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At the end of the 30-minute lesson, the grade 2 pupils are expected to do the
a. Restate that preposition is a word that is used to link a noun or phrase to
another part of the sentence,
b. choose the correct preposition to be used in the sentence, and
c. use the preposition in, at, and on in sentences.


Topic: Preposition- The use of in, at, and on

Cutout flags, worksheets, pictures


Good morning, class. (Good morning, ma’am) Is everyone present? (Yes
ma’am) Very good. I want you to pick up the pieces of papers under your
chairs and seat properly.
As you can see in my hands, I have prepared a flag for you to use when you
want to participate. Just raise your flag if you want to answer. (Distribute
the flags) I will give you a star sticker as your points for participating.

Now class, look at the board. The word written here is preposition. What is
preposition? (Prepositions are words that are used to link a noun or phrase
to another part of the sentence) very good. Can you give examples of
preposition? (in, under, at, on, Now, let’s try to answer this activity. The
direction is, choose the correct preposition in the box to best complete the
sentences. Written inside the box are the preposition in, at and on. Class,
what should you do when you know the answer and you want to
participate? (Raise our flag) Very good. Let’s start.

1. The books are __ the desk.

2. The cat is __ the room.
3. See you __ Monday.
4. I wake up __ 7 o’clock in the morning.
5. I have candies __ my bag.
6. Mae looked__ the window and saw her friends.
7. Anna was born __ August.
8. Mango fruits are available __ summer.
9. The kitten sat __ me.
10. Molly buy lots of gifts ___ Christmas.

Let’s read all together the sentences. For number one, the books are ___
the desk. What is the answer? (Cheska first raise her flag) yes Cheska? (on,
teacher) Very good. let’s proceed to number 2. The cat is ___ the room.
What is the answer? (Lio raise his flag first) (the answer is in teacher) Very
good Lio. Next, see you __ Monday, what is the answer? Yes Jake? (the
answer is on) that’s correct. Number four, I wake up ___ 7 o’clock in the
morning. What is the answer here? (Rian raise her flag first) yes Rian? (at,
teacher) That’s correct, very good. For number 5, I have candies___ my
bag. What is the answer for this one? (Mike raise his flag first) What is your
answer Mike? (in, teacher) Very good. Next, what is the answer for number
6? (at) very good. Mae looked at the window and saw her friends. For
number 7, Anna was born ___ august. (in) that’s right. Number 8, what is
the answer? (in) very good. mango fruits are available in summer. Let’s
proceed to number 9, what is the answer? (on) yes. The kitten sat on me.
And for the last number what is the answer? (on) very good. Let’s our give
ourselves an amazing clap! (clap)


Can you give another example of sentences using preposition? (The cat is
on the table, We spend our summer at Boracay, I received lots of gift on
Christmas, Teacher Anna is in the room, We went shopping at MOA)
In these sentences, what prepositions did we use? (we use in, an, and at)
Very good. Since prepositions are words that link phrase together, we can
use this to form a sentence.
The preposition “on” is use we are referring to the surface of something.
For example, “The apples are on the table.” Can you give another
example? (I have a pencil on my hand.) Yes, that’s correct. We can also
use the preposition “on” for days and dates. For example, “We will have a
party on Christmas”. Can you give another example for this? (We are going
to the park on Sunday.) that’s correct, very good.
Now, when we are referring to something that is inside, we use the
preposition in. For example, “The clothes are in the cabinet.” Can you give
another example? (I have cookies in my lunchbox.) Very good. the
preposition “in” can also be used for months, seasons, years, decades, and
long period of time. For example, “My grandfather died in 1989.” Can you
give another example for this preposition? (I will celebrate my birthday in
May.) Very good.
Now, for the preposition “at” we use it for precise time and place. For
example, “We ate at the restaurant near our house.” Can you give another
example for this? (“The dog peed at the Plaza”) Yes. very good. another
example is “I eat breakfast at 8 o’ clock”.
Did you understand the uses of the preposition in, on, and at? (yes
teacher) Very good.

Now, let’s have a group activity. I will divide you into two. This row is group
one, and this row is group two. For this activity, I have prepared an activity
sheet in which there are pictures and beside the pictures are incomplete
sentences that you need to answer by choosing the preposition in, on, or at.
(Give the picture with incomplete sentences)

I will only give you 5 minutes for this activity. Do you have any question?
(none teacher) okay, work quietly with your groupmates.

Are you all done? (yes teacher)
Group 1, please present your output. Very good group 1! How about group
2? Are all the answer, correct? (yes teacher) Why do you say so? (Because
the preposition used in each sentence are appropriate)
Again, what is preposition? (Preposition is a word that is used to link a noun
or phrase to another part of the sentence) When do we use the preposition?
(We use this when forming a sentence. The preposition “on” is use we are
referring to the surface of something and we can also use the preposition
“on” for days and dates. When we are referring to something that is inside,
we use the preposition “in” and it can be also be used for months, seasons,
years, decades, and long period of time. And for the preposition “at” we use
it for precise time and place.) Very good.


Now, let’s have a quiz. I have prepared here a worksheet for you to answer.
(Distribute the worksheet)
Write your name on the first box and your class section on the second box
above the paper. The quiz is only 10 items. For part 1, the direction is, if the
word in bold in each sentence is correct, put a tick (√). If it is wrong, write
the correct word. For the second part, complete the sentence using on, in, or
at. Did you understand class? (yes teacher) okay, you may start now.
Are you done answering class? (yes teacher) pass your paper forward.
Pack up your things and arrange your chairs properly. That’s all for today
class. Goodbye! (goodbye and thank you teacher)

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