometer is placed in a

school laboratory where the atmospheric pressure is
76 cm Hg.The length of the glass tube is 100 cm.

2.4. Describe the effect of atmospheric pressure

to on objects at high altitudes and levels
deep under the sea

2.4.1 Mountain climber, aeroplane and


Mountain climber
As altitude increases, atmospheric pressure
decreases.the temperature decreases and
also the density of the atmosphere also decreases.
(a) What is the value of h So at a higher mountain, mountain
(b) What is the length of the vacuum space climber will have difficulty breathing because
when the glass tube is atmospheric pressure and air density are lower
(i) uplifted at height of 5 cm at higher
(ii) lowered further into the dish at a depth altitudes. They also take time to get used
of 4 cm to the altitude because quickly moving from
(c) When the density of mercury is 1.36 x 10 higher pressure to lower pressure can cause
kgm and the density of water decompression sickness. Bottled oxygen
is 1x10 kgm , - 3 is oxygen in small, portable, high pressure
determine storage cylinders, as used for high-altitude
(i) the atmospheric pressure in climbing.
the units The climber will also be cold because
Pa the temperature is lower.

Fabrics such as polyester or merino wool As a diver descends, the pressure increase
are causes the air in their body's air spaces to
both good choices, because they help keep compress. Ear squeezes, lung
your skin dry by wicking moisture, so you stay overexpansion, and decompression sickness are
warm and comfortable. just a few examples of injuries caused by
pressure changesThe air spaces in their ears, mask,
Aeroplane and lungs become like vacuums as the
As altitude increases, atmospheric pressure compressing air creates a
decreases. As pressure decreases, the air negative pressure.
becomes less dense or thinner and has a To prevent lungs from collapse air must be
pronounced effect on aircraft performance. supplied also under high pressure.This
At higher altitudes, with a decreased exposes the blood in lungs to extremely high
atmospheric pressure, takeoff and alveolar gas pressure ( hyperbarism)
landing distances are increased, while When a diver stays in deep water for along
climb rates decrease. period of time,some high pressure
Inside the cabin the passangers must be nitrogen in the air they are breathing will
able to breathe air at normal atmospheric prssure. dissolve in the water in their on body. This
So the cabin is pressurised. So the is a large becomes a problem if the diver then surfaces
pressure difference between the inside and too quickly because the nitrogen comes out
outside. The cabin walls, windows and of solution and forms painful,and potentially
doors must be designed to withstand the forces life threatening,bubbles of gas.The only way to
which this pressure difference cause. Speciially overcome the problems
strong plastics(acrylic plastics) are used for is to come to the surface slowly.
aicrafts windows, and doors fit like ‘plugs, The diving suit not only has the function
from outside, so that they cannot be of keeping warm, but also can protect
forced out by the much hihgher prssure inside. the diver from the damage of the rock or
the harmful plant. The diving suit is made up
Astronouts of layers of a synthetic rubber that contains
The atmospherics pressure in outer small bubbles of nitrogen gas (closed-cell foam
space is so low that many consider it as neoprene)
non-existant pressur or negligible.
No atmospheric pressure causes our lungs Submarine
explode and body fluids boil.Also no Inside a submarine only has to be
oxygen to breathe and extereme pressurized to normal atmospheric
temperatures effect to our body. pressure.This allows people to breath
Most submarines have two hulls , one
inside the other, to help them survive. The outer
For astrounouts the special space suit is hull is waterproof, while the inner one (called
designed. The spacesuit are inflated like the pressure hull) is much stronger and
balloons to create pressure on the body resistant to immense water pressure. The
equal to the Earht’s atmospherics pressure to strongest submarines have hulls made
prevent the keep our body fluids in liquid from tough steel or titanium
state and not boils.
In space suit also contain tanks of oxygen
for breathing,shiled the astronouts from TUTORIAL 2
extreme temperatures and shiled from flying debris.
In the hours before a space walk , 1 Atmospheric pressure is defined as the
astronouts breathe pure oxygen to reduce the force per unit area exerted against a surface
amount nitrogen in their blood. This helps to by
reduce the risk of them suffering from the
sickness. A the mass of the air above that
2.4.2 Divers and submarines deep B the mass of the air below that surface
under the C the weight of the air above that
sea surface
D the weight of the air below that surface

2 Why is atmospheric pressure decreasing at
higher altitudes?

A Temperature is increasing
B Thickness of air layer is increasing
C The vacuum space is decreasing
D Density of air is decreasing

3 The atmospheric pressure on the surface of Which point A. B. C or D. has a pressure

the earth is approximately1 x 105Pa. However equals to the atmospheric pressure?
we do not feel it because
7 Diagram shows a U-tube filled with
A Atmosphere is very light mercury is inverted and submerged in a
B The force exerted by atmospheric container containing mercury.
pressure is zero
C The density of atmosheric is less
than the density of our body
D The air pressure in our body is
equal to the atmospheric pressure

4 Which of the following diagrams shows

the correct height h on the barometer to
determine atmospheric pressure?

What happens when the rubber stopper is

[ Atmospheric pressure = 76 cm Hg]

A Mercury will flow continuously

through the U-tube
B Mercury in both tubes will drop
to the same level as mercury in the
C Mercury in both feet of the tube
will drop to a level of 76 cm from
the surface of the mercury in the
5 Diagram shows a simple mercury D Mercury in both feet of the U-
barometer. Which of these distances tube will drop to about 38 cm above the
is measured to determine atmospheric mercury surface inside the dish
8 Diagram shows a mercury barometer.

What happen to the height of h if the glass

6 Diagram shows a long glass tube full of tube is tilted with a small angle ?
mercury is inverted vertically and dipped
into mercury. A remains unchanged
B decreases
C increases

9 The height of mercury column in a barometer
will be decreased when Atmospheric
Length L
A the glass tube is lowered further pressure
the container A Decreased
B the glass tube is lifted up from the Decreased
container B Unchanged
C the atmospheric pressure Decreased
decreases C Unchanged
D the glass tube is tilted with small Increased
angle D Increased
10 Diagram shows a mercury barometer.
13 Normally mercury is used in a barometer
because it is has a higher

A density
B boiling point
C specific heat capacity
D latent heat of vapourisation

Which change increases the height, h, of 14 Which of the following is not the unit of
the mercury? the
atmospheric pressure?
A Place the barometer at the seaside
B Place the barometer below sea- A m bar
level B Pa
C Place the barometer st the moon C kN
surface D cm
D Place the barometer to the top of H2O
a mountain
15 The density of mercury is 1.4 x 10 4 kgm-3,
and the atmospheric pressure is 75 cm Hg,
11 Which of the following places has the what is the atmospheric the units Pa?
highest atmospheric pressure?
A 1.05 x 105
A Inside a room B 1.05 x 104
B In a deep underground mine. C 1.86 x10
C On the top of Mount Kinabalu D 1.08 x 104

12 Diagram shows a mercury barometer has 16 Diagram shows a mercury barometer.

vacuum space of length L.

What is the pressure at point X?

[ The atmospheric pressure = 75 cm Hg ]

A 0 cm Hg
Which of the following statements is true B 65 cm Hg
of atmospheric pressure and length L when C 75cm Hg
the glass tube ispushed slightly into the D 85 cm Hg

17 Diagram shows a simple mercury
barometer. The height of the vertical column
of mercury is h cm

The vacuum space in the tube is

filled with gas X of pressure 20 cm
Hg. What is the height of H?
[ The atmospheric pressure = 75
What is the pressure on V? cm Hg ]

A Almost zero A 20 cm
B h cm Hg B 55 cm
C Atmospheric pressure + h cm C 75 cm
D 95 cm

20 The reading of a mercury barometer is 75

cm Hg. What is the minimum length of the
glass tube should be used when the mercury is
18 Diagram shows a simple 3
barometer. replaced by a liquid of density
density of the mercury.

A 125 cm

B 75 cm
C 45 cm

21 At what depth underwater is the pressure

equal to three times the atmospheric pressure.
[ Atmospheric pressure = 10.2 m H20]

A 0.0 m
The atmospheric pressure is 76 B 10.2 m
cm Hg, What is the pressure of
air trapped ? C 20.4 m
D 30.6 m
A 16 cm Hg
B 60 cm Hg
C 76 cm Hg 22 Which instrument is used to measure
D 136 cm Hg atmospheric pressure?
19 Diagram shows a simple mercury A Altimeter
B Barometer
barometer. C Hydrometer
D Bourdon gauge

23 A mountain climber experiences a nose

bleed due to

A decrease in the atmospheric


B increase in the air density
C decrease in the thickness of
vacumm (c) Based on Diagram 25,
D increase in the air (i) state in the unit of cm Hg
temperature the atmospheric pressure

24 Which of the following effects is due to

atmospheric pressure except ………………………………..................
[1 mark]
A At a higher mountain, mountain the pressure at at base of
climber have difficulty breathing mercury dish
B At higher altitudes the takeoff
and landing distances of an ..................................................................
aeroplane are decreased. (ii) calculate the atmospheric
C In deep sea the air spaces in a pressure in the unit of Pascal.
diver ears, mask, and lungs [ Density of mercury
become like vacuums =1.36 x 104 kg m-3 ]
D The submarine is filled with air
that has the same pressure as the
pressure at sea level when the submarinr
is in the deep ocean
[2 marks ]
25 Diagram 25 shows an instrument which is (d) What is the length of the vacuum
used to measure the atmospheric pressure. space when
(i) the tube is raised
through a height 5 cm

[1 mark]
(ii) the tube is lowered down
through a depth of 7 cm

[1 mark]

26 Diagram 26.1 shows the positions P and Q

at different altitude.

Diagram 25

(a) Name the instrument which is

used to
measure the atmospheric
Diagram 26.1
………………………………………......... Two identical simple barometers are
... placed at both positions. The height of the
[1 mark] mercury column in the barometers are shown in
(b) State one reason why mercury is Diagram 26.2.
used in
the instrument.


[1 mark]

[2 marks]

27 Diagram 27 shows a diver is swimming

under seawater and experiencing
pressure of 240 cm Hg when doing so.

Diagram 26.2

The density of air at P is 1.2 kg m-3 and the

density of air at Q is 1.0 x kg m-3.

(a) What is the meaning of density? Diagram 27

..................................................................... (a) State one factor that causes the

... pressure.
[1 mark]
(b) Using Diagram 26.1 and Diagram .....................................................................
26.2, compare ...
(i) the altitudes of the [ 1 mark]
surrounding air (b) The atmospheric pressure is 76
cm Hg .
.................................................................. Calculate the depth of the diver.
[1 mark] [The density of mercury is 13.3
(ii) the height of mercury times the density of
column in the simple seawater ]

[1 mark]
(iii) the density of air
[ 3 marks]
[1 mark]
(c) State the relationship between
(i) the altitude and the (c) Table 27 shows the
density of the air characteristics of the diving
suit for scuba divers.
.................................................................. Diver’s Density Ability Thickness
[1 mark] suit of to of
(ii) the atmospheric pressure material stretch material
and the density of the air P high low thin
Q low high thick
.................................................................. R high low thick
[1 mark] Table 27
(d) Explain why at the peak of Based on the information in Table
mountain ,the boiling of water 27,
become lower. state the suitable characteristics of diving
suit to be used in cold
..................................................................... water
... Give reason for the suitability of the

(i) density of material (i) What is the pressure of
air inside the
.................................................................. cabin?
[ 1 mark] [ 1 mark]
reason (ii) Based on the pressure
.................................................................. explain why the window has been
[ 1 mark] design to have
(ii) ability to stretch this shape.
[4 marks]
.................................................................. (b) Diagram 28.2 shows a Fortin
[ 1 mark] barometer to be used to measure the
reason atmospheric
[ 1 mark]
(iii) thickness of material

[ 1 mark]

[ 1 mark]
(d) Based on the answers in (c) choose the
most suitable diving
suit to be used in
cold water
[ 1 mark]
(e) When diver stays in deep water
for along period
of time the diver have to come Diagram 28.2
to the surface slowly.Explain why? Table 28 shows the characteristics of the
some components in the barometer.
..................................................................... Baro Den Mater Mate Extra
... meter sity ial rial of measuring
of of protec instrument
..................................................................... liquid bag ting
... tube
W High Paper Glass Thermometer
..................................................................... X High Lea Brass Thermometer
.. ther
[ 2 marks] Y Low Lea Brass Hydrometer
28 (a) Diagram 28.1 shows the cross- ther
section of an Z Low Paper Glass Hydrometer
aero plane window. Table 28
You are required to investigate the
characteristics of barometers.Explain the
suitability of each characteristics of the
Determine the most effective barometer
tobe used to measure the atmospheric pressure.
Give reasons for your choice.
[10 marks]
(c) The atmospheric pressure at the sea level
76 cm Hg , while the atmospheric pressure on
Diagram 28.1
the top of a mountain is 30 cm Hg. .The
density of mercury is 1.36 x 104 kg m-3 and Arrangement of the apparatus:
the average density of the air is 1.3 kg m-3 .
(i) Calculate the atmospheric
pressure at the sea level in the unit
of milibar.
[2 marks]
(ii) Determine the height of the
[3 marks]


3.1 Determination of gas by using a manometer

3.1.1 Introduction
The procedure of the
The gas pressure is the force per unit
area that the gas exerts on the
The U-tube and ruler are attached
walls of its container( closed system). Some
to a plywood by
example of gas pressure is gas pressure in a ball ,
using double sided tape.
in a tyre ,in a gas cylinder etc. The plywood is clamped
The instrument used to determine gas vertically by a
pressure known as manometer. retort stand as shown in the
The atmospheric pressure is
recorded from a Fortin barometer = Patm
By using a rubber tube , a syringe
is connected to
one of the U-tube arms.
Push the piston slowly until the
water is at a certain height.
Measure the difference in the
A manometer consists of a U-shaped
height of the coloured water level on
glass tube filled with liquid normally
both arms = h1 cm
coloured water to measure low gas
Removed the syringe from the
pressure and mercury to measure high
rubber tube and wait a while so that
gas pressure
no difference level
One arm of the manometer is exposed
of the coloured water between
to the atmosphere whereas another arm
two arms.
is connected to gas supply.
The syringe is connected again to
The difference height of the liquid
one of the U- tube arms.
between two arms give the gas
Pull the piston slowly until the
water is at a certain height.
Measure the difference in the
3.1.2 Experiment to determine the height of the coloured water level on
pressure of air trapped in a syringe both arms = h2 cm
by using water manometer Experiment is repeated 4 times by
using different values of h1 and
Aim of the experiment : h2
To determine gas pressure in a syringe

List of apparatus and materials:

A 100 cm3 syringe, rubber tube, u-tube

,double sided tape, metre ruler, coloured water,
plywood, and retort stand.

The pressure of trapped air (a) Calculate the pressure of the gas supply in
during the piston is pushed = (Patm + h) cm the units
H 2O (i) mm Hg
The pressure of trapped air (ii) mbar
during the piston is pulled = (Patm - h) cm [ Density of mercury = 1.36 x 104 kg m-3
H 2O and
Atmospheric pressure = 76 cm Hg ]
(b) Determine the difference high of the
3.2 Solve the problem involving the gas pressure mercury column when the mercury is replaced by a
in daily life. liquid with its density is half that of
Example 1
Diagram shows a manometer containing mercury is
connected to a gas supply and the pipe is opened.

Calculate the pressure of the gas supply in

the units
(a) cm Hg
(b) Pa
[ Density of mercury = 1.36 x 104 kg m-3
Atmospheric pressure = 76 cm Hg ]


Example 2

Diagram shows a manometer containing mercury is

connected to a gas cylinder and the valve of the gas
cylinder is opened.
4 Diagram shows a manometer used to
determine pressure in a gas tank.

Which comparison is correct?

A Atmospheric pressure = gas pressure

B Atmospheric pressure < gas
C Atmospheric pressure > gas pressure

5 Diagram shows a manometer is connected to

gas supply.

1 Which of the following can be related to
the gas pressure At what point W , X , Y and Z is same at the
same presure except
A Air above sea surface
B Air outside a bicycle tyre A W
C Air inside a ping pong ball B X
D Air on the top of a mountain C Y
2 The water barometer is suitable to use for
measuring gas at 6 Diagram shows a manometer is connected to
gas supply.
A high pressure
B low pressure
C any pressure

3 Diagram shows a manometer being

connected to a plastic ball.

At the what point the pressure is same as

What is the pressure, PB, inside the ball? the atmospheric pressure?
(ρ= density of mercury , g = gravitational
acceleration, PA= atmospheric pressure) A J
A PB= hpg C L
B PB=PA + hpg D M
C PB=PA - hpg

7 Diagram shows amercury manometer is A equal to 0 cm Hg
connected to gas supply. The pressure at point B less than 76 cm Hg
P, Q and R are PP , PQ and PR respectively. C equal to 76 cm Hg
D more than 76 cm Hg

11 Diagram shows a manometer is

connected to a gas supply.

Which of the following is true?

A PP > PQ > PR The atmospheric pressure is 76 cm Hg.

B PQ > PP > PR What is the pressure of the gas.
C PP < PQ < PR
D PQ < PP < PR A 30 cm Hg
B 46 cm Hg
8 Diagram shows a liquid manometer C 76 cm Hg
pressure. Which distance represents the D 106 cm Hg
difference pressure between the atmospheric
pressure and the gas pressure? 12 Diagram shows a mercury barometer is
connected to the gas X supply.
The atmospheric pressure is 76 cm Hg
density of mercury is 1.36 x104 kg m-3.

9 A manometer is being used to measure gas

pressure in a tank. A, B, C and D show the
condition of the manometer at different
times.When is the gas pressure in the tank
the biggest?
What is the pressure of gas X?

A 2.72 x 104 Pa B
7.62 x 104 Pa
C 1.04 x 105 Pa
D 1.31 x 105 Pa

13 Diagram shows a J-tube acts as a manometer

to measure the pressure of gas P.
10 Diagram shows a manometer used to
[ Atmospheric pressure = 76 cm Hg]
determine pressure of the oxygen gas in a gas
[ The atmospheric pressure is 75 cm Hg]

The pressure of the oxygen gas is

What is the pressure of gas P?

C Water is replaced by a liquid with
A 73 cm Hg less density
B 79 cm Hg 17 Diagram shows a fire extinguisher being used
C 88 cm Hg to extinguish fire.
D 91 cm Hg

14 Diagram shows three gases L,M and M is

measured by using a manometer.
The pressure of gas L . gas M and gas N are
P1 , P2 and P3 respectively.

Why the foam does not come out after a

while even though the handle is pushed
Which comparison is correct?
A The pressure inside the tank
A P1 > P2 > P3
equal to atmospheric pressure
B P2 > P1 > P3
B The pressure in the tank becomes
C P3 > P2 > P1
D P1 > P3 > P2
than atmospheric pressure
C The pressure inside the tank
15 Diagram shows four mercury barometers are
filled by mercury at the same height.
lower than atmospheric pressure

18 Diagram 18 shows a gas cylinder is

connected to an instrument X. The reading
of the Bourdon gauge on the gas cylinder is 60 k

When one arm of each barometer is connected

with a gas supply at the same pressure , the
different height of mercury column in

A W > X=Y > Z

16 Diagram shows a manometer connected to
a gas supply. Diagram 18

(a) Name the instrument X.

[1 mark]
(b) The atmospheric pressure is 76
cm Hg and density of mercury is
The height, h will increase when 1.36 x 104 kg m-3.
Determine the height ,H .
A Gas supply pressure is reduced.
B The manometer is located on a
peak of mountain.
[ 3 marks ] expands uniformly as the
(c) The mercury is replaced by water. temperature increase
[ Density of water = 1 x 103 kg m-
]. has a high density
(i) Calculate the height H. [1 mark]

(b) Determine the gas pressure in the

[ 2 marks ] unit of Pa.
(ii) What happen to the

.................................................................. [2 marks]
[ 1 mark ] (c) Diagram 19.2 shows the container
(d) What happen to height,H when and the rubber tube in
the Diagram 19.1 are
instrument is carried out on the top of a removed and the left arm of the U-tube is
mountain . Give two filled by liquid X to
reasons. replace the gas.




[ 2 marks ]
19 Diagram 19.1 shows a container
containing gas is connected to a mercury Diagram 19.2
[ The atmospheric pressure = 76 cm Hg (i) Compare the pressure at
and the density of mercury = 1.36 x104 kg m-3] point R , S and

[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Determine the density of
liquid X.

[ 2 marks ]
20 Diagram 20.1 shows a tank contains gas.
Diagram 20.2 shows a mercury
Diagram 19.1
(a) Complete the following sentence
ticking (√ ) the correct box.

Mercury used in a manometer because

Diagram 20.1 Diagram 20.2

Explain how you use the U-tube filled

with mercury to measure the pressure of gas in
the tank.
[4 marks]

4.1 Describing the transfer of energy
principle to an enclosed fluid

4.1.1 Introduction
Why toothpaste still come out ,although
you squeeze it fom the bottom of the toothpaste
tube?Why by give a small force to the
handle of hydraulic jack can lift up a heavy
All these questions will be answer after
you have learn about Pascal’s principle.

4.1.2 Transfer of energy principle to an

enclosed fluid

What happen if we try to push (give

pressure) on a fluid in an open system, such
as a river water , the fluid flows away.So
very hard to do work to a river water.
But what happen in if a fluid in a closed
If we give a force to an enclosed fluid , the
fluid cannot flow away. The force increased the
pressure easily . Since atoms in a fluid are
free to move about, they transmitted
undiminished the pressure to all parts of the
fluid and to the walls of the container.This
fact,first recognised by the French scientist
.Pascal in 1650 ,is called the principle of
trasmission of pressure in fluids.
The system cannot do more work than is
done on it. Work transfers energy, and so the
work output cannot exceed the work input.The
conservation of energy principle is obeyed.

4.1.3Experiment to show the Pascal’s will transmit that pressure equally in all
principle directions throughout the fluid.”

Aim of experiment 4.2.Communicates about the hydraulic sytem as

a force multiplier
To show the Pascal’s principle
4.2.1 Derivation the formula of the force
List of apparatus and material multiplier based on the Pascal’s
Glass flask with piston and holes with the
size , beaker and water.

Arrangement of apparatus

Diagram shows a hydraulic consisting a

vessel filled by an incompressible liquid with two
[An incompressible fluid is a fluid whose
density does not change when the pressure
changes system applies]

Fill the glass flask with water by soaking it Based on the Pascal's principle,
in a beaker containing water
Remove the flask from the beaker and The pressure exerted to the input piston =
press the piston until the water is pumped The pressure produced by output piston.
out through the holes F1 F
Observe and draw the shape of the jet of = 2
A1 A 2

Observation A 
F 2 = F1 x 2 
 A1 
From the equation
F2 increases as
The jet of water is shot out from the holes when F1 unchanged
in the glass sphere with the same speed. So that the hydraulic
system act as a
Conclusion force muliplier

When the pressure is applied to an 4.2.2 Changes of height of fluid in a

enclosed fluid ,the pressure acting on the hydraulic system
fluid is transferred uniformly throughout the

4.1.4 The statement of Pascal’s Priciple

Pascal's principle states that “any pressure

applied to a fluid inside a closed system

Due to the use of incompressible fluid ,

The volume of fluid transferred from input

piston = The volume of fluid transferred
to output piston When the handle is pulled a small force
A1h1 = A2h2 produced .
4.3 Communicates about the aplication of the The force produced pressure to the small
Pascal’s principle F
piston because P = , valve P is still
4.3.1 Hydraulic brake closed and valve Q opens .
The pressure is trasmitted equally to the
large piston.(Pascal’s principle)
The pressure produced force again to the
large piston because F=PA and lift up the heavy
While the small piston is pulled out, valve
Q closes and valve P opens so that the oil in
the tank enter into the hydraulic cylinder as a
result of atmospheric pressure.
When brake is applied a small force acting By moving the push-pull handle many
at the pedal. times , the large piston can be raised
The force produced pressure to the master carrying a heavy load.
When the released valve is oponed the
piston because P = heavy load returns back to it original position.
The pressure is trasmitted equally from
master cylinder to the slave cylinder ( Pascal’s
The pressure produced force again to the
slave piston because F = PA

The force push the brake shoe until touch

the brake drum.
The friction between brake shoe and the
brake drum slow down the speed the vehicle
until it stop.
The spring return back the brake shoe to
its original position when the pedal is
2.4. To solve problem involving Pascal’s
4.3.2 Hydraulic jack principle in daily life.

Example 1

Diagramshows a car's hydraulic brake system.

A 15 N force is applied to the brake pedal. The
cross-sectional area of the master piston and the

slave piston are 3.0 x 10-4 m2 and 1.2 x 10-3 m2
respectively. (c) A1h1 = A2h2
(5 x 10-3) ( 0.04 ) = (1x10-1) (h2)
h2 = 2 x 10-3 m


(a) the pressure acted on the master piston.

(b) the force produced on the slave piston.


Example 2

Diagram shows a basic hydraulic system has small

and large pistons with cross-sectional area of 5 x10-
m2 and 1x10-1 m2 respectively. A force of 20 N is
applied to the small piston.

(a) The pressure transmitted in the hydraulic
(b) The mass of the load.
(c) When the small piston is pushed down at
a depth a 0.04 m, what is the distance moved
by the large piston.


F 20
(a) P= = = 4 x 10 3 Pa
A 5 x 10 -3

(b) F = PA = 4 x 103 x 1 x 10-1 = 4 x

= 4 x101 N
1 Why the Pascal’s principle cannot be
applied for the flowing river water?

A The river water in an enclosed

B The river water in an uneclosed
C The river water has a large of
D The river water has a large speed

2 The Pascal’s principle is applicable to the

fluid which is

A compressible
B incompressible
C compressible and

3 Which of the following is the correct

definition of Pascal's principle?
A Pressure changes applied to an
enclosed fluid are
transmitted without loss to all parts of the
fluid and to the walls of the container.
B Pressure changes applied to an 5 Diagram shows a hydraulic jack.
unenclosed fluid are transmitted
without loss to all parts of the fluid and
to the walls of the container
C Pressure changes applied to an
enclosed fluid are
transmitted to all parts of the fluid and to
the walls of the container but change Which comparison is true?
in magnitude
D Pressure changes applied to an A The force F is the same as the
unenclosed fluid are transmitted to weight of
all parts of the fluid and to the walls the car
of the container but change in B The force F is greater than the
magnitude weight of
the car
4 Which diagram shows the correct path of C The pressure on piston W is the
water jets when the poiston of round flask with same as the pressure on piston X
holes is pushed down? D The pressure on piston W is
greater than
the pressure on piston X

6 Diagram shows a simple hydraulic system

in equilibrium.
A1, A2 and A3 are the areas of the piston.
F1, F2 and F3 are the forces which act on

piston producing pressure Pi,. Pressure Pi,
is transferred to the large piston to produce
pressure Po,and force Fo,.

Which comparison is correct?

A Pressure at A1, < pressure at A2 <

di A3,
B Pressure at A1, > pressure at A2 >
at A3
C Pressure at A1, > pressure at A2 =
pressure at A3
D Pressure at A1, = pressure at A2 = Which comparison is correct?
pressure at A3
A Fi = Fo
7 Diagram shows a hydraulic brake system. B Fi > Fo
C Pi = Po
D Pi > Po

10 Diagram shows a simple hydraulic system

in equilibrium.
A force FW the piston at the right side is
applied to produce to force FX and FY.
A driver steps on the brake pedal.
Which relationship is correct?

A Pressure on master piston <

Pressure on slave piston

B Pressure on master piston >

Pressure on slave piston
C Pressure on master piston=
Pressure on slave piston
8 Diagram shows a student is squeezing a
toothpaste tube
Which comparison is correct?

A FW = FX = FY
B FY > FX > FW
C FW > FX > FY
Toothpaste flows out from the tube D FX > FY > FZ
because 11 Diagram shows a hydraulic sytem has
small piston and large piston of cross-sectional
A The toothpaste at M transferred area A1 and A2 respectively. When a force F1 is
pressure equally to L applied to the small piston , output force F2
B The toothpaste at M transferred produced to large piston.
more pressure more to L
C The toothpaste at M transferred
less pressure to L

9 Diagram shows force Fi, exerted on a


Which modification can increase the
force F2?
A1 Which modification will increase the
F1 P= pressure in large piston?
A Large Large A Decrease the volume of oil
B Large Small B Decrease the length of the handle
C Small Large C Decrease the thickness of the wall
D Small Small D Decrease the cross-sectional area
of small piston
12 Diagram shows two syringes of different 14 Diagram shows a hydraulic system.
sizes used to study the Pascal’s principle.The
force applied on the small syringe and the output
force on the large syringe.

Based on the information given in the

diagram ,what is pressure acted on to the output

A 1.8 Pa
B 3.0 Pa
C 1200Pa
D 2000 Pa

Which modification can increase 15 A force of 20N is applied to the input

the output force acting on the big piston in a hydraulic jack. If the input piston
syringe? area and output piston area are 0.02 m2
and 0.1 m respectively, what is the output
A Increase the diameter of force?
the rubber tube
B Decrease the diameter of A 20 N
the rubber tube B 50 N
C Increase the diameter of C 100 N
big syringe D 200 N
D Decrease the diameter of
big syringe 16 Diagram shows a hydraulic system.

13 Diagram shows a hydraulic jack.

The area of input piston and output piston
are 0.03 m2 and 0.90 m2 respectively, what is
the mass of object P.

A 320 kg
B 240 kg
C 200 kg
D 180 kg

17 A barber raises his customer’s chair by

applying a force of 150 N to a hydraulic
piston of area 0.01 m2. If the chair is attached to
a piston of area 0.1 m2. The mass of the chair
is 8 kg . When piston P is pushed down at a depth a
What is the maximum mass of a customer 0.05 m, what is the height of piston Q
can the chair raise?. moved .

A 141 kg A 1.0 x 10-2 m

B 142 kg B 2.5 x 10-1 m
C 149 kg C 4.0 x 10 m
D 150 kg D 1.0 x 102 m

18 A hydraulic system has an input cylinder 21 Which apparatus uses the Pascal's
16 cm in diameter and output cylinder 48 cm in principle?
diameter. When a force of 45 N acts on the
input piston , what is the output force

A 5N
B 135 N
C 15 N
D 405 N

19 Diagram shows a hydraulic jack . The ratio

of the diameter of the big piston to
the diameter of the small piston is 5 :

22 Which of the following diagram can be

explained by the Pascal’s principle?

What is the magnitude of force P?

A 128 N
A 320 N
C 800 N
D 23 Diagram 23 shows two syringes with .the
5000 N cross- sectional area of piston of the small
syringe and the large syringe are 0.2 m2 and
20 Diagram shows a hydraulic system. 0.8 m . A force 40 N acting on the small
syringe piston.
(b) Compare the liquid pressure in
the master cylinder and the wheel

[ 1 mark ]
(c) The brake pedal is pressed with a
constant force 10 N.Calculate the force is
exerted on each front brake system.
Diagram 23

(a) What is meant incompressible

[ 2 marks ]
..................................................................... (d) Why is the brake system in the
... car is less effective air
[ 1 mark ] bubbles are present in the brake fluid.
(b) Compare the pressure of liquid Give reasons for your answer.
the small syringe , the
rubber tube and the large …………………………………………….
syringe. ...

..................................................................... …………………………………………….
... ...
[ 1 mark ] [ 2 marks ]
(c) Calculate the output force (e) Why is the cross-sectional area of
produced on the large syringe piston. the rear wheel cylinder of the right wheel
is the same as the cross-sectional
area of the rear wheel cylinder of the
left wheel?
[ 2 marks ]
24 Diagram 24 shows the arrangement of the …………………………………………….
hydraulic brake system of a car. The cross- ..
sectional area of the main brake cylinder
5 x 10 - 4 m 2 .. Each of the wheel cylinder …………………………………………….
has the cross-sectional area of 6.0 x 10 - 4 m2. ..
[ 2 marks ]
25 Diagram 25 shows a barber’s chair in
located in a barber shop.
The chair uses a hydraulic system.

Diagram 24

(a) On Diagram 24 indicate the

direction of motions of the
front wheel cylinder and the rear Diagram 25
wheel cylinder.
[ 1 mark ] (a) Name the physics
principle used in a
hydraulic system.

[1 mark ]
(b) Explain how the chair
can be lifted up
when the pedal is
pressed down?


………………………………………...... Diagram 26
[ 2 marks ] (a) State one characteristic of the
(c) Why is the hydraulic system less hydraulic oil used.
effective when the hydraulic
system on the barber's chair ……..........................................................
is leaking. [1 mark ]

…….......................................................... (b) When the handle is pulled up

[1 mark ] valve 1 opens and valve
(d) The cross sectional area of the big 2 closes. The hydraulic oil is
piston and the small piston are 90 drawn from reservoir into the space
cm2 and 15 cm2 respectively. under the small piston.
The mass of the chair is 18 kg. When the handle is
Calculate the force exerted on the pushed down what happen
small to
piston to lifted up a man of mass (i) the valve 1 and
75 kg. the valve 2

[1 mark ]
(ii) the large piston
[ 2 marks ]
(e) Suggest the modifications [1 mark ]
required to make the chair more (c) A 40 N force acts on the
effectively. Your suggestion should small piston when
be based on the following aspects the handle is pushed down. The
and give the reasons. cross sections of the small and
large pistons are 0.02
(i) The ratio of the cross- m2 and 0.8 m2
sectional area the large piston to respectively.
the small piston:
(i) Calculate the pressure acting
………………………………………….. on the oil in the hydraulic
Reason : jack.

[ 2 marks ] [2 marks]
(ii) Extra equipment for (ii) Calculate the force exerted by
children's clients the oil on the large piston.

Reason : [2 marks]
(d) Based on Diagram 26,
………………………………………….. (i) explain how the handle is used
[ 2 marks ] to lift the load to the
26 Diagram 26 shows a hydraulic jack at a car maximum height.
service center.
investigate the characteristics
.................................................................. of the hydraulic system as shown
in Table 27.
[2 marks] Sys Type of Spring The The
(ii) explain one modification to tem hydraulic constant ratio of postion
the large piston fluid cross- of the
to allow the jack to lift a heavier sectional reservoir
load. area
.................................................................. piston to
.................................................................. piston
R In Low Large Low
.................................................................. compressible place
[2 markss] S Compressible High Small Low
(iii) state how the load is lowered place
without U In High Large High
the use of a handle. compressible place
V Compressible Low Small High
.................................................................. place
[1 mark] Table 27
Explain the suitability of each
characteristic of the hydraulic system.
Determine the brake systems that are
effective to close and open the heavy
metal door
[ 10 marks ]

.(d) The diameter of the small piston and the large

piston of the hydraulic system in Diagram 27
are 18.0 cm and 42.0 cm respectively.
(i) the force required by a small piston to
27 Diagram 27 shown a hydraulic used to produce a force of 8000 N to the
open and close a heavy metal door. The door large piston.
used the Pascal’s periciple to operate. [ 3 marks ]
(ii) the distance of large piston move when
the the small piston moves at
distance 5.0 cm.
[ 2 marks ]

Diagram 27

(a) State the Pascal’s principle.

[ 1 mark ]
(b) Explain how hydraulic system can be
used to open and close a heavy metal
door when the handle is pushed.
[ 4 marks ]
(c) To improve the hydraulic system
in Diagram 27 , You are required to
Diagram above shows a load is hung by a
spring balance to measure its weight.At
initial the load is hung in air , later submerged in
four different depths of water
From the reading of the spring balances we
found that weight of the load weight of the
object is less when it is in the water than
in the air. Also we found that the deeper
the load is submerged the less the weight of
the object and once the object is fully
submerged, the weight of the object remains
This weight change is actually caused by a
force acting upward against the weight of the
object. This force is known as the buoyant force
or the upward thrust
The difference of weight in the air and in
the water is equivalent to the buoyant force
5.1.2Where does buoyant force come
from ?
Diagram shows an object is submerged in

As we know it , a fluid exerts pressure in

all directions, but the pressure is greater at
greater depth..
From the diagram above ,the pressure at
the right side and the left side of the object
always same. So there is no difference pressure
and no net force.
LESSON 5 – ARCHIMEDES’ But the pressure at upper surface and
bottom surface are different because both of the
PRINCIPLE surfaces in different depth. The difference
5.1Describing the relationship between buoyant in pressure produced a force call as buoyant
force and the difference pressure of liquid of an force,FB or Upthrust ,U.
object submerged in different depth.

5.1.1 Introduction 5.1.3 Derivation of the buoyant force

formula based on the difference in
pressure of liquid

Considerthe density of the fluid is Aim of the experiment
ρ. The upper surface of the
object is at a depth of h1 To investigate the relationship between the
and the bottom surface of the buoyant force and the weight of fluid
object at a depth h2. displaced

F = PA List of variables
FB = (P2 – P1) A
= (h2ρg - h1ρg) A Manipulated variable: The buoyant force
=[ (h2 – h1)(A)] ρg Responding variable: The weight of water
= V ρg displaced
FB =ρVg Constant variable: Density of water

Where : List of apparatus and material:

ρ = density of fluid
V = volume of fluid displaced Spring balance ,compression balance,
(the volume of object in wooden rod, beaker , eureka can and water.
the submerged part only)
g = gravitational acceleration Arrangement of the apparatus:

5.1.4 Statement of the Archimedes’

Archimedes' principle states that: The
buoyant force that is exerted on a body
immersed in a fluid, whether partially
or fully submerged, is equal to the weight of
the fluid that the body displaces”.

5.1.5 Derivation of the buoyant force

formula based on the
Procedure of the experiment:

Measure the weight of wooden rod in air

with spring balance = W1
The wooden rod is submerged from its
in water.
The new weight of the wooden rod is
Based on Archmedes’ principle, recorded from the spring balance reading =
Buoyant force = Weight of fluid W2
displaced Calculate the buoyant force , FB = W1 –
FB = mg W2
= ρV g [ beacuse Measure the mass of water displaced in
m beaker by using compression balance = m
= and Calculate the weight the water displaced ,
V W= mg
Vfluid displaced = V object submerged] The experiment is repeated 4 times by
5.1.6 Experiment to investigate the submerging the wooden rod wooden rod
relationship between the buoyant force
2 3 4
and the weight of fluid displaced , ¸ its height and also fully
5 5 5
Hypothesis submerged.into the water.
Tabulate the data:
As the weight of the fluid displaced
increases , the buoyant force increases FB = W1 – W2
W =mg(N)

5.1.8 Experiment to determine
Analysis the data: buoyant force acted on object that fully
submerged in water by using Eureka can
Plot the graph W against FB
Aim of the experiment

To determine buoyant force acted on

object that fully submerged in water by using
Eureka can

Apparatus and material

Eureka can, wooden rod, beaker ,

5.1.7 Experiment to determine buoyant force compression balance and water.
acted on object that fully submerged in water by
using spring balance Arrangement of apparatus

Aim of the experiment

To determine buoyant force acted on object that

fully submerged in water by using spring balance

Apparatus and material

Spring balance , wooden rod, beaker and water. Procedure of the experiment

Arrangement of apparatus The wooden rod is fully submerged

in water.
Record the mass of the water flows into
the beaker by using compression balance , m
Calculate the weight of water dispalced.
Experiment is repeated 4 times by using
wooden rod with different size.

Buoyant force = Weight of water
FB= mg

5.2 To relate the equilibrium of forces with the

Procedure of the experiment
buoyancy( flotation) of an object in a fluid
Measure the weight of wooden rod in air with
5.2.1 Relationship between buoyant
spring balance = W1
force and weight of the object.
The wooden rod is fully submerged
in water.
The new weight of the wooden rod is recorded from
the spring balance reading = W2
Calculate the buoyant force , FB
Experiment is repeated 4 times by using wooden
rod with different size.

When buoyant force = weight  the
Buoyant force = Weight of the object in air – object
weight of the object in water
FB= W1 –W2 floats and

When buoyant force > weight  the It has a glass bulb which contains some
object lead to make it float upright , and long narrow
neck with a scale marked on it caused the
accelerates hydrometer more sensitive.
The large hydrometer bulb filled with air
or vacuum is used to displace more liquid and
upward. it caused the upthrust increases hence the
When buoyant force < weight  the hydrometer floats.
object In a liquid of lesser density , the
hydrometer is more submerged.
accelerates The hydrometer floats higher in a liquid of
higher density.

5.2.2 Relationship between density of
the floating object and the density of fluid.
5.3.2 To consruct Cartesian divers

Aim of experiment

To construct a Cartesian diver

Apparatus and material

Drinking bottle , pen cap, plasticine and


Arrangement of apparatus
Consider an object has a height , H and
density o floats in fluid has density ,F. The
object submerged at a depth , h .
Upthrust = weight of the object Diagram (a)
L (Ah) ( g ) = o (AH) (g) [ A is
surface area ]
o = F  

5.3 Communicates about the aplication of the

Archimedes’ principle in daily life

5.3.1 Hydrometer

Diagram (b)
Procedure of experiment

Attach a piece of placiticine at the

end of the point on pen cap as
shown in Diagram(a)
Fill the bottle to very top with
Slowly place the pen cap into
water just barely float
(by changing the mass of
A hydrometer is an instrument used to plasticine) as shown Diagram(b).
measure the density of a liquid. Close the bottle tightly with cap
Squeeze the bottle hardly and A ship , though very heavy ,
stops. floats on the surface of the
Observe the movement of the pen sea.
cap. This is because the buoyant force
= the weight of the ship.
Observation The buoyant force acting on the
ship is large enough because the ship
is hollow and the volume of water
displaced by the ship is
sufficiently large. ( FB = V g)
The density of sea water varies
with location and season. To ensure
that a ship is loaded within safe
limits , the Plimsoll line marked on the
body of the ship acts as a guide.

5.3.4 Submarine

When the bottle is squeezed the

pen cap sinks and when the
bottle is stopped
squeezing the pen cap rises up and floats.
A submarine can sail on the
When the bottle is squeezed , the surface or
air bubble in the pen cap is underneath it. Its outer hull is entirely
compressed . So that the density of pen watertight.
cap is larger than the density of Inside the hull are a number of tanks
water causes the pen cap sink. called ballast tanks which is used to
When the bottle is stopped control its position and depth
squeezing , the air bubble in from the surface
the pen cap is expanded again. . of the sea.
So that the density of pen cap is When ballast tanks empty
smaller than the density of water Upthrust = weight 
causes the pen cap rises up and floats. submarine floats
The Cartesian diver can used to When ballast tanks full 
explain how a ballast tank of
Upthrust < weight 
submarine contol the
submarine accelerates downward
submarine to float or to sink.
5.3.5 Hot air balloon
5.3.3 Ship

Density of hot air <<< density of weight of balloon + weight
cold air radiosonde
The balloon’s height can be The balloon remains stationary in
controlled by turning the gas air when
burner which heats the air on and off Buoyant force = Weight of
as needed. hydrogen + weight of
The hot air balloon floats and balloon + weight of radisonde
rises upwards when The radiosonde send back
Upthrust > Weight of hot air information on atmospheric
(helium gas) + weight of airship fabric pressure, temperature, humidity and
+ weight of gondola + weight of wind speed to the weather station.
passengers. Normally the weather balloon is
The balloon descends when released in the early morning
Upthrust < Weight of hot air because the low
(helium gas) + weight of airship fabric temperature causes the density of air
+ weight of gondola + weight of outside the balloon increases.The larger
passengers the density of the air outside the
balloon , the larger the
The balloon remains stationary buoyant force because , FB = ρVg
Upthrust = Weight of hot air 5.4 To solve problems involving the
(helium gas) + weight of airship fabric Archimedes’ principle and Flotation
+ weight of gondola + weight of
passengers Example 1
The balloon is made from nylon
because it is small density (lighter) -4
A metal sphere has a volume 5 x 10 m is

and stronger 3 -3
The size of the balloon is big to immersed in water of density 1 x 10 kg m .
produce a larger weight of air Determine the buoyant force experienced by the
outside the balloon is sphere?
displaced. The larger the weight of air
outside the balloon Solution
displaced , the larger the buoyant force.

5.3.6 Weather balloon Example 2

3 -3
A wooden block with a density 4 x 10 kg m
and a mass of 5 kg is immersed in a liquid of
3 -3
1 x 10 kg m . Calculate the buoyant force acting
on the wooden block?


Example 3

An object has a weight of 40 N in air and 36 N in a

A weather balloon will float up
into the air when it is released. Air liquid of density 800 kg m-3 . Determine the
is a fluid and volume of the object.
produces buoyant force..
Density of air >>> density of Solution
hydrogen gas
The balloon floats and rises
because buoyant force > Weight of
hydrogen +

Example 4

Based on Diagram (a), (b) ,(c) and (d) write the Example 6
equations in words to relate the forces acting on the
objects when the objects float and stationary. Diagram shows a glass tube of mass 0.012 kg with
uniform diameter and cross-sectional area 4 x 10-4
m2 , and it is filled with sand so that it is made
vertical and floats in a beaker containing water.
[ Density of water is 1000 kg m-3 ]

(a) The upthrust
(b) The mass of sand in the glass tube.



Example 7

A body submerged of its height in a liquid
of density 900 kgm-3. What is the density of the


Example 5

An object of mass 5 kg floats on the surface water.

What is the upthrust experienced by the object.


1 Diagram shows a load hung from a spring
balance is slowly submerged in water until
it is immersed completely.

What happens to the reading of

the spring balance
and the digital balance
when the stone is immersed in
the water?

Spring Digital
balance balance

What will happen to the spring balance A Increases Decreases

reading? B Decreases Increases
C Decrease Decreases
A zero D Increases Increases
B decreases until zero
C remains unchanged 4 Diagram shows an object is submerged in
D decreases until reaches a constant a liquid

2 Diagram shows a metal ball weighing 4.0

N. The ball is suspended on a spring balance
is submerged in water at four
different depths P, Q, R and S.

The difference in pressure between ...........

and ..............produced the buoyant force

5 Which of the following is true regarding to
Which of the following is a possible the Archimedes’ principle?
reading of spring balance at P, Q, R and S?
A Upthrust = mass of fluid
P Q R S B Upthrust = weight of fluid
A 4.0 N 4.0 N 4.0 N 4.0 N displaced
B 3.0 N 4.0 N 5.0 N 5.0 N C Upthrust = volume of fluid
C 4.0 N 3.0 N 2.0 N 1.0 N displaced
D 3.0 N 2.0 N 1.0 N 1.0 N D Upthrust = densityof fluid
3 Diagram shows a stone is hung by a 6 Diagram shows two identical test beakers,
spring balance and a beaker of water is placed on X and Y, containing wooden blocks X and
a digital balance.

Y. All the wooden blocks have the same size but 9 Diagram shows a wooden block is
different densities. immersed into three different liquids X, Y
and Z.

Which comparison is correct?

The upthrust on test tube X and Y are FX A Density of X < Density of Y <
and FY, respectively. Density of Z
Which comparison is correct? B Density of X > Density of Y >
Density of Z
A FX = FY C Density of X = Density of Y =
B FX < FY Density of Z
C FX >FY 10 Which of the following diagram is true?

7 Diagram shows 3 similar blocks

submerged in the water at three different levels.

Which of the following statements is true?

The buoyant force is

A The biggest at J
B The biggest at K
C The biggest at L
D Same in all three positions
8 Diagram shows three positions of a
plasticine sphere is dropped into the
water.F1, F2 and F3 are the buoyant forces
acted on the plasticine sphere. 11 Which of the following is not the
application of Archimedes’ Principle?

A Submarine
B Ship
C Weather balloon
D Aeroplane

12 Diagram shows a ship while at riverand at


Which correction is true?

A F1 > F2 > F3 What principle explains the position of the

B F1 < F2 < F3 ship while at river and at sea?
C F1 > F2 = F3
D F1 < F2 = F3 A Prinsip Pascal
B Prinsip Bernoulli
C Prinsip Archimedes
Which of the following statements is
13 Diagram shows a Cartesian diver. Which correct?
of the following can be related to Cartesian diver. A Weight of buoy flag = Weight of
sea water
B Volume of buoy flag = Volume
of sea water
C Density of buoy flag = Density
of sea water

16 Diagram shows the forces acting on a hot

A Pascal's Principle balloon which is floating the air.
B Bernoulli's Principle
C Archimedes’ Principle
D Principle of Conservation of

14 Diagram shows side of a ship.

Which comparison is correct?

A W < FB
B W > FB
C W = FB
17 Diagramshows a bird perched on an empty
water container floating in a flood water

The Plimsoll line is used as a reference

A to detect obstacles ahead Which relatioship between the physical
B to give a guide to lighthouse quantities in the above situation is correct?
C to prevent the ship overloading
A Weight of water displaced =
D to estimate the depth of an ocean weight of the
bird + weight of the water
15 Diagram shows a buoy flag floating on container
the surface of the sea. B Weight of water displaced >
weight of the
bird + weight of the water
C Volume of water displaced =
volume of the
bird + volume of the water
D Volume of water displaced >
volume of the

bird + volume of the water

18 Diagram shows a Cartesian diver. When

the bottle is squeezed the Cartesian diver
sinks and when the bottle is stopped
squeezing the Cartesian diver rises up .

Which pair is correct to show the

relationship between buoyant force and 21 The diagram shows a ball being placed in
weight of the Cartesian a beaker of water.
Sink Rises up
A Buoyant force Buoyant force <
>Weight Weight
B Buoyant force Buoyant force =
<Weight Weight
C Buoyant force = Buoyant force >
The volume of the ball is 0.2 m3,what is
Weight Weight
the buoyant forceacting on the ball?
D Buoyant force < Buoyant force
[Water density is 1000 kg m-3]
Weight >Weight
A 200N
19 Diagram shows four spheres , P, Q, R and
B 500 N
S floating on water. C 2000 N
D 5000 N

22 An object of mass 2 kg with a density of

8 x 103kgm-3 is immersed in the sea water
. The density of the sea water is 1.03 x 10 3
kg m-3, what is the upthrust?
Which comparison is correct about the
density of spheres P,Q,R and S? A 1.2 N
B 2.6 N
A P>Q>R>S B C 3.0 N
S>Q>R>P D 3.4 N
Q > R > P >S 23 An object has a volume 5 x 10- 4 m3 is
20 Three wooden blocks X, Y and Z float in hung from a spring balance. The reading of the
the same liquid. Density Y> density X > Z spring balance is 8N. When the object is
density fully immersed in a liquid with a density 600
Which of the following diagram is true? kg m-3, what is the reading of the spring balance

A 1N
B 2N
C 3N
D 5N

24 The weight of an object is 12 N. Its weight [ Density of water is 1000 kg m-3 ]
when submerged in water is 9 N. What is
the density of the object?
[Water density is 1000 kg m-3]

A 2800 kg m-3
B 3000 kg m-3
C 3500 kg m-3
D 4000 kg m-3
25 Diagram shows a balloon of mass 180 kg What is the mass of the test tube?
is floating in a stationary position in the air.
A 0.008 kg
B 0.012 kg
C 0.016 kg
D 0.020 kg

28 Diagram shows a metal block has a

volume m 0.5 m3 is tied to a string. The
block is immersed in water.
[ Density of the metal block = 8 x 103 kg
What is the upthrust of the balloon?
Density of water = 1 x 103 kg m-3]
A 10 N
B 180 N
C 1000 N
D 1 800 N

26 Diagram shows a wooden cube of sides

0.2 m floats in water with of its height above
What is the tension, T of the string?
the water level.
[ The density of water = 1000 kgm-3]
A 3.0 x 104 N B
3.5 x 10 N
C 4.0 x 104 N D
4.5 x 104N

29 Diagram shows a hot air balloon. The mass of

the balloon and load is 100 kg. The
volume of the balloon volume is 1000 m3
and the density of air around the balloon is 1.25
kg m-3.

What is the weight of the wooden cube?

A 32 N
B 48 N

C 800N
D 1200 N

27 Diagram shows a test tube with uniform What is the tension of the string?
diameter and cross-sectional area 2 x 10-4
m , and it is filled with sand of mass 0.012 kg A 1.15 x 104 N B
so that it is made vertical in a beaker 2.25 x 104 N
containing water at a height 0.1 m. C 2.50 x 104 N D
5.00 x 104N

30 An object floats with 10% of its volume .....................................................................
above water level. The density of water is 1000 ...
kg m-3, what is the density of the object? [ 1 mark ]
(ii) On Diagram 31 , mark the
A 100 kg m-3 direction of the buoyant force.
B 750 kg m-3 [ 1 mark ]
C 800 kg m-3 (b) Based on the physics principle that stated
D 900 kg m-3 in (a) and information in Diagram 31, calculate
the bouyant force.

[ 2 marks ]
(c) Calculate the water pressure exerted on the
(i) upper surface of the metal block.

[ 2 marks ]
(ii) bottom surface of the metal

31 Diagram 31 shows a metal cylinder of the [ 2 marks ]

cross-sectional area 4x10-2 m2 is (iii) the difference in pressure exerted
submerged on the bottom surface
in water of density 1 x 103 kg m-3 at depth and the upper surface of the metal
0.5 m and 3.0 m from upper surface and bottom block
surface of the metal cylinder respectively.
[ 1 mark ]
(d) Calculate the force produced
caused by the difference in pressure in

[ 2 marks ]
(e) (i) Compare your answer in
(b) and (d)

[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Make a conclusion from
your answer in (e)(i).

[ 1 mark ]
32 Diagram 32.1 and Diagram 3.2 show a
Diagram 31 spring balance supporting a metal block in two
situations. The metal blocks are identical.
(a) A physics principle state that “The The compression balance in Diagram 32.1
buoyant force that is exerted on a body immersed and Diagram 3.2 show the readings of the
in a fluid, whether partially or fully submerged, weight of an empty beaker and the weight
is equal to the weight of the fluid that the of a beaker filled with water respectively.
body displaces”. The beakers are identical.
(i) Name the physics principle.

spring balance between
the Diagram
32 1 and Diagram 32.2?
[1 mark]
(ii) Name the force that is
represented by the
reading in (b)(i).

[1 mark]
(c) (i) What is the difference in
reading of
compression balance between
in Diagram 32 1 and
Diagram 32.2?
[1 mark]
(ii) Name the physical quantity
that is
represented by the reading in (c)(i).
[1 mark]
(d) (i) Relate the answers in
(b)(ii) and
Diagram 32.1
[1 mark]
(ii) Name the physics principle
involved in these situations.

[1 mark]
(e) What happens to the spring
balance reading in Diagram 32.2 when
the metal block is
immersed deeper into the water?


[1 mark]

33 Diagram 33 shows a man of mass 60 kg on

a with his bag of mass 30kg.floating bamboo
raft. in a river water.The mass of the raft is
220 kg.

Diagram 32.2

(a) What is the meaning of weight?

[1 mark]
(b) (i) What is the difference in Diagram 33
reading of (a) Name one force that is acting on
the raft.
fluid is
..................................................................... equal to .............................
[1 mark]
(b) Give one reason why the raft floats. weight of the object

... weight of the fluid
[1 mark]
(c) The density of river water is 1 displaced
000 kg m-3. Calculate the volume of .[ 1 mark ]
water displaced by the raft. (b) Based on Diagram 34 ,
(i) determine the
(d) (i) What happen to the density of the liquid.
bamboo raft when it moves
in a sea water. ……………………………................
.[ 1 mark ]
................................................................. (ii) what is the
[1 mark] function of lead shot
(ii) Give the reason for your
answer in (d)(i). ………………………………............
.[ 1 mark ]
................................................................. (c) Table 34 shows the characteristic
[1 mark] of three different hydrometer, P, Q and R
34 Diagram 34 shows a hydrometer is used to which is used to measure the
determine the density of a liquid. The density of acid solution with 700 kg m-3
hydrometer floats in the liquid based on of density.
the Archimedes’ Principle.
Hydro Volume of Weight Type
meter liquid (N) of hydro
displaced meter
P 3.0 x 10-5 0.25 Plastic
Q 4.0 x 10-5 0.28 Glass
R 5.0 x 10-5 0.40 Glass
Table 34

Calculate the buoyant force

acting on
each hydrometer.

(i) Hydrometer P

Diagram 34
(ii) Hydrometer Q

(a) Tick (√) thc correct answer in thc box (iii) Hydrometer R
[5 marks]
The Arcimedes’ (d) (i) Based on the answer in (c), which
state that, The
buoyant force hydrometer is most suitable to be used?
acted on an
object submerged in a ……………………………….....................

[1 mark] (ii) Calculate the volume of
(ii) Give two reason for the water
your answer in (d) (i). displaced by the water polo ball.
[ Density of water =
………………………………..................... 1000 kg m-3]

. [2 marks ]
[1 mark] (c) The water polo later
pushed by a force until the
upper surface of the water polo
ball. is same as the water surface level
as shown in Diagram 35.3
35 (a) Diagram 35.1 shows a water polo
ball has a volume 2.5 x 10-3 m3 has
density 600 kg
m- 3

Diagram 35.3
Diagram 35.1
(i) The mass of the water
(i) What is the volume of the water
polo ball
displaced by the water polo
the new position?
[2 marks]
(ii) The weight of the water
polo ball
[1 mark]
(ii) Calculate the new buoyant force
[1 mark]
acted on the
water polo ball.?
(b) The water polo ball is immersed
partially as shown in Diagram 35.2
and it floats in a stationary
[2 marks]
(iii) Calculate the acceleration of water
polo ball when the force is

[2 marks]

36 Diagram 36 shows a hot air balloon of

mass 200 kg filled with helium gas until its
Diagram 35.2 volume is 350 m3 floating stationary in the
air.Density of air is 1.12 kg m-3
(i) What is the buoyant
force acted on the
water polo ball?

[1 mark ]

Based on Table 36 state suitable

characteritics of the balloon when it is

to be used for rises more higher.
Give reason for the suitability of
the characteristics.

(i) Material use for balloon.

Diagram 36
[ 2 marks ]
(a) Name the physics
(ii) Size of the balloon
principle involved.
[1 mark ]
(b) Calculate the bouyant
force acting on
the balloon [ 2 marks ]
(iii) Time to release

[2 marks]
(c) The mass of the gondola
and the
passengers is 140 kg. Calculate ..................................................................
(i) The mass of the [ 2 marks ]
(e) Determine the most suitable
helium gas filled in
balloon is to be used for rises more
the ballon

[ 1 mark ]
[ 2 marks]
37 (a) Diagram 37.1 shows a ball
(ii) The density of
bearing and a plastic ball
the helium gas filled
simultaneously dropped near the surface
in the ballon
of water in a beaker.
Diagram 37.2 shows the positions
of the two balls after being dropped
whereas the ball bearing sinks
and the plastic ball floats in the water.

[ 2 marks]

(d) Table 36 shows three types of hot

air balloon J, K and Land the
characteristics .

Balloon Material Size of Time to

use for the release
balloon balloon
J Nylon Small Morning
K Canvas Large Midday
L Nylon Large Morning
Table 36 Diagram 37. 1
Diagram 37.2

(i) Name one force acting
on the plastic ball
when it floats in the
water. Diagram 37.4
[ 1 mark ] Determine the maximum load can
(ii) Give explanation be carried by the boat to ensure the
regarding the position of the boat does not overload?
two balls after being dropped as [ 5 marks ]
shown in Diagram 37.2.
[ 4 marks ]
(b) Diagram 37.3 shows the
specifications of four hydrometers P, Q,
R and S

38 Diagram 38.1 shows a swimming pool

worker pulling a long pole with a small force
when the pole is almost fully immersed in

Diagram 38.1
Diagram 38.2 shows the worker has to pull the
pole with bigger force when the pole is approaching
the surface of water.

Diagram 37.3
Based on Diagram 37.3 ,
Explain the suitability of the
specification of the hydrometer that can
be used to measure the density of
an acidic solution.
Determine the most suitable
hydrometer used to measure
the density of an acidic
[ 10 marks ]

(c) Diagram 37.4 shows a fisherman in Diagram 38.2

sea water.. The volume of Based on the information and observation:
the boat under the water (a) State one suitable inference.
surface is 4 m3. The mass of the boat [ 1 mark ]
is 200 kg. (b) State one suitable hypothesis.
[ The density of sea water = 1020 [ 1 mark ]
kgm-3 ] (c) With the use of apparatus such as a spring
balance, cylindrical steel rod , eureka can
and other suitable apparatus, describe one
experiment to investigate the hypothesis
stated (b).

In your description, state clearly the following:

(i) The aim of the experiment.

(ii) The variables in the experiment..
(iii) The list of apparatus and materials.
(iv) The arrangement of the apparatus..
(v) The procedure of the experiment
which include one method of controlling
manipulated variable and one method of

measuring the responding variable.

(vi) The way to tabulate the data.
(vii) The way to analyse the data.
[10 marks]

6.1 Describing the effect of the fluid velocity to
the pressure

How is an airplane lifted? Is it because of

the engine? How a Bunsen burner produces
How can a ball be kicked by a player in a
curved path? To answer these questions
we will study the Bernoulli Principle

6.1.2 Activities to relate velocity of

fluid and pressure.

Activity 1

When the air is blown up in the surface of

a piece of paper, its observed that the paper
moves up.
This happened because the air moved at a
very high velocity.
the pressure of the moving air decreases as
the velocity of the air increases .
The higher atmospheric pressure which
acts at the bottom of the paper pushes up the
Activity 2

Velocity of water at R >

The pressure of water at
The height of water
column P > Q > R

When the air is blown harder through the

straw ,
the two balloons will move closer to each
The air moved at a very high velocity Velocity of water at Q >
between the balloons. R>P
The pressure of the moving air decreases The pressure of water at
as the velocity of the air increases . P>R>Q
The higher atmospheric pressure caused The height of water
the balloons closer to each other. column P > R > Q
Activity 3- Using Venture tubes
(Water flow)

Observe and mark the water level
in the vertical tubes P,Q
andR in the following Velocity of water at R >
diagrams when the water flow continously P>Q
from P to R. The pressure of water at
The height of water
column Q > P > R

Activity 4- Using Venture tubes

(Air flow)


Observe and mark the water level

in the vertical tubes P,Q
andR in the following
diagrams when the air flow continously
from P to R.

Obervation and explanation

6.1.4 Factors affecting the velocity of
the moving liquid.
(1) The velocity of moving object
increases as the wider of the area of
moving fluid
f decreases
( (2) The velocity of moving object
increases as the distance of
moving fluid incrases.

6.2 To realate the equilibrium of a force with the

lifting of an object in a fluid.

6.2.1 Lifting force on ping pong ball

Obervation and explanation

The ping pong ball will not fall when air is

Velocity of air at R > Q > P blown hard through the filter funnel.The
The pressure of air at P > Q > R air above and the left and right side the ping
The height of water column R > Q > P pong ball inside the filter funnel flow wtih high
velocity and causes thepressure above the
ping pong ball to decrease (Bernoulli’s
The atmospheric pressure below the ping
ball higher than above the ping pong ball.
The difference in pressure produced a net
force (lifting force) to to lift up the ping pong
ball upward.
After sometime , the ping pong ball floats
Velocity of air at Q > R > P because the lifting force in equilibrium
The pressure of air at P > R > Q with the weight of the ping pong ball.
The height of water column Q > R > P

6.1.3The statement of the Bernoulli’s


Bernoulli’s principle states that The

pressure of a moving liquid increases as the 6.2.2 Lifting force of an aeroplane
velocity of the fluid decreases and vice versa.
Explanation based on the Bernoulli’s 6.3 Communicates about the aplication of the
principle. Bernoulli’s principle in daily life

6.3.1. In some instrument

Bunsen burner

An aeroplane have wings with the special

shape known as “ aerofoil”. When gas flows out from the nozzle , the
The distance (area ) of air flow at upper velocity of gas inside the bunsen burner >
section of the wing > bottom section outside
The velocity of air flow at upper section of The pressure of gas inside the bunsen
the wing > bottom section burner > outside (atmospheric pressure)
The pressure of air flow at upper section of The difference in pressure produced force.
the wing < bottom section (Bernoulli’s The force push air outside the bunsen
principle) burner sucked into the bunsen burner through the
The diference in pressure produced the air hole and be mixed with the gas
lifting force [ F = ( P2 – P1) A ] inside the bunsen burner.
The larger the difference in pressure the The mixture of gas and air allows more
larger the lifting force. complete combustion of the gas.
The larger the surface area the larger the
lifting force. Insecticide sprayer

Explanation based on the Newton’s third

law of motion

When the plunger is pushed in, the air

flows at a high velocity through a nozzle.
When the wing is angled slightly upward The air pressure above the metal tube <
produced angle of attack. the atmospheric pressure acts on the surface of
Air striking the bottom section ofthe wing the liquid insecticide .
is forced downward as an action. The difference in pressure prodcuce lifting
A reaction force upward on the wing force.
produced lifting force.(Newton’s third law The force causing the insecticidal to rise
of motion) up the metal tube.
The larger the angle of attack , the larger
the lifting force.
But at the same time the larger the angle of
attack , the larger the drag ,so required
more engine thrust.
Filter pump

Helicopter and drone

The "wings" of a helicopter are the rotor

When the rotor blade rotates , the veocity
of wind at top of blade > bottom
The pressure of wind at top of blade <
` Water from a tap flows at high velocity out bottom
of the nozzle The diference in pressure produced lifting
The pressure of the moving air inside the force
pump < in the vessel
The difference in pressure produced 6.3.3 In sport field
The force push the air inside the vessel Football,golf, basket ball,tennis
sucked into the pump and flow together ball etc
with the water in the pump.
In some of the sport such as
football, a player can
6.3.2 In aeronautical field
make the ball move in a curve
path by spinning the ball. This effect can
be explained by
Bernoulli's Principle.

An aeroplane have wings with the special

shape known as “ aerofoil”. At right side the ball spins in
The distance (area ) of air flow at upper same direction of the direction of
section of the wing > bottom section air stream but in left side in the
The velocity of air flow at upper section of opposite direction.
the wing > bottom section The resultant velocity at right side
The pressure of air flow at upper section of > left side
the wing < bottom section (Bernoulli’s The air pressure at left side > the
principle) right side
The diference in pressure produced the The difference in pressure
lifting force. produced lifting force to move the ball
to the right side.
Racing car

The .air particles hits the sail on

both sides .
The spoiler of a racing car in On the outer side the , the air
“inverted aerofoil” particles move farther than inside the
shaped to produced a large sail.
downward force. The velocity of air particles
The distance of the air stream moves faster than the inner
travel at bottom of the spoiler > side of the sail.
upper The pressure inside the sail larger
The velocity of the air stream at than the outer side.
bottom of the spoiler > upper The difference in pressure
The pressure of the air stream at produce lifting force ( The
bottom of force that perpendicular to the the
the spoiler < upper incident airstream) to move the boat
The difference in pressure move forward.
downward force to incraese the
stability of the racing car.
6.3.4. In daily life phenomena
Ski jumping
Standing near railway

A person who stands near a railway feels

like falling into it when suddenly a train
moves with a high velocity passes him. It is
The ski jumpers ski down from a because the velocity of the air in front of him
very increases. According to Bernoulli’s
high platform by bending their Principle , the pressure of the moving air
body so that their posture acts as an decreases as the speed of the air increases.
aerofoil. The difference in pressure produced force.
The air above them moves faster
and the slower air beneath them. The force pushes the passenger forward.
The air pressure above the larger
than air pressure beneath them. Two moving vehicles close each other.
The diference in pressure
produced lifting force.
The larger the bending of their
body, the higher their
lift up and the larger the
distance of landing.


The gap between the car and the truck is
narrow area causes the high velocity of
and low pressure of the air
The large pressure outside the car and the
The diference in pressure produced force.
The force .
This force can cause trucks and cars hit
each other.
Which diagram shows the correct
The roof is lifted during hurricane condition of the ping pong ball when it is
approaching the flowing water.

In a strong wind the velocity of air above

the roof > bottom roof
The pressure of the air above the roof <
bottom roof
The diference in pressure produced lifting
The force blows the roof off

3 Diagram shows a sheet of paper in tent-


1 The Bernoulli’s principle states that

A for any fluid, as fluid velocity

increases, fluid pressure
B for any fluid, as fluid velocity When the air blown into one end of the
increases, fluid pressure tent which of the following diagram is true to
decreases show of the shape of the paper?
C for a moving fluid, as fluid
velocity increases, fluid
pressure increases
D for a moving fluid, as fluid
increases, fluid pressure

2 Diagram shows a hanging ping pball

being brought near the flowing water.

4 Diagram shows strong air is 6 Diagram shows the flowing a liquid
blown through two pieces of parallel hung through a Bernoulli tube. The smallest
paper. pressure of the liquid is at point……

7 Diagram shows water flows through a

Venture tubes from point P to point Q.
In which vertical tubes A ,B,C or D the
pressure of water is very low?

Which diagram shows the correct

during air is blown strongly

8 Diagram shows an arrangement

of apparatus which is used to show the
Bernoulli’s Principle.

When the air is blown, the level of water

in tube
5 Diagram shows one end of the strip of
A X will the lowest
paper is placed between the pages of
the book so that the other end hangs over the B Y will the lowest
C Z will the lowest
9 Diagram shows a ventrury tube is
immersed water .

When air at high velocity is blown on top

of the paper, the edge of the paper Which of the following is true regarding
the rising up of water in the tubes X,Y and Z
A will lift up when the air is blown.
B will move down
C does not move A Water level in X < Water level in
Y < Water level in Z
B Water level in X < Water level in
Z < Water level in Y

C Water level in Z < Water level in
Y < Water level in X Velocity of Pressure of air
D Water level in Y < Water level in air
Z < Water level in X A P<Q P>Q
10 Which of the following shows the correct C P>Q P>Q
water level in the arms of U-tube when air is D P>Q P<Q
13 Which diagram is correct when a player
kicks the ball and the ball spins?

11 Diagram shows a water spray that is produced

when the air flows through the nozzle.

Which of the following is true?

A The mass of air at Q is higher

than at P
B The air pressure at Q is higher
than at P
C The velocity of air at Q is higher
than at P

12 Digram shows a hairdryer blowing straight

up at a ping pong ball caused the ping pong
ball floats

Which of the following is true

14 Diagram shows the flow of air in an
underground tunnel.

The existance of lifting force can be

explained by except

A Newton’s third law of motion

B Archimedes’ principle
The flow of air through the tunnel from X C Bernoulli’s principle
to Y 18 Diagram shows a student blows strongly
because betweentwo candle flames.

A Pressure of air at Y > Pressure of

air at X
B Velocity of air at Y > Velocity of
air at X
C Height of air at Y > Height of air
at X

15 Diagram shows the wing of an aero plane

which is moving with a uniform acceleration in Why the candle flames approach one
the direction shown by the arrow. another
when being blown?

A Temperature of air between the

candle flames becomes low
B Pressure between the candle
Which of the following is true? flames
becomes low
A The pressure in region P is lower C Velocity of air between the
than in region Q candle flames
B The velocity of air in region P is becomes low
lower than in region Q. D Density of air between the candle
C The pressure in region P is same flames
as in region Q becomes low
D The velocity of air in region P is
same as in region Q. 19 Which of the following is application of
Bernoulli’s principle except
16 Diagram shows a model of an aeroplane

Which part A. B. C or D experiences the

highest pressure?

17 Diagram shows a cross-section of a wing

of a moving aeroplane. The wing of the
aeroplane experiences a lifting force.

A 2 x 10-4 m2 , calculate
20 A pasengger was standing near the railway the force acted by the
station at the LRT station. When a column of water in tube P.
train crosses it fast, it experiences a force that
pulls it toward the runway. [ 2 marks ]
This phenomenon can be explained by (b) Diagram 22.2 shows the rubber
stoppers at both ends of tube AB are
A Pascal principle taken away so that the water can
B Bernoulli principle flow uniformly from end A to end B.
C Archimedes’ principle

21 Which of the following instruments is not

based on Bernoulli’s principle?

A Insecticide sprayer
B Racing car spoiler
C Car carburetor
D Flush toilet
Diagram 22.2
22 (a) Diagram 22.1 shows a horizontal
tube AB both ends closed with (i) Mark on the
rubber stoppers is fixed Diagram 22.2,the
with three vertical tubes P,Q and R. possible water
Water is poured into tube P until levels for tube P , tube
water reaches at height of 8 Q and tube R.
cm. [ 1 mark ]
(ii)Give one reason for your answer in


[ 1 mark ]

(c) Diagram 22.3 shows the

apparatus is
modified so that the middle part of the
Diagram 22.1 horizontal tube
becomes narrow. The
(i) Mark on the Diagram apparatus is inverted and submerged in a
22.1 ,the water container.
possible water levels for
tube Q and
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Calculate the pressure at
X exerted by
the column of water.
[ Density of water =
1000 kg m-3]

Diagram 22.3
[ 2 marks ] When air from a hair dryer is
(iii) The cross sectional area of blown from A to B
tube P is (i) mark on the Diagram 22.3 , the
possible water levels of tube P ,
tube Q and tube R.

[ 1 mark ] (i) the velocity of water
(ii) Compare the velocity of air at Y and Z. spurting out and the
distance of separation between the toy
………………………………………...... boats
[ 1 mark ]
(iii) What is the relationship between ..................................................................
velocity and pressure of water along the [ 1 mark]
horizontal tube AB. (ii) the velocity of water
and pressure
[ 1 mark ] ..................................................................
23 Diagram 23.1 and Diagram 23.2 show two [ 1 mark]
toy boats are separated at two (d) Name the physics principle
different distances to each other due to the involved.
difference in pressure.
[ 1 mark]
(e) Explain why a man who stands
near a railway feels
like falling into it when
suddenly a train moves with a high
speed passes him.

Diagram 23.1 ...

[ 2 marks]
24 Diagram 24 shows a racing car. The car
spoiler is attached to racing car in box X.

Diagram 23.2 Diagram 24

(a) What is the meaning of pressure? (a) In the space below draw the
shape of the spoiler in the
..................................................................... box X.
[ 1 mark]

(b) Using Diagram 23.1 and Diagram

23.2 compare
(i) the velocity of water
spurting out from the
rubber hose [1
mark ]
.................................................................. (b) What is the function of the spoiler.
[ 1 mark]
(ii) the distance of ............................................................
separation between the [ 1 mark ]
toy boats. (c) The area of the upper surface of
the spoiler is 0.30 m2. The pressure
.................................................................. at the upper surface of the spoiler is
[ 1 mark] 1800 Pa and the pressure at the
(c) State the relationship between lower surface is 600 Pa.

Calculate the downward force 25 (a) Diagram 25.1 two tubes A and B
acting on is connected each
the spoiler due to the difference other .The tubes then is
in pressure connected to U-tube containing coloured
[ 2 marks ] Diagram 25.2 shows the the
(d) Table 24 shows three types of height of the coloured liquid
spoilers J, K and L and their change when strong air is
characteristics . blown through tube B.

Spoiler Density Area of Difference

of the in velocity
material spoiler of air top
use for and
spoiler bottom of
the spoiler
J High Small Large
K Low Large Large
L Low Small Small Diagram 25.2
Table 24
Based on Table 24 state suitable

characteritics of the spoiler to increase

the stability of the racing car.
Give reason for the suitability of
the characteristics.

(i) Material use for spoiler.

Diagram 25.2
Reason (i) State one function of U-
.................................................................. [ 1 mark]
[ 2 marks ] (ii) Using Diagram 25.2
(ii) Area of spoiler compare the height
of coloured liquid in left arm and right ,
.................................................................. the pressure of coloured
Reason liquid in left arm and right arm,
the pressure of air in
.................................................................. left arm and right arm.
[ 2 marks ] Relate,
(iii) Difference in velocity of air - the pressure of
at the top and the bottom coloured liquid and
of the spoiler the pressure of air
- the velocity of
.................................................................. air and the pressure of
Reason air
[ 5 marks]
.................................................................. (b) Diagram 25.3 shows two
[ 2 marks ] aluminium cans.
(e) Determine the most suitable
spoiler is to be used to increase the
stability of the racing car.

[ 1 mark ]

overtakes the car with high
[4 marks]

(b) Table26 shows four design bunsen

P, Q. R and S with different

Diagram 25.3 Bunsen Specification

Explain what happenhen the air is P
blown strongly between the two
[4 marks]
(c) Diagram 25.4 shows an aeroplane
is ascending at a
higher altitude.

Diagram 25.4
To improve the performance of
the aircraft at high altitude, provide
suggestions and reasons based
on the following aspects
- Shape of the wing
- Surface area of the wing
- Material of the wing
- Angle of attack
- Engine thrust
[10 marks]

26 (a) Diagram 26.1 shows a moving

motorcycle and a moving car.

Diagram 26.1

(i) What is meant by

[1 mark]
(ii) Explain what happens to
the motorcycle and the car
when the motorcycle


Table 26
You are required to determine the most
suitable bunsen burner so that a complete
[ 10 marks]
(c) An aeroplane with mass of 3.5 x 105 kg and
total surface area of 450 m2 is at a constant
height. The resultant force acting on the
aeroplane at that moment is zero.
(i) Calculate the weight of the

[ 1 mark]
(ii) Determine the lifting force acting on the
[1 mark]
(iii) Based on the answer in (b) (ii), calculate
the pressure difference between the
upper and lower surfaces of the wings of
the aeroplane.
[3 marks]


1.1 Describing the meaning of electric field

1.1.1 Introduction

When we talk about "field" in physics, we

must refer to three important words, "region,
object and force." For example, the gravitational
field is the region surrounding a body in which
another body experiences a force of Arrangement of the apparatus
gravitational attraction..
So what does the electric field mean?

1.1.2. Meaning of electric field

Electric field is the region where an

electric charge experiences an electric force

1.1.3 Electric field line

Is the lines to visualise the electric field.

The direction of the electric field lines always
show from positive charges to the negative
charges. Procedure
The electric field lines cannot across each
other Attach the electrodes to the apparatus and
screw in tighly
1.1.4 Electric flux Pour castor oil into petri dish
The EHT is switched on
The total number of electric field lines Observed what happens to the semolina
passing a given area . powder.
The the larger the electric flux , the Draw semolina arrangement pattern
stronger the electric field. Experiment is repeated by using different
type of and arrangements of electrodes.
1.1.4 How to produce an electric field?
A strong electric field can be produced by
connecting an EHT ( Extra high tension) The semolina powder moves and align
or High voltage power supply to metal themselves with the electric field.
1.1.5. Experiment to map electric field
(Demonstration) The semolina powder is moving due to the
electric force acting on it.
The pattern of electric fields depends on
To map electric field the type and arrangement of electrodes.
Apparatus and material
EHT , castor oil (olive oil) , metal
electrodes , Warm the castor oil for a few minutes in a
petri dish, semolina powder and beaker of warm water before pour into
connecting wires. petri dish.
Used a coloured card to help increase

Safety precaution

Before we change differents combination

of electrodes ensure you switch off and
disconnect the EHT from the apparatus

(e) (f)
Example 1

Diagram shows the different types and arrangement

of electrodes to map the electric field.
Based on the diagrams , draw the correct electric
field and the direction of the electric fields.
(a) (b)
(g) (h)

(c) (d)

1.2 Describe the electric field strength, E

1.2.1 Definition of the electric field


The electric field strength,E is defined as

(e) (f)
the force acting on the unit of positive
charge located in the electric field
Electric field strength =
(g) (h) Where,
E = Electric field strength in unit
Newton per coulomb (N C-1)
F = Electric force in unit Newton
Q = Quantity of charge in unit
Coulomb (C)

Solution 1.2.2 The electric field strength

(a) (b) between two parallel plates.

(c) (d) The electricfield strength between two

parallel plates, E is
defined as the potential difference across the

plate per the distance between the Arrangement of apparatus
E = Electric field strength in unit
Volt per
metre (V m-1)
V = Potential difference between
the plates in unit Volt
d = Distancebetween the plates
in unit metre (m)
Example 2 Procedure
A lighted candle is placed between to
The distance between two parallel plates is metal plates.
0.4 m apart with a potential difference 6000 V The EHT is switched on.
across them. Observed the change in the candle flame
(a) Calculatethe uniform electric
field strength between them.
(b) A positive 2 x10 -9 C charge
were inserted
anywhere between the plates
(i) calcutate the magnitude
of the electric force
experiences by the charge.
(ii) the direction of the the
electric force
The candle flame is split into two
Solution sections, which is wider towards
V 6000 the negative plate.
(a) E= = = 1.5 x 10 4 V m -1 Soot may be formed on the
d 0.4 negative plate
(b) (i) E=
Q Discussion
1.5 x 10 4 = It is because the heat energy from
2 x 10 -9 candle flame produces positive
F = 3 x 10-5 N and negative ions.
(ii) From positive plate // to The positive ions which is pulled
negative plate towards negative plate and the
negative ions which is pulled towards
1.3 Describing the behavior of charged particles positive plate
in an electric field The positive ions heavier than the
negative ions.
1.3.1 Effect of an electric field on candle A large force is required to pull
flame (Demonstration) the heavy positive ions to the
negative plate.
Aim Soot is formed when the candle
flame touch the negative plate for a
To deternine effect of an electric field on long time.
candle flame
1.3.2 Effect of an Electric
Apparatus and material Field on a metal coated
polystyrene ball
Two metal plates , candle , EHT (Demonstration)
,connecting wires
When the polystyrene ball touches the
To deternine effect of an electric positive plate ,its charges is neutralised and
field on a metal coated polystyrene immediately receives positive charges.
ball. Hence the polystyrene ball is attracted by
the negative plate.
Apparatus and material The process is repeated caused the
polystyrene ball oscillates continously.
Two metal plates , metal coated The speed of the ball increases as the
polystyrene ball, EHT ,connecting voltage of EHT increased and , the distance
wires between the two plates is decreased because
Arrangement of apparatus the electric field strength , E increased. E =
The speed of the ball increases as the mass
the polystyrene is reduced because the
inertia of the ball is reduced or the
acceleration of the ball is increased.
Nylon thread is used to prevent the loss of
charges from the ball.

1.4 To define current

1.4.1 Definition of current, I

Current ,I is the rate of flow of charge, Q

a conductor.
Procedure Charge
Current =
EHT is switched on. Q
The polystyrene ball is touched to the I=
negative plate (or positive plate) and
Where :
I = currrent in unit
Observed what happens to the polystyrene
Ampere (A)
Q= charge in unit Coulomb
Repeats the experiment by changing the
voltage of EHT , changing the distance between
t = time in unit Second
plates and changing the mass of the
The charge of an electron is ,
polystyrene ball.
e = 1.6 x 10-19 C.
When the number of electrons is
Q = ne
The polystyrene ball oscillates between the
two plates.
Example 3
The speed of the polystyrene ball is
increased when the voltage of EHT
An electric current of 3.2 x 10-3
increased, the distance between the two plates is
A flows through a bulb
decreased and the mass of the polystyrene
for 4 minutes.
ball is reduced.
(charge of an electron ,e =1.6 x
10-19 C)
(a) the electric charge
The polystyrene ball oscillates because
(b) the number of electrons
when the polystyrene ball touches the negative
plate, it receives negative charges. So the
polystyrene ball is attracted by the positive
(a) Q = It = (3.2 x 10-3 ) ( 4 Potential difference , V between
x 60) = 0.768 C two points in an electric field is
(b) defined as work, W is done to move
Q 0.768 one coulomb charge, Q
n= = = 4.8 x 1018 between two points.
e 1.6 x 10 -19
Potential difference ,
Work Energy
1.4.2 Current in an electric =
circuit Charge Charge
In an electriccircuit , current is V= =
said “ A current flows
through......." Where :
The current is measured by an V = potential difference
ammeter and it must be connected in in unit Volt (V)
series with the component W = work in unit Joule (J)
which we want to find the E = energy in unit Joule
current through the component. (J)
For example, if we want to Q = charge in unit
measure the current through Coulomb (C)
a bulb : Example 4

A current of 8 A flowing through an

electric heater for 50 minutes convert 5.76 x 10 6 J
of electrical energy into heat energy.
(a) the total charge circulated
through the heater
(b) the potential difference across the


(a) Q = It = (8) (50 x 60) = 24000 C

E 5.76 x 10 6
(b) V= = = 240 V
Q 24000

1.5.2 Potential difference in an

electric circuit

In an electric circuit , the potential

difference is said “ A potential difference
The potential difference is measured by a
voltmeter and it must be connected in
parallel with the component which we want to
find the potential difference across the component.
For example, if we want to measure the
difference across a bulb :

1.5 To define potential difference

(Voltage) V

1.5.1 Definition of potential

difference, V

1 Which of the following statement is
correct ?

A Electric field is a vector quantity

B Electric field is a region around a
neutral object
C The electric field lines can cross
over each other
D The electric field lines start on
negative charges and end
on positive charges.

2 Why VLT is used to produce electric


A A uniform field is generated

B A straight field is generated
C A parallel field is generated
D A strong field is generated

3 Which diagram shows the correct electric

field pattern between two parallel plates?

4 Diagram shows an arrangement of

apparatus to map an electric field.

7 Which of the following diagram shows
the correct electric field pattern
around a point charge?

Which pattern of the distribution for semolina

powder is formed when the switch is on?

8 Diagram shows the electric field lines for a

pair of charged particles, L and M

5 Which diagram shows the correct electric

field pattern?

What are the charges for L and M?

A Negative Negative
B Positive Positive
C Negative Positive
D Positive Negative

9 Diagram shows an electric field between

two negative points charges

6 Which of the following diagrams does not

show the correct electric field pattern?

The electric field strengths at points P, Q

and R are arranged in ascending order

A P ,Q ,R
B P, R, Q
C Q , R, P
D Q, P, R

10 Diagram shows a student draws the
electric field lines between two positive charges.

What is the error in the diagram? What are the charges on plate X and plate Y?

A The direction of the magnetic R S

field A Positive Negative
B The pattern of the magnetic field B Positive Positive
C The lines intersect each other C Negative Positive
D The lines are not uniform D Negative Negative
11 Electic field strength is defined as 15 Diagram shows a candle flame is placed
in an electric field .

12 How far apart are two parallel plates that

have an electric field strength
of 5.0×103V m-1 between them, when their
potential difference is 20 kV? The observation the shape of the flame is
due to
A 0.25 m
B 0.40 m A the number of negative ions is
C 2.50 m greater than the number of positive
D 4.00 m ions
13 Which of the following changes will B the number of positive ions is
double the electric field strengh between two greater than the number of negative
parallel plates? ions
C negative ions is heavier than
Potential difference Distance positive ions
between two plates between two D positive ions is heavier than
plates negative ions
16 Diagram shows a ping pong ball
A Double Half is coated with
B Half Double conductor paint in stationary
C Half No change between two metal plate W and
D No change Half X.
14 Diagram shows the shape of a candle flame
when the candle is placed between two plates,
R and S, which are connected to an EHT
power supply.

19 Diagram shows an electric circuit. When
the switch ,S is switched on, the
ammeter reading is 0. 2 A.

What is the quatity of charge flowing

through the bulb within 0.5 s?

What happens to the ball when the switch is A 0.1 C

turned on B 0.6 C
C 1.2 C
A Remains stationary D 2.4 C
B Moves towards W and remains at X
C Moves towards W and remain at X
D Moves continuously between P and Q 20 An electric bulb that is labelled 240 V, 60
W is used to boil water for 10 minutes.
17 Diagram shows a polystyrene ball coated with When the current flow is 0.24 A, calculate
conducting material in a strong electric field. the amount of charges that flow in the bulb.

A 150.0 C
B 144.0 C
C 2.5 C
D 2.4 C

21 A current of 6.4 A flows in a metal wire

for 2 minutes. What is the number of electrons
flowing in the wire?
(e = 1.6 x10-19 C )

A 3.2 x 1012
The polystyrene ball is moved towards the
B 4.8 x 1012
positive metal plate M and is then let go .The
C 3.2 x 1015
ball oscillates bewtween M and N.
D 4.8 x 1015
The frequency of oscilltions of the ball is
increased except
22 When the switch is on, the current that
A The voltage of EHT is reduced
flows in a LED is 20 mA.
B The mass of the ball is reduced
What is the number of electrons flowing in
C The distance between M and N is
the LED when it is switched on for 2 hours?
[Charge of an electron = 1.6 x 10-19 C]
18 240 C charge flows in a metal conductor
A 6.3 x1019
for 2 minutes. What is the current in the
B 2.5 x1020
C 9.0 x1020
A 480 A
D 1.5 x1022
B 120 A
C 80 A
D 2A 23 The potential across two points in a metal
conductor is 1 Volt when

A an energy of 1 J is used to flow 1

A of current
B a current of 1 A flows in a metal
1 second
C a power of 1 W is generated
when 1 C charge flows
D a work of I J is done to move 1
C charge between two points.

24 When lightning strikes between two

charged cloud , 16 C charge flows from the cloud
to the Earth and transferred 6.4 x 106 kJ. What
is the potential difference across the cloud and
the Earth?
A 6.4 x 10 V
B 8.0 x 10 V
C 4.0 x 10 V
D 2.0 x 10 V
25 The potential difference across a bulb is
4.0 V and 36 C charge flows in the bulb. What
is the energy is dissipated in the bulb?

A 5.2 J
B 9.0 J
28 Diagram 28 shows the apparatus used to
C 126 J produce elcctric field between two electrodes,
D 144 J X and Y.

26 Diagram showsa circuit containing two

instruments M and N to measure the
current flows and potential across a bulb.

Diagram 28

(a) Complete the following sentence

by ticking (✓) in the box for
Which of the following is correct? the correct answer.

M N The cooking oil is a

A Voltmeter Voltmeter good
B Ammeter Ammeter
C Voltmeter Ammeter insulator
D Ammeter Voltmeter
27 Which circuit shows the correct positions
of an ammeter and a voltmeter when used to [ 1 mark ]
deternine the current flow through dan (b) Based on the
resistor and the potential difference across the arrangement of electodes X and
resistor respectively. Y in Diagram 27, in the space
below draw the pattern of the
electric field that
formed .
Calculate the electric
field strength
between the two plates.

[ 2 marks ]
(c) A dry cell of emf 1.5 V [2 marks]
is used to (d) The frequency of oscillation of the metal
replace the EHT . Explain what happen. coated ping pong ball can be increased
by using one of the method listed in
.................................................................. Table 29
Me Distance Mass of Voltage
.................................................................. thod between the of
[ 2 marks] the two metal E.H.T.
29 Diagram 29 shows a metal coated ping pong plates coated supply
ball hung between two metal plates, P and Q. ping

X Long Medium Low

Y Medium High Medium
Z Short Low High
Table 29

Based on Table 28, state the suitable

method to increase the frequency of
(i) Distance between the two plates:
Diagram 29
The metal plates are connected to an Extra
... Reason:
High Tension, E.H.T., supply. A strong
electric field between metal plates P and Q is
produced when the switch is on.
(a) What is the meaning of electric field?
[2 marks]
(ii) Mass of the metal
[1 mark]
coated ping pong
(b) The metal coated ping pong ball
between the two plates for 5
minutes, 0.4 A of current flows
in the circuit.
Calculate the total charge transfered
between the two plates.
[2 marks]
(iii)Voltage of E.H.T.

[2 marks]
(c) The distance between
plat P and Q is 4.0 cm
and the voltage of E.H.T is 2 kV.
[2 marks]
(e) Based on the answers in (d(i),(d)(ii)and
(d)(iii), choose the most suitable
method to increase the frequency
of oscillation.

[ 1 mark ]
(f) The nylon thread in Diagram 28 is
replaced with a copper

(i) What happen to the motion of the

metal coated ping pong ball?
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Give a reason for your answer
in (f)(i).
...................................................... Diagram 30.1
[ 1 mark ]

Diagram 30.2

(a) What is the meaning of electric

[ 1 mark ]
(b) Based on Diagram 30.1 and
Diagram 30.2 , compare the voltage of
E.H.T, the distance between two
metal plates, the frequency of
oscillations of the ball.
Relate the frequency of
oscillations of the ball
(i) the distance between two
30 Diagram 30.1 shows a polystyrene ball (ii) the strength of the
coated with conductor oscillates in an electric electric field
field between two metal plates. (c) The polystyrene ball in diagram
Diagram 30.2 shows the polystyrene ball 30.2 is replaced by a candle
oscillates between the two metal plates but
with different distance between the plates.
flame. Explain what
[ 4 marks ]
(d) Diagram 30.3 shows an electron
is located at midway two metal plates
. The distance between the
metal plates is 24 cm and the
voltage across the metal plate is 0.8 kV.

2.1 Compare and contrast Ohm conductors and
non-Ohm conductors.

2.1.1 Introduction

Diagram 30.3 A conductor is an object or type of

material that
(i) Calculate the electric allows the flow of
field strength charge
between two plates. (electrical current) in one
[ 2 marks ] or more directions.
(ii) Calculate the electric
force exerted on the Ohm’s law states “that current (I)
electron. flowing through
[ cas of an electron,e = a conductor is directly
1.6 x 10-19 C ] proportional to the voltage applied (V)
[ 2 marks ] across it”
(iii) What happens to the When the graph V against I is plotted ,
electron? a straight line graph through origin is
[ 1 mark ] obtained.

2.1.2 Ohmic conductor and non-ohmic


Ohmic conductor is a conductor that obey

Ohm’s law while a non-Ohmic
conductors is a conductor does not obey
Ohm’s law

The expriment is repeated by
using a filament bulb to
connect across the terminal PQ
On the same axes as the graph V
against I for the
constantan wire , draw the graph for
the filament bulb.


2.1.3 Experiment to compare the graph

V against I for a constantan wire and
filament bulb

To compare the graph V against I for a
constantan wire and filament bulb From the graphs above , the
constantan wire is an ohmic conductor
,while the filament bulb is
a non-Ohmic conductor.

Use only a small current to
prevent the temperature of
List of apparatus and materials the wire from increasing.
All connection wires must be
Ammeter, voltmeter, rheostat, tight so that the circuit
constantan wire, filament resistance is constant
bulb ,connecting wires ,dry
cells and switch.

Arrangement of the apparatus: 2.1.4 Meaning and definition of

resistance ,R

Resistance is the opposition to current

flow in an electrical circuit.

Based on the Ohm’s law,

Procedure V
Arrange the circuit as in the
k is replaced by R
diagram above
Connect a constantan wire across R=
terminal PQ I
The switch is turned on Hence definition of resistance as;
The reading of the voltmeter ,V
and the ammeter, I is recorded. Resistance is the ratio of the potential
The experiment is repeated 5 difference to the current.
times for with different value of, I, by Potential difference
Resistance =
adjusting the Current
Plot the graph V against I V
Where ;

R : Resistance in unit Ohm () or

Volt per Ampere (V A-1)
V: Potential difference in unit Volt
I : Current in unit Ampere (A)

The resistance also can determine from the

graph V against I.

VT = V 1 = V 2 = V 3 ( Same

IT = I1 + I2 + I3

1 1 1 1
= + + or
R T R1 R 2 R 3

 1 1 1 
R T =  + + 

 R1 R 2 R 3 

Effective resistance , RT is
smaller than the individual resistance.

2.2 Solve problems for serial and parallel

combination circuit connections.

2.2.1 Resistors in series 2.2.3 Function of resistors in series and

in parallel

Resistors in series act as a voltage divider.

The larger the resistance , the larger the
( V = IR)

IT = I1 = I2 = I3 ( Same current)

VT = V 1 + V 2 + V 3

RT = R1 + R2 + R3
 R1 
V1 =   x VT ,

 R1 + R 2 + R 3
Effective resistance , RT is bigger than the

individual resistance.

2.2.2 Resistors in parallel

 R2  The connecting wire is
V2 =   x VT
 considered as a conductor with
 R1 + R 2 + R 3  no resistance. The
maximum current flows through
 R3  it.
V3 =   x VT
 (Short circuit occured)
 R1 + R 2 + R 3  IR = 0
Resistors in parallel act as a current
divider. 2.
The larger the resistance , the smaller the

Voltmeter is an
extremely high electrical
resistance. We can assume the current is
not through a voltmeter


IV =0

 1 
 
I1 =  xI
1 1 1  T
 + + 
 R1 R1 R 3 

 1 
 
I 2 =  xI
1 1 1  T
 + + 
 1
R R 1 R 3 

 1 
 

I3 = 
R3 xI
1 1 1  T
 + + 
 R1 R1 R 3 

2.2.4 Some other things about electric



Example 1

Identify the type of circuits connection either series

or parallel or combinations of series and parallel.




(d) (h)

(a) Series
(b) Parallel
(c) Series
(d) Parallel
(e) (e) Parallel
(f) Parallel
(g) One bulb series to two bulbs in parallel
(h) One resistor parallel to three resistors in


Example 2

Determine the effective resistance for the Example 3

following circuits :-
(a) Diagram shows an electric circuit.


Based on diagram calculate the potential difference

across resistor 100 Ω.

(c) Solution


Example 4

Diagram shows an electric circuit.


When the switch S is turned on , the ammeter

reading is 4.8 A.
Calculate the current flows through the resistor
50 Ω


 1 
 
I= 50  x 4.8 = 0.768 A
 1 1 1 
 + + 
 10 50 200 

Example 5
Example 6
Determine the reading of the ammeter for the
following circuits when the switch S is switched Calculate the reading of the voltmeter for the
on:- following circuits when the switch S is switched

(b) (b)




Example 7

Diagram shows a battery 15 V is connected to

three resistors 1.5 Ω , 10 Ω and 15 Ω.

(a) Determine
(i) the effective resistance of the
resistor 15  and 10 

(ii) the effective resistance of the resistors

15  , 10  and 1.5  ?

(b) What is the reading of the ammeter

(i) A1
(ii) A2
(iii) A3

(c) What is the reading of the voltmeter

(i) V1
(ii) V2



2.3 Explain the meaning of resistivity of The length of the constantan wire is
wire,  measured by a
ruler , l = 20 cm
2.3.1 Meaning of resistivity The switch is turned on.
The reading of the voltmeter ,V and the
The electrical resistivity of a material is ammeter, I is recorded.
defined as the resistance of the material per unit V
length and per unit cross-sectional area at a The resistance is calculated R =
specified temperature.
The experiment is repeated 4 times for
= with different length , , l = 40 cm, 60
A cm . 80 cm and 100 cm
Where ; Data
ρ = Resistivity in unit Ohm metre
(Ω m) I ( cm) 20 40 60 80 100
R = Resistance in unit Ohm (Ω) V
l = Length in unit metre ( m) R= (Ω)
A = Cross-sectional area in unit I
metre squared ( m 2)
Analysis the data:

2.4 Describe the factors that influence wire Plot the graph R against l.
resistance, R through experiments and
formulate R =

2.4.1 Experiment to find out how the

length of the wire affects the resistance of
the wire
Based on the graph above it is
Experiment to find out how the length found that the resistance of wire is
of the wire affects the directly proportional to its length
resistance of the wire

List of apparatus Precaution

Ammeter, voltmeter, constantan wire, Each time before the experiment

connecting wires , dry cells, metre rule is repeated with different values
and switch. make sure the switch is turned off to
Arrangement of the apparatus: ensure that the circuit
temperature is constant

2.4.2 Experiment to find out

how the cross-sectional

area of the wire affects the
resistance of the wire


Experiment to find out how the

cross- Conclusion
sectional area of the wire affects the
resistance of the Based on the graph above it is
wire found that the resistance of wire is
inversely proportional to its cross-
List of apparatus sectional area.

Ammeter, voltmeter, constantan Precaution

wire, connecting
wires , dry cells, micrometer Each time before the experiment
screw gauge and switch. is repeated with different values
make sure the switch is turned off to
Arrangement of the apparatus: ensure that the circuit
temperature is constant

2.4.3 Experiment to find out

how the rsisistivity of
the wire affects the
resistance of the wire

Experiment to find out how the
rsisistivity of the wire affects the
resistance of the wire
List of apparatus
The diameter of constantan wire Ammeter, voltmeter, 5 types of
is measured by conductor wires with same length
using micrometer screw gauge ,d = and diameter
0.2 mm (constantan ,copper, nichrome , tungten
Calculate the cross-sectional area and iron )
wire,connecting wires , dry cells, and
d 2
by using the formula A = switch.
The switch is turned on. Arrangement of the apparatus:
The reading of the voltmeter ,V
and the ammeter, I is recorded.
The resistance is calculated
The experiment is repeated 4
times for with different diameter , d =
0.4 mm, 0.6 mm, 0.8 mm and 1.0 mm but Procedure
with the same length The resistivity of constantan wire,
Data ρ is recorded from a
table or from internet.
d 2
A= ( m2 ) The switch is turned on.
4 The reading of the voltmeter ,V
V and the ammeter, I is recorded.
R= (Ω)
I The resistance is calculated
Analysis the data: V
Plot the graph R against A I

The experiment is repeated 4 Copper 1.68 x10-8
times with different wires Aluminium 2.65 x10-8
that is copper, nichrome , Tungsten 5.60 x10-8
tungten and iron wires Iron 9.71 x10-8
Data Nichrome 100 x 10-8
ρ ( Ω m) Constantan 49 x 10-8
V Germanium (1-500) x10-3
R= (Ω)
I Glass (1-10000) x 109
Analysis the data: Hard rubber (1-100) x 1013
Plot the graph R against ρ
2.5.2 Application of material with a
high resistivity and a low resistivity
Materials that conduct electrical current
easily are called conductors and have a
low resistivity. Those that do not conduct
electricity easily are called insulators and
Conclusion these materials have a high resistivity.
Based on the graph above it is For an heating element , nichrome is used
found that the resistance of wire is because has a high resistivity. The higher
directly proportional to its the resistivity , the higher the resistance and
resistivity. the more the heat produced. Other causes of
Precaution nickel are used as materials for heating elements
Each time before the experiment are high melting point , free from oxidation
is repeated with different values and strong.
make sure the switch is turned off to For electrical wiring at home copper wire
ensure that the circuit is used ,because has low resistivity. The
temperature is constant lower the resistivity , the lower the
2.4.4 Relationship between ρ resistance ,. So that the copper wire is a good
, R, l and A conductor .Copper wire also have high melting
point and boiling point.and very ductile metal.
From experiment 2.4.1 :
Rαl 2.5.3 Superconductor
From experiment 2.4.2 :
1 A superconductor is any material that can
R 
A conduct electricity with no resistance.
From experiment 2.4.3 : Superconductor is a metal conductor
Rαρ decreases when its temperature decreases.
l The resistance decreases with temperature but
 R= the resistance suddenly becomes zero
when it is cooled below a certain temperature called
 = the critical temperature, tc
2.4.5 S.w.g of a wire
S.w.g (standard wire gauge) Is a

notation for the diameters or thickness

of a wire.
The larger the diameter of a wire
the smaller the number of s.w.g.
2.5 Communicates about the application of
resistivity of wire in daily life. There are two types of super conductor
that is Type I and Type II.
Superconductor type I made from metal
2.5.1 Resistivity some material and has low crtical temperature such
as aluminium (Tc= 1.2 K), Plumbum (Tc= 7.2
The following table shows the value of K), Niobium (Tc= 9.3 K)
resistivity some materials at 20o C. Superconductor type II made from alloys a
Material Resistivity ,ρ (Ω m) has a high critcal temperatrure (more than
Silver 1.59 x 10-8 10 K) such as Nb3Sn (Tc= 18 K) ,
Nb3Ge (Tc= 23 K) and 1 Which graph shows the relationship
YBa2Cu3O2 (Tc= 100 K) Besides being between potential difference V.and current. I, for a
mechanically harder than Type I resistor that obeys Ohm's law?
superconductors, they exhibit much higher
critical magnetic fields. Type II
superconductors.are used in the
construction of high field
superconducting magnets.
Superconductors are used in several fields
(i) Transportation: Electromagnetic made
of superconductors can
carry large currents that can levitate
trains (Maglev) above the tracks.
(ii) Industry: Electric motors can carry
large currents without heating 2 The graph shows the relationship
(iii) Industry and army : There is no power between potential difference , V and
loss on the wiring using the current , I for an electrolyte.
superconductor. The same is true by
using superconductor for
superfast computers.
(iv) Medicine: Superconductors used in
MRI (Magnetic resonance

2.6 Solve problems involving wire resistance

formula R = Which of the following is true?

Example 8 A The potential difference

is directly
A wire of length 4.0 m with a cross-sectional proportional to the current
area of 3.2x10–6 m2 has a resistance of 0.065 Ω. B The electrolyte obeys the
Determine the resistivity of the wire. Ohm’s law
C The current does not
Solution flows in the
electrolyte when the potential difference
lower than 1.5 V

3 Which of the following is an

ohmic conductor?
Example 9
A Thermistor
A wire has resistivity 1 x 10 Ωm and cross-
-7 B Filament bulb
sectional area 2.5 x 10-7 m2 is connected to a 1.5 V C Constantan wire
battery. When the length of the wire is 5.0 m, D Vacuum diode
calculate the current flow through the wire.
4 Which of the following is a non-
Solution ohmic conductor?

A Copper
B Silver
C Silicone

5 Which graph shows the

relationship between potential
difference ,V and current, I for a
TUTORIAL 2 filament bulb?

What is the resistance of the wire?

A 500 
B 1000 
C 2000 
D 4000 

10 Which circuit can be used to determine

the resistance of a bulb?

6 Resistance is the opposition to

A energy dissipated in an electrical

B power generated in an electrical
C potential across an electrical
D current flow in 11 Which of the following V-I graph shows
an electrical circuit. the resistance increasing as the current
7 An electronic device labelled 12V , 2A.
What is the resistance of the device?

A 6.0 
B 4.0 
C 14.0 
D 24.0 

8 A light bulb has resistance 12 Ω when the

potential across the bulb is 6 V. What is
the current flows through the bulb?
12 Diagram is a graph which shows the
A 72.0 A relationship between the potential
B 18.0 A difference and the current of four different
C 2.0 A conductors, W, X, Y and Z.
D 0.5 A

9 The graph shows the results of an

experiment to measure the resistance of a wire.

Which conductor has the lowest Lowest resistance Highest resistance
resistance? A Q P
D Z 16 Which resistor combination gives the
effective resistance 8  ?
13 When four identical resistors are
connected in series ,the effective resistance is
20 .
What is the effective resistance if the four
resistors are connected in parallel?

A 0.8
B 1.25 
C 5.0
D 20.0

17 Diagram shows combination of three

14 When two identical resistors are connected resistors
in parallel , the effective resistance is 4 . between terminal RS.
What is the effective resistance when the
two resistors are connected in series?

A 2
B 4
C 8 What is the effective resistance between
D 16  terminal RS

15 Diagram show the combinations of A 25 Ω

resistors P,Q and R. B 50 Ω
C 100 Ω
D 200 Ω

18 Diagram shows a circuit consisting of

two resistors 10 Ω and two resistors 5 Ω.

What is the effective resistance at terminal


A 2.5 
B 5.0 
C 7.5 
D 12.5 

19 Diagram shows a circuit consisting of

Which combinations of resistors has the four resistors 2Ω.
lowest and the highest erffective resistance
between terminal X and Y?

What is the effective resistance between
terminal P and Q. Which comparison is correct?

A 4 A I1 = I2 =I3
B 5 B I1 < I2 < I3
C 8 C I1 > I2 > I3
D 10 
23 Diagram shows two similar resistors
20 Diagram shows a circuit consisting of connected in parallel.
four resistors 4Ω and a resistor 2Ω.

What is the effective resistance between

terminal L and M. Which of the following is the correct
A 0.75 
B 1.33  A Reading A1> A2 =A3
C 1.78  B Reading A1= A2>A3
D 4.44  C Reading A1= A2 A3
D Reading A1< A2=A3
21 Diagram shows an electrical circuit.
24 All the bulbs in the circuit below are

The effective resistance between Y and Z is

A 4Ω
B 5Ω Which of the following statements is true?
C 20 Ω
D 25 Ω A Reading A1 > A2 > A3
22 Diagram shows an electrical circuit. B Reading A1 > A3 > A2
C Reading A2 > A1 > A3
D Reading A3 > A1 > A2

25 Diagram shows ammeter reading in a


Which ammeter is showing a faulty both resistor 3Ω and resistor 5Ω?
A Power
B Current
C Potential difference D

30 Diagram shows three resistors that are

connected in series.

26 Diagram shows a battery lights all four

Which lamp, when removed ,would cause
all the lamps to go out?

Which of the following is correct?

A V1 > V 2 > V 3
B V3> V1 > V2
C V2 > V1 > V 3
D V1 = V 2 = V2
27 Which of the bulbs in the following figure
is the brightest ? 31 Diagram shows an electric circuit with
Given that all the bulbs are identical. four similar resistors.

28 Which of the following combination of

switches should be switched on to make
only bulb P, R and S light up?

Which of the following is true?

A V1 > V 2
B V1 < V 2
C V1 = V 2

32 Diagram shows current flows in two

resistors connected in series .A1 and A2 are the
readings on ammeter V1 and V2 are the
A 1 2 3 readings on the voltmeters.
B 1 2 5
C 2 3 4
D 3 4 5
29 Diagram shows a parallel circuit.

Which of the following is correct?

Ammeter Voltmeter
reading reading
A A1 < A 2 V 1 < V2
Which physical quantity must be the same for B A1 < A 2 V 1 = V2
C A1 = A 2 V1 > V 2
D A1 = A 2 V1 = V 2 A The bulbs in the series circuit are
33 Diagram shows current flows than the bulbs in the parallel
towards the junction of two resistors circuit
connected in B The effective resistance of the
parallel. A1 and A2 are the readings on series circuit is larger than the
ammeters , V1 effective resistance of the parallel circuit
and V2 are the readings on the C The total voltage in the series
voltmeters. circuit is
higher than the total voltage in
the parallel
D The total current flow in the
series circuit is greater than the total
current flow in the
parallel circuit

36 Three different resistors are connected in

Which of the following is Which statement is correct?
A Potential different across each
Ammeter Voltmeter resistor is
reading reading the same
A A1 < A 2 V1 > V 2 B Power dissipated by each resistor
B A1 = A 2 V1 = V 2 is the
C A1 = A 2 V1 < V 2 same
D A1 < A 2 V1 = V 2 C Effective resistance is smaller
34 Diagram shows an electric circuit that contains individual resistance
three similar resistors. D The current passing through each
is the same

37 Diagram shows two identical bulbs

connected in

Which of the following readings is correct?

A A1 = A 2
B A1 > A 2 Which statement is correct about the
C V1 = V 2 circuit?
D V1 > V 2 A Bulb M is brigther than bulb N
B Voltage across M is equal to bulb
35 Diagram (a) shows a parallel circuit and N
Diagram (b)shows a series circuit. C The current that flows through
bulb M is
greater than bulb N

38 Which circuit produces the brightest light?

Diagram (a) Diagram (b)

Which statement is correct about the

41 Diagram shows an electric circuit.

What is the reading on the ammeter when

the switch S , is switched on

A 0.30 A
B 0.50 A
C 1.25 A
D 3.33 A

42 Diagram shows an electrical circuit.

39 Diagram shows an elecreical circuit.

What is the reading of the ammeter in the

circuit above when the switch is switched
What is the reading of the ammeter when
A 0.3 A the switch, S is opened and closed?
B 3.0 A
Switch S is opened Switch S is closed
C 4.0 A
D 8.0 A A 4.0 A 6.0 A
B 2.0 A 6.0 A
C 2.0 A 3.0 A
40 Diagram shows an elecreical circuit. D 2.0 A 1.2 A

43 Two resistors 4Ω is connected parallel as

shown in Diagram (a) and the current I1
Later , the resistors 4Ω is connected series
as shown in Diagram (b) and the current I2

What is the reading of the ammeter in the

circuit above when the switch is switched

A 0.4 A
B 0.5 A
C 1.0 A
D 2.0 A Diagram (a)

46 Diagram shows an electric circuit.

Diagram (b)

What is the ratio I1 : I2 ? When the reading of the ammeter A1 is 12

A, what is the reading of ammeter A2?
A 1:2
A 9A
B 1: 4
B 8A
C 2:1
C 6A
D 4:1
D 3A
44 Diagram shows an electrical circuit. When
47 Diagram shows an electric circuit.
the switch ,S is opened and closed the
reading of the ammeter is I1 and I2 respectively.

When the reading of the ammeter A1 is 6

A, what is the reading of ammeter A2?

A 0.50 A
B 0.86A
What the ratio of I1 : 12 ?
C 3.43 A
D 3.60 A
A 1:2
B 1: 3
48 Diagram shows an electric circuit.
C 2:1

D 3:1
45 Diagram shows an electric circuit.

What is the reading of the voltmeter in the

circuit above when the switch is closed?

A 7.8 V
What is the reading of the ammeter in the B 6.8 V
circuit above when the switch is closed? C 5.8 V
A 2.4 A 4.8 V
B 2.0 A
C 1.5 A 49 Diagram shows a circuit.
D 1.2 A

A 0.5 V
B 2.0 V

C 3.0 V
D 6.0 V
52 Among the factors affecting the resistance of a
metal conductor except

A length of conductor
B thickness of conductor
What is the potential difference across the C resistivity of conductor
resistor 2  ? D current through conductor

A 2V 53 Which graph shows the correct

B 4V relationship between resistance, R and cross-
C 6V sectional area, A for conductors?
D 8V

50 Diagram shows a circuit.

What is the reading of the voltmeter in the 54 Diagram shows a piece of constantan .
circuit above when the switch is closed? In which direction does the current flow
when the resistance of the contantan is the
A 2.0 V lowest?
B 4.0 V

C 6.0 V
D 12.0 V

51 The reading of the ammeter in the

following circuit is 2A.

55 Diagram shows an electric circuit.

What is the potential difference across the Which change in wire will result in the
resistor X? highest reading of the ammeter?

Length of wire Diameter of wire

A Increase Decrease
B Increase Lebih kecil 59 Which of the following changes to wire
C Decrease Increase will double its resistance?
D Decrease Decrease
Cross-sectional area Length
56 Diagram shows a piece of nichrome wire
connected across points M and N A Double Double
B Double No change
C No change Half
D Half No change

60 The graph resistance – temperature

represents a graph for a superconductor

When the rhesotat is adjusted to make the

current constant , the voltmeter reading
will increase when

A length of the micrometer wire is

B diameter of micrometer wire is
increased What is the name of point X?
C replace the micrometer wire with
the copper wire A Absolute temperature
57 Diagram shows an electric circuit B Basic temperature
consisting of two wires of the same resistivity C Critical temperature
and different lengths of different thickness D Virtual temperature
connected to the battery.
61 What are superconductors used for unless

A Cable
B Toaster
C Maglev train
D Magnetic Resonance Imaging

62 Which of the following is the unit of


A Ω m-1
Which reading of the ammeter and
B Ωm
voltmeter is correct?
C Ω m-2
C Ωm2
A1 A2 V1 V2
A Small Large Same Same 63 Which of the following has the biggest
B Small Large Large Small resistivity?
C Large Small Same Same
D Large Small Small Large A Copper
B Constantan
58 Which of the following has the highest C Germanium
resistance? D Rubber

Length / cm S.W.G 64 The resistance of a 5 m uniform wire of

A 100 32 cross- sectional area 2 x 10-7 m2 is 0.4 Ω. What
B 100 20 is the resistivity of the material of the wire?
C 50 32
D 50 20 A 1.6 x 10-8 Ω m
B 6.3 x10-7 Ω m

C 1.0 x 10-7 Ω m
D 2.5 x10 -6 Ω m

65 What the ratio of the resistivity of two

wires having the same length and
same resistance with diameter 0.2 m
and 0.4 m respectively.

A 1:4
B 1: 2
C 2:1
Diagram 67.2
66 Two wires of same length and area, made [ 1 mark ]
of two materials of resistivity ρ1 and ρ2 are (c) Name the physics’ law involved
connected in parallel to each other and also in (b)
to a power supply.The equivalent resistivity for
the same length and area of the wires is ………………………………………….....
A 1 +  2 [ 1 mark ]
(d) The constantan wire is replaced
B 1 2
by a torch light
1  2 filament bulb across terminal XY in the
1 +  2 Diagram 67.1
1 +  2 (i) By using the same axes
D in Diagram 67.2 draw the graph
1  2 for the torch light
67 Diagram 67.1 shows a circuit used to filament bulb.
investigate a physics law. [ 1 mark ]
(ii) Give one reason for your
answer in (d)(i).

[ 1 mark ]
(e) As a conclusion the constantan
wire is called
as ..............................conductor
and the torch light bulb as
[ 1 mark ]

Diagram 67.1
(a) Name the measuring instruments
labeled M and N in Diagram 67.1. 68 Diagram 68 .1 shows a circuit consisting
M : three identical resistors X ,Y, Z and two
……………………………………….... measurement instruments P and Q.
[ 1 mark ]
(b) On Diagram 67.2 , sketch a graph
reading of instrument N again the
reading of instrument M .

Diagram 68.1

(a) Name the measurement to a battery 3 V .


[ 1 mark ]
(b) (i) When an identical
resistor is
connected parallel to
resistor Z ,
what happen to the
reading of P and Q?

Diagram 69.1
[ 2 marks ]
(ii) Give the reason for your
answer in (b)(i).


[ 2 marks ]
(c) The resistors X, Y and Z are
replaced by three identical
bulb K, L and M as shown in
Diagram 68.2

Diagram 69.2

(a) What is meant by 3 V,6 W ?


[ 1 mark ]
Diagram 68.2 (b) State the type of circuit in
Compare the brightness between Diagram 69.1 and
the bulb 69.2

(i) K and L Diagram 69.1

[ 1 mark ] …………………………………………….
(ii) L and M ...
Diagram 69.2
[ 1 mark ] ………………………….............................
69 Diagram 69.1 and Diagram 69.2 shows [ 1 mark ]
three (c) The bulbs in Diagram 69.2 are
identical filament bulbs labelled 3V, 6W brighter than the bulbs in Diagram
arranged in two different ways and connected 69.1. Explain why?


[ 2 marks ]
(d) The resistance of each bulb in
Diagram 69.1 and Diagram 69.2 is 2 Ω.
Determine the current flow
through each bulb in
Diagram 70
(i) Diagram 69.1:
(a) When switch S is opened ,the
reading of the ammeter is 1.5 A.

(i) the resistance of the

[ 2 marks ] bulb.
(ii) Diagram 69.2:

[ 2 marks ]
(ii) the reading of the
[ 2 marks ]
(e) (i) A student wants to
design an incubator. [ 2 marks ]
Bulbs are used to heat up (iii) the quantity of charges flow
the incubator. Between the in the bulb within 4
circuit in Diagram 69.1 and minutes.
in Diagram 69.2, which circuit is the
most suitable to
be used by the student to heat
up the incubator. [ 2 marks ]
(b) When the switch is closed ,
………………………………………… calculate
[ 1 marks]
(ii) Give two reasons for your (i) the effective resistance
answer in (e)(i). in the circuit.

[ 2 marks ]
.................................................................. (ii) the reading of the
[ 2 marks ]
70 Diagram 70 shows a circuit consisting of
two resistors and a bulb. [ 2 marks ]

71 Diagram 71 shows an electric circuit .

and dry cells are identical in both
diagrams.The length of the constantan wires
in both diagrams is same.

Diagram 71

(a) Calculate the effective resistance

in the circuit.

Diagram 72.1

[ 2 marks ]
(b) When the switch S is switched on
, determine the
reading of ammeter
(i) A1

[ 2 marks ]
(ii) A2 Diagram 72.2

(a) State the physical quantity

mesaured by the

[ 2 marks ] ............................................................
(iii) the potential across PQ [ 1 mark ]
(b) Using Diagram 72.1 and Diagram
72.2, compare

(i) the SWG

number of wire.
[ 2 marks ]
(c) (i) When the resistor of 10 .......................................................
Ω across PQ is removed , [ 1 mark ]
compare the reading of (ii) the
Ammeter A1 and A2 thickness of the wire

.................................................................. .......................................................
[ 1 mark ] [ 1 mark ]
(ii) Give one reason for your (iii) the
answer in (c)(i). voltmeter reading

.................................................................. .......................................................
[ 1 mark ] [ 1 mark ]
(iv) the
72 Diagram 72.1 and Diagram 72.2 show two ammeter reading
electrical circuits. The ammeter, voltmeter
[ 2 marks ]
....................................................... (ii) On Diagram
[ 1 mark ] 72.3 , draw the graph for
(c) Relate the constantan wire SWG 28 , when it
(i) the replaces the
SWG number and the constantan wire SWG 32
thickness of the [ 1 mark ]
wire .
73 Diagram 73 shows the structure of a cable
....................................................... wire.
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) the
SWG number and the
resistance of the
Diagram 73
Table 73 shows the value of resistivity for
three materials at at 20o C.
mark ]
Material Resistivity ,ρ (Ω m)
(d) A rheostat is connected
W 1.68 x10-8
series with the dry cells in
Diagram 72.1. By adjusting X 1.0 x 10 -6
the rheostat , 5 sets of the ammeter and Y 1.6 x 1014
voltmeter reading are Diagram 73
obtained , then a
graph the voltmeter reading against the (a) What is meant by resistivity?
ammeter reading is plotted as
shown in Diagram .....................................................................
72.3 ..
[ 1 mark ]
(b) Based on Diagram 73 and Table
73 , which material
is suitable used as
(i) wire


[ 2 marks ]
(ii) insulator


[ 2 marks ]
(c) The diameter of a wire made
Diagram 72.3 material X is 2.5 x 10-3 m and its
(i) Based on length
Diagram 72.3 determine the is 25 m.
resistance of the constantan wire Calculate
SWG (i) the cross-sectional area
32. of the

[ 2 marks ]
(ii) the resistance of the wire

[ 2 marks ]
74 Diagram 74.1 shows a squirell on a a high
voltage cable.

Diagram 74.1
(a) (i) What is meant by
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Explain why the squirrel
does not
experience an electric shock.
[4 marks]
(b) A student design of a wire-
variable resistor to control the amount of
current flowing through
a circuit
. Table 74 shows four different
types of designing
P, Q, R and S.

Table 74

Based on Table 74, state the

P suitable characteristics
of a wire-wrapped
variable resistor to control the
amount of current flowing
through a circuit so that
produces the maximum resistance.
Give the reason for the suitability
of each characteristic.
[ 10 marks ]

(c) Diagram 74.2 shows an electrical


Diagram 74.2.

Determine the reading of

ammeter and voltmeter when Diagram 75.1
the switch is
(i) switched off
(ii) switched on
[ 5 marks ]
1 1  112
(i) RE =  +  =
 8 14  22
Ammeter reading =
 
 
 6  = 1.18A
 112 
 
 22 

Voltmeter reading = Diagram 75.2

x 6 =4.29 V
14 (a) Based on Diagram 75.1 and
Diagram 75.2 , (i) What type of
−1 the bulbs connections
1 1  80
(ii) RE =  +  = involved.
 8 10  18 [1 mark]
Ammeter reading = (ii) Compare the number of bulbs
  , the brightness of
  each bulb and the reading of the
 6  = 1.35 A ammeters.
 80 
  State the relationship the
 18  number of bulbs
Voltmeter and the reading of the ammeter.
reading = 6 V Make a deduction
relating the numbers of
75 Diagram 75.1 and Diagram 75.2 show two bulbs and the effective of resistance of
electrical circuits. The ammeters, dry cells bulbs.
and bulbs are identical in both [5 marks]
diagrams. Assume the internal resistance of (b) Diagram 75.3 shows a LED
the dry cell is zero. traffic light circuit.

Diagram 75.3

Give explanation about the
[4 marks ]

(c) Diagram 75.4 shows a filament lamp.

Diagram 76.2
Based on the information and observation:
(a) State one suitable inference.
[1 mark]
(b) State one suitable
Diagram 75.4 hypothesis.
You are required to modify the design in [1 mark]
Diagram 75.4 so that the lamp which can (c) With the use of apparatus such as
produce the brightest light. constantan wire, ammeter and other
State and explain the modifications based apparatus, describe one experiment to
on following aspects: investigate the hypothesis stated in (a)
In your description, state clearly the
- The resistivity of the filament wire following:
- The melting point of the filamen wire (i) The aim of the experiment..
- The shape of the filament wire (ii) The variables in the experiment..
- The gas fill in the lamp (iii) The list of apparatus and
- The pressure of the gas fill in the lamp
[10 marks] (iv) The arrangement of the apparatus.
76 Diagram 76.1 shows an incubator connected (v) The procedure of the experiment
to a power supply of 240 V 'by a copper wire which include one method of
of SWG 28. Diagram 76.2 shows an identical controlling the manipulated
incubator cmnected tro'power supply of variable and one method of
240 V by a copper wire coils of SWG 28. It is measuring the responding
observed that the bulb in Diagram 76.1 is variable.
brighter. (vi) The way to
tabulate the data.
(vii) The way to
analyse the data.
[10 marks ]

Diagram 76.1


Arrange the circuit as in the diagram above

Turn off the switch and record the
ammeter readings and the voltmeter
Observed what happens to the bulb.
Turn on the switch and record the ammeter
readings and the voltmeter readings.
Observed what happens to the bulb.

LESSON 3 – When the switch is turned off:

ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE Ammeter reading = 0.0A
Voltmeter reading = 1.5 V
(E.M.F.) AND INTERNAL Bulb is not lighted up
When the switch is turned on:
3.1 Explain the electromotive force, Ɛ Ammeter reading = 0.2 A
Voltmeter reading = 1.3 V
3.1.1 Introduction Bulb is lighted up
The electromotive force of a dry cell ,
Ɛ = 1.5 V while the potential Ɛ = 1.5 V
difference across a resistor , V = 2.5 V. V = 1.3 V
Why is the electromotive force not in the
Newton (N) unit, but has the same unit of Discussion
as the potential difference in Volt (V) unit?
To distinguish Ɛ and V note the following

3.1.2 Activity to distinguish Ɛ and V


To distinguish electromotive force . Ɛ and

potential difference ,V

Apparatus and material

A new dry cell , a bulb 1.5 V,0.3 W

,switch , voltmeter and ammeter.

Arrangement of apparatus
(1) V<Ɛ
(2) When the
switch is turned on ,

the potential Activity to study the effects of internal
across cell = the resistance to voltage drop, Ir.
potential across bulb = V
Apparatus and material
3.1.3 The definition of Ɛ
A new dry cell , a bulb 1.5 V,resistor 4 Ω
E.m.f is the energy provided by a cell ,switch ,multimeter , two voltmeters and
,battery or source of electricity per coulomb of ammeter.
charge passing through it.
Or Arrangement of apparatus
E.m.f is the potential across a cell or
source of electricity when it is on ‘ open
circuit ‘ and supplying no current.

The S.I. unit of e.m.f is Volt (V).

The symbol of e.m.f is Ɛ

3.1.4 The differences between Ɛ and V

Measure the internal resistance of dry cell
Ɛ V by using multimeter, r
The energy supplied The energy dissipated per Arrange the circuit as in the diagram above
per coulomb of charge coulomb charge passes Turn off the switch and the voltmeter V1
by the source of through the components readings., Ɛ
electricty (cell,battery, (bulb , resistor etc) Turn on the switch and record the ammeter
dynamo etc) ,I readings and the voltmeter readings,V1 and
It measured across the It measured across any V2
two terminals of the two points in the circuit
source of electricity Data
It is independent of the It is directly proportional r = 0.8 Ω
resistance of the circuit to the resistance between Ɛ = 1.5 V
the given points V1 = 1.2 V
It is measured when the It is measured when the V2 = 1.2 V
current does not flow current flow I = 0.5 A
This is a cause It is an effect
3.2 Explain the internal resistance ,r Calculation
Voltage drop = Ɛ – V = 1.5 – 1.2 = 0.3 V
3.2.1 Introduction Ir = (0.6)(0.5) = 0.3 V
V = IR =(0.3)(4) = 1.2 V
The reason why the potential difference Conclusion
across a cell drops when it is supplying current is
that cell itself has a resistance. Ɛ – V = I r or Ɛ = V + I r
The internal resistance ,r is the resistance and V = IR
within a cell due to its electrolyte and electrodes Also or Ɛ = IR + I r
or source of electricity.
The electric current delivered to a circuit The higher the internal resistance , the
by a cell or battery also flows through the higher the voltagr drop.
battery itself. Conduction inside a cell is by means When the current flow voltage across cell
of the movement of ions in the electrolyte. = voltage across resistor.
There is some resistance to the flow of these ions
which give a cell an internal resistance.
3.3 Experiment to determine d.g.e. and
The S.I. unit of r is Ohm ()
resistance in dry cells.
3.1.2 Activity to study the effect of
interrnal resistance to voltage drop, Ir. 3.3.1 Graph potential across cell , V
against current , I

From the equation,

V = -I r + Ɛ Procedure
V = -rI + Ɛ Arrange the circuit as in the diagram above
y = mx + c Turn off the switch and record the
ammeter readings and the voltmeter
As a conlusion : readings.
Turn on the switch and record the ammeter
r = - m = - gradient of the graph readings and the voltmeter readings.
Ɛ = c = V-intercept Experiment is repeated 4 times by
1 adjusting the rheostat ,so that the current
3.3.2 Graph R against
I changes,
Tabulate the data.
Plot graph V against I.

I (A) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
V (V)

From the equation, Calculation

Ɛ = IR + I r
Ɛ = I ( R + r)
I ( R + r) = Ɛ

R =   - r
y = mx + c
Determine the V –intercept = h
As a conlusion :
Determine the gradient of the graph = - k
r = - (R intercept )
Ɛ = gradient of the graph

r = -(-k) = k
3.3.3 Experiment to determine Ɛ
and r of a dry cell.


To determine Ɛ and r of a dry cell.

3.3.4 Experiment to determine Ɛ
and r of a dry cell (Alternative)
Apparatus and material
A new dry cell , a resistor
, switch,voltmeters , ammeter and rheostat.
To determine Ɛ and r of a dry cell.
Arrangement of apparatus
Apparatus and material

A new dry cell , resistor 2 Ω . 4 Ω , 6 Ω , 8
Ω Series
and 10 Ω , switch, ammeter

Arrangement of apparatus
eff = 3
r eff = 3r
I eff = I

Advantage :
The cells connected in series produces a
greater the effective e.m.f.
. The cells which are damaged can be easily
identified and hence can be replaced easily
Procedure as they break the circuit.

Arrange the circuit as in the diagram above Disadvantage :

Connect the resistor R = 2 Ω across XY If any one of the cell is damaged in the
Turn on the switch and record the ammeter circuit, it may affect the whole connection. The
reading, I cells which are connected in series gets
Experiment is repeated 4 times by using easily exhausted and so they do not last longer
resistor R = 4 Ω , 6 Ω , 8 Ω and 10 Ω. bcause have a greater effective internal
1 resistance.
Calculate the value of for each value of
R Parallel
Tabulate the data.
Plot graph R against
R (Ω) 2 4 6 8 10
( A-1)


eff = 
reff = r
I eff = 3I

Advantage :
For the cells connected in parallel
if any one of the cell is damaged in
Determine the y –intercept = - h the circuit, it will not affect the whole
Determine the gradient of the graph = k connection.
The cells which are connected in
Conclusion parallel do not exhaust easily and
thus they last longer because have a
r = -(-h) = h small effective internal
Ɛ=k resistance.
3.4 Solve problems involving e.m.f. and internal
resistance in dry cells. Disadvantage:
The voltage developed by the
3.4.1 Battery in series ,parallel or cells in parallel
combination series and parallel. connection cannot be increased by

increasing the number of cells A weak link in the series circuit
present in the circuit. will reduce the overall efficiency of
the system
Combination series and parallel Higher voltage is dangerous

In parallel

eff = 3
reff = r
I eff = 3I

3.4.2 How to Connect Solar Effective voltage = voltage of

Panels Together one solar

In series
Effective current = the sums of
of four solar panels

Advantages :

Allow safer voltage to operate:

Effective voltage = the sums of Easy to control because the same
of voltage
of four solar panels
The amount of solar panel output
Effective current = current of one
is not affected by the weak
solar Link
panel Disadvantages:
Need to use a thicker cable:
Less efficient when used with
long cables
High voltage causes small
current through wire and reduce power
loss during
Combination parallel
Allows to use smaller wire
and series
because small current flows
through it.
Allow longer wiring from solar
panels to other devices.
because heat loss is smaller So that
other devices can placed at a cold or
shadow area.

Disadvantages :

When the switch S is opened ,the reading
of the voltmeter is 1.5 V. When the switch S is
closed the reading of the voltmeter and ammeter
are 1.35 V and 0.3 A respectively.
To recover the advantages and Determine
(a) the e.m.f. of the cell
disadvantages of both configurations, it is (b) the internal resistance of the cell
recommended to have a (c) the resistance R
mix of both to get the most out of
them. You can have a Solution
parallel configuration of a set of solar
panel panels in a string. Where you can
get better energy, lower wiring
costs and better
efficiency in situations with partial shade
Example 2
3.4.3 Arrangement of cell in an
electric car. Diagram shows an electric circuit
containing of a dry cell of electromotive force
An electric vehicle battery is 1.5 V . When the switch S is closed, the reading
often of ammeter is 0.3 A and the voltmeter is 1.2
composed of many hundreds of small, V.

individualcells arranged in a series/parallel

configuration to achieve the
desired voltage and capacity in the final
pack. A common pack is
composed of blocks of 18 -30
parallel cells in series to achieve a
desired voltage.

Inside a car that uses fuel, wet lead acid-

battery containing six plates with e.m.f 2 V Calculate,
and internal resistance less than 0.01 Ω (a) the resistance of resistor R
each arranged in series to produce 12 V (b) the internal resistance ,r of the
e.m.f.It is used because very low cell
internal resistance can deliver up to 400 A of
current for short time to operate the Solution
starter motor on a car..

3.4.4 Solve problems involving emf Example 3

and internal resistance
A cell produces a current 0.5 A when it is
connected to a resistor 2. When the same cell is
Example 1
connected to a resistor 4 the current produced is
Diagram shows an electric circuit. 0.4 A.
(a) The internal resistance of the cell.
(b) The e.m.f of the cell?


Based on information given in the diagram above,

Example 4 (a) Calculate
(i) the effective of e.m.f of the dry
Diagram shows an electric circuit containing four cells
dry cells and a resistor 8 Ω. (ii) the effective of internal resistance
The each cell has e.m.f iof 1.5 V and internal of dry cells.
resistance 0.5 Ω. (b) Determine the reading of the ammeter


(a) Calculate
(i) the effective e.m.f of the dry cells
(ii) the effective internal resistance
of dry cells.
(b) Determine the reading of
(i) ammeter
(ii) voltmeter


Example 5

Diagram shows an elecrtical circuit.

1 Which of the following physical quantity What happens to the ammeter and
has the same unit as the unit of the voltmeter
electromotive force? when the switch S is turned off?

A Current Ammeter Voltmeter

B Energy A No reading No reading
C Voltage B No reading Has reading
D Resistance C Has reading No reading
D Has reading Has reading
2 What is electromotive force?
5 Diagram shows a circuit containing a
A The work done by a charge in a battery and a resistor..The electromotive force of
circuit the battery is .
B The work done by one coulomb
of charge
in a circuit
C The work done by a source of
energy in
driving a charge around a
complete circuit
D The work done by a source of
energy in What is the reading of the voltmeter when
driving one coulomb of charge in the switch is closed?
complete circuit A 0
B 
3 Which of the following are differences C Less than 
between the elctromotive force and the potential D More than 
difference except
6 The internal resistance in a battery caused
Electromotive Potential by
force difference the resistance of its

A It measured It measured A electrolyte

across the two across any two B electrodes
terminals of the points in the C electrolyte and electrodes
source of circuit
electricity 7 Diagram shows a circuit containing a dry
B It is independent It is directly cell as electromotive force , e and internal
of the resistance proportional to resistance , r a resistor of resistance R
of the circuit the resistance When the switch is opened ,the voltmeter
between the reading is V1. When the switch is closed
given points the voltmeter reading V2 and the ammeter
C It is measured It is measured reading is I.
when the current when the current
does not flow flow

D Measured in unit Measured in unit

of Newton (N) of Volt (V)

4 Diagram shows an electrical circuit.

What is the value of V1 – V2?

A 
B Ir
D I(R + r)

8 Which circuit can be used to determine the and r could be determined from
electromotive force of a battery?
E.m.f. r
A I-intercept Area under the graph
B Area under the graph V- intercept
C V-intercept Gradient of the graph
D Gradient of the graph I-intercept

11 Diagram shows a graph of the voltage

across a battery, V against current , I
flowing through two batteries. L and M

9 Diagram shows an electrical circuit to

determine the e.m.f and internal resistance
of a dry cell.

Which comparison is correct?

Electromotive force internal resistance

Which of the following graphs relates the D L>M L>M
reading of ammeter , I and the reading of
voltmeter , V. 12 Diagram shows a graph potential
difference, V across a battery against current, I
flowing through it.

10 Diagram (a) shows an electric circuit to

determine the electromotive force (e.m.f)
and internal resistance , r of a dry cell.
Diagram (b) shows the results of a graph
of potential difference, V against current, I.

Which of the following is not true?

A E.m.f of the battery is 1.8 V

B The internal resistance is 2.0 
C The resistance of the
externalresistance is
0.81 Ω
(b) 13 An experiment is carried out to determine
and internal resistance of a cell as shown
in Diagram (a). The result of the experiment
is shown in Diagram (b).

Diagram (a) Which of the cells has the same value of


A W and X
B X and Y
C Y and Z
D W and Z

15 When the switch S in the following

diagram is opened the voltmeter reading is
1.5 V. When the switch S is closed the readings of
voltmeter and the ammeter is 1.3 V and 0.2 A
Diagram (b) respectively.
Which of the following represent the e.m.f
and the internal resistance of the cell?
e.m.f. Internal resistance
A c
a d
B c
d b
C a What is the internal resistance of the cell?
c b
D a A 0.1
b d B 0.3
C 0.6 
14 Diagram shows an electric circuit used in D
an experiment to determine e.m.f and internal 1.0
resistance of a cell 16 Diagram shows a dry cell with an
electromotive force of 3.0 V is connected with
resistor 4Ω.

The experiment is repeated with four

different type of cells W , X , Y and Z and
the result shows in the following graph. When the reading of the ammeter is 0.5 A,
what is the internal resistance of the cell?

A 4.0 
B 2.0 

C 1.0 
D 0.5 

17 Diagram shows a dry cell is connected to a
resistor 5 . When the switch S is opened
the reading of the voltmeter is 14 V. When the
switched S is closed the reading of the
voltmeter is 10V.

What is the current flowing through the

What is the internal resistance of the cell?
A 1.1 A
B 1.2 A
A 0.5 
C 1.3 A
B 2.0 
D 1.4 A
C 3.0 
D 4.0  21 Diagram shows a circuit containing two
resistors 6Ω and a cell with an
18 Diagram shows an electric circuit. electromotive force of 12 V and internal
resistance of 3Ω .

What is the internal resistance of the

battery in this circuit.

A 14 Ω
What is the current flowing through each
B 10 Ω
resistor of 6Ω?
C 6Ω
D 4Ω
A 0.5 A
B 1.0 A
19 Diagram shows an electric circuit. When
C 2.0 A
the switch, S is off the voltmeter reading is
D 3.0 A
12V. The internal resistance of the cell is 6 Ω .
22 Diagram shows a dry cell connected to a

What is the ammeter reading

when the switch, S is

A 1.2 A
B 2.0 A
C 2.5 A
D 3.0 A
20 Diagram shows a circuit containing three
resistors 2Ω and a cell with an When the ammeter reading is 0.4 A , what
electromotive force of 12 V and internal is the reading of the voltmeter
resistance of 6Ω .
A 6.2 V
B 5.8 V

C 5.2 V C an e.m.f. of 2 V and an internal
D 2.9 V resistance of 0.125 
D an e.m.f. of 8 V and an internal
23 Diagram shows a circuit containing two resistance of 0.125 
resistors 10 Ω, a resistor 20 Ω , a cell with
e.m.f of 1.5 V and internal resistance of 2Ω.

26 Diagram shows three similar cells

connected in parallel in one circuit. It is given
that each cell has e.m.f of 12V with internal
resistance of 3Ω,
What is the reading of the voltmeter?

A 0.23 V
B 0.46 V
C 1.25 V
D 1.50 V

24 Diagram (a) shows a circuit to determine

the e.m.f and internal resistance of a cell.
Diagram (b) shows the experiment is What is the effective e.m.f and internal
repeated by using the same cell. resistance at terminal PQ?

Effective Effective internal

e.m.f (V) resistance (Ω)
A 12 9
B 36 9
C 12 1
Diagram (a) D 36 1

27 Diagram shows two dry cells has e.m.f

1.5 V and internal resistance 0.2 Ω each
and two resistors 4 Ω each are connected in an
electric circuit.
Diagram (b)
What is the internal resistance and the
electromotive force of the cell?

Internal resistance () E.m.f (V)

A 0.25 1.5
B 0.50 3.0 What are the total e.m.f of the cell and the
C 1.00 3.0 total resistance in the circuit?
D 1.25 4.5
Total e.m.f Total Resistance
25 Four cells, each with an e.m.f. of 2 V and
internal resistance 0.5  are connected in A 1.5 V 8.1 Ω
series. The resulting battery will have: B 1.5V 8.4 Ω
C 3.0 V 8.1 Ω
A an e.m.f. of 2 V and an internal D 3.0 V 8.4 Ω
resistance of 2.0 
28 Diagram shows an electric circuit.
B an e.m.f. of 8 V and an internal
resistance of 2.0. 
reading of voltmeter is reading of 1.4 V
and the ammeter reading is 0.7 A.

When an identical dry cell is connected in

parallel with WX will decreasing

A the total e.m.f of dry cell

B the brightness of the bulb
C the total current in the circuit
D the total internal resistance of dry
29 Diagram shows an electrical circuit. Diagram 31

(a) Mark with ( ) for the correct answer in

the box provided.

The voltmeter in Diagram 31 measured

the potential difference across

the bulb
What is the reading of the ammeter?
… the cell
A 0.39 A
B 0.60 A [ 1 mark ]
C 1.07 A (b) What causes the difference in the
D 1.20 A voltmeter reading when the switch is closed
and when the switch is opened?
30 Diagram shows an electrical circuit. …………………………………………….
[ 1 mark ]
(c) Calculate the,
(i) resistance of the bulb

[ 2 marks ]
(ii) the internal resistance of the cell.

What is the reading of the voltmeter?

A 11.1 V [ 2 marks ]
B 9.0 V (d) Another identical bulb is added in parallel
C 5.5 V with the existing bulb. What is the reading of
D 4.5 V the voltmeter when the switch is closed.

31 Diagram 31 shows circuit containing a

dry cell a bulb, an ammeter, a voltmeter and a
switch. The reading of voltmeter is 3 V when the
switch is opened. When the switch is closed the

[ 3 marks ]
[ 2 marks ]
32 Diagram 32 shows a circuit containing
voltmeter, ammeter, two switches S1 and 33 The graph V against I in Diagram 33
S2 , two bulbs M1 and M2 and a battery with below shows the results of the experiment to
e.m.f is  V and the internal resistance of 1Ω. determine the electromotive force , , and
the internal resistance, r , of a battery.

Diagram 32
(a) When the switches S1 and S2 is opened ,
the reading of the voltmeter is 12 V.
What is the
value of  ?
........ Diagram 33
[ 1 mark ]
(a) Based on the graph in the
(b) When the switch S1 is closed and the Diagram 33,
switch S2 is opened , the reading of the
(i) what happen when I
ammeter is 3.0 A.
(i) the reading of the voltmeter?
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) determine the value of
the potential
[ 2 marks ]
difference , V, when the current ,
(ii) the resistance of bulb M1 ?
I = 0.0 A.
Show on the graph , how
you determine V.
[ 2 marks ] ………………………………………......
(c) When the switches S1 and S2 is closed , [ 2 marks ]
the reading of the ammeter is 6.0 A . (iii) name the physical quantity
Calculate that
(i) the reading of the represents the value in (a)(ii).
[ 1 mark ]
(iv) determine the internal
[ 2 marks ] resistance , r of the battery.
(ii) the resistance of bulb
M2 ?

[ 3 marks ]
(c) (i) From the graph , state
the value of V,
when I = 0.60 A.
Show on the graph how
you determine the value V.

[ 2 marks ]
(ii) Calculate the resistance R is
given by
when I = 0.60 A

[ 2 marks ]
(d) State one precaution that
should be taken during this experiment.

Diagram 34
... (a) Based on the graph in Diagram
34 :
34 A student carries out an experiment to (i) State the relationship
determine the electromotive force,  and between R
internal resistance, r of a dry cell. The 1
result of the experiment is shown in the graph R and
against as shown in Diagram 34. , where R is
I .....................................................................
the external resistance and I is the current ...
flow in the circuit. [ 1 mark]
(ii) Determine the value of R
I = 0.25 A.
Show on the graph , how
you determine the value of R.

[ 2 marks]
(b) By using the formula:
 = I ( R + r)
show on the graph how
you determine
(i) the internal
resistance ,r of the
dry cell

[ 2 marks]
(ii) the
electromotive force ,  of the dry

[ 2 marks]
(c) State one precaution that
should be taken to improve the
accuracy of the resuilt of this

[ 1 mark]
35 (a) Diagram 35.1 shows an electric

Diagram 35.1

Based on Digaram 35.1

(i) What is the function of

the voltmeter ?
[1 mark]

(ii) Explain what happen to

ammeter reading and voltmeter
reading before and after
the switch S is turned on.
[4 marks]
(b) You are given 4 dry cells each of
which has 1.5 V of electromotive
force and 0.5 Ω of internal
resistance , 3 bulbs labelled 2.4 V, 0.8 W
and a connecting wire. Y
The table 35 shows four different
circuits W,
X, Y and Z used the items given.

4.1.2 Derives the formula E = VIt from
the the potential difference definition and
the current definition.

Z Based on the definition of current,,

Q = It ………………...(1)

Table 35 Based on the definition of potential

Based on Table 35, state the suitable characteristics difference,
of the circuit to light the bulb with higher E
brightness and not easy to blown up. Q
Give the reason for the suitability of each E = V Q ……………(2)
[ 10 marks ] Substitute (1) into (2)
(c) Diagram 35.2 shows an electrical circuit,
E = VIt

Where :

E = Electrical energy in unit J or

V = Potential different in unit Volt
I = Current in unit Ampere (A)
t = Time in unit second (s)

4.2 Formulate the relationship between power

(P), voltage (V) and current (I)

4.2.1 Derives the formula P = VI from

Diagram 35.2 the power definition from the
formula E = VIt
Based on Diagram 35.2 determine the
reading of
Based on the definition of power,
(i) the ammeter
(ii) thevoltmeter P = ………………...(1)
[ 5 marks ] t
Based on the formula
E = VIt ……………….(2)
Substitute (2) into (1)
4.1 Formulate the relationship between
electricity (E), voltage (V), current (I) and time

4.1.1 Introduction

When you were in form three and form Where :

four you learned a lot about different types
of energy and formulae such as kinetic energy, P = Electrical power in unit W or
gravitational potential energy, elastic AS
potential energy and heat energy. What V = Potential different in unit Volt
is the formula for electrical energy? (V)
I = Current in unit Ampere (A)
A current of 5A flows in a heating elements for 10
2 minutes. If the potential difference across the
4.2.1 Derives the formulae P = and elements is 240 V, calculate the electrical energy is
R used by the elements
P = I2 R from Ohm’s law. Solution
From Ohm’s law;

V = IR..........................................(1)

I= ..........................................(2)
Example 2
From the formula
Diagram shows an electrical circuit.
P = VI...........................................(3)

Subtitiute (1) into (3)

P = (IR) (I)

P = I2 R

Where :

P = Electrical power in unit W or When the switch S is closed for 5 minutes ,

AS calculate the energy is produced in the resistor 6?
I = Current in unit Ampere (A
R = Resistance in unit Ohm (Ω) Example 3

This formula is used to calculate the power A small laboratory immersion heater uses a 12 V
lost in the electrical wiring system. supply. The current through the heater is 4A. What
is the power of the heater.
Subtitiute (2) into (3)
P =  (V )
R Example 4
P= Diagram shows an electrical heater labelled 1.5 kW
,240 V.
Where :

P = Electrical power in unit W or

I = Current in unit Ampere (A)
R = Resistance in unit Ohm (Ω)

This formula is used to calculate the Determine the resistance of the filament wire in the
resistance of an electrical device from its heater.
power rate when functioning optimally.
4.3 Solve problems in daily life involving energy Solution
and electricity.
Example 5
Example 1 An electric kettle is labelled 3 kW,240 V.
Example 8
(a) What is meant by the label 3KW,240 V?
(b) What is the current flows through the The following table shows the electrical appliances
kettle? is used at Ahmad’s house.
(c) Determine the suitable fuse to use in the kettle. Appliance Number Power of Time is
(d) Determine the resistance of the heating of each used for
elements in the kettle. appliance appliance a day
(W) (Hour))
Solution Fluorescent 15 60 12
Fan 8 90 5
Iron 1 1200 0.5
Calculate the cost of using the electrical appliances
by Ahmad’s Family within 20 days.
[ The cost of electricity is 20 sen for first 100 units
Example 6 and 24 sen for next 900 units ]

5A of Electric current flows through the cable with

a resistance of 10 Ω Calculate the power loss in the Solution


4.4 Compare power and energy consumption

rates of various electrical appliances.

Every house has an electrical meter supplied by the

Electricity board.
The units used are kilowatt-hours (kWh).

1 kilowatt - hour is the energy supplied in 1 hour to

4.5 Recommend measures to conserve energy
an appliance whose power rating is 1 kW.
consumption at home.
Energy = power x time
1 Change your daily behavior while using
electrical equipment
Kilowatt-hour kilowatts hours
-Turn off the appliance when not in use.
-Use full loads of washing in a washing
1 kW h = 1000 x 3600 J = 3.6 x 10 6 J machine.
-Use free wind and sunshine instead of a
Example 7 tumble-dryer whenever possible.
-Do not put warm food into a fridge or
Determine how many units is used for the freezer.
following electrical appliances : -Switch off all unnecessary lights
-Make full use of energy needed to heat an
(a) 2 bulbs is used in 5 hours and each is oven by cooking several things at the same time.
labelled 60 W,240V -Iron large batches of clothes at a time
(b) An air-conditioner is rating 2kW and is - Defrost food before cooking before using
used for 5 hours per day during one month hot plate

(2) Purchase energy efficient

-When purchasing an energy

efficient appliance, you
should look for appliances
with the ENERGY STAR label. In many
countries, efficiency
rating labels are
mandatory on most appliances
-Light your home with energy
efficient options, such as LED
lights. They use up to 80% less
energy than traditional
-Use Electronic Timer Plug, TUTORIAL 4
thermostat controlled and
automatic dimmer.
1 The potential difference across a resistance
It will help you turn off the
is 6.0 V and the current flows to the
resistance is 0.2 A for 2 minutes. What is the
automatically when you forget to turn off
energy is produced in the resistance?
the electronic equipment you
were charging when you left it
A 60 J
-Buying an electrical appliance
B 120 J
that can adjust itsoutput,. for
C 144 J
example by a lamp with automatic
D 240 J
-Use a microwave rather than
2 15 J of energy is produced in a torch light
conventional oven, when
when the current flows through the bulb is
(3) Maintaining the electrical
1A for 10 s. What is the potential difference
appliances in good working
across the bulb?
-Regularly cleaning and removing
A 0.5 V
dust from the air filters of air
B 1.5 V
conditioners and blades of
C 3.0 V
electric fans.
D 4.5 V
-Cleaning regularly filter bags of
vacuum cleaner.
3 Diagram shows a circuit containing two
-Iron that has been used for a long
resistors and a battery.
should have checked or changed
some internal equipment
Including the extension cord
which may be damaged, causing the
internal contact circuit not working
-. A dusty bulb is an inefficient
bulb. Get out the dust rag, and get
your money’s worth from
your lighting What is the energy dissipated per second
-Don’t wait until your appliance in the resistors 4  and 8  ?
is on its deathbed to replace it.
Faulty appliances can lead to A 6J
inefficiencies in the way they run e.g. B 3J
refrigerator with faulty thermostat, C 1.0 J
shortage of refrigerant, or D 0.5 J
defective door .
4 Diagram shows an electrical circuit.
8 A bulb is labelled 6 V, 0.6 A. What is the
power of the bulb?

A 0.05 W
B 3.6 W
C 10 W
What is the energy dissipated in the D 20 W
resistor 8  in 25 second?
9 A filament bulb is labelled 240 V, 60 W.
A 360 J What is the current flows through the
B 288 J filament and the resistance of the filament?
C 72 J
D 36 J Arus (A) Rintangan filamen ()
5 Diagram shows an electrical circuit. the A 0.25 60
reading of the ammeter is 2 A B 0.25 960
C 4.0 60
D 4.0 960

10 A current of 2 A flows in filament bulb .

The resistance of the filament is 5. What is
the power generated by the bulb?
What is the energy generated in both of the
resistors for every second. A 20.0 W
B 10.0 W
A 0.5 J C 5.0 W
B 1.5 J D 2.5 W
C 3.0 J
D 6.0 J 11 Diagram shows an electric heater.The
resistance of the coil inthe heater is 58 Ω.
6 Diagram shows an electrical circuit. The current flows through the coil 4.5A.

What is the power produced by the electric

Based on the information in the figure
above determine the energy dissipated in resistor A 13 W
3 for 5 s? B 261 W
C 748W
A 30 J D 1175 W
B 40 J 12 Diagram shows an electric circuit.
C 50 J
D 60 J

7 What is the meaning of 40 W?

A The rate of change of power is 40

B The rate of change of energy is 40 What is the power dissipated in the resistor
W when the switch is on?
C The rate of change of voltage is
40 W A 3W
D The rate of change of current is B 36 W
40 W C 48 W
D 576 W
In which appliance is the greatest amount
13 Diagram shows n electric circuit. of energy converted?


A 3 kW water heater
0.8 hour
B 1.5 kW hot-plate
1.8 hours
C 1 kW fan
3 hours
D 750 W electric iron
Based on the circuit above , what is the
2 hours
reading of the ammeter when the switch is closed?
18 Diagram showsa drill, a toaster and a rice
A 1A
cooker with its respective specifications.
B 4A
C 5A
D 9A

14 The kilowatt - hour is a unit of

A charge
B energy
C power Which electrical appliance uses the highest
D voltage electrical energy when used for 0.5 hour

15 Diagram shows a washing machine that A Drill

has a B Toaster
specification of 240 V, 800 W. C Rice cooker
D All the same

19 Diagram (a) and (b) show two identical

electric kettle but different power rating are filled
wih same amount of water. The two kettles is
connected two the same power supply.

What is the electrical energy consumed by

the the washing machine within 2 hours,

A 0.4 kW h
B 1.6 kW h
C 400 kW h
D 1 600 kW h Diagram (a)
Diagram (b)
16 A 2 kW electric fire is used for 10 hours.
How long will it take a 50 W electric light bulb After 4 minutes , the water in kettle in
to use the same amount of energy? Diagram (b) boils first because

A 10 hours A kettle in Diagram (a) produces

B 40 hours more waste of energy
C 100 hours B kettle in Diagram (b) produces
D 400 hours more waste of energy
C kettle in Diagram (a) consumes
17 Four electrical appliances are left switched more energy in 1
on for different times. second

D kettle in Diagram (b) consumes
more energy in 1 second 25 Diagram 25 shows bread toaster with
specification of 240 V, 1200 W.
20 Why is a fuse used in electrical appliance?

A To earth the appliance

B To protect the appliance and its
C To change the efficiency of the
D To change the current rating of
the appliance

21 The fuse rating for a fuse used in the plug

of an electrical heater should be

A much less than the normal heater Diagram 25

B just less than the normal heater (a) What is meant by “ 240 V . 1200 W”
C exactly equal to the normal heater ....................................................................
current [1 mark]
D just greater than the normal heater (b) The bread toaster is connected to a
current 240 V supply.
22 An electric heater marked “ 240V , 2.3
kW ”. With fuse is most suitable to connect series (i) the resistance of bread toaster
to the heater? heating element.

A 5A
B 7A
C 8A
D 10 A
[2 marks]
23 A television is labelled 250 W , 240 V is (ii) the current that passes through the
used 5 hours per day in one month.If the cost of bread toaster
electricity is 24 sen per unit , what is the
cost of operating the appliance in the month of

A RM5.00
B RM6.00
C RM8.00 [2 marks]
D RM9.00
(c) The bread toaster is used for 15 minutes
24 The table shows the electrical energy per day.
consumption tariff.
(i) Calculate the energy used in unit
Electrical units Cost per unit (sen) kW h for 25 days.
First 200 units 22
Second 500 units 25

Calculate the cost in RM of using a 1.5

kW refrigerator for 360 hours. [ 2 marks]
(ii) If the cost of electrical energy is
A 84.00 20 sen per unit, calculate the cost of
B 90.00 using the bread toaster electric
C 118.80 for 25 days
D 129.00 [ 1 unit = 1 kW h]
[1 mark]
26 Diagram 26 shows an electric kettle with
[ 2 marks] specification of 240 V. 2 000 W.
(d) The heating element of bread toaster in
Table 25 is designed to produce a large quantity
of heat. Table 25 shows three different types
of heating elements P, Q, R and S.The
production of heat depends on the
characteristics of the wire in the heating

Heating Resistivity Type Cross-

Diagram 26
element of the of section
wire wire area
(a) Name the suitable material to be
material of wire used to a heating element
P Small Nichrome Large in the electric kettle
Q Small Constantan Large .....................................................................
R Large Nichrome Small [1 mark]
(b) Make one suggestion to save
Table 25 energy consumption
while using this appliance.
Based on Table 25, state the suitable
characteristics of the heating element. .....................................................................
Give one reason for the suitability of each ...
characteristic. [1 mark]
(i) Resistivity of the wire (c) The electric kettle is connected to
material : a 240 V supply.
Reason: (i) the resistance of the
heating element of the
electric kettle
[ 2 marks]
(ii) Type of wire:
[2 marks]
………………………………….............. (ii) the current flow through
Reason: the electric kettle

[ 2 marks]
(iii) Cross-section area of wire: [2 marks]
(iii) the suitable fuse rating used
………………………………….............. in the electric kettle
[1 mark]
(d) A student conducts an experiment to
………………………………….............. compare the heating effect of electric
[ 2 marks] kettle P, Q and R .The volume and initial
(e) Based on the answer in (d), temperature of the water is fixed. Table
determine the most suitable 26 shows the result of the experiment.
heating element to produce
the largest quantity of heat.

Electric Potential
Current/A water
kettle differeivce/V
to start
P 240 6.0 7.0 Diagram 27

Q 240 5.0 7..0 (a) (i) What is meant by “ 12 V

, 40 W”
R 240 5.0 9.0
Table 26 ..................................................................
[1 mark]
(i) State the energy
change that occurs [ 1 mark ]
when the electric kettle when it is (ii) What will happen to
switched on. bulbs X when bulbs
Y are blown up.
[1 mark] ……………………………………..........
(ii) Calculate the [ 1 mark ]
energy supplied (b) The focal length of the parabolic
by each of the
electric kettle P, reflector is f.
Q and R to start boiling the water. (i) What is the distance of
bulbs Y from the reflector.[ Give
your answer in term of “f” ]

[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Give the reason for your
answer in (b)(i).

[ 1 mark ]
(c) Calculate
(i) the total power of the bulbs.
[ 4 marks ]
(iii)Using your answer in
(c)(ii) which
immersion heater is the mos suitable
to electric [ 2 marks ]
kettle. Give one reason for (ii) the effective resistance
your answer. of the bulbs when
12 V voltage is supplied.

[ 2 marks ] [ 2 marks ]
27 Diagram 27 shows headlamps circuit of a (iii) the total current flow through
car. the circuit.
A low beam bulbs,X are labeled ‘12V ,
40 W’ and a high beam bulbs, Y are labeled
‘12V,60 W’ are connected parallel.
[ 2 marks ]
(d) When the bulbs are connected in
series , what happen to the total
power of the bulb?
[ 1 mark ]
[1 markah]
28 Diagram28.1 shows an electrical
transmission system that transmits electricity
from one place to another.

Diagram 28.2
Diagram 28.1 Wire Material Diameter Resistivity
(a) Mark with (  ) the correct answer in of the of the of the wire
the box provided. wire wire
K Copper Small Small
Transmission of electricity by cable with L Nichrome Small High
high voltage is used for M Copper Large Small
Table 28
lowered the current
through the cable (i) Based on Diagram 28.1 how do you relate the
brightness of the bulb with the loss of
raised the current power in the transmission wires.
through the cable .....................................................................
[1 mark] ........
[1 mark]
(b) Electric current flowing through the cable
whose resistance of 12 Ω is 8 A. (ii) Based on Table 28, specify the appropriate
Calculate the power loss in the cable. wires to be used based on the following
characteristics and provide the following
[2 markss]
(c) Diagram 28.2 shows a model for studying the Material of the wire
characteristics of a suitable wire for .....................................................................
electrical power transmission so that the ........
power loss in the transmission wires are Reason
minimised. .....................................................................
A 12 V power supply is sent to a 12 V, 24 ........
W electric bulb with three different types of [2 marks]
wires K, L, M as shown in Table 28. Diameter of wire
The reostate is adjusted so that the current .....................................................................
value is constant and all three wires are of ........
the same length. Reason
[2 marks]
Resistivity of wire
[2 marks]
(iii)Based on your answer in (c) (ii), select the
most suitable wire so that the power loss in
the transmission wires are minimised
[1 mark ]
29 A bulb has a power rating 6V, 24 W. W

(a) What is the meaning of power?

[1 mark]
(b) Three identical bulbs ,L , M and
N are
connected in a circuit as shown in
Diagram 29.1.

Diagram 29.1

When another identical bulb is Y

connected parallel to bulb
N, explain what happens to the
reading of the ammeter and voltmeter..
[4 marks]
(c) Three identical bulbs labelled 12V, 36 W
are connected as shown in Diagram 29.2

Diagram 29.2
Calculate: Table29
(i) The resistance of one bulb. [10 marks ]
(ii) The total resistance in the
(iii)The total energy dissipated by 30 Diagram 30.1 and Diagram 30.2 show two
the bulbs in 4 minutes. identical power bans being charged by
[5 marks] two different charger for 35 minutes. It is
(d) Table 29 shows the design and found that after 35 minutes , one of the power
characteristics of four different circuits W , bank is fully charged.
X, Y and Z . Study the specifications of all
the four circuits. Explain the suitability of
each design and characteristics of the circuits
and determine the most suitable circuit to
enable the electrical appliances to work
efficiently.Give reason for your choice.

Diagram 30.1.

Diagram 30..2
Based on information and observation:
(a) State one suitable inference
[ 1 mark ]
(b) State one suitable hypothesis
[ 1 mark ]
(c) With the use apparatus such as ammeter ,
bulbs and other apparatus , describe one
experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated
in (b).
In your description, state clearly the
(i) The aim of the experiment.
(ii) The variables in the experiment..
(iii) The list of apparatus and materials.
(iv) The arrangement of the apparatus.
(v) The procedure of the experiment
which should include one
method of controlling
the manipulated variable and
one method
of measuring the responding variable.
(vi) The way you tabulate the data.
(vii)The way you analyse the data.
[10 marks]

LESSON 1 – THE FORCE ON A Turn on the power supply switch.
Observe what happens to the short copper

1.1 Describe the effect of a current carrying

conductor on a magnetic field.

1.1.1 Introduction

Think about some of the electrical

appliances in your home such as electric fans.,
blenders, coconut grinders , washing
machines, drills etc. How these tools
rotate when turned on. There must
be one force to rotate that them. This force Observation
we will learn in this lesson,
When the power supply is switched on ,
1.1.2 Activity to study the effect of a the short copper wire moves to the left or to
conductor current in a magnetic field the west.

Aim Conclusion

To study the effect of a conductor current The short copper wire moves caused by a
in a magnetic field force on a current- carrying conductor in a
magnetic field.
Apparatus and Material
D.c. power supply , thick copper wire,
short copper wire, iron yoke and magnadur When the switch is on, the current flows
magnet. through short copper wire produced
electromagnet around the short copper
Arrangement of apparatus wire.
The interaction between the electromagnet
produced with magnetic field produced
by the magnadur magnet occurred.
The interaction between the two magnetic
fields produces a force to move the short copper
The direction of the short copper wire
move can be determined by using
Fleming’s Left-Hand Rule.

1.1.3 Fleming’s Left-hand Rule


Arrange the apparatus as in the diagram

Which is the direction of force acting on
the conductor?

Fleming’s Left-hand Rule states” If the
thumb, first finger (forefinger)and second finger
of the left hand are held at right angles to each 1.2 Draw the pattern of the resultant magnetic
other, then if the first finger field (catapult field ) to determine the
(forefinger)represents the direction of the magnetic direction of action of the force on a current
field and the second represents the direction - carrying conductor in a magnetic field.
of the current, then the thumb will represents
the direction of the motion” 1.2.1. The meaning of the catapult field

Catapult field are the combinations two

Example 1 or more of magnetic
Diagram shows a current flows in a wire Or you give the meaning of catupult field
hanging between the poles of a magnet. In as a resultant field.
which direction does the wire move?
1.2.2. Type of catapult field

Type 1

Combination of electromagnet produced

by the current and magnetic field of the
permanent magnet
The direction of the force can be
determined by
(i) Fleming’s left hand rule or
(ii) The same direction of the two
fields produced a
Solution stronger field and the opposite
direction the two fields produced a weaker
field. The direction of force from
the stronger field to
Example 2 weaker field.

Diagram shows a current flowing in a Example 3

conductor in the direction into the paper.
Diagram shows a shows a current -
carrying straight conductor in a magnetic
field. Draw the pattern of the magnetic field and
direction of force produced.

From top view

From top view


Type 2

Combination of the electromagnets

produced by two current - carrying
Diection of the force can be determine as
Example 4
(1) If the currents in the same
Diagram shows a shows a current -
direction, the magnetic field
carrying coil conductor in a magnetic
in the region between the two wires
field. Draw the pattern of the magnetic field and
are in opposite directions. The two
direction of force produced.
conductors attract each other.
(2) If the currents in the opposite
directions, the magnetic field in the
region between the two wires are in the
same direction . The two
conductors repel each other.

Example 5
Diagram shows a shows a current -
carrying two straight conductors in which
the direction of the current is in same direction
Draw the pattern of the magnetic field and
direction of force produced and what happen
two the straight conductors.

From top view


From top view


1.3 Describe the factors that influence the

Example 6
magnitude of the force acting on a conductor of
a current in a magnetic field.
Diagram shows a shows a current -
carrying two straight conductors in which
the direction of the current is in opposite direction
Draw the pattern of the magnetic field and 1.3.1 The experiment to determine the
direction of force produced and what happen factors that influence the magnitude of the
two the straight conductors. force acting on a conductor of a current in a
magnetic field.


To determine the factors that influence the

magnitude of the force acting on a
conductor of a current in a magnetic field.
Thickness of short Increase
copper wire is
Apparatus and Material increased

D.c. power supply , thick copper wire,

short copper wire, iron yoke and magnadur 1.3.2. A summary of the factors that
magnet. influence the magnitude of the force on
a current-carrying conductor in a
Arrangement of apparatus magnitude field

(1) The magnitude of the current .

When the magnitude of the
current is
increased, the force acting on the
conductor increases.
(2) The strength of the magnetic
When the strength of the
magnetic field is increased ,the force
acting on the conductor increases.
(3) The resistance of the conductor.
When the resistance of the
conductor is increased ,the
force acting on the conductor

1.3.3 The experiment to investigate the

relationship between the magnitude of
the force on a current-carrying
conductor in a magnitude field with the
magnitude of the current.
Arrange the apparatus as in the diagram
above. The force on a current-carrying conductor
Turn on the power supply switch. in a magnitude field increases as the magnitude
Observe the distance of the short copper of the current increases.
wire moves.
Experiment are repeated by using by Aim of the experiment :
the magniude of the current , the strength To investigate the relationship between the
of magnadur magnets and thickness of the magnitude of the force on a current-
short copper wire. carrying conductor in a magnitude field with the
magnitude of the current.

Variables in the experiment:

Manipulated variable: with the magnitude
Observation of the current.
Responding variable: the magnitude of the
force on a current-carrying conductor in a
Activity The distance of magnitude field
short copper wire Constant variable: The strength of
moved magnetic field and resistance of the
Magnitude of current is Increase current-carrying conductor.
increased List of apparatus and material
Strength of magnetic Increase
field is increased D.c. power supply , thick copper wire,
short copper wire, iron yoke and magnadur
1.4 Describe the effect of the current- carrying
Arrangement of apparatus coil in the magnetic field.

The procedure of the experiment which

include the method of controlling the
manipulated variable and the
method of measuring the responding

The voltage of the d.c. power supply used

is recorded , V = 2.0 V
The d.c. power supply is switched on.
The distance of short copper wire moves From top view
on the thick copper wire is measured by a ruler =
L A current-carrying coil in a magntic field
The experiment is repeated 4 times for experiences a turning effect because two forces in
with different voltage of the d.c. power supply, opposite direction act in opposite sides PS dan QR
V= 4,0 V , 6.0 V. 8.0 V and 10.0 V are produced.
The pair of force known as turning force or torque.
Tabulate the data: The direction of the forces can be determined by
using Fleming’s left hand rule.
V (V) 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
L (cm) Example 7

Analysis the data: Diagram shows a wire coil is placed in a magnetic

Plot the graph L against V

Determine the direction of rotation of the wire coil

when current flows in the direction as shown in the
1.5 Describe the principle of an electric direct
current (d.c.) motor work.

1.5.1 The function of an electric


An electric motor is used to convert the

electrical energy to the mechanical energy.

1.5.2 The types of electrical motor

There are two types of electrical motor.

(1) D.c. motor

A.c. motor used a.c. power supply to

operate. The
a.c. motor has two slip rings to
changes the contact between the brush
and the end of the coil
simultaneously with the change of
a.c. direction and this causes the
coil to rotate in only one direction.
1.5.3 The working principle of
an electric motor

When a current passes through

the coil, the magnetic field
D.c. motor used d.c. power (Electromagnet) around it is
supply to produced.
operate. The d.c. motor has a commutator The interaction between the
to change the direction electromagnet
current in the coil and the permanent magnet
when the sides of the coil are produced the catapult field
interchanged and two forces are in opposite
the position and this causes the directions.(turning force)
coil to rotate The turning force rotates the coil.
in only one direction.
1.6 Describe the factors that affect the rotational
(2) A.c. motor speed of an electric motor

1.6.1 The factors that affect the

rotational speed of an electric motor

The speed of rotation of the coil in a D.C.

motor can be increased by:
(1) Increasing the magniutde of the current
(2) Increasing the of turns of the coil,
(3) Increasing the area of the coil: Making
it longer increases the
force on each side .
(4) Increasing the strength of the magnetic
field.: By increasing the
number of poles or magnets.

1.6.2 To identify the coil and For simple motor only has one pair
commutator arrangement commutator segment. The turning forces on
the coil are largest when the coil is horizontal
The are several types of arrangement of (at each angle of rotation is 180o) and causes its
coils and commutators. rotations not so smooth.
There are to type of coil winding: When the number of commutator
(1) Concentrated winding segement is more , the turning forces are
largest at many angles of rotations so that the
turning forces are distributed more uniformly
and the coils rotate smoothly.
The coils are wound on a soft-iron
amerture to concentrate the magnetic flux.

1.6.3 Advantages of brushless d.c.


The brushless d.c. (BLDC) use of

In these windings, the coils are not electronic commutation and electronic
distributed rather than they are concentrated speed controller devices to work. This replaces the
at one particular slot.The concentrated winding conventional mechanics comprised of brushes
can procude maximum magnetic flux, but rubbing on the commutator to energize the
cannot helps in better cooling. windings in the armature of a d.c. motor.
(2) Distributed winding The BLDC are used as computer
peripherals (disk drives, printers), hand-
held power tools, and vehicles ranging
from model aircraft to automobiles.
Some of the advantages of this motor are:
(1) Less or no maintenace
(2) High efficiency
(3) High power-to-weight ratio
(4) Much longer operating life
(5) No risk of explosion
(6) Noiseless operation
The distributed winding is the distribution (7) Higher speed ranges
of conductors each slot equally. The (8) Electronic control
conductors are placed under several slots.
The distributed winding reduces the armature
reaction and helps in better cooling. In TUTORIAL 1
these windings, the magnetic flux is less. 1 Diagram shows a conductor rod is placed
in a magnetic field. When the switch is turned
on , the conductor rod moves

The Commutator is an assembly of

commutator segments. Each coil attaches to
two differents commutator segments or a pair of
segment.The segments made of hard drawn The conductor rod moves because
copper are insulated from each other by mica interaction between
or micanite to maintain its mechanical
stability A two electromagnets
The number of coils (the pair of B two permanent magnets
commutator segment) depending on the speed C an electromagnet and a
and voltage of the machine.The more pairs of permanent magnet.
commutator segments the closer together and
the smoother the motor runs.
2 Diagram shows a left hand which
represents the Fleming Left-Hand Rule..

P represents the direction of

In which direction does the metal rod
A force
moves when the switch is closed.
B current
C motion
D magnetic field
3 Diagram shows a current carrying
conductor passing through magnetic field..
6 Diagram shows a current-carrying conductor
in a magnetic field.

What method is used to determine the

direction of the force?

A Fleming’s right hand rule

B Fleming’s left hand rule
C Faraday’s law
D Lenz’s law

4 Diagram shows a copper rod is placed in

the magnetic field of a permanent magnet. What is the direction of the force that acts on
the conductor?


7 Diagram shows a current- carrying wire is

placed between the poles of a magnet. In
which direction will the force due to the current
In which direction does the brass rod try to move the wire?
moves when the switch is closed.


5 Diagram shows a metal rod is placed in the

magnetic field of a magnet.

8 Diagram shows a conductor wire placed in a

magnetic field.

When the switch is on, the conductor wire
initially moves towards
What is the direction of motion of the
A E conductor when the current flows?
9 Diagram shows wire W immersed in
mercury that places in a magnetic field. 11 Whuch of the following diagram shows
the metal rod XY moved to the west when the
current flowing through the metal rod

When the switch is closed what is the

direction of the deflection of wire W ?

A J to L
B L to J
C M to K
D K to M

10 Diagram shows a conductor placed inside a

magnetic field.

12 Diagram shows a thick copper wire LM is

placed on two copper rods in an inclined

When the switch is closed, what is the
direction of the magnetic field that ought to be
applied to the prevent the thick copper wire
LM sliding down.

A P to Q
B Q to P
C R to S
D S to R
13 Which of the following diagram shows the
correct direction of force , F acting on a
current-carrying coil in a magnetic field.

14 Diagram shows a current-carrying coil in a

magnetic field.

Which of the following shows the correct

direction of the coil rotates.

16 Which catapult field is correct?

15 Diagram (a) shows the magnetic field

produced by the current through a straight
wire and Diagram(b) shows the magnetic
field of a permanent magnet.

17 Diagram (a) shows a permanent magnetic

field pattern.Diagram (b) shows a
magnetic field pattern produced by a current
carrying conductor.


Which diagram shows the correct pattern

of the combination of the magnetic fields ?
Diagram (a) Diagram (b)

Which diagram is correct when the current
carrying conductor is placed into the
magnetic field?

Which of the following diagram shows the

correct pattern of magnetic field and the
direction of force F produced.

18 Diagram shows the direction of movement of

a current carrying conductor that is placed
between two magnets.

20 Diagram shows an arrangement of

apparatus to study the pattern of magnetic
fields which are formed when current flows
through conductors M and N.

Which magnetic field pattern is correct to

show the situation?

When iron filings is sprinkled onto the

cardboard , which diagram shows the
correct magnetic field pattern formed ?

19 Diagram shows two current-carrying

straight wires M and N is placed in a
magnetic field.

21 Diagram shows an arrangement of
apparatus to study the pattern of magnetic
fields which are formed when current flows
through two

Which magnetic field is formed on the


22 Diagram shows an arrangement of

apparatus to study the force produced by
magnetic fields when current flows through
conductors PQ and RS.

What happen to the conductors PQ and RS
when current flows through the 25 Diagram shows the arrangement of
conductors. apparatus to study the effect of force on a
current carrying conductor in a magnetic field.
A Unchanged The wire moves to the left at a large angle, when
B Repel each other current flows in the conductor in the direction
C Attract each other shown in
23 Diagram shows a conductor rod placed in
a magnetic field. The soft spring extends
when the switch is on.

What needs to be done so that the wire
move to the right with a smaller deflection?
Which change will increase the extension
of the springs? A Change the polarity of magnet
A Use a weaker magnet increase the value of current
B Use a thicker conductor rod B Maintain the polarity of magnet
C Reduce the number of batteries and
D Reduce the diameter of soft reduce the value of current
spring C Change the direction of current
reduce the strength of magnet
24 Diagram shows a coil wire in a magnetic
D Maintain the direction of current
field is rotated by two forces ,F act in opposite
increase the strength of magnet

26 An electric motor is used to change

A mechanical energy to electrical

B electrical energy to mechanical
C alternating current to direct
D direct current to alternating

27 Which the following electrical appliances

The rate of rotation of the coil which do not have electric motors in it.
increases when

A thickness of coil is
B curvature of magnet is
C magnitude of current is
D distance between two magnet
poles is decreased
Which of the following diagram shows the
correct explanation regarding to the
electric motor.

28 The diagram shows the structural design of

an electric motor.
30 Diagram shows a direct current motor.

Which magnetic field pattern is correct Which of the following is not true?
when the switch is on?
A The coil rotates in an anti-
B No current flows in the coil when
the coil perpendicular to the
magnetic field
C The motor rotates using the
principle of catapult field
D The commutator change direct
current to alternating

31 The speed of rotation of an electric motor

increases when

A the number of turns of the wire coil

29 The diagram shows the structural design of B the magnitude of the electric current
an electric motor. decreases
C the magnitude of the magnetic field
D the resistance of the wire coil decreases

32 Which of the following is the truth about a

electric motor commutator.

A Commutator converts the direction of the

coil rotation
B Each coil accompanied two commutator [1 mark]
segments (ii) motion of the copper rod
C The number of commutator segments does with “F”
not affect the motor speed [1 mark]
D The segmental segment is made of (c) Name the physics rule involved in
insulating material (b)(ii)

33 Which of the following is the advantages ..................................................................

of brushless d.c. motor except [1 mark]
(d) Explain what happen to the
A Noiseless operation copper rod when the d.c.
B Less maintenace power supply is replaced by with
C High efficiency a.c. power supply .
D Simple wiring

[2 marks]
35 Diagram 35.1 shows two straight wires
flow the currents in the opposite
34 Diagram 34 shows the arrangement of directions to produce a catapult field.
apparatus related to electromagnetism.

Diagram 35.1
(a) What is meant by catapult field?

Diagram 34 ..

(a) Complete the following sentence by .....................................................................

ticking (√ ) the correct box. ..
[1 mark]
The type of magnet used in Diagram 34 is (b) (i) On Diagram 35.1 draw
the pattern of the catapult field
bar magnet formed on the paper.
[2 marks]
magnadur magnet (ii) Explain what happen to
[1 mark] the straight wires.
(b) When the d.c.power supply is
switched on the copper rod is ..................................................................
observed moves.
On Diagram 34, mark the ..................................................................
direction of [2 marks]

(i) current flows in the (c) Diagram 35.2 shows the straight
copper rod with “I” wires in Diagram 35.1 is placed

between the two permanent (ii) Name the physics rule used
magnets . involved.

[1 mark]

(iii) In Diagram 36.2,

draw the resultant
Diagram 35.2 magnetic field and the direction of
forces , F
On Diagram 35.2 produced when it is
observed from side view.
(i) Draw the pattern of the
magnetic fields formed .
[2 marks]

(ii) indicate and label the

direction of forces
act on the straight
wire. .
[1 mark] Diagram 36.2
(d) Suggest one method to increase
the forces in (c)(ii). [3 marks]
(c) Table 36 shows three electric
..................................................................... motors design X, Y and Z used to built
.. a small portable fan.
[1 mark]
36 Diagram 36.1 shows a current-carrying
conductor placed in a magnetic field.

Diagram 36.1

(a) Underline the correct word in the

bracket to complete the following

The magnet used in in Diagram 36.1 is a
( temporary , permanent ) magnet.
[1 mark]

(b) (i) What happen to the

current-carrying conductor Table 36
when the switch is closed?
Based on Table 36.state the suitable
............................................................ characteristics of an electric motor to be
used to rotate the fan blade with greater
............................................................ speed.Give reason for the suitability of the
[2 marks] characteristics:
(i) Number of turn
of coil


[2 marks]
(ii) Number of battery

Reason Diagram 37.2

........................................................... (a) What is the function of an

[2 marks] electric motor?
(iii) Shape of permanent .....................................................................
magnet ...
[1 mark]
........................................................... Based on Diagram 37.1 and Diagram 37.2
Reason and the information given:

........................................................... (b) State the direction of rotation of

[2 marks] the motors
(iv) Determine the most
suitable design .....................................................................
of an eleetrie ...
motor that can be used [1 mark]
to rotate the fan blade with greater (c) Compare
...................................................... (i) the number of turns of
...... coils
[1 mark]
37 Diagram 37.1 and 37.2 show two identical ..................................................................
d.c.electric motors with different number [1 mark]
of turns of coil used to build in two toy fans. (ii) the number of
The motor in Diagram 37.1 takes 2000 revolutions per minute
revolutions per minute while the motor in
Diagram 37.2 takes 3000 revolutions per ..................................................................
minute. [1 mark]
(iii)the speed of the motor

[1 mark]
(d) Based on your answer in (c)
relates the
number of turns of coils with the speed of
the motor.

[1 mark]
(e) What modification should be
Diagram 37.1 done to the d.c. motor to
become an a.c. motor.



[2 marks]

38 (a) Diagram 38.1 shows two separate

circuits containing thin copper
strips JK and LM Diagram 38.2
respectively is placed close each other.
Table 38 shows the
characteristics of four types
of d.c.electric motor.
Motor Type Shape of Number of Material
of permanent commutator of
brush magnet segment armature
J Carbon Rectangular Small Copper
K Mica Rectangular Large Copper
L Carbon Curve Large Soft iron
M Mica Curve Small Soft iron
Table 38

Based on Table 38 ,determine the

Diagram 38.1 most suitable d.c. electric
(i) State one characteristic motor that can rotates faster..
of copper metal Justify your answer.
associated with electrical [10 marks ]
conductivity. (c) Diagram 38.3 shows a horseshoe
[1 mark] magnet .
Diagram 38.4 shows a current-
(ii) Explain what happens to carrying conductor is placed in
the copper strip the horseshoe magnet.
JK and LM, when the switch S1
and S2 is on simultaneously.
[4 marks]

(b) Diagram 38.2 shows the structure Diagram 38.3

Diagram 38.4
of a d.c. electric motor.
Draw the pattern of magnetic
field for
(i) Diagram 38.3
(ii) Diagram 38.4
[ 5 marks ]

(iv) The arrangement of the
(v) The procedure of the
experiment which
39 Diagram 39.1 shows a toy fan blades are include one method of controlling the
spinning when a lower speed when a dry manipulated
cell variable and one method of
is connected to the fan. measuring the responding variable.
(vi) The way to tabulate the data.
(vii) The way to analyse the data.
[ 10 marks]

Diagram 39.1
Diagram 39.2 shows the blades are
spinning faster when two dry cells are
connected to the fan.

Diagram 39.2
Based on the information and observation:
(a) State one suitable inference.
[1 mark]
(b) State one suitable hypothesis.
[1 mark]
(c) With the use of apparatus such as
a magnadur
magnets, C-shaped iron yoke, and other
apparatus, describe one experiment to
investigate the hypothesis stated in (b).

In your description, state clearly

the following

(i) The aim of the

(ii) The variables in the
(iii) The list of apparatus and


LESSON 2 – Arrange the apparatus as in the diagram

Moves the thick copper wire downwards.
INDUCTION Observe what happens to the
2.1 Describe electromagnetic induction in a: (i) Experiment is repeated as follows:
straight wire (ii) solenoid -Moves the thick copper wire upwards
-Moves the thick copper wire horizontally
2.1.1 Introduction - Moves the magnets upwards
- Move the magnet and thick copper wire
As you have learned before when a current
flows inside a metal conductor (straight together with the same speed and direction
wire or solenoid), a magnetic field or Observation
more commonly known as an electromagnet is
generated around the conductor. Activity Deflection of
But instead, what happens when a galvanometer pointer
conductor moves into a magnetic field or a Thick copper wire is moved deflects to one side and
magnet moves into a conductor. The following downwards backs to zero.
activities will answer the above questions. Thick copper wire is moved deflects to opposite
upwards side and backs to zero.
2.1.2 Experiment to produce Thick copper wire is moved not deflected
electromagnetic induction in a straight horizontally
wire. Magnet are moved upwards deflects to one side and
backs to zero.
Aim Magnet and thick copper not deflected
wire are move together with
To produce electromagnetic induction in a the same speed and
straight wire. direction

Apparatus and material 2.1.3. Experiment to produce

electromagnetic induction in a solenoid
Galvnometer , magnadur magnet, iron
yoke , connecting wire , crocodile clips and thick Aim
copper wire.
To produce electromagnetic induction in a
Arrangement of apparatus

Apparatus and mterial

Galvnometer ,bar magnet,connecting wire

, crocodile clips and solenoid.

When there is relative motion
between conductors and magnets
and perpendicular to each other,
the galvanometer indicator
shows deflection. This indicates the
existence of an
electric current and is called as
induced current

2.1.5 Meaning of induced curent

Induced current is the current produced by

but using the relative motion between a
Procedure conductor and a magnet caused change in
magnetic flux.
Arrange the apparatus as in the diagram The magnitude of induced current is
above. maximum when the conductor and
Moves the bar magnet towards into the magnetic flux perpendicular each other and zero
solenoid. when parallel each other.
Observe what happen to the galvanometer.
Experiment is repeated as follows: 2.2 Describe the factors that influence the
- Moves the bar magnet away from the magnitude of e.m.f induced.
- Moves the bar magnet into and out of the 2.2.1 Experiment to study the factors
solenoid. that influence the magnitude of induced
- Moves the solenoid into the bar magnet e.m.f.
- Move the bar magnet and the solenoid
together with the same speed and direction To study the factors that influence the
magnitude of induced e.m.f.

Apparatus and material

Observation Galvnometer ,bar magnet,connecting wire
, crocodile clips and solenoid.
Activity Deflection of
pointer Arrangement of apparatus
Bar magnet is moved deflects to one side
towards into the and backs to zero.
Bar magnet is moved deflects to opposite
away from the solenoid. side and backs to
Bar magnet is moved deflects in two
into and out of the opposite directions
solenoid. and back to zero
Solenoid into the bar deflects to one side
magnet and backs to zero.

Magnet and thick copper not deflected

wire are move together
with the same speed and Procedure
Arrange the apparatus as in the
2.1.4. Conclusion from the diagram above.
experiments 2.1.2 and 2.1.3.
Moves the bar magnet towards magnitude of induced e.m.f
into the solenoid. increases.
Observe the size of the deflection (2) The strength of magnetic
of the pointer of the fields : As
galvanometer. strength of magnetic fields increases the
Experiment is repeated as magnitude of induced
follows: e.m.f. increases.
- Moves the bar magnet towards (3) The the number of turns
into of the solenoid: As the number
solenoid faster of turns of the solenoid
- Moves the bar magnet towards increases the magnitude of induced
into solenoid by e.m.f increases.
increasing the number of (4) The resistance of the
magnets solenoid wire: As the
- Moves the bar magnet towards resistance of the solenoid wire
into solenoid increases the magnitude of
by increasing the number of induced e.m.f.
turns of solenoid. decreases.
- Moves the bar magnet towards
into solenoid 2.2.3. Faraday’s law
by increasing the thickness
of solenoid wire. Faraday’s law is used to
determine the magnitude of
Observation induced current.
Faraday’s law states that “The
Activity Size of deflection magnitude of the induced current or
of the induced e.m.f. is directly
galvanometer proportional to the rate of change of
pointer magnetic flux linkage with the solenoid or
Bar magnet is moved Increase the rate at which a
towards into solenoid conductor cuts through the magnetic
faster flux.”
Bar magnet is moved Increase
towards into solenoid 2.2.4. The experiment to
by increasing the investigate the relationship
number of magnets between the magnitude of an
induced current and the speed of the
Bar magnet is moved Increase relative motion
towards into solenoid between conductor and
by increasing the magnet
number of turns of
solenoid Hypothesis:
Bar magnet is moved Increase
towards into solenoid The magnitude of an induced
by increasing current increases
thethickness of the as the speed of the relative
solenoid wire motion between
conductor and magnet
2.2.2. Conclusion from the increases.
experiment 2.2.1
Aim of the experiment :
The factors that influence the
magnitude of induced To investigate the relationship
e.m.f are : between the magnitude of an induced
current and the speed of the
(1) The speed of relative relative motion between
motion: As the speed conductor and magnet
of relative motion increases the
Variables in the experiment:
Manipulated variable: the
magnitude of induced current
Responding variable: the speed of
relative motion between
conductor and magnet.
Constant variable: number of
turns of
solenoid and the strength of the

List of apparatus and materials:

Galvanometer, solenoid, bar magnet ,

connecting wire and ruler.

Arrangement of the apparatus: 2.3 Determine the direction of induced current

in (i) straight wire (ii) solenoid

2.3.1. Experiment to Determine the

direction of induced current in straight


To determine the direction of induced

current in a straight wire.

Apparatus and material

Galvnometer , magnadur magnet, iron

yoke , connecting wire , crocodile clips and thick
copper wire.

The procedure of the experiment which Arrangement of apparatus

include the method of controlling the manipulated
variable and the method of measuring the
responding variable.
The height of the magnet above the
solenoid is measured by a ruler , H = 50 cm
The magnet is dropped into the solenoid
and the reading of the galvanometer is recorded =
The experiment is repeated 4 times with H
= 60 cm , 70 cm , 80 cm and 90 cm.

Tabulate the data:

H Procedure
Arrange the apparatus as in the diagram
Analysis the data: above.
Moves the thick copper wire downwards.
Plot the graph I against H Observe the direction of deflection of the
galvanometer pointer.
Experiment is repeated as follows:
-Moves the thick copper wire upwards

-Moves the thick copper wire downward s
again but interchanges the position the Aim
poles of magnet .
To determine the direction of induced
Observation current in a solenoid

Activity Direction of Apparatus and material

deflection of
galvanonmeter Galvnometer ,bar magnet,connecting wire
pointer , crocodile clips and solenoid.
Thick copper wire is deflects to one side and
moved downwards. backs to zero.

Thick copper wire is deflects to opposite

moved downwards. side and backs to zero.

Thick copper wire is deflects to opposite

moved downwards side and backs to zero.
again but interchanges
the position the poles
of magnet .

2.3.2. Fleming’s right hand rule

Fleming’s right hand rule is used to
determine the direction of induced current
Arrange the apparatus as in the diagram
in straight wire.
Moves the bar magnet towards into the
Observe the direction of deflection of the
galvanometer pointer
Experiment is repeated as follows:
- Moves the bar magnet away from the
- Moves the bar magnet towards into the

solenoid again but interchanges the position

the poles of magnet .


Activity Direction of
deflection of
Fleming’s Right-hand Rule states that” If Bar magnet is moved deflects to one side
the thumb, first finger (forefinger)and second towards into the and backs to zero.
finger of the right hand are held at right angles to solenoid.
each other, then if the first finger Bar magnet is moved deflects to opposite
(forefinger)represents the direction of the away from the solenoid side and backs to
magnetic field and the thumb represents zero.
the direction of the motion of the conductor , Bar magnet is moved deflects to opposite
then the second finger will represents the towards into the side and backs to
direction of the induced current ” solenoid but zero.
interchanges the position
2.3.3. Determine the direction of
induced current in a solenoid
2.3.4. Lenz’s law

Lenz’s law is used to determine the

direction of induced current in a solenoid.

Lenz’s law state that” The direction of an

induced current always flows in such as a
direction so to oppose the change which is
causing it.”

There are three steps to use Lenz’s law:

(1) Determine the types of force (
Attraction or
repulsion )
(2) Determine the type of poles (
North or south)
(3) Use Right Hand Grip Rule to Determine the direction of current flows
determine the direction of current in the coil.

Example 1

Diagram shows a straight copper wire is

moved perpendicularly upwards to the Example 3
magnetic field.
Diagram shows a small magnet being
pushed at one end of a solenoid.

Determine the direction of induced current

produced in the solenoid.
Determine the direction of induced current
produced in the copper wire. Solution
Example 4
Diagram shows two circular coil M and N
Example 2 are arranged coaxially. Coil N is free to move
and coil M which is fixed is connected to a
Diagram shows the structural design of a battery.
d.c. generator. The coil is rotated in the
clockwise direction.

When the switch is closed ,

(a) What happens to coil N

(b) Determine the direction of A.c. dynamo produced induced
induced current in coil N. a.c. The a.c. dynamo has two slip
rings causes the
Solution direction of induced current changes when
the contact between the brush and
the end of the coil changes

2.4.3 The working principle of electric

2.4 Design a direct current (d.c.)generator and dynamo
an alternating current (a.c.) dynamo.
The coil is rotated in a permanent magnet
2.4.1 The function of a electric dynamo or the magnet is rotated in a coil.
The relative motion between magnet and
An electric dynamo is used to convert the coil occured
mechanical energy to the. electrical energy The changed of magnetic flux produced
The induced curent flows

2.4.2 The types of electrical dynamo 2.4.4. The graph of induced current or
induced voltage against time for d.c.
There are two types of electrical dynamo. dynamo and a.c.dynamo.

(1) D.c. dynamo Graph for d.c. dynamo

Graph for a.c. dynamo

D.c. dynamo produced induced

d.c. The d.c.dynamo has a
commutator causes the
induced current flow only in one direction
when the sides of the coil are
interchanged the position

(2) A.c. dynamo

1 An e.m.f is induced in a conductor when
the conductor

A is stationary in the magnetic field

B moves parallel to the magnetic
field lines
C moves perpendicularly to the
magnetic field lines

2 Diagram shows a conductor placed in a

magnetic field.

C The rheostat is adjusted to a
lower value

5 Which of the following diagram shows the

galvamometer produces deflection.

Which action produces an induced e.m.f. in

the conductor?

A Moving the conductor along PQ

B Moving the conductor along VW
C Moving the conductor along XY

3 Diagram shows an insulated wire wound

on a soft-iron core and a coil VW is connected
to a galvanometer.

6 The diagram shows PQ and RS two

insulated wires placed near to each other .

The pointer of the galvanometer is not

deflected when

A the switch is closed

B the switch is opened When the switch is closed and kept closed,
C the coil WV moves upward the pointer of the galvanometer
D the coil VW moves forward A is unaffected
horizontally B shows a steady deflection to one
4 Diagram shows two coils, M and N , of C shows a momentary deflection
copper wire wound on a soft iron core. and
quickly returns to zero
D shows deflection to one side and
slowly returns to a lower steady
reading on the same side

7 Diagram shows an arrangement of a

solenoid and a magnet

Which of the following activity will not

produced an induced current through the
galvanometer G?

A Switch S is kept closed

B Coil M is moved nearer to coil N

Which of the following method produces What are the correct deflections as the
zero readings on galvanometers? magnet passes through P,Q and R.

A Magnet is pulled out of from P Q

solenoid. R
B Solenoid is moved towards
magnet. A Right Right
C Magnets and solenoid are moved Right
on the same speed and in the B Right Left
same direction Left
D Magnets and solenoid are moved C Right Left
on the same speed but in the Right
opposite direction. D Right Zero
8 Diagram shows a conductor PQ is moved
downwards at a high speed into a 10 Diagram shows a sensitive centre-zero
magnetic fields. galvanometer is connected to a solenoid.

What happens to pointer of the

galvanometer when the magnet is moved up and
down into the solenoid?

A Unaffected
B Deflects to the left
C Deflects to the right
What happens to pointer of the D Deflects to the left and then to the
galvanometer? right

A stationary 11 Diagram shows a coil of wire placed next

B Deflects to the left and stops to a magnet. The galvanometer pointer deflects
C Deflects to the left and returns to when the magnet is pushed into the coil.
D Deflects to the left and then to the

9 Diagram shows a strong magnet falls

through the vertical solenoid PQR which is
connected to a sensitive centre-zero
galvanometer .
Which action will increase the deflection
of the
galvanometer pointer?

A The magnetic pole is reversed

B The number of coils is increased
C The coil is made from insulated
D The magnet is pushed slowly into
the coil

12 Diagram shows a magnet which is released
from a height and enters a coil which is A Use wire with smaller diameter
connected to a galvanometer B Increase the distance between two
C Move the wire horizontally
D Use stronger magnets

15 Diagram shows a magnet stick on a steel

rod and is rotated near to a coil and an
induced e.m.f is produced in the coil.

The deflection of the pointer of the

galvanometer increases when

A the strength of magnet decrease

B the cross-sectional area of wire
decrease Which change does not increase the size
C the distance between the turrns of of the induced e.m.f ?
coil increase
D the height of magnet is released
A Using a coil with more turns
B Moving the magnet closer to the
13 Diagram shows the current is induced C Turning the magnet in the same
when the magnet moves towards the coil. direction
at a greater speed
D Turning the magnet in the
opposite direction at the same

16 Diagram shows a copper rod XY can be

moved about in the space between the
The magnitude of current increases when

A the speed of relative motion is reduced

B the number of turns of coils is reduced
C the magnitude for magnetic
is teduced
D the resistance of the wire coil is
Which of the following movements would
14 Diagram shows an induced current flows in a produce the greatest reading on the
wire which is moved between two magnets. galvanometer?

A Downwards, quickly
B Downwards, slowly
C To the left, quickly
D To the left,, quickly

17 Which diagram shows the greatest

deflections of the galvanometers indicator
when magnets and solenoid are moved as
Which step will increase the magnitude of the
induced current?
B increasing the numbers of the
C increasing the numbers of turns
in coil P
D increasing the numbers of turns
in coil Q

20 Which of the following is true about

induced curent

Faraday’s Lenz’s Fleming’s

law law right hand

A To To To
determine determine determine
direction of direction direction
induced of induced of induced
current current current
B To To To
determine determine determine
magnitude direction direction
of induced of induced of induced
current current current
C To To To
determine determine determine
magnitude magnitude direction
of induced of induced of induced
18 Diagram shows a pendulum bob attached current current current
to the end of copper wire. The bob is allowed to D To To To
swing between north and south pole of two determine determine determine
magnets. magnitude magnitude of magnitude of
The maximum deflection of the of induced induced induced
galvanometer pointer is at …………….. current current current

21 Diagram shows a deflection of a galvanometer

pointer when a magnet is moved towards a

19 The diagram shows two solenoids at

distance X to each other. When switch S is
closed the pointer of the galvanometer
shows a momentary deflection.
Which law or rule describes the size of the
deflection of the galvanometer pointer?

A Lenz’s law
B Faraday’s law
C Fleming’s Left-hand rule
D Fleming’s Right-hand
The deflection of the pointer can be
decreased by 22 "The direction of induced current always
oppose the change of magnetic flux that
A increasing the distance of X producing it”

The above statement is based on

A Fleming’s Left-hand rule

B Fleming’s Right-hand rule
C Faraday’s law
D Lenz’s law

23 A magnet is pushed horizontally towards a

coil of insulated wire, inducing an e.m.f. in
coil. In which direction does the coil try to move? Which of the following is true?

A Downwards A The speed of the trolley increases

B Upwards when entering at the end P of
C Away fro the magnet the solenoid
D Towards the magnet B The speed of the trolley increases
after going through the end Q of the
24 Diagram shows a bar magnet is moved solenoid
away from end of X solenoid . C While the trolley is moving
towards the solenoid , the
end P is induced to be a north pole.
D While the magnet moving away
from the solenoid , the
end Q is induced to be a south pole.

26 Diagram shows a small magnet being held

at one end of coil.
Polarity at the end of X solenoid and
delection galvanometer pointer are

Polarityat the end

Deflection of
of X solenoid
galvanometer Which of the following is not true when
the south pole of the magnet is being inserted
into the solenoid?
A The magnetic flux is cut by the
A North B The induced current flows from X
to the to Y
C The galvanometer pointer deflects
to the right and to the left.
B North
D The kinetic energy is converted into
to the left
C South electrical energy.
to the
27 Which diagram shows the correct direction
of the induced current when the magnet is
D South
moved in the direction shown?
to the
25 A lighter bar magnet is attached to a
trolley is given a push so that it moves on a
smooth runway towards and through a solenoid

28 Which of the following diagram shows the
direction of induced current is true?

30 Diagram shows an apparatus set-up of

electromagnetic induction.

Which of the following combinations is


Direction of motion Direction of

of conductor VW current

A To the right V→W

29 A straight conductor is moved →
perpendicularly to the magnetic field.Which of B Downward W→V
the following diagrams shows the correct ↓
direction of the induced current in the conductor? C To the left V→W

D Upward W→V

31 Diagram shows a current flows in a wire

hanging between the poles of a magnet.
The wire starts to move in the direction shown.

Which graph shows the correct output
Which diagram shows the position and the between voltage and time when the coil starts to
polarity of the magnet? rotate?

34 the structural design of a d.c. generator.

Side XY at the of he coil rotates in the
clockwise direction.

32 Diagram shows an electric generator

connected to a cathode ray oscilloscope.

Which of the diagram shows the position

of XY where the induction current does not

Which trace represents the e.m.f. induced in

the generator when the coil is rotated at a
constant speed?

33 Diagram shows an electric generator..

36 Diagram 36.1 and 36.2 show the positions a bar
magnet is hung at the end of a string
before and after the bar magnet is moved inside
the solenoid. Diagram 36.3 and 36.4
show the positions a conductor coil before
and after it is moved downwards
inside a magnetic field.

Diagram 36.1 Diagram 36.2

35 The operation principle of a d.c. generator

same as the operation principle of a
Diagram 36.3 Diagram 36.4
A d.c motor
(a) What is the function of the
B transformer microammeter?
C electric bell
D circuit breaker .....................................................................
[ 1 mark ]
(b) (i) Draw on Diagram 36.2
and 36.4 draw the pattern of
the magnetic fields
formed by the magnets.
[ 2 marks ]

(ii) After you draw draw the

pattern of the magnetic fields
in (b)(i) what happen to the
magnetic flux in Diagram 36.2 and

[ 1 mark ]
(c) Compare the deflection of the
of the microammeter

(i) Diagram 36.1 and

Diagram 36.3

[ 1 mark ]

(ii) Diagram 36.2 and
Diagram 36.4 ..................................................................

………………………………….............. ..................................................................
[ 1 mark ]
(d) (i) Relate your answer in ..................................................................
(b)(ii) and (c)(ii). [ 2 marks ]
…………………………………................. (ii)bar magnet is oscillated into
... the
.. ..................................................................
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Name the physics ..................................................................
concept involved in
(d)(i). ..................................................................

.................................................................. ..................................................................
[ 1 mark ] [ 2 marks ]
(c) The soft iron bar and bar magnet are
37 Diagram 37 shows a soft iron bar and a released
bar magnet hung at the ends P and Q of a simultaneously .
solenoid respectively. (i) Which one stop first?

[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Explain your answer in


Diagram 37 ...

(a) When the switch is closed , what .....................................................................

happens to the ...
(i) soft iron bar?
.................................................................. ...
[ 1 mark ] [ 2 marks ]
(ii) bar magnet

[ 1 mark ]
(b) The switch and the dry cell are
removed and replaced by a 38 Diagram 38 shows a pendulum bob
sensitive centre-zero attached to the end of copper wire. The bob
galvanometer. is allowed to swing between north and south
Explain and give one reason pole of two magnets.
what happen to the deflection of pointer
of the
galvanometer when the
(i) soft iron bar is
oscillated into the


(i) What happen to the galvanometer

[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Give one reason for your answer
in (c) (i).

[ 1 mark]
Diagram 38

(a) When the switch is closed and the bob is

oscillated from K to L
(i) What happens to the
galvanometer pointer? 39 Diagram 39.1 and Diagram 39.2 show
a wire and coil that are connected to a
..................................................................... zero centred galvanometer. Both wire and coil
... are move downwards between two
[ 1 mark ] magnadur magnets with opposite polarity X
(ii) Give one reason for your answer and Y to produce induced current.
in (a)(i).


[ 1 mark ]
(b) (i) Sketch a graph displacement –
time to shows
the oscillations of the bob.

Diagram 39.1

[ 2 marks ]
(ii) Give two reasons why you get the
shape of the graph as you have
been draws at (b)(i)



[ 2 marks ] Diagram 39.2.
(c) The copper wire is replaced by a thread.

(a) What is the meaning of induced


[ 1 mark]
(b) Based on Diagram 39.1 and
Diagram 39.2,
(i) the number of turns of
wire and coil

[ 1 mark]
(ii) the magnitude of
deflection of the Diagram 40
galvanometer pointer. (a) Name the type of the generator.

.................................................................. …………………………………………….
[ 1 mark] ...
(c) relate [ 1 mark ]
(i) the magnitude of (b) Mark the directions of current
deflection of the flow in WX and YZ when the side
galvanometer pointer with the number of WX of the coil is displaced in
turns downwards direction.
[ 1 mark ]
.................................................................. (c) Sketch a graph to show the
[ 1 mark] variation with time of the
current in conductor YZ.

(ii) the magnitude of

induced current
and the number of turns of wire.

[ 1 mark]
(d) Name the physics law involved in
(c)(i). [ 2 marks ]
(d) What happens to the current
..................................................................... flows in conductor YZ
... when the speed of the coil
[ 1 mark] rotations is increased?
(e) (i) Based on Diagram 39.1
or Diagram 39.2 name the type …………………………………………….
poles X and Y. ...

.................................................................. .....................................................................
[ 1 mark] ...
(ii) Name the physics rule [ 2 marks ]
or law invoved in (e) (i). 41 Diagram 41.1 shows the position of the
magnets before being released into the
.................................................................. identical coils. Diagram 41.2 shows the
[ 1 mark] maximum deflection of the pointer of the
40 Diagram 40 shows the structural design of galvanometer when the magnets enter the coils.
a generator. The deflection of the pointer is due to the flow of
induced current in the coil.
Diagram 41.1

Diagram 41.2 Diagram 41.3

(a) What is the meaning of induced Which magnet will be the first to
current? emerge from the tube. Explain
[1 mark] your answer.
(b) (i) Observe Diagram 41.1 and [ 4 marks]
Diagram (d) Diagram 41.4 shows the structure
41.2. Compare the of an alternating current
height of the magnet generator.
released and the size of the deflection of
the galvanometer.

[2 marks]
(ii) State the relationship
-the height of the magnet
released and the
velocity of the magnet when it
enters the coil.
- the height of the
magnet released and the Diagram 41.4
size of the deflection of the
galvanometer. The generator produces
-the velocity of the a small direct
magnet and the current.
magnitude of induced current when Suggest modifications
it enters the that can be
coil. made to the structure of the generatot in
[3 marks] Diagram 41.4, so that it can produce a
(c) Diagram 41.3 shows two identical high direct current (d.c.).
bar magnets P and State and explain the modifications
Q are released from rest falls based on the characteristics of the
through two identical made from copper magnet and coil and the type of ring.
and glass respectively. [ 10 marks]

42 Diagram 42.1 and Diagram 41.2 show an

anemometer , a device for measuring wind
speed designed by a student is placed in
two different wind conditions.

manipulated variable and the
method of measuring the
responding variable,
(vi) the way you would tabulate
the data,
(vii the way you would analyse
the data.
[10 marks]

Diagram 42.1

Diagram 42.1

Based on the information and observation:

(a) Make one suitable inference.

[ 1 mark ]
(b) State one appropriate hypothesis
could be investigated.
[ 1 mark ]
(c) Design an experiment to
the hypothesis stated in (b).
With the use of apparatus such as a,
insulated copper wire ,bar magnet
and others.
In your description, state clearly the
(i) aim of the experiment,
(ii) variables in the
(iii) list of apparatus and
(iv) arrangement of the
(v) the procedure of the
experiment, which includes
the method of controlling the
When an a.c. voltage is supplied to the
primary coil, an alternating current flows through
The soft iron core is magnetized.
The magnet produced varies in magnitude
and direction.
This causes a changing magnetic flux to
pass through the secondary coil.
As a result ,an induced voltage across the
secondary coil is produced.

3.1.3.What happens when a d.c. power

voltage is apllied to the primary

When a d.c. voltage is applied to the

primary coil of the transformer, the output voltage
at the secondary coil will be zero. This is
because the magnet produced in the soft-iron
core is constant magnitude and direction. Hence
the magnet does not create a changing
magnetic flux in the secondary coil.
When the switch is opened an closed
frequently in a high speed, the d.c. voltage is
applied to the primary coil of the transformer
can produces the induced voltageacross
the secondary coil .

3.1 Describing the working principle of a simple

3.1.1. Introduction

When you were in form 3 you learned

about transformers functions, types of
3.2 Describing the meaning of an ideal
transformers and formulas related to
Vp V
transformers i.e, = S , but you didn't know
N p NS The transformer which is free from all types of
how transformers work. power losses is known as an ideal transformer.
For an ideal transformer, the output power is equal
3.1.2 Working principle of a simple to the input power since there is no energy loss
transformer during the process of transforming voltage

Output power
Efficiency = x 100%
Input power

 = s s x 100%
I p Vp
3.3 Describing energy loss and ways to improve
For and ideal transformer , the efficiency, η = transformer efficiency
3.3.1 Intoduction

Output power = Input power


Example 1

Diagram shows a 12V, 48W bulb lights up with

normal brightness when it is connected to a 240V To understand the source of energy loss in
mains supply through a transformer. a transformer, recall the structure of a
transformer. For a simple transformer the
three main structures are the primary coil, the
secondary coil and the core. Therefore,
energy loss must be through these structures.

3.3.2 Energy losses of a transformer

and ways to improve the efficiency(minimise
Calculate energy losses)

(a) The current in the secondary coil. Cause energy losses Way to improve
(b) The efficiency of the transformer. efficiency
1. Resistance of coil. Thick copper wire is
Solution Energy is lost as heat in the used to reduce the
coil because E= I2R resistance of the coil
2. Eddy current in iron core. Using a laminated
The changing magnetic field iron core to make
causes the electrons in the the iron core as
soft iron core to circulate insulation.
around as eddy current. Eddy current are not
The eddy current produce able to flow through
heating in core and causes the layers of
loss of power . insulation.
3. The hysteresis loss. Using soft iron for
Example 2 The loss of energy to the core because
magnetized and soft iron core can be
An ideal transformer connected to 240 V mains demagnetized the core magnitized and
power supply delivers 90 W of power at 30 V at a by the alternating current demagnitized easily
notebook computer . Calculate in the primary coil. . So the core
requires little energy
(a) The current in the secondary circuit? to be magnitized
(b) The current in the primary coil? and demagnitized .


4. Leakage of Magnetic Winding the electonic devices as voltage regulator for
Flux. secondary and TV,refrigrator, computers, televisions,
Electrical energy is lost primary coils on top electric bell, in audio amplifiers and speakers
when a fraction of the each other. also for washing,machines, driers and
magnetic flux produced by photocopiers.
the primary coil does not Step-down also used for obtaining large
link with the secondary current .Hence it used for welding
coil. purposes and induction furnaces.
Step-up transformer used for the
3.3.3 Eddy current production of X-Rays and NEON
advertisement. and microwaves oven.
Eddy current is a localized electric current
induced in a conductor by a varying 3.4.2 In electrical energy trasmission
magnetic field. and distribution systems

3.3.4 The induced current in the

cooking pot
using induction cooker

The National Grid Network is a network of

transmissions lines which link all the major power
When a.c. with high frequency flows through the stations in the country with all the major users such
coil, a magnetic field produces in all direction as our homes, offices, cities and factories.
around the coil.
The magnetic field produced by the coil penetrates Electrical energy generated in power stations
the metal of the cookware too. This fluctuating where its voltage is increased by using a step-up
magnetic field now causes an electric current (eddy transformer , so that the small current flow through
current) to flow through flowing through the P
resistance of the cookware results in resistive the trasmission cable I = and as the result
heating. V
With induction cooking, the heat is produced in the the energy loss in the cable is reduced. ( P = I2R)
cookware, not the cooktop, and much more of the
energy goes into the food. That's why induction At a sub-stations, before reaching the various
cooking is more energy efficient and faster than consumers , the high voltage is reduced by using
most other cooking . step-down transformer because high voltage
Induction cookers are usually built into ceramic or is dangerous to consumers
glass cooktops which are very easy to keep clean
with just a quick wipe.
The magnetic fields they produce make heat appear
in thecookware almost instantly—and they can
make it disappear instantly too. That's very different
from traditionally heated pans, which take a while
to get hot, so there's a greater risk of burning your
food if you don't pay attention.

3.4 Communicate the use of transformers in

daily life

3.4.1 In electrical appliances

Step-down transformer used in the main

adapters and chargers for cell phones and
1 A transformer works based on the
principle of

At the beginning At the end

A Electromagnet Electromagnet
B Electromagnet Electromagnet
C Electromagnet Electromagnet

D Electromagnet Electromagnet
induction induction

2 For which one of the following is an

alternating current essential in its operation?

A A galvanometer
B A transformer
C An electric lamp
D An electromagnet

3 Why a transfomer does not work by using

direct curent power supply?

A Magnetic fields do not exist on

primary coil
B Magnetic fields do not exist on
soft iron core
C Change of magnetic flux do not
occur at secondary coil
D Primary coil and secondary coil
are not connected each other

4 Which of the following diagram is true

regarding to a transformer.

5 Diagram shows a simple transformer. The

bulb lights up at normal brightness.


What happens if the a.c. input is replaced by a

A The bulb does not light up

B The brightness of the bulb remains Which of the following action will cause
unchanged the voltmeter indicator to be deflected
C The brightness of the bulb increases
D The bulb blows A Switch S kept opened
B Switch S kept closed
6 Diagram shows how the input voltage C Switch S is opened and closed
varies with time in transformer. alternately and continously

9 Which of the following diagram shows the

brightness of bulb M larger than bulb N

Which graph shows how the output

voltage varies with time?

10 For an ideal transformer

A Input power = Output power

B Input current = Output current
C Input voltage = Ouput voltage
7 Diagram shows an electrical circuit.
D Input electromotive force =
Output electromotive

11 The output power of a transformer is not

Which of the following is not true? A same as input power
B less than input power
A The bulb shows a momentary C more than input power
lighting at the time when switch S is
closed. 12 Diagram shows a circuit containing a
B The bulb shows a steady lighting transformer and three bulbs labelled
when switch S the switch is 12 V , 24 W light up with normal
kept closed. brightness.
C The bulb a sprinkle lighting when
switch S is closed and opened
D The bulb shows a momentary
lighting at the time when switch S is

8 Diagram shows a transformer is to a d.c.

power supply.

What is the current in the primer coil?

A 3.6 A
B 2.7 A
C 0.38 A
D 0.28 A

16 Diagram shows a bulb. 24 V. 18 W lights

up with normal brightness and the transformer
is ideal.

What is the efficiency of the transformer?

A 12.5%
B 25.0 %
C 50.0 %
D 75.0 %
Which of the following is true?
13 Diagram shows a circuit containing a
transformer and five bulbs labelled Input current Output current
12 V, 24 W light up with normal
brightness. A 0.20 A 4.00 A
B 4.00 A 0.20 A
C 0.25 A 5.00 A
D 5.00 A 0.25 A

17 The efficiency of a transformer is 90%.The

input voltage of the transformer is 20 V
and produced 100 W of the output power .
What is the current in the primary coil?
What is the efficiency of the transformer?
A 5% 9
B 10 % 25
C 50 % B A
D 80 %
14 The input voltage and the output voltage of 9
an ideal transformer are 240 V and 12V 9
respectively.What is the current in the 2
secondary coil when the current in the
primary coil is 5A. 18 Diagram shows a circuit containing an
ideal transformer.
A 100 A
B 25 A
C 4A
D 1A

15 shows an ideal transformer used to charge

a laptop.
. What is voltage across the 6 resistor?

A 4V
A 10 V

C 12 V
D 24 V
19 Which of the following diagram shows A the magnetic flux produced by
the secondary coil of a transformer hotter than the primary coil does not link with
the primary coil? the secondary coil
B the distance beween primary coil
and the secondary is further
C the primary coil and a secondary
coil broke

25 An induction cooktop has

A iron coil
B nichrome coil
C copper coil
D tungsten coil

20 Table shows the resistance of three identical 26 The pot used in the induction kitchen is
wires with different resistivity. made of

Wire Resistance (Ωm) A iron

A 1.7 x 10-8 B copper
B 2.7 x 10-8 C nikrom
C 5.6 x 10-8 D aluminium
Which wire, A, B, or C is used in a
transformer coil to increase the efficiency of 27 Which of the following are the advantages
the transformer? of using induction kitchens except

21 What is the type of wire used and the function A high efficiency
of the laminated soft iron core in a B easy to clean
transformer? C heat can be eliminated
Type of wire Function of laminated immediately
soft iron core D requires special cooking
A Low resistance To increase eddy equipment
B High resistance To increase eddy 28 Which of the following has a transformer
current in it?
C Low resistance To reduce eddy
D High resistance To reduce eddy

22 Why is the core of a transformer made of

soft -iron?

A reduce the eddy current

B reduce the hystherisis loss
C reduce magnetic flux leakage

23 A laminated iron core is used in a

transformer because it can reduces

A the eddy current

B the hysteresis loss 29 Power losses in the National Grid system
C the resistance of the coil are reduced by using
D the leakage of magnetic flux
. A Thin cables
24 The leakage of magnetic flux occured in a B High cables
transformer because C High currents
D High voltages
30 In the National Grid system the 35 Diagram shows a model of transmission of
transmission of electrical energy is by means of electricity
overhead conductors. These conducting
wires carry

A Alternating current at high

B Alternating current at high What is the type of transformer at P and
frequency Q?
C Direct current at high voltage
D Direct current at low voltage P Q
31 The function of a transformer in an A Step-up Step-up
electrical energy transmission system is to transformer transformer
B Step-down Step-up
A increase the power transformer transformer
B reduce the resistance C Step-up Step-down
C change the potential difference transformer transformer
D speed up the time of transmission D Step-down Step-down
transformer transformer
32 Diagram shows how electricity from
power stations reaches our homes. 36 Diagram shows a model of the trasmission
of electrical energy and includes threee
identical bulbs P, Q and R.

The electric current used in X and Y


A must be d.c. Which comparison of the brightness of the

B must be a.c. bulbs is correct?
C can be either a.c. or d.c.
D must be d.c. at X and a.c. at P Q R
A Brighter Bright
33 The power loss in the transmission cable Brightest
can be reduced by transmits the power at B Bright Brighter Brightest
…………voltage and through…………… C Bright
cable. Brighter Brightest
D Bright Brighter
A low , thin Brightest
B low, thick
C high, thin 37 Diagram shows a system for the transmission
D high, thick of electricity.

34 Which of the following is the reason why

is the alternating current is used to transmits the
electricity power from a station?

A The electrical power only can be generated

in form of alternating current
B All electrical appliances in the house use
alternating current. Which arrangement of transformers is correct?
C The voltage of alternating current can be
changed by transformer

Transformer Transformer Transformer
X Y Z ..................................................................
[1 mark]
A Step down Step up Step down (ii) An electrical component is connected to
B Step up Step down Step down the output of the transformer so that the
C Step up Step up Step down television functions.
D Step dow Step Step up Name the electrical component and state
38 Diagram 38 shows a simple transformer. how the connection is made.
. ..................................................................


[2 marks]

39 Diagram 39 shows a computer battery

charger connected to a 240 V a.c. power supply.
The battery charger contains box X and box Y.
Diagram 38

(a) (i) Name the type of the

[1 mark]
(ii) State why soft iron is used as the Diagram 39
transformer core.
.................................................................. (a) The function of the component in
[1 mark] box X is to lower the voltage
(b) The transformer in Diagram 38 is used to from 240 V a.c. to 20 V a.c.
switch on an electrical appliance. (i) Name the component in box
The current in the primary coil is 0.1 A and X.
the efficiency is 75%.
(i) Calculate the output power of the [1 mark]
transformer. (ii) Explain why a.c. and not d.c.
is supplied in Diagram 39

[1 mark]
[2 marks ] (iii) State the physics concept
(ii) An electrical appliance which needs which
20 W of power is connected to the explains how the component in box X
transformer output. works.
Suggest a modification to the transformer
that enables the appliance to functu ..................................................................
correctly. [1 mark]
.................................................................. (b) The efficient of the usomponemt in box
[1 mark] X is
(c) A student connects a television which 80%.
uses Calculate the input cunrent whten
direct current to the output of the the output power is 65 W.

transformer in Diagram 35. When the

television is
switched on, it does not [2 marks]
function. 40 Diagram 40 shows light bulb 36 W , 18 V
(i) Why the television does is connected to the ouput terminal of a
not function?

transformer. The bulb is light up with 41 Diagram 41 shows the Model of an
normal brightness. Electricity Transmission System. The
. electrical power of 24 W is transmitted at a
voltage 12 V. The voltage reaches at a
village across a bulb is 9V.

Diagram 40
(a) What type of current used in a

... Diagram 41
[1 mark]
(b) What is the output voltage of the
(a) Why is the voltage decreases
transformer. when reaches at the village?

……………………………………………. …………………………………………….
... ...
[1 mark] [ 1 mark ]
(b) Two identical ammeters A1 and
A2 are connected as shown in
the Diagram 41..

(i) Determine reading of

(c) Calculate ammeter A1.
(i) the current in the
secondary coil?
[ 2 marks ]
(ii) Compare the reading of
[2 marks] ammeter A2 and ammeter A1?
(ii) the resistance of the
filament bulb? …………………………..........................

[ 1 mark ]

[2 marks] (c) Calculate

(iii)the efficiency of the (i) the power loss in the
transformer when the transmission line
current in the primary coil is 0.2 A.

[2 marks]
[2 marks] (ii) the total resistance of the
(d) State one way how the energy transmission lines.
loss in a transformer and suggest
the way to reduce this problem.
[2 marks]
…………………………………………… 42 Diagram 42 shows a part of the National
Grid Network to transmit the electrical power.
[2 marks]


[ 2 marks ]

(ii) Density

Diagram 42
(a) (i) State the type of [ 2 marks]
transformer X and (iii) Rate of heat expansion
transformer Y.

Transformer X ………………………………………
:........................................ Reason:
Transformer Y
:........................................ ………………………………………
[ 1 mark ] [ 2 marks]
(ii) Explain why the (c) Based on the answer in (b)
transformer X is used. choose the most suitable cable.

.................................................................. .....................................................................
.................................................................. [ 1 mark ]
[2 marks] 43 (a) Diagram 43.1 and Diagram 43.2
(b) Table 42 shows the show a model of the
characteristics of three cables for using trasmission of electrical
to trasmit electrical power from power energy from the same power station but
station to consumer. different thickness of
Characteristics of the cable trasmission cable.
Cable Diameter Density Rate of
P Large Large Small
Q Large Small Small
R Small Small Large

Table 42 Diagram 43.1

Based on Table 42, state the suitable

characteristics of the cable which can
trasmit electrical power from power
station to consumer to minimise the power
loss. Give reason for the suitability of the
Diagram 43.2

(i) Name one example of

the material used to make of the
transmission cable.
[ 1 mark]
(i) Diameter (ii) Using Diagram 43.1 and
Diagram 43.2 , compare the
brightness of bulb P , the
……………………………………… brightness of bulb Q and the thickness of
the cable.
Relate the brightness of (ii) Explain the
bulb Q to the power working principle of the
loss in transmission cable to make transformer.
a deduction regarding the relationship [4 marks]
between the
thickness of trasmission (b) Diagram 44.2 shows an
cable and the power loss. induction
[ 5 marks] cooking system.
(b) Explain why alternating current
(a.c.) is used in electric transmission
system but not used direct current
[ 4 marks ]
(c) Diagram 43.3 shows a low

Diagram 44.2

Table 44 shows the

Diagram 43.3 characteristics of four
induction cooking systems W, X, Y
You are required to modify the transformer in and Z.
Diagram 41 so that the efficiency of the
transformer is increased.
State and explain the modifications based on System Type of Material Material Material
the following aspects: power of coil of of cook
(a) the type of material used for the wire. supply cooktop ware
(b) the diameter of wire. W D.c Copper Mica Ferro
(c) the type of material of the core. magnetic
(d) the characteristics of the core. X D.c Nichrome Asbestos Non-
(e) the distance between primary coil and ferro
secondary coil. magnetic
[10 marks] Y D.c. Nichrome Asbestos Non-
44 (a) Diagram 44.1 shows a model of a step- magnetic
up transformer. The Z A.c. Copper Mica Ferro
transformer works based on the magnetic
electromagnetic induction Table 44
Based on Table 44,explain the suitability
of each characteristics of the induction
cooking system.
Determine the most suitable induction
cooking system so that the system has high
efficiency and easy to manage.
Give reasons for your choice.
[10 marks]

(c) Diagram 44.3 shows a circuit containing a

Diagram 44.1
transformer, an ammeter and two bulbs.
(i) What is meant
Ammeter readings are 0.5 A and both
by electromagnetic
induction? bulbs are lighted with normal brightness.
[ 1 mark]

Diagram 44.3

(i) What is is the transformer

output voltage.
(ii) Calculate the efficiencyof the

[5 marks]

temperature of 300 K and will still emit
LESSON 1 – ELECTRON some electrons at 1000 K.

1.1.5 Factors that affect the rate of

thermionic emission
1.1. Describes the thermionic emission and
cathode rays. Since the process of thermionic emission
is similar to the evaporation process, the
1.1.1 Introduction factors that influence the rate of thermionic
emission are similar to the factors that
Rainwater in a puddle was found disappear influence the evaporation rate.
as the day warms through the evaporation The factors that influence the rate
process. of thermionic
The rainwater molecules are released out emission area.
through the surface of the rainwater into
vapor. (1) Surface area of the metal
A similar process occurs when the
particles in a heated metal and reach a certain As the surface area of the metal
temperature and the process known as increases the rate of thermionic
thermionicemission.. emission increases
1.1.2 The meaning of thermionic (2) Temperature of the
emission metal surface
The liberation (emission) of electrons from As the temperature of
a heated metal when it is heated to the metal surface increases the
particular temperature. rate of thermionic
emission increases
1.1.3 The mechanism of thermionic
emission (3) Types of metal

Different types of metal

has different rate
of thermionic emission.
Diferent types of metals
has different work
function . The work function is The
A large number of electrons are free roam minimum amount of heat energy
about inside a metal but an electron traveling
outwards the surface is held back by the required to emit electrons form the metal
attractive forces of the atomic nuclei near the surface,The lower the
surface. work function the higher
However, when the metal is heated , some the rate of the thermionic
of electrons have gained enough kinetic emission. For example tungsten
energy (thermal energy) to escape from its and platinum has
surface. lower work function.
1.1.4 Sources to produce the thermionic (4) The coated material of
emission the metal
Thermionic emission can be only be
produced with certain metals, because it If the surface is coated
occurs at temperatures similar to their by by a layer of barium oxide or
melting point. strontium oxide , the
A tungsten filament lamp was found to rate of thermionic emission is high
release electrons from it is filament at 2300K.
It has been found that a metal filament 1.1.6 Cathode rays
coated with oxides of barium and strontium will
release lots of thermal electrons at the much lower
Cathode ray is a narrow beam of
a fast electrons moving in a

1.1.7 The production of cathode

rays by using vacuum tube.

Proce Observa Explana Conclusion

dure tion tion
6V heater A shadow The Light rays
A vacuum tube ,containing anode , supply is of the cross shadow is travel in a
connec is seen formed straight line
cathode , a heating filament and
ted by the ray
high voltage power supply EHT.
from the
. The cathode is heated by a tungsten
filament . heated
The heated cathode emits electrons filament
through thermionic emission process and are 6V heater The green The Cathode rays
accelerated at a high speed between anode supply shadow of shadow is travel in a
and cathode known as cathode rays. and 3 kV the cross is formed straight line.
The filament can be supplied with either power seen same by the Cathode rays
d.c. or a.c. because both can produced heat. supply size and at cathode cause fluore
The anode has a small hole in it to are the same rays scence.
produce narrow beam electrons. connec position as Cathode rays
EHT is used to produce a stronger. electric ted the shadow carry kinetic
field between anode and cathode caused form by the energy and
cathode rays move with a higher speed. light converts to
The tube must be vacuum to avoid light energy
collisions between electrons and gas when they hit
molecules or gas molecules of the air, the screen.
which would attenuate the beam because lost of
A bar The The Cathode rays
magnet is cathode ray catapult can be
1.2 Describes the cathode ray effect under the
brought shadow is force is deflected by
influence of the electrical field and magnetic
close to moved and produced magnetic
the distorted because fields. The
cathode and the Fleming’s
To find out the effect of cathode rays under the rays cathode left-hand rule
influence of electrical fields and magnetic fields rays is used to
some of the following activities are performed. carry a determine
charge the direction
1.2.1 Activity 1 : By using Maltase of motion.
cross tube
1.2.2: By using Deflection tube

of deflection is determined by using
Fleming’s Left-hand rule
7. Cause ionization of gas molecules
8. Can penetrate thin aluminium foil ,thin
paper and thin graphite layer
9. Affect photographic plates
10. Produce heat and X-radiation in a X-
ray tube
11. Charge of one electron ,e = 1.6 x
Procedure Observation Expla Conclu 10 -19 C
nation sion 12. Mass of electron, me = 9 x 10 -31
6V heater No Light rays kg
supply and 3 electric travel in a
kV power fields straight line Example 1
supply are between
connected two the Diagram shows an incomplete path of a
metal cathode ray in an electric field.
6V heater Electric Cathode ray
supply and 3 field is
kV power exists negatively
supply are between charged
connected two
and also 1000 plates Complete the path of the cathode ray.
V power
supply is Solution
connected to
the metal
6V heater Electric Cathode ray
supply and 3 field is
kV power exists negatively
supply are between charged Example 2
connected two
and also 1000 plates Diagram shows is applied to a cathode ray
V power motion.What is direction of the cathode
supply is ray is shifted?
connected to
the metal
plates in

1.2.3 Properties of Cathode Rays

1. Travel in a straight lines in

2. Possess kinetic energy and
3. Produce fluorescent effect Solution
4. Negatively charged 1.3 Determine speed of electrons in cathode
5. Deflected by an electric field towards a ray tube.
positive plate
6. Deflected by a magnetic field. The
1 The emission of electrons from the
surface of a heated metal is called

A Vaporization

B Condensation
C Cathode emission
From the principle of conservation of energy, D Thermionic emission
for each electron,
2 Which particle escapes from the surface of
Electrical potential energy = Kinetic energy a
metal when it is heated at a high
eV = mv max 2
2 A Nucleon
2eV B Electron
v max =
m C Proton
Where : D Neutron
vmax = the maximum speed of the electrons
V = potential difference between anode and cathode 3 Diagram shows the process of electrons
e = charge of one electron, 1.6 x 10 -19 C escaping from the surface of a heated metal.
m= mass of electron 9 x 10 -31 kg

Example 3

The potential difference between anode and cathode

in a vacuum tube is 5 kV. Calculate the maximum
kinetic energy of the electrons?
(e = 1.6 x 10 -19 C)

What is this process?

A Thermionic emission
B Photoelectric effect
C Radioactivity
D Fusion

4 Thermionic emission is process involving

Example 4
A the reflection of electrons from a heavy
In the vacuum tube of a maltase cross tube, a
metal target
cathode ray is produced and accelerated through a
B the collision of electrons with the
potential difference 7 kV. Determine the maximum
fluorescent screen
speed of the cathode ray?
C the release of electrons from a hot metal
[ e =1.6 x 10 -19 C and me= 9 x 10 -31 ]
D the deflection of electron through an

5 The rate of thermionic emission is not

depends on

A The temperature of the metal

B The surface area of the metal

C The shape of the metal
TUTORIAL 1 D The type of the metal
6 A narrow beam of a fast electrons moving in a 10 Which of the following is not true about
vacuum is called electrons coming out of a cathode ray
A X- ray
B Alpha A Moves in a straight line
ray B Move at a velocity equal to the
C Cathode ray velocity of light
D Gamma ray C Deflected by electric field and
7 Diagram shows a cathode being heated by magnetic field
a filament. D The electron speed is influenced
potential difference between
cathode and anode

11 Diagram shows a Maltese cross tube.

Which particle is emitted from the


A α-particles
B Electrons
C Protons A shadow formed on the screen indicates
D X-rays that cathode rays

8 Diagram shows a vacuum tube A move in staright line from

cathode to anode
B can be stopped by a piece of
C not influences by electric field
D are negatively charged

12 Which of the following is the property of

What is the function of the cathode rays?
A Possess kinetic energy and
A To produce electrons when
B An electromagnetic waves
they are heated
by filament C Has a high penetrating power
D Positively charged
B To accelerate electrons
at high speed
13 In a vacuum tube ,the high voltage acroos
C To control the intensity
anode and cathode used to
of the electron
D To deflect electron flow A control the fialament temperature
B control the number of electrons
C produce narrow beam electrons
D accelerate electrons with a high speed
9 When the electrons move through vacuum
in a cathode ray tube, the electron beam
14 Which diagram shows the correct movement
A becomes narrow and is charged of an electron beam in an electric field?

B becomes heavier and is charged

C moves with a high speed and is

D becomes narrow and moves with
a high speed
In which direction will the shadow of the
Maltese Cross is deflected?

15 Diagram shows an electron beam a

cathode ray tube. Which of the following actions
will cause the electron beam to be deflected?

18 Diagram shows a shadow of the Maltese

Cross tube formed on the CRO screen.
Where can the shadow be observed when the
direction of the electron into the paper?

A Increase the current in the

B Increase the voltage between the
anodes and cathode
C Apply a magnetic field near the
electron beam
D Decrease the distance between
the anode and the cathode

16 Diagram shows a shadow formed on the

screen of a Maltese Cross Tube. The shadow
is deflected by the magnets. 19 Diagram shows electrons in a wire move
through a magnetic field.In which
direction will the electrons are deflected?

The direction of the deflection is

determined by using

A the Fleming's left hand rule

B the Fleming's right hand rule
C Faraday’s law
D Lenz’s law
20 What is the transfomation energy of
electrons occur in a vacuum tube.
17 Diagram shows to bar magnets are placed in
between a Maltese Cross tube.
A Heat energy → kinetic energy →
electrical potential energy
B Heat energy → electrical 23 The potential difference between anode
potential energy → kinetic energy and cathode in a vacuum tube is 4 kV.
C Kinetic energy → heat energy → Calculate the kinetic energy of the electrons?
electrical potential energy (e =1.6 x 10-19 C)
D Electrical potential energy
→kinetic energy → heat energy A 4.0 x 10-22 J
B 4.0 x 10-20 J
21 Diagram shows a vacuum tube . The voltage C 6.4 x 10 J
EHT across anode and cathode is V. D 6.4 x 10-16 J

24 An electron is accelerated between anode

and cathode through a potential difference
8000 V. What is the maximum speed of the
-19 -31
[ e =1.6 x 10 C and m= 9 x 10 ]

A 5.3 x 107 m s-1 B

4.3 x 10 m s-1

C 3.3 x 104 m s-1 D

2.3 x 10 m s-1

25 Diagram 25 shows an instrument to

produce a narrow beam of electrons move
What is the maximum speed , vmax of with high speed.
electron of mass m and has charge e.

A v max =
B v max =
C v max =
2em Diagram 25
D v max =
V (a) Mark (√) for the correct answer in
the box
22 Which of the following grpah shows the provided.
correct relationship between speed of
electron , v and voltage between A narrow beam of electrons move
anode and cathode , V in a vacuum with high speed known as
Cathode rays

Beta rays
[ 1 mark ]
(b) Why the power supply N can use
either a.c. or d.c.?

[ 1 mark ]
(c) (i) On Diagram 25 ,mark
the positive
terminal and negative terminal of the
power supply
[ 1 mark ]

(ii) Compare the voltage of
the power supply M and N.
[ 1 mark ]
(d) Give a reason why there is
(i) a small hole in the

.................................................................. Diagram 26.2

[ 1 mark ] (i) In Diagram 26.2, complete the path
(ii) vacuum space in the of the cathode ray.
instrument [1 mark]
(ii) Give one reason for the
.................................................................. answer in
[ 1 mark ] (d)(i).
26 Diagram 26.1 shows a simple cathode rays ............................................................
tube. Cathode emits electrons when switch P [1 mark]
is closed. 27 Diagram 25 shows a cathode-ray tube.

Diagram 26.1

(a) Name the process that enables the

emission of electrons at the cathode.

.............................................................. Diagram 45
[ 1 mark ]
(b) State one reason why the extra high (a) What is the thermionic emission meant?
voltage is used. ..................................................................
[ 1 mark ]..
..................................................................... (b)What is the function of anode A?
[ 1 mark ] ..................................................................
(c) When electrons flow in the [ 1 mark ]
cathode rays (c) Explain why the tube must be a vacuum
tube, the current produced in 5 seconds tube?
is 0.01 A.
Calculate ..................................................................
(i) the total charge ..................................................................
of the electrons. [ 1 mark ]
(d)What will happen to the electrons when

[2 marks] (i) the current flows through the

(ii) number of filament is increased.
electrons .........................................................
[ e = 1.6 x 10-19 [ 1 mark ]
C] (ii) the voltage of 5 KV power supply
is increases.

[2 marks] [ 1 mark ]
(iii) the switch is closed.
(d) Diagram 26.2 shows an incomplete path .........................................................
of a cathode ray in an electric field. [ 1 mark ]

(e) The potential between the filament and the screen.
anode A is 9 kV.
[ e =1.6 x 10 C and ………………………………………......
-31 [2 marks ]
me= 9 x 10 ]
(c) Charge for one electron ,e = 1.6
x10-19 C and the mass of one
(i) the kinetic
electron,me =9.0 x 10-31 kg calculate,
energy of the electrons
(i) the electrical potential
energy of electron
[ 2 marks ]
(ii) the velocity of
the electrons
[2 marks]
(ii) the maximum speed of
[ 2 marks ]

28 Diagram 28.1 shows a cross section of a

Maltese Cross tube which is used to study
[2 marks ]
the characteristics of cathode rays. The
(d) Diagram 28.3 shows two magnets
cathode ray is produced when electrons
emitted from a heated cathode.
opposite poles are placed at the
sides of the tube causing the shadow
being deflected.

Diagram 28.1

(a) What is meant by cathode ray.

[ 1 mark ]
(b) Diagram 28.2 shows a shadow Diagram 28.3
and a green
light region seen on the screen. (i) The shadow will deflected from
O to ..........
[1 mark]
(ii) State the physies rule used to
determine the direction of the shadow.

Diagram 28.2 ………………………………………

[ 1 mark ]
Give a reason why

(i) the shadow is formed on 29 (a) Cathode rays and beta rays are
the screen.
contain electrons.
………………………………………...... (i) What is meant by
(ii) the green light region is cathode rays
formed on [ 1 mark ]

(ii) Give two similarities and Based on Table 29 study the
two differences characteristics of all the four tubes.
of cathode rays and beta You are required to determine the most
rays. suitable tube that can produce the cathode rays
[ 4 marks ] efficiently.
Give the reason for your choice.
(b) Table 29 shows the [ 10 marks]
characteristics of four tubes
J, K, L and M to produce cathode rays. (c) 8.32 x 10-16 J of the electrical potential
energy of an electron in a cathode ray tube .
J [ e = 1.6 x10-19 C , me = 9.0 x 10-31 kg ]

(i) the potential difference across

cathode and anode of the cathode ray
[ 2 marks]
(ii) the maximum speed of the
[ 3 marks]

Table 29

Among the diodes used are valves and

A capacitor is an electronic component

consisting of two metal plates seperate by
an insulator (dielectric) in the middle. The
structure and symbols are as follows:


Among the capacitors used are a charge
storage as a current smoother and as filter of a.c
and d.c.

1.2: Experiment to observe the effect of

diode in forward biased and reverse biased


LESSON 2 – To observe the effect of diode in

SEMICONDUCTOR DIODE forward biased and reverse biased arrangement

2.1 Describe the function of semi conductor List of apparatus and materials
diodes Dry cell, semiconductor diode, bulb,
switch and connecting wires.
2.1.1 Introduction of diodes and
capacitor Arrangement of apparatus

Semiconductor diodes are an electronic

component made of semiconductor
materials such as silicon and germanium. A
diode has two electrodes (terminals) namely
anode and cathode. The diode structure and
symbols are as follows:

Diagram (a) Forward biased

Reverse biased

2.2 Communicates the use of semi conductor

diode and capacitor to rectify the current
Diagram (b) 2.2.1 An experiment to study the
Procedure function of a diode as a rectifier
Arrange the circuit as in Diagram (a) Aim
where the diode is in the forward biased
arrangement (the positive terminal of the To study the function of the diode as a
cell is connected to the anode of diode). rectifier
The switch is closed and observe the light
bulb. List of apparatus and materials
Repeat the experiment by using the circuit
in Diagram (b) where the diode is in reverse Four semiconductor diodes, resistor, a.c.
baised arrangement (the positive terminal of the supply and Cathode ray oscilloscope
cell is connected to the cathode of diode). (CRO)
The switch is closed and observe the light
bulb. Arrangement of apparatus

Diode arrangement Bulb

Forward biased Light up
Reverse biased Not light up

Diagram (a)
The diode allows the current to flow in one
direction only during forward biased.
Therefore the function of the diode isalso
known as a valve


The current flows through the diode during

the forward biased because the diode Diagram (b)
resistance is low. On the other hand the
current does not flow through the diode during
reverse biased because the resistance of the
diode is high.

2.1.3 Simple circuit of the diode in

forward biased and reverse biased

Arrange the circuit as in Diagram
Turn on CRO power

Turn on the switch a.c / d.c to a.c capacitor , and Cathode ray
on CRO oscilloscope (CRO)
Turn on the time –base switch on
Turn on the a.c. supply.
Observe and sketch the output
waveforms that displays on the CRO
screen. Arrangement of apparatus
Repeat the experiment for the
circuit in Diagram (b)
and Diagram (c).


Circuit Ouput waves on CRO

Diagram (a) Diagram (a)

Diagram (b)

Diagram (c)
Diagram (b)

Arrange the circuit as in Diagram

Conclusion (a)
Turn on CRO power
When a.c. through the resistor, Turn on the switch a.c / d.c to a.c
the resulting current is still a.c. on CRO
When a.c. through one diode, a.c. Turn on the time –base switch on
turn into d.c.but every half –cycle CRO
of its magnitude is zero and Turn on the a.c. supply.
maximum alternately. Observe and sketch the output
When a.c. through four diodes, waveforms that displays on the CRO
a.c. turn into d.c.with the same screen.
magnitude for every half- cycle. Repeat the experiment for the
The process of converting a.c into circuit in Diagram (b).
d.c. is called the rectification
process and the diode acts as a Observation.
Circuit Ouput waves on CRO
2.2.2 Experiment to study the screen
capacitor function as a current

To study the capacitor (b)
function as a
current smoother

List of apparatus and materials

Four semiconductor diodes,
resistor, a.c. supply,
When a.c. through the diode and
capacitor, which is connected in Capacitors as wave / current /
parallel to the diode, the current is voltage smoother
flattened at its peak, causing the
current to be almost constant.

2.2.3 The current flowing in the

rectification circuit

Half wave rectification.

For half of the cycle, the
This type of rectification occurs capacitor is
when one diode is used. charged up. Energy is stored in the
For the other half cycle, the
releases its charge (discharges)
So the capacitor can produced a
smooth output or output is
During the first half of the cycle stablised.
A (+ ve) and B (-ve), the
diode is in forward biased.. The
current flowing through the resistor
from ABCD.
In contrast, during the second half TUTORIAL 2
of the cycle A (-ve) and B (+
ve) diode is in reverse 1 Diagram shows an electronic symbol
biased.The current does not flow representing an electronic component.
through the diode and resistor.
The same process will be
repeated for each of the next half cycles.
What is the electronic component?
Full wave rectification
A Diode
This type of rectification occurs B Inductor
when two or four are used. C Resistor
D Transistor

2 What is the function of a diode?

A Stores electric charge

B Acts as a current amplifier
C Acts as an automatic switch
D Allows the current to pass in one
During the first half of the cycle only
A (+ ve) and B (-ve)
flow in the direction of 3 A function of a diode is as
During the second half of the A Rectifier
cycle A (-ve) and B (+ ve) flow in
BEFGHDCA direction. B Amplifier
So even though the direction of C Smoother
the current changes at each half-
circle, the direction of the current 4 Diagran shows a diode circuit.
flowing through the resistor is
always the same as GH direction and is

C the battery pole is reversed
D the battery and diode poles are

7 Which of the following diagarm shows the

bulb is light up when the switch is closed?

Which of the following is true based on

Diagram above.

Resistance of Current flows

diode through diode

A Small Small
B Small Large
C Large Small
D Large Large

5 Diagram shows a circuit consisting of a

diode and a bulb. When the switch is on, the bulb
does not light up.

What needs to be done to light up the


A Replace with a new bulb

B Reverse the cell connection
C Add one more diode in series to 8 Which of the following circuit causes only
the diode one bulb is lighted up?
D Connect a resistor parallel to the

6 Diagram shows an electric circuit. It is found

that the light emitting diode (LED) does not
light up.

The LED lights up when

A the diode pole is reversed

B the LED pole is reversed

A Z only
B X and Y only
C Y and Z only
D X,Y and Z

11 Diagram shows an electric circuit which

contains 4 identical bulbs, W, X, Y and Z.

Which of the bulbs is light up?

A W and Y B W,
X and Y
C X , Y and Z D W, X, Y
and Z

12 Which of the following diagram shows the

bulb does not light up.

9 Diagram shows an electric circuit.

Which statement is correct?

13 Diagram shows bulb J , bulb K and two
A Only bulb M lights up diodes are connected to the a.c. voltage.
B Only bulb N lights up
C Both bulbs M and N light up
D Both bulbs M and N do not light up

10 Diagram shows a circuit containing bulbs

X, Y and Z.

Which of the following is true

A Bulb J light up , bulb K does not

light up
B Bulb K light up , bulb J does not
light up
C Both bulb J and K lightup light up
Which bulb in the circuit will light up
when the switch is on? continously
D Both bulb J and K light up and
do not light up alternately

14 Diagram shows a circuit containing diode

Which of the following will display on
, resistor and dry cell. The input waveform
CRO screen?
of current from dry cell the is shown in the

What is the output waveform displays on

CRO screen?

17 Diagram shows a circuit containing diode

D, resistor R and a.c. power supply is applied
at terminal PQ. The waveform of the a.c.
supply is shown in the diagram.

15 Diagram shows the shape of a radio wave that

is received by a simple radio receiver.

Which of the following waveform output

is formed at CRO screen?
What is the shape of the wave produced after
it is passed through a diode?

16 Diagram shows an electrical circuit.

18 Which of the following waveform has

been rectified?

21 Diagram shows a circuit for the rectification
of an alternating current.

19 Diagram shows a circuit connected to the

cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO).

Which is the correct trace on the screen of the


Which of the following traces is the

correct one shown on the CRO?

20 Diagram shows a circuit containing two

diodes , a resistance is connected to a.c.
22 Diagram shows a rectification circuit
which uses four diode , a resistor and a battery.

Which of the following waveform formed

on the CRO screen?

Which of the following is the direction of 25 Diagram (a) shows a rectification circuit
the current flowing? with output waveform displays on the CRO
A Diagram (b) shows the position of four
U→S→N→O→Q→R→T→M→L diodes are reversed

23 Diagram shows a rectification circuit

which uses four diodes K,L,M and N and
resistor, R.
Diagram (a)

Which of the following is the direction of

the current flowing?
Diagram (b)
A L → R→N
B M → R → N Which of the following diagram shows the
C K → R→M correct waveform is displayed on the
D N → R → L CRO screen in Diagram (b)

24 Diagram shows a rectification circuit

which uses four diodes and three resistors P , Q
and R.
26 Diagram shows a wrong full-
wave rectification
circuit arranges by a student.

Which of the following resistor is only

the Which of the following diagram shows the
direct current flow? correct waveform is displayed on the
CRO screen.
D P ,Q and R

Which wave pattern is displayed on the
27 Diagram shows an electric circuit. screen of C.R.O.?

The function of the capacitor in the figure above as

A a rectifier
B an amplifier
C a current filter D 30 Diagram shows a full wave rectifier
a smoother circuit.

28 Diagram shows an electrical circuit.

Based on the circuit above, which of the

following waveform is formed on the CRO
screen? The output waves become smooth

A the resistance of the resistor is

always increasing and
B the charges in the capacitor is
always increasing and
C the number of electrons in the
CRO is always
increasing and decreasing
D the current flows through the
diode is always increasing and

31 Diagram 31.1 and Diagram 31.2 show two

29 Diagram shows an clectric circuit. circuits with identical components. Each
circuit contains a battery , a semiconductor diode
and a LED. The switch in both Diagrams are

[1 mark]
(e) Diagram 31.3 shows the output signal
displayed on the screen of the
cathode ray
oscilloscope (CRO) when a diode
connected to an a.c. power
Diagram 31.1 supply.

Diagram 31.2
Diagram 31.3
(a) Mark ( √ ) for the correct answer
Explain why the output signal is
in the box provided.
produced as shown.
One example of semicondctor
material is

[2 marks]

32 Diagram 32 shows the input signal and the
[1 mark]
output signal when component P is
connected to a circuit.
(b) Observe Diagram 31.1 and Diagram
State the difference between:

(i) The connection of the


Diagram 32
[1 mark] (a) Name the type of current at
(ii) The current flow through
diodes (i) the input signal :
.................................................................. ...............................................
[1 mark] (ii) the output signal: .
(c) Give one reason that cause the
difference between the current flow ..............................................
through diodes [2 marks]
[1 mark] (b) (i) Name component P.
(d) Based on the answers in (b) and ...................................................
(c), what is [1 mark]
the function of the diodes in these (ii) What is the function of
circuits? component P?
..................................................................... [1 mark]
... SPM 2018

43 Diagram 45.1 shows an electric circuit that
consist a semiconductor diode and a bulb.

Diagram 43.4
Calculate the peak voltage of the
Diagram 43.1 waveform.
(a) What is the meaning of a semiconductor?

[ 1 mark]
(b) What happens to the bulb when [ 2 marks]
switch S is
turned on? 44 (a) Diagram 44.1 shows an
arrangement of
…………………………………………… apparatus to study the conductivity of
[ 1 mark] semiconductor diode by a student.
(c) The diode is connected to a When the switch is closed by the student the bulb
Cathode Ray does not light up.
Oscilloscope (CRO) with different input
Diagram 43.2.1 shows the diode is connected to a
d.c. power supply.
Diagram 43.3.1 shows the diode is connected to an
a.c. power supply.
The time base of the CRO is turned on.
Sketch the waveform displayed on the screen of the
CRO in Diagram 43.2.2 and Diagram 43.3.2 for
each of the circuit below.

Diagram 44.1

(i) In the space below draw a circuit diagram

for Diagram 44.1
Digram 43.2.1 Diagram 43.2.2

State the characteristic of the diode

causes the bulb does not light up?

Diagram 43.3.1 Diagram 43.3.2 (iii) State the correction should be done to the
[ 2 marks] connection of the circuit in Figure (a) to make the
bulb is lighted up.
(d) Diagram 43.4 shows a waveform ………………………………………
displayed on the screen of a CRO. The y-gain of the ………………………………………
CRO is set at 5 V cm-1.
(b) Diagram 44.2 shows circuit X is connected (b) Draw the waveform formed on the CRO
to a transformer , resistor R and a cathode-ray screen.
oscilloscope. When the switch is opened the
waveform as shown in Diagram 44.2 is formed on
the CRO screen.

(c) By using the letters A,B,C,D,E,F,G and H

in the figure above state the direction of the current
flows when at half of the cycle, A is more positive
than B.
What happen to the direction of the current flows
Diagram 44.2 in resistor R compared to the your answer in (c)
when at the other half cycle, A is more negative
(i) In the space below draw a circuit diagram than B.
for circuit X. ....................................................................
(e) What happen to the output waveform
(i) the terminals of diodes X and W are
In the space below draw a waveform ............................................................
is produced in the CRO screen when a capacitor is (ii) only the terminals diode Y are reversed
connected parallel to resistor R.
(iii) the terminals of diodes W, X, Y and Z
are reversed.
(f) Draw the waveform formed when a
capacitor is connected parallel to resistor R in the
figure above.
(iii) Give the reason for your answer in

45 Diagram 45 shows a rectification circuit

which uses four diodes W ,X, Y and Z and resistor 46 Abu wants to power a ticker timer and a
R. transistor radio. The ticker timer requires an input
voltage of 12 V a.c. and the transistor radio
requires an input voltage 12 V d.c. The power
supply at Abu’s school is 240 V a.c.

(a) Abu used a transformer as shown in

Diagram 46.1 to power the ticker timer.

Diagram 45
(a) What does the word rectification mean?

Diagram 46.1
(i) Name the type of the transformer is used.

Give one reason why the soft-iron core is used in
the transformer?
(iii) The number of turns in the primary coil is
2000. Calculate the number of turns in the
secondary coil.
[ Assume that the transformer is
an ideal transformer ] Diagram 47.1
Key :
(b) The transformer in Diagram 46.1 is not Np = Number of turns in primary
suitable to power the radio. A modification is coil
required before the radio is used. Ns = Number of turns in
(i) Explain why the transformer is not suitable secondary coil
to use? (i) What is meant by rectification ?
[1 mark ]
............................................................ (ii) Explain the working principle of a
(ii) Name two electronic components that are transformer.
needed to use. [4 marks ]

……………………………………… (iii) You are asked to make a 12 V battery

charger . Study the circuits, J, K ,L, M and N in
……………………………………… Figure (a) and consider the following aspects:
(c) Diagram 46.2shows a circuit that can be type of transformer
modified to produce a full-wave rectification and ratio of the number of turns in primary coil to
smoothing output wave secondary coil
Complete the circuit in the dotted box by adding type of rectification
the electronic components in b(ii) characteristic of output current
[10 marks ]
(b) Diagram 47.2 shows a circuit
consisting of a transformer, an ammeter and two
light bulbs. The ammeter reading is 0.5 A and both
bulbs light up with normal brightness.

Diagram 46.2
SPM 2004

47 (a) Diagram 47.1 shows circuits J, K,

L, M Diagram 47.2
and N each containing an ideal transformer. (i) What is the output voltage of the
Diodes in the circuits are used for the purpose of transformer?
rectification. (ii) Calculate the efficiency of the transformer.
[5 marks ]
SPM 2007
SPM 2013
48 Diagram 48.1 and Diagram 50.2 show two
electrical circuits containing semiconductor diodes. 49 Diagram 49 shows a half-wave

Diagram 48..1

Diagram 49
Based on Diagram 49,

(a) Name the component S.

[1 mark]
(b) Explain how component S is used to
produce half-wave rectification.
[4 marks]
Diagram 48.2
(a) What is meant by a
[1 mark ]
(b) Using Diagram 48.1 and Diagram
relate the lighting of the bulbs, the current and the
way the diode is connected to the terminals of the
battery to deduce a relevant physics concept.
[5 marks]
(c) Diagram 48.3 shows a
full wave
rectifier circuit.

Diagram 48.3

(i) Draw the wave

form of a full
wave rectification.
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) A capacitor is
placed across the
output to smooth the current.
Draw the wave
form produced.
Explain how a
capacitor is used
smooth the current.

3.1 Describe the function and use of transistors
as a current amplifier

3.1.1 Introduction

Transistors like semiconductor diodes are

made of semiconductor materials such as silicon
and germanium.
The transistor has three electrodes namely
base (B), collector (C) and emitter (E).
There are two types of transistors , npn
transistor and pnp transistor.
The structure and symbols of the transistor
are as follows:

npn transistor

pnp transistor

Among its uses are as a current amplifier

and as an automatic switch.
V1: to supply energy to the base circuit
3.1.2 The function of three transistor V2: to supply energy to the collector
terminals circuit

Transistor circuit II (need power supply

only in output circuit)

Base (B) - Control the flow of charge

carriers from E to C

Collector (C) - Receive charge carriers

from E

Emitter (E) – Supply charge carriers to C

BE: Base circuit (input)
CE: Collector circuit(output)
Ib: base current
Ic: collector current
R1: to limit the base current
R2: to limit the collector current
3.1.3 Characteristics of transistor V: to supply energy to the transistor
circuits Rx dan RY : as voltage divider

A transistor cannot be working without 3.1.4Connection of npn transistors and

combining with others electronic devices pnp transistors in the circuit.
such as resistors and power supply (cell). The
combination of three transistor , resistor
and cell produced transistor circuit.
There are two types of the transistor

Transistor circuit I (need power supply

in input and output circuit)

npn transistor

pnp transistor

BE: Base circuit (input) 3.1.5 Working principle of a transistor

CE: Collector circuit(output)
Ib: base current (1) The base current is very small (in
Ic: collector current μA) when it compare with the
collector current (in mA).
R1: to limit the base current
( Ic >>>>Ib)
R2: to limit the collector current

(2) The emitter current is equal to the sum 4 kΩ and 50 kΩ respectively. The bulb will light
of the base current and the collector up when the the minimum potential difference
current. Vbe is 0.4 V
Ie = Ib + Ic then Ie> Ic> Ib

(3) A small change in base current,

ΔIb will cause a big change in
the collector current, ΔIc (ΔIc
>>>> ΔIb)

(4) When the base current does not flow

and the collector current also does not
Ib = 0 and Ic = 0

(5) When there is no Ic flowing in the Does the bulb lit?

collector circuit , Ib still flows in
the collector circuit. Solution
(Ic = 0 hence Ib ≠0 )
(6) A transistor has not its own
energy. The energy in a
transistor is supplied by the
power supply , such as cell.

(7) The based circuit must reach the

minimum voltage, Vbe to turn the
circuit on.
For transistors made of silicon
Vbe = 0.7 V while transistor is
made of germanium Vbe = 0.3 V

3.1.6 Calculation of the minimum

voltageVbe by using voltage divider
Example 2

Diagram shows a transistor circuit,

Resistor S has a resistance of 75 kΩ. For
LED to light up the potential difference across
resistor P should be at least 2V.

 RY 
Vbe =   x V
 RX +RY  What is the minimum resistance of resistor
P when LED is on?
Example 1
Diagram shows a transistor circuit having
resistors P and Q with resistance values of

increasing value of the
microammeter reading.


The collector flow is too large

compared to the base current
The increase in the value of the
collector current is too
large compared to the increase in base
3.1.7 Experiment to study the use of current.
transistor as current amplifier. From this experiment shows the
transistor acting as a current
Aim amplifier.

To study the use of transistor as current 3.1.8 Working principle of a

amplifier. transitor circuit as
current amplifier.
List of apparatus and materials

Dry cell, npn transistor, rheostat, resistor,

switch, microammeter, miliammeter and
connecting wire.

Arrangement of apparatus

When a person speaks into a

microphone, sound waves
are converted into an
Procedure alternating current .
The small changes in the base
Arrange the apparatus as shown circuits cause the base current flows.
in diagram. A small change in base current,
Turn on the switch and compare will cause a big change in the
the microammeter collector current.
and miliammeter r reading The earphone thus receives a
Adjust the rheostat so that the large
microammeter reading increase and alternating current from the collector
compare the reading change in circuit and converts it into a loud sound.
milliammeter. The capacitor blocks a steady
current (direct current) from flowing
Observation into the transistor and microphone.

The miliammeter reading value is 3.1.9Amplification factor , β

too large compared to the
microammeter reading.
The increasing value of the Collector current
millimeter reading is too Amplificat ion factor =
Base current
large compared to the

Ic 3.2.2 Light control switch

Example 3

Diagram shows a transistor


In bright light, the light-

resistor(LDR) has a very low resistance.
Therefore the potential
difference across LDR is low and
hence the potential
difference across resistor R is higher than
Vbe.The base current flows and
When the switch is turned on the cause a large collector current
flows. The LED lits.
microammeter reading is 10 µA and the In darkness , the light-dependent
miliammeter reading is
8 mA. Calculate the resistor(LDR) has a very high resistance.
amplification factor of the transistor Therefore the potential
difference across LDR is high
Solution and hence the potential
difference across resistor R is lower than
Vbe .The base current
does not flow and cause
the collector current does not flow.
3.2 Describe the circuit containing the transistor The bulb LED lights up.
as an automatic switch When the positions of the LDR
and R are interchanged,
the LED is switched on in the dark
3.2.1 Characteristics of light-dependent and off in the bright light.
resistor(LDR) and thermistor
3.3.3 Temperature control
Light-dependent resistor alarm circuit

LDR Symbol

Characteristic: The higher the light

intensity the lower the LDR resistance.
When the thermistor is at a higher
temperature the resistance decreases.
The voltage across the thermistor
Thermistor symbol decreases.
The voltage across the R resistor
Characteristic: The higher the temperature increases and exceeds Vbe
the lower the thermistor resistance. The base current flows.

Small changes in base current
cause a large change in collector
Hence the alarm emits sound.
When the thermistor is at low
temperature, its resistance increases.
The voltage across the thermistor
The voltage across the R resistor
is less and less than Vbe
The base does not flow.
Collector current does not flow
Therefore the alarm does not
emit sound
If this circuit is to function
inversely the thermistor and
resistor R must be
interchanged the positions.
3.3.4 Use of electromagnetic
relay switches

1 Diagram shows the symbol for a npn

In the case of an output circuit

(collector circuit) as an
automatic switch of light control
or temperature control using high
voltage to operate, then the necessary Which of the following show the correct
additional names of the electrodes P,Q and R?
component of the circuit is the
electromagnetic relay. P Q R
An electromagnetic relay switch
is a secondary A Base Emitter Collector
circuit switch in a transistor B Base Collector Emitter
circuit that requires a high voltage C Collector Base Emitter
(current). D Emitter Base Collector

2 What is the symbol for p-n-p transistor?

3 Which statement about a transistor is

A Has two electrodes

B Has its own internal energy
C Functions as an amplifier or a
D Combination of a n-type and a p-
type of semiconductror
Which of the following components are
4 Which of the following circuits can function? required to place in box X and Y?


5 In which circuit does the bulb light up?


7 Diagram shows a transistor circuit.

6 Diagram shows a transistor circuit?

Which of the following components are

required to place in box P and Q?


A Bulb Bulb
B Dry cell Bulb Diagram (b) shows when only switch P is
C Resistor Dry cell closed and Diagram (c) show when only
D Bulb Resistor switch Q is closed.

8 Which one of the following circuits will

the lamp light?

Diagram (b)

9 In which circuit will the light-emitting Diagram (c)

diode (LED) light up when the switch is on?
What happen to the bulb N in Diagram(b)
and bulb M in Diagram (c)?

Bulb N in Bulb M in
Diagram (b) Diagram (c)

A Light up Light up
B Light up Not light up
C Not light up Light up
D Not light up Not light up

11 Diagram shows a transistor circuit.

10 Diagram(a) shows a transistor circuit in

which both switches P and Q are closed caused
bulbs M and N are light up

Which of the following is true?

A Ie > Ic >Ib
B Ie > Ib >Ic
C Ic > Ie >Ib
D Ic > Ib >Ie

Diagram (a) 12 Diagram shows the symbol of an npn


Resistance of Resistance of
light-dependent thermistor as it
resistor as it gets gets hotter

A Decreases Decreases

B Decreases Increases
What is the value of Ie?
C Increases Decreases
A 24 mA
B 115 mA D Increases Increases
C 125 mA
D 600 mA 16 Diagram shows a circuit using a transistor.

13 Which of the following is not a function of

a transistor?

A As a rectifier
B As an amplifier
C As a light controlled switch
D As a temperature controlled

14 Diagram shows two type of resistors M

and N.

What is the function of transistor?

A Switch
B Rectifier
C Amplifier
Which of the following is true?
D Voltage divider
Resistance M Resistance N
A Lower when the Lower when the 17 Diagram shows a transistor used as a current
intensity of light intensity of light is amplifier.
is higher lower
B Lower when the Lower when the
temperature is temperature is
higher lower
C Lower when the Lower when the
intensity of light temperature is
is higher higher
D Lower when the Lower when the
intensity of light temperature is
is lower lower

15 How does the resistance a of light-

dependent resistor and the resistance of a
thermistor change when their surroundings Which symbol represents S?
become hotter and darker?

20 Which of the following circuit is the bulb
lights up when the LDR is illuminated by bright

18 Diagram shows an amplifier circuit.

21 Diagram shows a transistor circuit.

What is the function of the capacitor in the


A To amplify the sound signal

B To change electrical signal to
sound wave
C To change sound signal to
electrical signal
Which of the electronic component need
D To block the direct current from
in box R and box S so that the LED
the cell from flowing into the
is light up when the surroundings become
transistor and
Box R Box S
19 Diagram shows a transistor circuit.
A Resistor Light dependent
B Light dependent Resistor
C Thermistor Resistor
D Resistor Thermistor

22 Diagram shows an automatic switch circuit to

light up a bulb at night.
What is the function of the transistor T?

A Switch
B Heater
C Amplifier
D Voltage divider

order to light the bulb , the potential difference
across resistor P must be at least 0.5 V.

What changes should be done to light up the
bulb during the day time?

A Reverse the terminals of the battery What is the maximum value of resistor S
B Interchange position X and Y when the bulb lights?
C Replace the npn transistor with a pnp
transistor A 10 k
D Replace resistor Z with a resistor of B 40 k
lower resistance C 50 k
D 60 k
23 Diagram shows a transistor circuit.
26 Diagram shows a spotlight circuit.The
spotlight is light up at night when
resistance LDR is 40 kΩ and the
voltage across resistor 5 kΩ is
1.0 V.

The bulb will light up when the circuit in

A bright light
B dark room
C low temperature
D high temperature What is the voltage , E of the battery.

24 Diagram shows a fire detector circuit A 6V

B 9V
C 24 V
D 240 V

27 Diagram shows a circuit. The resistance of

resistor P is 200 kΩ when it is in the dark
and causes the LED light up.

What is the elecronic device X?

A Thermistor
B Rheostat
C Light dependent resistor
D Light Emitting Diode

25 Diagram shows a transistor circuit.

What is the current flows through P when
Resistor P has a resistance of 10 k. In
the LED light up ?

A Rectification factor
A 3 x10-4 A B Amplification factor
B 1 x 10-5 A C Smoothing factor
C 5 x 10-5 A
D 6 x10- 30 Diagram shows an electronic circuit for a
A spotlight labelled 240 V, 180 W.
The spotlight should be lighted up at
28 Diagram shows a transistor circuit. When night, but it doesn't happen.
the rhe rheostat is adjusted ,the reading of the
milliammeter and the microammeter are
shown as in the Diagram.

Which of the following reason is


A The terminal of the

transistor in reverse bias
B The base current does
not flow at night
C The collector current not
enough to light up the spotlight
What is the amplification factor of the D Resistor R and LDR are
transistor? in wrong
position in the circuit.
A 0.5
B 2 31 Diagram shows a transitor circuit to open
C 500 and to close a lift door.
D 2000

29 Diagram shows the graph the collector

current , Ic against base current , Ib for a transistor.

Diagram 31

Which of the following is the correct

component in Box X.

What is the physical quantity represented

by the
gradient of the graph?

32 Diagram 32 shows a transistor circuit. Diagram 33
Resistor P has high resistance in
the dark and low resistance in the

(a) Name resistor P.

[ 1 mark ]
(b) The resistance of resistor P is 100
kΩ when it is in the dark.
Diagram 32
(a) Name the type of the transistor. (i) The potential difference
between X and Y
[ 1 mark ]
(b) What is the function of
(i) resistor R1 and [2 marks]
R2 (ii) The current flows
through resistor P
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) resistor R3

[ 1 mark ] [2 marks]
(c) The resistor R2 is (c) Explain why the bulb is lighted
adjusted until the LED up when resistor P is in
is light up. Explain why the dark. . `
the LED is light up.
[ 2 marks ] ....................................................................
33 Diagram 33 shows a circuit with a transistor
that acts as an automatic switch. .....................................................................
[2 marks]
34 Diagram 34 shows a fire detector circuit.
The alarm emits sound when there is a fire

[ 2 marks ]
Diagram 34 35 Diagram 35 shows a transistor circuit. In
order to trigger alarm L , the potential
(a) (i) Name the electronic difference across NO must be at least 0.8
component X. V.

[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Complete the circuit in
Diagram 33 so
that the alarm emits
sound when there is
a fire.
[ 1 mark ]
(iii) Give one reason why the
alarm emits Diagram 35
sound when there is a
fire (a) What is the potential difference
………………………………………… MO ?
[ 1 mark ]
(b) A electric motor 240 V, 250 W is ……………………………………………
switched on to open a door when [ 1 mark ]
the temperature of a room becomes (b) When the resistance of resistors P
extremely low .
and Q are 400  respectively,
Two modification is required to
(i) what is the potential
the circuit based on the following
difference across
(i) The position of X and
resistor R.
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) what happens to alarm L and
give the reason.
[ 2 marks ]
(ii) An electronic
component that replaces alarm
[ 2 marks ]
other than electric motor.
(c) When the resistance of resistor Q
is 700  and the resistance of
Reason resistor P is 6000 ,
determine the potential difference across
.................................................................. the resistor Q to show that alarm L
[ 2 marks ] is not triggered.
(iii) In the space below, draw a
circuit diagram to
show the new circuit.
[ 2 marks ]

(d) Table 35 shows the variations of
the resistance of a
thermostat , T with
Temperature ( o C) Thermostat
resistance ()
200 1750
100 3500
55 5000 Set
30 6500 of Box Box Box
Table 35 elect W X Y
When resistor P is replaced by ronic
thermostatT , what is Com
(i) the resistance of resistor po
Q when alarm L is triggered nent
at 100o C.
[ 2 marks ]
(ii) the temperature is
required to trigger
alarm L ,when the resistance of resistor
Q is 1000.

[ 2 marks ]
36 Diagram 36 shows an incomplete circuit
used to switch on three lights labelled 240 V ,
60 W automatically light up when it is dark.
with a higher brighthess. L

Table 36

Based on the information in Table 36,

state the suitable components in the Box
W, X and Y to complete the circuit in Diagram
36 so that the three lights automatically
light up when it is dark. with a higher
Give reason for the suitability of the
Diagram 36 components.

(a) What is the function of the (i) Box W

resistor , R ………………………………………………
………………………………………...... ........................................................................
[ 1 mark ] [ 2 marks ]
(b) Table 36 shows three sets of (ii) Box X
electronics component to .....................................................................
be used to complete the circuit in ...
Diagram 36. Reason
[ 2 marks ]
(iii) Box Y

..................................................................... Diagram 37.2
Reason (a) (i) What the function of the
........................................................................ rheostat.
[ 2 marks ] [ 1 mark]
(c) Based on the answers in (b) choose the most (ii) Based on Diagram 37.1 ,
suitable set of electronic component convert the
………………………………………......... microammeter and milliammeter
........ readings in unit
[ 1 mark] Ampere (A).
(d) Explain what happen when the electronic Based on Diagram 37.1
component in Box Z is removed. and Diagram 37.2 ,
..................................................................... determine the increase in the
......... microammeter and the
..................................................................... milliammerer
........ readings in the Ampere (A) unit.
[ 2 marks ] Compare the reading of
microameter and milliammeter
37 Diagram 37.1 shows the reading of and also the increase in
microammeter and milliammeter in the microammeter and
transistor circuit. shows a transistor circuit. the milliammerer
Based on the
comparisons make two
conclusions regarding to the base
current , Ib and
the collector current, Ic.

(b) Diagram 37.3 shows a circuit

with a transistor that
acts as an automatic switch.

Diagram 37.1

Diagram 37.2 shows the reading of

microammeter and milliammeter in
transistor circuit when the rheostat is

Diagram 37.3

Explain how the circuit functions

as an
automatic switch.

(c) Diagram 37.4 shows an

transistor circuit to amplify the sound of
the person who is giving lectures.

Diagram 37.4
Give suggestions and the reasons
for proper electrical components in
the inserted in box J, K, L, M and
N to complete the circuit in
Diagram 37.4.

LESSON 1 – ELECTRON temperature of 300 K and will still emit
some electrons at 1000 K.

1.1.5 Factors that affect the rate of

1.1. Describes the thermionic emission and thermionic emission
cathode rays.
Since the process of thermionic emission
1.1.1 Introduction is similar to the evaporation process, the
factors that influence the rate of thermionic
Rainwater in a puddle was found disappear emission are similar to the factors that
as the day warms through the evaporation influence the evaporation rate.
process. The factors that influence the rate
The rainwater molecules are released out of thermionic
through the surface of the rainwater into emission area.
A similar process occurs when the (1) Surface area of the metal
particles in a heated metal and reach a certain
temperature and the process known as As the surface area of the metal
thermionicemission.. increases the rate of thermionic
emission increases
1.1.2 The meaning of thermionic
emission (2) Temperature of the
metal surface
The liberation (emission) of electrons from
a heated metal when it is heated to As the temperature of
particular temperature. the metal surface increases the
rate of thermionic
1.1.3 The mechanism of thermionic emission increases
(3) Types of metal

Different types of metal

has different rate
of thermionic emission.
Diferent types of metals
has different work
A large number of electrons are free roam function . The work function is The
about inside a metal but an electron traveling minimum amount of heat energy
outwards the surface is held back by the
attractive forces of the atomic nuclei near the required to emit electrons form the metal
surface. surface,The lower the
However, when the metal is heated , some work function the higher
of electrons have gained enough kinetic the rate of the thermionic
energy (thermal energy) to escape from its emission. For example tungsten
surface. and platinum has
lower work function.
1.1.4 Sources to produce the thermionic
emission (4) The coated material of
the metal
Thermionic emission can be only be surface
produced with certain metals, because it
occurs at temperatures similar to their If the surface is coated
melting point. by by a layer of barium oxide or
A tungsten filament lamp was found to strontium oxide , the
release electrons from it is filament at 2300K. rate of thermionic emission is high
It has been found that a metal filament
coated with oxides of barium and strontium will 1.1.6 Cathode rays
release lots of thermal electrons at the much lower

Cathode ray is a narrow beam of
a fast electrons moving in a

1.1.7 The production of cathode

rays by using vacuum tube.

Proce Observa Explana Conclusion

dure tion tion
6V heater A shadow The Light rays
A vacuum tube ,containing anode , supply is of the cross shadow is travel in a
connec is seen formed straight line
cathode , a heating filament and
ted by the ray
high voltage power supply EHT.
from the
. The cathode is heated by a tungsten
filament . heated
The heated cathode emits electrons filament
through thermionic emission process and are 6V heater The green The Cathode rays
accelerated at a high speed between anode supply shadow of shadow is travel in a
and cathode known as cathode rays. and 3 kV the cross is formed straight line.
The filament can be supplied with either power seen same by the Cathode rays
d.c. or a.c. because both can produced heat. supply size and at cathode cause fluore
The anode has a small hole in it to are the same rays scence.
produce narrow beam electrons. connec position as Cathode rays
EHT is used to produce a stronger. electric ted the shadow carry kinetic
field between anode and cathode caused form by the energy and
cathode rays move with a higher speed. light converts to
The tube must be vacuum to avoid light energy
collisions between electrons and gas when they hit
molecules or gas molecules of the air, the screen.
which would attenuate the beam because lost of
A bar The The Cathode rays
magnet is cathode ray catapult can be
1.2 Describes the cathode ray effect under the
brought shadow is force is deflected by
influence of the electrical field and magnetic
close to moved and produced magnetic
the distorted because fields. The
cathode and the Fleming’s
To find out the effect of cathode rays under the rays cathode left-hand rule
influence of electrical fields and magnetic fields rays is used to
some of the following activities are performed. carry a determine
charge the direction
1.2.1 Activity 1 : By using Maltase of motion.
cross tube
1.2.2: By using Deflection tube

of deflection is determined by using
Fleming’s Left-hand rule
7. Cause ionization of gas molecules
8. Can penetrate thin aluminium foil ,thin
paper and thin graphite layer
9. Affect photographic plates
10. Produce heat and X-radiation in a X-
ray tube
11. Charge of one electron ,e = 1.6 x
Procedure Observation Expla Conclu 10 -19 C
nation sion 12. Mass of electron, me = 9 x 10 -31
6V heater No Light rays kg
supply and 3 electric travel in a
kV power fields straight line Example 1
supply are between
connected two the Diagram shows an incomplete path of a
metal cathode ray in an electric field.
6V heater Electric Cathode ray
supply and 3 field is
kV power exists negatively
supply are between charged
connected two
and also 1000 plates Complete the path of the cathode ray.
V power
supply is Solution
connected to
the metal
6V heater Electric Cathode ray
supply and 3 field is
kV power exists negatively
supply are between charged Example 2
connected two
and also 1000 plates Diagram shows is applied to a cathode ray
V power motion.What is direction of the cathode
supply is ray is shifted?
connected to
the metal
plates in

1.2.3 Properties of Cathode Rays

1. Travel in a straight lines in

2. Possess kinetic energy and
3. Produce fluorescent effect Solution
4. Negatively charged 1.3 Determine speed of electrons in cathode
5. Deflected by an electric field towards a ray tube.
positive plate
6. Deflected by a magnetic field. The
1 The emission of electrons from the
surface of a heated metal is called

A Vaporization

B Condensation
C Cathode emission
From the principle of conservation of energy, D Thermionic emission
for each electron,
2 Which particle escapes from the surface of
Electrical potential energy = Kinetic energy a
metal when it is heated at a high
eV = mv max 2
2 A Nucleon
2eV B Electron
v max =
m C Proton
Where : D Neutron
vmax = the maximum speed of the electrons
V = potential difference between anode and cathode 3 Diagram shows the process of electrons
e = charge of one electron, 1.6 x 10 -19 C escaping from the surface of a heated metal.
m= mass of electron 9 x 10 -31 kg

Example 3

The potential difference between anode and cathode

in a vacuum tube is 5 kV. Calculate the maximum
kinetic energy of the electrons?
(e = 1.6 x 10 -19 C)

What is this process?

A Thermionic emission
B Photoelectric effect
C Radioactivity
D Fusion

4 Thermionic emission is process involving

Example 4
A the reflection of electrons from a heavy
In the vacuum tube of a maltase cross tube, a
metal target
cathode ray is produced and accelerated through a
B the collision of electrons with the
potential difference 7 kV. Determine the maximum
fluorescent screen
speed of the cathode ray?
C the release of electrons from a hot metal
[ e =1.6 x 10 -19 C and me= 9 x 10 -31 ]
D the deflection of electron through an

5 The rate of thermionic emission is not

depends on

A The temperature of the metal

B The surface area of the metal

C The shape of the metal
TUTORIAL 1 D The type of the metal
6 A narrow beam of a fast electrons moving in a 10 Which of the following is not true about
vacuum is called electrons coming out of a cathode ray
A X- ray
B Alpha A Moves in a straight line
ray B Move at a velocity equal to the
C Cathode ray velocity of light
D Gamma ray C Deflected by electric field and
7 Diagram shows a cathode being heated by magnetic field
a filament. D The electron speed is influenced
potential difference between
cathode and anode

11 Diagram shows a Maltese cross tube.

Which particle is emitted from the


A α-particles
B Electrons
C Protons A shadow formed on the screen indicates
D X-rays that cathode rays

8 Diagram shows a vacuum tube A move in staright line from

cathode to anode
B can be stopped by a piece of
C not influences by electric field
D are negatively charged

12 Which of the following is the property of

What is the function of the cathode rays?
A Possess kinetic energy and
A To produce electrons when
B An electromagnetic waves
they are heated
by filament C Has a high penetrating power
D Positively charged
B To accelerate electrons
at high speed
13 In a vacuum tube ,the high voltage acroos
C To control the intensity
anode and cathode used to
of the electron
D To deflect electron flow A control the fialament temperature
B control the number of electrons
C produce narrow beam electrons
D accelerate electrons with a high speed
9 When the electrons move through vacuum
in a cathode ray tube, the electron beam
14 Which diagram shows the correct movement
A becomes narrow and is charged of an electron beam in an electric field?

B becomes heavier and is charged

C moves with a high speed and is

D becomes narrow and moves with
a high speed
In which direction will the shadow of the
Maltese Cross is deflected?

15 Diagram shows an electron beam a

cathode ray tube. Which of the following actions
will cause the electron beam to be deflected?

18 Diagram shows a shadow of the Maltese

Cross tube formed on the CRO screen.
Where can the shadow be observed when the
direction of the electron into the paper?

A Increase the current in the

B Increase the voltage between the
anodes and cathode
C Apply a magnetic field near the
electron beam
D Decrease the distance between
the anode and the cathode

16 Diagram shows a shadow formed on the

screen of a Maltese Cross Tube. The shadow
is deflected by the magnets. 19 Diagram shows electrons in a wire move
through a magnetic field.In which
direction will the electrons are deflected?

The direction of the deflection is

determined by using

A the Fleming's left hand rule

B the Fleming's right hand rule
C Faraday’s law
D Lenz’s law
20 What is the transfomation energy of
electrons occur in a vacuum tube.
17 Diagram shows to bar magnets are placed in
between a Maltese Cross tube.
A Heat energy → kinetic energy →
electrical potential energy
B Heat energy → electrical 23 The potential difference between anode
potential energy → kinetic energy and cathode in a vacuum tube is 4 kV.
C Kinetic energy → heat energy → Calculate the kinetic energy of the electrons?
electrical potential energy (e =1.6 x 10-19 C)
D Electrical potential energy
→kinetic energy → heat energy A 4.0 x 10-22 J
B 4.0 x 10-20 J
21 Diagram shows a vacuum tube . The voltage C 6.4 x 10 J
EHT across anode and cathode is V. D 6.4 x 10-16 J

24 An electron is accelerated between anode

and cathode through a potential difference
8000 V. What is the maximum speed of the
-19 -31
[ e =1.6 x 10 C and m= 9 x 10 ]

A 5.3 x 107 m s-1 B

4.3 x 10 m s-1

C 3.3 x 104 m s-1 D

2.3 x 10 m s-1

25 Diagram 25 shows an instrument to

produce a narrow beam of electrons move
What is the maximum speed , vmax of with high speed.
electron of mass m and has charge e.

A v max =
B v max =
C v max =
2em Diagram 25
D v max =
V (a) Mark (√) for the correct answer in
the box
22 Which of the following grpah shows the provided.
correct relationship between speed of
electron , v and voltage between A narrow beam of electrons move
anode and cathode , V in a vacuum with high speed known as
Cathode rays

Beta rays
[ 1 mark ]
(b) Why the power supply N can use
either a.c. or d.c.?

[ 1 mark ]
(c) (i) On Diagram 25 ,mark
the positive
terminal and negative terminal of the
power supply
[ 1 mark ]

(ii) Compare the voltage of
the power supply M and N.
[ 1 mark ]
(d) Give a reason why there is
(i) a small hole in the

.................................................................. Diagram 26.2

[ 1 mark ] (i) In Diagram 26.2, complete the path
(ii) vacuum space in the of the cathode ray.
instrument [1 mark]
(ii) Give one reason for the
.................................................................. answer in
[ 1 mark ] (d)(i).
26 Diagram 26.1 shows a simple cathode rays ............................................................
tube. Cathode emits electrons when switch P [1 mark]
is closed. 27 Diagram 25 shows a cathode-ray tube.

Diagram 26.1

(a) Name the process that enables the

emission of electrons at the cathode.

.............................................................. Diagram 45
[ 1 mark ]
(b) State one reason why the extra high (a) What is the thermionic emission meant?
voltage is used. ..................................................................
[ 1 mark ]..
..................................................................... (b)What is the function of anode A?
[ 1 mark ] ..................................................................
(c) When electrons flow in the [ 1 mark ]
cathode rays (c) Explain why the tube must be a vacuum
tube, the current produced in 5 seconds tube?
is 0.01 A.
Calculate ..................................................................
(i) the total charge ..................................................................
of the electrons. [ 1 mark ]
(d)What will happen to the electrons when

[2 marks] (i) the current flows through the

(ii) number of filament is increased.
electrons .........................................................
[ e = 1.6 x 10-19 [ 1 mark ]
C] (ii) the voltage of 5 KV power supply
is increases.

[2 marks] [ 1 mark ]
(iii) the switch is closed.
(d) Diagram 26.2 shows an incomplete path .........................................................
of a cathode ray in an electric field. [ 1 mark ]

(e) The potential between the filament and the screen.
anode A is 9 kV.
[ e =1.6 x 10 C and ………………………………………......
-31 [2 marks ]
me= 9 x 10 ]
(c) Charge for one electron ,e = 1.6
x10-19 C and the mass of one
(i) the kinetic
electron,me =9.0 x 10-31 kg calculate,
energy of the electrons
(i) the electrical potential
energy of electron
[ 2 marks ]
(ii) the velocity of
the electrons
[2 marks]
(ii) the maximum speed of
[ 2 marks ]

28 Diagram 28.1 shows a cross section of a

Maltese Cross tube which is used to study
[2 marks ]
the characteristics of cathode rays. The
(d) Diagram 28.3 shows two magnets
cathode ray is produced when electrons
emitted from a heated cathode.
opposite poles are placed at the
sides of the tube causing the shadow
being deflected.

Diagram 28.1

(a) What is meant by cathode ray.

[ 1 mark ]
(b) Diagram 28.2 shows a shadow Diagram 28.3
and a green
light region seen on the screen. (i) The shadow will deflected from
O to ..........
[1 mark]
(ii) State the physies rule used to
determine the direction of the shadow.

Diagram 28.2 ………………………………………

[ 1 mark ]
Give a reason why

(i) the shadow is formed on 29 (a) Cathode rays and beta rays are
the screen.
contain electrons.
………………………………………...... (i) What is meant by
(ii) the green light region is cathode rays
formed on [ 1 mark ]

(ii) Give two similarities and Based on Table 29 study the
two differences characteristics of all the four tubes.
of cathode rays and beta You are required to determine the most
rays. suitable tube that can produce the cathode rays
[ 4 marks ] efficiently.
Give the reason for your choice.
(b) Table 29 shows the [ 10 marks]
characteristics of four tubes
J, K, L and M to produce cathode rays. (c) 8.32 x 10-16 J of the electrical potential
energy of an electron in a cathode ray tube .
J [ e = 1.6 x10-19 C , me = 9.0 x 10-31 kg ]

(i) the potential difference across

cathode and anode of the cathode ray
[ 2 marks]
(ii) the maximum speed of the
[ 3 marks]

Table 29

Among the diodes used are valves and

A capacitor is an electronic component

consisting of two metal plates seperate by
an insulator (dielectric) in the middle. The
structure and symbols are as follows:


Among the capacitors used are a charge
storage as a current smoother and as filter of a.c
and d.c.

1.2: Experiment to observe the effect of

diode in forward biased and reverse biased


LESSON 2 – To observe the effect of diode in

SEMICONDUCTOR DIODE forward biased and reverse biased arrangement

2.1 Describe the function of semi conductor List of apparatus and materials
diodes Dry cell, semiconductor diode, bulb,
switch and connecting wires.
2.1.1 Introduction of diodes and
capacitor Arrangement of apparatus

Semiconductor diodes are an electronic

component made of semiconductor
materials such as silicon and germanium. A
diode has two electrodes (terminals) namely
anode and cathode. The diode structure and
symbols are as follows:

Diagram (a) Forward biased

Reverse biased

2.2 Communicates the use of semi conductor

diode and capacitor to rectify the current
Diagram (b) 2.2.1 An experiment to study the
Procedure function of a diode as a rectifier
Arrange the circuit as in Diagram (a) Aim
where the diode is in the forward biased
arrangement (the positive terminal of the To study the function of the diode as a
cell is connected to the anode of diode). rectifier
The switch is closed and observe the light
bulb. List of apparatus and materials
Repeat the experiment by using the circuit
in Diagram (b) where the diode is in reverse Four semiconductor diodes, resistor, a.c.
baised arrangement (the positive terminal of the supply and Cathode ray oscilloscope
cell is connected to the cathode of diode). (CRO)
The switch is closed and observe the light
bulb. Arrangement of apparatus

Diode arrangement Bulb

Forward biased Light up
Reverse biased Not light up

Diagram (a)
The diode allows the current to flow in one
direction only during forward biased.
Therefore the function of the diode isalso
known as a valve


The current flows through the diode during

the forward biased because the diode Diagram (b)
resistance is low. On the other hand the
current does not flow through the diode during
reverse biased because the resistance of the
diode is high.

2.1.3 Simple circuit of the diode in

forward biased and reverse biased

Arrange the circuit as in Diagram
Turn on CRO power

Turn on the switch a.c / d.c to a.c capacitor , and Cathode ray
on CRO oscilloscope (CRO)
Turn on the time –base switch on
Turn on the a.c. supply.
Observe and sketch the output
waveforms that displays on the CRO
screen. Arrangement of apparatus
Repeat the experiment for the
circuit in Diagram (b)
and Diagram (c).


Circuit Ouput waves on CRO

Diagram (a) Diagram (a)

Diagram (b)

Diagram (c)
Diagram (b)

Arrange the circuit as in Diagram

Conclusion (a)
Turn on CRO power
When a.c. through the resistor, Turn on the switch a.c / d.c to a.c
the resulting current is still a.c. on CRO
When a.c. through one diode, a.c. Turn on the time –base switch on
turn into d.c.but every half –cycle CRO
of its magnitude is zero and Turn on the a.c. supply.
maximum alternately. Observe and sketch the output
When a.c. through four diodes, waveforms that displays on the CRO
a.c. turn into d.c.with the same screen.
magnitude for every half- cycle. Repeat the experiment for the
The process of converting a.c into circuit in Diagram (b).
d.c. is called the rectification
process and the diode acts as a Observation.
Circuit Ouput waves on CRO
2.2.2 Experiment to study the screen
capacitor function as a current

To study the capacitor (b)
function as a
current smoother

List of apparatus and materials

Four semiconductor diodes,
resistor, a.c. supply,
When a.c. through the diode and
capacitor, which is connected in Capacitors as wave / current /
parallel to the diode, the current is voltage smoother
flattened at its peak, causing the
current to be almost constant.

2.2.3 The current flowing in the

rectification circuit

Half wave rectification.

For half of the cycle, the
This type of rectification occurs capacitor is
when one diode is used. charged up. Energy is stored in the
For the other half cycle, the
releases its charge (discharges)
So the capacitor can produced a
smooth output or output is
During the first half of the cycle stablised.
A (+ ve) and B (-ve), the
diode is in forward biased.. The
current flowing through the resistor
from ABCD.
In contrast, during the second half TUTORIAL 2
of the cycle A (-ve) and B (+
ve) diode is in reverse 1 Diagram shows an electronic symbol
biased.The current does not flow representing an electronic component.
through the diode and resistor.
The same process will be
repeated for each of the next half cycles.
What is the electronic component?
Full wave rectification
A Diode
This type of rectification occurs B Inductor
when two or four are used. C Resistor
D Transistor

2 What is the function of a diode?

A Stores electric charge

B Acts as a current amplifier
C Acts as an automatic switch
D Allows the current to pass in one
During the first half of the cycle only
A (+ ve) and B (-ve)
flow in the direction of 3 A function of a diode is as
During the second half of the A Rectifier
cycle A (-ve) and B (+ ve) flow in
BEFGHDCA direction. B Amplifier
So even though the direction of C Smoother
the current changes at each half-
circle, the direction of the current 4 Diagran shows a diode circuit.
flowing through the resistor is
always the same as GH direction and is

C the battery pole is reversed
D the battery and diode poles are

7 Which of the following diagarm shows the

bulb is light up when the switch is closed?

Which of the following is true based on

Diagram above.

Resistance of Current flows

diode through diode

A Small Small
B Small Large
C Large Small
D Large Large

5 Diagram shows a circuit consisting of a

diode and a bulb. When the switch is on, the bulb
does not light up.

What needs to be done to light up the


A Replace with a new bulb

B Reverse the cell connection
C Add one more diode in series to 8 Which of the following circuit causes only
the diode one bulb is lighted up?
D Connect a resistor parallel to the

6 Diagram shows an electric circuit. It is found

that the light emitting diode (LED) does not
light up.

The LED lights up when

A the diode pole is reversed

B the LED pole is reversed

A Z only
B X and Y only
C Y and Z only
D X,Y and Z

11 Diagram shows an electric circuit which

contains 4 identical bulbs, W, X, Y and Z.

Which of the bulbs is light up?

A W and Y B W,
X and Y
C X , Y and Z D W, X, Y
and Z

12 Which of the following diagram shows the

bulb does not light up.

9 Diagram shows an electric circuit.

Which statement is correct?

13 Diagram shows bulb J , bulb K and two
A Only bulb M lights up diodes are connected to the a.c. voltage.
B Only bulb N lights up
C Both bulbs M and N light up
D Both bulbs M and N do not light up

10 Diagram shows a circuit containing bulbs

X, Y and Z.

Which of the following is true

A Bulb J light up , bulb K does not

light up
B Bulb K light up , bulb J does not
light up
C Both bulb J and K lightup light up
Which bulb in the circuit will light up
when the switch is on? continously
D Both bulb J and K light up and
do not light up alternately

14 Diagram shows a circuit containing diode

Which of the following will display on
, resistor and dry cell. The input waveform
CRO screen?
of current from dry cell the is shown in the

What is the output waveform displays on

CRO screen?

17 Diagram shows a circuit containing diode

D, resistor R and a.c. power supply is applied
at terminal PQ. The waveform of the a.c.
supply is shown in the diagram.

15 Diagram shows the shape of a radio wave that

is received by a simple radio receiver.

Which of the following waveform output

is formed at CRO screen?
What is the shape of the wave produced after
it is passed through a diode?

16 Diagram shows an electrical circuit.

18 Which of the following waveform has

been rectified?

21 Diagram shows a circuit for the rectification
of an alternating current.

19 Diagram shows a circuit connected to the

cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO).

Which is the correct trace on the screen of the


Which of the following traces is the

correct one shown on the CRO?

20 Diagram shows a circuit containing two

diodes , a resistance is connected to a.c.
22 Diagram shows a rectification circuit
which uses four diode , a resistor and a battery.

Which of the following waveform formed

on the CRO screen?

Which of the following is the direction of 25 Diagram (a) shows a rectification circuit
the current flowing? with output waveform displays on the CRO
A Diagram (b) shows the position of four
U→S→N→O→Q→R→T→M→L diodes are reversed

23 Diagram shows a rectification circuit

which uses four diodes K,L,M and N and
resistor, R.
Diagram (a)

Which of the following is the direction of

the current flowing?
Diagram (b)
A L → R→N
B M → R → N Which of the following diagram shows the
C K → R→M correct waveform is displayed on the
D N → R → L CRO screen in Diagram (b)

24 Diagram shows a rectification circuit

which uses four diodes and three resistors P , Q
and R.
26 Diagram shows a wrong full-
wave rectification
circuit arranges by a student.

Which of the following resistor is only

the Which of the following diagram shows the
direct current flow? correct waveform is displayed on the
CRO screen.
D P ,Q and R

Which wave pattern is displayed on the
27 Diagram shows an electric circuit. screen of C.R.O.?

The function of the capacitor in the figure above as

A a rectifier
B an amplifier
C a current filter D 30 Diagram shows a full wave rectifier
a smoother circuit.

28 Diagram shows an electrical circuit.

Based on the circuit above, which of the

following waveform is formed on the CRO
screen? The output waves become smooth

A the resistance of the resistor is

always increasing and
B the charges in the capacitor is
always increasing and
C the number of electrons in the
CRO is always
increasing and decreasing
D the current flows through the
diode is always increasing and

31 Diagram 31.1 and Diagram 31.2 show two

29 Diagram shows an clectric circuit. circuits with identical components. Each
circuit contains a battery , a semiconductor diode
and a LED. The switch in both Diagrams are

[1 mark]
(e) Diagram 31.3 shows the output signal
displayed on the screen of the
cathode ray
oscilloscope (CRO) when a diode
connected to an a.c. power
Diagram 31.1 supply.

Diagram 31.2
Diagram 31.3
(a) Mark ( √ ) for the correct answer
Explain why the output signal is
in the box provided.
produced as shown.
One example of semicondctor
material is

[2 marks]

32 Diagram 32 shows the input signal and the
[1 mark]
output signal when component P is
connected to a circuit.
(b) Observe Diagram 31.1 and Diagram
State the difference between:

(i) The connection of the


Diagram 32
[1 mark] (a) Name the type of current at
(ii) The current flow through
diodes (i) the input signal :
.................................................................. ...............................................
[1 mark] (ii) the output signal: .
(c) Give one reason that cause the
difference between the current flow ..............................................
through diodes [2 marks]
[1 mark] (b) (i) Name component P.
(d) Based on the answers in (b) and ...................................................
(c), what is [1 mark]
the function of the diodes in these (ii) What is the function of
circuits? component P?
..................................................................... [1 mark]
... SPM 2018

43 Diagram 45.1 shows an electric circuit that
consist a semiconductor diode and a bulb.

Diagram 43.4
Calculate the peak voltage of the
Diagram 43.1 waveform.
(a) What is the meaning of a semiconductor?

[ 1 mark]
(b) What happens to the bulb when [ 2 marks]
switch S is
turned on? 44 (a) Diagram 44.1 shows an
arrangement of
…………………………………………… apparatus to study the conductivity of
[ 1 mark] semiconductor diode by a student.
(c) The diode is connected to a When the switch is closed by the student the bulb
Cathode Ray does not light up.
Oscilloscope (CRO) with different input
Diagram 43.2.1 shows the diode is connected to a
d.c. power supply.
Diagram 43.3.1 shows the diode is connected to an
a.c. power supply.
The time base of the CRO is turned on.
Sketch the waveform displayed on the screen of the
CRO in Diagram 43.2.2 and Diagram 43.3.2 for
each of the circuit below.

Diagram 44.1

(i) In the space below draw a circuit diagram

for Diagram 44.1
Digram 43.2.1 Diagram 43.2.2

State the characteristic of the diode

causes the bulb does not light up?

Diagram 43.3.1 Diagram 43.3.2 (iii) State the correction should be done to the
[ 2 marks] connection of the circuit in Figure (a) to make the
bulb is lighted up.
(d) Diagram 43.4 shows a waveform ………………………………………
displayed on the screen of a CRO. The y-gain of the ………………………………………
CRO is set at 5 V cm-1.
(b) Diagram 44.2 shows circuit X is connected (b) Draw the waveform formed on the CRO
to a transformer , resistor R and a cathode-ray screen.
oscilloscope. When the switch is opened the
waveform as shown in Diagram 44.2 is formed on
the CRO screen.

(c) By using the letters A,B,C,D,E,F,G and H

in the figure above state the direction of the current
flows when at half of the cycle, A is more positive
than B.
What happen to the direction of the current flows
Diagram 44.2 in resistor R compared to the your answer in (c)
when at the other half cycle, A is more negative
(i) In the space below draw a circuit diagram than B.
for circuit X. ....................................................................
(e) What happen to the output waveform
(i) the terminals of diodes X and W are
In the space below draw a waveform ............................................................
is produced in the CRO screen when a capacitor is (ii) only the terminals diode Y are reversed
connected parallel to resistor R.
(iii) the terminals of diodes W, X, Y and Z
are reversed.
(f) Draw the waveform formed when a
capacitor is connected parallel to resistor R in the
figure above.
(iii) Give the reason for your answer in

45 Diagram 45 shows a rectification circuit

which uses four diodes W ,X, Y and Z and resistor 46 Abu wants to power a ticker timer and a
R. transistor radio. The ticker timer requires an input
voltage of 12 V a.c. and the transistor radio
requires an input voltage 12 V d.c. The power
supply at Abu’s school is 240 V a.c.

(a) Abu used a transformer as shown in

Diagram 46.1 to power the ticker timer.

Diagram 45
(a) What does the word rectification mean?

Diagram 46.1
(i) Name the type of the transformer is used.

Give one reason why the soft-iron core is used in
the transformer?
(iii) The number of turns in the primary coil is
2000. Calculate the number of turns in the
secondary coil.
[ Assume that the transformer is
an ideal transformer ] Diagram 47.1
Key :
(b) The transformer in Diagram 46.1 is not Np = Number of turns in primary
suitable to power the radio. A modification is coil
required before the radio is used. Ns = Number of turns in
(i) Explain why the transformer is not suitable secondary coil
to use? (i) What is meant by rectification ?
[1 mark ]
............................................................ (ii) Explain the working principle of a
(ii) Name two electronic components that are transformer.
needed to use. [4 marks ]

……………………………………… (iii) You are asked to make a 12 V battery

charger . Study the circuits, J, K ,L, M and N in
……………………………………… Figure (a) and consider the following aspects:
(c) Diagram 46.2shows a circuit that can be type of transformer
modified to produce a full-wave rectification and ratio of the number of turns in primary coil to
smoothing output wave secondary coil
Complete the circuit in the dotted box by adding type of rectification
the electronic components in b(ii) characteristic of output current
[10 marks ]
(b) Diagram 47.2 shows a circuit
consisting of a transformer, an ammeter and two
light bulbs. The ammeter reading is 0.5 A and both
bulbs light up with normal brightness.

Diagram 46.2
SPM 2004

47 (a) Diagram 47.1 shows circuits J, K,

L, M Diagram 47.2
and N each containing an ideal transformer. (i) What is the output voltage of the
Diodes in the circuits are used for the purpose of transformer?
rectification. (ii) Calculate the efficiency of the transformer.
[5 marks ]
SPM 2007
SPM 2013
48 Diagram 48.1 and Diagram 50.2 show two
electrical circuits containing semiconductor diodes. 49 Diagram 49 shows a half-wave

Diagram 48..1

Diagram 49
Based on Diagram 49,

(a) Name the component S.

[1 mark]
(b) Explain how component S is used to
produce half-wave rectification.
[4 marks]
Diagram 48.2
(a) What is meant by a
[1 mark ]
(b) Using Diagram 48.1 and Diagram
relate the lighting of the bulbs, the current and the
way the diode is connected to the terminals of the
battery to deduce a relevant physics concept.
[5 marks]
(c) Diagram 48.3 shows a
full wave
rectifier circuit.

Diagram 48.3

(i) Draw the wave

form of a full
wave rectification.
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) A capacitor is
placed across the
output to smooth the current.
Draw the wave
form produced.
Explain how a
capacitor is used
smooth the current.

3.1 Describe the function and use of transistors
as a current amplifier

3.1.1 Introduction

Transistors like semiconductor diodes are

made of semiconductor materials such as silicon
and germanium.
The transistor has three electrodes namely
base (B), collector (C) and emitter (E).
There are two types of transistors , npn
transistor and pnp transistor.
The structure and symbols of the transistor
are as follows:

npn transistor

pnp transistor

Among its uses are as a current amplifier

and as an automatic switch.
V1: to supply energy to the base circuit
3.1.2 The function of three transistor V2: to supply energy to the collector
terminals circuit

Transistor circuit II (need power supply

only in output circuit)

Base (B) - Control the flow of charge

carriers from E to C

Collector (C) - Receive charge carriers

from E

Emitter (E) – Supply charge carriers to C

BE: Base circuit (input)
CE: Collector circuit(output)
Ib: base current
Ic: collector current
R1: to limit the base current
R2: to limit the collector current
3.1.3 Characteristics of transistor V: to supply energy to the transistor
circuits Rx dan RY : as voltage divider

A transistor cannot be working without 3.1.4Connection of npn transistors and

combining with others electronic devices pnp transistors in the circuit.
such as resistors and power supply (cell). The
combination of three transistor , resistor
and cell produced transistor circuit.
There are two types of the transistor

Transistor circuit I (need power supply

in input and output circuit)

npn transistor

pnp transistor

BE: Base circuit (input) 3.1.5 Working principle of a transistor

CE: Collector circuit(output)
Ib: base current (1) The base current is very small (in
Ic: collector current μA) when it compare with the
collector current (in mA).
R1: to limit the base current
( Ic >>>>Ib)
R2: to limit the collector current

(2) The emitter current is equal to the sum 4 kΩ and 50 kΩ respectively. The bulb will light
of the base current and the collector up when the the minimum potential difference
current. Vbe is 0.4 V
Ie = Ib + Ic then Ie> Ic> Ib

(3) A small change in base current,

ΔIb will cause a big change in
the collector current, ΔIc (ΔIc
>>>> ΔIb)

(4) When the base current does not flow

and the collector current also does not
Ib = 0 and Ic = 0

(5) When there is no Ic flowing in the Does the bulb lit?

collector circuit , Ib still flows in
the collector circuit. Solution
(Ic = 0 hence Ib ≠0 )
(6) A transistor has not its own
energy. The energy in a
transistor is supplied by the
power supply , such as cell.

(7) The based circuit must reach the

minimum voltage, Vbe to turn the
circuit on.
For transistors made of silicon
Vbe = 0.7 V while transistor is
made of germanium Vbe = 0.3 V

3.1.6 Calculation of the minimum

voltageVbe by using voltage divider
Example 2

Diagram shows a transistor circuit,

Resistor S has a resistance of 75 kΩ. For
LED to light up the potential difference across
resistor P should be at least 2V.

 RY 
Vbe =   x V
 RX +RY  What is the minimum resistance of resistor
P when LED is on?
Example 1
Diagram shows a transistor circuit having
resistors P and Q with resistance values of

increasing value of the
microammeter reading.


The collector flow is too large

compared to the base current
The increase in the value of the
collector current is too
large compared to the increase in base
3.1.7 Experiment to study the use of current.
transistor as current amplifier. From this experiment shows the
transistor acting as a current
Aim amplifier.

To study the use of transistor as current 3.1.8 Working principle of a

amplifier. transitor circuit as
current amplifier.
List of apparatus and materials

Dry cell, npn transistor, rheostat, resistor,

switch, microammeter, miliammeter and
connecting wire.

Arrangement of apparatus

When a person speaks into a

microphone, sound waves
are converted into an
Procedure alternating current .
The small changes in the base
Arrange the apparatus as shown circuits cause the base current flows.
in diagram. A small change in base current,
Turn on the switch and compare will cause a big change in the
the microammeter collector current.
and miliammeter r reading The earphone thus receives a
Adjust the rheostat so that the large
microammeter reading increase and alternating current from the collector
compare the reading change in circuit and converts it into a loud sound.
milliammeter. The capacitor blocks a steady
current (direct current) from flowing
Observation into the transistor and microphone.

The miliammeter reading value is 3.1.9Amplification factor , β

too large compared to the
microammeter reading.
The increasing value of the Collector current
millimeter reading is too Amplificat ion factor =
Base current
large compared to the

Ic 3.2.2 Light control switch

Example 3

Diagram shows a transistor


In bright light, the light-

resistor(LDR) has a very low resistance.
Therefore the potential
difference across LDR is low and
hence the potential
difference across resistor R is higher than
Vbe.The base current flows and
When the switch is turned on the cause a large collector current
flows. The LED lits.
microammeter reading is 10 µA and the In darkness , the light-dependent
miliammeter reading is
8 mA. Calculate the resistor(LDR) has a very high resistance.
amplification factor of the transistor Therefore the potential
difference across LDR is high
Solution and hence the potential
difference across resistor R is lower than
Vbe .The base current
does not flow and cause
the collector current does not flow.
3.2 Describe the circuit containing the transistor The bulb LED lights up.
as an automatic switch When the positions of the LDR
and R are interchanged,
the LED is switched on in the dark
3.2.1 Characteristics of light-dependent and off in the bright light.
resistor(LDR) and thermistor
3.3.3 Temperature control
Light-dependent resistor alarm circuit

LDR Symbol

Characteristic: The higher the light

intensity the lower the LDR resistance.
When the thermistor is at a higher
temperature the resistance decreases.
The voltage across the thermistor
Thermistor symbol decreases.
The voltage across the R resistor
Characteristic: The higher the temperature increases and exceeds Vbe
the lower the thermistor resistance. The base current flows.

Small changes in base current
cause a large change in collector
Hence the alarm emits sound.
When the thermistor is at low
temperature, its resistance increases.
The voltage across the thermistor
The voltage across the R resistor
is less and less than Vbe
The base does not flow.
Collector current does not flow
Therefore the alarm does not
emit sound
If this circuit is to function
inversely the thermistor and
resistor R must be
interchanged the positions.
3.3.4 Use of electromagnetic
relay switches

1 Diagram shows the symbol for a npn

In the case of an output circuit

(collector circuit) as an
automatic switch of light control
or temperature control using high
voltage to operate, then the necessary Which of the following show the correct
additional names of the electrodes P,Q and R?
component of the circuit is the
electromagnetic relay. P Q R
An electromagnetic relay switch
is a secondary A Base Emitter Collector
circuit switch in a transistor B Base Collector Emitter
circuit that requires a high voltage C Collector Base Emitter
(current). D Emitter Base Collector

2 What is the symbol for p-n-p transistor?

3 Which statement about a transistor is

A Has two electrodes

B Has its own internal energy
C Functions as an amplifier or a
D Combination of a n-type and a p-
type of semiconductror
Which of the following components are
4 Which of the following circuits can function? required to place in box X and Y?


5 In which circuit does the bulb light up?


7 Diagram shows a transistor circuit.

6 Diagram shows a transistor circuit?

Which of the following components are

required to place in box P and Q?


A Bulb Bulb
B Dry cell Bulb Diagram (b) shows when only switch P is
C Resistor Dry cell closed and Diagram (c) show when only
D Bulb Resistor switch Q is closed.

8 Which one of the following circuits will

the lamp light?

Diagram (b)

9 In which circuit will the light-emitting Diagram (c)

diode (LED) light up when the switch is on?
What happen to the bulb N in Diagram(b)
and bulb M in Diagram (c)?

Bulb N in Bulb M in
Diagram (b) Diagram (c)

A Light up Light up
B Light up Not light up
C Not light up Light up
D Not light up Not light up

11 Diagram shows a transistor circuit.

10 Diagram(a) shows a transistor circuit in

which both switches P and Q are closed caused
bulbs M and N are light up

Which of the following is true?

A Ie > Ic >Ib
B Ie > Ib >Ic
C Ic > Ie >Ib
D Ic > Ib >Ie

Diagram (a) 12 Diagram shows the symbol of an npn


Resistance of Resistance of
light-dependent thermistor as it
resistor as it gets gets hotter

A Decreases Decreases

B Decreases Increases
What is the value of Ie?
C Increases Decreases
A 24 mA
B 115 mA D Increases Increases
C 125 mA
D 600 mA 16 Diagram shows a circuit using a transistor.

13 Which of the following is not a function of

a transistor?

A As a rectifier
B As an amplifier
C As a light controlled switch
D As a temperature controlled

14 Diagram shows two type of resistors M

and N.

What is the function of transistor?

A Switch
B Rectifier
C Amplifier
Which of the following is true?
D Voltage divider
Resistance M Resistance N
A Lower when the Lower when the 17 Diagram shows a transistor used as a current
intensity of light intensity of light is amplifier.
is higher lower
B Lower when the Lower when the
temperature is temperature is
higher lower
C Lower when the Lower when the
intensity of light temperature is
is higher higher
D Lower when the Lower when the
intensity of light temperature is
is lower lower

15 How does the resistance a of light-

dependent resistor and the resistance of a
thermistor change when their surroundings Which symbol represents S?
become hotter and darker?

20 Which of the following circuit is the bulb
lights up when the LDR is illuminated by bright

18 Diagram shows an amplifier circuit.

21 Diagram shows a transistor circuit.

What is the function of the capacitor in the


A To amplify the sound signal

B To change electrical signal to
sound wave
C To change sound signal to
electrical signal
Which of the electronic component need
D To block the direct current from
in box R and box S so that the LED
the cell from flowing into the
is light up when the surroundings become
transistor and
Box R Box S
19 Diagram shows a transistor circuit.
A Resistor Light dependent
B Light dependent Resistor
C Thermistor Resistor
D Resistor Thermistor

22 Diagram shows an automatic switch circuit to

light up a bulb at night.
What is the function of the transistor T?

A Switch
B Heater
C Amplifier
D Voltage divider

order to light the bulb , the potential difference
across resistor P must be at least 0.5 V.

What changes should be done to light up the
bulb during the day time?

A Reverse the terminals of the battery What is the maximum value of resistor S
B Interchange position X and Y when the bulb lights?
C Replace the npn transistor with a pnp
transistor A 10 k
D Replace resistor Z with a resistor of B 40 k
lower resistance C 50 k
D 60 k
23 Diagram shows a transistor circuit.
26 Diagram shows a spotlight circuit.The
spotlight is light up at night when
resistance LDR is 40 kΩ and the
voltage across resistor 5 kΩ is
1.0 V.

The bulb will light up when the circuit in

A bright light
B dark room
C low temperature
D high temperature What is the voltage , E of the battery.

24 Diagram shows a fire detector circuit A 6V

B 9V
C 24 V
D 240 V

27 Diagram shows a circuit. The resistance of

resistor P is 200 kΩ when it is in the dark
and causes the LED light up.

What is the elecronic device X?

A Thermistor
B Rheostat
C Light dependent resistor
D Light Emitting Diode

25 Diagram shows a transistor circuit.

What is the current flows through P when
Resistor P has a resistance of 10 k. In
the LED light up ?

A Rectification factor
A 3 x10-4 A B Amplification factor
B 1 x 10-5 A C Smoothing factor
C 5 x 10-5 A
D 6 x10- 30 Diagram shows an electronic circuit for a
A spotlight labelled 240 V, 180 W.
The spotlight should be lighted up at
28 Diagram shows a transistor circuit. When night, but it doesn't happen.
the rhe rheostat is adjusted ,the reading of the
milliammeter and the microammeter are
shown as in the Diagram.

Which of the following reason is


A The terminal of the

transistor in reverse bias
B The base current does
not flow at night
C The collector current not
enough to light up the spotlight
What is the amplification factor of the D Resistor R and LDR are
transistor? in wrong
position in the circuit.
A 0.5
B 2 31 Diagram shows a transitor circuit to open
C 500 and to close a lift door.
D 2000

29 Diagram shows the graph the collector

current , Ic against base current , Ib for a transistor.

Diagram 31

Which of the following is the correct

component in Box X.

What is the physical quantity represented

by the
gradient of the graph?

32 Diagram 32 shows a transistor circuit. Diagram 33
Resistor P has high resistance in
the dark and low resistance in the

(a) Name resistor P.

[ 1 mark ]
(b) The resistance of resistor P is 100
kΩ when it is in the dark.
Diagram 32
(a) Name the type of the transistor. (i) The potential difference
between X and Y
[ 1 mark ]
(b) What is the function of
(i) resistor R1 and [2 marks]
R2 (ii) The current flows
through resistor P
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) resistor R3

[ 1 mark ] [2 marks]
(c) The resistor R2 is (c) Explain why the bulb is lighted
adjusted until the LED up when resistor P is in
is light up. Explain why the dark. . `
the LED is light up.
[ 2 marks ] ....................................................................
33 Diagram 33 shows a circuit with a transistor
that acts as an automatic switch. .....................................................................
[2 marks]
34 Diagram 34 shows a fire detector circuit.
The alarm emits sound when there is a fire

[ 2 marks ]
Diagram 34 35 Diagram 35 shows a transistor circuit. In
order to trigger alarm L , the potential
(a) (i) Name the electronic difference across NO must be at least 0.8
component X. V.

[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Complete the circuit in
Diagram 33 so
that the alarm emits
sound when there is
a fire.
[ 1 mark ]
(iii) Give one reason why the
alarm emits Diagram 35
sound when there is a
fire (a) What is the potential difference
………………………………………… MO ?
[ 1 mark ]
(b) A electric motor 240 V, 250 W is ……………………………………………
switched on to open a door when [ 1 mark ]
the temperature of a room becomes (b) When the resistance of resistors P
extremely low .
and Q are 400  respectively,
Two modification is required to
(i) what is the potential
the circuit based on the following
difference across
(i) The position of X and
resistor R.
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) what happens to alarm L and
give the reason.
[ 2 marks ]
(ii) An electronic
component that replaces alarm
[ 2 marks ]
other than electric motor.
(c) When the resistance of resistor Q
is 700  and the resistance of
Reason resistor P is 6000 ,
determine the potential difference across
.................................................................. the resistor Q to show that alarm L
[ 2 marks ] is not triggered.
(iii) In the space below, draw a
circuit diagram to
show the new circuit.
[ 2 marks ]

(d) Table 35 shows the variations of
the resistance of a
thermostat , T with
Temperature ( o C) Thermostat
resistance ()
200 1750
100 3500
55 5000 Set
30 6500 of Box Box Box
Table 35 elect W X Y
When resistor P is replaced by ronic
thermostatT , what is Com
(i) the resistance of resistor po
Q when alarm L is triggered nent
at 100o C.
[ 2 marks ]
(ii) the temperature is
required to trigger
alarm L ,when the resistance of resistor
Q is 1000.

[ 2 marks ]
36 Diagram 36 shows an incomplete circuit
used to switch on three lights labelled 240 V ,
60 W automatically light up when it is dark.
with a higher brighthess. L

Table 36

Based on the information in Table 36,

state the suitable components in the Box
W, X and Y to complete the circuit in Diagram
36 so that the three lights automatically
light up when it is dark. with a higher
Give reason for the suitability of the
Diagram 36 components.

(a) What is the function of the (i) Box W

resistor , R ………………………………………………
………………………………………...... ........................................................................
[ 1 mark ] [ 2 marks ]
(b) Table 36 shows three sets of (ii) Box X
electronics component to .....................................................................
be used to complete the circuit in ...
Diagram 36. Reason
[ 2 marks ]
(iii) Box Y

..................................................................... Diagram 37.2
Reason (a) (i) What the function of the
........................................................................ rheostat.
[ 2 marks ] [ 1 mark]
(c) Based on the answers in (b) choose the most (ii) Based on Diagram 37.1 ,
suitable set of electronic component convert the
………………………………………......... microammeter and milliammeter
........ readings in unit
[ 1 mark] Ampere (A).
(d) Explain what happen when the electronic Based on Diagram 37.1
component in Box Z is removed. and Diagram 37.2 ,
..................................................................... determine the increase in the
......... microammeter and the
..................................................................... milliammerer
........ readings in the Ampere (A) unit.
[ 2 marks ] Compare the reading of
microameter and milliammeter
37 Diagram 37.1 shows the reading of and also the increase in
microammeter and milliammeter in the microammeter and
transistor circuit. shows a transistor circuit. the milliammerer
Based on the
comparisons make two
conclusions regarding to the base
current , Ib and
the collector current, Ic.

(b) Diagram 37.3 shows a circuit

with a transistor that
acts as an automatic switch.

Diagram 37.1

Diagram 37.2 shows the reading of

microammeter and milliammeter in
transistor circuit when the rheostat is

Diagram 37.3

Explain how the circuit functions

as an
automatic switch.

(c) Diagram 37.4 shows an

transistor circuit to amplify the sound of
the person who is giving lectures.

Diagram 37.4
Give suggestions and the reasons
for proper electrical components in
the inserted in box J, K, L, M and
N to complete the circuit in
Diagram 37.4.

Atoms of the same element are similar,
LESSON 1 – different elements have atoms .
Atoms are the smallest particles and
divided again.

1.1 Explain the background of triggering

quantum theory ideas

1.1.1 Intoduction

Quantum physics involves physics on a

very small scale, where size is often associated
with the size of atoms and sub-atoms such as
protons and neutrons of photons etc. J.J. Thomsom
Quantum physics was first developed in
the early 1900s where classical physics failed An atom is a positively charged sphere that
to explain some phenomena at the atomic is uniformly distributed onwhole atoms
level. while electrons are uniformly dispersed in them.
This model is known as 'Plum pudding'
He discovered electrons as a result of
1.1.2 The background of the cathode ray tube experiments.
development of quantum theory from classical
theory which encompasses the discoveries of
Earnest Rutherford
the following physicists
An atom is made up of a very small,
Isaac Newton
positively charged nucleus at the center of
the atom, while negative electrons orbit around
The three Newton's laws of motion in the nucleus.
classical physics can be applied to This model was presented by him as a
large and medium bodies only. result of the experiment of scattering alpha particles
In the 20th century Newton’s law were on gold foil performed by his assistants Hans
replaced by quantum mechanics and Geiger and Ernest Marsden.
relativity as the most fundamental laws of
Niels Bohr
Nevertheless, Newton’s laws continue
to give an accurate account of nature, except for
very small bodies such as electrons or for Neil Bohr modified the Rutherford atomic
bodies moving close to the speed of light. model. He suggested that every electron in
. an atom has a fixed amount of energy. This
Thomas Young energy stores electrons that move around the
nucleus in a certain range called the energy
In classical physics, the results of Young’s level
double-slit experiment shows that light is a Niels Bohr succeeded in constructing
wave because it shows the phenomena of atomic theory based on quantum ideas.
diffraction and interference, while the
particles do not experience both of these Max Planck
But in physics, quantum, as a result of The classic theory of black bodies by
photoelectric effects experiments it is Rayleigh- Jeans suggests that the energy
found that light is particle in nature. emitted by black bodies is continuous.
But then Max Planck introduced the idea
John Dalton of a quartz (concrete packet) that could explain
the part of the radiation intensity graph against
All matter is made up of tiny particles the wavelength of a black body that could not
called atoms. Atoms cannot be created or be explained by classical theory.
destroyed. Max Planck suggested that the radiation
emitted was in discrete amounts.

greater the intensity of the radiation until it
Albert Einstein reaches the value of infinity known as
‘ultraviolet disaster’
Einstein developed Planck's theory with But through real experiments, the shape of
states that light exists in the form of a the graph is very different.
quanta known as a photon. In 1900, German physicists solved the
Albert Einstein, one of the scientists who problem of 'ultra violet' by suggesting that
took Planck's idea seriously, proposed quantum electromagnetic radiation is not continuous
light (photons) that behave like particles. Other but is discrete in the form of quantum or
Einstein theories explain the similarity of energy packets, E = nhf, where f is the frequency,
mass and energy,, the principle of wave- h is the planck constant and n = 1,2 , 3,… .in
particles duality and the theory of relativity quantum form..This means that for each
temperature, the black body has the
Louis de Broglie maximum radiation intensity which is the
peak of the graph.
De Broglie introduced the hypothesis that
particles can also show wave properties. On the left side of the peak the energy
Einstein and De Broglie's ideas led to the packages are larger because of the short
idea of the nature of wave-particle duality wavelength (higher frequency) while on the
properties. right side the peak of the energy packages is
smaller due to the high wavelength (low
1.1.3 Black body frequency).
At any temperature the black body is
easier to radiate energy in smaller
Black bodies are the ideal absorbers and packages compared to a large energy package.
radiators of electromagnetic radiation
That is why it is found that the area under the
(including light and heat).
curve on the right side of the peak is greater than
the area under the curve on the right side of the
peak because the area under the curve
represents the amount of energy
A good example to explain the concept of
a black body is when a ray of light enters a
hollow body through a fine hole reflected
several times without being able to re-
emerge from the hollow body.
The energy emitted by the black body is
called the black body radiation.
The comparison of classical theory and
quantum theory on black body radiation is
as follows:

According to Planck again, as the

temperature increases the probability of
emitting radiation at higher frequencies (large
energy quantities) increases. That is why
the graph peak towards shorter wavelengths
(higher frequencies) with increasing temperature.

Summary of comparisons between

classical theory and quantum theory

According to classical theory, the greater

the frequency (the lower the wavelength) the
1.2.2 The meaning of quantum energy

Based on the light line spectrum of

mercury lamp, then;
Quantum means the quantity of energy that
discrete directly proportional to the frequency

Hence E = hf,

h is the Planck constant. h = 6.63 x 10 -34J

1.2 State the meaning of quantum energy.

1.2.1 Compare the concepts of

continuous energy and discrete energy, 1.3 Explain the properties of wave-particle
using the visible light spectrum (continuous duality properties
energy) and the line spectrum of mercury lamps
(discrete energy) 1.3.1 Hipotesis de Broglie

The wave-particle duality properties is a

phenomenon when under certain
conditions, particles exhibit wave properties
Visible light spectrum from white light and under other conditions waves exhibit
particle properties.
When white light is radiated into a prism
it produces a continuous spectrum of visible According to De Broglie Hypothesis:
light with various colors (wavelength or De Broglie's hypothesis says that all
frequency) that sometimes overlap between materials have particle and wave properties
colors without a separation gap. This shows that
the energy released by the light is The wave-particle properties are given by
continuous. the de Broglie equation:
Momentum , p =

Line spectrum of mercury lamp p = momentum (particle
But when observe at the spectrum λ = wavelength (wave property)
produced by mercury lamp, it is found that the h = Planck constant
spectrum of lines is formed where there is a
large separation gap between the lines. The lines But momentum . p = mv
are for colors (wavelength or specific frequency
only) indicating the energy emitted by the Therefore , mv = h/λ
radiation is discrete (quantum). h

Hair image Hair image
Where : observed through observed through
λ = de Broglie wavelenth light microscope electron microscope
h = Planck constant
m = mass of particle Example 2
v = velocity of particle
Calculate the wavelength of de Broglie for
Example 1 one electron moving at a velocity of 2.0 x 10 6
m s-1
Calculate the wavelength of de Broglie for
a bullet of mass 0.025 kg moving at Solution
velocity 320 m s-1.


1.4 Explain the concept of photons

Photons are the basic particles in light and other

electromagnetic rays. These particles have a zero
resting mass.
Thus, photons move in a vacuum at the speed of
Photons have particle-wave duality properties.
When it is a wave it can show wave phenomena
such as reflection, refraction, diffraction and

While the particle is its ability to interact with

1.3.2 Application of wave properties of matter through energy transfer. Therefore photons
an electron (particle) - Electron microscope are considered as quantities (discrete energy
packages) of light This is inferred through the
One of the application of the wave Planck equation as follow
properties of an electron with reference to the Energy for one photon, E = hf
wavelength in Broglie is the electron c
But c = fλ or f =
microscope. 
A problem that arises for a light
microscope when at high resolution. When hc
observed objects are about the wavelength of light, Therefore E =

for example looking at chromosomes in a
1.5 Solve problems for energy and
single cell nucleus, a significant diffraction
power of photon,
effect is seen.
As a solution an electron microscope is Enegry of photon E =Nhf = =
used. In this microscope the electron beams are 
accelerated at high speed by a high voltage Where ,
(electrons are particles). the electron
grooves with de Broglie wavelength shorter than E = Energy of photon
the wavelength of light. (electrons are waves). N = Number of photon
Then the electron grooves will be refracted and h = Planck constant
focused by the electromagnetic coil acts λ = Wavelength of light
as a magnetic lens to produce magnification . c = Velocity of light
(electrons are particles again). The image E Nhf nhc
is formed in the form of a photograph called Power of photon , P = = = nhf =
t t 
as electron microscopy or as an image on a
TV screen. Where,

P = Power of photon
n = Number of photon per second

h = Planck constant 2 In classical physics, the results of Young’s
λ = Wavelength of light double-slit experiment shows that light
c = Velocity of light experiences the phenomena of
Example 3 diffraction and interference. It shows
the light is
A beam of light having a wavelength of 8 x10 -7
generates a power of 2.5 W. A a wave
Count B a particle
(a) the energy of the photons in the beam of light. C wave and particle at same time
(b) the number of photons per second emitted by D wave and particle at different
the beam of light. time

Solution 3 Who had proposed the model of an atom

that involving electrons and protons

A Dalton
B J.J. Thomson
C Rutherford
D Geiger and Marsden

4 Diagram shows the Plum pudding atomic


Example 4

The number of photons per second emitted by a 50

W red light is 1.77 x 1020. Calculate the frequency
of the red light. Which model of the following is similar to
the Plum pudding model ?
A Thomson’s model
B Rutherford model
C Dalton’s model
D Niels Bohr’s model

1 All the three Newton’s Laws of motion in
classical physics can only be applied to the 5 The present concept of the structure of an
following objects except atom is given by which scientist?

A Rutherford
B Geiger and Marsden
C Niels Bohr
D J.J. Thomson

6 Max Planck’s great discovery was that

radiation energy is emitted in packets that
known as ____

A quanta
B electron
C wave fuctions
D stopping voltage

7 Which of the following statements is not

true for a black body?
A A black body is a physical entity

theoretically only
B A black body is a body that exists
in real life
C A black body is used as a
standard of
perfection when compared to other
radiations Which comparison is correct between the
characteristics region P and the region Q?
8 An ideal black body Region P Region Q
A allows all beams to be directed A Low frequency High frequency of
through it of radiation radiation
B reflects all the radiation emitted B Small package of Large package of
to it energy radiation energy radiation
C absorbs all the radiation emitted C Small energy is Large energy is
to it radiated radiated
D black colour at any temperature
11 Which of the following graph intensity of
9 Which of the following graph is true to radiation graph versus wavelength can
show a comparison of classical theory and
explain the characteristic of the black body
quantum theory of black body radiation?

10 Diagram shows the curve for the a black


12 Which of the following shows that the
energy of a radiation is quantised?

A Line spectrum and thermionic

B Line spectrum and photoelectric
C Continuous spectrum and
D Continuous spectrum and
photoelectric effect

13 Quantum means the quantity of energy that

discrete directly proportional to
18 When all of the following objects move at
A the intensity radiated
the same velocity, which one will have the
B the frequency radiated
greatest deBroglie wavelength?
C the wavelength radiated
A Car
14 Which of the pair properties below
B Ball
specially shows the wave-particle duality
of matter?
C Proton
D Electron
Wave property Particle property
A momentum frequency 19 Two particles M and N are moving with
B frequency momentum the same de Broglie wavelength. The mass of
C velocity mass M larger thn mass of N. Which statement is
D mass velocity true?

15 What is the momentum of a photon change A The speed of M larger than N

when the wavelength is halved? B The speed of M and N are same
C The momentum of M larger than
A become a quarter N
B become half D The momentum of M and N are
C become doubles same
D unchanged
20 What is the momentum of electron ,when
16 Which of the following formula can be used to its de Broglie wavelength is 2 x 10-10 m.
determine the de Broglie wavelength, λ? [ h = 6.63 x 10-34 Js ]

m A 1.33 x 10-44 kg m s-1

A =
hv B 3.32 x 10-44 kg m s-1
h C 1.33 x 10-24 kg m s-1
B = D 3.32 x 10-24 kg m s-1
C = 21 What is The de Broglie wavelength
v associated with an electron moving with a
hv speed of
D =
m 150 m s-1?
[ me = 9.11 x10-31 kg , h = 6.63 x 10-34 Js]
17 Which of the following graph shows the 8
variation of de Broglie wavelength, ,λ with A 4.85 x10-6 m
v of an electron? B 1.11 x 10-1 m
C 9.16 x 10o m
D 2.06 x 105 m

22 The wave nature of electron is applied in a

A 3.78 x 10-19 J
A satellite B 8.59 x 10-19 J
B telivisyen C 3.78 x 1049 J
C electron gun D 8.59 x1049 J
D electron microscope
29 The energy of a photon is E and the
23 The lens used in an electron microscope wavelength is , λ . What is the energy of
made of the photon when the wavelength, λ is
A perspex
B metal plate 1
C tinted glass A 
D electromagnetic coil
B 
24 In electron microscope, the electron beam 2
is focused by varying the C 
D 2
A velocity of electron
B wavelength of electron 30 What is the number of photons per second
C thickness of colloidal film emitted by a blue light of wavelength , λ
D current through the magnetic coil and power P?
[ Speed of light = c , Planck’s constant =h]

25 The special feature of an electron

microscope compare to optical microscope A
is hc
A low cost P
B require small space h
C high resolving power C
D easy to handle by any person Pc
26 Why does an electron microscope has a h
higher resolving power than an optical
microscope? 31 A bulb emits a beam of light with a power
of 5.0 W and wavelength of 5 x 10-7m.
A Speed of eletron in vacuum < How many photons are freed by the bulb
Speed of visible light in per second?
B Wavelength of electron < A 5.02x1017
wavelength of visible light B 1.26x1019
C Ionising power of electron > C 4.97 x1033
ionising power of visible light D
D Penetrating power of electron > 5.03x1034
penetrating power of visible light 32 Quantum physics ise revolution that
overthrew classical physics
27 The energy of a photon depends
on (a) What is quantum physics?

A Speed .....................................................................
B Amplitude ...
C Frequency
D Temperature .....................................................................
28 What is the energy of a photon of [ 1 mark ]
wavelength 5.26 x 10-7 m. (b) The box on the left contains
[ c = 3 x108 m s-1 , h = 6.63 x 10-34 Js] information about the
classic physics theory proposed
by some scientists while the right box is a
corresponding quantum Black bodies are the ideal
physics theory proposed by .............................
some other scientists. of electromagnetic
Complete the incomplete information in radiation.
the relevant box.
Classical theory Quantum theory absorbers

Earnest Rutherford Neil Bohr radiators

An atom is made up Every electron in absorbers and radiators

of a very small, an atom has [ 1 mark ]
positively a fixed amount of (b) Based on Diagram 33,
charged energy and move
nucleus at the center around the (i) Name the radiation in
of the atom, while nucleus in the box X.
negative electrons a certain
orbit around the range called ..................................................................
nucleus ................... [ 1 mark ]
............................. (ii) Compare the total
energy radiates on the left
side of the peak compare to the right
Rayleigh- Jeans Max Planck side.
The energy emitted
by black body is The radiation ..................................................................
.................................... emitted by black [ 1 mark ]
body was in (iii)Give the reason for your
discrete amounts. answer in (b)(ii)

Thomas Young Albert Einstein [ 1 mark ]
(c) (i) On Diagram 33 draw a
The results of From curve to show the
Young’s double-slit photoelectric characteristic of
experiment shows that effect experiment black body radiation
light is a wave light is proposed by the classical theory.
a................ [ 1 mark ]
[ 3 marks ] (ii) Based on your answer in
(c)(i) , state the characteristic of
33 Diagram 33 shows the black body the energy radiates by the
radiation curved black body .

[ 1 mark ]

34 (a) The wave-particle duality

properties are given by the de
Broglie equation:

What is the meaning of the

(i) p :
Diagram 33 ............................................................

(a) Mark with( √ ) for the correct (ii) λ :

answer in the box provided. ............................................................
[ 2 marks ]

(b) (i) Object P and Q in which
mass of P twice
of Q . The objects
have the same
momentum. Diagram 35
Compare the de Broglie
wavelength of object P and Q. (a) The particle of laser beam known
as photon.
.................................................................. (i) What is the meaning of
[ 1 mark ] photon
(ii) Give the reason for your
answer in b(i). ..................................................................

.................................................................. ..................................................................
[ 1 mark ] [ 1 mark ]
(ii) Give one
characteristicof photon.

(c) Diagram 34 shows a tennis ball of ..................................................................

mass [ 1 mark ]
5.5 x10-2 kg moves with a (b) Given h = 6.33 x 10-34 Js , c = 3
velocity of x108 m s-1,
40 ms-1 when hit by a racket. calculate
(i) the energy of a photon.

[ 2 marks ]
(ii) the number of photons
per second.

Diagram 34

[ h = 6.63 x 10-34 Js and c = 3 [ 2 marks ]

8 -1
x10 m s ]

(i) the de Broglie

wavelengrth of the tennis ball

[ 2 marks ]
(ii) the frequency of the
tennis ball when it
has a wave property.

[ 2 marks ]

35 Diagram 35 shows a laser pointer produces

a beam of power 1.5 mW and at a
wavelength of
6.5 x10-7 m.

The photoelectric effect is the release of
electrons from the metal surface when
irradiated with electromagnetic radiation.
Electrons emitted from the metal are
known as photoelectrons

2.1.3 Demonstration to show the

photoelectric effect

When a piece of negatively charged zinc
PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT plate is placed on a negatively charged
electroscopic metal disc it is found that the
2.1 Explain the photoelectric effect deflection size of the gold leaf increased.
When the ultraviolet radiation are directed
2.1.1 Introduction to the zinc plate it is found that deflection size of
the gold leaf decreased.
In chapter 5 (Electronics chapter) you have This is because when ultraviolet rays hit
learned about the process of termionic the zinc surface, electrons escape out of the
emission in which when a certain metal is zinc surface and the number of negative
heated the electrons are released through its charges on the zinc plate decreases. The
surface. release of electrons from the zinc surface
The equivalent process is the photoelectric when exposed to ultraviolet light is known as the
effect caused by radiation emitted to the photoelectric effect.
metal surface but not caused by heat as occurs in
the process of termion emission. 2.1.4 Experiment to show photoelectric
2.1.2 Meaning of photoelectric effect.
To show the photoelectric effects

List of apparatus and materials
Photo cell, battery, rheostat, galvanometer,
voltmeter, connecting wire and
monochromatic light source.

Arrangement of apparatus


Arrange the circuit as shown in the

diagram above
Adjust the rheostat until the LED starts to
light up and the galvanometer starts to deflect.
Record the voltmeter reading, = V
Refer to the website to determine the value
of the light color frequency emitted from the
Arrange the circuit as shown. LED, = f
The monochromtic light source is directed Repeat the experiment using LED of
to the photo cell cathode.
different colours.
Adjust the rheostat so that the voltmeter
Plot graph V against f
reading change up and observe the
galvanometer pointer.

At a certain voltage value it is observed

that the galvanometer pointer shows a deflection.


When monochromtaic light is applied to

the cathode of a photo cell at a certain voltage,
electrons are released from the cathode
towards the anode producing a current causing the Calculation
galvanometer indicator to deflect and this
process is called photoelectric effect.The
resulting electrons are named as eV = h f
photoelectrons and the resulting current h
are called photoelectric current. For electrons V= f
to escape , the voltage across photocell must
exceed the stopping voltage, Vs. Gradient of graph =
2.1.5 Experiment to determine the value h = (e ) X ( gradient of graph)
of Planck constant, h
2.2 Identify four features of photoelectric effects
Aim that cannot be explained using wave theory.

To determine the value of the planck

constant, h Some features of photoelectric effects fail to be
explained by classical wave theory:
List of apparatus and material
1. The photoelectron radiation rate does not depend
LED various colors of light, voltmeter, on the frequency of light but depends on the
galvanometer, battery, rheostat and intensity of the light beam. When the photoelectron
connecting wires. radiation rate increases, then the photoelectric
current increases.
Arrangement of apparatus
But according to classical wave theory, increasing
the frequency of light (at a fixed amplitude) will 2 In photo electric effect, emission of
increase the photoelectron radiation rate electrons is due to

2. Existence of threshold frequency. A electromagnetic radiation

Threshold frequency is the minimum frequency B radioactive radiation
light required to release photoelectrons from metal C magnetic field
surfaces. The frequency of the threshold depends on D electric field
the type of metal emitted by the light.
But according to classical wave theory, light energy 3 What aspect of wave- particle duality is
is continuously absorbed by free electrons in shown by the photoelectric effect?
metals. When enough energy has been absorbed,
the electrons will free themselves from the metal. A Light is made up of particles
Therefore the frequency of light does not require a B Particles made up of light
certain minimum value C Particles can behave like waves
D Waves can behave like particles
3. The maximum kinetic energy of electrons
released depends on the frequency of light and is 4 Which of the following shows particle
independent of the intensity of light nature of light?
But according to classical wave theory the higher
the intensity of light the more the kinetic energy of A Photoelectric effect
the released electrons is used B Interference
C Diffraction
.4. Photoelectrons emit instantaneous when emitted D Refraction
with light.
But according to classical wave theory, electrons
take time to absorb enough energy to release them 5 What is the name of the constant h in the
from the metal surface. Therefore, there will be equation E = h f?
time elapsed before the photoelectron is emitted
A De Broglie’s constant
B Eintein’s constant
C Planck’s constant
D Bohr’s constant

6 What is the particle released from the

metal surface in thernionic emission process and
photoelectric effect?

Thermionic Photoelectric
emission effect

A Electron Electron
B Electron Photon
C Photon Electron
D Photon Photon

7 Which of the following is most likely to

produce photoelectric effect?
A Positively charge zinc plate
1 The photoelectric effect is the release of irradiated by white light
electrons from the metal surface when B Positively charge zinc plate
irradiated with irradiated by ultraviolet
A heat radiation C Negatively charge zinc plate
B alpha radiation irradiated by white light
C beta ray radiation D Negaitively charge zinc plate
D electromagnetic radiation. irradiated by ultraviolet radiation
10 How does the intensity affect the
8 Which of following diagrams are photoelectric current?
arangged in correct order to show
the experiment of the photoelectric A As intensity increases, the
effect by irradiated ultraviolet ray onto the photoelectric current
zinc plate using gold leaf electroscope? increases
B As the intensity increases, the
photoelectric current decreases
C As the intensity increases or
decreases, the photoelectric current
remains unchanged

11 The intensity of a monochromatic light

source is increased. Which of the following
is correct?

Number of
Energy of an
photons emitted
emitted photon
per second
A increases increases
B increases unchanged
C unchanged increases
D unchanged unchanged

12 Threshold frequency is

A the minumum frequency of the

incident radiation for an electron
to escape the metal surface
B the maximum frequency of the
incident radiation for an electron
to escape the metal surface
C the minimum frequency of the
incident radiation for a photon to
escape from the radiation
D the maximum frequency of the
incident radiation for a photon to
escape from the radiation

13 A metal surface ejects electrons when hit

by blue light but nothing when hit by green
light. The electrons will be ejected when the
surface is hit by

A red light
B yellow light
C infrared ray
D ultraviolet ray

9 The photoelectron radiation raete depends

on the
14 Photoelectrons emitted from a metal
A speed of light
surface have a maximum kinetic energy which
B intensity of light
depends on
C frequency of light
D wavelength of light

A the area illuminated by the [ 4 marks ]
incident radiation
B the frequency of the incident
radiation .
C the amplitude of the incident
D the intensity of the incident

15 The phenomenon of photoelectric effect is LESSON 3 - EINSTEIN’S

A random process
B continous process
C spontaneous process 3.1 State the minimum work function required
D instantaneous process by a metal to radiate electrons through the
Einstein’s equation.
16 What is the time lag between the incidence
of photons and the ejection of

A 0.0 s
B 1.0 s
C Greater than 10-4 s
D Between 10-5 s and 10-7 s

17 Which of the following is true regarding

photoelectric effect?

A The emission of electrons will not Diagram above shows the graph the kinetic energy
occur for of photoelectron against the light
very low light intensity plotted
B The rate of the emission of Based on the principle of conservation of energy,
electrons not depends on the
in intensity of light Light energy (photons) = Energy used by electrons
C The maximum velocity of the to escape from metal surfaces + Kinetic energy of
electrons increases when photoelectron
the wave of light decreases 1
D The maximum velocity of the hf = W + mv 2
electrons increases when 1
the frequency of light mv 2 = hf - W
decreases 2

18 The photoelectric effect shows that waves This equation is known as the Einstein’s
can behave like particles. equation,
(a) What is meant by photoelectric where W is known as a work function.
[ 1 mark ] This equation corresponds to the graph
(b) By using a negatively charged above.
electroscope , x-intercept = threshold frequency fo
zinc plate and a mercury vapour y-intercept = - (work function, W)
lamp describe and Gradient of graph = Planck constant, h
experiment to show the
photoelectric effect. 3.2 Explain threshold frequency, fo and work
[ 5 marks ] function,W
(c) State four most important
resultsfrom a photoelectric
effect experiment by using a
(b) The maximum kinetic energy of the
photoelectron released from the metal


Diagram above shows the graph the kinetic energy

of photoelectron against the light frequency of
three different metals.
Threshold frequency, fo is the minimum frequency Example 3
that can produce photoelectric effects on metals.
Work function, W is the minimum energy required Diagram shows a graph of the kinetic energy of a
to release a photoelectron photonectron against the frequency of an
Based on the graph above, the threshold frequency electromagnetic radiation resulting from a
f0 and the working function, W depends on the type photoelectric effect experiment.
of metal.

3.3.Determine the work function of metal based

on the formula, W = hfo

Based on the quantum energy principle;

E = hf
Emin = hfmin
W = hfo
Example 1

The threshold frequency for zinc metal is

1.038 x 1015 Hz. Calculate the work function of
zinc metal.

Based on the graph determine
(a) threshold frequency
(b) work function of metal released
(c) Planck constant
3.4 Solve problems involving Einstein’s equation (d) the maximum kinetic energy of a photoelectron
for photoelectric effect released by an electromagnetic radiation
has a frequency of 5 x1014 Hz.
Example 2
The work function of a metal is 5.81 x 10 J.
Ultraviolet radiation with a frequency of 1 x 10 15
Hz is directed to the surface of the metal.
(a) The threshold frequency of the metal

3.5 To explain the production of photoelectric
currents in a photocell circuit

The intensity of the light increases, the saturated

current increases, but the stop voltage is constant

Diagram shows the structure of a photocell used to

produce a photoelectric current. The surface of the
cathode is coated with cesium or lithium, and the
anode is sealed in a vacuum glass container. (3)
When light hits the cathode surface, the
photoelectron is released from the cathode surface.
When there is a potential difference (voltage)
between the cathode and the anode, the
photoelectron is attracted to anode and photolectric
current are produced.

Some features of photoelectric current:

The frequency of light increases, the stopping
voltage increases but the saturated current is

3.6 Describe the application of photoelectric


3.6.1 Solar cell

As the voltage increases, the photoelectric current

increases until it reaches a certain value called the
saturated current, its value does not change again.
When the voltage supply is inverted, as the voltage
increases, the photoelectron current decreases, until
a certain voltage called the stopping voltage, Vs the
photoectrone current becomes zero.
The stoppping voltage (potential) can define as the
reverse voltage applied to prevent photoelectrons
reaching the anode in a photocell.


Solar cells (or photovoltaics) convert solar
energy into electrical energy. Whether
solar cells are used in calculators or satellites,
solar cells depends on sunlight to produce the
next photoelectric effect
Solar cells contain p-type and n-type
semiconductors, which are joined together
and p-n junctions are formed between the two
semiconductor materials.
In the area adjacent to the p-n junction the
electrons - electrons from the n-type
material move to the holes found in the n-type
material. This will produce a depletion
layer and the resulting junction voltage to
prevent further electron drift.
When sunlight hits the solar cell, electrons
from the semiconductor material are removed structure of one pixel
and the empty space left by the electrons produces
holes. When we connect p-type and n-type The photoelectric effect occurs when a
semiconductor materials with a wire, the light photon hits the silicon pixel found in the
electrons of the n-type material cross the image detector and subsequently releases
depletion layer and pass through the electrons from the semiconductor material.
connector and return to the n-type The released electrons are collected in a
semiconductor material to produce an electric reservoir called the “potential well. Next the
current flow potential difference (voltage) will be
produced The more the number of photons, the
3.6.2 Automatic light detector on the higher the voltage in the "potential well" and the
door brighter the resulting image. At that time the
image in analog form is converted into a
digital image and by the analog-digital converter .

3.6.4 Solar panels on ISS spacecraft

When there are no objects near the door,

the transmitter produces a radiation and is
exposed to the photo cell and a photoelectric
effect occurs and the motor works to close the
door. On the other hand, if an object near the
door radiation is exposed to the object and is
not exposed to the photo cell and the motor The electric power supply system used by
functions to open the door. ISS spacecraft is using solar panels whose total
. area is estimated to be more than half the area
3.6.3 Image sensor of the football field. There are four rows of solar
panels and each solar panel contains tens
An image detector is an electronic device of thousands of solar cells. Thus the working
that converts optical images into electronic principle of solar panels is similar to solar
signals. Image detectors are used in digital cameras cells (photovoltaics) converting solar energy
and imaging devices to convert the light into electrical energy that uses photoelectric
received on the camera or lens of the imaging effect when sunlight strikes silicon solar cells
device into digital images. The digital signals (semiconductor material) which release
are in the form of small picture elements photoelectrons and even holes. The solar
called pixels. panel strip is automatically adjusted to always
face the sunlight. When the panel strip is shielded
from the shadow of an ISS or spacecraft, a
‘power bank’ system is used.

3.6.5 Other uses

- Photocopier
- Photo diode / photo transistor
- Light alarm
- Lux meter (meter to mesaure the
intensity of light)

1 Photoelectric effect is based on the
principle of conservation of

A mass
B energy
C momentum
D mass - energy

2 The Einstein’s photoelectric equation in

the word equation is

A Energy used by electron to escape

from metal surface = Light
energy + Kinetic energy of
B Kinetic energy of photoelectron =
Kinetic energy of photoelectron
+ Light energy
C Light energy = Energy used by
electron to escape from metal
surface + Kinetic energy of

3 Einstein’s photoelectric equation is B the minimum energy needed to
1 stablise photoelectrons in the
A hf − hf o = mv 2 max metal
C the minimum energy of photon
B hf o − hf = mv 2
max that can ionises a
2 photoelectron from the metal
C hf = mv 2max
2 D the minimum energy of the
1 photon that can eject on photoelectron
D hf = hf o − mv 2
max from the metal surface
7 A monochromatic light of frequency , f is
4 A radiation of frequency f is irradiated on incident on a metal surface which has a
a surface of metal caused the emiting of work function W.The photoelectrons of mass m
electron with the maximum kinetic energy K. is libareted obey the Einstein’s photoelectric
[ The planck’s constant = h ]
The threshold frequency , fo of the metal is equation mv 2 = hf − W
A f o = K − hf B Symbol ‘v’ represents

f o = hf − K A the average speed of the

K − hf B the total speed of the
C fo = D photoelectrons
h C the maximum speed of the
hf − K
fo = photoelectrons
h D the minimum speed of the

5 The work function of a metal is 4.8 eV. 8 What is the work function of a metal
This means which has a threshold frequency of 4.8 x
1014 Hz?
A the minimum potential difference [ h = 6.63 x 10-34 Js]

required to prevent the liberation of A 1.38 X 10-48

photoelecrons B 3.18 x 10-19 J
from the metal is 4.8 V C 7.24 x 1047 J
B the maximum potential difference D 5.09 x 1049 J

required to prevent the liberation of 9 Which of the following graph of the work
photoelecrons function ,W of a metal agianst frequency,f
from the metal is 4.8 V of incident light in a photoelectric experiment
C the minimum energy of the is correct?
photon required to liberate an electron
from the metal surface is 4.8 eV
D the maxmum energy of the
photon required to liberate an electron
from the metal surface is 4.8 eV

6 In Einstein’s photoelectric equation

mv 2 = hf − W for a metal , symbol W

A the minimum energy of

photoelecrons in the metal
10 The work function a metal is 3.1 eV. What
is the threshold frequency of the incident
radiation for an electron
to escape the metal surface..
[ h = 6.63 x 10-34 Js, 1 eV = 1.6 x10-19 J]

A 3.23 x10-52Hz
B 1.28 x10-14 Hz
C 7.78 x1013 Hz
D 7.48 x 1014 Hz

11 What is the kinetic energy of a

photoelectron emitted on shining a light of
frequency 5 x 1014 Hz on a metal surface of
work function
2.2 x10-19 J? Gradient of the graph is the value of
[ h = 6.63 x 10-34 Js ]
A Maximum energy of light
A -19
1.12 x10 J B Threshold frequency
B 5.52 x 10-19 J C Planck’s constant
C 1.51 X 10-29 D Work function
D 6.03 x 10-29 J
14 When the graph of kinetic energy of
12 Diagram shows the graph kinetic energy photoelectron versus frequecy of radiation
of photoelectron against is plotted , the threshold frequency is given
frequency of light. by

A gradient of the graph

B area under the graph
C x-intercept
D y-intercept

15 The maximum kinetic energy of

photoelectrons emitted by a metal surface
depends on

A the wavelength of incident

B the intensity of radiation
Value of T in the graph represents C the stopping potential

A Work function 16 Diagram shows the graph maximum

B Planck’s constant kinetic energy Emax of photoelectron against
C Stopping potential frequency, f of light irradiated on the cathode
D Threshold frequency in a photoelectric experiment.

13 Diagram shows the graph kinetic

energy of photoelectron against
frequency of light.

Which of the following is not true?

A The work function of the metal is reaching the anode in a
1.4 x10-19J photocell.
B The threshold frequency is 2.2 C the reverse voltage applied to
x1014 Hz prevent photoelectrons
C The planck’s constant is 7.5 x 10- reaching the cathode in a
Js photocell.
D The stopping potential is 0.56 V D the reverse voltage applied to
prevent photoelectrons
17 During Einstein’s Photoelectric reaching the anode in a
Experiment, what changes are observed when photocell.
the frequency of the incident radiation is
increased? 20 In photoelectric effect, stopping potential
depends on
A The value of stopping potential
increases A frequency of incident light and
B The value of stopping potential nature of the emitter material
decreases B frequency of incident light,
C The value of saturation current intensity of
increases incident light
D The value of saturation current C intensity of incident light and
decreases nature of the emitter material

. 21 The work function of lithium is 4 x 10-19 J. The

maximum wavelength of light that can
18 Diagram shows the graph photoelectric cause the photoelectric effect in lithium is
current versus voltage for three incident
radiations with frequency fa , fb and fc with A 3.11 x 10-7 m
stopping potential Va , Vb and Vc B 4.06 x 10-7 m
respectively. C 4.97 x10-7 m
D 7.58 x10-7 m

22 Photoecells are used to convert

A light energy to sound energy

B light energy to electrical energy
C heat energy to sound energy
D heat energy to electrical energy

23 Which of the following is filled inside the

photoelectric cells?

A Carbon dioxide gas B

Which of the following is the correct order Nitrogen gas
of frequencies. C Oxygen gas
D Vacuum
A fa> fb> fc
B fa< fb< fc 24 Diagram shows a photoelectric cell is
C fa= fb= fc irradiated by a radiation.

19 The stoppping voltage (potential) is

A the forward voltage applied to

prevent photoelectrons
reaching the cathode in a
B the forward voltage applied to
prevent photoelectrons
28 An image detector is an electronic device
that converts

A electronic images into optical

B optical images into electronic
C optical images into magnetic
D magnetic images into optical

On which part of the photoelectric cell 29 The digital signals are in the form of small
does the radiation strikes? picture elements in an image sensor called

A P A Pixels
B Q B Gridlines
C Digital box
C R D Digital image
30 Which of the following is not the
application of the photoelectric effect
25 The maximum value of photoelectric
current is called as A Solar panel
B Photo diode
A anode current C Photocopier
B cathode current D Baggage scanner
C stopping current
D saturation current 31 (a) Diagram 31.1 shows an electrical circuit that
contains a photo cell and
26 A light with constant intensity is incident irradiated by light.
onto a photocell which is connected to a d.c. . The rheostat is adjusted until the
power supply. reading of microammeter becomes
Which of the following graph the cuurent, maximum.
I against the power supply voltage, V is Diagram 31.2 shows the same
correct? photo cell and is irradiated with the
same light but different intensity.

Diagram 31.1

27 In a solar cell , the solar energy moves
_______________to produce electricity.

A electrons in the conductor material

B electrons in semiconductor materials
C electrons in the superconductors
Diagram 31.2

(i) Name the physical based on the following
quantity for the aspects:
maximum reading shows by the
microammeter -A supporter structure that is
[1 mark] placed between roofing and solar panels
(ii) Using Diagram 31.1 and -Methods of getting optimum
Diagram 31.2, compare light solar energy
intensity, reading of -Methods of obtaining continous
microammeter and light electricity supply
frequency used. -Additional tools to suit different
Relates the light types of home electrical
intensity with appliances
micrometer readings to make a -Solar panel wiring
[10 marks]
conclusion the relationship between light
intensity and the
physical quantity stated in
[5 marks]

(b) Diagram 31.3 shows the structure of a


Diagram 31.3

Describe how the

photocell works?
[ 4 marks ]
(c) Diagram 31.4 shows the solar panels
installed on the
roof of a house.

Diagram 10.4

You are require to make

suggestion how
best way to install the solar
panels on the roof of a house


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