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Dowry in Islam

Linguistically, dowry comes from the word al-mahru which means giving to a woman because of
a contract. In fiqh, the term dowry has a broader meaning, namely the gift that causes sexual
intercourse or the loss of a woman's virginity in marriage.
Dowry is property given by the groom to the bride at the time of marriage. Dowry is not the
same as sesan property, which is the term used when the dowry is from the family or the bride.
Quoting the book Fiqh Mahar by Isnan Ansory, the law of giving a dowry is obligatory, as the
Prophet said in the following hadith which means:
From Aisha radhiyallahu 'anha Rasulullah SAW said: "Any woman who marries without the
permission of her guardian then her marriage is void, her marriage is void, her marriage is
invalid. between them, then the ruler is the guardian over those who do not have a guardian."
(HR. Tirmizi)

The form of dowry is very diverse, it can be in the form of cash, gold jewelry, a set of prayer
tools, the holy Koran, houses, rice fields, gardens and others. Everything is adjusted to the
ability of the men and the pleasure of the women.
Dowry can be divided into several types depending on the qualifications and classification. In
terms of qualifications, the dowry is divided into two, namely:
Dowry that comes from concrete objects such as dinars, dirhams or gold.
Dowry in the form or service such as teaching to read the Qur'an, sing, and so on.
Then when viewed in terms of classification, dowry can be divided into two, namely:
- Musamma dowry, which is a dowry whose amount is agreed upon by both parties and
paid in cash or deferred with the approval of the prospective wife.
- Mitsil dowry, which is a dowry whose amount is not explicitly stated at the time of the
contract. Usually this type of dowry follows the dowry that was given to the wife's
family such as a sister or brother who had married first.

In Islamic law, the amount of the dowry is not set but it is based on the ability of each person or
based on circumstances or family traditions. Provided that the amount of the dowry is the
agreement of the two parties who will perform the marriage contract. In Islamic law it is only
stipulated that the dowry must be in form and useful, regardless of the amount.

Ijab Kabul
Ijab Kabul is a speech that is considered sacred in every procession of the marriage contract,
because it can justify the relationship between men and women. Ijab Kabul itself is a speech
made by the bride's guardian and acceptance by the groom.
Ijab Kabul usually begins with a request from the groom which is then accepted and submitted
by the female guardian.
Derived from Arabic, ijab is a submission spoken by a guardian (from the woman's side) or her
representative as a submission to the groom. While kabul which comes from the word qobul is
the speech of the groom or his representative as a sign of acceptance. After the qobul sentence
is said, usually the penghulu who leads the procession will call out in a questioning tone, "Sah?"
and all present will answer in unison "Sah."
The word Ijab itself literally means to determine something. While the meaning of kabul is to
express approval of the agreed consent. The main pillars of marriage are the pleasure of men
and women and their agreement to bind family life. Because this feeling of pleasure cannot be
seen, then there must be a clear symbol that is expressed in words in the form of consent and
the groom's marriage contract
- Saya nikahkan dan saya kawinkan engkau saudara/ananda (nama mempelai laki-laki)
bin (nama ayah mempelai laki-laki) dengan anak saya yang bernama (nama mempelai
perempuan) dengan mas kawin berupa (mahar/mas kawin), dibayar tunai.

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